Bruce Love, Dr.
Feb 4, 1895 - Nov 26, 1949
Hubert B. Love Pvt. Hubert B. Love, of Corsicana, was born February 4, 1895, and was educated in the
Corsicana High School and the Texas University. Entered the service December
29, 1917. Was assigned to the Medical Corps and trained at Penn Field, Austin and Vanderbilt University. Signing of the armistice prevented overseas duty. Discharged January 28, 1919.
History of Texas World War Heroes - World War I
Dr. H. B. Love Is Fatally
Stricken By Heart Attack
Dr. Hubert B. Love, aged 54
years, prominent dentist and
Methodist layman, died at
his home 1918 West Third
Avenue, early Saturday
morning with a heart attack.
Funeral services will be
held from the First
Methodist church here at 3
o’clock Sunday afternoon
with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Dr.
Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor.
Prominent in Methodist
churches, Dr. Love had
served as a steward of the
First Methodist church since
early manhood and had been
superintendent of the adult
department for many years.
He was a Lion and a member
of the Knights of Pythias
As a memorial to Dr. Love,
the night services at the
church have been cancelled,
the pastor announced
A native of Corsicana, Dr.
Love was the valedictorian
of the 1912 graduating class
of Corsicana High School. He
later graduated from
Vanderbilt University dental
college at Nashville, Tenn.
Surviving are his wife, Dana
Bounds Love, Corsicana; two
sons, Johnnie Love, U. S.
navy, Sacramento, Calif.,
who arrived by plane
Saturday afternoon, and
Bobbie Love, North Texas
State student, Corsicana; a
brother, Oakley Love, and a
sister, Mrs. Fred Wilson,
both of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers will be Roy
Love, Guy Love, Ed Wendorf,
Wilbur Thompson, Russell
Purifoy, Robert Carson,
Travis Knight and M. E.
Honorary pallbearers will be
members of the Navarro
County Medical Society and
the stewards of the First
Methodist church.
McCammon Funeral Home will
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sat., Nov. 25, 1949
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
CHS 1912 (Valedictorian of
Class) -
WWI Veteran
h/o Dana Katherine (Bounds)
Love-Robbins married Jun. 30, 1920 s/o James Oliver Love and
Lilly Rebecca (Smith) Love
Dr. Love Rites Held Sunday
At First Methodist
Funeral services for Dr.
Hubert B. Love, 54,
prominent dentist and
Methodist, who died of a
heart attack early Saturday
at his home, 1918 West Third
avenue, were held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o’clock from
the First Methodist church.
The services were conducted
by Dr. Erwin F. Bohmfalk,
pastor of the church. Burial
was in Oakwood cemetery.
Dr. Love had been a steward
in the First Methodist
church since early manhood
and had been superintendent
of the adult department of
the Sunday school for many
years. He was a member of
the Lions Club and the
Knights of Pythias Lodge.
The night services at the
First Methodist church were
cancelled as a memorial to
the church leader.
Valedictorian of the 1912
graduating class of
Corsicana High School. Dr.
Love later graduated from
Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tenn.
Surviving are his wife, Dana
Bounds Love, Corsicana; two
sons, Johnnie Love, U. S.
navy, Sacramento, Calif.,
who arrived by plane
Saturday afternoon, and
Bobbie Love, North Texas
State student, Corsicana; a
brother, Oakley Love, and a
sister, Mrs. Fred Wilson,
both of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers were Roy Love,
Guy Love, Ed Wendorf, Wilbur
Thompson, Russell Purifoy,
Robert Carson, Travis Knight
and M. E. Lake.
Honorary pallbearers were
members of the Navarro
County Medical Society and
the stewards of the First
Methodist church.
McCammon Funeral Home
Memorial Service For Dr. H.
B. Love Held At Church
A memorial service for Dr.
H. B. Love was held in the
Adult department of the
First Methodist Church
school Sunday morning, with
the assembly room crowded
for the occasion. Dr. Love
had been for a long time
superintendent of this
department and was to have
presided at the session
Sunday. The program
consisted of the singing of
some of Dr. Loves’ favorite
hymns with Mrs. Terry Sutton
at the piano, a responsive
reading, a prayer by the
pastor, Dr. Erwin F.
Bohmfalk and the eulogy
delivered by Tom Eady.
In the Willing Workers class
Mrs. C. D. Pevehouse was the
teacher, C. T. Gertrell
taught the Brotherhood
Class, Mrs. Glenn Thompson
the Young Men’s Bible class,
and R. D. Scott the Twain
There was no night church
services on account of the
death of Dr. Love, but the
youth met in their
fellowship series at 6
o’clock. The pastor preached
at the morning hour, using
his subject “How God Speaks
Today.” The choir sang a
special anthem under
direction of John Gravelle.
Two united with the church,
M. E. Dumas and Mrs. Dumas
of Fort Worth, Mr. Dumas is
the new superintendent of
the State Home in this City.
The pastors sermon was the
final one of the series.
“Faith In God.” Next months
sermons will deal with
“Faith in Christ.: the board
of trustees will meet
tonight at 7 o’clock.
Tuesday night there will be
a district banquet for
pastors and laymen, at the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Church. Thursday night a
luncheon session of the
Board of Men’s Dinner Club.

Feb 4, 1895 - Nov 26, 1949
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas