Foster Smith
Aug 19, 1908 - Nov 18, 1953
Saturday Rites For W. F. Smith
KERENS, Nov. 20. - (Spl.) -Wayne Foster Smith, 45, native of Kerens was found dead in his home in Trinidad Wednesday night.
Gordon McLain of Malakoff, justice of the peace, returned a coroner's verdict of death from gunshot wounds, self-inflicted.
A single-shot .22 calibre rifle was found under the body.
Henderson county officers said the new gun was believed to have been
purchased in Corsicana and a new box of shells with only one shell
missing was found near the body.
Two notes were left, Deputy Sheriff Ras Warren of Athens said.
Funeral services will be held from the First Presbyterian church in
Kerens Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the
Kerens cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Trinidad; a son, Irby Joe Smith, Waco;
mother, Mrs. Winnie Smith, Fluvanna; sister, Mrs. Jim Norton,
Fluvanna, and two grandchildren.
He was the son of the late E. J. Smith.
Smith was a foreman for the Austin Building Company, and formerly
was employed in Corpus Christi.
Pallbearers will be Watt Trotman, C. W.Bramlett, George Uhrich, J.
C. Peebles, all of Trinidad; T. L. Whorton, C. I. Coates, J. L.
Whorton, Jr., and Whit Scarborough, all of Kerens.
Inmon Funeral Home will direct.
(Towns) Wilson
Apr 5, 1866 - Jul 12, 1953
Services Tuesday For Mrs. Wilson
Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Wilson, 87, Route 5, Corsicana,
Hester community, who died Sunday night, were held from the McCammon
Chapel Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Bill Perdue, Baptist minister.
Burial was in the Kerens cemetery.
Mrs. Wilson had made her home for years with a niece, Mrs. J. B.
Towns, Jr.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Ella Chester, Beaumont, and a number of
nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Lee Holsey, Barry Holsey, Bob Towns, John B.Towns,
Tom Weaver and Fritz Kenner.
Feb 20, 1953 - Oct 24, 1953
Rites For Infant Held At Kerens
KERENS, Oct. 26 - (Spl) - Funeral services were held Sunday at 3 p.m. at
the First Baptist church of Kerens for Angelique Floyd,
eight-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Floyd, Jr., of
The infant died Saturday morning a the Hillcrest Memorial Hospital
in Waco after an illness of several months. The 19-year-old father,
Navarro county's second polio case of the year, has been
hospitalized in Waco since early September.
Rev. M. O. Davis officiated at the service. Burial was in the
Kerens cemetery under
direction of Inmon Funeral Home of Kerens.
Survivors in addition to the parents, are her paternal grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Floyd, Sr., Kerens; maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Parker, Kerens; great grandparents, Mrs. Mrs. Jake
Floyd, Corsicana, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, Kerens, and J. H.
Parker, Kerens; her great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna Mabry,
Pallbearers were Jimmy Jake Floyd, Donald Barnett, Jimmy Tyner,
Charles (Sonny) Newsome, Wilmer Bain, Otis Spurlock and Doug Howell.
Clinton Phezell Floyd, Sr.
Jan 9, 1913 - Dec 23, 1971
C. P. Floyd
KERENS - Funeral arrangements for Clinton P. Floyd, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Floyd of Kerens, are pending here with Paschal
Funeral Home.
Floyd was killed Thursday outside his home in Dallas when he was
struck by a pickup truck.
Survivors include his widow the former Carolyn Day of Kerens, and
two sons, Clint Floyd of Trinidad and Jimmy Jake Floyd of Dallas.
Charlie F.
Jul 25, 1892 - Jul 1, 1953
World War Vet Services Friday
KERENS, July 3. - (Spl.) - Charlie Davis, 61,
World War 1 veteran,
long-time Kerens resident, died in the Legion hospital at Kerrville
Wednesday following an extended illness.
Funeral services were held from the Inmon Funeral Chapel Friday at
11 a.m., with burial in the
Kerens cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Thomas Tribble, pastor of the First
Methodist church.
Surviving are a brother, Willie W. Davis, Kerrville, and other
Pallbearers were Woodrow Massey, Carmer Dannalley, Pete Paschal,
Eddie Burr, Jess McClung and B. H. Mask, all members of the American
Jacob Berger
Sep 10, 1861 - Dec 21, 1953
Jacob Berger, 92, Austria Native, Expires Monday
Jacob Berger, 92, native of Vienna, Austria, retired banker, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Louis Wolens, North Twenty-second
street and Belmont Drive, Monday afternoon following an extended
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Wednesday at
11 a.m. Burial will be in the Hebrew cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rabbi Joseph N. Shapiro of Agudas Achim Congregation.
Works for Books
When about 12 years of age, the lad agreed to sweep out a book store
during the remainder of the school year if the proprietor would let
him read "Twenty Leagues Under the Sea" and "Golden Bridge".
At the age of 14, the emigrant boy was sent alone to America to earn
his heart's desire of seeing the Golden Gate at San Francisco, but
he did not see that sight until 13 years ago after he became an
invalid and was taken to the Pacific Coast by Mr. and Mrs. Wolens.
Organizer of Bank
After working in New York, he sought to purchase a ticket to San
Francisco, and put his money in the ticket window. He was given a
tick to St. Louis, but did not realize that until he reached St.
Louis. He was taken in by a Jewish family with whom he resided
several years later marring a daughter of his benefactor 71 years
He organized the first B'nai B'rith in St. Louis, and later
organized and was president of the City National Bank in St. Louis
following several years selling tinware and insurance. He also
served as vice president of the Liberty Central Trust Company and
promoted the consolidated railroad terminal in St. Louis and was
vice president of the First National Bank in St. Louis when he
retired because of his health 19 years ago and came to Corsicana to
make his home.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, eight children; Mrs. Wolens,
Corsicana; Mrs. Meyer Franks and Ralph Berger, both of Tyler; Harry
and Dave Berger, and Mrs. E. Klaman, all of St. Louis; Joe Berger,
Indianapolis, and Chester Berger, Miami Beach, Fla., and a number of
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Robert Werner, Max Rosenblum, Max Wolens, Jay
Silverberg, Dean Milkes, Gabe Goldberg, Louie Levy and Sidney
Retired Banker Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Jacob Berger, 92, retired banker, were held
from the McCammon chapel Wednesday 1t 11 a.m. Burial was in the
Hebrew cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rabbi Joseph Shapiro of Agudas Achim
Berger died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Louis Wolens, North
Twenty-second street and Belmont Drive.
Native of Vienna, Austria, he came to America when 14 years of age
and later went to St. Louis, where he was a salesman, organized a
bank and at the time of his retirement 19 years ago because of his
health, was a vice president of the First National Bank of St.
Louis. He organized the first B'nani B'rith in St. Louis.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana to whom he was married 71 years
ago; eight children, Mrs. Wolens, Corsicana; Mrs. Meyer Franks and
Ralph Berger, both of Tyler; Harry and Dave Berger and Mrs. E.
Klaman, all of St. Louis; Joe Berger, Indianapolis, and Chester
Berger, Miami Beach, Fla.; and a number of grandchildren and
Pallbearers were Robert Werner, Max Rosenblum, Max Wolens, Jay
Silverberg, Dean Milkes, Gabe Goldberg, Louis Leby and Sidney
Rebecca (Silvester) Berger
Jun 12, 1864 - May 13, 1956
Mrs. Berger, 91, Expires Sunday; Funeral Tuesday
Mrs. Rebecca Berger, 91, widow of the late Jacob Berger, died in
Memorial Hospital Sunday following a four-day illness.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the McCammon
Funeral Home Chapel with burial in the family plot in the
Hebrew cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rabbi Joseph N. Shapiro of Agudas Achim
Mrs. Berger was born, Jun. 12, 1864, in Poland and came to America
when eight years of age and resided in St. Louis most of her life
until moving to Corsicana 20 years ago to make her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Louis Wolens. Mr. Berger died two and one-half years
ago. The couple celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary several
years ago.
Surviving are four sons, Joseph Berger, St. Louis; Chester Berger,
Miami Beach, Fla., and Ralph Berger, Tyler; two daughters, Mrs.
Meyer E. Franks, Tyler, and Mrs. Wolens, Corsicana; seven
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
The family requests no flowers.
Pallbearers will be Jay Marvin Wolens, Dean Milkes, Norman Sider,
Herbert Lee Silverberg, Max Rosenblum and Gabe Goldberg.
Steven Lee
May 12, 1948 - Apr 17, 1953
Sunday Services For Steven Rosen
Funeral services for Steven Lee Rosen, four, who died at Memorial
Hospital Friday morning, were held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at
11 a.m. Burial was in the
Hebrew cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rabbi Joseph N. Shapiro of Agudas Achim
Surviving are his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Rosen, 1100 West
Seventh avenue, and a brother, David, all of Corsicana;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Brown, Leesville, La., and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. Marvin Wolens, Sidney Gottlieb, Gus Gappleburg,
and Sylvan Brustein.
Dr. Rosen is a radiologist of Memorial Hospital.
Wilson Burnett
Jun 2, 1918 - Dec 20, 1936
Loyd Wilson Burnett, aged 18 years, was found dead at the family
home, two miles south of Roane, Sunday shortly after noon. Death
occurred between 10 o'clock Sunday morning and the time the body was
discovered. A pistol was nearby.
Deputy Sheriff J. M. Westbrook and Judge W. T. McFadden conducted an
investigation and a coroner's verdict of "death by gunshot wounds,
self-inflicted," was returned by Judge McFadden. Officers reported
that the youth apparently stood before a mirror and fired a pistol
bullet into his chest.
The funeral rites will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
with interment in the
Bazette cemetery. The services will be held at the Bazette
Baptist church.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. G. W. Burnett, Roane; two brothers,
Ed Burnett, Houston, and Alton Burnett, Roane; and two sisters, Mrs.
Margaret Bell, St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Opal Gowan, Chatfield.
Funeral arrangements are to be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Roane Youth Buried Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Lloyd Wilson Burnett, aged 18 years, who was
found dead at the family home near Roane Sunday, were held from the
Bazette Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with
interment in the Bazette
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Redwine, Kerens
Baptist minister.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. G. W. Burnett, Roane, two brothers,
Ed Burnett, Houston and Alton Burnett, Roane; and two sisters, Mrs.
Margaret Bell, St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Opal Gowan, Chatfield.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
George Washington Burnett
Feb 23, 1885 - Mar 3, 1934
ROANE, March 8 - (Spl.) - The many friends of Mrs. George Burnett were
grief-stricken to hear of his sudden death. Mr. Burnett had been
sick only a few days. To his wife he was a devoted husband and to
his children a loyal father. Besides a host of friends to mourn his
loss were the following; Mrs. Nora Burnett, wife, five children,
Opal, Edward, Margaret, Alton and Loyd all of Roane. The funeral
services were conducted by the Rev. W. E. Wood and interment was
made in the Bazette cemetery.
Funeral services for George W. Burnett, aged 49 years,
native of Tennessee, but resident of Navarro county 30
years, who died at his home in the Roane community Saturday
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock after a short illness with
pneumonia, were held from the Bazette Baptist church Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with burial in the Bazette cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. R. E. Woods, Baptist
Surviving are his wife Mrs. Nora Burnett, formerly Miss Nora
Lonon; two daughters, Misses Opal and Hargett Burnett, three
sons, Ed, Alton and Lloyd Burnett, all of the Roane
community; a brother, Robert Burnett, Milford, and a sister,
Mrs. Bettie Turon, Plainview.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland - McCammon
Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Mar 5, 1934
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- Sister
Betty Turman's death certificate says d/o Griffin Burnett-
brother Robert David Burnett says s/o Ira Burnett and Virginia
Davis - George's says s/o G. Burnett and Jennie Davidson- so
assume George is s/o Ira Griffin Burnett, Jr. & Virginia
"Jennie" (Davidson/Davis) Burnett - I. G. Burnett is buried in
Milford cemetery, Milford, TX
John T. Finley
Dec 1, 1865 - Feb 13, 1930
KERENS, Feb. 14. - (SP) - Jno. Finley, aged 64 years, well known here,
died at his home Thursday morning after an illness of five days from
He was a member of the I. O. O. F. and Masonic lodges a number of
years. He is survived by his wife and three children, also two
brothers and three sisters, and numerous nieces and nephews. Burial
was in the Bazette cemetery Friday afternoon.
(Fleming) Lonon
Mar 8, 1877 - Jun 21, 1965
Tuesday Rites For Mrs. Lonon
Funeral services for Mrs. J. P. Lonon, 88, native of Mississippi,
resident of the Roane community for 75 years, were held Tuesday at
1:30 p.m. in the Corley chapel, with burial in the
Bazette cemetery.
She died at Paulyne's Convalescent home Monday morning.
The rites were conducted by Rev. David Hale of Roane.
Surviving are a son, John W. Lonon, Fort Worth; four grandchildren,
John W. Lonon, Jr., Carter Lonon, Mrs. Nell Hickson, and Mrs. R. E.
Foster, all of Fort Worth; a brother, L. J. Fleming, Tyler; three
sisters, Mrs. Daisy Franklin, Mrs. Annie Kerr, and Mrs. Ethel
Youngblood, all of Tyler.
Pallbearers were Alton Thomason, George Owens, Bealon Ware, Delmer
Ware, Tom Moore and LeRoy Bonner.
Bryan D.
Jan 12, 1898 - Dec 9, 1949
Angus Veteran Dies In Hospital; Funeral Sunday
Bryant D. Turner, aged 54 years, of Angus, died in the Veterans
Hospital, Lisbon, Friday. He was a veteran of
WWI Veteran.
Funeral services are planned from the Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor of the
Westminister Presbyterian church.
Surviving are his wife and a son, Walter Turner, both of Angus.
Seth Lloyd
Jan 23, 1892 - Nov 25, 1952
Seth L. Story Rites Wednesday
Seth L. Story, 60, life-long Angus resident, and long-time rural
mail carrier, died at his home Tuesday afternoon following an
extended illness.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the McCammon
Chapel. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of the Black
Hills Methodist circuit, and Dr.Chet C. Henson, pastor of the First
Methodist church. He was a member of the Pleasant Grove Methodist
church and First Methodist Brotherhood class.
He was the son of the late Mrs. And Mrs. John D. Story, pioneer
Navarro county residents.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; two daughters, Mrs. Norman Andrews,
Kilgore, and Mrs. Roy Fredricksen, Port Arthur; three sisters, Mrs.
Herbert Soape and Mrs. B. R. Thomas, both of Port Arthur and Mrs.
Clarence Harris Edinburgh; one granddaughter and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Walter Hendon, Wesley Edens, Sr.; Art Martin,
Walter Stewart, Allen Breithaupt, Jim Cobb, Roe English, Otho
Vaughn, Tom Ware and J. L. Jackson.
John D. Story
May 29, 1863 - May 18, 1935
Funeral services for John D. Story, 71, pioneer ginner, civic,
religious and political leader of Navarro county, who died at his
home in Angus community Saturday morning at 4:15 o'clock, were held
from the First Methodist church here Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Clark,
pastor of the Pleasant Grove Methodist church of which Mr. Story had
been a member since boyhood; Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First
Methodist church, and Dr. C. R. Gray, presiding elder of the
Corsicana Methodist district.
Mr. Story was born in Henderson county, Tennessee, but had resided
in Navarro county since two years of age. He had been a ginner for
48 years and was president of Navarro county school board at the
time of his death. He had been a member of the county school board
since 1912 and was the first president of the organization. Mr.
Story was superintendent of the Pleasant Grove Methodist church
Sunday school for many years, but had been a member of the
Brotherhood class of the First Methodist church the past several
years. He was married to Miss Addie Love Swearingen, Jan. 16, 1890.
Mrs. Story died several years ago.
Surviving are a son, Seth Story, Angus; three daughters, Mrs.
Herbert Soape, Angus; Mrs. Clarence Harris, Minerva, and Mrs. B. R.
Thomas, Angus; four sisters, Mrs. Maggie Gattis, Rising Star; Mrs.
Lennie Nealy, Corsicana; Mrs. M. M. Smith, Waco, and Mrs. T. J.
Garner, Corsicana, and five grandchildren.
Active pallbearers were D. C. Bray, H. M. Pritchard, J. L. Jackson,
Guy M. Gibson, A. E. Haslam, and W. M. Huff.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
Singers were Mrs. Boyce Martin, Mrs. A. L. Absher, H. E. Metcalf and
E. F. Hearn.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, May 20, 1935
- h/o Adaline Love "Addie" (Swearingen) Story married Jan
16, 1890; s/o Francis Marion Story & Zilpha Ann (Young) Story
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
John D. Story, aged 71, native of Tennessee, but resident of Navarro county since two years of age, prominent civic,
political, business and church leader of the county for many years, died at his home in the Angus community Saturday morning
at 4:15 o'clock and the funeral will be held from the Union Church at Angus Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with burial in the
Hamilton Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. H. B. Clark, pastor of the Pleasant Grove Methodist church; Rev. T.
Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist church here, and Dr. C. R. Gray, presiding elder of the Corsicana Methodist district.
Mr. Story was the president of the first Navarro county school board and was president at the time of his death. He had been a
member of the board since 1912, Mr. Story was a prominent ginner and had been engaged in the gin business for 48 years.
Joining the Pleasant Grove Methodist church when a boy, Mr. Story kept his membership in that church until his death and was
superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. After retiring from active Sunday school work, he was a member of the
Brotherhood class of the First Methodist church Sunday school for a number of years.
Born in Tennessee.
He was born in Henderson county, Tennessee, May 29, 1863. He was married to Miss Addie Love Swearingen, Jan, 16, 1890. Mrs. Story
passed away several years ago.
Surviving are a son, Seth Story, Angus; three daughters, Mrs. Herbert Soape, Angus; Mrs. Clarence Harris, Minerva, and Mrs. B.
R. Thomas, Angus; four sisters, Mrs. Maggie Gattis, Rising Star; Mrs. Lennie Nealy, Corsicana; Mrs. M. M. Smith, Waco, and Mrs.
T. J. Garner, Corsicana, and four grandchildren.
Active pallbearers will be D. C. Bray, H. M. Pritchard, J. L. Jackson, Guy M. Gibson, A. E. Haslam, and W. M. Huff.
Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Resolutions Adopted On John D. Story
The following resolutions in memory of the late John D. Story were adopted on Sunday, June 2, by the Brotherhood class of the
Sunday school of the First Methodist church, of which he was a member.
All writes of the history of the early settlement of the West and Southwest particularly refer to the rugged individuality developed by those who pioneered this area, Men and Women who
made good developed rugged, strong, individual characters so outstanding as to call for especial comment and greatly admired
by all who knew them. The high development of these characteristics became noticeable facts because the environment
was such as to require the constant exercises of these exemplary virtues. Forty or 50 years ago men did not have to fight the
Indians nor endure many of the hardships of the early settlers but they had a harder and meaner antagonist.
Those who were outstanding for educational and spiritual values had a greater fight to make than did their forebears who fought
the wilds of the prairie.
During this period of our development came John D. Story, a member of our Brotherhood Class, who died in his home May 18,
1945, at the age of 71 years. And for 50 years he was known and loved by many for his active interest in those real values of
life-Christian education and Christian religion. He not only stood for these high things, as many stand for them, but he
fought for them when the fighting was hard an unpopular. His was an outstanding character with respect to these noble virtues.
This class has suffered loss and his noble character is worth of emulation. And as it is written of old times that
"Enoch walked
with God and God took him, " so can we with sincerity say that John D. Story came very close to walking with his Maker during
his life and God took him.
This statement of our class is given as a memorial of his great character and is respectfully submitted by your committee.
This statement of our class is given as a memorial of his great character and is respectfully submitted by your committee.
This, the 2nd day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1935.
Aug 18, 1908 - Jul 1, 1975
Stephen Palmeri
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Stephen Palmeri, 66, of Corsicna, who died
Tuesday morning in Memorial Hospital.
Rev. Frank Williams will officiate with burial in the
He was a native of Lake Charles, La., and had lived in Corsicana for
55 years. He was also a veteran of
World War II and a member of St.
Luke's United Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Stephen Palmeri of Corsicana; one
son, David Ferrell of Woodville; three grandchildren; five brothers,
Joe Palmeri, Rudolph Palmeri, and Donald Palmeri, all of Corsicana;
and Billy Palmeri of Garland and Sammy Palmeri of Waco; two sisters,
Mrs. Sam Nagy and Mrs. A. W. Smith, both of Corsicana; and a number
of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be B. P. Lindsey, Euliss Simmons, Elmer Trapp, Ed
Parker, Otis Moffitt, and Quincy Hazelwood.
Jesse Edwin
Sep 8, 1875 - Jul 24, 1953
J. E. Ponder Dies Friday Morning
J. E. Ponder, 76, former Corsicana resident, died in Kingsville
Friday morning.
Funeral services will be held at the
Dawson cemetery Saturday
at 4 p.m. The rites will be conducted by Dr. D. A. Chisholm,
superintendent of the Corsicana Methodist district.
Ponder had resided in Kingsville the past three years. He made his
home in Corsicana for a number of years and formerly resided at
Richland and Dawson.
Surviving are his wife of Kingsville; three daughters, Mrs. Freda
Liddell, Corsicana; Mrs. Ernestine Wall, Houston, and Mrs. Edwina
Lassiter, Kingsville;; a sister, Mrs. J. C. Edwards, Dawson; a
brother, Roy Ponder, Dawson, and other relatives.
Corley will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, July 24, 1953
- h/o Lula Lee (Vinson) Ponder; s/o Jesse Riggs Ponder &
Mary Theresa (Shields) Ponder buried in Younger cemetery
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Rose Lee (Young)
Sep 6, 1884 - Dec 25, 1953
Mrs. R. L. Spence Rites Saturday
Mrs. Rosa Lee Spence, 69, Route 5, Ennis, died in the Ennis Memorial
Hospital early Friday morning.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Saturday at 2 p.m.
Burial was in the Rice cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Hubert A. Lawary, Hopewell Assembly
of God church, and Rev. Daniel Neal, Wilmer Assembly of God pastor.
Surviving are three sons, Earl Gallaway, J. C. and W. D. Spence, all
of Rice; two daughters, Mrs. C. E. Patterson and Mrs. O. F. Shue,
both of Lancaster; 12 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; six
brothers, Will and Dave Young both of Schall, Ark.; Harrison Young,
Ennis; Duffie Young, Lone Grove, Okla.; Buddy Young, Marietta,
Okla.; Fred Young, Oakland, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Ben Porter,
Nashville, Ark., and Mrs. Kelly Johnson, Lockesburg, Ark., and other
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Dec 26, 1953
- 1st husband Jasper Callaway 2nd husband Jabez Curry
"Jabe" Spence married Dec. 12, 1918 d/o William "Bill" Young & Omelia (Jester) Young per Rootsweb (Amelia (Roberts) Young per
death certificate)
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Ethelene (Bates) Green
Jul 14, 1929 - Jun 26, 1952
Saturday Rites For Mrs. Green
KERENS, June 27 - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Mrs. Richard Green, 23,
Houston, former Kerens resident, who died Thursday night in the P.
and S. Hospital, Corsicana, after a short illness, will be held
Saturday at 10 a.m. from the First Baptist Church, Kerens, with
burial in the Kerens cemetery.
The services will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Davis, Kerens, and the
Rev. J. W. Osley, Waco.
She is survived by her husband, Houston; parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Bates, Kerens; three sisters, Mrs. Homer Bobbitt, Kerens; Mrs. Paul
Harrell, Houston; Mrs. Harvey Lee Duncan, Athens; two brothers, W.
P. Bates, Jr., Houston; and J. R. Bates, Kerens, and eight nieces
and nephews.
The Inmon funeral home will direct.
Mar 9, 1904 - Mar 27, 1952
A. Alamendarez Rites Saturday
KERENS, March 28. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Alfredo Almendarez,
48, who died suddenly Thursday morning, will be held Saturday at 10
a.m., in the Inmon Funeral Home at Kerens. The Rev. Woodrow Bohanon
will officiate. Burial will be in
Kerens Cemetery.
Alamendarez died at his home on the W. S. Price farm west of Kerens.
He had lived there 31 years.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alfredo Alamendarez, Kerens; two
sons, Cpl. Alfredo Alamendarez, Jr., U. S. Army, stationed at Ft.
Leonard Wood, Mo.; Bobby Alamendarez, Kerens; three brothers, Frank
Alamendarez, Dallas; Joe and Christine Alamendarez, both of Chicago.
Pallbearers will be L. H. Carroll, Jr., Carmer Dannelley, E. K.
Howell, Clyde Andrews, M. J. Crawford and W. S. Price, Jr.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, Mar 28, 1952
- h/o Stella (Mora) Alamendarez married Mar 10, 1928 in
Navarro county assumed; s/o Cristino Alamendez & Octaviano (unk)
- Submitted by Diane Richards
William Ernest "Bill"
Scott, Sgt.
abt 1910 - Sep 25, 1951
Sgt. Bill Scott Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Sgt. Bill Scott, 42, who died in a Korea
hospital, Sep. 25, last year, will be held from the Inmon Funeral
Chapel in Kerens at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. O. H. Griffith of Longview.
Burial will be in the Kerens
Sgt. Scott, a veteran of
World War II, had been in the Army 15 years.
The body is scheduled to arrive in Kerens Tuesday afternoon over the
Cotton Belt System passenger train.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Scott, Kerens; a son, Billy Hewitt
Scott, Kerens; mother Mrs. Rose Scott, Kerens; four brothers, Robert
and Johnny Scott, Arlington, and Sloan Scott, Hawthorne, Calif.; and
three sisters, Mrs. Clarence Henderson, Round Prairie; Mrs. Clyde
Blakney, San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. H. T. Trent, Arcadia, Calif.
Heath Massey
Mar 27, 1906 - Feb 22, 1952
C. H. Massey Rites In Kerens Sunday
KERENS, Feb. 25. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Clarence Heath Massey,
45, were held from the First Methodist church here at 3 p.m. Sunday
with burial in the Kerens
Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. F. Smith, pastor,
assisted by Rev. R. C. Linder, pastor of the Presbyterian church.
Massey, a native of Corsicana, died at his home in Hico Friday night
following a lingering illness. He was reared in Kerens, but had
resided at Hico for many years.
Surviving are his wife, Jenette, Massey; a son Ronald Massey, and a
daughter, Patricia Massey, all of Hico; mother, Mrs. R. B. Massey,
Kerens; three brothers, A. H. Massey, Houston; Rufus B. Massey, Long
Beach, Calif., and William C. Massey, Pacific Grove, Calif.; a
sister, Mrs. Mary Butler, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Sidney Westbrook, Tillman Reed, T. M. Shelton, Jr.,
R. J. Huggins, Foy Scarbrough and Roland Shelton.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
Mary Virginia (Floyd) Inmon
Jan 3, 1875 - Dec 24, 1953
Kerens Pioneer Rites Saturday
KERENS, Dec. 26, (Spl.) - Funeral services for Mrs. J. N. Inmon, 78,
life-long Kerens resident, were held Saturday at 10 a.m. from the
First Methodist church of which she was a member. Burial was in the
Kerens cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Carrol Thompson, Mart, former
pastor of the First Methodist church here, and Rev. Thomas Tribble,
Mrs. Inmon died at the family home here Thursday.
Daughter of the late J. T. and Josephine Floyd, pioneer residents of
this section. She was married to J. N. Inmon, January 5. 1896
Surviving are her husband of Kerens, a son, Joe Nelson Inmon,
Dallas; four daughters, Miss Ethel Inmon, Kerens; Mrs. Robert
Bristow, Palestine; Mrs. W. A. Wagner and Miss Carrie Inmon, both of
Dallas; a brother, Lee Floyd, Kerens; two grandchildren, Mrs. B. J.
Knott and Annette Inmon, both of Dallas; a great-grandson, John
Knott, Dallas, and other relatives.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Dec 26, 1953
- w/o James Newton Inmon married Jan. 5, 1896 d/o John
Tucker Floyd, Colonel and Josephine H. (Clements) Floyd buried
in Long Prairie cemetery
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Newton Inmon
Jul 30, 1873 - Oct 22, 1957
J. N. Inmon Dies Keren Tuesday, Rites Wednesday
KERENS, Oct. 22 - (Spl.) - J. N. Inmon, 84, died Tuesday at 10 a.m. at
his home here. His wife, Mary, preceded him in death Dec. 23, 1953.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the First
Methodist church. The Rev. Carroll Thompson of Georgetown, former
pastor of the Kerens church, will officiate. Burial will be in
Kerens Cemetery. Inmon
Funeral Home will direct.
He was a member of the First Methodist church and a member of the
board of stewards at the time of his death.
Survivors include four daughters, Miss Ethel Inmon of Kerens, Mrs.
Robert Bristow of Palestine, Mrs. William A. Wagner and Miss Carrie
Inmon, both of Dallas; a son, Joe Nelson Inmon of Dallas; two
grandchildren, Mrs. Bill J. Knott and Miss Annette Inmon, both of
Dallas; two great-grandchildren, John and Cynthia Knott, both of
Dallas; four sisters, Mrs. Don Ward, Mrs. Art McClung, Mrs. Stella
Bruner and Mrs. Elmer Phillips, all of Kerens; and two brothers, A.
J. Inmon and J. A. Inmon, both of Kerens.
Inmon was a retired rural route carrier of the Kerens post office
and was court bailiff several years under C. O. Curington during his
term as sheriff.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- h/o Mary Virginia (Floyd) Inmon married Jan 5, 1896 s/o
James William Madison "Will" Inmon & Alice Elizabeth (Newton) Inmon buried at Long Prairie cemetery
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Henry Moore
Sep 24, 1879 - Aug 17, 1953
W. H. Moore Rites Conducted Here
William Henry Moore, 913 North Lancaster, Dallas, died at his home
Funeral requiem mass was given Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Church of
the Immaculate Conception here with interment in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Father Gallaghar of Ennis.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Bush, and Mrs. Dan Hendrix,
and a son, James Moore, all of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Annie
Carrington, Corsicana; a brother, John W. Wilson, Dallas, and two
McCammon directed local arrangements.
Richard Garcia
Jul 7, 1947 - Nov 23, 1953
Raymond Garcia Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Raymond Garcia, aged six years, who died in
Memorial Hospital Monday were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the
Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo.
Surviving are the father, Jesse Garcia; a brother, Aredy Garcia and
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Garay, all of Corsicana.
Griffin directed.
Joseph Hince
Dec 11, 1894 - Nov 11, 1953
J. J. Hince Rites Here Saturday
Funeral services for James Joseph Hince, 58, Cayuga, who died in the
Navarro clinic Wednesday night, were held from the Church of the
Immaculate Conception Saturday at 10 a.m.
The rites were conducted by Rt. Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo. Burial
was in the
Catholic Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, a son, James; three daughters, Mary Marcella
and Ella Jane Hince, all of Cayuga.
Corley directed local arrangements.
Aug 16, 1936 - Aug 12, 1953
Mary Carrizales Services Friday
Funeral services for Miss Mary Carrizales, 17, Route 2, Corsicana,
who died at the Navarro Clinic about midnight Wednesday following a
brief illness were held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Church of the
Immaculate Conception.
The rites were conducted by Rev. V. P. Micola, Ennis. Burial was in
the Catholic
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Carrizales, Corsicana;
three brothers, Henry Carrizales; Richard, and Simon Casrrizales,
Jr., Chicago; six sisters, Mrs. Pauline Rodriguez and Mrs. Flora
Soto, both of Chicago; Mrs. Juanita Placensia and Mrs. Mollie
Martinez, both of San Antonio; Mrs. Isabelle Banda, Corbet, and Miss
Anita Carrizales, Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Luther Palos, Bartoto Ovalle, Espirio Guerro,
Christian Ovalle, Richard Garza, Harry Palos.
McCammon directed.
Steve Palmeri
Feb 22, 1876 - Feb 4, 1953
Steve Palmeri Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Steve Palmeri, 76, who died at the Navarro
clinic early Wednesday following a heart attack, were held Thursday
at 10 a.m. from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo. Burial was in
the Catholic
cemetery. Rosary was recited Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
A native of Italy, Palmeri had resided in Corsicana 50 years. He was
a retired merchant.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a son, S. J. Palmeri, Houston;
two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Russo, Houston, and Mrs. W. D. Robinson,
Jr., Corsicana; two grandsons, Ben DeGeorgeo, U. S. Navy, and Wiley
Stephen Robinson, Corsicana; a brother Joe Palmeri, Sr., Corsicana,
and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Bill, Donald, and Steve Palmeri, nephews; Fred
Ware, Joe Guthrie and Loyd Collier.
Corley directed.
Ernest Ward
Apr 16, 1891 - July 16, 1989
Ernest Ward, 98, of Elgin, died July 16, 1989 in Elgin.
Services were 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Chapel with
the Rev. T.F. Donald officiating. Burial was in the
He was born April 16, 1891 in Navarro County. He had lived in Elgin
since 1973. He was a retired farmer.
Survivors include four sons Lee Roy Ward of Waxahachie, Charlie Ward
of Lindale, Freddie Ward of Chama, New Mex., and Ernest Ward Jr. of
Elgin; three daughters, Ida Nisperos of Conroe, Fay Hutson of
Crandall, and Sue Cox of Springfield, Mo.; one brother, Lewis Ward
of Lufkin; two sisters, Mrs. Delaney Peden and Sybil Ward, both of
Kaufman; 16 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and a number of
nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Morris Ward, Jessie Marty, Charles Ward, Buford
Dyer, Thomas Dyer and David Dycus.
Lucille Weeks
Sep 18, 1898 - Jul 24, 1989
Mrs. Thelma Lucille Weeks, 90, of Texarkana, Ark., formerly of
Corsicana, died July 24, 1989, in Texarkana.
Services are 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel
with the Rev. C.P. Benner officiating. Interment will follow in the
She was born Sept. 18, 1898 in Dawson. She was a member of the
Harmony Grove Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur L. Weeks in 1979
and a son, Harold D. McCullouch in 1983.
Survivors include one daughter, Mavis J. Parkhouse of Dallas; one
son, Kenneth McCullough of Texarkana, Ark.; seven grandchildren, 14
great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild; a number of
nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Wayne Tevehouse, Gerald Tevehouse, Hershal
Reeves, Ray Goodman, Cledith Putman, Y.M. Putman, Billy Brackeen and
Danny Brush.
Lert Lonon
Jan 25, 1898 - July 25, 1989
Lert L. Stringer, 91, of Plano, died July 25, 1989, in Plano.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel. Burial will be in the
He was born Jan. 25, 1898, in Navarro County and had lived in Plano
for 18 months. He was a retired carpenter and a member of Trinity
Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Hattie Stringer of Plano; three
daughters, Jane Mims of Irving, Patsy Lewis of Duarte, Calif., and
Mary Beth Scroggins of Plano; two sons, Charlie Stringer of Houston,
and Emmett Stringer of Grants Pass, Ore.; two sisters, Lucille
Grimes, and Clara Bell Stringer, both of Dallas; 12 grandchildren,
20 great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews.
James John
Apr 20, 1896 - Feb 3, 1973
Funeral services were to be at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for John Ratliff, 76, of Corsicana, who died Saturday in
Memorial Hospital. Rev. Charles Pringle was to officiate, with
buriual to follow at
Hamilton Cemetery.
Survivors include his widow, one son, five grandchildren, one
great-grandchild, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were to be A.J. Taylor, Clayton Smith, Leroy Poteet,
Odell Templin, Elwood Barnes, and Roy French.
Services are set for 3 p.m. Tuesday in Corley's Chapel for John
Ratliff, 76, of Corsicana who died Saturday in Memorial
Hospital. Rev. Charles Pringle will officiate, with burial in
Hamilton Cemetery.
He was a retired farmer, a member of Westside Baptist Church and
a veteran of World War I. a native of Georgia, he was a resident
of Corsicana for 40 years.
Survivors include his wife of Corsicana; one son, William
Ratliff; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild and a number
of nieces and nephews.
Luther Shields
Dec 18, 1892 - Mar 18, 1973
Funeral services for T. L. Shields, 81, who died Sunday at Memorial
Hospital, were at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Chapel with the
Rev. Robert J. Potts officiating. Burial was in
Hamilton Cemetery.
A native of Eureka, he had lived most of his life in Corsicana and
was a retired Bethlehem Steel employe.
He is survived by his widow, two sons, three daughters, six
grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, one brother, three sisters
and a number of nieces and nephews.
T. L. Shields
Funeral services are set for 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for T. L. Shields, 81, of Corsicana, who died Sunday at
Memorial Hospital. Rev. Robert J. Potts will officiate, and burial
will be at
Hamilton Cemetery.
He was a native of Eureka and had lived in Corsicana most of his
life. He was also a retired employe of Bethlehem Steel and a member
of the First Baptist Church.
Survivors include two sons, T. R. Shields of Houston and W. L.
Shields of Deer Park; three daughters, Mrs. Lorene Jackson of
Houston, Mrs. Tootsie Moore of Graham; and Miss Katie Shields of
Corsicana; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, a
brother, Loyd Shields of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Jack Greer
of Eureka, Mrs. Effie Bonner and Mrs. Girllie Weaver of Corsicana;
and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers include Clayton Kent, Thomas Shields, Marshall Moore,
Sr., Marshall Moore, Jr., James Reed and H. D. Cade.
Frank Cantrell
Nov 22, 1941 - Mar 30, 2014
Rodney Frank Cantrell was born at Methodist hospital in Dallas TX,
on November 22, 1941. He was the first of two children born to
Bonnie Lucille (Jordan) and Seaburn Cantrell. When Rodney was five
years old, his mother remarried and he and his sister, Caroline were
adopted by Mario Michael Procaccini, Sr. Rodney attended St. Cecilia
School and earned a scholarship to Bishop Dunne. He graduated from
Sunset High and went on to Arlington State.
He worked in sales most of his life, selling medical supplies. He
was also very handy and did remodeling work on the side. Later, he
wanted to slow down and went to work at Elliot's Hardware in Dallas.
He was very smart and was the go-to-guy in the family for
information about everything from legal matters to music. He was
active in his community, working to help register voters and helping
the less fortunate. He enjoyed fishing, listening to music, and
In his last year of life, he was reunited with his high-school
sweetheart, Jomarie Knight. They married and lived in Blooming Grove
TX, where they were very happy. Rodney died from a heart attack on
March 30, 2014.
He is preceded in death by his dad, Mario and his father Seaburn. He
is survived by his beloved wife, Jomarie, his mother, Lucille
Procaccini, his sisters Caroline, Francine, and Anna and his
brothers Mario and Tony.
- Written by Anna Procaccini
- h/o Jo Marie (Cangemi) Knight-Cantrell married. Jul. 13,
2013; s/o Seaburn Cantrell & Bonnie Lucille (Jordan) Cantrell-Procaccini
(step-father Mario Michael Procaccini, Sr.)
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Rodney's ashes are going to be placed in
White Church
Franklin Taylor
Jan 2, 1868 - Sep 4, 1950
John F. Taylor Services Held Here On Tuesday
Funeral services for John F. Taylor, 82, long-time Drane resident,
who died Monday morning were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the
McCammon Funeral Chapel.
Burial was in the
Campbell cemetery near Drane. The rites were conducted by Rev.
T. R. Vaughn, Malakoff Baptist minister.
A native of Tennessee, Taylor had resided in the Drane community
since 13 years of age.
Surviving are his wife of Drane; three sons, J. B. Taylor, Mexia; B.
C. Taylor, Corsicana, and B. F. Taylor, Lamesa; five daughters, Mrs.
L. R. Tiner, Malakoff; Mrs. E. M. Dosser and Mrs. C. C. Godley, both
of Dallas; Mrs. M. M. White, Jr., Angus, and Mrs. J. L. Taylor,
Drane; 11 grandchildren, five great grandchildren a sister, Mrs.
Mollie Bolin, Powell, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Herbert L. Wyatt, Emmett Dosser, Jim Sutton, Owen
Beeman, Slim Bolin and Melvin Bowman.
William Edward Williams
Dec 9, 1875 - Apr 22, 1951
Wm. E. Williams Services Monday
William E. Williams, 75, died at his Greggton home Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held Monday at 11 a.m. from the Central
Baptist church in Greggton with burial in the
Campbell cemetery
in the Drane community Monday at 3:30 p.m.
Survivors are a son, J. E. Williams, Jetmore, Kan.; seven daughters,
Mrs. Ethel Brooks, Mathis; Mrs. Mary Bush, Bakersfield, Calif.; Mrs.
Beatrice Mark, Greggton; Mrs. Pauline Coe, Odom; Mrs. Vera Allbright,
Ballinger; Mrs. Eva Blackmon, Corsicana; and Mrs. Miriam Patterson,
Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Murtie Yarbrough, San Angelo; 12
grandchildren, 49 great grandchildren and a number of nieces and
Corley directed.
Thomas Luther Williamson
Nov 3, 1906 - May 8, 1951
T. L. Williamson Dies On Tuesday
Thomas L. Williamson, 42, died in Mineral Wells Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel. Burial will be in the
Campbell cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Mineral Wells; three daughters, Joan,
Joyce and Judith Ann Williamson, all of Mineral Wells; mother, Mrs.
Sallie Bailey, Corsicana; three brothers, Lynn Williamson, Fort
Worth; Huey Williamson, Corsicana, and George Preston Williamson,
Gatesville, and other relatives.
T. L. Williamson Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Thomas L. Williamson, 42, were held Thursday at
2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
Campbell cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church.
Williamson died Tuesday in Mineral Wells.
Surviving are his wife of Mineral Wells; three daughters, Joan,
Joyce and Judith Ann Williamson, all of Mineral Wells; mother, Mrs.
Sallie Bailey, Corsicana; three brothers, Lynn Williamson, Fort
Worth; Huey Williamson, Corsicana, and George Preston Williamson,
Gatesville, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Calvin Holloway, J. T. Cavender, Roy Bunch, Claud
Stubbs, Young Hawkins ad Luther Busby.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, May 10, 1951
- h/o Hazel (Garrison) Williamson; s/o George Dargan
Williamson & Martha Luvenia Sarah Rebecca Ann "Sallie" (Dycus)
- Submitted by Diane Richards
May (Woodard) Brown
Feb 22, 1894 - Mar 9, 1952
Mrs. Ruby Brown Services Tuesday
Mrs. Ruby Brown, 58, native of Navarro county, 1408 West Twelfth
avenue, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic late Sunday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel at 2 p.m.
Tuesday. Burial will be in the
Campbell cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Lloyd Ward of Lufkin.
Mrs. Brown was born at Jester.
Surviving are six sons, Travis, Aubrey, Leo, Percy and Cecil Brown,
all of Corsicana, and Wayne Brown, Tyler; two daughters, Mrs. Gaston
Hendrick, Ardmore, Okla., and Mrs. Neal Nichols, Midland; a brother
Bascom Woodward, Ft. Worth; two sisters, Mrs. Vola Banks, Corsicana,
and Mrs. R. A. Crouch, Grand Prairie; six grandchildren and other
Nephews will be pallbearers.
"Joe" Pritchett
Nov 25, 1904 - Aug 10, 1954
Joe Pritchett Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Joe Pritchett, 49, fatally injured in a
car-pick-up truck mishap at Roane Tuesday morning, were held from
the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Burial was in the
Campbell cemetery
near Drane.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Bill Perdue, pastor of the Roane
Baptist church.
Pritchett's car was involved in an accident at the intersection of
Farm Road 1129 and the Roane slab near the Roane school building
about 6 o'clock, Tuesday. Bill Simmons, highway patrolman, said that
Pritchett's car was traveling in a westerly direction and the
pick-up truck operated by Billy Gene Aven, 23, also of Roane, was
proceeding in a southerly direction on the farm road. The two
demolished cars came to a standstill in the school yard.
Pritchett and Aven were rushed to Memorial hospital in a Corley
ambulance where Pritchett expired about 9 a.m. Aven suffered a
fractured left arm and other injuries.
This is the fifth traffic fatality in Navarro county in 1954.
Surviving are his father, F. B. Pritchett, Roane; four brothers,
Albert Pritchett, Longview; Jim Pritchett, Gladewater; G. W. and
Clarence Pritchett, both of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Buck Allen,
Roane, and Mrs. Janette Jamison, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Tommy Joe Allen, Edgar Earl Allen, Bobby Ray
Pritchett, Guy Donald Pritchett, Willie Pritchett and Claud
Oliver M.
Feb 2, 1888 - Jul 13, 1953
O. M. Hughes Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for O. M. Hughes, 65, who died early Monday at his
home in Rice, were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Haynie Memorial
Methodist church in Rice.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe, Midlothian,
Methodist minister, formerly of Rice and Corsicana, assisted by Rev.
John Basham, pastor.
Judge Pat Geraughty returned a coroner's verdict of death from
natural causes after an investigation. Hughes, officers said, died
while his wife was preparing coffee after he had requested the
drink. Mrs. Hughes discovered her husband dead in bed when she
returned from the kitchen with the coffee.
Surviving are his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Jess Atchley, both of
Rice; a sister, Mrs. Florence Vinson, Dawson; a brother, Rufus
Hughes, Buffalo, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Virgil Atchley, Gardner Atchley, Leroy Hartley, M.
V. Fitzgerald, J. K. Bradley and W. C. Mahaley.
McCammon directed.
Viola Josephine
"Josie" (Todd) Bowden
Dec 24, 1850 - May 20, 1953
John Murray
Apr 22, 1868 - Jun 25, 1954
Rice Resident Dies In Houston
J. M. Brock, about 80, of Rice, died Friday night in the M. D.
Anderson Hospital and Clinic in Houston.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church in Rice
Sunday at 4 p.m. Burial will be in the
Rice Cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. C. Koen of Lubbock.
Surviving are his wife of Rice; five daughters, Mrs. Clyde Demonney,
Mrs. J. C. Cayton, Mexia; Mrs. J. B. Raley, McKinney; Mrs. R. R.
Shelton, Pampa, and Mrs. L. L. Roberts, Manor; three sons, J. B.
Barock, E. E. Brock, and Z. B. Brock, and other relatives..
McCammon will direct.
Sunday Services For J. M. Brock
Funeral services for J. M. Brock, 86, of Rice, who died in the M. D.
Anderson Hospital and Clinic at Houston Friday night, were held from
the First Baptist church in Rice Sunday at 4 p.m. Burial was in the
Rice Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. C. Koen of Lubbock.
Surviving are his wife of Rice; five daughters, Mrs. Clyde DeNonney,
Seadrift; Mrs. J. C. Clayton, Mexia; Mrs. J. B. Raley, McKinney;
Mrs. R. R. Shelton, Pampa; Mrs. L. L. Roberts, Manvel; three sons,
J. B. Brock, El Campo; E. E. Brock, Brookshire; and Z. B. Brock,
Rice; and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Derward Raley, Bill Raley, Kenneth Raley, Clyde
DeNonney, Larry Roberts, Ray Kobar, Edwin Brock, and Leon Brock, all
McCammon directed.
Nancy J. (Armstrong) Brock
Feb 2, 1876 - Feb 16, 1965
Mrs. J. M. Brock Rites Thursday
Rites for Mrs. Nancy Brock, 89, widow of the late J. M. Brock, 1913
West Fourth avenue, who died of a heart attack in Dallas Tuesday
night, were held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. from the Second Avenue
Baptist church.
The services were conducted by Rev. Cass French, Jr., pastor of the
church, and Rev. J. W. Koen of Abilene. Burial was in the
Rice Cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, J. B. Brock, El Campo, and Zeldon Brock,
Dallas; five daughters, Mrs. Clyde DeMoney, Teague; Mrs. J. C.
Cayton, Mexia; Mrs. J. B. Raley, McKinney; Mrs. L. L. Roberts,
Manvel, and Mrs. Rex Shelton, Crane; 16 grandchildren, 21
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
McCammon directed.
Emma (Pitts) Hudson
Nov 26, 1915 - May 27, 1989
Mrs. Will Emma Pitts Hudson, 73, of Clifton, Texas, died May 27,
1989, in a Clifton Hospital.
Services were be [sic] 3 p.m. Monday at Wade Funeral Home Chapel in
Hubbard, with the Rev. Dean Evans officiating. Burial will be in
Dawson Cemetery.
She was born Nov. 26, 1915, in Dawson. She lived in Dallas for many
years before moving to Clifton 17 years ago. She was retired from
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in Dallas and was a member of the
Telephone Pioneers of America. She was a member of the Stephens Park
United Methodist Church of Oak Cliff.
She is survived by her husband, W.E. (Earl) Clem of Clifton; two
sisters, Allene Mallory and Dorothy Holladay, both of Dawson; and
brother, H.C. (Hank) Pitts of Midland.
Clara Mae Horn
Apr 1, 1902 - Jun 6, 1989
Clara Mae Horn, 87, of Arlington, died June 6, 1989 at her
Services were 11 a.m. Thursday at Mayfield Road Church of Christ in
Arlington with Mr. Rick Massey and Mr. Sam Norton officiating.
Interment followed at 2:30 p.m. in
Dawson Cemetery.
Arlington Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
She was born April 1, 1902. She was raised in the Hubbard area and
moved to Corsicana in 1944. She was employed by J.M. Dyer Department
store for 20 years. She moved to Arlington in 1972.
Survivors include one daughter, Sue Allen of Arlington; two
grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Lucille Evans
Aug 10, 1910 - Jun 12, 1989
Lucille Evans, 78, of Corsicana died June 12, 1989 at Corsicana
Nursing Home.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Chapel
with the Rev. Wayne Mahoney officiating. Burial will be in the
Dawson Cemetery.
She was born Aug. 10, 1910, in Dawson. She was a lifelong resident
of Navarro County, and was a member of First Baptist Church in
Survivors include two sons, Jimmie Evans of San Bernadino, Calif.,
and Glen Evans of Las Vegas, Nev.; one daughter, Aline Patrick of
Corsicana; 11 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; 2
Pallbearers will be Jackie French, Victor French, S.T. French,
Vernon Thomas, Roy Thomas and Berlin Compton.
Annie Pearl
Apr 19, 1919 - Jun 15, 1989
Mrs. Annie Pearl Watson, 70, of Corsicana, died June 15, 1989, at
the Methodist Hospital in Dallas.
Wake service will be 7 p.m. Friday at the Ross and Johnson Mortuary
Chapel. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at the Taylor's
Memorial Church of God in Christ, with Superintendent F.G. Taylor
Burial will be in Dawson
Cemetery in Dawson. Ross and Johnson Mortuary is in charge of
She is survived by one daughter, Sammie Lee Cherry McKenzie of
Dallas; two granddaughters, Claudetta Stokes of Dallas, and
Brendetta King of Irving; two grandsons, Oliver Cherry of Dallas,
and Danny McKenzie of Newton, Ka.; 14 great-grandchildren; two
sisters, Erma Metcalf of Rockdale, and Erma Berry of Midland; and
one step-sister, Almetia Winnons of Dallas.
Pallbearers will be Tommie Sample, Willie Brown, Lucion Jessie, Glen
Sample, Le Jay Brown and the Rev. Oscar Verdell.
Lurine Lyles Berry
Oct 10, 1900 - Jun 27 1989
Mrs. Lurine Lyles Berry, 88, of Dawson, died at Irving Hospital on
Tuesday, June 27, 1989.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the First Methodist Church in
Dawson. The Rev. D. Keith Beck will officiate. Wade Funeral Home in
Hubbard will handle the arrangements.
She was a resident of Dawson all her life. She was a homemaker and a
member of the First Methodist Church.
She is survived by her daughter, Joyce Westbrook of Irving; two
sons, J.D. Berry of Andrews, Texas and Clint Berry of Waldorf,
Maryland; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Shields Ponder
Dec 8, 1870 - Nov 8, 1952
John S. Ponder Dies At Dawson
DAWSON, Nov. 8, - (Spl.) - John S. Ponder, 82, died at the home of his
sister, Mrs. J. C. Edwards, Saturday morning.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the First
Methodist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Burt Gillis,
pastor. Burial will be in the
Younger cemetery, near
A native of Cleburne, he resided in Navarro Mills from early
childhood until he moved to this community in 1921.
Surviving are his sister, Mrs. Edwards, Dawson; two brothers, Roy
Ponder, Dawson, and J. E. Ponder, Kingsville, and several nieces and
Wolfe Funeral Home will direct.
Samuel Marshall
Oct 3, 1895 - May 29, 1954
R. S. Marshall Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for R. S. Marshall, 58, of Rice, who died of a
heart attack late Saturday night, will be held from the Rice Baptist
Church Wednesday at 2 p.m.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Griffin. Burial will be in the
Rice cemetery.
Marshall was a life-long resident of the
Rice community.
Surviving are his wife of Rice; two sons, James C. Marshall, Rice,
and Richard P. Marshall, Grand Prairie; six daughters, Mrs. G. N.
Bybee, Grand Prairie; Mrs. C. O. Stiger, Germany; Mrs. Oscar Nolan,
Ann and Janice Marshall, both of Rice, and Mrs. D. D. Isom, Grand
Prairie; eight grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Jesse Tillman,
Roane, and Mrs. Emma Rogers, Rice; four brothers, Claude Marshall,
Kerens; Jack Marshall, Powell; Homer Marshall, Bazette; and Thomas
E. Marshall, Massachusetts, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Claude Marshall, Jr., J. W. Marshall, Dick
Marshall, Hobson Tramel; Alvis Music and Vernon Ainsworth.
Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family.
McCammon will direct.
Maxine Elizabeth (Davis)
May 19, 1923 - Mar 21, 2014
by her husband, the "love of her life" for nearly 63
years, and family, Maxine Elizabeth Davis Bankes joined
her family in heaven Friday evening, March 21, 2014.
Maxine was born May 19, 1923, in Bellaire, Ohio to Emery
and Ezma Davis. She was the second oldest of six
children and survived them all. A Registered Nurse by
profession, Maxine began her career in 1945 at Ohio
Valley Hospital in Wheeling, W,V, and retired in 1985
after serving patients in Wheeling, West Virginia,
Denison, Texas, Baylor Hospital in Dallas and Weirton,
Maxine married Russell H. Bankes, Jr. on her birthday in
1951. They were married for over 62 years. Russell, a
lifelong minister, and Maxine served churches in
Pottsboro, Texas., Shawnee, Okla., Dennison, Texas.,
Okla. City, Richardson, Texas,, Irving, Texas, Weirton,
W. V., and Corsicana. During that time, Maxine helped
establish the first free, health clinic for the poor in
Oklahoma City in the early 60's. She pioneered the
"Bibles To Babies" concept to introduce infants to God's
love and established those classes in every church she
She believed "a job worth doing is a job worth doing
well" and held herself to those standards throughout her
90 years. She loved her family and friends with all her
Survivors include her husband, Russell of Corsicana; a
son, Mark Bankes of Dickson, Tenn. and his daughters;
Marlee and her husband Lucas Spangler, and Ashley Bankes
of Cincinnati, Ohio, Lauren Keele and Alleigh Bankes of
Dickson Tenn.; a daughter, April and her husband Ove
Johansson of Amarillo and their children, Annika and her
husband Brett Spalding of Canyon, and Stefan Johansson
and his fiance Monica Mosier of Cheyenne, Wyo.; two
great-grandchildren, Maddox and Corbin Spangler.
Funeral service will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, March
25, 2014, in the Chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. Visitation will follow after the funeral service.
Funeral arrangements by Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
Harold Denson "H.D." Kinsel
Aug 21, 1926 - Mar 21, 2014
Mr. Harold Denson Kinsel, known as H.D., 87, of Frost, went to be
with our lord and savior on March 21, 2014, surrounded by family, in
He was born Aug. 21, 1926 in Brownsboro, to Marvin and Bertha Kinsel,
where he was seventh of seven children. He later joined the United
states Marine Corp. After severing in the Military he moved to
Corsicana where he meet the love of his life, Maudie Belle Wyant and
married her on Aug. 8, 1953. He was a farmer working in the fields,
and later moved to the oil fields where he was a tool pusher for
many years. Upon retirement he and Maudie returned to Frost where
she passed away in 2001. In 2005 he remarried to Carolyn Seay.
He is preceded in death by his wife, Maudie Kinsel; son, Jack Capps;
parents, Marvin and Bertha Kinsel; sisters, Cleo Preston and Vivian
Benton; brothers, Jack Riggins, and Lewis Kinsel.
Survivors include his wife Carolyn Kinsel; son, Clyde Kinsel and
wife Debbie of Frost; son, Tommy Capps of Frost; daughter, Jackie
Prickett and husband Emmett of Roane; sisters, Oleta Fulcher of Del
Rio, and Juanita Pate of Tyler; step-son, Jack Windham and wife
Trish of Denton; numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, and
great great grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, March 24, 2014, at Griffin-
Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday March 24, 2014, at
Griffin- Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Bobby McCollum
officiating. Interment will follow at
Dresden Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be: Ryan King, Darrel Preston, Trace Prickett, Mike
Bell, John Beacom and Justin Steadman.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sunday, Mar 23, 2014
- h/o Maudie Belle (Wyant) Kinsel & Carolyn (Seay) Kinsel;
s/o Marvin Clyde Kinsel & Bertha (Gresham) Kinsel
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Myra Lee (Downey)
July 7, 1935 - Mar 24, 2014
Lee McLain of Corsicana went to be with her Lord and
Savior on Monday, March 24, 2014, after a lengthy
illness that never stole her joy or sense of humor. She
was born July 7, 1935, in Frost to Leroy and Myra
Downey. She was employed in the banking industry for
45-plus years in Frost, Blooming Grove and Corsicana.
After her retirement, Myra devoted her life to serving
others through various organizations at First Methodist
Church in Corsicana. She also began working in the front
office of the sale barn in Hubbard. She enjoyed her
flowerbeds and being outdoors as well as traveling. Myra
was a lifelong fan of the game of basketball,
particularly the Navarro Bulldog basketball team.
Myra is survived by her husband Gene McLain; her son and
daughter-in-law Mark and Jaclyn Watson of Longview;
grandchildren and their spouses Russell and Amanda
Watson of Wylie, Rachel and Kenny Durost of Keller, and
Randall Watson of Wylie; great-grandchildren Hunter,
Emma, and Lola Watson, Reese Durost, and
step-grandchildren Mason and Austin Procell, who will
forever treasure the memory of their "Granny." She is
also survived by brother Roy Downey and wife Diana of
Coolidge and nephew Kevin Downey of San Angelo.
Visitation will be Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton
Home,1530 N. 45th St., Corsicana, Texas.
Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Saturday at First United
Methodist Church in Corsicana, with Rev. Mike Alexander
and Jay Fraze officiating. Serving as Pallbearers are
Russell Watson, Randall Watson, Kenny Durost, Kevin
Downey, Elmer Lee Tanner, Gerald York, Doug Furrah, and
John McLain. Honorary Pallbearers are Bobby Armstrong,
John Braly, Jimmy Hoosier, Devon Perkins, Rudy Carroll,
George Ballew and Sonny Bancroft.
Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church
Prayer Card Ministry in lieu of flowers.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Naomi Jean
Oct 9, 1929 - Mar 23, 2014
Naomi Jean Young, 84, a Powell native and long-time resident of
Corsicana, passed away Sunday, March 23, 2014 in College Station. A
graveside service will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at
the Kerens City Cemetery.
Young was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years, Milburn
Leroy Young, Jr.
She is survived by her daughter, Donna Gayle Foutch of Pearland; two
grandchildren, Candace Nicole Pooch of Bryan; and Matthew Jonathan
Cole and wife, Deven, of Santa Maria, Calif.; and seven
great-grandchildren, Ashlee, Dylan, Jared, Riley, Chase, Kayci and
Mrs. Young was a lifelong homemaker and member of First Baptist
Church of Corsicana.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Family
Hospice, 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 112, College Station, TX 77840.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
(Paul) Johnston
Feb 17, 1942 - Mar 23, 2014
Wanda Paul Johnston, 72, of Corsicana, passed away Sunday,
March 23, 2014 at her residence.
Visitation is from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at Paschal
Funeral Home in Kerens.
Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Thursday, March 27, 2014 at Kerens
First Baptist Church with Dr. Rick Lamb and Rev. Wes Johnson
officiating. Burial will follow in the
Kerens Cemetery.
Mrs. Johnston was secretary to the Athletic Director of Corsicana
ISD for 37 years. She was born Feb. 17, 1942 in Kerens to Allen and
Ruth White Paul.
She is survived by daughters, Paulette Roundtree of Malakoff and
Jana Curry of Port Lavaca; son, Sidney Wayne Johnston, Jr. of
Irving; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and sister,
Glenda Cordell of Kaufman.
Please make memorials to Kerens Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 117,
Kerens Texas 75144.
Paschal Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Clifford Milton Thomason, Jr.
Aug 7, 1928 - Mar 29, 2014
services for Clifford Milton Thomason, Jr., 85, of
Palestine will be at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 29, 2014, at
Herrington / Land of Memory Funeral Home Chapel with
Rev. Matthew Timmons officiating. Burial will follow at
Roselawn Park Cemetery under the direction of Herrington
/ Land of Memory Funeral Home.
Mr. Thomason passed away Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at
Trucare Living Centers of Palestine.
He was born Aug. 7, 1928, in Kerens to Clifford Milton
Thomason, Sr. and Ethel Ione Harrison Thomason. Mr.
Thomason was raised in Navarro County and served in the
U.S. Navy during
World War II. He graduated from Sam Houston State
Teachers College. He resided in Palestine for 34 years
and was a member of Norwood Heights Baptist Church. He
owned and operated the Golden Corral Restaurant from
1980 until 1996. He was a member of the Evening Lions
Club and volunteered with the Meals on Wheels and
Hospice of East Texas.
Mr. Thomason was preceded in death by his wives, Sue
"Mrs. T," Frances "Granny Franny," and Katherine "Norma"
He is survived by his son, Paul M. Thomason and wife
Debbie of Elkhart; two daughters, Sue Ann Manning and
husband Billy and Rhonda Thomason all of Spring; six
grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, one
great-great-grandchild; and his dear friend and prayer
partner, John Drake and lifelong companion Dixie.
Condolence calls will be received on Saturday, March 29,
2014, one hour prior to the service at Herrington / Land
of Memory Funeral Home. |
Marie Lee (Hamilton) Manire
June 2, 1917 - Mar 31, 2014
Lee Hamilton Manire, 96, passed away Monday, March 31, 2014 in Fort Worth.
Funeral service will be 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 4, 2014 in Mount Olivet Chapel. Interment: Mount Olivet
Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 3, 2014 at Mount Olivet.
Marie was born to Fred Lee and Maggie Nokes Hamilton on June 2, 1917, in Fort Worth. She graduated from North
Side High School in 1935 and went to work at the
Continental National Bank, where she met her husband,
E.L. Manire Jr. They were married 66 years at the time
of his death in 2007.
She had been a member of Fort Worth Bankers' Wives,
North Fort Worth Women's Club, Ridglea Business and
Professional Association and Ridglea Country Club.
In 1980, Marie and E.L. moved back to her family's
hometown of Corsicana where they developed and lived in
Hamilton Acres. In Corsicana she was a member of the
Kinsloe House, Corsicana Women's Club and James Blair
Chapter of the DAR.
In 2000, Marie and E.L. returned to Fort Worth where
they resided at Lakewood Village Retirement Center and
became members of Trinity Christian Church.
Marie was predeceased by her husband, E.L.; her son,
Lawrence "Larry" Hamilton Manire; her brother, Charles
Daniel Hamilton; and her twin sister, Mildred Reily.
Survivors include her son, John R. Manire and his wife,
Jan; daughter-in-law, Bobbye Manire; grandsons, Kirk Lee
Manire and wife, Misty, Keith Lee Manire and wife, Lee
Ann; great-grandchildren, Baylor, Easton, Khloe and C.
J. Manire. Marie is also survived by step-grandchildren,
Damon B. Alexander and wife, Katie, Paige Alexander Sugg
and husband, Russell, and G. Parrish Glover; three
step-great-grandchildren; three
step-great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces.
Arrangements by Mount Olivet Chapel, Greenwood Funeral
Homes, Fort Worth. |
Marie (Gum) Hardy-Parks
Feb 8, 1931 - Mar 25, 2014

Mrs. Goldie Parks, 83, of Corsicana passed away on
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at Scott & White Hospital in
Temple, Texas. She was born on February 8, 1931 in
Beaver County, Oklahoma to Warren and Mabel Gum.
She was a member of Northside Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents and brother,
Wayne Gum, and step-grandson, Evan Thornton.
She is survived by her children; Tonya Benetta Donohoe
and husband, Charles, Warren Ward Hardy and wife, Lesa,
and Tana DeAnn Thornton and husband, Matt.; her
grandchildren, Tracy DeLos Santos, Renee Randolph,
Tucker Donohoe, Misty Browning, Taylor Donohoe, Michael
Browning, Savanna Bolinger, Kayla Hardy, Carley
Hernandez, Michelle Browning; step-grandchildren Randle
Greer, Pamela Reed, Jennifer Tatum, Seth Thornton,
Olivia Page Hardy, Warren Thomas Hardy, Carlos
Hernandez, Bryce Hernandez, Kade Browning, Christian
Humphrey, Jordan Browning, Ariana Browning, Nick Gordon,
McLain Blake, Kade Donohoe, Mya Randolph, Jake Donohoe,
Ashlyn Randolph and her grand-dog; Page.
Visitation with the family will be held from 4:00-5:30
p.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be held at 1:00 p.m. on
Saturday, March 29, 2014 at Darrouzett Cemetery in
Darrouzett, Texas. |
Goldie Gum Hardy Parks, 83, of Corsicana passed away
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at Scott and White Hospital in
Temple. Visitation with the family will be Thursday,
March 27, 2014 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Corley Funeral
Home in Corsicana. Graveside services are scheduled for
Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 1 p.m. in Darrouzett
Cemetery in Darrouzett, Texas. Corley Funeral Home.
Rufus M. Ramsey
Jul 7, 1877 - Oct 27, 1945
Rufus Ramsey, aged 68 years, recent resident of Corsicana, died
at Brownwood Saturday with a heart attack. Funeral services were
held at Brownwood Sunday where interment was made.
Born and reared at Blooming Grove, Ramsey had resided at
Brownwood for many years until his wife's death in December,
1944. He had made his home here with his sister, Mrs. H. J.
Wilson, 703 North Fourteenth street, since Mrs. Ramsey's death
and recently returned to Brownwood on a visit.
Surviving are his sister of Corsicana; a brother, Eugene Ramsey,
Kansas City, and other relatives.
Mrs. H. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Miss Nora Wilson,
all of Corsicana, and Misses Eva and Marguerite Wilson, both of
Dallas, attended the funeral rites.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Oct 29, 1945
- Buried in Greenleaf Cemetery, Brownwood, Tx. (Lucinda is
buried here also)
- h/o Lucinda (Holloway) Ramsey; s/o Rufus Calvin Ramsey &
Mary Adeline (Thompson) Ramsey buried at Rose Hill Cemetery,
Blooming Grove, Tx.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Iva Nina (Phillips)
Aug 24, 1914 - May 8, 1966
Double Rites For Burnetts Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lee Burnett of Dallas,
killed in an auto mishap near Richland Sunday, were held from the
Corley Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Jimmy Williams, pastor of the
Powell Baptist church, conducted the rites.
Mr. Burnett was buried in the Dresden cemetery and then the cortege
proceeded to Mexia where Mrs. Burnett was buried in the Mexia City
Albert Ray Evans, 33, Dallas, driver of the truck involved, was not
seriously hurt and was dismissed from the Memorial hospital after
treatment Sunday.
Mrs. Burnett, 51, a native of Navarro county, is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Andrew Britton, Annendale, Va.; three sons, Joe P.
McSpedden, and R. H. McSpedden, Jr., both of Dallas, and David
McSpedden, Mexia; mother, Mrs. D. D. Phillips, Mexia; three
brothers, Raymond Phillips, Dallas, O'Neal Phillips, Pasadena; Billy
Joe Phillips, Highlands; a sister, Mrs. W. W. Crowley, Mexia and
eight grandchildren.
Mr. Burnett, 49, is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Britton, Annedale,
Va.; three stepsons, three grandchildren, a brother, Ed Burnett,
Lancaster; two sisters, Mrs. R. T. Gowan, Eureka and Mrs. Bill Bell,
Orange, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Burnett's deaths are the seventh and eighth traffic
fatalities in Navarro county for 1966.
Pallbearers were A. C. Frazier, O. A. Rutherford, I. N. Gotcher, T.
C. Lowe, Allen Jamison and J. R. Bush.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- May 10, 1966
- Buried in Mexia City Cemetery, Mexia, TX
- 1st husband Raymond Howard McSpedden, Sr. buried in
Angelton Cemetery, Angelton, Tx. 2nd husband Alton Lee Burnett
buried in Dresden cemetery; d/o D. D. Phillips and Parilee
(Putman) Phillips
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Herman Aubrey Cunningham,
Jun 24, 1915 - May 16, 1945
Reburial Rites For Kerens Man Will Be Friday
KERENS. April 2 - (Spl,) - Funeral services and re-burial rites for Sgt.
Herman A. Cunningham, will be held at Ft. Sam Houston, Friday, April
8th at 11 o'clock.
Cunningham was a native of Kerens and was a member of the Kerens
National Guard when it was mobilized. He was killed March 16, 1945
on Okinawa, while serving in the Marines.
Interment will be in Ft. Sam Houston cemetery. Attending the
services from Kerens will be his mother, Mrs. Edna Cunningham and
his brothers, J. T. and Stafford Cunningham and their wives and
Royce Lee Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cunningham.
Cynthia Ann
"Annie" (Youngblood) Southard
Feb 18, 1887 - Jul 11, 1955
Mrs. Southard Is Buried Wednesday
Final rites were held in Avalon, Ellis county, Wednesday at 10 a.m.
for Mrs. Claude Southard, 68, who died at her home there Monday.
Services were held from the Avalon Baptist Church with Rev. L. B.
Jenkins, Forney, and Rev. E. J. McClung, Avalon, officiating.
Interment was in the Bardwell cemetery.
Mrs. Southard is survived by her husband of Avalon; five sons, Roy
Southard, Eureka; Fred Southard, Blooming Grove; Billy Southard,
Sherman; Wilson Southard, Avalon, and Raymond Southard, Fort Worth;
three daughters, Mrs. L. W. Head, Fort Worth; Mrs. Ernest Mitchell
and Mrs. John Martin, both of Avalon; five brothers, Herman
Youngblood, Corsicana; Cleve Youngblood, Dallas; Charles Youngblood,
Avalon; Dr. J. R. Youngblood, Breckenridge; and Harper Youngblood,
Waco; a step mother, Mrs. Max Manning, Bardwell, and other
Rosa Mae "Rosie"
(Langston) Wright
Dec 29, 1894 - Jun 18, 1954
Monday Services For Mrs. Wright
Mrs. Rosa Mae Wright, 60, of Corsicana died Friday.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Monday at 2:30
p.m. Burial will be held in the
Kerens cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Riley E. Dale, pastor of the
Missionary Baptist church.
Mrs. Wright was a native of the Pursley community.
Surviving are four sons, Lloyd Wright and Floyd Wright, both of San
Francisco, Calif.; S-Sgt. Sammie Wright, Paris Island, S.C., and
Roger A. Wright, Arlington; three daughters, Mrs. Lola Baker, Silver
Springs, Md.; Mrs. Patsy Gomez, Corsicana, and Pauline Cranford,
Fort Worth; 11 grandchildren; father, D. M. Langston, Corsicana; a
brother, Eddie Langston, Edmond, Okla.; four sisters, Mrs. Ethel
Rooks, New London; Mrs. Addie Anderson, Moore, Okla.; Mrws. Lillies
Stoffregen, Waco, and Mrs. Frances Cranford, Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers will be Lee Brashear, W. B. Mayo, Orville Langston, Otis
Langston, Clyde Osburne and Arlie Pillow.
Herbert Ray
Jul 28, 1954 - Nov 3, 1954
Sweetwater Child Buried At Kerens
KERENS, Nov. 4. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Herbert Ray Brown, aged
three months, who died in Sweetwater early Tuesday, were held from
the Inmon Chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Thomas Tribble, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial was in
the Kerens cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Brown, Sweetwater,
formerly of Kerens, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCown,
Kerens, and Mr. and Mrs. Bertham Brown, Sweetwater.
Hunter Ross
Sep 2, 1872 - Jul 1, 1954
Retired Kerens Merchant Dies; Rites Saturday
E. H. Ross, 82, retired Kerens dry goods merchant, died Thursday
afternoon in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, following a brief illness.
Funerals services will be held Saturday, at 10 a.m. from the First
Baptist Church of Kerens, with Rev. M. O. Davis and Rev. W. A.
Corkon officiating. Burial will be in the
Kerens cemetery.
A native of Kerens, Ross was in the dry goods business most of his
adult life. He had retired some 15 years ago.
He is survived by three sons, Dr. Ed S. Ross, Dallas; Sam H. Ross,
Tyler; and E. L. Ross, Odessa; 4 daughters, Mrs. M. L. Holt, Tyler;
Miss Lillian Ross, Dallas; Mrs. L. H. Buckner, Henderson; and Mrs.
Fay Redford, Kerens; a brother, Eugene Ross, Kerens; seven
grandchildren and other relatives.
Inmon funeral home will direct.
John Wiley
Aug 28, 1874 - Sep 26, 1954
John W. Mitchell Dies At Kerens
KERENS, Sept. 27 - (Spl) - John W. Mitchell, 80, retired farmer, died at
his home early Sunday night following an extended illness.
Funeral services are to be held from the Inmon Chapel Monday at 4
p.m. with burial in the
Kerens cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Thomas B. Tribble, pastor of the
Methodist church, and Cato Sheerer, Church of Christ minister. The
Masonic Lodge will have charge of the graveside rites and provide
A native of Tennessee, Mitchell had resided here 45 years.
Surviving are his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Leslie Parker and
Mrs. Weldon Kerley, all of Kerens; six grandchildren and seven
Susan Jane "Sudie"
(Gilkey) Jetton
Nov 29, 1871 - Jan 31, 1954
Mrs. Susan Jetton Services Monday
KERENS, Feb. 1. - (Spl.) - Mrs. Susan Jetton, 85, died at her home here
Sunday morning following an extended illness.
Funeral services were held from the First Methodist Church, of which
she was a member, Monday at 1:30 p.m. Burial was in the
Kerens cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. F. Smith, Methodist minister of
Whitney, formerly pastor here, and Rev. Thomas Tribble, pastor.
A native of Ellis county, Mrs. Jetton had resided here 55 years. She
was the widow of the late Charles Jetton, killed in an automobile
accident on Main street here about 17 years ago.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Eugene Oliphant, Kerens; Mrs. L.
E. Cherry, Conroe, and Mrs. R. W. Caruthers, Joshua; six
grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Milton Johnston, W. D. Ainsworth, Freddie Banks,
Robert Lowe, Wilbur Black, and Henry Atkeisson.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
Thomas Black
Jun 21, 1873 - Mar 24, 1956
Walter T. Black Rites At Kerens
KERENS, March 24 - (Spl.) - Walter T. Black, 82, died at his home here
early Saturday after a lengthy illness.
Born in Upshur county, Black moved to Kerens in 1902, and had been a
farmer since that time.
Rites will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the Inmon funeral home
chapel. Rev. B. R. McCauley, pastor of the First Methodist Church,
Kerens, will officiate. Burial will be in the
Kerens cemetery.
Survivors include the wife, of Kerens; two sons, Wilber Black,
Kerens, and Wade Black, Pine Bluff, Ark.; three daughters, Miss
Bertie Black, Kerens; Mrs. Milton Johnston, Kerens; and Mrs. Carlton
Dobbs, Kerens; seven grandchildren, and a number of nieces and
Lee Collins
Nov 18, 1900 - Mar 3, 1956
Lawrence Collins Services Monday
KERENS, March 5, - (Spl) - Lawrence Collins, 56, farmer who resided
west of town, died in the M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston
Saturday night after a several months' illness.
Funeral services were held from the Inmon Chapel Monday at 10:30
a.m. with burial in the
Kerens cemetery with the Masonic Lodge in charge of the
graveside rites. The services were conducted by Rev. Walter Hughes,
former pastor of the Powell Baptist Church, and Rev. Kenneth
Evenston, Powell Baptist pastor.
Surviving are his wife of Kerens; a son, Willie Lee Collins, Kerens;
four daughters, Mrs. W. J. Newsom, Hubbard; Mrs. Jack Lunsford,
Grand Saline; Mrs. Glen Palmer, Pt. Comfort, and Miss Linda Collins,
Kerens; a brother, W. F. Collins, Hubbard, and 10 grandchildren and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were A. G. Godley, Jude Perry, M. J. Crawford, Homer
Rendon, Weston Wallace and Cliff Curington.
(Hillhouse) Collins
May 3, 1904 - Nov 7, 1976
Mrs. Collins
KERENS - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Collins, 72, a native of
Kerens who died Sunday at Twilight Home in Corsicana, will be
Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Paschal Funeral Home with the Rev. Van Houser
officiating. Burial will be in
Kerens City Cemetery.
Survivors include a son, W. L. Collins of Corsicana; four daughters,
Dorothy Collins of Corsicana, Mrs. Ruth Coburn of Lindale, Mrs.
Betty Palmer of Port Comfort and Mrs. Lynda McReynolds of Corsicana;
two sisters, Mrs. Herman McQuary of Pasadena and Mrs. Pearl Burrow
of Athens; a brother Ben Hillhouse of Kerens; her mother, Mrs.
Lizzie Hillhouse of Kerens; 12 grandchildren and 12
Aurelio (Albert) Martinez
Jul 24, 1868 - Feb 9, 1954
Wednesday Rites For A. Martinez
Funeral services for Aurelio Martinez, 85, retired farm laborer,
were held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Wednesday at
9 a.m. Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo.
A native of Mexico, Martinez had resided here 60 years. He died
Tuesday morning in Memorial Hospital.
Surviving are two foster daughters, Mrs. Manuel Gonzales, Corsicana,
and Mrs. Lupe Hernandez, Dallas; a foster son, Jesse Mora,
Pallbearers were Rafael G. Gonzales, Pedro Hernandez, Jesse Mora,
Enrique Carrizales, Francisco Garza and Matildi Ovalle.
Corley directed.
S. Hejkal
Aug 1889 - Apr 8, 1954
Charlie Hejkal Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Charlie Hejkal, 64, Emhouse retired farmer who
died in the Navarro Clinic Thursday night, were held Saturday at 9
a.m. from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rt. Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo.
A native of Czechoslovakia, Hejkal had spent most of his life in the
Ennis and Emhouse communities. He had been ill several months.
Surviving are two sons, C. S. and W. H. Hejkal, both of Dallas; a
sister, Mrs. Mary Tupy, Ennis, and other relatives.
Corley directed.
Charlie Hejkal Dies Thursday
Charlie Hejkul, 64, Emhouse, Retired farmer, died in the Navarro
Clinic Thursday night following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 9 a.m. from the
Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial will be in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rt. Rev. Monaignor V. Graffeo.
A native of Czechosiovakia, Hejkal had spent most of his life in the
Ennis and Emhouse communities.
Surviving are two sons, C. S. and W. H. Hejkal, both of Dallas; a
sister, Mrs. Mary Tupy, Ennis, and other relatives.
Corley direct.ed
(Partido) Castillo
Jul 14, 1890 - Apr 12, 1954
Mrs. P. Castello Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Petra Castello, 63, who died at the family
residence on North Fifth street, Monday afternoon will be held
Thursday at 4 p.m. from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The rites are to be conducted by Rt. Rev. V. Graffeo. Burial was in
the Catholic
Surviving are her husband, Pete Castello, Corsicana; three sons,
Frank Castello, Saginaw, Mich.; Joe and Manuel Castello, both of
Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Granause, Mexico, and Mrs.
Natalie Luna, Corsicana; 24 grandchildren, eight
great-grandchildren; a brother, Banafacio Partido, Mexico, and other
A native of Mexico, Mrs. Castello had resided in Texas most of her
Corley will direct.
Ferdinand Christen
Sep 3, 1919 - Sep 22, 1955
Leo F. Christen Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Leo F. Christen, 36, were held from the Church
of the Immaculate Conception Saturday at 10 a.m. Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Paul Higginbotham of the local
Christen was found dead late Thursday in his pick-up truck in the
garage at 750 West Ninth Avenue. He had been dead several hours.
Christen had been shot in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun. Pat
Geraughty, justice of the peace, returned a coroner's verdict Friday
of accidental death from gunshot wounds.
Christen was a farmer and carpenter.
Surviving are his wife, Helen Lockhart Christen; a son, Charles W.
Christen, and a daughter, Darlene Christen, all of Corsicana;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Christen, Weimar, and M. O. Christen,
Houston; two sisters, Mrs. James Collins and Mrs. Hubert Winkler,
both of Houston, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were E. B. Harris, Jr.; Marvin Owens, J. B. Parks,
Claude Bone, Frank Mitchum and C. R. Auerbach.
Corley directed.
Leo F. Christen Is Found Dead In Pick-up Truck
The body of Leo F. Christen, 36, carpenter-farmer, was found in his
pick-up truck Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the garage at the residence
950 West Ninth avenue, Pete McCain, police chief, stated following
an investigation. The discovery, the police said, was by his
six-year-old-son, Charles W. Christen.
Found Saturday
Funeral services will be held from the Church of the Immaculate
Conception Saturday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Paul Higginbotham of the local
Judge Pat Geraughty, justice of the peace, conducted an inquest at
site Thursday afternoon and continued it Friday morning. He stated
at mid-morning Friday his corners' verdict is "Accidental death
by gunshot wounds."
Chief McCain and Officers Kay Robinson and Bates investigated the
The chief said that Christen had been dead several hours when
discovered in the cab of his pick-up truck with a 12-gauge shotgun
beside him. Members of the family were quoted as saying Christen
left the house shortly after noon with the statement he would take a
nap in his truck.
Struck In Head
The charge from the firearm, Chief McCain said, struck the victim in
the head.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen Lockhart Christen; a son, Charles
W., and a two-year-old daughter, Darlene, all of Corsicana; parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Christen, Weimar; two brothers, M. E. Christen,
Weimar, and M. O. Christen, Houston; two sisters, Mrs. James Collins
and Mrs. Hubert Winkler, both of Houston, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be E. B. Harris, Jr.; Marvin Owens, J. B. Parks,
Claude Bone, Frank Mitchum and C. R. Auerback.
Corley will direct.
Marie Vandenberg
Mar 12, 1955 - Mar 15, 1955
Infant's Rites Slated Thursday
Denise Marie Vandenberg, three-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Vandenberg, 1441 West Fourth avenue, died in Memorial Hospital
Tuesday afternoon.
Surviving are the parents and two sisters, Elizabeth and Debra
Vandenberg, all of Corsicana, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson,
Houston, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Higgins, Omaha, Nebraska.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. from the Church of
the Immaculate Conception with burial in the
Catholic cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. R. C. Rchkemper.
Corley will direct.
Claudine "Claudie"
(Richards) Loftis
Mar 10, 1872 - Jan 1, 1955
Monday Services For Mrs. Loftis
Funeral services were held Monday at 10 a.m. from the First
Methodist church in Athens for Mrs. Claudia Richards Loftis, 82, who
died at her home Saturday. Burial was in the
Kerens cemetery.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Russell Baxter, Kerens, and Miss
Mary Loftis, Albuquerque, N. M.; four sons, M. P. Loftis, Seminole,
Okla.; F. L. Loftis, Houston; W. O. Loftis, Midland, and Austin
Loftis, San Antonio; 10 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.
Ruth Anna (Burkhalter) Miller
Feb 19, 1893 - Aug 26, 1955
Former Teacher Dies In Dallas
Mrs. Ruth Anna Miller, 63, former teacher, died in Dallas Friday
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Sunday at 3
p.m. Burial will be in the
Kerens cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. Lester
Davenport, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church.
Surviving are two sons, Elmer H. Miller and Franklin Scott Miller,
both of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Herbert M. Day, Teague; three
grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas J. Bradshaw, Reno, Nev., and
Mrs. E. E. Williamson, Kerens; two brothers, W. F. Burkhalter,
Chatfield, and V. O. Burkhalter, Honolulu, Hawaii, and other
Fred Davila
Feb 26, 1954 - Jul 22, 1955
Kerosene Fatal To Dallas Child
KERENS, July 23 (Spl.) - Fred Davila, one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Davila of Dallas, died Friday morning in a Dallas hospital
after accidentally drinking kerosene at the family home Thursday.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Inmon Funeral
Home in Kerens. Burial will be in the
Kerens cemetery. The
officiating minister had not been named Saturday.
The child is survived by his parents; two brothers, Randy and
Andrew, Jr.; a sister, Mercedes; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Augala of Kerens, and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. D. Davila of Paducah, Texas.
Alonzo "Les" Noble
Jun 2, 1872 - Sep 13, 1955
Rites Wednesday For L. A. Noble
KERENS, Sept. 13. - (Spl.) - L. A. Noble, 83, lifetime resident of
Kerens died Tuesday at 3 a.m. at his home following a long illness.
He was a retired merchant and farmer and was a member of the
Methodist church.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. from the Inmon
Funeral Home with the rites conducted by the Rev. B. Thomas Tribble,
pastor of Central Methodist church of Corsicana, and the Rev. B. R.
McCauley, pastor of the Kerens Methodist church. Burial will be in
Kerens cemetery.
Survivors include two daughters, Miss Golder Noble and Mrs. Ruth
Henson, both of Kerens; seven grandchildren and 10