Submitted by Dana Stubbs
Frank Q. Root
died Jun 1912
Jun 16, 1912, Kerens, TX
Root - Kerens, Tex., June 16. - Frank Q. Root of Lufkin died here at the home of his sister, Mrs. Addis Mays. He was born and reared here. His
father, Col. Root, was a pioneer here. The son went to Corsicana and lived until a few years ago, and went from there to Lufkin.
R. O. Elliott
died Jan 26, 1902
January 27, 1902
ELLIOTT - Corsicana, Tex., Jan. 27. - R. O. Elliott, an old citizen of Corsicana, died at his home yesterday evening.
W. B. Beard
Jul 20, 1900
BEARD - Corsicana, Tex., July 20. - W. B. Beard, one of the most prosperous farmers in Navarro County, died at his home in the King Willow neighborhood
yesterday of rupture of a blood vessel in the head.
Lillie Jane Woolverton
Jun 30, 1894 - Jun 6, 1963
June 8, 1963, Dallas, Texas
Mrs. Lillie Jane Woolverton, 3310 Alabama, Survived by husband, Albert H. (Pop) Woolverton, Dallas: daughter, Mrs. Velma Lee Davis, Dallas; sons, L.
A. Woolverton, Ohio; Albert H. Woolverton Jr., Dallas; eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. A. R. Dean, Dallas. Services 1 p.m.
Saturday, Lake June Church of Christ. 6916 Lake June Road. Marvin Walker, minister officiating. Graveside services and interment 3 p.m. Saturday,
Rice Cemetery, Navarro County.
Roy O'Neal, John Loyd O'Neal, Kenneth O'Neal, James Nolan, Stanley Taraba, Jackie Wayne Russell.
Cave-Smith Funeral Home
George A. Boughton
died Jan 1902
Jan 27, 1902
BOUGHTON - Corsicana, Tex., Jan. 27. - George A. Boughton died at his home
Saturday. Death came on his sixtieth birthday.
W. J. Gibbs
died May 24, 1912
May 25, 1912
Gibbs - Corsicana, Tex., May 25. - W. J. Gibbs, aged 65, an attorney in
Corsicana for thirty years and at one time City Attorney, died yesterday.
E. N. Hanks
died Jun 1912
Jun 26, 1912
Negro Boy Charged With Corsicana Shooting Brought to Dallas Jail Last Night.
Special to the News
Corsicana, Tex., June 26. - E. N. Hanks, deputy constable, was shot and
instantly killed here last night as he entered a negro restaurant to make an
arrest. One shot was fired, the bullet from a pistol taking effect in the
breast, causing instant death. Borne White, a negro about 16 years old, who
was arrested today at Rice, is charged with killing the officer.
Considerable excitement prevailed here this evening, when more than 300 men
gathered around the jail and demanded the prisoner whom they believed had
been brought here. The Sheriff stood in the door of the jail and assured the
mob that the negro was taken to Dallas. Satisfied with this explanation, the
gathering quietly dispersed.
White, accompanied by another boy of his color, left Corsicana immediately
after the shooting. Today he turned up at Rice, where he was taken into
Margaret Clayton
died Nov 1912
Nov 25, 1912
Negress Dies Following Duel.
Special To The News.
Corsicana, Tex., Nov. 25 - In a duel fought with knives at Kerens Saturday
Margaret Clayton, a negress, was so badly wounded she died soon after and an
other negress was badly hurt.
Ellie P. Cook

Jan 4, 1880 - May 5, 1929
May 6, 1927
Cook Funeral Tuesday
Special to The News
BLOOMING GROVE, Navarro Co., Texas. May 6. - Funeral services for Miss Ellie
Cook, who died at Wichita Falls, will be held at the First Baptist Church
here Tuesday, conducted by the Rev. W. Z. Corbin of Waxahachie and the Rev.
G. L. Jones, pastor of the Baptist Church here. Burial will be in the
Blooming Grove Cemetery. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. J. J. Gillen; three
half-brother, V. D. Burns of Blooming Grove, T. J. Burns of Navarro and M.
E. Burns of Dawson, and a half-sister, Miss Annie Burns of Blooming Grove.
Mrs. R. B.
died Mar 26, 1902
Mar 27, 1902
GRISSETT - Corsicana, Tex., March 27. - Mrs. R. B. Grissett, died of
pneumonia at her home on Mineral Hill yesterday afternoon.
Bertha Nash
died Feb 1, 1902
Feb 1, 1902
NASH - Corsicana, Tex., Feb. 1. - Bertha, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Nash, died of paralysis at 2:40 this afternoon.
