John Herbert Frey, Dr.
Oct 14, 1867 - Mar 6, 1916
Corsicana Sustains Irreparable Loss in Death of Dr. Frey.
Corsicana is again called upon to mourn the death of one of her most
eminent and useful citizens in the person of Dr. John Herbert Frey,
death coming at 6 o'clock this morning at the family home on West
Third avenue, after several weeks' of ill health.
The deceased would have been fifty years old on the 14th of October
next, and had been engaged in the practice of his profession here
for twenty-four years. To say that he was a good physician does not
half tell the truth, for he was a man eminent in his profession, and
that eminence was more among the men of his own profession than
among the laity. The laity loved him for his unassuming manner and
kindness of heart and had faith in his skill; but his professional
brethren esteemed him for his profound learning and great skill in
his profession. Dr. Frey did not follow beaten tracks. He read the
books of his profession and profited by such reading; but his great
analytical mind took him much farther than the teachings of others.
He was a thinker and hence his own researches and own experiments
proved many of his own theories as true, as profound, and as great
as those of the books. The people will miss him and his professional
brethren are already asking themselves whom will his mantle fall�who
is he and where is he who will be so useful to his professional
brethren when they are in need of wise counsel. Dr. Frey was not
only a hard worker, but he was a masterly student, and his office
was not a place of elegance and ease, but a study of research and
indefatigable labor, where profound and useful thoughts were worked
out to a practical conclusion and useful end.
Surviving the deceased is his venerable mother, now nearly ninety
years old, who made her home with him, his wife and two daughters,
Misses Berta and Marie, the former still under the parental roof,
and the later a teacher in public schools of Dallas. For these the
sympathy of the community is deep and profound, for the great man
was child like in his home. His devotion to his venerable mother was
that of a dutiful and loving son to the end; his devotion to his
wife simplicity and purity itself, and his daughters were his idols.
Those who were near to him know of his devotion to his loved ones,
and they better than the general public can understand just how son,
husband and father will be missed in that home. Funeral arrangements
have not yet been definitely made, but it is possible that interment
may not be made before Wednesday or Thursday, awaiting the arrival
of Mrs. Frey's brother, Mr. John Treadwell, from New York City.
A motion was made and carried that the president appoint a committee
to draw up suitable resolutions of respect in honor of the society's
most faithful and honored member, Dr. J. H. Frey. Drs. Shell, Kelton,
and T. A. Miller were appointed.
Dr. Jester said that he was sure that Dr. Frey was most beloved by
his fellow doctors and that a suitable floral offering should be
selected and that the doctors place their services at the disposal
of the beloved family and show them every courtesy possible as a
mark of appreciation of his useful and helpful life.
Drs. Jester, B. F. Houston and Newton were appointed a committee to
select a floral offering.
Last Sad Rites Will Be At First Presbyterian Church.
The funeral services for the remains of the late Dr. John Herbert
Frey will be held in the First Presbyterian church tomorrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Charles Oberschmidt will officiate. The
pall-bearers will be; Active�Drs. T. A. Miller, J. F. Daniel, H. E.
Newton, J. E. McClung, E. E. Sanner and Vernon V. McKinney.
Honorary�Drs. Dubart Miller, W. D. Fountain, T. B. Sadler, S. H.
Burnett, I. N. Suttle, H. B. Jester, E. B. Lowry, J. M. V. Wills, W.
D. Cross, T. V. Fryer, L. E. Kelton, W. T. Shell, B. F. Houston,
Trim Houston, L. C. Polk, R. N. Holloway, O. L. Smith, F. R.
Lindley, J. T. Hunt, Harry Ezell, J. A. Jones, W. J. W. Kerr, W. J.
Green, and Dr. Slater of Navarro.
The pall-bearers are requested to meet at the Business League room
at 2:30 and march in a body to the residence on West Third Avenue.
Superintendent Barnett and the board of directors of the State
Orphan Home of which deceased was physician, will meet at the
residence and go in a body to the home.
Remains of Dr. J. H. Frey Laid to Rest This Afternoon.
The last sad rites over the remains of the late Dr. John Herbert
Frey were said at the First Presbyterian church this afternoon at 3
o'clock in the presence of a large audience. The chancel was a
veritable bower of beautiful evergreens, pot plants and cut flowers.
The choir, assisted by Mrs. Harry Williams and Messrs. C. L. Knox
and Edgar Metcalf, sand }Lead Kindly Light," after which Dr. Oberschmidt read appropriate scripture and preached an appropriate
sermon. Dr. T. A. Miller, who came to Corsicana some time before the
deceased did, and who had been associated with him professionally
all of these years, delivered a short address in which he paid a
high tribute to the deceased as a physician and gentleman. The
services at the grave were concluded with that impressive song,
"Some Day We'll Understand."
The procession that followed the remains to their last resting place
was several blocks in length, many friends of the deceased, in whose
homes he had been in hours of sorrow were there to pay their last
token of esteem and love.
A brilliant intellect has gone from among us, and a self-sacrificing
heart has been forever stilled; but the impress of his genius and
the noble deeds of his kindly heart will live among those who knew,
esteemed and loved him in life.
Lovely Elizabeth (Tidball) Frey
Jun. 12, 1827 - Jan. 14, 1920
Mrs. A. B. Frey Will Be Buried Tomorrow Afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. A. B. Frey will be conducted tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock from the home of her son, the late Dr. J. H. Frey,
623 West Third Avenue.
The pallbearers are as follows: J. M. Blanding, J. G. Comfort, J. M.
Dyer, G. E. Mitchell, Walter Burgess, W. G. Baker, E. L. Bell, C. G.
Remains Will Be Brought Here For Interment.
Mrs. Love E. Frey, widow of the late Ambrose Frey, and mother of the late Dr. J. H. Frey, died yesterday at the home of a nephew in Washington, Kansas, and the remains will be brought here for interment. The hour of the funeral cannot now be given.
The deceased lived here for many years and though death came at a ripe old age, the event will bring sadness to many who knew and loved her in life.
She Had Reached the Ripe Old Age of Ninety-three.
The remains of the late Mrs. A. B. Frey were laid to rest in
Oakwood yesterday afternoon at 3�3l after funeral services at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Frey. The services were conducted by Rev. Charles Oberschmidt and many friends were there to pay their respects to the memory of one who had lived here for many years and was loved by all who knew her. There were many beautiful floral offerings and Judge J. M. Blanding, J. C. Comfort, J. M. Dyer, G. E. Mitchell, Walter Burgess, W. G. Baker, E. L. Bell and C. G. Davidson acted as pall bearers.
The deceased was a native of Virginia and was born ninety three years ago. A sister of the deceased, Miss Nannie
Tidball, died here a few years ago at the same ripe old age.
Berta Louise Frey
Nov 8, 1893 - Feb 3, 1972
Miss Frey
Memorial services for Miss Berta Frey, a native of Corsicana who
died Feb. 3 in New York State, will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at
the Corley Funeral Chapel in Corsicana.
Miss Frey was a noted writer, lecturer and teacher in the field of
weaving who gave to Westminster Presbyterian church in Corsicana
several of her works of art, including the tapestry, "The Wise and
Foolish Virgins", which hangs in the church parlor.
She was the daughter of the late Dr. John H. and Flora Treadwell
Frey and had resided in Bearsville, N. Y. for the past 20 years. She
had established studios in Washington D. C. and New York City,
specializing in fabrics and wearing apparel, and had received
numerous awards and recognition for her work in national and
regional competitions. Her works are represented in permanent
collections of several museums, and she was the author of several
Miss Frey had lectured in 40 of the 50 states and was an organizer
and first president of New York Guild for Handweavers. She was also
past president of the New York Craftsmen and was a member and
teacher at the Woodstock Guild of Craftsmen. After moving to
Bearsville, she maintained a private studio in her home, where she
taught weaving.
A sister, Miss Marie Frey of Bearsville, died in 1968.
Flora (Treadwell) Frey
Nov 2, 1873 - Oct 16, 1953
Mrs. J. H. Frey Expires Friday
Mrs. J. H. Frey, widow of a well-known former Corsicana physician,
died Friday at her summer home at Woodstock, N. Y., according to
information received by friends here. The funeral will be at
Surviving are two daughters, Misses Berta and Marie Frey, both of
New York City and Woodstock.
She was an active member of the First Presbyterian church while
residing in Corsicana.
The family left Corsicana about 25 years ago.
Ada Lalla (Ives) Minor
Aug 8, 1855 - Feb 21, 1916
Simple Funeral Services At Residence This Afternoon.
Mrs. Ada Lalla Minor died last night at the home of her son, John R.
Minor, Jr., on Fairmount and Mahon streets. Though she had not been
well, the end was sudden and not expected. The son and his wife were
with her and life ebbed out peacefully.
Mrs. Minor was born at Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 5, 1855, the daughter
of Capt. Tom and Caroline Kingsbery Ives. Most of her life was spent
in Texas. She lived at Calvert when that was the terminus of the
Houston & Texas Central Railway. Later Dallas was her home. It was
in this city that she was married Nov. 26, 1879, at the Episcopal
Cathedral on Commerce street, to John R. Minor.
Their home for some years was in Corsicana, where a daughter was
born and passed away. The only son was born and reared there. The
family came to Dallas in 1896 and this has been the home since then,
except for about four years that she spent in Corpus Christi for her
health. She is survived by the husband and the son and by one
brother, Jack Ives.
Mrs. Minor was a member of the Episcopal Church, attending the
Church of the Incarnation. A simple service will be said at the home
at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. Chas. Clingman, rector of the
church officiating. Tomorrow afternoon there will be burial service
at Corsicana where the rites of the Order of the Eastern Star will
be used. Mrs. Minor was a member of Dallas Chapter No. 1 Order of
the Eastern Star. In the service at the home this afternoon Earle D.
Behrends and a quartet will sing some of the hymns she loved.
Pallbearers will be W. C. Esry, Emil Fretz, W. Osbin Rawlins, Leven
T. Deputy, Adams Colhoun and John R. Minor, Jr.�Dallas News.
AS stated in the above article Mr. and Mrs. John R. Minor made
Corsicana their home many years ago and Mr. Minor was a prominent
architect and builder here in those days. The family was popular and
had many friends here among the older citizenship of the town all of
whom will regret very much to learn of Mrs. Minor's death and who
will extend sympathy to the husband and son who survive her.
The remains will reach Corsicana at 12:05 tomorrow and will be taken
to the Episcopal church and buried from there in
Oakwood Cemetery .
Notice to Eastern Star.
The Order of the Eastern Star is called to meet at the St. John's
Episcopal church tomorrow at noon to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Minor, who died in Dallas and who will be buried under the auspices
of the Eastern Star in Oakwood.
Marion Laverne �Billy� Draper
Jul 16, 1919 - Mar 10, 1973
M. L. Draper
Marion L. (Billy) Draper, 53, of Garland, died Saturday afternoon
near Dallas at Lake Ray Hubbard while attempting to save the lives
of some children in a boat that was sinking. He got the children to
safety but was unable to get back to shore himself, according to a
spokesman for Griffin Funeral Home.
Draper, a longtime resident of Corsicana, worked for the Corsicana
Fire Department several years and was also employed with Griffin
Funeral Home. He was a veteran of
World War 11.
Services are pending with Griffin Funeral Home.
Survivors include his widow, Wanda Draper of Garland; two daughters,
Andrea Fitzgerald of Corsicana and Barbara Cole of Corsicana; eight
grandchildren; one step-son, Sam Woods of Arlington, one brother
Jack Draper of California; and three sisters, Jenelle Hydrochuck of
Orange, Delores Wilson of Dallas and Ruth Wilson of California.
M. L. Draper
Funeral services are set for 11 a. m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral
Home Chapel for Marion L. (Billy) Draper, 53, of Garland, and
formerly of Corsicana, who died Saturday afternoon near Dallas at
Lake Ray Hubbard while attempting to save the lives of some children
in a boat that was sinking. He saved the children but was unable to
make it back to shore. Rev. A. W. Robinson will officiate, and
burial will be at Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors include his widow, two daughters; eight grandchildren; one
step-son; a brother; three sisters, Jenelle Hydrochuck of Orange,
Delores Singleton of Dallas and Ruth Wilson of Corsicana; and his
step father, Phillip E. Wilson of Dallas.
Pallbearers include L. M. Lynch, B. G. Clay, R. A. Owens, W. B.
Hanna, B. R. Richardson, C. G. Tieman, and honorary pallbearers
include members of the I.O.O.F. who will hold special graveside
M. L. Draper
Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral Home
Chapel for Marion L. (Billy) Draper, 53, of Garland and formerly of
Corsicana, who drowned Saturday afternoon in Dallas while trying to
save the lives of some children in a sinking boat. Rev. A. W.
Robinson officiated, and burial was at
Oakwood Cemetery .
Survivors include his widow, two daughters, eight grandchildren, a
step-son, a brother, three sisters, and his step-father.
Billy Draper Never Turned His Back on Anyone in Need
Billy Draper was a man whose family and friends here remember as one
who couldn't stand to see others in trouble without trying to help
effect a rescue, and in the end it cost him his own life.
A veteran of some 20 years in the Corsicana Fire Department, Draper
was buried here Tuesday at Oakwood Cemetery, carried to his final
resting place by Fire Chief Charley Tieman and firemen officers of
the department with whom he had worked so many years. They were his
"That was the hardest part of the funeral,"
recalled his two daughters, who live here still, Mrs. Bobby
(Barbara) Cole, 610 Oxford, and Mrs. A. L. Fitzgerald, Jr., 2608
Navarro Dr., "seeing the firemen pallbearers in their uniforms and
white hats."
Draper was drowned last Saturday on Lake Ray Hubbard when his wife
of five months, Mrs. Wanda Draper, of Garland, were on a fishing
outing, and the former Corsicanan jumped in the lake to rescue a
family of five whose boat had capsized. He helped get them to a
boat, but got into trouble himself and went under before another
boatman passed, throwing him a life jacket he couldn't reach.
Everyone else made it back to safety.
The Corsicana daughters noted that there are many living here who
knew their father well, but perhaps didn't realize from reading the
obituary in the press that the "Marion L. Draper" was the Billy
Draper he always was known by here.
Mrs. Fitzgerald's husband is a Corsicana fireman known to friends
and fellow smoke-eaters as "Bubba" while Mrs. Cole's husband is a
machine operator at Chattanooga Glass.
As little girls growing up in Corsicana they recall that every time
they heard a fire alarm, they knew their father would be right in
the middle of whatever the fire emergency was. Many a time when he
plunged into a burning house, or into murky waters in search of
drowning victims his daughters feared he would "never make it out,�
but somehow, he always managed.
"He never stayed out of anything because it was dangerous," Barbara
Cole, the older daughter said, recalling in addition to the escapes
Draper made so many times from raging burning buildings, how he once
had dived into a lake and carried out a carload of people whose car
had plunged off a bridge.
"I've seen him drag for people who had drowned up to 24 hours
without a break to eat or rest," she remembered sadly and with
When Draper wasn't working in the Corsicana Fire Department, he was
an ambulance driver, and even worked on his off-days in that
capacity. He always, the daughters recalled, was among the first to
volunteer his services when there was a bad accident, a plane crash
or boating mishap.
His family here has many memories to cherish, many enfolded in a
scrapbook given to Mrs. Cole on her birthday when she was a second
grader, and when commendations Draper received while in the Navy in
World War 11 for pulling to safety fellow seaman on two different
ships hit by enemy gunfire on which he served.
Draper had given the older daughter the scrapbook he had started
containing clippings of news stories about fires and accidents which
involved the fire department, and as they grew up, she and Andrea
and their mother maintained it as a loving tribute to him and fellow
"With the shock and all, we haven't had time to get it out, but we
very definitely will now." Mrs. Cole said as it is all the more
meaningful to the family.
They, and those who knew Draper, realize full well that even had he
known the outcome of his own fate when he plunged into Lake Ray
Hubbard Saturday, he would have done it just the same.
Margaret Rebecca Goodwin
Jun 5, 1898 - Mar 30, 1916
Remains Interred Today.
The remains of Miss Margaret Goodwin, who died yesterday afternoon,
were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon
at 2 o'clock, the funeral taking place from the family home, 1515 W.
Seventh avenue, Rev. E. B. Kimbrow of Chatfield officiated and a
large number of friends were in attendance.
Sallie R. (unk) Storey
Mar 23, 1869 - May 24, 1916
Lady Who Met Accidental Death Buried in
The remains of the late Mrs. R. M. Story, of Wortham, who met a
sudden and tragic death in a runaway accident here yesterday
morning, were interred in Oakwood this morning at 10 o'clock on the
lot of her late son-in-law, Tom Cawthon, who died here two or three
years ago. The funeral services took place at the Sutherland
undertaking parlors, and were conducted by Rev. Mr. Isbell, pastor
of the Methodist church at Wortham, of which deceased was a member.
There was a good attendance, among them a number of friends who came
from Wortham this morning. There were numerous floral offerings, and
the friends and neighbors of the departed, who spoke in the highest
terms of her, were deeply grieved at her sudden and tragic death.
Frau Auguste (Uckermann) Mirus
Jul 30, 1830 - Feb 12, 1916
Died in Dallas Saturday.
The Remains of Mrs. Augusta Mirus, who died in Dallas Saturday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Christian Bhony, were interred here
this afternoon at 3:30, the funeral taking place from the home of
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Julia C. Mirus, 308 South Fourteenth
street. The services were conducted by Rev. Charles Oberschmidt and
Rev. Chas F. Scofield.
The pallbearers were:
Honorary�J. M. Blanding, E. H. Church, L. A. Pinkston, W. M.
Clarkson, J. F. Stout and C. G. Davidson.
Active�B. Zadek, P. Mayer, W. A. Mowlam, T. M. Lovett, N. F. Payne,
and E. T. Hines.
A large procession followed the remains to
Oakwood and there were
many beautiful flowers.
Augusta Alvina (Mirus) Green
Jun 23, 1895 - Dec 16, 1953
Services Friday For Mrs. Green
Mrs. Augusta A. Green, 59, formerly of Corsicana, died at her home,
412 Center, Dallas, Wednesday at noon.
Funeral services will be held from the Lamar and Smith Chapel in
Dallas Friday at 2 p.m. with a graveside service at
Oakwood cemetery
here. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Bertram I. Smith, Christ
Episcopal Church, Dallas, and Rev. James joseph, St. John's
Episcopal church here.
Surviving are her husband, Harry B. Green, Dallas; two daughers,
Mrs. C. J. Luten, New York, and Mrs. C. R. Bell, Longview; brother,
Carl F. Mirus, Corsicana.
Services Friday For Mrs. Green
Mrs. Augusta A. Green, 59, formerly of Corsicana, died at her home,
412 Center, Dallas, Wednesday at noon.
Funeral services will be held from the Lamar and Smith Chapel in
Dallas Friday at 2 p.m. with a graveside service at
Oakwood cemetery
here. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Bertram L. Smith, Christ
Episcopal Church, Dallas, and Rev. James Joseph, St. John's
Episcopal church here.
Surviving are her husband, Harry B. Green, Dallas; two daughters,
Mrs. C. J. Luten, New York, and Mrs. C. R. Bell, Longview; brother,
Carl F. Mirus, Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be L. H. Christadoro, Jewel Stephens, Elmer E.
Luten, Cecil Cooper, R. H. Lindon and George Campbell.
Corley will direct local arrangements.
Mary Emily (Marshall) Jackson
May 4, 1855 - Oct 2, 1916
Remains Interred This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Mrs. Mary Emily Jackson, wife of J. T.
Jackson, were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon at 3 o'clock, the
funeral taking place from the home of J. W. Duren on West Third
avenue at 3 o'clock. Dr. T. A. Miller conducted the services and
Jas. Morgan, F. J. Lindsey, Dr. Dubart Miller, Dr. Trim Houston, A.
Harrison and J. A. Sowell acted as pall-bearers. There were many
pretty flowers and a large number of friends attended the last sad
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Oct 3, 1916
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o James Theodore Jackson married Dec. 28, 1875; d/o Joseph Taylor
Marshall & Elvira Emily (Wingfield) Marshall
Johnnie (Duren) Jackson
Jul 3, 1879 - Oct 9, 1971
Mrs. Jackson
Mrs. H. T. (Johnnie) Jackson died Saturday at Baylor Hospital in
Born July 3, 1879, Mrs. Jackson was a resident of Corsicana and had
lived the last few years with her daughter in Dallas.
Services will be Monday at 2 p.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel with
burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. R. Clowe of Dallas and
Mrs. D. S. Burks of Houston and five grandchildren.
Mrs. Jackson
Services were to be at 2 p.m. Monday for Mrs. H. T. (Johnnie)
Jackson, who died at Baylor Hospital in Dallas. The Rev. Eugene Wood
was to officiate, and burial was to be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. J. R. Clowe of Dallas and Mrs. D.
S. Burks of Houston; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren;
and five great-great-grandchildren.
Grandsons were to be pallbearers.
Harford Taylor Jackson
Mar. 4, 1878 - Sep. 13, 1962
H. T. Jackson, 84, Dies Thursday, Rites Friday
Harford T. Jackson, 84, native of Corsicana, retired superintendent
of the Magnolia Pipe Line Company Machine shop here, 317 West Third
avenue, died in Memorial Hospital early Thursday morning.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by C. B. Holcomb, pastor of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. R. R. Clowe,
Dallas and Mrs. D. S. Burks, Houston; five grandchildren, 10
great-grandchildren, a brother, George F. Jackson, Jacksonville; a
sister, Mrs. Emma Redmond, Irving, and other relatives.
Doris Mae
Jan 12, 1934 - Aug 15, 2015
beautiful soul and loving wife, mother, grandmother, and
great-grandmother, Doris Mae Miller (Granny), 81, was
wrapped in the arms of God and transitioned to her heavenly
home on Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015.
Granny was born in Blue Springs, Missouri, on Jan. 12, 1934.
She spent her childhood in Denver, Colorado, and graduated
from Denver's South High School in 1952.
After high school, she met the love of her life, Dalton
(Sonny) Miller, at the local roller-skating rink. She
offered to help him skate, and from there it was history.
They married in 1952. During their 63 years of marriage,
they created countless cherished memories with their
daughters Denice, Deana and Darcel.
Granny supported her husband while he served in the Air
Force, moving from Colorado to Florida, then Mississippi and
Texas. The family settled in Texas in the early �60s, and
spent most of the remainder of Granny's life raising their
children and grandchildren in Haslet, Texas. Granny was a
nurse for 27 years at various hospitals in Fort Worth. She
enjoyed her time off traveling with family.
Granny could do it all. She was a master gardener, an
artist, a seamstress, a beekeeper, a runner, an ice cream
connoisseur, and our sunshine on a cloudy day. Above all,
she was the best example of unconditional love.
Granny taught her family that it is OK to eat dessert for
breakfast, play in the mud and make mistakes.
Granny and Dalton lived the last 10 years of her life at
Richland Chambers Lake in Kerens, Texas. They loved
gardening together and continued to sow the seeds of their
Granny passed away peacefully at her home, surrounded by her
family and reunited in heaven with her parents, John and
Edith Edwards; father, Everett Stevens; brother, John
Edwards, Jr.; grandson, Thomas Hanrahan III; and
granddaughter, April Nicole Shelman.
She is survived by her loving husband, Dalton E. Miller;
daughters, Denice (David) Webb from Haslet, Texas, Deana
(Richard) Trawick from Hillsboro, Texas, and Darcel (Thomas)
Shelman from Kerens, Texas; nine grandchildren and their
spouses; and 20 great-grandchildren.
Visitation with the family will be Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015
from 6 to 8 p.m. at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be held Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 at
Chapel Cemetery in Haslet, Texas at 10 a.m.
In lieu of flowers the family respectfully requests
donations be made to the Parkinson's Foundation or Michael
J. Fox Foundation. |
Laverne Smith (Vineyard) Knox-Simmons

May 30, 1921 - Aug 11, 2015
Laverne S. Simmons, 94, of Corsicana passed away Tuesday,
Aug. 11, 2015 at Navarro Regional Hospital. She was born May
30, 1921 in Celina, Texas to Willie and Orvin Vineyard.
She graduated from high school in Howe, Texas. She was a
long time member of First Baptist Church of Corsicana, and
the senior adult 4 Sunday School class. She especially
enjoyed working for the elections over the years. She
married Arlon G. Simmons on July 7, 1945 in Temple, Texas
after he returned from serving in World War II. They lived
many years in Kerens before moving to Corsicana. Arlon
served as County Commissioner from 1959-1975 for Navarro
Mrs. Simmons is preceded in death by her husband, Arlon G.
Simmons; sisters, Lynn Thornton and Alma Farrington.
She is survived by daughter, Donna Kay Simmons of Corsicana;
brother and sister-in-law, Arlie and Johnnie Vineyard of
Howe, Texas; numerous nieces and nephews.
The family would like to extend a special thank you to
caregivers, Ollie Chandler, Nakia Chandler, and Myra Glover
for their tender loving care over the past few years.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15,
2015 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Danny P.
Reeves officiating.
Interment will follow in
Kerens City Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Larry Simmons, Warren Simmons, Don
Simmons, James Vineyard, Stephen Blackard, and Dr. Scott
Middleton. |
Gary Larremore
Dec 5, 1954 - Aug 8, 2015
Larremore, 60, of Blooming Grove, passed away Saturday, Aug.
8, 2015 in Dallas. He was born Dec. 5, 1954 in Pecos, Texas,
and served in the United States Air Force from Nov. 13, 1973
to July 11, 1976.
He is survived by Elzie, Pat, Joyce (Bobby) RogerLee, all of
Dallas; Toni and David of Blooming Grove; Debbie of Abilene;
Carolyn of Seattle, Washington; Jeffery of South Carolina;
and Bobby (Corinne) of California). Also survived by special
friend Vanessa Roberts of Blooming Grove, several nieces and
nephews, four aunts, Mamie Johnson, Pinkie Johnson, Juanita
Carter and Ruby Washington, all of Dallas, and one uncle,
David Anderson, also of Dallas.
Visitation will be 12 noon to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 2015
at M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals.
Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015 at
Second Mission Baptist Church, 909 S. Fifth St., Corsicana
with Rev. L. Polk, pastor, officiating. Interment will
follow at Woodland
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Glen Larremore, Jeffery Larremore, Wayne
Simpson, Roger Larremore, Bobby Larremore, and Eric Simpson.
Honorary pallbearers are Braden, Jason, D. Allen, Desmond
and Mike Fletcher.
Arrangements by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals. |
Lillian Pearl (Douglas) Seago
June 14, 1911 - Mar 23, 1991
Pearl Seago, 79, of Corsicana, died March 23, 1991, at Providence
Hospital in Waco.
Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Chapel, with
the Rev. Robert Seago and the Rev. Howard Seago officiating. Burial
will be in Grange Hall.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter Seago Jr.
She is survived by three daughters, Edith Dockery of Waco, Ann
McClure of Mesquite, and Shirley Pinson of Grand Prairie; three
sons, Walter Seago of Dawson, Howard Seago of Houston, and Robert
Seago of Elkhart;
16 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sunday, March 24, 1991 Submitted by Karen Rost
From the collection of the Blooming Grove Historical Society
Anthony Cochran
Oct 9, 1994 - Aug 8, 2015
Anthony Cochran, 20, of Blooming Grove, passed away
Saturday, Aug.
8, 2015 in Dallas. Jon was a beloved son, proud father, and
an inspirational brother.
Jon was born Oct. 9, 1994 in Corsicana to Jon and Anna
Cochran. He attended Blooming Grove High School and
graduated in
2013 where he played as a nose guard for the Blooming
Grove Lions 2nd team All-District football team. Jon was
also a member of the 1000 lbs. Club for lifting, ran track,
shot put and discus. After high school Jon studied to become
a plumber through Job Corp. and graduated in 2015. Jon was
also an active member with Central Baptist Church in
Blooming Grove.
Jon is survived by his parents Jon Douglas and Ana Laura
Cochran. He is also survived by maternal grandparents
Ernesto Fuentes Sr. and Elena Trujillo; paternal grandmother
Jan Smith; daughter Emily Wetzel; sisters Angela Ana
Cochran, Valeria D. Cochran, Krista Roberts; brothers Taylor
Jordan Cochran, David Otis Cochran, Jason Ray Cochran,
Michael Cochran, Shawn Cochran and Josue Caserez.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by Corley Funeral
Home in Blooming Grove.
Calling hours will be 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015 at
Corley Funeral Home Chapel in Blooming Grove.
Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 at
Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove with burial to
follow at Rose
Hill Cemetery.
Memorial donations may be made to the Jon Cochran Memorial
Fun established with Prosperity Bank. |
Mattie C. (Steele) Hodge

abt 1923 - Aug 14, 2015
Hodge, passed away Aug. 14, 2015, in Cypress at the age of
Our Mom entered Heavens Gates on Aug. 14, 2015. She was
surrounded by many loved ones. She is survived by her
children, Sandra Hodge Garrett and Donald Charles Hodge, and
their spouses Howard Garrett and Karen Hodge. She was
preceded in death by her husband of nearly 68 years, Charles
Mom was a devoted mom, wife, homemaker, cook and seamstress.
She was well known for her cakes and pies. A meal at mom's
was a treat. She was a very accomplished seamstress
following in the footsteps of her mom. She made and designed
her daughter's wedding dress sewing on 500 individual
pearls. She was a talent ahead of her time.
She is also survived by three grandchildren that she adored,
Jeffrey Noel Garrett, Jeremy Charles Garrett and Cameron
Charles Hodge. They put a smile on her face and joy in her
Mom will be buried in
Birdston Cemetery
outside of Streetman, Texas, in her family plot next to her
late husband, Charles, and two sisters, Frances and Mozelle
and their spouses.
Mom was the youngest of five siblings all preceding others
in death. Many memories were made at the Steele home with
everyone gathering often for holidays and summer visits.
There was always lots of laughing and lots of delicious
food. The Steele Family was blessed with love for one
another. Family was everything!
We would like to thank all the nurses and staff at North
Cypress Hospital for the care they gave mom in ICU. We would
also like to thank Virgina's Hospice caregivers and Elmcroft
caregivers for all they did for mom. Words are inadequate
for all that was done. God Bless all of you who so lovingly
carried [sic] for "Miss Mattie"
Graveside service will be 11 a.m. Monday, Aug. 17, 2015, at
Birdston Cemetery.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
- w/o Charles Poke Hodge; d/o Hugh J. Steele & Gertrude
Ellen (White) Steele
- Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, August 18, 2015
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Dorthy Ann
Aug 14, 1953 - Aug 10, 2015
Ann Kirk was born on Aug. 14, 1953 in Odessa, Texas to
parents Grover and Julia Kirk. She unexpectedly passed away
Monday, Aug. 10, 2015 in Dallas, Texas.
Dorthy retired from Southwestern Bell Co after 30 years of
service. She was a devoted and loving sister and aunt. Some
of the many characteristics she had were an outgoing
personality, never met a stranger, wonderful sense of humor,
a care giver to many. Dorthy enjoyed volunteering, fishing
and doing yard work. She loved Little League baseball and
looked forward to the Little League World Series each year.
She also was a big Texas Rangers fan. Dorthy cherished her
Colorado trips with her only nephew Donald. She provided
love and care for many dogs through the years and was most
passionate about her "Sweetie."
Dorthy conquered many illnesses with never a complaint. She
was a ten year breast cancer survivor.
Dorthy is survived by her sister and brother-in-law, Betty
McCulloch and Don of Odessa, sister Bertha Brady of Plano
and loving nephew Donald of Gardendale; special friend Donna
Bright of Frisco and many other loving friends.
She was preceded in death by her daddy Grover Kirk, mother
Julia Anglin, Uncle Mink, Aunt Mary and her beloved
Dorthy will be loved and missed by all who knew her.
Dorthy's family are honoring her wishes to be cremated and
of not having a service. They invite you to celebrate and
remember her in your own loving way. If desired,
contributions may be made to the Susan G. Komen Foundation
for breast cancer research at P.O. Box 650309 Dallas, TX
75265 or by calling 1-877-GO KOMEN. |
May 20, 1927 - Aug 7, 2015
Billy Hamilton, 88, of La Marque, passed away Aug. 7,
2015, at his residence.
Memorial services will be held 2 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015,
with a visitation at 1:30 p.m. at the College View Baptist
Church, 8622 Monticello, in Texas City. Casual dress is
requested by family.
Born May 20, 1927, in the community of Eureka, Navarro County,
Texas, delivered by his grandfather, a country doctor. He always
said that the fact that Charles Lindburgh landed in Paris that
day was the reason his birth was not announced on the front page
of the Corsicana newspaper.
His parents were James Lloyd and Blanche Greer Hamilton. He is
preceded in death by both parents, a sister, Lois Gaines, and
parents-in-law Herbert and Thelma Woodhouse.
He grew up in Eureka, graduated from Mildred Consolidated High
School. He attended North Texas Agricultural College now
Arlington University, A & M. While there he was drafted during
WW II and while in basic training, the war was over, so he spent
the rest of his tour in Korea with the Army of Occupation. After
his discharge, he attended Navarro Junior College and Sam
Houston State Teachers College receiving a degree in Chemistry
in December 1951.
There he met his future wife, Dorothy Woodhouse., They married
July 5, 1952, in Texas City with two new college degrees, two
new jobs and a car that ran when it wanted to.
He spent his entire working career in Texas City working for Pan
American, American Oil, and Amoco Refining Company, where he
retired in 1984, at the age of 57.
He was a very talented man, willing to try anything at least
once whether he succeed or not, and he usually did.
Active in many things, he was an avid tournament archer and bow
hunter for over 20 years. He also spent many years as a
rockhound, working in stained glass, and building many custom
dollhouses. He was a miniaturist until the time of his death.
The first dollhouse he built was for the Sweeny-Royston house in
Galveston and its picture was the first colored print ever put
into the Galveston Daily News. He and his wife also did stained
glass work, and built two large stained glass baptistery windows
for Highlands Baptist Church of La Marque and Mildred Baptist
Church in Mildred, Texas.
When he discovered they could travel without driving, they made
many trips with Galveston Baptist Assoc., took miniature and
other cruises and went from Mexico through Canada.
His survivors are wife, Dorothy Woodhouse Hamilton; sisters, Jo
Curry of Sulfur Springs, Texas, and Lou Vannice of Normal,
Illinois, and seven nieces.
He was a shy, retiring man for many years until he accepted
Christ as his Savior in 1992. He immediately became a very
compassionate, outgoing person, served in church, and became a
church builder at Highlands Baptist Church of La Marque,
Shiprock Baptist Church in Shiprock, Texas, New Mexico and
Pioneer Baptist Church in Texas City. He was a member of the
College View Baptist Church at his death.
Children played a very important role in their lives. They had
none of their own but were instrumental in the lives of many
area children, giving them love, advice, guidance and attention.
They celebrated 63 years of marriage.
In lieu of flowers, donations made be made to A-Med Community
Hospice, 8901 Emmett F Lowry Expressway, Texas City, TX 77591.
"Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be
married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a
real treat." - Joanne Woodward
Arrangements by Emken-Linton Funeral Home, Texas City.
Ruth (Edmundson) Ramsey

Sept 29, 1905 - Dec 22, 1990
Ruth Edmundson Ramsey, 85, of Blooming Grove, died Dec. 22, 1990
at a local nursing home.
Services are Friday, Dec. 28 at noon at the Blooming Grove First
United Methodist Church with the Rev. French officiating.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
She was a school teacher with the BGISD from 1927 until her
retirement in 1970. She received her bachelor's degree from SMU
and furthered her studies at Baylor University She was raised
and received her education in Waxahachie.
She was preceded in death by two grandchildren.
Survivors include three daughters-in-law, Mrs. Jim R. (Margaret)
Ramsey of Oklahoma, Mrs. George Eldon (Jewell) Ramsey Jr., of
Waxahachie and Mrs. Walter H. (Louise) Ramsey of fort Worth;
four grandchildren, George Eldon Ramsey III, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Ramsey and Judy Marsh; four great-grandchildren; three sisters,
Reba Collins of Round Rock, Evelyn Smith of Vidalia, La., and
Eloise Bean of Tapanqu, Calif.
Memorials may be made to the Blooming Grove Methodist Church or
the Ruth Ramsey Resource Center at the Blooming Grove School
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sunday, December 23, 1990
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- w/o George Eldon Ramsey, Sr; d/o John David Edmundson
& Olie Belle
(Newton) Edmundson
- Waxahachie City Cemetery, Waxahachie, Ellis Co., TX
- From the collection of the Blooming Grove Historical
Sep 20, 1949 - Feb 4, 2005
Services for Dwayne Farmer, 55, Flint, are scheduled for 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2005, at Stewart Family Funeral Chapel, 7525
Jacksonville Hwy., Tyler, with the Rev. Jerry Carroll
Burial will be in Cathedral in the Pines Cemetery under
direction of
Stewart Family Funeral Home.
Mr. Farmer died Friday Feb. 4, 2005, at Trinity Mother Frances
Mr. Farmer lived in the Tyler area for the last eight years
coming from
Jacksonville. He enjoyed his work as a route salesman with Mrs.
as well as watching sports.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his sister, Frances
Buck; and
brother, Tom Farmer.
Survivors include wife, Peggy Farmer, of Flint; son, Todd Farmer
wife, Scarlet, of Flint; brothers, Jesse Farmer of Indianapolis,
and Edward Farmer of Gillette, Wyo.; sisters, Elizabeth
Armstrong of
Blooming Grove, Rita Bernsen of Corsicana, Emma Meador of
Navarro Mills,
Sandra Youngblood of Malakoff, Barbara Blum of Vancouver, Wash.,
Lita Farr of Baytown; numerous nieces and nephews
Pallbearers will be Homer Reeves, Chuck Lawrence, Tim Lawrence,
Christian, Tim Christian, and Wayne Bernsen.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Stewart
funeral Home, South Tyler.
Memorials may be made to the Music Ministry of Green Acres
Church, 1607 Troup Highway, Tyler, TX 75701.
Arrangements by Stewart Family Funeral Home, Tyler.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, February 8, 2005
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- h/o Patricia Lynn (Harper) Farmer
- From the collection of the Blooming Grove Historical
Helen Stuart
abt 1936 - Mar 7, 1996
Mary Helen Stuart, 60, of Corsicana died March 7, 1996, in
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the
Baptist Church in Nash, Texas with Elder John Baker officiating.
Burial will follow in the Nash Cemetery in Texarkana.
Pallbearers will be nephews and other relatives.
Honorary pallbearers will be her relatives.
Mrs. Stuart was born Sept 2, 1935, in Texarkana, Texas. She was
member of the Eastern Star Lodge, the City Women Comvention, and
faithful member of the Harmony Baptist Church where she served
as a
Survivors include: her husband, Johnnie Stuart of Corsicana; her
daughter Debra Brown; one granddaughter, Laquesa Waters of
other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Arrangements by Haynes Mortuary, Inc. of Texarkana.
Fred Miller Allison, Jr.

June 4, 1919 - Oct 6, 2001
Fred Allison, 82, of Midland, passed away Saturday, Oct. 6, 2001
Santa Monica, Calif.
Services will be 3 p.m. Friday at the Ellis Funeral Home Chapel
with the
Rev. Dr. Tommy Potter of the First Christian Church officiating.
Honorary pallbearers will be Joe Henderson, Gordon Knox, Bill
Joe Leyva, Robert Whitt and Eric Tabb.
Mr. Allison was born June 4, 1919 in Corsicana to Fred and Dolly
Allison. He attended Teas A&M University where he studied animal
husbandry. He was a U.S. Army veteran of
World War II serving
in India,
China and Burma (where he helped in building the Burma Road).
Allison came to West Texas several years after the war to drill
for oil
while still operating the Allison Ranch in Corsicana. He owned
operated Estoril Producing Corporation as well as several other
oil and
gas entities, retiring in 1989.
His love for travel carried him around the world many times and
often to
his beloved Hawaii. He enjoyed California and spent most of his
years in Santa Monica.
He is survived by his wife, Janet; sons, Freddy Allison of
Midland and
Bill Allison of Shawnee, Okla.; step-sons, Chris Juaz and Shawn
grandchildren, Karey Hopkins and Phillip Allison and one great
granddaughter Allison Hopkins.
Memorials may be made to the Midland SPCA, P.O. Box 4371,
Midland, Texas
Arrangements by Ellis Funeral Home in Midland. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- No date
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los
Angeles Co., CA; Crypt 16024
- From the collection of the Blooming Grove Historical
- Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Los
Angeles Co., California
Men and Women in WWII
Claudia Estelle (Goff)
Apr 26, 1940 - Oct 6, 2001
Claudia Estelle Goff Mays (Gladys Faye Mays), 61, of Dallas
passed away
Saturday, Oct. 6, 2001.
Wake services will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday at Washington
Memorial funeral Home, 1950 Canada Drive, Dallas.
Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Burning Bush Baptist
4943 Bonnie View, Dallas, with the Rev. Johnny Brown
Interment will follow at Lincoln Memorial Park in Dallas.
Mrs. Mays was born April 26, 1940 in Kerens.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Willie Goff and
Lillian M.
Hurd; sisters, Louise and Jessie; husband, Alton Mays Jr.; son,
Myron E.
Mrs. Mays is survived by her uncle, James Hurd; brothers, Alton
Afton Goff and Ray A. Goff; sister-in-law, Lois Goff; niece,
Chandler; nephew, David Crittendon; sons, Akeem A. Jami and
Dwight G.
Mays and wife Vicki R. Mays; daughters, Pamela K. Hill, Gloria
B. Cook,
Ceylon R. Mays and Connie F. Mays; special family and friends,
Dovie M.
Davis, Eugene McMullen, Levesta Starks, Debra Ladd, Connie Y.
Willi D. Smith; 12 grandchildren; and a host of
Arrangements by Washington Memorial Funeral Home of Dallas.
Burton R. "Doc" Oglesby, Ret.
June 18, 1940 - July 28, 2015
R. Oglesby "Doc," Retired Chief Petty Officer with the U.S.
Navy, passed away Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Born in Walsh,
Colorado he lived in Springfield, Colorado until he enlisted
in the U.S. Navy in 1957. He served a distinguished career
worldwide as a hospital corpsman, aviation physiology
instructor, search and rescue missions member, and finally
as the materials manager for the U.S. medical research
facility in Cairo, Egypt before he retired in 1985. "Doc"
enjoyed his retirement in Corsicana, Texas with his family,
friends, and beloved books.
His passing was preceded by his wife Sonja in 1993.
He is survived by his daughters Leslie and Suzan; son-in-law
Lenny; grandsons Kevin and Gregg; siblings Roberta and
husband Mike, Dottie and husband Walt, Jerry and wife Lena;
numerous nieces and nephews; and partner Mary. He will be
deeply missed by all.
Graveside services with military honors will be held Friday,
Aug. 14,
2015 at 11:30 a.m. at DFW National Cemetery.
Cremation is under the direction of Corley Funeral Home. |
Leonard Francis
"Dugan" Williamson

Jan 22, 1937 - Aug 5, 2015
(Dugan) Francis Williamson, 78 of Navarro Mills, passed away
Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2015 at his home. Dugan was born Jan. 22,
1937 on Mississippi Hill in Houston County to Odell
Williamson and Ida Mae Williamson-Atkinson. He grew up in
Midway, Texas. He married Beverly Griffith-Williamson on
Sept. 13, 1958 in Wilmer. Dugan retired from Tyler
Refrigeration in 1989. After his long career at Tyler he
stayed active by piddling on lawn mowers and other small
engines from home, and visiting with family and friends. He
was known by everyone to be a kind hearted, loving man with
a great sense of humor.
He is preceded in death by his parents; grandson, CPL
William D.
O'Brien; infant sister, Betty Jan; brother, Buck Willis and
sister in law, Joyce Williamson.
He is survived by his wife, Beverly Griffith-Williamson of
57 years; sons, Perry and wife Dawn Williamson of Rice and
Terry Williamson of Ft.
Worth; daughter, Belinda and husband Danny Ferrer of Rice.
He is also survived by five grandchildren; five
great-grandchildren; brothers, Charles E. Williamson of
Milam, Kenneth and Linda Williamson of Ore City, Howard and
Noreen Atkinson of Bryan, Will and Mary Sharp of Navarro
Mills, Benny and Barbara Willis of Lancaster; sisters,
Bobbie Ann Urich of Bryan, Sandra Ann Hill of Houston,
Florence Lee Sanders of Bryan, Doris and Robert Willis of
Bryan, Sally Bridges of Dallas, Thelma Shields of Dallas,
Rita and Jerry Fowler of Palmer, Lillian Lowery of Bryan,
Ernestine Stoddard, Lilamae Kato and numerous nieces and
Also survived by his close friends, Read Holland and Carl
Edwards and his beloved companion Bodie (Lucas).
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside service will be 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015 at
Dawson Cemetery
with Bro. Grady Cashion officiating. Pallbearers will be
Williamson nephews.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, August 8, 2015
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- h/o Beverly Griffith-Williamson; s/o Odell Williamson
& Ida Mae (Buchanan) Williamson-Atkinson
Borxton/Berxton Lamb
Jul 16, 1905 - Jan 13, 1919
Deaths at Eureka.
The fourteen year old son of James Estes and the fourteen year
old son of Robert Lamb, both died in the Eureka community
yesterday afternoon of pneumonia, and both funerals took place
there today.
William Benjamin
Worth Watkins, Dr.
Feb 4, 1851 - Aug 14, 1915
Passed Away After Several Years of Ill Health.
Dr. W. B. W. Watkins, aged 63 years, and for many years a resident of the Eureka community, died there this morning at 3
o'clock, after being in bad health for several months.
The deceased is survived by his widow and six children. Interment took place in the neighborhood cemetery this afternoon
at 6 o'clock and was largely attended.
Dr. Watkins was a man of fine character, both as a physician and citizen, and will be missed from the community in which he had
lived for so many years.
Esther Jane
(Carmichael) Castles
Jan 28, 1849 - Jun 12, 1916
Eureka News.
Mrs. Esther Castles, who was for several years a resident of this neighborhood, but who has for several years past resided
near Kerens, died Monday morning and was buried yesterday at the Presbyterian cemetery near Eureka. The funeral was largely
attended, services being conducted by Rev. W. L. Patterson, assisted by Rev. B. E. Dobbins. There were quite a nice lot of
beautiful flowers put on the grave after it had been filled. Mrs. Castles had many friends here as well as at other places
where she had lived. Besides her husband, S. T. Castles, she leaves five sons, Walter, Willie, Watt, Emmett and Blain, and
two daughters. Mrs. Minnie Tipton of Corsicana and Miss Eula Castles, the only one of the children that is at home, all of
whom have the sympathy of the many friends. Mrs. Castles was 67 years old.
Buried at Eureka Today.
Mrs. S. T. Castles, who died at 8:25 o'clock yesterday morning
at her home in Kerens, was laid to rest in the Eureka
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. There was a large attendance upon the funeral with many beautiful floral offerings. The deceased
left several children to mourn her death, among them being Mr. W. H. Castles of this city. Mr. Castles has many friends in the
city who sympathize with him in the loss of his mother.
Samuel Thomas Castles
Apr 25, 1854 - Jun 23, 1918
S. A. Castles, who had lived in this county for many years, died
at the home of his son in Purdon Saturday after a long illness,
and the remains were interred at
Eureka yesterday
afternoon. The deceased is survived by two sons and two
daughters, Will Castles of Purdon, Walter Castles of Corsicana,
and Miss Eula Castles and Mrs. Kin Tipton of Purdon.
Ben Stephen "Bennie"
Feb 24, 1915 - Mar 3, 1916
Bennie, the one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Russell, 1443
West Sixth avenue, died yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock and
was buried in the afternoon at 4 o'clock in
Druzilla Adaline (Young)
Nov 23, 1851 - Mar 20, 1916
Venerable Lady dead.
Mrs. Addie Harrison Will Be Buried Tomorrow Afternoon.
Mrs. Addie Harrison, wife of the late T. Harrison, died at Mineral
Wells at 1 o'clock March 20th. The remains will arrive in Corsicana
tonight at 10:40 and interment will take place from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Maggie Rawson on West Thirteenth avenue at 2 p.m.
tomorrow. Interment at
Hamilton cemetery
at 3 p.m. The deceased leaves six children, Clint Orlena, Marvin, Ed
and Triona Harrison, and Mrs. Maggie Rawson; and three brothers and
sisters as follows: Tarrent Young of Baird; J. B. Young, of
Corsicana; D. A. Young of Spurr, and Mrs. Bettie Barnaby of
Corsicana, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in
Corsicana and Navarro county in their hour of sorrow.
Remains Interred This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Mrs. Theodore Harrison reached here from
Mineral Wells last night and were taken to the home of S. D. Ramsey,
and the funeral took place from there at 2 p.m. today, with
interment at the
Hamilton cemetery. Rev. Franklin Moore of the Eleventh Avenue
Methodist church officiated, and a number of old friends of the
deceased followed the remains to their final resting place.
The following were pall-bearers; R.B. Grissett, E. J. Jeffers, J. L.
Lonsford, A. H. Willie, R. P. McEntire and J. H. Forren.
Theodorus �T� Harrison
Dec 18, 1847 - Oct 11, 1915
Died Here This Morning.
T. Harrison, aged 68 years, and a resident here and of Navarro
county for many years, died at his home 615 South Twentieth street,
at 8 o'clock this morning after a long illness, and the remains will
be interred at the
Hamilton cemetery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. l. G.
White officiating.
Surviving the deceased are his widow and these children; A. C.
Harrison, Ed Harrison, and Miss Olivia Harrison, of Mineral Wells,
and Melvin Harrison, Mrs. Burk Rawson and Miss Friona Harrison of
The deceased was a good citizen and had many friends who regret his
The funeral hour has been changed to 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
and the services will be in the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church at
that hour.
John Britton
1851 - Feb 3, 1916
Had Been a Little Indisposed but Not Seriously Ill.
John Britton, aged 66 years, a resident of the Angus community, died
alone in his home yesterday afternoon, Mr. Britton, who is survived
by three children, all grown, lived with a single daughter, the
other two children being married and living to themselves. Mr.
Britton ate his dinner daughter went to visit a neighbor. About 4
o'clock a neighbor went to where a renter on Mr. Britton's farm was
plowing and asked where he was, and was informed that he was
probably at home. The neighbor went to the house and receiving no
response to a knock on the door, went in, and found the deceased in
bed with his head and body covered the body and saw that Mr. Britton
was dead, and a physician who was summoned said he had been dead two
or three hours. Interment took place in the
Hamilton cemetery
this afternoon.
George Washington Mann
May 8, 1855 - Apr 16, 1916
Died After Long Illness.
Geo. Mann, aged 60 years, a native of Illinois, but a resident of
Texas for many years, died last night at his home on South Fifteenth
street after a long illness with Brights disease. The deceased is
survived by his widow, four grandsons and a daughter. Interment will
take place at the
Hamilton cemetery tomorrow.
Ralph Miller
Mar 12, 1916 - Mar 21, 1916
Death of Infant.
The two-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Miller, living in the
Thorp addition, died at two o'clock this morning and the remains
were interred in the
Hamilton cemetery this afternoon at two o'clock.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Mar 21, 1916
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- s/o Emmett B. Miller & Mary Ida (Williams) Miller (death
certificate and obit say died May 21 -- monument says May 29)
Wade Phillips
Nov 27, 1876 - Jul 14, 1917
Ed Knott and Dewey Phillips Victims of the Grade Crossing
A very sad tragedy happened today about 12:30 o'clock when the
southbound Hustler due here at 12:35, struck a Chevrolet car
bound for Dallas, killing both occupants of the car.
About 12:15 Ed Knott, driving a Chevrolet, accompanied by Dewey
Phillips started to Dallas in Mr. Knott's new car and as they
were crossing the H. & T. C. tracks about three miles north of
this city at Exall Heights, their car was struck square in the
center by the southbound Hustler. The car was completely
demolished. Mr. Phillips was killed immediately, but Mr. Knott
lived a short while, expiring before reaching here. The Hustler
was stopped and the two men placed on cots, the train arriving
in Corsicana about thirty minutes late as a result of the
accident. The conductor of the Hustler reported the accident by
wire to the superintendent at Ennis and after all had been done
that could by the train crew, the Hustler preceded on its
journey south.
Ed Knott was a substantial farmer living on the Powell road
about six miles east of town. He was the father of six children,
the youngest being one year old. His wife died about one year
ago and he lived on the E. T. Gillean farm. He was about forty
years old and bore a good reputation. Dewey Phillips was 18
years old and lived near Mr. Knott with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Phillips. Both of the deceased lived in the Phillips
Chapel community.
Shortly after the bodies were brought here the family and
friends of the two unfortunate men were notified and the bodies
were removed to Sutherland's undertaking parlor in the ambulance
where they were prepared for burial. Both men evidently died
from wounds received in the head as neither one was mangled, but
both were badly bruised.
Immediately after the Hustler arrived news spread of the
accident and quite a crowd gathered at the depot before the
bodies were removed. One of the particularly sad features
connected with the tragedy was the fact that the grandmother of
young Phillips was on the train that killed her grandson.
Today's accident was one of the worst accidents to happen in
this county and brings the death list up to four killed from
this county by automobile accidents in the past ten days.
No one was able to give a reason for the accident, but parties
who were on the train say that the car was hit square in the
center as it was crossing the track and that the automobile was
literally torn to pieces.
Parties here who went to the scene of the tragedy this afternoon
say that a peculiar feature of the wreck is that the car, a
Chevrolet, was torn literally to pieces, but that the windshield
nor the lamps were broken, and although the spokes were broken
out of every wheel, that not a tire was punctured.
Mr. Knott Was Buried in Oakwood, Young Phillips at
The funerals of the two unfortunate men who met their sudden
deaths in the automobile and train accident on Saturday just
north of Corsicana, were held yesterday, with a large attendance
at both funerals.
Mr. Ed Knott was laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery by the side of
his wife, who died about a year ago, on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, with Rev. H.
B. Shrader conducting the last sad rites, while Mr. Dewey
Phillips was buried at the Bazette cemetery Sunday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock where a big attendance of relatives and friends
attended the funeral.
Both parties were well known in their respective communities, as
well as over a large part of the county and their untimely death
shocked the entire county.
There were many beautiful floral offerings which were sent as
tokens of love and esteem in which the deceased were held by
those who knew them best.
Jefferson D. Reese, Jr.
Dec 26, 1907 - Jan 4, 1916
Remains Interred Yesterday.
The remains of Jefferson D. Reece, 8-year-old son of Prof. J. D.
Reece who died at 404 South Second street Tuesday night of
membranous croupe, were interred at
Bazette yesterday.
The family have the sympathy of many friends in their
Andrew Jackson Phillips,
Nov 27, 1876 - Jul 4, 1948
Andrew Jackson Phillips, aged 69 years, died suddenly about 3:30
o'clock Sunday morning at his residence 506 South Thirtieth
Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev.
J. B. Ousley, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church. Burial was
in the Bazette cemetery.
Phillips was a retired merchant.
Judge A. E. Foster returned a verdict of "death by poison,
self-administered," following an investigation.
Surviving are six sons, R. M. and W. C. Phillips, both of
Corsicana; W. A. Phillips, Dallas; A. C. Phillips, Calute; A. J.
Phillips, Abilene, and B. F. Phillips, U. S. Army; two
daughters, Mrs. Edith Cates and Mrs. O. S. Burns, both of
Corsicana, and a number of grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Erwin Phillips, Wayne Phillips, Robert
Phillips, T. A. Phillips, Alex E. Hair and Rufus Adams.
Josephine �Josie�
(Meeks) Phillips
Oct 13, 1875 - Dec 17, 1945
Mrs. Josephine Phillips, aged 70 years, 2027 West Fifteenth
avenue, died at the Navarro Clinic Monday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
Bazette cemetery.
The rites were conducted by James A. Johnston, minister of the
West Side Church of Christ and W. L. Murdaugh, Memorial Baptist
Church pastor.
Surviving are her husband, A. J. Phillips and W. A. Phillips,
both of Odessa; W. C. Phillips and D. F. Phillips, both of
Corsicana; A. J. Phillips, Jr., Abilene, and A. C. Phillips,
Chandler; two daughters, Mrs. Edith Cates and Mrs. O. S. Burns,
both of Corsicana; a brother Mack Meeks, Waco; a sister, Mrs.
Annie Arbucle, Forney; 22 grandchildren and two
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Dec 18, 1945
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Andrew Jackson Phillips, Sr. married Feb. 2, 1896;
d/o Vincent Robert "Vince" Meeks & Rachel (Parker) Meeks
(Parker) Meeks
Dec 13, 1843 - Sep 17, 1930
Mrs. Rachel Meeks, aged 85 years, long-time resident of Navarro
county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Phillips in
the Roane community, and the funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Phillips' residence, with
burial in the Bazette
cemetery. Mrs. Meeks made her home in Rice and was on a
visit when she was stricken ill Tuesday morning.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Phillips, Roane, and Mrs. W.
A. Arbuckle, Rice; two sons, M. D. Meeks, Terrell and A. A.
Meeks, Corbet, and a number of grandchildren.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, September 17, 1930 -
Submitted by Diane Richards
Funeral services for Mrs. Rachel Meeks, aged 85, pioneer
resident of Navarro county, who died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Phillips in the Roane community Wednesday
morning at 6:30 after an illness of only a few hours, were held
Thursday afternoon at one o'clock from the Phillips' residence
with burial in the Bazette cemetery. Mrs. Meeks made her home in
Rice and was visiting her daughter at Roane when she was
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Phillips, Roane; Mrs. W. A.
Arbuckle, Rice; two sons, M. D. Meeks, Terrell and A. D. Meeks,
Corbet; and a number of grandchildren.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Frances (Northcutt) Manning
Dec 23, 1845 - Nov 8, 1915
Mrs. Manning, aged 71 years, wife of J. J. Manning, died this
morning on the Tom Worthington farm, about three and one-half
miles north of the city. She leaves a husband and seven
children, besides other relatives and many friends to mourn her
death. Her children are: W. W. Manning, Mrs. B. M. Williams,
Mrs. J. A. Gossett, of Corsicana; Mrs. M. J. Leopard of
Shreveport, La.; Mrs. F. H. McKinney of Guffy, Texas; Mrs. L. J.
Beare of Beaumont, Texas, and J. H. Manning of Jacksonville.
The funeral will be held tomorrow evening with interment in the
Zion's Rest cemetery.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, November 8, 1915 - Submitted
by Diane Richards
Died At. Zion's Rest.
Mrs. John Manning, aged 70 years, died in the Zion's Rest
Community this morning, and interment will take place in the
neighborhood cemetery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Elizabeth Ann (Barton)
Dec 4, 1845 - Dec 6, 1916
Remains Interred at Zion's Rest This Afternoon.
Mrs. Elizabeth Deen, aged 71 years died at her home in Joshua,
Johnson, yesterday, and the remains were brought here today and
the funeral took place at 2 o'clock this evening from
Sutherland's undertaking parlor, with interment in the
Zion's Rest cemetery,
beside those of her husband, who died here a number of years
The deceased was well known and highly esteemed here by many of
our older citizens, and the funeral was well attended.
Rev. Chas. F. Metcalfe of Joshua officiated. The deceased is
survived by six grown children, as follows: Mrs. W. P. Rice,
Joshua; Mrs. Mattie Thompson, Carlton; W. O. Deen, Corsicana; A.
J. Deen, Geary, Okla.; J. R. Deen, Blankett, and T. R. Deen of
by Byrum.
William Quinn Deen, Jr.
Jan 19, 1864 - July 10, 1917
Well Known Farmer Dead.
William Q. Deen, a farmer who was well known here, died at
his home four miles north of town last night at 11 o'clock,
and the remains were interred in the
Zion's Rest
community this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. E. E.
Shoulders officiating. The deceased, who was fifty-two years
of age, is survived by his widow and one son, and by three
brothers. The deceased was a good citizen and a neighbors
tenderly cared for him during a long illness, and the
funeral today was largely attended.
Isaac M. Farmer

May 15, 1853 - Sep 28, 1916
Old Citizen of Navarro County Passes Away at St. Paul's
Isaac M. Farmer, aged 63 years, and for many years a
well known and highly esteemed citizen of this county,
making his home seven miles north of Corsicana, died in
St. Paul's Sanitarium in Dallas this morning at 6
o'clock after about ten days' illness. The remains were
brought here at noon today and the funeral took place
from the Southerland Undertaking Parlors at 4:30 this
afternoon, with interment at
Zion's Rest
cemetery conducted by Rev. J. T. Moore of the
Methodist Protestant church and the Corsicana Woodman
lodge, and was largely attended.
Surviving the deceased is the widow and five grown
children, Burdine Farmer, Eddie Farmer, Roger Farmer and
Mrs. L. H. Wilson, all of the Farmer community, and Mrs.
J. A. Jordan of Nolen county.
The deceased was a good citizen, always taking a deep
interest in public affairs. He was a man very pronounced
for what he believed to be right and never hesitated to
let his views be known. He was a good husband, father
and neighbor and will be missed in his community.
Nora Howard
Jun 26, 1897 - Jan 2, 1916
Four Other Members of the Family Sick With Same
Miss Nora Howard, aged 18 years, daughter of Mrs.
Wallace Howard, living on North Tenth street, east
of the interurban sub-station, died at the family
home Saturday afternoon of pneumonia and the remains
were interred at
Rest yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
A distressing feature of this death is the fact that
the mother of the deceased and three of her
brothers, aged 16, 14 and 11 years, all are sick
with pneumonia in the home where the young lady
passed away. The mother is reported some better
today, but all four patients are quite sick.
In Memoriam.
Miss Nora Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howard, was born
June 26th 1897, and died January 2, 1916. Nora, or Trixie as she was
better known by her associates, was a splendid young woman. Just
last year at the special services at the Farmer church, she made a
very bright profession of religion. We who were witnesses shall not
soon forget her zealous work for her newly found Lord. She won many
to Jesus Christ by her personal efforts. Nor did her zeal give way
when the revival closed, but she was in her place in Sunday school
and church services until she removed from the community. During the
last days of December she was stricken with a very typical case of
pneumonia which caused her great suffering until the Lord took her
to Himself. While her suffering was great she never complained. She
spoke often about dying, and said she was ready to go. There was one
thing that gave her great concern, and that was she had three
brothers unprepared to die. She grieved for them. Around the family
altar in her home she had often prayed for them. On January 2nd the
death angel came and as far as earthly cares were concerned, Trixie
was no more; but her spirit was living in a realm where there is no
suffering, no farewells, no tears, but where all is joy, peace and
Eternal happiness. She was laid to rest in Zion's Rest cemetery,
where a large crowd gathered to mourn her untimely departure. It
does seem a calamity for an aged person to die, but for one so young
and useful to be called away it seems that life is being robbed. May
the Heavenly Father abundantly bless her loved ones, and save those
brothers for whom she prayed so often, is the prayer of her pastor.
Tillie Blackwell
Jun 20, 1856 - Nov 26, 1916
Remains Brought Here Yesterday and Interred in
Hamilton Cemetery.
Miss Tillie Blackwell, aged 60 years, and a
former resident here died in Dallas Saturday
night and the remains were brought here
yesterday and interment took place in the
Hamilton cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Estes officiating.
Miss Julia Blackwell, a sister of the deceased,
still lives in Dallas.
(Day) Blackwell
Feb 24, 1882 - Aug 1, 1942
Funeral services for Mrs. J. M. Blackwell,
who died at her home in Fort Worth Saturday
afternoon, were held Sunday afternoon at 5
o'clock at
Hamilton cemetery where interment was
made. Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the
Missionary Baptist Church, conducted the
Mrs. Blackwell was a former resident of
Corsicana having moved to Fort Worth about
seven years ago.
Surviving are two sons, J. M. Blackwell,
Fort Worth, Aubrey Blackwell, Corpus
Christi; a daughter, Mrs. Roy Medaris,
Dallas; two brothers, J. H. Day, Kirven;
Harvey Day, Fort Worth, and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon directed the
Jan 8, 1868 - Feb 11, 1933
Miss Julia Blackwell of Dallas, former
resident of Corsicana, died in Baylor
Hospital at Dallas early Saturday
morning. The body will be brought
overland to Corsicana and burial will be
made in
Hamilton cemetery Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock where a brief service will
be held.
Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First
Baptist church here, will conduct the
Miss Blackwell was active in the affairs
of the First Baptist Church while a
resident of Corsicana.
A niece, Mrs. Ernest Williams of
Corsicana, survives.
The funeral will be directed by the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Miss Julia
Blackwell of Dallas, former resident
of Corsicana, who died in a Dallas
hospital early Saturday morning were
held at
Hamilton cemetery Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock where
interment was made. The services
were conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller,
pastor of the First Baptist Church.
Miss Blackwell was prominent in the
affairs of the First Baptist church
here while a resident of Corsicana.
A niece, Mrs. Ernest Williams
The funeral was directed by the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Wallace (Bunch) Howard-Donaho

Dec 26, 1875 - Sep 10, 1961
Mrs. Donaho Dies Sunday
Mrs. Wallace Donaho, 85, native
of Kentucky, died at the
Twilight Home Sunday morning.
Surviving are two sons, C. H.
Howard, Corsicana, and J. O.
Howard, Angus; a daughter, Mrs.
Pearl Villarreal, Texas City; 20
grandchildren, 36
great-grandchildren and other
Funeral services will be held
from the Corley Chapel Wednesday
at 3 p.m. with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by
Rev. Norman Ferguson, pastor of
the Northside Baptist church.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Sep 11, 1961
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband John
Booth "Jack" Howard married
Feb. 25, 1892 2nd husband
William Lee Donaho married
Sep. 3, 1917 d/o Elisha
Smith Bunch and Martha Ann (Mathieus)
Bunch (daughter Nora Howard
buried in Zion's Rest
Hold Services Mrs. Donaho
Funeral services for Mrs.
Wallace Donaho, 85, who died
at the Twilight Home Sunday
morning, were held Wednesday
at 3 p.m. from the Corley
Rev. Norman Ferguson, pastor
of the Northside Baptist
church, conducted the rites.
Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, C.
H. Howard, Corsicana, and J.
O. Howard, Angus; a
daughter, Mrs. Pearl
Villarreal, Texas City; 20
grandchildren, 36
great-grandchildren and
other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Pat Thomas Wilkinson
Nov 26, 1952 - Jun 28,
2015 Pat Thomas
Wilkinson, 62, of
Fairfield passed away
Sunday, June 28, 2015 in
Tyler. He was born Nov.
26, 1952 in San Antonio
to Marion Wilkinson and
Katherine Borlace
Wilkinson. He attended
the Pentecostal Church.
He was a wonderful
brother. He loved to
dance and listen to
country music and old
rock music. He enjoyed
going fishing, hunting
and working on old cars.
He is preceded in death
by his parents Marion
and Kathrine Borlace
Wilkinson; and brother,
David Wilkinson.
He is survived by his
daughter, Wendy Lynn
Wilkinson of Bastrop,
Louisiana; one sister,
Donna Divin of Kerens;
one brother, Virgil
Wilkinson of Corsicana
and numerous nieces and
Graveside service will
be 6 p.m. Friday, July
3, 2015 at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home.
Teodocio Correa
abt 1979 - Jun 28,
Teodocio Correa, 36,
of Richland passed
away Sunday, June
28, 2015. Funeral
Service will be 10
a.m. Friday, July 3,
2015 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home Chapel.
Burial will follow
Arrangements by
Funeral Home.
(Carlisle) Petty
Aug 7, 1943 -
Jul 8, 2015
Petty passed away Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at East Texas
Medical Center in Tyler at the age of 71. She was born Aug.
7, 1943 in Athens to Horace Grealy Carlisle and Ida Mae
Howley Carlisle. She married Billy E.
Petty June 28, 1958. She was a member of Faith Bible Church
in Mabank.
She is preceded in death by her husband Billy E. Petty,
parents Horace Grealy Carlisle and Ida Mae Carlisle,
grandson Don Petty Jr., brother J.L. Carlisle, sister, Ellan
She is survived by three children, Billy Petty and wife
Monnette of Mabank, Debra Modlin and Ramon Diaz of DeSoto,
Mack Petty and wife Kathy of Mabank; sister, Ruby Elizabeth
Gore of Fairfield, brother, Thomas Carlisle of Carlsbad, New
Mexico. She is also survived by 18 grandchildren; 13
great-grandchildren and a number of nieces, nephews and
other family members.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, July 12, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Monday, July 13, 2015 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Eugene
Davison officiating. Burial will follow at
Eureka Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Mack Petty Jr., Joey Smith, Bradley
Smith, David Benton, Roger Benton, and Steve Smith.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Trina Jean
Apr 22, 1968
- Jul 9,
Trina Jean Kelley Allred, 47, of Corsicana passed away
Thursday, July 9, 2015 at Medical Center of Arlington. She
was born April 22, 1968 in Dallas, Texas to Curtis Lowayne
and Sharon Ann Kelley.
This world lost the most self-less person in existence.
Trina cared about everyone she met. She befriended
strangers. She took in everyone as her own. Her children and
grandbabies were her reason for breathing. She loved them
deeply and completely. She took care of everyone before
herself, and always put herself last. She is irreplaceable.
There will always be an emptiness in this world without her.
Our Foo. Our Mama. Our Mimi. Our Trina. Our Seester. Heaven
gained a one-of-a-kind angel.
She was preceded in death by her nephew, Justin Kelley.
She is survived by her husband, Jeffrey Scott Allred of
Corsicana; daughters, Amanda Pool and Fianc� Ralph of
Corsicana and Jessica Renee Simpson and husband Alan of
Corsicana; son, Joshua Waynne Pool and wife Kathy of Sumter,
South Carolina; grandchildren, Jordan, Charlotte, Joseph,
Russell, Jazzmyn, Emma, Lily, Ella and Conner; parents,
Curtis and Sharon Kelley of Corsicana; sisters, Keri Clark
and husband Pat of Melissa and Shannon Cowan and husband
Terry of Ovilla; brother, Curtis Lowayne Kelley, Jr. and
fianc� Sarah Johnson of Corsicana; nephews, Sean and Reid
Clark of Melissa, Nathan and Nicholas McRay of Ovilla and
Tanner Johnson of Corsicana; nieces, Riley Cowan of Ovilla
and Skylar Johnson of Corsicana; numerous aunts, uncles, and
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, July
11, 2015 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Gary
Stone officiating. A private family burial will be held at a
later time. |

Jul 30,
1931 -
Jul 9,
Royce Owen, 83, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 9,
2015 at his residence in Corsicana, Texas. He was born on
July 30, 1931 in Barry, Texas to William Bartlett and Lillie
Mae Owen.
He attended school in Barry. He married the love of his
life, Willie Mae Wright, on April 1, 1957 and together they
celebrated 58 years of marriage. He served in the U.S. Air
Force. He was employed with
Corsicana Fire Department
as Captain and retired after 31 years of service.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Jimmy
Owen, Everett Owen, Marvin Owen, and Bill Owen;
half-brothers, Chester Norwood and Mutt Norwood; sisters,
Minnie Mae Mitchell, Emily Phillips, Bertha Touchstone, Lois
Mason, and Eula Mae Evans.
He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Willie Mae Owen and
numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Visitation with the family will be held from 2 to 3 p.m.
Sunday, July 12, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 12,
2015 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Rick Lamb
officiating. Interment will follow in
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Vic Howell, Jay Payne, Bobby Griggs and
Ron Standard. Honorary Pallbearers are present and retired
employees of Corsicana Fire Department. |
Notes: |