Avenar Jay Crouch

July 13, 1883 - July 26, 1965
Jay Crouch of
Frost Expires
Jay Crouch, 82, retired farmer, of Frost, died early Monday
Funeral services will be held from the
Griffin Chapel Tuesday at 4 p.m. with burial in the Rose Hill cemetery in Blooming Grove. The rites will be conducted by Rev. C.
C. Ellis, pastor of the Frost Baptist church.
Crouch was a member of the First Christian
church in Blooming Grove.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Minnie
Littlejohn of Frost and Mrs. Anna Nelson of Hillsboro and a number
of nieces and nephews including Mrs. Vance Laverty of Corsicana.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
Viola Mae (Massengale) McGraw

Dec 17, 1907 - Sep 25, 1986
Viola McGraw
Viola Massengale McGraw, 78, of Blooming Grove died Thursday at
Navarro Regional Hospital.
Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove with the Rev. Don
Elrod officiating. Burial will be in Rosehill cemetery.
Survivors include two sons, Jim Bob McGraw
of Frost and Raymond Edward McGraw of Blooming Grove; six daughters,
Dorothy Hanna of Lindale, Peggy Sue Cannon of Garland, Ethel Diann
Cornish of Enterprise, Ala., Doris Ann Stibbins of Frankston, Lena
Mae Winstead and Glenda Jo Bain, both of Irving; two brothers, Roy
Massengale and Marshall Massengale, both of Barry; three sisters,
Mable Russell, Lois Gillen, both of Barry, and Nannie Placker; 29
grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be grandsons.
Elizabeth Ann
(Simpson) Hartley

July 23, 1860 - Oct 24, 1935
Mrs. Rufus Hartley, pioneer resident of Blooming Grove, died
Thursday at Blooming Grove and the funeral services were scheduled
for Friday morning, it was learned here Friday.
Mrs. Hartley is survived by three sons, K. Hartley, Blooming
Grove; M. J. Hartley, Corsicana; Corsicana, and Rufus Hartley,
Blooming Grove; a daughter, Mrs. Mart Warren, Blooming Grove;
several grandchildren and other relatives.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Hartley, aged 75 years, died Thursday afternoon
at 1 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs Mart Warren. Funeral
services were held at 4 p.m. Friday, with Rev. P. W. Utley, pastor
of the First Methodist Church in charge of the rites. Burial
followed in the Rose Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Hartley (nee Simpson) came to Texas from Arkansas in early
childhood and was married in 1880 to R. M. Hartley who preceded her
in death in 1929. The deceased was the last woman resident of
Blooming Grove who lived within the corporate limits when the town
site was laid out. She had been a member of the Methodist church for
many years and in the 67 years spent here she had endeared herself
to friends and relatives alike. It is not the plan of the Creator
for man to remain on earth indefinitely, so we bow to the
inevitable, with the assurance that she rests in peace. We can only
follow the example of kindness, patience and christianity she has
left behind.
Surviving are five children: K. Hartley and Mrs. H. M. Warren,
Blooming Grove; Mrs. M. Montgomery, Emhouse, M. J. and Rufus of
Active pallbearers were: Jim Carroll, Jim Glenn, G. E. Ramsey, Sr.,
A. P. Jones, H. S. Whorton and Loyd Simpson.
Honorary pallbearers were: J. W. Phillips, J. D. Stokes, Chas.
Smith, J. J. Hargrove, Sol Hodkins, T. H. Butcher, Louis Pevehouse,
and Frank Pevehouse.
Funeral arrangements were under the direction of the McCormick
Funeral Service.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation to our loyal friends and
neighbors; and faithful Dr. Kelsey, for their many deeds of kindness
during the illness and death of our dear mother and grandmother,
Mrs. R. M. Hartley.
H. M. Warren and family
K. Hartley and family
Mr. and Mrs. M. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hartley
The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, November 1, 1935
Submitted by
Karen Rost
Allen Lute
McGlathery, Sr.

Sep 29, 1846 -
Oct 30, 1915
On October 31st,
A. L. McGlathery, Sr., died. He was
sick two days. His death was a shock
to his family and many friends.
"He has gone to
be an Angel, He can now with the
Angels stand,
With a crown
upon his forehead, And a harp within
his hand."
He was laid to rest
in Black Hills cemetery on October
31st, 1915, Rev. Ashcraft conducting the services.
Black Hills News.
The Death Angel
spread its snowy
wings over the home
of A. L. McGlathery
Saturday night,
October 30, and took
from them their
beloved father, Mr.
A. L. McGlathery. He
was loved by every
one who knew him.
The funeral service
was held by Bro.
Ashcraft at Black Hills Sunday evening
at 3:30 o’clock. The
remains were laid to
rest at Black Hills
Ida Delmia (Reece)

May 1881 - April 8,
A large crowd of
friends and relatives gathered at
the Black Hills cemetery Sunday
evening, April 9th, to pay their last
respects to the remains of Mrs. Ida
Rogers, whose spirit took its
flight into the Great Beyond the day
previous. She was confined to her bed
about a month with yellow
jaundice and other complications. All
that physicians and loving hands
could do was done, but all was in
vain. She leaves a husband and two
children, a son, aged nine years,
and a daughter, aged one year and
four months; and three brothers and
one sister to mourn her
departure. We extend our deepest
sympathy to the bereaved relatives and
would point them to the All Wise
Savior who doeth all things well and who
can comfort the broken-hearted
when no one else can.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, May 9,
Submitted by
Diane Richards
w/o Thomas Wesley
Rogers d/o Edward Zachari Reece and Laura Beth
(Philps) Reece mother of Theries
D’Metries (Rogers) Spoonamore-Carnell-Bell buried
at Rose Hill Cemetery
Margrette Pearl
Aug 11, 1918 -
Oct 25, 1918
The 6-months old
child of A. M. Crumbley died in
the Black Hills community last night and the remains were interred there
Two Children Dead.
The 6-months old child of A. M. Crumbley died in the Black Hills
community last night and the remains were interred there today.
The 3 –year-old son of Fate McCarter died in the Mildred community
Thursday night and the remains were interred in the Hopewell
cemetery yesterday.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Oct 26, 1918
- assumed buried here per obit
- d/o Arthur Monroe Crumbley and Almedia Florence “Allie”
Crumbley buried in San Angelo, TX
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Henry Franklin
"Frank" Williams

Apr 02, 1886 - Dec 27, 1947
Jan. 23. - The body of Henry
F. Williams, former blacksmith
at Silver City, who died in Hawaii,
Dec. 27, while at work in a civil
service position, is slated to arrive
in Corsicana Friday. Funeral
arrangements are pending the arrival
of relatives. Survivors include a
sister, Mrs. W. B. Ellis of
Blooming Grove. McCormick Funeral
Service will have charge of
arrangements. Interment will be
in the Younger cemetery.
Troy Lee Jayroe
Aug 02, 1952 - Dec 30, 1955
Saturday Rites For Small Child
Troy Lee Jayroe, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jayroe of Dallas, died in Memorial Hospital Friday night. Funeral services were held from the Griffin Chapel Saturday at 3 p.m. with burial in the Younger cemetery near Purdon. The rites were conducted by Rev. O. H. Dockray, Assembly of God minister of Silver City.
Surviving are the parents and a brother, Charles Jayroe, all of
Dallas; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Currington and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Jayroe, all of Purdon; a great-grandmother , Mrs. T. M. York,
Corsicana, and other relatives. Pallbearers were W. D. Ivie, Johnny R. Jayroe, Jimmy L. Jayroe and Clifton
Jack Leslie Follis

July 03, 1899 - Aug 09, 1948
Funeral services
for Jack Leslie Follis, 49, fatally
injured in a Jeep-Southern Pacific
Lines freight train collision at
a grade crossing in south Corsicana,
were held Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Corley Funeral
Burial was in the
Younger cemetery near Purdon. The
rites were conducted by Rev.
Roy Tumblelson.
Follis was injured
Sunday night and died in the P.
and S. Hospital Monday evening. The
jeep was demolished.
This was the
seventh traffic fatality in Navarro county
this year.
A native of Purdon,
he resided at 612 East Tenth
avenue. Follis was a carpenter.
Surviving are his
widow, Mrs. Ola Follis,
Corsicana; four children, Johnny L., Bill and
Albert Follis and Mrs.
Odessa Meador, all of Corsicana;
mother, Mrs. Maggie Follis,
Jester; six brothers, Emmett Follis.
Dallas; Bud Follis, Corsicana; Oren and
Virgil Follis, both of Levelland;
Basil and Robert Follis, both
of Jester; four sisters, Mrs.
Gertrude Lang, Dallas; Mrs. Retha Ward Los
Angeles; Mrs. Bertha Mae
Phinny, Corsicana, and Mrs.
Mary Spurrier, Grand Prairie, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were A,
A. Daniel, L. J. Territo,
Oscar Patterson, A. J. Whistler, Harry
Bruton and P. G. York.
Injuries Fatal For Jack Follis, Struck By
Jack Leslie Follis, aged 49 years, carpenter, died in the P. and S.
Hospital Monday night about 7 o’clock from injuries sustained on
Sunday night in a jeep-Southern Pacific Lines freight train
collision in South Corsicana.
His death is the seventh traffic fatality in Navarro county this
The accident occurred at the intersection of South Twelfth street,
West Twelfth avenue and the Southern Pacific Lines grade crossing
north of the Oil City Iron Works and west of the Corsicana Cotton
He was rushed to the hospital suffering with a broken left leg,
fractured ribs, a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. The jeep
was demolished.
Funeral Wednesday
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel on
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in the Younger
cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Roy Tembielson.
A native of Purdon, Follis resided at 612 East Tenth avenue.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ola Follis, Corsicana; four children,
Johnny L., Bill and Albert Follis, and Mrs. Odessa Meador, all of
Corsicana; mother, Mrs. Maggie Follis, Jester; six brothers, Emmett
Follis, Dallas; Bud Follis, Corsicana; Oren and Virgil Follis, both
of Levelland; Basil and Robert Follis, both of Jester; four sisters,
Mrs. Gertrude Lang, Dallas; Mrs. Retha Ward, Los Angeles; Mrs.
Bertha Mae Phinny, Corsicana, and Mrs. Mary Spurrier, Grand Prairie,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be A. A. Daniel, L. J. Territo, Oscar Patterson, A.
J. Whistler, Harry Bruton and P. G. York.
Travis Doyle “Jabo” Kennemore

Sep 11, 1902 - Mar 13, 1955
T. D. Kennemore Services Monday
T. D. (Jabo)
Kennemore. 52. carpenter. World War
II veteran, of Purdon. died in the
Navarro Clinic Sunday morning.
Funeral services
were held from the Corley Chapel
Monday at 2 p. m. Burial was in
the Younger cemetery.
The rites were
conducted by Rev. Charles Woods,
pastor of the First Baptist church at
Purdon, and Rev. O. H. Dockery.
pastor of the Pentecostal Church
of God.
Kennemore was born
at Purdon, September 11, 1902.
Surviving are his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Kennemore, Purdon; four brothers. N.
C. Kennemore.
San Antonio; D. S.
and L. H. Kennemore, both
of Purdon, and A. M. Kennemore,
Waco; a sister. Mrs. Lorene
French, Purdon, and other
Pallbearers were
Autry Slaughter, Jim Gordon. Autry
Lewis Owens,
Laffett Atkins and A. V. Davis.
John W. Stewart
Nov 2, 1841 - Nov 2, 1913
Died at Purdon.
John Stewart,
aged 65 years, and for many years a
resident of Purdon, died there Sunday
morning and the remains were
interred in the Younger cemetery Monday at
11 a. m. The deceased was a
farmer and ginner, but had been
president of the Purdon State bank since
its organization. The deceased was never
married, but had a host of friends
who were pained at his death.
Carl Lee (Waites) Thomas

Apr 4, 1917 - Oct 8, 1975
Mrs. Thomas
ITALY - Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church in Italy for Mrs. M.
O. (Bill) Thomas, 58, resident of Italy the past 19 years, who died yesterday at Dallas Baylor Hospital.
Rev. Jerry Sheffield and Rev. Charles Burnett will officiate, with burial following at the Younger cemetery in Navarro County.
Arrangements are with the Boze-Mitchell Funeral Home in Italy. She was employed by the Green Brothers Manufacturing of Italy and member of the First Baptist Church.
Survivors include her husband of Italy, two daughters, Mrs. Jo Ann Dickey of Seattle, Wash, and Mrs. Glenda Underwood of Austin; a son, Jimmy Wade Thomas of Gilmer; six grandchildren, a great-grandchild, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barnes of Purdon; five sisters, Mrs. Lerlene Brooks of Longview, Mrs. Zerlene Healey of Dallas, Mrs. Frances Manley of Selma, Ala., Mrs. Margie Ruth of El Paso and Mrs. Cecile Parsons of Plano; and a brother, Benny Barnes of
Albuquerque, N.M.
Milton Oliver
"Bill" Thomas

May 21, 1913 – Oct 21, 2000
M. O. “Bill” Thomas
M. O. “Bill” Thomas, 86, of Corsicana passed away Saturday, Oct. 21,
2000 at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Visitation will be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. tonight at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home.
Services will be 11 a.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
with Pastor Curtis Gilbert officiating. Burial will be at Younger
Pallbearers will be Jackie Thomas, Bobby Thomas, Kenneth Thomas,
J. D. Wright, Michael “Buddy” Aquado and Bryant Sloan.
Honorary pallbearers will be Leon Owen, Dale Thomas, Clifton
Barrow and James “Hootie” Griffin.
Thomas was born May 21, 1913 in Purdon.
He was preceded in death by his first wife Carl Lee Waits Thomas.
He is survived by wife, Gelene Thomas of Corsicana; daughters,
Joanne Reeve Thomas of Rio Vista, Calif. And Glynda Underwood of
Austin; son Jimmy Thomas of Mexia; step-son Ron Sloan of Ennis,
sister, Moreta Slaughter of Corsicana; grandchildren, Bobby Jo,
Elaine, Deborah Kaye and Brad; great grandchildren, Troy, Misty,
and Elizabeth and two great grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Missionary Baptist Church, 405 South 15th
St., Corsicana, Texas 75110.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Thomas J. Nored
Dec 02, 1849 - Aug 12, 1915
Died Here This Afternoon
T. J. Norred, aged 66 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. H. Young, 1115 West Fourth avenue, this afternoon, and the remains will be buried in the
White Church cemetery near Blooming Grove tomorrow.
Surviving the deceased are three children; Mrs. T. H. Young and Mrs. H. W. Sitton of Corsicana and William Norred of Wellington, Texas.
The deceased had been a resident of Navarro County for many years, and was a good citizen.
Allie Presley Grimmett

Mar 27, 1894 - Oct 22, 1918
Near Drane.
Allie Grimmett,
a well known young farmer who lived
near Drane, died at his home yesterday
afternoon at 5:20 and the remains
were interred at the White Church cemetery near Blooming Grove, this
afternoon. The deceased was twenty-five
years old and is survived by his
wife, his mother and several brothers and sisters.
Cynthia (Brown) Truelove

Jan 1, 1856 - Feb 25, 1918
Died Near Barry.
Mrs. C. D.
Truelove, widow of the late J. R.
Truelove, died at the home of her son-in-law,
J. I. Crouch, near Barry last Thursday
night and the remains were
interred at the White cemetery near
Blooming Grove Friday. The deceased had
long been a resident of Navarro county
and her funeral was largely attended.
Mary E. (Pillow) Erwin
Aug 8, 1833 - Apr 4, 1911
Died in Blooming
Grandma Irvin,
aged 76 years, died at the home of her
son, John Irvin, in Blooming Grove,
yesterday, and the remains were
interred there this afternoon.
Jemima Catherine “Carrie” (Shivers) Young

Mar 25, 1848 - Dec 23, 1928
Funeral services
for Mrs. J. C. Young, aged 81
years, who died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Will Gillian, 1315
West Thirteenth avenue, Sunday
afternoon at l:15 o'clock were held
from the residence Monday afternoon at
one o'clock, and the remains were interred in the. Blooming Grove
The funeral
services were conducted by Rev.
G. F. Kornegay, pastor of the.
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Mrs. Young was
born at Jackson, Mississippi. The
family came to Navarro county 47
years ago and later moved to Brazos
county where theyresided several
years, returning to Navarro county 28
years ago.
Surviving the
one daughter, Mrs. Will Gillian,
Corsicana; five sons. C. L. Young, Bremond; S. O. Young, F. Y. Young, J. O.
Young and T. H. Young, all of
Corsicana: seven grandchildren and
two great-grand-children.
Passing of Aged
Mother Mourned by
Sons and Daughter
The sudden
passing of Mrs. Jemima C. Young, Sunday,
December 23, at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Gillin,
brought great sorrow into the
hearts of her six surviving children
and her many relatives and
To part with a
mother is, indeed, a sorrowful
experience, but it is a consolation to know
that as "His thoughts are higher
than our thoughts" and "His
ways higher than our ways," we
can rest securely in the faith of His
wisdom, knowing that He not
only care's for and protects
His children, but also heals the
sorrows which seem to have inflicted
such deep wounds.
Mrs. Young,
widow of the late Franklin J. Young,
who passed to his reward on
October 25, 1893, was born in
Jackson, Miss., March 25, 1848, her
parents being Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Shivers.
She and Mr. Young were married
September 29, 1869, and came
to Texas November 24, 1879. They had
ten children, six of whom are
living - five sons and one daughter as
follows: Oscar, Tom, Frankie,
Sammie, and Mrs. Will Gillin of
Corsicana and Clarence of Bremond.
She is also survived by three sisters,
Mmes. Alice McGee and Julie
Lench of Blooming Grove and Sallle
Yelverten of Clovis, New Mexico.
Funeral services
were held on Christmas Eve at
the Hope Baptist church, by the
pastor, Rev. H. A. Conway, and
songs she loved were sung by a
quartette from the church choir. All
the pall bearers with the exception
of Jim Carroll, were her nephews,
who were Earl McGee, George
McGee, Blon Bell, Frank Young, Sam
Spikes and Jim Carroll. The
remains were taken to Blooming Grove
and laid to rest in the White church
cemetery by the side of her
husband and children who had preceded
her in death.
A large
concourse of sorrowing relatives, and
friends accompanied the remains to
Blooming Grove, and her grave was
covered with beautiful floral
offerings which bespeak more
eloquently than words of the love and
esteem in which this good woman was
held. Heart-felt sympathy is
extended the bereft loved ones by
their many friends and
acquaintances at this time of their great sorrow.
Mary Jane (Flynt) Sheppard

Nov 3, 1857 - July 1, 1928
Mrs. M. J. Sheppard, aged 72 pioneer resident of Blooming Grove died at the home of her son, J. J. Sheppard about 4 o’clock Sunday morning after a long illness Funeral services were held at the Blooming Grove Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The deceased was born and reared in Mississippi. After coming to Texas she lived for a time at Corsicana and Powell, before making her home in Blooming Grove. She has been a resident of that community since about 1874.
She is survived by three sons and one daughter; J. W. Sheppard of Kermit; Albert Sheppard of Corsicana; J. J. Sheppard of Blooming Grove, and Mrs. J. J. Mixon of Corsicana.
The following
members of the Woodman Circle.
Violet Grove.
went to Blooming
Grove Monday to attend the
funeral services of Mrs. Mary Sheppard,
venerable member of the
Blooming Grove lodge, under the
auspices of which the funeral was
Mmes. Ella Nutt.
Ida Terry. Mollie Weaver, Maggie
Rawson, Eva Allen, Ada Cason.
Nora Elkins Lottie Young. Mrs. B.
Tuft. Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Burroughs.
Lydia Arvalene
(Hightower) Grimes

May 13, 1860 - Aug.
30, 1943
FROST, Texas,
Aug. 30. - (Spl.) - Mrs. Lydia A.
Grimes, aged 83 yeas, native of
this vicinity, died Monday morning at
3:30 o'clock following an
extended illness.
Funeral services
will be held from the Methodist
church here Tuesday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Burial will be in
the White Church cemetery
near Blooming Grove. The rites
will be conducted by Rev. T. D.
Ellis, pastor of the Methodist church,
assisted by Rev. D. P. Cagle, pastor
of the Frost Baptist church.
Mrs. Grimes was
the daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Raleigh Hightower, pioneer Navarro
county residents. She was born near
old Cross Roads, four miles south of
Frost, before Frost was established.
She resided in Blooming Grove for a number
of years before moving to her home
Surviving are
two daughters, Mrs. Mary Carol,
Dallas, and Mrs. Imogene Ruffin,
Ennis; three sons, Earl F. Grimes,
Fort Worth; Fred M. Grimes, Conroe,
and S. E. Grimes, Dallas;
seven grandchildren, seven
great-grandchildren, and a brother, W. A.
Hightower, Frost.
Pallbearers will
be Everett Hightower, Ed Sheppard,
I. A. Sanders, G. H. Haley, Olin
Fuller and Johnnie Strain.
McCormick's Funeral
Home is in charge.
Mary Belle
(Griffis) Calvert

Jan 18, 1859 -
Nov 3, 1930
was 83 years, 4 months and 16 days
old when she passed to the great
beyond, Nov 3, 1930. She was
laid to rest be side her husband in
White Church
Cemetery at
Blooming Grove, Nov. 4.
"Grandmother Calvert and family
came to Texas from Tennessee in
1887 and lived near Blooming Grove
until 10 years ago when she moved
near Kerens.
She is survived
by one sister Mrs. Laura Ragan,
Kerens; on brother, T. O.
Griffis, Fort Worth five children,
Vinnie and Wiley Calvert, Kerens;
Mrs. J. E. Thomason, Powell; Mrs.
W. F. Wodkins, Scurry; Mrs.
R. T. Lonon Powell and eleven
grandchildren and seven great
grandchildren and other relatives and
Weep not dear
As ones who have no
Just think she is
an angel
And waiting for
your coming in
a better land.
Some day we will
meet our mother
The time may not be
“Till we shall meet
In the land of song
and joy.
Written by her
George Washington Young
Aug 8, 1872 - Mar 2, 1935
Funeral services
for George Washington Young,
aged 62 years who died at 306
West Tenth avenue, Saturday afternoon
at 5:15 o'clock after a
lingering illness, were held from the
family residence Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock with burial in the
White Church Cemetery, near Blooming
Grove. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh
Avenue Baptist church.
The I. O. O. F.
Lodge had charge of the rites
at the grave.
Mr. Young had
been night-Watchman at the
Corsicana Cotton Mills for several
years and formerly resided in
the Blooming Grove community.
Surviving are
three sons, A. F. Young, Corsicana;
T. A. Young, Palestine; A. A.
Young, Palestine; three daughters,
Mrs. T. C. Willingham, Palestine; Mrs. C.
B. Fritz, Barry; and Mrs. J. R. Gowin,
Troy; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Stewart,
Nacogdoches, and Mrs. Cora Conally,
Corsicana; and two brothers, John
Young, Corsicana, and Jim Young,
The funeral was
directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
William Jackson
“Will” Radney

Aug 8, 1862 - Mar
25, 1919
Was Buried at Dresden.
Will Radney,
aged fifty-six died at his home near
Dresden Tuesday night and the funeral
took place at Dresden yesterday afternoon
under the direction of the
Blooming Grove Masons.
The deceased is
survived by his wife and eight children.
Laura Jack (Foster) Gay

June 19, 1886 - July 12, 1940
Funeral services
for Mrs. J. E. Gay of Mildred,
aged 54 years, who suffered a
sunstroke and died while
vacationing in Arizona last Friday, will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 4
o'clock at Dresden.
The rites will
be conducted by Rev. G. H. Vaughn,
Baptist minister, and Rev. S. R.
Goff, pastor of the Northside
Baptist church.
Internment will be
in the Dresden cemetery.
Mrs. Gay was
stricken while enroutes to Phoenix,
Ariz., with her husband and son,
Jimmie Dell, and her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Banks
Lyons, to visit her daughter, Miss
Elise Gay, who is a nurse in a
hospital there, She was rushed to a
hospital in Tucson but died
shortly after arrival. Her body was
returned to Corsicana Monday
Born in Athens
in 1886, Mrs. Gay had lived in
Navarro county for the past 48
years. She was Laura J. Foster
before her marriage.
Surviving are
her husband of Mildred, eight
children, Mrs. Fulton Allen, Tempe,
Ariz.; Kenneth Gay, Mildred; Mrs.
Edward Butler, Corsicana; Mrs.
Banks Lyons, Corsicana; Mrs.
Lloyd Lewis, Purdon; Mrs. Erskine Moore,
Mertens; Miss Elise Gay,
Phoenix, Ariz.; Jimmie Dell
Gay, Mildred, and seven
grandchildren; two brothers, John
Foster, Shawnee, Okla., and J. B.
Foster, Wills Point; two sisters,
Mrs. A. L. Harwell, Fort
Worth, and Mrs. Mattie Truelove,
Corsicana, and other relatives.
arrangements are being directed by the
Corley Funeral Home.
Wiley W. Smith

Mar 5, 1882 - Jun 18, 1940
June 19. - (Spl) - Funeral
services for W. W. Smith, age 58
years, who died suddenly at his
home here early Tuesday morning,
were held at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon from the Methodist
church. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Van P. Morrison,
pastor, assisted by Rev. Robert
Williams, pastor of the Central Baptist
church. Burial was in the
Dresden cemetery.
Mr. Smith had
been a resident of Blooming Grove
for 15 years and was a prominent
farmer and dairyman. He was a
steward in the Methodist
church and took an active part in civic affairs.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Harold and Bill Smith, Blooming Grove; two daughters, Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth, Blooming Grove; Mrs. Ralph Balentine, Purdon; six grandchildren; four brothers, E. E. Smith, Corsicana; A. T. Smith, Alabama; W. C. Smith, Asherton; a sister, Mrs. D. H. Simpson, Fairfield, and other relatives.
Members of the board of stewards of the Methodist church here were pallbearers.
McCormick Funeral Service directed the arrangements.
Funeral Services For W. W. Smith Held Wednesday
Funeral services for W. W. Smith, aged 58 years, were held at the
Methodist church Wednesday at 3 p.m., with interment at Dresden
The services were conducted by Rev. Van P. Morrison, assisted by
Rev. W. O. Patterson and of the local Baptist churches. Pallbears
[sic] were members of the board of stewards of the Methodist church:
J. R. Griffin, Earl Brown, R. S. High, R. D. Garrison, W. P. Orme
and J. P. Johnson. Honorary Pallbears were members of the W.O. W.
Lodge of Purdon.
He is survived by his wife and two sons, E. E. and A. T. Smith,
Blooming Grove; two daughters, Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth, Blooming
Grove, and Mrs. Ralph Balentine, Purdon; six grandchildren and four
brothers, E. E. and A. T. Smith, Corsicana; L. J. Smith, Orrinville,
Alabama, and W. C. Smith, Asherton, Texas; one sister, Mrs. D. D.
Simpson, Fairfield.
Mr. Smith has been a resident of Blooming Grove several years and
was a prominent farmer and dairyman here. He moved to Blooming Grove
from the Purdon community where he was well known and had a host of
friends both in Blooming Grove and Purdon.
The McCormick Funeral Service had charge of arrangements.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, Jun 21, 1940
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Eddie Cleveland "Clevey" Purvis
Sep 25, 1898 - July 25, 1965
E. C. Purvis Of Raleigh Dies
Eddie Cleavy
Purvis, 66, was pronounced dead on
arrival at Memorial hospital
Sunday and W. P. Tipton,
justice of the peace, returned a
coroner's verdict of death from
natural causes after an
investigation. A heart attack was
ascribed as the cause of death.
Funeral services
will be held Tuesday at 4 p.m.
from the Navarro Mills Baptist
church with burial in the
Dresden cemetery The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Larry Ramsour,
pastor of the church.
A native of
Brazos county Purvis resided in
the Navarro Mills community
before moving to the Raleigh
Surviving are
his wife, Mrs. Eva Purvis,
Raleigh; a son William C. Purvis,
Navarro Mills; a daughter,
Mrs. Evelyn Kimbrell, Waxahachie; six sisters, Mrs. Harvey
Woods, Paris Mrs. Cleavy Tubbs,
Bossier City, La.; Mrs. Lonnie
Rudd, Kerens Mrs. L. J. Ridwell,
Dallas; Mrs H. S. Freeman,
Waxahachie Mrs. J. A. Rudd,
Forreston; two grandchildren and other relatives.
Nephews will be
Funeral Service directs.
Seth Alonzo McSpadden

June 9, 1904 – Nov 6, 1993
Seth A.
Seth Alonzo McSpadden, 89, of Barry,
died Nov. 6, 1993, at his residence.
Services were 2 p.m. Monday at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove, with Barry Fikes
officiating. Burial was in
Dresden cemetery
He was preceded in death by his wife, Rubene
Hiler McSpadden, in 1983.
Survivors include two sons, Gerald McSpadden
of Blooming Grove and Ralph McSpadden of Barry; one daughter,
Johnnie Barham of Blooming Grove; one brother, Justin McSpadden of
Blooming Grove; and four grandchildren.
Grandsons and nephews served as pallbearers.
Emma Rubene (Hiler) McSpadden

May 9, 1917 – Aug. 30, 1983
Mrs. Rubene
Hiler McSpadden
BLOOMING GROVE – Mrs. Rubene Hiler McSpadden, 66, of Barry, died
Tuesday in Navarro Regional Hospital.
Service is 10 a.m. Thursday at United
Methodist Church in Blooming Grove with the Rev. Ken Schultz
Burial will be in
Dresden cemetery.
Arrangements are with Blooming Grove Funeral Home.
Survivors include her husband, Seth; two
sons, Gerald of Blooming Grove and Ralph of Waco; a daughter, Mrs.
Johnnie Barham of Blooming Grove; a brother, Ernest Hiler of
Blooming Grove; three sisters, Mrs. Velma McGraw and Mrs. Fayrene
Saunders, both of Blooming Grove, and Mrs. Frances Kitchens of
Mansfield; and four grandchildren.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
Mabel Byrd (Roebuck) Fahrner

Oct 30, 1883 – Mar 9, 1963
Mrs. Fahrner
Dies At Frost
FROST, May 10 (Spl.) – Mrs. Byrd Fahrner, retired teacher and TCU
girls dormitory housemother, died at her home here late Thursday
Funeral services will be held from the Frost Methodist Church
Saturday at 11 a.m. with burial in the
Rose Hill cemetery in
Blooming Grove.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Frank Williams, pastor of the
church, assisted by Rev. C. C. Ellis, pastor of the Frost Baptist
Mrs. Fahrner was a member of the First Christian church in Blooming
Grove. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Roebuck,
pioneer west Navarro countians. Native of Mississippi, she came to
this section about 75 years ago.
Mrs. Fahrner was a first grade teacher in the Blooming Grove,
Amarillo and other schools for many years, and later was a
housemother for a girls’ dormitory at Texas Christian University,
Fort Worth, before her retirement. She had resided here for the past
three years.
Surviving are a brother, G. L. Roebuck, Sapulpa, Okla.; six sisters,
Mrs. Maude Smith and Mrs. Lena Tinsley, both of Fort Worth; Mrs.
Ernest Tinsley, Italy; Mrs. E. L. Carroll, Blooming Grove; Mrs.
Elizabeth Pigg and Mrs. Mae Bowman, both of Frost, and other
McCormick Funeral Service directs.
Edward Ferrer
Apr 29, 1926 – Nov 27, 1973
Edward Ferrer
BLOOMING GROVE - Funeral services were set for 10 a.m. today for
Edward Ferrer, 47, who died Sunday in Corsicana.
Services were to be at Central Baptist Church, with burial at
Rose Hill cemetery.
The Rev. Jimmy Garcia was to officiate; arrangements were to be
handled by McCormick Funeral Home.
He is survived by a son, Edward Ferrer Jr. of Pharr; his father,
Paschall Ferrer of Blooming Grove; five brothers, Baldomaro Ferrer
of Blooming
Grove, Pedro Ferrer of Dallas, Fidel Ferrer of Dallas, Henry Ferrer
of Dallas, and Richard Ferrer of Barry; and two sisters, Miss
Stephanie Ferrer
and Miss Marcella Ferrer, both of Barry.
Elocadia (Infante) Ferrer
Dec. 2, 1892 – Jan. 12, 1971
Ferrer Rites
BLOOMING GROVE (Spl) - Funeral services for Mrs. Elocadia Ferrer,
78, a resident of Barry for the past 50 years, were held Wednesday
at 1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Corsicana.
Mrs. Ferrer died early Tuesday in Memorial Hospital in Corsicana.
She was born in Mexico Dec. 2, 1892, and was married to Pascual
Ferrer in 1929
at Cryer Creek. She was a member of the Baptist Church.
Prayer services were held Tuesday at 7 p.m. at McCormick Funeral
Service Chapel here.
Burial was today in Rose
Hill cemetery. The Rev. Eliseo Aldape of Austin officiated.
Surviving are her husband of Barry; six sons, Pedro of Dallas,
Echordo of Rhome, Fidel of Dallas, Baldomoro of Blooming Grove,
Ricardo of Barry and Entrique of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Estefana
Ferrer of Barry; And 26 grandchildren.
Alan Francis Fisher
Apr 17, 1943 - June 10, 1943
June 14. - (Spl) - Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 5
o'clock from the Methodist church for Alan Francis Fishcr, infant
son of Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Fisher. The little child died in the P.
and S. Hospital in Corsicana Thursday afternoon. Burial was in
Rose Hill cemetery.
The rites wore conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the
First. Methodist church, Corsicana, and Rev. R. O. Sory, Methodist
district superintendent, Corsicana.
Surviving are the parents, a brother, Standley, and a sister, Bliss
Fisher, all of Blooming Grove. The father is pastor of the Methodist
church here.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Newton Frederick Flovin

Feb 21, 1910 - Jul 14, 1970
Flovin Rites Set Friday
Newt Frederick Flovin, 3405 Navarro Dr., died Tuesday afternoon in
Memorial Hospital. The retired carpenter was born in Navarro County
on February 21, 1910.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Westside
Baptist Church. The Rev. Charles Pringle and the Rev. Robert Potts
will conduct services and graveside rites at
Rosehill cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Earl Campbell, Billy Sims, Clayton Smith, Eddie
York, Mike Gillem, Don Taylor, Earl Prestidge and Willie Winters.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Wilma Flovin, one daughter, Mrs.
Peggy Gillen of Corsicana, two brothers, Leon Flovin and Jack Flovin,
both of Corsicana and one grandchild.
John William Ford

Aug 15, 1901 - Jul 26, 1938
Funeral services were held at Blooming Grove Sunday afternoon at the
Methodist church for John Will Ford, age 36 years, who died in South
Montrose, Pa., Tuesday, July 26. Burial was in
Rose Hill cemetery,
Blooming Grove.
He was a native of Navarro county and had lived in the Blooming
Grove community until a few years ago.
Surviving are his wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ford.
Lubbock; two brothers, J. E. and R. F. Ford, Honey Brook, Pa.; a
sister, Mrs. J. M. Keen, Lubbock, and other relatives.
Funeral services for John Will Ford, aged 36, native of Navarro
county, who died Tuesday evening July 26th, at South Montrose
Pennsylvania, were held Sunday afternoon at four o'clock from the
First Methodist church with interment at
Rose Hill cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Revs. H. R. McDaniel, local Methodist
pastor, and W. R. Hall, pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
Surviving are his wife, of South Montrose, Pennsylvania; his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ford, of Lubbock; two brothers, J. E.
and R. F. Ford, of Honey Brook, Pennsylvania; a sister, Mrs. J. M.
Keene, of Lubbock, and a host of other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. H. Ford, Navarro Mills; G. B. Ford,
Stephenville: C. A. Ford, Mildred; F. C. Ford, Purdon: Upton Belt,
Lubbock, and Hal Eley, Elmer, Okla.
The large gathering of relatives and friends and the many beautiful
flowers bore testimony of the love and esteem in which he was held.
The McCormick Funeral Service had charge of arrangements.
Card of Thanks
Through this means we wish to thank everyone for the many favors
extended us while in your midst. The occasion which brought us
together again was indeed a sad one and your many kind deeds and
words of sympathy were so much appreciated. We know not how to
express our gratitude, but we will ever love you as genuine friends.
The Fords.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, Aug 5, 1938
- Submitted by Karen Rost
James Hineyard Sheppard
Dec 31, 1871 - Apr 3, 1962
Blooming Grove Couple Wedded In the Church of Christ.
J. H. Sheppard and Mrs. Quinnie Martin, both of Blooming Grove, were
married at the Church of Christ here today at 11 o'clock, Rev. A. E.
Walker, the pastor, officiating.
Joanne Agnes Laubscher
May 15, 1931 - March 1, 2011
Joanne Agnes Laubscher, 79, passed away March 1, 2011 in Corsicana.
She was born May 15, 1931 in Rochester, New York.
Visitation was held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home. Graveside service was held on Thursday, March 3, 2011
at Resthaven Memorial Park.
Sarah (Eastman) Stephens Smith
Oct 5, 1935 - Feb 28, 2011
Mrs. Sarah E. Smith, 75, of Corsicana passed away on Monday,
February 28, 2011 at her residence. She was born on October 5, 1935
in Paris, Texas to parents Clarence and Mable Eastman.
She was a member of Roane Baptist Church. She worked as a private
sitter for several years.
Mrs. Smith was preceded in death by her husband, Willie Norman
Stephens; grandson, Christian Norman Stephens; parents, Clarence and
Mable Eastman; brothers, Son, Gerald and Randy Eastman; sisters,
Merlene Taylor and Jan Rhodes.
She is survived by her husband, William Raymond Smith; daughters,
Norma Jean Peace of Garland, Peggy June Sanner and husband Tony of
Houston, Kathy Ramsey of Corsicana, and Tina Benton and husband
Roger of Pursley; sons, Rickey Stephens and wife Regina of Kaufman,
Willie Joe Stephens and wife Julie of Corsicana, and Calvin Stephens
of Dallas; step-children, Beverly Herrin and husband Tom of
Corsicana, Lynn Perry and husband Tracy of Mt. Enterprise, David
Smith and wife Dana of Navarro Mills, Mike Smith and wife Kim of
Chattanooga, TN, and Jeff Smith of Corsicana; twenty-seven
grandchildren; twenty-four great-grandchildren; sisters, Donna
Stephens of German, Jean Majkszak and Patsy Tucker of Rice; and
numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Visitation was held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at Corley Funeral
Home. Graveside services were held on Thursday, March 3, 2001 at New
Chatfield Cemetery with the Rev. Mark Jenkins officiating. Interment
followed in New Chatfield
Eva Wilson-Cathriner
February 4, 1914- February 28, 2011
S. Wilson Cathriner, 97, of Corsicana went to be with the
Lord on Monday February 28 , 2011 at the home of her son,
Gordon Wilson in Corsicana.
She was born on February 4, 1914 in Tyler County near
Woodville. She was number 10 of 13 children. While residing
in Baytown during the 1950's and 1960's, Mrs. Cathriner was
active in the Grace Methodist Church, the Garden Club of
Baytown, the Kiwanitas of Baytown, the Dirt Gardeners’
Horticulture Club of Baytown, the East Harris County
Federation of Garden Clubs, and the East Harris County A & M
Mothers’ Club.
She persevered when the going got tough and because of her
majestic strength she outlived her parents, Albert N. and
Daisy A. Shepherd; first husband, William G. “Bill” Wilson;
second husband, Ross Cathriner; eight brothers; four
sisters; and her precious only daughter, Mary Virginia
Survivors include sons, Jerry Wilson, Charles Wilson and
wife Anita, and Gordon Wilson and wife Debbie; 12
grandchildren, Jerry Jr., Brook, Dean, Shauna, Jole, Chris,
Katy, Cole, and Wade Wilson, Stephen, & Randy Pierce, and
step-grandson, Mark Hickey; she is also survived by 25 great
The family wishes to thank Eva's caregivers, Jutta Garza and
Gina Rosas, and the members of Hand in Hand Hospice for the
loving care that they gave to her during her illness.
Visitation was held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at Forest
Park Lawndale Funeral Home in Houston.
Graveside services was held on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery with the Rev. Carol Turner
In lieu of flowers the family request contributions to be
made to Cedar Bayou Grace United Methodist Church, 2714
Ferry Road, Baytown, Texas 77520. |
Ruby Mae (Johnson) Burleson

Nov 6, 1914 - Feb 27, 2011
Ruby Mae Johnson Burleson, 96, of Corsicana passed away on
Sunday, February 27, 2011 at Heritage Oaks Retirement
Village in Corsicana.
She was born on November 6, 1914 in Winkler, Texas to Ralph
Legit Johnson and Bonnie C. Vinson Johnson.
She graduated from St. Elmo High School and the Southwestern
Business University.
She was a 42 year member of the Eastern Star in Houston and
Corsicana, and was a member of First Baptist Church of
She was preceded in death by her husband; James Dillard
Burleson, parents; Ralph and Bonnie Johnson, sisters; Mabel
Johnson Rash and Catherleen Johnson Burleson.
She is survived by her Great Nephews; Ricky Rash and wife
Debbie of Dripping Springs, TX. and Steven Dean Rash and
wife Connie of Longview, TX., Step-nephew; V.E. (Buddy) Rash
and wife Jacque of Corsicana, TX., and numerous Great Great
Nieces, Nephews and Cousins.
Visitation was held on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at Corley
Funeral Home. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, March
2, 2011 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. B.
F. Risinger, Jr. and the Rev. Danny Reeves officiating.
Interment followed at
St. Elmo Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Benny Pillans, Earl (Bud) Minze, V.E.
(Buddy) Rash, Ricky Rash and Steven Rash. Honorary
Pallbearer was Glen Roney. |
- Corley Funeral Home
- St. Elmo High School
graduate; w/o James Dillard Burleson; d/o Ralph Legit Johnson
and Bonnie C. (Vinson) Johnson
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
James Howard Duffield

Jan 28, 1945 - Feb 28, 2011
28, 2011
Mr. James Howard Duffield, age 66, of Frost, passed away
Monday, February 28, 2011 at Ennis Regional Hospital. He was
born January 28, 1945 in McAlister, Oklahoma to Vaughn and
Vernell Duffield.
Mr. Duffield was a U.S. Army veteran, serving from 1968 to
He is survived by his wife, Cindy Duffield; daughters, Becci
and Kyla Duffield; grandchildren, Maisie Duffield, Addisyn
Duffield, Christian Stuart and Jonathon Cotton; brothers,
Danny and Norman Duffield; sister, Brenda Latham;
Mother-in-law, Jettie Bell; brother-in-law, Steve Marr;
sister-in-law, Diane Crumpton; and a multitude of nieces and
Visitation with the family was held on Wednesday, March 2,
2011 at Corley Funeral Home. Services were held on Thursday,
March 3, 2011 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel. Interment
followed at Dresden Cemetery. Pallbearers were Danny
Duffield, Steve Marr, Dale Farmer, Dennis Crumpton, Preston
Stuart and Gale Ramm. Honorary Pallbearer was Chris Warren. |