Elrica Jane (Davis) McKinney
Aug 12, 1831 - Jul 24, 1915
Death Came at Home in Mildred Today.
Mrs. Jane McKinney, aged 87 years, widow of the late W. P. McKinney, died at noon today at Mildred. The deceased had
resided in Navarro county for twenty-five years. Interment will take place in the Hamilton cemetery tomorrow.
The deceased is survived by the following grown children; W. S. McKinney, Prairie Hill, Limestone county; C. L. McKinney and
Mrs. Ella Jollie, Mildred; Mrs. N. E. _________, Oklahoma; Mrs. T. D. E. Kennedy, Kirkland, Texas. Besides these there are a
large number of grandchildren and several great grandchildren.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, July 24, 1915
- w/o William P. McKinney; d/o George R. Davis & Nancy
(Akers) Davis
- Rootsweb says: "Jane Davis ran off the horses of General Sherman's men while they sacked the farm."
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Mary (Jones/Anderson) Rice
Jun 8, 1849 - Sep 30, 1915
Death Comes to Hubbard Lady As a Result of Pallagra.
Mrs. Mary Rice, aged 58 years, wife of S. W. Rice, died at 1213 West Eleventh avenue yesterday afternoon at 3:30
from pellagra after a long illness. The family formerly resided in this county, just south of town, but the
deceased was brought here from Hubbard four weeks ago for treatment.
Interment took place in the Hamilton cemetery this
afternoon at 3:30, where the deceased has two children buried. Surviving is the husband, S. W. Rice, and five
grown children, Mrs. D. E. Jordan, of Hubbard, Mrs. James Cooper, living near here, and S. W. Rice, Jr., J.
L. Rice and Fred Rice, all of Hubbard, and three grandchildren.
Jessie James Ashmore
Jun 30, 1869 - Dec 23, 1930
Jesse J. Ashmore, 61, painter, long-time resident of Corsicana, died in the Navarro
county hospital Tuesday night at 11 o'clock from injuries received about 12 hours earlier when he
apparently became dizzy while working and fell, his head striking the concrete floor in the Mays
building on West Collin street.
The funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home,
1500 Woodlawn, with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by
Rev. Hugh Miller, Church of Christ minister. The Corsicana Lodge No. 63, I. O. O. F. had charge
of the services at the grave.
Surviving are two sons, Arthur N. Ashmore, Jr., and J. C. AShmore, both of Corpus Christi; two
daughters, Mrs. J. H. Wallace, Kerrville, and Mrs. Jessie Cherry, Corsicana; and two brothers,
L. J. Ashmore and L. W. Ashmore, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, December 24, 1930
- h/o Minnie Gertrude (Bragg) Ashmore married May 11, 1890; s/o Andrew Jackson Ashmore & Harriet Caroline (Leverett) Ashmore
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Ruby Estell (Ashmore) Hill-McKinley-Wallace
Dec. 21, 1892 - Apr. 9, 1962
Hold Services Mrs. Wallace
Funeral services for Mrs. Ruby Ashmore Wallace will be held Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. from the
Corley Chapel with Rev. Chester Odom, pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, officiating. Interment
will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
A native of Corsicana and life-long resident here, Mrs. Wallace, 69, died Monday at Memorial
She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Ashmore.
Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Jessie Wells, Corsicana and a number of nieces, nephews and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Brown Spurlock, O. E. Williams, Robert Owens, Floyd Allred, Clyde
Smith and Alvin Watson.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, April 10, 1962
- 1st husband unk Hill 2nd G. T. McKinley married Oct 26, 1926 3rd husband unk Wallace d/o Jessie James Ashmore & Minnie Gertrude (Bragg) Ashmore
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Luther Walton Ashmore
Apr 24, 1867 - Dec 5, 1951
L. W. Ashmore, 84, Expires At Home, Rites Thursday
Luther W. Ashmore, 84, pioneer business figure of Corsicana, died at his home, 418 South
Eighteenth street Tuesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel at 2 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The Odd Fellows will conduct
graveside rites.
The services will be conducted by Dr. Chet C. Henson, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Born April 24, 1867, at Yorkville, Alabama, he came to Corsicana at the age of seven years. He
was married to Miss Alma Wilson, Feb. 27, 1898, in Corsicana, and in that same year entered the
paint business of Ashmore Brothers, a firm he headed until his death.
Ashmore served as assistant chief of the Corsicana volunteer fire department before
becoming chief for 1919-1920. He was active in politics and served as Ward 2 Democratic
precinct chairman for many years until his health necessitated his retirement. He was a
member of Corsicana IOOF Lodge No. 63, Woodmen of the World, and was a member of the Free
Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Albert Ashmore, Corsicana, and Wayne Ashmore, Midland; two
daughters, Mrs. Chas. Bee and Miss Faye Ashmore, both of Corsicana, and three grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be John Tipton, Lloyd Chambliss, Sims Hagler, O. A. Cole, Rex Bailey
and Roy Harrison.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, December 5, 1951
- h/o Alma Anna (Wilson) Ashmore married Feb. 27, 1898; s/o Andrew Jackson Ashmore & Harriet Caroline (Leverett)
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Alma Anna (Wilson) Ashmore
Mar 18, 1881 - Dec 28, 1958
Mrs. Ashmore Dies Sunday, Rites Tuesday
Mrs. L. W. Ashmore, aged 77 years, life-long Corsicana resident, died at her home, 418 South
Eighteenth street, Sunday afternoon. Her late husband was a pioneer Corsicana merchant.
Mrs. Ashmore had been in ill health but her death was unexpected.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Mrs. Ashmore was a member of the First Methodist church, Home Rebekah Lodge No. 128 and Woodmen
Surviving are two sons, Albert Ashmore, Corsicana, and Wayne Ashmore, Midland; two
daughters, Mrs. Charles Bee and Miss Faye Ashmore, both of Corsicana; four grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Nellie Alverson, Malakoff, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Avery Jackson, Ed Harris, Jr.; A. L. Jackson, B. Nutt, Don Allen and Paul
Mrs. Ashmore Burial Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. L. W. Ashmore, 77, life-long Corsicana resident, who died suddenly
at her home, 418 South Eighteenth street Sunday afternoon, were held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from
the McCammon Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church, of
which she was a long-time member. Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery. Mrs. Ashmore was also a member of Home Rebekah Lodge No. 128 and the Woodman
Mrs. Ashmore�s late husband was a pioneer Corsicana merchant.
Surviving are two sons, Albert Ashmore, Corsicana, and Wayne Ashmore, Midland; two
daughters, Mrs. Charles Bee and Miss Faye Ashmore, both of Corsicana; four grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Nellie Alverson, Malakoff, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Avery Jackson, Ed Harris, Jr.; A. L. Jackson, B. Nutt, Don Allen and Paul

B&D Jun. 23, 1915
Remains Laid to Rest.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mitchell
were laid to rest this morning at 10 o'clock.
Interment being made in
and the funeral taking place from the family
home on West Second Avenue.
The Central Texas Grocery company had their
place of business closed for one hour during the
Ebenezer Mitchell

Jan 4, 1872 - Feb 22, 1930
Givens Ebenezer Mitchell, aged fifty-eight
years, one month and eighteen days, son of the
late W. H. and Agnes Gallagher Mitchell, died at
his home, 812 West Second avenue, Saturday night
at 10:45 and the funeral was held from the
residence Monday afternoon at three o'clock with
interment in
cemetery, Mr. Mitchell was born at
Blairsville, South Carolina, Jan. 4, 1872, but
came to Navarro county when he was 20 years of
age and has resided here since that time,
practically all of the time in Corsicana.
Mr. Mitchell had been connected with the Central
Texas Grocery company here since its
organization and had been secretary of the
company for a number of years. He was a member
of Masonic bodies in Corsicana, Mexia and Waco,
being a member of Karem Shrine in Waco. He was
also a member of the Corsicana Lions club and
was an elder in the Southern Presbyterian
church. He took an active interest in all civic
affairs of the community.
The Central Texas Grocery company stores in
Corsicana, Athens and Mexia closed Monday.
He was married to Martha Jane Bell, oldest
daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. E. L.
Bell, April 7, 1904, in Corsicana. The marriage
ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Ransom.
The funeral services were conducted by Dr. E. H.
Hudson of Mexia.
Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Miss
Glynn Mitchell, teacher in Corsicana high
school; Miss Martha Mitchell, sophomore at the
University of Texas; and Miss Elizabeth Anne
Mitchell, student in the Corsicana schools;
three brothers, J. H. Mitchell, Dallas; S. W.
Mitchell, Denton; W. O. Mitchell, Columbia, S.
C.; and two sisters, Mrs. Sam N. John, Rock
Hill, S. C.; and Miss Alice Mitchell of
Greenville, S. C.
Pallbearers were W. M. Wilson, J. P. Stubbs, W.
T. Barnhart, Mexia; E. B. Gauntt, Athens; A. H.
Robinson, Mexia; M. C. Dickson, W. P. Story,
Mexia; Henry Walker, Smith Comfort, Mexia; and
Glenn Bell, Mexia. All pallbearers except Mr.
Walker were employees of the Central Texas
Grocery company.
The Funeral was directed by the Sutherland
Funeral Home.
Solos by Mrs. W. R. Sneed, accompanied by Miss Ruth Huffman, club
pianist, and a reading by Miss Mabel Bonner, featured the Lions Club
program Tuesday noon. Resolutions of respect were adopted by the
club on the recent death of Mrs. J. M. McCammon, mother of W. P.
McCammon, member of the club; and also G. E. Mitchell, recent
member, after they were presented by J. H. Woods of the courtesy
G. E. Mitchell
It is with deep regret that the Corsicana Lions Club has learned of
the death of our recent fellow member, Mr. G. E. Mitchell, at his
home in this city at 10:45 o'clock, Saturday night, February 22,
Mr. Mitchell was a native son of South Carolina, but nearly forty
years of his life had been spent in our midst. He was a man of
exemplary life, a member of the First Presbyterian church of this
city, connected also with important business interests for many
years in Corsicana, Mexia and Athens.
Last funeral services for him were held at his home on Monday
afternoon with burial in
We wish to express to his widow, Mrs. Mitchell and to his three
daughters, our true and sincere regard for his life and memory and
our sympathy for them in their grief and great loss of the husband
and father.
Submitted for delivery with our kind wishes for them in the years to
C. W. TAYLOR, President,
WM. ROCHELLE, Secretary,
Resolutions on the Death of Mrs. J. M. McCammon
Mr. C. W. Taylor,
President, Corsicana Lions Club:
Your committee on resolutions to whom were given at the last meeting
of the club instructions to prepare and present to the next meeting
of the Corsicana Lions Club, suitable resolutions of respect and
expressions of sympathy for our esteemed friends and brother Lion W.
P. McCammon in the loss of his splendid mother, Mrs. J. M. McCammon,
recently deceased, and we beg to submit the following report:
On the 11th day of the current months of February 1930, Mrs. J. M.
McCammon, venerable mother of our brother Lion, W. P. McCammon, her
life�s work being well done, her race well run, passed on to rest as
the weary wheels of life stood still. Her life was a long and useful
one, characterized by much that is best and brightest in human life
and activity, and through many years of usefulness and of
thoughtfulness for her children and her friends. Her friends were
many and they lived in her affections to the end, which came softly
to her, surrounded by her children and grandchildren at 10:45 on
Tuesday night, February 11, 1930. We know that she will be sorely
missed by her children, her grandchildren, her friends who knew her
and well knew of her life and its many thoughtful deeds of kindness.
And we beg to extend to our brother, W. P. McCammon, and to his
mother�s children, grandchildren and friends our sincere sympathy
and kind regard in this their time of deep distress and grief and to
command the memory of her good and useful life.
We also submit that these resolutions be made a part of the minutes
in the records of our club, that a copy be delivered by our
secretary to Mr. W. P. McCammon.
Respectfully submitted,
Lawrence �Billy� Story
Nov 2, 1912 - Jun 15, 1915
Many Expressions of Sympathy for Devoted
When it became known on the streets this morning
that Sidney Lawrence, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney Story, had been claimed by death,
there was universal expression of sorrow and of
profound sympathy for the fond parents. The
bright little fellow, affectionately called
�Billie� by all who knew him, was a fine and
winsome child, handsome in face and bright in
mind, and soon won a place in the hearts of all
who came in contact with him, and his
heart-broken parents have the profound sympathy
of all who know them, and with them will miss
the sweet smile and lovable ways of the little
one who has been transplanted to a brighter and
happier clime.
Funeral services will take place from the family
home tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock, with
interment in
Little Boy Laid to Rest in the Oakwood Cemetery.
The remains of Little Sidney Lawrence Story, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Story, who died yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, were laid to
rest in
cemetery this afternoon at 5 o'clock. A large
procession of friends followed the remains to their last resting
place, and there were many beautiful flowers. The last sad rites
were conducted by REV. Dr. Schoreid, rector of St. John�s Episcopal
church and the remains of the bright and handsome little boy were
borne to the grave by A. A. Wortham, Lowry Martin, C. B. Haley, W.
H. Hastings, Arthur Johnson and Wes Redden.
All that
was mortal of
Sidney Lawrence
(�Billie�) Story
was laid at rest
cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev. J. C. Black and Rev. C. F.
Scofield, the
former once the
pastor and the
latter now the
pastor of St.
John�s Episcopal
conducting the
funeral. That
the parents had
the sympathy of
all who knew
them and that
bright and
handsome face,
big, soft eyes
and cherry
disposition had
won the
affection of old
and young alike
was demonstrated
by the great
wealth of
flowers beneath
which his grave
was covered. No
sadder funeral
has been
witnessed in
Corsicana for
many days. Men,
women and
children could
not restrain
their tears
while the
funeral rites
were being said
and youth and
age and
childhood weft
in unison. It
was an instance
in which loving
parents had been
called upon to
give up that
around which
clustered their
tenderest and
Elizabeth Susan
"Lizzie" (Camp) Glover
Dec 13, 1829 - Apr 14, 1915
Died At Noon Today.
Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, aged 85 years, died at
noon today at the home of Mr. J. D. Cunningham
after an illness of ten days. The deceased is
survived by one child, Mrs. A. C. Johnson, who
was with her venerable parent when the end came.
The deceased lady had made her home her most of
the time for many years, and had many friends
who are pained at her departure.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon
at 3 p.m. from the home of J. D. Cunningham on
West Third avenue with interment in
Elizabeth Susan �Lizzie� (Camp) Glover
Dec 13, 1829 - Apr 14, 1915
Mrs. Elizabeth Glover Laid to Rest in Oakwood Cemetery.
The remains of the late Mrs. Elizabeth S. Glover, who died here at
noon yesterday, were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon at 3
o'clock. The funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Cunningham, where death overtook the venerable lady while
there as a visitor to her granddaughter, Mrs. Estill Cunningham.
A large number of friends attended the funeral and there were many
beautiful floral offerings. Rev. C. R. Wright of Central Methodist
church of Fort Worth, of which charge Mrs. Glover was a member,
assisted by Rev. J. W. Fort of the First Methodist church here,
conducted the services.
The pallbearers were J. D. Cunningham, W. M. Peck, Ralph Beaton, Ben
Fortson, M. L. Benson and W. W. Gage.
Augusta (Glover) Johnson
Aug 4, 1861 - Nov 21, 1925
Funeral services for Mrs. A. C. Johnson, aged 83
years, who died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Estill Cunningham Saturday at 12:15 p.m.,
were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
First Methodist Church. Rev. Horace Bishop, of
San Angelo, and Rev. Eugene W. Potter, pastor of
the church, officiating. Interment was in
cemetery immediately following the services
at the church, beside the remains of her husband
and a daughter who had preceded her to the Great
Beyond, with J. D. Cunningham, Wm. Clarkson,
Sr., P. M. Lea, W. M. Pock, J. R. Butler, Dr. L.
E. Kelton, J. S. Murchison and Sam Jackson
acting as pallbearers.
A large concourse of friends gathered at the
church and followed the remains to their final
resting place in Oakwood, sorrowing at the
passing of a pioneer among the good women of
Corsicana. The grave was covered with a great
profusion of beautiful flowers that were sent as
a final mark of love and respect for the one who
had gone about doing good as she walked through
life. The tears of these friends mingled with
those of the relatives as the last prayer was
said and the casket was lowered into the grave
carrying the body of this beloved woman to await
the Resurrection morn.
Those from out of town who came to attend the
funeral services of their relative and friend
were Hon Cone Johnson, a brother-in-law of
Tyler; Mrs. Dr. S. W. Johnson of Dallas; Mrs.
Earl Fortson, Fort Worth; Mrs. Pearl Polk, Fort
Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Machett of Dallas; Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Stover of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Thompson and two little daughters of Dallas,
the little girls being granddaughters of Mrs.
Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson of Eastland
and Glover Johnson of Fort Worth, the two being
sons of the deceased.
In Society
MRS. S. C. BAGBY, Editor.
Mrs. A. C. Johnson.
The passing of Mrs. A. C. Johnson, Saturday, November 21, Thus
removing one of Corsicana�s most valued and beloved Christian women.
The sympathy of friends throughout the city goes out to her devoted
children, Mr. and Mrs. Glover Johnson of Fort Worth, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Johnson of Eastman, and Mr. and Mrs. Estill Cunningham of our
city and to her six little grandsons and daughters.
Sweetest memories will ever recur at the mention of Mrs. Johnson.
She passed through the world helping, lifting, loving. Such a life
will call unto itself the rarest choicest reward when we give back
to heaven that which is so pure and good; heaven, knowing what we
have lost, will pour into the aching hearts her holiest, precious
Mrs. Johnson was laid to rest Sunday afternoon in
by the side of her husband and daughter, Mrs. William Thomson of
Dallas, following a very impressive service at the First Methodist
church conducted by Rev. E. W. Potter, pastor of the church and Rev.
Horace Bishop, of San Angelo, a much beloved, former pastor of the
church. Both ministers paid beautiful tributes to the memory of this
devout church woman.
The wealth of beautiful floral offerings attested the love and
esteem in which she was held.
Among those from out-of-town attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.
Glover Johnson of Fort Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and baby of
Eastland, sons of Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson and
two little daughters, Margaret and Julia of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Matchell of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stover and two children
of Dallas, Mrs. S. W. Johnson, Dallas, Mrs. Earle Fortson and
sister, Mrs. Pearl Polk of Fort Worth and Hon. Cone Johnson of
Jessie Thelma �Dutch� (Ashmore) Wells
Jan 29, 1900 - Aug 11, 1965
Mrs. Wells Dies On Wednesday
Mrs. Jessie T. (Dutch) Wells, 65, of 606 East
Ninth avenue, formerly of Roane, died in
Memorial hospital early Wednesday afternoon.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rose,
Tehuacana; three grandchildren and four
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Mrs. Wells was a member of Calvary Baptist
church and a
of World War II.
Arrangements are pending at Corley Funeral Home.
Hold Services For Mrs. Wells
Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie T. (Dutch)
Wells, 65, of 606 East Ninth avenue, who died
Wednesday afternoon in Memorial hospital, were
held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jimmy Harness,
pastor of the Central Baptist church. Burial was
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Wells was a member of Calvery Baptist
church and was a
of World War II.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rose,
Tehuacana; three grandchildren, four
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Deacons of Calvary Baptist Church were
Young �Pete� Cunningham
Dec 29, 1890 - May 2, 1973
E. Y. Cunningham
Funeral services will be at 11:00 a. m. Friday
at St. John�s Episcopal Church for E. Y.
Cunningham, 82, who died Wednesday night in
Memorial hospital. The Rev. James Zigler will
officiate and burial will be in
cemetery. Corley Funeral Home will direct.
He was born December 29, 1890, in Corsicana, and
was the son of John D. and May Young Cunningham.
He attended schools in Corsicana, Terrell
Preparatory School in Dallas, A&M College and
Eastman Business College in Poughkeepsie, New
York. He married Emily Johnson of Corsicana on
June 11, 1914. He operated Cunningham Bros., a
hardware business with his brother, Jack
Cunningham, and was auditor for Navarro County
for 20 years until he retired in 1955. He was a
member of St. John�s Episcopal Church and served
as Senior Warden. He was a Shriner in Hella
Temple, a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of the
Garitty Charity Fund.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. E. Y.
Cunningham of Corsicana; two sons, George H.
Cunningham of Wichita, Kansas, and Claude
Cunningham of Shreveport, Louisiana; five
grandchildren and a brother, Jack Cunningham of
Pallbearers will be Bill Cunningham, D. R. Vest,
Ralph Tatum, Jr., W. B. Tatum, John C. Tatum and
Maurice Young.
Rashawn Lewis
Dec 13, 1991 - May 11, 2015
Rashawn Lewis, 23, was born Dec. 13,1991 to the parents of
Linda Lewis and Charles �Bubba� Williams. Courtney was a
humble, sweet, and quiet person who loved his mother,
brother and entire family. He confessed Christ as his Savior
at an early age and he attended the Sixth Avenue Baptist
Courtney was a
2010 graduate of Corsicana High School and attended
Navarro College and worked for Wal-Mart in the automotive
department where he loved working on vehicles. He was also
very gifted at cutting hair.
The Angel of Silence entered into his life Monday, May 11,
Courtney was preceded in death by his grandparents,
Josephine Lewis, Albert and Ruth Williams;
great-grandparents Lizzie L. Mosley, and Opal and Della
Courtney leaves to cherish his memory his mother, Linda
Lewis; father, Charles �Bubba� Williams; siblings, Carlton
McDaniel, Larry Williams and Sontaja Williams; grandfather,
Roger Lewis; aunts and uncles Beverly Smith (Harvey),
Margaret Lewis, Patricia Edwards,Vickie Hood (Steve),
Dorothy Mathis, Jimmy Lewis (Maria) and Darren Lewis; his
special friend, Alicia Carillo; and a host of other family
members and friends.
Visitation is 1 to 7 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2015 at Ross and
Johnson Mortuary.
Funeral services are 2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 16, 2015 at the
First Baptist Church located at 510 West Collin. Interment
will follow at
Woodland Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. |
UPDATED: Family says Lewis was en route to pick
up fiance when swept away
By Raymond Linex II
Follis heard the cry for help about 11 p.m. But when she
didn�t find anyone, she assumed he got back in his car and
everything was OK.
Monday morning, she awoke to news of Corsicana�s lone loss
of human life from the floods that began with rains that
started Sunday evening and stretched into Monday morning.
Courtney Lewis, 23, drowned when his car stalled at 35th
Street and Third Avenue.
Follis saw the car traveling southbound on 35th, and saw it
rock off the bridge over the creek that runs in the area
between Second and Third Avenues. She saw him get out of the
She never saw him again.
�I came over to see if I could talk to him or see him
again,� said Follis, who lives about 50 yards from the
tributary where it runs under the bridge the brings 35th and
Third together. She said another neighbor had called 9-1-1.
�Knowing I was the last one to see him alive, my heart�s
broken,� she said.
Lewis� body was recovered in the creek near Second Avenue,
about 300 feet north of the bridge.
�His car was still on the bridge,� Corsicana Assistant
Police Chief Ronnie McGaha said Monday morning.
McGaha did not speculate how Lewis exited his vehicle.
McGaha said a call came in just before 4 a.m. about the car,
and at 4:56 a.m., Lewis was pronounced dead by Justice of
the Peace Vicki Gray.
Family members at the creek Monday afternoon said he had
been trying to pick up his fianc�, who got off work in the
area at 11 p.m. When he didn�t arrive, his fianc� knew
something was wrong, his cousin Gwendolyn Woods said.
