Emhouse Baptist Church
Organized in the rural Kelm community (1.5 mi. W) in 1893, this congregation was chartered as the Tinkle Baptist Church under the direction of the Rev. B. N. Price, a pioneer Baptist missionary of the area. Worship services were first conducted in the community schoolhouse, which was located on land donated by early settler Nathan Tinkle. Later the church built a sanctuary adjacent to the school site. In
October 1908 the members voted to move the church to Emhouse, which had been established two years earlier along the Trinity & Brazos River Valley Rail Line. The Kelm church building was relocated at this site and served the congregation for 30 more years. A community tabernacle, built in 1914 and in use until the 1940s, was the scene of early revivals which contributed greatly to the church's growth. The Emhouse Baptist Church has played a significant role in the development of the surrounding area. Since the earliest
days of Emhouse, it has been a leader in community service and involvement. In addition, the church has been led by a number of prominent Baptist preachers, including the Rev. Dan Sharpley, who grew up here and later served as a missionary in Brazil. Location: N. Seely and Gamble St. off FM 1126, Emhouse, Texas
Photo by Dana
Photo of Church Building