John Frederick
�Fred� Hoffman, Sr.

Dec 1, 1863 - Nov 9, 1936
Fred Hoffman, age 72 years, died at 12:30 Monday morning and
funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the First Baptist church. Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor, will
conduct the services. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mr. Hoffman was a native of Illinois but had resided in
Corsicana for 46 years. He was an employee of the Magnolia
Petroleum Company for many years, having retired a few years
Surviving are his wife, four daughters, Mrs. Howard Bostwick,
Corsicana; Mrs. Tom Sheehan, Corsicana; Mrs. M. C. Phelps,
Corsicana; Mrs. T. A. Greene, Irwin; a brother, Joe Hoffman,
Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. F. M. King, Corsicana; Mrs. Henry
Gross, Athens and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Nov 9, 1936
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
h/o Melvina Agnes Josephine �Josie� (King) Hoffman; s/o
Joseph William Hoffman, Sr. & Augusta (Loath) Hoffman
Nannie Alice
(Armstrong) Roberts
Nov 12, 1860 - Feb 19, 1936
Funeral services for Mrs. Nannie A. Roberts, aged 75 years, who
died in San Antonio Wednesday noon, were held Friday morning at
10:30 o'clock from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Whytte
on West Third avenue with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
Surviving are two sons, Everett Roberts and E. A. Roberts, both
of San Antonio; a daughter, Miss Nannie Kate Roberts, San
Antonio; four sisters, Mrs. George Whytte, Corsicana; Mrs. T. S.
Armstrong, Dallas; Mrs. J. H. Thomas, Houston, and Mrs. Ellen
Hart, Brooklyn, Texas and a brother, E. L. Armstrong,
Pallbearers were Arthur Caldwell, W. J. Seelig, Lloyd Carraway,
W. D. Nolen, Edgar Metcalf, and Lawrence Treadwell.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of the funeral arrangements.
Relatives, Friends Here For Burial Of Mrs. Nannie Roberts
The following out of town relatives were here to attend the
funeral of the Nannie A. Roberts: E. L. Armstrong and sons,
Lewis, Yeager and Ernest, all of Hebbronville, Texas; Mrs. T. S.
Armstrong and son, James E. Armstrong, and Mrs. Armstrong's
daughter, Mrs. W. G. McCullock of Dallas; Mrs. J. H. Thomas,
Houston; Miss Nannie Kate Roberts, Everetts Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert A. Roberts and children, Elizabeth and Elbert, Jr.,
all of San Antonio.
Leslie Meridith "Beefy" Scoggins
Jul 31, 1911 - Jul 6, 1936
A collision involving a State Highway Department truck and two
passenger cars claimed the life of Leslie (Beefy) Scoggins, 24
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Scoggins 11�West Fourteenth
avenue and caused the injury of - youths. The accident
occurred late Monday afternoon ----of the Burlington-Rock Island
underpass on High 75.
Sam Haslam, 24-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haslam, North
Twenty-sixth,----received serious head injuries which
necsssitated taking -.
Clifford Morris, 27 year old married man of the Pursley
community, was cut on the - face.
Three-Car Crash.
The machine in which Scoggins, Haslam and Morris were caromed
off the truck - and another car, driven by L. - of the
Richland community - was only slightly injured - driver was
not injured.
Scoggins, Haslam and Morris were employes of the
Mitchell-Stewart pipeline company, working near Waxahachie, were
returning to Corsicana. City and county officers investigating
the crash quoted Morris as saying he was driving the car.
A Corley ambulance answered the call and brought the victims to
the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic. Morris was given an
examination and his cuts and bruises were given first aid
treatment. He was discharged later in the evening.
Haslam's injuries were treated but he remained in the hospital
last night and today for observation. He had no broken bones and
apparently no internal injuries.
Scoggins was reported to have died instantly from a broken neck,
crushed chest and concussion. He was thrown from the car.
Funeral Tuesday 5 p.m.
Funeral services for Scoggins were planned for 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon at the First Baptist church with Rev. E. T. Miller,
pastor of the church conducting the rites. Interment was to be
made in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving the dead youth are his parents; three sisters,
Elizabeth, Marguerite and Tommie Frances; one brother, Jimmie,
all of Corsicana; his grandparents, Mrs. J. M. Scoggins,
Corsicana and Mr. and Mrs. John Vandergriff of Tyler.
Scoggins was a native of Corsicana and had attended the
Corsicana public schools. He graduated in May, 1931. While in
high school he was active in athletics, having played football
and was popular in student activities.
Pallbearers were to be J. C. Hagins, Kelly Williamson, Roland
Pollard, Norman Price, Howard Shivers, Johnny McKissack, Marlin
Rutherford and Byron Franklin.
Haslam and Scoggins lived at 500 Dallas street, Ennis, and were
Scoggins death was the tenth highway fatality in Navarro county
since Jan. 1, 1936, and the sixth since June 1.
Corley Funeral Home has charge of the arrangements.
Funeral services for Leslie (Beefy) Scoggins, 24-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Scoggins were held at 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon at the First Baptist church, with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the church, conducted the rites
which were attended by hundreds of friends of the dead youth and
his family.
Scoggins was killed instantly in an automobile accident just
north of the Burlington & Rock Island underpass on Highway 75
late Monday afternoon. Two other youths were injured in the
Surviving are the parents; three sisters, Elizabeth, Marguerite
and Tommie Frances; one brother, Jimmie, all of Corsicana; and
his grandparents, Mrs. J. M. Scoggins, Corsicana, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Vandygriff, Tyler.
Pallbearers were J. C. Hagins, Kelly Williamson, Roland Pollard,
Norman Price, Howard Shivers, Johnny McKissack, Marlin
Rutherford, and Byron Franklin.
Scoggins was a native of Corsicana and had attended the
Corsicana public schools. He graduated from the high school in
May, 1931.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements.
Elizabeth (Terrell) Vandergriff
Nov 29, 1866 - Apr 4, 1952
Mrs. Vandergriff Expires Friday
Mrs. J. A. Vandergriff, 85, long-time Corsicana resident, died
at the family home, 1418 West Park avenue at an early hour
Friday morning.
Funeral services will be here from the Corley Chapel at 10:30 a.
m. Saturday. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will
be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of
First Baptist church.
Surviving are three sons, E. W. and S. A. Vandergriff, both of
Borger, and George Vandergriff, Tyler; four daughters, Miss
Vergie Vandergriff and Mrs. Delia Scoggins, both of Corsicana;
Mrs. Jim Grizzle, Gassaway, Tenn., and Mrs. Jack Cox Kilgore; 15
grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Bill Watson, Dudley Matthews, Kenneth
Carver, J. O. Carver, Jimmy Scoggins and Jerry Cox.
Mrs. Vandergriff Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. J. A. Vandergriff, 85, who died at the
family home, 1418 W. Park avenue early Friday, were held at
10:30 a.m. Saturday from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the
First Baptist church.
Surviving are three sons, E. W. and S. A. Vandergriff, both of
Borger, and George Vandergriff, Tyler; four daughters, Miss
Vergie Vandergriff and Mrs. Delia Scoggins, both of Corsicana;
Mrs. Jim Grizzle, Gassaway, Tenn., and Mrs. Jack Cox Kilgore; 15
grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Bill Watson, Dudley Matthews, Kenneth Carver,
J. O. Carver, Jimmy Scoggins and Jerry Cox.
Dee Griffin
abt 1834 - Dec 14, 1939
Dee Griffin, 105-year old negro, was found dead Thursday on
North ninth street, officers reported Friday. Judge Pat
Geraughty conducted an inquest and returned a coroner's verdict
of �death from natural causes.�
May 21, 1937 - May 23, 1937
Infant Died In Local Hospital; Buried Pursley
A two-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Baggett of
Purdon died early Sunday afternoon at the Navarro Clinic
and funeral services were held at 6 o'clock Sunday
evening at Pursley. The services were conducted by Rev.
Roloff, Baptist minister of Dawson.
Surviving are her parents, five brothers and two
Corley Funeral Home directed the funeral arrangements.
Robert Benjamin Clemons
Dec 31, 1887 - Apr 9, 1966
R. B. Clemons Dies Saturday, Rites Sunday
R. B. (Bob) Clemons, 88, retired Pursley farmer, died
Saturday morning in Memorial Hospital. A native of Hill
county, he had lived in Pursley community more than 60
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the
First Baptist church at Pursley. Officiating will be the
pastor, Rev. C. O. Rhine, and a former pastor, Rev.
Winfred Robinson. Burial will be in
New Pursley
cemetery with Corley directing.
He is survived by his wife of Pursley; six sons, Olen
Clemons and Archie Clemons, both of Pursley; Curtis R.
Clemons of Purdon, Robert L. Clemons of Ennis and Calvin
H. Clemons of Killeen; one sister, Mrs. A. Price of
Pursley; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Tadisloda Madaleno
abt. 1897 - Aug 18, 1937
Funeral Rites For Tadisloda Madaleno Occurred Thursday
Funeral rites for Tadisloda Madaleno, aged 40 years, who
died at the P. and S. Hospital late Wednesday afternoon
after a lingering illness, were held at Petty's Chapel
late Thursday.
No known relatives survive.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Esther (Hammonds)
Aug 26, 1893 - Jan 13, 1937
Funeral services for Mrs. Esther Vellines, aged 43 years,
who died at her home, 4706 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Wednesday,
will be held from the chapel of the Sutherland McCammon
Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment
in the Modrall
Cemetery beside her late father, Oscar Hammonds. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
The family formerly resided in Corsicana.
Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Electa Edwards, Los Angeles,
Calif.; three daughters, Mrs. Frank Graham, Chicago; Miss
Janice Vellines, Chicago, and Mrs. Robert Cooper, Los
Angeles, Cal.; a cousin Albert Young, Corsicana and other
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jan 15, 1937
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o William J.
Villines married Oct. 22, 1911 buried in Fairview Cem.,
Shawnee, Oklahoma; d/o Oscar F. Hammonds buried in
Modrell & Electa (Cunningham) Hammonds-Edwards buried in
Montecito Memorial Park, Loma Linda, Cal.
Jerome Berssy
Carrington. Sr.
1889 - Mar 11, 1937
Jerome B. Carrington, aged 48 years, died at the family
home, 311 North Twenty-First street, Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock after a lingering illness. The funeral will
be held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock at
Modrall Cemetery
where interment will be made. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, six sons, Thomas, Dan, Dennis,
J. B., Jr., Clyde and Charles Carrington, and four
daughters, Dorothy, Minnie, Mary and Jo Pearl
Carrington, all of Corsicana; and a sister, Mrs. T. A.
Anderson, Roscoe, Texas.
Corley Funeral Home is making arrangements.
Jan 15, 1938 - Jan 16, 1938
Infant Died Sunday; Burial In Modrell Cemetery
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Green, Exall Heights, who died Sunday morning,
were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the
Cemetery where interment was made. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Clyde Griffin, Baptist
Surviving are the parents, a brother, three sisters,
and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Lois Carl
Whitaker, Miss
Sep 4, 1908 - Aug 5, 1938
Funeral services for Miss Lois Whitaker, age 30,
who died late Friday in North Corsicana after a
short illness, were held at the
cemetery Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock
where interment was made. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Mr. Weathers, Full Gospel
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Whitaker, Corsicana; two brothers, David
Whitaker and Otis Whitaker, Corsicana, and four
sisters, Mrs. W. F. Sanders, Mrs. J. T. Gilley
and Mrs. C. Cranford, all of Corsicana, and Mrs.
R. L. Cranford, Wortham.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of arrangements.
Wade Eugene
May 25, 1899 - Mar 14, 1963
Wade E. Dubose
Funeral services for Wade E. DuBose, 63, of 7315 Eccles, an
accountant at Nelson & Nelson Co., and former secretary -
treasurer of Tool and Parts Warehouse, Inc., will be held at
3:30 p.m. Friday in the Weiland-Merritt Funeral Chapel. Burial
in Grove Hill Memorial Park.
Survivors: Wife: two sons, Wade DuBose of Dallas and Eugene L.
DuBose of Tyler; a daughter, Mrs. Henry Riser of Dallas; a
brother, Fred DuBose of Corsicana, and two sisters, Mrs. Wilburn
Weaver of Austin and Mrs. Clara Riley of Houston.
Joye (Deen) Stegall
Jan 5, 1947 - Nov 19, 2018
Deen Stegall, 71, of Albany, peacefully passed away Nov. 19,
2018. She was born Jan. 5, 1947 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to
the late Linton and Wraye McLendon Deen. She worked as the
vice president at Corsicana National Bank in Corsicana,
where she retired. She was a faithful member of Leesburg
United Methodist Church and a member of the Lions club. She
was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother who will be
greatly missed by all.
Along with her parents, she was preceded in death by her
mother-in-law, Faye Carr Stegall.
She is survived by her loving husband, Gary Lee Stegall;
daughter, Nicole Davidoff and her husband Scott;
grandchildren, Jake and Evan Davidoff; four siblings, Jerry
Deen (Peggy,) Judy Deen Wingate (Ty,) Jimmy Deen (Therlus,)
and Linda Irvin Bence (Jimmy) and a host of nieces and
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 26,
2018 in the chapel of Joseph W. Jones Funeral Home of
Leesburg. Rev. Lee Smith will officiate. The family will
receive friends one hour before the service at the funeral
In lieu of flowers donations may be made in memory of Mrs.
Stegall to the hospice facility of your choice or to the
American Cancer Society at P.O. Box 42040, Oklahoma City, OK
73123. |
Martha Jean (Ferguson) Rogers
Aug 21, 1942 - Nov 22, 2018
Jean Rogers of Corsicana passed away Thursday, Nov. 22,
2018. She was born Aug. 21, 1942 in Louisville, Mississippi
to Marshall and Effie Ferguson.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years,
Richard A. Rogers.
She is survived by her children, Tony Rogers and Amy
Kingsbury of Fort Worth, Penelope Rogers of Corsicana,
Jacquelyn Cunningham and husband Earl of Corsicana;
grandchildren, Hanah, Andrea, Matthew, Brandon, Kimberlyn,
Daniel, Chance, Melody, Wilson; great grandchild, Rose;
siblings, Rachel Clark, Winston Hayes, Inez Blaine and
Hubert Ferguson and sister-in-laws, Virginia Rogers and
Judith Smith.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 29,
2018 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Patsy Ruth (Sessions)

Jul 26, 1944 - Nov 5, 2018
Patsy R. (Sessions) Davidson went to be with the Lord on
Monday, Nov. 5, 2018.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis Davidson,
Mom and Dad Lottie and Buddy Sessions; brother, Bob Sessions
and sister, Betty Duvall.
She is survived by her sister, Wanda Murlene Lilly of
Kerens, and a number of nieces and nephews.
No service is planned.
Phyllis (Gray)
Oct 3, 1956 - Nov 23, 2018
Phyllis Sue Ostholthoff was born Oct. 3, 1956 in El Paso
to Thomas and Patricia Daniels Gray.
She passed away Nov. 23, 2018 in North Port, Florida.
Memorials may be made to Make A Wish Foundation.
Pamela Sue (Harris) Young-Williams
Feb 8, 1955 - Nov 20, 2018
Pamela Harris Young Williams, 63, of Gun Barrel City
passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 20 at her residence.
Visitation with the family will be held from 1 to 2
p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018 at Corley Funeral Home.
Memorial services will follow at 2 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 1, 2018 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
Father Charles Keen officiating.
Pamela Harris Young Williams, 63, passed away on
Tuesday, November 20, 2018.
Born in Dallas, Texas on February 8, 1955 to William
Thomas Harris, Jr. and Barbara Jackson Harris.
Pam was a loving, caring mother, daughter, sister,
and a true friend to many. She spent her younger
years playing softball in the Dallas area. She
enjoyed music, traveling, being outdoors, antiquing,
gardening, and visiting with family and friends.
Pam is survived by her son, William Joseph Young,
his father, William Patrick Young, her sisters,
Diane, Sandi, Lisa (Jack), Bekki (Tom), 9 nieces and
nephews, 11 great nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Frankie
Williams in 2014, her parents, and her brother,
William Thomas Harris, III.
Visitation with the family will be held from 1:00 �
2:00 pm on Saturday, December 1, 2018 at Corley
Funeral Home in Corsicana. Memorial service
immediately following with Father Charles Keen
Billy Joe Ridgway

Feb 15, 1933 - Nov 20, 2018
Joe Ridgway began his new life in Heaven on Tuesday, Nov.
20, 2018 in Corsicana after many years of health problems.
He was born on Feb. 15, 1933 in El Campo to Joseph and Dora
Ridgway. He loved his family, friends and had a strong work
After graduating from Waxahachie High school in 1950, he
went to work at Dresser Industries in Dallas, staying their
over 35 years. In 1961, he married Joan Nelson and together
they raised five wonderful children. He enjoyed helping his
children raise animals for livestock show through 4-H and
In 1994, his beloved Joan passed away of cancer in
Waxahachie. Later, he met and married Naomi Henderson. They
retired and moved to Barry where they farmed and raised
Preceding him in death were his parents, his son Chris
Ridgway and his sister Flora Etta Sessums.
He is survived by his wife Naomi of Barry; sons, Clint
Ridgway of Waxahachie, and Matt Ridgway and wife Toni also
of Waxahachie; Daughters, Kathy Been and husband, Alan of
Earth, Texas and Mary Ridgway of Waxahachie; grandsons, Adam
Ridgway, Lance Ridgway, Quentin Been, Justin Been, Cody
Ridgway, and Shane Trull; granddaughters, Brittany Ridgway,
Chloe Ridgway, Hannah Ridgway, and Summer Trull; one great
grandson and three great granddaughters.
The family would like to thank the doctors and staff at
Twilight Nursing Home, Trisun Care and New Century Hospice
for their care and kindness.
Visitation was held from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 23, 2018
at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana. Visitation
will also be held Saturday from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Wagon
Wheel Cowboy Church, 328 Hoyt Road in Waxahachie. Services
to follow at 2p.m. with interment at Maypearl Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be grandsons and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Barry
Volunteer Fire Department.
Funeral arrangements by Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home
Corsicana, Texas. |
Betty Jean
(Barlett) Echols-Riley
Dec 15, 1931 - Nov 22, 2018
Betty Riley of Corsicana passed away at Country Meadows
Nursing and Rehabilitation early Thursday morning, Nov. 22,
2018. She was born Dec. 15, 1931 in Corsicana, Texas to
George Washington Barlett and Bessie Jo Jordan Barlett. She
is survived by her children, Joe Earl Echols of Victoria and
George R. Echols of Murphy and sister, Sandy Sterns of
Portland, Texas. Memorial services will be held at a later
date at Oak Grove Memorial Gardens in Irving, Texas.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
Mary Frances
(Ward) Schneider
Apr 4, 1934 - Nov 27, 2018
Frances Ward Schneider, 84, of Denton, went to her heavenly
home on Nov. 27, 2018, in Denton. She was born in Purdon on
April 4, 1934, to Leroy and Florence (Dowd) Barton.
Frances graduated from
Corsicana High School in 1951. She
married Edward Ward Feb. 22, 1952, and they were married for
57 years until his death. She has been part of the Denton
community for over 50 years. She was a realtor with Ebby
Halliday and Century 21 Judge Fite until she retired in
2010. She was a member of First Baptist Denton for over 40
years where she met lifelong friends who enjoyed many
travels together.
Frances was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who loved
being surrounded by family and friends. She was blessed to
marry Larry Schneider Oct. 13, 2012. They enjoyed taking the
RV on trips to Colorado and several other locations.
She was preceded in death by her first husband, Edward Ward,
her sister, Barbara Henson and her parents.
She is survived by her husband, Larry Schneider of Denton;
daughters, Rhonda Roberts and husband Steve of Denton and
Cathy Post of McKinney; sister, Carolyn Sootoo of Deer Park,
Texas; grandchildren, Shelley Brownlee and husband Dan,
Justin Roberts and wife Rachel, Jennifer Montgomery and
husband Ben, Kyle Post and wife Jessica and Lindsey Post
along with five great-grandchildren, as well as nieces and a
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday,
Nov. 30, 2018, at DeBerry Funeral Directors in Denton.
Funeral services will be held at 11 in the Chapel of DeBerry
Funeral Directors on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018, at 11:00 a.m.
with Rev. Cliff Feeler officiating. Interment to follow at
Roselawn Memorial Park in Denton.
Memorials may be made to your favorite charity or
organization |
Vernon Ray Fuller
Jan 8, 1931 - Nov 14, 2018
Ray Fuller passed away on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, in
Austin, Texas at age 87. He was born in Corsicana, Texas in
1931 and graduated from Corsicana High School in 1948. He
served in the Texas Army National Guard during the Korean
war period. In 1958 he moved with his family to Garland and
his career with Texas Instruments. He is preceded in death
by his parents M.C. & Hazel Fuller of Corsicana. He is
survived by his wife of 65 years, Betty; two children,
Shelly and Tim; three sisters, Margaret Louise, Maxine &
Pauline; five grandchildren, Clarissa, Jacob, Rachel, Issac
and Sharon, and five great-grandchildren Annalissa, Taylor,
Mariska, William and Garrett and many other family members
and friends. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words.
He is missed by all who cared for him.
His service will be at Wildwood chapel in Restland Memoral
Park. Visitation at 11:30 AM at Wildwood Chapel with
services to follow at the same location at 12:30 PM. on
aturday, November 24, 2018. Interment to follow at Restland
Veterans Memorial Garden.
Charles "David"

Feb 9, 1945 - Nov 15, 2018
"David" Beene, of Fort Worth passed away peacefully on
Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 at his home in Fort Worth. He will
always be remembered as a loving father, husband, brother,
grandfather and friend to all that knew and loved him. He
was born Feb. 9, 1945 in Pecos to Charles Elton Beene and
Eleanor Ansley Beene.
David grew up and graduated from high school in Corsicana in
the class of 1963. He went on to attend the University of
Texas at Austin and graduated with a Bachelor of Business
Administration degree in 1967 and became a Certified Public
Accountant in 1969. He was a member of the Tax Executives
Institute since 1978. He worked as a CPA for more than 40
years, most recently at Flowserve Corporation, and retired
in 2012.
David loved watching sports, especially the Dallas Cowboys,
Texas Rangers and Texas Longhorns. David was a member of
Countryside Bible Church and enjoyed teaching English as a
Second Language there. He belonged to the Lone Star Miata
Club where he enjoyed monthly road trips driving his 1999
British Racing Green Mazda Miata.
David will be greatly missed by many friends and neighbors
in Corsicana, Plano and Fort Worth.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Gale Beene
of Fort Worth.
David is survived by his daughter, Laurie Wischmeyer and
husband Andrew of Keller; son, Paul Beene and wife Carrie of
Clear Lake; son, Ryan Beene of Raleigh, North Carolina;
sister, Carol Ann Martin of West Covina, California; his
seven grandchildren, Madelyn Wischmeyer, Emily Beene, Amanda
Beene, Lydia Wischmeyer, Tyler Totty, Eleana Beene and Livi
Beene; cousins, Lynda Hoffman, Gayle Cook and Dan Armstrong;
sister-in-laws Cathy Banks and Debbie Drum; nephew Kevin
Martin and niece Jeanine Blanchard; grandnieces Jessica
Martin, Cathy Martin and Rebecca Blanchard.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 24,
2018 at Countryside Bible Church, 250 Countryside Ct.,
Southlake, TX 76092. A brief graveside service will follow
at Bluebonnet Hills Memorial Park in Colleyville.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to
International Friends at Countryside Bible Church at
Dora Ellen (Williams) Anderson
Feb 17, 1873 - Oct 15, 1957
Mrs. Anderson Expires Tuesday
Mrs. Dora Anderson, 84, long-time resident, died at the home of
a daughter, Mrs. F. W. Durr, Mamie avenue, Tuesday night
following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Richland Methodist church
Thursday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in the
Richland cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. James A. Brunner, pastor.
She was a member of the Methodist church and was a charter
member of the Richland Chapter No. 392 of the Order of the
Eastern Star.
Mrs. Anderson was preceded in death by a son, Leslie Edgar
Anderson, October 5.
A native of Mexia, Mrs. Anderson had resided in the Richland
community 81 years.
Surviving are a son, A. B. Anderson, Dallas; three daughters,
Mrs. G. W. Blood, Sr.; Mrs. Bertha Farmer and Mrs. Durr, all of
Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Harris, Richland and Mrs.
Sadie Herrod, Lanesville; a brother, D. S. Williams, Capitan,
N.M., and a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Guy Campbell, R. R. Fleming, R. S. Jackson,
W. H. Brown, Neal Brown, Sr., B. K. Abbe, T. H. Green and
Raymond Livingston.
Honorary pallbearers will be members of Richland A. F. and A. M.
Lodge No. 809.
Corley will direct.
Mrs. Anderson Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Dora Anderson, 84, of Richland,
who died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. F. W. Durr, Mamie
avenue, Tuesday night, were held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. from
the Richland Methodist Church.
The rites were conducted by Rev. James A. Brunner, pastor of
the church. Burial was in the
Richland cemetery.
Mrs. Anderson was a Methodist and a charter member of the
Richland Chapter No. 392 of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Native of Mexia, she had resided in the Richland community
81 years. She was preceded in death by a son, Leslie Edgar
Anderson, October 5.
Surviving are a son, A. B. Anderson, Dallas; three
daughters, Mrs. G. W. Blood, Sr.; Mrs. Bertha Farmer and
Mrs. Durr, all of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Harris,
Richland and Mrs. Sadie Herrod, Lanesville; a brother, D. S.
Williams, Capitan, N.M., and a number of grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Guy Campbell, R. R. Fleming, R. S. Jackson,
W. H. Brown, Neal Brown, Sr., B. K. Abbe, T. H. Green and
Raymond Livingston.
Honorary pallbearers were members of Richland A. F. and A.
M. Lodge No. 809.
Corley directed.
Georgia Ambrose �Amber� (Hayes) Baldwin
Jan 10, 1878 - Apr 7, 1938
Mrs. Georgia A. Baldwin, aged 60 years, died at her home
near Richland at 1 o'clock Thursday morning following an
illness of five weeks. Funeral services will be held at
the Richland Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. George Bounds of
Wortham and Rev. Roy F. Johnson, pastor of the Richland
Methodist church. Burial will be in the
Mrs. Baldwin was a native of Navarro county and had
lived near Richland all of her life.
Surviving are her husband, W. I. Baldwin, Richland; five
sons, W. H. Baldwin, Kilgore; J. E. Baldwin, Richland;
Bill Baldwin, Richland; Woodrow Baldwin, Richland; E. L.
Baldwin, Richland; two daughters, Mrs. Virgil Blackburn,
Richland; Mrs. O. M. Long, Sudan; two brothers,
Richland, Jack Hays, Canton; Dal Hays, Richland, 15
grandchildren and other relatives.
Funeral arrangements will be directed by Corley Funeral
Funeral services for Mrs. Georgia A. Baldwin, aged
60 years, who died a her home near Richland Thursday
morning after an extended illness, were held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The rites were held at the
Richland Methodist church with burial in the
cemetery. Rev. George Bounds of Wortham and Rev.
Roy F. Johnson, pastor of the Richland Methodist
church, officiated.
Mrs. Baldwin was a native of Navarro county and had
resided near Richland all of her life.
Surviving are her husband, W. I. Baldwin, Richland;
five sons, W. H. Baldwin, Kilgore; J. E. Baldwin,
Richland; Bill Baldwin, Richland; Woodrow Baldwin,
Richland; and E. L. Baldwin, Richland; two
daughters, Mrs. Virgil Blackburn, Richland; Mrs. O.
M. Long, Sudan; two brothers, Richland, Jack Hays,
Canton; Dal Hays, Richland, 15 grandchildren and
other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements
Don Mayo Sawyer
Feb. 29, 1874 - Dec. 16, 1938
Funeral services for Don M. Sawyer, Angus
farmer, who died Friday night, were held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Richland
Methodist church with burial in the
Richland cemetery. The rites were conducted
by Rev. George Bounds of Wortham.
Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Mrs.
Opal Ward, Lindale; Mrs. Mildred Zube,
Corsicana, and Miss Dorothy Sawyer, Angus; a
son, R. H. Sawyer, Angus; two brothers, Paul
Sawyer, Currie, and Drew Sawyer, Dawson; four
sisters, Mrs. John Ward, Fort Worth; Mrs.
Charles Bollman, Floydada, and Mrs. Bell
Preston, Kansas City, Mo.; three grandchildren
and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Willie R.
(Brown) Sawyer
Jun 12, 1887 - Dec 11, 1959
Mrs. Sawyer Dies In Houston
Mrs. Willie R. Sawyer, 72, native of Navarro
county, died in the Little York hospital in
Houston Friday morning.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at
2:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial
in the
Richland cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dan Gibbs,
Kerens Church of Christ minister.
Mrs. Sawyer moved to Houston from Navarro
county a year ago.
Surviving are a son, Ralph Sawyer, Kerens;
three daughters, Mrs. Carroll Ward,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Mrs. J. C. Willy,
Orange, and Mrs. Melvian Gammon, Houston;
nine grandchildren, four great-grandchildren
and other relatives.
Mrs. Sawyer Rites Saturday
Funeral rites for Mrs. Willie R. Sawyer,
72, who died in a Houston hospital
Friday morning, were held Saturday at
2:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial
was in the
Richland Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Dan
Gibson, minister of the Kerens Church of
Mrs. Sawyer was a native of Navarro
county and moved to Houston a year ago.
Surviving are a son, Ralph Sawyer,
Kerens; three daughters, Mrs. Carroll
Ward, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Mrs. J.
C. Willy, Orange, and Mrs. Melvian
Gammon, Houston; nine grandchildren,
four great-grandchildren and other
Pallbearers were Johnny Nutt, Wesley
Edens, Lester Patterson, Jack Shultz,
Johnny Towns, Calvin Holloway, Tommy
Thompson and Julius Perry.
James Whitcomb Lichlyter
Apr 15, 1884 - Jul 24, 1938
Funeral Services Richland Monday For
J. W. Lichlyter
Funeral services for J. W. Lichlyter,
aged 54 years, of Longview, who died
suddenly at Shreveport, La., Sunday,
were held Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Methodist church in
Richland. Interment was in the
Richland Cemetery. The Masons
had charge of the rites at the
The family formerly resided in
Richland and lived in Corsicana for
a number of years. Mr. Lichlyter was
well-known here.
Surviving are his wife and one son,
W. L. Lichlyter, Shreveport.
The body was returned here Monday.
Pallbearers were J. Harry Burks,
Harry Mason, Earl Pressley, Clark E.
Butler, R. E. Irvine, George
The funeral was directed by the
McCammon-Brown Company of Richland.
Lucy Maggie (Spears) Ridge
Feb 3, 1888 - Oct 24, 1937
Funeral services for Mrs. W. J.
Ridge, aged 49 years, of
Richland who died at the p. and
S. Hospital late Sunday
afternoon after an extended
illness, were held from the
Baptist church at Richland
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock
with burial in the
Richland cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Claire.
Surviving are her husband, a
son, John Ridge, and a daughter,
Mrs. Jewel Cantrell, all of
Richland; three brothers, Henry
Speer, Mansfield; Pete Speer,
Smithville, and George Speer,
Streetman; and three sisters,
Mrs. Nellie Hughes, Fairfield;
Mrs. Lou Neal, Lancaster, and
Mrs. Bell Walker, Streetman.
Corley Funeral Home directed the
William Royal Anderson

Jun 25, 1909 - Mar 6. 1938
Funeral services for William
R. Anderson, aged 28 years,
who died at Richland Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, were
held Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock at the
Richland cemetery where
interment was made. The
rites were conducted by Rev.
Roy Johnson. Mr. Anderson
had been in ill health for
several years.
Surviving are his wife, a
son, David Neal Anderson;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Anderson, all of Richland;
two brothers, Bill E.
Anderson, Brownwood, and
Alton Anderson, Richland;
and three sisters, Mrs. G.
W. Blood, Corsicana; Mrs. D.
N. Farmer, Corsicana and
Mrs. Lovenia Scoggin,
Pallbearers were Ross
Harlan, Joe White, Oscar
Gibson, Neal Brown, Jr.,
Lamar Arnold and H. B.
Corley Funeral Home directed
the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Mar 7, 1938
Submitted by
Diane Richards
h/o Mary Opal (Allen)
Anderson married Jan.
21, 1933; s/o David
Dobbins Anderson & Dora
Ellen (Williams)
Mary Opal (Allen)

Jun 24, 1913 - Dec 8,
Funeral services for
Mrs. Opal Anderson, who
died at her home in
Richland Thursday night,
were held from the
Church of Christ in
Richland Friday
afternoon at 2:30. The
rites were conducted by
Leslie G. Thomas,
minister of the Church
of Christ here. Burial
was in the
Richland cemetery.
Surviving are a son,
David Neal Anderson; her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert G. Allen,
Richland; three
brothers, A. J., Robert
and Clovis Allen; a
sister, Miss Olita
Allen, and other
The funeral arrangements
were handled by McCammon
& Brown.
RICHLAND, Dec. 15�(Spl.)�Mrs.
Opal Anderson, who
had been confined to
her bed for several
months, died
Thursday night and
was buried in the
Richland cemetery
Friday afternoon.
Her brother, Robert
Allen, who is also
confined to his bed,
seems to be slowly
Mamie Roxie
(Mabry) Allen

1889 - Feb 13,
Mrs. Allen
Services will be
at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday at the
Westside Church
of Christ for
Mrs. Mamie
Allen, 87,
resident of
Corsicana, who
died Sunday in
Maxie Boren will
officiate, with
burial following
Arrangements are
with Corley
Funeral Home.
She was a native
of Meredian,
Miss., and had
lived in
Corsicana nearly
all of her life,
and was a member
of the Westside
Church of
include a
daughter, Miss
Oleta Allen of
Houston; two
sons, A. J.
Allen of Arivaca,
Ariz. and Clovis
Allen of Waco;
and a sister,
Mrs. Dena Sharer
of Hamlin.
Mrs. Allen
for the Mrs.
Mamie Allen
held at
10:30 a.m.
Tuesday at
the Church
of Christ at
Avenue and
24th St.
were O. L.
Melba Bower,
Blair Beamon,
J. C.
Mahoney, and
Burial was
were with
Dec 17,
1885 -
Nov 20,
aged 51
died at
his home
at 12:30
at 3
from the
was made
in the
by Rev.
M. M.
Chunn of
for the
are his
wife of
P. O.
and A.
and five
Mrs. S.
Mrs. J.
Mrs. L.
and Mrs.
D. V.
were W.
W. H.
L. A.
and Jess
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Nov 21, 1938
Diane Richards
of a
William Thomas �Tom� McElwee
Jul. 19, 1870 - May 26, 1946
W. Tom McElwee, aged 75 years, life-long Corsicana resident,
died at his home, 1004 West Fifth Avenue, Sunday afternoon
at 5 o'clock. Funeral services will be held from the First
Christian church, of which he had been a long-time member,
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister
of the church.
Although he had been in declining health for several months,
McElwee's death was unexpected until a short time before he
passed away. He had been at his office until a few days ago.
Community Leader.
McElwee had been a leader in the business, civic, church and
other circles of this community since early manhood. He
organized and headed the Collin Street Bakery and the Deluxe
Fruit Cake Company, a concern that shipped the famous fruit
cakes to all parts of the world.
A charter member of the Corsicana Rotary Club, McElwee also
gave of his time and means for the YMCA work for years, and
was one of those most responsible for the Camp Fire Girls
organization's success here, and his personal efforts are
credited with the securing of the present spacious, modern
and up-to-date Camp Wanica, located several miles southeast
of Corsicana.
Many Good Deeds.
McElwee also aided many worthy boys and girls to secure
educations, and his aid was always available to anyone in
need, although few people ever learned of his manifold
charities and good deeds. He had hundreds of friends in the
theatrical, circus and sports circles, and they frequently
called by to see him when passing through this section.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana and several cousins.
McElwee was born July 19, 1870, on the same block where he
resided throughout his life.
The body will remain at the funeral chapel Monday afternoon
and night and will lie in state at the church from 1:30 to 3
p.m. Tuesday.
Pallbearers will be A. B. Douglass, Jr.; S. K. Brietz, W. P.
Brown, Lynne Wortham, Joel C. Trimble, Dr. A. B. Horn, Dr.
W. K. Logsdon, J. Wesley Edens and E. W. Hable.
Honorary pallbearers will be employees of the Collin Street
Bakery and friends of the family.
McCammon Funeral Home will direct arrangements. |
W. Tom McElwee, aged 75 years, life-long Corsicana resident,
died at his home, 1004 West Fifth Avenue, Sunday afternoon at 5
o'clock. Funeral services will be held from the First Christian
church, of which he had been a long-time member, Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of
the church.
Although he had been in declining health for several months,
McElwee's death was unexpected until a short time before he
passed away. He had been at his office until a few days ago.
Community Leader.
McElwee had been a leader in the business, civic, church and
other circles of this community since early manhood. He
organized and headed the Collin Street Bakery and the Deluxe
Fruit Cake Company, a concern that shipped the famous fruit
cakes to all parts of the world.
A charter member of the Corsicana Rotary Club, McElwee also gave
of his time and means for the YMCA work for years, and was one
of those most responsible for the Camp Fire Girls organization's
success here, and his personal efforts are credited with the
securing of the present spacious, modern and up-to-date Camp
Wanica, located several miles southeast of Corsicana.
Many Good Deeds.
McElwee also aided many worthy boys and girls to secure
educations, and his aid was always available to anyone in need,
although few people ever learned of his manifold charities and
good deeds. He had hundreds of friends in the theatrical, circus
and sports circles, and they frequently called by to see him
when passing through this section.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana and several cousins.
McElwee was born July 19, 1870, on the same block where he
resided throughout his life.
The body will remain at the funeral chapel Monday afternoon and
night and will lie in state at the church from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Pallbearers will be A. B. Douglass, Jr.; S. K. Brietz, W. P.
Brown, Lynne Wortham, Joel C. Trimble, Dr. A. B. Horn, Dr. W. K.
Logsdon, J. Wesley Edens and E. W. Hable.
Honorary pallbearers will be employees of the Collin Street
Bakery and friends of the family.
McCammon Funeral Home will direct arrangements.
Funeral services for W. Tom McElwee, 75, who died at his
home, 1004 West Fifth avenue, Sunday afternoon, were held
from the First Christian church Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of the church,
while Hastings Harrison, Dallas, former Corsicanan, now
vice-president of the National Conference of Christians and
Jews, delivered the eulogy. Harrison and McElwee had been
close personal friends for many years.
The seating facilities of the auditorium were taxed to
capacity and the profusion of floral offerings was mute
testimony of the high esteem held for Mr. McElwee by his
fellow townsmen. The funeral cortege was one of the longest
ever seen in Corsicana. Many out of town friends also
attended the rites.
McElwee born on the same block on which he has resided
throughout his life.
Business Leader
A leader in business, civic and church circles, McElwee was
a Rotarian, prominent in the YMCA activities for many years,
and was primarily responsible for the spacious and
up-to-date Camp Wanica clubhouse and other facilities that
makes the Camp Fire Girls summer camp one of the outstanding
sites in this section.
He aided many worthy boys and girls to secure college
educations, and his benefactions and charities, little known
to the public, touched many worthy families and individuals
throughout the year. McElwee was the head of the Collin
Street Bakery and the DeLuxe Fruit Cake Company,
manufacturer and distributor of the famous fruit cakes that
are shipped around the world in normal times. He was
personally known to the leading figures in the theatre,
circus and professional sports circles and was host and
friend to scores when they came through this section.
The body lay in state at the church from 1:30 p.m. Tuesday
until the funeral hour.
Editorial Tribute.
Today's Dallas news paid the following editorial tribute to
the memory of Mr. McElwee:
�Corsicana lost a man who could have been pretty rich in
money, if he had set his heart upon money most of all. But
this man Tom McElwee seems to have valued friendliness and
neighborliness more than dollars. As a matter of fact, he
die very well as a businessman. But business to him was just
neighborliness and good sense on a practical basis of
getting the world's work done honestly and honorably and
�Big business came to Tom McElwee and offered to bout out
his establishment which was selling its product around the
world at the time. But Tom McElwee didn't sell out. The
price was more than he had a right to ask, but he figured
his employees had helped to build up the business and he
wasn't sure how they would fare under chain management. So
he turned down the money and kept his association with
people who were his friends as well as his employees.
�Corsicana, as you know, is the site of the State Orphans'
Home. The boys and girls there know Tom McElwee. Through the
years he has made it his pleasure to interest himself in
them. Scores of youngsters out in the world on their own
will have cause to grieve now that Tom McElwee is dead.
�Tom McElwee was not a pretentious man in a big place. He
did not burn out his days in pursuit of power or fame. He
merely loved work, loved people and loved God�and was Tom
McElwee. You don't forget having known a man like that.�
Pallbearers were A. B. Douglass, Jr.; S. K. Brietz, W. P.
Brown, Lynn Wortham, Joel C. Trimble, Dr. A. B. Horn, Dr. W.
K. Logsdon, J. Wesley Edens and E. W. Hable.
Honorary pallbearers were employees of the Collin Street
Bakery and friends of the family.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
The following business firms, tenants in McElwee buildings,
were closed during the funeral hour:
Radio Service Company, Tessie Dickerson Studio, Morton
Printing Company, Johnson's Pharmacy, L. V. Majors, Modern
Beauty Shoppe and Palace Barber Shop.
The board of directors of the Young Mens Christian Association in
regular session today pause to express our love and esteem for our
good friend and fellow director, Mr. W. T. McElwee.
We bow our heads and hearts in deep appreciation and gratitude for
the association with so great a man, and such a faithful worker. His
work for our local association was constant and untiring and his
keen interest meant much to our national and international program.
His love for young men was constantly being demonstrated in his
attitude and generosity toward plans and programs for their physical
and spiritual welfare. It was never how little could be done, but
how much. He chose the greater task.
Mr. McElwee loved people and what good people stood for an worked
for. He loved people of all classes, creeds and colors. He was
capable of talking to men at high and low estate, never looked up to
any one because of his wealth, prominence of education, neither did
he look down upon one because of poverty or lack of opportunity.
Consequently when he approached men in the interest of some worthy
community undertaking, he did not have to waste time in making
apologies for his presence and enthusiasm.
He not only loved people, but he loved all institutions that meant
anything worthwhile to God's children. His religion was real, active
and practical. In other words, he remembered the week day and kept
it holy. Seldom a day passed that he did not manifest his strong
faith in God and men, by doing some wonderful act of kindness to
someone less fortunate than himself.
Few men apparently know the meaning of friendship, but Mr. McElwee's
conception of its real meaning was ideal. He never cared to be
half-hearted in anything, but true and loyal to the core. He did not
know the meaning of the half way ground, he was for or against.
He had such a fine way of sharing his friends joys, and weeping with
those in sorrow. He knew the art of imparting courage and hope to
those who were in need.
Our fiend's loyalty to the Young Men's Christian Association was
genuine throughout the years of its existence, and his helpfulness,
both financially and in service, can never he forgotten. The
keenness of his spirit never wavered, and temporal affairs were but
as fleeting moments.
May God's richest blessings rest with his loved ones, and his memory
abide in our lives through all the days to come.
Young Men's Christian Association.
Emmett Clayton
"Clayton" Norwood
July 4, 1933 - Dec 3, 2018
E. C. (Clayton) Norwood left the walk of life Monday, Dec.
3, 2018 at TriSun Care Center. He was born July 4, 1933 at
Pickett (Retreat) to Emmett Ewell and Marion White Norwood.
He served in the United States Army from January 1954 to
February 1956. He spent 18 months in Korea.
He was married to Eula Faye Threet on May 31, 1964. They
purchased Superior Ice and Foods after their marriage and
closed it in 1975. Then they built a building at the same
location for a new business, Corsicana Overhead Door.
Their two sons were active in the door business with their
parents. In retirement Clay worked as a greeter for WalMart.
Clay was active in the Baptist Church where they held their
membership and sang with various groups at nursing homes
over the years. He and his wife sang special music where
they attended.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; brothers,
Noel Norwood, Lyndon Norwood and sister Shirley Jackson.
Clayton is survived by his sons, Samuel Norwood and wife,
Sabrina and John Paul Norwood; his grandchildren, Tyler
Norwood, Daniel Norwood, Sammie Sue Norwood and Sabra Sims.
Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 7,
2018 at Resthaven
Memorial Park in Corsicana with Pastor Paul Denny
officiating. |
Glendon Edward
"Glen" Roney
Oct 29, 1930 - Nov 10, 2018
Glendon (Glen) Edward Glendon (Glen) Edward Roney was born
October 29, 1930, in St. Elmo, Freestone county, Texas. His
childhood job as paper boy in Corsicana, Texas delivering
the paper to Texas governor, Beauford H. Jester, was his
first experience with a Texas governor, but it would not be
his last. While he devoted his life to banking, he would go
on to serve other Texas governors, both Democrat and
Republican - Governors John Connally, Dolph Briscoe, Bill
Clements, Mark White, Ann Richards, George W. Bush, Rick
Perry, along with Lieutenant Governors Ben Barnes and Bill
Hobby. His service to both Texas and the Rio Grande Valley
was a key aspect of his life's work. Glen attended school
through sixth grade in St. Elmo in a wood frame schoolhouse;
however, his first day of first grade was brief as he ran
away from school to his uncle's candy store. Glen went on to
junior high and high school in Corsicana, Texas. In 1946
Glen's family moved to San Benito, Texas. In San Benito,
Glen started his banking career in 1947 at The San Benito
Bank and Trust Company. He began as a file clerk and often
said that if the janitor's position had been open, he would
have started there. Taking a leave of absence in 1951, Glen
enlisted in the United States Air Force to serve in the
Korean War. His service career from 1951 to 1954, included
18 months in the Far East Command (Japan) - as a Sergeant in
the Air Weather Service. Glen attended Chillicothe Business
College in Chillicothe, Missouri, along with various banking
schools over the years. Upon discharge, Glen returned to San
Benito, continuing a banking career that would span over 60
years. He worked in all areas of operations and lending and
was promoted to Vice-President and was a member of the Board
of Directors. In 1961 Glen accepted a position with McAllen
State Bank as Chief Operations and Lending Officer and was
elected to the Board of Directors. Later he was elected
Executive Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer, then
promoted to President. During the 1970s, he also served as a
director on several bank boards, First State Bank and Trust
Company in Edinburg; University State Bank in Austin, and
First National Bank in Harlingen. At the same time he worked
closely with Harlingen business leaders to open a new bank
in 1974 - Harlingen State Bank. In 1979 McAllen's skyline
changed when Glen moved McAllen State Bank into its new 17
story building. Today it is still a Valley landmark and the
centerpiece of McAllen's downtown business district. In 1981
Glen and a group of McAllen business leaders opened Texas
State Bank in McAllen. Soon Harlingen State Bank and Texas
State Bank grew into a state-wide banking organization, led
by Glen, with his wife Rita K. by his side. He was a member
of the Board of Directors of both banks at that time. These
banks merged in 1983 under a holding company - Texas
Regional Bancshares, Inc. (TRBS). In the meantime, First
City Bancorporation of Texas acquired McAllen State Bank in
1982, electing Glen as Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer in 1983. He was also elected to the Board
of Directors of First City Bancorporation, Inc., in Houston.
In 1985 he resigned from his positions with First City and
McAllen State Bank and moved to lead TRBS. Mid-Valley Bank
in Weslaco was acquired in 1991 by TRBS, and a 13-lane motor
bank at Texas State Bank in McAllen opened, along with the
bank's own computer center. In 1992 the banks in McAllen,
Harlingen and Weslaco merged and consolidated into Texas
State Bank. In McAllen, TRBS purchased Kerria Plaza in 1993
to house the headquarters of the holding company. Two more
branches opened: at Twenty-third Street and Nolana Avenue
and at South Jackson Avenue and Expressway 83. One of the
high points of Glen's banking career took place on March 15,
1994. He took TRBS public, selling its stock in the
financial center of the country - the NASDAQ stock exchange.
He and Rita K. rang the bell that opened the stock exchange
that day at NASDAQ's location, Times Square, New York City.
TRBS, the holding company's stock symbol rolled across the
NASDAQ marque for the first time, and in one day the entire
issue sold out. Glen and Rita K. traveled around the
country, telling major stock brokerage firms about Texas
State Bank, the Rio Grande Valley and Texas. Glen often
talked about the investment bankers who helped take TRBS
public and continued to help him promote Texas State Bank
and the Rio Grande Valley to investment firms nationwide,
including Hill Feinberg, then Chairman and CEO of
FirstSouthwest Securities, now Hilltop Securites, Inc., in
Dallas and Roger Powell of Alex Brown and Sons in Baltimore.
One of their friends, Charles V. "Chick" Lord also with Alex
Brown and Sons was a frequent visitor to the Valley. Glen
and Rita K. remembered that he always stopped by and visited
with Dolia Gonzalez, mother of the Valley's Vietnam war hero
and U.S. and Texas Medal of Honor recipient -- Marine
Sergeant Freddy Gonzalez. Chick credited Sergeant Gonzalez
for saving his life in Vietnam. From 1995 to 1998 other
banks were acquired with more locations in Rio Grande City,
Roma, Mission, Hidalgo, Brownsville, Raymondville, and
Harlingen. Another highlight of the 1990s was the opening of
the 11 story Texas State Bank tower in 1998, Glen's second
bank tower project impacting McAllen's skyline. Into the
year 2000 Glen and Rita K. crisscrossed the country
educating investors about the growth that the region was
experiencing. However, on September 11, 2001, like New York
City and the entire country, they were devastated by the
terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade
Center in New York City. Glen and Rita K. lost many friends
in the disaster -- investment bankers, brokers and investors
that had become close. Many New York and East Coast
colleagues visited them in the Valley to see something
positive - the upward economic growth in the Rio Grande
Valley. From 2002 into 2006, Glen led the TRBS expansion
throughout the state of Texas with new locations in Houston
(Riverway and Main-Downtown), Eagle Pass, Sugar Land, and
expansion of the data center to Grapevine. The holding
company also acquired Corpus Christi Bancshares, Southeast
Texas Bancshares, Port Arthur Abstract and Title, Valley
Mortgage Company in McAllen, and Mercantile Bank & Trust,
Dallas. New branches opened in Edinburg, San Juan, Silsbee,
Lumberton, Weslaco, The Woodlands, and Houston-Montrose. By
2006 there were five locations in Dallas and five locations
in Houston. Texas Regional Bancshares, Inc. had grown from
its humble beginnings of a few assets to a $7 billion
banking organization with 73 locations throughout Texas, and
the common stock on NASDAQ enjoyed success. Glen was
contacted by a representative of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA), a multinational banking group based
in Spain. He had visited with them on previous occasions
where they expressed an interest in purchasing the bank, but
this time they proposed buying TRBS,Inc. and its subsidiary
Texas State Bank for cash. The organization was sold to BBVA
on November 6, 2006, for $2,165,000,000 cash. This was
reported to be the largest cash transaction ever made for a
bank in Texas. Morris Atlas, long-time friend of Glen and
director of TRBS, Inc., and Texas State Bank, said that Glen
Roney's bank sale made more millionaires in the Valley than
any other investment in history. Stockholders from around
the nation, as well as bank employees, officers and
directors who were also stockholders, benefited from the
bank sale. BBVA went on to buy Compass Bancshares, Inc., and
all of the Texas State Bank branches merged into BBVA
Compass Bancshares, Inc. Glen served as a director for BBVA
Compass for 10 years. Upon resigning he was offered an
office suite with Plains Capital Bank in north McAllen. Many
former customers still credit Glen for believing in them and
making the loans that first kicked off their businesses.
