Joseph Doty
Mar 21, 1863 - Feb 19, 1940
Funeral Services Are Conducted For J. D. Caddel (No date)
Services were held this afternoon at
three oclock at the Winn Hill Chapel for J. D. Caddel, 78, who died Monday after a short illness at his home, 902 Carolina Street. Rev. Carl Clark of Graham, assisted by
Rev. Sid Mat(l)ock of Antelope, conducted the service.
Mr. Caudal was born March 21, 1862 (cor..
1863) in Lamar (cor. Navarro) county. He has been a resident of Young, Archer, and Jack counties for the past sixty-five years.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Eva Caddel, several years ago. Surviving him are four sons, Marvin, Elmer, and L. C.
of Lubbock and Ozie of Archer City; three daughters, Mrs. Mattie Amburn of Lubbock, Mrs. Lannie Holt of Idalou, and Mrs. P. O. Miller of Graham, twenty-five grandchildren; and
twelve great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Obie Clay, Jack McCoy, Bearl Clay, Henry McCoy, Buck Clay, and Nat McCoy.
Internment was in the Winn Hill Cemetery,
under the direction of Morrison Funeral Home.
Brother of Jeremiah Doughtry Caddel (obituary below)
Notes on Jeremia D. Caddel
Will Hill Cemetery, Jacksboro, Jack Co., TX
Jeremiah Doughty Caddel
J. D. Caddell was killed at Petersburg on June 17,
1864. Struck by a shell the pieces of which lodged in his right eye, breast, and groin.
Death was instantaneous. Thus passed one of our best soldiers. Peace be to his ashes.
"May no vile yankee ever be permitted to trample upon the hollowed ground under which
he is buried."
- Copied from a soldier's Civil War diary by W. M.
Caddell. Original in possession of Mr. Hamilton Caddell.) Note: Jeremiah (D.) Caddell enlisted with The Navarro Rifles which became a part of Hood's Brigade, served in
Winkler's unit.
Donated by Jean Caddel
Added 4/30/1998
Co. I, 4th Texas CSA (short biography)
Jeremiah was the brother of Joseph Doughty Caddell. Their father was Andrew Caddel who fought at San Jacinto with Sam
Houston. He married Rhonda Doughty. They had the following sons: John Calvin, Jeremiah Doughty, William James, Andrew Bell, Anthony Bain, Joseph Doughty,
Thomas Newton (died as young man in 1856), Robert Joseph, and Richard Marion. All living sons fought for Texas in the Civil War. Andrew Caddel and my ggg
grandfather were brothers.
Information from Dale Richardson of Kerrville, TX
Viola (Castellaw) Price

Jan 23, 1869 - Oct 1, 1912
Mrs Viola Castellaw Persons Price
After a long and lingering illness , Mrs. Viola
Price departed this life October 1, 1912, aged 43 years, seven months and seven days. She is
survived by seven children, two by her first marriage and five by her last marriage. Her
first two children are married, being Mrs. Lee Jergins (Alice "Allie" Irene Persons)
of Powell, Texas , and Mrs. Luther
Rhoden of Corsicana. Six brothers and three sisters also survive her,
being Mr. J. T.
Castellaw of Barry, Mr G. F Castellaw ,Mr. J. R. Castellaw, Mr. H. H.
Castellaw, Mr. D. F.
Castellaw, Mrs. M. T. Smith, Mrs. J. R. Bristow, all of Corsicana, and Mr. K. S.
Castellaw of
Dallas and Mrs. M. A. Arnold of Mansfield.
George Washington Lafayette

Jan 3, 1836 - Jun 18, 1915
18 June 1915
On the morning of the 18th of June about 8 o'clock the soul of G. W. L. Baker was called to
leave this world. He had been afflicted for many months and was so feeble that he was not
able to even walk around in his yard, but he bore his affliction with patience, never
murmuring, but even trying to be cheerful and seemed to enjoy the company of his friends.
He was born in Mississippi and moved to Texas in boyhood, where he spent the remainder of
his long life, widely known and respected by all who knew him. He served as a soldier in
the war between the stated and was as a soldier, true and faithful just as in all other
walks of life. He was a kind, charitable neighbor, a good, indulgent father and husband
and an honest, upright, law-abiding citizen. He ever sought, as long as he was able, to
make one feel at home when visiting him. He left an aged and afflicted wife, three sons,
Thomas Baker of Dresden, Joe and Ira Baker of the Pansy community, and three daughters,
Mrs. Olive Tadlock of Purdon, Mrs. May Eley and Mrs. Lida Farmer of Pansy. All his
children were present at his bedside when he was called to go. He was 79 years, 5 months
and some days old. Truly a long life which had been spent in honest toil, charitable deeds
and in providing well for his family. He had never made a public profession of faith in
Christ, but those who were around him the last few weeks of his life believe that he was
prepared to meet his God.
