C. L. Jester: Now, Aunt Jane I want you to tell me all you remember in reference
to Hampton McKinney, your father, John McKinney, your grandfather, and my
great-great-grand father.
Mrs. Beaton: The McKinney family as the name indicates is of Scotch Irish
descent but the farthest I can go back is your great-great-grand father, my
grand father, who I remember quite well, although I was quite young when he
John McKinney was born in North Carolina, what
year I do not remember, and died in 1843 at my father's house in Macoupin County, Ill. He
married Catherine Eaves, who was related to General Wade Hampton and their oldest child,
my father, was named Hampton. John and Catherine McKinney had seven children: three boys,
Hampton, Jefferson and Jubilee and four girls, Susan, who married Mr. Otwell, Nancy who
married Fenwick Kendall, Polly who married Mr. Gilliam and Diana who married William
Hadley. Hampton was the oldest and Jubilee the youngest. I can not state the year that my
grandfather John McKinney moved from North Carolina to Illinois, but I know it was after
1797 for my father, Hampton McKinney, was born in North Carolina in that year. John
McKinney was in the Revolutionary War and I think he must have been associated in some way
with General Francis Marion, for he had a pair of silver spurs given to him by the
General. These spurs are still in the possession of one branch of the McKinney family at
Corsicana. As I remember, my grandfather was a small man, very quick and energetic in his
manner, occupied with something all the time. His wife used to say that he would read if
the house was burning down. He died at our house in 1843, four years before we moved to
Texas, and is buried in a small private cemetery in Macoupin County.
Hampton McKinney, my father and your
great-grandfather, moved with his father to Madison County, Ill. He married Mary Clark,
whose family was of English descent. They had twelve children, eight girls and four boys:
Lucinda and Louisa (twins). Lucinda died when about eight and Louisa was engaged to be
married when she died at age twenty; Diadema, your grandmother, married Levi Jester;
Monroe, John P. and Thomas (twins); Jefferson who died when small; Nancy who married John
Harlin; Jane, myself, who married Alexander
Beaton; Kate, who married Hamilton Morrel and
Mary and Martha (twins). Martha died in infancy and
Mary married John L. Miller.
Hampton McKinney, owned a large farm in Madisono
County, Ill., just across the river from St. Louis. When I was about eight years old, he
moved to Macoupin Co. Ill., where we lived there until we moved to Texas. We did not have
the luxuries that we have not for they were not to be had, but we always had plenty of
everything and father seemed to be in better financial condition than any of the rest of
the family. Illinois was not a slave state so we had no servants. My mother and the girls
did all the house work and my father and the boys did the farm work. One thing we did have
was fine horses, and we could ride, and ride well. Besides my father being a farmer, he
was a local Methodist preacher and belonged to the Methodist Church South. He never
followed this profession as a means of livelihood, but he loved to preach and gave his
services for the simple love he had for the work. I remember the big revivals he used to
hold when I was a child. He loved to read and was a constant reader of the Bible - you
might say a Bible student, and he always held family prayer in his home every morning as
long as he lived. He was a quiet man and took no interest in politics.
My father's brothers, Jubilee and Jefferson
McKinney, had visited different parts of Texas on a prospecting trip, and decided Navarro
County was the best place to locate, and Jefferson got my father interested in moving to
Texas. Jubilee told him so much about the fine land there that he decided he wanted it for
his sons. We left Illinois in the summer or early fall of 1846 - a big party of us, My
father and his family, (a big family it was, too,) had three or four wagons and a large
carryall drawn by two horses for mother and the younger children. His brother, Jefferson,
his wife and five children, had two large wagons. His sister, Nancy Kendall, her husband,
Fenwick and their several children had one big wagon wagon called a Prairie Schooner. It
had a different shape and was much larger that the other wagons. My sister, Nancy, had
just married John Harlin and they came to Texas on their honeymoon, so needed only one
wagon. There were several young men: Jubilee McKinney, John Gilliam, a cousin and Jim
Moore, a cousin of the Kendalls. The young girls in the party were Kate McKinney, my
sister, and Kate and Mary Kendall, our cousins. I was just 15 years old at the time. The
only things we brought with us were what we would need for the trip - tents, beddings,
dishes and cooking vessels. Father and the other men carried their money in a belt which
they always wore. It took us two or three months to finish the journey but we did not
hurry and when we reached a place we liked we would camp there until we were ready to move
on. We came through the Indian Nation, as it was called then, and saw lots of Indians but
there were all friendly. The boys would take us girls on horseback to the Indian dances.
Just as we were getting into [present] Ellis County there
was some talk of unfriendly
Indians but nothing happened.
I will go back now and tell you something about
your grandfather and grandmother Jester who were left behind when we moved to Texas.
Diadema McKinney was the oldest daughter of Hampton McKinney who lived to be grown and
married. She was born in 1821 in Madison County, Ill. and married Levi Jester about 1841 I
think. Father and Mother were very much opposed to the marriage so they ran away - I don't
know where they married. Afterwards they lived with Uncle William Hadley and didn't come
home for a long time. The reason Father didn't want her to marry him was that he just
drifted in from Delaware - said he was away from his folks and nobody knew anything about
him. But that was all that was against him - he was a stranger and nothing was known about
him or his family. He was a small man - your father, Charlie Jester, favored him more than
any of the boys. They stayed on in Madison County, Ill. until after the birth of their
first child, your father, in 1841, but they lived in Macoupin County when we moved to
Texas. Soon after we left, they moved to Waverly where Levi died - I think about 1850 or
1851. After his death, Diadema Jester and her children stayed there until 1858 when they
came to Texas. Charlie was then 17 years old and he and his mother made a living for the
family. My brother, Monroe McKinney, went back to Illinois and brought them here. Major
Beaton gave them a lot and she built a house there.
Coming back to our arrival in Texas, when we
reached Navarro County, we stopped at Dresden and stayed there until the next winter. I
know we raised a crop of sweet potatoes and everybody said they were the largest ones ever
seen around there. We had a log cabin of one room and a shed and another room off in the
yard where the boys slept.
While we lived there there was a big camp meeting
over where Bazette is now and we all went to the meetings. Coming back, we passed right
through the place where Corsicana is now located. There was nothing there but it was such
a beautiful part of the country that my father decided to locate his certificate there and
make a permanent home for his family. He bought an empty cabin, moved it on what was later
the site of the R. Q. Mills home and located his headright certificate for 640 acres. My
brothers, John and Thomas, each had a certificate for 320 acres and Jubilee located his
320 acres just north of town where the old Jubilee home now stands. He was on the old
bachelor list when he came to Texas but he married a Miss Story.
My father was really the first settler in
Corsicana and had the first residence, if you can call a one room log house a residence.
Afterward, when the town of Corsicana was located, he lifted his certificate and put in in
Johnson County; however, he reserved a good part of the town property for his own use.
After the town was located he moved down to where
the court house is now, moved two little cabins there and built a hallway between and a
shed at the back and we lived there until he built the first hotel where the jail now
stands. Called the McKinney Tavern, it was for many years the only hotel in Corsicana. It
had two big rooms down stairs with a long gallery in front, two other rooms at one corner
and a long ell back for a dining room and kitchen back of that. The upstairs was one big
room. There were big fire places in the rooms but no stoves except the cooking stove. In
fact, we had the first cooking store ever brought into Corsicana, and probably the first
one in the county. Father ran the hotel as a means of livelihood and made a good living
for a number of years, but he did not particularly care about that kind of work. We were
living there when I met Major Alexander Beaton whom I married in 1852. All my sisters,
except Mary, were married while we lived at the Tavern.
Major Alexander Beaton was born in 1820 in
Scotland and came to this country as a young man. He was living in Independence, Mo. when
the Mexican War began and enlisted there, serving throughout the War. Afterwards he came
to Texas where he taught school at Chapel Hill in Washington County, then moved to New
Orleans. I think he came to Corsicana
in 1850 with Col. Croft, for they were always
together. He studied law and after he got his license began to practice here. He and Col.
Mills were partners before the Civil War and had their office on the east side of the
square. Major Beaton finally became disgusted with the law and quit his practice, dealing
solely with land trading. About four months after we married, we built a little home of
our own on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Eleventh Street. He was always interested in
the growth of Corsicana and it was largely through his efforts that the railroad came here
in 1871. When the new part of town was laid off, he gave the land for Beaton Street,
specifying that it should be 100 feet wide, and it still bears his name today, We had
three children: Ralph, who lives in Corsicana; Kate who married Dr. S. W.
Johnson and Tom,
who has been dead for years.
My father, Hampton McKinney, died in 1857 of
pneumonia, at the age of sixty years. After his death, my mother lived with us until she
died in 1883/84.
I have lived here continuously for 74 years and
have seen Corsicana grow and develop from the one room cabin my father built to the
beautiful little city of today with its many handsome homes and buildings. Those early
days were happy ones for me and I shall always look back on them with much pleasure for
they were the days of my happy youth.
[Signed] Mrs. James Beaton 10 February 1921, before
Lucille Bonner Notary Public For Navarro County, Texas
C. L. Jester: Aunt Mary, I would like you to give me your early recollections of
our families early days in Illinois before they came to Texas. and also after
they settled in Navarro County.
Mrs. Mary Miller: I was only a small child about eight years old when my
father came to Texas, but I have some very vivid recollections of the old home
in Macoupin County, Illinois and also of the trip to Texas. I was born on a
farm in Madison County, Illinois, near Edwardsville, but I was very young when
my father sold that farm and bought a farm in Macoupin County where he lived
until 1846 when we came to Texas. I can remember the comfortable two story
house, the gardens and orchards and farm land that was our home. Your
grandfather Jester and his wife, my sister Diadema Jester, lived near us in
Madison County at that time, and when we moved to Texas we came by their home
and I ran in to see them and can remember so well picking up your uncle George
who was the baby then and playing with him. Your father, Charlie Jester, was
then a little boy about five years old. I remember him well at that time. He
was a very bright and smart little fellow. Cousin Helen Marshall taught school
close to Girard, and Charlie went to school to her, and he was such a bright
little fellow that she always had him making speeches for the school. I also
went to school to her, my first school. At that time there were not many school
in our part of the State and very few churches; the preaching was mostly done in
schools and private houses. And those who did not go in wagons would ride
horseback, except in the winter time when we had sleighs, as we always had
plenty of snow. I enjoyed the sleigh rides more than anything else.
Mother was opposed to coming to Texas but the children, like all young
folks were eager for change and adventure, and the long journey overland - it
was just an extended pleasure trip to us. We came through St. Louis and crossed
the Mississippi River on a ferry boat. St. Louis was a pretty big town at the
time. We crossed the Red River at Fulton, Mo. and it was so red that it made a
lasting impression on my childish mind. We came through the Indian Nation and
saw plenty of Indians, but they were all friendly Indians and father would trade
with them for feed for our horses. I remember when we would stop near the
Indian camps the boys would take the girls to the Indian dances. Just before we
reached Navarro County, we camped in Ellis County on Chambers creek, not far
from Reager Springs. R. N. White, who afterwards move to Corsicana, he lived
near there with his family; and mother was sick and they came to get her and
took her to their house and took care of her; we have always known them. They
moved down here soon after we did, and settled in Corsicana on what is now Fifth
Avenue about a block from Beaton Street. Cyrus White was the first child born in
The first stop we made in Navarro County was at Dresden in which was about
the center of the county, and the first people we got acquainted with was D. E.
Hartzell's family who lived near there; and I always looked on him just like one
of my brothers. He used to go with my sister; Kate, who afterwards married Ham
Morrell. Dan Hartzell's sister waited on me when I was married. After we moved
to Corsicana, Dan Hartzell, who was in business there, boarded with us for years
and years, and was like one of our family. From Dresden we moved to Corsicana,
only there was no Corsicana at that time, just an open prairie, and we lived for
awhile in a little log cabin on what is now the R. Q. Mills place. From that
place we moved into a big log house of two cabins with a small hall between,
located on the square, between where the present court house is now and the
jail, and lived there until father built the McKinney Tavern, on the right of
the present jail. It was while we were living in this little house on the square
that I first knew Col. Winkler. He came from the southern part of the state and
was at that time, 1847 or 1848, judge of the first circuit court they had here.
He boarded with us while we were living in this little two room house and went
from our house to be married.
Mother got his clothes ready for him when he married his first wife, who
was the widow of Thomas I. Smith, who was an Indian agent at that time. When
the war came on he enlisted and became a distinguished soldier. It was during
the Civil war that he married his second wife.
After father built the McKinney Tavern, we used to entertain all the
lawyers who came to court. Col. Winkler was one of the first lawyers I
remember. Some of the lawyers who were here in those days and stopped with us
while we were keeping the tavern were Rob. S. Gould, who was district attorney
and lived in Palestine; John H. Reagin; (and) A. H. Willis, who was afterward

Grave site of
Rev. Hampton McKinney & Mary McKinney
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana,
Navarro County, Texas
Part 1, Section B inside
U shape
Marker Photo by
Dana (Bell) Stubbs |
of the Supreme Court. They used to come here to attend court. Some of the
first lawyers that settled here were Maj. John L. Miller (and) Maj. A. Beaton. I
afterwards married Maj. John L. Miller, and my sister married Maj. A. Beaton.
Then there was Col. R. Q. Mills who was a law student at that time and was later
a partner of Maj. Beaton. He was a gallant young man at that time, and very good
looking and popular and used to go with our crowd of young folks all the time.
We would get together and go to camp meetings. The young men would write the
girls notes to go, and would get a wagon and we would all go together. Among
the other lawyers here the were Col. Croft and Maj. L. T. Wheeler. Col. Croft
married first Roxie Elliot, a daughter of Colonel Jacob Elliot. She only lived a
short time, afterwards he married a Miss Lockhard, they are all dead now.
The first court house in Navarro County was situated on the corner of
Fifth Avenue and 12th St., just across from where Mrs. Singletary now lives. It
was a log house of one room and was used as a court house, a school house, a
church and general assembly hall of the town for years. I used to go to school
there to Mack Elliot. I think Col. Mills moved that house on his place years
ago and it is there now somewhere. The next court house was a frame building
erected on the present sight of the court house in 1851. This court house burned
down in 1855. It was reported at the time that the court house was set on fire
by parties that wanted to destroy certain indictments and papers that were in
there but it was never proved. The court house was built in 1856, a brick
building, on the same site and this was the same court house that your father,
Chas. W. Jester, hauled the brick for, he had just come here from Illinois and
had a good wagon and team and this was the first thing he found to do. This
brick court house was used until it was torn down in 1880, and a new one built
which was used until the present one was built.
The first church was built by the Cumberland Presbyterians, and was
located about where Will Gordon's place on Third Avenue is now, then Main
Street. All denominations held services in this church and used it time about
until the Methodist Church was built. The next church built here was the
Methodist church built in 1871. I think it was a frame building and was between
where the Methodist church and parsonage now stand. That was the church on
which the steeple fell down. There was no Methodist Church here before the
war. I remember that was the only church here beforehand we used to go to the
Cumberland Church to work for the soldiers during the war. I remember they had
a big convention in this church when Mills was nominated for Congress. There
was no regular Methodist preacher stationed here before the war. This was on a
circuit and we had what was called "circuit riders." Among the first preachers
who were circuit riders I remember was Old Brother Mose. I think he was here as
far back as 1847 when we lived in Dresden; Brother Hardin was another circuit
rider who had some very bad boys, who were called the first desperadoes of this
section, one of the sons was named John Wesley Hardin and was a notorious
desperado. Another circuit rider was Brother Manley, who married me and my
sister, Mrs. Beaton. Brother Fly was one of the early Methodist preachers here.
He was a very smart man. Brother Campbell who married Samentha Starley, was
another of the early preachers, and Horace Bishop and Brother Wells, and there
was a circuit rider named Fergerson. I remember the first preaching we had was
in that old court house. They used it for years for services; afterwards there
was a large hall built about where Tom Kerr now lives on Third Avenue and they
used the lower part for a church and school and the upstairs for a Masonic
Lodge; that was the first place outside of the Court they held public mectings.
It was built by the community and all denominations held church there; and they
used to have temperance meetings in the hall upstairs. This building was called
Cedar Hall because it was built of Cedar logs; this hall was afterwards torn
The first school I remember in Corsicana was taught in the old courthouse
by Mack Elliot. He was a surveyer, and a nephew of old Jacob Elliot and the
father of Mrs. John D. Lee and Mrs. Ellen Cheney and the grandfather of Mrs. H.
C. Johnson. The next school I went to was in Cedar Hall taught by Capt. Peek. He
and his wife taught that school and boarded with us at the McKinney Tavern, and
their first child was born there. Mrs. Peek used to lecture me about going with
the boys. She said I looked like a little Pin Cushion Sock on the arm of a boy.
The truth was the boys would come to see my older sisters and as there were more
boys than girls here at that time some of them would fall back on me when they
could not get one of the older girls. Mrs. Peeks health failed and they went
back east somewhere and she died there and her child was burned to death.
Afterwards he came back here and went into the mercantile business and kept a
general merchandise store on the east side of the square. Afterwards he left
here and went to Freestone Co. and settled at Fairfield and married again. Mack
Elliot was quite a young man when he taught school here and boarded with us at
the McKinney Tavern; he was afterwards a prominent surveyor here for years.
Among the early doctors here was D. Oakes, I think he went from here to
Waco. His wife was a right young thing and she used to send for me to stay with
her when he was called away. Then there was Dr. Leach, a very fine physician
and Dr. Green Kerr, a brother of Uncle Jimmy Kerr, and Dr. Wootan and Dr. Tate,
who was the husband of Mrs. Tate, a relative of Judge Frost. He was a high
tempered man and fell out with my father because he sent for Dr. Dixson one time
when he was sick. Dr. Dixson was a peculiar kind of doctor. He administered
roots and herbs instead of regular medicines. He was my father's doctor at the
time of his death. Then there was Dr. Love, one of the early physicians here,
and Dr. McKie, the father of J. W. McKie who married Eve Elliott, a daughter of
Col. Jacob Elliot. Col. Jacob Elliot has three girls, Eve who married Dr. McKie,
Roxie who married Col. Croft and Lou who married H. P. Walker. Col. Elliot was
a land trader here in the early days and first lived down near Richland and that
is where his first wife died. He afterwards went back to Kentucky and married
again and when he came back to Texas he lived in Corsicana.
The Loves were early settlers here. W. M. Love built the first house in
this County down near Patterson Lake. Among the early settlers was R. H. White,
who came here very soon after we did. Col. Henderson who came about the same
time and built a house where the Third Ward School is now. He was a lawyer but
he didn't practice much. He had a rich brother in New Orleans who sent him
money all the time, and he didn't do much of anything but chess. The Van Hooks
were also early comers and lived out here on the H&TC RR just north of town.
Capt. E. E. Dunn was another. Buck Barry was sheriff about that time. S. H.
Kerr came a little later. Jim Carytgers was another old settler. David R.
Mitchell was one of the first settlers of Corsicana, and was the man who gave
most of the land on which the old part of Corsicana is situated. He donated to
the town the land the courthouse square is on, and also the lot for the
Methodist Church. He and my father were good friends and father was instrumental
in getting him to donate this land. He owned a lot of land and really was a very
fine man.
I went to school with his daughter, Bema Mitchell, who afterwards married
Dr. Seale. The business part of the town was on the square and all the stores
were around the square, but after the railroad came here in 1871 the town moved
down towards the railroad. Maj. Beaton took great interest in getting the
railroad here, so much so that it never would have come here If it had not been
for him. He took Capt. Harris, who was the locating engineer, to his home and
entertained him and his bride, and got Capt. Harris interested in locating the
railroad at this point He also gave 640 acres of land and money besides. Uncle
Jimmie Kerr stood right by Maj. Beaton in this enterprise, they had some land
below town where the cotton factory is now and they cut this land up into lots
and blocks and sold it and raised some of the money in that way to get the road
The first post office was in the McKinney Tavern and father acted as
postmaster. I can remember as a child how I liked to hand out the letters to the
people. Also the first photograph gallery was in the McKinney Tavern, run by a
man by the name of Isaac Cline. I was very fond of having my picture taken and
he would practice on me. The pictures he took were of old fashioned
daguerreotypes. The McKinney Tavern seemed to be the center of civilization for
that part of the country in those early days. I don't think father was very
anxious to keep the Tavern but there was no one else to do it and he was more or
less forced into it. He didn't like the rough element that naturally congregated
around a hotel in a frontier town so he finally sold out I think to David R.
Mitchell and built a house right about where Richard Mays built his house and
where Homer Pace now lives. We always speak of this place as the Pace Place, as
Mr. Pace bought all this land afterwards. It was while I was living at this
place that I married Maj. John Miller and the other girls married while we
lived at the McKinney Tavern. Maj. Miller came out here from Tennessee in about
1852 an entered into the practice of law in Corsicana and lived here all his
life. He was born in 1821 in Murry Co. Tennessee and died in Corsicana, Texas in
1907 in his 86 year. He was a member of the Tennessee Legislature at the time
James K. Polk received notice of his nomination for President.
At the beginning of the Mexican war he organized a company and commanded
this company as Major which was the origin of his title of Major. However there
was another company organized that got in before his company. I was married to
Maj. Miller in 1855 and to this marriage the following children were born:
Mattie Miller, now living in Corsicana; Terry Miller, who died when he was 20
years old, unmarried; John Lanty Miller; Beaton Miller, and Ursula all living.
After my marriage I lived at home for a while and then moved to the house which
is now the servant house on the Nortie Kerr place, only then the house was north
of the street and fronted west. I lived there a short while and then moved to
the place where I am now living on the corner of 3rd Ave. and 15th St. In 1856
or 1857, we had a house on that lot of one room which was afterwards added to
until it was a good sized house, and lived in that house until about two years
ago when it was torn down and the present house was built in which I am living
now. In about 1858 Maj. Miller and I moved up near Rice, and it was during this
time that my brother, Monroe McKinney, went back to Illinois and brought my
sister, Diadema Jester and her family to Corsicana. That was in 1858 and they
lived in our house until her own house was finished. Maj. Beaton gave her a lot
100/160 feet right where the telephone exchange is now and she built a house
there, and after she moved to her home she took boarders for a living.
Diadema and Levi had the following children, all born in Illinois:
Charlie Wesley, your father; Martha, who married Jefferson Kendall; Geo. T.
Jester, whose first wife was Alice Bates, and his second wife was Fannie Gorden;
Mary D., who married James Hamilton; Vina, who married R. P. Bates, a drummer
who drove a double team and carried his samples in the back of his buggy (they
both died within the last few years); and L. L. Jester, who married a Miss Cain
of Tyler, Texas. Your father was about 17 years old when he came to Texas and
as he had. a good wagon and team, about the first work he got to do was hauling
brick for the court house they were building at that time, the first brick court
house here. He did first one thing and another to earn a living. He then got
work with old Man Jornigan, who kept a saddle shop on the square, and worked
with him until he went to the war. After the war he came back here and bought
out old man Jornigan and ran the saddle shop for himself. He used to do a great
deal with the cowboys and that class of people. His shop was on the square about
where Col. Kerr's residence is now.
The Jesters brought with them to Texas the first painted or factory made
wagon ever brought to the county and for years this wagon was used for a hearse
in every funeral. It attracted a great deal of attention and the country people
and children would gather around it and admire it as they do a circus wagon
now. Your Father, Charlie Jester, married Eliza Rakestraw, a daughter of Geo.
A. Rakestraw, who lived down near Patterson Lake, and after they married they
lived right next to his mother. Monroe McKinney, my brother, married Lou
Johnson. He went to the war and was killed at Yellow Bayou over in Louisiana; he
left three children; his wife afterwards married a man named Allen. John O.
McKinney, another brother, went up into Johnson County and laid his headright
certificate and lived there a good while but he got sick and came back home and
died at our house while we were living where the Mays place was afterwards
built. He was 27 years old at the time of his death and unmarried. He was very
handsome, quiet and reserved, not like any of the rest of us. He was very much
like my father. My brother, Thomas McKinney, lived here with us until he
married Jan Petty. He then moved into Ellis county and lived there until his
death. Kate McKinney, who was the next youngest child to myself, married
Hamilton Morrell, usually called Ham Morrell, who lived right where Judge
Hardy's residence is now. Nancy McKinney, my sister, married John Harlin and
came with us to Texas on their honeymoon trip. They settled right where the old
Wereing place is now and had a mill there for a long time. John Harlin was a
hustler and a very capable man, and could do anything. Could build a house
better than anybody else. In fact, there wasn't anything he couldn't do.
Everybody liked him and respected him and if anybody got into trouble and needed
help they would go right to John Harlin, and he would always help them out. He
certainly used his hood offices to see that the law was defeated in the case of
Ham Merrell. He lived in Waxahachie for a while and then moved to Ennis and
lived there until his death. His descendants are still living in Ennis and are
very prosperous folk.
My father was very much opposed to slavery; he didn't believe in owning
Negroes. But after we came to Texas he had to buy some in order to get
servants. There was no other way to get help, so he bought a Negro woman we
called Old Aunt Edie, paid $1,200.00 for her and her two children, but he never
thought it was right to own slaves. He didn't approve of dancing and we never
had dances at the McKinney Tavern but they used to have dances at the Randall
Hotel. That was opened some time after we built the McKinney Tavern, and the
boys would come after us girls and get father to let us go to the dances just to
look on but we would always get to dance before we got back. We always told
father we would just look on. Camp meetings were the principal amusement for the
young folks that didn't dance. Father never objected to our going to camp
meetings and the boys would get a two horse wagon and take a crowd of girls and
boys and it was about as much fun as anything else. We also had an occasional
circus to come here; the first circus I remember seeing was Robinson's circus
that was traveling through the country. Of course it had to travel by wagons as
there were no railroads here then, and the circus grounds were where the 3rd
ward school is now. All the town was up around the courthouse on the square and
didn't move down to Beaton Street until after the railroad came here in 1871. I
remember the only herd of buffalo I ever saw was where the H & TC Railroad is
now, that was all open prairie then. There was a grove down here across the
street from where the Ideal Theater is now, where they used to have public
meetings, and I remember Sam Houston coming here to speak and he spoke in that
grove there, and Maj. Miller introduced him.
That was before the war. Houston was a union man and he was very much
condemned for his union ideas. He said afterwards that he had made a mistake and
regretted it after he knew the way our people felt about it. He and Col. Mills
had a disagreement and I am sure that was the cause of it, for Mills was for the
Confederacy good and strong.
The first newspaper published here before the war was a weekly paper
called The Prairie Blade. Dan Donaldson was the editor and his wife is still
living, that was the only paper here before the war.
Old Col. Riggs was another one of the early settlers when we moved out of
the cabin on the courthouse lot and went to the McKinney Tavern. Col. Riggs
rented this cabin and that is where Mrs. Ruth Teas was born. Dan Hartzel was one
of the early settlers here and ran a store on the west side of the square. Just
back of Mr. Dyers house now, Cap. Peck was in the mercantile business for a
while after he came back and A. Fox had a dry good store here before the war.
His store was on the east side of the square, north of the Stell property. Uncle
Jimmie Kerr had a store on the square and Col. Kerr and then there was a Jew
named Michael had a grocery store. Uncle Jimmie Kerr had his store on the corner
just across from the 3rd Ave. church where Mrs. Gowen now lives, and about the
middle of the block Bob Morrell, a brother of Ham Morrell, had a saloon. He
always had a rough crowd around his place and every Saturday night they would
come in from the country and get drunk and get up fights and generally go out of
town whooping and yelling. Old man Byers was one of the earliest merchants
here. I think Uncle Jimmie Kerr bought him out, all these merchants kept a stock
of general merchandise, shoes and men's clothing. N. H. Butler and Sam Taylor
were blacksmiths, and old man Burrow, who had a son that went to the war, and a
man named Smith were also in the-blacksmith business at that time.
With the coming of the railroad after the war there were some new
merchants; Sanger was here for awhile, and Padgett and Huey, and Schneider and
Allyn, and Garity, all of that crowd followed the railroad on to Dallas, except
Huey, Garity, and Allyn who stayed here. Sanger used to board with your
grandmother Jester who made her living taking boarders, and your father used to
help her until he married and went to keeping house right next door to her.
Your grandmother lived right where the telephone exchange is now and kept
boarders. Your Aunt Vina Bates was married from that house and your Aunt Mary
Hamilton and your Uncle George married and brought his wife there, and there was
where she died when her youngest child, Alice was an infant.
Your grandfather Rakestraw never lived in Corsicana. He was a farmer and
lived near Patterson Lake near where Old Col. Elliot first settled. Just after
the war closed he went with quite a party of others to South America because
they said they would not live under a Yankee Government, but they didn't stay in
South America long and soon were all back here again. I have lived in this town
for nearly 75 years and am sure I could be called the oldest inhabitant in point
of long residence but not in age, and in these reminiscences I have tried to
recall the incidents in a long and happy life in relation in particular to our
own family, the descendants of Hampton McKinney, my father, and your
great-grandfather, who was the very first settler in Corsicana.
Mrs. Mary Miller
Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th day of Feb. A. D.1921-Lucille
Bonner, Notary Public for Navarro County
Before me. Elmo Jeffers, a Notary Public in and for Navarro County, Texas on
this day personally appeared Mrs. Helen V. Marshall, who being duly sworn upon
her oat to the truth, deposes and says:
My name is Mrs. Helena V. Marshall, I reside in Venus, Johnson County, Texas. I
live with my son, C. C. Marshall, who is cashier of the First National Bank Of
Venus. I am over eighty one(81) years old. I am now visiting friends in
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas. I was born near Wheeling, West Virginia, in
the year 1821 but immigrated with my father and his family to Morgan County,
Illinois. In the year 1836 the county was subsequently divided, however, we then
lived in Cass County, Illinois. I made frequent and long visits from Cass
County, Illinois to Macoupin County, Illinois, during and subsequent to the year
1840. In the year 1876 I moved from the State of Iowa to the State of Texas, and
remained one year. I returned to Texas again in 1880, and have since lived in
While visiting in Macoupin County, Illinois in the year 1841 I frequently
met and conversed with one John McKinney then an elderly man. Before meeting
John McKinney, however I met his wife Catherine Eaves McKinney, in the month of
January 1841, and met John McKinney about Oct. 1841. I fix these dates at this
late day to the election to the Presidency of the United States of William Henry
Harrison recalling as I do that the presidential campaign was in progress when I
was first visiting in Macoupin County and Harrison was seated in the spring of
the next year. I met John McKinney and his wife both at the home of their son,
Hampton McKinney and also at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Nancy McKinney
Kendall. John McKinney, through his son’s wife, Mrs. Hampton McKinney (Nee Mary
Banes Clark) was related to my family, and in this way I became quite intimate
with he and his family.
John McKinney and his wife Catherine had seven children, as follows:
Hampton McKinney, who married Mary Banes Clark; Jefferson McKinney, who married
Lucinda Sams; Jubilee McKinney, who married a Miss Story; Susan McKinney, who
married a Mr. Otwell; Diana McKinney, who married a Mr. William Hadley; Mary
McKinney, who married who married a Mr. Glllam; and Nancy McKinney, who married
a Mr. Fenwick Kendall.
To Hampton McKinney and Mary Clark McKinney were born the following
children: Lucinda and Louisa, twins, both of whom died unmarried; Nancy
McKinney, who married John Marlin; John and Thomas McKinney, were twins, John
having died unmarried and Thomas having married Mary Jane Petty; Monroe
McKinney, who married a Luisa Johnson; Jane McKinney, who married Major
Alexander Beaton; Catherine McKinney, who married Ham Morrell; Mary and Martha,
twins, Mary having married Major J. L. Miller, and Martha having died unmarried;
and Diadema McKinney, born in Madison County Illinois in 1821 and died in
Corsicana, Texas, married in 1840 in Illinois to Levi Jester, born in Delaware,
died in 1850 in Waverly, Illinois. The following children were born: Charlie
Jester, who married Eliza Rakestraw; Martha Louisa Jester, who married Thomas
Jefferson Kendall; George T. Jester, whose first wife was Alice Bates and second
wife was Fannie Gorden; Mary D. Jester, who married James Hamilton: Vina Jester,
who married Robert Bates; and Levin Jester, who married Minnie Cain.
To Diana McKinney and her husband, William Hadley, were born the following
children: Strage Hadley, Jestina Hadley, Cynthia Hadley, Wilbur C. Hadley and W.
Flavius Hadley. Afflant has not been requested. and therefore does not undertake
to give the names of the other grandchildren of the said John McKinney.
To Nancy McKinney Kendall and Fenwick Kendall were born the following
children: Catherine or Kate, who married Mr. Cook; Mary, who married Mr. Dixson;
Susan, who married Mr. Fred; Joseph Kendall. who died during the Civil War
unmarried; Helen; Betty, who married Mr. O’Neal; Jennie, who married Mr.
Ashford; Cyrus Kendall, who married Mandora House; and Emma, who married Mr.
House. To Thomas Jefferson Kendall and wife Martha Louise Jester the following
children were born: Edgar Jester Kendall born Nov. 22, 1865, married Willa Dean
in 1890 (died 1944); and Charles Paul Kendall born Feb. 6, 1869, married Dec.
20, 1889 to Minnie Allen.
Now referring again to the said John McKinney; when I knew him I was a
young woman, about twenty years of age and spent much of my time at the home of
Hampton McKinney, where John McKinney and his wife lived about half of their
time. John McKinney was a small man, being perhaps five feet six or seven inches
high and weighing about one hundred and thirty pounds, fair complexion and had
blue eyes; when I knew him his hair was perfectly white. He was an excellent
conversationalist, was a great reader, had fine memory for historical dates, and
was exceedingly tidy in his dress. Prior to the time I knew John McKinney he had
lived on a farm in Madison County, Illinois but had broken up housekeeping and
spent the remainder of his days with his children. I was accustomed during those
days to talk with John McKinney for hours at a time. and he was to me, then a
young woman, a most interesting character. I took a great deal of interest in
hearing him tell of his services under General Francis Marion of South Carolina
in the war of the American Revolution. I remember at the time we had a published
volume of the life of General Francis Marion which I read aloud in his presence,
and he added much to the book’s interest and instruction by supplementing it
with explanatory remarks and illustrations in connection with the items of
history upon which it touched. Many of the places referred to in the book, he
said he had been over and was with General Marion and his men on many occasions
to which it refers. In fact I heard John McKinney tell scores of times of his
services under General Francis Marion. The following is a brief subsume as I now
recollect it of Mr. McKinney’s statements to me as to his services in the
Colonial forces, etc.
I will not be positive that he stated he was born in South Carolina,
though the impression left upon me was that he was born there, and enlisted in
there, and further evidence of the fact that he lived in South Carolina, or at
least married there is this: as before stated, he married a Miss Catherine
Eaves, whose mother was a sister of General Wade Hampton’s great grandfather and
they, as I understand it were South Carolinians; they named their oldest son
Hampton. I do not recall from what place he enlisted, nor do I remember in what
place in South Carolina he lived, he always referred to it as simply South
Jestina Hadley, Cynthia Hadley, Wilbur C. Hadley and W. Flavius Hadley.
Affiant has not been requested. He stated at about the age of Sixteen he
enlisted in the Colonial Army, and my impression is he served during the
remainder of the war; he stated he served under General Francis Marion. He may
have stated he served under other officers, but if so I do not recall now under
whom else he stated he served. Near General Marion’s camp lived a certain
influential and wealthy Tory family who made frequent calls at Marion’s camp and
pretended great friendship for Marion and the Colonists. But Marion suspected
him of duplicity, and of real sympathy and friendship for the British, whereupon
he called for some one who would undertake the task of a spy in order that the
true attitude of this suspected (Tory) might be ascertained. Young McKinney
volunteered to act out the roll, and was chosen. He dressed in ragged citizens
clothes and at night was carried to a creek bottom some twenty miles from camp,
and was there left alone; by degrees he worked his way towards the Tory house
and in the course of a few days reached his destination. There he begged
something to eat, and a place to sleep, and finally procured a position as a
hireling there on the place.
By pre-arrangement he was to communicate with Marion by means of an
improvised secret post office system, and general Marion was thereby kept
informed. After remaining for two weeks or more young McKinney learned for
certain of the Tory’s disloyalty to the colonists, and was instrumental in
bringing about the capture of the Tory farmer and quite a few British officers
and soldiers who were at the Tory’s house enjoying a feed. It seems that the
British were at the Tory’s house feasting at night preparing to attack Marion’s
men the following day, but while yet feasting, and ill prepared for battle,
Marion and his men made an attack on them and succeeded in capturing the entire
force, officers and men. Young McKinney (had) succeeded in procuring a horse
from the pasture, and (had) carried the news to General Marion. McKinney, under
the pretext of watering the horses and doing other chores about the place, would
go to the improvised post office agreed upon, and there communicate by writing
such matters as were of importance, and at night a carrier from General Marion’s
camp would come to the post office and get the latest bulletins and convey them
to Marion.
In recognition of these services, I was told by Mr. McKinney (during the
conversation referred to) that General Marion had presented to him a pair of
silver spurs and had also afterwards written him a personal letter making
mention among other things the spurs which he had presented him and of this
services to his country, and in addition to this he told me he had his honorable
discharge from the American Army.
Upon being-told of this by John McKinney, I expressed an intense desire to
see the spurs and letter and discharge. He told me that they were at his old
home in Madison County, Illinois but that he would have some of the boys,
referring to his sons to get them the next time they went to Madison, and that I
might examine and read them. Not long after this, Hampton McKinney (his eldest
son) brought the spurs and letter and discharge to his home where his father was
staying and I then had the privilege of examining and reading the letter and
discharge, and discussing them with the said John McKinney. I distinctly recall
that the spurs and letter and discharge were all brought together in a leather
It would be quite impossible at this late date to state even in substance
the entire contents of the letter which purported to have been written by
General Marion to John McKinney. I distinctly recall, however, that he addressed
him "Dear Johnnie" and wrote to the following effect; that it was not the
largest men that did the most to accomplish our liberty for you were one of the
smallest men in my command and did more to trap the old Tory than any dozen men
had done. You richly deserve the spurs I gave you. I wish they were gold. I also
distinctly recall that he mentioned the recent death in Virginia of an officer
who was a great friend of McKinney. It was a friendly kindly letter, and Mr.
McKinney prized it very much. I cannot be positive as to the place from which
the letter was written, though it seems to me Pee Dee was the place. I do
positively recollect that frequent reference was made in the letter to Pee Dee.
The question asked to which of his sons to give the spurs seemed to worry
John McKinney not a little. Hampton (the oldest)suggested in my presence to give
them to Jubilee(the youngest)and his father replied that he knew Jefferson would
not be pleased. It was apparent the father preferred Jubilee should have the
spurs, but he did not care to offend Jefferson. It was thought by all that
I(Affiant)was engaged to be married to Jubilee McKinney, and John McKinney
placed the spurs in my keeping, exacting of me the promise that I would never
part with them unless to give them to Jubilee. I took the spurs from him and
left them at Hampton’s house for safe keeping, where John McKinney died a year
or two afterwards. Hampton McKinney’s wife afterwards told me that a few hours
before his death John McKinney asked her to bring him the spurs, and after
looking upon them, fondly admonished her to tell Helen (the Affiant) to remember
her promise. The spurs remained there until the morning Jubilee, with
several others, started for the first time to the then Republic of Texas, to
inspect the new country. Desiring to escape the further responsibility, I
presented the spurs to Jubilee as a parting gift. He took them with him, and I
had not seen the spurs since until August 5th 1902, when one of the spurs was
exhibited to me by Mr. C. Lee Jester, a son of C. W. Jester, and a
great-great-grandson of John McKinney, and I readily recognized it as one of the
same spurs(except that the rowel was missing) which John McKinney had shown me
and placed with me more than sixty years before. The other spur I have heard was
lost or stolen some fifteen years ago. This spur is now, I am told, kept in a
time locked safe in the vault of the Corsicana National Bank, at Corsicana,
Texas by C. W. and George T. Jester, great-great-great-grand children of the
said John McKinney but the spur actually belongs to Mr. J. Preston McKinney, who
lives near Corsicana, Texas, son of Jubilee McKinney.
Referring again to the letter and discharge mentioned, About the year 1846
I attended in Macoupin County, Illinois the wedding of Nancy McKinney and John
Harlin at her father’s (Hampton McKinney) house. I remember on the day of the
wedding (at which there was naturally something of a family reunion) that
Jefferson McKinney was looking over his father’s papers and he came across the
letter from General Marion and discharge which were at that time kept in an old
leather pocketbook and he read them aloud and passed them around to the company
for examination, after which he placed them back in the pocketbook and said he
intended to keep them as long as he lived.
It has always been my impression that Jefferson McKinney brought these
documents with him to
Texas when he and his family, Hampton and his family, and Jubilee, who was at
that time
unmarried, immigrated to Texas in the year 1846, a few days after the marriage
of Nancy
McKinney to John Harlan.
As stated before, I came to Texas in the year 1876 and spent about a year,
and here I frequently met and conversed with Nancy McKinney Kendall, a daughter
of John McKinney, and I inquired about the letter and discharge her brother
Jefferson McKinney had during his lifetime, he having died several years
previous to this time. She told me that she had seen the letter and discharge
after they came to Texas, but thought that possibly Clinton McKinney, a son of
Jefferson, had them in his possession. Clinton McKinney is now dead. I am
informed that up to this time the letter and discharge have not been located by
these descendants of John McKinney in whose behalf this affidavit is being made.
Witness my hand at Corsicana, Texas, this August 11,1902, (Signed) Mrs. Helena
V. Marshall
Sworn to and subscribed before me at Corsicana, Texas, this the 11th day of Aug.
(Signed) Elmo Jeffers, Notary Public in and for Navarro County, Texas