1918 |
Corsicana High School
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas |

Corsicana High Classmates Index
|| 1918
Corsican Yearbook
If you have information on what ever happened
to any of the CHS
Classmates of 1918, we would love to hear from you.
Contact Edward L.
Name When Attending CHS |
What Ever Happened to ..... |
Ruth Ashmore
Athletic Association, '15, '16. Glee Club, '17,
'18. War Savings Society, '18.
The practical member of the
class, who believes in letting everyone run his own affairs.
She is always ready to do her part and that part is always done
well. |
Janie Babb
Latin Club, '15. Home Economics Club, '15, '16.
Secretary Senior Class, '18. Athletic Association, '18.
F.A.T.A. Club, '18.
A very pleasant person to have
around, and is what we call "good company." The imp of
mischief seems to have made his home in those eyes of hers. |
Janie was born on Feb 6, 1901. She married William Buckner
Kenner on Sept 8, 1920. She died on June 4, 1988 and is buried
in the Oakwood
Cemetery in Corsicana, TX. ...elw |
Fletcher Ballew
Football, '17. Baseball, '18. High School
Club, '16, '17, '18. Athletic Association, '14, '15, '16, '17,
"Jelly" is always full of fun
and into everything coming or going. He is noted for his
portly and graceful carriage. Reading is his chief diversion. |
Jennie Lee Beal
Latin Club, '15. Home Economics Club, '15, '16.
A.Y.L.I., '16, '17, '18. Secretary A.Y.L.I., '18.
Treasurer of Senior Class, '17. Athletic Association, '15,
'16, '17. F.A.T.A. Club, '18. Tennis Club, '16, '17.
Has great reserve, but when
you once break through, you find a real friend. Her quiet ways
and good nature assure her of success. |
Afton Burke
President of Senior Class, '17, '18. Science
Club, '17. Vice-President High School Club, '16.
Secretary High School Club, '17. High School Club, '16, '17,
'18. Basket ball, '16.
Afton is liked by all not
because he is an athlete and a scholar, but because he is a man and
a friend. |
Appears to be the same as Afton A. Burke, b. Oct 8, 1912; d.
Jun 1, 1994 in Live Oak County, TX |
Robert Cooksey
High School Orchestra, '15, '16, '17, '18.
Debating Club, '15, '16, '17, '18. Assistant Secretary, '16.
President B.D.D.C., '17. Football, '15, '16, '17. Track,
'15, '16, '17, '18. Secretary Freshman Class, '15. High
School Club, '16, '17. Reporter H.S.C., '18. Science
Club, '17. Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17, '18.
Senior Yell Leader, '18.
Brick is all right until you get him talking - then he goes too fast
for the average person to follow. His pink complexion condemns
him to the admiration of the girls. He works sometimes - when
he has to ! |
Robert Cooksey; b. Mar 27, 1899; d. Jul
9, 1974 in Navarro County, TX |
Winnie Davis Daniel
A.Y.L.I., '16, '17. Latin Club, '16.
Basketball, '17, '18. War Savings Society, '18.
She always has a smile for
everybody - especially some people. She is a loyal supporter
of C.H.S. and all its activities. |
Oscar Leonard Dockum
Vice-President Science Club, '16. Secretary
High School Club, '16. Secretary Orchestra, '16, '17, '18.
President Junior Class, '17. Teller of Savings Bank '18.
Assistant Manager, THE CORSICAN, '18. Basketball, '18.
Oscar Leonard likes to play
tennis, and it is very easy to understand why. He has business
ability, and wee feel sure he will succeed in whatever he
undertakes. |
Oscar Leonard was born on Oct 6, 1900. He Died on May 22,
1995 in El Paso County, Texas |
Leona Ficklin
Senior Class Play, '18. Latin Club, '18.
Senior War Savings Society, '18.
Leona is a very energetic
little being who is overflowing with enthusiasm and fun. She
is very fond of Home Economics and we wonder why. |
Elizabeth Goodman
Senior Class Will, '18. Junior Editor of THE
CORSICAN, '17. Vice-President, Senior Class, '18.
Secretary-Treasurer of Junior Class, '17. F.A.T.A., '18.
Tennis Club, '16, '17, '18. Athletic Association, '14, '15,
'16, '17, '18. Latin Club, '16. Home Economics Club,
'17. W.S.S., '18. Basketball, '17, '18.
Elizabeth is considered to be
very quiet and unassuming, but, you see, she doesn't have to be
otherwise to be attractive. |
Elvira Guynes
Treasurer of Senior Class, '18. F.A.T.A. Club,
'17, '18. Athletic Association, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18.
Tennis Club, '16, '18. A.Y.L.I. '15, '16, '17, '18. Home
Economics Club, '17.
Good nature is her strong
point; smiling her chief occupation. |
John Rice Guynes
Baseball, '16, '17. Captain Baseball, '18.
Basketball, '15, '16, '17. Manager Basketball, '16.
Football, '17. Student Faculty Council, '17.
