F - L |
Civil War Pensions Navarro County, Texas | 
Civil War Index
A - E|| F - L || M
- Q || R - Z
Name |
Pension # |
Notes |
Remarks |
Sarah Jane |
Rejected |
Husband: Joseph Calvin |
Fanning, Furman Wheeler |
Widows Application for Pension |
Bur Oakwood Cemetery
1844 - 1892 |
Faulk, John |
36220 |
Wife Parthenia received
pension #46484 |
Post Oak Cemetery
Apr 3, 1842 - Mar 3, 1922Born in Alabama, served in Co D, 17 Texas Cav. and Co. , 17 Texas consolidated.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell
Faulk, Parthenia |
46484 |
Husband: John Faulk
received pension #36220 |
Fields, Martha Ann |
Rejected |
Husband: David Fletcher |
Fields, Nancy Angeline |
34363 |
Husband: John Calvin |
John Calvin Fields
- served in Capt. Wagner's Company of Col. Randal's Texas Infantry
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Finley, Oas F. |
27748 |
Prairie Point
b. ? - Nov 27, 1935 |
Fitzgerald, Mary
Elizabeth (Mrs) |
50814 |
Husband: Jesse Thomas
Schuyler Fitzgerald
Biography |
Bur. White Church Cemetery
Company A., 11th Missouri Regiment from 1862 to close of war
[ggggrandmother of Dana Subbs, a major contributor to this
page] |
Flannigan, William R. |
5238 |
Co F, 9 Texas Inf
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Fleetwood, Hatton K. |
25075 |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
1839 - 1915 |
Fleming, C. A. (Mrs) |
19999 |
Husband: James Jefferson |
Flenniken, Elias |
42990 |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
Nov 12, 1844 - Nov 14, 1927 |
Flint, Norris Martin
(Mrs) |
31706 |
Husband: Norris Martin |
Capt. Dickson's Co
D, Col. Moreland's Regt., Col. Roddy's Bde of Cav.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Floyd, Josephine H. |
27776 |
Husband: John Tucker |
Long Prairie Cemetery
Jan 27, 1844 - Aug 25, 1898
Co A, 17th Va Inf; Promoted to Col. of his regiment. Was captured at Gettysburg |
Flynn, Elizabeth Dozier |
41661 |
Husband: Dozier, Dennis |
Followwell, Gabriel F. |
36083 |
Oakwood Cemetery
Nov 22, 1842 - Nov 20, 1930
Company C., Texas Infantry C.S.A.He states on his pension application "I was
transferred to the cav. for protection of the frontier."
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell
Fort, Lou C. (Mrs) |
22536 |
Husband: George Whitehead |
Foster, Annie |
37692 |
Husband: William
Jefferson |
William served Co H, 48 Tennessee |
Foster, Manerva A. |
3113 |
Husband: William |
Wife of William
Foster who died on Jan 19, 1895. He served in Co F, Morgan's Texas Cavalry (He is not
listed in Spencer's book but she states he served in this regt.)
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Foster, Thomas J. |
10439 |
Co A, Waul's Legion |
Franklin, M. E. S. (Mrs) |
10169 |
Husband: R. G.
Pension #3112 |
Franklin, R. G. |
3112 |
Husband of Mrs. M. E. S.
Franklin who received pension #10169 |
Co B, Waul's
Legian. Wife Mrs. M. E. S. Franklin
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researced by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Frazier, Sarah M. |
46951 |
Husband: James Mann |
Post Oak Cemetery
Mar 13, 1844 - Jun 22, 1916 |
Freeman, Altha Annie |
41360 |
Husband: Edward David
Pension #28413 |
Freeman, Carrie |
13883 |
Husband: Benjamin
Franklin |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
Born ? - Dec 23, 1883 |
Freeman, E. C. (Mrs) |
Rejected |
Husband: Asa Grissom |
Freeman, Edward David |
41360 |
Wife Altha Annie Freeman
received pension #41360 |
Dresden Cemetery
1844 - 1924
Company D. 41 Mississippi Infantry C.S.A. |
French, Fannie |
49542 |
Husband: Moses Wesley |
Moses & Wife are
bur at Brushie Prairie Cem. Moses served in the cavalry of the 9th Alabama with Captain
John McKinzie under Nathan Bedford Forest TX drew a pension from his service, from
May 1, 1931 until her death on November 8 1961,
[additional information from Peggy Loar 10/1998] |
French, Jane E. |
18207 |
Husband: James O. |
James bur.
12/3/1840 - 11/28/1903
Enlisted Aug 1861, under Capt. R. H. Matthews. Active mounted rifleman in Beat #5, 9th
Texas Brigade |
Frost, William
Asbury |
49629 |
William Asbury Frost, CSA Navarro County Pension # 49629 is
buried at Wortham city cemetery, Limestone County, Texas. Enlisted Aug.
1863 served 'til end of war in Co F, 5 LA Cav, under Capt. G.
A. Gordon.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV, Dana Stubbs Aug 2002
Fry, Amanda |
47116 |
Husband: Willis Petree |
Fryer, Nannie E. |
33571 |
Husband: John Thomas |
John Dec. 8, 1914 in Dallas CO. He served in Co B, 1 NC Heavy Art'y
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Fuller, Turner R. |
22218 |
Fullerton, Sue |
47065 |
Husband: Henry |
Dawson Cemetery
7/30/1841 - 5/26/1887 |
Fulton, Ephriam W. |
6884 |
Wife: Ida L. received
Pension #33672 |
Dresden Cemetery
7/27/1845 - 12/24/1912Co C,
Terrell's Texas Cav. He was wounded during the war. |
Fulton, Ida L. |
33672 |
Husband: Ephriam W.
Pension #6884 |
Adalaide |
34853 |
Husband: William Ayers
Pension #22383 |
Gaines, Andrew Jackson |
9736 |
New Chatfield
11/25/1839 - 4/6/1924
Co B, 22 GA Inf
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Galloway, John Miller |
34073 |
Wife, Sallie Agnes,
Pension #34255 |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
1847 - 1917
Co G, Orr's Rifles, SC Volunteers; Surrendered with Lee, Died in
Corsicana, TX
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Galloway, Sallie Agnes |
34255 |
Husband: John Miller
Pension #34073 |
Gardner, Demaris |
16172 |
Husband: William H. |
Gardner, Walter H. |
6502 |
Wife: Demaris received
pension #16172 |
Bur. Dawson Cemetery
4/10/1845 - 2/25/1904
Enlisted Freestone County Texas |
Gatlin, Mary V. |
23167 |
Husband: Hilliard
Churchill |
Bur. New Chatfield
8/8/1838 - 9/22/1908
Link to:
Mary Gatlin's Pension Application |
Gault, Bettie |
Rejected |
Husband: Samuel Bryson |
George, R. D., Sr. |
23929 |
Gillespie, Nancy L. |
29587 |
Husband: William Steel
Pension #08423 |
Gillespie, William Steel |
8423 |
Application is missing,
but other records indicate application was made
Served MS Inf. and he died 22 Aug 1914
Wife, Nancy L. Gillespie, received pension #29587
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
7/25/1823 - 8/22/1914
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Gilmore, James Jackson
(Mrs) |
37190 |
Husband: James Jackson
Pension #22680 |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
1/7/1845 - 1/12/1921
Daughters of the Confederacy Lot |
Gilmore, James Jackson |
22680 |
Widow received pension #37190 |
Bur. Oakwood Cemetery
1/7/1845 - 1/12/1921
Daughters of the Confederacy Lot |
Glasgow, Sarah |
50951 |
Husband: Robert Sanders
Pension #30093 |
Robert: Bur.
Prairie Point Cemetery
1812 - 1832
Pvt. 7 Miss Cav. C.S.A
Glover, Elizabeth |
26220 |
Husband Col. Thomas
Coke Glover served in Co A,21 GA Inf. He died during the III Battle of
Windchester. She
became the mother of Confederate Reunions. She is buried at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Marker] |
Godley, J. T. |
8036 |
Co B, 2 LA, was
wounded in foot at Wilderness. Bur.
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana
3/28/1843 - 1/29/1920
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Goodman, Alice M. |
46675 |
Husband: Ethelbert Miles |
Goodwin, C. W. |
21295 |
Gorden, W. J., Sr. |
8419 |
Application is missing,
but other records indicate application was made |
Gowan, Louisa |
33206 |
Husband: Ebb |
Ebb served Co G, 3
MS Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Gowan, Louise E. |
43155 |
Husband: James Alexander |
Grady, Nancy |
30809 |
Husband: Reuben Jasper
Pension #11952 |
Her pension states he
served as Pvt. in CSA Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Grant, Mary G. |
42106 |
Husband: William Fletcher |
Grantham, Caroline |
5077 |
Husband: Edward |
Edward served Co D, 46
MS Inf., died 9 Sep 1890
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Gray, Susan L. |
45693 |
Husband: John
Pension #18377 |
Green, Amanda |
18208 |
Husband: Westley |
Greenlee, Elizabeth C. |
46905 |
Husband: Robert E. |
Eureka Cemetery
Co A, 36 AL Inf under Col. Smith Young
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Gresham, Young James |
3114 |
Co E, 13 Texas Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Grice, Agnes Drusilla |
39053 |
Husband: Jesse Benton |
Griffin, Fannie S. |
20017 |
Husband: William Chilton |
Gunn, J. M. |
25873 |
Jonas Judge |
39453 |
Hail, Margaret J. |
19172 |
Husband: Edley Ewing |
Hall, Annie M. |
43955 |
Husband: Dixon Bolling |
Hall, Aralza |
13642 |
Wife Nancy Ellen received
pension #30100 |
Oakwood Cemetery
1847 - 1914
Co D, 10 Texas Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hall, Julia A. |
11067 |
Husband: Joseph Cameron
Pension #: 6954 |
Joseph Cameron Hall
served Co B, AL Inf, died 15 Feb 1905
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hall, Nancy Ellen |
30100 |
Husband: Aralza
Pension #13642 |
Hammett, William Isiah |
50313 |
Oak Grove Cemetery
5/18/1850 - 11/21/1940 |
Hammond, Patrick J. |
24939 |
Hanson, H. C. |
22301 |
Campbell Cemetery
1847 - 3/29/1932
Company D, Dockery's Cavalry Brigade from Michigan in Union Army. Shot 4 times |
Hardin, Sarah |
49068 |
Husband: William Presley
(Lucian) |
Wards Cemetery
Navarro Co., TX |
Hardwick, J. H., Sr. |
Rejected |
Hargrove, Emma R. Calhoun
50858 |
Husband: Calhoun, Robert
Wiggans |
Harle, Ella |
20332 |
Husband: Robert Baldwin
Pension #18206 |
Harle, Robert Baldwin |
18206 |
Oakwood Cemetery
2/13/1838 - 3/18/1911 |
Harris, Samantha |
49532 |
Husband: William
Lafayette |
Harris, Sarah Jane |
46358 |
Husband: James Lou |
Hawkins, Claria A. |
13470 |
Husband: James O.
Pension #06609 |
Hayes, Mary Elizabeth |
28293 |
Husband: John Guinn |
John Guinn Hayes died 24
Apr 24, 1910, served Co C, 25 LA Inf
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hayes, W. Henry |
21556 |
"William Henry" |
David White Cemetery
Information from Larry Emerson 9/2001 |
Haynes, Caroline |
30325 |
Husband: Warren Ney |
Warren Ney Haynes, b. 7
April, 1833 in N.C. d. 5 Feb. 1905, Navarro County, TX. Enlisted 10 March 1862 in Anderson
county. Served 'till the close of the war in Company "H" of Hood's First Texas
under Captain W. H. Gaston and Colonel Wigfall then Colonel A. T. Rainey. His widow,
Caroline Hollingsworth Haynes, (sister of Nathan also of Hood's First Texas, daughter of
Barnett Glenn Hollingsworth) b. 6 May 1842 received a pension from March 1, 1915 'til her
death on 26 January, 1937 under pension file # 30325. W.
N. and Caroline Haynes are both buried in
Frost cemetery in Navarro county. [Information
from Peggy Loar 11/1998] |
Haynes, Louisa |
12561 |
Husband: Alfred P. |
Co C, 32 Texas Cav.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hellums, Sarah Elizabeth |
38869 |
Husband: William Hopwood
Pension #: 30850 |
Hellums, William Hopwood |
30850 |
New Pursley Cemetery
2/10/1848 - 10/5/1917Cob,
Col. Fualkner's MS Cav. wife Sarah Elizabeth Hellums 38869
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hemphill, Fannie |
40766 |
Husband: Oliver Wilborn |
Henderson, George W. |
41313 |
Co I, 4 Texas Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Henderson, M. A. (Mrs) |
32000 |
Husband: William Harvey
Pension #6394 |
William Harvey Henderson
served under Capt. Coggins
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Henderson, M. E. (Mrs) |
22537 |
Husband: Robert Alexander |
Herod, Virginia S. |
35503 |
Husband: Charles Wesley |
Charles Wesley Herod
served Co K, Parson's Regt Texas Cav. - on muster roll of A. F.Moss' Eutaw Blues 4 Texas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Herring, John W. |
10715 |
Dawson Cemetery
6/6/1845 - 2/2/1886
Co G, 28 Texas Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hervey, G. E. (Mrs) |
26798 |
Husband: Albert Galiten |
Old Chatfield
2/22/1828 - 5/13/1904
Capt. in Parson's Brigade, C.S.A. marker |
Hicks, Matilda A. |
35164 |
Husband: William R.
Pension #19765 |
Hicks, William R. |
19765 |
Wife, Matilda A. received
pension #35164 |
Cemetery UNKNOWN
1837 - 1918
Served in B. G. Martin's Regt. of Gano's Texas Bde. wife Matilda A. Hicks
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Higginbotham, William
Franklin |
31106 |
Co A, 7 AL, died 8 Mar
1899 in Anderson Co.Texas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
High, Ella Reid |
Rejected |
Husband: Robert Alford
Pension #35997 |
High, Mary Ella |
37641 |
Husband: Robert Alford
Pension #35997 |
High, Robert Alford |
35997 |
Wife Mary Ella Received
Pension #37641 |
Hightower, Allen G. |
11585 |
Co F, 3 Inf and Cav from
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hightower, Roll |
29499 |
Co A, Frost Gould's 17
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hightower, S. A. (Mrs) |
8424 |
Application is missing,
but other records indicate application was made |
Hill, Larkin |
28507 |
Dawson Cemetery
2/26/1839 - 2/23/1918
Enlisted in 1861 in Company K, 6th Alabama Regiment. Sent to Virginia. Served under
Stonewall Jackson. Was later at Harper's Ferry and Gettysburg |
Hilliard, James Ellafore
(Mrs) |
5079 |
Husband William Willis
Hilliard served Co E. 59 AL
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hilton, Rebecca Jane |
3115 |
Husband: Terrell |
Husband Terrell served
Co H, 25 SC Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hindman, Smith |
5234 |
Co F, 4 Texas Cav under
Capt. Cropan and Col. Sibley and Gen. Tom Green
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hodges, Joe |
25554 |
Hodges, Nancy Ila |
42611 |
Husband: Joe
Pension #25554 |
Hogg, John Bridges |
25487 |
Oakwood Cemetery
8/22/1844 - 1/19/1918
Company K, 9th Arkansas Infantry C.S.A. |
Hogg, Mary L. |
35060 |
Husband: John Bridges
Pension #25487 |
Holiman, S. L. (Mrs) |
13022 |
Husband: W. M. |
Husband W. M. Holiman
died 10 Sep 1887, served Co C, 30 MS Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Holland, J. M. |
10440 |
Co K, Ark Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hollaway, Sarah E. |
Rejected |
Application is missing,
but other records indicate application was made |
Holleman, J. J. |
22732 |
Hollingsworth, Effie |
47126 |
Husband: Samuel Strain |
Dresden Cemetery
3/29/1847 - 3/16/1926 |
Hollingsworth, Nathan |
6570 |
Co H, 1 Texas Inf, died
21 May 1927 Buried Frost
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Holloway, Sarah E. |
19171 |
Husband: William Randolph
Pension #5029 |
Hook, A. J. |
24994 |
Oakwood Cemetery
4/18/1847 - 9/22/1923 |
Hooper, John |
3116 |
Co I, 19 Texas Cav.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hooser, Parilee |
43251 |
Husband: William Cain |
Hopkins, Thomas J. |
26277 |
Horn, John H. |
16168 |
Grape Creek Cemetery
9/14/1846 - 10/26/1920 |
Horn, Martha J. |
30165 |
Husband: William Artemus
Pension #24008 |
Horn, William Artemus |
24008 |
Wife Martha J. Horn receoved pension #30165 |
Oakwood Cemetery
7/17/1847 - 12/20/1914
Rice's Co of Forrest's TN Cav. died 20 Dec
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Howard, Henry Andrews
(Mrs) |
41943 |
Husband: Henry Andrews |
Howard, Jerry H. |
9302 |
Co H, Randoll's 28 Texas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Howard, Lucinda |
21038 |
Husband: Jerry H.
Pension #9302 |
Howard, Mary N. |
12557 |
Husband: F. Marion |
F. Marion Howard served
Co A, Capt. Lusk's 1 TN Inf
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Howell, English Jesse |
9826 |
New Chatfield
3/31/1839 - 3/11/1913
C.S.A. marker on grave
Co E, 3 Ark
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hubbard, J. H. |
40521 |
Dawson Cemetery
3/28/1844 - DOD? |
Hubbard, R. A. (Mrs) |
41523 |
Husband: J. H.
Pension #40521 |
Huff, James Monroe |
16171 |
Oakwood Cemetery
7/13/1843 - 4/16/1935 |
Huffhines, T. M. |
5080 |
Co B, 3 KA Cav, wounded
in the left knee during war.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Humphreys, Tennessee |
33427 |
Husband: William James |
William James Humphreys
died 24 May 1907 served from MS
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hunt, Mary E. |
35276 |
Husband: Charles Edward |
Charles Edward is Bur.
Prairie Point Cemetery
[no dates given]
Charles served in Brown's Co of Parson's Texas Cav
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Hyer, R. W. |
11070 |
Frost Cemetery
1842 - April 2, 1924
Co K, 17 Texas Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Amanda |
3117 |
Husband: Charles W. |
Charles died 8 May 1882,
served in William Payne's Co of Col. Terrell's Texas Cav.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Ingram, Hattie M. |
51538 |
Husband: William Carroll
Pension #27451 |
Ingram, William Carroll |
27451 |
Wife Hattie M. Ingram
received pension #51538 |
Died 8 Jan 1934 in
Navarro County
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Iversom, H. A. (Mrs) |
29327 |
Husband: William |
Husband William served
under Capt. Babar, Col. Swanson's Regt. of Inf. He was killed at Orange Grove Courthouse
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Ivie, J. W. |
24266 |
Ivy, Hinton C. |
18199 |
Rose Hill Cemetery
6/30/1844 - 12/26/1921 |
Ivy, Mahaza R. A. |
16176 |
Husband: John W. Ivy
Denied on Mar 30, 1907 "Cancelled Remarried" |
John & Mahaza are buried at
Frost Cemetery |
Bartlett B. |
41791 |
Jackson, Christopher
Columbus |
29694 |
Prairie Point Cemetery
1841 - 7/29/1932
Col. Regt Hvy Tenn Vols Arty C.S.A.
Co L, 1 TN Heavy Art'y
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Jackson, Georgia |
45317 |
Husband: John
Pension #26232 |
Jayroe, Levi G. |
46688 |
Dresden Cemetery
3/15/1841 - 5/12/1931 |
Jeffers, Emily Jane |
47006 |
Husband: George
Washington |
George: Bur. Family
Cemetery, Montfort, TX
5/11/1846 - 1/26/1893 |
Jennings, Pemelia |
36425 |
Husband: Pulaski Lace
Pension #23576 |
Jennings, Pulaski Lace |
23576 |
Widow, Pemelia, received
Pension #36425 |
Bur. Baptist Cemetery near
Kerens, TX
6/8/1834 - 6/1/1900
Co. C, MS Inf. |
Johnson, Amanda J. |
27203 |
Husband: Alfred Henderson
(gid) |
Johnson, M. E. (Mrs) |
50397 |
Husband: Nimrod Price |
Johnson, M. V. (Mrs) |
50231 |
Husband: Isaac |
Johnston, Frank M. |
9893 |
Co. G. Tenn Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Johnston, Frank M. |
Rejected |
Johnston, Willie A. (Mrs) |
5083 |
Husband: J. H., Dr. |
Husband J. H. served in
Co E, Gould's Battalion
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Jones, Francis Marion |
3119 |
Wife: Susan (Edwards)
Jones |
Antioch Hardshell
Baptist Cemetery
5/27/1835 - 2/20/1918
Biography |
Jones, Jennie F. |
18210 |
Husband: Melville Roberts |
Melville Roberts Jones
died in 1887 in Cook Co. Texas, he served Co. C, 21 Texas Vols.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Jones, Thomas A. |
Rejected |
Jones, William Houston T.
"Mary Jane Jones" |
38699 |
Husband: William Houston
Pension #28737 |
She died 1939 (Her
Obituary) |
Jones, William Houston
Taylor |
28737 |
Widow Received #38699 |
Black Hills Cemetery
8/3/1845 - 2/2/1922Co B, 29 AL, Walthall's Bde; died in Navarro Co.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
Jordan, A. L. (Mrs) |
Rejected |
Husband: James Ida |
Jordan, F. L. (Mrs) |
Rejected |
Husband: John Wesley |
Jordan, Lovett F. |
38658 |
He states "I don't
know that my service to the Confederacy was at all times honorable."
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV |
L. B. (Mrs) |
27838 |
Husband: John Wesley
Keathley |
James W. is Bur.
7/29/1838 - 11/20/1906
8th Tenn Cavalry |
Kelley, J. W. |
23643 |
[or Kelly] |
Providence Cemetery,
east of Corsicana
4/12/1835 - 3/13/1934
Tennessee Regiment from 1861-1865 |
Kelley, Margaret A. |
5239 |
Husband: J. L. |
J. L. Kelley died Feb
1863, served Co. H, 41 TN Inf
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice Bell |
Kelly, Samuel Adams
Same as Abraham Sims Kelly ? |
6930 |
Black Hills
9/20/1847 - 11/21/1914 |
Kennan, Alexander |
13476 |
Kent, George H. |
46793 |
Kent, Mattie J. |
51828 |
Husband: John Jasper |
Providence Cemetery
9/25/1840 - 2/22/1917 |
Kerr, J. L. R. |
33234 |
Bur. Burial Place
not listed
12/19/1840 - 1/20/1924
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Kidd, Emma Caroline |
20345 |
Husband: James Welander
Pension #10716 |
Kidd, James Welander |
10716 |
Wife Emma Caroline Kidd
received pension #20345 |
Co K, 31st Arkansas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Killough, Martha Amelia |
39450 |
Husband: James Wallace |
Kilpatrick, W. T. |
08418 |
Application is missing,
but other records indicate application was made |
Kirby, S. I. (Mrs) |
42547 |
Husband: John S. |
Knighton, Elizabeth |
5081 |
Husband: A. J. |
A. J. served Co K, 49 GA
Inf, KIA at 2nd Manassas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researced by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Knotts, Artelia |
34114 |
Husband: Leonidas King |
Leonidas King Knotts was
KIA in TN, 1862 he served in Cav.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Knowles, Mattie A. |
6573 |
Husband: G. S.
also married to Matthew Woodson Leverett
on June 10, 1859, killed in the battle of Shiloh; Married G. L. Knowles in 1865 |
G.S. served under
T.M.Scott in Co B, 12 LA
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Obituary |
Kyser, Susannah |
3118 |
Husband: Malachi K. |
Malachi K. served Co D,
61 AL Inf. died Apr 1865 as a POW
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Laird, E.
E. |
42809 |
Lancaster, E. B. B. |
3121 |
Landingham, J. H. |
3122 |
Landrith, John Thomas |
25516 |
Frost Cemetery
1/26/1840 - 12/5/1914 |
Landrith, Roxie M. |
30280 |
Husband: John Thomas
Pension #25516 |
Langford, M. N. |
34777 |
Lassiter, Sarah A. |
16180 |
Husband: James M. |
Dresden Cemetery
5/30/1839 - 4/9/1909 |
Lauderdale, David L. |
23777 |
Lee, Rebecca |
13884 |
Husband: Jonathan |
Leetch, R. G. |
10438 |
Ward's Cemetery
6/11/1825 - 7/4/1909
Company A Bass' Texas Infantry
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Leighton, D. B. |
27622 |
Lemmon, Martha E. |
31816 |
Husband: Jackson |
Lewis, J. O. |
22495 |
Lewis, Margaret Jane |
21102 |
Husband: Benjamin
Franklin |
Locklar, Andrew Jackson |
9087 |
Wife, Sarah A. Locklar,
received pension #24786 |
Long Prairie Cemetery
11/2/1829 - 7/31/1910
Co. B 23 AL
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Locklar, Sarah A. |
24786 |
Husband: Andrew Jackson
Pension #9087 |
Logan, Jeretta |
7919 |
Husband: Leander |
Co F. CSA Inf.
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Lotspeich, Margaret K. |
46999 |
Husband: James |
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Love, John W. |
3120 |
Wife Pauline L Love,
received pension #10713 |
Love, Pauline L. |
10713 |
Husband: John W.
Pension #3120 |
Lowe, Artie |
Rejected |
Husband: Phillip Sublet |
Lowe, David Munroe |
Rejected |
Widow, M. C. Lowe,
Received Pension 14356 |
Jimmerson Cemetery
12/26/1844 - 12/7/1903
Arkansas-Pvt Co. A. 12 Regt Arkansas Infantry C.S.A |
Lowe, M. C. (Mrs) |
14356 |
Husband: David Munroe |
She died 6/6/1940 |
Lowery, N. E. (Mrs) |
25721 |
Husband: John Wiley |
Lowrimore, M. E. (Mrs) |
47319 |
Husband: James Harris |
He Bur.
Dawson Cemetery
1841 - 1911 |
Lummus, J. M. |
8426 |
I, 4th Texas
Died 5 Aug 1927 Madison
Co. Texas
Information submitted
by camp 359 SCV
Researched by Dana Stubbs and Alice
Bell |
Lynch, Julia A. |
43364 |
Husband: William David Lynch |
He Bur.
Dresden Cemetery
1/26/1837 - 4/15/1907 |
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams