Henry Baudus
died Aug 1907
Negro Looses Life and Two White Men Hurt
Henry Baudus, colored, and two white men, one by the name of Jockey Burns, were struck by lightning this afternoon while going in at the gate at the fair grounds, one mile and a half south of Mineral Wells. The lightning instantly killed the negro, striking him first, and stunned
the two white men and seriously hurt them. The negro is from Corsicana and had only been here during the races. He was about 35 years old. While the two white men are seriously hurt, news from the fair grounds late this afternoon is to the effect that they will recover.
Cora Ada
(Garner) Anderson Mar 8, 1880 - Apr
2, 1936
Mrs. Cora Ada Anderson, 56, died at the family home in the Retreat community Thursday. Funeral services will be held at
Ward Cemetery Friday. Mrs. Anderson had lived in Navarro County thirty-five years. Surviving are her husband, C. M. Anderson; three sons, Otto, William and Calvin Anderson, all of Corsicana; three daughter, Mrs. Blanche Martin of
Corsicana, Miss Mary Lee Anderson and Mrs. Andrew Fouler of Kilgore; two brothers and two sisters.
Funeral services for Mrs. Cora Ada Anderson, aged 56 years, who died at the
family residence in the Retreat community Thursday morning at 6:40 o’clock
after an extended illness, were held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at
Ward cemetery
where interment was made. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Jack Langston, Baptist minister.
Surviving are her husband, C. M. Anderson, Retreat; three sons, Otto,
William and Calvin Anderson, all of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Blanche
Martin, Corsicana; Miss Mary Lee Anderson and Mrs. Andrew Fowler, both of
Kilgore; two brothers, Walter Garner, Edom, and Wilburn Garner, Corsicana;
and two sisters, Mrs. Jack Anderson, Richland, and Mrs. Willie Baker,
Oklahoma City.
Corley Funeral Home directed the rites.
Andrew Jackson Berryhill Aug 7, 1874 - Oct 14, 1934
BERRYHILL - Corsicana, Texas. Oct. 15. - A. J. Berryhill, 60, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon when he was struck by a Burlington Lines engine here. Relatives said he left his home in the Farmer community Sunday morning to come to Corsicana. Surviving are his wife, nine children and five
brothers. Notes:
A. J. Berryhill, aged 60 years, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon
shortly after 5 o’clock when he was struck by a Burlington Lines engine
between North Beaton and Commerce streets. Identification was not
established until Monday morning shortly before 9 o’clock. The right leg was
cut off above the knee, a skull fracture and other injuries were sustained.
Relatives said he left his home in the Farmer community Sunday morning to
come to Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, nine children, Ray Berryhill, Farmer; Flora Gray
Berryhill, Farmer; Lurlene Berryhill, Farmer; Mrs. Myrtle Dockery, Farmer;
Mrs. Zelma Grimes, Corsicana; Mrs. Essie Williams, Corsicana; Mrs. Bertha
Easley, Farmer; Lennis Berryhill, Corsicana; Alvin A. Berryhill, Corsicana;
and five brothers, Ben Berryhill, Athens, Bud Berryhill, Fletcher, Okla.;
Riley Berryhill, Fletcher, Okla.; John Berryhill, Knox City; Frank
Berryhill, Silver City.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with burial in the Campbell
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by W. T. Allmon, Baptist minister.
The Sutherland – McCammon Funeral Home will direct the service.
Funeral services for A. J. Berryhill, 60, farmer, who was instantly
killed late Sunday afternoon in North Corsicana when he was struck by a
Burlinton Lines, engine, were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with
burial in the Campbell
cemetery. Rev. W. T. Allmon,
Baptist minister conducted the rites.
Berryhill was a native of Arkansas, but had resided in Navarro county
for 52 years.
Surviving are his wife, Nine children, Ray Berryhill, Farmer, Flora Gray
Berryhill, Farmer; Lurlene Berryhill, Farmer; Mrs. Myrtia Dockery,
Farmer; Mrs. Zelma Grimes, Corsicana; Mrs. Easle Williams, Corsicana;
Mrs. Bertha Easley, Farmer; Lennis Berryhill, Corsicana; Alvin
Berryhill, Corsicana; and five brothers, Ben Berryhill, Athens; Bud
Berryhill, Fletcher, Okla.; Riley Berryhill, Fletcher, Okla.; John
Berryhill, Knox City; and Frank Berryhill, Silver City.
Pallbearers were Frank Coley, Jack Russell, Walter Beeman, Ernest Green,
Marshall Anderson and Hub Cheek.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland – McCammon Funeral Home.
Mary Hix (Blackmon) Bell

Jul 22, 1863 - Apr 27, 1937
Mrs. Thomas Bell, 72, resident of Navarro County for forty years, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Eugene McAdams, at Emhouse Tuesday.
Funeral services were held at Frost Wednesday afternoon. Surviving are six sons, William Thomas Bell, Frost; Robert and Claude Bell, of Eureka; Leon, Jim and Luther Bell, of Emhouse; a daughter, Mrs. McAdams, Emhouse, and a
brother, William Blackmon, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mrs. Thomas Bell, 72, resident of Navarro county for the past 40 years, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene McAdams at Emhouse Tuesday
afternoon after a lingering illness. The funeral was held at Frost Wednesday
afternoon where interment was made.
A native of Mobile, Ala., she came to Texas when a small child. She was
married in Denton to Thomas Bell, who died in Blooming Grove in 1925.
Surviving are six sons, William Thomas Bell, Frost; Robert and Claude Bell,
both of Eureka; Leon, Jim and Luther Bell, all of Emhouse; a daughter, Mrs.
McAdams, Emhouse; and a brother, William Blackmon, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Jessie Tilce

Dec 10, 1863 - Aug 4, 1929
J. T. Garlington, Navarro County Merchant, Dies
Special to The News
BARRY, Navarro Co., Texas, Aug. 16. - J. T. Garlington, merchant of Cryer
Creek, Navarro County, since 1890, died at his home and was buried in
Grange Hill Cemetery near
the community in which he had lived for half a century.
Mr. Garlington was born in Louisianan in 1863 and moved to Texas in 1879,
settling in the Cryer Creek community, where he lived continuously until his
death. He opened a general store at Cryer Creek in 1890 and remained
actively in charge of this business for thirty-nine years. He was married to
Miss Minnie Russell in 1886, and to this union were born three children, two
of whom died in infancy. The other is the wife of E. J. Cruse, merchant of
Cryer Creek.
Mr. Garlington had four brothers, L. A. Garlington of Dallas, Mose
Garlington of Ballinger, Will Garlington of Corsicana and Ben Garlington at
Athens. Two half brothers, Eugene and Dee Garlington of Louisiana, also
Service was his motto, and Mr. Garlington conducted his general store at
Cryer Creek to give service to his friends and neighbors. Many times when
larger stores in larger towns and cities were unable to furnish merchandise
wanted by customers, they told their customers, "If you can't get what you
want here go to J. T. Garlington at Cryer Creek and he will get it for you."
Alexander S. Aron
Aug 17, 1878 - Dec 30, 1950
Alexander S. Aron Buried at Corsicana
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 1 - Alexander S. Aron, 78, retired Moody merchant,
died in Beaumont Saturday. He formerly was a merchant in Corsicana.
Funeral services were held here Monday. Burial was in the
Hebrew Cemetery with the Masonic
Lodge in charge.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Aubrey, Aron, Beaumont; two daughters, Mrs.
E. W. Huegatter, Dalhart, and Mrs. C. C. McMahon, New Orleans, and seven
Alexander Aron Services Monday
Alexander S. Aaron, 78, retired merchant, died at the home of his son,
Aubrey Aron, in Beaumont Saturday.
He formerly was a merchant in Corsicana, retired at Moody, Texas, a year ago
and went to Beaumont.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 2 p.m. Burial
was in the
Hebrew Cemetery. Sydney Marks read
the service at the chapel while the Masonic Lodge conducted the graveside
Surviving are his wife of Beaumont; one son, two daughters, Mrs. E. W.
Huegatter, Dalhart, and Mrs. C. C. McMahon, New Orleans, and seven
Pallbearers were Henry Levy, Ben Miller, Henry Goldsmith, Sam Allen, Swint
Huling and Archie Tinkle.
Lucy S. (Brothers) Bailey
Oct 10, 1875 - Nov 23, 1947
Mrs. Lucy Bailey Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Nov. 25. - Mrs. Lucy Bailey, 72, died in a local hospital.
Funeral services were held Monday. Surviving are a brother, Walter J.
Brothers, Atoka, Okla.; and a sister, Mrs. W. B. Sparkman, Corsicana.
Mrs. Lucy Bailey, aged 72 years died at the P. and S. Hospital Sunday night
at 10:30 o’clock following an extended illness.
Funeral services were held from the McCommon Funeral Home chapel Monday
afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. A. J. Kirkland, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.
Native of Alabama, Mrs. Bailey, the widow of the late J. B. Bailey, had
spent most of her life in and near Corsicana.
Surviving are a brother, Walter J. Brothers, Atoka, Okla.; a sister, Mrs. W.
B. Sparkman, Corsicana and a number of nieces and nephews.
Enoch R. Batte
Sep 29, 1859 - Sep 29, 1919
Batte - Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 3. - Enoch R. Batte, aged 60 years, died at
his home on North Eleventh street and was buried at
Hopewell Cemetery today.
Died Here Last Night.
Enoch R. Batte, aged 60 years, died at his home on North Eleventh street at
7 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The remains were taken to Navarro last night
and interment took place in the
Hopewell cemetery near there today.
Nancy Ellen/Ella "Nannie" (Estill) Chance-Bates
Nov 9, 1854 - Sep 14, 1928
Mrs. Nanny Bates Buried.