Vice-President High School Club, '17, '18. Athletic
Association, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18.
One of our best football and
baseball players. If we desire to preach a sermon about him,
we would take our text from the Book of Ruth. |
John Rice Guynes was born June 26, 1900. He died on June
23, 1976 in Dallas County, TX |
Mary Haden
Latin Club, '17, '18. A.Y.L.I., '17, '18.
Athletic Association, '17, '18. W.S.S., '18.
Mary came to us this year from
Blooming Grove. Talking is her hobby, and she has a delightful
little giggle that almost gives her away. |
Appears to be the same as Mary Machir Haden, daughter of Charles
Anthony Haden & Mary Catherine "Kate" Smith. Born Jan 29, 1900 and died
May 12, 1982, buried at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Navarro Co., TX. |
Camille Hardison
Athletic Association, '14, '15. Vice-President,
A.Y.L.I., '17. Treasurer, A.Y.L.I., '17.
Very reserved, but when called
upon to speak, Camille says something worth while. Her ready
mind has won her many friends in C.H.S. |
Camille Hardison, Miss
Dec 9, 1900 - Nov 19, 1996
Oakwood Cemetery. Corsicana,
Lillie Inman
A.Y.L.I., '16. Latin Club, '15, '16, '18.
Athletic Association, '15, '16. Glee Club, '17, '18. War
Savings Society, '18.
She takes things as they come,
and is stirred only by the regular monthly tests. |
Wm. Harry Jack
President High School Club, '17. President
Latin Club, '16. President Bryan Debating Club, '17.
Assistant Secretary B.D.D.C., '14. Secretary B.D.D.C., '15.
Treasurer B.D.D.C., '16. Assistant Treasurer High School Club,
'16. Basket Ball, '17, '18. Student Faculty Council,
'17. Senior Declaimer, '18. Senior War Savings Society,
'18. Business Manager THE CORSICAN '18.
The orator of the class.
He always does what he undertakes and does it well. A born
optimist, his outlook on life is the result of cheerfulness and good
humor. |
William Harry Jack, Jr. was born on Dec 13, 1899. He died on Oct
9, 1984 in Dallas County, TX. Son of
William Harry Jack,
Sr. |
Cedric Jeffers
Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17, '18. High
School Club, '16, '17, '18. President War Savings Society.
Cedric is a likable sort of
fellow and a favorite with all sorts of folks. He is rather
conservative and modest, and seldom speaks. |
Appears to be the same as Cedric McClellan Jeffers who died June
1, 1964. |
Eugene Johnston
Football Manager, '17. Vice-President Junior
Class, '16. Treasurer Athletic Association, '17, '18.
Treasurer High School Club, '17, '18. High School Club, '16,
'17, '18. Latin Club, '17, '18. Senior War Savings
Society, '18. Athletic Editor THE CORSICAN, '18.
Gene, otherwise known as
"Runt," is one of the most popular boys in school. He is never
seen without Doc. His favorite expression is, "Got back at
you, didn't she?" |
Norma Jones
Athletic Association, '15. Home Economics Club,
'15, '17. Senior War Savings Society, '18.
An open-hearted girl, and as
good as she is open-hearted. She never lets her classmates
suffer if it is in her power to assist them. |
Philip Kelton
Football, '16, '17. Baseball, '18.
Student Faculty Council, '18. Athletic Association, '16, '17,
'18. Bryan Debating Club, '17, '18. Latin Club, '18.
Teller High School Savings Bank, '17, '18. High School Club,
'16, '17, '18. Assistant Treasurer High School Club, '17, '18.
Senior Yell Leader, '17. General Secretary of C.H.S.W.S.S.,
'18. Senior Class Editor
Phil is very popular in school. He has some determination and
will-power, also temper. According to a certain Sophomore he
has a very loving disposition. |
Appears to be the same as Philip Llewellyn Kelton, son of Leslie
Eugene Kelton, Sr. M.D. & Emma (Gray) Kelton. He was born July 30, 1901 in
Corsicana, Navarro County, TX and Died Jan 24, 1994 in Dallas County, TX.
Married to Harriet "Dolly: Downes on Oct 5, 1940. Known Children; Philip
Llewellyn Kelton, Jr. and David Downes Kelton. |
Alice May Kerr
Athletic Association, '17. Latin Club, '16,
'17, '18. A.Y.L.I., '15, '16, '17, '18. President
A.Y.L.I., '16. Reporter A.Y.L.I., '17. Secretary Latin
Club, '16. Sophomore Editor THE CORSICAN, '16.
Tennis Club, '15. Assistant Editor, THE CORSICAN, '17.
Senior W.S.S., '18. Editor-in-Chief THE CORSICAN, '18.
Alice May has great business
ability, and is a leader among both boys and girls. Her strong
mind, and big sincere heart will win for her a place in teh
affections of all she meets. |
Mabel Malone
Latin Club, '15, '16, '17, '18. Vice-President
Latin Club, '17. A.Y.L.I., '16, '17, '18.
Vice-President, A.Y.L.I., '18. Secretary of Senior Class, '17.
A very pleasant person to have
around. She will live in our hearts as long as we remember our
classmates. |
Josephine McDonald
A.Y.L.I., '15, '16. Old Maid's Club, '15, '16.
Glee Club, '17, '18. Girls' Gardening Club, '18.
Josie says but little, not
because she has nothing to say, but because she has no time to say
it. |
Robert Stratton Neblett |
May 2, 1901 - May 10, 1965
Oakwood cemetery |
Elizabeth Oldham
Secretary and Treasurer A.Y.L.I., '17.
Secretary-Treasurer Tennis Club, '18. Secretary-Treasurer
F.A.T.A. Club, '17, '18. Treasurer Latin Club, '16.
Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17, '18. Home Economics Club,
'16. W.S.S., '18.
When you hear a happy laugh or
the song. "I'm in Love with a Minister's son," you may watch
for Eliza. |
Maurine Patterson
Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17, '18.
A.Y.L.I., '17, '18. Basketball, '15, '16, '18. W.S.S.,
Her greatest ambition is to be
a famous artist, and paint a world's masterpiece. |
Margaret Patton
Basketball, '16, '17, '18. Latin Club, '16,
'17, '18. Vice-President Latin Club, '17, '18. A.Y.L.I.,
'16, '17. Vice-President Glee Club, '18.
Because of her quiet,
unassuming manner, Margaret might well be compared to Wordsworth's
"A Violet by a Mossy Stone," and like the violet, she is a delight
to her friends. |
Grady Pogue
Vice-President, Senior Class, '18. High School
Club, '15, '16, '17, '18. Chairman of Program Committee, High
School Club, '18. Latin Club, '17.
Grady takes life as a serious proposition. His ambition is to
go to Annapolis Training Station, and he has already taken the
examinations for entrance. |
Undine Purifoy
Latin Club, '15, '16, '17, '18. Athletic
Association, '15, '16, '17, '18. Glee Club, '17, '18.
Member of Executive Committee of Senior Class, '18.
Undine has a fondness for
arguing with the teachers. She has a thoughtful and serious
mien, and will be winning degrees not many years hence. |
Maude Sutton
President of Senior Class '18. Secretary
Athletic Association, '17, '18. Reporter F.A.T.A. Club, '18.
Student Faculty Council, '18. Captain Senior Girls Basket Ball
Team, '18. Vice-President Home Economics Club, '17.
Vice-President C.H.S. Orchestra, '17.
Maude, although "a little
thing," is very much liked by all who knows her. Popular and
of good executive ability. |
Ruth Upchurch
Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17, '18.
Tennis Club, '15. A.Y.L.I., '17, '18. Latin Club, '16,
'17, '18. Scriba, '17. Basketball, '18. Senior War
Savings Society, '18.
"Rufus" has a very happy
disposition, and seldom gets angry. She likes good times and
candy; also "C" sweaters. |
Wesley Walton
High School Club, '17, '18.
Science Club, '16, '17. Class Play, '18. Senior War
Savings Society, '18.
A study in quiet. We have nothing but admiration for Wesley -
studious, capable, square. |
May be the same as Wesley Alfred Walton who died Jan 18, 1964 in
Grayson County, TX |
Mary Witherspoon
Latin Club, '15, '16. Home Economics Club, '15,
'16. A.Y.L.I., '16, '17, '18. Secretary A.Y.L.I., '17.
Athletic Association, '17.
A true friend and a good
companion. She has a cheerful disposition, a sincere heart,
and has never yet known the meaning of "worry." |
May be the same as Mary Louisa Witherspoon, b. Oct 24, 1901.
Never Married |
Hugh Wood
Baseball '17, '18. Basketball '17. High
School Club, '17, '18. Athletic Association, '15, '16, '17,
'18. Manager of Athletics. Senior Class, '17, '18.
From the way Hugh devours
Chemistry and Physics, we believe he will make a great scientist.
He literally eats up sulphur and other strong chemicals, and is
interested in the girls on the site. |
Hugh Ruben Wood Sr., Son of Charles Sterling Wood & Ruby Burnice
(Goodwin). He was born Sep 5, 1900. He attended Texas University and Lamar
Collage. He enlisted as private in World War I on Oct 8, 1918 and received an
honorable discharge on December 6, 1918. Married Nellie Ada Stokes in 1923 (1903
- 1925 bur Oakwood Cemetery); Married Bernice Walker in 1926; and married
Barbara Carolyn Blanchette on Aug 8, 1947. Hugh died Sep 11, 1983 in Beaumont,
Jefferson Co., TX. |
Baldwin Woods
Vice-President Sophomore Class, '15.
Vice-President Latin Club, '15, '16. Athletic Association,
'15, '16. Vice-President A.Y.L.I., '15. President
A.Y.L.I., '17. President Latin Club, '18. Student
Faculty Council, '16, '17. W.S.S., '18.
Baldwin is studious without
being a bore. The more you know of her, the better you like
her. |
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams