James A., Dr.
Jun 23, 1856 - Dec 17, 1912
Dr. James A. Greene of Blooming
Grove, died recently at his home. He was born Union Co. Miss. June 23, 1856. His father died when he was only two and his mother when he was seven and he was reared by his
grandmother Newton. His early educational advantages were very poor but he was graduated and began the practice of medicine in 1881. He was first married Miss Willie J. E. Liddell
of New Albany, Miss., May 18, 1883, by whom he had three daughters. Mrs. Greene died 20 Dec. 1893 and he married Miss Ada Reid Jan. 22, 1895 of New Albany Miss. Four children
were born to this union - three daughters and one son. Dr. Greene came to Texas after his second marriage and spent the remainder of his life in Blooming Grove. He soon built a
large practice and was one of the community leaders. He was a local preacher for several years and retired from the ministry because of his inability to follow two professions.
Source: Journals of the Texas State Medical Association Vols. 1 through 7 -
Added 6/17/1998
Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., TX
Dr. J. A. Greene
Blooming Grove Times, Thursday January 2, 1913
Death of Dr. J. A. Greene
The people of Blooming Grove and a large area of adjoining country were stricken
with grief when the sad news of the death of Dr. J. A. Greene reached them. He
died in Dallas on the evening of December 17, 1912, after a long and heroic
struggle against a malady that was too much for human skill.
Dr. Greene was a great physician of more that 30 years experience and active
practitioner and stood well to the forefront in his profession. Hence was
enabled (illegible) the approaching end even when to his friends he seemed to be
in the vigor of usually robust life. He had ministered at many a bedside
relieving the suffering of others but it never occurred to us that he who stood
like a tall, strong oak of the forest among his fellows could soon fall to the
"We know not what future hath
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies."
He loved his people, and they loved him because they knew him knew the nobility of his character knew his genial nature; knew his frankness of intercourse with
them; they knew he possessed those social qualities that revealed themselves in the pleasure he found in touching elbows with them; they knew him to be a man of
lofty ideals. His philosophy of life was that, “we live in deeds, not in years; in feelings, not in figures on a dial; we should count time by who thinks most,
feels the noblest and acts the best.” Dr. Greene was married twice - leaves three daughters buy the first marriage (paper torn) whom are married (paper torn) four
children by the second marriage (paper torn) all survive him (paper torn) mourn his departure. But why lament the passing of this good man? “Tis, true, he was
yet in his fifties and seemed in the meridian of his activities when stricken down which makes it harder to endure, if bleeding hearts could reason against
anguish then we could see and feel that it is infinitely best, since he goes from a realm of sorrows and tears to the joys of the better life.
Thou wilt heal the broken heart,
Which, like the plants that throw
Their fragrance from the wounded part,
Breathes sweetness out of woe.
Same paper
We wish to thank each and every one for the sympathy and kindness extended during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father. May God bless and reward you all.
Mrs. J.A. Greene and Family
Dr. J. A. Greene
Having been in such hurly-burly during the holidays followed by general excitement over the recent fire the Rustler has not until now found time to drop
a few garlands on the tomb of our departed and highly esteemed friend and fellow citizen, whose name furnished caption for these lines.
The saddest and the sweetest things that ever moved the emotions of man were concerning love and death, and when we gathered on December 18, by the cold form
of Dr. Greene to listen to the tender, sweet talks by the pious-souled ministers of the gospel and the sacred songs by sweet-voiced singers we could not help
recalling the sentiment so classically expressed by the long-departed Montgomery:
"Friend after friend departs,
Who has not lost a friend?
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an end."
And then our great American poet, Longfellow, concerning deaths, says:
"There is no death, what seems so is transition;
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life Elysian,
Whose portal we call death."
The funeral service being held at the home scores and scores of loved ones many from different parts of Texas and Okla., filled the house and yard.
The song "We'll Gather At The River" was superbly sweet, and in sonorous tones “Rock Of Ages” drifted out on the gentle breezes with the charm of angelic
modesty. Then it was that Rev. Hawk, of the M.E. church South read from the Holy Book concerning the future home of the soul, closing with (illegible) eulogy to the life,
character and talents of this stalwart mind whose last days were as a happy crown for a well spent and useful life.
Following Rev. Hawk, Rev. W.Z. Corbin, of the Blooming Grove Baptist church, splke affectionately of the life of Dr. Greene, whose life most of us know and
cherish with tender recollection.
Dr. Greene came from New Albany, Miss., 18 year ago. The noble impulses of his generous heart directed him oft times to the pulpit and his discourses were
always entertaining, helpful, soul-stirring.
He was Methodist in belief and membership, but broad in religious view. He was an active M.D. for 31 years, being recognized far and near as one of the skilled
physicians of the day. At the age of 56 he passed away and the new made mound was a veritable hot house, so rich was the display of costly bouquets as tokens
of esteem, confidence, and love.
“Thou art gone from our gaze like a beautiful dream.
(illegible) beauty no more will be seen,
Thou ever will remain;
The only hope our hearts can cheer -
The hope to meet again."
Death of Dr. J. A. Greene
The people of Blooming Grove and a large area of adjoining country were stricken with grief when the sad news of the death of Dr. J. A. Greene reached them. He
died in Dallas on the evening of December 17, 1912, after a long and heroic struggle against a malady that was too much for human skill.
Dr. Greene was a great physician of more than 30 years experience as an active practitioner and stood well to the forefront in his profession. Hence was
enabled to see the approaching end when to his friends seemed to be in the vigor of usually robust life. He had ministered at many a bedside relieving the
suffering of others, but it never occurred to us that he who stood like a tall swaying oak of the forest among his fellows could soon fall to the ground.
We know not what future hath "Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life had death His mercy under lies."
He loved his people and they loved him because they knew who knew him knew the nobility of his character knew his genial nature; knew his frankness of course
with them; they knew he possessed those social qualities that revealed themselves in touching elbows with them; they knew him to be a man of ( the rest
is torn off)
Dr. James A. Greene
June 23, 1856 - Dec. 17, 1912
GREENE, - Dr. James A. Greene, aged 56, died last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. Spencer Davis, 5011 Reiger Avenue. The body will be sent to
Blooming Grove, Tex., today by the Weiland Undertaking Company. Dr. Greene is survived by his wife and several children.
Dec 18, 1912
Dr. J. A. Green of Blooming Grove, and one of the most prominent physicians of
Navarro County, died at Dallas Tuesday night at St. Paul's Sanitarium of
Bright's disease. Dr. Green was one of God's noblemen. A follower of the Savior
and lover of all mankind, he led a great and useful life, and was a blessing to
all his fellows because he had lived. His death is the source of the greatest
sorrow to all his friends, and the county loses one of its staunchest citizens.
A beloved husband and father is gone, but in passing through the valley of the
shadow of death, beyond his soul beckoned on by a watchman and pathway lighted
into the presence of his Savior, where he awaits, in peace and happiness the
coming of those so near and dear to him.
- Corsicana Democrat And Truth - December 19, 1912
- Submitted by Diane Richards
William Pannill
Apr 20, 1851 - Oct 21, 1904
Dr. William Pannill died Oct. 21,
1904 in Corsicana. He was born April 20, 1851, Petersburg, Va., [son of Capt. Henry
Pannill and Margaret Jones Pannill]. The family moved to Louisiana about 1861 and to Ellis
County, Texas in 1865. Dr. Pannile graduated from the University of Texas Medical School
in Galveston in 1878. He practiced in Chatfield until 1894 when he moved to Corsicana. His
fellow physicians say he was never excelled by anyone who practiced in the Chatfield
neighborhood. He had a pleasing personality, intellectual face, kindly manner, a remarkable
memory and was a fluent speaker and a good writer.
Source: Journals of the Texas State Medical Association Vols. 1 through 7 -
Added 6/17/1998
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana,
Navarro Co., TX
Death of a Well-Known Physician at Corsicana
Special to The News.
Corsicana, Tex., Oct. 22 -- Dr. William Pannill died at his residence in this
city last night, after a long and painful illness. Dr. Pannill and United States
Senator Chas. A. Culberson were boys together and college mates, the friendship
of boyhood remaining unbroken up to the present. During Senator Culberson's
administration as Governor, Dr. Pannill was appointed by him physician for the
State Orphans' Home. He was not only a prominent and successful physician, but
wielded a strong local influence. He leaves a wife and six children. Dr. Pannill
was a Mason and Knight of Pythias, and these two orders will attend his funeral
in this city tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, the former order performing the
last rites.
- The Dallas Morning News, 23 October 1904.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Carrie (Witherspoon) Pannill married Sep. 25, 1873 s/o Maj. Henry Pannill and Margaret Eliza (Jones) Pannill buried in Telico, Ellis county, Tx.
Rachel Emily (Beeman) White
Mrs. Rachel Emily White, aged 90 years, native and life-long resident of Navarro county, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. J. F.[rank]
Quarles [Emma] Quarles, in Dallas Thrusday [sic] were held from the chapel of the morning at 1 o'clock following a short illness [sic]. The funeral rites Corley Funeral Home
Thrusday [sic] afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with interment in the
Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist church. Mrs.
White was a daughter of the late W.[illiam] H.[arvey] Beeman, one of the earliest pioneers to settle in Navarro county, and donor of a portion of the site for the Hamilton cemetery.
She was the widow of the late Jim White, Confederate veteran, and resided near Angus for many years.
Surviving are three sons, W.[illiam] H.[arvey] White, Corsicana; M.[adison] M.[arvin] White and S.[amuel] E.[dgar] White, both of
Navarro; five daughters, Mrs. Laura Tatum, Corsicana; Mrs. J. S. [Bertie] Doolin, Navarro; Mrs. Kate Davies, Dallas; Mrs. J. F. [Emma] Quarles, Dallas, and Mrs. S.[amuel] H.[ouston]
[Eunice] Kealy, Dallas; 29 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. S.[arah] A.[nn] Redden, Corsicana. Grandsons
were pallbearers.
William Francis Stroder

Apr 1, 1867 - Nov 15, 1931
William Francis Stroder, aged 64 years, native and life-long resident of the Navarro community, died in the Navarro Clinic Sunday morning at
8 o'clock following an peration [sic] several days ago, and the funeral services were held from the chapel of the Sutherland Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with
interment in the Hopewell cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. H. B. Carraway,
Baptist minister. Mr. Stroder had been in ill health for some time and had been in the clinic nine days.
Surviving are three brothers, Alex Stroder,
Navarro; Tom Stroder. [sic] Emmett, and Ben Stroder, Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs. Walter [Virginia Viola "Jennie"] Beeman, Corsicana, and Mrs. C.[harles] W.[imberly] [Mary
Elizabth "Lizzie"] Goree, Shawnee,
Okla., and a number of other relatives. Music was furnished by Lloyd Kerr and Edgar
Metcalf and Mrs. Joel Trimble and Mrs. H. O. Blanding. Pallbearers were Walter Beaton,
Walter Hamilton, N.[ewt] S. Jackson, Burt Crews, Joe Seales and J. A. Highnote.
Captain Clinton Fouty

Aug 19, 1829 - Jul 28, 1903
In Memoriam
We your committee--Appointed to draft resolutions
of respect to the memory of Capt. Clinton Fouty, our brother, who was lately been called
from the walks of men report as follows.
Be it resolved that the following tribute be
offered to his memory. The subject of this sketch Capt. C. Fouty was born in Pikr County
Illinois August 20eth 1829, Came [sic] to Texas in 1844, and faced the hardships and
dangers of the frontier of Texas in his boyhood days and lived with step-father [Eleazer
Nash] and his mother [Sarah Logan (Nesbitt) Fouty Nash] until 1849 when he in company with
his step-father Mr. Nash, he went to California in pursuit of gold. After about ten years
of absence he returned to Tex [sic] at this time (1859) the Civil War came on and Capt.
Fouty volunteered in Capt. Meltons [sic[ Co, Was [sic] elected first Lieut and afterwards
became Capt after serving as a gallant officer throughout the war he returned home and
engaged in farming.
By the testimony of all who knew him he was a man
posessed [sic] of all attributes to make him one of natures [sic[ noblemen. As an officer
he was ever just and sympathising [sic] with his men. As a husband and parent he was kind
and sanguine in his manners.
Capt. Fouty became a member of the Baptist Church
in 1872 from which time he made a constant and faithful member, it being his rule of life
that his duty to his church was of the first importance and all other things were made
Capt. Fouty was a man of fine mind and of sound
judgment, firm in his convictions and outspoken in his opinions. To his church Bro. Fouty
was one of the most faithful members this writer has ever known. If his church was in
trouble he was with it. If it was in joy he was with it and he was also one of the best
friends and strongest supporters of his pastor we have ever known.
He was called upon on some occasions to serve his
county in positions of trust, which he filled and executed justly and rightly. As a
neighbor Bro. Fouty was obliging and rejoiced at the success of all his neighbors.
Manifesting at all times a great interest in the boys of his community and was often heard
to say that he never threw away a bad boy, for said he, many of them made good men.
Bro. Fouty was married three times. First in 1864
to Miss Ann Meadows [Meador] who was the mother of his two boys Mack [David McMurray]
& Tom [Thomas Montraville] as they are fimiliarly known, who died in 1878 [should be
In 1882 our suject was married to Elizabeth
["Lizzie"] Paschal, nee Southworth, who died in 1888. In 1891 he married Miss
Mollie Houze. Bro. Fouty served as moderator of the Navarro Co. Assn. for a number of
years, and was one of the best the Association ever had, firm and wise in his ruling and
just and kind with his brethren. How sadly do we miss his presence and counsel with our
church, but what is our loss is Heavens [sic] gain. Bro. Fouty leaves a wife and two
sons and many dear friends to lament his loss.
Respectfully Submitted
W.[illiam] F.[ranklin] Harvard
W.[illiam] R. Batte
J.[ohn] J.[ames] Boyd
Mary Elizabeth
"Lizzie" (Stroder) Goree

Dec 20, 1870 - Jan 1, 1932
The following clipping from a Shaknee [sic],
Okla., paper will be read with sad interest here, when Mrs. Goree was well known, she
having been a former resident of Navarro county, and still has many relatives living here:
Services for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Goree, 61, city
pioneer wh [sic] died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.[ohn] N. [Gladys] Risher, 1425
North Market street, Friday, will be conducted at the First Baptist church at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon with Dr. W. C. Boone, president of Oklahoma Baptist University,
Burial will be in Fairview cemetery. Mrs. Goree
had been in failing health several months and had been confined to her bed for nine weeks
prior to her death. She came to Oklahoma with her family 26 years ago and had lived in
Shawnee 14 years.
Surviving are four sons, Thomas B. and J. B.
[Gordon] Goree, of Shawnre, and Charles B. and Fred[erick] S.[idney], students at Oklahoma
A. and M. college; five daughters, Mrs. Risher, at whose home she died; Mrs. L.[ucian] B.
[Iona] Williams and Mrs. H. I. [Martha W.] Ingram, all of Shawnee; Mrs. B.[ethel] T.
[Verna] Calhoun of Oklahoma City and Mrs. H.[enry] L.[ee] [Maggie Mae] Hiner of Dallas,
Texas; one sister, Mrs. J.[ames] W.[alter] [Virginia Viola "Jennie"] Beeman,
Corsicana, Texas; three brothers, Alex Stroder of Corsicana, J.[ames] T.[homas] Stroder of
Frost, Texas, and B.[enjamin] F.[ranklin] Stroder of Fort Worth, Texas, and seven
grandchildren, Mary Elizabeth Risher, Richard Williams, James
Williams, Matt Goree, Charlene Goree, Joe Charles
Hiner and Harry Lee Hiner
John Sale Rankin

Sep 15, 1812 - May 30, 1889
Editor Observer:--The public schools in this
community have closed[.] The Harrisburg school was taught by Miss Puryear, an accomplished
young lady and successful teacher; the Hopewell school was taught by Prof. Blalock, who is
a thorough educator of ripe experience. The term in [paper missing] Our neighborhood
mourns the death of Mr. John Rankin, one of its most loved and respected citizens, who
died May 30th. He was near 77 years old, and had been a consistent church member about 60
years. He lived and died at the righteous do.
The community interested in the Hopewell cemetery
will meet there on Thursday, the 13th of June, to put the grounds in order and make needed
improvements. Ladies will please attend, bring dinner and spend the day in caring for the
graces of loved ones.
June 2nd, '89.
- Donated by: Gary Richards - Added
- Corsicana newspaper with column dated June 2,
Sarah Catherine "Kate" (Winkler)

Aug. 9, 1856 - Mar. 8, 1928
Dallas Morning News; Sunday March 11, 1928
Corsicana, Tex., March 10 (Special). Funeral
services for Mrs. Kate Winkler Mooring, aged 71 years, native of Corsicana, who died in a
Dallas hospital Thursday afternoon, were held from St. John's Episcopal church Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment in Oakwood Cemetery.
Sarah Catherine “Kate” (Winkler) Mooring
Funeral services for Mrs. Kate Winkler
Mooring, aged 71 years, native of
Corsicana and member of one of the
oldest and most prominent families of
Corsicana and Navarro county, who died
in a Dallas hospital Thursday afternoon,
were held from the St John's Episcopal
church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock
with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. H. J.
Ellis, rector.
Mrs. Mooring had been in the hospital
for three weeks.
She was the daughter of the late Col. C.
M. Winkler and sister of the late Mrs.
Sam R. Frost. Since Mrs. Frost's death,
she had made her home with Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Calkins, Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. A.
N. Justiss were in Dallas Thursday when
the end came.
Pallbearers were her nephews and
nephews-in-law, George E. Jester, A. N.
Justiss, Max D. Almond, Barry Frost, Guy
M. Gibson, and R. L. Calkins.
“Aunt Kate” as she was familiarly
called, was an active participant in the
activities of the United Daughters of
the Confederacy until a few years ago
when her health caused her retirement.
Surviving are two sisters, Miss Myra
Winkler, Bonham; Mrs. Beatrice Markgraff,
El Paso, and numerous other relatives.
My Friend - Kate Winkler Mooring
In the death of Mrs. Kate Winkler
Mooring which occurred in Dallas,
Thursday, March 8th, there passes from
the walks of life, one who might have
written her name on the scroll of fame
in many ways, and has written it deep in
the hearts of those who knew her best,
her sterling worth, a beautiful page of
love and undying friendship.
Honest, sincere, faithful, she did not
call every one “friend,” but those that
were chosen, were “grappled to her heart
with hooks of steel,” cleaving to them
in prosperity, adversity - good or evil
repute - unshaken by any condition of time
or circumstance, word of blame or
She did not call them perfect, nor was
she blind to their faults, but with true
philosophy as to human frailty, condoned
them and was lenient, counting their
virtues more than balanced their
failings. Strong in mind, unique in
character, original, witty, keen in her
vision of all that made life worthwhile,
she gave to the world a truer sense of
values, also giving unselfish service
with no wish for applause.
The youngest daughter of Col. C. M.
Winkler, brilliant military leader in
Hood's Texas Brigade of the Confederacy,
and for whom Camp Winkler was named, she
inherited his spirit and efficiency as a
leader. Prominent as a Daughter of the
Confederacy and charter member of
Navarro Chapter 108, she helped to carry
through much of its successful work,
locally and state, the beautiful
Confederate monument on court house
square being a local materialistic
witness as one of the things of
prominence she has aided to a successful
She was happy in her chosen faith, the
Episcopal church and active in its work
until quite recent years when failing
health has kept her within the confines
of home, but to her nieces and nephews,
she has been a devoted aunt, giving the
love to them, she would have lavished on
children of her own.
A frequent visitor to a sister who lived
in Bryan, where the writer was reared, she knew me almost as a child, and
was one of my first and dearest friends after I moved, as a young married
woman to Corsicana. Her friendship has stood the acid test of time,
circumstance and place. There is within my heart, another sacred, vacant
niche dedicated to her for so many years a dear and cherished friend. She
has answered the last, stern call none can disobey, and -
One by one they slip away
To join that silent band;
One by one they leave us here
To obey God's last command;
Sundering earthly ties of love
But bound in memories sw3eet
They've only passed the mystic door -
Which is LIFE - and death's defeat,
One by one we'll all pass on -
On to the quiet sleep -
Shaking the shackles of earth away -
Transients, why should we weep?
There is so much to hurt us here
In spirit and body too.
There is such happiness promised there -
A perfect life and new.
Silently one by one they pass,
On to the golden shore,
Beckoning hands are calling us on
To join them again as of yore,
Silently, yes - they speak as before,
Their lives are eloquent forever more.
Mamie Downard Peck.
March 9, 1928.
Louise Elizabeth
Mrs. L. E. Massengale was born in Ala. Oct.26,1849.
When two years old her parents moved to Houston County. There she grew to woman hood and
was married to W. M. [William Marshall] Massengale in Sept. 1869. This was indeed a happy union.
They walked together with God. They journeyed this
life together for a number of years and their mutual responsibilities, troubles, sorrows
and cares had so united them, but in 1888, while the death Angel was reaping for the
Master he paused at the home of Mr. Massengale and said "It is enough, come up
higher" and his spirit took its flight. Mrs. Massengale was left a widow, quite young
with the care and responsibility of five children whom she raised nobly, living to see
them all grown, married and members of the church. She had made her home with the children
for a number of years. At the time of her death she was with her youngest daughter, Mrs.
Collins, who lives in Ecru, Miss. who tenderly ministered to her through her sickness.
Mrs. Massengale possessed all the womanly graces
true to all the duties and responsibilities of life from the least to the greatest as she
saw it; none came within the radius of home but felt the influence of her gentle, pure
self suffering personality. Gently and dutifly as she lived, she went away to the better
world; modest and retiring she was brave and courageous, enduring hardships incident to a
long and useful life with sublime fortitude. It is something to have a mother who has
moral and religious convictions. The love of her family was a prominent trait with her,
and to her children she bestowed the wealth of her affection.
She knew what the great principles are which the
Methodist church stands for and was a Methodist not from training only but from
conviction., She took an active interest in the work of her church. Religion was first
with her and her life a benediction to those whom it touched, bet she has gone to make
another member of the family in Heaven. Her religion found expression in many practical
ways. No one in the community was seen oftener in the house of mourning, at the bedside of
the suffering, comforting the distressed, cherring the despairing and ministering to the
needy. In all possible ways she lived for others. Her highest ambition was to be a good
christian mother. She bore all her care with great restrain which is ever a mark of great
character. As the end came there was nothing to darken her way. She was ready and had no
fears. May her children ever find inspiration in the memory of her love and life, and to
attend to the church she loved so well.
Her oldest son, Mr Richard Massengale, was with
her the last few days of her sickness and accompanied her remains to Texas, and the body
was taken to his home,, his toughtful wife having made ample preparation for the
entertainment of all her children.
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock Bro. Hearon
conducted funeral services at the cemetery and the remains were laid to rest in the
Hall Cemetery. A Friend
Mrs. M. Dickerson, left Tuesday morning for
Blooming Grove to attend the funeral of sister Mrs. L. E. Massengale, who died at the home
of her daughter in Mississippi and was brought to Blooming Grove for burial Tuesday. Mrs.
Massengale was well known here, having made her home with sister, Mrs. Dickerson and
niece, Mrs. Sample, and has many friends who will regret to hear of her death. She was a
member of the Methodist Church of this place. A devout Christian woman, who was loyal to
her church, never failing to attend all services and lend every assistance within the
power for its betterment. The bereaved loved ones have the sympathy of the entire
community in their sorrow.
This is the eulogy
of her pastor:
MRS. ELENOR MASSENGALE, wife of H. B. Massengale
was born June 6, 1830 in Bodkey County, Alabama. She professed religion and joined the
M.E. (Methodist) Church, South, at the age of ten years. Was married to H. B. Massengale
August 28, 1845. They moved to Jack County, Tx. in January 1874.
Sister Massengale died February 28, 1898. She
lived a devoted Christian, and affectionate wife, a loving mother. She was loved by all
who know her. Her home was a preacher's home . During her short illness she prayed for
children and grandchildren, that they might meet her in heaven. She lift an aged husband,
several children and grandchildren to mourn her loss. She died in the triumph of living on
earth. Earth's loss is heaven's gain. May God's Holy Spirit comfort the bereaved ones.
Her pastor's signature
- Submitted by her g-g-granddaughter, Anna Sullivan Penny
- Added 10/7/1997]
- Born Oct 26, 1849 - Died Feb. 2,1915
- She is the mother to William Marshall Massengale,
husband to Louis Elizabeth Kyle in previous obit.
Nehemiah Hutcheson
Aug 1, 1844 - Jun 8, 1923
Funeral Sunday.
N. H. Brown was laid to rest Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the
Bazette cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends
attended from Corsicana, and many from Powell, Kerens and Bazette. The funeral was conducted by J. T. Newsom, assisted by Rev. M. Hill of Bazette. Many were
the floral offerings, and on all lips were the expression that a good and noble man has gone from us. May his wholesome influence abide forever.
Prominent Resident of Navarro County Died Here
Last Night N. H. Brown, aged eight-two years, for many years a resident of this county,
died last night at the Physicians & surgeons Hospital at 9 o'clock. The deceased has
been prominent in the affairs of the county since taking up his residence at Powell, and
enjoys a large circle of friends, who will be genuinely grieved to learn of his death.
funeral cortege will leave the residence of W. A. Brown, in Corsicana, son of the
deceased, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and the funeral service will be held at the Bazette
Baptist Church with burial in the Bazette Cemetery.
Deceased is survived by the following children: C.
A. Brown, Rotan, Fisher county; W. A. Brown, Corsicana; S. H. Brown, Powell; sons; Mrs. L.
R. Dawson, Moran; Mrs. L. M. Dawson, Kerens; Mrs. Mack Hast, Montfort; Mrs. A. L. Andrews,
Montfort; Mrs. Garlitz, Moran, daughters.
Mr. Brown was born in Washington county,
Indiana, August 1, 1841, and married Sofa Jane Couble, October 24, 1861. He joined the
Methodist church in 1875 and came to Texas in 1882. He moved to Navarro county in 1893.
Following are the pall-bearers: Active: Lloy Wilson, Mack Warren, J. A. Jackson, Bryant
Austin, Zack Banks, D. U. Langston, W. E. Stephenson, Ben Baltzagar, Ike Kyser, W. L.
Petty, J. 0. Burke, J. G. Christian. Honorary: J. S. Callicutt, Nick Garitty, R. B.
Molloy, W. W. Ballew, S. W. Rogy, H. D. Johnson, Geo. E. Jester, R. L. Davis, C. L.
Jester, L. A. Johnson, W. A. Tarver, Ike Levey, R. A. Caldwell, Dr. I. N. Suttle, Dr. I.
E. Kelton, H. B. Daviss, Zeb Burke, C. B. Sutherland, Geo. Speed, Tom Stockton, G. W.
Westbrook, Jim Mabry, Ben Newsom, Dr. R. M. McMullam, Pat Garven. Confederate veterans:
Capt. E. L. Bell, A. J. Hook, J. T. Godley, John Duren, Capt. Jas. Garitty, Capt. J. R.
Nobles, Dr. W. W, Carter.
Submitters Notes: Mrs. L. R. Dawson should Mrs. L.
R. Dosser; Mrs. L. M. Dawson should be Mrs. L. M. Dosser; Mrs. Mack Hast
should be Mrs. Mack Haste; and Sofa Jane Couble should be Sophia Jane Cauble. Nehemiah H.
Brown was a member of I Co. 9th Indiana Infantry (Union) during the
Civil War.
Nancy T. (Daniel)
Oct 5, 1820 - Nov 8, 1900
Mrs. Nancy T. Hamilton
Died on the 29th day of January, 1860, four miles south of Corsicana, Texas. Sister Hamilton was the daughter of Allen Daniel, and was born in Dixon County, Tennessee, but
was practically reared in Perry County, to which her father moved when she was quite
small. In December, 1841, she was united in marriage to brother Samuel Hamilton, the
new bereaved husband. Some ten or eleven years ago they removed to this state and
settled where she is now buried.
Sister Hamilton, professed religion in
the summer of 1855, and united with the Corsicana congregation of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church in 1857. She was, in the full sense of the work, and in all
the relations of life, a good woman. The writer has never seen a wife, mother, or
neighbor given up with greater reluctance by a family and community than our departed
sister. She was conscious of her approaching end for many days; talked of death, not
only with calmness and Christian fortitude, but with great joy. She gave her parting
advice and blessing to each member of the family separately, exacting a pledge from each
to meet her in heaven. --M. (Reverend Modrell, pastor)
Mrs. Nancy T. Hamilton
We were called on last Sabbath afternoon to witness one
of the most toughing and heart-rending scenes, in the death of the beloved wife
of our esteemed friend and fellow-citizen, Mr. Sam Hamilton. She died at 4:30
o'clock p.m. on Sabbath last, Jan. 29, after a rather protracted and very
painful illness, which she bore with that patient, Christian fortitude so
characteristic of the woman. In all the relations of wife, mother, mistress,
neighbor, and Christian, she had no superior, and, perhaps, few equals. We never
witnessed more untiring and anxious efforts made to save a patient than were,
for weeks, made to save her - but all in vain. She leaves a husband, eight
children, numerous relatives and friends, with all her neighbors, to mourn her
We are consoled, however, with the most abundant and
satisfactory evidence furnished by her life of uniform, constant, and consistent
piety, and by her complete and happy triumph over affliction and death itself,
that our loss is her gain.
George Taylor
Aug 23, 1846 - Jul 19, 1922
 Texas Christian Advocate, July 27, 1922
Central Methodism in particular and Texas
Methodism in general have suffered loss in the death of of that stalwart Christian and
citizen - Ex-Lieutenant Governor George T. Jester. His passing took place at his
home in Corsicana, Texas, Wednesday, July 19, 1922.
Bro. Jester has been honored above his
fellows in both Church and State. He had been a citizen of Corsicana since he was
twelve years of age and grief over his death was universal. Out of respect for him
as a fellow banker and citizen, all the banks remained closed on Friday. Hundreds of
sympathetic messages from those high in Church and State poured in upon the family.
He literally lived in the hearts of his brethren.
The funeral service on Sunday evening was
largely attended, mournfully devout in spirit, and gorgeous in floral offerings which
bespoke a sincerely lavish love. Among outside attendants were Messrs. L. Blaylock
and W. C. Everett who had enjoyed the rich hospitality of his home during conference
The processional into the Church was led
by Rev. D. K. Porter, Pastor of the First Methodist Church; Rev. W. H. Matthews, of Fort
Worth; Senator James H. Woods; and Rev. A. E. Carraway, Pastor of the Eleventh Avenue
Methodist Church. Rev. Horace Bishop, of San Angelo and Rev. C. A. Bickley met the
procession on the rostrum. Following the pastors named came the body of Mr. Jester,
guarded by his brother Knights Tamplar, the relatives, and the active and honorary pall
bearers. Two Knights stood at the head and foot of the casket throughout the
ceremony. The nephews of Mr. Jester acted as pallbearers. Rev. D. K. Porter
conducted the ceremonies, assisted by Rev. Horace Bishop, Rev. C. A. Bickley, Rev. W. H.
Matthews, and Rev. A. E. Carraway. Dr. Horace Bishop, veteran Methodist preacher,
who has twice lived in and served Corsicana, was present to speak of the man he knew so
well. Fifty years ago in a little Methodist Church that stood where the present
structure now stands, Dr. Bishop took Mr. Jester into the church, being then a young man.
He served his day and generation by the
will of God. In his going the people wept and remembered his greatness of soul.
Being a rough ashler as we all were, he has been shapened after the similitude of
the divine pattern. And at high noon he now goes from labor to refreshment. We
shall see him in the temple not made with hands.
See Also:
William F. Lockhart
Corsicana Observer, Dec 17, 1873
Departed this life Nov. 10th, 1873, W. F. Lockhart, son of T. and Mary J. Lockhart. The deceased was born May the 1st, 1848 in Anson county
NC. Came to Navarro County, Texas, in 1867, where he remained with his parents until his
O! how seemingly hard it is for parents to part
with a beloved son or daughter, especially when the child manifests a great disposition to
love and obey them. This can be said of William. He was truly devoted to his parents, and
especially to his mother. He never would engage in any business pursuit without consulting
her. It seemed to be his delight to work for the comfort of his parents. How noble it is
for a son or daughter to be devoted to their parent's interests and comfort in this life!
But his stay on earth was short. He was taken sick about one o'clock Sabbath evening and
Nomday morning six o'clock he lay a lifeless corps - only about 18 hours from the time he
was taken sick. O! how sad it is to be bereaved of such a son in so short a time, but
remember what Job said in his affliction: "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken
away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Sorrow not as those that have no hope. Be
faithful till death, and in the morning of the resurrection you may see William again. I
would say to the brothers and sisters who are left behind to suffer a while on earth, do
as William has done, that it may be said when called from earth that you were always
faithful and obedient to your parents. Remember the admonition given by the Rev. Horace
Bishop, who preached the funeral sermon to a large and attentive audience, mostly young
men and ladies. The words of the text may be found in the book of Proverbs, chap. xxi. and
first verse: "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of waters;
he turneth it whithersoever he will" O! what a solemn warning is given in the sudden
death of this young man, especially to the young to be ready, for they know not when death
may come and call them hence as it did William, in the short space of eighteen hours. Read
and ponder well the sentiment of the poet in there two beautiful stanzas.:
"Vain man, thy fond pursuit forbear,
Repent, thy end is nigh;
Death at the farthest can't he far
O! think before thou die.
Reflect, thou hast a soul to save -
They sins how high they mount!
What are thy hopes beyound the grave?
How stands that dark accounty?"
Corsicana Observer, Jan. 28, 1875
Johnnie Sparks
Died at Dresden, Navarro Co., Texas, on the morning of the 12th inst., Johnnie Louis, aged 4 years, youngest son of John C. and
Ammie Bobo Sparks.
Only a few short days ago our darling was a
"thing of beauty," sporting amidst his little companions, himself the merriest,
most beautiful and intelligent, but alas! the frailest flower of them all. He has
descended very suddenly to the innocent grave of childhood, where the dirge of the cold winter winds
now seem to the sorrowing parents hearts, tuned only to notes of the bitterest desolation.
But time will soften this anguish, and give to the
breezes that murmur, and the roses that shall bloom around his little grave, a voice and
an odor of sweetness and hope; for they will realize that his going before them is a link
to build their souls to God.
When called by the angels away, his little voice
wailed out to the last moments of consciousness, "Oh, papa I want to go home!"
And when morning came amidst the glorious rays of a new born sun, our darling Johnnie
mounted the golden stairs, and found his home in heaven, where he sweetly sleeps in the
bosom of Him who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not;
for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
A. C. Rose
Corsicana Observer, Sep 22, 1877
The news of the death of Mr. A. C. Rose was
received in this city on Thursday morning last. He was killed at Arsenal Junction,
Missouri, by a train of cars. We have been unable to get the particulars. Al. for a long
time made Corsicana his home, and his many friends will mourn his death.
Luke B.
Corsicana Observer, 1874
Died-At St. James. Mo., November 2nd, 1874, Luke
B. Forman. He was born at Natchez, Miss., January 17th, 1851. He was a brother of our
fellow townsman, Ely H. Forman, and formerly lived in this city.
Maggie H.
& Marchbanks, Herald D. Hesser
Corsicana Observer - 1874
Mrs. Maggie H. Hesser & Mr. Herald
At the residence of J. A. Harlan, in the town of
Ennis, Ellis county, Saturday, October 24th, 1874, Mrs. Maggie H. Hesser, wife of J. A. Hesser, formerly of this city.
At his residence, near Rice Station in this
county, on Sunday, October 19th, 1874, Mr. Herald D. Marchbanks, formerly of this city.
Thus in one brief week passed away father and daughter, the father venerable in years,
beloved and respected by all who knew him, and the daughter the ido of father, husband and
friends. Loved and loving on earth, father and daughter parted only for a short interval
to meet again.
"She's gone! for ever gone! The king to
Lays his rude hands upon her lovely limbs,
And blasts her beauties with his icy breath."