George Campbell Lindsey 
Sep 6, 1887 - Mar 24, 1918 Body to Blooming Grove The body of George C. Lindsey aged thirty, who died Sunday morning at a local sanitarium, was forwarded to Blooming Grove Sunday night for burial. Mr. Lindsey came to Dallas from Mexia, his home, for treatment.
Notes: ---
LINDSEY - George C. Lindsey, aged 30 years, whose home was at Mexia, died yesterday morning at a local sanitarium. The body was forwarded to Blooming Grove last night over the Houston & Texas Central Railway.
--- Died in Dallas.
Geo. C. Lindsey of Mexia died in Dallas yesterday morning where he was taken for an operation. The deceased was thirty years old and was reared in this county near Emmett. The body reached here last night from Dallas and was taken to Dresden, where interment
took place this afternoon. The deceased left a wife but no children. A brother, W. L. Lindsey of Mexia, and a brother-in-law, J. A.
Sheppard, of Meridian, accompanied the remains.
Rettie (Sawyer) Joplin
Jul 2, 1872 - Dec 4, 1898
Dec 1898 Rettie Joplin, nee Sawyer, b. Navarro County 2 July 1872, married 4 July 1894 Cal D. [Calvin Dosse] Joplin of Kerens. Two children. Was member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church - converted Summer 1885. Had been
in bad health a long time and died Dec. 4, 1898 (Sun. night) in Walnut Springs. Cal Joplin was met in Waco by Fate Joplin [his brother] and Miss Lelia Sawyer. Interment 1:00 Tuesday with burial Jimmerson Cemetery, Navarro County.
Notes: - She was Henrietta Sawyer
- I think this is from the Kerens paper but it is only a copy
- Added 09/15/1997
Dr. Jasper Newton, Cheney
Jul 12,
1832 - Oct 11, 1911 Oct 1911 Dr. Jasper Newton Cheney died in
Corsicana, Texas Oct. 11, 1911. He was a son of John and Lucy Cheney, born in Wilkes Co. Ga. July 12, 1832. He married Miss Mary A. Preston of Monticello, Ga. in 1858 and practiced in Newbern, Ga. until he moved to Navarro County in 1884. He retired ten years
ago due to poor health. Notes: - Journal of the Texas Medical Association, Vol. VII, May 1911 - Apr 1912
- Added 9/15/1997
Dr. Jasper Newton Cheney died in Corsicana Oct. 11, 1911. He was a son of John and Lucy Cheney, born July 12, 1832, Wilkes Co. Ga. the family moved to Lavaca County, Texas, when Dr. Cheney was two years old. At the age of 21
he went to Newton Co. Ga., where he studied with his oldest brother, Dr. F. M. Cheney. He graduated from the Augusta Medical College. In 1858 he married Miss Mary A. Preston of Monticello, Ga. He enlisted in the CSA from Jasper Co. Ga. and was assigned to duty as
assistant surgeon in the hospital on Sullivan's Island and around Charleston. During the last year of the war, he was captured and held prisoner for a short time. After the end of the war, he practiced in Newborn, Ga. until 1884 when he moved to Navarro County. He practiced there until about ten years ago, at which time age and ill health caused him to retire.
David Fort 
Feb 1861 **** Microfilm #3260 Reel 2, The Texas Baptist 1859-1861. April 4, 1861, page 4, column 3. Died on the sixteenth of February 1861 at the residence of James T. Persons, Esq. his step son, Mr. David Fort, in the 86th year of his age. Extravagant eulogy would certainly be out of place in making a brief record of the demise of one who, during a long life sought only to discharge faithfully his duties as a man and a Christian. Suffice it to say that he was born in Halifax County, North Carolina, on the 19th of March 1775; emigrated to Robertson county, Tennessee in his 20th
year, and after remaining there a short time, perhaps a year, he removed to Livingston county, Ky. while that county was yet new, and aided in raising the first house built in said county. Brother Fort was married in 1815 to Mrs. Martha Persons, widow of Amos
Persons who was taken from him by the hand of death, in 1837..... he did not make a public profession of religion until he was 75 years of age. At this advanced period of life he was baptized in the Cumberland River by Rev. Collin Hodge, and recognized as a member of Dyer's Hill church, Livingston county, Kentucky. In 1855 Brother Fort left his old home and friends in Kentucky and came to reside with his stepchildren for whom he always entertained a very strong affection in the county of Navarro, Texas. Here he united with
the Baptist church at Rush Creek, happy in his new home and new relations, until, almost without pain or suffering of any kind, he passed away from earth to heaven. Will Tennessee Baptist and Western Recorder please copy. Corsicana Sun [death date February 1861]
Jennie (Stokes) Daniel 
HERE SUN. Mrs. Jennie Daniel Is Tenderly Laid to Rest in Kerens Cemetery. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church here Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock for Mrs. Jennie Daniel, aged 64, wife of R. H. Daniel, who died at the family residence Saturday at 2 a.m. Rev. Joe N. Everheart, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. W. A. Corkern of the Baptist church and Rev. Paul W. Evans of the Methodist church conducted the services. Mrs. Daniel
had been in ill health for about three years, but was confined to her bed only a short time before her death. She is survived by her husband, R. H. Daniel and four children, Carrie, Erin, Robert and Mary Elizabeth, all of this city. Six grandchildren also survive her. The deceased was born in Kerens in 1864 and was the daughter of William and Carrie Stokes, who came from Georgia. In 1882 she was married to R. H. Daniel, who established
the first store in Kerens, long before the coming of the railroad, as a member of the firm of Daniel, Price and Company. Honorary pall bearers were E. L. McCluney, R. S. Daniel, Luther Westbrook, B. O. Hemphill, C. J. Hall, E. W. Smith and Bruce McDonald.
John Wesley Hardin  Obituary moved to: John Wesley Hardin Obituary
John Hezekiah Gordon 
Jun 26, 1845 - Aug 8, 1891 Drane - 1891 Died, Aug. 8th, 1891 at his home. Mr. John H Gordon ,age 46 yrs, 1 mo. and 13 days. He was buried with Alliance Honors at the Campbell-Elrod Cemetery. He was married to Miss Alice Ellafair Morgan of Washington County, Ga. Dec. 15, 1868. Joined the Baptist Church in 1865. He was an active member of
Rush Creek Alliance and its Council. His voice could always be heard on the side of the right. He was born and raised in Dooley County, GA. and came to TX in 1881. Since which time he has resided in the state. He was in the late war and a member of Gen. A. H. Colquett's Company. A good man has gone. The county has lost a good citizen, the church a pillow of strength, the Alliance one of its strongest supporters and most influential members. His children and affection a father and wise counselor and his wife a devoted husband. To the bereaved family we offer our heartfelt sympathy. Notes:
Charles Timothy McConnico 
Sep 6, 1847 - Mar 18, 1923
(1847-1923) - Obituary, Kerens Tribune March 1923 C. T. McConnico Passed Away on Last Sunday 8:45 A.M. Death Came as Shock to His Many Navarro County Friends. When word passed around last Sunday morning that our friend and fellow townsman, C. T. McConnico, had passed on to his reward,
a pall was cast over the entire community. Death came suddenly to this esteemed citizen, after a severe attack of acute indigestion. Charles T. McConnico was born in Alabama in 1847. When a lad of just a few years, he came with his parents to Texas settling
at Birdston, in Freestone county. When about 18 years of age he came to Kerens and had continuously resided here until his death. During his residence here Mr. McConnico had been identified in public service, serving the county in different official capacities for many years. He also served the city as mayor, justice of the peace and city marshall. The latter three offices he held for twenty-odd years. Mr. Mack, as he was affectionately called, was a man held in high esteem by his many friends. No man, they say is without enemies, but if Mr. Mack had an enemy we did not know of it. In that trying capacity of
postmaster, which office he held for nearly eight years, he made and held his friends instead of inciting enmity. There was not one but who had a kind word for this estimable gentleman, and his name shall go down in history as being progressive and ever for the welfare of the town and community in which he resided so long.
Mr. McConnico was the last surviving charter member of the Masonic lodge of this city. He was also a charter member of the Odd Fellows. He was identified, from the very beginning, with the growth and prosperity of this community, and many good deeds will go down to his credit, unheralded by those so
closely associated with him. He was a man, conscientious in whatever he undertook to do, and asked for no praise for any of his accomplishments. Mr. Mack will be sorely missed in this community. Many beautiful floral offerings were placed around the casket as an attest of
the loyal esteem in which he was held by his many friends. The impressive funeral services were held at the family home, being conducted be Rev. Joe Everheart, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The beauty of the service was brought out by the wonderful tribute paid to the
memory of this good old man by the pastor. "In the passing of Mr. Mack," said Rev. Everheart, "I feel that I have lost one of my best friends." And this statement bespeaks the sentiments of the many friends of the deceased. Brother Ellis was to have assisted Rev.
Everheart in the service but this venerable old gentleman was indisposed due to his advanced age, and could not be present. Brother Ellis sent this message of condolence to the bereaved ones: "I and sorry I cannot assist in the services, but you have my prayers and sympathy, and I feel that with the death of Charlie McConnico I have lost one
of my best friends." After the home services, the body was tenderly carried to the Kerens cemetery for interment, the services being in charge of the Masonic lodge.
Those surviving are two brothers and six sisters, and for children, J. W. McConnico, of Lone Oak, Mrs. L. R. Calloway of Dallas, Mrs. W. H. Anderson and Mrs. J. F. Mullins of Kerens. Ten grandchildren also survive. Besides the above relatives, the wife of deceased also survives.
To these bereaved ones we extend our sincerest sympathy. Notes: - Biography
- Submitted by great-great grandson, Robert R. Jones
- (Added 10/16/1997)
- Son of Lafayette DeKalb McConnico & Elizabeth Bonham
Private , Company F, 2nd Texas Calvery;
Captain Navarro County's 19th Brigade, Beat #7
Charles Timothy McConnico
Sep 6, 1847 - Mar 17, 1923
Resident of Navarro County Since 1853 Is Buried at Kerens
Funeral services for C. T. McConnico were held Monday with burial in the
Kerens Cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. McConnico
was born in Alabama and with his parents moved to Texas and to Navarro
County in 1853. He was married to Miss Sibil A. Ingram of Rural Shade in
1868, residing in this county continuously from that date.
He was a man of high sense of honor, decided opinions in all matters of
a public nature, enterprising in his nature and ever ready to respond to
the call of his community in civic matters. He was an active member of
the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythia and other lodges. He had
served this section in various capacities, and at the time of his death
was serving the second term as postmaster.
The funeral services were largely attended, with the following
out-of-town people present: J. W. McConnico of Lufkin, W. W. McConnico
of Port Arthur, Mrs. Mattie Quinn and Mrs. Allie Quinn of Galveston,
Mrs. T. A. McKamey of Gregory, Bruce and Stump Allen of Fairfield, Carl
Callaway of Dallas, Mrs. R. H. Burleson of Mart, Miss Nannie Hale of
Corsicana and James W. McConnico of Rockwall.
William Pannill Hodge
Mar 29, 1905 - Jun 1, 1923 probably Corsicana paper June 1923 William Pannill Hodge, aged 18, son of Capt. and Mrs. R. L. Hodge, died at the family home at Chatfield at 2 o'clock this morning after an
illness of 4 weeks with typhoid fever and the remains were interred in the Chatfield Cemetery this afternoon at 4
o'clock in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives. The last sad rites were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hayes assisted by Rev. H. J. Ellis of this city and there were many beautiful floral offerings. The deceased was a student in the Denton Normal School for the present term and came home from there sick with the fatal malady that ended his young life. He was a boy of
much promise and was greatly esteemed by all who knew him and his death has cast a gloom over the home of his birth and where his life had been spent. His parents and other relatives have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sore bereavement. [William Pannill Hodge was born March 29, 1905 and died June 1, 1923]
From Ennis, Texas newspaper, dateline June 1, 1923 William Pannill Hodge, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodge died at their home at Chatfield Friday morning after a short illness with typhoid fever which he contracted while at the Texas Teachers College at Denton. He is the youngest of 12 children and the
first to die. Notes:
William Washington
Mar 20, 1836 - Jun 4, 1913 Rice Rustler, 4 Jun 1913 WILLIAM W. LOOP ANSWERS LAST CALL Death Came After More Than Three-Quarters of a Century--Funeral at Chatfield Cemetery
It is with the deepest sorrow that we chronicle the death of one of Rice's oldest and most highly estdemed [sic] citizens--William W. [Washington] Loop--which occurred Wednesday evening, June 4, at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of his son-in-law, P. F. [Pleasant Felix] Halbert, this city.
Mr. Loop had been in feeble health for several years, but was, until the last few months able to get about compartively [sic] well. About four weeks ago he was taken ill with la grippe and it was this that was the immediate cause of his death. For several days he lingered on the threshold of death, and when at last death came there was no surise [sic]. During all his suffering and illness he never complained but was always cheerful and submissive. But this was characteristic of
Mr. Loop throughout his lifetime. The end was peaceful. To him death had no horrors. William W. Loop was born in Indiana in 1836, and moved to Henderson County, Texas, in 1844[.] Mr. Loop served in the Confederate army, and after the close of the war in 1865 he moved to Chatfield. He remained at Chatfield until a few years ago when he moved to Rice. At Chatfield Mr. Loop
was in the mercantile business, and farmed quite extensively and dealt in real estate. He was also associated with the firm of Fortson Bros. & Loop at this place and later the firm of W. W. Loop & Son, which
did business in the building now occupied by Loop, Walker & Harper. Since the death of his wife, four years ago, Mr. Loop has retired from active business, having accumulated by conservative methods and good management quite a bit of this world's goods. For sixty years Mr. Loop had been a consistent and faithful member of the Christian Church, and has ever been an ardent
follower of the teachings of the lowly Nazerine [sic]. But during his declining years was very activie [sic] his church work, having greatly assisted in organizing the Christian Church here, and since its organization has kept it going by assisting in a financial way. He was also a member of the Masonic
lodge, having joined at Chatfield fifty years ago[.] From 1878 to 1881 he served the people of this precinct as County Commissioner, which was the only public office he ever held. Mr. Loop is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ann Nordain [Naudain] of Chatfield, who is now 82 years of age; two sons, D. M. [David
Marion] Loop, of this place, and John Loop, of Leuders; three daughters, Mrs. W. C. [Ellen Rebecca] Garner, of Chatfield; Mrs. P. F. [Sarah Elizabeth] Halbert, of Rice; and Mrs. M. W. [Adeline, or Addie] Harper, of Corsicana. Notes:
German Walker 
Oct 29, 1832 - Oct 26, 1916 Rice Rustler, Friday, 3 Nov 1916, p. 1, col. 3 ]
JUDGE GERMAN WALKER SUCCUMBS TO OLD AGE Judge German Walker, the oldest citizen of the Rice country, died Thursday afternoon [26 Oct 1916] at 3 o'clock, after lingering
at death's door for several days. Several months ago Mr. Walker fell while attempting to rise from his chair, and since then had gradually grown weaker. Until this accident he was in good health and was remarkably strong for a man of his age. German Walker was born Oct. 29, 1832, in
Simpson county, Mississippi, and was married in 1852 in the same county. In January, 1882, he moved to Chatfield and resided there until about 16 years ago, when he moved to this place, where he has resided continuously since except for several extended visits to Mississippi and Alabama after the death of his wife 7 years ago.
Judge Walker served the cause of the Confederacy during the entire time of the Civil War as captain Company H Sixth Mississippi regiment. He rendered valuable service to the cause and took part in many important battles, the most notable of which was the battle of Shiloh. He had many narrow escapes
from death and in this battle was shot through the cap. After the war, during the reconstruction days, he played a prominent part in restoring the country to law and order. He served three yeas in the Mississippi Legislature during this period, and here as in private life
and on the battlefield, gave to his country his best service. He also served Simpson county, Mississippi, two years as tax collector and assessor and nine years as sheriff. It is said that during this entire term as a peace officer he never drew a gun in the
discharge of his duties. After moving to Texas he served this precinct for 16 years as justice of the peace, and the office has never been more efficiently filled. Judge Walker belonged to that fast vanishing type of old Southern gentlemen. For sixty two years he was
a member of the Masonic order, and until ill health prevented it was a regular attendant to all its meetings. Judge Walker was the father of eleven children, six of whom survive. They are as follows: H. S. [Hiram Street] Walker of Mobile, Alabama; Mrs. A. C. [Ada Amanda] McLaurin of Silver Creek, Mississippi; Mrs. T. R. [Mary
Ellen] Harwell of Hamlin, Texas; Mrs. D. M. [Fannie Charity] Loop, Miss Sallie Walker and E. B. [Ethelbert Barksdale] Walker of this place. Besides his children there are 32 grand children and ten great grand children. Judge Walker has a large number of friends who mourn his death. He was a gentleman in every respect, had the respect and
admiration of all who knew him and led a clean moral life. Besides losing its oldest citizen, Rice has lost a man whose life's work seemed to be to bring cheerfulness to all, and whose long and useful life was due to temperance in all his habits. Funeral services were held at the home of D. M. Loop Friday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Revs. R. W. Nation and M. A. Roberts. Interment took place at Rice cemetery with Masonic honors.
Died at Rice Yesterday.
Judge German Walker, aged 75 years, and for nearly fifty years a resident of Chatfield and Rice, died in Rice yesterday as the result
of a fall he received some months ago, and the remains were interred at Rice today by the side of his wife who was buried some years ago.
The funeral was in charge of the Masonic order and was largely attended.
Surviving the deceased are these grown children: Mrs. Dave Loop, Miss Sallie Walker and Ethel Walker of Rice and Jeff Walker and
Street Walker of Mississippi.
Sarah Catherine (Naudain) Loop 
Sep 3, 1833 - Sep 22, 1909 Rice Rustler, Fri, 24 Sep 1909, p. 1 ]
Death Claimed Mrs Loop Mrs. Loop, wife of W. W. Loop, passed peacefully to the beyond at the Main Hotel here Tuesday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. She had been seriously ill for more than three weeks and suffered untold pain until death came to
her relief. She was 76 years old, and she and her husband had lived happily together for more than half a century, spending most of their lives at Chatfield. Mrs. Loop is survived by her husband and 5 children, John Loop of west Texas, D. M. [David Marion] Loop and Mrs.
[Sarah Elizabeth] Halbert of Rice, Mrs. W. C. [Ellen Rebecca] Garner of Chatfield, and Mrs. Dr. [Adeline, or Addie] Harper, of Corsicana, and they were all at her bedside when she breathed her last breath. She had lived a devoted Christian life,
having been for many years a member of the Christian church, and has now gone to reap her reward above. As the death dew gathered over her marble brow, around her bedside gathered her boys and girls--always boys and girls to her, though
now grown to mature years with boys and girls around their own fire side. The life so long interwoven with theirs, with tearful eyes they watched as it, slowly, but surely passed over. The boys and girls that gathered around the bed of their dying mother and so bravely fought the Death Angel, long ago passed out from the little home circle. Business cares
and their own home circle have encroached upon their time, may have robbed mother of their companionship, but she was ever just the same; rejoicing at their success and grieving at their misfortune. We know that years hence of the memory of her unselfish devotion will make them better men and women. Rev. Henry held a short service at the hotel here at one
o'clock and her remains were followed to Chatfield by a large procession. Funeral Services were held at Chatfield in the Christian Church, conducted by Rev. V. I. Stirman, of Palmer, after which she was buried in the Chatfield cemetery. The Rustler extends sympathy to the husband and children. Notes:
Giles H. Taylor
Jan 12, 1840 - Apr 14, 1892 The Bolivar Bulletin , 06 May 1892
Died Apr. 14 1892, Giles H. TAYLOR , in his 52nd year, at Corsicana Texas. A former resident of Hardeman Co. TN where he resided until after the war. Wife and eight children survive. Notes: