Mary (White) Dennis
1855 - Jan 17, 1928
DENNIS. - Frost. Navarro Co., Texas. Jan. 19. - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Dennis, 73, who died Tuesday night, were held Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. Obie Nelson, pastor of the Baptist Church at Wortham, conducted the services. Mrs. Dennis is survived by one son and two brothers. Wesley and Henry White of this city. She had made her home with her brothers during the last few years.
Special to the Sun.
Frost, Texas, January 18.—Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Dennis, age
73, who died Tuesday night at 10 o’clock Rev. Obie Nelson, pastor of
the Baptist church at Wortham conducted the services.
Mrs. Dennis is survived by one son and two brothers, Wesley and
Henry White of this city. She has made her home with her brothers
during the last few years.
David Deutschner

May 13, 1832 - Jan 4, 1916
Deutschner - Corsicana, Texas. Jan. 5. David Deutschner, aged 84 years, died at the family home, 102 North Thirteenth street, at 8 o'clock last night. He was born in Kempen, Germany, May 13, 1832, and had lived in Corsicana for forty-three years. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Ray Simon of New Orleans, Mrs. Morris Goldstein of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Alvis Goodman of Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Malka Deutschner and Mrs. C. W. Redden of Corsicana, Mrs. M. I. Kory of New York and Harry Deutschner of Beaumont. The services will be conducted at Temple Beth-El tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rabbi David Greenberg, after which the Masons will take charge and conduct the services at the cemetery.
Our Friend and Neighbor.
David Deutschner has gone from us. Yes he was a pioneer citizen. He
was with us in the earlier days of our city. He has seen her grow,
and has added his prorata to her enterprises. And his words of cheer
and commendation were always given to help her progress.
Yes, he was every whit a gentleman in word, thought and deed—liberal
in heart and truth.
He served friend and for—he served as the good Samaritan—in the time
of need. Was ever willing to stoop and help the man who was down and
out, as far as was in his power; and pour in oil and wine to comfort
his heart.
The children, too, were his friends—Many little kindnesses and
courtesies were shown them in their little troubles. They all loved
They have all grown to be men since he first mingled among them. and
can look back to youthful days and recall the pleasures of his
sunshine and good humor. They often loved to play jokes on him to
draw him into their fun.
The sweet memories of his life still lingers with us—the hearty hand
shake and ever present smile spoke the inwardness of his soul.
He was my neighbor when a business man—We exchanged trade, often
talked and planned together. He made me believe in goodness and
think highly of human nature, and I thank God I ever knew him.
At his home he was a neighborly neighbor always lending a hand when
and wherever needed, and exchanging little friendly courtesies.
As he grew older his health began to fail and he withdrew from
business life—and in his declining years became an invalid, confined
to his room—he still retained those Christian graces—patience,
kindness, mercy and love.
His daughters, Miss Malka and Mrs. Kory were his constant and
devoted companions, caring for his every desire, nursing him as
tenderly as a mother would her babe.
He had been a devoted father, rearing his family of little children
alone without a mother, until they were all educated, married, and
settled in life.
The Lord says, “Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will
make thee ruler over many”—“Come up Higher.”
“I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day;
Still praying as I onward bound,
Lord plant my feet on higher ground.
“My heart has no desire to stay,
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where these abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
“I want to live above the world,
Though satan’s darts at me are hurled
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints, on higher ground.
“I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found
Lord lead me on to higher ground.
“Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on heaven’s table land;
A higher plane than I have found,
Lord plant my feet on higher ground.”
Passes Away After a Residence Here of Forty-Three Years.
David Deutschner, aged 84 years, died at the family home, 102 North
Thirteenth street, at 8 o’clock last night after a long illness. The
deceased was born in Kempen, Germany, May 13, 1832, and had lived in
Corsicana for forty-three years. His wife preceeded him to the grave
eleven years ago, but he is survived by the following children; Mrs.
Ray Simon of New Orleans; Mrs. Morris Goldstein, of Atlanta, Ga.;
Mrs. Alvis Goodman, of Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Malka Deutschner and
Mrs. C. W. Redden of Corsicana; Mrs. M. I. Kory of New York, and Mr.
Harry Deutschner of Beaumont.
Mrs. Deutschner was, as above stated, a pioneer citizen of
Corsicana, and he was known and respected by nearly everybody in the
county, and he was loved by those who knew him more intimately. Of a
genial, kindly and unassuming disposition, he lived an upright,
honorable life and no man could truthfully say that David Deutschner
had ever been other than a true gentleman in every sense of the
word. For many years after arriving in Corsican, Mr. Deutschner was
engaged in the mercantile business, and while he was fairly
successful in this business, it has been stated to the writer that
had Mr. Deutschner been a little more hard-hearted he would have
succeeded to a greater degree in a financial way. It was told of him
that when a man came to him and said he need supplies but did not
have the money to pay for them, Mr. Deutschner, out of the kindness
of a noble, warm heart, would lay aside the business of making money
and sell to the man and trust to him being as honest as he himself
was. In many, many instances it was said he found that all mankind
was not made of the stuff that went to make up his honest being. Mr.
Deutschner made the world better for having lived in it and there
are many who will miss him sorely and mingle their tears with his
loving children who have so tenderly and carefully nursed him during
all the long months of his illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Goodman and Mrs. Rachael Simon are expected to
arrive early tomorrow morning to be in attendance upon the funeral.
Mr. Harry Deutschner and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Kory are here now,
while Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein were unable to arrive in time for the
funeral and are not expected at this time.
The remains will be interred tomorrow afternoon from Temple Beth-el
at 3 o’clock, where services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Goldberg,
after which the Masons will take charge and conclude the services at
the grave.
Remains of David Deutschner Buried in Hebrew Cemetery
The mortal remains of the late David Deutschner were laid to rest in the
Hebrew cemetery this afternoon. The funeral was from Temple Beth-El at 3
o’clock. Rev. Dr. David Goldberg conducted the services and paid a
beautiful tribute to the memory and character of the deceased in the
presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives of the deceased.
Mrs. Henry Robbins had charge of the music and several appropriate
numbers were rendered among them, “Face to Face,” and “No Shadow Beyond
the Grave.” These were sang by Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. J. W. Weems, Loyd Kerr
and Douglas Johnson. After the church services the Masons took charge
and D. P. Shaw, W. H. Hastings, Ike Levy, Arthur Levi, H. Iverson, E. A.
Johnson, R. B. Molloy and Rube Freedman acted as pall-bearers.
James Rucker Dickson,
Nov. 14, 1889 -
Jun. 14, 1949
Funeral Rites Held For Dr. James Dickson
Special to The News
ARP, Texas, June 16. - Final rites were held Wednesday for Dr. James R. Dickson, 59, of Arp, who was born and reared near Dawson, Navarro County.
The physician, who formerly practiced at Dawson, died in Jacksonville.
He had practiced in Arp for eighteen years.
Funeral services were held at the Arp Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lois Dickson, Arp; a daughter, Mrs.
Frank Lucus, Houston; a brother, Tom M. Dickson, Healdton, Okla., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Knight, Dallas, and Mrs. Ewing Wright of Tehuacana.
Final Rites For Dr. J.
R. Dickson; Reared In
Final rites were held
Wednesday afternoon for
Dr. James R. Dickson,
59, of Arp, who was born
and reared in Dawson.
The physician, who
formerly practiced at
Dawson, died at 4 a.m.
Tuesday at Nan Travis
Hospital in
Funeral services were
held at the Arp
Methodist church at 2
p.m. Wednesday, with
interment following in
Hamilton cemetery
with the Masonic Lodge
in charge of graveside
rites. Griffin Funeral
Home handled local
Dr. Dickson was a
long-time member of
state and county medical
associations, was a
Rotarian, and a 32
degree Mason and a
Shriner. He was a member
of the Methodist church.
He had practiced in Arp
for the last 18 years.
Survivors include his
wife, Mrs. Lois Dickson
of Arp; a daughter, Mrs.
Frank Lucas of Houston;
a brother, Tom M.
Dickson of Healton,
Okla.; two sisters, Mrs.
Mary Knight of Dallas
and Mrs. Ewing Wright of
Milton McMahon Dickson, Jr.
Jan 16, 1857 - Feb 17, 1935
(some sources show DOD as 1936)
M. M. Dickson, 78, Pioneer Druggist, Dies
M. M. Dickson, 78, pioneer drug store operator at Dawson, Navarro County, died Sunday at the home of a son, Dr. J. R. Dickson, of Arp, Smith County. Other survivors are his wife; a son, T. M. Dawson of Healdron, Ok.; two daughters, Mrs. Ewing Wright of Emhouse, Navarro County, and Mrs. A. G. Knight of Dallas; a brother, Joseph Dickson, and a sister, Miss Sarah Dickson, both of Corsicana.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Methodist Church at Dawson. Burial will be in Corsicana.
Funeral services for M. M. Dickson, aged 78 years, long-time
druggist at Dawson, who died in Arp Sunday, were held at the
Dawson Methodist church Monday afternoon with burial in the
cemetery, it was reported here Tuesday.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Ewing Wright,
Emhouse and Mrs. A. G. Knight, Dallas; two sons, Dr. J. R.
Dickson, Arp, and T. M. Dickson, Healdton; a brother, Joseph
Dickson; a sister, Miss Sarah Dickson, Corsicana, and eight
Robert Amzi Dobbs
Nov 5, 1850 - Sep 14, 1929
R. A. Dobbs, 77, Kerens Pioneer, Passes Away
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept. 15. - A. A. Dobbs, 77, native of Mississippi, but resident of the Kerens community practically all of his life, died in the Navarro County hospital Saturday, and the funeral was held from the Presbyterian Church at Kerens Sunday afternoon, with burial in the Bazette Cemetery. Mr. Dobbs came to the Kerens community when a small child and resided there with the exception of several years while living at Canyon, Texas, until his death.
Surviving are his wife, one foster daughter, Miss Adelaide Donelly, teacher in the Dallas public schools; one sister, Mrs. H. S. Melear, Corsicana; four nephews, Robert, Charles and E. D. Allen, all of Fort Worth, and Harold Melear, Corsicana.
R. A. Dobbs, 77, native of
Mississippi, but resident of
the Kerens community
practically all of his life,
died in the Navarro County
Hospital Saturday morning at
8 o’clock after a long
illness with paralysis, and
the funeral will be held
from the Presbyterian church
at Kerens Sunday afternoon
at 4:30 o’clock with burial
in the Bazette Cemetery,
Mr. Dobbs came to the Kerens
community when a small child
and resided there with the
exception of several years
while living at Canyon,
Texas, until his death.
The body was taken to the
Corley-McMahon Funeral Home
where it was prepared for
burial and later will be
taken to Kerens by Percy
Stockton, Kerens undertaker.
Surviving are his wife, one
foster daughter, Miss
Adelaide Donnelly, teacher
in the Dallas public
schools; one sister, Mrs. H.
S. Melear, Corsicana; four
nephews, Robert, Charles and
E. D. Allen, all of Fort
Worth, and Harold Melear of
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, Sep 14, 1929
- Submitted
Diane Richards
(monument says died 1930 but
death certificate and obit are 1929); h/o Nancy Modena (Ross) Dobbs
s/o Tyre D. Dobbs & Martha Ann (Vaughn) Dobbs
Henry Donahoo
May 17, 1875 - Feb. 9, 1954
Funeral services for John Donahoo, 78, who died in the Masonic Home at Arlington, were held at the Kerens Cemetery. He formerly resided in Beaumont. Donahoo had been a Mason forty-five years. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. L. S. Keen, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. H. F. Posey, Mobile, Ala.; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
John Donahoo
Funeral rites were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. in Kerens for John
Donahoo, 78, who died Tuesday in the Masonic Home in Arlington,
Donahoo was the father of Mrs. L. S. Keen of Dallas, former
Corsicana resident. He formerly lived Beaumont.
Graveside services were held at the Kerens
cemetery with Masons in
charge. Rev. Thomas Tribble, pastor of the First Methodist church of
Kerens, conducted. Masons were pallbearers.
Donahoo was past master of the Masonic lodge at Cleveland, Texas and
was a member of the order for 45 years.
Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Keen, Dallas; a sister,
Mrs. H. F. Posey, Mobile, Ala.; two grandchildren and three
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, Feb 10, 1954
- h/o Charity (Marshall) Donahoo married Jun 21, 1903
Louisiana; assumed s/o William Donahoo & Sallie A. (unk)
- father of Zelpha Lucille (Donahoo) Keen
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
John Rankin Donell
Died Nov 1951
Former Legislator From Corsicana Dies
CORUPS CHRISTI, Texas, Nov. 15 (AP). - John Rankin Donell, 87, former State Representative from Corsicana, died here Wednesday.
A retired Corsicana merchant, Donell served three terms in the Texas House. For the past year he had been living with a daughter, Mrs. Fred Hodson. Other survivors include two sons, Max Donell of Brownwood and E. R. Donell of Dallas. The body was sent to Belton where funeral services will be held Thursday at Eads Funeral Home.
William Lee Donaho,
Apr 9, 1871 - Jul 1,
Corsicana Man Dies.
Special to The News.
CORSICANA, Texas, July 2. - William L. Donoho, 58, died at his home Monday. Funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday by the Rev. James Aaron and burial was in the
Hamilton Cemetery. Surviving are his wife; one son, Willie Donoho, Corsicana; five daughters, Mrs. Mamie Williamson, Mrs. Ollie Keyser, Mrs. Nora Oneil, Pearl Donoho, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Ila Mae Buchanan, Bryan; two brothers, Dave and Charlie Donoho of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Mollie Martin of Wichita Falls, Mrs. Sallie Reed of Corsicana and Mrs. Lou Watson of Wichita Falls.
William L. Donoho, aged fifty-eight years, died at his home 1220 West
Twelfth and Half avenue on Monday afternoon at 3:45 following an illness
of several weeks. Funeral services were conducted at the home at 4:30
Tuesday afternoon by Rev. James Aaron and burial was in the
Hamilton Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, one son, Willie Donoho, Corsicana; five
daughters, Mrs. Mamie Williamson, Mrs. Ollie Keyser, Mrs. Nora O’Neil,
Pearl Donoho all of Corsicana and Mrs. Ida Mae Buchanan, Bryan; two
brothers, Dave and Charlie Donoho, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Mollie
Martin, Wichita Falls; Mrs. Sallie Reed, Corsicana and Mrs. Lou Watson,
Wichita Falls.
Mr. Donoho had been a resident of this county practically all of his
life and in the past few years had been engaged in team contracting
Sutherland’s Funeral Home had charge of the funeral.
David Augustus DeWitt
11, 1886 - Aug 2, 1905
The remains of Dave DeWitt were shipped to Corsicana this morning and were accompanied by his wife and children.
Fred Fowle, the young man charged with having struck DeWitt a death blow, is in the city under guard.
Justice Pelt held an inquest over the remains of DeWitt last night and a postmortem examination conducted by Dr. Holland of this city and two physicians from Beaumont revealed the fact that the skull was not fractured, and it is the verdict of the physicians that death was due to apoplexy and not to any injury received in an encounter.
Fowle's examining trial is set for tomorrow morning, at which time Justice Pelt will render a verdict of his findings at the inquest.
Mr. Fowle claims that the only part he took in the difficulty was to separate DeWitt and the teamster with whom he was warring.
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
Aug 3, 1905, Sour Lake, Texas
- Full name and dates from the Navarro County Cemetery Records for Oakwood Cemetery
George W. Dill
Jul 9, 1870 - Dec 15, 1945
Dill Funeral Services Held at Cryer Creek
CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 16. - George W. Dill, 73, died at his home in Cryer Creek Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Sunday with burial in the Grange Hall Cemetery. Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Stella McCurley, Tyler; Mrs. Cora Morris and Mrs. Della Mae Coker, both of Cryer Creek; a son, G. W. Dill, Lone Cedar; a brother, Taylor Dill, Chattanooga, Tenn., and sixteen grandchildren.
George W. Dill, aged 73 years, died at his home in the Cryer Creek
community early Saturday morning. Funeral services will be held from the
family residence Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in the Grange Hall
cemetery. Rev. Rhoads will
conduct the rites.
Surviving are his wife of Cryer Creek, four children, Mrs. Stella
McCurley, Tyler; Mrs. Cora Morris and Mrs. Della Mae Coker, both of
Cryer Creek, and G. W. Dill, Lone Cedar; a brother, Taylor Dill,
Chattanooga, Tenn., and 16 grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home will direct arrangements.
Josephine De George
1837 - Jan 21, 1921
De George. - Mrs. Josephine De George, widow, 84, years old, died Saturday morning at 107½ Alcalde street. She is survived by a son, Tony De George of Corsicana, and a grandson, Tony De George of Dallas. The body was sent to Corsicana by the Charles F. Weiland Undertaking Company.
R. (Prior) Hightower-D'Orsay
Sep 7,
1896 -
Feb 22,
D'ORSAY - Corsicana, Texas. Feb. 23. - Mrs. Eunice d'Orsay, 41, died at the local hospital Tuesday morning. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Surviving are two daughters, Misses Josephine and Nelva d'Orsay, Corsicana; a son, Fred Hightower, Corsicana; a sister, Miss Bessie Prior, Corsicana, and three brothers, Rufus Prior, Corsicana, and Benjamin and C. W. Prior of Henderson.
age 41
died at
the P.
and S.
at 8:30
a short
will be
at 3
from the
will be
by Rev.
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of the
will be
had been
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and at
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of her
a beauty
on First
are two
a son,
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J. T.
Neal and
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb 24, 1937
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st husband
Wayne T. Hightower married Jun. 10, 1910 2nd husband
James Alexander D’Orsay married Jun. 2, 1915 buried
in Athens cemetery, Athens, Tx; d/o Andrew Jackson
Prior & Hattie W. (Hill) Prior buried in Strong
cemetery, Henderson, Tx.
for Mrs.
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J. T.
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F. (Lawrence) Dilliard
Mar 4, 1865 - Dec 24, 1928
Corsicana Woman Dies
Special to the News
CORSICANA, Texas. Dec. 24. - Mrs. W. C. Dilliard, 63, died here Monday and funeral services were conducted in the afternoon with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. H. A. Conway, pastor of the Hope Baptist Church here. Surviving are her husband, one son, two daughters, one brother and two sisters.
Mrs. W. C. Dillard
Mrs. W. C. Dillard, aged 63 years, died at the family residence 103 East
Thirteenth avenue, Monday morning, at 1:25 o’clock and the funeral
services were conducted Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock from the home with
interment in Oakwood cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. H. A. Conway, pastor of the Hope Baptist church here.
Mrs. Dillard had resided in Corsicana twelve years. And resided at
Itasca, Hill county, prior to moving to Corsicana in 1915.
Surviving are her husband, one son, two daughters, one brother, two
sisters and other relatives.
Sutherland Undertaking Company had charge of the funeral.
Sarah Bettie
(Moore) DeMoss
Dec 11, 1877 - Jun 23, 1938
DeMOSS - Corsicana, Texas. June 25. - Mrs. Sarah B. DeMoss, 50, wife of G. L. DeMosse of Kerens, died here and the body was taken to Kerens for burial. Surviving are her husband and several children.
Mrs. Carlton Dobbs
Died Mar 1947
Woman Dies In Collision
Collision of a taxicab and streetcar Tuesday at Akard and McKinney abruptly ended a thirty-eight day period of deathless Dallas traffic.
Mrs. Carlton Dobbs, 43, of Kerens, Navarro County, was killed instantly when the taxi in which she was riding with her daughter-in-law and two grandchildren and a Junius Heights streetcar collided in the center of the intersection.
The other three passengers and the cab driver, Billie D. Hughes, 26, of
1419 Exeter, were treated at Parkland Hospital. Mrs. William C. Dobbs, 22, Kerens, suffered scalp cuts. He children, Ruth Lorraine, 2, and William C. Dobbs, Jr., 9 months, were bruised. All were released after treatment.
Mrs. Dobbs' body was sent to Corsicana. Her death was the eleventh inside the city limits since Jan. 1 and was the twenty-sixth in the county.
The fatal crash spun the cab around. It came to rest against El Poblano Café, 1721 McKinney. Police Investigators Leon Guynes and K. P. Knight said the baby was knocked into the street by the impact. A passing truck driver probably saved him from death under the wheels of cars swerving to avoid the streetcar. He braked his truck to a halt, leaped out, grabbed the child and held him until ambulances arrived. He left before investigating officers could learn his identity.
The streetcar operator was Wilbur Fleenor, 34, of 3712 Junius, officers said.
Rafaela Ruby (Villaneva) Dimas
Oct 24, 1876 - Feb 18, 1948
Mrs. Rafaela B. Dimas, 71, Route 1, Berry, died Wednesday night. Funeral services were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception here Friday, with burial in the Catholic Cemetery. Surviving are three sons, Lonnie Dimas, Barry; Fidel Dimas, Waco, and Timothy Dimas, Bishop.
Mitchell Hugh Dees
Jan 14, 1871 - Apr 11, 1949
Funeral Rites Held For Mitchell H. Dees
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, April 12. - Mitchell Hugh Dees, 78, died at Richland Monday.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, with burial in the Richland Cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Venous Dees, Richland, and Edward J. Dees, Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Murphy and Mrs. W. D. Washburn, both of Dallas; fifteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
Funeral Rites For M. H. Dees Held
Funeral services for Mitchell Hugh Dees, aged 78 years, farmer, who died
at Richland Monday morning, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock
from the First Baptist church in Richland. Burial was in the
Richland cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. L. Langston and Rev. L. B. Fowler.
Surviving are two sons, Venous Dees, Richland and Edward W. Dees,
Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Murphy and Mrs. W. D. Washburn, both
of Dallas; 15 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tues., Apr. 12, 1949
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Lillian L. “Lillie “ (Nutt)
Dees married Sep. 12, 1895; s/o William Hugh Dees, Sr. & Beulah Mae
(Ballard) Dees
Wakefield Denbow

Dec 4, 1865 - Jan 18, 1933
Jess Denbow, Pioneer Of Corsicana, Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 18. - Jess Denbow, 67, native of Alabama, but resident of Navarro County for fifty-five years, died with a heart attack at the family residence here Wednesday and funeral will be held at Chatfield Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Denbow started for the courthouse Wednesday morning apparently in the best of health and was taken suddenly ill. A physician was summoned, but Mr. Denbow was dead before the doctor arrived.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Howard Denbow and Johnny Denbow, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Roy Burdine, Dallas; Mrs. Ed. Holsonback, Ennis, and Misses Lillian and Vera Lee Denbow, both of Corsicana; three grandchildren, Louise and Evelyn Burdine and Joe Ann Holsonback; two brothers, George Denbow, Roane, and Dave Denbow, Drane, and three sisters Mrs. Mollie Calloway, Chatfield; Mrs. Mattie Little, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Annie Fluker, Hester.
Funeral services for Jesse Denbow, aged 67
years, pioneer resident of Navarro county, and
prominent ginner at Roane for 30 years, who died
suddenly Wednesday morning at 9:15 o’clock
following a few minutes illness with a heart
attack, were held from the Chatfield
Mr. Denbow was a native of Alabama, but had
resided in Navarro county for 55 years. Prior to
moving to Corsicana four years ago, he had lived
in the Chatfield and Roane communities.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.
F. Adams, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue
Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Howard and
Johnny Denbow, both of Corsicana; four
daughters, Mrs. Roy Burdine, Dallas; Mrs. Ed
Holsonback, Ennis; and Misses Lillian and Vera
Lee Denbow, both of Corsicana; three
grandchildren, Louise and Evelyn Burdine, and Jo
Ann Holsonback; two brothers, George Denbow,
Roane, and Dave Denbow, Drane; and three
sisters, Mrs. Mollie Calloway, Chatfield; MRs.
Mattie Little, Fort Worth; and Mrs. Annie Fluker,
The cortege left the family residence, 609 West
Tenth avenue, Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral
A. (Harper) Denbow

1874 - Oct 1950
Mrs. Georgia Denbow Funeral Services Held
Specail to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Oct. 7. - Services were held here Saturday for Mrs. Georgia Denbow, 76, who died Thursday night. Burial was in Chatfield, her former home. A native of Pine Bluff, Ark., she had lived in Navarro County sixty years.
Surviving are two sons, John F. Denbow, White Deer, and Howard Denbow, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Ed Holsomback, Corsicana; Mrs. Clyde Bunch and Mrs. Kirk Harding, both of Fort Worth; seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, three brothers, Will, Terry and Cleveland Harper, all of Palestine; four sisters, Mrs. Charlie Valentine, Mrs. John Huffman and Mrs. Harmon Chappell, all of Palestine, and Mrs. Della Johnson, Olney.
Infant Son of Frank Dillon
Feb 1, 1934 - Feb 9,
DILLON - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 9. - The 9-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon died Friday morning and the funeral was held from the family residence Friday afternoon with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
Infant Died Here
Early Hour Friday
The nine-days-old
son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dillon, 412
East Twelfth avenue,
died Friday morning
at 4:30 o’clock and
the funeral will be
held from the family
residence Friday
afternoon at 4
o’clock with burial
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his
parents and two
The funeral will be
directed by the
Funeral Home.
Don Michael McAfee
McAFEE, DON MICHAEL, 65, passed away Monday, July 4, 2005 in Arlington. Memorial service: 12:00 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at the First United Methodist Church of Keller, 1025 Johnson Road, Keller, Tx. A gathering for family and friends to follow the service at the Roundhouse, at 107 W. Vine, Keller. Memorials: in lieu of flowers, family request donations be made to the Texas Motor Speedway Children's Charities or a charity of your choice. Don was born in Red River County on January 3, 1940. He is preceded in death by his parents, Professor Emeritus at University of Texas in Arlington, Hugh Decherd and Hazel Aline McAfee. Don served in the US Marine Corps and was retired from Vought Aircraft Industries after 38 years. He was known as the "Boogyman" on the Tunnell Boat Racing Circuit with National Titles to his credit. He was a volunteer firefighter/EMT for the Keller Fire Dept. in the mid 80's. Survivors: sons; Mike McAfee of Arlington, Damon McAfee of Bluffdale, and Kyle McAfee of Ranger; daughters; Kathy McAfee of Carrollton, Kelee Lusk of Fort Worth, Tracie Talkington and Melisa Stover both of Keller, nine grandchildren; the children's mothers and good friends, Mimi McAfee of Carrollton, Sandra McAfee of Keller, three loving canine companions; and many more relatives and friends. Bluebonnet Hills 817-281-8751
Genaro Ybarra
Mr. Genaro Ybarra, 55 of Frost, passed away July 4, 2005 in Corsicana. Mr. Ybarra was born September 19, 1949 in Beeville, Texas to Aplonio and Maria Serrano Ybarra.
Rosary service will be held 3:00 pm Thursday July 7, 2005 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 10:00 am Friday July 8, 2005 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Father Daniel Ramos officiating.
Mr. Ybarra is survived by Mother Marie Ybarra of Frost. Sons Jimmy Ybarra of Arkansas, Cody Ybarra of Frost. Daughters Melissa Phillips of Arkansas, Autumn Ybarra of Frost, Summer Ybarra of Frost. 3 Grandchildren Matthew Landon McCoy, Dylan McCoy, Cody Allen McCoy. Brothers Zeke Ybarra of Frost, Cruz Ybarra of Ft. Worth, Felipe Ybarra of Beeville, Sefrino Ybarra of Corsicana, Julian Ybarra of Beeville, Richard Ybarra of Beeville, Albert Ybarra of Waco, Raul Ybarra of Frost. Sisters Rosalie Williams of Palestine, Margie Cervantes of Waco, Alicia Ybarra of Frost.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana
Kathryn Conn
Jan 6, 1922 - Jun 16, 2005
Kathryn Conn of Longview formerly of Corsicana, passed away Thursday June 16, 2005 at Summer Meadows Nursing Home at the age of 83. She was born January 6, 1922 to Clarence L. and Mary Miley in Port Arthur Texas. She was head nurse at the V.A. at Parkland for many years and was a member of Northside Baptist Church. Services will be 11:00 am Saturday June 18, 2005 at Oakwood Cemetery with Dr. David Hale officiating. Ms. Conn is survived by daughter Virginia Ann Bryant of Bend, Oregon. Grandchildren Kathy Vance of Bend Oregon, Tanya Naylor of Bend Oregon, Karen Davenport of Dallas, Kim Griffith of Dallas. Great Grandchildren Devyn Nichols, Lindsey Davenport, Cody Davenport, Zane Naylor, Cole Naylor, Satori Griffith. Brother Charles Robert Miley and wife Gerry of Longview. Sisters Mary Juanita Conn, Dorothy R. Russell both of Corsicana, Hilda M. Hardin of Red Oak, Bobby Greer of Corsicana. Dearest friend Becky Starnes of Jefferson.
Arrangements with Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana Texas.
Kenya Rasheed Crain Miller
Kenya Rasheed Crain Miller, 29, of Chatfield passed away Thursday, June 30, 2005, at Charlton Methodist Hospital in Dallas.
A wake service will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Ross and Johnson Chapel.
A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church, 5044 Veterans Drive, Dallas, with Pastor Bill officiating. Interment will follow at Timothy Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Don Johnson, Shedrick Jackson, Michael Dibbles, Daryl Drake, Theartis Jones, Oscar Miller III and Ethan Miller. Honorary pallbearers will be Oscar Miller Jr., James Crain Jr. and Adrian W. Drake.
Ms. Miller was born Feb. 2, 1976, in Dallas.
Survivors include her parents, Oscar “Bubba” Miller II and Mary Miller; brothers, James Crain Jr. (Diane), Adrian W. Drake, Oscar Miller III and Ethan Miller; sisters, Bridgette Dibbles (Michael), Tanya Mallory, Stephanie Allen, Dion Brandon, Quyntha Sapenter and Khyla Miller; and a cadre of loving nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles and good friends.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. ∞
Telicia Rochelle Smith Heifner
Apr 20, 1977 - Jun 27, 2005
Telicia “Dinky” Rochelle Smith Heifner, age 28, passed away June 27, 2005.
She was born April 20, 1977, in Ennis to Billy Ray McDavid and Ida Overton. C. H. Overton Jr. was her stepfather for the past 27 years.
Telicia had many talents that included being a drum major at Italy High School, a member of Italy’s flag corps and she played in the Italy High School Band. She was a member of the flag corps at Navarro College. At Coming of Christ Church, she participated in the youth and teenage choir. Interior decorating and being a dance instructor illuminated her glowing talents. She always enjoyed Chinese food and all water activities. For the last two years she was an assistant manager at David’s Supermarket. Most importantly, she loved her family and friends.
She leaves to cherish her memory a husband, William E. Heifner of Corsicana; parents, Ida and C. H. Overton Jr. of Italy and Billy R. McDavid of Dallas; sisters, Latonia of Grand Prairie, Christy of Italy, Sharon of Odessa, Israel of Ennis and Rudelya and Marquita, both of McKinney; brothers, Cedric of Italy, Author of Ennis and Jason of McKinney; and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by grandparents, Dorothy Clark, Bertha Overton and Ezell Smith; sister, Carolyn; and brother, Victor.
Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 6, at Coming of Christ Full Gospel Church, 2437 Derrs Chapel Road, Italy, with Elder Nickerson officiating. Pastor Virgie L. Stevenson gave the eulogy. Interment followed at Smithwick Cemetery in Italy.
Arrangements by Jones Funeral Home, Ennis.
Lillie Mae (Gordon) McCollum
Nov 10, 1912 - Jul 8, 2005
Lillie Mae Gordon McCollum, 92, of Corsicana passed away Friday, July 8, 2005 at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana.
A funeral service will be 10 a.m. Monday at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Bill Honea officiating. Burial will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Retreat. Aaron Andrews, Brian Gruver, Danny Hanna, Michael Dockery, John Burns and Dillon Burns will serve as pallbearers. Sam Smith, Bill Smith and Dwayne Kennemore will serve as honorary pallbearers.
Lillie most of all loved children, grandchildren, and family. She loved to fish and first learned to dance at age 90 at the Senior Citizens Center of Corsicana. She was taught to swim by Peggy Campbell at age 80 and was a member of the Richland Baptist Church. She was also Baptized at age 91.
Lillie was preceded in death by her husband, John, in 1987.
She is survived by her three daughters Patsy Page and Louise Arnett of Corsicana and Nikki and husband Lynn Thompson of Duncanville. She is also survived by seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Lillie is also survived by her two sisters Velma Marie Wilton of Corsicana and Ruth Kennermore [Ruth Irene (Gordon Williams-Kennemore] of Ft. Worth and a number of nieces and nephews.
A memorial guest book is available at Click on obituaries and go to the name Lilie Mae (Gordon) McCollum to sign book and submit a memorial message.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Geraldine Marie (Howell) Slaughter
Jan 8, 1929 - Jul 7, 2005
Geraldine Marie Howell Slaughter of McGregor went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ July 7, 2005. She passed peacefully into eternity at her residence surrounded by her beloved children and grandchildren.
A funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. Today at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with D. L. Summers officiating. Burial will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Retreat. Her nine grandsons will serve as pallbearers.Deanie was born Jan. 8, 1929, in Mexia to Vernon Ezra Howell and Lillian Irene Rankin Howell. She accepted Christ at a young age and served him faithfully for many years. Her greatest gifts were her faithful prayers and unconditional love that she had for everyone. What a wonderful person!
She married Ralph Slaughter March 10, 1950, and they had many good years together. They were divorced Nov. 9, 1983. She is survived by three daughters, Carol Pennington and her husband Billy, Sherrie Glover and Annette McCuiston, all of Groesbeck; son, Don Stevens and his wife Chris of Waco; nine grandsons, Gary Jim Gordon, Edward Gordon, Marshall Gordon, Douglas Hinson, Danny Gordon, Mason Stevens, Cal Stevens, Michael McCuiston and Terry Ayers; three granddaughters, Julie Stevens and Carlos, Brandi Garcia and her husband Frankie and Krystle McCuiston; seven great-granddaughters, Ashley, Amanda, Kelly, Heather, Bethany, Marissa and Dee Dee; and nine great-grandsons, Dustin, Kenneth, Matthew, Joshua, Jonathan, Christopher, Zachary, Kinney and Trey.
She leaves one beloved sister, Dorothy Cravy; and two dear brothers, Rupert
Howell and Fred Donald Howell. She was preceded in death by her beloved sister, Mervil Hughes; and dear brothers, Vernon and Clifford Howell; and her parents.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Troy Eugene Vandiver
Oct 22, 1926 - Jul 8, 2005
Troy Eugene Vandiver, 78, of Frost passed away Friday, July 8, 2005, at his residence.
Services will be 3 p.m. Today at Frost Baptist Church with Mike Harris officiating. Interment will follow at Dresden Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Steve Crawford, Adam Vandiver, Alan Harris, Leon Crawford, Erselle Crawford and Billy Hargrove.
Mr. Vandiver was born Oct. 22, 1926, in Elmore City, Okla., to Bertha Lee and Walter Vandiver. He was the youngest of 12 children. His family moved to West
Texas when he was very young, and he was raised in Jayton, a tiny West Texas community near Lubbock. After graduating from Jayton High School, Gene joined the United States Navy and served in World War II on a ship in the Panama Canal. Following his discharge, he returned to West Texas, where he met his first wife, Estelle Crawford. They married in 1946, and Gene began attending LeTourneau University in Longview.
He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and he opened Central Heating and Air Conditioning in Fort Worth. In 1959, Gene and Estelle purchased a small farm outside of Frost. Gene went to work for the Texas Highway Department in 1959. He enjoyed drawing the plans supervising the building of many roads and bridges across the state of Texas during his long career with the highway department.
After 26 years at the highway department, Gene retired to enjoy his farm in Frost. He and Estelle had two children, Larry Gene, born in 1948, and Carol Ann, born in 1956. He married his second wife, Billie Sue Wessner, in 1969.
Survivors include his wife, Billie Sue Vandiver; son, Larry Gene Vandiver of Frost; daughter, Carol Ann Harris and husband Mike of Temple; stepson, Kerry Wessner and wife Erica; stepdaughter, Kate Jozwiak and husband Pete, all of Reading, Pa.; brother, D.C. Vandiver and wife Virginia of Mesa, Ariz.; daughter-in-law and caregiver, Dianna Cooper of Frost; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
A memorial guest book is available at Click on obituaries and go to the name Troy Eugene Vandiver to submit memorial message.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Chapel, Blooming Grove.
Dan Harris
Dan Harris, 65, of Navarro Mills passed away Saturday, July 9, 2005, at the VA Hospital in Temple.
Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.
Mr. Harris was born Sept. 27, 1939, in Crane to Erby and Mamie Young Harris. He served in the United States Air Force in
Survivors include his wife, Sharon Harris of Navarro Mills; sons, Ronald Harris and wife Libby of Fairfield and Donald Harris of Navarro Mills; daughters, Danese Ramey of Grand Prairie and Darla Alton and husband Jay Dee of Blooming Grove; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Dorothy (Dawson) Crum 
DOROTHY CRUMDorothy "Rose" Crum, 89, of Bellmead, passed away Friday, July 8, 2005 at the Bellmead Rehabilitation Center after a long illness. Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 12 at Bold Spring Cemetery with Minister Sam Armstrong officiating. Family visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, July 11 at Bellmead Funeral Home.
Mrs. Crum was born Dec. 9, 1915 in Dawson, Texas to Charles and Maude (Daugherty) Dawson. Rose was a direct descendent of Britt Dawson, who founded Dawson in 1881.
She married George C. Crum Nov. 2, 1936 in Axtell. She taught pre-school at Northcrest for years. She never said a bad word and her mainstay in life was her Faith in God. She could spell any word in the dictionary and know all the literary works of the great poets. Rose was also a contributing writer to the Waco Citizen under such titles as "City Locals," and "Bellmead in Bloom."
She was a life long member of the lake view Church of Christ, and later Northside Church of Christ, where she taught Sunday School and attended "every time the doors were open." Everybody loved "Miss Rose," or "Granny Rose," as she was called by her grandchildren. Our profound loss is Christ's gain.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, George C. Crum in 1963; and a son, Dan D. Crum in 1980.
Survivors include her sons, George L. Crum of Waco and Kyle D. Crum of Waco; and seven grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.
Funeral Home
Estelle (Towler) Devers
Jun 15, 1916 - Jul 7, 2005
Mrs. Estelle Devers passsed away on July 7, 2005 in Conroe, Texas. Services will 2:00 P.M. Saturday at Richland Cemetery in Richland, Texas. Mrs. Devers was born on June 15, 1916 in Horatio, Ar. to Earl S. and Roxie Landsford Towler. She was a Beautican for many years. She was preceded in death by her Parents and a Sister Beatrice Henson.
Survivors include 2 sons and daughter-in-laws: Calvin and Sandra Cox of Jacksonville, FL and Mike and Darlene Wagner of Aransas Pass, TX and Several Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
CONROE, Texas Estelle Devers, 89, passed away Thursday, July 7, 2005, in Conroe. A beautician, Estelle was born June 15, 1916 in Horaito, AR.
Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Calvin and Sandra Cox of Jacksonville, FL and Mike and Darlene Wagner of Aransas Pass, Texas; grandchildren, great-grandchildren; and great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by a sister, Beatrice Henson.
Funeral service will be at 2 p.m. today, July 9, 2005, at Richland Cemetery in Richland, Texas.
Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana, TX is in charge of funeral arrangements.
Billy Wayne Hamm
Jun 14, 1950 - Nov 15, 2003
BILLY WAYNE, 53 yr., of Dawson, Tx. Born 6/14/1950 in Dallas, TX. Passed away 11/15/2003 In Temple, TX. Survived by: Father & Mother: Wayne & Jennie Hamm, Dawson, Tx., Son: Kyle Hamm - Dawson, Tx. Daughter Chrise Jennings - Emory, Sister: Connie Green - Red Oak, Tx. 3 Grand Children. Services: 2:00 P.M., Monday (11/17/03), Graveside at Smith Cemetery - Palmer, Tx.
Lenora Dona (Livingston} Williams
Sep 21, 1912 - Jul 10, 2005
Lenora 'Dink' Williams
Lenora Dona “Dink” Williams, 92, of Mount Calm passed away Sunday, July 10, 2005, at a Hubbard nursing facility. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at Mount Calm Old Town Cemetery with Jimmy Sid Jones officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Wade Funeral Home in Hubbard.
Mrs. Williams was born Sept. 21, 1912, in Wortham to Charlie Edwin and Sarah Yates Livingston. She was raised in Currie and Retreat areas in Navarro County and was also a longtime resident of Corsicana where she worked for several businesses including Burson-Pearson Florist, Corsicana Laundry and Cleaners and the Navarro Hotel Coffee Shop. Mrs. Williams had also worked at the Bluebonnet Munitions Plant in McGregor in World War II. She had been a resident of Mount Calm since 1976. She was a Baptist and loved gardening, quilting and sewing.
Mrs. Williams was preceded in death by her husband, Hobert Williams on Dec. 8, 1982; two sisters; four brothers; son-in-law, Donald Haught; daughter-in-law, Juanita Williams; and special friend, Morgan Harrell.
Survivors include three daughters, Joyce Redden Williams and husband Alton of Kingsland, Martha Jones Brewer and husband Charles of Waco and Nancy Haught and husband Billy Bason of Blooming Grove; two stepsons, Hobert Williams and wife Jean of Granbury and Alton Williams and wife Joyce of Kingsland; 11 grandchildren, Sherry Redden Suggs, Rosanne Redden Ott, Steven Wray Redden, Donna Jones Hamilton, Jeffrey Sid Jones, Diane Lovelady, Kristi Haught Bellamy, Dan Ray Haught, Anette Williams Bedford, Wanda Williams Laskaski and Lewis Dean Williams; 21 great-grandchildren, five great-great-grandchildren and some special nieces and nephews.
The family would like to extend a special thank you to the wonderful staff at Oakview Manor and Judy Richards and Connie Busby with Hillcrest Hospice.
Arrangements by Wade Funeral Home, Hubbard.
Faye Kirk (Dandridge) Harf
Jul 6, 1922 - Jun 28, 2003
HARF FAYE, Faye Kirk Dandridge Harf, 80, of Arlington, TX, died June 28, 2003. She was born in Corsicana to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter Kirk on July 6, 1922. She grew up in Hillsboro, but as a resident of Dallas for most of her life before retiring from the Dallas County Tax Office and moving to Arlington to be near her family. She was preceded in death y her husband, George E. Harf in 1979. Survivors include one daughter, Sue Braun and husband, Dick, of Bluff Dale; one son, Jerry Dandridge of Amarillo; four granddaughters and five great-grandchildren. Family will receive friends from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday July 2, 2003 at Restland Funeral Home. Services will be at 11:30 AM on Thursday, July 3, 2003 at Restland Wildwood Chapel. Memorial may be sent to Scottish Rite Hospital for Children at 2222 Welborn Street, Dallas, TX 75219 |
Norma Katheryn ‘Cat’ (Stovall) Green
Jun 7, 1938 - Jul 7, 2005
Norma Katheryn “Cat” Stovall Green, 67, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 7, 2005, in Dallas.
Quiet hour will be at 7 p.m. Friday, July 15, at Scott Funeral Home.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, July 16, at Lifeline Fellowship Family Church with the Rev. Leonard Johnson Jr. officiating. Interment will follow at Woodland Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be deacons of Bethlehem Baptist Church and New Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Mrs. Green was born June 7, 1938, in Powell. She was a graduate of G.W. Jackson High School. She was a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church, where she served as musician for many years, and also at New Cornerstone Baptist Church. She worked for Rilyn Home Care.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Hugh and Girlie Stovall; brother, Billy Stovall; and grandson, Aaron Darnell Green.
Survivors include her husband, William “Ted” Green; three faithful children, Rowena Green Winfrey, Laron Green and Aaron Green; stepson, Donnie Green; nine grandchildren; one sister, Suzette Stovall Roberts; one brother, Ronny Stovall; a devoted daughter-in-law, Bobbie Green; a loving daughter-in-law, Cheryl Green; five sisters-in-law, Lorene Page, Baby Ruth Wert, Bernice Dandridge, Brenda Stovall and Hallie Green; one brother-in-law, Claude Roberts; two aunts, Ethel Jones and Jewel Riles; one uncle, James Hurd; and nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends.
Arrangements by Scott Funeral Home.
Garland "Mac" (Chapman) Cullum
CULLUM, GARLAND MAC CHAPMAN Known as Mac Cullum, died at Baylor University Medical Center, a little before 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 10, as Evening Prayer was being said in place after place across the city, as if for her. It was less than two weeks after she suffered a stroke, and she was 87 years old. Born November 8, 1917 in Kerens, Texas to Pearl and Garland Chapman, a food store proprietor, she graduated valedictorian in her high school class and went to SMU where she was a member of Alpha Theta Phi (the precursor of Phi Beta Kappa), Mortar Board and Theta Sigma Phi, an honorary journalism fraternity. Mac Cullum majored in journalism, and reported for the campus newspaper. There she met the editor, Charles Cullum, and married him in 1938. For a time she, like her husband, worked for John Rosenfield, legendary music and drama critic of the Dallas Morning News who, after their wedding sent flowers with the card, "Roses from the field." Ten years later, Charles Cullum, with his brother Robert, founded Tom Thumb Supermarkets, and Mac supported the effort with enthusiasm and energy as the company grew from six stores to an operation in several states. In addition she chaired the women's residential section of the Red Cross and served on the board of the Dallas Theater Center and the SMU Alumni Association. She also belonged to the Dallas Junior League, the Junior League Garden Club, the Dallas Woman's Club, the Craig Class, Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae and the Tate Sunday School Class at Oak Lawn Methodist Church where she also taught groups of young people for 20 years. But never did she leave off journalism. That she pursued for almost 4 decades, writing for the Texas Pharmaceutical Journal and doing a column on women's interests for the Dallas Morning News as well as two columns for the Dallas Times Herald, one on teenage life, the other on the city scene. A foundation in Dallas has honored Mac and Charles Cullum with a fellowship program at SMU School & Journalism to supplement the training of outstanding students. Mac Cullum is survived by her husband, Charles G. Cullum; a daughter, Lee Cullum; a grandson, Cullum Clark and his wife, Nita Prothro Clark; and three great grandchildren, Lili Clark, Annabel Clark and Charlotte Clark who was born on Mac Cullum's birthday almost three years ago. She also leaves behind two sisters-in-law, Dorothy Cullum and Eloise Cullum plus numerous nieces and nephews and extended family members Carolyn and James H. Clark, Jr., Ralph Harvey, Caren Prothro, Elizabeth Prothro and Vincent Prothro. Then too, there are her indispensable friends, Pearl Bailey, Lizzie Greene, Mary Harper, Naomi Harris, Durman Johnson, Mary Lewis and Gigi Morales. A private interment will be held for Mac Cullum at Sparkman Hillcrest on Wednesday, July 13, at 10:00 a.m., and a memorial service will follow on Thursday, July 14, at 11:00 a.m., at Oak Lawn United Methodist Church. Memorials may be made to Oak Lawn United Methodist Church at 3014 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75219, or the Episcopal School of Dallas at 4100 Merrill Road, Dallas, Texas 75229.
Garland Mac Chapman Cullum: Former newspaper columnist known for colorful personality
08:50 PM CDT on Monday, July 11, 2005
By JOE SIMNACHER / The Dallas Morning News
Garland Mac Chapman Cullum – the first in her family to attend college – became a Dallas pioneering female journalist after her 1938 graduation from Southern Methodist University. Her professional career included writing columns for Dallas' two major daily newspapers.
She also married her college sweetheart – the editor of the SMU student newspaper – Charles Cullum, who became a Dallas civic and business leader.
Mrs. Cullum, 87, died Sunday of complications of a stroke at Baylor University Medical Center.
A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, 3014 Oak Lawn Ave. She will be entombed in a private ceremony at Hillcrest Mausoleum before the service.
"She was a country girl who came to the city and made her way without ever forgetting the road she had traveled ... every step," said her daughter, journalist Lee Cullum, who has written columns for The Dallas Morning News.
A colorful personality, Mrs. Cullum made friends wherever she went.
"She was steadfast without being stodgy, reverent without being pious, serious without overdoing it," Ms. Cullum said.
Gail Thomas, founder of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, said she loved Mrs. Cullum's "intellect, style and sense of joy about life."
"Mac always had pizazz," said Dr. Thomas, a friend of more than 50 years.
Born in Kerens, Texas, Mrs. Cullum was valedictorian of her high school class.
She majored in journalism at SMU, where she met her husband-to-be working on the student newspaper.
"He was the editor of the SMU paper ... and she was his star reporter," Ms. Cullum said.
At SMU, Mrs. Cullum was a member of Alpha Theta Phi, Mortar Board, the honor society for seniors, and Theta Sigma Phi, an honorary journalism fraternity.
Shortly before graduating from SMU, Mrs. Cullum became a member of the amusements staff at The News. She first worked for amusements editor John Rosenfield, the newspaper's legendary music and drama critic.
She later had a column Just Like A Woman at The News, and two columns at the Dallas Times Herald, one on teenage life and another on the city scene.
In 1948, Mr. Cullum and his brother, Robert Cullum, founded Tom Thumb supermarkets. They built a group of bankrupt stores into a multi-state chain.
Mr. and Mrs. Cullum were active in civic affairs.
She was a fundraiser for the American Red Cross in Dallas and served on the board of directors of the Dallas Theater Center and the SMU Alumni Association. She was also active with the Dallas Junior League, the Junior League Garden Club and the Dallas Woman's Club.
She was an active member of Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, where she taught groups of young people for 20 years.
"I believe my grandmother's unique approach to life followed from a distinctive formula – combining her colorful, fun, vivacious nature on the one hand, with her unerring focus on what is good and meaningful and important on the other,'" said her grandson, Cullum Clark of Dallas. "This mixture was electrifying."
In addition to her husband, daughter and grandson, Mrs. Cullum is survived by three great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, 3014 Oak Lawn Ave., Dallas, Texas 75219; or the Episcopal School of Dallas, 4100 Merrill Road, Dallas, Texas 75229.
Thelma L. Whitson
Jun 11, 1908 - Mar 19, 2004
WHITSON THELMA L., 95 passed away Friday March 19, 2004 at an area nursing home. She was born in Dawson, Texas. Thelma was preceded in death by her husband, Stephen E. (Dick) Whitson and daughter Billie Jean Meeks, Survivors include children Earleen (Babe) Whitson of Dallas, texas, Peggy Francis and husband Buddy of Irving, Texas, Kenneth Whitson and wife Lin of College Station, Texas, son-in-law Bobby Meeks of Dallas, Texas, 5 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren. The family will receive friends Monday March 22, 2004 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the funeral home. Graveside services 1:00 P.M. Tuesday March 23, 2004 at the Itasca Cemetery, Itasca, Texas with Rev. Wallace Philpit officiating. BROWN's MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME 707 MacArthur Blvd., Irving, TX |
William Ray Fuller
Nov 29, 1935 - Jan 14, 2004
WILLIAM RAY (BILL) of Kemp passed away Jan. 14, 2004 in Spearsville, LA. Bill was born in Blooming Grove, TX on Nov. 29, 1935 to David and Lucreecy Morse Fuller. He is survived by his wife: Clara Williams Fuller of Kemp, son Billy Ray Fuller and his wife Sherry of Spearsvile, LA. daughter: Nelda Kay Warnek and her husband Chris of Kemp, brother Newman Fuller of Cedar Creek and Danny Fuller of Hawkins, sisters: Faye Collins of Waxahachie, jean King of Irving and Katherine Mobley of Mineola, grandchildren: Allison, Emily, Joshua, Gordon, Tracy and Doug, five great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Sat. Jan. 17, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Baptist Church of Kemp. Visitation will be at the funeral home Friday from 6 pm to 8 pm. Family has requested that in lieu of flowers memorials be made to the Kemp Athletic Club.
- Dallas Morning News 1-16-2004
Georgia Augusta (Smith) Shadix
Aug 8, 1935 - Jul 13, 2005
Georgia Augusta Shadix, 69, of Arlington, beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, daughter, sister and aunt, went to be with the Lord and Savior Wednesday, July 13, 2005. She passed away peacefully at Arlington Memorial Hospital with her family at her side after a nine-year courageous battle with cancer.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Griffin-Roughton Chapel. Interment will follow at Resthaven Memorial Park.
Pallbearers will be Charles Smith Jr., Dennis Smith, Jeremy Almand, Adam Metz, Casey Duncan and John Shadix III. Honorary pallbearers will be Joshua Shadix, Taylor Williams, Drew Smith and Edward Stebbins.Mrs. Shadix was born Aug. 8, 1935, to George and Blanche Smith. She met and married the love of her life, John A. Shadix Sept. 28, 1954. They moved to Arlington in 1962.
She was preceded in death by her daughter, Sandra Gail; and her father, George Smith.
Survivors include her husband of 50 years, John A. Shadix; daughters, Debbi Davis and husband Wayne of Cleburne and Lisa Williams and husband Randy of Fort Worth; son, John Shadix Jr. and wife Beverly, Sharla, of Arlington; mother, Blanche Smith Morris of Corsicana; brothers, Charles Smith and wife Faye, Carl Smith and Harvey Smith and wife Michelle, all of Arlington; sister, Dorothy McMullan and husband Boyd of Arlington; grandchildren, Shana Gentry and husband Scott, Deirdra Perez and husband Chris, Tanya Greer and husband Kenneth, Adam Metz and wife Brittney, Casey Duncan and wife Nicole, John Shadix III, Justin Davis, Jessica Pierce, Taylor Williams, Joshua Shadix, John Ryley and Shadix and Matthew Davis; great-grandchildren, Caleb and Gracie Gentry, Christopher Corbin Perez, Adam Metz III, Christopher Taylor Perez, Caden Brett Duncan and Tyler Greer and newest great-grandbaby Gentry expected March 4, 2006; and many nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Hazel Jones
Jul 12, 1904 - Jul 14, 2005
Hazel Jones, 101, of Malakoff passed away Thursday, July 14, 2005, at Cedar Lake Nursing Home.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday at Paschal Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Paschal Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Ken Jones officiating. Interment will follow at Prairie Point Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Glen Jones, Tenny Jones, Jason Jones, Chuck Edwards, Gabe Edwards and Glenn Hutto.
Mrs. Jones was born July 12, 1904, in Bazette.
Survivors include her son, Elmer Jones of Murchison; daughter-in-law, Polly Jones of Dallas; sisters-in-law, Frances Sessions of Kerens and Wilma Sessions of Dallas; six grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home, Kerens.
Thomas O. Moore Jr.

Aug 30, 1926 - Jul 13, 2005
Thomas O. Moore Jr., 78, died Wednesday, July 13, 2005, at Heritage Oaks in Corsicana.
He was born Aug. 30, 1926, in Ennis, the son of Thomas O. Moore Sr. and Lou Alma Toal Moore. He was reared in Ennis where he attended school. On March 27, 1948, he was married to Jo Nell Tanton. After their marriage they lived in Dallas. He served in the U.S. Navy during
World War II,
Korea and
Vietnam. He was employed by the Dallas Police Department for nine years, Southern Pacific Railroad for two years and Henry C. Beck Construction for 10 years. He retired in 1992 as the safety director of Austin Commercial. He was a life member of the DAV, a member of the VFW No. 2414, Masonic Lodge and the Shriner’s.
He is survived by his wife, Jo Nell Moore; a son, Thomas O. Moore III; a daughter, Sharon K. Moore; a sister, Doris Garrett; five grandchildren, Kelly Moore, Kim Mathis and Thomas O. Moore IV, who he and Jo Nell raised, Angel Moore and Joe D. Moore; and six great-grandchildren, Robert, Joshua, Daniel, Tucker, Travis and Trace. He was preceded in death by a brother, Billy Moore.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Keever Chapel with Dr. O.A. Moore and Brother Earl Harrington officiating. Interment will be at Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove.
The family will receive friends from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. today at J.E. Keever Mortuary.
- Corsicana Daily Sun - Jul 15, 2005
- Added to
- Social Security Death Index: THOMAS O MOORE 30 Aug 1926 13 Jul
2005 (V) 75102 (Barry, Navarro, TX) (none specified) 453-20-4708 TX
Marlene (Heflin) Kemp
Oct 25, 1941 - Jul 5, 2005
Mrs. Marlene Kemp, 63, died Tuesday, July 5, 2005, at her home in Palmer. She was born Oct. 25, 1941 in Corsicana, the daughter of John V. and Ellen Washburn Heflin. She was reared in Athens where she attended school. On April 6, 1959 she was married to Bobby Kemp. After their marriage they lived in Dallas, later moving to Palmer. She was employed by the Dallas Morning News for 20 years, retiring in 2002. Mr. Kemp preceded her in death on Dec. 28, 1997. She was a member of the Fundamental Baptist Church in Palmer. She is survived by three sons, Vernon Ray and his wife, Joy Kemp, Sr., Lemuel Wayne and his wife, Angie Kemp, Sr. and Samuel Travis Kemp all of Palmer; a daughter and her husband, Margaret and Joe Olalde of Palmer; a brother and his wife, Ike and Margaret Heflin of Arlington; three sisters, Kathleen and Benny Johnson of Alabama, Marcelin Layton of Dallas, Judy and John Peterson of Duncanville; a brother-in-law, Lewis Kemp of Ennis; a sister-in-law, Annie Fern Higdon of Palmer; 12 grandchildren; and 1 great grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Fundamental Baptist Church in Palmer with Rev. S.G. Hancock officiating. Interment will be in the Palmer Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the Keever Palmer Chapel from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.
Danny Joe Borsellino
Mar 27, 1955 - Jul 14, 2005
Danny Joe Borsellino, 50, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 14, 2005, at Methodist Medical Center in Dallas.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be 3 p.m. Sunday at Corley Funeral Chapel with Dr. John LaNoue and Deacon Lewis Palos officiating. Interment will follow at Calvary Cemetery.Pallbearers will be Garry Poe, Sam Roberts, Danny Thomas, Billy Williamson, Gerald Whitehead and Robert Horvath.
Danny was born March 27, 1955, in Corsicana. Danny graduated from the fire academy in 1974 and worked as a fireman for 20 years for the City of Corsicana helping many people along the way. The highlight of his life was the birth of his daughter in 1977. Christina adored her daddy. He was a wonderful guitar player, with a love for entertaining and performing for a crowd. He was a member of many bands over the years and enjoyed every minute of it. His love for music, and his desire to help people were two of the things that brought him the most joy. He was truly loved by his family and will be dearly missed by all who knew him. He was preceded in death by his wife, Paula Borsellino.
Survivors include his daughter and son-in-law, Christina and Charles Swisher of Corsicana; parents, Francis Joe and Vada Borsellino of Corsicana; brothers, Anthony Borsellino and Christopher Borsellino and wife Jennifer, all of Corsicana; grandson, Calen Swisher of Corsicana; nephews, Chase Borsellino, Drew Borsellino, Dillon Borsellino and Dusty Borsellino, all of Corsicana; numerous aunts and uncles.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Edith Lee (Dixon) Hitchcock
Sept 3, 1910 - Jul 14, 2005
Edith Lee Hitchcock
Edith Lee Hitchcock, 94, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 14, 2005, at Twilight Home.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. today at Pattison Cemetery with the Rev. Horace Cobb officiating.
Mrs. Hitchcock was born Sept. 3, 1910, in Emhouse. She was a homemaker.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dixon; and husband, Homer Hitchcock.
Survivors include her daughter, Willa Joyce Daniel of Corsicana; grandchildren, Tommy and Nita Daniel of Corsicana; great-grandchild, Leann Daniel of Corsicana; great-great-granddaughter, Sloane Johnson of Grinnell, Iowa; brother, Q. L. Dixon of Corsicana; and sister-in-law, Willa Mae Cotton of Fort Worth.
A memorial guest book is available at Click on obituaries and go to the name Edith Hitchcock to sign book and to submit memorial message.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Edith Lee (Dixon) Hitchcock
Edith Lee Hitchcock, resident of Corsicana, Texas passed away Thursday July 14, 2005 at the age of 94 years.
She was born on September 3, 1910 in Emhouse, Texas to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dixon. She was a homemaker.
She was preceded in death by her husband Homer Hitchcock and her parents.
Survivors in iclude her daughter Willa Joyce Danial of Corsicana, Texas. Grandchildren: Tommy and Nita Danial of Corsicana, Texas Great grandchild Leann Danial of Corsicana, Texas. Great great granddaughter Sloane Johnson of Grinnell, Iowa. Brother Q.L. Dixon of Corsicana, Texas. Sister-in-law Willa Mae Cotton of Fort Worth, Texas.
Services will be Saturday July 16, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. graveside at Pattison Cemetery in Emhouse, Texas with bro. Horace Cobb officiating.
Wynona Marie
(Overby) Liggins
Jul 12, 1928 - Jul 14, 2005
Wynona Marie Overby Liggins, 77, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 14, 2005, at Navarro Regional Hospital. Services will be noon Monday at Bethel AME Church with the Rev. Lewis Conway, pastor, and the Rev. Billy C. Freeman officiating. Interment will follow at Woodland Cemetery. Arrangements by Scott Funeral Home.
Martha (Breithaupt) Bowden
Jul 22, 1920 - Jul 15, 2005
Martha Bowden
Martha Breithaupt Bowden, died July 15, 2005 in Dallas at Baylor Hospital.
She was born July 22, 1920 in Corsicana to Delia Barnett and James A. Breithaupt. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother, James A. Breithaupt, Jr.; and sister, Lucille Leonard.
On June 18, 1942, Martha married Billy M. Bowden, who died March 7, 1992 after 49 years of marriage. Martha was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, who took delight in her family. She was a longtime member of Northway Christian Church and May-Friendship class, Dallas Symphony League, The Women’s Committee-International Society of Dallas/Ft. Worth, and Beaux Arts Book Club. She is survived by her daughter, Rebecca Bowden McCabe, son-in-law, Dr. James McCabe of Dallas, and two grandchildren, Allison and Mark McCabe; sister-in-law, Frances Breithaupt; nephews, Jim Breithaupt and George Leonard of Corsicana; and niece, Claudia Childress of Georgia.
Visitation will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. today at Sparkman-Hillcrest Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. at Chapel East of Hillcrest Mausoleum with Reverend Jack Arrington officiating. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Park.
Arrangements at Sparkman-Hillcrest Funeral Home.
Blanche Orand Plunkett
Blanche Orand Plunkett, longtime resident and retired Midland teacher, died Tuesday, July 12, 2005, at her home in Midland after a brief illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Wortham to Fred and Ella Orand (deceased). Her only sister, Fredella Tullos of Garland, passed away in October 2004. She was married to
"Pinky" Plunkett of Corsicana, also deceased.
Mrs. Plunkett was well known to generations of Midlanders, having taught school for more than 30 years. She was a graduate of Commerce College (now Texas A&M University-Commerce) with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education. Later in her career she attended the University of Texas, where she earned her degree in library science.
As a new graduate, she applied for her first teaching position at Leverett Chapel School near Overton, but was turned down for her lack of experience. Unwilling to take
"no" for an answer, she went to see the superintendent, who happened to be plowing a field at the time. She traipsed across the field, stopped him on his tractor, and asked him for a job. He told her that they needed someone with experience.
"Well, if I could go out and buy a package of it, I would, but you can’t buy experience in a package," Mrs. Plunkett said. Because of her determination, he reconsidered and recommended that she be hired.
She taught in and around the Kilgore area until 1952, when she moved to Midland. She taught at DeZavala Elementary School for many years and later at the Carver Center for Gifted Education. She was known as a teacher with high standards, both in academics and behavior. Nonetheless, she was also known as a teacher who cared deeply for each of her students and always provided that extra love and encouragement to help them succeed in their life goals.
She served several years as the librarian at DeZavala Elementary, until she retired in 1984. Unwilling to walk away from her nurturing of students, she continued her work as a volunteer. In 1986 she was recognized by the
Texas Classroom Teachers Association as their Retiree of the Year, in recognition of her career of 47 years in service to education, students, and the community.
Due to an injury, in 1994 she moved to the Morning Glory Adult Home Care Center. Even though she could not continue her full-time volunteer support at the Carver Center, she continued assisting with small tasks from the home for several more years.
Because of her deep love of children and her desire to help them succeed, she endowed the Blanche Plunkett Scholarship Fund through the Permian Basin Area Foundation in 2001. Four students have received Plunkett Scholarships as a lasting legacy of her care for young people.
Mrs. Plunkett is survived by two nephews, Richard Tullos of Waldorf, Md., and Larry Tullos of Flower Mound.
The family will receive friends from 4 to 6 p.m. today at Ellis Funeral Home, 801 Andrews Highway, Midland.
Funeral services have been scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, July 18, at First Presbyterian Church in Midland with the Rev. Steve Schorr officiating.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 19, at Richland Cemetery in Richland.
Memorial gifts to the Plunkett Scholarship Fund would be gratefully received, and may be directed to the Permian Basin Area Foundation, 550 W. Texas, Suite 1260, Midland, TX 79701.
Arrangements are under the direction of Ellis Funeral Home, Midland.
Mrs. Harry U. Crissman
Imogene Ray (Finley) Crissman
Jun 18, 1919 - Dec 29, 2003
CRISSMAN MRS. HARRY U. Born on June 18, 1919 in Corsicana, TX and passed away on December 29, 2003 in her home in Dallas. Survived by her husband, Harry Crissman; daughters; Harriett Myrick and husband, Keith and Mary Hudnall and husband Ron; 3 grandchildren; Rev. John P. Feagins and wife Makrina and their children, David Abraham and Victor Emmanuel; Tom S. Feagins; Katie Hudnall and her son, Blake Christian; step-grandchildren: Scott Huddnall and wife, Sherri-Lynn; Elizabth Dieppa and husband Armando and their children, Paul Ron Castillo and Gabriella Alexis Dieppa. Family will receive friends from 6-8:00 PM on Thursday, January 1, 2004 at Restland Funeral Home. Memorial services will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, January 2, 2004 at First Presbyterian Church of Dallas. Graveside services will be held at 2:00 PM on Friday, January 2, 2004 at Restland Memorial Park, section C. lot 11, block H. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, Children's Department. |
Edie Irene (Mitchell) Anderson
( will repost obituary, we accidentally posted the wrong image ...ed )
- Edie Irene Anderson DOD 12-8-1989 She died and was buried in El Paso. Her husband is buried here and she has a stone but her children didn't send her body back for burial.
Hazel Irene Patterson has an obit from The Freestone County Times April 5, 2005. I had to drive to Fairfield to get a copy. It never showed up on the internet. I'm sending a copy via jpg. If this doesn't work I'll send it in another format. - Submitted by Patsy Womack
William Arthur McCulloch

Jun 22, 1916 - Jul 16, 2005
William McCulloch
DAWSON - Mr. William A. McCulloch, 89, of Dawson, passed away Saturday July 16, 2005 at a Hillsboro hospital. Graveside services will be at 1:30 p.m., Monday, July 18 at Dawson Cemetery with the Rev. Brad Brittain officiating. The family will receive friends from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday at Wade funeral Home.
Steven Arthur Norman
Nov 14. 1952 - Jul 6, 2005
Steven Arthur Norman, born in Corsicana on November 14, 1952, died July 6, 2005, in Conroe following a boating accident. Steve graduated from Edinburg High School and attended Pan American University. He worked as an aircraft mechanic and has lived in The Woodlands over twenty-five years. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joan and Butch Norman. He is survived by his daughter, Wendy Lynn, of The Woodlands; brother, Chuck, of Lago Vista; and sister, Pattie Grahovec, of Pflugerville. So that a memory book can be collected for his daughter and in lieu of flowers, the family requests that friends send their favorite memories of Steve either via email ([email protected]) or by mail to his home.
Lorena (Walls-Porter) Bennett-Darden
Aug 22, 1911 - Jul 6, 2005
ROTAN -- Lorena Bennett Darden, 93, died Wednesday, July 6, 2005, at Fisher County Hospital. Services will be 3:00 p.m. Friday, July 8, 2005, at First Baptist Church in Rotan with Brother Corkey Wells officiating. Burial will be in Belvieu Cemetery, directed by Weathersbee-Ray Funeral Home.
Born August 22, 1911 in Navarro County, Texas, she was a daughter of the late Ed and Katie Walls. She traveled by covered wagon to the Lamesa area with her father, mother and two sisters. Lorena and one sister, Beatrice, were adopted when they were young by Christopher and Georgie Porter of Colorado City. She married Noble Bennett in 1930 in Roscoe, they came to Rotan in 1943. Noble died in 1948. Later she married Dono Darden in 1950 in Rotan. Lorena and Dono owned Darden's Department Store and Lorena manufactured blouses. She was a member of the Eastern Star, Rebekias Oddfellows of Texas and the VFW Auxiliary. Lorena was also a member of the First Baptist Church of Rotan. She is preceded in death by both husbands, two sisters, one half-brother and one step- sister.
Survivors include: two sons and one daughter-in-law, Clois Bennett of Rotan and Marshal and Chrys Bennett of Rotan; one step-daughter, Nancy Counts of Rotan; one half-brother, Alvin Ray Walls of Brazil; one half-sister, Bernadine Mosier of Fort Worth; two grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.
Visitation will be held Thursday, July 7, 2005 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Weathersbee-Ray Funeral Home.
Albert Smith, Sr.
abt 1933 - Jul 14, 2005
Albert Smith, Sr., 72, of Corsicana died July 14, 2005 at Heritage Oaks West Nursing Home in Corsicana.
A wake service will be held 7-8 p.m. today at Ross and Johnson Mortuary Chapel. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. at Renfro Memorial Church of God in Christ with William Lewis, Jr. officiating and Albert Smith, Jr. performing the eulogy. Stacy Carroll, Wellington Cotton, Will Hutchison, Teddy Thompson and Rolondo Washington will serve as pallbearers. Honorary Pallbearers will be James Carroll, William Watson, Lonnie Simmons, Jerry Solomon, Daniel Washington and Larry Wilson.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Clifton and Adline Smith; wife, Claudine Smith; sister, Elizabeth Smith and brothers, Robert Smith and Joe Willie Smith.
Albert is survived by his nine children, Verdell Smith of Corsicana, Christine and George Suber of Dallas, Doris and Wellington Cotton of Corsicana, Annie Lois and Anthony Evans of Austin, Felicia and Albert Smith, Jr. of Corsicana, Ruth L. Smith of Austin and Patricia and Earnest Henderson, Thelma and Norris Canady and James Smith, all of Corsicana. He is also survived by eight siblings, James Morgan and Evonne Smith of Fairfield, Dorothy Faye Walker of Dallas, Clifton and Viola Smith of Athens, Raymond and Zola Smith of Hubbard, Nell Ruth and Ivory Renfro of Athens, Arlene and Robert Earl Bivens of Athens, Alvin Henry Smith of Rusk, Erwin Joe Smith of Athens. He is also survived by a host of grandchildren great grandchildren, great great grandchildren and many other relatives and friends.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
Eula Blanche (Sullivan) Tarkington
Aug 5, 1915 - Jul 16, 2005
Eula Blanche Tarkington, 89, died July 16, 2005 at Heritage Oaks West Nursing Home.
Services will be held today at 2 p.m. at the Paschal Funeral Home Chapel in Kerens with Rev. Mike Alexander officiating. Burial will follow at Prairie Point Cemetery.
Eula was born on August 5, 1915 in Muskogee, Oklahoma to Bessie and Pete Sullivan. She was a loving mother and enjoyed sewing, quilting, games and crafts.
She was preceded in death by her husband Lester Earl Tarkington; two sons Lester Earl Tarkington, Jr. and Kenneth Allen Tarkington; parents Bessie and Pete Sullivan and granddaughter, Sandra Edwards.
Eula was survived by her son Stephen Booth Tarkington of Dawson; daughters and sons-in-law, Eula Mae and Ernest Silva of Detroit, Texas, Linda and Ken Fricker of Mildred and Mary Beth and Gerald Gerard of Blooming Grove; sister Nora Belle Gragg of Tyler; 11 grandchildren and a number of great grandchildren.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home in Kerens.
- Corsicana Daily Sun - Jul 18, 2005
- w/o Lester Earl Tarkington Sr.; d/o
Pete Benjamin Sullivan & Bessie (Curry) Sullivan
Edith (Tillman) Stone
May 5, 1907 - July 18, 2005
Mrs. J. C. (Lena) Stone
Mrs. J. C. (Lena) Stone, 98, of Dallas passed away Monday, July 18, 2005, at her residence.
Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday at Blooming Grove United Methodist Church with Jonathan Speegle officiating. Interment will follow at Dresden Cemetery.
Mrs. Stone was born May 5, 1907, in Blooming Grove.
She taught in the Dallas Independent School District for 30 years.
She was preceded in death by her husband, John C. Stone Jr.
Survivors include her nephew, Jim McClelland of Dallas.
A memorial guest book is available at Click on obituaries and go to the name Mrs. J. C. (Lena) Stone to sign book and to submit memorial message.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
LENA EDITH TILLMAN STONE Longtime Dallas Teacher
Dies at 98 Dallas, July 19, Lena Edith
Tillman Stone died Monday July 19, after a brief illness. Lena, also known as
Mrs. John C.
Stone, Jr. was a retired teacher, teaching at both Highland Park High School and
Elementary. She taught in those schools for over 30 years. Funeral rites will be
Thursday at 1 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Blooming Grove. Burial will
be at the
Dresden Cemetery. Mrs. Stone was a longtime resident of Dallas & member of the
Lovers Lane
United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her sister Louise Tillman
her husband John C. Stone Jr. Surviving is Jim McClelland, nephew, of Dallas.
Roughton Funeral Services, of Corsicana, will direct.
Hassie D. Yancey
HASSIE D. "HASS" born June 16, 1929 in Corsicana, TX and passed away July 25, 2004 in Mesquite, TX at the age of 75 years with his family at his side. Mr. Yancey is survived by his wife of 52 years, Gladys, a son, Mike Yancey and wife Ellen and daughter Donna Thomason and husband Kevin. Left to cherish the memory of their grandfather is Leanne and Shelbi. He leaves behind two brothers and four sisters. He retired from the Federal Correctional Institute of Seagoville and Seagoville Federal Credit Union. He was a member of the Town East Baptist Church and the Elks Lodge of Mesquite. Mr. Yancey spent four years in the United States Air Fore. He had a great love for his children and grandchildren. Services will be at 2:00 PM Tues., July 27, 2004 at the Roswlawn Funeral Home Chapel with interment to follow at Roselawn Memorial Gerdens. The family will receive friends Monday 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Chapel.
James L. Easley 
Nov 28, 1871 - Jan 14, 1951
James L. Easley, 78, Retired Farmer, Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 16. - Funeral was held here Tuesday for James L. Easley, 78, retired farmer, who died in a hospital here Sunday.
Services were in the Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Easley was a native of Tennessee, but had been in Navarro County fifty years.
Surviving are the daughters, Mrs. Joe T. Smith and Mrs. Ben Heathcote, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. H. A. Creasy of Wardell, Okla.; two sons, Chester Easley of Corsicana and Johnny Easley of Navarro; twenty-two grandchildren. A brother, W. A. Easley of Olney; four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Starks of Ardmore, Okla.; Mrs. Mattie Walker of Dallas, Mrs. J. M. Utsey of Houston and Mrs. C. H. Mock of Eureka.
James L. Easley, 78, retired farmer, died at the P. and S. Hospital
Sunday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Missionary Baptist church
Tuesday at 3 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. F. Lovelady, pastor of the
church; Rev. A. J. Kirkland, Henderson, formerly of Corsicana, and
Rev. Joe Poe, pastor of Calvary Baptist church.
A native of Nashville, Tenn., Easley had resided in Navarro county
50 years. He had made his home in Corsicana the past 16 years.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Joe T. Smith and Mrs. Ben
Heathcote, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. H. A. Creasy, Wardell Mo.;
two sons, Chester Easley, Corsicana, and Johnnie Easley, Navarro; 22
grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, a brother, W. A. Easley,
Olney; four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Starks, Ardmore, Okla.; Mrs. Mattie
Walker, Dallas; Mrs. J. M. Utsey, Houston, and Mrs. C. H. Mock,
Eureka, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Ed Wyrick, Henry Langridge, W. P. Staggs, Jack
Russell, George Robinson and Preston Brown.
Corley will direct.
James L. Easley, Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for James L. Easley, 78, retired farmer, who died
at the P. and S. Hospital Sunday night, were held from the
Missionary Baptist church Tuesday at 3 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. F. Lovelady, pastor of the
church; Rev. A. J. Kirkland, Henderson, and Rev. Joe Poe, pastor of
the Calvary Baptist church.
A native of Tennessee, Easley had resided in Navarro county 50
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Joe T. Smith and Mrs. Ben
Heathcote, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. H. A. Creasy, Wardell Mo.;
two sons, Chester Easley, Corsicana, and Johnnie Easley, Navarro; 22
grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, a brother, W. A. Easley,
Olney; four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Starks, Ardmore, Okla.; Mrs. Mattie
Walker, Dallas; Mrs. J. M. Utsey, Houston, and Mrs. C. H. Mock,
Eureka, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Ed Wyrick, Henry Langridge, W. P. Staggs, Jack
Russell, George Robinson and Preston Brown.
Corley directed.
Walter Allen Elkins
Feb 12, 1874 - Nov 29, 1921
ELKINS - Corsicana, Texas, Nov 29. - L. W. Elkins, 49 years old, merchant of Barry, this county, and for several years Justice of the Peace in that precinct, died at the P & S Hospital at 3 o'clock this morning as the result of internal injuries received in an automobile accident Saturday night, when the car in which he and his two sons, John and Roger, were riding on their return from Emhouse, this county, to their home at Barry. He is survived by his wife and eight children. The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in the Dresden Cemetery.
L. W. Elkins Passed
Away As Result of Injuries in Auto Wreck
L. W. Elkins. a merchant at Barry. and for several years justice of the
peace there, died at the P. and S. hospital here this morning at 3
o'clock as the result of internal injuries received in an auto accident
Saturday night at 8 o'clock when the car in which he and his two sons,
John and Roger were riding on their
return from Emhouse to their home at Barry.
The accident occurred near Cryer Creek, and Mr. Elkins was caught under
the car and received internal injuries. He was brought to the P. and S.
hospital here soon after the accident and an operation to retrieve blood
caused by an internal hemorrhage was performed.
For awhile the deceased rallied and rested well, but death came at the
hour named this morning.
The deceased was forty-nine years old and is survived by his wife and
eight children.
One son, Hubert Elkins, who was working for a wholesale grocery company
in Fort Worth, was killed in a truck accident last June.
The remains were taken to the home of the deceased at Barry this
morning, and interment took place in the Dresden Cemetery
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The deceased was a good citizen and had
many friends who will regret to learn of his untimely death.
John Ellis
abt 1842 - Feb 1907
Found Dead in Bed.
Special to The News.
Corsicana, Tex., Feb. 6. - John Ellis, a hack driver, who has been in that business in Corsicana for twenty years, was found dead in his bed this morning. He was 65 years of age, and his death is attributed to heart
Hill Eley
Died Apr 1905
Death from Pistol Wounds.
Special to The News.
Corsicana, Tex., April 6. - Hill Eley, one of the principals in the pistol duel in Corsicana Tuesday, died early this morning. Robert Wood, the other party to the affray, has it is thought, a fair showing for recovery.
J. J. Ennis
Died Sep 1908
Special To The News.
ENNIS - Ennis, Tex., Spet. 14. - J. J. Ennis, aged 70 years died at his home in Ennis last night at 10:30 o'clock after a long illness. He leaves a widow and a daughter. Mr. Ennis was born in Scotland. While a mere youth he joined the English navy and grained high rank in naval affairs. In that connection he traveled over much of the world and probably was in every civilized Nation of the world. After many years of service in that line he located in Texas and became connected with the Houston and Texas Central Railroad as the railroad blacksmith and was one of the company's most valuable men in the shops at Corsicana until the shops were moved to Ennis, and he then moved here and continued in his position until a few months ago, when he was retired on the pension policy adopted by the road for their faithful old employees. Mr. Ennis was nearly 70 years old and had always been an active worker, and it seems that retirement was distasteful to him and his health has been on the decline since then.
The remains were shipped to Corsicana this morning for interment and a large number of Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and railroad people accompanied the funeral party. The shops were practically closed down and passes were issued to all employees who desired to attend. There were two extra cars attached to No. 2, southbound passenger train, and they were filled with sorrowing friends. The pallbearers were R. H. Westmoreland, Jake Hesser Jr., J. B. Overall, G. M. Fugate, W. C. Grant and Ben Watkins.
Rev. W. A. McLeod of the First Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral service and his choir furnished appropriate music, singing by request the favorite songs of the deceased. There were great banks of flowers sent as tokens of love and esteem, which were in evidence both at the home and at the station.
Edith Ellis
Died Apr 1931
Woman Uses Kerosene On Fire, Death Follows
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, April 21. - Mrs. Edith Ellis, 25, who died in the P & S. Hospital Monday night from burns sustained when she lighted a fire in a cook stove with kerosene at the Ellis home on the Fortson farm, two and one-half miles from Rice, Monday afternoon. An explosion resulted, inflicting severe burns and igniting the house, which was destroyed. J. C. Ellis, 34, a brother, is in the hospital in a serious condition from burns received at the time.
A number of people were in the house at the time, and it was with considerable difficulty that a couple of babies were rescued from the burning home.
Survivors are a 5-year-old son, Marvin Everett; her parents; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ellis, Rice, with whom she made her home; six brothers, J. C., Arnold, Earl, Samuel and Archie Ellis, all of the Rice community, and Marshall Ellis of Waxahachie; four sisters, Gladys Ellis and Mrs. Emma Eppler, both of Rice; Mrs. Esther Perkins, Italy, and Mrs. Alma Elam, Sweetwater.
George Frank Estell
Jul 7, 1859 - Mar 29, 1945
Rites for George Estell, Navarro Pioneer, Held
CORSICANA, Texas, April 1. - Funeral services were held Sunday at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church for George S. Estell, 85. A native of Missouri, he had resided in Navarro County fifty years.
Surviving are a sister and other relatives.
Funeral services for George S. Estell, 85, who died Thursday afternoon
at his home, 308 West Seventh avenue, were held Sunday afternoon at the
Pleasant Grove Baptist church, with the Rev. T. R. Vaughn, pastor,
Burial followed in the Pleasant Grove cemetery, Wilson-Dobson was in
charge of arrangements. Pall bearers were J. M. Dixon, Lloyd Wooten, Sam
Melton, Leonard Staggs, Claude Melton and J. K. Moody.
Born July 7, 1859, in Missouri, Estell came to Texas 50 years ago and
was a longtime resident of Blooming Grove before moving to Corsicana in
July 1944.
Survivors include his sister, Mrs. Alice Cook of Houston, and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Mary Frances "Fannie" (Williams) English
Feb 29, 1872 - Apr 1, 1940
Dallas Man's Mother Dies
Special to The News
FROST, Texas, April 1. - Mrs. Fannie English, 68, resident of Frost for forty-eight years, died Monday at her home four miles from this city.
She was the mother of C. O. English, Dallas insurance man who is well known in bowling circles. She leaves six other children, Beldon English and Mrs. Eula Ponder, Frost; Mrs. Eunice Ellis, Henderson; Mrs. Gillie Nichols, Corsicana; Mrs. Ruby Kavanaugh, Clarendon, Donley County, and the Rev. A. B. English of Waco.
A native of Alabama, she came to Frost in 1892 with her
husband, L. L. English, who died twelve years ago.
Funeral will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the First Methodist Church here.
Mrs. Fannie, age 68, Frost, Texas, resident of Frost fifty years, passed
away Tuesday. Surviving are three sons; C. O. English and Rev. A. B.
English, Waco; Beldon English, Frost; four daughters, Mrs. Eunice Ellis,
Henderson, Texas; Mrs. Eula Conder, Frost; Mrs. Ruby Kavanaugh, Clarendon,
Texas; Mrs. Gillie Nichols, Corsicana, Texas; eleven grandchildren. Services
Tuesday, Methodist Church, Frost. Interment Frost.
Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie English, aged 68 years, who died at
her home in Frost Monday, were held from the Frost Methodist church
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with burial in the Frost Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. V. Baine and Rev. John N.
Mrs. English had resided on the same farm near Frost for the past 48
Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Eunice Ellis, Henderson; Mrs.
Eula Ponder, Frost; Ruby Kavanaugh, Clarendon, and Mrs. Gillie
Nichols, Corsicana; three sons, Rev. A. B. English, pastor of the
Herring Avenue Methodist church, Waco; Beldon English, Frost;
Clarence English, Dallas; 19 grandchildren, a brother, R. N.
Williams, Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Keathley, Corsicana.
Jesse Bragg
Apr. 4, 1860 - Apr. 5, 1934
BRAGG - Corsicana. Texas, April 3Jesse Bragg, 74, native and life-long resident of the Roane community, died Wednesday night and the funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Post Oak church. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Baptist Church of Corsicana. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Mary Bragg, Mrs. John Davis and Mrs. Martha Randall, all of the Roane community.
Jesse Bragg, aged 74, native and life-long resident of the Roane
community, died Wednesday night after a long illness and the funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the
Post Oak Cemetery. The
services will be conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh
Avenue Baptist church of Corsicana.
Surviving are three sisters, Miss Mary Bragg, Mrs. John Davis and Mrs.
Martha Randall, all of the Roane community. He was a brother of the late
James Bragg, who died March 28, this year.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Jesse Bragg, 74, lifelong resident of the Roane
community, who died Wednesday night following a lingering illness, were
held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Post Oak church with burial in
the Post Oak cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue
Baptist church of Corsicana.
Surviving are three sisters, Miss Mary Bragg, Mrs. John Davis and Mrs.
Martha Randall, all of the Roane community.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
ROANE, April 5.—(Spl.)—Roane was shocked at the sudden death of Mr. Jim
Bragg who died Thursday. Mr. Bragg had lived at Roane the greater part
of his life. The services were held at the Baptist church by Rev. Glenn
of Corsicana. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Billie
Randall and Miss Mary Bragg, Roane; one brother, Mr. Jess Bragg of Roane
and many other relatives.
Walter Jordan Berry
Jun 22, 1890 - Apr 24, 1947
Walter J. Berry Rites Conducted at Corsicana
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, April 26. - Funeral services for Walter J. Berry, 56, who died Thursday night at Grand Prairie, were held here Saturday afternoon.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Cleonise Steadman, Grand Prairie; mother, Mrs. Alice Berry, Corsicana; a brother, Edgar Berry, Waco; and five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Orange, Dallas; Mrs. Mary Dosser and Mrs. Belle Owen, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Maudie Jones, Eustace, and Mrs. Lillie Talley, Bay City.
Walter J. Berry, aged 56 years, died in Grand Prairie Thursday
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Funeral Home
Saturday afternoon in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of the First Christian church.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Cleonise Steadman, Grand Prairie;
mother, Mrs. Alice Berry, Corsicana; a brother, Edgar Berry, Waco;
five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Orange, Dallas; Mrs. Mary Dosser and Mrs.
Belle Owen, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Maudie Jones, Eustace, and Mrs.
Lilly Talley, Bay City.
Funeral services for Walter J. Berry, aged 56 years, who died in
Grand Prairie Thursday night, were held from the McCammon Funeral
Chapel Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Claude A. Guild, minister
of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Cleonise Steadman, Grand Prairie;
mother, Mrs. Alice Berry, Corsicana; a brother, Edgar Berry, Waco;
five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Orange, Dallas; Mrs. Mary Dosser and Mrs.
Belle Owen, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Maudie Jones, Eustace, and Mrs.
Lilly Talley, Bay City, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jack Allen , Albert Dosser, Buna Carr, Loyd
Holland, Chester Easley, and Junior Easley.
Ira Thomas Blake
Nov 15, 1908 - Sep 13, 1952
Ira T. Blake, 42 Dies in Houston
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept. 14 - Ira Thomas Blake, 42, died at his home in Houston early Saturday.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Dresden Church in Navarro County. Burial was in the Dresden Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife and a daughter, Cherry Blake, both of Houston; mother, Mrs. I. T. Blake, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Charles W. Croft, Corsicana, and Mrs. E. T. Woodall, Alliance Hall; a brother, Dan Cunningham, Fort Worth, and a nephew, Wendell Woodall, Corsicana.