�It has hit (the family) hard,� Woods said. �We�re just
asking the community to lift our family up.�
She said the family also lost two children to flooding in
town in 2004.
�This one was even harder,� Woods said.
Another cousin, Mesha Rhynes, said Courtney was younger than
her, but they were like �frick and frack.�
�Nobody got our jokes but us,� Rhynes said.
She hadn�t seen him in a few weeks, and got tied up recently
and passed on a scheduled visit. She regrets it now.
�He�s going to be missed,� Woods said.
Lewis worked for the Walmart�s automotive center, friends
and readers on the Daily Sun�s Facebook page said. By and
large, he was well liked.
�I taught (Lewis),� Lora Plemons wrote. �Good kid, super
quiet, funny, heart of gold. This breaks my heart.�
Deanna Steglich said the center has �big shoes to fill,�
citing his level of customer service.
�(He was) always a gentleman and honest,� Steglich wrote.
Lewis was an amazing guy, Canvas Jackson said. He was always
happy with a smile on his face.
�He was a great co-worker and even better friend,� Jackson
wrote. �I am so thankful for the four years I got to know
him and work with him.
�No one will or could ever take his place. Courtney will be
greatly missed.� |
(Nowak) Starnes
Jan 26, 1928 - May 4, 2015
Starnes passed away Monday, May 4, 2015 in Corsicana. Gertie
was born Jan. 26, 1928 in Germany to George and Clara Nowak.
She married Billy Starnes on June 28, 1958 while he was
stationed in Aschaffen Burg, Germany. He preceded her in
death after 35 years of marriage on Feb. 6, 1992.
After moving to the United States, Gertie and Billy were
stationed in Rapid City, South Dakota for a year and a half.
From there, they were transferred to Austin, Texas. Billy
retired in 1963 in El Paso; from there, Billy and Gertie
moved to Corsicana. In Corsicana, Gertie worked at Haggar
Slack Company for 25 years until the business moved from
Corsicana. She received annual awards for excellence as a
supervisor. She will be greatly missed by many of her fellow
co-workers. After retirement, Gertie and her husband
traveled across the U.S. many times. Gertie gave wonderful
home-cooked meals and cakes freely to all her friends. She
also loved to knit beautiful sweaters. Christmas was her
most favorite holiday of the year; she enjoyed decorating
her home and sharing it with her friends.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Billy Starnes;
parents George and Clara Nowak; her sisters Lucia of
Germany, Friedl of England, Charlotte of Puerto Rico; her
brothers Fritz of West Germany and Rudy of Poland. She also
leaves behind many beloved friends, Betty and Hugo
Bustamonte of El Paso; her very special friend Karin
Roberts, David Zenk, Stanley Roberts, Marjorie, Jessica,
Krissi, and Rebecca Bentz, Lee and Lori Armstrong, Juanita
Martinez, Ann Williams, Ruth Nelson, and Amir Faryad, all of
Corsicana; and her many friends at �The Station.�
Visitation will be 2 p.m. Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be 3 p.m. Saturday, May 9, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home chapel with Bro. Danny Reeves
officiating. Burial will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Ann (Culver) Loftis
Aug 31, 1955 - May 3, 2015
Ann Culver Loftis was born Aug. 31, 1955 to Cecil Culver Jr.
and LaVern Culver in Groom, Texas. Cecilia's parents
operated the Elmo Court Motel in Groom and her birth
announcement stated that there was a new maid at the Elmo
Cecilia graduated from Quanah High School in 1973 before
attending college at Navarro College in Corsicana, Texas.
While attending Navarro College she met the love of her
life, Jerry �Bo� Loftis. The two were married Jan. 3, 1975
in Corsicana. They had three children, Casey, Krista, and
Cecilia had a multitude of different jobs in the numerous
places she lived, touching many lives for the cause of
Christ. Cecilia loved working with children and was able to
do this as a day care director for five years and a
children's ministry pastor for over 20 years. Her last job
was with the Texas Department of Public Safety in Corsicana.
She loved and excelled in each position she held.
Cecilia is preceded in death by her father, Cecil Culver
Jr., brother Billy Lon �Wild Bill� Culver, step-father
Judson �Jud� Williams, and mother LaVern Williams.
Cecilia is survived by her husband of 40 years, Jerry Loftis
of Corsicana; sister Pamela Elaine Horton Culver Downing of
Lubbock, Texas; son Casey Loftis, with his wife Beth Loftis
and their children Ryan Paul, Clayton, and Luke of Rickman,
Tennessee; daughter Krista Loftis of Corsicana; son Caleb
Loftis, with his fianc�e Keri Jackson and her daughter
Vanessa of Corsicana.
Cecilia loved God, life, and her family and will be dearly
Visitation with the family will be from 7 to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be 2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 7, 2015 at
the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Bo Loftis
officiating. Interment will follow at
Pallbearers will be Casey Loftis, Caleb Loftis, Kurt Lupo,
Colt Lawhon, Dakota Tucker, and David Burch. Honorary
pallbearers are Ryan Paul Campbell, Clayton Loftis, and Luke
Donations may be made to the Myelofibrosis Leukemia
Foundation, 1721 North Blvd., Houston, Texas 77098. |
Charlotte Marie (Woodard) Smith
Oct 18, 1948 - May 2, 2015
M. Smith of Corsicana passed away at Trisun Care Center on
Saturday evening May 2, 2015 at the age of 66 with her
family at her side.
Charlotte was born on Oct. 18, 1948 in Palestine, Texas, to
Charles and Marie Murry Woodard. She married Terry Smith on
May 3, 1985, at St. Luke United Methodist Church in
Corsicana. She retired as an office manager with the Tarrant
County Water District starting her career at Richland
Chambers Reservoir. Charlotte was very involved in St. Luke
United Methodist Church where she was a member of the choir,
taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible School and helped in
any other area that she was needed. She loved to shop with
family and friends at stores like Garden Ridge and Wal-Mart
at all hours of the day or night. Family was important to
Charlotte. She was always there to encourage and support
them whenever they needed help.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Marie
Survivors include her husband of 30 years, Terry Smith of
Corsicana; children, Karen Reed, Amanda Parten, Courtney
Thompson and Katie Thompson, all of Corsicana;
grandchildren, Haley Garland, Michael Reed, Hagen Parten,
Beaux Clark and Amanda Reed. She is also survived by her
aunt, Annabelle Upchurch of Raleigh, North Carolina; a
sister, Alane Cameron of New Braunfels; two brothers, Don
Woodard of Austin and Paul Woodard of Pittsburg, Texas; and
numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
Visitation with her family will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday,
May 5, 2015, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 6, 2015, in
the chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Interment will
follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Darrel Andrews, Bubba Byars, Jack
Bradley, Bill Stoner, Scott Cameron and Drew Cameron.
Memorials may be made to St. Luke United Methodist Church at
2308 Bowie Drive Corsicana, Texas 75110.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Ray Edwin Ragan
July 14, 1931 - May 2, 2015
Ray Edwin Ragan, 83, of Emhouse passed away on Saturday, May
2, 2015 at Navarro Regional Hospital in Corsicana.
He was born in Corsicana, Texas on July 14, 1931 to John
Blair and Annie Mae Grimmett Ragan. He was a member of First
Baptist Church of Blooming Grove.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ruby Nell Ragan;
parents; and nine brothers and sisters.
Survivors include his sons, Michael Ragan of Granbury,
Rickey Ragan and wife Debbie of Emhouse, and Dale Ragan and
wife Holly of Hewitt; daughters, Becky Bernstein and husband
Larry of Greenville, Linda Comer and husband Ron of
Benbrook, Renee Bruyere and husband Mike of Emhouse, and
Regina Cantrell and husband Brian of Waxahachie; 22
grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren, and three great-great
grandchildren; sister, Ruth Lucas of Orange, and numerous
nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on
Sunday, May 3, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4,
2015 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Grady
Cashion officiating. Interment will follow in the
Pallbearers will Mike Ragan, Todd Ragan, Craig Bernstein,
Daniel Price, Rickey Ragan, and Randy Barlow. |
Paula Jennelle (Cotton) Martin-Coppock
Feb 27, 1950 - May 12, 2015
Martin Coppock, 65, of Corsicana passed away Tuesday, May
12, 2015 at her residence. She was born Feb. 27, 1950 in
Corsicana to Dorsey Andrew Cotten and Minnie Gertrude Benton
She worked for Lance Foods for 34 years. She married Kenneth
Coppock June 7, 1997.
She is preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Rhonda
Cotten and Brenda Cumbie, and one brother Randy Cotten.
She is survived by her husband, Kenneth Coppock of
Corsicana; children, Sherri Stallings Montfort and husband
Matt, Gina McDonald and husband Brandon, and step-daughter
Stephanie Coppock; brother, Timothy Cotten; nine
grandchildren, Mason Montfort, Sarah Sims, Mark Montfort,
Cole Stallings, Leslie Sorrell, Dylan McDonald, Logan
Stallings, Dalton McDonald and Drew McDonald and one
great-grandchild Ryland Arnold.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 14, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Service will be 2 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home with Dr. Darren Heil officiating. Burial will
follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Les Cotten,
Mike Cotten, Lynn McDonald, Tom Pease, George Coppock and
Donnie Mann.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, May 15, 2015
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- w/o (1) Richard E. Martin and (2)
Kenneth Coppock; d/o Dorsey Andrew
Cotten & Minnie Gertrude (Benton) Cotten
Pamela Webster
abt 1960 - Apr 29, 2015
Pamela Webster Castillo, 54, Corsicana, passed
Thursday, April 29,2015, at Navarro Regional
Hospital. Funeral services are 1 p.m. Wednesday,
May 6, 2015, at the Love Chapel Baptist Church
in Corsicana, with Pastor David Wilson
officiating. It was Pamela's request to have no
public viewing. Arrangements by Ross and Johnson
Mortuary, Corsicana.
Elenor Ruth
abt 1926 - Apr 30, 2015
Elenor Ruth Perrino, 88, of Corsicana passed
away Thursday, April 30, 2015. A memorial
service will be held at a later date.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Daren Stewart
Dec 29, 1967 - Apr 30, 2015
Stewart Johnson, 47, of Corsicana passed away Thursday,
April 30, 2015 at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village following
a 35-year struggle with Juvenile Diabetes.
Daren was born Dec. 29, 1967 in Corsicana to Dale and Judy
Johnson. He was a 1986 graduate of Corsicana High School and
graduate of Navarro College with an AAS degree in Drafting
and Technology. He was employed by True Value Distribution
Center in Corsicana.
Survivors are his daughter, Megan Nicole Johnson and her
fianc�, Lance Henderson; mother and stepfather, Dr. Michael
and Judy Johnson Dunavant of Corsicana.; brother and
sister-in-law, Brent Johnson and Carrie Bradfield of St.
Louis, Missouri, two grandchildren, Destin Robert Collins
and Evelynn Ember Henderson of Corsicana; aunt and uncle,
Carolyn Wickwire and Dennis West of Dallas; and uncle and
aunt, Bob and Jeanne Garvin of Weatherford.
He is also survived by three stepsons and their families,
Michael and Julie Abrahamson and their sons Brandon and
Christopher of Kyle; Lance and Sahvanna Johnson and their
children Emily, Maria, Ben, and Olivia of Corsicana; and
Paul and Adrienne Abrahamson of Denton.
Survivors include a stepbrother and family, Eric and Angel
Dunavant, Clayton, Austen, and Gracyn of Mandeville,
Louisiana; a stepsister and family, Alicia and Daniel
Muldrow, Stephen, Micah, Gabriel, and Ethan of Cedar Creek.
He was preceded in death by his father, Dale Johnson in
1998; an uncle, Marty Wickwire in 2000, maternal
grandparents, Jim and Marian Garvin of Paris, Texas; and
paternal grandparents, Felix M. and Jewell Johnson of
Daren was a highly creative, fun man who faced life's
challenges with amazing courage and determination. He was
continually trying to figure out how things work and had a
boundless curiosity for the world and the things in it. He
enjoyed challenging the boundaries of what was possible both
through invention as well as overcoming his own
disabilities. He was truly an inspiration to those who knew
Visitation will be Monday, May 4, 2015 from 6 to 8 p.m. at
603 W. Sixth Ave. (Commons Area of Madison Place Condos)
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 5,
2015 at the First United Methodist Church with Rev. Chandler
Ragland officiating.
Everyone is invited to a reception in Martin Hall at the
church following the service.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the First United
Methodist Church, Corsicana or charity of your choice.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Calvin "Jerry" Lemler
Oct 13, 1944 - May 7, 2015
Gerald �Jerry� Lemler, 70, of Blooming Grove,
passed away Thursday, May 7, 2015. No services
are scheduled at this time. Arrangements by
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Garland "Bill" Hull
Jun 19, 1947 - May 9, 2015
�Bill� Hull passed away Saturday, May 9, 2015, surrounded by
loved ones.
Bill was born June 19, 1947, in Corsicana, Texas. Raised by
loving and devoted parents, Bernice Bennight Hull and Robert
Thomas Hull, he was an only-child full of spirit. While his
home was always in Texas, Bill traveled as often as he
could. He loved being outside whether it was working in the
yard, canoeing down a river, camping in Colorado, or just
driving the open road. He was also quite a hunter: of deer,
dove and details. He was constantly looking for the �why� in
anything and everything.
Bill graduated from Hubbard High School in 1965 and was a
member of the 1964 District Champion football team.
Bill enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1966 and
proudly volunteered for his country in Vietnam from
1966-1968. The day he left Hubbard, with four of his
buddies, many from the town gathered to send the young men
off. Bill was in the 2nd Batallion 3rd Marines E Company;
fittingly, in the weapons platoon. Bill�s service in Vietnam
included the Tet Offensive in 1968. He was honorably
discharged as a Lance Corporal and the recipient of a Purple
Bill worked for Central Freight Lines from 1972 to 1984. He
drove more than one million miles accident-free, something
he was quick to remind his daughter (who was not
accident-free!) when she questioned him during her driving
Bill worked as a machinist at Shilen Rifles, Inc. from 1984
until 2012. Bill was a straight-shooter, literally and
figuratively. Besides always saying exactly what he thought
about something, he was also a competitive benchrest shooter
traveling the country for shoots, often with his son or
Bill had two children while married to Jo Anne Bell Hull:
Robert Wade Hull, born in 1971, and Natalie Turner Hull,
born in 1983. In 2013, after 40 years of friendship and ten
years of companionship, Bill married Mikel Christine Shilen.
Bill was preceded in death by his mother, Bernice Bennight
Survivors include his wife, Mikel Christine Shilen Hull of
Gray�s Prairie; father, Robert Thomas Hull of Corsicana;
son, Robert Wade Hull and his wife Jennifer of Ennis;
daughter, Natalie Turner Hull of Missouri; and two
granddaughters, Joey Michelle and Jordan Tucker Hull of
Memorial services for Garland �Bill� Hull, 67, are scheduled
for 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home. The
family will receive condolences following the service at the
funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:
National Kidney Foundation, 5429 LBJ Freeway Ste 250,
Dallas, TX 75240 or online at www.kidney.org. |
Ellen (Christian) Woodard

Jul 15, 1868 � Jul. 21, 1915
Lady Expires Suddenly at Home Near Jester
Mrs. Monroe Woodard, wife of a well known farmer
of the Jester Switch community, died suddenly at
the family home last night and the remains were
interred in the neighborhood cemetery this
The deceased is survived by her husband and
several grown children and a number of
Asberry McPhaill
Jul 20, 1856 - Dec 28, 1909
W. A, McPhail.
Mr. W. A. McPhail died at 7 o'clock this morning
and will be buried from his residence, 605 South
Seventh street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock
cemetery. Deceased was 53 years of age and
leaves a wife and four children.
Daily Sun
- - Tuesday,
Dec 28, 1909
- w/o
Julia Price
McPhaill; s/o
William W.
McPhaill and
Mary R.
(Father of
Mattie &
Willie McPhaill)
Submitted by
Diane Richards
Price (Nicholson) McPhaill
Aug 15, 1962 - Jan 5, 1958
Mrs. McPhaill Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Julia McPhaill, 95,
who died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Luther
Larrison, 109 North Nineteenth street late
Sunday, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the
Griffin Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley
Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church, of
which she had been a member more than 80 years,
assisted by Rev. Kenneth Dickson, associate
A native of Mississippi, Mrs. McPhaill had
resided in Corsicana since early in life. In
addition to her membership in the First
Methodist Church, she was long active in Home
Rebekah Lodge No. 128 and the Woodmen Circle.
Surviving are a son, W. V. McPhaill, Houston,
two daughters, Mrs. Larrison, Corsicana, and
Mrs. Sye Corder, Dallas; three grandsons,
William G. McPhaill, Corsicana; Joe McPhaill and
Alvin Corder; and a number of nieces, nephews
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were E. H. Powell, C. B. Haley,
Talmadge Cook, Frank Larrison, Lowell Bonner,
Adolph Weidman, Lloyd Chambliss, B. F. Speed,
Dr. Leslie E. Kelton, Jr. and Ed Anderson.
Lloyd Granville
Jan 2, 1887 - May 25, 1962
Sunday Rites Lloyd G. Kerr
Funeral services for Lloyd G. Kerr, 75,
life-long Corsicana resident, who died in Baylor
Hospital, Dallas, Friday night, were held Sunday
at 5 p.m. from St. John�s Episcopal Church.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Sam B. Husley,
rector. Burial was in
cemetery. Kerr was a member of St. John�s.
He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. P.
Kerr, Corsicana pioneers. He studied at the New
England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass.;
directed the music for the Texas Centennial
celebration at Dallas, 1936-1937, and was
assistant producer of the Calvacade of the
Americas at San Francisco, 1939-1940.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a daughter,
Mrs. John Chew; three grandchildren, John Chew,
Jr.; Margaret Lloyd Chew and Robert Chew, all of
Radnor, Pa.; a brother, Ira Kerr, Louisville,
Ky., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were John C. Tatum, Lynn Sanders,
James E. Fortson, W. M. Clarkson,111; Wm. B.
Robinson, H. R. Stroube, Jr,; Rl. L. Wheelock,
Jr., and Bob Corley.
Corley directed.
America (Taylor) Kerr
Aug 2, 1861 - Jul 3, 1956
Mrs. T. P. Kerr Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. T. P. Kerr, 95, native
of Wadeville, near Kerens, who died Tuesday
night in Memorial Hospital, were held Thursday
at 10:30 a. m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. L. D. Ballard,
pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of
which she was a long-time member, and Rev. Fred
C. Wolfe, Jr., rector of the St. Johns Episcopal
church. Burial was in
cemetery. Mrs. Kerr had resided in Corsicana
75 years. She had been ill eight years.
Surviving are three sons, Lloyd G. Kerr,
Corsicana; Ira J. Kerr, Louisville, and Stanley
E. Kerr, Dallas; six grandchildren, 11
great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs Frank S.
Kerr, IOOF Home in Ennis, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Dave Kelton, Allyn Gordon, C.
L. Terry, A. L. Renfro, W. V. Mowlam, George
Williams, Robert Cooksey and Joe Simkins.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, July 5, 1956
- w/o Thomas Perkins Kerr d/o Ira B. Taylor & Mary Holmes (Edwards) Taylor (listed some places as America Lizzie and others Elizabeth America)
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Thomas Perkins
Jun 19, 1857 - Mar 4, 1937
Ministers Visited With Mr. Kerr Short While
Before Death
Three ministers of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church came down Wednesday evening from Dallas
and Fort Worth to see Mr. Tom Kerr, who was
seriously ill, as Mr. Kerr has been an elder to
the local church for many years.
These ministers, who were close friends of Mr.
Kerr, who passed away Thursday night at
mid-night at his one on West Second avenue, were
Rev. Harry Allen, a former pastor and close
friend of the deceased; Rev. N. A. Woychuk,
student of the Dallas Theological University and
present pastor of the local church; and Rev.
Allister Sinclair, pastor of the Fort Worth
church, who has visited here on several
occasions, and had learned to love and respect
Mr. Kerr for his many wonderful traits of
The trio visited Mr. Kerr again Thursday morning
before departing for Dallas and Fort Worth.
Funeral services for Tom P. Kerr, aged 79 years,
life-long resident of Corsicana, who died
Thursday night at 11:30 o'clock, were held from
the family home, 613 West Second Avenue,
Saturday afterno9on at 3:30 o'clock with
interment in
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Woychuk, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church, assisted by Rev. W. T. Ingram of
Marshall, former pastor of the local church.
Mr. Kerr was born on the same block where he
resided. He was in the shoe business early in
life and later was cashier of the Corsicana
National Bank for 17 years. While for many years
he had been an independent oil operator.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Lloyd Kerr,
Corsicana; Ira J. Kerr, Louisville, and Stanley
E. Kerr, Dallas, and six grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Lee Onstott, Hubbard; Douglas
Johnson, Waco, Gordon Johnson, Dallas; H. C.
Nash, Washington, D. C.; Blair Kerr, James Kerr,
Jr., Dr. L. E. Kelton, F. A. Widmer, Roy
Thompson and Hays Bonner.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Darius Scott Welch

Jan 25, 1834 - Dec 2, 1909
Died in Blooming Grove.
D. S. Welch, aged 76 years, and for many years a
citizen of Blooming Grove, died there last night
and the remains were interred there this
Fleet �Bob� Smith, Sr.
Dec 14, 1868 - May 6, 1958
Bob Smith Dies Tuesday Morning
R. F. (Bob) Smith, 89, retired farmer, 505 South
Thirtieth street, died in Memorial Hospital
Tuesday morning.
A native of Calhoun county, Miss., he had
resided here 70 years.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley
Chapel Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., conducted by
Malcom Smith, Church of Christ minister of
Navasota, with burial in
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Della Smith,
Corsicana; three sons, R. F. Smith, Jr.,
Texarkana; A. B. and P. N. Smith both of
Navasota; four daughters, Mrs. Laura Sparks,
Corsicana; Mrs. R. E. Frederick and Mrs. O. C.
Becker, both of Tyler, and Mrs. C. R. Allen,
Paris; 16 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren
and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Wednesday rites For Bob Smith
Funeral services for R. F. (Bob) Smith, 89,
retired farmer, 505 South Thirtieth street, who
died in Memorial Hospital Tuesday will be held
from the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
The rites will be conducted by Malcom Smith,
Church of Christ minister of Navasota, assisted
by Earl L. Craig, minister of the West Side
Church of Christ.
A native of Calhoun county, Miss., he had
resided here for 70 years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Della Smith,
Corsicana; three sons, R. F. Smith, Jr.,
Texarkana; A. B. and P. N. Smith, both of
Navasota; four daughters, Mrs. Laura Sparks,
Corsicana; Mrs. R. E. Frederick and Mrs. O. C.
Becker, both of Tyler, and Mrs. C. R. Allen,
Paris; 16 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren
and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, May 7, 1958
- h/o Della Eudalia (Phillips) Smith married Jul. 14, 1895; s/o Giles Smith & Rebecca L. �Becca� (Bounds) Smith �Becca� is buried in Dresden cemetery
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Eudalia (Phillips) Smith
Nov 22, 1872 - Feb 9, 1959
Mrs. Smith Dies Monday, Rites Tuesday
Mrs. R. F. Smith, 86, native of Arkadelphia,
Ark., long-time resident of Corsicana and
Navarro county, died at the family residence,
505 South Thirtieth street, Monday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the West End
Church of Christ Tuesday at 2 p.m. with burial
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Earl L. Craig, minister of the
Mrs. Smith had resided in Navarro county 50
years and 32 years in Corsicana.
Surviving are three sons, Robert F. Smith, Jr.,
Texarkana; A. B. Smith, Clay, and Phillip Smith,
Navasota; four daughters, Mrs. Laura Sparks,
Corsicana; Mrs. R. E. Frederick and Mrs. O. C.
Becker, both of Tyler, and Mrs. C. R. Allen,
Paris; 16 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren,
four brothers, Joe and Clarence Phillips, both
of Corsicana; Houston and Reid Phillips, both of
Dallas; four sisters, Mrs. J. B. Scott,
Corsicana; Mrs. R. L. Pritchard and Mrs. John
Kemp, both of Dallas; and Mrs. Will Towns,
Breckenridge, and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Corley will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, February 9, 1959
- w/o Robert Fleet �Bob� Smith, Sr. married Jul. 14, 1895; d/o Napoleon Bonaparte �Bud� Phillips & Adaline Elizabeth (Harrison) Phillips
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Winnie Huitt
Mar 1911 - May 1911
Died Yesterday.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Huitt
died at their home on West Fifth avenue
yesterday morning at 6 o'clock and the remains
were interred in
cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning, Rev. J.
P. Patterson officiating.
Wilson �Hattie� Huitt
Mar 6, 1881 - Aug 25, 1960
Rites Saturday For A. W. Huitt
Final rites for A. W. (Hattie) Huitt, 79, of 504
South Nineteenth street, who died in Memorial
Hospital Thursday night, were held Saturday at 2
p.m. from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
The services were conducted by Rev. Paul
Wiseman, pastor of the church. Burial was in
Huitt was injured Tuesday afternoon when struck
by an automobile at the intersection of South
Eighteenth street and West Seventh avenue. The
driver of the vehicle was reported to be Clyde
E. Jones, aged 15, of Corsicana.
The death of Huitt is the sixth traffic fatality
in Navarro county this year.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Belle
Day, Tyler, and Mrs. R. L. Blakney, Odessa; a
son, Jimmy J. Huitt, San Francisco, Calif.;
seven grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, a
sister Miss Lula Huitt, Corsicana; a brother,
Jimmy Huitt, Kerrville, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. M. Baker, J. I. Ellett, T.
B. Wheeler, Richard Grimmett, O. C. Travis,
Charles Cravens, Buddy Ward and H. V. Andrus,
all stewards of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Corley directed.
Rites Saturday For A. W. Huitt
Final rites for A. W. (Hattie) Huitt, 79, of 504 South
Nineteenth street, who died in Memorial Hospital Thursday night,
were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist
church. The services were conducted by Rev. Paul Wiseman, pastor
of the church. Burial was in
Huitt was injured Tuesday afternoon when struck by an automobile
at the intersection of South Eighteenth street and west Seventh
avenue. The driver of the vehicle was reported to be Clyde E.
Jones, aged 15 of Corsicana.
The death of Huitt is the sixth traffic fatality in Navarro
county this year.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Belle Day, Tyler, and
Mrs. R. L. Blakney, Odessa; a son, Jimmy J. Huitt, San
Francisco, Calif.; seven grandchildren, five
great-grandchildren, a sister, Miss Lula Huitt, Corsicana; a
brother, Jimmy Huitt, Kerrville and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. M. Baker, J. I. Elliott, T. B. Wheeler,
Richard Grimmett, O. C. Travis, Charles Cravens, Buddy Ward and
H. V. Andrus, all stewards of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Corley directed.
(Thompson) Smith
Died Aug. 27, 1909
Buried Saturday.
Mrs. Mattie Smith who died Friday at noon, was
buried Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock at
Petty�s Chapel. Mrs. Smith died at the home of
her father, Mr. W. R. Thompson, who resides on
East Second avenue.
John Thomas Petty

Aug 30, 1824 - Sep 26, 1909
Aged Citizen Dead.
T. J. Petty, aged 85 years, and one of the
oldest and best known citizens of the county,
died at his home in the Petty Chapel community
yesterday and the remains were interred near
Petty�s Chapel this afternoon at 4 o'clock. An
immense throng of neighbors and friends were
present to pay their respects to the dead.
The deceased had been a resident of Navarro
county since 1849 and is survived by his wife
and the following children, all grown; Ed Petty
of Mexia, James Petty of California, Mrs. Will
Ricker of Corsicana and D. Petty of Petty�s
The funeral services this afternoon were
conducted by Rev. E. P. Williams.
John Wilson Howell
Jan 16, 1855 - May 29, 1911
Took His Own Life.
J. W. Howell, aged about 60 years, and a good
citizen of the Petty Chapel community, near the
county farm, shot himself this morning with a
small-sized revolver and died almost instantly.
The deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis
nearly a year ago and since that time had been
almost helpless. Despondency over his condition
is supposed to have been the cause of the rash
The deceased Is survived by a wife and four
sons, two of them grown and the younger ones
nearly grown.
LATER�It has been learned later that the
deceased used a shot gun, tearing a great hole
in his left breast, the trigger being sprung
with a stick as the unfortunate man stood on the
back porch of his residence. The tragedy was
enacted about 9 o'clock this morning while the
wife was in the garden gathering vegetables and
the sons were at work in the field.
Interment will take place at
Petty Chapel Cemetery tomorrow afternoon at
3 o'clock.
Mary Luvanna �Vanna� (McCuiston) Howell
Apr 5, 1868 - Jan 30, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. Vanna Howell, 77, who
died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. R. D. Barton, Beaumont, will be
held Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from
the Sutherland McCammon Chapel. Rev. J. I.
Cartlidge will conduct the rites. Burial will be
Petty's Chapel Cemetery.
Mrs. Howell had been a resident of Navarro
county for many years and had just recently gone
to Beaumont to be with her daughter.
Survivors are five sons, Jesse R. Howell,
Corsicana; Ed Howell, Corsicana; Wayne R. Howell
, Dallas; John Howell, Beaumont; Percy Howell,
Los Angeles, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. R. D.
Barton, Beaumont,; Miss Mary Howell, Dallas; a
sister, Mrs. Sophia Huskinson, Munday, and other
Pallbearers will be Roy Bristow, Harry Burke, C.
W. Taylor, G. H. Blankinship, Suttle Roberts and
W. A. Lang.
Arvasina Ardella (Anderson) Farris
Sep 12, 1827 - Jun 22, 1915
Eighty-Six Years.
Mrs. A. Z. Farris, aged eighty-six years, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. T. McBroom,
618 East Ninth avenue, this morning.
The deceased is survived by five grown children,
Mrs. A. T. McBroom of Corsicana, W. S. Farris of
Fate, Texas; W. M. Farris and Tom Farris of
Llano Junction; Mrs. F. E. Neland of Rochelle,
Texas, and James Farris of Waco.
The funeral took place this afternoon at 5
o'clock with interment in the
Petty�s Chapel burying ground. Hippel &
Elkins were the funeral directors.
Ruben Vorece
Jul 3, 1853 - Nov 24, 1937
Rueben V. Andrus Died Wednesday; Funeral
Reuben Vorece Andrus, aged 84 years, died at his
home near the northeast city limits Wednesday
night at 6 o'clock. Funeral services were held
from the residents Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock with burial in the
Petty's Chapel Cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, Reuben Andrus, Conroe;
Warren Andrus, Bryan, and Arthur Andrus,
Corsicana; daughters Mrs. Jennie Angeles,
Houston; Mrs. Kate McNair and Mrs. Rosie Olare,
both of Waco; and Mrs. Minnie Farmer, Kerens; 25
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Sutherland � McCammon Funeral Home directed the
The rites were conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn,
pastor of the Second Baptist Church.
John Stephen
Hardy Sr.
July 15, 1961 - Mar 16, 2015
John Stephen Hardy Sr., 53 of Corsicana, passed
away Monday, March 16,
2015 in Corsicana. Memorial service will be 10
a.m. Thursday, March 19,
2015 at the IOOF Park Pavillion with Rev.
Michael Bedard officiating.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Betty Ann (Gillen) Ingham-Raley-Sullivan-Thrash-Raley
Jan 28, 1943 - Mar 11, 2015
Ann Raley, 72, of Dawson passed away Wednesday, March 11,
2015 at Navarro Regional Hospital in Corsicana. Visitation
with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 17, 2015 at Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove,
Texas. A private family burial will be held at a later date. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Submitted by
Karen Rost
d/o Crawford Leon "C.L." Gillen
& Zola Mae (Lusk) Gillen; w/o Ray Dean Ingham, Royce D. Raley m. Apr 10, 1978, Billy E. Sullivan m. Jan 16, 1988,
& Delton Ogie Thrash, Jr.
Mrs. Betty Ann Gillen Raley, age 72, of Corsicana passed away on
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at Navarro Regional Hospital. She was
born on January 28, 1943 in Corsicana to C.L. and Zola Gillen.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her husband, Delton Thrash, her children,
Donna Suzie Withrow and Roy Dean Ingham.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6:00 to 8:00PM on
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at Central Baptist Church located at 221
S. Fordyce Street in Blooming Grove, Texas. A private burial
will be held on a later date at
Rose Hill Cemetery
with Dr. Darren Heil officiating.
Jack Arnett
Dec 18, 1963 - May 22, 2015
Jack A Albritton, 51, of Corsicana went home to his Lord and
Savior on Friday, May 22, 2015, at his residence.
He was born on Dec. 18, 1963 in Fort Worth, to Allen and
Freda Lee Albritton.
He spent his adult life driving trucks all over the United
States. He loved his family and friends greatly and was
generous with everyone he knew. He spent the last four years
battling cancer and beat the odds for quite a while, and
fought the fight bravely until the last.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Survivors include his wife, Cordy Albritton; his children,
Savanna Albritton, Brandon Maher and wife Julie, Levi
Plunkett, Sean Schultz and wife Tiffany, J. J. Schultz and
wife Christina, and Wyatt Sanches. He is also survived by
his grandchildren, Callie Maher, Liberty Schultz, Lyric
Schultz Katelyn Schultz and Tyler Schultz; his brothers,
Earl Albritton and Jim Richards; sisters-in-law, Irene
Nation and Darlene Stiner; brother-in-law, Aaron Wolfe and
wife Daisy; numerous cousins, nieces, nephews, close friends
and church family. He touched many, many lives.
Visitation with the family will be held 10 a.m. to noon on
Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at Lone Star Cowboy Church of
Navarro County at 4495 West State Highway 22 in Corsicana.
Funeral service will be following the visitation at noon on
Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at Lone Star Cowboy Church with
Pastor Charky Marquis officiating. Interment will follow at
a later date in
Bazette Cemetery in Bazette, due to wet conditions at
the cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Steve Weaver, Randy Fugate, Joe Perry,
D. J. Harris, Sonny Bosher, Aaron Wolfe, David Wolfe and
Stephan Wolfe.
Honorary pallbearers will be Jim Richards, John L. Weaver,
John Taylor, Russell Cryer-Williams, Levi Plunkett, Sean
Schultz, J.J. Schultz and Wyatt Sanches.
Memorials may be made to Lone Star Cowboy Church, 4495 West
State Highway 22, Corsicana, Texas 75110.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Ann (Stanfield) Woodard
Aug 6, 1853 - Jul 3, 1956
Rites Thursday For Mrs. Woodard
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Ann Woodard,
103, who died Tuesday morning, were held
Thursday at 12 noon at the Corley Chapel with a
second service at the Vaughan cemetery in Hill
county. The rites were conducted by Rev. H. G.
Starkey, Tyler Baptist minister, formerly of
A native of Alabama, Mrs. Woodard came to Hill
county in 1870 where she married the late Tom
Woodard, a Confederate veteran, in 1872. He died
in 1918. She recalled that only three stores
were operated in Fort Worth and two in Waco in
the early days and her nearest neighbor resided
10 miles away.
Mrs. Woodard came to Corsicana two years ago
after a broken hip was suffered in a fall at
Waco, where she had resided 15 years. She made
her home at Aquilla, Hill county for many years.
