Martha Lena (Ivey) Caldwell-Blanding Jul 26, 1887 - Mar 27, 1950
March 28, 1950 Mrs.Lena Ivey Blanding CORSICANA, Texas, March 28. - Mrs. Lena Ivey Blanding, 63, died Monday of a heart attack. Funeral services were held Tuesday, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are two brothers, E. V. Ivey, Kerens, and W. E. Ivey, Dallas Notes:
Mrs. L. I. Blanding Dies On Monday Of Heart Attack
Mrs. Lena Ivey Blanding, 63, 515 W. Third avenue, died with a heart attack at an early hour Monday morning.
Funeral services are to be held from the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel Tuesday at 10 a.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Blanding was a long-time resident of Navarro county, residing at Kerens for two years before moving to Corsicana.
Surviving are two brothers, E. V. Ivey, Kerens, and W. E. Ivey, Dallas, and other relatives.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, March 27, 1950
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband John Walter Caldwell married Feb. 8, 1904 2nd husband Robert Palmer Blanding married Dec. 20, 1914 d/o Elias V. Ivey and Ora (Butler) Ivey
Mrs. L. I. Blanding Funeral Services
Held On Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Lena Ivey Blanding, 63, of Corsicana, who died
of a heart attack early Monday, were held Tuesday afternoon from the
Griffin Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor of the
Westminister Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Blanding resided in Kerens and Corsicana most of her life.
Surviving are two brothers, E. V. Ivey, Kerens, and W. E. Ivey, Dallas,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. E. Butler, Jr., E. V. Ivey, Jr., Dewey McClung, Ford
Ivey, A. C. Choate and Earl Seale.
Bernard Byrne
 Feb 3,
1857 - Jul 11, 1951
July 13, 1951 E. B. Byrne Funeral Is Held at Corsicana Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, July 13. - Services for E. B. Byrne, 94, longtime Corsicana resident, were held here Friday. He died Wednesday night in Denton. Byrne, one of the men constructing the Trinity & Brazos Valley Railroad from Houston north through Corsicana, rode the first train into the local station over the route. He also rode the last train before the road became a part of the Burlington-Rock Island Lines several years ago. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dibble, Denton; a son, Rex Byrne, Houston; a grandson and other relatives. Notes:
Aged Railroader Dies Wednesday
E. B. Bryne, 94, long-time Corsicana resident, died Wednesday night in
Denton at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dibble.
Funeral rites will be held from the McCammon Chapel at 3 p.m. Friday
with burial in the Providence cemetery. The rites will be conducted by
Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate
Byrne was connected with the construction of the Trinity & Brazos Valley
Railroad through Corsicana and rode the first train into Corsicana. He
also rode the last train on the line before it became a part of the
Burlington System several years ago.
Surviving are his daughter, a son, Rex Byrne, Houston; a grandson and
other relatives.
Friday Services For E. B. Byrne
Funeral services for E. B. Bryne, 94, retired railroad builder, who died
in Denton Wednesday night, were held from the McCammon Chapel at 3 p.m.
Friday. Burial was in the
Providence cemetery.
The services were conducted by the Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo of the
Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Byrne help build the Trinity and Brazos Valley Railroad from Houston
north through Corsicana.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dibble, Denton; a son, Rex Byrne,
Houston; a grandson and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Edd Harris, Edward Chamberlain, Bennie Clement, Bernard
Chamberlain, Clay Byrne, Willie Clement.
John Calvin Calhoun
Dec 12, 1882 - May 9, 1956
May 10, 1956 John C. Calhoun, Leader In Texas Politics, Dies Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. - John C. Calhoun, 73, political, civic and church leader, died at his home here Wednesday following a heart attack. An oilman, Calhoun was a former chairman of the state Democratic Executive Committee, where his middle-of-the-road tactics brought harmony to Texas Democrats on many occasions. He retired from that post in 1950. Funeral services will be conducted at p.m. Thursday at the First Baptist Church here, with Dr. W. M. Shamburger officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Calhoun was downtown to attend a Rotary Club meeting at noon Wednesday when he suffered a heart attack. He was taken to his home, where he suffered a second attack shortly before he died at mid-afternoon. A native of Rusk, he was reared in Dawson, Navarro County. He was connected with the Cotton Belt Railroad for many years before he entered the oil business. He was a partner in the Butler-Calhoun Oil Company here. He was a trustee and deacon in the First Baptist Church. For several years he has been a member of the State Teachers College Board of Regents. He was a former mayor of Corsicana, a director of the State National Bank here, a past district governor of the Rotary Club and a past potentate of Karem Shrine Temple in Waco. Survivors are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. T. M. George III, both of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. John Woods of Tyler, and several grandchildren. Notes:
John Calvin Calhoun
John C. Calhoun Rites Thursday
Funeral services for John C. Calhoun, 73, former Corsicana mayor and political, civic and church leader, were held from the First Baptist church Thursday at 4 p.m. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the church of which Calhoun was a trustee and deacon.
Calhoun died of a heart attack at his home, 1500 West Second avenue, Wednesday afternoon after being taken ill at the Navarro Hospital at noon. He had been in ill health for several years.
A native of Rusk county, Calhoun was reared at Dawson and was connected with the Cotton Belt Railroad for years before entering the oil business. He was a partner in the Butler-Calhoun Oil Company and owned other interests. He was a director of the State National Bank and at the time of his death was a member of the State Board of Regents for Teachers Colleges.
Calhoun was chairman of the State Democratic executive committee for several years during the term of Governor Beauford H. Jester, retiring from that post in 1950. He was a past district Rotary governor and past potentate of the Karem Shrine Temple at Waco. He was a Mason and Odd Fellow.
His wife received many telegrams and messages of condolences from state and national figures including former Senator Tom Connally of Marlin, Governor Allan Shivers and Lieutenant Governor Ben H. Ramsey.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. T. M. George, III, and two grandsons, Steve and John George, all of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. John Woods of Tyler.
Pallbearers were Joe E. Butler, Henry Walker, O. M. Boynton, E. Y. Cunningham, R. L. Sanders, Sr.; N. Suttle Roberts, Clyde Stroud, George Baum, Hood Cheney, Dr. Wm. B. Mayfield and Dr. Wm. T. Shell.
McCammon directed.

Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., May 10, 1956
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Florence Annie (Harlee)
Calhoun married Apr 25, 1907; s/o John Duncan Calhoun & Elizabeth
Arena (Jackson) Calhoun

Joshua Burkhalter
Aug 8, 1896 - Jan 12, 1931
January 15, 1931 Farmer Meets Death When Well Caves in
Special to The News KERENS, Texas, Jan 15 - Josh Burkhalter, 34, a
farmer, twelve miles south of Kerens, while digging a well, was killed
as a cave-in covered him with fifteen feet of earth. Neighbors
removed the body after an all-nigh effort. He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Burkhalter of Corsicana; one sister, Mrs. E.
E. Williamson of Kerens, and other relatives. Burial was in
Kerens Cemetery. Notes:
KERENS, Jan. 13. -(Spl.) - The body of Joshua Burkhalter, age about 32 years, was recovered from a well in the Rural Shade community about 6
o'clock Tuesday morning, after a crew of men had worked since 2:30 Monday afternoon when the cavein occurred. Burkhalter was engaged in
digging a water well on the Speed farm and had just descended when the cavein occurred, burying him under 15 feet of dirt.
The body was brought here and prepared for burial.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Burkhalter, Corsicana, and several brothers and sisters.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home of his sister, Mrs. Ed Williamson, here and were conducted by Rev. J. U.
McAfee, Methodist minister, assisted by Rev. Joe N. Everhart, Presbyterian. Burial was in the
Kerens Cemetery.
- Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Friday, Jan 16, 1931
Submitted by Karen Rost
Emma Burkhalter Died Sep 1936
See: Emma Sophia (Scott) Burkhalter
Francis A. Burke Died Jan 1921
Jan 11, 1921 BURKE - Corsicana, Texas. Jan. 11 - Francis A., the three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Burke of Powell, this county, died Sunday night and the funeral took place Monday morning, with burial in Post Oak Cemetery. Notes:
Isabella "Ellen"
(Sparks) Burgess
May 16, 1844 - Jul 24, 1924
July 24, 1924 MRS BURGESS, 80, PIONEER OF CORSICANA, IS DEAD Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas July 24. - Mrs. Ellen I. Burgess, 80 years old, for forty years a resident of Corsicana, died here Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. I. T. Jones, pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian Church, will conduct the services. Mrs. Burgess is survived by three children, Mrs. P. C. Townsend of Corsicana, Mrs. C. C. Cooper of Oklahoma City and Walton Burgess of Shreveport. Notes:
Confined to Sick Bed.
The many friends of Mrs. Ellen Burgess will be sorry to learn of her
recent illness and hope for her a speedy recovery, ending in her wanted
good health again. Mrs. Burgess is approaching her eightieth birthday
and up until a few days ago was very active. Her illness has brought to
her bedside her son, Mr. Walton Burgess of Shreveport, La., and Mrs. C.
C. Cooper of Oklahoma City, while Mrs. Percy Townsend and daughter, Mrs.
E. L. N. Glass of Mexico City have been giving every attention to their
mother and grandmother. Mrs. Burgess is one of the older settlers and
has lived to see the city grow from a small village to its present
progressive condition.
Nancy Leona
(Williams) Burdine
Jun 3, 1878 - Aug 1, 1930
Aug 1, 1930 Woman Dies at Corsicana Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 1. - Mrs. E. C. Burdine, 60, died at her home here Friday and funeral services will be held Saturday from the First Methodist Church. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are her husband and five sons, F. E. Burdine, Dallas; Clifford Burdine, Corsicana; Roy Burdine, Dallas; Burley Burdine, Dallas, and Merrill Burdine, Dallas. Several grandchildren survive also. Notes:
Mrs. E. C. Burdine, aged 60 years, died at her home at the corner of
Thirty-fifth street and Collin street at 2:10 Friday afternoon and
funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the
First Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband and five sons, F. E. Burdine, Dallas; Clifford
Burdine, Corsicana; Roy Burdine, Dallas; Burley Burdine, Dallas, and
Merrill Burdine, Dallas. Several grandchildren and other relatives also
Corley-McMahon Funeral Home will have charge of the funeral.
Funeral services for Mrs. E. C. Burdine, age 60 years, who died Friday
afternoon at her home, located at the intersection of Thirty-fifth and
Collin streets, were held Saturday at 8 o’clock from the First Methodist
church with interment in Oakwood
Surviving are her husband and five sons, F. E. Burdine, Dallas; Clifford
Burdine, Corsicana; Roy Burdine, Dallas; Burley Burdine, Dallas, and
Merrill Burdine, Dallas. Several grandchildren and other relatives also
The Corley-McMahon Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements.
Pallbearers were Eugene Williams, Kennith Williams, Lonnie Williams,
Melvin Keathley, Dewey Williams, and Belton Keathley.
Martha Matilda "Mattie"
(Mitchell) Bunch
Dec 27, 1863 - Jan 9, 1933Jan 9, 1933
Mattie Bunch, died Jan 1933
Mrs. Mattie Bunch, 69, wife of E. B. Bunch, died Monday morning and the funeral died Monday morning and the funeral will be held from the Church of Christ Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are her husband; six sons, C. L. Bunch, Gatesville; W. J. Bunch, Gatesville; F.
A. Bunch, B. C. Bunch, R. F. Bunch and J. T. Bunch, all of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. I. L. Baker, Drane; several grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
View Obituary Clipping
--- Jan 11, 1933
Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Bunch, 69, wife of E. B. Bunch, who died Monday, were held at the Church of Christ Tuesday morning, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by J. L. ___, minister of the Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband, six sons, C. L. Bunch, and W. J. Bunch, both of Gatesville; G. A. Bunch, B. C. Bunch, R. F. Bunch, and J. T. Bunch, all of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. I. L. Baker, Drane; several grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The six sons were pallbearers. Notes:
Mrs. Mattie Bunch, aged 69 years, wife of E. B. Bunch, 916 West
Eighteenth avenue, died Monday morning at 4:30 o’clock and the
funeral will be held from the Church of Christ Tuesday morning at 10
o’clock, with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The services will be
conducted by J. L. Hines, minister of the Church of Christ.
Surviving are her husband, six sons, C. L. Bunch, Gatesville; W. J.
Bunch, Gatesville; F. A. Bunch, E. C. Bunch, R. F. Bunch and J. T.
Bunch, all of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. I. L. Baker, Drane;
several grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland – McCammon Funeral
Eric H. Buckner Died Nov 1942
November 15, 1942, Houston, Texas Rites Set Today For E. H. Buckner, Oil and Cattleman HOUSTON, Texas, Nov. 15 (AP). - Funeral services for Eric H. Buckner, 62, South Texas oil operator, cattleman and banker who died Saturday night, will be held in Houston Monday morning and at his ranch home at Berclair Monday afternoon. Burial will be at Beeville. Buckner was vice-president of the Southwest Oil Corporation of Corpus Christi and the South Texas Cattle Breeders & Feeders Association, and a director of the San Jacinto National Bank of Houston. He was a native of Corsicana and had lived in Houston the past thirty years. Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hardison of Berclair; three sisters, Mrs. Wade Smith of Corsicana, Mrs. Cliff Harwell of Silsbee and Mrs. Ada Woodward of Dallas, and a brother, Frank Buckner of Dallas. Notes:
Florence Virginia
(Holland) Buck Jan 20, 1878 - Mar 10, 1938
March 11, 1938, Dallas, Texas Mrs. Florence Virginia Buck, 69, of 6011 Belmont, died Thursday. Survived by four daughters, Mrs. Ruby Glasgow, Dallas; Mrs. Ruth Lonon, Corsicana; Mrs. Robert W. (Clara) Pierce, Iraan, Texas; Miss Elora Buck, Dallas; three sons, Roy H., Corsicana; R. Leon, Mount Pleasant; Raymond C., Manila, Philippine Islands; six grandchildren; three sisters, Miss Cynthia Holland, Corsicana; Mrs. Berta Parker, Kerens, Texas; Mrs. Mary Watkins, Hixson, Tenn.; one brother, John G. Holland, Cornersville, Tenn., Services 10 a.m. Saturday at the Rene H. Cox Funeral Chapel, Rev. W. T. Ingram, Rev. Harry Allen, Rev. Charles L. Feinberg officiating, after which the body will go overland for a 2 p.m. service at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Corsicana. Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Virginia Buck, aged 60 years,
6011 Belmont, Dallas, who died in a Dallas hospital after a long
illness, were held in Dallas and Corsicana Saturday with burial
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. T.
Ingram, Rev. Harry Allen and Rev. Charles L. Feinberg. One
service was held in Dallas Saturday morning while the local
service was held from the Cumberland Presbyterian church here of
which Mrs. Buck was a member.
Mrs. Buck sustained a broken hip in a fall several months ago.
Mrs. Buck was a native of Hixson, Tenn., but resided in
Corsicana for many years prior to moving to Dallas in 1936.
Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. Ruby Glasgow, Dallas; Mrs.
Ruth Lonon, Corsicana; Mrs. Robert W. (Clara) Pierce, Iraan, and
Miss Elnora Buck, Dallas; three sons, Roy R. Buck, Corsicana; R.
Leon Buck, Mount Pleasant, and Raymond C. Buck, Phillipine
Islands; six grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Berta Parker,
Kerens; Miss Cynthia Holland, Corsicana, and Mrs. Mary Watkins,
Hixson, Tenn.; and a brother, John G. Holland, Cornersville,
Tenn., and a number of other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Cristian (Palmer) Blanding Mar 8, 1859 - Mar 19, 1926
March 20, 1926 Wife of Judge Blanding Dies. Special to The News. CORSICANA, Texas, March 20.- Mrs. Cora Blanding, wife of Judge J. M. Blanding and for many years a resident of Corsicana, active in religious, civic and social life of the city, died at the family home 628 West Third avenue, Friday, following an illness of several days. Funeral services were conducted from the First Presbyterian Church Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Eugene W. Potter, pastor of the First Methodist Church of this city, officiating. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Active pallbearers were the officers of the First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Blanding, who was born in Montgomery County, Texas coming to Corsicana when a girl, being married later to J. M. Blanding on May 12, forty-five years ago, is survived by her husband and three children, Palmer and Harry Blanding, both of this city, and Mrs. K. G. Stroud of Italy, Texas. Notes:
Mrs. J. M. Blanding.
The sudden death of Mrs. J. M. Blanding removes one of the noblest and best loved women of Corsicana. Although her voice is stilled and her accustomed place is vacant, she will remain always in the hearts of those who knew and loved her, and sweetest memories will ever recur at the mention of her name, because of the winsome personality which radiated from her noble womanhood; for her gentleness and kindness, and for her pure Christian character. She passed through the world helping, lifting, lessening the loads of others, and giving her dear unselfish self to those she loved.
The sympathy of friends here and elsewhere goes out to her devoted husband, her only daughter, Mrs. K. G. Stroud of Italy and to her sons, Palmer and Harry Blanding and their families of this city.
The First Presbyterian church was overflowing with sorrowing friends Saturday afternoon, who came to pay their last respects to one they loved. Beautiful tributes were paid Mrs. Blanding by Rev. R. Girard Lowe of Memphis Tenn., her former pastor Rev. F. W. Potter who read her favorite passages of scripture, and by Dr. T. S. Clyce of Austin College, Sherman, who also assisted in the service.
A further beautiful tribute paid this much loved member of the church, was the unoccupied family pew, banked in pink flowers, her favorite color, and the beautiful casket bouquet made of flowers gathered by her daughter from her own yard—lilac and purple flags—that were her joy and delight.
The following relatives and friends from over the state and elsewhere were present at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stroud, Mrs. S. M. Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnson all of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kemble and Miss Lila Stroud of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud of Breckenridge; Dr. T. S. Clyce, Sherman, Mr. Douglas Johnson, Waco, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Dodwell, Auston, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simmons, Eldorado, Ark., Rev. R. Girrard Lowe, Memphis, Tenn. And the following Italy friends of Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Stroud; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Couch, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wolover, Mrs. N. C. White, Miss Betty Couch, Mrs. Whit George, Mrs. R. G. Daheney, Mrs. J. M. Richards, Mrs. L. E. Richards and Mrs. J. E. Cauthen.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o’clock for Mrs. Cora Blanding, wife of Judge J. M.
Blanding, who died Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the
family home after a short illness. The services were held in
the First Presbyterian church, with the Rev. R. Gurard Lowe
of Memphis, Tenn., formerly pastor of the church here, and
the Rev. Eugene W. Potter, pastor of the First Methodist
Church of Corsicana, officiating. Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery and the officers of the First Presbyterian
church acted as active pallbearers.
Mrs. Blanding had been a resident of Corsicana for nearly
fifty years and her activities in the religious and civic
life of the community, lending her aid and influence to
every good and progressive cause, had endeared her to a
large circle, and the grave was hidden beneath a great mound
of beautiful floral offerings that bespoke the love and
esteem of those whom she had known and loved in the many
years of her life in Corsicana.
Born in Montgomery county, Texas, Mrs. Blanding came to
Corsicana when only a young girl and had made her home here
since. She was married to Judge J. M. Blanding 45 years ago
and is survived by her husband and three children. Palmer
and Harry Blanding of Corsicana and Mrs. K. G. Stroud of
Italy, Texas. Mrs. Blanding was active in the Red Cross and
United Charities work, as well as in all the activities of
the religious life of the city.
Mrs. Cora Blanding, wife of Judge J. M. Blanding, and for nearly fifty
years, a resident of Corsicana and active in the religious, civic and
social life of the city for many years, died at the family home, 628
West Third avenue, at 8:30 o’clock Friday morning after an illness
several days. Funeral services will be conducted from the First
Presbyterian church, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with the Rev.
Eugene W. Potter, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating, and
interment to be made immediately after in Oakwood
The officers of the First Presbyterian church will act as pallbearers at
the funeral services, while all friends who loved her in life will be
the honorary pallbearers.
Ms. Blanding who was born in Montgomery county, Texas, and came to
Corsicana when a mere girl, later married J. M. Blanding on the 12thday
of May, forty-five years ago this year, is survived and mourned by her
husband and three children, Palmer Blanding and Harry Blanding of
Corsicana, and Mrs. K. G. Stroud, of Italy, Texas. Two children, James
Douglas and Heath, preceded their mother to the Great Beyond.
When fourteen years of age Mrs. Blanding united with the First
Presbyterian church and had been a consistent member of that
denomination until the hour of her passing away. In all those years she
was recognized as a leader in its work and councils. She was always
willing and ready to bear more than her share of the work of the church
and of the various charitable and civic activities that were for the
benefit of her city and humanity.
Mrs. Blanding was born at Montgomery, Texas, being the daughter of
Reuben J. Palmer and Fannie Branch Palmer. She came to Corsicana with
her aunt, Mrs. A. A. Singletary, in November, 1876.
Mrs. Blanding was a tireless worker in the United Charities work, being
a member of the board of the United Charities of Corsicana, and proving
of invaluable assistance to the Secretary, Miss Augusta Helm, in her
work of relieving the sufferings of the poor and afflicted of this city.
With her great, sympathetic heart that beat in complete sympathy with
the sufferer, no matter what the cause that brought that suffering, she
was always at the call of the needy.
One phase of her work was that of the Red Cross, she taking an especial
interest in this great organization and its work both in the world at
large and in her home community. It was during the time of the influenza
epidemic during the World War that Mrs. Blanding was working practically
night and day in the Red Cross work and assisting the local charities
organizations and her church societies in working for the relief of
stricken humanity, that she received word of the death of her son, James
Douglas Blanding in Denver. This stalwart young man was awaiting the
call to go over in defense of his country’s cause when he was stricken
with the dread disease that was then ravaging the entire nation. Mrs.
Blanding grieved as only a mother can grieve for the passing of a
beloved child, yet she continued in her tender and loving ministrations
to the sick and afflicted.
Truly, with the passing of this good woman, a Mother in Israel has
fallen, and the tears of many will mingle with those of her immediate
family for many were the deeds of mercy and love that may be laid at her
Parilee "Polly" (Ware) Blissette
Nov 19, 1864 - Jan 31, 1949
January 31, 1949, Wichita Falls, Texas Mrs. George Blissette Dies in Wichita Falls WICHITA FALLS, Texas, Jan. 31 (AP). - Mrs. George Blissette, 84, a resident of Corsicana for fifty years, died here Monday. She had lived here with her son, Tommy Blissette, for the last three years. Three other sons survive. The were Alex Blissette at the Veterans Hospital, McKinney; Foy Blissette, Texarkana, and Henry Blissette, Corsicana. Notes:
Mrs. Blissette Dies In Wichita Falls
On Monday
Mrs. B. W. Blissette, aged 84 years, resident of this vicinity 50 years,
died Monday morning at the home of a son, T. J. Blissette, at Wichita
Falls for the past two years.
Surviving are four sons, T. J. Blissette, Wichita Falls; Alexander
Blissette, McKinney; Foy Blissette, Memphis, Texas, and W. H. Blissette,
Roane; two brothers, Tom and John Ware of Angus, a sister, Mrs. Sam
Pugh, Angus, and a number of grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete early Monday afternoon, but the
rites will be held in Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, Jan 31, 1949
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o William Wimbley “Bill”
Blissette; d/o George Washington Ware & Sarah Virginia Ann (Lynch)
Ware buried in Hopewell cemetery
Mrs. Blissette Rites Are Held Here On Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. B. W. Blissette, aged 84 years, who died early
Monday in Wichita Falls, were held from the North Side Baptist church
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack
Goff, pastor of the church. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Mrs. Blissette resided in Corsicana 50 years before going to Wichita
Falls two years ago.
Surviving are four sons, T. J. Blissette, Wichita Falls; Alexander
Blissette, McKinney; Foy Blissette, Memphis, Texas, and W. H. Blissette,
Roane; two brothers, Tom and John Ware, and a sister, Mrs. Sam Pugh, all
of Angus, and a number of grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Joe Brown, Edward Parks, Joe Sims, Lloyd Stubbs, E. E.
Harville and W. W. Green.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
J. J. Bledsoe Died Feb 1950
February 14, 1950 J. J. Bledsoe, 73, Dies at Corsicana Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Feb. 14. - J. J. Bledsoe, 73, cotton buyer, died at his home here Tuesday of a heart attack. He was born in Navarro County near Wortham. Funeral is planned at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the First Methodist Church, Wortham. Surviving include his wife; three sisters, Mrs. R. J. Bounds and Mrs. Helen Little, both of Wortham, and Mrs. T. B. Sherrill of Dallas. Notes:
Sam Blayden Died Jun 1903
June 4, 1903 Negro Killed at Richland Special to The News Corsicana, Tex., June 4. - A telephone message from Richland today tells of the killing of Sam Blayden, a negro, at that place, last night. Chap Dawson, a brother-in-law, was arrested and is held under a bond of $500.
James Creighton Blakeney Dec 1, 1885 - Feb 18, 1935
February 20, 1935 BLAKENEY - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 19. - Funeral services for James Creighton Blakeney, 49, who died at his home Monday, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church at Bazette. Surviving are his wife and eight children. Notes:
Funeral services for James Creighton Blakeney, age 49 years, who
died at his home, 904 South Beaton street, Monday night at 6
o'clock, were held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Methodist
church at Bazette. Rev. H. B. Clark, pastor of the North Corsicana
Methodist church, conducted the rites. Burial was in the Bazette Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife and the following children: Robert, Odie,
Lonnie, Thelma, Willie Mae, Nora, Jimmie Lou, and Minnie Fay, all of
Corsicana; four brothers, Kelsey Blakeney, Corsicana; Fuzial
Blakeney, Powell; Robert Blakeney, Powell, , and Charlie Blakeney,
Ranger; four sisters, Miss Fannie Blakeney, Corsicana; Mrs. Edler
Flanagan, Kemp; Mrs. Josie Young, Dawson, and Mrs. Ida Joslin,
Pallbearers were H. Gibbs, Paul Dillard, John Higganbotham, George
Lundrum, W. S. Kellum and H. Gorman.
The funeral was directed by Corley Funeral Home.
Martha J. Mattie" (Evans) Blakeley
Apr 19, 1855 - Feb 19, 1938
February 22, 1938 BLAKELEY - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 21. - Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie
Blakeley, 82, resident of Corsicana for a number of years, were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bell White. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving age two sons, Evan Blakeley, El Paso, and John Blakeley, Mountain Home, Ark.; two daughters, Mrs. G. A. Leamon, Laconia, Ind., and Mrs. White, Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. Lexia Tolefree, Fordyce, Ark.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Blakeley, aged 82 years,
resident of Corsicana for a number of years, were held Sunday
afternoon at 4 o’clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bell
White, Sr., 1006 West Seventh avenue. Mrs. Blakeley died at the
White home Saturday night at 7 o’clock. The rites were conducted
by Rev. Roy A. Langston, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Interment was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Evan Blakeley, El Paso, and John
Blakeley, Mountain Home, Ark.; two daughters, Mrs. G. A. Lenmon,
Laconia, Ind. And Mrs. White, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lexia
Tolefree, Fordyce, Ark., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jimmie Andrews, N. C. Goodman, Bell White, Jr.,
Arthur Wareing, R. B. Molloy, Dude Ransom, and J. D. Redden.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Mary Constantine "Connie" (Percival) Blankenship Feb 3, 1868 - Jan 15, 1947
Mrs. M. G. Blankenship, died Jan 1947
January 18, 1947 Funeral services for Mrs. M. G. Blankenship, 78, a native of Henderson County, who died at her home in Frost, were held at the Methodist Church there. Surviving are her husband of Frost; two sons, Carroll Hightower and Ervin Hightower, both of Fort Worth; two daughters, Mrs. Carl Brown, Fort Worth; fourteen grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. J. S. Saunders, Eakly, Okla., and Mrs. Delzie Daughterty, Crandall; a brother, E. W. Percival, Kaufman County, and other relatives.
FROST, Jan. 17—(Spl)—Funeral services for Mrs. Connie Blankenship,
aged 78 years, native Texan, who died at her home here at an early
hour Thursday morning, were held from the Methodist church here
Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment was in the Frost Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Lawhon, pastor of the church.
A native of Henderson county, Mrs. Blankenship had resided here many
years. She was a great-granddaughter of Gen. Robert E. Lee, famous
Confederate leader and educator.
Surviving are her husband, M. G. Blankenship, Frost; two sons,
Carroll Hightower and Ervin Hightower, both of Fort Worth; two
daughters, Mrs. Carl Brown, Frost, and Mrs. Pearl Wilbanks, Fort
Worth; 14 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. J. S. Saunders, Eakly,
Okla., and Mrs. Deizie Daugherty, Crandall; a brother E. W.
Percival, Kaufman county, and other relatives.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
(Cobb) Booth Oct 8,
1854 – Dec 19, 1930
December 19, 1930 Navarro Pioneer Dies. Special to The News. CORSICANA. Texas, Dec. 19 - Mrs. M. H. Booth, 76, native of Ohio, but resident of Navarro County over half a century, died at her home here Friday. Funeral services will be held Saturday, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. M. H. Booth, 76, native of Ohio, but resident
of this county 53 years and of Corsicana more than 40 years, who died at
her home, 650 West Sixth avenue, Friday morning at 6 o’clock following a
short illness, were held from the family home Saturday morning at 10,
with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bergin, pastor of the First
Methodist church, assisted by Rev. P. Martin Baker, pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian church. Mrs. Booth was a member of the First
Methodist church and Woman’s missionary society, and was a regular
attendant at the church services.
Active pallbearers were J. S. Murchison, Boyce Martin, Kelly McKeown, R.
B. Mitchell, Dr., Trim Houston, Sam J. Helm, and W. T. McElwee.
Honorary pallbearers were Jack Blackmon, Lowry Martin, A. A. Guess, Sam
J. Jackson, Dr. W. T. Shell, Dr. W. T. Shell, Jr., Dr. A. B. Born, R. B.
Malloy and other friends of the family.
Singers were Mrs. James Henry Robbins and A. A. Guess and Robert Layton
and E. E. Burkhart.
The funeral was directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
George F. Bradley Died Jul 1942
July 28, 1942 Cadet's Death Ends Field's Safety Record CORSICANA, Texas, July 28. - The long outstanding safety record of the 301st Army Air Forces training detachment at the field of Air Activities of Texas at Corsicana ended Tuesday afternoon with the death of Aviation Cadet George F. Bradley of Philadelphia, Pa. Bradley was killed on a solo training flight near Eureka. Cause of the accident was not immediately determined. The cadet was flying a standard PT-19A trainer and was a member of the lower class at the local field. He attended Temple University at Philadelphia for two years before entering the Army Air Forces. Until Bradley's death the local school had compiled more than 82000 hours of flying without a fatality and with only one serious injury, and was ranked first among the flying units of the nation for safety. The first class of cadets took to the air on March 19, 1941, but prior to that time flying instruction for instructors had been under way for about thirty days, leaving a record of more than seventeen months of death-free flying. Notes:
Lesieir Edwards, Miss May 28, 1862 - Aug 29, 1928
August 31, 1928 Miss Meade Edwards Dies Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. Aug. 30 - Funeral services for Miss Meade Edwards, 66, who died at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. B. LeSeur, here Wednesday afternoon, were held at the Chatfield Church on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock with burial in the Chatfield Cemetery. Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. S. B. LeSeur, Corsicana; Mrs. Walter Griffith, Corsicana; Mrs. J. E. Matthews, Austin; Mrs. W. A. Mizell, Chatfield; Mrs. S. C. LeSeur, Kemp; one brother, A. Edwards, Chicago. Notes:
Funeral services for Miss Meade Edwards,
aged 66 years, who died at the home of her
sister, Mrs. S. B. LeSeur here Wednesday
afternoon following a lingering illness were
held at the Chatfield church Thursday
morning at 11 o’clock with interment in the Chatfield Cemetery.
Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. S. B.
LeSeur, Corsicana; Mrs. Walter Griffith,
Corsicana; Mrs. J. E. Matthews, Austin; Mrs.
W. A. Mizell, Chatfield; Mrs. S. C. LeSeur,
Kemp; one brother, A. Edwards, Chicago.
Lucinda J.
(McClendon) Edwards
Jul 31, 1840 - Oct 22, 1922
October 23, 1922 EDWARDS - Corsicana, Texas. Oct. 23. - Mrs. L. J. Edwards, 81 years old, who had lived in the Hester community, this county, since 1871, died Sunday morning at the home of a son near Athens, where she was visiting, and the funeral took place this morning with burial in the Chatfield Cemetery, the Rev. G. G. Mitchell and the Rev. B. E. Kimbrow conducting the services. She is survived by seven children, Mrs. W. L. Brown, Snyder, Ok.; W. A. Edwards, Ballinger; W. P. Edwards, Hester; Mrs. J. H. Hobbs, Rice; Mrs. C. L. Burks, Roane; M. T. Edwards, Hester, and J. A. Edwards, Athens. Notes:
Bernard B. Burns
 Sep 28, 1905 - Jul 14, 1936
July 15, 1936 BURNS - Corsicana, Texas. July 15 - Funeral services for Bernard B. Burns, 28, of Houston, formerly of Corsicana, who was killed in a truck collision near Madisonville early Tuesday in which J. H. Passmore, also of Houston, was hurt fatally, were held at the Blooming Grove Baptist Church Wednesday. Surviving are his wife and one child, of Houston; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Burns, of Corsicana; three brothers and three sisters.
Funeral services for Bernard
B. Burns, aged 28 years, Houston
truck-driver, who was fatally injured
in an automobile accident
near Madisonville early Tuesday
morning when his truck figured
in a collision with another truck,
will be held from the residence
of an aunt, Mrs. J. J. Gillen at
Blooming Grove sometime Wednesday
afternoon with interment
in Blooming Grove. The body
was brought to Corsicana early
Tuesday afternoon. The driver of
the other truck also was fatally
injured in the crash.
Surviving are his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Burns, Corsicana;
three brothers, B. J. Burns, Corsicana;
C. V. Burns, Tyler; and
Thomas A. Burns, Tyler; three
sisters, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Corsicana;
Mrs. Leroy Watson, Barry
and Miss Valera Burns, Corsicana
and other relatives.
The funeral services will be conducted
by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor
of the Eleventh Avenue Baptist
Funeral arrangements are being
directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Bernard B. Burns, aged 28 years, of Houston,
formerly of Corsicana, who was killed in a truck collision near
Madisonville early Tuesday in which J. H. Passmore, also of Houston was
fatally hurt, were held from the Blooming Grove church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in Rose Hill.
The trucks were driven by Burns and Passmore and are reported to have
crashed head-on. The demolished vehicles tied up traffic on Highway 75,
where the crash occurred for some time.
Surviving are his wife and a child, Houston; parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Burns, Corsicana; three brothers, B. J. Burns, Corsicana; C. V. Burns,
Tyler, and Thomas A. Burns, Tyler; three sisters, Mrs. R. A. Johnson,
Corsicana; Mrs. Leroy Watson, Barry, and Miss Valera Burns, Corsicana,
and other relatives.
Funeral arrangements were handled by the Corley Funeral Home.
Stella Ann (Marsh) Burleson Died Sep 1951
September 28, 1951, Dallas, Texas Mrs. Burleson Rites Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Stella Marsh Burleson, 76, of 2227 Wycliff, will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in Corley Funeral Home at Corsicana, with Dr. Robert Goodrich Jr., pastor of First Methodist Church, Dallas, officiating. Burial will be at Hopewell Cemetery, Corsicana. Mrs. Burleson was born March 18, 1875 in Re, Navarro County, a small town that no longer exists. She died Thursday afternoon after al long illness. She had lived in Dallas more than fifty years. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marsh, members of a prominent Tyler family. Her husband, James D. Burleson, who died last November, was a retired farmer and a member of the Burleson family that has figured in Texas history for more than a century. Survivors are three sons, Joseph T. Burleson, Harry M. Burleson, and Sam Houston Burleson; and five daughters, Mrs. I. L. McKamy, Mrs. Margaret Murray, Mrs. Vickie Dodd, Mrs. John A. Schrimpf, and Mrs. Howell R. Adair, all of Dallas. Notes:
Mrs. Joe T. Burleson Died May 1929
May 17, 1929 Mrs. Joe T. Burleson Dies. Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, May 17.- Funeral services for Mrs. Joe T. Burleson, 54, who died shortly before 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon after only a few minutes illness, will be held from the family residence Friday. Mrs. Burleson, who prior to her marriage, was Idella Carson, came to Corsicana recently from Eldorado, Texas. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. C. C. Carson, Corsicana; six brothers, H. W. Carson, John R. Carson and C. C. Carson, all of Corsicana; C. I. Carson, Dallas; Cade Carson, Fort Worth; Grover Carson, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. E. T. Williams, Corsicana; Mrs. Earl McCoy and Mrs. D. E. Van Steenwyk, both of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Winfield Clem, Carrollton; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Ila Beauchamp, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Mary Lou Beauchamp, Stephenville. Notes:
Mamie M. (Collins) Burleson Died Oct 1947
Burleson Funeral Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Oct. 4. - Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Burleson, 68, who died at her home, near Streetman, were held Friday afternoon at the Birdston Tabernacle. Burial was in the Birdston Cemetery. Surviving are seven children, Mrs. Rex Folmar, Streetman; V. P. Burleson, Plainview; E. T. Burleson, Streetman; J. B. Burleson, Beeville; Mrs. Henry Osborne, Houston; J. C. Burleson, Houston, and Mrs. Hazel Clark, Streetman; a brother, Will Collins, Streetman; two sisters, Miss Minnie Collins, Streetman, and Mrs. Joe Manning, Corsicana, and four grandchildren. Notes:
James David Burleson Jul 5, 1872 - Nov 13, 1950
Nov 16, 1950 James David Burleson Rites Held at Streetman CORSICANA, Texas, Nov. 15. - Services were held Wednesday for James David Burleson, 77, retired farmer who died in a Dallas hospital Monday. Rites in the First Baptist Church in Streetman were followed by burial in the Birdston Cemetery. Reared at Streetman, Burleson had lived in Dallas twenty-eight years. Surviving are his wife, three sons, Joe T. Burleson, Harry N.[McClure] Burleson and Sam H. [Houston] Burleson; five daughters, Mrs. I. L. McKamy, Mrs. H. L. Murray, Mrs. Vickie Dodd, Mrs. John A. Schrimpf and Mrs. Howell R. Adair, all of Dallas; twelve grandchildren, two brothers, Herbert M. [Milledge] Burleson, Streetman, and A. L. [Augustus Lawhorn] Burleson, Waco; a sister, Mrs. A. B. Clark [Laura Bell Burleson], Streetman, and other relatives. Notes:
Samuel Wiley Burdine Feb 5, 1873 - Apr 10, 1948
Apr 12, 1948 Services were held Sunday at the First Methodist Church with burial in Oakwood Cemetery for Samuel Wiley Burdine, 75, retired salesman, who died at his home. A native of Mississippi, he lived in Navarro County for more than fifty years. He had been a steward in the First Methodist Church for more than forty years and was a member of the choir until ill-health necessitated his retirement. He was an Odd Fellow. Surviving is his wife of Corsicana. Notes:
Samuel Wiley Burdine, 75, retired salesman, died at his home, 206
North Eighteenth street, early Saturday morning following a
lingering illness.
Funeral services are planned from the First Methodist church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o’clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
Burdine, native of Mississippi, had resided in Corsicana about 50
years. He was a salesman at a Barry store before coming to
Corsicana, where he was connected with shoe stores and departments
for many years.
A member of the choir of the First Methodist church until failing
health necessitated his giving up this work, Burdine was a steward
of this congregation for more than 40 years. He was a long-time
member of the Corsicana Lodge No.63, IOOF.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana, and a number of nieces and
Pallbearers will be Boyce Martin, W. A. martin, A. L. Absher, Otis
Varnell, J. L. Jackson and W. B. Waddell.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral services for Samuel Wiley Burdine, aged 75 years, retired
salesman, who died early Saturday morning following an extended
illness, were held from the First Methodist church Sunday afternoon
at 3 o’clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the church.
Burdine had been a steward of the church for more than 40 years, and
had been a member of the choir for many years until failing health
necessitated his retirement.
Native of Mississippi, Burdine was a salesman in a mercantile
establishment in Barry prior to moving to Corsicana about 50 years
ago. He was a salesman with various local business firms before his
retirement a number of years ago. He was a member of Corsicana Lodge
No. 63, IOOF.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana and several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Boyce Martin, W. A. Martin, A. L. Absher, Otis
Varnell, J. L. Jackson, W. B. Waddell and Tyson McIver.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Martha Mary
"Mattie" (Wadley) Norton-Burdine
Aug 27, 1862 - Dec 24, 1948
Funeral services for Mrs. S. W. Burdine, 84, long-time Corsicana resident, who died in Overton Friday, were held Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the First Methodist church here. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. B. Sharp, associate pastor of the church.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Nora Cummins, Overton, and Mrs. J. M. King, Dilley, Texas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Baxter Honeycutt, Kenneth Honeycutt, Arnett Elliott, Reuben Moffett and Jack Mathews, all nephews, and Robert Waddell.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
December 26, 1948 Mrs S. W. Burdine's Rites Held in Overton CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 26 - Funeral rites for Mrs. S. W. Burdine, 84, long-time resident of Corsicana, were held here Sunday. Mrs. Burdine died at Overton Friday. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Nora Cushman, Overton, and Mrs. J. M. King, Dilley, Frio County, Texas.
Noah Newton Bullard
Jan 02, 1892 - Aug 10, 1928
Aug 11, 1928 Noah M. Bullard Dies. CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 11. - Noah N. Bullard, 36, died at his home on the Fortson farm near Rice. Funeral services were held Saturday with burial in the Rice Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, five small children and a brother, J. T. Bullard, who resides west of Corsicana. Notes:
RICE, Aug. 28.—(Spl.)--Noah N. Bullard, 36, who lived on the Fortson farm died Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock as the result of a sunstroke.
Mr. Bullard had lived in this community for a number of years. He is survived by his wife and five children and two brothers. Interment was in the Rice Cemetery
Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Aug 23, 1928
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Margaret Edith Ellen (Foust) Bullard married Jun. 4, 1917; s/o Robert Newton Bullard & Alice Emeline (Blasingame) Bullard
Daniel B/Webster Burkholder
May 11, 1848 - Nov 5, 1931
November 7, 1931 BURKHOLDER - Corsicana, Texas - Nov. 6. - D. B. Burkholder, 82, retired farmer, died at the home of his son, J. D. Burkholder, one mile northwest of Corsicana, Thursday. The funeral was held from the residence of his son Friday afternoon with burial in the Hamilton cemetery. He fell several days ago, breaking a collar bone and causing other injuries. He had resided in this section for forty-eight years. Surviving are his wife, two sons, J. D. Burkholder of Corsicana and J. A. Burkholder of Longview, and four grandchildren. Notes:
D. B. Burkholder, aged 82 years retired farmer died at the home of his son, J. D. Burkholder, one mile northwest of Corsicana, Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock following a short illness, and the funeral was held from the residence of his son Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock with
interment in the Hamilton cemetery.
He fell several days ago breaking a collarbone and causing other injuries.
Mr. Burkholder was a native of Pennsylvania, but had resided in this section for the past 48 years.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, J. D. Burkholder, Corsicana and J. A. Burkholder, Longview and four grandchildren.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Nov 6, 1931
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- (some sources say Daniel Webster and others Daniel B.); h/o Edith Melissa (Haynes) Burkholder married
Nov. 24, 1886; s/o G. W. Burkholder & UNKNOWN (Riddle) Burkholder per death certificate
Jerry Chandler
Nov 18, 1942 - Aug 1, 2005
Jerry Chandler, 62, passed away Aug. 1, 2005 in Dallas.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. today at Paschal Funeral Home in Kerens.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Kerens Presbyterian Church with Rev. Jim Riley officiating. Interment will follow at Kerens Cemetery. Pallbearers will be family and friends.
Mr. Chandler was born Nov. 18, 1942 in Liberty. He owned and operated Dallas Flooring Supply. He was a Vietnam veteran.
Survivors include his wife, Patsy Chandler of Ferris; daughters Wendy Wheat of Hamlin and Samantha Hopkins of Terrell; grandson Jacob Wheat of Hamlin; granddaughter Katie Wheat of Hamlin; sisters Peggy Snell of Lubbock and Barbara Latta of Kerens; and parents Lucille and Aubrey Easley of Kerens. Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home, Kerens. Notes:
Gladys Maxine Oliver Gladys Maxine Oliver, 92, of Corsicana, passed away Friday, July 29, 2005 at the Mel-Haven Nursing Home. Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at the Bethel Seventh Day Adventist with Pastor Norman Stiggers officiating. Internment will follow at Woodland Cemetery. Arrangements by Scott Funeral home. Notes:
Annette Humphrey Willis Annette Humphrey Willis, 50, of Ennis, formerly of Corsicana, passed away Sunday, July 31, 2005 at Baylor Medical Center of Dallas. Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at the Sixth Avenue Baptist Church. Internment will follow at Woodland Cemetery. Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Notes:
Lillie Adell (Plunkett) Lawler Oct 14, 1917 - Aug 3, 2005 Mrs. LILLIE ADELL LAWLER, age 87, of Pottsboro, Texas, died Wednesday, August 3, 2005, at Texoma Medical Center in Denison, Texas. Arrangements are being handled by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana, Texas, where the family will receive friends from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Friday, August 5, 2005. Funeral service will be at Corley Funeral Home Chapel at 2:00 PM Saturday, August 6, 2005. --------- Adell Lawler Adell Lawler, 87, of Pottsboro passed away Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2005 in Denison. Services will be 2 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Mike Howell officiating. Interment will follow at Dawson Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Casey Underwood, Jamie Daniels, Rick Putman, John Jennings, James Venable and Billy Platt.
Mrs. Lawler was born Oct. 14, 1917 in Navarro County. She was a housewife.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Tommie Lawler, son Ronnie Lawler and several brothers and sisters.
Survivors include granddaughter Michelle Anglin and husband Jamie Daniels of Pottsboro; grandson Casey Underwood and wife Krysty of Durant, Okla.; great-grandsons Harley Anglin of Denison and Dakota Daniels and Nicholas Daniels of Pottsboro; great-granddaughter Lalita Underwood of Pottsboro; sisters Birdie Venable of Corsicana, Inez Jackson of North Carolina and Ruby Myers of Sequin; and brother Henry Plunkett and sister-in-law Edna of Nacogdoches.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. Notes:
Clark Newland Putman, Jr.  Sep 25, 1948 - Aug 5, 2005
Clark Newland Putman, Jr., 57, of Elm Mott passed away Friday at his residence.
Visitation with the family will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today with Rosary at 7 p.m. at Bellmead Funeral Home. Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at St. Martins Catholic Church at Tours with Monsignor Isidore Rozycki officiating. Interment will follow at St. Marys Cemetery in West.
Pallbearers will be Walter Kubitza, Fred Kubitza, Rex Brown, Rick Barlow, Jason Ehlers and Randy Ehlers. Mr. Putman was born Sept. 25, 1948 in Corsicana to Clark, Sr. and Bobbie (Ford) Putman. He graduated from Blooming Grove High School in 1967 and married Virginia (Jean) Phelps on Jan. 1, 1972. He was a past employee of Fitting Supply Co. for 30 years and was presently employed as a salesman at Morrison Supply Co. of Waco. Mr. Putman was a 33rd Degree Mason at the Baylor Masonic Lodge and a member of St. Martins Catholic Church.
Clark enjoyed farming, ranching and hunting and was a loving husband, daddy and grandpa. He was proud of his land, his cattle and especially his first grandchild, Tyler Clark. He never met a stranger and was loved by all who knew him because of his strong personality. He would go out of his way to help a stranger. Clark was a born salesman. He was in the Navy from 1968 to 1970. He was a past-employee and water supervisor in Hubbard and Troup.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Bobbie Putman in 1993, and grandmother, Mary Slaughter in 2003.
He is survived by his beloved wife and best friend of 33 years, Jean Putman of Elm Mott; father, Clark Newland Putman Sr. and wife Lou of Navarro Mills; daughter, Lisa Blakemore and husband Jason of Leroy; sister, Brenda Duncan and husband Dwight of Corsicana; brother, James Edward Putman and wife Jan of Navarro Mills; and one grandson, Tyler Clark Blakemore. He is also survived by several nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to St. Martins Catholic Church at 301 St. Martins Church Road, West, TX 76691. Arrangements by Bellmead Funeral Home. |
Ira Calvin Ware
Feb 4, 1921 - Aug 4, 2005
Ira Calvin Ware, 84, of Corsicana passed away Aug. 4, 2005 in Dallas.
Visitation will be 2 to 4 p.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be 6 p.m. Monday at Oakwood Cemetery with the Rev. Tony Neal officiating. Honorary pallbearers will be Jeremy Jason Herron, Travis Reagan Jones, Cory Ryan Wilkinson, Tyler Reagan Herron, Erskine Williams Hightower III and Glen Michael Hightower.
Mr. Ware was born Feb. 4, 1921 in El Paso. He was a wonderful father, husband and family man. He enjoyed hunting dove when he was younger in the desert. He enjoyed working with guns, carving stock, and refurbishing guns. He served in World War II as a pilot and a pilot instructor, then was sent to Asia to fly wounded out of India, North Africa to hospitals. He was an engineer for Standard Oil for a number of years.
Survivors include wife Rose Mary Ware of Corsicana; daughter Terry Ann Jones and husband Travis Reagan Jones of Corsicana; grandchild Jeremy Jason Herron and wife Kathy Michelle of Corsicana; great-grandchildren Tyler Reagan Herron and Cory Ryan Wilkinson, both of Corsicana; and sister Doris Hightower and husband Erskine Williams Hightower Jr. of Hill Top Lakes.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Ira Virgil Ewers
Jun 9, 1930 - Aug 3, 2005
Ira Virgil Ewers, born June 9, 1930, in Stephenville, passed away Aug. 3, 2005 in Dallas.
A loving husband, father and grandfather and a strong Christian, Ira was preceded in death by his grandson, Robert Hook Jr.. He is survived by his wife, Terry Ewers; daughters Connie Putman and Joann Pierson and her husband Grady; stepsons Keith Nelson and Mike Nelson; stepdaughter Sue Lynn Price; grandchildren Catherine Jones, Amanda Watkins, Micah Watkins, Dakota Nelson and Taylor Marie Price; and great-grandchildren Dillon, Mackenzie, Logan and Alyssa. Ira was a retired steel contractor.
Services will be 3:30 p.m. today at Restland Wildwood Chapel. Interment will follow at Restland Memorial Park.
Donations may be made to the American Heart Association, 1615 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207.
Arrangements by Restland Funeral Home, Dallas. Notes:
Joe E. Bradshaw
Sep 14, 1926 - Aug 3, 2005
Joe BradshawJoe Bradshaw, 78, of Brownwood, formerly of Corsicana, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2005 in Brownwood.
Services will be 10 a.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Chapel with Bill Honea officiating. Interment will follow at Grape Creek Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Terry Knight, Roy Bailey, Joe Norwood, Steve Raines, Doyd Nutt and Benny Colburn.
Mr. Bradshaw was born Sept. 14, 1926 in Dallas. After retiring from the oilfield he enjoyed ranching and pecan farming, His favorite enjoyment was catfish fishing. He also enjoyed his vegetable garden and all-out tinkering.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Doreta Bradshaw, on July 31, 2004, and sisters Lillian Roe and Bernice Scruggs.
Survivors include daughter Fay DoRoen and husband Freddie of Brownwood; son Lonnie Bradshaw and wife Debbie of Midland; grandchildren Loretta Stricker and husband Marty and John DoRoen and wife Trudi; and great-grandchildren Meagan Stricker, Braeden DeRoen, Keeton DoRoen and Ralyn DeRoen.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Velma Ann (Dunbar) Rhodes
Feb 24, 1905 - Jul 31, 2005
Velma Ann Rhodes, 100, of Corsicana passed away July 31, 2005 at Corsicana Health and Rehab. Services will be 11 a.m. today at Grace Temple AME Church with Elder Vernon Jessie officiating. Interment will follow at Woodland Cemetery. Pallbearers will be family and friends.
Mrs. Rhodes was born Feb. 24, 1905 in Streetman. She was a faithful member of Griffin Chapel COGIC, serving 29 years under Elder Bennett and continued under the leadership of Superintendent E. Baptist. She also served many years on the usher board.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Alfred and Eunice Dunbar; brothers Award, Governor, O.B. and Alfred Dunbar Jr.; and sisters Lois and Rebecca Dunbar.
Survivors include daughter Joann Rhodes of Longview; sister-in-law Etta Dunbar of Dallas; sister Ardelia Peterson of Oklahoma; nephew Curtis Dunbar of Corsicana; a host of nieces and nephews, L. Belle Dunbar Parker of Garland, James Donald Dunbar of Dallas, Etta L. Dunbar Fisher of Louisiana, Billie J. Dunbar Mills of Garland, T. Ellender Johnson, Lura M. Betts (Joe), Lora F. Franklin (Phillip), Hubert Dunbar, Melvin Dunbar (Linda), all of Corsicana, Curtis Dunbar Jr., Diana Sims, Margaret Ann Perkins, Lesa Dunbar and Toney Dunbar and wife; and other relatives and friends.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Notes:
Perry Adam Duke
Jun 22, 1961 - Aug 2, 2005
Perry Adam Duke, 44, of Kerens passed away Aug. 2, 2005 at residence.
Services will be 2 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Chapel with Brother Forrest Smith officiating. Interment will follow at Prairie Point Cemetery.
Mr. Duke was born June 22, 1961 in Midland. He was an apostolic preacher. He enjoyed woodworking, preaching and he liked to talk.
Survivors include wife René Duke; sons Cole Duke, Chad Duke and Cord Duke; father Gene Duke; and brothers Josh Duke and Larry Crosby.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Sherman Samuel Wilson
abt 1937 - Aug 2, 2005
Sherman Samuel Wilson, 78, of Carrollton passed away Aug. 2, 2005 at Trinity Medical Center in Carrollton. Services will be 1:30 p.m. today at Chatfield Baptist Church with Rev. Larry Sanders officiating. Interment will follow at Chatfield Cemetery. Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Notes: - Corsicana Daily Sun - Aug 6, 2005
h/o Mary Lou (Gilbert) Wilson
assumed; s/o Tom Wilson & Ada (Hill) Wilson
James Willie Farmer, Sr. Born in Victoria, Texas on Apr. 6, 1918; Departed on Aug. 2, 2005 and resided in Austin, TX.
James W. Farmer, Sr. (Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired), age 87, died Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, after a long illness. He is survived by Claudine Kennemore Farmer, his wife of 64 years, daughter Carolyn Farmer Douglas, son James W. Farmer, Jr. and his wife Patsy Nelson Farmer, all of Austin; grandson James W. Farmer III and his wife Amy and great granddaughter Jamie Sierra Farmer of Elizabeth City, N.C. Other survivors include Ralph Barker and Barbara Sawyer of Elizabeth City, N.C.; Tracy, Toni and Tanner Nelson, Troy and Tammy Smith, and Jeff Young all of Austin. Col. Farmer was preceded in death on July 23, 2005, by his beloved granddaughter Catherine Elizabeth Douglas Young. Col. Farmer was a highly decorated veteran of World War II, having served in Europe from D-day plus-6 until the end of the war. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, two Purple Hearts, two Bronze Stars, the French Croix de Guerre, and the Belgian Croix de Guerre among numerous other decorations.
During his Army career, Col. Farmer served in Okinawa and Germany as well as stateside, and his last post before retiring in 1963 was as ROTC Instructor of Military Science at the University of Texas at Austin from 1957 to 1963. Col. Farmer was a member of the Legion of Valor, MOPH Chapter 1919 and DAV Post 173.
After retirement, Mr. Farmer worked in the business offices of the Austin State Hospital and Shoal Creek Hospital until the early 1970s. He also worked for Austin Limousine Service helping them start a Limo service in Austin, from the early 1970s until the early 1990s. Col. Farmer drove many VIP’s, Celeb’s, and Bands in and around central Texas. He also drove numerous funerals in Austin and the surrounding area during these years. He enjoyed working with and helping people.
The family will receive friends Thursday, Aug. 4, 2005 from 6 to 8 p.m., at Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 5, 2005 at Weed-Corley-Fish Chapel. Graveside services with full military honors will be held at 3 p.m. at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas.
Memorial contributions may be made to MOPH, Chapter 1919, in Austin, Texas. Arrangements by Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, Austin. |
Joseph Eugene Dyar Mar 11, 1922 - Aug 3, 2005
Joseph Eugene Dyar, 83, a former US Navy officer and pilot, passed away on August 3, 2005, in Charlottesville, Va., of complications from a recent hip replacement surgery. Capt. Dyar was born in Carnesville, Ga. On March 11, 1922, graduated From the US Naval Academy in 1943 (Class of 1944), and served on the USS Boise during WW II in the South Pacific theatre from 1943-45, were he participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf. In 1946 while attending US Navy flight school he courted and married Bobby Jo George, of Corsicana, Texas. After an exciting and rewarding 26-year career with the US Navy, he retired in 1969 as a Captain and moved with his wife to Falls Church, Va., where he worked as a systems analyst for nine years with IBM. The Dyars remained in Falls Church until moving to Charlottesville in 2003 to be near their children and grandchildren.
Besides his loving wife of 59 years, Capt. Dyar is survived by his two daughters, Sue Ellis Dyar, of Charlottesville, and Martha Jane Lacasse and her husband Richard, of Green Bank, West Va. He was preceded in death by his son James LeGrand Dyar. Capt. Dyar is also survived by his six grandchildren, Laura Dyar, Kathleen Lacasse Knight, Caroline Dyar, and Michael, Andrew and Daniel Lacasse, and by one cherished great-grandchild, Joshua Lacasse. He is also survived by his cousins Jimmy and Janet Dyar of Marietta, Ga.
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 13, at Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana, Texas, Father Edward Monk officiating. Interment will be at the Harris-George family plot, in Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery, Retreat, Texas.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to hospice of the Piedmont, 2200 Old Ivy Road, Suite 2, Charlottesville, Va., 22903, or to a charity of your choice.
Truman Kermit Hilliard
Jan 25, 1911 - Aug 4, 2005
Truman K. Hilliard, 94, passed away Thursday, Aug. 4, 2005, in Los Angeles, Calif.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Paschal Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, at Paschal Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Larry Burden officiating. Interment will follow at Kerens Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be family members. Mr. Hilliard was born Jan. 25, 1911, in Lingleville.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Pat; and daughter, Joyce Honea.
Survivors include his brother and sister-in-law, Hobart and Jean Hilliard of Kerens; son-in-law and wife, Bob and Betty Honea of Oklahoma; very special niece, Bonnie Hill of Newhall, Calif.; very special friends, Mr. and Mrs. Javier Valencia of Los Angeles, Calif.; and a number of other nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home, Kerens. Notes:
Mary M. Kirven, Miss
Oct 18, 1932 - Aug 4, 2005
Mary M. Kirven, 72, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, Aug. 4, 2005, at her residence. Wake service will be 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, at Ross and Johnson Mortuary Chapel. Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12, at Love Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, 400 N. Benton St., with Pastor David E. Wilson officiating. Interment will follow at Woodland Memorial Park.
Ms. Kirven was born Oct. 18, 1932, in Teague. She was preceded in death by her parents, Jonas and Lizzie Kirven; and sisters and brothers, Dollie Dimple Kirven, Shirley Temple Kirven, R. B. Kirven, Nellie Harris, Willie Jean Anderson and Walter Kirven.
Survivors include her niece she reared as her daughter, Ivory Jean Kirven Evans of Corsicana; four sisters, Margie Cunningham of Corsicana, Lizzie Holmes of Compton, Calif., Jearldene Busby of Stockton, Calif., and Mary L. Kirven of Corsicana; brothers, Bobby Kirven of Los Angeles, Calif., and Ollie D. Kirven of Coolidge; and several nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Notes:
Kathleen E. (Hood) Myers
June 26, 1915 - Sept. 18, 2004 Kathleen E. Myers
Kathleen Elizabeth Myers, 89, of Crossville, passed away Sept. 18, 2004. Funeral services were conducted Sept. 20 from the chapel of Crossville Memorial Funeral Home, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, TX. Charles "Chuck" Smith officiated. Mrs. Myers was born June 26, 1915 in Webster County, MS, the daughter of Austin and Louisa Hood. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her sister, Frances Cowan of Crossville; one niece; and five nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Max Ralph Myers; four brothers; and one sister. Crossville Memorial Funeral Home and Crematory, Inc. was in charge of the arrangements.
Troy Bridges
Dec 29, 1927 - Nov 26, 2003
Funeral services for former Seminole resident, Troy Lee Bridges are scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1 at the Swearingen Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Carl Whitfield officiating.
Interment will follow at Little Cemetery, north of Seminole, under the direction of Swearingen Funeral Home.
Bridges died Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003, at the age of 75 at Crawford County Memorial Hospital in Van Buren, Ark.
He was born Dec. 29, 1927, in Henrietta, Texas to Davis Lee Bridges and Ludie Gertrude (Barshers).
He was married to Bonnie Lee (Boatman) Bridges on Jan. 17, 1962, in Sand Springs.
Bridges worked for Pawnee Petroleum Co. in Seminole from 1980-1984 and retired in 1988 from Wilco Inc. in Corsicana, Texas.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Staff Sgt.
He was of the Baptist faith, a member of the American Legion in Fayetteville, Ark. and VFW in Fort Smith, Ark.
He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Bonnie on Nov. 6, 1995; three brothers and two sisters.
He is survived by one son, Donnie Ray Brown of Oklahoma; two daughters, Deborah Bates of Van Buren, Ark. and Barbara Ann Bridges of Colorado; one brother, Earl Bridges of Haltsom City, Texas; nine grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Doris (Christian) Pruitt
Mar 26, 1933 - Aug 10, 2005 Doris Christian Pruitt, resident of Corsicana, Texas, passed away Wednesday August 10, 2005 at her residence at the age of 72 years. She was born in Pleasent Hill, Missouri on March 26, 1933 to Rush Christian and Cara Culp Christian, she was one of sixteen children. She was employed as an office manager, where she was recognized for helping her company keep below budget and finishing jobs on time. She was an active member of First Baptist Church in Corsicana, teaching Sunday school, working in the library, and in the nursery. She was proud of her children, grandchildren and great grandson.
Survivors include her husband Buster Pruitt of Corsicana. Daughters: Cheryl Pruitt Shelton of Corsicana, and Gina Pruitt Horn of Kingwood, Texas. Grandchildren: Jacob Shelton, Jerod Shelton, Zachary Shelton, Allie Horn, and Adam Horn. Great grandson Garrett Shelton. Three Brothers and Four Sisters.
Visitation will be Friday night from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be saturday August 13, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with B.F. Risinger officiating. Burial will follow at Crisp Cemetery in Crisp, Texas in Ellis County. |
20, 1955 - Aug 3, 2005
Lela Barker, 50, a loving mother and devoted friend of many, passed away on August 3rd at Baylor Hospital in Dallas after a short, sudden battle with cancer. A memorial service is planned for family and friends on Sunday August 14th at Northside Baptist Church at 3 pm. The family requests memorials for Northside Baptist in lieu of flowers.
Lela was born in Toccoa, Georgia on July 20, 1955. She relocated to Corsicana in 1980 with her then husband and son, Clark. She enjoyed working on her mini-ranch, raising all types of animals, and being with her son. Additionally, Lela was known to enjoy a big warm fire in her wood burning stove, watching her big screen television, and munching on her not yet famous nachos. Lela loved to be out with a group. She was a "mother hen" to her "girls" when they were out on the town. She was a devoted friend to so many!
For the last five years Lela had been managing the Shoe Dept store in Corsicana. Previously she had helped stali-up and manage Axxess Insurance Company in Corsicana, Gun Barrel City, Marshall, Longview and Mabank. Lela was a very active person in Corsicana and attended Northside Baptist Church.
Lela is survived by her son, Clark Barker, of Corsicana and a host of friends.
Lela was truly a blessing to all who knew and loved her.
Isaac Jesus Alcaraz
Apr 6, 2005 - Aug 10, 2005 Infant ISAAC JESUS ALCARAZ, age 4 months, of Rice, Texas, died Wednesday, August 10, 2005, at Childrens Medical Center of Dallas. He was the son of Jesus Alcaraz and Melody Fernandez. He is also survived by his, Sister-Urianna Fernandez of Rice, Texas. Arrangements are being handled by Corley Funeral
Home, Corsicana, Texas, where the family will receive friends from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday, August 13, 2005. Funeral service will be at Corley Funeral Home Chapel at 2:00 PM Sunday, August 14, 2005 , Rev. Tommy Cress officiating. Interment will be 11:00 A.M. Monday at Laurel Land Memorial Park in Dallas, Texas. |