Mary T. (Smith)
Feb 2, 1820 - Oct 10, 1903
Kerens Tribune, October 10, 1903
One by one the old landmarks of East Navarro are passing to their final reward
Mrs. Mary Sherrill, the aged mother of Messrs Robert, Charles and Claud Sherrill and Mrs Walter Smith,
quietly passed away last Saturday evening at the home of her son, Mr. Charles Sherrill, in North Kerens. She had been
in feeble health for a long time, but her condition did not become alarming until the night before her death.
Mrs Sherrill's maiden name was Smith. She was a native of Alabama and was 84 years old at the time of her death.
- Contributed by
Robert R. Jones, 2nd great-grandson of Mary T. Smith and husband David
Warren Sherrill
- I have her listed as Mary Gertrude Smith
(buried at the Jimmerson Cemetery,
Navarro co., TX.) Need verification ...elw
Rebecca (Ross)
Mar 24, 1821 - Jun 10, 1886
June 10, 1886
- Sister Rebecca Leonard, whose maiden name was Ross, was born in the State of Arkansas, March 24, 1821; moved to Texas in 1870, and died at
her son's, in Navarro county, Texas, June June [sic] 10, 1886. She embraced religion while young - was a member of the Methodist Church for
more than forty years. Her life was consistent, peaceful and tranquil. Disease seized upon her, and for several weeks an heir of suffering; but
she was only waiting and was willing to die. While musing along life's pathway the angels came and sang so sweetly that she caught a glimpse of
heaven; threw down mortality; left six children and a host of friends and relatives standing upon the shore weeping, and went up to join her
husband and child that had preceded her. Children, her footfall will no more be heard. You will never again listen at mother's sweet counsel;
but may the example she set while here speak to her children saying, follow thou me. May God's rich blessing rest upon the children and the
bereft. Children, meet you mother in heaven.
- Photo not part of original obituary
- Donated by
John C. Berry, Added 12-18-1997
- Wife of William M. Leonard
Pin Oak Cemetery, Richland, Navarro Co., TX
Rachel Minerva (Hammonds)

Mar 24, 1830 - Jul 29, 1886
July 1886
- Mrs. R. M. Sessions was born near Fort Smith, Ark., March 24, 1880 (Date
in error, born. abt 1842); moved with her father, Rev. John Hammonds, to Texas at the age of four years; professed religion and
joined the M. E. Church, South, at the age of 12 years; was married to (Isaac Boone) Sessions Sept. 21, 1853; died July 29, 1886. Sister
Sessions had been a great sufferer for quite a while, all of which she endured with Christian patience and fortitude, feeling that the
afflictions patiently borne in this life should work for her a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory at the right hand of God. Her
death was not unexpected, yet the whole of the Rice Community where she lived was deeply pained at her departure, as evidenced by the large
crowd of mourners that followed her to her last resting place. The writer being her pastor had frequent conversations with her in reference
to her departure and she always expressed herself as being perfectly resigned to the will of her Heavenly Father. She would gladly have
stayed to raise and educate her baby boy, Marvin, who is now at the University of Georgetown, if the good Lord had so ordered, but his will
was her will - feeling assured that if she left that part of her family which remained on earth she would join her husband and a great many
other loved ones at home. Sister Sessions was faithful in all departments of life: as a mother, gentle and kind; as a wife, true and
loving; as a member of the church, consistent and good; always walking worthy of the vocation wherewith she was called. She was always concerned for her children, and especially her youngest son for whom she
prayed to the last that God would keep him in the way of everlasting life. May God bless every member of her family and save them with their
mother in heaven. Our church at Rice has lost one of its faithful and good members, a mother truly in Israel. The community and church is
poorer by her having been called away, but heaven is richer, and we expect to meet her again, for she died as only the good can die, in full
triumphs of living faith in Christ and the resurrection.
- Donated by
John S. Davis - Added March 4, 1998
Rice Cemetery, Rice, Navarro Co., TX
- Photo not part of original obituary,
submitted to find-a-grave by Lee Sessions
Harriet Itasker (Caldwell)
Jul 3, 1851 - May 13, 1886
May 13, 1886
JOHNSON. - Harriet Itasker
Johnson, youngest child of Alfred and Catharine F. Caldwell, was born in Travis
county, Texas, July 3, 1851, and died of consumption at home, near Webberville,
May 13, 1886. She was married to W. J. Johnson, Dec. 7 1873; professed religion
and joined the M. E. Church, South, under the ministry of Rev. Erkenbrack, in
1870, and lived a consistent Christian until death. As she was dying, her
husband asked her if she had any word to leave. She said: 'Meet me in heaven,
and raise my children to meet me there. 'She also said: 'It is sweet to die and
this is rest.' Then sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. She leaves a husband, four
little children, a mother, two brothers and a sister. Farewell, dear daughter,
we hope to meet thee beyond the river, on Canaan's shore, where there is no more
sickness, pain or death, and where all tears will be wiped away for ever.
- Donated by
John C. Berry
- Added 12-18-1997
- Buried at Haynie Chapel Cemetery,
Garfield, Travis Co., TX
Mecca Orange, (McCandless) Lawrence

Mrs. J. T. Lawrence
Corsicana, Feb 18, (1924?)
Mrs. M. O. Lawrence of Dawson
Navarro County Woman Friend of Early Prominent Texans.
CORSICANA, Texas, Feb. 18.
Mrs. Mecca Orange Lawrence, 93 years old, died at her home four miles north of Dawson, Navarro County, Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in the family cemetery on the homestead.
Mrs. Lawrence was born in Tennessee in 1831 and came to Texas with her father, David McCandless, when a
child, and settled at the old Nashville settlement on Brazos River, in what is known as Milam County. Mrs. Lawrence's father was appointed Associate
Commissioner of the Board of Land Commissioners on December 19, 1837, and his appointment was signed by Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas. Among
the prominent men in the early history of Texas who were personal friends of Mrs. Lawrence were Sam Houston, Deaf Smith, George B. Erath, Big-Foot Wallace,
Gen. Walter P. Lane, Ben and Henry McCulloch, John McLennan and others.
In 1849 Miss McCandless was married to J. T. Lawrence, who died many years ago. The following children
survive: John, Billie, Jim and George Lawrence, Mrs. Fannie Sowell and Miss Carrie Lawrence of Dawson and Mrs. A. E. Savage of Hubbard. Many grandchildren
and great-grand-children survive. Mrs. W. B. Waddell of Corsicana is a granddaughter.
Mrs. Lawrence was in Navarro County when the Indians were troublesome. She often said she remembered Waco as
a small Indian Village. That she remembered the men passing her home on their way to a point west of the present town of Dawson to bury the victims who fell
in a fierce encounter with the Indians. That was in 1836.
Mrs. Lawrence was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, pioneers of Navarro County. She inherited her large
farm on Richland Creek from her father, who secured the land from the Government in the early days of Texas history. For sixty-five years or more she had been a
reader of The Dallas News and The Galveston News.
- Clipping from the Harlee
Collection, copied from "Papers Concerning Robertson's Colony in Texas vol
- Married Joseph Thompson Lawrence
on 25 October 1849 near Wheelock, Robertson Co., TX
Mrs. M. O. Lawrence Dead
Mrs. M. O. (Aunt Mack) Lawrence, the oldest resident of this entire section, died at her home north of town Wednesday morning at 2
o'clock. Her death was not a surprise, as her trouble, which was caused from complications setting up from a broken leg, which she received a few years ago,
was a serious one, and together with her extreme old age, it was known several days ago that she could not survive.
Mrs. Lawrence came to Texas in 1835, and settled in Robertson colony, now known as Robertson county, later moving to her present
home, and has lived there 68 years. She had reached the age of 93 years, 2 months and 18 days. She lived under six flags, the Stars and Stripes, the
Mexican flag, Republic flag, back under the Stars and Stripes, then the Confederate flag, then the Stars and Stripes of today.
Aunt Mack was a good woman, everybody knew her and loved her. She has many friends, not only in this vicinity, but throughout the State,
who are sincerely grieved by her passing away.
The funeral service will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at the family burying ground near her home, conducted by Revs. Johnson
of Hubbard, McKeown and Tyree of this place.
A more extended article concerning the life of this good woman will appear in our next issue.
Mrs. M. O. Lawrence
Mrs. M. O. Lawrence, who died at her home north of Dawson, Feb. 18, was one of the oldest, if not the oldest pioneer of Navarro county, she being 93 years, 2
months and 17 days old.
Mrs. Lawrence was truly an everyday Christian woman, and as long as it was possible for her to go she attended church at every opportunity. Within the past
few years many times she attended church even though she had to be carried by her sons and other loved ones. She was converted at a Camp meeting under a brush
arbor near Dresden in 1864, where she joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church, moving her membership shortly after to Liberty Hill, later to Spring Hill, were
she kept it until moving to Dawson, she being a member of Dawson church at the time of her death. Mrs. Lawrence has 39 grandchildren, 66 great-grandchildren,
and 6 great-great-grandchildren.
The following, written by the late E. O. Call, some 9 years ago, has been given us, and is said to be a correct history of the life of this great old lady:
Mrs. Lawrence was born in Tennessee in 1831, came to Texas with her father, Dave McCanless, and settled at the old Nashville settlement on the Brazos river in
what was termed Milam’s Colony. It was in this colony that Dave McCanless was chosen Associate Commissioner of the Board of Land Commissioners, and Mrs.
Lawrence has a commission made out to her father, dated Dec. 19, 1837, Houston, Texas, and signed by Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, in " this,
the second year of the Independence of said Republic." This unique document is yellowed with time, and the seal of the Republic is not plain, but the name of
Sam Houston appears in bold outline with the customary flourish below.
Rather incongruously, the commission states that "I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do appoint Dave McCanless to the office of Associate Land
Commissioner, to which he has been duly elected by the joint vote of both houses." These latter words are in the fine script of some clerk of the Republic
and suggests the unusualness of appointing a man to a position to which he had been elected.
In 1849 Miss McCanless married J. T. Lawrence, who was born in Tennessee, in 1825. Their children now living are John, Billie, Jim, George, Miss Carrie, Mrs.
A. E. Savage of Hubbard and Mrs. Fannie Sowell. Miss Carrie lives with her mother on Richland creek, four miles north of Dawson, on the old Dave McCanless
League of 2,000 acres, which Mrs. Lawrence inherited from her father and which she now owns.
"I knew Sam Houston well, in 1848," said Mrs. Lawrence in referring to early days in Texas.
"We were living at old Wheelock, where I heard him speak on
temperance. It was a great speech. Mr. Houston was a powerful man, very handsome and easy to approach; he readily made friends with everybody. Deaf Smith, George
B. Erath, Big-foot Wallace, General Walter P. Lane and Ben and Henry McCullough often visited our house."
"I also knew John McLennan, for whom McLennan county was named. At that time Waco was a small Indian village. I remember seeing the men pass our home on
their way to near Dawson in 1836 to bury the surveyors killed in a big battle with the Indians. As to Indian troubles, we had plenty of them. Everybody, women
as well as men, had to fight them, and they were as brave as the men.
Up on Little River at one time the men were all out scouting when some Indians came; they shot arrows with fire tips onto the roof, which soon began to burn.
The boys at the house climbed up through the loft and the women handed up buckets of milk, which was used to put out the fire. One old buck was looking
through a crack when one of the women punched him in the face with a burning stick. He just yelled and cursed in English and Spanish and said something in
Indian. I guess it was about the same he was saying in other languages."
Mrs. Lawrence particularly prized a faded slip of paper which is at once an account and a receipt for goods bought in Houston Jan. 21, 1838, by John
McCanless. Mr. McCanless bought 300 pounds of sugar at 40c a pound, making $120; 400 pounds of coffee at 70c a pound, $280; 150 yards of domestic at 30c a years,
$30; 150 years of calico at $1 a yard; making a total of $580, which is receipted in full by L. Edinburg &Co.
Wilburn Hill King - CSA General
Jun 10, 1839 - Oct 12, 1910
Ft Worth Record 10/13/1910 page 5
Sulphur Springs, Oct. 12 - Gen. W. H. King died at his home here this morning. He was appointed Adjutant Gen. by
Governor Roberts. Which position he held through the Roberts, Ireland & Ross administrations. His remains were carried today to Corsicana for interment.
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, TX. Note: His body was transported by train, and a large crowd of military service
personnel waited to pay their respects.
Burial of Gen. King.
The remains of the late Gen. W. H. King arrived here from Sulphur Springs last night at 10:48 and were met at the depot by a large number of
Masons and an escort of Confederate veterans from Camp Winkler, who accompanied them to the
residence of Scott Bagby on South Sixteenth street.
The funeral took place from Mr. Bagby's residence this morning at 9 o'clock., Rev. W. E.
Boggs, pastor of the First Methodist church, read the impressive funeral rites of his church
after which the Masons took charge interment being in
Oakwood cemetery. A
large procession followed the remains to their final abode, and there were many beautiful floral offerings.
A good and great man has gone to his reward and he will be missed from the walks of men, not only for his distinguished public services, but
for his many virtues and manly attributes as a private citizen, a true man and a lovable and loyal friend.

Sarah Laura (Melton) Caddel-Green
Oct 11, 1846 - Jun 10, 1920
O. M. Melton, Graham, Young Co., Tex.
"Grandma" Green was born in Sumpter County, Alabama, in 1840, moved with her parents to Mississippi, and in
1851 moved to Navarro County, Texas. She was married to J. D. Caddel in 1858, and to that union were born three children, Mrs. Mary McCoy, deceased; Mrs.
Fannie Clay and J. D. Caddel. Her first husband died in 1862. She afterward married S. Green. To this union were born four children, Ben Green, Viney (who
died at 8 years of age), Mrs. Lannie Newman and Mrs. Lena Durham. In 1877 they moved to Jack County, Texas, where she resided until her death, June 10, 1920.
She left five children, thirty four grandchildren, forty-five great-grandchildren, one brother, O. M. Melton, and a host of other relatives
and friends to mourn her death. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church for fifty-four years. She was a kind and loving mother, a good neighbor and a
true Christian; always visiting the sick and always willing to help any one in need. She was ever strict to attend her church when possible to do so.
- Donated by
Jean Caddel
- Added Feb 17, 1998
- Married to Seaborn Green on 31 December 1866
- Burial at Winn Hill Cemetery, Jacksboro, Jack Co., TX
Major John Monroe Douglas

Jan 20, 1831 - Apr 28, 1907
Tyler Daily Courier, April 29, 1907, pg 5
Died April 28, 1907, Burial at Corsicana, Texas. He has several relatives in this city, among them the
Broughtons and the late Major Jim Douglas. He lived in Tyler at one time and was one of the first settlers of Smith County. He died at Corsicana and his funeral
was held there. He was very old.
- Submitted by Jim Douglas
- [Added Feb 25, 1998]
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX
- John M. Douglas was my gr-gr grandfather. This obit. was found in a compilation of family history titled:
BROUGHTON-DOUGLAS FAMILIES of EAST TEXAS, Some Ancestors, Descendants & Related Families. Authored by Mary Lee Anderson Barnes. I believe the source
for the obituary was the Tyler Public Library.
Ida (Clayton)
May 24, 1848 - Aug 30, 1910
Rice Rustler, Sep 1910
Mrs. Ida C. Fortson Died Very Suddenly at Her Home Here Tuesday Afternoon.
Mrs. Ida Fortson died very suddenly at her home here Tuesday afternoon [30 Aug 1910] at 3:30 o'clock, after
about an hour's illness. Mrs. Fortson ate a hearty dinner and seemed to be enjoying the best of health. About 2:30 she was turning the cream freezer,
helping the girls make cream for an entertainment which was to have been at her home. She was sitting in a back hall, and noticing the freezer had stopped
turning, her daughter, Miss Callie, looked around and Mrs Fortson had fallen over against the wall. Being unable to arouse her, Miss Callie called for help
and Will Hodge, who was working in his shop near by, came and helped get her on the bed. Dr [Hugh] Sloan was there in a very few minutes and the children and
relatives were notified and many of them were at her bedside in a very short time. Everything that could be done by physicians, and the kind hands of her
children and anxious neighbors was done, but to no avail. She closed her eyes in the endless sleep about 3:30, one hour after she was stricken.
Mrs. Fortson was 62 years, 2 months and 6 days old. She is survived by three boys and five girls: J. B.
[Joseph Benjamin], J. T. [John Titus], and Tom [James Thomas] Fortson; Mrs Tom [Lou Ellen, or Loula] Queen, Mrs Rod [Anna Pauline] Bartlett, and Misses Callie
[Carolyn Frances] and Maggis [sic] [Margaret Amanda, or Maggie], of this place, and Mrs. Bob [Ida Mae] Harper of Corsicana. Miss Maggie Fortson is visiting in
Mexico and it was impossible for her to reach here before the burial.
The news of the sudden death of Mrs. Fortson cast a shadow over the entire city and community. Most of her life
was spent here and every heart was touched with sympathy for the stricken ones, from whose fireside the light had fled.
Mrs. Fortson had been a member of the Methodist Church about 45 years, and was a devoted Christian woman. The
funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev Rogers officiating and paying a beautiful tribute to the memory of
deceased. The Casket was covered with the most beautiful floral designs loving fingers ever wrought, all of which spoke of peace, purity and immortality. The
music rendered was such as to soften the hearts and moisten all eyes, at the close of funeral servics [sic] an unusually long procession followed the hearse
to Chatfield where she was placed by the side of her husband who had preceded her more than 20 years. All stores, jins [sic], etc, were closed during the
funeral. We can only say to the mourners that she is not dead' but only asleep resting after a long and well spent life here; she would not if she could,
return, you will have to go to her. From the life she lived, take an inspiration; go forth to live as she lived, so that when the summons comes, you
may says as she could, "all is well." The Ladies of the Home Missionary Society were honorary pall bearers. The Rustler extends heartfelt sympathy to the
bereaved relatives.
Texas Christian Advocate 17 Nov 1910
Fortson-Mrs. Ida Caroline Fortson (nee Clayton) was born in Comersville, Tenn., May 24, 1848, and died at
Rice, Texas, August 31, 1910. She moved to Chatfield, Texas, when she was six years of age, where she lived the greater part of her life. She was converted
and joined the M. E. Church, South, when a child. She was married to James T. Fortson, of Aberdeen, Miss., June 20, 1867. She was the mother of ten children -
three boys and seven girls. Her husband died in 1892 and she remained a widow to her death devoting her time to the church and the raising of her children. It
was my pleasure to have been her pastor for two years, and she was faithful in her obligations to the church. She took an active part in the woman's home
Mission Society, always doing her share of the work. A good woman has passed out of this life to ever be with her Lord. She died as she had lived, and the
victory was hers in the last hour. She shall be greatly missed by her family, Church and community. May God's sustaining grace ever be with her children and
relatives who mourn her death, and may they emulate her noble traits of character, fulfill their mission in life and at last meet their loved one in the
home of the saints. Her ex-pastor and friend, J. C. MIMMS.
- She was the daughter of Joseph Alvey
Clayton and Margaret Amanda Poole Clayton
Old Chatfield Cemetery,
Navarro Co., TX
- Added March 4, 1998
Frances Emaline "Emma"
Jan 3, 1824 - Jul 5, 1912
Corsicana Daily Sun, Sat., 6 Jul 1912,
p. 1, col. 1
Mrs. Emma Tate, Aged 89 Years,
Dies at Her Home Near Rice.
Mrs. Emma Tate, aged 89 years,
and a resident of this county and the Rice community for many years, died there
yesterday afternoon, and the remains were buried in the local cemetery there
today. The deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Sam R. Frost of Corsicana and Mrs.
Frost, Mrs. A. N. Justiss, Mrs. George E. Jester and Miss Boyd Frost attended
the funeral. Deceased was also an aunt of Mrs. S. J. Norvell, whose husband died
almost at the same hour, and of J. M. Bartlett, a prominent citizen of Rice.