Surviving are two sons, Charlie Woodard, West
Station, and Frank Woodard, Waco; three
daughters, Mrs. Jewel Clark, Whitney; Mrs.
Fannie Reed, Margum, and Mrs. Stella White,
Corsicana; 45 grandchildren, 31
great-grandchildren, and five great-greatgrandchildren,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Leonard O. Nolan, Ray A. Nolan,
Vernon R. Nolan, Roy Whitefield, Jessie White
and Jimmy Ferguson.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, July 5, 1956
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Vaughan cemetery, Hill county, Texas
- w/o Thomas Henry �Tom� Woodard; d/o James Stanfield per
death certificate
S. L.
Hellums inf. Daughter
Feb 10, 1911 - Mar 23, 1911
�The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away;
blessed be the name of the Lord.�
On February 10, 1911, another soul was born for
God, but was permitted only a short stay here
below gaining a very dear place in all the
hearts of the family circle, making a sacred tie
that shall never be severed and binding our
hearts closer together; but the Ruler and Evener
of all things knew best, and He in His infinite
wisdom, sent his messenger whose name is Death,
into the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hellums to
call her, their baby, to that celestial home
where sickness and sadness never come. And on
March 23 this little soul was borne to the
realms above to rest sweetly in the arms of
Jesus, who said, �Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not for of such is the
kingdom of Heaven.: Her little body was laid
away in the Seagoville cemetery.
�We miss thee, yes, we miss the;
We miss thee from thy place,
A shadow o�er our home is cast;
We miss thy smiling face.�
Weep not, dear parents, brother and sister, for
we have the full assurance of sharing with her
that blessed home if we do His Biddings and
continue faithful unto the end, for death must
come sooner or later to all. Dear reader, will
you and will I be as fit for heaven as this
little darling?
Purdon, Texas, March 23, 1911
Mortimer Purifoy
Apr 26, 1888 - Oct 18, 1918
Mortimer Purifoy Died Yesterday Afternoon.
Mortimer Purifoy, aged 30 years, died late
yesterday afternoon at the home of his mother,
Mrs. M. E. Purifoy west of town, and after
funeral service at the home this afternoon,
conducted by Rev. J. W. Stephens, the remains
will be shipped to Centrailia, Ill. for
The deceased was raised in and near Corsicana,
but Centrailia ws the home of his wife and she
took the remains there for interment. The
deceased was a young man of industrious habits
and fine moral character, and was highly
esteemed by all who knew him. He is survived by
his wife and a little daughter, his mother three
brothers and four sisters.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Oct 19, 1918
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Buried in Centrailia, Ill.
- h/o Daphne Romola (Cox) Purifoy; s/o Osborne
Henry Purifoy, Sr. & Margaret Ellen (Albritton)
Spencer M.
Elliott, Capt.
Jul 19, 1931 - Oct. 13, 1915
Capt. S. M. Elliott, formerly of Corsicana but
for the last four or five years had been living
with a daughter near Palestine, was buried last
Thursday morning. It will be recalled that Capt.
Elliott came to Texas from Arkansas in 1901,
making his home in Corsicana till his wife�s
death about five years ago. Then he broke up and
went to live with his daughter, Mrs. T. A.
Harper near Palestine, Texas.
For some time he had been in poor health, but
the last three or four months was confined to
his bed, much of the time suffering very great
pain. Though weak in body from sickness and old
age, his mind was active right up to the last.
Capt. Elliott was 85 years of age, one of the
veterans of the civil war, and though small in
stature. His was a heroic mould. He was a man of
strong and commanding personality and a faith in
God that was both unwavering and refreshing to
those who came in contact with him. Forty-six
years ago he accepted the Christ and with the
faith of a Puritan, he plodded away in the
consciousness of the Lordship of his Christ.
Just a few days prior to his death he wrote a
statement of his experience as a Christian. In
it, he re-affirmed his faith in God and said
through faith and trust in Him he looked for his
reward. Humility, the most beautiful of all
Christians traits characteristics this
statement. He said he knew he had made many
mistakes, had had his ups and downs, but in all
he had never forsaken nor forgotten the Lord. He
confessed his sins and believed in the promises
of God to forgive them. Hence, he passed away
enjoying the consciousness of his acceptance of
His last request was that he might be buried
near the home of his daughter with whom he had
lived for the last five years. His children
wanted very much to bring his remains to
Corsicana that they might rest beside those of
his companion, but they felt there was nothing
other to do but to accede to his last request.
The Masons of Palestine buried him, at the
conclusion of whose services, the minister of
the Christian church of Palestine made a few
remarks based upon the statement referred to
above with which Capt. Elliott wrote out.
Thus closed the long life of a man who stands
for a type which is fast becoming all too rare
in our land. His was a distinct contribution to
our country and the spirit and ideals of her
institutions. He was a staunch, loyal American
citizen. We need more men of such sterling
worth, honesty and Christian patriotism.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Oct 19, 1915
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- CSA - Buried in Palestine � h/o Myra
(Hawkins) Elliott (her death certificate says
Mrs. S. E. Elliott - daughter�s death
certificate says Myra (Hawkins) Elliott) buried
in Oakwood cemetery in Corsicana, Texas.
Amanda (Corley) Tatum
Dec 18, 1889 - Oct 10, 1970
Mrs. Tatum Dies Saturday
Mrs. G. L. Tatum died Saturday afternoon in
Memorial Hospital here. She was the daughter of
John R. Sr. and Elizabeth Record Corley. She
graduated from Mexia High School and Polytechnic
College in Fort Worth.
She was married to G. L. Tatum of Corsicana in
1910 and has lived here since. She was a
lifelong member of the Methodist church.
Services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the
First Methodist Church here and interment will
be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Corley Funeral Home will be in charge of
Surviving are two sons, John C. Tatum of
Corsicana and G. L. Tatum, Jr. of New Cannan,
Conn.; a daughter, Mrs. H. G. Andrews of
Stamford; seven grandchildren; two brothers,
John R. Corley of Corsicana and Jack Corley of
Austin; three sisters, Miss Lucile Corley of
Mexia, Mrs. Homer E. Pace of Corsicana, and Mrs.
Walter Scott of Dallas.
Pallbearers will be W. M. Clarkson, 111, Embry
S. Ferguson, B. Lynn Sanders, Jr., Dan A. Story,
James E. Fortson, William B. Robinson, H. R.
Stroube, Jr., and Dave Kelton.
Tatum Rites
Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday in
the First Methodist Church here for Mrs. G. L.
Tatum, who died Saturday afternoon in Memorial
Hospital. Dr. H. Lively Brown officiated.
Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.
She is survived by two sons, a daughter, seven
grandchildren, two brothers and three sisters.
Corley Funeral Home directed services.
George Liston
Jun 25, 1888 - Jun 6, 1957
Liston Tatum, 68, Will Be Buried Friday
Liston Tatum, 68, life-long resident of
Corsicana, 1575 West Third avenue, independent
oil operator, died in the Navarro Clinic early
Thursday morning following a brief illness.
Funeral services will be held from the First
Methodist church Friday at 3:30 p.m. with burial
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of
the church of which Tatum was a trustee, member
of the official board and life-long member.
The son of the late W. M. and Georgia Cunningham
Tatum, pioneer Corsicana residents, he was
associated with his father in the hardware
business here for years before becoming an
independent oil operator 30 years ago. At the
time of his death, he was associated with his
son, John C. (Kay) Tatum in the oil firm of
Tatum and Tatum.
A graduate of Corsicana High school where he
played football at Vanderbilt University and
after finishing school at the Eastman Business
College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., assisted in the
football coaching duties of Corsicana High
School for several years.
Tatum served several terms as a city
commissioner of Corsicana.
Survivors are his wife of Corsicana; two sons,
Kay Tatum, Corsicana, and Liston Tatum, Jr.,
Stamford, Conn.; a daughter, Mrs. H. G. Andrews,
Jr. , Stamford Texas; seven grandchildren, a
brother, Ralph Tatum, Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers will be William Clarkson, 111; Dave
Kelton, Lynn Sanders, Jr.; Embry Ferguson, James
E. Fortson, H. R. Stroube, Jr.; Wm. B. Robinson
and Alvin Schwarts.
Corley directs.
Liston Tatum Rites Friday
Funeral rites for Liston Tatum, 68, life-long
Corsicana resident, who died early Thursday in
the Navarro Clinic, will be held from the First
Methodist church Friday at 3:30 p.m. with burial
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley
Ford, pastor of the church, of which Tatum was a
life-long member, trustee and member of the
official board.
Tatum formerly was in the hardware business, but
for the past 30 years had been an independent
oil operator and at the time of his death was
associated with his son, John C. (Kay) Tatum in
the firm of Tatum and Tatum, oil operators. He
was the son of the late W. M. and Georgia
Cunningham Tatum, Corsicana pioneers.
He was a football player at Corsicana High and
Vanderbilt University and assisted in coaching
Corsicana High after his return from college. He
graduated from Eastman Business College in
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was a city commissioner
here for several terms.
Survivors are his wife of Corsicana; two sons,
John C. Tatum, Corsicana, and Liston Tatum, Jr.,
Stamford, Conn.; a daughter, Mrs. H. G. Andrews,
Jr., Stamford, Texas; seven grandchildren and a
brother, Ralph Tatum, Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be William Clarkson, 111; Dave
Kelton, Lynn Sanders, Jr.; Embry Ferguson, James
E. Fortson, H. R. Stroube, Jr.; Wm. B. Robinson
and Alvin Shwarts.
Corley directs.
(Beavers) Garland
Nov 27, 1922 - Mar 19, 2015
Elizabeth Garland, age 92, of Corsicana passed
away on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at Twilight
Nursing Home. She was born on November 27, 1922
in Corsicana to Arthur Beavers and Alice
Gertrude Beavers.
Mrs. Garland was preceded in death by her
She is survived by her son, Hugh Sidney Garland
of Corsicana; grandchildren, great-grandchildren
and a host of friends to cherish her memory.
A Memorial Service will be scheduled at a later
date. Cremation under the direction of Corley
Funeral Home.
Bruce Millen
Sullivan, Sr.

Nov 8, 1923 - May 3, 2015
M. Sullivan passed away Sunday, May 3, 2015 in Austin,
He was a native of Corsicana, attending public schools
there. In 1942 while studying engineering at the University
of Texas in Austin he received a congressional appointment
to The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland.
He graduated from the Academy in June 1945, receiving a
Bachelor of Engineering Degree, and was commissioned as an
Ensign in the United States Navy.
Upon graduation Bruce began sea duty as a minesweeping
officer. His first assignment was in the initial
minesweeping operation of the Sea of Japan following the
surrender of the Japanese. He served on several other
minesweepers in the western Pacific before resigning from
the Navy in 1947. He was recalled to active duty during the
Korean War, and participated in minesweeping operations on
both the East and West Coasts of Korea. During this
operation he received the Bronze Star Medal with Combat
Distinguishing Device.
On leaving the Navy in 1947 Bruce married the former Betty
Stell of Corsicana and began a long engineering and
management career with Humble Oil & Refining Company (now
ExxonMobil Corp.). He had assignments in a number of
locations in Texas, Louisiana, and California. In 1983 when
he retired from Exxon he was serving as Manager of Joint
Interest Producing Properties and Unitization in Houston.
He was a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas and a
member of the Society of Professional Petroleum Engineers
and a member of the United States Naval Academy Alumni
Association. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and
served as an Elder of that church in several locations. He
served on the local boards of The Salvation Army and The
Family Service Association in Corsicana.
He was predeceased by his wife of more than 60 years, Betty
Stell Sullivan of Corsicana.
He is survived by his daughter and her husband, Kathleen
Sullivan Yancy and Gaylon Yancy of Georgetown; son Dr. Bruce
M. Sullivan, Jr. and his wife Melissa Marcus of Flagstaff,
Arizona; sister Margaret Sullivan Wilborn of Houston; sister
and her husband, Louise Sullivan Yancey and Jim Yancey of
Dallas, brother and his wife, Dr. George and Mary Morgan
Sullivan of Fort Worth; sister-in-law Mary Irene Winniford
of Dallas; brother-in-law's wife Kathy Stell of Kensington,
Maryland; and several cousins, nieces, and nephews.
Visitation with the family will be 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, May
8, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, May
9, 2015 at Oakwood
Cemetery with Chip Rich officiating. |
Manuel Garza
Flores, Sr.
Nov 14, 1924 - May 1, 2015
G. Flores was born Nov. 14, 1924 to Victor and Ignacia
Flores in Corsicana. Manual left this world and entered
Heaven at noon on Friday, May 1, 2015 with family at his
He worked hard his entire life to take care of his family.
As a teen he worked on a construction crew that built
Navarro College in Corsicana, the Texas Highway Department
and then Burlington Northern Railroad from which he retired
after 50 years as section supervisor. He loved to fish and
spend time with his children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren. Manuel was a faithful, lifelong member of
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.
He is preceded in death by his parents, son Manuel Flores
Jr. and all six of his siblings; Victoria, Josephine, Mary,
Joe, Billy and Lupe.
He is survived by his wife Thelma, daughter Patricia, sons
Richard and wife Denell and Robert and wife Kelly.
Grandchildren; Nathan, Joey, Matthew, Heather, P.J., Amy,
Cody, Sara, Wendy, Daniel, Ricky, Blake, Drew and 11 great
grandchildren. He is also survived by numerous nieces and
nephews and a host of friends.
Rosary will be recited at 6 p.m. Monday, May 4, 2015, in the
chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Visitation will
follow from 7 to 8 p.m. with his family.
Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 5,
2015 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with Father
Jason Cargo as celebrant. Interment will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery
with his grandsons serving as pallbearers.
Memorials may be made to the Collins Catholic School, 3000
West Highway 22, Corsicana, Texas 75110.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Elizabeth C. (Head) Clark-Rice
Feb 23, 1920 - May 6, 2015
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Rice, 95, of Corsicana passed
away Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at her residence.
She was born on Feb. 23, 1920, in Ennis, to
Sterling and Johnnie Head.
Mrs. Rice worked for 45 years with her husband,
Vernon L. Clark, at Clark Enterprises. She later
married Richard A. Rice and spent 23 blessed
years with him and worked for Judge Buck Douglas
for 10 years before retiring. She was an active
member in the Daughters of the Nile, Kinsloe
House, the Daughters of the American Revolution,
the Navarro County Art League, Campfire Girls of
America, and the First United Methodist Church.
She loved to paint, to dance and to cook. She
deeply loved her family and was a quiet soft
spoken lady.
She was preceded in death by her parents; and
her first husband, Vernon Clark.
Survivors include her husband, Richard A. Rice;
her daughter, Margaret Clark; her step-children,
Richard M. Rice, Larry Rice and Christy Rice;
and her five grandchildren, Laura Anderson, Mike
Martin, Tracey Martin, Dawn Radcliff and Sara
Visitation with the family will be 1 to 2 p.m.
Sunday, May 10, 2015, at Corley Funeral Home
with the funeral service immediately following
at 2 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Nancy Schusler officiating. Interment
will follow at
Pallbearers are Richard M. Rice, Larry Rice,
Michael Rice, Vic Howell, Jay Payne, Ed Janak
and Jason Payne.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Marvin Ozwell

Aug 15, 1923 - Dec 8, 1990
Marvin O. Speer, 67, of Corsicana, died Dec. 8,
1990, at Providence Hospital in Waco.
Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home with the Rev. Delbert Taylor and
the Rev. George Procter-Smith officiating.
Burial will be in
He was a member of the Central Methodist Church,
chairman of the administrative council of
Central Methodist Church, a member of the
Corsicana Masonic Lodge #174, a 32nd-degree
Mason, a member of the Karem Temple in Waco, an
auctioneer for the NCARC, the Navarro County
Youth Exposition, the Optimist Club, and the
Lord's Acre.
Survivors include his wife, Frances Speer of
Corsicana; two daughters, Sandra Ybarra of
Frost, and Eunice Baker of Wills Point; eight
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; his
mother, Gertrude Speer of Hillsboro; one
brother, H.T. Speer of Hillsboro; and one
sister, Edna Fields of Frost.
Pallbearers will be Jack Flynn, Zach Boyd, Benny
Hinkle, Bill Woods, Leland Kattner and Lendon
Wilson. Honorary pallbearers will be Curtis
McKinney and Charlie Hyles.
Bertha Elizabeth (Speegle) Elliott

Jul 23, 1905 - Dec 8, 1990
Bertha E. Elliott, 85, of Houston, died Dec. 9,
1990, in Houston.
Services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home with the Rev. Bob Gregory and the
Rev. Harold Seago officiating. Burial will be in
She was born July 23, 1905, in Barry. She was a
member of the Woodforest Baptist Church in
She was preceded in death by her husband, John
Elliott, in 1954, and two son-in-laws, Roy L.
Sikes in 1985, and Clyde M. Speed in 1986.
Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law,
John W. and Harriet Elliott of Brazil; one
daughter and son-in-law, Eleanor and the Rev.
Howard Seago of Wolf City, two daughters, Jo Ann
Sikes and Ernestine Speed, both of Houston; five
grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and one
brother, E.J. Speegal [sic] of Wolf City.
(McMullan) Wood
Dec 9, 1908 - Aug 6, 1996
Adalyn McMullan Wood, 87, of Corsicana, died
Aug. 6, 1996, in Corsicana.
Graveside services will be held at 3 p.m. today
Oakwood Cemetery, with Dr. david Hale of
Northside Baptist officiating. Services will be
under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Mrs. Wood was born Dec. 9, 1908, in Corsicana.
She is survived by four half sisters, Marguerite
Gorman of Corsicana, Kitty Norwood of Corsicana,
Elizabeth Smith of Beaumont, Sybil Killough of
Washington, Ill; and two half brothers, A.D.
McMullan Jr. of Dallas, and Tom McMullan of
Little Rock Ark.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Annie Christine (Herring) Borg
July 21, 1902 - Aug 6, 1996
Annie C. Borg, 94, of Corsicana, died Aug. 6,
1996, in Corsicana.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. today
Oakwood Cemetery in Waco, with Mr. Solon
Bailey of Blooming Grove Church of Christ
officiating. Services will be under the
direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Mrs. Borg was born July 21, 1902, in Delia.
She is survived by her son-in-law, J.D. Henry of
Pearland; grandson, David Henry of Katy;
granddaughter, Ann Bastek of Fort Worth;
sister-in-law, Thelma Borg of Corsicana; and
nephew Coy Herring.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
(Warnell) Schandera
Oct 4, 1918 - May 15, 1996
Ruth W. Schandera, 77, of Waco, died May 15,
1996, in Waco.
Services were held today, with Father Robert
Williams officiating.
Interment followed in the
Mrs. Schandera was born Oct. 4, 1918, in Tarrant
County. She was a retired beautician and a
member of the St. Louis Catholic Church.
Mrs. Schandera was survived by her husband,
Godfrey Schandera of Waco; daughters, Ruth Ann
Blackmon of Waco, Donnay Lynn and Lary Douglas
Staas of Waco and Mary Yvonne Schandera of
Mexia; brother, Dr. E.L. Warnell of Woodsville;
sister, Virginia and Elmer Smith of Corsicana;
two grandchildren, three great grandchildren and
numerous nieces and one great nephew.
Mrs. Schandera was preceded in death by her
father, William Monroe Warnell and mother, Clara
Estell Clary.
Friends desiring to make memorial contributions
should do so to the charity of their choice.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
James Dee
"Sonny" Poindexter
May 31, 1912 - Mar 18, 1980
James Dee (Sonny) Poindexter, 67, resident of
Corsicana, died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital.
Services are Thursday, 2 p.m., Corley Funeral
Home Chapel with the Rev.
B.F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Burial will be at
He was born May 31, 1912, in Waxahachie.
He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Dee Poindexter, a retired cotton classer for the
U.S. Government, a veteran of the US. Air Force
and a member of First Baptist Church.
Survivirs include his sister, Mrs. Rufus Shell,
of Corsicana; two nieces, Mrs. Clyde Emerson, of
Richardson, and Mrs. W.P. Mitchell, of Dallas;
great-nieces, and great-nephews.
- From the collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept.,
Corsicana Library
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- s/o Cecil Dee Poindexter &
Jimmie Lawrence Geddings
Brian Duke Biggers
May 16, 1960, May 14, 1984
Brian Biggers, 23, of Richland died of a gunshot
would Monday.
Service will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St.
John's Episcopal Church with the Rev. James
Sigler officiating. Burial will be in
Cemetery under the direction of Corley
Funeral Home.
Biggers was a native of Wichita Falls. He had
lived in Richland 10 years. He was a member of
St. John's Episcopal Church.
Survivors include one daughter, Brooke Biggers
of Richland; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Biggers of Richland; one brother, Robert Biggers
of Dallas; and one sister, Susan Smith of
The family requests that memorials be made to
the Children's Fund of St.
John's Spiscopal Church, 101 N. 14th, Corsicana,
Texas 75110.
Lula (Brewer) Sims
Apr 1, 1897 - July 10, 1973
Mrs. Sims
Funeral services are scheduled for Saturday at 3
p.m. at the First Independent Baptist Church for
Mrs. Lula Brewer Sims, 76, a native of
Corsicana. Rev. Larry Polk will officiate, with
burial to follow at the
Woodland Cemetery.
Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law and
a foster son.
Mrs. Sims
Funeral services are set for 3 p.m. Saturday at the First Independent Baptist Church for Mrs. Lula Brewer Sims, 76, a
native of Corsicana. Rev. Larry Polk will officiate, with burial to follow in
Woodland Cemetery.
Mrs. Sims, who died Tuesday at Mel-Haven Convalescent Home is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Warren of Corsicana and a foster son, Fred Butler of San Francisco, Cal.
Fannie Mae Bluitt
Mar 14, 1915 - July 31, 1996
Fannie Mae Bluitt, 81, of Corsicana, died July
31, 1996, at her residence.
Wake services will be held from 7 to 8 p.m.
today at Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
Funeral services will be held at noon Friday at
the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 2105 East Jones,
with Rev. Jerry L. Bailey Sr. officiating.
Burial will follow at
Woodland Cemetery under the direction of
Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
Pallbearers will be Jerry Brandon, Leroy Johnson
Jr., Maurice Haynes, Lucion Jessie Jr., Vernon
Littleton, and Bennie Thomas Jr.
Ms. Bluitt was born March 14, 1915, in
Corsicana. She served as an usher for over 40
years. She was secretary of the Usher Board and
the pastor's aide.
She is survived by two sisters, Gertrude Simmons
of Los Angeles, Calif., Cora Gray of Corsicana;
two brothers, George Wallace of Corsicana and
Sonny Wallace Jr. of Leesville, La; one aunt,
Rosetta Meadows of Corsicana; nieces, nephews,
and other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Howard
and Viola Bluitt; husband Oliver Jackson; and
brother, Simon Bluitt.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
Maggie Quarles
Apr 4, 1907 - May 10, 1996
Maggie Quarles Ransom, 89, of Corsicana, died
May 10, 1996, at St. Paul Hospital in Dallas.
Services are 11 a.m. today at 13th Avenue
Christian Church, with Rev. L.B. Crowder and
Rev. W.D. Hines officiating. Burial will follow
Woodland Cemetery.
Nephews and cousins will serve as pallbearers.
Mrs. Ransom was born April 4, 1907 in Elkhart.
She was a Sunday School superintendent at her
church and served faithfully for many years.
Mrs. Ransom is survived by her son, Billy Frank
and daughter-in-law, Lula Ransom of Dallas;
sister, Pearline Fountain of Fort Worth;
brother, Prince Quarles of Corsicana; three
granddaughters, six grandsoms and a host of
other relatives.