He was gently laid away in the Campbell cemetery
(should be Marshall Cemetery, see notes) in the presence of a large circle of friends and relatives. Rev. Moore conducted the
funeral services. Our aged friend will be greatly missed, missed by his sorrowing wife and
children, missed by all who knew him. But let us all strive to live an honest, upright,
industrious life, as he did.
Written by his friend, MARY C. WILLLIAMS
Passed Away After Many Months of Feeble Health.
G. W. L. Baker, commonly called “Fate” Baker, died at his home in the Pansy
community yesterday at the advanced age of 80 years, and the remains were
interred in the Campbell cemetery
this afternoon.
Surviving the deceased are his widow and six children. The children are Tom
Baker, Joe Baker, Ira Baker, Mrs. Ealy and Mrs. Joe Farmer, all of Pansy, and
Mrs. Tom Tadlock of Purdon.
Mary Elizabeth
Aug 13, 1848 - May 4, 1920
4 May 1920
In Loving Memory of Mrs. M. E. Baker. On the morning of May the fourth at 5 o'clock the
death angel knocked at the door of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farmer and took from them their
beloved mother. All was done for them that loving hands could do, but God saw fit to take
To know her was to love her. The writer knew her from childhood many happy hours have I
spent with her. She was always ready to wait on the sick and to help in any way she could
to relieve their suffering and to help those who were in need and distress. Oh, it was
pleasure to be with her for she was always cheerful and trying to make everyone happy
around her. Poor thing suffering seven long years, she bore her affliction with patience;
never grumbled or complained and always cheerful until she got so bad, then she would say
May let's go home. Weep not dear children for your mother is at rest. God saw fit to
relieve her from her suffering and pain and give her new life and make her see, as she was
blind in this world, but God took her to see Heaven. You know heaven is being filled dear
children and she was the next to go. She was ready and your loss is heaven's gain. You
live the life your mother did and some day you will meet her where dear ones never part,
where there will be no sad parting, no sorrow or pain, no tear drops to be shed. She has
gone away many a time and come back, but she will never come back to this sinful world any
more, but children go to her. See how time is passing, see the many hours you can put in
God's service in which you can prepare yourself to meet your dear mother for He will come
after us all as he did dear mother and is sure to come sooner or later. Try to be ready
when He calls. God bless you all in this sad hour with comfort May you all try to be
submissive to his will.
She was laid to rest by the side of her dear
husband who passed on before seven years ago. She has left behind her six grown children
and lots of relatives and friends to mourn her death. The children are Mr. Joe, Ira, Tomie
Baker, Mrs. Joe Farmer, Mrs. Charley Ealy, Mrs. Tom Tadlock.
The funeral services were held at the
cemetery conducted by Rev. Hux of Barry. A large procession paid their last sad regrets
and many beautiful flowers covered her resting place. Weep not, dear children, walk the
path your mother did and some day you will meet her in that bright and beautiful home
where there will be no sad partings or tears to be shed.
(Wingfield) Wallace-Marshall 
Jan 30, 1818 - Feb 14, 1913
The following appeared in the Dallas News
Corsicana, Texas, Feb 22nd 1913
In the death of Mrs. Elvira Marshall there passed
away a noble woman, who had a most remarkable experience. She was born in the Northwestern
Territory, now Illinois, January 18th 1818, died in Navarro County, Texas, February 14th
1913, at the age of 95 years and 27 days.
At the time of her birth Illinois was a Territory,
but became a state later in the year of her birth, thus at the age of one year she had
lived under two governments, at that time Illinois was a New Far Western State when four
years of age. In 1822 with her parents she moved to Grimes County, Texas. They were a part
of Stephen F. Austin's Colony that the President of Mexico gave permission to settle 300
families. The same year Spain granted Mexico her Independence as A Republic. With the
settling of this colony commenced the uneasing conflict with Mexico and
Indians, and with this courageous band of Patriots she shared the perils, thrilling
experiences and hardships incedented to the life of a Pioneer.
She was 18 years old when Gen. Sam Houston, with
700 men, fought the decisive battle of San Jacinto, defeating Gen. Santa Anna's Army of
1800 Mexicans, which gave Texas her Independence. Thus in the spring time of her life she
experienced the changes of Texas as a Mexican State to Texas as a Republic. During these
years she and her family were associate with the founders and heroes of Texas, and it was
interesting to hear her relate experiences.
Let us consider what wonderful inventions have
occurred during her life. She was 1 year of age when the first steamship crossed the
ocean, that honor belongs to the United States--the ship sailed from Savannah, Ga. to
London, in 1819. She was 9 years of age before matches were invented. Eleven years of age
before there was a mile of railroad in the United States. Twenty six years of age when
Morse, the inventor, sent the first telegraphic message from Washington, D.C. to
Baltimore, announcing the nomination of Henry Clay for president of the United States. She
was 40 years of age when the postage on a letter was 40 cents from New York to San
Thus we see the progress and wonderful changes
wrought during the life of this gentle modest Christian woman, and what an interesting
experience, along with the development of a New Country.
Her husband Joseph T. Marshall, died in 1892, at
77 years of age. They reared a family of the best type of American Citizenship, who stand
for, and are a part of the progressive and enlightened government of today. Mrs. Marshall
first lived under the flag of Northwestern Territory; second, under the flag of Illinois;
third, under the flag of the Mexican State of Texas; fourth, under the flag of the
Republic of Texas, from 1845 to 1881; fifth, under the flag of the State of Texas in the
Southern Confederacy; sixth, back in the United States in the ever bright and brilliant
Lone Star State, where for nearly half a century under the reign protection of a peaceful
prosperous government she with her loved ones has lived, wielding an influence for good,
inspiring her children, grand-children, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren
to become law abiding Christian Citizens, standing for the higher life and development of
our country.
Geo. T. Jester,
Corsicana, Texas
- Submitters note: Elviira was originally a WINGFIELD who first married Caleb
WALLACE, one of the "Old 300" in Austin's Colony. Joseph T. MARSHALL was her
second husband.
- Submitted by Brenda Baker-Jackson
Marshall Cemetery, Corbet,
Navarro Co., TX
- Added 5/9/1998
George Elbert

Mar 26, 1843 - Mar 4, 1914 It was 3:30 o'clock, March 4, 1914, when the
loving wife and affectionate children, the dear brother and the host of friends from thesurrounding county were called to witness the departure from this earth the beloved
husband, father, brother and friend, Mr. G. E. Moore of Emmett. The All Wise having spared this truly great
character for three score years and Even - why should we mourn the loss of a tender
companion, a kind teacher, a brother indeed and faithful friend? Because kind Providence
gave us this untiring Christian example and influence, his undoubted honesty and
integrity, his care and devotion to the sick.
We should view this long and useful career and his
passage to a better world as one of the boons of nature.
He was truly a son of the south. He loved the principles of the Southern flag under whose
banner he marched four long years, being engaged in a dozen of the fiercest battles of the
Civil War, viz., Gettysburg, Chicamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ft. Donnelson, etc. Not only
was he four years a true soldier of the lost cause, but for fifty (50) years he had
trusted and been a soldier of the cross and attended to his Master's business.
He was born in Alabama in 1843, moved to
Tennessee, thence to Texas in 1871, living one year at Old Raleigh, thence to Drane
several years, thence to Emmett where he lived a quarter of a century. He and his now
bereaved wife were blessed with seeing all their sons and daughters live to be grown,
married and settled down, viz., J. M. Moore of Hubbard City, Lula Wilkinson of Abeline,
Bettie Thomason of Haskell, W. P. Moore of Emmett, Alice, a daughter deceased; L. Moore of
Our subject leaves one brother, Mr. B. L. Moore of
Emmett, who is far past the meridian mark, but yet enjoys active life.
For a score of years the writer has known this
family [?]energatic Christian characters and can well say he never knew a better people.
"May green be the turf about thee, Friend of
our better days; We knew him but to love him."
To his bereaved wife and precious children and
loved brother, we charge you not to grieve, or this noble spirit is now resting in the
sweet land of paradise where the angels and Jesus are gathered to welcome him there, and
it seems I see him beckon and say "Loved one, wife, children, brother and friends, be
reconciled and grieve not for me. I am now entered into the joys of my Lord whom I trusted
the many years there and he said come up higher where there's no more heartaches nor pains
no sadness nor griefs nor sorrows, no more parting nor death. While with you, I fought a
good fight, I finished my course, I kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day; and
not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
General Milledge Hannibal, General
Aug 17, 1847 - Aug 31, 1945

Funeral Services for Gen. Woolf to be Held
Last Remaining Confederate Veteran in County Died Friday.
With his wish to live to see the defeat of Hitler fulfilled, General Milledge Hannibal
Woolf, 98, last Confederate veteran in Navarro County died Friday Morning. A familiar
figure on the streets of Corsicana, and active until a short time before his death, he was
well known to hundreds of local citizens. The veteran, his mind alert to the last, enjoyed
discussing past and present events with his friends
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon
Funeral Chapel Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors are a number of nieces and nephews.
Native of Florida
Born on Aug 17, 1847, In Monticello, county seat
of Jefferson county Florida, Woolf was one of 12 children. His early life was spent on a
300-acre plantation worked with slaves. In 1864, the 17-year old Florida plantation lad
joined the Confederate army and served 12 months with the Second Florida Infantry
Reserves, Co. E. Most of his fighting experience was in skirmishes in the Gulf of Mexico
area and the one big battle in which he fought occurred March 6, 1865, the Natural Bridge
No Normal Schooling
After the war, he returned to his mother's home at
Monticello, the home which was taken up from a grant of the government. He had no formal
schooling, other than what his mother taught him and what he learned himself. "I
learned to read the newspaper in 1887," he once said. There was state prohibition and
not much interest and talk about it I decided I had to learn to read to keep up"
In October 1869, the war veteran came to Navarro
county, where he made his home since. Only two stores were in existence in Corsicana then,
he often recalled. One was owned by Uncle Jimmy Kerr and the other by Uncle Billy Melton.
The second courthouse, a small one-story brick structure, was established when he came
Wanted See Hitler Downfall
General Woolf told a Daily Sun reporter on his
95th birthday that he hoped to live to see the end of the war and the downfall of Hitler.
He often carried on an animated conversation about the war with soldiers and aviation
cadets on the streets of Corsicana. He was named commander of the Texas Division, United
Confederate Veterans in 1943 at the 3rd annual reunion held at Camp Ben McCulloch.
Corsicana Daily Sun
- Fri., Aug 31, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- Cemetery records shows: Milledg Henielal Woolf b. 17 Aug 1847 - Jefferson Co. Monticello,
Florida, Service Wiley Barwick Capt. Second Florida Infantry, Reserve Company E
- Added 9/10/1997
- Clipping with picture copied in Navarro Leaves & Branches
August 1992
Funeral services for M. H. Woolf, aged 98 years, last surviving Confederate
Veteran in Navarro county, who died early Friday at the P. and S. Hospital, were
held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in accordance with his wishes and request.
Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The veteran had requested his friends, Richard Mays and Perry McCammon, speak at
his funeral rites. Illness prevented Mr. Mays’ participating and McCammon made
an address. A resolution from the United Daughters of the Confederacy was read.
Pallbearers were Wiley Robinson, Alva Taylor, R. P. Bates, W. J. King, T. J.
Walton, and W. M. Davidson. Honorary pallbearers were members of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy.
A familiar figure on the Corsicana streets for many years, General Woolf saw his
expressed wish fulfilled - that he might live to see the defeat of Hitler.
Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews.
Navarro county’s only remaining Confederate Veteran, Lieutenant General Milledge
Hannibal Woolf, recalled much of the colorful history of the Old South, Texas
and Navarro county, as he was interviewed this week on the occasion of his 95th
Still active in mind and body, Lt. Gen. Wolf told an interesting and unusually
accurate account of his early life and participation in the war between the
States. Born on August 17, 1847, in Monticello, county seat of Jefferson county,
Florida, one of 12 children. Woolf’s early life was spent on a plantation. His
boyhood was that of the typical farm boy, he narrated, on a 300-acre plantation
worked with slaves.
Joined Confederate Army.
In 1864 Woolf, who was 17 years old, joined the Confederate Army and served 12
months with the Second Florida Infantry Reserves, Co. E.. Most of his fighting
experience was in skirmishes in the Golf of Mexico area, but he emphasized, his
company emerged victorious in all skirmishes. The one big battle in which he
fought was in the Natural Bridge Battle on March 6, 1865.
Here the old soldier digressed from his own story to give a historical sketch
which he says few people know. According to Woolf the last shot of the war was
fired on Texas Soil, May 13, 1865 at Palmito Ranch, under General J. E.
After the war he returned to his mother’s home at Monticello, the home which was
taken up from a grant of the government. Speaking briefly concerning his
ancestors, the Southerner said his parents and grandparents came to Florida from
Georgia and South Carolina.
No Schools After War.
When questioned about schooling, Woolf said he never had any except what his
mother taught him and what he learned himself. Before the war all schools were
paid schools and when these were destroyed after the war, there were no schools
until the free ones were established. “I learned to read the newspaper in 1887,”
he told the reporter. “There was state prohibition and so much interest and talk
about it I decided I had to learn to read to keep up.”
In October 1859 the war veteran came to Navarro county, Texas, where he made his
home since. He found a heavily wooded area of post oaks and a different country
from the one we know today. His account of the great blizzard which a few
old-timers will remember was interesting. He and his brother were working in a
wooded section on a warm day, when the blizzard suddenly struck in the form of a
blue norther. “We had to cross a clearing of about a half mile,” he related,
“and were both nearly frozen by the time we reached shelter. Blizzards were
fairly common until the earthquake at San Francisco and, although no one has
explained it, there have been none since.”
Negro Soldiers On Guard.
One incident stood out in Lt. Gen. Woolf’s review of Texas politics. In 1872,
the year Texas was readmitted to the union, an election was called to vote the
state ticker, he reported. All voting had to be done at the county seat and E.
J. Davis, “carpetbagger” governor was in Corsicana with a company of negro
soldiers to keep order. Every voter had to walk between a double column of the
negro soldiers, each one holding a bayonet, to vote. Colonel R. Q. Mills, who
was running for his first term in Congress, stood on a goods box not 30 feet
from the “scalawag” governor, Woolf recalled, and abused the governor heartily.
Every man had on his six-shooter and the governor took the abuse. Ben Wimberly
and Woolf are the only two men alive who were present for the election which
voted down martial law.
Only Two Stores Here.
Only two stores were in existence in Corsicana when Woolf came to Texas, one
owned by Uncle Jimmy Kerr and the other by Uncle Billy Melton. The second
courthouse, a small one-story brick structure, was established when he came
Many and varied were the tales the Veteran could tell with an amazing accuracy
as to dates and names. Concluding his interesting interview, Lt. Gen. Woolf said
he hoped to live to see the end of this war and the downfall of Hitler.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Taylor honored him on his birthday with a dinner at which
time a cake beautifully decorated with 95 candles was presented to him. Members
of the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy surprised him
with an informal party and individual gifts. Lt. Gen. Woolf comes to town daily
and may often be seen in animated conversation with soldiers and aviation cadets
of the present war.
Gen. M. H. Woolf To Attend U. C. V. Reunion August
Gen. M. H. Woolf, commander of the Texas Division, United Confederate Veterans,
who is one of only 50 former members of the Confederate Army in the State of
Texas, will attend the joint reunion of the Texas Division and Camp Ben
McCulloch, which will be held at Ben McCulloch Camp Grounds near Driftwood, Hays
County, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Thursday, the second day of the reunion, will be known as Confederate Day, and
will be the only day of interest to Confederate.
Gen. Woolf will preside for a business meeting, at which time the annual
election of officers will be held.
Lt. Gov. John Lee Smith has been announced as speaker for the occasion.
In addition to being one of 50 Confederates in Texas, Gen. Woolf is one of 300
Confederate in the world - all of them over 95 years of age.
Ralph Marvin Beeman

Apr 19, 1906 - Dec 14, 1924
"Ralph Beeman, age 18 years, son of J. Walter
Beeman who lives on the Drane Pike one mile west of the Orphans Homes [sic] died at the
County Hospital at 9:30 last night as the result of internal injuries sustained at 11:30
Saturday night when the Ford auto he and his brother, Earl Beeman, were driving collided
with a truck loaded with lumber on West Second Avenue, near the home of W. B. Gray.
"Immediately after the accident the young man was removed to the County Hospital and
all that could be done was of no avail in deferring the coming of the death messenger.
"Earl, his brother, escaped with a few scratches, but their Ford was demolished.
"The funeral services were held at the family home at 2:30 this afternoon, and
interment followed in Oakwood Cemetery."
Corsicana Daily Sun, Dec 15, 1924
Donated by: Gary Richards
Added 5/29/1998
Funeral Yesterday largely Attended.
The funeral procession that followed the late Ralph Beeman to his
last resting place in Oakwood Cemetery, yesterday afternoon was one
of the larges seen here in many months, the procession being near
one and a half miles length.
The last sad rites at the home and at the grave were conducted by
Rev. L. C. Howell of Corsicana, and Rev. W. T. Allmon of Dawson, and
the following acted as pall bearers:
Active: Irvin Jordan, Polk Frost, Jack Powell, Jim Burkhalter,
Norbet Crow and Herbert Spurlock.
Honorary: C. E. Lane, Will Stone, Jim Taylor, W. H. Crow, F. P.
McQuiston, Tom Garner, John Young, Albert Young, Edgar Young, Ralph
Bell, Chas. Jester and Sam Butler.
There was a profusion of beautiful floral offerings, and the large
throng in attendance were all in deep sympathy with the bereaved
parents in their great sorrow.
J. Frank Quarles

Dec 8, 1860 - Apr 29, 1924
in Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. [Madison Marvin] White
returned from Dallas this morning where they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law,
J. F.[rank] Quarrels [sic; should be "Quarles"], aged 63, who died at his home
there Tuesday afternoon after a long illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. "The deceased was a former resident of Corsicana and was well
known here.
- April 1924 probably a Corsicana newspaper; date uncertain
- Donated by: Gary Richards
- Laurel Land Memorial Park, Dallas,
Dallas Co., TX
- h/o Lou Emma Quarles
Alexander Stroder

Oct 17, 1834 - Sep 19, 1903
"Uncle Alex Stroder
"The subject of this sketch was born October
17th, 1834. United with the Primitive Baptist church Saturday before the third Sunday in
June, 1866, and was baptized by Elder L. G. Neal. Ordained to the office of deacon in
June, 1899. Died September 19, 1903.
"That sad and solemn day, which we were so
loth to see, has come at last, and dear old Uncle Alec Stroder has gone the way of all the
earth ... We laid him to rest in the Hopewell cemetery, by the side of his beloved
companion and little child, whose departure from this world man him a man of sorrow, and
acquainted with grief.
"Great is our loss ..."
"Written by request"
- Donated by: Gary Richards, great-great-grandson
- Added 5/29/1998
- September 1903 - probably a Corsicana
newspaper; date uncertain
** another obituary
Alexander Stroder, the subject of this article,
was born in Adams county, Ill., October 17, 1834, moved to Texas with his parents in 1852,
stopped in Freestone county one year, then moved to Navarro county and settled near where
the present postoffice of Re is situated. Friend Stroder was happily married to Miss
Catherine W.[est] Rankin on the 19th day of January, 1865. There were born to them ten
children, nine of whom survive him, six sons and three daughters.
Friend Stroder had been in bad health for several
years, and rarely ever left home except to attend his church meetings, which he never
failed to do. About the 12th of September he had an attack of malarial fever, that, in
connection with his other afflictions, resulted in his death on the morning of the 19th of
September, 1903. His companion preceded him several years to her home beyond this vale of
The writer has been personally acquainted with
deceased since the winter of 1861, when he first met him at Velasco in Company E,
Thirteenth Texas Infantry, C. S. A., Capt. Melton's company, Bates' regiment. We served a
short time together, when the army was reorganized, Capt. C[linton] Fouty organizing a
company for active service. Friend Stroder enlisted in Fouty's company and went into
active service in the trans-Mississippi department, while the writer remained at the mouth
of the Brazos river.
Just after the war the writer moved into the
community where the deceased lived, and has been personally and intimately acquainted with
him since. It is a custom to eulogize the dead, but in all sincerity the writer of this
article don't [sic] think he ever knew a better man. He was a devout Christian, a good
citizen, a kin and obliging neighbor, an affectionate husband and father, has raised a
large family of children, who are an honor to him and society. He was laid to rest in the
Hopewell cemetery on September 20th, in the
presence of a large assembly of sorrowing friends
and neighbors. His aged sister, a widow, Mrs. Furlough [Mary (Stroder) Parrack Furlow],
who had lived with him for a number of years, is the only surviving member of their
father's family. His sister and all his children and several grandchildren were present at
the funeral. Mrs. Elizabeth Grace [sic; should be Goree] of Sugden, I.[ndian]
T.[erritory], arrived just in time to view the remains of her affectionate father.
Brother Stroder was a consistent member of the
Primitive Baptist church; in fact, as a member of that church remarked to the writer, he
was the pillar of their church organization of Antioch church. He was a man with a host of
friends, and few if any, enemies. In the death of our old Friend Stroder the country has
lost a good citizen, the neighborhood a kind and obliging neighbor, his sister a loving
brother, and his children an affectionate father.
A long chapter could be written on the merits of
this good man, but the writer feels his inability to do justice to the subject, and we
hope this short article will give some idea of the esteem in which he was held by his
friends and neighbors.
- Donated by: Gary Richards,,
great-great-grandson - Added 7/5/98
Hopewell Cemetery, Navarro Co., TX
- Married Catherine West Rankin on 19
January 1865 in Navarro Co., TX
Mary Elizabeth
(Bressie) Boyd

Sep 26, 1847 - Dec 17, 1916
"Mrs. Blair Boyd of Navarro Passed Away
Yesterday "Mrs. Blair Boyd, aged 69 years, of Navarro, died yesterday afternoon after
a long illness. The deceased has lived in this county for nearly 50 years and was well
known. She is survived by her husband [Hugh Blair Boyd], [son] George W.[esley] Boyd of
this city, county tax assessor; James Boyd of Navarro, Mrs. Tom Fouty [Rosa Maggard (Boyd)
Fouty] of Navarro and Miss Tensie Boyd of Navarro.
"The remains were buried this afternoon in
Hopewell Cemetery, Rev. R. C. A. Ashcroft officating."
- Donated by: Gary Richards, great-great-grandson
- The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, Dec 28, 1916
Melissa Jane (Beeman) Young

Dec 25, 1844 - Oct 13, 1907
Sister Melissa Young (Beeman) was born in Baron
County, Ill., Dec. 25, 1843. At the age of 28 years she married to William Young. To this
happy couple was born four children, one having died in infancy. Her husband passed to his
reward about twenty years ago, leaving Sister Young a widow with three orphan children to
care for and train up in the way they should go. She was able for the task, being more
than an ordinary woman. She possessed a great mind and having high ambitions she met
life's responsibility to the credit of her good name. Her devotion to her family and the
church knew no bounds, and qualified her not only for a mother, but a great mother. To
know her children is to knew her home life was right with God. Sister Young was one of the
greatest women I ever knew. Her prayers had been answered. All of her chldren are
religious and members of the M.[ethodist] E.[piscopal] Church, South, the church that she
joined when a girl. In a visit to her home just before her death she said, I thank God my
dear children have never caused me a real heart-ache. My last days are my happiest. Her
home was a preacher's home, and when you had gone you not only felt you had visited a
great woman but that you had been in the presence of a saint.
Sister young joined the church when a girl. Her
devotion to the cause of Christ, her Lord, was always marked with fervor. Her place in the
church was that of a mother of Israel.
Three dear children [Thomas Edgar Young, Joseph
Albert Young, and Loualla (Young) Hamilton], mother [Sarah Ann (Wantland) Beeman] and two
sisters [Rachel Emily (Beeman) White and Sarah Ann 'sade' (Beeman) Redden] are left to
mourn her loss. You cannot call her back but you know where to look for her. She is not
daed, but asleep in Jesus. Resting from her labors, but her works will follow her.
"The wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament forever." Her sickness
was but of a few days. She passed to her reward from her home near Pleasant Grove church
Sunday, October 13, 1907, and was laid to rest in the
Hamilton cemetery to await the
coming of her loved ones.
W. Vinsant
- Donated by: Gary Richards
- probably a Corsicana newspaper; date uncertain
Sadia (Love) Rakestraw

Feb 28, 1880 - Oct 22, 1921
Well Known Navarro County Resident Died Suddenly
Mrs. Sadia [nee Love] Rakestraw, aged 42 years,
wife of [George] Albert
Rakestraw of Grape Creek, and mother of six
chidlren, all girls, ranging in age from six to eighteen years, died Saturday night
[October 22, 1921] after a few days' illness and was laid to rest in the
Grape Creek
cemetery yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The death of this good woman has brought sorrow
throughout the whole community in which she, with her family, have lived for many years at
the old Capt. Rakestraw home place in the southern part of the county, the old colonial
home being a landmark in this section of Central Texas.
The deceased was taken suddenly ill and lingered
for only a short time, when her spirit was called to the great beyond. The funeral
services were held at the Grape Creek church, with Rev. F. M. Noe, the paster officiating,
and appropriate music was rendered by friends from Corsicana, consisting of Mrs. P. C.
Townsend, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Mrs. Sam Spikes, Edgar Metcalf and Jack Haslam.
The service was very impressive, and as Rev. Mr.
Noe told of the many good traits of the deceased, both in her home and community and in
church work, there was scarcely a dry eye in the audience. The deceased was a prominent
worker and official in the church and its auxiliaries, and was active in all affairs for
the general welfare of her community and its people, and her fine womanly character and
lovable disposition had won for her many good friends who are grieving over this good
woman being called away. The deceased leaves a husband and six girls, Pauline, Allyne,
Elizabeth, Maggie Louise, Rodie Lane and Leah, together with four sisters and two
brothers, Mrs. Emma Jackson of Angus, Mrs. Willie Seay of Fort Worth. Mrs. Jim Brickell of
Dallas, Mrs. Maggie Smith of Dallas, and Mr. John Hays of Fort Worth and Mr. Joe Hays of
The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful,
attesting in a degree the esteem and love in which the deceased one was held by those who
knew her best.
- Donated by: Gary Richards
- Married George Albert Rakestraw, Jr. 12
October 1897 in Navarro Co., TX; Vol X- #303
- George Albert Rakestraw b. 9 April 1875 -
d 24 September 1931
- bur. Grape
Creek Cemetery
- October 1921 - probably a
Corsicana newspaper; date uncertain
Catherine West (Rankin) Stroder

Jul 6, 1843 - Feb 2, 1892
"Died at her home, near Hopewell church,
Navarro county, February 2nd., 1892, of LaGrippe, Mrs. Catherine Stroder.
"The subject of this sketch was born in the
State of Missouri, July 6th., 1843.
"With her father, the late John Rankin, she
came to Texas before the war, and settled in this county, in the Eureka neighborhood. Her
mother having died before, she being the eldest child, assisted her father in the raising
the family of younger brothers; bringing to this trying station a patience and ability
equaled by few in one so young.
"On June 19th, 1865, she married A.[lexander]
Stroder, with whom she lived happily over twenty-seven years. To them ten children were
born. One died in infancy; nine survive, five of whom are grown.
"In 1864 she joined the Methodist church, and
by her pious walk and practice of the Christian graces for over a quarter of a century,
gave evidence to the world of her faith in redemption through the gospel of the Lord Jesus
"In the death of this good woman the church
has lost an active member; the community a model neighbor; the sick and afflicted had in
her a friend, and the distressed a warm symfathizer [sic].
"To the husband, bereft of his companion, who
shared the joys and the burdens of life, and the children of the love and care of a
mother, we command to the grace of Him, who 'Tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, and hears
the young ravens cry' in this their home of affliction, and may His grace and spirit
gratify each of their wants to make the needed preparation; that when they too shall be
called to go, they can go to her."
Hopewell Cemetery
- Married Alexander Stroder on 19 January
1865 in Navarro Co., TX
- Donated by: Gary
Richards, great-great-grandson - Added 5/29/98
- February
1892 probably a Corsicana newspaper; date uncertain
John Tapley "Tap" Redden

abt 1850 - Jun 11, 1924
T.J. (Tap) Redden, aged 74 years, and a resident
of Corsicana and Navarro county for near sixty years, died at 5 o'clock yesterday
afternoon after many months of ill health, and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this
afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. J. A. Sanders officiated, and the pall bearers were:
Active -- Nate Goodman, Dude Ransom, Bell White, F. M. Allison, Gus Young and Bob Johnson.
Honorary--C. C. Walton, T. P. Little, S. J.
Rogers, Donald Smith, Mr. Pruett, Bert Montgomery, G. B. Wallace, Jerry Robinson, John
Young, John Gainer, J. D. Hamilton, Chas. Bee, Jas. Robinson, P. M. Lea, Dr. I. N. Suttle,
E. W. Johnson and John Stewart. The deceased is survived by his wife [Sarah Ann 'sade'
(Beeman) Redden] and five children, C.[harles] W.[esley] Redden, John Redden, James
Redden, O.[scar] E. Redden and Mrs. Andy [Lila (Redden)] Autry; a sister, Mrs. W. W.
Clopton, and three brothers, James Redden, Corsicana; Dick Redden, Waco, and Annie [sic]
Redden of Terrell. D. C. Redden of Corsicana and Harvey Redden of Dallas are cousins.
The funeral was largely attended this afternoon,
and there were many beautiful floral tributes. The deceased was a quiet and retiring
citizen, and among those who knew him he had many warm friends, with whom his memory will
linger during their lives.
- Married Sarah Ann Beeman on Mar 18, 1876
in Navarro Co., TX
- Sarah Dec 21, 1855 - Mar 3, 1946,
daughter of William Harvey & Sarah Ann (Wantland) Beeman
- A Corsicana
newspaper; June 12, 1924
- Donated by: Gary Richards
- Added 5/29/1998
Sarah Ann (Wantland) Beeman

Mar 16, 1825 - Feb 4, 1914
Exhorter Tells of Life of Mrs. Beeman, Who Died
Mr. Editor:
Do you know that there are many noted characters
amoung the 6400 readers of my sermonettes. It is a misfortune that so much valuable
history has been unknown to many of us in Navarro county. It is spoken in the Bible,
"A great man of Israel hath fallen," which would be applicable to Grandma
Beeman, who died yesterday on West Seventh avenue in our city at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. S.[arah] A.[nn] Redden and husband [John Tapley Redden]. She was 92 years old. She
was born in Tennessee in 1825; she and her husband [William Harvey Beeman] came to Texas
in 1845 and lived in a tent one year on Red river. Rev. Andrew Davis, father of Mrs. Trav
Brooks, when only 17 years of age, was circuit rider in the Southern Methodist church at
that time. He rode up to their tent with the usual saddle bags of an itenerant preacher
and said, "Who do you suppose I am?" He said, "Well, you look like a
Methodist circuit rider." The boy preacher answered, "You are a good
judge." "Get down and come in and make yourself at home." That night in the
tent he preached and opened the doors of the church and Brother and Sister Beeman and her
father [Marshall Wantland] and mother [Rachel (Wadlow) Wantland] joined, and two sisters.
The next year, 1846, they moved to Navarro county, therefore she has been in the county 68
years. She was a member of the Methodist church 79 [sic] years and held her membership at
Pleasant Grove.
Rev. K. S. Vansant, her pastor, and Rev. F. A.
Smith, presiding elder, conducted the funeral service, assisted by myself by request. She
had been afflicted and a shut-in for many years. She was buried at the old family grave
yard, Hamilton cemetery. They had eight children, four boys and four girls. Mrs. R.[achel]
E.[mily] White and Mrs. S.[arah] A.[nn] Redden are still lving. There are 32
grandchildren, representing five generations. This family was noted for their abundant
hospitality. At an early day Bro. Beeman, the husband, would cut and haul cedar poles to
make a brush arbor for the camp meetings, which took the name of the Beeman camp ground.
Days before hand great preparations were made,
cooking bread, cakes, meats, etc. They kept what is now called open house, a stranger was
as welcome as a friend. Often at these meetings when people were converted she would shout
aloud. She was a very strong character and let her light shine in every phase of life.
Brother and Sister Beeman came here at such an early day that they saw wild buffalo feeding
where Beaton street now is. Bro. Beeman hewed out the logs that built the first
courthouse in town.
The broad-ax that he used is still preserved and
in Hill county. I will say right here it would be well to procure this relic and put it in
a glass case and hang it in the county court room as a tribute to the honor of this
pioneer and souvenir to the county. To the Christian this present life is simply a
pilgrimage to a better country and a city whose builder and maker is God. Every day he
moves his tent nearer to his true home. Death is but a gate of life. Grandma is not a
stranger or foreigner in Heaven, but is one of the saints in the household of God. Blessed
are the dead which die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do
follow them. The battle done; the victory won; rest, warrior, workman, pilgrim, rest.
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
- Married William Harvey Beeman on 5
September 1840 in Illinois
- Probably a Corsicana newspaper; February 4, 1914
- Donated by: Gary
Richards, great-great-great grandson