Glen was known for finding ways to make things work,
searching for solutions to problems, and helping customers
succeed in their businesses. While Glen worked tirelessly to
build Texas State Bank and TRBS, at the same time he was a
strong supporter of public, charitable and political
organizations. Besides being a paper delivery boy to
Governor Jester, his work with the State of Texas and its
governors started again with a close business relationship
with Governor John Connally. He was appointed by Governor
Dolph Briscoe, and re-appointed by Governors Bill Clements
and Mark White to the Texas Water Development Board. He
served on the water board for 14 years and was Chairman of
the Texas Water Resources Finance Authority for three years.
He was a member of the Texas Research League, the Texas
Political Action Committee and director of the Texas Bankers
Association. He also served as co-chairman of the Governor's
Task Force Committee on Border Economic Development in 1986
under Governor Mark White. Governor Ann Richards appointed
Glen as a founding member of South Texas College Board of
Trustees in 1993. It opened with 1,000 students, and today
it enrolls over 34,000. For 12 years he served in such
positions as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Chairman of
the Finance, Resource and Facility Committees. Under
Governors George W. Bush and Rick Perry, he served on the
Governor's Business Council. In 1973 he worked closely with
McAllen city leaders and other colleagues to obtain approval
of the McAllen Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). He gave President
George H.W. Bush, Sr., then a U.S. Congressman, credit for
helping them gain approval. It was the first inland
non-seaport Foreign Trade Zone in the United States. Today
it consists of over 775 acres, and more than 400 companies
are located in the FTZ, representing 42 countries across the
globe. Joe Kilgore, Glen's close friend, business associate
and a former U. S. Congressman for south Texas, invited him
to join the Scott & White board. He had worked with Glen on
the TRBS and Texas State Bank boards. Glen faithfully served
in various capacities at Scott & White Memorial Hospital in
Temple, Texas, for 33 years. In January 1984, Glen was
elected to the Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Board
of Trustees at Scott & White. In January 2010, he was
elected as Vice Chairman of the Scott & White Healthcare
Board, where he served with Drayton McClane, Chairman. In
October 2013, Glen and Rita K. participated in the opening
of the Roney Bone and Joint Institute, a 75,000 square-foot
medical facility on the Temple campus. In November 2013, he
was elected as Chairman of the Scott & White Healthcare
Board and served for three years (2013-2016). During his
tenure, he served as Chairman of the Staff Compensation
Committee, Governance Committee and Finance Committee. He
also was a member of the following committees: Development /
Endowment, Investment, Audit and Insurance, Executive, Scott
and White Assurance LTD, Quality and Safety, and the
Foundation Board. As a leader in South Texas, Glen served
many organizations for a combined 42 years, 1975 through
2017. He was a Director of the South Texas Higher Education
Authority Board (STHEA) and the Council of South Texas
Economic Progress (COSTEP). He and other community leaders
opened Chapel by the Sea, a Christian fellowship at South
Padre Island. They oversaw the planning and construction of
the chapel, and the first service was held Easter Sunday,
April 6, 1980. Glen and Rita K. continued to serve on the
board of directors. Glen was a founding member of the Vannie
E. Cook, Jr. Cancer Foundation in McAllen, established in
1977. It was named for Glen's friend and colleague Vannie E.
Cook, Jr. He served for 40 years as an executive board
member and treasurer. The Vannie E. Cook Jr. Children's
Cancer and Hematology Clinic and the City of McAllen
recognized Glen for his service by proclaiming May 16, 2017
as Glen E. Roney Day. From 1989 through 1993, he served on
the Board of Directors of McAllen Affordable Homes. He was
board president from 1991 to 1993. Glen realized the
importance of helping young people succeed through
education. He joined the Board of Directors of the South
Texas Academic Rising Scholars (STARS) Scholarship Fund,
founded by his friend and business leader, Joe LaMantia, Jr.
and the LaMantia family. STARS awarded scholarships to
students in south Texas to help them attend college. Glen
and Rita K. were elected to the Board of Governors of the
McAllen Boys and Girls Club, where they continued to serve.
In 2004, they were honored when the club built the Glen E.
and Rita K. Roney Center. In 2008 Glen was named a Texas
Business Legend and inducted into the Texas Business Hall of
Fame. He received additional awards, including: 1990 Hidalgo
Chamber of Commerce Border Texan of the Year, 1991
University of Texas-Pan American Founder's Day Honoree, 1992
Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen, 1994 American
Heart Association Heart of Gold, 1997 South Texas Symphony
Cultural Leader of the Year, 2001 McAllen Chamber of
Commerce Man of the Year, 2001 Masonic Community Builders,
2003 Anti-Defamation League's Torch of Liberty for the
Southwest Region, 2007 Boy Scouts of America Silver Beaver,
2008 Leadership McAllen award, and the 2015 McAllen Chamber
of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award. Over the years Glen
and Rita K. enjoyed ranching both in South Texas and in the
Texas Hill Country, raising cattle and exotic animals. They
especially loved having friends to the ranch, watching the
beauty of the roaming wildlife, and the peacefulness of
being outdoors. He saw it as a wonderful place to reflect on
life and God's blessings. He and Rita K. cherished those
quiet moments at the ranch. Glen E. Roney will always be
remembered as a leader in the generation that made the Rio
Grande Valley great. Glen passed away November 10, 2018 from
pneumonia. A memorial service will be held at First
Methodist Church of McAllen, 4200 N. McColl Road, Friday,
November 16, at 2 p.m. Internment was at the Texas State
Cemetery in Austin, Texas with the family attending. He is
survived by his loving wife of 39 years, Rita K. Robertson
Roney. He is survived by his three children, Elaine Roney
Bready (Doug), Stephen Roney (Patricia), Mark Voss (Brandy),
by four grandsons and six great-grandchildren. He is also
survived by his brother, Ernie L. Roney (Louise), along with
nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents,
Clyde and Jewell Roney. Pallbearers are Ernie Roney, Doug
Bready, Stephen Roney, Mark Voss, Colin Bready, Jason
Bready, Dillon Thomison, Glendon Voss, Westly Keating, Hill
Feinberg and Drayton McLane. Honorary pallbearers are Frank
Boggus, Bill Davis, David Embry, Dr. Al Knight, Joe LaMantia,
Jr., Dr. Ken Landrum, John Martin, Bill Moschel, David
Rogers, Joaquin Salinas, Paul Schwab, Jim Spence and Paul
Veale, Jr. In lieu of flowers, the Roney family suggests
that memorial contributions may be sent to the McAllen Boys
and Girls Club of McAllen-Glen E. and Rita K. Roney Center
Foundation, P. O. Box 5910, McAllen, TX 78502, or the Baylor
Scott & White Roney Bone and Joint Institute, P. O. Box
5910, McAllen, TX 78502. |
Dwayne Joseph
Aug 22, 1964 - Jul 7, 2018
Joseph Boardley, 53, of Corsicana, Texas, died Saturday,
July 7, 2018, in a Dallas hospital. Mr. Boardley was born
Aug. 22, 1964, in Chester, Penn. He was a
corrections officer.
Survivors include one daughter, Raeshanette Godfrey of
Longview, Texas; his father, Ernest Hunter of Chester; one
brother, Daniel Anthony; five sisters, Chantray, Kimberly,
Nikki, Lisa and Michelle; and one grandson, Rashaad Wofford.
No services are scheduled at this time. Arrangements are
under direction of Haynes Mortuary. Visitation will be 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. Online
registration is at |
Chris Stoehr
Sep 23, 1945 - May 18, 2018
Frost, Texas
Chris was born on September 23, 1945 and passed away on Friday,
May 18, 2018.
Chris was a resident of Frost, Texas at the time of passing.
At the age of 5, he moved with his family to Dallas and later
graduated from South Oak Cliff High School.
His family will host a memorial service in his honor at a later
date. Born: September 23, 1945 Death: May 18, 2018 Memorial
services will be held at a later date. Notes:
Aaron Dale
Dec 8, 1960 - Feb 27, 2014
for Aaron Dale Allston
Aaron Dale Allston, 53, born December 8, 1960 to Tom Dale
Allston and Rose Binford Boehm in Corsicana, Texas, passed
away on Thursday, February 27, 2014 in Springfield,
Aaron Dale Allston, editor, publisher and author, age 53,
passed away in Springfield, Missouri on Thursday, February
27, 2014. He was born December 8, 1960 to Tom Dale Allston
and Rose Binford Boehm in Corsicana, Texas. He attended
public schools in Big Lake, San Angelo, Wake Village and
Denton, Texas graduating from Denton High School in 1979. He
actively participated in the Science Fiction Club at DHS.
He attended the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in
journalism. He began his professional writing career at the
Austin American Statesman newspaper and Steve Jackson games
and has published extensively since 1988, entering the
freelance writing field in 1997. He is the author of 13 Star
Wars novels as well as many other science fiction, game
based fiction and mystery novels, short stories and
technical guides for writers. He was a widely sought out
speaker and lecturer for state and national conference and
traveled extensively throughout the country teaching and
mentoring aspiring writers.
He was an honorary member of the Vader's Fist 501st Legion;
an organization devoted to Star Wars costuming and who
support and aid many charities, including children's
charities in fund raising.
His greatest joys came from his cats, his close personal
friends, actor friends and fellow authors, science fiction
and horror movie special effects, and particularly mentoring
young aspiring actors.
He was preceded in death by his father, Tom Dale Allston,
paternal grandparents, Oliver and Ruth Allston, maternal
grandparents, John Binford and Bonnie Langley, and uncles,
John Binford, Jr. and Paul Binford. He is survived by his
mother, Rose Boehm, brother, Stacy Allston and aunt,
Charlotte Owens.
Memorial services will be held Saturday, March 15, 2014 at
2:00 PM at Denton Funeral Home Chapel, 120 South Carroll
Blvd., Denton, Texas, 76201 with Rev. Jerald Garner
officiating. Interment will follow at a later date with
other members of his maternal family in Corsicana, Texas.
As a tribute to his kindness to others, charitable donations
made in his name or in the name of Star Garrison, 501st
Legion at or the Children's Advocacy
Center for Denton County at would be
Arrangements are under the direction of Denton Funeral Home.
On line condolences may be left for the family at |
Ruby Mildred (McDonald) Harwell
Jan 27, 1898 - Jun 2, 1963
Hold Services Mrs.Harwell
Final rites for Mrs. Ruby McDonald Harwell, formerly of
Corsicana, who died in Hermann Hospital, Houston, Sunday, were
held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
A Christian Science Reader conducted the services.
Surviving are her husband, Gordon Harwell, Houston; a daughter,
Mrs. Wayne Van Vlett, Denver, Colo.; two grandchildren, Lawrence
and Judith Van Fleet, both of Denver; a sister, Mrs. Hazel
McDonald, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were G. C. Hudson, L. A. Johnson, Jr., David Kelton,
Ralph R. Brown, Bob Irvine, Fred Brooks and Ed M. Polk
Paine Pannill
Apr. 5, 1879 - May 10, 1956
CORSICANA, May 12 (Spl) . - Funeral services were held
Friday in St. John's Episcopal Church for Paine Pannill, 71,
a native of Navarro County, who died Thursday in Palestine.
Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery
Pannill was retired field manager for the Texas Company.
Survivors include a daughter, Miss Margaret Pannill of
Corsicana and two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Hastings of Corsicana
and Mrs. Arch Parnum of Fort Worth.
Paine Pannill Services Friday
Funeral services for Paine Pannill, 77, native of Chatfield, who died Thursday at Palestine, were held from St. John's Episcopal church here Friday at 2 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Fred C. Wolf, Jr., rector of the Church.
Pannill was a field manager of the Texas Company for many years prior to his retirement, but had resided in Palestine for several years. He was reared in Corsicana.
Surviving are a daughter, Miss Margaret Pannill, member of the Navarro Junior College faculty; two sisters, Mrs. Wm. H. Hastings, Corsicana, and Mrs. Arch Parnum, Fort Worth; and other relatives including a nephew, Dr. F. C. Pannill of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were W. A. Lang, Ed M. Polk, Gaston T. Gooch, T. R. Victory, Dr. Wm. H. White and Henry W. Moore.
McCammon directed.
Glenn Curry
May 31, 1892 - Mar 19, 1962
CORSICANA - March 20 (Spl) - Glenn Curry, 69, postmaster
at Roane northeast of here, was buried in
Oakwood Cemetery
in Corsicana after funeral services here Tuesday. Curry
died Monday in a Corsicana hospital. He was the father
of Mrs. Mickey Edwards of Fort Worth.
Glenn Curry, Dies Monday,
Rites Tuesday
Glenn Curry, well-known farmer, rancher and postmaster at Roane,
died Monday in Memorial hospital following a short illness. He
was 69.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Griffin
chapel with Rev. Fred Chapman, Baptist minister, officiating.
Interment will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Born May 31, 1892, in Arkansas, Curry had resided most of his
life in Navarro county. He was a member of the Roane Baptist
Survivors, other than his widow, are one daughter, Mrs. Mickey
Edwards, Fort Worth; four grandchildren, Phyllis and Katherine
Anne Curry, both of Roane, and Jeffrey Glenn and Karen Joy
Edwards, both of Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. R. L. Holloway,
Corsicana; Mrs. George Collins, Goodlett; Miss Letha Curry,
Corsicana; and Mrs. J. F. Warren, Bellevue; several nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be James Parker, Jim Frazier, Alson Jones, Bill
Hutson, Curry Butler, Chesline Frazier, R. O. Flowers and A. V.
Watkins Freeman
Jun 25, 1881 - Dec 18, 1969
CORSICANA, Dec. 18 (Spl). - John W. Freeman, 72,
retired farmer, was buried Thursday in
Oakwood Cemetery.
He died Wednesday in a local hospital. Survivors
include his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Rachel
Virginia Osborne of Kerrville and Mrs. Laura Juanita
Wooten of Corsicana; a son James Henry Freeman
of Palmer; two sisters including Mrs. Myrtle Palmer
of Fort Worth, and a brother.\
Howard Berton
Nov 17, 1901 - Apr 25, 1985
CORSICANA - Berton Pattison, 83, of Corsicana,
formerly of Fort Worth, died Friday in a
Corsicana hospital.
Graveside service will be at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at
Oakwood Cemetery
in Corsicana.
Pattison was a native of Emhouse, near Corsicana
and had lived in Corsicana for 10 years. He was
a retired accountant for Texas Pacific Coal and
Oil Co. and a former member of Fort Worth
Polytechnic Baptist Church. He was a member of
Forst Baptist Chruch in Corsicana.
Survivors include his wife, Miriam Pattison of
Corsican; one daughter, Carol Ann Abernathy of
New Orleans; and two grandsons.
- The Fort
Worth Star Telegram - Apr 27, 1985
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- h/o
Miriam (Mathews) Pattison; s/o James Wade
Pattison & Nellie Mae (Knight) Pattison
Vogal Fullwood
Oct 9, 1863 - Oct 25, 1949
F. Vogal Fullwood, 84,
Succumbs at Eureka
CORSICANA. Texas - Oct. 26 -
F. Vogal Fullwood, 84, resident of Eureka since childhood, died
Tuesday. Funeral was held Wednesday in the Patterson Memorial
Presbyterian Chruch in Eureka with burial in the
Eureka Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Ernest Fullwood, Irving, and
Erros Fullwood, Eureka; two daughters. Mrs. W. H. Cockrell,
Eureka, and Mrs. D. E. Shelton, Premont; a brother, W. A.
Fullwood, Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Etta Johnson, Mrs. S. F.
Stokes and Mrs. V. A. Boyd, all of Corsicana.
William Albert Frame
Oct 18, 1904 - Sep 29, 1951
Eureka Funeral Rites Held for
W. A. Frame
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept 30 - W. A. (Bill) Frame, 46, died in a
Corsicana hospital Saturday.
Funeral services were held from the Patterson Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Eureka, at 3 p.m. Sunday. Burial was in the
Long Prairie
Surviving are two brothers, Edgar and John Frame, both of
Eureka; six sisters, Mrs. R. C. Dunham, Corsicana; Mrs. W. A.
Dean, Mrs. S. A. Lightfoot, Mrs. C. L. Hutson and Mrs. J. G.
Lightfoot, all fo Palestine, and Mrs John Newsom, Dallas.
Royal Wheeler McGaha
Sep 2, 1898 - Nov 9, 1984
Royal Wheeler McGaha
CORSICANA - Royal Wheeler McGaha, 86, of Blooming Grove, died
Friday in a car accident.
Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Blooming Grove Funeral Home,
and burial will be in
Rosehill Cemetery.
McGaha was semiretired and had worked 30 years as a plant
He was mayor of Blooming Grove for eight years in the late 1960s
and early 1970s
Survivors include his wife, Freda McGaha of Blooming Grove; two
sons, Tracy McGaha and Ronald McGaha, both of Corsicana; two
daughters, Tonja Harrell of Blooming Grove and Barbara Smith of
California; and three sisters, Nella McGaha, Margaret White and
VIrginia Irvin, all of Dallas.
Forrest Ruth Hamilton
Apr 16, 1916 - Mar 6, 1992
CLEBURNE - Forrest Ruth Hamilton of Cleburne, a homemaker, died
Friday at a Cleburne nursing home after a long illness. She was
Graveside service will be at 10:30 a.m Monday at
Rosehill Cemetery
in Blooming Grove. Crosier-Pearson-Mayfield Funeral Home in
Cleburne is in charge of arrangements. Visitation will be from 5
to 6 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Mrs. Hamilton was born in Blooming Grove and was a Baptist. She
lived in Cleburne for 30 years.
Survivors: Three sons, Joe Hamilton of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Jackie Hamilton of Cleburne, and Bob Hamilton of Irving, Ind.;
seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Virginia "Ann" (Pevehouse) Baird
Mar 21, 1930 - Jan 26, 2009
WORTH -- On Monday, Jan. 26, 2009, our family lost Virginia
"Ann" Baird, 78, a very much loved mother, grandmother and
Celebration of life: 2 p.m. Thursday in Brown, Owens &
Brumley's Joe B. Brown Memorial Chapel. Visitation: The
family will receive friends 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the
funeral home.
Ann was born March 21, 1930, in Blooming Grove. She filled
lives of those who loved her with laughter and love. Nana
will be missed dearly by many people as she took the job of
loving and advising her children very seriously.
Ann was preceded in death by her husband, Everett Baird;
son, James Douglas Baird; and granddaughter, Penny Story
Survivors: Daughters, Connie Sue Bullard, Barbara Ann Baird
and Penney Kay Baird; son, Jay Jarvis; son-in-law, Rudy
Story; grandchildren, Johnny, Cheri, Tammie, Stacy, Jeffrey,
Layla, Danette, Jennifer, Ericka, Casey and Jayden; and
numerous great-grandchildren and friends.
Brown, Owens & Brumley Funeral Directors
425 S. Henderson, 817-335-4557 |
- The Fort Worth
Star-Telegram - Jan 28, 2009
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Laurel Land Memorial
Park, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX
- w/o Everett Timothy
Baird; d/o James R. Pevehouse & Mildred (Hitchcock)
David Leonard Boyd, Sr.
Oct 26, 1873 - Jun 25, 1953
BLOOMING GROVE, June 28 (Spl).
- Funeral services were held in First Baptist Church here
Thursday afternoon for David Leonard Boyd, 78, who died
Wednesday afternoon at his home in the Lone Cedar community.
Boyd was born and spent his life on the same farm.
Survivors include his wife; three daughters, Mmes. Pearl Morgan
of Milford, Ruth Miner of Fort Worth and Ruby Dozier of Blooming
Grove; three brothers, Bill of Damon and G. W. and H. B. Boyd,
both of Blooming Grove; two sisters, Mmes, Jimmy McKinney of
Hugh, Okla., and Martha Rawson of Blooming Grove, and four
Abraham Carter "Abe"
Jan 26, 1896 - Apr 11, 1948
Blooming Grove Man Dies on
Hillsboro Street
HILLSBORO, April 11 (AP). - A man identified from papers he was
carrying as Abe C. Goodrich, 52, of Blooming Grove, fell dead on
a street here Sunday.
Papers signed by a Blooming Grove doctor indicated Goodrich was
traveling to the Lisbon Veterans Administration Hospital near
Dallas for treatment. The papers did not mention a specific
Justice Tim Hickey said he would return an inquest verdict after
talking to the persons who first reached the man's body and the
the doctor who pronounced him dead.
- The Fort Worth
Star-Telegram -
Apr 12, 1949
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Ridge Park Cemetery,
Hillsboro, Hill Co., TX
- h/o Malda Lee (Hixon)
Goodrich; s/o Charles William Goodrich & Laura Ella
(Scruggs) Goodrich
Blooming Grove, April 12 - (Spl) - Abe C. Goodrich, 52,
World War I veteran,
local business man, died suddenly with a heart attack in
Hillsboro Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held from the Methodist church here Monday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was in Hillsboro. The rites were
conducted by Rev. A. R. Peterson, pastor of the church, and Rev.
C. L. Hall, pastor of the First Baptist Church.
Masons had charge of graveside services and were pallbearers.
Goodrich had ridden the bus from his home to Hillsboro Sunday
morning en route to the veterans' hospital at Lisbon, near
Dallas, and was stricken while walking along the street, dying a
short time later.
Native of Hill county, Goodrich and his wife have resided in
this community about 15 years and operated the Goodrich Beauty
Surviving are his wife, Blooming Grove; a daughter, Mrs. E. J.
Glenn, Jr., Edinburg; a grandson, E. J. Glenn, III, Edinburg; a
brother, Bascom Goodrich, Waco, and other relatives.
McCormick's Funeral Services directed.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun,
Monday, April 12, 1948
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- View Obituary Clipping
Minnie Beulah (Brewer)
Jun 15, 1899 - Dec 8,
ARLINGTON - Minnie "Beulah"
Blythe, a homemaker, died yesterday in a Grand Prairie hospital.
She was 91. Funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow at Hugh M.
Moore Funeral Home Chapel. Graveside service will be at 1:30
p.m. tomorrow in Frost
Cemetery, Frost.
Ms. Blythe was born in Ringgold and had lived in Arlington for
24 years.
She was a member of Fielder Road Baptist Church and the Woodmen
of the World.
Survivors: Two sons, Oran Bason of Athens and Mel Bason of
Arlington; three daughters, Hazel Williams of Wills Point,
Dorothy Terry of Cleburne and Marie Smith of Tulsa, Okla.; two
sisters, Janie Laird of Corpus Christi and Florence Barnard of
Milford; 12 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and one
Nace Russell
Nov 17, 1878 - Dec 30, 1957
Nace Russell
CORSICANA - Dec. 31 (Spl). - Nace Russell, 79, retired farmer,
who died Monday in a Corsicana hospital, was buried in
Post Oak Cemetery
after funeral services here Tuesday. Russell, who was born in
Alabama, had lived in Navarro County 57 years. Survivors include
two brothers, Dock Russell of Emhouse and J. W. Russell of
Funeral rites for Nace
Russell, 79, retired farmer, 712 North Thirteenth street, who
died in Memorial Hospital Monday morning, were held from the
Griffin Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. M. Fannin, pastor of the
Primitive Baptist church. Burial was in
Post Oak Cemetery.
A native of Alabama, Russell had resided in Navarro county for
57 years.
Surviving are two brothers, Dock Russell, Emhouse, and J. W.
Russell, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Nellie Mae Holsey
Apr 15, 1925 - Aug 29, 1994
Nellie M. Holsey
FORT WORTH - Nellie M. Holsey, a retired apartment manager, died
Monday at a Fort Worth hospital. She was 69.
Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Corley Funeral Chapel in
Corsicana. Burial will be in Post Oak Cemetery in Roane in
Navarro County.
Mrs. Holsey was born in Roane and had lived in Fort Worth since
1962. She was a member of Liberty Missionary Baptist Church.
Survivors: Daughter, Nancy Purvis of Fort Worth; three sisters,
Magdalen Keith and Wanda Cohagan, both of Fort Worth, and Elsie
Miller of Waco; and four grandchildren.
Charles Ottis
Apr 15, 1911 - Sep 18, 1959
CORSICANA, Sept. 22, (Spl) - Charles O. Lewis, 48, a native of
Navarro County, was buried Tuesday in the
Bazette Cemetery
after funeral services here. He died in Corsicana Friday.
Survivors include a daughter, Miss Charlotte Lewis of Corsicana
and Three sons, Billy, Roy, and David Lewis of Dallas. Notes:
Hold Rites For Charles Lewis
Funeral services for Charles O. Lewis, 48, who died in Blythe, Calif., Friday, was held from the Corley Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Clarence Williams, pastor of the Second Avenue Baptist church. Burial was in the
Bazette Cemetery.
A native of Dawson, he formerly resided in Corsicana.
Surviving are three sons, Billy, Roy and David Lewis, all of Dallas; a daughter, Charlotte Lewis, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lougene
Sloan, El Paso; a brother, Jesse Lewis, Wichita Falls; mother, Mrs. Bertha Vann, Pilot Point, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Roy Brown, George Austin, W. F. Ray, L. B. Stubblefield, Jimmy Holland and Jesse Savage.
James Eldridge Kyser, Sr.
Apr 2, 1905 - Feb 22, 1996
James E. Kyser Sr.
MERIDIAN - James Eldridge Kyser Sr., 90, a farmer-rancher, died Thursday at a Clifton hospital.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Saturday at Lawson Funeral Home. Graveside service: 2 p.m. Saturday in
Bazette Cemetery
near Kerens.
Mr. Kyser was born April 2, 1905, in Kerens.
Lawson Funeral Home
Meridian, (817) 435-2792
Frances Mozelle
(Carroll) Holdeman

Dec 9, 1922 - Oct 27, 2018
Birth Date: December 9, 1922
Death Date: October 27, 2018
Frances Carroll Holdeman, of Mansfield, Texas, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday morning, October 27, 2018. She was 95 years old.
Frances Mozelle Carroll was born at home in Barry, Texas, on December 9, 1922, to James William and Blanche Estelle
Jordan Carroll. It was a time when most homes did not have running water inside. She attended school in Blooming Grove,
Texas, graduating from
Blooming Grove High School in 1939. She began her bookkeeper's career working for several area businesses,
including the local cotton gin. She soon accepted a position at the Carrier Air Conditioning Corporation in Dallas,
Texas. She lived at home and commuted to Dallas, Texas, accompanying her "little" brother Rudy on the Interurban
train from Italy, Texas, to his stop in Waxahachie, where he attended high school.
Frances loved her nieces and nephews as if they were her own children. She spent many weekends with her oldest brother,
Sam, her sister-in-law, Lorraine, and their children, Carolyn, Bill, and Mary Frances. At Christmas time, they
made cookies together and enjoyed trips to Dallas to see the Christmas lights and visits to Santa. She loved to sew, and
enjoyed making clothes for her nieces. Candy and Mary fondly remember skirts she created for them for Christmas, 1955.
Instead of the usual poodle skirts which were popular, these skirts had nursery rhyme theme appliqué's like "Hey diddle,
diddle, The cat and the fiddle�"
Frances eventually moved to Dallas, where she met her soul mate, Harold Weston Holdeman. They married in 1962. She
finished the year on leave from Carrier pending the birth of their first child. She never returned after she was blessed
with a baby girl of her own, Harriet Ann, in 1963. Frances considered her "only chicken" the greatest gift God ever
gave to her. She utilized her creativity and skill as a seamstress by making all of her little girl's clothes.
When the family moved to Mineral Wells, Texas, in 1967, Frances found a new church home, as well. She was a member
of the First United Methodist Church in Mineral Wells, Texas, for more than 40 years. She loved her church family
and, after relocating to the DFW area in 2000, continued to make the drive to Mineral Wells each Sunday until 2010. She
was the third grade Sunday School teacher for many years. After "retiring" as a regular Sunday School teacher, she
served in the office as an administrative assistant. She assisted with the United Methodist Youth Group while her
daughter was in junior high and high school. Through the years, Frances served in many other volunteer capacities,
including Stephen Ministries, delivering Meals on Wheels, and the after-school ministry "Little Folks". Frances truly
had a heart for children and the community. She was a volunteer third-grade teacher's aide at Lamar Elementary, a
Girl Scout Troop Leader, and she gave time to the Hope Shelter for battered women and their children.
Frances lost her beloved Harold in 1990. After tending to their 50 acre home site in Mineral Wells by herself for ten
years, she decided it was time to be closer to her daughter. She moved to Kennedale, Texas in 2000, and then to
Mansfield, Texas, in 2004. She discovered a new church start in Mansfield, New Day United Methodist Church. As a senior
lady with white hair, she delighted in sharing knowledge and wisdom with younger members, as well as the intensity and
dynamic of a brand new congregation. When the membership of New Day was transferred to Community of Hope United
Methodist Church, she was quickly welcomed and loved by many new friends. Frances also loved the familiarity of an
old-fashioned county church that she found at Britton United Methodist Church, where she gathered many more who called
her friend. Everywhere she went, she departed with these final words,
"Remember, I love you, but God loves you more."
Frances was preceded in death by her parents, James William and Blanche Estelle, brothers, William Erwin "Sam", James
Doyle, Ray Dean, husband of 28 years Harold Weston, and just a few hours prior, her beloved brother Rufus Franklin
"Rudy". She was also preceded by her cherished niece Carolyn Carroll Vinson, and her treasured nephew, Robert Doyle "Bob"
Carroll. Frances is survived by her daughter, Harriet Ann Holdeman and husband Trent Blake, her step-son, Harold
Weston Holdeman, Jr "Hal", and wife PJ "Jo", and her sister-in-law, Billie Morris Carroll. Her surviving nephews
and nieces are Bill Carroll and wife Jerri, Mary Waldrip and husband Ronnie, Carla Thomas and husband Dr. Robert, Candy
Grady and husband Douglas, Courtney Carroll, Jim Carroll and wife Emily, Ray Carroll and wife Gayla, Tammy Carroll Jones
and husband Dan. Frances has numerous great nieces and nephews and a host of dear friends.
A celebration of life will be held for Frances in Wildwood Chapel at Restland Memorial Park on November 3, 2018, at 12:30 PM.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Methodist Children's Home: 1111 Herring Avenue, Waco, Texas
76708. |
Claude "Pa" Melton

Nov 30, 1934 - Jun 29, 2009
Calvin "Pa" Melton, age 74, of McKinney, Texas passed away June 29, 2009, at his home. He was born on November 30,
1934, in Blooming Grove, Texas to Claude and Burl (Christopher) Melton. In 1957, he married Sue Gordon. He
served in the U.S. Army and was a veteran of the Korean War. Mr. Melton
was a farmer for the Cobb family for 30 years and was of the Baptist faith. He loved his grandchildren, and enjoyed
driving around on country roads. He is survived by his daughter, Susan
Melton and husband, Jerry McBride; son, James Melton and wife, Kelly all of McKinney; grandchildren, Amanda Holloway
husband, Jimmy of Oklahoma, Jennifer Barry of Houston, Texas, Justin Barry, Matthew Collett and his wife, Renee
Devoe, and
James David (JD) Melton all of Maine; great grandchildren, Domonick Allen Poisson and Alexis Tami-Rae Collett both of
Maine; and numerous nephews, nieces, cousins and many special friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sue;
his sisters; and niece, Kim Gordon. A graveside service will be held at 12:00 p.m., Friday, July 3, 2009, at
Dresden Cemetery in Blooming Grove, Texas with Bro. Waymon Hasp officiating.
The family will receive friends for a visitation from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.,
Thursday at Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow Funeral Home.
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- h/o Besie Sue (Gorden)
Melton; s/o Claude Howard Melton & Burl Ethel (Christopher) Melton
Mendie Sue (Gordon) Bumpass
Jan 23, 1924 - Sep 26, 2010
Mrs. M. Sue Bumpass was born on January 23, 1924 in Blooming Grove, Texas to Fred and Hattie Gordon. She
passed away after a lengthy illness on Sunday, September 26, 2010. Sue devoted her life providing support and
care of her husband, Jesse Bumpass, who was a World War II veteran and Prisoner of War. Sue Bumpass met the love
of her life when she was a young woman and Jesse was recovering from his injuries sustained during his
military service. They married within a week after meeting and spent 56 years together until his death in
2001. She is survived by her sister, Eula Mae Eubanks, from Ft. Worth, Texas and many nieces and nephews.
A viewing service will be held at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North on Thursday, September 30, 2010 from 6:00
to 8:00 pm. Funeral Service will be held at the Fred J. Tips Mausoleum and Chapel at Mission Burial Park North
on Friday, October 1, 2010 at 10:30 am. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Disabled American
Veterans (DAV), Chapter 5, San Antonio, Texas.