Special to The News.
CORSICANA, Texas, Aug 15. - Funeral services for Mrs. Nanny M. Bates, 72,
native Texan, who died Tuesday, were held Wednesday at
Oakwood Cemetery, where burial
was made. She had resided in
Corsicana about fifteen year.
Surviving are nine children, C. E. Chance, Beaumont; Mrs. Jennie Speer,
Trinity; Mrs. E. J. Elms,
Corsicana, H. B. Chance, Thornton; Jess Chance, Thornton; Mrs. Willie Mills,
Thornton; Lee Chance, Colorado; B. F. Chance, Shamrock; Jim Chance,
Corsicana; also thirty-nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Nanny M. Bates, aged 73 years, died at 311 West Seventh avenue Tuesday
morning at 9:15 o’clock following a lingering illness with a heart ailment,
and the funeral will be held at
Oakwood cemetery
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock where interment will be made, Mrs. Bates
had been a member of the Missionary Baptist church for many years. She was a
native of Texas, having been born near Dodge, Walker county. She had made
her home with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Elms in Corsicana for about fifteen
Surviving are nine children, C. E. Chance, Beaumont; Mrs. Jennie Speer,
Trinity; Mrs. E. J. Elms, Corsicana; H. B. Chance, Thornton; Jess Chance,
Thornton; Mrs. Willie Mills, Thornton; Lee Chance, Colorado, Texas; B. F.
Chance, Shamrock; Jim Chance, Corsicana; 39 grandchildren and seven
Funeral services for Mrs. Nanny M. Bates, aged 72 years, native Texan, who
died at 311 West Seventh avenue, Tuesday morning at 9:15 o’clock following a
lingering illness with a heart ailment, were held Wednesday afternoon at 4
o’clock at
Oakwood cemetery
where interment was made. She was born near Dodge, Walker county and had
resided in Corsicana about 15 years. She was a member of the Missionary
Baptist church for many years.
Surviving are nine children, C. E. Chance, Beaumont; Mrs. Jennie Speer,
Trinity; Mrs. E. J. Elms, Corsicana; H. B. Chance, Thornton; Jess Chance,
Thornton; Mrs. Willie Mills, Thornton; Lee Chance, Colorado, Texas; B. F.
Chance, Shamrock; Jim Chance, Corsicana; 39 grandchildren and seven
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Aug 14, 1928
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Isaac S. Chance
married Nov. 3, 1874 Walker county, Texas 2nd husband M. M. /U. M Bates
married Jan. 31, 1902 Freestone county, Texas (could possibly be Uriah
Madison Bates) d/o Milton Estill and Louisa (Bolton/Boulton) Estill
Barney B.
died Dec 1948
Barney B. Bates Dies
CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 24. - Barney B. Bates, 81, native of Corsicana, died
at his home here Thursday. Funeral services were held here Friday afternoon.
Surviving are a brother, Charles F. Bates, Corpus Christi, and several
nieces and nephews.
L. R. Bassham
died Nov 1933
BASSHAM - Corsicana, Texas. Nov. 3 - Funeral services for L. R.
Bassham, 25, of the Roane community, who died Thursday, were held Friday
afternoon at the Crisp Cemetery, seven miles northeast of Ennis, where
burial was made. Surviving are his wife; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Bassham, Roane, and three brothers, W. B., J. F. and H. T. Bassham, all of
Marshall Molloy
died May 1942
Dean of Oil Scouts In North Texas Buried
WICHITA FALLS, Texas, May 15. - Marshall Molloy Bates, 58, dean of North
Texas oil scouts and a resident of Wichita Falls thirty-two years, was
buried here with Masonic rites following his death after a lengthy illness.
Bates was widely known throughout Texas oil circles.
A native of Corsicana where he grew to young manhood, Bates was a son of the
late Capt. Joseph Young and Clara Molloy Bates. After completing his public
school education, he attended a commercial college, then obtained employment
with the Magnolia refinery at Corsicana. Later he was associated with the
Texas Company at Electra and Wichita Falls before entering the service of
the Humble company as an oil scout.
Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Miss Clara Molloy Bates; a sister,
Miss Lillian Bates of Corsicana, and three brothers, B. B. Bates of Austin,
Charles F. Bates of Corpus Christi and J. R. Bates of San Antonio.
Latham (Aldrich) Allyn
Apr 10, 1848 - Jul 13, 1938
ALLYN - Corsicana, July 14. - Mrs. C. H. Ally, 90, pioneer resident of
Corsicana, died at her home Wednesday. Funeral services were held Thursday.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Hamilton and Mrs. H. D. Johnson,
both of Corsicana: two grandsons, W. A. Lang and Robert Hamilton, and two
Funeral Services Mrs. C. H. Allyn Be Held 5 p. m. Today
Mrs. C. H. Allyn, aged 90 years, pioneer resident of Corsicana, died at her
home 708 West Seventh avenue, Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services will be
held from the family home Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Interment will be
made in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Allyn was a native of Mobile, Ala. She and her late husband, Capt.
Chas. H. Allyn were married in New Orleans in 1868 and came to Texas a short
time later. Capt. Allyn was engaged in the mercantile business and resided
at Bryan. When the H.and T. C. railroad was extended northwest, he moved his
business to Groesbeck and then to Corsicana. In 1872, when the line was
finished to this point, Allyn was a business, financial and civic leader
here for many years prior to his death.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Hamilton and Mrs. H.D. Johnson, both
of Corsicana; two grandsons, W. A. Lang and Robert Hamilton, and two
great-grandsons, and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Funeral services for Mrs. C. H. Allyn, aged 90 years, native of
Alabama, but resident of Corsicana for 66 years, who died
Wednesday afternoon, were held from the family home, 708 West
Seventh avenue, Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Interment was
made in
Oakwood cemetery. She was the widow of the late Capt.
Chas. H. Allyn, pioneer merchant, capitalist and civic leader.
The rites at the home were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Reaves of
Dallas, Church of Christ, Scientist, while at the grave, Rev. C.
R. Haden, Jr., rector of St. John’s Episcopal church was in
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Hamilton and Mrs. H. D.
Johnston; two grandsons, W. A. Lang and Robert Hamilton and two
great-grandsons, all of Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. L. Jester, J. E. Butler, E. M. Polk, Sr.; E.
M. Polk, Jr., Dr. Leslie E. Kelton, Judge Ransom, J. N. Garitty
and Ralph Stell.
Sutherland – McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
B&D Nov 6, 1937
BATTS - Corsicana, Texas. Nov. 8. - Funeral services were held for the
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Batts at Richland. Surviving are the
parents, a brother and grandmother, Mrs. Belle Elkins of Corsicana.
Infant Child Was Buried at Richland
The infant daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Batts died Saturday morning and
the funeral services were held at
Richland Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Surviving are the parents, a brother, grandmother, Mrs. Belle Elkins,
Corsicana, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Jess Garland
died Aug. 1929
Navarro Resident Dead.
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 5. - Jess Garland, 66, resident of Navarro County
since childhood, and merchant at Cryer Creek for forty years, died at his
home at Cryer Creek Sunday. The funeral was held Monday with burial in the
family burial plot at the Grange
Hall Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Jack Cruse of
Cryer Creek; three brothers, Will Garland of Ballinger, Alfred Garland of
Oklahoma and Ben F. Garland of Richland.
Cintha Elmira Cain
Died Nov 1916
CAIN - Corsicana, Texas, Nov. 30. - Mrs. Cintha Elmira Cain, aged 82 years,
died in Houston yesterday and the body was brought here this morning and
taken to Frost for interment.
It was accompanied by her two sons, J. R. and W. B. Cain of Houston, and
Andy W. McCord, also of that city, but formerly of Frost. The deceased is
also survived by a daughter, Mrs. F. N. Stewart of Fort Cobb, Ok.
Venerable Woman Dead
Mrs. Cinta Elmira Cain, Formerly of Frost, Died in Houston.
From Thursday’s Daily.
Mrs. Cintha Elmira Cain, age 82 years, died in Houston yesterday and the
remains were brother here this morning and taken to Frost for interment
beside those of her husband, who died at Frost many years ago while the
family live there.
The remains were accompanied by her two sons, J. R. and W. R. Cain of
Houston, and Andy W. McCord, also of that city, but formerly of Frost.
The deceased is also survived by a daughter, Mrs. F. N. Stewart of Fort
Cobb, Okla.
Leilia Ada (Key) Call
Oct 10, 1863 - Sep 14, 1953
Mrs. Leilia A. Call Dies at Age of 89 At Navarro Farm
Mrs. Leilia A. Call, 89, widow of a former Corsicana mayor and
resident of Dallas since 1920, died Monday at her farm home near Blooming
Grove, Navarro County, where she was spending the summer.
Born in Navarro County, Mrs. Call moved to Dallas in 1917 after the death of
husband, E. O.
Call, prominent Corsicana criminal lawyer. She had lived with her son,
Norwood F. Call, 2019 Old Orchard, since 1941.
Funeral service will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Methodist Church in
Dresden, Navarro County, whit burial in the
Dresden Cemetery. In addition to
her son, Mrs. Call is survived by four grandchildren, seven
great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Mrs. E. O. Call Dies At Dresden
Mrs. Lelia A. Call, 89, native of Navarro county, died at her summer
farm home south of Dresden Monday morning.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Dresden
Methodist church. Burial was in the
Dresden Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Kenneth Bass, pastor of the church.
Mrs. Call, the widow of the late E. O. Call, pioneer Navarro county
criminal lawyer, was born October 10, 1863.
She has made her home in Dallas with her son, Norwood Call, the past
several winters, but spent the summers on the farm.
The family resided in Corsicana for many years.
Surviving are her son, four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren
and one great-great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were J. N. Garitty and Henry Call, both of Corsicana; T.
C. Cash, Tyler; John Minefee and Bill Barnes, both of Navarro Mills,
and James Lee McNabb, Dallas.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Edwin Oswald "Ed" Call
1859 - Nov 1918
 A Telegram from Kansas City received by his brother last night
announced that E. O. Call had died in a sanitarium at Kansas City. His body
will be buried in what is known as the old
Dresden Cemetery. Mr. Call was
for many years a prominent lawyer in Corsicana and is well known among the
lawyers of the State. A few years ago he took up his residence on the Call
farm and later made his home in Blooming Grove, this county. He served
Corsicana as Alderman and Mayor during his residence here. His wife and two
boys, one of whom is in the navy, survive him.
Elmos Berry Cagle

Jan 18,
1880 -
Sep 28, 1952
E. B. Cagle Rites Held in Dresden
Austin Bureau of The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept. 28. - E. B. Cagle, 72, operator of a grocery store
at Dresden, died in Memorial Hospital here early Saturday morning. He
recently suffered a heart attack.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Dresden Methodist
Church. Burial was in the Dresden
Surviving are his wife of Dresden; two daughters, Mrs. Celestine Herring of
Waco and Dora Cagle of Houston; a son, Jim C. Cagle of Arlington; two
brothers, Wesley Cagle of Corsicana and Clint Cagle of Oklahoma; four
sisters, Mrs. Dezzie French of Corsicana, Mrs. Fannie Parker of Pickett,
Mrs. Ada Brister of Corsicana and Mrs. M. H. Wright of Mildred; five
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Elmos B. Cagle Dies In Hospital
Elmos B. Cagle, 72, operator of a grocery store between Dresden and Silver
City for years, died at Memorial Hospital early Saturday morning.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Dresden Methodist
church, with Rev. Pat Brown of Blooming Grove in charge. Burial will be in
the Dresden
Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Celestine Herring, Waco, and
Dora Cagle, Houston; a son, Jim C. Cagle, Arlington; two brothers, Wesley,
Corsicana, and Clint, Oklahoma; four sisters, Mrs. Dezzie French, Corsicana,
Mrs. Fannie Parker, Pickett, Mrs. Ada Brister, Corsicana, and Mrs. M. H.
Wright, Mildred; five grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
McCormick Funeral Home will direct.
(Blackburn) Coker
Oct 16, 1916 - Jun 10, 2005
Eulema Coker
Eulema Coker, 88, of Barry passed away Friday, June 10, 2005, in Corsicana.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
with the Rev. Don Sawyer officiating.
Mrs. Coker was born Oct. 16, 1916, in Georgia.
She was preceded in death by her son, Billy Ray Coker; and parents, Cliff
and Lovie Blackburn.
Survivors include her husband, Lonnie Coker of Barry; sons, J. C. Coker of
Plano and Hugh Allen Coker and wife Sharon of Corsicana; daughter, Frankie
Lavonne Garza of Barry; grandchildren, Erick Kirby Coker of Robinson,
Elizabeth Yvonne Haney of Allen, Meredith Rene Rumsey of Allen, Allen Coker,
Christie Coker of Dallas, Tracey Coker of Dallas, Angie Rene Powell of
Corsicana, Hugh Allen Coker Jr. of Corsicana, Jim Dale Washington Jr. of
Barry, Bradley Shawn Washington of Ennis, Shannon Michelle Avila and husband
Victor of Rice, Joe Frank Washington of Barry, Stacey Shelton of Corsicana
and Johnny Humphries of Corsicana; and great-grandchildren, Kirby Reed Coker
of Dallas, Heather Haney of Allen, Taylor Haney of Allen, Colten Haney of
Allen, Madyson Rene Rumsey of Allen, Casey Tapley of Corsicana, Callie
Tapley of Corsicana, Avery Washington of Ennis, Zane Washington of Ennis,
Victor Avila of Rice and Aaron Avila of Rice.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Wanda (Gipson) DuBose
June 28, 1922 - June 10, 2005
Wanda Gipson DuBose
Wanda Gipson DuBose, who was born June 28, 1922, in Rhonesboro, Texas to
Herman and Susie Davidson Gipson, passed away June 10, 2005, in Waco. As a
child she attended rural schools in Upshur County, and many of her memories
of those days are recorded in her son-in-law Thad Sitton's book Ringing the
Children In. Following school she moved to Gilmer where she worked at the
Bell Hotel. There she met a telegrapher for the Cotton Belt Railroad, Clyde
Ward DuBose, whom she married on Aug. 4, 1942. They had one child, Clydette.
Wanda and Clyde moved to Corsicana in 1947 and lived there until relocating
to Waco in 1967. Following Clyde's death in 1976, Wanda became active in
several organizations including Sul Ross Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, and
AARP. She enjoyed dancing and participating in chartered bus trips which she
helped organize and lead throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
She was also active in Timber Crest Baptist Church and the Democratic Party.
As a charter member of the Brownsboro, Texas Order of Eastern Star she
received her fifty-year pin in 1995.
In addition to her daughter and son-in-law, she is survived by a sister
Hermalene Cortez (Benny); brothers H.H. Gipson (Mary), Ted Gipson, Tommy
Gipson (Virginia), brother-in-law A.D. Goodwin, and many nieces and nephews
who always enjoyed visiting Aunt Wanda. The family wishes to thank her
friends for their support during her illness, especially Harvey Lee Wallace
who proved herself to be a true and loving friend.
Services will be held Wednesday, June 15 at 10 a.m. at Bellmead Funeral Home
located at 809 LaClede Street in Bellmead. Burial will follow at Grice
Cemetery near Gilmer at 3:30 p.m.
Arrangements by Bellmead Funeral Home.
Wanda Jean (Hill) Herrin
Dec 13, 1934 - Jun 10, 2005
Wanda Jean Herrin, 70, of Corsicana passed away Friday, June 10, 2005 in
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at
Dresden Cemetery with Bro.
Chet Brake officiating.
Pallbearers will be Wesley Herrin, Kylen Burks, Justin Fread, Mitch Atchley,
Randy Keele, Reggie Farmer and John McAdams. Honorary pallbearer will be
Jessie Paul Fread.
Mrs. Herrin was born Dec. 13, 1934 in Rice to Werdna Bunkley Hill and stella
Mae Sparks Hill. She was a member of the Ladies Auxillary of the Corsicana
VFW. She was a homemaker, raising her five children with her husband Lynn,
and was a member of the Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband,
Lynn Herrin in 1999; brother, J.D.
Aston; and a sister, Bonnie King.
Mrs. Herrin is survived by children, Lyndel Herrin of Corsicana, Lois and
John McAdams of Waxahachie, Kathie and Reggie Farmer of Corsicana, Teresa
Atchley of Jewett, and Wesley and Anne Herrin of Corsicana; 12 grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren; brother, Mancel Hill of Burleson; and sister,
Mary Valentine of Corsicana.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Dewey Lowell Clark
Feb 5, 1937 - Jun 11, 2005
Dewey Lowell Clark, 68, of Tyler left his earthly home and went to his
Heavenly Father on June 11, 2005. He was born on Feb. 5, 1937 in Dresden,
Texas, to Lenard Clarence and Hazel Marie Bower Clark. He moved to Corsicana
in 1942, and attended public schools where he graduated from Corsicana High
School in
1955. He was employed with Mrs. Baird Bread Company. He later
moved to Tyler whre he worked for Borden Milk Company until his retirement.
He accepted Jesus as his Savior at an early age and was an active member of
Missionary Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge No. 108 of Jacksonville,
Visitation will b6 to 8 p.m. tonight at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Home with the Rev. Travis
Hanna officiating. Interment will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Michael Clark, Mark Clark, Dwight Lusk, Wayne Owen,
Rodney Haynes and Russell Boling.
He was preceded in death by his parents; sister and brother-in-law, Margaret
Clark and Lonzo Dwight Lusk; nephew, James Monty Clark; and niece, Diebbie
Jane Clark.
Mr. Clark is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Tammy Dawn and Ricky Day
of Quitman; daugther, Tina Ann Pierson of Tyler; granddaugthers, Paige
Pierson and Taylor Pierso, both of North Richland Hills; grandson, Jacob Day
and Jordan Day, both of Quitman; brother and sister-in-law, Kennith B. and
Betty Clark of Corsicana; sister and brother-in-law, Patricia (Clark) and
James Owen of Corsicana; sister, Sherrian (Clark) Boling of Grand Prairie;
and numerous other relatives and friends.
Memorials may be made to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, 2222
Welborn, Dallas, Texas 75129.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Edwin Triplett Gordon
Dec 20, 1908 - Jun 12, 2005
Edwin T. Gordon, 96, of Corsicana passed away Sunday, June 12, 2005 at
Heritage Oaks Retirement Village.
Visitation will be 2 to 3 p.m. Wednesday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 3 p.m.. Wednesday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with the
Rev. B.F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Interment will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Masons of the 110th Masonic District.
Mr. Gordon was born Dec. 20, 1908. He was a member of the First Baptist
Church. He was a lifetime member and Past Master of Corsicana Masonic Lodge
No. 174, a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason, Waco, and member of Karem Shrine
of Waco. He was a member of York Rite Bodies of Masons. He was a lifetime
member and Past Patron of Corsicana Chapter No. 118, Order of the Eastern
Star. He was a WWII veteran stationed in the South Pacific Theater as a
surgical technician. He retired from Frito Lay Co. as regional manager.
He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Minnie Van Hook and Hallie
G. Hampton; and brother, Jimmie Gordon.
Mr. Gordon is survived by his wife of 58 years
Edna B. Gordon.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Delphia M. (Teagarden) Mitchell

Sep 19, 1920 - Jun 9, 2005
Delphia Mitchell
Delphia Mitchell passed away in Buena Park, Calif. Services are
pending at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Arrangements by
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Ferma Cee Stewart
Jul 29, 1911 - Jun 12, 2005
C. Stewart, 93, life long resident of Navarro County, civic leader and
founder of Stewart Motor Company, died at his home Sunday June 12, 2005. He
was born July 29, 1911 in Pursley, Texas and moved to Corsicana at the age
of five. He started his first business at age twelve, selling popcorn on
Beaton Street. His instincts as an entrepreneur led him into several
ventures in the growing city of Corsicana, most significantly the founding
of Stewart Motor Company in 1939. A General Motors dealer for 43 years, he
was known in Navarro County and beyond for his integrity and good nature.
During World War II, he served
in the US Air Corps stationed at the
Corsicana Air Field. He was a founder
of Navarro Savings & Loan, Red Oak Bank and Red Circle Supply. He served on
the board of directors for Twilight Home, Family Service, Ranch Properties,
Inc. and First National Bank of Corsicana where he was chairman of the
board. He gave many years of service to his community as President of the
Corsicana Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Corsicana Planning and
Zoning Commission. In 2003, he was elected Navarro County’s Older Texan of
the Year. His greatest honor was serving God. He leaves a legacy of helping
others. Mr. Stewart is survived by his wife of 67 years, Ava Nell Cole
Stewart. Children: Sharon Stewart of Ft.Worth; Sally Van Gee and husband,
Stephen, of Austin; Mary Jane Randolph and husband, Dennis, of Austin; and
Jim Stewart of Flower Mound. Grandchildren: Kyle Hayden, Susan Randolph,
Elizabeth Randolph Ramberg and husband, Kevin, of Austin; Keith Hayden,
Whitney Randolph Hill and husband, Kyle, of San Antonio; Cole Hayden, Ken
Hayden and wife, Jennifer, of Philadelphia; Josh Bell and wife, Andrea, of
Aubrey; Jennifer Stewart and Lauren Stewart of Flower Mound; and Emily Bell
of Boston. Great-Grandson: Taylor Josh Bell of Aubrey Brother: Maco Stewart
of Corsicana, Sister: Winona Stewart of Corsicana and numerous nieces and
nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents James R. and Etna Stewart,
brother Hassell and twin brother Irma D., and a lifetime of cherished
friends. Pallbearers will be Grandchildren and Honorary Pallbearers will be:
Melba Bowers, John Braly, Charles Brown, Gary Brown, Bob Cartwright, Mark
Culwell, Louis Gibson, Bob Gladney, Joe Glass, Bobby Lang, Bill McNutt, Bob
Mertz, David Ralston, Bill Sharp, Phil Smith, Willie Winters, & Hank Wyatt.
A memorial fund has been established in his name at the Corsicana Parks and
Recreation Department for the planting of trees and beautification of parks.
Donations may be sent to: Corsicana Parks & Recreation Attn: Stewart
Memorial Fund 200 N. 12th St. Corsicana, TX 75110 903-654-4874 Funeral
arrangements are with Corley’s Funeral Home. Graveside Services will be 3:00
P.M. Wednesday at Resthaven
Memorial Park followed at 3:45 P.M. by a memorial celebration of his
life at Westhill Church of Christ, where he was a member. A visitation will
be held from 6-8:00 P.M. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Home. |
Lynn Adams Jr.
Sep 15, 1923 - Jun 11, 2005
Lynn Adams Jr., 81, longtime Mexia resident and businessman, died Saturday,
June 11, 2005, in Waco at the Providence Hospital ICU. Lynn was born Sept.
15, 1923, in Corsicana and thereafter moved with his family to Mexia.
He was a 1941 graduate of Mexia High School, co-captain and quarterback of
the Blackcat football team and a member of the Mexia High School band.
Following graduation, he attended Texas A&M University, University of Texas
at Austin and Texas Christian University. While at TCU, he was a member of a
naval ROTC unit and entered the United States Navy where he served in the
Pacific Theater [WWII]. He was a
junior officer on an LST and participated in amphibious operations against
the Japanese. While onboard LST 750, during the Philippine campaign, an
aerial torpedo sank his ship. Lynn was granted survivors’ leave for 30 days
and returned to the United States where he married Betty Jo Quillen, also of
Following the war, Lynn returned to Mexia and began a career with his
father, Lynn Adams Sr., with Central Texas Wholesale Grocery Company. In
1959, Lynn became a wholesale beer distributor for Jax Brewing Company of
New Orleans, La. In 1961, Mr. Adams became a distributor for Miller Brewing
Company and eventually serviced a 10-county area in Central Texas. In 1987,
he built a branch warehouse in Palestine. Following a successful business
career with Lynn Adams Distributing Company Inc., Mr. Adams retired in June
1990 and continued to pursue a lifelong passion playing golf at the Mexia
Country Club.
His wife, Betty Jo, preceded Mr. Adams in death in July 1996.
Surviving are his wife, Carol Adams, and his brother, James B. Adams, who
retired from the FBI and Texas Department of Public Safety and currently
resides with his wife, Ione, in Pagosa Springs, Colo.
Lynn is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Sonny and Robin Adams of
Mexia; two daughters, Vicki Smith of Mexia and Florence Anne Sullivan of
Nacogdoches; his six “grand girls,” Traci Adams Miley, Mika Grunwald Turner,
Kendal Grunwald Owen, Sunni Jo Grunwald, Molly Blake Sullivan and Candice
Leann Baker; two great-grandsons, Payte Lynn Owen and Cole Russell Turner.
Visitation for Mr. Adams is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Blair Stubbs
Funeral Home in Mexia. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at First United
Methodist Church in Mexia.
Honorary pallbearers will be Bobby Richardson, Louie Masters, Dean Hancock,
Joe Tom Haney, Johnny Neece, Wayne Robinson, Sonny Jones, Kenneth Hudnall,
Dr. Ronnie Campbell, Greg Stubbs, Cliff Waters, Alan Ingram, Frank Parker,
Norman Cobb and Jimmy Thompson.
Arrangements by Blair Stubbs Funeral Home, Mexia.
David D. Cagle
Mar 5, 1886 - Jan 31, 1951
David D. Cagle Dies At Home in Corsicana
CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 31. -
David D. Cagle, 65, died at the family home near here Tuesday.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Raymond Cagle of Monahans; Capt.
Bruce Cagle, United States Army, Tokyo, Japan, and Buford Cagle, Dallas; a
daughter, Mrs. A. G. Harper, Odessa; several grandchildren, three brothers,
Elmus Cagle, Barry; Wesley Cagle, Corsicana, and Clinton Cagle, India,
Okla.; four sisters, Mrs. Dezza French and Mrs. Ada Brister, both of
Corsicana; Mrs. Fannie Parker, Pickett, and Mrs. Mont Wright, Mildred.
David D. Cagle Dies On Tuesday
David D. Cagle, 65, former employe of the American Well and
Prospecting Company, died at the family home, 1021 West Eleventh
avenue, early Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel. Burial will be in the
Dresden cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie Cagle, Corsicana; three sons,
Raymond Cagle, Corsicana; Capt. Bruce Cagle, U. S. Army, Tokyo,
Japan, and Buford Cagle, Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. A. G. Harper,
Odessa; several grandchildren, three brothers, Elmus Cagle, Dresden;
Wesley Cagle, Corsicana, and Clinton Cagle, India, Okla.; four
sisters, Mrs. Dessa French and Mrs. Ada Brister, both of Corsicana;
Mrs. Fannie Parker, Pickett, and Mrs. Mont Wright, Mildred, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Lyman Barnes, Norman Fleming, A. H. Ganze, Homer
Jones, Cliff Morris and Harmon Pope.
Madie Caldwell
Mar 22,
1858 - Jun 11, 1915
Death at Corsicana
Special to The News
Corsicana, Texas, June 12. - Miss Madie Caldwell died at the family home,
1712 West Second avenue, last night. She is survived by her mother and a
sister, Miss Florence, and two brothers, W. C. of Corsicana and M. P. of
Fort Worth. The funeral services were conducted by the Revs. J. W. Hornbeak
and George Norcovers. The pallbearers were W. P. McCammon, B. F. Hartzell,
T. P. Kerr, R. S. Neblett, Wiley Johnson, F. T. Whitehill, E. T. Wareing and
W. B. Gray.
Passes Away After a Very Brief Illness.
Miss Madie Caldwell, a resident of Corsicana for many years and well known
as a music teacher, died at her home, 1712 West Second avenue last night and
the remains were interred in Oakwood
this afternoon at 5 o’clock.
The deceased, who had a large circle of friends, is survived by her mother,
a sister, Miss Florence Caldwell, and two brothers, W. C. Caldwell of Fort
The funeral rites were said by Rev. J. W. Hornbeak, assisted by Revs. W. J.
King and Geo. Norcross, and W. P. McCammon, B. F. Hartzell, T. P. Kerr, R.
S. Neblett, Wiley Johnson, F. T. Whitehill, E. T. Wareing and W. B. Gray
acted as pall bearers.
A large procession followed the remains to Oakwood cemetery and there were
many beautiful flowers.
Voyle Caldwell
Died Sep. 1936
CALDWELL - Corsicana, Texas, Sept 24. - Voyle Caldwell, 51, of
Houston, formerly of Corsicana, died in a Victoria hotel Wednesday night,
according to information received by relatives here Thursday morning. The
body was returned to Corsicana Thursday night. Surviving is one son, Ellis
Caldwell of Corsicana.
Walter Currie
Jan 29, 1905 - Dec 25, 1947
Navarro County Man Dies in Plane Crash
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 25. - Walter Currie Caldwell, 42, lifelong resident
of Navarro County, was killed instantly Thursday afternoon several miles
west of Navarro when his light plane crashed. He was a commercial pilot and
an army instructor at Denton during the war. Associates said he had flown to
Terrell early Sunday to visit his father, J. Walter Caldwell. The demolished
plane was not found for sometime after it was seen to go down. Surviving are
his wife, Lovell Pittman Caldwell, and mother, Mrs. Lena Ivey Blanding, both
of Corsicana; his father and other relatives.
W. C. Caldwell Is Killed In Plane Crash Christmas
Walter Currie Caldwell, 42, life-long resident of Navarro county, was killed about 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon when his Luscombe plane crashed in a timbered spot on the pasture of Jimmie Jackson, about two and one-half miles southwest of the Municipal airport at Navarro.
Caldwell, born at Kerens, had resided in Corsicana for many years. He was a commercial pilot and during the war was an army instructor at Denton. He has been an aviation enthusiast since a teen-age lad.
Visited Father.
T. H. Hogle, operator of the Hogle airport north of Corsicana where Caldwell kept his plane, said that the aviator left Corsicana about 8 o’clock Thursday morning to visit his father, J. W. Caldwell, at Terrell. He had not returned to the airfield.
Hogle quoted Randolph Jackson, about 22 of Mildred, as an eye-witness to the crash some four miles airline from where he was located. After Caldwell’s plane went down, Jackson telephoned the airport and Hogle took to the air and later located the demolished plane. He then later led ambulances, etc., to the site from the air a half hour later, he stated, following his return to Corsicana.
Joe Allen, county jailer, who resides west of Navarro home on a Christmas holiday, went to the scene of the crash and investigated the accident, and reported back to Sheriff David Castles Thursday afternoon.
Funeral Held Today.
Surviving are his wife, Lovell Pittman Caldwell; mother, Mrs. Lena Ivey Blanding, both of Corsicana; father and other relatives.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock from the Griffin Funeral chapel. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew Arnold pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
Pallbearers were Andy Autry, Fee DeLafosse, David Curry, Nathan Renfro, Rome Rutledge and Glenn Cumby.
Honorary pallbearers were Maj. Robert B. Dyer, Randolph Field, U. S. Army, San Antonio; F. A. Waters, Galveston, and Ellis Gotcher, Houston.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, December 26, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Lovelle (Pitman) Caldwell (some sources say Archie Lovelle) s/o John Walter Caldwell and Martha Lena (Ivey) Caldwell-Blanding
Reuben Arthur Caldwell
Jan 20, 1876 - Nov 6, 1943
R. A. Caldwell Rites At Corsicana Sunday
CORSICANA, Texas, Nov. 6 (AP). - Funeral services will be held Sunday for R.
A. Caldwell, banker and insurance man, who died here Friday. Caldwell was a
former district clerk of Navarro County.
Survivors include his wife, and two sons, R. A. Caldwell Jr. of Benavides,
and Cpl. Frank Caldwell, Blackland Field, Waco.
Services For R. A. Caldwell Sunday Afternoon
R. A. Caldwell, prominent businessman and longtime resident
of Corsicana, died in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic
early Saturday morning following a brief illness. Funeral
services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the
First Methodist church with Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor
conducting the rites. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Caldwell had been prominent in Corsicana business circles
many years. At the time of his death he was connected with
the State National Bank in the loan department. He resigned
as deputy district clerk to accept the position with the
bank and prior to that he held the office of district clerk
four years.
He was cashier of the First State Bank for a number of years
and then engaged in the insurance business. He was connected
with the Corsicana National Bank and also with the Dawson
Banking Company in Dawson, a private bank.
He was active in church and civic work. He was at one time
secretary of the First Methodist church for many years, a
member of the board of stewards, and took an active part in
the Brotherhood Bible Class of the church. He was a charter
member of the Lions Club, served as its president and was
secretary of the organization.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, R. A. Caldwell,
Jr., Benavides; Corp. Frank Caldwell, Blackland Field, Waco;
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will W. P. McCammon, E. B. Dawson, Dr. W. T.
Shell, Sr., N. Suttle Roberts, R. P. Bates, E. N. Johnson,
J. S. Murchison, Hubert Braselton, W. H. Norwood and W. E.
Slaughter. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the board
of stewards of the First Methodist Church and friends of the
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Among the out-of-town relatives and friends in attendance at
the funeral of the late R. A. Caldwell on Sunday afternoon
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Caldwell of Terrell, Rufus
Caldwell, Mrs. Ralph Wright, Mrs. Ben Kirkland, Mrs.
Clarence Allen, Miss Margaret Grady, Alex Grady, Mr. and
Mrs. John Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. McCamey, Mrs. Walter
Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kerr, Misses Berta and Hazel
Cobb, Mrs. Ed Surber of Houston; Mrs. George Mount and
Victor Matthews of Dawson. |
Mack Miller Campbell

abt 1851 - Jun 16, 1921
Special to The News.
Corsicana, Texas. June 17. - The funeral of M. M. Campbell, 63 years old,
who was shot yesterday and instantly killed at his farm near here, took
place this afternoon and burial was in
Post Oak Cemetery. He is
survived by his wife and five children. Oney Glasgow surrounded to officers
following the shooting.
Glasgow's bond was set at $1,000, which had not been made at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. Glasgow is only 19 years of age.
Oney Glasgow Surrendered to Sheriff Following Shooting
M. M. Campbell, aged 68 years, and for many years a well known farmer
of the Powell community, was shot and instantly killed at 11:15 this
morning, a shot gun and buck shot being used.
A young man named Oney Glasgow surrendered to officers.
Glasgow was working for Campbell on his farm.
The deceased is survived by his wife and several grown children, among these
being Mrs. Freed Brooks of Corsicana. The deceased is a brother of W. F.
Campbell a prominent citizen of Blooming Grove, and is an uncle of Mike
Campbell who holds a position on the mechanical force of the Daily Sun.
Remains of Late M. M. Campbell Buried at Post Oak
The remains of the late M. M. campbell, who was killed at his home three
miles north of Powell yesterday morning about 11 o'clock, were Interred at
Post Oak Cemetery ner Roane this
afternoon, and the funeral was largely attended. There have been no
developments in the details of the tragedy and there was no one present when
the fatal shot was fired except the deceased and Oney Glasgow who was
working for Campbell on his farm. The shooting took place in Campbell's
residence. The deceased is survived by his wife and five children.
Glasgow had an examining trial before Judge Christian and his bond was set
at $1000. Glasgow is nineteen years of age.
Irma V. (South) Cardwell
Sept 17,
1887 - Dec 27, 1931
CARDWELL. - Ennis, Texas. Dec. 28. - Funeral services were held Monday
afternoon at the First Baptist Church of Rice for Mrs. H. M. Cardwell, 44,
who died at her home in Rice Sunday. The Rev. W. H. Day of Dallas conducted
the services.
T. C. Irby
Died Sept. 1939
Father of U.S. Court Reporter Here Dies
T. C. Irby, father of Tom Irby, Federal Court reporter, died Thursday at his
home at Corsicana. Mr. Irby was at his father's bedside when the end came.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at the old family home at
September 22, 1939, Corsicana, Texas
Funeral services for T. C. Irby, 86, who died here Thursday, were held at
his former home at Seymour Friday morning. Mr. Irby was a pioneer rancher
and cattleman of Seymour, where he resided for about a half century. He had
lived in Corsicana for about two years. Surviving are his wife of Corsicana,
and five sons, J. G. Irby, Temple; F. E. Irby, Fort Worth; T. C. Irby Jr.,
Dallas; Ben F. Irby, San Antonio, and Roland F. Irby, Corsicana. Roland Irby
is the official reporter in the Thirteenth Judicial District Court.
Helen (Dowdle)
Mar 7, 1917 - May 31, 2005
HELEN D. HAYS, 88, of Pearland passed away on Tuesday, May 31, 2005.
She was born on March 7, 1917 in Navarro County, Texas the daughter of James
and Mattie Dowdle. Helen retired after 35 years from the Transcontinental
Gas and Pipeline Corp. She was a member for many years of Westbury Baptist
Church until moving to Pearland and joining Shadycrest Baptist Church. She
was devoted to her family and will be forever missed. Preceded in death by
her daughter, Marilyn H. Allen. She is survived by her daughter, Norma
Bierbaum and husband Roger; grandsons, Greg Bierbaum and wife Sandy, Gerald
Bierbaum and wife Windy, Michael Allen and wife Maud, and Jim Allen;
great-grandchildren, Marcus, Jacob, and Angela Bierbaum, and Worth, Atticus,
Baxter and Holden Bierbaum, and Maya Allen. Funeral services will be
conducted at ten o'clock in the morning, Friday the 3rd of June 2005 at
Shadycrest Baptist Church, 3214 Hamm Rd., in Pearland, Texas. A private
family burial will follow in Corsicana, Texas.
Ronda Joy (Renfro)

Aug 30, 1954 - May 9, 2005
RONDA JOY GOODIER entered the arms of her Savior in the early morning
of Monday, May 9, 2005 in the comfort of her Sugar Land home, amidst those
she loved. She was a beloved wife, a selfless mother, and a genuine friend
to many.
She was born August 30, 1954, in Corsicana , Texas to Bill and Babe Renfro,
and she moved to Houston at the age of two. A graduate of Sharpstown High
School and a University of Houston attendee, Ronda married her husband of
twenty four years in 1981, Ronald Goodier.
Ronda will be remembered by those who stayed behind, her husband Ronn,
beautiful daughter Micah, son Jace, parents Bill and Babe, brother Darryl,
brother Russ, his wife Catherine, niece Erica, nephew Jonathan, and various
other relatives and friends.
A member of Quail Valley Church, Ronda was a gracious and beautiful woman, a
friend, a teacher, her children's biggest supporter, a poet, a wonderful
singer, fun-loving, vivacious, a shoulder to cry on, deeply in love with
Ronn, and a servant until the end.
A celebration service in her honor will be held at Quail Valley Church, 2303
FM 1092, in Quail Valley on Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 6pm.
In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to the SUSAN G. KOMEN
Houston, Texas 77057.
- Daughter of Billy Joe Renfro & Wilma Laverne (Pool) Renfro
Ray McBen
Mar 15, 1915 - Apr 11, 2005
Ray McBen, born March 15, 1915 in Corsicana , Texas passed away April
11, 2005 in Houston, Texas.
He is survived by son, Roy McBen; daughters, Lois Quintero and Debra Ann
McBen; grandson, John Paul Quintero and numerous other relatives.
The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 13,
2005 at Heights Funeral Home, with a rosary scheduled for 7:00 p.m. The
funeral mass will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 14, 2005 at Saint Joseph's
Catholic Church, 1505 Kane St., Houston, TX 77007 with Father Phillip Howard
officiating. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery
Elizabeth (Mitchell) Robertson
Jun 14, 1913 - Feb 15, 2005
Elizabeth Mitchell Robertson - Born June 14, 1913-Corsicana , TX, Died
February 15, 2005-Tacoma, WA.
Liz, a longtime resident of Houston, spent the last eight years of her life
in the Pacific Northwest near her son, Bob, and his family.
Liz came to Houston in 1936 as a bride. With her husband, Gus, their adopted
city became a place full with the richness of good friends, hard work and
A devout Catholic, her years in Houston were marked by hours of service and
dedication to many and various charities including the San Jose Clinic, the
Charity Guild of Catholic Women and the Newman Circle.
Liz was a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. All who
knew her were touched by her gentle spirit, quiet strength and wisdom.
Preceding her in death was her husband, Gus, in 1986; shortly after they
celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all of Liz's dear friends and family
who helped make this most difficult time easier to bear.
Liz was laid to rest under Texas skies next to her beloved Gus on February
21, 2005 at Memorial Oaks Cemetery.
A memorial gathering for family and friends was held at Franke Tobey Jones
Retirement Estates on Sunday March 20, 2005
Richard N.
"Dick" Rogers
Jun 20, 1933 - Mar 11, 2005
RICHARD N. "DICK" ROGERS quietly went to be with his Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ Friday, March 11, 2005. He was born June 20, 1933 in Corsicana
, Texas to Robert and Daisy Rogers. Dick moved to Houston in 1942 and
graduated from Reagan High School in 1951. He worked in the paint sales
business for 44 years.
Mr. Rogers is survived by his loving wife of 51 years, Dolores Mae Caulking
Rogers; 3 sons and their wives, Ricky and Anne of Oak Ridge North, TX., Mark
and Kelly of Houston, Gary and Vicky of New Waverly; brother Jack Rogers and
wife Dianne of Duncanville, TX; sister, Robbie Jordan of Montgomery, TX,
Betty Ann Krus and Robert of Houston and "Trouble"; 5 grandsons, one
granddaughter, and 1 great grandchild.
Visitation will be held Sunday, March 13, 2005 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at
Earthman Resthaven, 13102 North Freeway. Funeral services will be held in
the Chapel of Earthman Resthaven Monday, March 14, 2005 at 11:00 am with
Pastor Ron Krueger officiating. Interment will follow in the Resthaven
The family would like to thank Dr. Janet Roberts, Lighthouse Hospice of
Tomball and Pastor Ron Krueger of Emmanuel United Church of Christ.
Donations in honor of Mr. Rogers may be made to Lighthouse Hospice of
Doyle Carlton
Dec 7, 1935 - Dec 25, 2004
DOYLE CARLTON ROUGHTON passed away December 25, 2004 in Dallas, Texas.
He was born December 7, 1935 in Corsicana , Texas.
He had a 44 year career with the Houston Chronicle. When he retired he was
Advertising Makeup Manager. He started at the Chronicle May 18, 1955 as an
advertising dispatch clerk. He had been involved with ad makeup, the process
of laying out ads on page dummies, since 1967, working as a makeup person
and an advertising coordinator before being promoted to Advertising Makeup
Manager in 1982.
His survivors include: brother: Curtis E. Roughton, Sr. of Rowlett; sister:
Elizabeth Meriwether, Fort Worth; daughter: Helen Seghers Hudson of Houston;
grandsons: Chris & Nick Hudson of Houston; Nieces: Elizabeth A. Meriwether,
Plano; Lisa Meriwether Francis, Fort Worth; Nephews: Curtis E. Roughton,
Jr., Rockwall; Mark Roughton, Houston; Also three great nieces & five great
Graveside services are being held today, Wednesday, December, 29, 2004 at
1:00 P.M. at Evergreen Cemetery in Crockett, Texas
"Joe" Triolo
Apr 27, 1907 - Dec 24, 2004
CHRISTOPHER "JOE" TRIOLO, age 97, of Stafford, Texas, passed away
Friday, December 24, 2004. He was born April 27, 1907 in Corsicana , Texas.
Joe was a veteran of World War II,
where he served his country in the Aleutian Islands and Europe. He was a
devoted and loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and
friend to all who knew and loved him. Joe was preceded in death by his wife
of fifty-one years, Katie DeLuke Triolo; brothers, Charles Triolo and
Leonard Triolo; and sister, Frances Bonano.
Survivors include his son, Donald Triolo and his wife Debbie of Stafford,
TX; daughter, Rosalind Jacobs and her husband John of Houston; brothers,
Michael Triolo and Peter Triolo; grandchildren, Dana Medina and her husband
Jerry, Donnie Triolo, Devin Triolo, Travis Jacobs, and Michelle Jacobs; and
great-grandchildren, Michael Medina and Brandon Medina.
Visitation: Tuesday, December 28, 2004, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Earthman
Southwest Chapel, 12555 South Kirkwood, Stafford, with a Rosary to be
recited at 7:00 PM. Mass of the Resurrection: Wednesday, December 29, 2004,
10:00 AM, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1510 Fifth St., Missouri City, with
the Rev. David J. Zapalac, C.S.B., Celebrant. Rite of Committal: Greenlawn
Memorial Park, Rosenberg, TX.
Frances (Finch) Brown

Oct 11, 1919 - Nov 23, 2004
MARTHA FRANCES FINCH BROWN, age 85, left this world Tuesday morning
Nov. 23, 2004 to be with her Lord Jesus Christ. Frances was born Oct. 11,
1919 in Chatfield, Texas. Her parents, William Boyd Finch and Beulah
Florence Finch, 3 brothers and 2 sisters predeceased her. She is survived by
1 sister, Doris Finch Legge, Gainesville, Texas, her husband, W. Neblett
Brown, her daughter, Pam Durio, her son, Boyd N. Brown and her grandson
Matthew Durio and his wife Alicia.
Frances graduated from Corsicana High School in
and Lacey Business College in 1938. She moved to Houston in 1938, and has
been a resident of Houston since then, except for 2 years spent living in
Northern Ireland in the mid-1950's.
She was married to Walter Neblett Brown (Brownie) in 1943 at First Methodist
Church, Houston, by Dr. Paul Quillian. She had 2 children, Pamela, born in
1949 and Boyd, born in 1951. She was a member of and former president of
Delta Rho Delta, a professional business sorority. She was a member of the
Houston Junior Forum since 1948, and remained a member of the Junior Forum
Sustainers group. She was also a member of First Methodist Church and the
Adelphi Class. Except when raising her children, she worked as an executive
secretary many years and helped support her family financially as well as
being a housewife, mother and gardener. Her life was a sacrifice for her
family and never a better mother ever lived.
Visitation will be from 6 PM to 8 PM Friday Nov. 26 at the George H. Lewis
Funeral Home on 1010 Bering Dr. in Houston, Texas.
The Memorial Service will be on Saturday Nov. 27 at 11 AM at First United
Methodist Church, 1320 Main St. in Houston , with Reverend Jonathan Bynum
Robert lee
McGlasson, Jr.
Jul 24, 1928 - Oct 17, 2004
ROBERT LEE MCGLASSON, JR., 76, passed away Sunday, October 17, 2004.
He was born July 24, 1928, to Era Mae Sparks and Robert Lee McGlasson, Sr.,
Corsicana Texas. He graduated from Texas A&M University in 1950, with a
Bachelor's in Business Administration. He was a
veteran of the US Army. He is survived
by his daughters Lisa Doherty, Marilee McGlasson, and Laura Lewis;
grandchildren Brandon Roberts, Caitlyn Doherty, Peyton and Preston Lewis. A
Memorial Service will be held at Two o'clock on Thursday the 21st of October
2004 at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, 2655 South Mason Rd. in
Katy Texas.
Robert Lee McGlasson, Jr.
Jul 24, 1928 - Oct 17, 2004
ROBERT LEE MCGLASSON, JR., 76, passed away Sunday, October 17, 2004. He was
born July 24, 1928, to Era Mae Sparks and Robert Lee McGlasson, Sr.,
Corsicana Texas. He graduated from Texas A&M University in 1950, with a
Bachelor's in Business Administration. He was a veteran of the
US Army..
He is survived by his daughters Lisa Doherty, Marilee McGlasson, and Laura
Lewis; grandchildren Brandon Roberts, Caitlyn Doherty, Peyton and Preston
Lewis. A Memorial Service will be held at Two o'clock on Thursday the 21st
of October 2004 at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, 2655 South
Mason Rd. in Katy Texas.
- Houston Chronicle – Oct 19, 2004
- Submitted
Diane Richards
cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX
- 1st wife Sarah Ann (Luckenbill)
McGlasson married Feb. 4, 1956 2nd wife Linda Jean (Perdue) McGlasson
married Jul 3, 1969 s/o Robert Lee McGlasson, Sr. and Era Mae
(McCullough) McGlasson-Sparks
Bettie Louise
Jul 9, 1929 - Jul 20, 2004
BETTIE LOUISE NELMS, born July 9, 1929 in Corsicana , Texas passed
away July 20, 2004 at the age of 75. Funeral services will be held Saturday,
July 24, 2004 at 10 AM at Pasadena Funeral Chapel. Interment to follow
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery
Wayne Dewitt Ware
Jun 24, 1922 - May 26, 2004
WAYNE D. WARE, born June 24, 1922, passed away May 26, 2004.
He was a long-time employee of Sears. He was a member of First Baptist
Church of Houston.
He is survived by brothers, Kenneth Ware and his wife, Grace of Houston;
James Ware of Billings, Montana; nephew, Wayne K. Ware of Atlanta, and
nieces, Cynthia Ware, Dr. Dana Ware, and Lisa Ware, all of California.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Friday, May 28, 2004 in the
Chapel of Levy Funeral Directors. Interment will be at 3 :30 P.M. Saturday,
May 29, 2004, Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana , TX.
Family suggests donations to Julianne Poor Memorial Counseling Center, First
Baptist Church, 7401 Katy Frwy., Houston, TX 77024.
Bertha (Bryan) Cook
Feb 28, 1912 - Feb 11, 2004
BERTHA B. COOK, 91, was born in Corsicana , Texas Feb. 28, 1912 and
went to be the Lord Feb. 11, 2004.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Halbert and Minnie Ola Bryan and
her husband Samuel "Benny" Cook. She is survived by her only daughter Peggy
Ann Cook.
Mrs. Cook built the Bayshore Motel and operated it for 25 years. During WWII
she was a secretary at Todville Shipyard in LaPorte. Mrs. Cook was extremely
interested in civic affairs becoming the first woman to serve in the LaPorte
Chamber of Commerce. She was a member of First United Methodist Church of
LaPorte for 40 years and was instrumental in establishing Happy Harbor
Methodist home. Upon retirement she became active in real estate, she served
on the LPISD school board, was a member of the Fairmont park homeowners
Assoc. for 20 years, and was an avid supporter of the LaMarque SPCA.
Visitation will be held Friday Feb. 13, 2004 from 5-7PM with services
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 at 2:00PM in the Funeral Home Chapel.
David Allen
Aug 18, 1941 - Feb 7, 2004
Funeral services for DAVID ALLEN BRITTON, loving husband, father and
grandfather, of Stafford, TX will be held at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, February
10, 2004 in the Chapel of Davis-Greenlawn Funeral Home in Rosenberg.
Interment will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Rosenberg.
Visitation will be held from 5:00-9:00 P.M. Monday, February 9, 2004 in the
Chapel of Davis-Greenlawn Funeral Home in Rosenberg.
David was born August 18, 1941 in Corsicana , Texas to Emmitt B. and Faye (Briethaupt)
Britton and passed away February 7, 2004 in Houston, TX. He graduated from
Sam Houston High School in 1961 and worked as an outside salesman for Revels
Block and Brick Co. in Houston for 17 years. He will be missed by his many
customers that admired him.
David is survived by his loving wife of 18 years, Karen (Bishop) Britton;
sons: David Britton, Jr. of Dallas, TX, Richard Britton of Houston, TX,
Michael Britton and his wife, Dejah of Angleton, TX; grandchildren: Michael
and Joseph Britton; Parents: Jim and Faye Hicks of Splendora, TX; sisters:
Lafon Stanger of Pasadena, TX, Peggy Britton of Marrieta, Georgia; brothers:
Ronald Hicks and his wife, Kathy of Humble, TX, Richard Hicks and his wife,
Debbie of Cypress, TX. Numerous other relatives and friends.
He will be deeply missed by all of those who knew him and whose lives were
touched by him.
Pallbearers will include Damas Chapa, Bob Cole, Joe Alaniz, Blake Rieger,
Cody Kalkomey, James Hicks and Kyle Hicks. Travis and Callum Bishop will be
serving as Honorary Pallbearers.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Davis-Greenlawn Funeral
Home, 3900 B.F. Terry Blvd, Rosenberg, TX 77471 (281) 341-8800.
Benjamin F.
Nov 6, 1926 - Feb 2, 2004
BENJAMIN F. FERGUSON, was born on November 16, 1926 in Corsicana ,
Texas and passed away on February 2, 2004 in Houston, Texas. Mr. Ferguson
leaves a wife Charlie of the home, one son Dan Ferguson & wife Jacquie of
Cincinnati, OH, one granddaughter Kelly Christine Ferguson of Ohio, a
step-son, Tony Dilbeck & wife Stephanie, five step-grandchildren, Jennifer,
Terra, Monica, Joe Gabriel, and Michael, many loving relatives and a host of
Mr. Ferguson served 3 years in the Navy Aircorps. He worked for several
years at Smith International, Hughes Tool, University of Houston and retired
from Houston Independent School District in 1998. Family will receive
friends on Thursday, February 5, 2004 from 5-8 PM at Brookside Funeral Home.
Funeral Service will be held at 1:00 PM on Friday, February 6, 2004 at the
Brookside Chapel.
Dean Cox
Nov 26, 1921 - Sep 11, 2002
DEAN COX, age 80, of Houston, passed away on September 11, 2002 after
a long battle with stomach cancer. Born in Purdon , Texas on November 26,
1921. Preceded in death by his parents, Joe Elga and Stella Mae Cox and
sister, Pauline Tomlin. He is survived by his wife, Emily Ione Cox, son and
daughter in law, Don and Sue Cox, daughters and sons in law, Kay and Sherm
Weeks, Sheila and Glenn Cook, Brenda and Paul Rizzotto, Linda and Chris
Binder and Wanda Henderson, 16 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Brothers and spouses, John W. and Elayne Cox, LaVon and Nancy Cox, LaDon and
Bobbie Cox, Billy and Brenda Cox, brother-in-law Gene Tomlin, and his aunt
and spouse, Orlena and Carmen Henderson, numerous other relatives and a host
of friends. Dean served in the U.S. Air Corps as a military policeman. He
was a Galena Park Chief of Police. He attended the F.B.I. National Academy
and was a member of the Tx. Association of Polygraph Examiners and the
American Polygraph Association. He served as Vice President of Rice Food
Market and President of Superior Security Services, later started his own
security business, Dean Cox and Associates, Inc. Dean was a man of many
talents, he enjoyed song writing, playing the guitar, mandolin and fiddle.
He enjoyed traveling with his wife of 57 years. He was an avid fan of the
Houston Astros and enjoyed picking and grinning with his friends. He was a
man of great character and devoted to his Lord Jesus Christ and wanted
others to accept that following by living a great example for his family and
friends. He was a long time member of the Channelview Church of Christ in
which he served as an elder. Pallbearers are Donnie Carnathan, David
Vincent, Ruben Carrizal, Harris Chapman, Richard Farrias, Charles Boysen,
Don Franks and Johnny Dloughy. Honorary pallbearer, John Gunnels. Funeral
services will be at Channelview Church of Christ, 1301 Sheldon Road,
Channelview, Texas at 10:00 AM. Friday September 13, 2002 with Harold Mobley
officiating. Interment to follow at San Jacinto Memorial Park in Houston. In
lieu of flowers the family asked that donations be made to Hospice at the TX
Medical Center, 1905 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, Texas 77030.
Martha Lucille (Goodman) Walding
Mar 15, 1918 - Dec 27, 2003
MARTHA LUCILLE WALDING, 85, of Houston went to be with her Lord Dec.
27, 2003. She was born March 15, 1918 in
Navarro County ,TX to John & Ada Goodman.
Preceded in death by husband William J (Bill) and children
Shirley and Larry. She is survived by her sons and their wives: Jerry &
Rusty, Bobby & Sue, Jim &
Harriet, and David & Terri Walding. Also survived by her son Mark, daughter
Melba Ferrell; and daughter, Margaret Callaway, and husband Bob. Lucille is
also survived by her brother Alton Goodman and numerous loving
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces & nephews.
Funeral services will be held on Tues. Dec 30th at First Baptist Church of
Neches TX with Pastor Charles Grasty officiating. Funeral arrangements by
Funeral Home, Frankston TX.
Ida Madelle
Apr 18, 1914 - Dec 6, 2003
IDA MADELLE LONSFORD, 89 of Pasadena, passed away Saturday, December
6, 2003. She was born in Navarro County , Texas on April 18, 1914. She
retired from Sears in 1975 after 25 years of service and was a member of
Glenwood Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Claude
"Bruce" Lonsford in 1999.
Surviving her are sons, Wesley Lonsford and wife Donna, Joe Lonsford and
wife Carolyn, Dale Lonsford and wife Yolanda; daughters, Marion Scogin and
husband Curtis, Lynda Owens and husband Jimmy; brother-in-law, Chester
Lonsford and wife Jackie; sister-in-law, Alma Bailey; 17 grandchildren, 22
great grandchildren and 11 great great grandchildren.
Visitation will be Friday, December 12, 2003 from 4pm to 8pm at Pasadena
Funeral Chapel. A Celebration of Life will be Saturday, December 13, 2003 at
12 pm at Glenwood Baptist Church, 4526 Glenwood Deer Park, TX. Burial will
follow at Brookside Cemetery
Alta Frances
(Fry) Girsh
Dec 18, 1921 - Jun 14, 2003
ALTA FRANCES GIRSH, born December 18, 1921 in Navarro County , Texas
passed away June 14, 2003 in Humble, Texas at the age of 81.
Mrs. Girsh is survived by: sister, Laura Fry, Houston; brothers, William
David Fry, Eugene, Oregon, John E. Fry, Pasadena, Texas; step-children,
Louis M. Girsh, Charlie Shelton, and Audra Faye; eight grandchildren;
numerous great grandchildren.
The family will receive friends from 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Monday, June 16, 2003
at Brookside Funeral Home. Funeral Services: 1:00 P.M. Tuesday, June 17,
2003 at Brookside Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow at Brookside
Memorial Park.
Joyce (Rogers) McKenzie
Jul 23, 1929 - Jul 15, 2002
BETTY JOYCE McKENZIE, 72, of Houston, went to be with her Lord July
15, 2002. Betty was born July 23, 1929 in Freeport, Texas to Moody and Ruby
Rogers, She was preceded in death by her husband R. A. McKenzie on Oct. 26,
2001 and is lovingly survived by her step-mother, Lurline Rogers of Mart,
Texas ; sons and daughters-in-law, Roger A and Dr. Carole McKenzie of
Lindale, Texas ; and Deryl W. and Deborah McKenzie of Houston; daughter,
Joyce Michelle McKenzie of Brenham, Texas ; brother, John Rogers of
Groesbeck, Texas ; grandchildren, Ryan A. McKenzie of Wayne, Pennsylvania;
Rory A. & Katherine McKenzie of Lindale, Texas ; Jennifer D. Wright of
Channelview; Angela N. Majeski & husband Steven A. Majeski of Votaw, Texas ;
Albert L. Sontag, Jr. of Houston; great-grandchildren, Karlee M. Wright of
Channelview; Sergio E. Sontag of Kileen, Texas ; Krista N. Sontag of Votaw;
Morgan A. Lockhart of Votaw; Robert C. Majeski of Votaw; as well as best
friends, Anne Grigsby, Charlene Lucas, Helen Chmiel, Kay Howard, and
numerous other friends. Services will be 2:00 p.m. today, July 16, 2002 at
Woodforest Baptist Church, 13305 Woodforest Blvd., with Rev. Rob Morris and
Rev. John Brady officiating; Mrs. McKenzie will be laid to rest 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday July 17, 2002 in Dawson
Cemetery, Dawson , Texas under the arrangements of Carter Funeral Home.
R. A. McKenzie
Sep 23, 1924 - Oct 2001
R. A. McKENZIE was born at home on September 23, 1924 to Callie &
Zerah McKenzie in Groesbeck, Texas . He grew up in Dawson , Texas where he
went to school and graduated from
Dawson High School in 1942. When R. A. was
19 years of age he met the love of his life, Betty Rogers. They married on
July 26, 1946 and made their home in the North Channel Greens Bayou area for
many years. R. A. retired in 1975 from Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Pasadena.
R. A. excepted the Lord into his life on October 18, 2000. He is survived by
his wife of 55-1/2 years, Betty Joyce McKenzie of Houston; sons and
daughters-in-law, Roger and Carol McKenzie of Lindale, Texas ; Deryl and
Debbie McKenzie of Houston and daughter, Michelle McKenzie of Brenham, Texas
. He is also survived by his sister and brother-in-law, Mary Jo and Eugene
Berry of Dawson ; brothers, Harold McKenzie of Dawson and Granville McKenzie
of Grand Prairie; and sister-in-law, Barbara McKenzie of Hubbard, Texas . He
was loved dearly by his grandchildren: granddaughter & husband, Angela and
Stephen Majeski of Votaw; Jennifer Wright of Channelview and Katie McKenzie
of Lindale; grandsons, Leon Sontag, Jr. of Houston; Ryan McKenzie of
Philadelphia, PA and Rory McKenzie of Lindale; great-grandchildren, Sergio &
Krista Sontag of Houston; Morgan & Robert Majewski of Votaw and Karlee
Wright of Channelview. R.A. known affectionately as Honey, Dad, PawPaw,
PoPaw and friend will be missed deeply by his family and friends. Visitation
will be Saturday Oct. 27, 2001 at Carter Funeral Home from 4-9 p.m. and
Sunday Oct. 28 from 4-8 p.m. Services will be 3 :00 p.m. Monday, October 29,
at Woodforest Baptist Church, 13305 Woodforest Blvd. Houston with Rev. Rob
Morris officiating. Mr. McKenzie will be laid to rest 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Dawson Cemetery, in Dawson ,
Georgia Bell Jones
Feb 25, 1913 - Apr 29, 2002
GEORGIA BELL JONES, born on February 25, 1913 in Dawson , Texas ,
passed away on April 29, 2002 in Houston, Texas . She was preceded in death
by her loving husband of 52 years, Harold W. Jones. She is survived by her
children: Georgia Key & husband Sidney, Katie Northrup & husband Tom,
Demaree Jones & wife Gena, Ann Meyer & husband Dick, Anson Jones & wife
Fritzi, and special friends: Roger Alan Taylor & wife Mary, by her sister,
Nadine Russell, and by numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, one
great-great grandchild, numerous nieces, and nephews. Georgia, a truly
special lady, gave love, warmth, and energy to her family. She also brought
the same love and affection to the people of the North side Community
through her 35 years of service with Brookside Memorial Park. Visitation
will be held all day Thursday, with the Family present from 5:00-8:00 PM at
Brookside Funeral Home. Services will be held Friday, May 3 , 2002 at 1:00
PM, in Brookside Funeral Chapel. Interment will follow at Brookside Memorial
Park In lieu of flowers, donations may sent to the Parkinson's Society.
(Thompson) Gipson
Jan 22, 1921 - Dec 27, 2001
WYNONA T. GIPSON, 80, passed away December 27, 2001 after a battle
with cancer. Born January 22, 1921 in Dawson , Texas . Mrs. Gipson attended
Abilene Christian College and later received an M.B.A. from the University
of Wisconsin. After working at the Pentagon in
World War II, she became a
pioneer in banking in Houston. Mrs. Gipson was the first female full
Vice-President in any Houston major bank, and retired as the highest ranking
woman at First City National Bank. She was preceded in death by her parents,
1 brother and husband. She is survived by her son, Gary N. Gipson,
daughter-in-law, Charla K. Gipson and 2 grandsons, Sean & Bret Gipson. She
is also survived by 2 sisters, Frances Dunaway of Nashville, Tennessee,
Virginia Berry of Temple Terrace, Florida and 1 brother, Robert Thompson of
Keller, Texas , as well as many nieces, nephews and other relatives. A
Memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 5, 2002 at 3 :00 P.M. at
the Memorial Church of Christ, 900 Echo Lane in Houston, Texas 77024.
Memorials may be made to the Library Fund at the church.
Kenneth D. Jones
Jan 14, 1933 - May 23, 2005
KENNETH D. JONES, passed away on May 23, 2005 at the age of 72. He was
born in Rice , Texas on January 14, 1933 to the late Jesse James and Evelyn
Lucille (Brittain) Jones.
He was a member of Carverdale Church of Christ. Preceded in death by his
loving wife, Doris in 2003, he is survived by his sister, Betty Peterson of
Grapeland, TX; two sons, Larry Jones and wife Kathy, with children Lela and
Rachelle; David Jones and wife Tami with children Natassia, Nicholas and
Elizabeth; Funeral services will be 10:00 A.M. Friday at the Chapel of the
Chimes in Brookside Cemetery. Interment with military honors will follow in
Brookside Cemetery.
Norman Vontain Marriott
Apr 11, 1930 - Dec 12, 2003
NORMAN V. MARRIOTT passed away December 12, 2003 in Houston, Texas .
Born on April 11, 1930 in Rice , Texas to parents T. D. and Ophellia
Marriott. Norman served in the the U.S. Airforce as a MP. He was a veteran
of the Houston Police Department for over 22 years serving as a Sergeant of
Police, he retired from the Houston Police Department.
Norman is preceded in death by his parents, daughter Shirley and brother
Robert. He is survived by his wife of 28 years Connie Marriott; son, Kenneth
Marriott and wife Shelly; daughters: Sharon Foster and husband Chris, and
Karen Shafer and husband Kyle; grandchildren: Amy Osorio, Lynn Marriott,
Chris and Cody Sutterfield, and Sara Zimmerman; 9 great-grandchildren;
brothers: Weldon Marriott and Jerry Marriott; sister, Jo Ann Strickland and
numerous nieces and nephews.
The family would like to invite friends for visitation from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m., Monday, December 15, 2003 at Earthman Resthaven Funeral Home
13102 North Freeway, Houston, Texas 77060. A funeral service will be at 9:00
a.m., Tuesday, December 16, 2003 in the chapel of Earthman Resthaven Funeral
Home followed by interment at the Houston National Cemetery.
- Served in the US Air Force as
an MP
- h/o Constance Marie "Connie" (Pasket) Marriott; s/o Timothy Dow
Marriott & Ophelia (Hughes) Marriott-Waggoner
Jerry Wayne
Sep 14, 1940 - Jul 10, 2008
JERRY WAYNE MARRIOTT, 67, of Houston, TX passed away on July 10, 2008.
He was born September 14, 1940 in Corsicana, TX. He is preceded in death by
his parents T.D. Marriott and Ophelia Wagner, his brothers Norman and
Robert. He will be dearly missed by his friends and family. The family would
like to give special thanks to his caregiver Jimmy Griffin. Services will be
held at 12:30pm on Monday, July 14th at the Chapel of Pat H. Foley Funeral
Directors a visitation will start at 11:30am prior to the service. Interment
will follow at Houston National Cemetery.
- Published in Houston Chronicle on Jul 13, 2008
- BT3 US Navy Vietnam