Son of W. L.
died Dec 1912
Dec 10, 1912
Boy Killed Near Corsicana.
Special to The News
Corsicana, Tex., Dec. 10. - The 17-year-old son of W. L. Searcy, residing on
a farm south of town was accidentally killed today when a target rifle in
the hands of a companion was prematurely discharged.
Rufus Gordon

Jul 28, 1919 - Sep 14, 1948
September 16, 1948
R. G. Berryhill Funeral Will Be Held at Purdon
Special to the News
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept. 16. - Funeral Services for Rufus Gordon Berryhill,
about 30, fatally shot at Hearne Tuesday night, are scheduled Friday
afternoon at the First Baptist Church at Purdon. Burial will be in the
Dresden Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Hearne, three sons, mother, Mrs. Frank Berryhill,
Ennis; seven brothers, Clarence Berryhill, Dallas; Roy Berryhill, Hearne; Kelton Berryhill, Overton, Dora Lee Berryhill, Roscoe; Thurman Berryhill,
Kilgore; Glen Berryhill, Hobbs, N. M., and Travis Berryhill, Ennis, and two
sisters, Mrs. Raymond Heinie, Houston, and Mrs. Bill Jackson, Ennis.
Mrs. C. H. Hart
died Mar 11, 1902
March 12, 1902
HART - Corsicana, Tex., March 12. - Mrs. C. H. Hart died at her home on
North Tenth street yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. J. D. McGill
died Jan 27, 1902
January 27, 1902
McGILL - Corsicana, Tex., Jan. 27. - Mrs. J. D. McGill died this morning.
Mrs. George A.
died Jan 22, 1902
Jan 23, 1902
BUSH - Corsicana, Tex., Jan. 23. - Mrs. George A. Bush, aged 32 years, died
at her home in Re yesterday afternoon of
blood poisoning.
Mrs. C. B. Beck
died Aug 4, 1900
Aug 5, 1900
BECK - Corsicana, Tex., Aug. 5. - Mrs. C. B. Beck, wife of a prominent
merchant of this city, died at the family residence last evening and today
the remains were shipped to Bryan for burial. Mrs. Beck had been sick for
two months or more.
Mrs. M. M. Dickson
died Sep 19, 1912
Sep 19, 1912
Dickson - Corsicana, Tex., Sept. 19. - Mrs. M. M. Dickson, aged 85 years,
died near here this morning. She came from Tennessee to this county
thirty-five years ago. She had a large family connection.
Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Young
died Oct 24, 1911
Oct 25, 1911, Dallas, TX
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Young died yesterday at the residence, 2700
Gould street. The body was shipped to Corsicana by George W. Loudermilk.
W. T. McCullough
died Jul 1912
Jul 18, 1912
McCullough - Corsicana. Tex., July 18. - W. T. McCullough, aged 72, died
suddenly at Tupelo Tuesday. He was here Monday and heard Judge Ramsey's
speech and was in usual health up to the time that death came.
Son of James
died Dec 25, 1912
Dec 29, 1912
Boy Accidentally Killed.
Special to The News.
Corsicana, Tex., Dec. 29. - In the Cyer Creek community on the afternoon of
Christmas Day, the 15-year-old son of James Tippins shot himself in the left
side accidentally with a target rifle, and died in a few minutes. The youth
was out hunting, and while crawling through some underbrush the hammer of
the gun caught on some twigs and the weapon was discharged.
Mrs. M. W.
died Dec 28, 1912
Dec 29, 1912, Dallas, TX
Pointevent. - Mrs. M. W. Pointevent, aged 83, died yesterday at the home of
Thomas Worthington, near Orphans Home. The body will be sent to Corsicana by
Undertakers Ed C. Smith & Bro. this morning.
Maxwell Douglas "Max" Almond,
May 18, 1876 - Jun 5, 1943
Jun 5, 1943
Max D. Almond Dies; Rites Set Sunday
CORSICANA, Texas, June 5. - Funeral services for Max D. Almond, 67,
vice-president and general manager of the Whiteselle Brick & Lumber Company
since 1915, will be held Sunday afternoon from St. John's Episcopal Church.
A native of Waco, Almond formerly was connected with the Luther-Moore lumber
interests in Orange and the Alexander-Gilmer Company, Remlig. He was reared
in Gainesville.
Almond died at his home here early Saturday with a heart attack. He was
prominent in lumber circles of the Southwest. Almond was a veteran of the
Spanish-American War and
was an Odd Fellow.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Max D. Almond Jr., Corsicana, and John B.
(Jack) Almond, Camp Wolters; a daughter, Mrs. John N. Harris, Corsicana,
formerly of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Jones, Los Angeles, Calif.,
and Mrs. Fred M. Gates, Wichita Falls.
Max D. Almond, 67, long-time vice president and general manager of the
Whiteselle Brick and Lumber company, died Saturday morning about 1 o’clock
at his home 1559 West Third avenue, with a heart attack.
Funeral services are scheduled Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from St. John’s
Episcopal church with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Alex B. Hanson, rector of the parish.
Native of Waco.
A native of Waco, Almond was reared in Gainesville, and prior to becoming
vice president and general manager of the local concern was employed by the
Luther and Moore lumber interests in Orange and later as sales manager of
the Alexander-Gilmer Lumber company at Remlig, Texas. Almond was a veteran
of the Spanish American War, and was prominent in lumber circles throughout
the Southwest, frequently attending the regional and national conferences
and meetings.
Almond was a member of Corsicana Lodge No. 63, IOOF.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Max D. Almond, Jr., Corsicana, and John B.
(Jack) Almond, U. S. Air Forces, Camp Wolters, Texas; a daughter, Mrs. John
N. Harris, now of Corsicana, formerly of Dallas before her husband was sent
to Brazil in the U. S. Army; two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Jones, Los Angeles,
Calif.; and Mrs. Fred M. Gates, Wichita Falls, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be W. E. Slaughter, T. A. Blakeney, Clarence Crowson, S. K.
Brietz, Guy M. Gibson, J. N. Garitty, C. S. Stroud and Mayor John C.
Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral is directing.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jun 5, 1943
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Wilmac (Frost) Almond married
Jan. 28, 1903 s/o William S. Almond and Amanda (Maxwell) Almond buried
in Riverside cemetery, Wichita Falls, Tx.
Funeral services for Max D. Almond, age 67 years, who died Saturday
morning, were held Sunday afternoon from the chapel of the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. The rites were conducted by Rev. Alex
B. Hanson and interment was in Oakwood
Manager of the Whiteselle Brick & Lumber Company for many years, he was
prominent in business and civic affairs.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, a daughter and other relatives.
Among the out-of-town friends and relatives who attended the Max
Almond funeral on Sunday afternoon were Mrs. George Jester, Mrs.
William Quinn, Mrs. Bob Brashear, Mrs. Howard Etheridge, Mrs. Myrtle
Etheridge Clopton, Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of Dallas; Mrs. Fred
Yates, Wichita Falls; Mrs. R. C. Biyarity, Miss Elizabeth Biyarty,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Caruthers and daughter, Mary; Mr. and Mrs. B.
Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and son and Grady Yates, Waco; Frost
Justiss, Dallas, and Neal Boldrick, Fort Worth.
Alice Mary (Warren) Barbee
Oct 1, 1876 - Jul 19, 1919
Jul 26, 1919
Barbee - Corsicana, Texas. July 26. - Mrs. Alice Barbee, wife of J. M.
Barbee, died last night at the P. & S. Hospital. She is survived by her
husband and five children. The family came here a year ago from Ballinger,
but formerly lived at San Angelo.
- View Obituary Clipping
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
- Fairmount Cemetery, San Angelo, Tom Green Co., TX
- w/o Jasper Newton Barbee; d/o Robert Walker Warren & Elizabeth
(Reeves) Warren
Sarah Frances
(Blankenship) Broom-Balentine

Apr 29, 1877 - Sep 22, 1951
Sep 24, 1951, Dallas, TX
Funeral Rites Set Monday For Mrs. Sarah Balentine
Funeral services will be held in Weiland-Merritt Funeral Home, 2909 Live
Oak, at 3:30 p.m. Monday for Mrs. Sarah Frances Balentine. Burial will be in
Grove Hill Memorial Park.
Mrs. Balentine, a resident of Dallas for seven years and the widow of J. L.
Balentine, a Purdon, Navarro county, farmer, died in a hospital Saturday
night. She had been in the hospital for thirteen months.
Mrs. Balentine came to Dallas when her husband died and made her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Joe C. Joyce, 919 Valencia. She also is survived by
another daughter, Miss Helen Balentine of Fort Worth, and two sons, Ralph M.
Balentine of Corsicana, and Ray Balentine of Odessa. There are eight
grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Balentine was a Methodist, but for several years had been inactive in
church work or other social activities.
Pallbearers for Mrs. Balentine will be D. R. Little, M. V. Lollar, Jack
Williams, J. D. Hardin, E. C. Powell, and G. W. Edwards.
- View Obituary Clipping
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
- Sarah Frances (unk) Balentine ----add dates please--- w/o John L.
Balentine married Apr. 2, 1908 buried in Rose Hill cemetery , Blooming
Grove, Tx. d/o Miles Green Blankenship, Sr. and Harriett Rebecca Gullege
(Epperson) Blankenship buried in Frost Cemetery, Frost, Tx.
Horace Edward Ballew

Aug 25, 1858 - May 25, 1917
May 29, 1917
BALLEW - Corsicana, Texas, May 29. - Horace Ballew, who died at Richland,
was 58 years old and had been a resident of this county from early
childhood. His wife and five children, and two brothers and two sisters
survive. His brothers are W.
W. and H. E. Ballew of Corsicana and his sisters are Misses Maude and Belle
Ballew of Dallas.
Well Known Citizen Dead.
Horace Ballew, a well known citizen of the Richland community, died at his
home near Richland last evening at 7 o’clock after a brief illness. The
deceased was reared in this county and was a brother of W. W. and H. C.
Ballew of Corsicana and of Misses Maude and Belle Ballew of Dallas. Besides
those the deceased is survived by his wife and five children. The remains
will be interred at Richland tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Judge Neblett Pronounced Eulogy Over Bier of Horace Ballew, brother of W. W.
Ballew and H. C. Ballew of Corsicana, died at his home at Richland recently.
He had been a resident of this county for many years and was well known. A
number of friends living in Corsicana went to Richland and attended the
funeral. Among them was Judge R. S. Neblett, who delivered the following
eulogy at the funeral.
My Friends—The occasion which calls us together is one of sadness and causes
us to pause and reflect., stirs our sympathies and demands an expression of
appreciation of the live and sentiments of him who is now no more.
The shadow of death has fallen across the pathway of loved ones and friends,
and now in that shadow we look over the past, contemplate the present and
hope for the future.
It was not my privilege to enjoy that close relation of friendship and
confidence with the deceased that for a quarter of a century I have held and
enjoyed with his brothers, nor that close acquaintance which I have for many
years enjoyed and appreciated with his worthy sisters. His family has
complimented me in the request that I perform this service which I now
render, in a brief review of his relations with his fellowmen and his views
toward life. I appreciate the compliment and I willingly perform the
Horace Ballew, I believe, was reared in Navarro County, and for more than a
quarter of a century he lived among the people of this immediate locality.
They knew him and of him they speak well; naught but kindness has been
expressed and the high esteem in which he was held. He was not a Christian
in the theological nor in the popular sense of that term, an yet he was a
good man and faithful in the discharge of all the duties and
responsibilities growing out of life and its relations with his family, his
fellowman, and his God. He was a member of the Unitarian church, and
speaking of that organization, I believe it may be said, that it is one that
believes in God and in good deeds toward man. It rejects the doctrine of the
Trinity and the diety of Christ; it does not subscribe to the miraculous,
but holds fast to that high doctrine, bold and sacred, which requires of man
honesty in business affairs, honesty in expression of thought, honesty in
dealing with man and his relation in God. Perhaps the best expression of the
doctrine of that church is found in the statement by Ex-President Taft,
which has been so often quoted:
“Unitarians preach the gospel of sweet reasonableness, the love of God, the
love of Jesus Christ, the doctrine of tolerance. It has always been a source
of wonder to me why all the world has not been Unitarian, and I think the
world is verging in that direction.”
Benjamin Franklin, a believer in that church, is every day quoted with
saying; “I believe in one God, the creator of the universe: that he governs
it by his providence, and the best acceptable service we can render to him
is doing good to his other children; that the soul of man is immortal and
will be treated with justice in the future life respecting its conduct in
The family of Ballews, of which the deceased was a member, subscribed, I
believe to the utterances in a late issue of the magazine published by his
brother, in substantially these words:
“As for us, this is neither rhyme nor jest;
We must all die alike, later or soon,
And life is hard, and death for us brings rest;
Rest for the weary and worn is a boon.
So Away with the priest; we fear him not;
Nor fear we death, that we all must die;
For when man is born we know that his lot,
Is to live and pass from life with a sigh;
And all good is God, and God is all good;
We know there is neither Hell no Devil,
And if we have made ourselves understood,
A brave, true man has no fear of evil.”
The deceased did not subscribe to the doctrine of an eternal hell, no to the
doctrine that the four of hell beyond this life was the proper instrument to
restrain one from doing wrong. He did believe that for the wrongs done we
are punished, and for the good services we are rewarded. As a citizen, he
performed well the duties which fell to his lot; he studied and understood
well the relations between the individual and the government; he felt that
he had his part to perform as a member of the whole body, and he attempted
to faithfully discharge that duty. He was honest and upright in his dealings
with all and attempted to avoid injury to others. He provided well for his
family in intellectual improvement, moral growth and physical comforts. He
was true and faithful to his friends and had the esteem and confidence of
his immediate associates. He enjoyed the reputation of being an honorable
upright man among all who knew him, and that he is gone I feel that I can
perform no more faithful service than to say of him, that his life he
merited with the confidence, love and esteem of all his friends and
associates; that he was obedient to law, both human and divine, and in his
death has come for him both “Peace and rest.”
On behalf of the family I express their thanks and appreciation of the many
acts of kindness shown at this time, for their sympathy and friendship
manifested by many beautiful floral offerings and the large attendance here
to show respect and esteem for their departed loved one.
Newton Dale
Aug 9, 1916 - Jan 9, 1917
Death of Infant.
Newton Dale, the 6-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crowder, died
at 11:30 today at their home on South Fourteenth street and the remains will
be interred at Richland
Velma Corley
Dec 1906 - Oct 28, 1918
Died at Richland.
The ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Corley of Richland died
yesterday and the remains were interred there today.
Hattie May
(Nash) Garlington

Aug 9, 1873 - May 12, 1952
May 14, 1952
Mrs. Hattie May Garlington, 78, of Powell, Navarro County, died Monday in
Jacksonville. Funeral services were held here Tuesday from the Corley
Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood
Surviving are three sons, Dan Garlington, Corsicana; Franklin R. Garlington,
Kermit, and Jesse M. Garlington, Denver, Colo.; two daughters, Mrs. R. E.
Bush, Powell, and Mrs. K. B. Connor, Dallas; thirteen grandchildren and
nineteen great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Garlington Services Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie May Garlington, 78, of Powell, who died in
Jacksonville early Monday were held from the Corley Chapel here at 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Burial was in Oakwood
The rites were conducted by Rev. M. O. Sutherland, pastor of the Powell
Baptist church, and Rev. Riley Dale, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church
Surviving are three sons, Dan Garlington, Corsicana; Franklin R. Garlington,
Kermit and Jesse M. Garlington, Denver, Colo.; two daughters, Mrs. R. E.
Bush, Powell and Mrs. K. B. Conner, Dallas; 13 grandchildren, 19
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. E. Percival, B. V. Hatley, Earl Bush, Charles Kent, A.
B. Hutson and Dick Salter.
Augustus Barry
abt 1820 - Mar 5, 1899
Mar 6, 1899
Death of an octogenarian
Col. A. Barry died suddenly and unexpectedly at his home near the city last
night about 10 o'clock of heart disease. He had been complaining of grip for
a few days and last night, feeling a little indisposed, asked his wife to
make him a pallet on the floor, which she did, at the same time advising him
to send for a physician, which he consented to do.
Mrs. Barry started across the hall to send a messenger for the doctor, but
before she had gone twenty feet Col. Barry expired, his death being painless
and was as if he had dropped into a gentle slumber. The funeral will take
place at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
The deceased was an octogenarian, being in the 82d year a the time of his
death. He came to Corsicana over fifty years ago, has been among her most
highly respected citizens and leaves a numerous progeny in this state, all
of whom are people of high social standing. Among his children of Hon. Bryan
T. Barry of Dallas, Dr. Ambrose Barry of Dresen, Mrs. H. C. Talbott, Mrs.
Lloyd Church, Mrs. W. C. Chestnutt of Corsicana, Robt. Barry and two married
daughters who reside in Tyler.
The children have all been notified of the death, and at noon to-day Hon.
Bryan T. Barry arrived from Dallas and two daughters from Tyler and Dr.
Ambrose Barry of Dresden arrived.
James H. Barnett
Dec 3, 1859 - Jul 26, 1902
Jul 26, 1902
Navarro County Man Killed on the Cotton Belt.
Special to The News
Corsicana, Tex., July 26. - James Barnett, a farmer who has been living for
several years near Dawson, in this county, was run over and killed by a
Cotton Belt freight train Thursday night between Hubbard City and Dawson.
The last seen of Barnett alive was as he was leaving Hubbard City Thursday
evening walking on the Cotton Belt track. Three freight trains passed over
his body.
Joel Pinson Garner

Apr 15, 1823 - Mar 19, 1906
Mar 20, 1906
GARNER- Corsicana, Tex., March 20. - Joel Garner, aged 83 years, and a
resident of Navarro County for over fifty years, died at his home a few
miles west of the city last night.
Mr. Garner leaves a widow and several children, all of whom are grown and
prominent in this county.
Turner Mae Garner
Aug 5, 1906 - Feb 18, 1935
GARNER - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 18. - Funeral services for Miss Turner Mae
Garner, 28, teacher in the Sam Houston School, who died Monday, will be held
Tuesday. Miss Garner was reared in Corsicana and was well known here.
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Garner of Corsicana and two
Funeral services for Miss Turner Mae Garner, aged 28 years, teacher in the
Sam Houston school, who died at the Navarro clinic Monday morning about 9:30
o'clock following an emergency operation Sunday night, were held Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, 819 West Seventh avenue, with
burial in Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist
Miss Garner had been ill only a short time and her condition became critical
Sunday night.
Miss Garner was reared in Corsicana and was well-known here. She was a
graduate of Corsicana high school and had been teaching in and near
Corsicana for the past several years.
A short session schedule was maintained at the Sam Houston school Tuesday,
with school being dismissed at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in order that the
teachers and students could attend the rites. Other schools of Corsicana
were conducted on the regular daily schedule.
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Garner, Corsicana; two
brothers, E. P. Garner, Houston, and W. F. Garner, Corsicana, and a number
of other relatives.
Pallbearers were L. P. Forsythe, W. D. Lamb, Leland Fikes, Felix Irvine,
George Mecham and Clifford Haley, Jr.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
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(Sears) Garlington
Nov 15, 1915 - Mar
30, 1936
March 17, 1936
GARLINGTON - Corsicana, Texas, March 17. - Funeral services for Mrs. Lorene
Garlington, 20, who died in Dallas, were held here Tuesday, with burial in
the Black Hills Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by the Rev. G. H. Vaughn, Baptist minister. Mrs.
Garlington was reared in Corsicana. Surviving are her husband, Werner
Garlington, Dallas; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Sears, Corsicana, and a
brother, Forrest Sears, Corsicana.
Brady Lee Garrison
Aug 26, 1900 - Jun 14, 1953
June 16, 1953, Dallas, TX
Rites Planned Tuesday for B. L. Garrison
Funeral services will be held here at 4 p.m. Tuesday for Brady Lee Garrison
Sr., 52, of Houston, who lived in Dallas from 1915 to 1942.
The Rev. Fred Thompson of Richardson, a Baptist minister, will officiate at
rites in Dudley M. Hughes Funeral Chapel, 100 East Jefferson. Burial will be
in Grove Hill Memorial Park.
Garrison died Sunday in a Dallas hospital after ten months illness.
While living in Dallas, he worked for Glazer's Wholesale Drug Company,
Mi-T-Fine Food Company and Continental Motors Corporation there. Later he
was co-owner of B&G Garage & Paint Shop there before closing the firm last
year. He worked briefly for a service station until his illness.
Garrison was born Aug. 26, 1900, near Corsicana, and later lived in Sherman
before coming here.
In 1921, he married Miss Lillian Irene Morris, who survives him. Other
survivors include a son, Brady Lee Garrison Jr. of Houston; his mother, Mrs.
Tillie Elizabeth Garrison of Dallas; three brother, Thomas Clifton Garrison,
Chester Elroy Garrison and Henry Paul Garrison, all of Dallas; two sisters,
Mrs. Edna Mae Boss of Dallas and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore of Uhrichsville, Ohio,
and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Winston S. Morris, Joe Keith Morris, Ren Earl Stedman,
Donne Hammons and Marion D. Nutt, all nephews and Eiland Thompson.
Mrs. Edward Gay
died Jul 1940
July 13, 1940
GAY - Corsicana, Texas, July 13. - Mrs. Edward Gay, 50, of Mildred, near
Corsicana, became ill Friday night while on a vacation trip and died in a
Tucson, Ariz., hospital. The body will arrive here Monday for burial. Mr.
and Mrs. Gay, and son, Jimmy Gay, all of Midred, and Mrs. Bank Lyons of
Corsicana, a daughter, and Mr. Lyons were on the trip at the time Mrs. Gay
became ill. Miss Elise Gay, a daughter, Phoenix, also survives.
Frank Camdon Gayle
Jul 15, 1919 - Jan 30, 1924
Feb 1, 1924, Dallas, TX
Gau;e -
The body of Frank Gayle, 4 years old, son of Mrs. And Mrs. E. A. Gayle,
4509 Birch street, was received here Thursday afternoon from Corsicana,
where he died Thursday morning. Funeral services were held from the family
residence at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon and burial was in Grove Hill
Philip George Giere

Jul 10, 1929 - Jun 8, 1975
Jun 13, 1975, Dallas, TX
Philip G., 1665 S. Story Rd., Irving. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jimmie; sons,
Lew, Dwight; step sons, Bob Barham; step daughters, Vicki Wilhoite, Cathy
Bristel; 5 grandchildren; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Giere; brothers,
Bobby, Johnny. He was production manager and a 23 year employee of
Gifford-Bill-American, Inc., age 45. Services 10 a.m., Friday, Central
Baptist Church, Blooming Grove, Texas. Interment
Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming
Jun 13, 1975, Irving, TX
IRVING - Funeral services for Philip G. Giere, 45, of 1663 S. Storey,
who drowned Sunday in Possum Kingdom Lake, will be held at 10 a.m.
Friday in Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove, Navarro County.
Burial will be in
Rose Hill Cemetery, also in Blooming Grove.
Giere was a production manager of Gifford-Hill-American Inc., where he
had worked for 23 years. His body was recovered Wednesday.
He is survived by his wife, Jimmie, two sons, one stepson, two
stepdaughters, two brothers and five grandchildren.
P. G. Giere
BLOOMING GROVE - Services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Central Baptist Church for Phillip George Giere, 45, resident of
Irving, who drowned Sunday.
Rev. W. A. Corley, First Baptist Church pastor, will officiate, and burial will be at
Rose Hill Cemetery.
Arrangements are with Bradley Funeral Home.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Jimmie Ward Giere of Irving; two sons, Dwight Giere and Lew Giere of California; a step-son, Jim Bob
Barham of Irving; two step-daughters, Vicki Wilhoite of Rice, Cathy Bristel of Irving, five grandchildren, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Giere of Fort Worth; two brothers, Johnny Giere and Bobby Giere of Fort Worth.
Pallbearers will be Gifford-Hill-American employes.
He was production manager of Gifford-Hill-American and employe there for 23 years.
James Berry Banks

Jan 12, 1901 - Jul 17, 1947
Former Dallas Man Dies
Special to the News
CORSICANA, Texas, July 19. - Funeral services for J. B. Banks, 47,
automobile dealer, who died in Greenville Thursday, were held in Greenville
Saturday morning. He formerly resided in Corsicana and Dallas. Surviving are
his wife of Greenville, three stepchildren, Tom and Kenneth McNatt, and Mrs.
J. R. Adams, all of Greenville; mother, Mrs. Betty Banks, Corsicana; three
sisters, Mrs. Beulah Huff and Mrs. Doyle Pevehouse, both of Corsicana, and
Mrs. A. P. Smith, Dallas, and a number of other relatives.
James Berry Banks, aged 47 years, native of Navarro county, died
with a heart attack at Greenville at 6:20 o’clock Thursday morning.
He was a car dealer.
Banks had been ill for several weeks, had undergone an operation and
was said to be recovering when he suffered a heart attack.
Funeral services will be held at the Wesley Methodist church in
Greenville Saturday morning at 11 o’clock and interment will be made
Oakwood cemetery here Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Rev.
Finis A. Crutchfield, district Methodist superintendent, will
conduct the rites at the graveside. Banks was a member of the Wesley
Methodist church in Greenville.
Born at Blooming Grove, Jan. 12, 1900, he was reared in Corsicana
and was in the insurance business in Dallas for a number of years
moving to Greenville seven years ago.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruby McNatt Banks, Greenville; three
step-children, Tom and Kenneth McNatt and Mrs. J. R. Adams, all of
Greenville mother, Mrs. Betty Banks, Corsicana; and three sisters,
Mrs. Beulah Huff and Mrs. Doyle Pevehouse, both of Corsicana, and
Mrs. A. P. Smith, Dallas, and other relatives.
Griffin Funeral Home will direct local arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jul 18, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Ruby Frances (Sumrow) McNatt-Banks-Berkey married Dec.
25, 1939 buried in Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, Tx.
Funeral rites for James Berry Banks, 47, native of Navarro county,
used car dealer of Greenville, who died with a heart attack at
Greenville Thursday morning, were held from the Wesley Methodist
church in Greenville at 11 o’clock Saturday morning. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery here Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with Rev.
Finis A. Crutchfield, superintendent of the Corsicana Methodist
district, conducting a short graveside services.
Born at Blooming Grove, Banks was reared in Corsicana and resided in
Dallas for a number of years prior to moving to Greenville seven
years ago.
Surviving are his wife of Greenville; three step-children, Tom and
Kenneth McNatt and Mrs. J. R. Adams, all of Greenville; mother Mrs.
Betty Banks, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Beulah Huff and Mrs.
Doyle Pevehouse, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. A. P. Smith, Dallas,
and other relatives.
Griffin Funeral Home directed local arrangements.
Bobbie Laverne Beeman

Oct 22, 1931 - Oct 30, 1931
Oct 31, 1931
Bobbie L. Beeman, 8-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beeman, who
resided west of Corsicana, died Friday and the funeral was held Saturday
from the residence of the child's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beeman,
four miles west of Corsicana. Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Beeman, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shaw, Corbet.
Bobbie L. Beeman, 8-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beeman, who reside
west of Corsicana, died Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock and the funeral was
held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the residence of the child’s
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beeman, four miles west of Corsicana, with
interment in the
Cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev.
Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Beeman and Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Shaw, Corbet.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland funeral home.
Preston Allen Bates
Mar 25, 1893 - Jan 21, 1952
Jan 22, 1952
Preston A. Bates, 58, Kerens Farmer, Buried
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 22. - Preston A. Bates, 58, Kerens farmer and
driller, died at a local hospital Monday. Funeral services were held Tuesday
at the Oak Grove Baptist Church, with burial in the
Oak Grove Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Preston C. Bates, Humble, and James H.
Bates and Troy Lee Bates, both of Kerens; two daughters, Mrs. Alma Davis,
Dallas, and Mrs. Nannie Grooms, Center Falls, N.Y.
Preston A. Bates Expired Monday
KERENS, Jan. 21.—(Spl.)—Preston A. Bates, 58, died at the P. and S.
Hospital Monday morning following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Oak Grove Baptist church at 3
p.m. Tuesday with burial in the Oak Grove cemetery. The rites will
be conducted by Rev. T. R. Vaughn, Baptist minister of Trinidad.
A native of Alabama, Bates had resided in the area 34 years. He was
a farmer and water well driller.
Surviving are his wife of Kerens, Three sons, Preston C. Bates,
Humble and James. H. and Troy Lee Bates, both of Kerens; two
daughters, Mrs. Olma Davis, Dallas and Mrs. Nannie Grooms, Center
Falls, N. Y., and other relatives.
Inmon will direct.
Robert Patrick,
1832 - Aug 21, 1916
Aug 22, 1916
Bates - Corsicana, Texas, Aug. 22. - R. P. Bates Sr., for many years a
resident of Corsicana, died in a Fort Worth hospital last night, and was
buried here this afternoon. One son, R. P. Bates Jr., survives him. The Rev.
Dr. Knight, pastor of First Christian Church, Ennis, officiated at the
funeral. The pallbearers were Elmer De Lafosse, Jesse Megarity, J. A.
Jarrell, R. A. Caldwell, Luther Johnson and F. A. Elliott.
Eugene A. Bailey
Jul 8, 1860 - Feb 24, 1946
Feb 26, 1946
Corsicana Rites Held For Retired Merchant
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Feb. 26 - Funeral services were held here Monday for
Eugene A. Bailey, 86, retired dry goods merchant and former director of the
Cotton Belt Railway of Texas, who died at his home Sunday. Surviving are his
wife, a daughter, Mrs. G. Soderlund, Wichita Falls, and one granddaughter.
Eugene A. Bailey, aged 86 years, retired, died at his home, 410 West First
avenue, Sunday night. Funeral services were held from the McCammon Funeral
Chapel Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Andrew Byers, pastor of the First Presbyterian church.
Bailey was connected with the Mistrot Dry Goods company here many years ago
and later was in a similar business at Gatesville. Following his retirement
he returned to Corsicana a number of years ago. He was a director of the
Cotton Belt Railway Company for many years.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. G. Soderlund, Wichita
Falls; a granddaughter and other relatives.
Pallbearers were George Campbell, Cecil L. King, Bill King, Wylie Robinson,
Bill Jetter and A. D. Pope.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 25, 1946
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
h/o Lora (Sheffield) Bailey married Feb. 12, 1893; s/o William
Bailey & Jane (Powell) Bailey per death certificate
Isaac Baum

died Feb 26, 1910
Feb 26, 1910
I. Baum, one of Corsicana's oldest and wealthiest citizens, died this
morning. He came here from Germany when 15 years of age. He leaves a wife
and three children, viz.: Mrs. L. E. Ross and George and Ed Baum of
Corsicana. He had a brother in Centerville, Iowa, and another in Germany.