Jester Park in
Corsicana, Texas
Everett Taylor
(July 19, 1891 - Dec. 8, 1965)
Grassroots researcher -
writer and historical preservationist whose work led to development of
this pioneer village. Born near Dawson (10 mi. SW) Taylor attended
Baylor University (1911-1913). Married Maud Stockard (1914) and was
father of 3 children. Farming unsuccessful, oil drilling in the 1920s
boom and other ventures formed his historical interest led him to do
original research. He published several books and pamphlets. 1951-59
with Joe Daniel and others he founded the Navarro County Historical
Society in 1956 and this village in 1958. (1974)
The text of the historical markers have
been posted here with the permission of the Texas Historical Commission |