Mrs. Ransom was preceded in death by Lewis
Ransom, Sr., and son Lewis Ransom, Jr.
Arrangements by Scott Funeral Home.
Clifford Ray
Aug 19, 1934 - Aug 18, 1981
Clifford Hudson, 46, of Corsicana, died Tuesday
morning at his residence.
Wake service is Friday, 7 p.m., Ross and Johnson
Burial will be at
Woodland Cemetery with Elder D. L. Renfro
Survivors include his wife, Hattie Hudson; three
sisters, Miss Ethel Hudson, Mrs. Lacy Mitchell
and Mrs. Corene Haywood, all of Corsicana; and
two brothers, Billy Joe Haywood and John Haywood
Jr., both of Corsicana.
- From the collection of the Liz Gillespie
Genealogy Dept., Corsicana Library
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
John Leldon
Jun 10, 1913 - Jan 16, 1991
John Leldon Middleton, 77, died Jan. 16, 1990
[sic] in Carefree, Ariz.
A memorial service will be held in Phoenix,
Ariz. on Jan. 20.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret
Joyner Middleton.
He was a member of the Episcopal church, a
graduate of Corsicana High School and Rice
University.� He served as an officer in the U.S.
Navy in World War II.
Survivors include one daughter; Mrs. Susan Welch
of tempe, Ariz.; one son, Dr. John Middleton of
Cincinnati, Ohio; five grandchildre; one
brother, C.E. Middleton of Corsicana; and one
sister, Mrs. W. A.
Landreth of Fort Worth.
David Eugene Ellis
Oct 29, 1926 - Dec 7, 1990
David E. Ellis, 64, died Dec. 7, 1990, in
Sunrise Beach, Texas.
Services will be 3 p.m. Monday at Sunrise Beach
Baptist Church.� Burial will be in Sunrise Beach
He is a retired officer for Southern Pacific
Railroad and a former employee of Corley Funeral
Survivors include his wife, Doris Mae Ellis;
four sons; two daughters; six grandchildren; six
sisters; and four brothers, including Arthur
Ellis of Corsicana.
Sidney Ray Rogers
Mar 12, 1933 - Aug 7, 1996
Sidney Ray Rogers, 63, of Angus, died Aug. 7,
1996, at Columbia Navarro Regional Hospital in
Visitation will be held Friday at Foster and
Brown Funeral Home in Athens.
Burial will take place at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Rome Cemetery in Athens under the direction of
Foster and Brown Funeral Home.
Arrangements by Foster and Brown Funeral Home.
Orman Cody Cole
Jan 23, 1904 - Sept 27, 1969
Cole Services
Funeral services were held Sunday at 3:30 p.m.
at the Corley Funeral Chapel for Orman C. Cole,
65, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital.
The Rev. Bob Potts officiated. Burial was in
Sherman in the West Hill cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, one son, one daughter,
two grandchildren, one sister and a number of
nieces and nephews.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Sep 29, 1969
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- Burial: West Hill Cem., Sherman,
Grayson Co., TX; h/o Arwillda Grace
(Elliott) Cole; s/o Nicolas B. Cole
& Eleanor M. (Jordan) Cole
Marge "Sarge"
Sept 7, 1927 - May 16, 1996
Marge "Sarge" Simmons, 68, of Lubbock, died May
16, 1996 at St. Mary's Hospital in Lubbock.
Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. today
in Resthaven Memorial Park in Lubbock, with
Wesley Brown officiating.
Memorials may be made to a favorite charity.
Mrs. Simmons was born Sept. 7, 1927, in
Corsicana. She married C.E.
"Bud" Simmons Jr., on July 19, 1948, in Lubbock.
She was a graduate of Texas Tech University with
B.B.A. She was a member of the Forest Heights
United Methodist Church, the Lubbock Women's
Club, the West Texas Museum Association and the
Horizon Study Club.
She moved to Lubbock from Corsicana in 1948.
She is survived by her son, Bruce Eric Simmons
of Lubbock; her daughter, Karen Simmons of
Fredericksburg, Va.; two grandchildren, and 1
She was preceded in death by her husband, Bud
Simmons Jr., June 1, 1995.
Arrangements by Resthaven Funeral Home in
Horace Clyve
Aug 24, 1911 - Jan 12, 1983
H. Clyve Riddels, 71, of Corsicana and former
Navarro County clerk, died Friday night at
Navarro Memorial Hospital.
Service is Sunday, 3:30 p.m. Corley Funeral Home
Chapel with Hal Smith and the Rev. Peyton
Goodman officiating.
He was resident of Corsicana 36 years, until
retiring in 1978.
Survivors include his wife; one son, Robert
Riddels, of Farmers Branch; two grandchildren; a
brother, Morrison Riddels of Garland; two
sisters, Mrs Pearl Farris, of Abilene, and Mrs.
James Davidson, of Bynum; and number of nieces
and nephews.
Pallbearers are Navarro County Commissioner
Clint Bell, Commissioner Thomas Dyer,
Commissioner Billy Hargrove, Commissioner R.H.
Henderson, retired commissioner Arlon Simmons,
retired justice of the peace Judge W.H. Tipton
and District Judge Kenneth A. Douglas and
Tax-Assessor Collector Jerry S. Scott.
- From the collection of
the Liz Gillespie Genealogy
Dept., Corsicana Library
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Ernest "Jack"
Linex Jr.
Aug 6, 1925 - Jan 14, 1983
Ernest (Jack) Linex Jr., 57, of Corsicana, died
Friday night at Navarro Memorial Hospital.
Graveside service is Sunday, 2 p.m., Fairview
Cemetery in Hubbard.
Arrangements are with Eubanks Funeral Home in
He was a disabled veteran serving in
War II.
Survivors include a son, Jackie W. Linex, of
Allen; three grandchildren; his mother, Mrs.
Lela Lander, of Hubbard; a sister, Willetta Anz,
of Clifton; and a brother, Charles Linex, of
- From the collection
of the Liz Gillespie
Genealogy Dept.,
Corsicana Library
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Dona Lee
(Davis) Garner
May 31, 1913 - May 10, 1984
Mrs. Dona Lee Garner, 71, of Alvarado died
Friday in Hill County Hospital.
Survivors include five daughters; two sons; one
brother, Alvid Davis of Electra; several
grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews,
indlucing Adell Bryson, Gertrude Cranford and
Odis Whitaker, all of Corsicana.
Mrs. Garner lived near Kerens when she was young
and attended the Kerens School. She married
Jules Garner in 1928.
Ralph Duane
Apr 18, 1941 - May 15, 2015
Ralph Duane Maddison, 74, of Corsicana passed away on
Friday, May 15, 2015, at UT Southwestern Medical Center in
He was born on April 18, 1941, in Anthom, Iowa to R. W. and
Lucille Maddison.
He was an ordained minister with the Methodist Church for
many years. Later on he was employed with Blue Cross/Blue
Shield Insurance Company. After retirement he and his wife
Berlanta Awad Maddison moved to Corsicana to enjoy
retirement in their home at Richland Chambers Lake. He was a
member of the Eureka United Methodist Church.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Berlanta Awad Maddison;
and his parents, Robert Wilberforce Maddison and Lucille
Caroline Smith Maddison.
He is survived by sons, Ramsis Maddison of Corsicana and
Mica Tong Nguyen of Dallas; daughter, Mary Craig and husband
Bob of Rockville, Virginia; granddaughters, Jennifer,
Amanda, and Sarah Craig of Rockville, Virginia; brother,
Robert (Bob) Maddison and wife Linda of Des Moines, Iowa;
sister, Barbara Donnell and husband Bill of Sioux City,
Iowa; nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, May 18,
2015, at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19,
2015, at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. John
Nader officiating. Interment will follow in
Eureka Cemetery.
Pallbearers will Mica Nguyen, Rob Alexander, Paul Rasbury,
and Jimmy Buchanan.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, May
19, 2015
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- h/o Berlanta
Awad Maddison;
s/o Robert
Maddison &
Lucille Caroline
(Smith) Maddison
Garland "Ted" Anderson
Mar 19, 1931 - May 17, 2015
Garland "Ted" Anderson, 84, of Clayton, Texas, passed away
Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Longview.
He was born March 19, 1931 in Alice, Jim Wills County,
Texas. He was the youngest of seven children born to the
marriage of Clarance "Dan" and Clara Hill Anderson. He
graduated from Kenedy High School in Karnes County, Texas.
Ted served his country through the
U. S. Air Force from 1951
to 1955. He married Doris Virginia Kagler Aug. 2, 1952, and
together they celebrated 62 years of marriage. Mr. Anderson
worked 33 years as a Formation Tester for Schlumberger Well
Service. Ted loved the outdoors and was known as a green
thumb for his gardening skills. He was a devoted member and
deacon for the Central Baptist Church of Carthage, Texas.
He is preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Irving,
Jack, Ray, Wayne; and sister, Evelyn Anderson Curbello Fox.
Survivors include his devoted wife, Doris Anderson of
Clayton; son, Gary Anderson and wife Wendy of Kerrville;
daughter, Lyn Anderson Flanagan and husband Mike of
Edinburg; sister, Maxine Anderson Rankin of Portales, New
Mexico; sister-in-law, Charlene Kagler of Lake Murvaul;
grandchildren, Travis Flanagan and wife Cory of Laguna
Vista, Carson Anderson and wife Julianne of Fort Worth,
Shannon Flanagan Smith and husband Caleb of Edinburg, Justus
Anderson and wife Caroline of Ft. Worth, Landon Anderson of
San Antonio, Andrew Anderson and wife Chelsea of San
Antonio; great grandchildren, Charlie and Grace Anderson,
Parker and McKenzie Smith; numerous nieces, nephews they
loved dearly and a host of friends.
Family visitation will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2015,
at Central Baptist Church in Carthage, one hour before the
Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2015, at
the Central Baptist Church with Dr. W. C. "Bill" Everett
officiating. Interment will follow at 4 p.m. in the
Rose Hill Cemetery
in Blooming Grove.
The family suggests memorial to the Central Baptist Church
"Mission Dignity."
Arrangements by Hawthorn Funeral Home, Carthage. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday,
May 19, 2015
Submitted by
Karen Rost
h/o Doris
Virginia (Kagler)
s/o Clarence
Dan Anderson
& Clara
Neomi (Hill)
Virginia Ann "Deenie" (Trussell)
Aug 27, 1939 - May 21, 2015
Ann Armstrong of Blooming Grove passed away Thursday, May
21, 2015. She was born Aug. 27, 1939 in Brownsboro to James
Luther and Lydia Lucinda Trussell. She was an administrative
assistant at Blooming Grove ISD for 30 years. She was a
member of the Lions Club, Eastern Star and very active in
Central Baptist Church and the community. She enjoyed
traveling, with many trips to Europe and Rome. She enjoyed
working in her yard and going to plays at the Warehouse
Living Arts Theatre.
She especially enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Truman Armstrong;
sisters, Tommie Gilliam and Jean Rowe; and brother J.W.
She is survived by her children, Lacy Stephen McGraw of
Coppell, Monica McGraw Castator of Richland Chambers Lake
and Charlotte McGraw of Arlington; sister and
brother-in-law, Glenda and Kenneth Southard of Blooming
Grove; grandchildren, Mallary Jayne Ellsworth, Lauren
Michelle Cagle, Rance Melton, Austin Melton, John McGraw;
great-grandchildren, Brandt Melton, Claire Cagle, Jack
Cagle, Clark Cagle, William Ellsworth, Evie Ellsworth; and
special niece, Kay Gilliam. She also leaves behind numerous
nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 23, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Sunday, May 24, 2015 at
Central Baptist Church, Blooming Grove with Bro. Darren Heil
officiating. Burial will follow at
Rose Hill Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Clint Southard, Jon Southard, Trae
Southard, Rance Melton, Austin Melton and Greg Depretto.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |