Frederick Miller Grimes II

May 3, 1850 - June 8, 1924
Prominent Citizen of Navarro County Dead
Fred M. Grimes, aged 74 years, and for many years one of Navarro county's best known and most highly esteemed citizens, died at his home near Blooming Grove
suddenly Sunday afternoon at his home near Blooming Grove, and the funeral there yesterday afternoon was one of the largest ever seen in that section.
Fred Grimes was in all essentials a good man, and a host of personal friends will mourn his death in the years yet to come. The deceased is survived by
his wife and five children, Earl Grimes of Fort Worth, Fred Grimes of Blooming Grove, Ellis Grimes of Dallas, Mrs. Guy Scarborough of Oklahoma, and a daughter
in Ennis whose name was not learned.Photo not part of obituary |
Mary Roberts (Davis) Matlock
Nov 27, 1875 - Jun 4, 1966
Mrs. Matlock Dies Saturday, Rites Monday
Mrs John W. Matlock, 90, resident of Frost for 59 years, died suddenly at Lake Whitney Saturday night while spending the weekend at a lodge with
Funeral services were held from the Frost Baptist church Monday at 4 p.m. with burial in the Frost cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. C. C. Ellis,
pastor of the church of which Mrs. Matlock was a long time member and Sunday School teacher. Native of Little Elm, Denton county, Texas, Mrs. Matlock met the late Dr. John
W. Matlock while they were students in the University of Texas at Austin and later both graduated from Edical School in Galveston. Mrs. Matlock studied
nursing after graduating from Medical School and came to Frost as a bride 59 years ago. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Walter Saunders, Corpus Christi; Mrs. E.
Carlyle Smith, Grand Prairie , at whose lodge Mrs. Matlock expired; Miss Clifford Matlock, Dallas; Miss Exa Matlock, Conroe, and Mrs. Paul Mitchell,
Corsicana; a son J. D. Matlock, Austin; eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a brother, M. M. Davis, Charlotte, Texas and other
relatives. Pallbearers were E. Carlyle Smith, Grand Prairie; Dr. Paul Mitchell, Corsicana; Carlyle Smith Jr., Houston; Don Gore, San Marcos, and Tom Hooser, Frost.
McCormick Funeral Service Directed. Notes:
Dovie (Fincher) Green
abt 1909 - Jun 1966
Mrs. Green of Emhouse Dies
Mrs. W. W. Green, 57, of Emhouse, formerly of Corsicana, died in Memorial hospital Saturday night. She had been ill about a year. She was a Baptist.
Surviving are her husband. W. W. Green, Emhouse; three sons, Wesley and Larry Green, both of
Corsicana, and J. D. Green, U. S. Army; four daughters, Mrs. J. L. Milam, Dallas; Mrs. C. H. McBay, Mannheim, Germany; Mrs. J. H. Porter, Aela. Hawaii,
and Mrs. Jerry McGehee, Corsicana; 25 grandchildren, a brother, John Fincher, Dallas; five sisters, Mrs. Mattie Bennett, Odessa; Mrs. Lela Webster, Mrs Dessie
Ellington, Mrs. O. C. Cook and Mrs. A. W. Green, all of Dallas, and other relatives. ... end of copy, may be more
(Selman) Beasley Dec 3, 1885 - Jun 5, 1966
Mrs. Beasley Rites Monday KERENS (Spl) - Funeral services for Mrs. Lida Beasley, 80, who died in the Mel-Haven Convalescent Home in Corsicana Sunday, were held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Paschal Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Bruce Hibbitt, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church in Corsicana. Burial was in the
Bazette Baptist cemetery. She was a member of the Baptist church. Native of Kaufman county, she had spent most of her life in this community.
Surviving are six sons, Thomas Beasley, Garland, Sam Beasley, Fort Worth; Cecil and Quannah Beasley, both of Corsicana, Astor Beasley, Dallas, Lyneka
Beasley, Falfurias; three daughters, Mrs. Oren Pickering, Corsicana; Mrs. R. B. Beene, Garland, and Mrs. Charlie Chrisman, Fort Worth; 22 grandchildren, and
other relatives. Pallbearers were Roland Shelton, Robert A. Bain, W. P. Ingram, Cecil Beene, J. T. Cunningham and Tom Cunningham.
Jennie Welch d. Jun 1966 Mrs. Welch Died Satuday
Mrs. Jennie Welch, formerly of Corsican, died in Cotulla, Texas, Saturday night. She was the mother of Rev. Ben. T. Welch, pastor at Cotulia, a former
assistant pastor of the First Methodist church here. Funeral services will be held at Liberal, Kan., Wednesday from the Fist
Methodist church there. memorial gifts will be accepted at the First Methodist church office here. Surviving are two sons and other relatives.
A. B. Campbell Funeral Home is directing. Notes:
Leda (Collins) Willoughby 
Mar 4, 1900 - Apr 19, 1956 Corsicanan Dies While Visiting At Blooming Grove BLOOMING GROVE, April 19 (Spl) - Mrs. J. L. (Leda) Willoughby, 56, Corsicana
resident, was found dead in bed Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Barham, of Blooming Grove, whom she had been visiting for the past
several days. Justice of the Peace W. B. Ellis returned an inquest verdict of death from natural causes.
Mrs. Willoughby had resided in Corsicana since 1939. Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the arrival of survivors from out of
state, it was announced by McMormick Funeral Service. Funeral rites are slated to be conducted at the Blooming Grove Church of Christ by the pastor, Clovis
Allen. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove.
Survivors include her husband; seven sons, Alford L., James, Willie O. and Leroy Willoughby, all of Corsicana, Bowden Willoughby of the Marine Corps. a patient
in the Naval Hospital, San Diego Calif., James Norwood Willoughby, Santa Monica, Calif., and Buddy Lee Willoughby, of the Air Force stationed at Stead Air Base,
Reno Nev.; three daughters, Mrs. Lois Thomas of Dallas, Mrs Lorena Jefferies of Santa Monica. Calif, and Mrs. Barham of Blooming Grove; and five grandchildren.
Notes: ------------------
Mrs. Willoughby Services Sunday BLOOMING GROVE, April 20 - (Spl) - Funeral services for Mrs. J. L. (Leda) Willoughby, 56, Corsicana resident who was found dead in bed here Thursday will
be held from the Church of Christ church here Sunday at 3 p.m. Burial will be in the Rose Hill Cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Clovis Allen, pastor. W. B. Ellis, justice of the peace, returned a coroner's verdict of death from
natural causes after an investigation. Mrs. Willoughby had resided in Corsicana since 1939, but had been visiting in
the home of a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Barham, several days before her death. Surviving are her husband, seven sons, Alfred L., James, Willie O. and Leroy
Willoughby, all of Corsicana; Bowden Willoughby, Marine Corps, patient in the Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif.; James Norwood Willoughby, Santa Monica,
Calif.; and Buddy Lee Willoughby, Stead Air Force Base, Reno. Nev.; three daughters, Mrs. Lois Thomas, Dallas; Mrs. Lorena Jefferies, Santa Monica,
Calif., and Mrs. Barham, Blooming Grove, and five grand-children. McCormick Funeral Service directs.
CORSICANA - April 21 (Spl). - Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon in
the Church of Christ at Blooming Grove for Mrs. J. L. Willoughby, 56, of
Corsicana, who was found dead in bed Thursday at the home of a daugher in
Blooming Gore.
Justice of the Peace W. B. Ellis returned an inquest of death from natural
Mrs. Willoughby is survived by her husband; seven sons, Alfred L. James, Willie
O. and Leroy Willoughby, all of Corsicana, Bowden Willoughby, with the Marine
Corps at San Diego. Cal., James N. Willoughby of Santa Monica, Cal., and
Buddy Lee Willoughby of Stead Air Force Base, reno, Nev., and three daughters,
Mrs. Lois Thomas of Dallas, Mrs. Lorena Jeffries of Santa Monica and Mrs. J.
Barham of Blooming Grove.
Albert Hugh Griffin, Jr.
Hugh Griffin, about 45, Blooming Grove blacksmith is dead and Selmer Burnett
about 35, is in the Navarro county jail, charged by complaint with murder as a
result of a shooting affair at the Glenn Garage at Blooming Grove Thursday night
about 8:30 o'clock, according to announcement here Friday by county officers.
Griffin was rushed to the Navarro Clinic here Thursday night suffering from
several pistol wounds and died at 11:30 o'clock Thursday night. The body was
returned to Blooming Grove and the funeral was held Friday afternoon at Dresden
where interment was made.
Surviving Griffin are one child who resides in Houston; parents, Mr. and Mr. Bud
Griffin, Blooming Grove; three brothers, Earl and Fred Griffin, both of Blooming
Grove; and Jess Griffin, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Hank Jordan, Fort Worth and
other relatives.
The former complaint for murder was filed Friday morning before Judge John B.
Jones, justice of the peace, precinct 5, Blooming Grove Sheriff Rufus Pevehouse
went to Blooming Grove Thursday night and again Friday morning to investigate
the shooting. Pevehouse was accompanied to Blooming Grove Friday morning by
Chris L. Knox, assistant criminal district attorney. No bail has been arranged
Friday morning and Judge Jones stated Friday morning no date had been set
for an examining trial for Burnett.
County officers have intimated the case would would be presented to Navarro
county grand jury when the probers resume their work Tuesday.
Officers report the two men had engaged in a difficulty Wednesday and that
Burnett had filed a complaint in connection with an altercation Wednesday
against Griffin.
Assistant Criminal District Attorney Knox stated on his return from Blooming
Grove Friday that he had been advised that the shooting occurred Thursday night
after Griffin entered the garage where Burnett and others were sitting. It was
reported that a .280 pistol was used.
Griffin is reported to have received wounds near the heart in the leg and in
several places in the arm.
The funeral for Griffin was directed by the McCormick Funeral Home of Blooming
Grove. Notes:
- The Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Texas, Tuesday, June 7,
- Dresden Cemetery,
Dresden, Navarro Co., TX
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
Hugh Griffin, about 45, Blooming Grove blacksmith, is dead and Selmer Burnett,
about 35, is in the Navarro county jail, charged by complaint with murder, as a
result of a shooting affair at the Glenn Garage at Blooming Grove Thursday night
about 8:30 o’clock, according to announcement here Friday by county officers.
Griffin was rushed to the Navarro Clinic here Thursday night suffering from
several pistol wounds and died at 11:30 o’clock Thursday night. The body was
returned to Blooming Grove and the funeral was held Friday afternoon at Dresden
where interment was made.
Surviving Griffin are one child who resides in Houston; parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Griffin, Blooming Grove; three brothers, Earl and Fred Griffin, both of
Blooming Grove; and Jess Griffin, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Hank Jordan, Fort
Worth; and other relatives.
The formal complaint for murder was held Friday morning before Judge John B.
Jones, justice of the peace, precinct 5, Blooming Grove. Sheriff Rufus Pevehouse
went to Blooming Grove Thursday night and again Friday morning to investigate
the shooting. Pevehouse was accompanied to Blooming Grove Friday morning by
Chris L. Knox, assistant criminal district attorney. No bail had been arranged
Friday morning and Judge Jones stated Friday morning no date had been set for an
examining trial for Burnett.
County officers have intimated the case would be presented to the Navarro county
grand jury when the probers resume their work Tuesday.
Officers report the two men had engaged in a difficulty Wednesday and that
Burnett had filed a complaint in connection with an altercation Wednesday
against Griffin.
Assistant Criminal District Attorney Knox stated on his return from Blooming
Grove Friday that he had been advised that the shooting occurred Thursday night
after Griffin entered the garage where Burnett and others were sitting. It was
reported that a .380 pistol was used.
Griffin is reported to have received wounds near the heart, in the leg and in
several places in the arm.
The funeral for Griffin was directed by the McCormick Funeral Home of Blooming
An examining trial for Selmer Burnett, Blooming Grove resident, on a formal
complaint for murder in connection with the fatal shooting of Hugh Griffin at
Blooming Grove Thursday night, will be held in Corsicana Saturday afternoon, it
was announced Saturday morning following a conference between Cleo G. Miller,
criminal district attorney, and B. W. George, attorney for the accused man.
Griffin died in a local hospital late Thursday night. He was rushed to the
hospital Thursday night following the receiving of seven pistol wounds in
Blooming Grove. It was reported Griffin and Burnett had engaged in a difficulty
Wednesday prior to the shooting Thursday night.
Burnett was still in the county jail Saturday morning. County officers stated
the case would be presented to the Navarro county grand jury Tuesday when the
probers resume their investigations.
The formal charge of murder was filed in the court of Justice of the Peace John
B. Jones at Blooming Grove Friday morning. Sheriff Rufus Pevehouse and Assistant
Criminal District Attorney Chris L. Knox went to Blooming Grove Friday morning
and conducted an investigation of the affair.
Funeral services for Griffin were held Friday afternoon with interment in the
Dresden cemetery.
Selma (Rags) Burnett, Blooming Grove, was released from the Navarro county jail
Sunday on two bonds totaling $2,250. The bonds were set Saturday afternoon at an
examining trial held here before Judge John B. Jones, Blooming Groves justice of
the peace.
Burnett is charged by complaint with murder and carrying a pistol. The murder
bond was in the sum of $2,000 and the carrying a pistol bail was $250. Burnett
is charged with the fatal shooting of Hugh Griffin, Blooming Grove blacksmith,
Thursday night. Griffin died in a local hospital late Thursday night. He was
reported suffering from seven wounds.
The defendant declined to make a statement or to testify at the examining trial
held in the office of Cleo G. Miller criminal district attorney, Saturday
afternoon. It is understood he will rely on a self-defense plea. Burnett is
suffering from a knee injury, allegedly received in an altercation Wednesday.
The defense also will maintain Griffin was armed with a hammer at the time of
the shooting.
The examining trial was conducted by Chris L. Knox, Assistant criminal district
attorney. Burnett is represented by B. W. George.
County officers have intimated the case will be presented to the Navarro county
grand jury when the probers convene Tuesday.
Courthouse News.
District Court.
Earl Griffin, brother of the slain man and state witness was reported to be ill
at his home in Blooming Grove with pneumonia.
The State was represented by Cleo G. Miller and C. L. Knox, criminal district
attorney and assistant criminal district attorney, respectively, and Norris W.
Lovett, special prosecutor. The defendant was represented by B. W. George.
The special venire summoned for service in the Burnett case was excused by
Hawkins Scarborough, district judge, and the jury for the week was ordered to
report back Friday.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, February 26, 1934 - Submitted by Diane
A special venire of 40 prospective jurors was drawn Wednesday under orders of
Hawkins Scarborough, judge of the Thirteenth judicial district court, for the
case of the State of Texas vs. Selma Burnett, Blooming Grove, charged by
indictment with murder.
The Burnett case is set for trial Wednesday, May 17.
Burnett was indicted in connection with the fatal shooting of Hugh Griffin in
Blooming Grove, May 31, 1932.
The state will be represented by Cleo G. Miller and C. L. Knox, criminal
district attorney and assistant criminal district attorney, respectively, and
the firm of Lovett and Lovett, special prosecutors. The defense will be handled
by B. W. George.
Jacob Coleman Merideth

Jan 30, 1862 - Jun 2, 1932
EMHOUSE June 3 (Spl) - Funeral services for J. C. Meredith, age 62
years, who died at his home here Thursday night at 9:15 following a long
illness were held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Methodist church
here. The services were conducted by Rev. Bruce Cox, Barry, pastor of the
Methodist church here. Burial was in
Pattison Cemetery.
Mr. Meredith was a pioneer resident of this community and was well known in
this section of the county. He was active in all movements for the
advancement of the community.
Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Jewell McMillan, Mrs. Kyle
Stokes, Miss Ina Meredith; a sister, Mrs. W. J. Collins all of Emhouse;
several grandchildren; a number of nephews, nieces and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home had charge of the funeral arrangements.
- The Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Texas, Tuesday, June
7, 1932
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
- CORSICANA MORTUARY LIST - Jacob C. Meridith, b. 1-30-1862, Tex.,
Funeral 6-2-1932, father G. W. Meridith, Miss., mother Nancy Collins,
Man Was Buried Friday In
Pattison Cemetery Funeral services for J.
C. Meredith, aged 62 years, who died at his home in the Emhouse
community Thursday night, were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'- clock
from the Emhouse Methodist church with interment in the Pattison
cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. Bruce Cox, Methodist
minister of Barry, assisted by Rev. J. W. Bergin, pastor of the
First Methodist church, Corsicana, and Rev. Lee Hearn. Surviving are
his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Jewel McMillan, Mrs. Kyle Stokes,
Miss Ina Meredith, all of Emhouse; a sister Mrs. W. J. Collins,
Emhouse; and a number of other relatives. Pallbearers were E.
Melton. Will Armstrong, A. E. Beard, J. W. Russell, C. J. DeLafosse
and A. A. Derden. The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-
McCammon Funeral Home.
Robert Cottongame

Abt 1927 - Oct 25, 1994
William Cottongame
William Robert Cottongame, 67, retired businessman, died Oct. 25, 1994
in Fort Worth.
Services are pending with Greenwood Funeral Home in Fort Worth.
He was born in Dawson and later lived in Frost. He lived the last 30
years in Fort Worth.
Survivors include his wife, Nelda Cottongame; one son and
daughter-in-law; Brice and Elizabeth Cottongame; one grand daughter; one
brother, Leslie Cottongame of Waco; six sisters, Ela Hoffman of Hubbard,
Lucille Poulter of Temple, Dorothy Hyles of Corsicana, Ethel Dunagan of
Mansfield and Marie Chaney of Colorado City; and numerous nieces and
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, October 27, 1994
- "Ethel Dunagan" is Mary Ethel Dunagan, wife of Sammie Joe
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
Rose Lee
(Merrell) Donaho
Oct 9, 1896 - Jun 29, 1965
Funeral services for Mrs. D. T. Donaho, 68, of Pickett, who died
Tuesday afternoon, were held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 2 p.m.
with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Homer L. Cox,
pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Mrs. Donaho was a native of Emmett.
Surviving are her husband of Pickett, two sons, Don Donaho,
Corsicana, and Billy Ray Noble, New York City; a daughter, Mrs. J. D.
Owens, Burkburnett; eight grandchildren, three brothers, Frank and
Carroll Merrell, both of Corsicana, and Curtis Merrell, El Paso; two
sisters, Mrs. T. J. Keathley, Corsicana, and Mrs. Jack Bressie, Navarro,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Charles Slate, Bob Thompson, Royce Owens, Tommy
Burkholder, Charles Cravens and Elton Christie.
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
Florence Isabell (Horton) Davis
July 18,
1867 - Nov 11, 1959
Hold Services For Mrs. Davis
Funeral services for Mrs. J. H. Davis, 92, who died in Waco Wednesday,
were held Thursday a t 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Horace A. Rawls, Waco and Rev. Joe
Willbanks, Trinidad, both Baptist ministers. Burial was in the
Younger cemetery at Purdon.
A native of Georgia., Mrs. Davis resided in the Purdon community
65 years prior to moving to Waco five years ago.
Surviving are two sons, Jeff Davis, Lefore and Cawless Davis, Austin;
three daughters, Mrs. Mabel McElroy, Trinidad; Mrs Myrtle Tickle and
Mrs. Jewell Farmer, both of Waco; 17 grandchildren; three
great-grandchildren; a brother, J. M. Horton, La Marque, and other
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Janie Mann
abt 1901 - Mar 1984
Mrs. Janie Mann, 83, of Pursley, died Sunday at Navarro Regional
Graveside service was to be at 2 p.m. today at the
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
with James Gaines officiating. Corley Funeral Home was in charge of
Mrs. Mann was a native of South Carolina, and had lived in Pursley for
70 years. She was a member of the Church of Christ.
Survivors include a son, J. C. Mann, and a grandson, Leslie Mann, both
of La Porte; a granddaughter, Mrs. Jill Dunnigan of Tucson, Ariz.; and
six great-grandchildren.
(Williams) Riley
abt 1913 - Mar 19, 1984
Mrs. Eula Williams Riley
Mrs. Eula Williams Riley, 71, of Mabank, died Saturday in Athens.
Funeral service is 11 a.m. Tuesday in Corley Funeral Home with Rev. B.
F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Burial will be
Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Riley was a native of Corsicana, and had lived in Mabank for 12
years. She was a member of the Baptist Church.
Survivors include her husband, Pat Riley of Gun Barrel City; a
daughter, Mrs. Sandra Jennings of Dallas; four grandchildren; and a
number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers are Roland Shelby, Beaux riley, Bobby Lee, Dick Lee, Larry
Haws and Jay Haws.
Jefferson Powers

May 8, 1882 - Feb 3, 1968
Tom Powers Dies Saturday
Tom Powers, 85, a native of Deckard, Tenn, died Saturday morning.
Funeral rites will be held Monday at 10 a.m. in the Corley Funeral
Chapel. The Rev. Ben Marney, pastor of Wesley Methodist Church, will
officiate. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Lucille Trlica. Dallas; three grandsons;
two grand-daughters; three great-grand-children; a sister, Mrs. Lelia
Edwards, Bellbuckle, Tenn.
W. A. Williams
abt 1890 - Nov 1969
W. A. Williams Funeral Set
FROST (Spl) - Funeral services will be held Monday at 3 p.m. at the
McCormick Funeral Chapel here for W. Arnett Williams, 79, retired
blacksmith who died Nov. 3 in Twilight Home. The Rev. Walter Goodnight
will officiate. Burial will be in the Richland Cemetery.
He was a native of Corpus Christi and a longtime Frost resident.
He is survived by two brothers, Carl Williams of Waitesburg, Wash., and
Carnie Lopez Williams of Pueblo, Colo.; and two sisters, Mrs. E. A.
Murphy of Graton, Calif., and Mrs. Eula Deese of San Angelo.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Nov 9, 1969
- Probably the Richland Cemetery in Mertens, Hill Co., TX
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
Mary Etta
(Maddox) Hartfield

Jun 19, 1882 - Nov 8, 1969
Mrs. W. H. Hartfield, 87, former resident of Richland, died Saturday at
Overton, Texas.
Funeral services are set Monday at 10 a.m. in the Pearson Funeral Home
with graveside rites at Richland set for 3:30 p.m.
She is survived by two sons, Joe of New London and Edward of Houston; a
niece, Mrs. Charles Auerbach of Corsicana and other relatives.
Findley Donald McSween

Mar 29, 1855 - Aug 17, 1917
J. W. McSween Struck While Standing on Poach
Friday evening, J. W. McSween was struck by lightning while
leaning against a post on the porch of his son-in-law in the Lone Oak
Luther Bell, Geo. McClure, McSween's son-in-law and Terry McSween, his
son, were standing on the poach near him talking. The son was in one
foot of his father and was not hurt. McClure was knocked off the poach
into the yard, but not hurt. Bell was not hurt.
McSween is an old citizen of the Lone Oak community and a very fine
citizen and his death brings great sorrow to the community in which he
- Corsicana Democrat & Truth - Corsicana, Texas Thurs. Aug 23,
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
- Lone Oak Cemetery,
Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., TX
Nannie Belle (Moore) Stroder

Apr 27, 1880 - Apr 25, 1948
Mrs. Nannie B. Stroder, 68, lifelong resident of the Emmett
community died at the family home Sunday night.
Funeral services w ere held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
Emmett Baptist Church. Burial was in the
Emmett cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Day, Blooming Grove minister.
Mrs. Stroder had been in ill health for some time. She had been a member
of the Baptist church since childhood.
Surviving are her husband, J. T. Stroder; two sons, E. R. Stroder and P.
R. Stroder, and three grandchildren, all of Emmett; two brothers, G. E.
Moore, Frost, and R. L. Moore, Tyler, and other relatives.
McCormick's Funeral Service directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Apr 26, 1948
- View Obituary Clipping
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
- TXDI: Nannie Belle Stroder; Navarro Co.; April 25, 1948;
- Navarro County Death Records: Nannie Bell Stroder, April 27,
1880 - April 25, 1948, dau of B.L. Moore(TN) & Estrella Wilkinson
(MS) Vol 10, pg 10, #1203
Nova Dee (Sheppard) Jenkins

Aug 24, 1928 - Apr 10, 2008
Dee (Sheppard) Jenkins
Nova Dee (Sheppard) Jenkins, 79, passed away Thursday, April 10, 2008.
Nova was born Aug. 24, 1928, in Lone Cedar to Wylie and Jennie
(Robinson) Sheppard. She grew up in the Lone Cedar community and
attended school in Lone Cedar and Avalon, and on March 5, 1949, she
married Robert Lee Jenkins of Italy. She was a member of First Baptist
Church of Blooming Grove. She was preceded in death by a daughter
Rebecca Jean Haws; and five siblings, J. W. Sheppard, Clay W. Sheppard,
Delmer Sheppard, Velmer Magures and her infant twin sister. She is
survived by her husband, Robert Lee Jenkins of Blooming Grove; two sons,
Danny Guy Jenkins and special friend Kathy Tanner of Rice, and Rodney
Carl Jenkins of Blooming Grove; grandchildren, Josh and Stacy Haws of
Mertens, Kindal Haws of Frost, and Kevin Freeman of Blooming Grove; one
brother, Don W. and Ruth Sheppard of Daytona Beach, Fla.; one sister,
Mary Alice Jenkins of Nash; and a great number of nieces and nephews. A
celebration of life, in memory of Nova, will be held on 3 p.m. Sunday,
April 13, at First Baptist Church in Blooming Grove with Brother Grady
Cashion officiating. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Minnie Sue (Landrum) Murphey
1925 - Apr 11, 2008
Sue (Landrum) Murphey
Minnie Sue Landrum Murphey, 82, passed away in Houston on Friday, April
11, 2008, from complications of pancreatic cancer. Mrs. Murphey was
beloved by family and friends during her lifetime. She resided in
Navarro County since 1959 and was employed by the Wheelock and Kennaugh
families as a personal assistant, secretary and bookkeeper for 44 years.
She was a member of Immaculate Conception Church in Corsicana. A rosary
will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, April 14, at Corley Funeral Home Chapel
with Deacon Lewis Palos officiating. Funeral Mass will be at 9 a.m.
Tuesday, April 15, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Corsicana
with the Rev. Danilo Ramos officiating. Graveside services and interment
will be 4:30 p.m. at the Fluvanna Cemetery in Fluvanna. Born in 1925 in
Fluvanna, Mrs. Murphey was raised on a cotton farm during the Depression
years and World War II. Before marriage, she attended Texas Tech in
Lubbock and Texas Woman’s University in Denton. Mrs. Murphey was
preceded in death by her parents, Josie Clepper Stavely Landrum and
Cyrus Fletcher Landrum; a stepmother, Anna Hoag Jones Landrum; one
sister, Frances Lee Landrum, who died as a young child; three brothers,
Cy Landrum, J.C. Landrum and Joe Landrum; and one stepsister, Frances
Jones Brooks Sigourelli. She is survived by one son, Henry D. Murphey
and wife, Hilda; one daughter, Mary Lynn Murphey Haynes and husband,
Marion; six grandchildren, Katie Haynes Felfe, Charles Murphey, Konnie
Haynes, Jay Haynes, Robert Murphey, and Josh Haynes; two
great-grandchildren, Becka Felfe and Kaylea Felfe; numerous nieces and
nephews and grand-nieces and grand-nephews, cousins, and many friends.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to: Pancreatic Cancer Action
Network (PanCan), in care of Milind Javle, M.D., UT MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology Dept., 1515 Holcombe Blvd.,
Houston, TX 77030; Vitas Hospice, in care of Donations, 4848 Loop
Central Drive, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77081; or the charity of your
choice. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Gladys A. (Curbello) Southard
Oct 24, 1921 - Apr 12, 2008
Gladys A. Southard
Gladys A. Southard, 86, of Corpus Christi, passed away Saturday April 12, 2008.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Home. Services will be
held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Curtis
Gilbert officiating. Pallbearers will be John Howell, Randy Curbello, Ross
Curbello, Scotty Williams, Bobby Williams and Roy Williams. Gladys was born Oct.
24, 1921 in Skidmore to Jasper and Marie Curbello. She was a long time resident
of Corsicana, where she and L. C. Howell raised their three children. Later she
married Jack Southard and after his death she moved to South Texas to be near
her siblings. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Anna Williams, and a
grandson, Christopher Benton. Survivors include her sons, Larry Howell and his
wife Sheila, and John Howell and his wife Deidre; sisters, Virginia (Ludia)
Phelps, Nancy (Hal) Toomey, Louise (Dub) Walker, Dorothy (Gene) Eichman;
brothers; Gus (Zelma) Curbello and Ross (Shirley) Curbello; numerous
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
(Farmer) Summerall

Dec 29, 1921 - Apr 10, 2008
(Farmer) Summerall
Cloie Farmer Summerall of Corsicana passed away on Thursday afternoon,
April 10, 2008, at her home surrounded by family and friends. She was
born on December 29, 1921 in Corsicana. Cloie began her career as a
secretary at Drane Middle School. She then entered the banking business
full time in 1960. After 27 years of dedicated service, Cloie retired
from Western Federal Savings and Loan Association in 1989. For nearly
three decades, she was known for her wry grin, terrific sense of humor
and cheerful way of doing business. She was an active member of First
United Methodist Church in Corsicana and attended the Friendship Sunday
School Class for many years. She so appreciated the thoughtful prayers
and cards she received from her church family. Visitation will be held
from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at Corley Funeral
Home. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 12,
2008 at Oakwood Cemetery with the Rev. Mike Alexander officiating.
Honorary Pallbearers will be Mike Adams, Ronnie Watkins, Jerry Watkins,
Charlie Farmer, Johnny Farmer, and Jimmy Farmer. She was preceded in
death by her mother and father, Mable Joyner and T. A. Farmer; sister,
Florene Weaver, and an infant baby brother. She is survived by her
husband, V. Willard Summerall of Corsicana; sister, Aubry F. Adams of
Mesquite; nephew, Mike Adams; cousins, Norma Farmer Watkins, Charlie
Farmer, Johnny Farmer and Jimmy Farmer; step daughter and husband, Betty
Ann and Hartley Young; step son and wife, Gary and Marty Summerall, all
of Corsicana. She was also blessed with three step grandchildren and
their families. Her family wishes to express their gratitude to her
caretakers, Beverly Johnson-Baisy and Anita Ovalle for their love and
support. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Jeanie Lou (Freeze) Teetz
Oct 8, 1949 - Apr 12, 2008
Jeanie Lou Freeze Teetz
Jeanie Lou Freeze Teetz, 58, left this world for her heavenly home at Providence
Hospital in Waco on Saturday, April 12, 2008. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m.
today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with burial to follow at the
Dawson Cemetery.
Jeanie was born Oct. 8, 1949 at Providence Hospital in Waco. She was the loving
daughter of the late V. M. “Jackie” Freeze and Beatrice Marrs Freeze. She spent
her early years in Dawson where from the time she could talk, enjoyed going with
her father to hear southern gospel groups. This activity paved the way for the
development of her own musical talent. Along with her father, she began
performing all over the county. This passion for gospel music continued to grow
and she became a charter member of Trinity Baptist Church where she served her
Lord in many ways including singing solos and as a member of the church choir,
which will remember her as someone who never forgot a lyric. Jeanie will be
remembered by many friends whose lives she touched in many unique and special
ways, including those that she served as a manager and friend at the Villa
apartments for the last 17 years. She was preceded in death by her infant
brother, Stephen Freeze; father, V. M. “Jackie” Freeze; mother, Beatrice Freeze;
brother, Victor O. Freeze, and a very special uncle, Doyle “Pete” Marrs.
Survivors include her children, Brena Teetz Jock and husband Paul of Corsicana;
son, Terry Todd Teetz and wife Carrie of College Station; grandchildren, Presley
Jock, Ethan Jock, Landon Jock and Jonathan Jock all of Corsicana; foster grand
daughter Madeline Warren of Longview; sisters-in-law, Loretta Freeze of
Corsicana, and Judy Teetz Blessing of Lake Jackson; nephews Gary Freeze of
Albuquerque, N.M. and Chad Freeze of Corsicana; special cousin, Dr. Kent Marrs
of Georgetown; and lifelong friends Sue Teague, Jamie McClure and Ronald Lynn
Gainer. Donations can be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, American Cancer
Society or American Heart Association. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home, Corsicana.
Memorial honors Villa employee
By Deanna Brown
Daily Sun
Family, friends, co-workers and residents of the Villa Apartments turned out in
large numbers Monday in a chilly wind to dedicate a memorial to their friend,
Jeanie Teetz.
Teetz, who passed away in April 2008, worked at the Villa Apartments for 17
years. Vendors and contractors for Monarch Properties, owner of the Villa,
donated services and supplies to build the memorial fountain, garden and tree
just outside the main office. Local merchants also donated a bench with Teetz’s
birthdate and date of death, and an apartment resident made a cross which reads
“Jeanie’s Place.”
“We didn’t put a penny into this memorial, it was all donated by people who
loved her,” said apartment manager and co-worker Connie Pair. “She loved the
people here.”
Teetz’s son Todd Teetz and wife Carrie traveled from College Station to attend
the memorial, and daughter Brena Jock, her husband Paul and their children were
present, as well.
“I think she would have liked this,” Brena Jock said. “When she was in the
hospital, she was always worried about the Villa. Of course, she’d be mad
everyone is making a fuss!”
John Watts Frederick

Jun 25, 1887 - May 1, 1965 Retired Farmer Rites Monday Blooming Grove
Watts Frederick, Sr., 77, retired Blooming Grove farmer, died Saturday in
Memorial hospital. Funeral services were held Monday at 3:30 p.m. from the
Corley Chapel with burial in Rose Hill
cemetery in Blooming Grove. The rites were conducted by Rev. Hubert Taylor,
pastor of the First Methodist church in Blooming Grove, of which he had been a
member for 50 years.
Native of Ellis county, Frederick had resided in the Blooming Grove vicinity for
70 years. Surviving are his wife of Blooming Grove; a son, John W. Frederick,
Jr., Arlington; a daughter, Mrs. Annie Lou Adcock, Corsicana; three
grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Less Gorman, Blooming Grove, and Mrs.
Arthur Collier, Prescott, Ariz., and other relatives. Pallbearers were John
Dorsey George, Sammie Saunders, Lloyd Simpson, Carroll Lee Saunders, Raymond
McGraw and R. L. Kagler.
Corsicana Daily Sun,
May 3, 1965
- Son of John Gully and Lois (Richmond) Frederick; Husband of Birdie
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
- TXDI: TXDI: Frederick John Watts SR 05-01-1965 NAVARRO Male
Frances (Reed) Jones

Aug 6, 1906 - Feb 16, 1969
Mrs. Lorena Jones Buried At Frost
Funeral was held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Corsicana for Mrs. O. J.
Jones of Dallas who died Sunday. Interment was in
Frost Cemetery.
Before her marriage Mrs. Jones was Miss Lorena Reed, daughter of Mrs. and
Mrs. Glenn Reed, long time residents of the Frost community. She was born in
1905 at Irene.
Survivors are her husband of Dallas; daughter, Mrs. Johnny Smith of
Corsicana; three grandchildren and one great grandchild, brothers, Clay Reed
of Frost, Leo Reed of Waco and Billy Reed of Cleburne; a sister, Mrs. Jack
Connelley of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Odie James Cook

Aug 4, 1908 - Feb 14, 1969
Funeral For Odie J. Cook
Odie James Cook, 61 years old, died Friday, Feb. 14, in Buckeye, Arizona,
and funeral was held at graveside in
Frost Cemetery Wednesday morning, Feb. 19, at 11 o'clock.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. P. L. Woolley of Frost.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Feb 26, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Earnest Carter
Jan 1893 - Feb 22, 1969
Funeral For Earnest Melton
Funeral was held in First Baptist Church in Corsicana Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock for Earnest Melton, native of Dresden and former resident of Frost
and Blooming Grove. He had lived in Corsicana many years. He died Saturday
night in Memorial Hospital at the age of 76.
Pastor Robert Potts was the minister and interment was in
Dresden Cemetery.
Mr. Melton is survived by two sons, James of Monahans and Ethan of Irving;
three grandchildren and two great grandchildren; a brother, Lil Melton of
Dresden; sisters, Mrs. Edgar Fox of Dresden, Mrs. Claude Moore of Corsicana
and Mrs. Ola Sims of Athens.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Feb. 26, 1969
- 1900 Navarro Co. census shows parents Carter C. and Ella Melton
and birth month of Jan.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Lena Carrie (Haynes) Hollingsworth

Jan 23, 1895 - Feb 19, 1969
Mrs. Hollingsworth Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Will L. Hollingsworth, of Frost died unexpectedly at her home at 3:45
Wednesday morning of last week and funeral was held at 2:30 Thursday
afternoon in Frost Baptist Church. Interment was in
Dresden Cemetery.
Pastor Walter Goodnight was minister and Rev. Wesley Howard as vocalist and
Miss Nancy York as organist provided the music. Casket Bearers were W.F.
Warren, F. S. Malone, T. S. Hooser, A. P. Cook, Bill Thomas and Bert Howell.
McCormick Funeral Service was in charge.
Mrs. Hollingsworth had been bothered with some heart trouble but she had
been going about her daily house and garden work and had shown no symptoms
of any unusual illness. In the early hours of last Wednesday her husband
heard her ask for medicine and when he brought it to her bed she was dead.
She was born in the Frost community January 23, 1895, and before marriage
she was Miss Lena Carrie Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haynes. She
lived in the Frost area all her life.
Mrs. Hollingsworth leaves her husband of Frost; two daughters, Mrs. Jack
Hustead of Malakoff and Mrs. D. O. Tucker of Ft. Smith, Arkansas; 4
grandchildren; two brothers, Carl Haynes of Grand Prairie and Luther Haynes
of Denton; three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Jones of Ft. Worth, Mrs. Eula Woods of
Carrollton and Mrs. Mae Russell of Brownsville.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Feb. 26, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- TXDI: Hollinsworth Lena C 02-19-1969 Female
Clarence "Doots" Clark
abt 1908 - Feb 12, 1969
Funeral For Leonard C. Clark
Leonard "Doots" Clark, 60 year old native of Dresden and retired groceryman,
died at his home in Corsicana Wednesday last week after a long illness.
Funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Missionary Baptist
Church, Corsicana, with pastor Bruce Hibbitts and Rev. Obie Barton as
ministers. Interment was in Oakwood
Cemetery in Corsicana.
Mr. Clark is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Bowers who was born in
Blooming Grove; sons, Kenneth of Amarillo & Dewey of Jacksonville;
daughters, Mrs. Patricia Owen of Corsicana, Mrs. Margaret Lusk of Arlington
& Mrs. Sherrian Haynes of Garland; 4 grandsons & 7 granddaughters; sisters,
Mrs. Alma Hollingsworth of Barry, Mrs. Jessie Staggs of Corsicana & Mrs.
Bertie White of Tyler.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Feb. 19, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Medora Estella
"Stella/Dora" Ingram Woodruff 
Jan 6, 1878 - Mar 1969
Funeral For Mrs. Woodruff
Mrs. Stella Woodruff, sister of Mrs. R. L. Barnes of Blooming Grove, was
buried in Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana Monday afternoon following a 2 o'clock funeral there. Mrs.
Woodruff, 91, died Friday night in Garland. She was the widow of O. M.
Other survivors are 3 sons, Ray and O. M., Jr. of Okla City and Reginald of
Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. J. P. Garnett of Dallas; 6 grandchildren, 3 great
grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
Pauline (Frederick) Green

Feb 20, 1922 - Feb 13, 1969
Mrs. W. B. Green Funeral Sunday
Mrs. W. B. Green of Farmington, New Mexico, was buried in
Rose Hill Cemetery Sunday
afternoon following a two o'clock funeral in First Baptist Church of
Blooming Grove. Pastor Ronnie Chesser was minister. The Church choir, with
Mrs. Chesser as organ accompanist, furnished the music.
Mrs. Green died in Farmington Thursday. She had lived there 15 years and was
a bookkeeper for a television sales and service business. She was born in
Blooming Grove in 1922 and before her marriage was Cleta Pauline Frederick,
daughter of Mrs. Ola Hargrove Frederick and the late John Frederick.
Casket Bearers were Ralph Putman, Loyd Frederick, Joe Honea, Leroy Ewing,
Doris Eddlemon and R. L. Green. McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Mrs. Green is survived by her husband of Farmington; sons, Jerry Cagle, Fred
Green and John Green, all of Farmington; mother of Blooming Grove; two
granddaughters; brothers, Will Frederick of Blooming Grove, J.D. Frederick
of Frost and J. E. Frederick of Roane; sisters, Mrs. M. B. Cooper and Mrs.
Ray Green, both of Lewisville.
Lloyd Evans
Mar 10, 1904 - Mar 5, 1969
Lloyd Simpson Funeral Friday
Lloyd Evans Simpson, native of Barry and owner of the Palace Barber Shop in
Blooming Grove, died in Memorial Hospital Wednesday night last week. He had
suffered a heart attack 10 days previously.
Funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove and interment was in
Rose Hill Cemetery. Pastor Bruce Hibbitts of Memorial Baptist Church and Pastor Cass French of Second
Avenue Baptist Church, both of Corsicana, were the ministers. Music was furnished by a choir of singers from all churches of Blooming Grove with
Mrs. Ronnie Chesser as organist. Casket Bearers were Bill Hollingsworth, A. S. Fulton, L. O. McGraw, Drew Gillen, W. E. Percival, Ernest Watson, B. L.
Ralston and Lowell Reed. McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Lloyd Simpson was born in 1904, the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Simpson, and he lived most of his life in the Barry-Blooming Grove area. He was active in
the Baptist Church and Barry Lodge No. 836, AF&AM. He had served as District Deputy Grand Master of his Masonic District.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Carrie Simpson, and his mother, Mrs. Minnie Myrtle Simpson, both of Corsicana; son, Gerald of Ida Lou; daughter, Mrs.
Edna Earle Landrum of Waco; 8 grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Homer Hopkins of Blooming Grove and Mrs. Imogene Graham of Dallas; step-sons, E. O. Prince of
Corsicana and Alvin Prince of Houston.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar 12, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Joel Harris Haden

Apr 9, 1897 - Dec 1968
Joel Haden Dies In Oklahoma City
Joel H. Haden, 71 year old native of Blooming Grove and brother of Mrs. Tom S. Hooser of Frost and Miss Clementina Haden of Corsicana, died Monday of
last week in an Oklahoma City hospital. Funeral and interment were held there Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Haden was a member of a long prominent Navarro County family and had lived in Oklahoma City many years.
Other survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Haden of Oklahoma City; a son, Joel M. Haden of Cedar Vale, Kansas; daughter, Mrs. George E. Wilder of Ft.
Worth; sisters, Miss Mary Haden of Los Angeles, California, Miss Kathryn Haden of Dallas and Mrs. A. T. Vandiver of Joshua; two granddaughters and
five grandsons.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Dec 11, 1968
- Rose Hill Memorial Park, Oklahoma Co., OK
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Kay Vance Ellis

Oct 11, 1891 - Feb 1969
Kansas Funeral For Kay Ellis
Funeral and interment were held Monday afternoon in Elkhart, Kansas, for Kay Ellis who died Saturday in a Liberal, Kansas hospital after a long illness.
He was a native of Blooming Grove and the son of the late Dr. W. M. Ellis, for many years a prominent west Navarro County physician.
Survivors include his wife, a daughter, one granddaughter and two grandsons, all of Kansas; sisters, Mrs. A. J. Grady of Corsicana and Mrs. Randolph
Patterson of Phoenix, Arizona.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Feb 12, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Son of Dr. William Maddison Ellis & Delia (Hinkle) Ellis
Christina (Greene) Griggs
Feb 8, 1917 - Apr 13, 2008
Pearl Christina Griggs
Pearl Christina Griggs, 91, of Corsicana, passed away Sunday, April 13, 2008, in Corsicana. She was born Feb. 8, 1917, in Horsebrook Island, Canada, to Frank
Albert Greene and Velma Faye Steeves Greene. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday
at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with James Williams officiating. Burial will be at Post Oak Cemetery in Malakoff. She is survived by her son, Harris
Griggs and wife Patsy of Purdon; brother, Harold Greene of Maine; sisters, Delores Clark of North Carolina and Mary Hildreth of Massachusetts;
grandchildren, Connie Tally and fiancé John Tilley of Corsicana, Christina Venable and husband Joe of Dawson, Brenda Lingle of Strawn, Harris Griggs III
and wife Brenda of Purdon; seven great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. ∞
Ruby Lee (Standard) Peacock-Johnston
Mar 12, 1927 - Apr 13, 2008
Ruby Lee Peacock Johnston
Ruby Lee Peacock Johnston, 81, passed away Sunday, April 13, 2008, in Corsicana. She was born March 12, 1927 in Eureka to Sydney and Nina Standard. Ruby was a
member of Wesley United Methodist Church. She was a wonderful homemaker, devoted wife, mother and grandmother, who will be greatly missed by all who knew her and
loved her. A visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at
Oakwood Cemetery with the Rev. Harrell Braddock Jr. officiating. Survivors include her daughter, Lynda S.
Hampton and her husband Ronald of Gilmer; grandchildren, Lysa Lynne Parks of Lindale, Lance Alan Parks and his wife Connie of Lindale, and Clayton Hampton of
Gilmer; great-grandchildren, Hanna Parks and Morgan Parks; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Robert Peacock; her
second husband, Jim Johnston; sisters, Nina Blue, Iris Cates, and Lavern Gillam; and brothers, Olan and Drenan Standard. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Ola Mae (Burke)
Jul 8, 1915 - Apr 13, 2008
Ola Mae Burke McCann
Ola Mae Burke McCann, 92, of Conroe passed away peacefully in her sleep on Sunday, April 13, 2008, at Willis Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was
born July 8, 1915, in Blooming Grove. She was preceded in death by her parents, James A. and Birdie Burke; sisters, Jimmie Dee Powell and Dorothy Petty; and her
husband, the Rev. Gene Jack McCann. She is survived by her foster son, Dr. Sixto Herrera Ramirez of Monterrey, Mexico; her sister, Cosia S. Rau of Corpus
Christi; nephew, Riley Gene Petty of Corpus Christi; and nieces, Glenda Harris and Linda (Paul) Rothgeb, both of Corpus Christi. Mrs. McCann was a devoted wife
and Christian and spent her married life in the mission fields with her husband helping others. She will always be remembered and forever in our hearts.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Cashner Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at Cashner Colonial Chapel
with the Rev. Wes Pratt officiating. Burial will follow at Conroe Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements by Cashner Funeral Home, Conroe.
George W. Johnson

abt 1900 - Apr 19, 1946
Funeral Services Held For George W. Johnson
Funeral services for George W. Johnson, aged 46 years, who died at his home, 1812 West Collin Street, Corsicana, with a heart attack early Friday, were held
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Dan Sharpley, pastor of the Emhouse Baptist church.
Johnson a well-known farmer and stockman resided in the Barry and Emhouse communities and is well known in this section.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Drain and Mrs. Marie Lockhart, both of Emhouse, and Miss Jimmie Johnson, Corsicana; a
grand daughter, George Ann Drain, Emhouse; six brothers, Tom Johnson, Eureka; Bill Johnson, Walter Johnson, Corsicana; Charles Johnson, Emhouse; Hugh Johnson,
Houston and Robert Johnson, Waco; a sister, Mrs. Dora Turner, Emhouse and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers were Clifton Johnson, Hugh M. Johnson, James L. Johnson, Cleo L. Johnson, Lois Johnson and Robert Johnson, all nephews.
- The Blooming Grove Times - April 26, 1946
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Robert Caldwell Mabry, Jr.

Jan 19, 1888 - Aug 3, 1941
Funeral Services Held Monday For Robert C. Mabry
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock for Robert C. Mabry, aged 53, who died in the Veterans hospital in Dallas Sunday, at the Methodist
church, with Rev. Maggart B. Howell, pastor of the church, conducting the rites, assisted by Rev. Tucker of Richland.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Dixie Richards, Richland; Mrs. Ruth Coker, Ennis; one brother, Henry Mabry, Richland; two nieces, Mrs. Hollis Pitts and
Miss Mable Mabry, Blooming Grove; two nephews, Victor Mabry, Tyler and Dare Mabry, Kerens.
Mr. Mabry was born and reared in this community, and for many years was in the cattle business. He was a Veteran of the World War. He was the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mabry, pioneer residents of this community.
Pallbearers were Hollis Pitts, A. A. Fagala, J. W. Harris, Ab Pevehouse, Tom Pevehouse, Jim Carroll, Drew Gillen and Volley Jaynes.
Arrangements were under the direction of the McCormick Funeral Service.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Aug. 8, 1941
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Dresden Cemetery,
Dresden, Navarro Co., TX
Rosa Lee (Gibson)
Jun 14, 1907 - May 2, 1930
Former Blooming Grove Girl Buried Here
Mrs. Rosa Lee Lawless, age 23 years, daughter of R. H. Gibson Fort Worth, was buried Sunday afternoon in Rose Hill
cemetery here. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church with Rev. T.G. Story, pastor, officiating.
The deceased was accidentally shot at her home in Orange, April 30, and died in an Orange hospital May 2nd.
Mrs. Lawless lived here with her parents when she was a little girl. She was a niece of Mrs. D.M. Holland, now a resident of Blooming Grove.
- The Blooming Grove Times - May 9, 1930
- Submitted by Karen Rost
(Spl)—Funeral services for Mrs.
Rosa Lee Lawless, age 23, who was
accidentally killed Friday at
Orange, were held here Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock conducted by
Rev. T. G. Story. Burial was in
Rose Hill cemetery.
A gun in the hands of her husband
was said to have been accidentally
discharged, killing her.
Surviving are her husband, and
father, R. H. Gibson, Fort Worth,
and an aunt, Mrs. D. M. Holland,
Blooming Grove.
Sutherland Funeral Home in
Corsicana transferred the body
from the H. and T. C. to the Cotton
Delia Lucinda Yarbrough

Oct 3, 1882 - Mar 6 (or 15), 1969
Funeral For Mrs. Yarbrough
Mrs. Delia Lucinda Yarbrough, native of Miss. but resident of Mertens most of her life, died in a Corsicana rest home Thursday after a long illness. She moved
from Mertens to the Home following the death of her husband Perry F. Yarbrough, about six years ago. She was 86 years of age.
Funeral was held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in Mertens Baptist Church with former pastor Bob Roberts, and present pastor Robert Thrift as ministers. Mr.
Jimmy Coleman of Waco was vocal soloist and Mrs. Thrift was pianist. Casket Bearers were Billy Elmore, Bobby Elmore, Kenneth Elmore, Harold Elmore, Richard
Green and Carvel Yarbrough.
Interment was in Frost Cemetery.
McCormick Funeral Service was in charge.
Mrs. Yarbrough is survived by a son, Elmer K. Yarbrough of McGregor; four daughters, Mrs. W. A. Elmore of Mertens, Mrs. Ben Whitson of Nederland, Mrs.
Jerry Green and Mrs. D. L. Green of Waco; 19 grandchildren and several great grandchildren and great great grandchildren.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar. 12, 1969
- SSDI shows death Mar. 15 - TXDI shows death Mar. 6
- Submitted by Karen Rost
John Walter Honea

Jun 13, 1902 - Mar 12, 1969
J. Walter Honea Buried At Frost
John Walter Honea, resident of the Frost community most of his life, died Wednesday, March 12, in an Arlington hospital where he had been a patient only
two days. Funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Frost Baptist
Church with pastor Walter Goodnight as minister.
Interment was in Frost Cemetery.
Casket Bearers were J. N. McMinn, J. R. Patterson, Joe Parum, Bud York, Guy Tullos and Bud Fields. Miss Nancy York was organist. McCormick Funeral Service
was in charge.
Mr. Honea was born in Alabama in 1903 and came to Frost as an infant.
He was a farmer for many years and then was custodian of Barry school buildings. He later worked in Corsicana and finally moved to Arlington in 1963.
Survivors are his wife of Arlington; four sons, Arnold & James of Arlington, Bob of Dallas and Maurice of Irving; seven grand children; two brothers, H. E. Honea
of Corsicana and Clarence Honea of Tyler; two sisters, Mrs. D. L. Hambrick of Blooming Grove and Mrs. Bertie Shelton of Dublin. Notes:
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar. 19, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Earnest Burl Harris

Oct 27, 1904 - Apr 1, 1969
Dresden Burial for Burl Harris
Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon of last week in Corsicana for Burl Harris, 64 year old life-long resident of the Blooming Grove community. He was a
retired farmer. Interment was in
Dresden Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife of Blooming Grove; son, Jimmy Earl of Blooming Grove; brothers, Leonard Harris & Chester Harris, both of Blooming Grove, and Bunk
Harris of Corsicana.
Casket Bearers were Fenner Holditch, Carl Daniel, Thurman McGraw, Sammie Saunders, Raymond McGraw and Floyd Armstrong.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
The Blooming Grove Times - Apr 9, 1969
Asberry Dean Farmer, Sr.

Oct 3, 1900 - Apr 7, 1969
Asberry Farmer Funeral Tuesday at Navarro Mills
The father of eleven graduates of Blooming Grove High School, Asberry Farmer of Navarro Mills died Monday morning in Memorial Hospital. He was 68 years old,
and was a retired farmer and school bus driver.
Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Navarro Mills Baptist Church with pastor J.B. Shumake as minister. Interment was in
Dresden Cemetery
and grandsons were Casket Bearers.
Mr. Farmer drove a Blooming Grove school bus for nearly 30 years, beginning in 1936. Poor health caused his retirement a few years ago.
He and Mrs. Farmer attended graduation exercises for seven daughters and four sons at Blooming Grove High School, with their youngest child, Peggy, finishing
in the spring of 1967.
Mr. Farmer is survived by his wife, Cora Jane, of Navarro Mills; sons, A.D. of Houston, Billy Wade of Deer Park, Jackie of Corsicana and Charles of Ft. Worth;
daughters, Mrs. Patsy Smith of Frost, Mrs. Jennell French of Corsicana, Mrs. Daphene Thompson of Ft. Worth , Mrs. Dorothy Pierce of Burleson, Mrs. Darlene
Pruiett and Mrs. Sue Warren, both of Irving, and Miss Peggy Farmer of Corsicana; 19 grandchildren.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
The Blooming Grove Times - Apr. 9, 1969
- TXDI: Farmer Asberry Dean 04-07-1969 NAVARRO Male
Virginia Griffin
Jan 3, 1884 - Mar 16, 1969
Funeral For Mrs. Sam Griffin
Mrs. Virginia Griffin, widow of Sam J. Griffin, died in Lubbock Sunday and the funeral will be held this morning (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock in Blooming Grove
United Methodist Church. Rev. Leroy Reeves of Godley will be the minister and Mrs. R. Bruce McCormick will be organist. Interment in
Dresden Cemetery
will follow.
Casket Bearers will be N. E. Brister, W. E. Carroll, G. W. Patterson, R. Bruce McCormick, C. N. Haden and R. E. Williams. McCormick Funeral Service is in
Mrs. Griffin, 82 years of age, is survived by a son, Roy Griffin of Lubbock, a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Melton of Ft. Worth, four grandchildren, and other
- Submitted by Karen Rost
The Blooming Grove Times - Mar 19, 1969
Pearl Nancy (Jones) Johnson

Jul 16, 1899 - Mar 16, 1969
Mrs. W. L. Johnson Funeral Monday
Mrs. Pearl Nancy Johnson, wife of W. L. Johnson of Purdon, died early Sunday in a Corsicana nursing home where she had lived eleven months. Funeral was at 2:30
Monday afternoon in the Blooming Grove Church of Christ with Clovis Allen of Robinson and Wayne Mathis of Blooming Grove as ministers.
Grandsons served as Casket Bearers and interment was in
Dresden Cemetery.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Mrs. Johnson was born near Groesbeck in July, 1899, and after their marriage she and Mr. Johnson lived at Silver City, Blooming Grove, Cryer Creek and Purdon.
Mrs. Johnson also leaves 3 sons, G. W. Johnson of Monahans, Thomas E. Johnson & B. W. Johnson, both of Corsicana; 3 daughters, Mrs. Cecelia Miller of
Stephenville, Mrs. Roma Taylor & Mrs. Ramonia Davis, both of Purdon; 27 grandchildren; 30 great grandchildren; brother, J.A. Jones of Corsicana; 6
sisters, Mrs. Ruby Freeman & Mrs. Winnie Minkler of Dallas, Mrs. Jewel George of Teague, Mrs. Opal Foster of Quanah, Mrs. Faith Collins of Carrollton and Mrs.
Florene Holliefield of Corsicana.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Listed as Nancy Pearl Johnson on
Photo at Dresden Cem.
The Blooming Grove Times - Mar. 19, 1969
Ollie D. Fountain
Mar 4, 1929 - Apr 12, 2008
Ollie D. Fountain
Ollie D. Fountain of Corsicana passed away Saturday, April 12, 2008, in Ennis. Viewing will be from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. today at Scott Funeral Home. Services
will be 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 19, at Second Mission Baptist Church with the Rev. Clyde Chambers officiating. Pallbearers will be grandsons and friends of
the family. Mr. Fountain was born March 4, 1929, in Corbet. He was a member of 13th Avenue Christian Church. He worked many years for the police reserves and
Corsicana Emergency Corps and retired from private security. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Mable Jean Fountain; father, J.C. Fountain; brothers,
Willie George Fountain and Major Fountain; daughter, Regina Thomas; granddaughter, Dedra Davis Terry; and mother, Pearline Fountain. Survivors
include his wife, Easter Fountain; children, Deborah Brown, Ollie D. Fountain Jr. (Versia) and Paula Cooksey; grandchildren, Jimmy Lewis Jr., Jennifer Lewis,
Jonathan Lewis, Calvin Moorehead, Lamar Moorehead, Ollie D. Fountain III, Erica Carroll, Patrick Thomas, and Jamelia Fountain Moore; adopted grandson, Anthony
Gasaway; nine great-grandchildren; sister, Charlene Harris; brothers, Raymond Fountain, Charles Fountain (Lucy), Wilbert Fountain (Susanne) and Arthur
Fountain; son-in-law, Bennie H. Thomas; sister-in-law, Pearlene Fountain; and a host of nieces and nephews and other relatives. Arrangements by Scott Funeral
Home. Notes:
William Robin "Billy" Bezinge

Aug 26, 1882 - Jul 18, 1969
W.R. Bezinge Buried Lone Oak
Willie Robin Bezinge, 88 year old native of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska, died late
Thursday night at his home in the Lone Cedar community where he had lived about
two years. A retired construction worker, he had been in ill health for several
Funeral was held in McCormick Funeral Chapel in Blooming Grove at 5 o'clock
Saturday afternoon with Rev. Ronnie Chesser, pastor of the First Baptist Church
of Blooming Grove, officiating. Interment was in
Lone Oak Cemetery.
Casket Bearers were Boliver Dozier, Bruce Dozier, Ivan Dozier, Harold Dozier,
Homer Garrison and Benny Hinkle.
Mr. Bezinge is survived by his wife, Hildred Dozier Bezinge of Lone Cedar, and a
brother, R.V. Bezinge, of Winter Park, Florida.
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 23, 1969
- TXDI: Bezinge Willie Robin 07-17-1969 NAVARRO Male
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Effie Cloris
(McClure) Myers

May 28, 1911 - Jun 13, 1969
Mrs. Effie Myers Buried Rose Hill
Mrs. Effie McClure Myers was interred in
Rose Hill Cemetery Monday
afternoon last week following a 10 AM funeral in First United Methodist Church
in Italy. She died unexpectedly Friday afternoon at her home in Italy where she
had lived 32 years. She was a member of the Italy church.
Mrs. Myers was born in Blooming Grove, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
McClure, and attended Blooming Grove public schools. At the time of her death
she was employed by a cafe in Italy.
Survivors are two brothers, Edward L. McClure of Jourdanton and Elmer D.
McClure of California; a sister, Mrs. Lois Littlejohn of Itasca; 2 half
brothers, Rudolph McClure of Dallas and Johnny B. McClure of Ft. Worth;
2 half sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Minatra of Blg Grove and Mrs. Emma Buzulencia of
Ohio; stepmother, Mrs. Edness McClure of Corsicana.
- The Blooming Grove Times - June 25, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Roy Boyd
Oct 11, 1899 - Dec 6, 1969
Roy Boyd Funeral Held Monday
Roy Boyd, long time resident of the Lone Cedar community and a retired farmer,
died in Memorial Hospital Saturday morning. He was 70 years of age and a native
of Edom.
Funeral was held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon in United Methodist Church of
Blooming Grove with pastor Paul Rone and Rev. Walter Black of Italy officiating.
Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery.
Casket Bearers were Aubrey Berry, J. T. Steele, Ray Robinson, Sammie Saunders,
Roy Southard, J. E. Grantom and C. L. Saunders. McCormick Funeral Service
Mr. Boyd is survived by his wife of Lone Cedar; a son, Paul Wayne Boyd of Italy;
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Beale of Lone Cedar; 9 grandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Ethel
Blackburn of Waxahachie, Mrs. Perry Clark of Midlothian; and a half sister, Mrs.
Bill Terry of Modisto, California.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Dec. 10, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Lula Dell (Peacock) Gilmore
May 1, 1874 - Apr 29, 1969
Mrs. Lula Gilmore Dies April 29
Mrs. Lula Dell Gilmore of Frost was buried in
Frost Cemetery Wednesday afternoon,
April 30, following a 2:30 o'clock funeral in McCormick chapel. Pastor Wesley
Howard, Jr. of Frost United Methodist Church, and pastor Walter Goodnight of
Frost Baptist Church, were the ministers. Miss Darla Vest was organist.
Casket Bearers were Newt Peacock, Woodrow Peacock, Mack Peacock, C.R. Green and
Bennie Baird.
Mrs. Gilmore was the mother of Mrs. R.D. Baird and grandmother of Mrs. Pat
Short, both of Frost. She was born in Tennessee in 1874 and had lived in Frost
about 20 years. At the time of her death she was a resident of a Hillsboro
nursing home. She died at 4 AM Tuesday.
Other survivors are 4 grandsons including Raymond Baird of Mertens, another
granddaughter, 6 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild.
- The Blooming Grove Times - May 7, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Robert Earl Bell
abt 1925 - May 2, 1969
Robert Bell Buried At Frost
Robert Earl Bell, brother of Mrs. Leroy Ewing of Blooming Grove, died Friday at
his home in Corsicana and funeral was held there Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment was in Frost Cemetery.
Mr. Bell was 44 years of age and was a plumber.
Other survivors are his wife, a son, 4 daughters, 2 stepdaughters, 2 brothers, 5
sisters and 10 grandchildren. None of these survivors live in the Frost-Blooming
Grove area.
- The Blooming Grove Times - May 7, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
John Sims York

Jul 19, 1885 - Jul 17, 1969
J. Sims York Dies In Dallas
John Sims York of Irving died in a Dallas hospital Thursday and funeral was held
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Frost Baptist Church with pastor Walter
Goodnight as minister. Mrs. Ronnie Chesser was vocalist and Miss Nancy York was
Casket Bearers, all grandsons, were Alva Lynn Smith, John H. York, Jr., Carl
Wayne Johnson, Jim York, Rickey White, Frank C. Holland, Terry York and Jeff
Holland. Interment was in Frost Cemetery
and McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Mr. York was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1885 and came to Navarro County
when a small boy. He and his family resided in Frost and community before moving
to Conroe. He had lived in a rest home in Irving the past three years and had
been in the Dallas hospital only two days before his death. He was a retired
foreman of a roofing contracting firm.
Survivors include 4 sons; John of Garland, Paul of Ft. Worth, Alton and Bill of
Dallas; 5 daughters; Mrs. A. C. Smith of Frost, Mrs. Louise Johnson and Mrs.
Gene White of Dallas, Mrs. Eugene Tucker of Irving and Mrs. Lawrence Holland of
Little Elm; 29 grandchildren and 39 great grandchildren; brother, Ed York of
Cohoma; 4 sisters, Mrs. Maude Denn of Corsicana, Mrs. Hessie Smith of Ft. Worth,
Mrs. Lula Hightower of Midland and Mrs. Elah Embery of Italy.
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 23, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
James Harvey Wells
Jul 19, 1885 - Jul 17, 1969
J. H. Wells Buried At Frost
Funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Central Baptist Church in
Italy for J. H. Wells, retired farmer who had lived in Frost about five years.
He died Friday in a Hillsboro hospital where he had been a patient since being
injured in an automobile accident that occurred 3 weeks ago between Frost and
Italy. Rev. Walter Goodnight, pastor of Frost Baptist Church, was the minister.
Interment was in Frost Cemetery.
Mr. Wells had lived in Milford most of his life, moving to Frost after his
retirement. He is survived by his wife of Frost; 2 sons, Ray Wells of Italy and
I.D. Wells of Irving; 2 daughters, one of which is Mrs. Marie Gobble of Porter;
6 grandchildren; brother, Josh Wells of Houston.
Casket Bearers included W. F. Bonnett and J. N. McMinn of Frost.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Aug 20, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Robert Marion
May 22, 1883 - Nov 4, 1969
Robert M. Sanders Funeral Today
Robert Marion Sanders will be buried this afternoon (Wednesday) in
Frost Cemetery following a 2 o'clock
funeral in Frost Baptist Church to be conducted by pastor Walter Goodnight. He
died at 2:30 Tuesday morning in a Corsicana rest home after a long illness.
MeCormick Funeral Service is in charge. Casket Bearers will be Johnnie Dugan,
Ervin Green, Jim Bob McGraw, Carl Daniels, James Brown and Harvey Ross. Pastor
Wesley Howard of Frost United Methodist Church will be vocalist.
Mr. Sanders is survived by his wife, Edith, of Frost; 3 sons, Searcy and Roy of
Frost and Richard of Las Cruses, New Mexico; 3 grandchildren and 1 great
grandchild; brother, Jim Sanders of Huntsville; 3 sisters, Mrs. Mattie Grubbs of
Grand Prairie, Mrs. Tonnie Lee St. Marie of Elemendorf, and Mrs. Willie
Hendrixson of Manchester, Oklahoma.
Mr. Sanders was born in Birmingham, Alabama, May 22, 1883, and had lived in the
Frost community most of his life. He was a retired farmer.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Nov. 5, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Lessie "Less" Younger
Dec 20, 1872 - Jul 1, 1969
Lessie Younger Buried Thursday
Native of Dresden and one of the oldest residents of the Blooming Grove
community, "Less" Younger died Monday, June 30, at the home of his niece in
Corsicana. He had been in failing health several years.
Funeral was held at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Tyree Chapel A.M.E.
Church, Blooming Grove, with pastor D. Brown officiating. Nephews were Casket
Bearers and interment was in
Brushy Prairie Cemetery.
The Church choir & pianist furnished the music, and choir members were flower
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 9, 1969
- SSDI for dates - shows July 15 death
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Thomas F. Vest

Oct 9, 1880 - Sep 20, 1969
Tom Vest Buried Dresden Tuesday
Funeral for Tom Vest, former long time resident of the Raleigh community, was
held in Corsicana Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock and interment was in
Dresden Cemetery.
Mr. Vest, who died in Dallas, is survived by his wife of Corsicana; a son, Roy
Vest of Waco; 4 daughters, Mrs. Evelin Bullock of Irving, Mrs. Mackie Guynes of
Richardson, Mrs. Elsie Pohlman of Houston and Mrs. Jewel Lake of Neal, Ala.; a
number of grandchildren; brother, Coleman Vest of California; sister, Mrs.
Callie Tull of Ft. Worth.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Sept. 24, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
William Hardie Butler,
Jul 1919 - Jun 1969
Wm. Hardy Butler Dies in Sherman
Funeral was held in Bonham Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock for former Blooming
Grove resident Wm. Hardy Butler, 50 year old Bonham businessman who had been in
ill health several years. He died in a Sherman hospital Sunday night after six
weeks as a patient.
Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana where a graveside service was held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Butler was a graduate of Blooming Grove High School and Texas A&M. He
achieved the rank of Major in the Army of the U.S. during
WWII, serving with the 101st
Airborne, He was born in Mississippi in July 1919.
Survivors include his wife and daughter, Patricia, both of Bonham; brother, John
Carroll Butler of Decatur, Illinois; sisters, Mrs. R. W. Perry of Blooming
Grove, Mrs. Howard Onstot, Miss Ann Butler and Miss Bertie Butler, all of
Austin, and Mrs. Sidney Hambrick of Odessa.
Jacqueline Snowden
Jan 24, 1966 - Oct 23, 1984
Jacqueline Snowden, 18, of Corsicana, died Tuesday, October 23, at Navarro
Regional Hospital. She was a native and life-long resident of Corsicana.
Survivors include her mother, Patsy Snowden of Corsicana; one sister, Lisa
DeMoss of Italy; one niece, Amanda DeMoss of Italy; a grandmother, Mrs. Pinkey
Snowden of Corsicana; and a godfather, Nickey Andrews of Corsicana. Funeral
services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 24, at Corley Funeral Home
Chapel. Burial was at Modrell Cemetery.
- Blooming Grove's Community News Weekly - Oct. 25, 1984
- SSDI for birth
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Jim Brown
Jun 19, 1895 - Sep 19, 1982
Jim Brown, 87, of Dawson, died Sunday morning at his residence.
Service is Saturday, 2 p.m., Dawson Church of God in Christ in Dawson.
Burial will be at Dawson Cemetery.
Arrangements are with Ross and Johnson Mortuary in Corsicana.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rena Brown, of Dawson; several grandchildren;
and one sister, Mrs. Della Anderson of Dallas.
Pallbearers are John Kirby Jr., Vernon W. Kirby, Carl L. Kirby, Kimmy L. Kirby,
M. T. Wade Jr. and Michael Kirby.
- Blooming Grove's Community News Weekly - Sept. 22, 1982
- SSDI and TXDI for dates
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Robert C. Smith
Jul 24, 1887 - Mar 1969
R. C. Smith Buried Tuesday
Funeral was held in Blooming Grove United Methodist Church Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock for Robert C. Smith, former president of First State Bank, Blooming
Grove, who died Saturday morning in a Port Arthur hospital. Interment was in
Covington Cemetery.
Ministers were former pastor Roy Felder, now of Baytown, and present pastor
James Peppers. Mrs. R. Bruce McCormick was organist. Casket Bearers were Marlin
Brockette, Claude T. Brockette, C. J. Cartwright, B. L. Ralston, D. W. Springer,
J. Miller Reid, Lloyd Hayes and Roy Hayes.
Directors of the bank were Honorary Bearers.
Mr. Smith was born July 24, 1887 in Milam, Texas. He was with the Covington bank
before coming to Blooming Grove in 1941. He retired from the presidency of First
State Bank in 1963, and then in 1965 & 1966 he helped organize the bank in
Trinidad. For a while in the 1940's he was president of the Citizens State Bank
of Frost as well as the Blooming Grove and Covington banks.
Mr. Smith is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Thompson of Port Arthur; 6
grandchildren; 1 great grandchild; brother, Herman F. Smith; sisters, Mrs. Eura
Vogel and Mrs. Vera Hill, both of Dallas.
- McCormick Funeral Service directed.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar 12, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Harry Estell Simpson
Dec 23, 1903 - Mar 1969
Harry Simpson Dies Gainesville
Harry Simpson, native of Blooming Grove and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Simpson, died Thursday night in a Gainesville hospital following surgery.
Funeral and interment were held in Gainesville Saturday afternoon. He was 65
years of age.
Mr. Simpson left Blooming Grove after finishing high school and worked for Bell
Telephone Co. for a few years, then operated a Western Auto store before opening
a retail & wholesale sporting goods store. He had lived in Gainesville since
He is survived by his wife and daughter, Miss Barbara Simpson, both of
Gainesville, and another daughter, Mrs. Beverly Pilgrim of Commerce. He also
leaves 4 grandchildren.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar. 12, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Blooming Grove High School class of 1922
- h/o Lillian M. (White) Simpson; s/o Howard Euzema Simpson and Mattie E.
(Williams) Simpson buried in Rose Hill cemetery, Blooming Grove, Tx.
- Fairview Cemetery, Gainesville, Cooke Co., TX
Henry Grady Pitts
abt 1907 - Feb 21, 1969
Grady Pitts Buried Sweetwater
Henry Grady Pitts, 62 year old native of Dawson and resident of Sweetwater for
the past 22 years, died in a hospital there Friday, February 21, after several
weeks hospitalization following a stroke.
Mr. Pitts was the brother of Hollis Pitts of Blooming Grove, and he had many
friends in this area. Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Pitts attended the funeral held in First
Baptist Church of Sweetwater Saturday afternoon. Interment was in a Sweetwater
After leaving Dawson Mr. Pitts served fifteen years as auditor for the Federal
Intermediate Credit Bank of Houston, and at the time of his death he was
president of the Sweetwater Production Credit Ass'n.
Other survivors are his wife, a son, a daughter, one grandson, and a brother,
Howard Pitts of Dawson.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar 5, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Julius Lafayette
Dec 9, 1896 - Mar 2, 1969
Julius Crabtree Dies At Meridian
Julius L. Crabtree, 72 year old native of Blooming Grove, died Sunday in a
Meridian hospital and funeral and interment were held there Tuesday morning. He
was a retired employee of Texas Power & Light Company.
Survivors include a brother, E. C. Crabtree of Waco; two sisters, Mrs.
G. W. Petty of Waco and Mrs. Kathleen C. Mitchell of Meridian, and several
nieces and nephews.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Mar. 5, 1969
- SSDI and TXDI for dates
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Son of Marion Lafayette "Fate" Crabtree & Eva Rebecca (Sheppard)
Mary Lou Venuto
abt 1948 - Jun 19, 1969
Funeral For Mary Lou Venuto
Mary Lou Venuto, 21 year old former junior high student in Blooming Grove, died
last week in a Dallas hospital where she had been in critical condition
following a 6-story fall from an apartment window. The accident occurred Sunday,
June 8.
Funeral and interment were held in Dallas Saturday, June 21.
Mary Lou's mother, Mrs. Maydell Allmon Mayberry, was born and reared in Blooming
Grove. She was the niece of Mrs. Daisy Coker of Blooming Grove.
- The Blooming Grove Times - June 25, 1969
- TXDI for death date
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Willie (Estes) Watts
died July 1969
Funeral and interment will be held in Hillsboro this morning at 10 o'clock for
Mrs. Willie Watts who died early Saturday night in a Hillsboro hospital.
Before her marriage Mrs. Watts was Miss Willie Estes, and she lived many years
in the Emmett community. She later resided north of Frost for about 30 years.
She is survived by two sons, Billy Joe Watts of Mesquite and Jimmie Watts of
Dallas; three brothers, Tom Estes and Cecil Estes of Hillsboro, and Ed Estes of
Abbott; two sisters, Mrs. Johnny Noble and Mrs. Eula Hinton, both of Hillsboro.
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 23, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Lillie Pearl
(Osborne) Ballew

Dec 22, 1881 - Nov 15, 1970
Mrs. Ballew of Emmett Dies Thursday
Mrs. Lillie Pearl Ballew of Emmett died in the early morning of Thursday,
November 5, in Memorial Hospital.
She was born at Emmett in 1882 and had lived all her life in the community.
Funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Emmett Baptist Church with
the pastor, Rev. W. H. Bradbury, as minister. Interment was in
Emmett Cemetery.
Mrs. Ballew is survived by five daughters: Mrs. J. D. Caffey of Emmett, Mrs.
J.C. Kornegay of Coolidge, Mrs. Ruth Read of Corsicana, Mrs. L. M. Price of
Montalba and Mrs. Essie Lawrence of Waco; 16 grandchildren, 27 great
grandchildren; two brothers, P. G. Osburn of Coolidge and Melvin Osburn of
- The Blooming Grove Times - Nov. 11, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Frank Lee Morris,
Jan 19, 1890 - Nov 6, 1970
F. L. Morris Buried Saturday
Funeral for Frank Lee Morris of Dallas was held in McCormick Funeral Service
chapel Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He died early Friday in a Dallas
Rev. J.C. Yates of Dallas was the minister and Rev. Ronnie Chesser, pastor of
First Baptist Church in Blooming Grove, was vocal soloist with Mrs. R. Bruce
McCormick as organist.
Casket Bearers were Floyd Morris, Son Morris, George Morris, Johnny Morris, Rag
Morris and Herschel Barham. Interment was in
White Church Cemetery.
Mr. Morris, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, was born January 19,
1890, in Navarro County north of Blooming Grove. He lived some time in the
Booming Grove home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barham.
Survivors include five sons, Frankie Lee, Mackado and Milton Morris, all of
Dallas, Billy of Rice and Woody Morris of Plainview; four daughters, Mrs. Phil (Eula)
Barham of Blooming Grove, Mrs. Helen Narvil and Mrs. Ruth Moore, both of
Lubbock, and Mrs. Lois Nelson of Dumas; 24 grandchildren and 19 great
grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Will Griffin and Mrs. Lonnie Harrison of
Grace (Hux) Grimmett

Dec 24, 1900 - Nov 14, 1970
Mrs. J.D. Grimmett of Barry was buried in the family plot in
Dresden Cemetery
Monday afternoon. Funeral was held at 2 o'clock in Corsicana with Rev. Tom
Roebuck as the minister.
Mrs. Grimmett, a member of the Barry Baptist Church, had been confined several
months and had been seriously ill for several weeks. She was born in Navarro
County in 1901 and had lived her entire life in the County. She had made her
home in Barry since 1919.
Casket Bearers, all residents of Barry and lifelong friends of Mrs. Grimmett,
were Lowell Reed, Les Kitchens, Marshall Massengale, Pete Livingston, Roger
Johnston and Robert Luther.
She is survived by her husband of Barry; five sons, Henry of Barry, Richard of
Austin, James of San Antonio, A.M. of Houston and Eugene of Salem, Kentucky; two
daughters, Mrs. M. P. Sanders of Dallas and Mrs. L. V., Tanner of San Antonio;
nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. W. O. Russell of
Blooming Grove, and several nieces and nephews.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Nov. 11, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Mrs. Grimmett Rites Monday
Mrs. J. D. (Jim) Grimmett, 69, a resident of
Barry since 1919 died Saturday in Corsicana. She was a member
of the Barry Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 2:00
p.m. at Corley Funeral Home Chapel the Rev. Tom Roebuck officiating.
Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery. She had lived in Navarro
County all her life.
Surviving are her husband, Jim Grimmett of
Barry; five sons, Eugene D. of Salem, Ky., A. M. of Houston,
James W. of San Antonio, Richard C. of Austin, and Henry A. of
Barry; two daughters, Mrs. M. P. Sanders of Dallas and Mrs. L.
V. Tanner of San Antonio; nine grandchildren; two
great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. W. O. Russell of
Blooming Grove; nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Pete Livingston, Robert
Luther, Marshall Massengale, Lowell Reid, Les Kitchens, and Roger
Ordway H. Mitchell

Nov 30, 1895 - Apr 5, 1970
Funeral was held Monday afternoon at 12 o'clock in McCormick Funeral Chapel for
Ordway H. Mitchell, 74 years of age and a native of Frost. Interment was in
Frost Cemetery.
Minister Bill Smith of a Ft. Worth Church of Christ conducted the service.
Casket Bearers were Clovis Haden, Billy Wayne McGraw, Lavern High, Bill Shaw,
Robert McCullouch and Charles Bailey.
Mr. Mitchell was born in November, 1895, the son of the late Luther Mitchell and
Lithia Bryant Mitchell. Both the Mitchell and Bryant families have long been
prominent in Frost area business and farming circles.
He was a member of the Church of Christ, and was long active in American Legion
affairs. He was a veteran of WWI.
Mr. Mitchell died unexpectedly at 12:30 AM Sunday at his home in Frost.
Survivors include his wife, the former Edith Ross, of Frost; two brothers, Doyle
Mitchell of Frost and Earl Mitchell of Corsicana; three sisters, Miss Bertha
Mitchell of Frost, Mrs. E. E. (Mary) Omberg of Frost and Mrs. Beryl (Lucille)
Scott of Denison.
Esther (Jarrett) Denn

Sep 27, 1895 - Jul 30, 1970
Mrs. Bernice Esther Denn, wife of J. F. (Jim) Denn, died early Thursday morning,
July 30, in a Hillsboro hospital where she had been a patient for five weeks.
Funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Frost United Methodist
Church with Rev. Walter Goodnight, pastor of Frost Baptist Church, as minister.
Rev. Wesley Howard, Jr., pastor of Frost U. M. Church, was vocalist and Miss
Nancy York was organist.
Casket Bearers were Loyd Young, Joe Brown, W. E. York, Ira Hassell, Billy
Hargrove, and Truitt Green. Interment was in
Frost Cemetery. McCormick Funeral
Service directed.
Mrs. Denn was born in 1895 at Italy, a member of the well known Jarratt family.
She and Mr. Denn had lived many years in Frost and community. For several months
the couple had been residents of a rest home in Italy where Mr. Denn continues
to reside.
Surviving Mrs. Denn, other than her husband, are a daughter, Mrs. W. D.
Hohenberger of Frost; two sons, Shirley Denn and J. B. Denn, both of San
Antonio; 7 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; five brothers, Will Jarratt and
Gus Jarratt, both of Italy, H.D. Jarratt of Grand Prairie, Cube Jarratt of
Dallas and John D. Jarratt of Bryan; a sister, Mrs. Alyene Peck of Dallas.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Aug. 5, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- TXDI: TXDI: Denn Bernice E 07-30-1970 HILL Female
Rites Pending For Mrs. Denn
FROST (Spl.) - Mrs. W.B. (Jim) Denn, 73, died early Thursday morning
in a Hillsboro hospital after an extended illness.
She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. W.D. Hohenberger
of Frost; two sons, Shirley Denn and J.B. Denn, both of San Antonio;
sister, Mrs. Alyene Peck of Dallas; five brothers, Will Jarratt of
Italy, Gus Jarratt of Italy, H.D. Jarratt of Grand Prairie, Cube
Jarratt of Dallas
and John D. Jarratt of Bryan; seven grandchildren and three
Funeral arrangements are pending at McCormack Funeral Home in Frost.
Wynona (Tipping)
May 15, 1914 - May 18, 1970
Mrs. Robert Gantt of Frost died early Monday afternoon in a Corsicana rest home
where she had been a resident for more than three years. She had been in ill
health since suffering a stroke almost ten years ago.
Funeral will be held in Frost Baptist Church at ten o'clock this
(Wednesday) morning and interment will be in
Rose Hill Cemetery at Blooming
Grove. Rev. Mel Hardin, pastor of Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove, and
Rev. Walter Goodnight, pastor of Frost Baptist Church, will be the ministers.
Nancy York will be organist.
Casket Bearers are Robert Reames, Eddie Reames, Royce Reames, Bobby Doyle
Tipping, Arthur Harcrow, Harold Dozier, James Brown, and J. O. Williams.
Mrs. Gantt, the former Wynona Tipping, was born near Blooming Grove May 15,
1914. She was the daughter of the late R. E. and Ila Fitzgerald Tipping. She had
lived all her life in the Blooming Grove and Frost communities.
Surviving Mrs. Gantt are her husband of Frost; a son, James Gantt of Blooming
Grove; two daughters, Mrs. Barbara Murphy of Corsicana and Mrs. Betty Hughes of
Ennis; five grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Maggie Long of Frost, Mrs. Fay
Reames of Van Horn and Mrs. Myrtle Loden of Hico.
- The Blooming Grove Times - May 20, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Myrtle Ruth
(Farish) Bryant

May 27, 1892 - Sep 7, 1970
Mrs. Myrtle Ruth Bryant, wife of James Everett Bryant of Blooming Grove, died at
11 o'clock Monday morning in a Corsicana rest home. She had been in the home
only eight days.
Funeral will be held this afternoon (Wednesday) at 3 o'clock in Blooming Grove
United Methodist Church with pastor Paul Rone as minister. Pastor Ronnie Chesser
of First Baptist Church will assist Rev. Rone. The Church Choir and organist
will provide music.
Casket Bearers will be Clarence Putman, Elton McClure, C. L. Saunders, Drew
Gillen, G. B. Pullin and Harold Bell. Interment will be in
Rose Hill Cemetery and McCormick
Funeral Service will be in charge.
Mrs. Bryant was born May 27, 1892, in New Orleans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Henry Farish. She and Mr. Bryant lived many years in Grange Hall community
before moving to Blooming Grove more than fifteen years ago.
Survivors, other than her husband, are a son, Robert Bryant, of Blooming Grove;
3 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren; two brothers, Perry Slate of California
and Clyde Slate of Buchanan Dam; and a sister, Mrs. Leona Maine of Oklahoma.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Sep 9, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Robert Allen Meador

Aug 15, 1949 - Mar 29, 1970
Robert Allen Meador, 20, was killed early Easter Sunday morning near Houston in
an automobile collision on Hempstead highway.
He was the oldest son of Robert L. Meador, native of Blooming Grove, and Mrs.
Meador of Route 1, Box 10, Cyprus. Other survivors are a sister, Julia Kaye, and
brother, Kelly Scott Meador, also of Cyprus; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Scott of Shreveport, Louisiana. The late Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Meador of Blooming
Grove were his paternal grandparents.
Young Meador was returning home from a date when his car collided head-on with a
pick-up which was turning into a cafe. The truck driver was charged with
negligent homicide and was in fair condition at a Houston hospital.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Apr 8, 1970
- Son of Robert Lendon Meador and Audrey Edith (Scott) Meador
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- TXDI: Meador Robert A 03-29-1970 HARRIS MALE MARRIED
(Orrell) McAdams-Starling
Feb 10, 1890 - Apr 24, 1970
Mrs. Eula Starling of Houston died there early Friday morning, April 24. Funeral
and interment were held in Houston Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Starling, the former Eula Orrell McAdams, was a native of Blooming Grove
and lived in the community until about 30 years ago. She and her first husband,
the late Walter McAdams, moved to Houston where he was a carpenter. She later
married Mr. Starling who died several years ago.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Katie Bell Smith and Mrs. W. B. House,
both of Houston; two sisters and one brother.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Apr 29, 1970
- SSDI and TXDI for dates
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Rita H. Gerber
Sep 27, 1895 - Apr 28, 1970
Mrs. Sam Gerber, former resident of Frost, died April 28, in San Diego,
California. Funeral and interment were held there.
Mrs. Gerber was the widow of Sam Gerber who operated dry goods stores in Frost
and Blooming Grove in the 1920's and 1930's.
- The Blooming Grove Times - May 20, 1970
- 1930 Nav. Co. census for name. SSDI and CADI for dates
Eldred Bruner
Oct 19, 1911 - Jul 6, 1970
Funeral for Eldred Bruner, native of Frost and longtime resident of Ft. Worth,
was held at 4 p.m., Wednesday, July 8, in Ft. Worth. Interment was there in
Greenwood Cemetery.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bruner, he grew up in Frost and moved to Ft.
Worth to become an employee of General Dynamics.
Mr. Bruner is survived by his wife, Lola, of Ft. Worth; two sons, Darrell of
Keller and Earl Dwayne of Ft. Worth; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Joyce Hampton of
Mesquite and Mrs. Glenda Baggett of Ft. Worth; eight grandchildren; a brother,
Eugene, of Ft. Worth.
Rev. Eugene Hoover was the minister and Casket Bearers were Stacy Mason, J.D.
Ashby, E.J. Wells, Riley Wilson, Grady Hemphill, Donald McMahan.
Honorary bearers were deacons of Ridglea Baptist Church and firemen of General
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 15, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Ernest Eddlemon

Aug 17, 1891 - Nov 7, 1970
Ernest Eddlemon, 79 year old retired farmer, died unexpectedly early Saturday
night in a rest home in Italy where he had lived for two years. He was a native
of Italy and had lived all his life in communities of this area, including Hard
Neck, Frost, Lone Cedar and Blooming Grove.
Funeral was held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in Italy, with interment in
Grove Hill Cemetery in Dallas. Rev. Jerry Hopkins, pastor of Central Baptist
Church in Italy, conducted the service. Casket Bearers were Doug Eddlemon, James
Eddlemon, Jerry Lambert, Robert Lambert, Doodle Ward and Bluitt Ward.
Mr. Eddlemon is survived by two sons, Doris Eddlemon of Blooming Grove and J. C.
Eddlemon of Ft. Worth; two daughters, Mrs. J. T. Whitaker and Mrs. Tom Mitchell,
both of Blooming Grove; 7 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Nov. 11, 1970
- SSDI and TXDI for dates
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Norman Hunter
Jan 3, 1901 - Nov 3, 1970
Norman Hunter Keathley, 69 year old native of the Jones Ranch community south of
Frost, died Tuesday, November 3, in a Dallas hospital.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in St. Luke's Methodist
Church, Dallas, with interment in Hillcrest Memorial Park.
Mr. Keathley, 69, was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keathley, and a
member of a long prominent family of the area. He attended Jones Ranch School
and Frost School, and later was a football star at Marlin High School. He
married the former Miss Louella Ellis of Frost.
He had lived in Dallas more than forty years and owned and operated the Avalawn
Drug Company there. He retired in 1966.
Surviving Mr. Keathley are his wife of Dallas; a son, Darrell H. Keathley of
Dallas; three daughters, Mrs. LaFrey Wooldridge of Dallas, Mrs. Mauricia Fugitt
of Houston and Mrs. Billie Johnson of Denton; nine grandchildren, two great
grandchildren; five brothers, Coleman and Thomas Keathley of Corsicana, Barcus
Keathley of Dallas, Herrell Keathley of Ft. Worth and Lindsay Keathley of
Mr. Keathley was a Mason and a Methodist.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Nov. 11, 1970
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Frank Box
Jun 15, 1928 - Apr 21, 2008
Frank Box
Deacon Frank Box, 79, of Dawson passed away Monday, April 21, 2008, at his
residence. Visitation will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at M. R. Smith
Parlor for Funerals. Services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Hopewell Baptist Church
in Dawson with Pastor Monroe Allen officiating. Interment will follow at
Farmerville Cemetery in Dawson. Pallbearers will be Roy Tennison, G. C. Younger,
Joe Kirven, Lewis Simpson, Bennie Coleman Jr. and Roosevelt Kimbrough. Honorary
pallbearers will be deacons of Hopewell Baptist Church. Mr. Box was born June 15,
1928, in Palestine. He was preceded in death by his wife, Catherine “Cat” Box;
one sister and five brothers. Those left to cherish his memories are his sister,
Vivan Black (Larry) of Fort Worth; granddaughter, Wanda Tennison (Roy) of
Dawson; grandson, Lewis Simpson (Sammie) of Dawson; niece, Linda Black of Fort
Worth; great-niece, Vivan Wrenn of Fort Worth; two stepdaughters, Perlean
Fountain and Charlie Mae Whitaker of Dallas; a host of grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; special cousins, Johnny and
Willie Dell Gooden of Los Angeles, Calif.; special friend, G. C. Younger of
Dawson; and several generations of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and
friends. Arrangements by M. R. Smith Parlor for Funerals. |
Lindsay Cole
Jun 17, 1929 - Apr 21, 2008
Lindsay Cole
Dale Lindsay Cole, beloved husband, father and grandfather, went to be
with his Lord on April 21, 2008, at the age of 78, in Corpus Christi. He
was born in Kearney, Mo., on June 17, 1929, to Jesse Richard Cole and
Pearle Albright Cole. He graduated from Kearney High School in 1947 and
then attended the University of Missouri in Columbia, graduating in 1952
with a Bachelor of Science degree in physics. While there he met his
wife of 55 years, Emma Jean Turner. They were married in Columbia, Mo.,
on Aug. 31, 1952. He entered the United States Air Force and became the
meteorologist for the 321st Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base in
Louisiana. He was honorably discharged as a captain. He completed his
Master of Education degree at the University of Missouri in 1958.Dale
and Jean moved to Phoenix, Ariz., in 1958, where he became a professor
of physics at Phoenix College and taught there for 39 years. They
enjoyed many happy years living in Scottsdale where their children,
Cathy and Bob, were born. He was an active member of First Southern
Baptist Church in Scottsdale, where he served as a deacon and Sunday
school teacher for many years. During their retirement, Dale and Jean
enjoyed traveling and visiting places around the world and spending time
with their grandchildren. In 2001, they moved to Corpus Christi where
they became members of Second Baptist Church. Dale is survived by his
loving wife, Jean Cole; his daughter, Dr. Mary Cathleen Cole-Perez
(Rene) of Corpus Christi; son, Dr. Robert D. Cole (Sandra) of Corsicana;
eight grandchildren, Kristen Cole, James Cole, Gregory Perez, Sarah
Cole, Caitlin Cole, Daniel Cole, Rebecca Perez and Rick Sauber-Cole;
along with many nieces, nephews, other family and friends. Visitation
will be held from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday at Cage-Mills Funeral Home, 4901
Everhart Road, Corpus Christi. Funeral services will be conducted at 10
a.m. Saturday at Second Baptist Church. In lieu of flowers, donations may
be made to Second Baptist Church. Arrangements by Cage-Mills Funeral
Directors, Corpus Christi. |
Lola (Finch)
Jan 17, 1924 - Apr 20, 2008
Lola Buchanan, 84, of Corsicana passed away on Sunday, April 20, 2008 in
Corsicana. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley
Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Curtis Gilbert officiating. Interment
will follow in the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Tim
Moody, Matt Moody, Jason Buchanan, Kyle Buchanan, Shawn McIntyre and
Austin Williams. She was born Jan. 17, 1924 in Blooming Grove. She was a
member of Missionary Baptist Church of Corsicana. Mrs. Buchanan was
preceded in death by her husband, Weldon “Buck” Buchanan; parents,
Walter and Minnie Finch; sisters, Thelma Gorden and Betty Maxwell; and a
brother, Neal Finch. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law,
Marilyn and Wayne Moody of Corsicana; sons and daughters-in-law, Garry
and Jackie Buchanan of Duncanville, and Jeff and Teri Buchanan of Lake
Worth; seven grandchildren; eighteen great grandchildren; a sister,
Helen Martin of Amarillo; and a number of nieces and nephews. Arrangements
by Corley Funeral Home. |
Idamay (Miles) Dukeminier

Jun 28, 1909 - Apr 19, 2008
Miles Dukeminier
II Timothy 4:7 — I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith. Idamay Miles Dukeminier was born in Rice on June
28, 1909. She passed away at home on April 19, 2008. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Randell Clark Dukeminier; her parents, M.S. and
Viola Allen Miles; her brothers, Sherman and Joel Miles; her sisters,
Lala South and Bessie Montgomery. Survivors include her son, Randell
Allen Dukeminier and wife Jamie; grandson, Ray Dukeminier and wife
Debbie; nephews, Robert Miles, Hugh Miles South and Joel Miles; nieces
Mary Lakin, Margaret Thomas, Carolyn Taylor and Marguerite Harrington;
great nieces, LeAnn Starks, Amanda and Caitlin Harrington; great great
nieces Sarah and Stephanie Starks; and great nephew, Ben Taylor. Idamay
was a school teacher, having begun her teaching career in Rural Shade.
She retired from the Houston Independent Schools. While teaching in
Houston she served as president of the Houston Teachers Association. A
member of First Baptist Church, Corsicana, she was active in Delta Kappa
Gamma, Navarro County Retired Teachers, James Blair Chapter DAR, Navarro
County Democrats and Navarro County Historical Society. She loved her
Lord, she loved her family and she was a lifelong staunch Democrat. Her
family extends their thanks to her caregivers Brenda Anderson, Ouida
Melton and Lola Boatright; Dr. Deepak Patel and all the doctors and
nurses at Navarro Regional Hospital; and the nurses and caregivers from
Family First Hospice. A visitation is scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m. today
at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m.
Monday at Rice Cemetery with the Rev. Robert Wareing officiating.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Melba "Kit"
(Carson) McKinley
Jan 1, 1944 - Apr 18, 2008
"Kit" McKinley
Melba “Kit” McKinley, a resident of Barry, passed away Friday, April 18,
2008, at her residence at the age of 64. She was born in Maud on Jan. 1,
1944, to Jack Carson and Joy Stokes Carson. Visitation will be 6 to 8
p.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Graveside services will be
held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Center Ridge Cemetery in Maud with Ron
Green officiating. Serving as pallbearers will be Chris Rekow, Dale
Rekow, Joshua Carson, Brian Lane, Brittan Fawks and Vincent
Fawks. Survivors include her husband, Gary D. McKinley of Barry; sons,
Jeffrey Carson of Corsicana, Tracy Carson and wife Brooke of McKinney,
Jonathan Carson of Mesquite, and Cary McKinley of Plano; daughter,
Sherri Bowling and husband Brent of Corsicana; 15 grandchildren, and
three great grandchildren. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Ruth (Quattlebaum) LaLone
Jun 27, 1920 - Apr 17, 2008
Ruth LaLone
Her Lord and Savior called his faithful servant home on April 17, 2008,
with her family at her side. Ruth was born on June 27, 1920, to Arthur
T. and Cordie Quattlebaum in Cleburne. She graduated from Cleburne High
and married Rolland LaLone from Keene on Aug. 20, 1938. They had been
married 58 years at the time of his passing. Ruth was preceded in death
by her parents, A. T. and Cordie Quattlebaum; her husband, R. F. LaLone;
her brother, A. T. Quattlebaum Jr.; her sister, Mary Nell Morgan;
in-laws, James Ansel and Ava LaLone; and one great-grandchild. Ruth
moved from Cleburne to Corsicana with her family, when her husband
started working for Steakly Auto Company. Ruth was a homemaker and
helped her husband raise Chinchillas, and received her amateur ham radio
license along side her husband. She was active in the Church of Christ,
the Corsicana Quilt Guild, and in studying genealogy. Ruth loved growing
flowers and cooking to share with those whose lived she touched. Ruth
made quilts for each one of her children and grandchildren over the last
few active years of her life. She always had a smile and a hug for
everyone. She was a faithful member of the Church of Christ since
childhood, first attending where her father was a preacher. Ruth is
survived by her four children and their families: daughter, Barbara
Simonsmeier and husband Larry of Oregon; daughter, Betty Atkeisson and
husband Billy Don of Corsicana; daughter, Anita Garlington and husband
W.R. “Dub” of Granbury; and son Don LaLone and wife Joann of Plano; 15
grandchildren, Scott Gerloff, Mark and Lisa Gerloff, Danny and Cassie
Atkeisson, Kenny and Lori Atkeisson, Chip and Lillie Atkeisson, Debbie
and Mike Shimonek, Christi and James Jackson, Todd and Tracie
Garlington, Glen and Susan Garlington, Susan and Tom Taggart, Dawn
Gonzales, Tammy and Mitch Casler, Renee and Manuel DeLaCerda, Angela
Fairchild, and Amie Ortega; 38 great-grandchildren and one
great-great-grandchild. Services will be 11 a.m. today at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with her grandson, ordained Baptist
preacher Danny Atkeisson, officiating. Burial will follow at
Memorial Park. Honorary pallbearers will be her grandsons. Ruth will be
missed dearly by her family and friends. Our heartfelt thanks to the
employees of Twilight Home and Cedar Lake Hospice and each person that
helped make her last few years as enjoyable as possible. She did so
appreciate your help, support and love. In Ruth’s honor, in lieu of
flowers, please make a memorial contribution to Cedar Lake Hospice, 625
N. Main St., Corsicana, TX 75110. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home. |
Mary Emma (Farmer) Tadlock
Feb 12, 1861 - Nov 3, 1921
TADLOCK, - Corsicana, Texas. Nov. 4. - Mrs. Emma Tadlock, wife of George Tadlock,
died at the family home near Purdon, this county, Thursday and the funeral took
place this afternoon, with burial in the Dresden Cemetery. She is survived by
her husband and three grown children and a sister, Mrs. J.E. Farmer of this
Died at Purdon Yesterday.
Mrs. Emma Tadlock, wife of George Tadlock, died at the family home near Purdon
yesterday, and the remains were interred at Dresden
this afternoon. The deceased leaves her husband and three grown children. She
was a sister of Mrs. J. E. Farmer, of the Farmer neighborhood.
William "Will" Herring
May 1, 1878 - Jun 16, 1949
Will Herring Rites
CORSICANA, Texas, June 18. - Funeral services were held at Dawson for Will
Herring, 71, of Navarro Mills, who died in a Corsicana hospital. Survivors
include his wife and three sons. Herring, a farmer, had lived near Navarro Mills
for twenty-seven years. Burial was in the
Dresden Cemetery.
Dresden News.
Funeral services were held last Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock for Will Herring,
71, from Dresden Methodist church. The rites were conducted by Rev. Tom Allmon,
assisted by Rev. Billy Baggett. Interment was in
Dresden Cemetery. Mr. Herring lived
a number of years in Carroll community, but the past 30 or 40 years he had
resided near Alliance Hall. Surviving are his wife, three sons, Jim and Parker
Herring, Waco, and Ollie Herring, Brushy Prairie; two brothers, Jack and Jess
Herring, of Oklahoma; a sister, Mrs. Lue Sims, Blooming Grove; several
grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Pallbearers were grandsons, Billie
Jean Herring, Berry Herring, J. W. and A. J. Herring, Bill Thomas and Vernon
Morgan. The rites were under the direction of Wolf and Dobson Funeral Service.
Lylan (Melton) Morton
May 26, 1910 - May 8, 1997
Lylan Morton, 86, died May 8, at Ennis Care Center.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev.
Rodney Bancroft and the Rev. William Dollar officiating. Burial will follow at
the Dresden Cemetery.
Mrs. Morton was born May 26, 1910.
She is survived by her two sons and daughters-in-law, Gearld and Betty Morton of
Dresden and Percy and Reda Morton of Dresden; grandchildren, Randy and Toni
Morton of Carrollton, Don and Bobbie Morton of Mexia, Michelle and Tony Howard
of Blooming Grove; great grandchildren, Stuart, Whitney and Austin Morton of
Mexia, Amanda Morton of Carrollton, Melissa Howard of Blooming Grove and Lisa
and Kenny Baker of Arlington; great-great grandson, Austin Baker of Arlington;
brothers and sisters-in-law, Grover and Jessie Melton of Dresden, Cecil and Ruth
Melton of Corsicana, Dean and Joyce Melton of Dresden and Opal Melton of Ft.
Worth; sisters and brothers-in-law, Lorean and Buddy McCullock of Corsicana,
Addie Pearl Johnson of Blooming Grove, Dorothy Eaton of Corsicana, Syble Malone
of Corsicana; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Morton was preceded in death by her husband, Loyd Morton, mother and
father, Grover and Lou Melton, brothers, Rubin, J.D. and Ira Earl (Shug) Melton,
and sisters, Lou Etta Ewing and Darlene Beckler.
Pallbearers will be Mark Melton, Dennis Melton, David Malone, Mike Melton, Brent
Melton, Jake Melton, Neilan Melton and Jerry McCulloch.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home - May 10, 1997
Thomas C. Alexander

Aug 3, 1892 - Sep 14, 1960
CORSICANA, Texas - T.C. Alexander, 68, Navarro county farmer, died Wednesday in
Waco hospital. He lived on Route 2, Corsicana.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Chapel here, with
burial in the Kerens Cemetery.
Survivors are one son, Dale Alexander of Waco; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel O'Daniel
of Dallas and Mrs. Annie Modesette of Grand Prairie, and six grandchildren.
T. C. Alexander Dies Wednesday
T. C. Alexander, 68, farmer, Route 2, Corsicana, native of Mississippi, died
Wednesday morning at Hillcrest Memorial hospital in Waco.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with
burial in the Kerens Cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Dale Alexander, Waco; six grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs.
Ethel O’Daniel, Dallas, and Mrs. Annie Modesette, Grand Prairie; and other
Pallbearers will be R. A. Perkins, James Brown, B. M. Conner, Charlie Kyser,
Eldridge Kyser and Jesse Lee Young.
Mahala Modena (Gillen) Alexander

Jun 19, 1867 - Mar 17, 1956
Mrs. Mahala Modena Alexander, a Dallas resident 15 years and a Texas resident
for 60 years, died Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Jester O'Daniel, 914 Marshalldell. She was 88.
Born June 18, 1867, in Myrtle, Miss., she came to Texas soon after marrying T .H.
Alexander. They farmed in Navarro County till 1930, when he retired, then moved
to Abilene. He died there in 1931. She continued to live there until moving to
Dallas and was a member of the Baptist Church there.
Survivors include another daughter, Mrs. Annie Modisett of Grand Prairie; a son,
T. C. Alexander of Corsicana; 13 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren and three
Graveside services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the
Kerens Cemetery in
Navarro County. Six of her grandsons will serve as pallbearers.
Services will be directed by Dudley M. Hughes Funeral Home of 400 East Jefferson
in Dallas.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Mahala (known to friends and family as "Deanie,") was the sister of Jeff
Gillen and Jim
Gillen, and all three were children of Civil War veteran William Calvin (W.C.)
who is buried in Navarro County? They were all born in Mississippi and
to Navarro County I believe around 1889 or 1890.
Deanie was my gr-gr-grandmother. Note by Sarah
Leona (McCulloch) Cates
Jan 2, 1901 - Sep 8, 1927
CATES, - Dawson, Navarro Co., Texas. - Sept. 16. - Mrs. Homer Cates, 25, of
Spring Hill, died in a Waco sanitarium and was buried in the
Navarro Mills
Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, three small children and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. McCulloch of Navarro Mills.
Sept. 17, 1927
Dawson, Texas, Sept. 16.—Mrs. Homer Cates, aged 26 years, of Spring Hill, died
in a Waco sanitarium last Thursday night and the remains were interred in the
Navarro Mills
Cemetery Friday.
Surviving are her husband, three small children, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
McCulloch of Navarro Mills, and other relatives.
Christopher Lee Holstien
Sep 16, 1969 - 1998
Services for Chris Holstien, 28, of Corsicana are 11 a.m. Saturday at
Griffin-Roughton Chapel. Interment will follow at
New Chatfield Cemetery.
Mr. Holstien was born in Corsicana on Sept. 16, 1969.
Mr. Holstien is survived by his daughter, Haylie Nichole Holstien of Corsicana;
parents, Larry and Wanda Holstien of Prairie Hill; grandmother, Gerri Oliver of
Waco; brothers, Jonathon Holstien of Corsicana and Timothey Holstien of Prairie
Hill; and a number of aunts and uncles.
Mr. Holstien was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Johnie and
Flora Bates.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Ina (Merideth) Grooms

Nov 16, 1908 - May 18, 1998
Ina Merideth Grooms, 89, of Corsicana, passed away Monday, May 18, 1998, in
Services are 2 p.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral Chapel, with Rev. B.
Suzy Welch officiating. Interment will follow at
Pattison Cemetery in Emhouse.
Visitation is today from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. Grooms was born in Emhouse on Nov. 16, 1908. She was a member of Emhouse
United Methodist Church and formerly of the Line Street Methodist Church. She
was a former resident of Whitney and was a member of the United Methodist
Women's Association.
Mrs. Grooms is survived by her nephews, Curtis M. Stokes of Mexia, Lonnie J.
Stokes of Carthage, James E. McMillen of Waco; nieces, Betsy Stokes Norman of
Groesbeck, Jimmie Lou Johnnson of Corsicana; and sister-in-law, Lucille Brown of
Mrs. Grooms was preceded in death by her husband, Virgin M. Grooms; and sisters,
Minnie Jewell Rackley and Mabel Merideth Stokes.
Friends desiring to do so may make memorial contributions to the Emhouse United
Methodist Church or to Pattison Cemetery Association, c/o Mrs.
Jeanette Melton, R.2, Box 35, Corsicana, 75110.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Spencer Joles
Jan 4, 1923 - May 4, 1998
Spencer Joles, 75, of Corsicana, passed away Monday, May 4, 1998, in Corsicana.
Services were 10 a.m. today at House of Praise Church of God, with Rev.
Tim Schane officiating. Interment followed at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Logan Cobb, Telzy Joles, James Joles, Dawson Joles, Manuel
Flores and Jimmy Easley.
Mr. Joles was born in Midway on Jan. 4, 1923. He was a member of House of Praise
Church of God and was a retired iron worker. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army
serving during World War II in Japan and Guam.
Mr. Joles is survived by his wife, Mickie Joles of Corsicana; son and
daughter-in-law, Michael and Connie Joles of Corsicana; daughter and son-in-law,
Michelle and Jimmy Easley of Corsicana; grandchildren, Samantha Joles, Natalie
Joles and Kristal Joles. all of Corsicana; brothers, Telzy "Buddy" Joles, Dawson
Joles, James Joles and Steve Joles all of Corsicana; sisters, Roxie Brewer,
Barbara Tincher, Thelma Flores and Brenda Blakeslee, all of Corsicana; and
numerous nieces and nephews.
Mr. Joles was preceded in death by his father, Harry Joles; mother, Minnie
Kuykendall Joles; and sisters, Bankel Roberts, Hazel Shirley and Juanita
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home
William Allison Sawyer
Sep 12, 1878 - Sep 12, 1927
SAWYER, - Dawson, Navarro Co., Texas. - Sept. 16. - W. A. Sawyer, 49,
of the Rodney community, died in a Waco sanitarium and the funeral was held at
Rodney with burial in the Board Tree Cemetery. He had resided in the Rodney
community for thirty-seven years. Surviving are his wife and daughter and three
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- 1900 Nav. Co. census shows son of Jesse H. Sawyer - 1920 Nav. Co. census shows
his wife as Rose
James Thornon Workman
Aug 1, 1938 - May 17, 1998
James Workman, 59, of Tool, passed away Sunday, May 17, 1998 at his residence.
Services are 2 p.m. Wednesday at Griffin-Roughton Chapel. Interment will follow
at Rice Cemetery.
Pallbearers are John Muirhead, Greg Muirhead, Dave Stanford, Harold Burgett,
James Morris, David Brown, Lester Monsey and Paul Curry.
Mr. Workman was born in Malakoff on Aug. 1, 1938.
Mr. Workman is survived by his wife, Virginia Sue Workman of Tool; sons, James
Kevin Workman of Santa Rosa Beach, Fla., David Jason Workman of Grand Prairie;
daughters, Deborah Mahaffey of Irving, Lisa Sheilds of Grand Prairie; brother,
John Workman of Duncanville; sister, Ann Rogers of Hutchins; and five
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
William Glenn Stokes

Mar 9, 1857 - Jan 11, 1902
STOKES - Corsicana, Tex., Jan. 11 - Constable William Stokes of Cryer Creek died
at his home at 2 o'clock this morning.
Lawrence Tommy Payne

Apr 6, 1908 - May 4, 1998
Lawrence Payne, 89, of Corsicana, passed away Monday, May 4, 1998, in Corsicana.
Graveside services are 2 p.m. today at Younger Cemetery in Silver City, with
Bro. Bill Honea officiating.
Mr. Payne was born on June 8, 1908. He was a retired truck driver.
Mr. Payne is survived by his wife, Ruby Payne of Corsicana; niece, Wilma Adams
of Fairfield; sister-in-law, Fern Payne of Fairfield; and numerous nieces and
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Corsicana Daily Sun
- May 6, 1998
- TXDI: Payne, Lawrence Tommy; May 4, 1998; Navarro Co., TX; Male
Jim Harrell
Sep 18, 1941 - May 7, 1997
Jim Harrell of Corbet died May 7 at the Mexia Hospital.
Graveside services will be held today at 1 p.m. at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery with
Don Sawyer officiating.
Mr. Harrell was born September 18, 1941 in Graham.
Mr. Harrell is survived by his wife, Barbara Harrell of Corbet; son and
daughter-in-law, Randy and Cindy Beall of Big Sandy; daughters and sons-in-law
Patricia Gayle and Tim Halligan of Fort Worth and Marcia Renee and Bobby
Debenport of Keller; brother, Madison Dodd Harrell III of Chandler, Arizona;
sisters, Annette Sanders of Gainesville and Janice Brooks of Dripping Springs;
grandchildren, Crystal Beall, Casey Beall, Garrett Halligan; and a number of
nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Emily Waters
Jan 10, 1900 - May 8, 1997
Emily Waters, 97, of Corsicana, died at Columbia Navarro Regional Hospital.
Services will be held at 3:30 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with
Dr. David Hale officiating. Burial will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Gary Murphy, John Howard, Randy Howard, Alan Stewart, James
Jones, and Corey Crawford.
Emily Waters was born January 19, 1900 in Tupelo, Mississippi.
She is survived by her daughters, Dorothy Jones of Corsicana and Loraine Tucker
of Dallas; sisters, Jessie Blanchard of Gatesville and Hazel Moore of Joshua;
grandchildren, Jean and Roy Murphy, Joann and James Howard, Pat and Cecil Ellis,
James (Bud) Jones all of Navarro Mills, Judy and Jimmy Stewart, Pam and Bill
Crawford all of Corsicana, Phyllis Mann and Jimmy Reynolds of Alexandra, La.; 13
great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Debra Jean
(Easley) Spitler
Jan 12, 1957 - May 16, 1998
Debra Jean Spitler, 41, of Corsicana, passed away Saturday, May 16, 1998, in
Services are 3 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Chapel, with Sally Fleming
officiating. Interment will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers are Eric Risinger, Bobby Benner, Travis Bedsole, Elliott Mitchell,
Doug Fortenberry and Terry Gordon.
Mrs. Spitler is survived by her husband, Mike Spitler of Corsicana; son, Troy
Mahoney of Corsicana; daughters, Mindy Mahoney and Christy Mahoney of Corsicana;
stepdaughters, Melissa, Lori Ann, Christina, Jaimie and Kathy Lee Spitler, all
of Nixon; father, Kenneth Easley of Corsicana; mother, Juanita Reeves of
Corsicana; stepmother, Margaret Easley; grandmother, Mae Easley of Corsicana;
brothers, James, Tim, Danny, Steve and Randy Easley and Ken Guffey, all of
Dallas; sisters, Debra Kay Purcell, Donna Harmon and Darlene Guffey, all of
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Essie (Martin) Sawyer

Mar 18, 1903 - May 9, 1997
Mrs. David W. "Essie" Sawyer, 94, of Belton, died Friday, May 9, at Park Place
Manor Nursing Home at Belton.
Services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel.
Interment will follow at the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery at Retreat.
Mrs. Sawyer was born March 18, 1903 at Retreat, Texas. She was a former resident
of Fort Worth. She was a descendant of early landowners, the Martins and the
Donahos. She was married Dec. 1, 1918 to David Sawyer at Corsicana. She was a
founding member of Northside Baptist Church in Corsicana. Moving to Itasca in
1939, she became a member of Central Baptist Church, Itasca. After retiring,
their residence became Fort Worth, and their church, Travis Avenue Baptist
Church. Her mission in life was service and love for her husband, children,
grandchildren, loved ones, friends and acquaintances. If there were a definition
for Christian mother, and Lady, in the dictionary, it would easily read Mrs.
Essie Sawyer.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jewel Sawyer Wendorf, of Fort Worth, and
Mrs. Dorothy Sawyer, of Itasca; two sons, Roy L. Sawyer, of San Antonio, and
Donald L. Sawyer, of Belton; 10 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and two
She was preceded in death by her husband, Mr. David W. Sawyer; two sons, David
Thomas and Harold Stanley Sawyer; a grandson, H. L. (Hank) Wendorf III; one
sister and seven brothers.
Pallbearers will be Tom Wendorf, Mike Sawyer, Stacy Economides, Gregory Avestas,
David Sawyer, Sr., David Sawyer, Jr., Hal Sawyer and Beth Sawyer.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home
Margaret Eugenia (Smalling) Currey
Oct 29, 1912 - May 6, 1997
Margaret Eugenia Currey, 84, of Athens died May 6.
Services will be held today at 2 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Malakoff
with Rev. Max Dunks and Rev. Casey D. Perry officiating.
Burial will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday from 6
to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. Currey was born October 29, 1912 in Corsicana. She was a homemaker.
Mrs. Currey is survived by her husband, Willard Currey of Athens; a daughter,
Eugenia Bennett of Mesquite; a brother Edward Smalling of Jacksonville, Florida;
3 grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her parents Ralph and Maude Ashcraft Smalling.
Arrangements by Tomlinson Funeral Home of Malakoff.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Corsicana Daily Sun
- May 10, 1997
- w/o Willard Courtney Currey; d/o Ralph
Edward Smalling & Maude Ellen (Ashcraft) Smalling
Russell Henry Walker

May 16, 1915 - May 7, 1997
Russell Walker, 81, of Corsicana died May 7 at his residence.
Services will be today at 1 p.m. at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Bill
Honea and Tony Neal officiating. Burial will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Visitation will be Thursday and Friday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Pallbearers will be his grandsons.
Mr. Walker was born May 16, 1915 in Malakoff.
He is survived by his wife Charlotte Walker of Corsicana, daughter and
son-in-law, Joyce and Richard Rash of Corsicana; sons and daughters-in-law, Gene
and Joy Walker, Eddie and Dianna Walker of Ft.
Worth, and Wimp Childress of Corsicana; 12 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren
and a number of nieces and nephews.
He is preceded in death by his first wife, Lorene Swink Walker, parents Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Walker, and a brother G. V. Walker.
Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cedar Lake, the Mildred Baptist Church
Building Fund or the American Cancer Society.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Bettye Jo
(Barrett) Soape
May 2, 1933 - May 7, 1997
Bettye Jo Soape, 64, of Corsicana died May 7 at the Rembrandt Nursing Home.
Services will be today at 4 p.m. at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Frank
Upchurch officiating. Burial will follow at the
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Rob Linton, Jerry Hickson, Bob Moore, Charlie Smith, Herold
Mrs. Soape was born May 2, 1933 in Gordon, Texas. Mom lost the battle but won
the war.
Mrs. Soape is survived by her sons, Donald L. Soape, Jr. of Bedford and Jon D.
Bo Soape of Corsicana; daughters, Donna Jo Soape Loppe of Kansas City, Mo. and
Toni L. Soape of Milford; a brother, Bud E. Barrett of Corsicana; 11
She is preceded in death by her husband, Donald L. Soape in 1991 and brother
John O. Barrett.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Don Denbow
Nov 14, 1938 - May 4, 1998
Don Denbow, 59, of Weatherford, died at his residence Monday, May 4, 1998, after
a lengthy illness.
Memorial services are 11:30 a.m. Thursday at White's Chapel of Memories, with
The Rev. Fred A. Ryle, Jr., D. Min., pastor of Grace First Presbyterian Church of
Weatherford officiating.
Mr. Denbow was born in Minden, La. on Nov. 14, 1938. He moved to Texas as a
child and graduated Corsicana High School. He attended Navarro Junior College
and graduated from University of Texas Law School. He married Jane Streater in
1962. They lived in Wichita Falls where he began practicing law and moved to
Fort Worth in 1969 where he established a private law practice. He had been a
resident of Weatherford since 1971.
Mr. Denbow was past president of Tarrant County Trial Lawyers Association,
American Bar Association, life member and former director of Beefmasters
Breeder's Universal. He was an avid sportsman and frequent competitor in
sporting clay tournaments. He was president of Denbow Oil and Gas Company.
Mr. Denbow is survived by his wife, Jane Denbow of Weatherford; son, Dan Denbow
of San Antonio; mother-in-law, Vivian Streater of Granbury; and brothers-in-law,
Gerald Streater of Hurst and Dr. D.N. Streater of Houston.
Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society or Diabetes Foundation.
Arrangements by White's Funeral Homes, 130 Houston St., Weatherford.
Nealy Bundy Littlejohn
Dec 6, 1905 - May 5, 1998
Nealy B. Littlejohn, 92, of Ennis, died Tuesday, May 5, at Baylor Medical Center
in Ennis.
He was born Dec. 6, 1905 in Milford, the son of Cornelius and Mary Jane Croft
Littlejohn. He was reared in Milford where he attended school and was an
outstanding baseball catcher. As a young man he played semi-professional
baseball with the South Texas League and continued to play with area teams for
many years in Blooming Grove, Milford, Breckenridge and the Waco area. On Jan.
24, 1935 he married Nettie Marie McGraw of Blooming Grove. After their marriage,
they lived in Milford where he was a father and owner/operator of Littlejohn's
grocery, Feed and Seed Store. In 1995 they moved to Ennis. He was an Advent
Christian and attended Tabernacle Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife of Ennis; daughter and son-in-law, Joy and Wallace
Roberts of Ennis; sisters-in-law, Mildred Littlejohn of Everman, Viola
Littlejohn of Milford; brother-in-law, D.R. Colston of Ennis; nephew and wife,
John and Gwen Guess of Rochester, N.H.; niece and husband, Barbara and Jim Brand
of Everman; two step grandchildren and their spouses, David and Vicki Roberts of
San Marcos, Debbie and Eddie Zhanel of Ennis; and five great grandchildren,
Crystal, Cassie and Mitchell Roberts of San Marcos, Lauren and Seth Zhanel of
Graveside services are 2 p.m. Thursday in the Milford Cemetery, with Dr.
James Pool officiating.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6:30 - 8p.m. today.
Arrangements by J. E. Keever Mortuary, Ennis.
Liston Jasper Herod Jr.
Mar 14, 1940 - Apr 25, 2008
Liston J.
Herod Jr.
Liston J. Herod, Jr., 68, of Corsicana passed away on Friday, April 25, 2008, in
Corsicana. He was born on March 14, 1940, in Corsicana to Lula Mae and Liston
Herod Sr. He grew up in Corsicana, and graduated from Corsicana High School,
Navarro College, and Sam Houston State University. He married his high school
sweetheart, Peggy Jean Hamilton, in September 1961 and they were married for 47
years. After graduating from college Liston and Peggy returned to Corsicana to
raise their family.
He was a lifelong member of the First United Methodist
Church of Corsicana. He served his church and community in various leadership
roles. He was a trustee of Navarro College, and proudly served on the Navarro
College Foundation Board. He was a very loyal fan, and avid supporter of the
Navarro Bulldogs. He owned and operated Herod’s Radiator and Electric for many
years, and really enjoyed visiting with customers and friends at the shop. He
enjoyed spending time with family and friends at Twin Oaks Ranch.
services will be held at 3 p.m. today at First United Methodist Church with the
Rev. Mike Alexander and the Rev. Steve Moss officiating. Interment will follow
in the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Rudy Carroll, Bob Carroll,
Perry Murphy, Lary Reed, Robert Keathley, Lewis Orr, Harry Hudson, Gary Gober
and Bill Young. Honorary pallbearers will be his shop family: Kenny Guard, Ned
Balcom, Andy Balcom, Bettie Evans, Robin Ratliff and members of the Gray Tigers.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Liston J. Herod Sr. and Lula Mae Herod.
He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Peggy J. Hamilton Herod of Corsicana;
daughters and sons-in-law, Tina Herod and Mike Cain of Crawford and Jana Herod
and Leo Grimore of McKinney; grandsons, Blake Cain of College Station, Chase
Cain of Crawford, Jay Grimore of McKinney, and Brett Grimore of McKinney;
brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Shelia Herod of Corsicana; sister and
brother-in-law, Patricia Herod and Terry Partney of Grand Prairie; aunt, Inita
Jones of Tyler; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and a multitude of friends.
Memorial contributions may be made to First United Methodist Church, 320 N. 15th
St., Corsicana, TX 75110; or to the Navarro College Foundation, 3200 W. Seventh
Ave., Corsicana, TX 75110. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Liston Jasper Herod, Jr.
Liston J. Herod, Jr., 68, of Corsicana passed away on
Friday, April 25, 2008 in Corsicana. He was born on March
14, 1940 in Corsicana, Texas to Lula Mae and Liston Herod,
Sr. He grew up in Corsicana, and graduated from Corsicana
High School, Navarro College, and Sam Houston State
University. He married his high school sweetheart Peggy Jean
Hamilton in September of 1961 and they were married for 47
years. After graduating from college Liston and Peggy
returned to Corsicana to raise their family.
He was a lifelong member of the First United Methodist
Church of Corsicana. He served his church and community in
various leadership roles. He was a trustee of Navarro
College, and proudly served on the Navarro College
Foundation Board. He was a very loyal fan, and avid
supporter of the Navarro Bulldogs. He owned and operated
Herod's Radiator & Electric for many years, and really
enjoyed visiting with customers and friends at the shop. He
enjoyed spending time with family and friends at the Twin
Oaks Ranch.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Saturday,
April 26, 2008 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will
be held at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at First
United Methodist Church with the Rev. Mike Alexander and
Rev. Steve Moss officiating. Interment will follow in the
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Rudy Carroll, Bob Carroll, Perry Murphy,
Larry Reed, Robert Keathley, Lewis Orr, Harry Hudson, Gary
Gober, and Bill Young. Honorary Pallbearers will be his shop
family; Kenny Guard, Ned Balcom, Andy Balcom, Bettie Evans,
Robin Ratliff and members of the Gray Tigers.
He was preceded in death by his Parents; Liston J. & Lula
Mae Herod, Sr.
He is survived by his Wife of 47 years; Peggy J. Hamilton
Herod of Corsicana, Daughters & Sons-in-Law; Tina Herod &
Mike Cain of Crawford, TX. and Jana Herod & Leo Grimore of
McKinney, TX., Grandsons; Blake Cain of College Station,
Chase Cain of Crawford, Jay Grimore of McKinney, and Brett
Grimore of McKinney, Brother & Sister-in-Law; Robert &
Shelia Herod of Corsicana, Sister & Brother-in-Law; Patricia
Herod & Terry , Aunt; Inita Jones of Tyler, numerous nieces,
nephews, cousins, and a multitude of friends.
Memorial Contributions may be made to First United Methodist
Church, 320 N. 15th Street, Corsicana, Texas 75110 or to the
Navarro College Foundation, 3200 W. 7th Avenue, Corsicana,
Texas 75110. |
- Corley Funeral Home
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
h/o Peggy Jean (Hamilton) Herod s/o
Liston Jasper Herod, Sr. and Lula Mae (Holland) Herod
Linnie Kate (Wyant) Ledwell
Feb 27, 1935 - Apr 25, 2008
Kate Wyant Ledwell
Linnie Kate Wyant Ledwell, 73, of Frost passed away Friday, April
25, 2008 in Fort Worth. Visitation is 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley
Funeral Home. Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Corley Funeral Home
Chapel with the Rev. Donald Smith officiating. Interment will follow
at Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Thomas Hamilton, Daniel
Chavez, Caleb Alcorn, Michael Coker, Dan Coker, Roy Ledwell, Gary
Plant and Darrel Plant. She was preceded in death by a daughter,
Diana Lee Ledwell. Survivors include her husband, Lee Daniel Ledwell
of Frost; daughter, Debra Chavez of Frost; son, Jimmy Ledwell of
Houston; daughters and sons-in-law, Patricia and Thomas Hamilton of
Corpus Christi, Deana and Mike Alcorn of Santa Fe, N.M. and Melissa
and Dwayne Holman of Frost; sister, Ida Prickett of Baytown; 10
grandchildren; six great grandchildren. Arrangements by Corley
Funeral Home. |
Linne Kate Wyant Ledwell
Linne Kate Wyant Ledwell passed away in Fort Worth, Texas on
April 15, 2008. She was born on February 27, 1935 in Powell, Texas.
She is survived by her husband Lee Daniel Ledwell of Frost, her daughter Debbie
Chavez of Frost, her son Jimmy Ledwell of Houston, her daughter and son-in-law
Patricia and Thomas Hamilton of Corpus Christi, daughter and son-in-law Deana
and Mike Alcorn of Santa Fe, Daughter and son-in-law Melissa and Dwayne Holman
of Frost, sister Ida Prickett of Baytown, Ten Grandchildren, and Six Great
She was preceded in death by her daughter Diana Lee Ledwell.
A Funeral Service will be held at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel in Corsicana on
Monday, April 28, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.
Visitation will be at Corley Funeral Home on Sunday,
Norman Desmond
Apr 4, 1934 - Apr 27, 2008
Norman Desmond Nichols
Norman Desmond Nichols, beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather, went
to be with his Lord on April 27, 2008 at the age of 74 in Corsicana. He was born
in Corsicana on April 4, 1934 to Kenny Vernon Nichols and Ruby Mae
Rogers-Nichols. He graduated from Corsicana High School, then entered the U.S.
Army and served during the Korean War as a
sergeant for the 21st Infantry Regiment. He was honorably discharged in 1956. He
joined the Dallas Police Department and earned his Bachelor of Science in Law
Enforcement in 1972. Upon retiring in 1984 as lieutenant, he later became active
with the American Legion, serving as Commander. He is preceded in death by his
father, Kenny V. Nichols, mother Ruby Mae Nichols, brother Kenney Vernon Nichols
and wife Carolyn Nichols. Norman is survived by son Michael D. Nichols and wife
Diane and sons Christopher, Matthew and Jonathan; daughter Sharon Morris and her
husband John, their daughter Shannon and her husband Jason and daughter Sydney;
daughter Norma Calvert and husband Warren; daughter Ashley Golden and her
husband Jeff and their sons Logan and Landon; and daughter Valerie Nichols and
Kay Nichols. Visitation is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home in Corsicana. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home followed by interment at
Dresden Cemetery. The family wishes
to extend its sincere thanks to Navarro Regional Hospital and the staff at
Heritage Oaks West and Family First Hospice. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home.
- Published in the Corsicana Daily Sun
on 4/28/2008
- CHS Class of abt 1952 [cant locate in yearbooks]
Essie Jewel
(Sawyer) Wendorf

Oct 4, 1919 - May 8, 2008
Jewel Wendorf, 88, passed from this life Thursday, May 8, 2008.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Monday at Connell Baptist Church. Interment:
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in
Retreat, near Corsicana. Visitation: 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday at Greenwood Funeral
Mrs. Wendorf's casketbearers will be Brandon Anthony, Honorable Sean Finn, Bob
Moseley, Steve Sawyer, Hank Wendorf and Lane Wendorf.
Jewel was born Oct. 4, 1919, in Corsicana to the late David W. and Essie Martin
Sawyer. She graduated in the top 10 in her class from Corsicana Senior High
School. She was employed by Lone Star Gas Co. as a secretary and cashier until
she married H.L. Wendorf Jr. on Sept. 14, 1939. Jewel was a stay-at-home mother
until her sons graduated from high school; then she went to work for Harrell
Realty for the next 15 years.
She was a member of Connell Baptist Church, officer and past president of South
High Mount PTA and first vice president of Fort Worth City Council PTA, and she
served on various committees at Connell Baptist Church.
She was a devoted wife and mother, who enjoyed her grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. Jewel's greatest loves in life were her family, her many
cherished friends and watching Dallas Mavericks games.
Jewel was preceded in death by her husband, H.L. Wendorf Jr.; son, H.L. "Hank"
Wendorf III; two brothers; and one sister.
Survivors: Son, David Thomas Wendorf; grandchildren, Melissa Wendorf Miller,
Robert Lane Wendorf and wife, Katie, Henry Louis Wendorf IV and wife, Caleen,
Stefanie Anthony and husband, Brandon, and Melissa; Lane and Hank's mother,
Diane Wendorf; great-grandchildren, Jackson, Delaney, Lucas, Corbyn, Kaitlyn,
Abigayle, Mykenzie, Landon and Logan; brothers, Roy Sawyer and wife, Dorothy,
and Don Sawyer; and numerous nieces and nephews.