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Published in Express-News on Sep 29, 2010
- Mission Burial Park North, San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX
Carnel Louis "Jodie" Tipton Feb 4, 1895 - Mar 8, 1963
�Jodie' Tipton, 68,
Heart Attack Victim, Buried
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, March
10, for C. L. (�Jodie�] Tipton, 68-year-old farm
worker of Oakland, who suffered a fatal heart attack
Friday morning while shopping in the Mayes store at
He had lived at Oakland the past 20 years.
Services were held at Hubbard Funeral Home, with
Rev. Howard MacAllister, pastor of First Methodist
Church, officiating. Burial was in the Masonic
Cemetery, with veterans' color guard.
Mr. Tipton was born Feb. 4, 1895, at Blooming Grove,
Texas. He was a veteran of
World War I army service.
Surviving him are five sisters, Mrs. Bunie
Stubblefield of Hillsboro, Mrs. Marty Farmer of
Cashmere, Washington, Mrs. Callie Graves of Ft.
Worth and Mrs. Ben Woods and Mrs. Lilly Warren of
Dallas; and two brothers, Dave Tipton of Dallas and
J. B. Tipton of Garwood.
- Weimar
Mercury, Mar 14, 1963, page 1
- s/o James
Benjamin Tipton & Mary Emmaline (Fultz) Tipton
- Weimar
Masonic Cemetery, Weimar, Colorado Co., TX
John B. Tipton Jr.
Aug 8, 1907 - Jun 2, 1985
Funeral services for J. B. Tipton were held
Wednesday, June 5 at Dulany Funeral Home in
Eagle Lake with the Rev. J. Melburn Sibley,
pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eagle
Lake, officiating.
Tipton passed away June 2 at the Eagle Lake
Community Hospital. Burial was held at the
Lakeside Cemetery. Arrangements were under the
direction of Dulany Funeral Home.
Mr. Tipton was born August 8, 1907 in Blooming
Grove to Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton. He married
Elizabeth "Betty" Case on October 12, 1928 in
East Bernard. He farmed in the East Bernard area
most of his life until he moved to Garwood 15
years ago where he and his wife managed the
Texas Fried Chicken Restuarant[sic] until his
health failed two years ago. Mr. Tipton was a
member of the Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife if 57 years, Betty
Tipton of Garwood; one daughter, Bernice Guthrie
of Garwood; one son, Donald Tipton of San
Felipe; three sisters, Callie Brown of Ft.
Worth, Ruby Woods, and Lilly Warren both of
Dallas, 11 grand children and 17
great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews
other relatives and loved ones.
- Colorado
County Citizen, Jun 13, 1985
Alice Greer
Oct 26, 1910 - Feb 5, 1983
... former day-care-worker
Funeral for Alice Greer, 72, of 3297 Todd Sr.,
will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at New Home Baptist
Church in Kerens with burial at Park Cemetery in
She died Saturday at a nursing home.
Mrs. Greer was a native of Kerens. She lived in
Houston fore 32 years before moving to Fort
Worth in 1982. She had worked at a daycare
center in Houston.
Mrs. Greer was a member of the Fellowship
Baptist Church and the Lilly of the Valley
Circle of the Missionary Society.
Survivors include her daughter. Pearlie Sledge
of Fort Worth; three brothers, George Green of
Dallas, the Rev. Issac Green of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
and Charles Green of New York City, two sisters,
Pearlie Williams of Kerens and Geraldine Ponder
of Houston; one granddaughter and three
Lillian M. Boose
d. May 4, 2015
Lillian M. Boose 74, Kerens,
TX., passed May 4, 2015. Funeral services noon, Saturday-May 9,
2015 at Mt. B. Zion Baptist Church, Kerens, TX. Interment
Goodlow Cemetery.
Arrangements Ross and Johnson Mortuary. 903-872-4661
Published in Dallas Morning News on May 8,
Goodlow Cemetery, Navarro County, Texas
Tammie Ruth (Prickett)
Dec 16, 1966 - Au 5, 2015
Mrs. Tammie Ruth Long, 48, of
Van, Texas, passed away on August 5, 2015, at her residence.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Friday, August 7, 2015, at
Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.,
Saturday, August 8, 2015, at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
Rev. James Williams officiating. Interment will follow in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Parents: Calvin Olean and Wanda Bryson Prickett
Preceded in death by: her father, Calvin Olean Prickett; and a
brother, Leslie Prickett
Survived by: her daughters, Tiffany Hawkins, of Tyler, and
Ashley Heard and husband, Ricky, of Canton; son, Jerry Wayne
Long, Sr., of Athens; ten grandchildren; mother, Wanda Prickett,
of Corsicana; brothers, Robert Prickett, of Ennis, and James
Prickett, of Corsicana; and companion, Dennis Tyson, of Van,
Mary Lea
(Abbie) Murray
Nov 6, 1933 - Dec 13, 2018
for Mary Lea Murray (Abbie)
Mrs. Mary Lea (Abbie) Murray, age 85, of Corsicana, Texas,
went to be with Her Lord and Savior on Thursday, December
13, 2018 at Navarro Regional Hospital. She was born in
Bradley, Oklahoma on November 6, 1933 to O.E. �Ted� and
Margorie �Margie� Abbie.
She married A. C. Murray on December 26, 1952 and they spent
almost 66 years together. Lea was a long time employee of
Desoto ISD and she and A.C. lived in Desoto for 40 years.
While living in Desoto she was an active member of Hampton
Road Baptist Church. After moving to Corsicana she and A.C.
joined Northside Baptist Church where they became an active
part of the church's ministry. She and A.C. owned and
operated a business known as �Trash to Treasure� and spent
many weekends selling their creations in Canton at First
Monday. Lea loved working as a volunteer at the Corsicana
Public Library working in the Genealogy Department and she
enjoyed scrap booking in her spare time.
Lea was preceded in death by her parents; her brother, James
�Bud� Abbie and son: Steven Murray.
She is survived by her husband, A.C. Murray of Corsicana;
her children; Scott Murray and wife, Pam of Allen, Texas and
Malea Murray Street of Ft. Worth, Texas; her grandchildren,
Ashley Murray of Allen, Texas, Jett Street of Ft. Worth,
Texas, Skyler Street and wife Cassandra of Austin, Texas and
one great grandchild, Genevieve �GiGi� of Austin, Texas and
her brother, Robert Abbie of Murphy, Texas. Lea also leaves
numerous relatives and friends in both Desoto and Corsicana
to cherish their memories of her.
Visitation with the family will be held on Sunday, December
16, 2018 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel from 6:00 � 8:00 PM.
Funeral services are scheduled for Monday, December 17, 2018
at 11:00 AM at Northside Baptist Church with Dr. Rick Lamb
officiating. A private family graveside service will follow
at 2:00 P.M. at New Pursley Cemetery.
An online guestbook is available at and selecting the Mary Lea Murray
To send flowers to the family of Mary Lea Murray (Abbie),
please visit our Heartfelt Sympathies Store. |
Lea Murray, 85, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, Dec. 13,
2018 at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel.
Funeral services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 17,
2018 at Northside Baptist Church with Dr. Rick Lamb
A private family graveside service will follow at 2 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 17, 2018 at
New Pursley Cemetery.
Thomas Jerry Teetz
Nov 12, 1943 - Jul 22, 1965
Teetz Funeral Held on Saturday
Funeral services for Thomas Jerry Teetz, 21, of Rockdale
were held at 2:00 PM Saturday at First Baptist Church in
Kerens with burial in the Mankin Cemetery near Trinidad.
The rites were conducted by the Rev Don Walker, Pastor of
the Baptist Church in Kerens, and the Rev A. L. Andrews.
Mr Teetz, who was employed with a jewelry firm in Corsicana,
died in Hillcrest Hospital in Waco at about 4:30 AM last
Thursday. He had been there since sustaining injuries in a
one-car auto accident at 8:00 PM July 19 in Corsicana.
He was born November 12, 1943 in Troup, and was a 1963
graduate of Rockdale High School. While in high school he
worked part-time as a reporter for The Reporter and had also
served the Rockdale Babe Ruth League for several seasons as
official scorekeeper.
Following graduation from RHS, he attended Kilgore Junior
College before going to work in Corsicana.
Survivors include his parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas J. Teetz,
and one brother, Ray Teetz of Rockdale. |
- Rockdale Reporter July
29, 1965
David Earl Bell
Oct 18, 1930 - Jan 31, 2015
Earl Bell
Funeral Services will be Tuesday, February 3, 2015
(02/01/15 BFH) - David Earl Bell, 84 of Lubbock went to be
with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, January 31, 2015
surrounded by family. A celebration of life will be Tuesday
3rd of February, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. at Calvary Baptist
Church, 82nd Street & Aberdeen, Lubbock, Texas with Dr.
Richard Rush officiating. Interment will follow at Resthaven
Memorial Park under the direction Bartley Funeral Home of
Plainview. Visitation will be 6 to 8, Monday February 2nd at
Broadway Funeral Directors in Lubbock.
David was born to Samuel & Dorothy (Cummings) Bell on
October 18, 1930 in Corsicana, Texas. He attended New Deal
schools and married his High School Sweetheart, Juanita Faye
Norman on March 3, 1948 they were married 66 years. They had
two daughters, Karanne and Terri and one son Dave. He joined
the U.S. Navy and served during the Korean War era. David
was in the automobile business and a dealer for 37 years
having dealerships in Pampa, Littlefield and Brownfield. He
was a member of Calvary Baptist Church since 1980.
David was proceeded in death by his parents, sister, Noma,
brothers, James and Billy and daughter, Terri Elaine Bell.
Survivors include the love of his life, Juanita, one
daughter, Karanne Grubbs and husband Gary of Abilene, TX;
one son David Dewayne of Lubbock; Three grandchildren who
knew him as Granddaddy: Jennifer Foster (Cory), Brian Grubbs
(Leya), Kimberly Rose (James) and Seven great grandchildren:
McKenna, Cade, Payton, Tyler, Walker, Emma & Clayton.
Pallbearers will be Norman Looney, Michael Looney, John
Perry Looney, Jared Masten, Cory Foster and Brian Grubbs.
Honorary Pallbearers are Bob Dulaney, George Carkett, Jess
Nelson, Don Seale, Guy Sullivan, Richard Townsend and
Millard Young.
Memorials may be made to Calvary Baptist Church or the
charity of your choice. |
- Resthaven Memorial Park,
Lubbock, Lubbock Co., TX
Martin E. Woodruff
Jan 25, 1927 - Feb 27, 2015
E. Woodruff
Casper, Wyoming
January 25, 1927 - February 27, 2015
Martin E. Woodruff died on Friday, February 27, 2015 in
Casper, Wyoming. He was the son of Emmett E. Woodruff and
Elise B. Woodruff. He was born on January 25, 1927 in
Corsicana, Texas. He graduated from high school in
Gladewater, Texas in 1944. Martin served in the
US Navy
during WWII. He then married Eleanor I. Strohl on May 14,
1949 in Casper, WY.
He went to Midwest, WY in October of 1946 and worked for
Stanolind Oil and Gas, Pan American Petroleum, and Amoco
Production. His work took him to all of the Rocky Mountain
States, Spain, Madagascar, and Alaska. He retired on July 1,
1986. He and Eleanor moved from Evanston, WY to Mesa, AZ in
October of 1989. Then they returned to Casper, WY in 2007,
where they settled to be with family.
Martin is survived by his sister, Billie Jean Elkins of
Houston, TX; sister-in-law, JoAnn Rhoades of Bismark, ND;
numerous nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his
parents; his beloved wife, Eleanor; and his brother, Calvin
Visitation will be from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM, Tuesday,
March 3, 2015, at Newcomer Funeral Home. A graveside service
will be held 2:00 PM, Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at Highland
Cemetery with Pastor Jeff Matney of Calvary Baptist Church
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to World Vision in
his name, PO Box 70399, Tacoma, WA 98481-0399. |
Sheila Fay (McKee) Wiley
Jan 3, 1948 - Dec 4, 2014
Memory of
Sheila Fay Wiley
January 3, 1948 - December 4, 2014
Sheila Fay (McKee) Wiley age 66 passed away peacefully
surrounded by her family on December 4, 2014
Sheila was born on January 3, 1948 in Corsicana, TX to Pete
and Ina McKee.
She was preceded in death by her parents, brothers, Joe
McKee and James McKee. Her sisters, Jeannie Newborn and
Raylene Shockey.
Sheila is survived by her loving husband of 46 year, Jackie
Wiley of New Braunfels. Her sons Jim and Scott and his wife
Becky Wiley both of New Braunfels. Her grandchildren, who
were the light of her life, Justin Schimdt of Kentucky,
Coltin Wiley, Skyler Wiley, Garett Haas, and Greyson Haas
all of New Braunfels. Her sister Beth and her husband Walter
Webber of Cisco, TX. Her sisters in law Jessie Ann McKee of
New Braunfels and Carol McKee of Goliad TX, along with
numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday December 9, 2014 at
Zoeller Funeral Home from 5pm to 8pm, Funeral Services will
be held on Wednesday December 10, 2014 at 10:00am at Zoeller
Funeral Home Interment Service will follow at Guadalupe
Valley Memorial Park. |
Martha Jo (Gray) Anderson
Jan 20, 1941 - Jun 22, 2015
for Martha Anderson
Ponca City Now - June 24, 2015 12:00 am
Martha J. Anderson, longtime Ponca City resident passed
Monday, June 22, 2015 at the Via Christi Nursing Center with
her family by her side. Martha passed after a short 3 month
battle with cancer. She was 74 years of age.
She was born January 20, 1941 in Corsicana, Texas, the
daughter of Garland Gray and Edna Earl (Russell) Gray. She
attended grade school in Roane, Texas and graduated from
Corsicana High School in 1959. She was married to Guy
Anderson on March 3, 1962. The couple moved to Ponca City in
1967. She had been employed as a para professional with the
Ponca City Schools until her retirement in 2004.
Martha was a longtime member of the Ponca City First Baptist
Church where she served on the hospitality committee for
several years. She was an avid fan of her grandchildren and
enjoyed watching them participate in various events. She
also enjoyed outings with her friends, reading Christian
historical fiction, and watching Guy taking care for her
flowers and plants.
Martha is survived by her husband Guy, of the home; her
mother, Edna Gray of Fort Worth, Texas; four children, Ray
Anderson and wife Kim, of Wichita, Kansas, Debora Gooch and
husband Phil, of Ponca City, David Anderson and wife Dondi,
of Ponca City and Patricia Sue Box and husband Allen, of
Edmond, Oklahoma; eight grandchildren, Adam and Jason
Anderson, Nathan and Ryan Gooch, Christian Fearnow, Casey
Anderson, and Kaila and Alicia Box; one great granddaughter,
Alice Elizabeth Anderson; two sisters, Helen Sue Jones and
husband Tom, of Cameron, Texas and Patricia Ann Anderson and
husband Willy, of Fort Worth, Texas; several nieces, nephews
and other extended family and friends. She was preceded in
death by her father.
A visitation for family and friends will be held at Grace
Memorial Chapel from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, June 26.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 27,
2015 in the Worship Center of the First Baptist Church with
Pastor Andy Taylor presiding. Arrangements are under the
direction of Grace Memorial Chapel.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the
First Baptist Church, Mission Line, 218 South 6th Street,
Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601. |
- Resthaven Memorial park,
Ponca City, Kay Co., OK
Mark V. Blackmon
Feb 18, 1961 - Oct 9, 2008
Mark V. Blackmon, 47, of Las Vegas, died Oct. 9.
The five-year resident was born Feb. 18, 1961, in Corsicana,
Texas. He was a real estate loan officer and member of
Shadow Hills Baptist Church.
Blackmon is survived by his daughter, Bailey Blackmon of Las
Vegas; mother, Helen Blackmon of Las Vegas; brother, Ricky
Scott Blackmon and wife, Laurie, of San Diego; and nephew,
Patrick Blackmon of San Diego.
Services were held Oct. 15 at Palm Mortuary-Cheyenne.
Arrangements were handled by Palm Mortuary-Cheyenne. |
Bob Ray Davis
Dec 5, 1932 - Mar 4, 2018
Ray Davis
A Memorial Serviced will be held for Bob Ray Davis, Friday,
March 9th, at 2:00pm in the afternoon, at Boren-Conner
Funeral Home in Bullard.
Bob Ray Davis was born on December 5, 1932 in Corsicana,
Texas. He went to be with the Lord at 2:00pm, Sunday, March
4, 2018.
Bob graduated from Teague High School followed by obtaining
a Master's in Education. We honor his many accomplishments
throughout his life beginning with his service in the US
Navy, a well-respected career in education as a teacher,
coach, administrator and principal � and most important his
love for his family.
Bob (affectionately called Big Bob) always had a story to
tell. His time teaching and being a principal proved to
provide very colorful stories. Which he gladly shared with
any willing ear. He will be remembered as a loving, caring
son, brother, husband and father.
Bob will be greatly missed by all that knew him. |
Dessie Ruth
(Hamilton) Schoonover
Aug 18, 1936 - Nov 14, 2018
for Dessie Ruth Schoonover
Dessie Ruth Schoonover of Angleton, Texas passed away at her
home on Wednesday, November 14, 2018. She was born in
Dawson, Texas on August 18, 1936, to R.D. and Mary Lillian
Ruth was raised in Corsicana, Texas and graduated from
Corsicana High School.
On September 21, 1957, she married James Olin Schoonover in
Ennis, Texas. While in Corsicana, Ruth worked at the Collin
Street Bakeary office where there was always fruitcake and
Dr. Pepper on the desk. The couple moved to Angleton in 1961
where they raised their family. She was currently a member
of Second Baptist Church in Angleton.
Ruth spent much of her time raising an active family. Much
of her favorite memories were spending time with her
grandchildren. Her hobbies included sewing, cooking for
others, and reading. She enjoyed the research and study of
genealogy and sharing it with family and friends.
After her children were raised, she worked part-time at
Erma's Dress Shop in Angleton.
She is predeceased by her husband, James Olin, parents, and
her brother Virgil Hamilton.
She is survived by her children, Marla and Husband Ronnie
Cook of Angleton, Kelvin Schoonover of Baytown, and Karen
Schoonover of Angleton. She is also survived by her
grandchildren, Cole and wife Sarah Cook of Seabrook and Clay
Cook of Houston. Her nieces include Angie and husband Larry
Keel of Mexia and Pam Baird of Mesquite.
Visitation will be held 5:00 pm � 7:00 pm Friday, November
16, 2018 at Palms Funeral Home.
Graveside Services will be held Saturday at 2:00 pm
Saturday, November 17, 2018 at Angleton Cemetery.
Arrangements are being made by Palms Funeral Home, Angleton,
Online condolences may be sent at |
Clifford James Maillet, Sr.
Mar 5, 1935 - Mar 28, 2018
BORDELONVILLE - Funeral services for Clifford James Maillet,
Sr. were held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at the
chapel of Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana, Texas with
Deacon Lewis Palos officiating. Cremation followed the
service and burial of his cremated remains will be held at
St. Peter's Catholic Church in Bordelonville on Saturday,
April 7, 2018.
Mr. Clifford James Maillet, Sr., a beloved husband, father,
grandfather, great grandfather and lifelong faithful servant
in the Catholic church. After a lengthy battle with heart
disease and 24 days following his 83rd birthday celebration
with family, He went home to be with his Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. He was born on March 5, 1935 in Bordelonville
to Edward and Eloise Pastor Maillet and was the youngest of
10 children. Following his service in the U.S. Air Force, he
returned home to Bordelonville where he met and married Irma
Gremillion on November 9, 1957 to which they enjoyed an
extremely happy and successful marriage for 60 years, and
was devoted parents to their three sons.
He served in the Knights of Columbus for over thirty years
and rose to Master of the 3rd Texas District and he founded
the Rowlett Texas Counsel #10646. He was also a member of
the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.
He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers,
five sisters and his eldest son, Ronald P. Maillet.
He is survived by his wife, Irma Maillet; two sons, Donald
E. (Sharon) Maillet and Clifford James (Lisa) Maillet, II;
grandchildren, Amanda (Franz) Beele, Christine (James)
Winslow, Josh Maillet, Lydia Maillet, Michelle Maillet and
Ronald (RJ) Maillet; great grandchildren, Sierra, Keith,
Catherine and Aubrey; his sister, Carmel Bacala; adopted
family: Robert Huffman, Troy Maillet and Suzanne Skelton;
and numerous nieces and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, his family ask that you consider making
a donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at or 1-800-533-Cure (2873) in honor of Cliff's
grandson, Josh Maillet. |
Mr. Clifford James Maillet,
Sr., a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather
and lifelong faithful servant in the Catholic Church. After a
lengthy battle with heart disease and twenty-four days following
his 83rd birthday celebration with family, He went home to be
with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was born on March 5,
1935 in Bordelonville, LA to Edward and Eloise Pastor Maillet
and was the youngest of 10 children. Following his service in
the US Air Force, he returned home to Bordelonville where he met
and married Irma Gremillion on November 9, 1957 to which they
enjoyed an extremely happy and successful marriage for sixty
years, and was devoted parents to their three sons.
He served in the Knights of Columbus for over thirty years and
rose to Master of the 3rd Texas District and he founded the
Rowlett Texas Counsel #10646. He was also a member of the
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.
He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, five
sisters and his eldest son.
He is survived by his wife, Irma Maillet; eldest son, Ronald P.
Maillet (deceased 2003), Donald E. Maillet and wife Sharon, and
Clifford James Maillet, II and wife Lisa; grandchildren, Amanda
Beele and husband Franz, Christine Winslow and husband James,
Josh, Lydia, Michelle and Ronald (RJ) Maillet; great
grandchildren, Sierra, Keith, Catherine and Aubrey; his sister,
Carmel Bacala; Adopted family: Robert Huffman, Troy Maillet and
Suzanne Skelton; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at Corley Funeral Home. Rosary and
Funeral services will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3,
2018 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Deacon Lewis Palos
officiating. Cremation will follow the service.
Burial of his cremated remains will be held at St. Peter's
Catholic Church 4702LA-451 Bordelonville, Louisiana on Saturday,
April 7, 2018.
In lieu of flowers, his family ask that you consider making a
donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at or 1-800-533-Cure (2873) in honor of Cliff's grandson,
Josh Maillet.
- Saint Peters Catholic
Church Cemetery and Mausoleum, Bordelonville, Avoyelles
Parish, Louisiana
Donald L. Redick
Aug 26, 1929 - Jul 3, 1991
REDICK, Donald
SEYMOUR, TEXAS: Donald L. Redick, 61, died July 3, 1991 in
Corsicana, TX. He was born August 26, 1929 in Jenks, OK. He was
a retired pipeline welder for Lone Star Gas Company in Hobbs,
NM, and a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. He was a Baptist.
He is survived by a daughter, Julene Leger of Blooming Grove;
two sons, Gary Redick of Fort Worth, and Jeffery Redick of
Flint, MI; his mother, Betty B. Clark of Seymour; a brother,
Edward Redick of Bartlesville, OK; and a sister, Dolores Gainer
of Danville, CA. He was preceded in death by his wife, Janet
Parks Redick. Interment was at Riverview Cemetery in Seymour
under the direction of Seymour Memorial Funeral Home.
Maynard Lester Sowell
Oct 6, 1935 - Dec 10, 2018
Tue, 12/11/2018 - 4:40pm
Maynard Lester Sowell, 83, of Corsicana died Monday, Dec. 10,
2018. He was born Oct 6, 1935 in Edna, Texas. He was a
businessman who found pleasure through his endeavors in the oil
and gas industry. Maynard was also a lifetime outdoorsman and
sports enthusiast. In his youth, he was a star high school
football and track athlete at Edna High School. Following high
school, he continued his love of sports, playing on the
University of Houston Cougars football team. Maynard married his
high school sweetheart, Carol Ann Schwarz, then returned to the
oilfield and together with Carol, raised a family. He is
preceded in death by his parents V.K. and Viola Sowell; his
brother Vernon Sowell; his wife, Carol Sowell; and infant son,
Blaine Sowell. He is survived by his mother-in-law Ruth Lee
Schwarz; sister-in-law, Janie Sowell; sons Lance Sowell, Keith
Sowell and wife Loree, Brett Sowell, Scott Sowell and wife,
Grace. He is also survived by grandchildren Sierrah and Maynard
Sowell, and great-grandson Ori Sowell. The family appreciates
the care given to their father, grandfather, and
great-grandfather by Sherry Kelley, friend and long-time
employee. Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8
p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018 at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside
services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at Memory
Gardens Cemetery in Edna, Texas. Honorary pallbearers are Vint
Sowell, Mark Bryant, Bill Stoner, Hartley Young, Roy Charles
Ortalon, Ronny Willis, Frank Wheelock, Buster Brown and Richard
Cummins. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be
made to the Carol Sowell Memorial Scholarship at Believer's
Bible Church, 2400 N. Bowie Dr., Corsicana. An online guestbook
is available at and selecting the
Maynard Sowell obituary
Billy Roy Raley
Feb 25, 1950 - Oct 15, 2014
Roy Raley, 64, resident of Dawson, passed away October 15,
2014, at his residence. Visitation will be from 3 to 5 p.m.,
Sunday, October 19, 2014, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside service will be at 10 a.m., Monday, October 20,
2014, in
Brushie Prairie Cemetery with Rev. Tommy Raley
officiating. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m.,
Monday, October 27, 2014, at The Hills Church of Christ of
North Richland Hills.
Billy Roy was born in Fort Worth, Texas, to the late Jack
and Myrtle Kelly Raley.
Survivors include his wife, Carla Raley, of Grandview;
children, Rachael and Eric Fisher, of Ft. Worth, Celeste and
Daniel Richmon, of Athens, Billy Gage Raley, of Ft. Worth,
Spencer Raley, of Austin, Beau Raley, of Craig, Colorado,
Mary Susannah Raley, Cynthia Raley, Angel and Leah Raley,
Luke Raley, Selah Raley, and Tommy Raley, all of Grandview;
nine grandchildren; sister, Alice Jo McConathy and husband,
Gary, of Granbury; other relatives and many friends. |
LeRoy C. "Lee II" Kimmons
May 5, 1944 - Oct 20, 2009
Leroy C. "Lee II" Kimmons,
departed this life and entered the eternal home, on October 20,
2009, in Kearney, Nebraska at the age of 65 Years. Leroy was
born May 5, 1944, in Altadena, California, to Lee I and Alta
(McDaniel) Kimmons.
On May 20, 1989, he married Janice Vance in Rockwall, Texas.
Survivors are his wife Janice Kimmons of Kearney, Nebraska;
stepson, John Austin of Kearney, Nebraska; stepdaughter, Traci
Austin of Nacogdoches, Texas; his mother Alta Kimmons of
Cincinnati, Ohio; brother, Max of Sunnyvale, California; sister,
Linda Kimmons Wulff of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a host of friends
and relatives.
Leroy grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; and received his
bachelor of arts degree from Wheaton College in Chicago,
Illinois. He received his master of arts degree from Wake Forest
University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and his doctorate
from Florida State University.
Leroy and Janice lived in Lincoln, where he was employed as a
professor of marriage and family therapy at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska. They also lived in Hawaii
where he was employed by the University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Hawaii. After retirement, they lived in Massachusetts and
He attended First Baptist Church and First United Methodist
Church in Kearney, Nebraska. His hobbies included worldwide
travel, photography, movies and films, coffee, and conversation.
Leroy never met a stranger and had many friends across the
United States and Europe.
Leroy was welcomed into The Heavenly Home by his father, Lee
Kimmons and brother-in-law, Steven Wulff.
Judith Ann (Watson)
Apr 19, 1947 - Dec 20, 2018
Ann Watson Bonner, 71, of Dresden, Texas, went home to
Heaven on Thursday, December 20, 2018, from her home. Judy
was a woman of strong faith who truly loved spending time
with her family and friends nourishing the souls of everyone
around her.
She especially loved being around her grandchildren and
great grandchildren. She diligently read her Bible and
prayed with those all around her. She enjoyed her women's
Bible study groups and participating in feeding the local
college students. Tearooms and shopping with her family and
friends was top on her list of things to do for fun. She
loved all holidays but especially Easter and Christmas
giving her the opportunity to surround herself with family
and those she loved. Judy loved and adored her husband, Dan.
The have been together 51 years. She loved God and she loved
her family. Her greatest joy was giving to others and seeing
their joy.
Judy was born on April 19, 1947, to Joe E. Watson and Verna
Mae Perigo Watson. She was the youngest of three children.
Judy leaves behind her loving husband, James Daniel Bonner,
her children, son Bret & his wife Brandi, daughter Tara &
her husband Ryan; three granddaughters Laura Cooke & her
husband Matt, Baylee and Katherine; two grandsons Nicholas
and Brody. She also leaves behind her great grandchildren
Mason and Wyatt Cooke. Preceding Judy in death were her
father Joe Watson, her mother Verna Mae Perigo Watson, her
brother Jody Watson and her sister Linda Watson Almanza. |
- Submitted by
Polly Winn
Dresden Cemetery,
Dresden, Navarro Co., TX
- w/o James Daniel
Bonner; d/o Joe E. Watson & Verna Mae (Perigo) Watson
Edward Watkins

Nov 4, 1933 - Dec 19, 2018
for John Edward Watkins
John E. Watkins, 85 of Franklin, Texas passed away December
19, 2018 in Groesbeck, Texas. He was born November 4, 1933
in Bienville, Louisiana to Edgar John Watkins and Jessie
Wilma Hilbun Watkins. He was a member of Beverly Hill
Baptist Church in Dallas. He worked for Rock Tenn for 40
years and retired as supervisor. He would drink coffee every
chance he got. He loved being outdoors, whether it be
gardening in the flower beds, walking or working. He also
enjoyed watching his children and grandchildren playing
He was preceded in death by his parents and three siblings.
He is survived by his wife, Joyce Watkins of 64 years; three
children, Johnny Watkins and wife Penny, Melvin Watkins,
Gary Watkins and wife Sharon; God Son, George Page and wife
Joy; thirteen grandchildren and twenty-three great
Visitation will be Sunday, December 23, 2018 from 12:00 noon
to 2:00pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service
will follow visitation at 2:00pm with Johnathan R. Watkins
officiating. Interment will be at
Dresden Cemetery.
To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of John
Edward Watkins please visit our Sympathy Store. |
B & D Apr 20, 1940
Infant Buried At Rice on
Funeral services were held for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
R. Stringer of Rice. The child died at the Navarro Clinic
Surviving are the parents.
Corley Funeral Home was in charge.
Elizabeth (Bryant) Mitchell 
Jun 23, 1873 - Feb 14, 1939
FROST, Feb. 18.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. J. L.
Mitchell, aged 65 years, who died Tuesday, were held
Wednesday afternoon from the First Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, six sons, Ernest, Ordway,
Hicks and Mitchell, all of Frost; Earl Mitchell of
Corsicana, and Floyd Mitchell of Dallas; three
daughters, Miss Bertha Mitchell, and Mrs. E. E. Omberg,
both of Frost and Mrs. Beryl Scott of California, and
seven grandchildren.
Epitasio Hernandez
Aug 20, 1916 - Jun 9, 1937
Epitasio Hernandez, aged 20 years, died at the family home
near the Corsicana Country Club Wednesday morning at 10:30
o'clock after a month's illness.
Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10:30
o'clock with burial in the
cemetery several miles north of Corsicana.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Frances Hernandez, Corsicana,
four brothers and a sister.
Corley Funeral Home will direct the rites.
James Robert Bristow
Sep 23, 1858 - Dec 6, 1939
Funeral services for James R. Bristow, aged 82 years, who died
Wednesday noon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. E. Smith,
one mile south of Corsicana, were held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Smith home. The rites were conducted by Rev. A.
A. Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Interment was in the
Cunningham cemetery.
Mr. Bristow had resided in Navarro county for 40 years.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Smith, Corsicana; Mrs. H. L.
Laffoon and Mrs. Etta Miller, both of Malvern, Ark.; four sons,
Daniel Bristow, Barlow, Ark.; Sim Bristow, Fort Worth; Harvey
Bristow, Borger, and Robert Bristow, San Francisco, Calif.; a
brother, George Bristow, Palestine; a sister, Mrs. Fannie
Rainey, Fort Worth; 18 grandchildren and six
Pallbearers were Joe Seale, Roy Butler, Jack Megarity, Frank
McCuiston, Elzie Hightower and Walter Beeman.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Warren Milton "Dock"
Jun 19, 1884 - Jul 13, 1938
W. M. Jackson, 504 North Twenty-Fifth street, died at the
Navarro Clinic Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock. The funeral rites
will be held from the chapel of the Sutherland � McCammon
Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Interment will be
in the Grape Creek
cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. Roy A.
Langston, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Surviving are four brothers, J. L. Jackson, Corsicana; N. S.
Jackson, Angus; S. L. Jackson, Kilgore, and R. O. Jackson,
Kansas; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Adams and Mrs. Charles Adams, both
of South Carolina, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be J. T. Caffey, F. P. Caffey, J. S. Doolin,
Walter Stewart, N. J. Middlebrooks and L. P. Tilton.
Oletha Tillie (Melton)

Dec 17, 1896 - Oct 6, 1962
Mrs. Pillans Services Held
Mrs. Oletha Pillans, 65, of Winkler, died Saturday in Memorial
Hospital. She was a native of Milam county but had resided at
Winkler 60 years.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the New Hope
Baptist church with burial in the
St. Elmo cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. A. C. Corley and Rev. Lee
Surviving are six sons, W. D. and J. M. Pillans, both of
Streetman; L. J. Pillans, Dalhart; B. J. Pillans, Corsicana; R.
P. and W. A. Pillans, both of Winkler; four daughters, Mrs. C.
C. Young, Dallas; Mrs. H. E. Crumbley, Corsicana; Mrs. Homer
Fullerton, Jr., Streetman; and Mrs. J. S. Satagaj, Eatontown, N.
J.; 21 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; mother, Mrs.
Martha Melton, Abilene; five brothers, E. H. Melton, Munday;
Wollard Melton, Lovington, N. M.; Wilburn Melton, Hamlin; Willie
Melton, Lubbock, and S. L. Melton, California; three sisters,
Mrs. Jim Wolfe, Haskell; Mrs. Flora Larkins, Abilene, and Mrs.
Homer Phillips, Rising Star, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. B. Massey, Harold Massey, R. J. Ferguson,
Preston Bonner, Billy M. Baker and Glen Gullett.
Corley directed.
Fannie Rebecca (Walker)
Dec 5, 1905 - Feb 18, 1939
FAIRFIELD, Feb. 27.�(Spl.)�Mrs. T. P. Anders, aged 30, died
Saturday at her home in the St. Elmo community. Burial was at
St. Elmo Sunday.
Deceased is survived by her husband and three children and a
sister, Miss Beryla Walker, recently appointed assistant in the
county superintendent's office here.
Zachary Taylor Womack

Apr 10, 1855 - Feb 20, 1939
STREETMAN, Feb. 21,--(Spl.)�Funeral services for Z. T. Womack,
83, longtime resident of this community, were held Tuesday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the First Baptist church with
interment in St. Elmo
The deceased had made his home a portion of the time during the
past twelve years in Fort Worth where he was an active member of
the First Baptist church. He died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. H. D. Gilbert in Streetman about 10 a.m. Monday.
Surviving are six children: Mrs. Dave Clark, of Winkler, Mrs.
Gilbert, Mrs. Fred Marberry of Fort Worth; Mrs. T. H. Weldon of
Cleburne; and C. M. Womack of Kansas City, Mo.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb. 21, 1939
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st wife Ida (Manning)
Womack married Dec. 22, 1886 2nd wife Mary Lee �Mollie'
(Manning) Womack married Dec. 23, 1891
Thomas Jefferson �TJ�
Jul 15, 1861 - Feb 18, 1939
Funeral services for T. J. Colvin, aged 77 years, native of
Anderson county, who died at the home of his nephew, R. E.
Colvin, three miles north of Kerens, Saturday morning, were held
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Bazette church. The
rites were conducted by Rev. M. O. Cheek, pastor of the Kerens
Baptist church.
Interment was in the
Bazette cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Wesley Colvin, Kansas City; a daughter,
Mrs. Rhoda Welch, Atlanta, Ga., and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Calvin Furman Patterson
Mar 18, 1909 - Dec 14, 1976
C. F. Patterson
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Bazette Baptist Church
for Calvin Furman Patterson, 68, native of Navarro County and
resident of Robert Lee, who died in San Angelo Tuesday morning.
Burial will follow at
Bazette Baptist Cemetery.
Survivors include his widow, two sons, Charles Owen Patterson of
San Antonio and Larry Erwin Patterson of Corpus Christi; four
grandchildren, three sisters, and a number of nieces and
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Dec. 16, 1976
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Beatrice (Colvin)
Patterson Married Dec. 23, 1933; s/o David Leslie �Dave�
Patterson buried in Oakwood cemetery & Mazie Lee (Davis)
Patterson-Aken buried in Prairie Point cemetery
Othel Berry McCullough
Jun 10, 1911 - Oct 1, 1939
Othel Berry McCullough, aged 28 years, former Corsicanan, died
in Dallas Sunday night after an extended illness. Funeral rites
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of
the Sutherland � McCammon Funeral Home with interment in the
Bazette cemetery.
McCullough formerly was in the
U. S. Navy.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mollie Lonon McCullough,
Corsicana; two brothers, Audry McCullough, Onley, Texas and
Buford McCullough, Houston; and two sisters, Mrs. R. L.
McGlasson and Mrs. E. J. Jackson, both of Corsicana.
B&D Oct 5, 1939
Rites For Infant Son C. A. Robinson Campbell Cemetery
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Robinson, who died at the P. and S. Hospital, Thursday night,
were held at the
Campbell cemetery Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Surviving are his parents, a brother, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. S. Travis and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson.
Mollie E. (Burchfield)
Jan 5, 1862 - Sep 1, 1939
Mrs. Mollie E. Duke, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pason
Burchfield was born Jan. 5th 1862 at Mabin, Miss. She was at the
time of her death the sole survivor of a family of seven
brothers and sisters. She died at 2:30 p.m. Friday Sept. 1st
1939, at her home at 707 West Eleventh avenue, Corsicana.
She was married to Mr. Stephen Thomas Duke, Oct. 6, 1881. They
came to Texas in 1883, living near Groesbeck and near Dawson for
many years. Here Mr. Duke preceded her in death some 30 years
ago. To this union were born three sons and one daughter, all of
whom survive her. They are Messrs, Tiny Duke of Weslaco, Texas,
Elijah Duke of Robstown, Texas, Audie Duke of Altus, Okla., and
Mrs. Maude Soape of Corsicana. She is also survived by
thirty-one grandchildren, twenty-two great-grandchildren, and
many other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Duke became a member of the Methodist church some fifty
seven years ago and was a member of the Eleventh Avenue
Methodist church at the time of her death. She loved her church
and took an active part in all matters pertaining to the church
and its work. Above all, she was a devout Christian, studying
and striving daily to show herself approved unto all good works
and faithful always. She was a kind, sweet devoted mother, a
true loyal friend and neighbor, and she was loved and adored by
all who knew her well.
She lived, she loved.
She strived to do His will,
Purest thoughts and noble deeds
Her daily life did fulfill.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams of Ft. Worth
and Rev. R. A. Crosby, Kerens, at the McCammon Funeral Home at 3
o'clock Saturday afternoon with burial at the
Dawson cemetery by
the side of her departed husband.
A. F. Soape of Angus, R. H. Soape of Overton, Ellis Moore of
Ennis, Amos Hart, C. W. Taylor and Clay Griffith of Corsicana
were pallbearers.
Avis Sophronie �Fronie� (Meredith) Armentrout
Dec 10, 1872 - Oct 24, 1939
Bury Dawson Woman There on Wednesday
DAWSON, Oct. 27.�Funeral services for Mrs. Avis Sophronia
Meredith Armentrout, aged 67 years, who died Tuesday, were
held Wednesday afternoon with interment in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Medly; a son Roy
Armentrout; a brother, Tom Meredith and other relatives.
Tapley Green Allen
Aug 31, 1869 - May 2, 1939
T. G. Allen, about 70, prominent resident of Providence
community for many years, died in the Navarro Clinic at
an early hour Tuesday morning. The funeral services will
be held from the Providence church Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock with interment in the
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. T.
Miller, pastor of the First Baptist church.
Mr. Allen had resided in the Providence community for
the past 40 years. He had been a member of the Navarro
County Democratic Executive committee for many years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bobbie Allen, Providence;
three daughters, Mrs. E. C. Ferguson, Dallas; Miss Annie
Mae Allen, teacher in the Dallas schools, and Mrs. H. H.
Syffert, Racine, La.; two sons, L. R. Allen, Dallas, and
Charles Allen of Near Navasota; a step-son, Blake Norred,
Dallas; a step-daughter, Mrs. C. F. Allen, Corpus
Christi and a number of grandchildren.
L. B. Bonner & Company of Eureka is in charge of funeral
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., May 2, 1939
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Hattie
Beulah (Dearmore) Allen 2nd wife Bobbie Angelina
Penelopia (Lawhon) Norred-Allen-Niendam buried in
Kerens cemetery, Kerens, Tx; s/o George Washington
Allen & Susan A. (Sheets) Allen
Funeral services for T. G. Allen, aged 70 years, of
the Providence community, who died at the Navarro
Clinic early Tuesday morning, were held Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock form the Providence church.
Interment was made in the
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. T.
Miller, pastor of the First Baptist church here.
Mr. Allen had resided in the vicinity for the past
40 years. He was a member of the Navarro County
Democratic Executive Committee for many years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bobbie Allen,
Providence; three daughters, Mrs. E. C. Ferguson,
Dallas; Miss Annie Mae Allen, teacher in the Dallas
schools, and Mrs. H. H. Syffert, Racine, La.; two
sons, L. R. Allen, Dallas, and Charles Allen of Near
Navasota; a step-son, Blake Norred, Dallas; a
step-daughter, Mrs. C. F. Allen, Corpus Christi and
a number of grandchildren.
L. B. Bonner & Company of Eureka directed the
funeral arrangements.
Foster Wesley Bradshaw
Jun 2, 1848 - Oct 31, 1939
DALLAS, Nov. 1.�John Foster Wesley Bradshaw,
aged 91 years, inventor of a cotton chopping
machine, an airplane and cotton gin
improvements, died Tuesday at his home, 5011
Phillip, 12 days following the death of his
A native of Tennessee, he came to Texas when 24
years of age.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock with interment in the
Hopewell cemetery.
Surviving are four sons, J. E. Bradshaw, Navarro
county; Clyde Bradshaw, Cedar Hill; Fred
Bradshaw, Dallas and Emmett Bradshaw, Oklahoma
City; a daughter, Mrs. Margie Hendricks, Dallas;
11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Nov 1, 1939
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o
Johnnie Frances (Knowles) Bradshaw s/o Joseph
Bradshaw & Martha Lawrence (Airlor)
Bradshaw per death certificate (Inventor of
cotton chopping machine, an airplane and
cotton gin improvements)
Lucinda Alzina
"Lucy" (Etheredge) Summerall
Nov 24, 1898 - Dec 16, 1939
Funeral Services Mrs. Fred Summerall Were
Held Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Fred Summerall,
aged 41 years, who died at the P. and S.
Hospital Saturday morning, were held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Oak Grove
church with interment in the
Oak Grove cemetery. She was a native of
Navarro county. The rites were conducted by
Rev. Rivers Cartledge and Jack Goff.
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; two
brothers, Frank Etheridge, New London, and
Abb Etheridge, Gilmer; three sisters, Mrs.
Adron Early, Corsicana; Mrs. Percy Fletcher,
Corsicana and W. L. Dickard, Hanaford,
Pallbearers were Forest Huggins, Leon
Fletcher, Frank Etheridge, Jr., Grady
Summerall, Stanford Summerall, Kenneth
Roberts and Clyde Potters.
Corley Funeral Home directed the
Marvin William Bain
Apr 23, 1930 - Sep 7, 1937
Two deaths resulted in Corsicana late Tuesday an early
Wednesday morning following automobile accidents on Highways
75 and 31. These were the seventh and eighth fatalities
reported as the result of automobile accidents within
Navarro county during 1937, and the third and fourth of the
past week.
Marvin W. Bain, aged 7 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bain
of Dallas, died Tuesday afternoon at a local physician's
office following an automobile accident on Highway 75 about
two miles north of Corsicana earlier in the afternoon.
The youngster was in an automobile driven by his mother,
Deputy Sheriff Jack Floyd, who answered the call, reported,
when a truck driven by a man by the name of Johnson, in
attempting to pass the car, met another vehicle coming in a
southerly direction, and as he pulled back on the right side
of the road, the truck struck the car driven by Mrs. Bain.
The child was reported to have received a head injury.
The truck driver was brought to the office of Cleo G.
Miller, criminal district attorney, where he made a
statement with reference to the affair and was released.
Deputy Sheriff Floyd and State Liquor Operative William
Cooper answered the call.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at Cotton Gin, Freestone county, where interment was made.
Surviving are the parents and a sister, Dorothy Marie.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
George Washington
Sep 7, 1856 - Nov 21, 1936
Former Corsicana Resident Is Dead
G. W. Brillhart, former resident of Corsicana, died at
his home in San Antonio two weeks ago, according to
information received by Sterling Hornbeak from his
sister, Miss Lois Hornbeak, who is spending the winter
in San Antonio.
Mr. Brillhart was well known in Corsicana where he had
many friends.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Dec 14, 1936
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Ella
Susan (Polley) Brillhart buried in Oakwood cem.,
Austin, Tx. 2nd wife Mamie (Revis) Young-Brillhart
married Mar. 14, 1903 buried in Oakwood cem.,
Corsicana, Tx. s/o Jacob Brillhart and Sarah Ann (Hamme)
Brillhart buried in Lenhart Gerber Cemetery, Dover,
- Buried Mission
Burial Park South, San Antonio, Tx.
John Henry Sheets
Aug 18, 1880 - Nov 6, 1939
Funeral services for John H. Sheets, age 59 years,
who died at his home in Roane Monday night were held
from the Methodist church in Roane Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Burial was in the
Post Oak
Mr. Sheets had been a resident of Roane 23 years and
was engaged in the blacksmith business.
Surviving are his wife, Roane; and the following
children: Narben Sheets, Roane; Egbert Sheets,
Roane; Alton Sheets, Corsicana; Mrs. Melvin Gorman,
Montfort; Mrs. Finnis Fluker, Corsicana; a brother,
James Sheets, Grandview; six sisters, Mrs. Linnie
Brock, Mrs. Dan Tucker, Mrs. W. M. Bowden, Mrs. S.
E. Conner, Mrs. Dave DeBrock, Mrs. Annie Guynes,
nine grandchildren and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon directed the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Nov 7, 1939
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Annie Y
(Green) Sheets married Dec 6, 1903 s/o John
Franklin �Frank� Sheets & Elizabeth Ellen
(Reece) Sheets buried in Chatfield cemetery
William McDonald
Aug 11, 1873 - Jan 11, 1939
Funeral services for W. M. Griffith, aged 65 years,
Rice, Route 1, who died at the P. and S. Hospital
Tuesday following a lingering illness, will be held
from the Post Oak church Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock with burial in the
Post Oak
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Russell
Griffith, Shreveport, La.; Wesley Griffith, Rice,
and Morris Griffith, Norman, Okla.; three daughters,
Mrs. Willie Grimes, Rice; Mrs. Ralston, Bagwell and
Mrs. Jo Freeman, Emhouse and nine grandchildren.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is directing
Funeral services for W. M. Griffith, aged 65 years,
Rice, Route 1, who died Tuesday following an
extended illness, were held Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Post Oak church with interment in
the Post
Oak cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Russell
Griffith, Shreveport, La., Wesley Griffith, Rice,
and Morris Griffith, Norman, Okla.; three daughters,
daughters, Mrs. Willie Grimes, Rice; Mrs. Johnnie
Ralston, Bagwell, and Mrs. Jo Freeman, Emhouse, and
nine grandchildren.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn,
pastor of the Second Baptist church.
Honorary pallbearers were Doyle Grimes, Jim Freeman,
Austin Griffith, Leonard Griffith, Clarence
Griffith, and Joe Lean Grimes.
Sutherland and McCammon Funeral Home directed the
Mary Ellen
(Temple) Griffith
May 31, 1877 - Jun 10, 1944
Mrs. W. M. Griffith resident of Corsicana for 35
years, died Sunday while visiting her sons in
Hayward, Calif. the body will be returned here for
interment and the funeral services will be held from
the Corley Chapel, but arrangements are not
complete. Burial will be in
Post Oak
Surviving are two sons, Wesley Griffith and Morris
Griffith, both of Hayward, Calif.; three daughters,
Mrs. B. G. Grimes, Corsicana; Mrs. A. M. Ralston,
Bagwell; Mrs. J. O. Freeman, Emhouse; two sisters,
Mrs. Veda Hart, Durant,Okla.; Miss Alice Temple,
Paris; a brother, John Temple, Kansas; 12
grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Jun. 13, 1944 -
submitted by Diane Richards
Rites Saturday For Mrs. W. M. Griffith; Died In
Funeral services for Mrs. W. M. Griffith which were
scheduled for Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, have
been changed to Saturday afternoon at 3:30 from the
Corley Chapel. Burial will be in Post Oak cemetery.
Mrs. Griffith died in Hayward, Calif., Sunday while
visiting her sons.
Surviving are two sons, three daughters, two
sisters, a brother, 12 grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Katherine (Wood)
Jul 11, 1929 - Jul 22, 2019
Curry, age 90, of Houston, Texas, passed away on July
22, 2019. She was born in Frost, Texas on July 11, 1929,
the daughter of James Taylor Wood and Ada (Melton) Wood.
She was raised in Hillsboro, Texas. Katherine and her
husband Olen joined Our Savior Lutheran in the early
1970's. She attended each Sunday and loved to sing along
with the choir. Katherine was a waitress at Barbecue Inn
for 42 years. She loved traveling with her family. Her
husband playfully called her �Go� because she was always
ready to go to the next travel destination. Anywhere
with a beach or water was a favorite place for her to
visit. The California and Oregon coast being one of her
favorite beaches. Despite her love to travel she was
always ready to get back to her home at the end of a
trip. A favorite hobby of hers was to read, as she would
do this each night before going to bed. She is survived
by her husband, Olen Audley Curry; and her son, Olen
Alan Curry. Preceding her in death are her parents, five
brothers, and one sister. Visitation will be on Monday,
July 29, 2019 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Funeral service
will begin at 11:00 am at Pat H. Foley & Company. Burial
will follow at Brookside Memorial Park. |