Liberty Hill Cemetery,
Dawson, Navarro Co., TX
- She was Frances Emeline
Bartlett and was married to John Beldin (d. Sep 1841), Col. Robert H. Porter
(d. Dec 16, 1849 bur at Liberty Hill Cemetery), and Dr. R. S. Tate
- Donated by
Roger A. Bartlett - Added 11/24/1997
Edwin Sessions
Nov 12, 1878 - Mar 17, 1922
See Edward/Edwin Sessions
Dr. John Abraham. Mcgee 
Nov 8, 1844 - Jul 1, 1905
From The Cumberland
Presbyterian 5 Aug 1905
McGEE - Dr. J.A. McGee was born
in Clarenden, Ark., Nov. 8, 1844, died July 1, 1905, at 8:45 p.m. at his home in
Rice, Texas. He was the eldest son of Dr. J. J. and Mrs. E. A. McGee. His father
died while he was yet young, and to him was the responsibility of helping his
mother raise the younger brothers, Tom and Rev. W. V. McGee. He professed
religion in about the year 1874 at Louisville, Ky., while attending lectures,
and joined the Presbyterian Church. He moved to Rice in March, 1877, and became
a charter member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at that place and was
elected a ruling elder which position he filled with honor to his death. He was
married to Miss Laura P. Sessions, January 24, 1878. They had born to them one
son and five daughters. Two of the girls preceded their father to heaven. The
others were with him at the last and live to mourn their loss. He was a devoted
husband, a loving father, a fine and successful doctor, a faithful elder and a
good man. His home was always open to the preacher. No husband or father loved
his family better than did Dr. J. A. McGee. Religiously he was a Cumberland
Presbyterian of the truest type. Socially, he was a Mason, knight of Honor and
Odd Fellow. His first partner was T. J. Linch and his last was Dr. Hugh Sloan of
Rice. His partnership with Dr. Sloan lasted for sixteen and a half years. Dr.
McGee was a public-spirited man always taking an interest in everything that was
for the bettering of man or the building up of the town or country in which he
lived. No one in his community had more friends than did he. When it was known
that Dr. McGee was dead all seemed to want to do him honor. More people came to
his funeral than had ever been to one in Rice. The religious services were
conducted by Rev. M. C. Johnson and the social by the lodges of which he was a
member. While Dr. McGee was over sixty, he was yet in the prime of his manhood
and was in the front ranks for all that was good. While he has gone, he fell
with his armor on and God took him home. To the loved ones we can only say:
"Weep not for him, but rejoice that you can soon meet him where troubles never
come and no good-byes are ever said." W. J. LACKEY, former pastor.
- The Rev. Lackey also was a
brother-in-law, husband of Mrs. McGee's sister.
- Added 3/4/1998
Rice Cemetery, Rice, Navarro Co., TX
Dr. John A. McGee died at his home in
Rice, Texas July 1, 1905 after a long illness. He was a prominent citizen of
Navarro County and for many years a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
and a Mason. He was Chairman of the Committee on Memorial Resolutions for the
last State Medical meeting but unable to attend because of illness.
- Source: Journals of the Texas State
Medical Association Vols. 1 through 7 - 1904 - 1913
- Added 6/17/1998
Joseph Alvie
Obituary moved to
Biography of Joseph Alvie Clayton Page
Hannah B. (Welch) Melton
May 20, 1827 - Dec 28, 1915
From the Semi-Wekly Farm News - Date of old paper is not included
An old-timer has passed to the great
beyond. Hannah B. Melton was born May 20, 1827, at Ash Grove, Indiana. Mrs.
Melton's father, John Welch, moved to Texas with his family about 1829. Then
Texas was part of Mexico. Mrs. Melton lived under four flags, the Republic of
Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy, then back
to the Stars and Stripes, five changes. Ethan Melton and Hannah B. Welch were
married in 1847, one year after Navarro County was organized. Ethan Melton was
Treasurer of the new county. He was the first white man that made a home north
of the Richland Creek. Mrs. Melton's early life was full of hardships as all the
first settlers' were. Mrs. Melton's was perhaps the first residence the writer
visited after coming to Dresden (then Richland). The post office was kept at
Ethan Melton's house.
Nine children were born to them. Three
died after they became grown and married. Three are living, J. I. Melton of old
Dresden, Navarro County; C. C. Melton of the same place, and Mrs. Frank
Blaisdell of McLennan County, where Mrs. Melton spent her last days. She was a
Primitive Baptist by faith, the same faith of her husband, though never was a
member of the church. She was a good neighbor, thoughtful of the feelings of
those with whom she had dealings, a good mother, a good woman. The writer knew
her sixty-five years.
Mrs. M. E.
Hartnell - Fultz
Rt. 2, Barry,
Navarro Co., Texas
- Added 4/29/1998 - Donated by
Jean Caddel
- Burial at Riesel Cemetery, Riesel, McLennan Co., TX