
Obituaries from
Navarro County, Texas



Josias John "Joe" Holleman
Mar 7, 1848 - Mar 19, 1925


On March 19, 1925, at 4:45 o'clock a. m. the death angel visited a faithful daughter's home, Miss Minnie Holleman, and took from them a dear father and grandfather J. J. Holleman, who was 77 years and 11 days old. Grandpa, as every one knew him, was a faithful husband and father, but two years ago last January Grandma was taken away and all has seemed dark and lonely for him, as I�ve heard him say he wished he could join her in that happy home, for he was ready to go and get out of his suffering with Bright's disease, which has been his long siege for many years and he bore so well without a murmur. Grandpa was a true worker of God and a member of the Primitive Baptist church on South Sixteenth street where it was his heart's desire to gather with the members to honor God.

The funeral was largely attended at the church at 320 South Sixteenth, the services being preached by Bro. Blackmon and Bro. Thorton of Mexia, who have been friends of Grandpa since there were boys and who many a time came to him for consolation.

Grandpa was only sic about twenty-four hours in bed. All was done by loving hands and two good doctors that could be done, but all was in vain for God had called and he was willing and ready to go.

He leaves three sons and five daughters to mourn his loss, but weep not, dear ones, for we all love Grandpa, but know he is out of those dark hours and pain; all is peace and bright over yonder. Those dear old songs he loved so much bring back his echo when I hear them sing, "Amazing Grace", "I'm Going Home" and others he loved so much. He was a daily reader of the dear old book and had a glad word for everyone.

Watch and wait for us Grandpa
For we know it can 't be long
Until we again be united
In the land of joy and song.

Tho ' you 're gone but not forgotten-
Tho' we hear your voice no more,
But we expect to meet up yonder
On that bright and happy shore.

A dear one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is still;
A chair is vacant in that home.
Which never can be filled.



Mary Louise Farrald
Feb 17, 1921 - Oct 2, 1925


Special to the Sun.

Purdon, Texas, Oct. 3.�On Friday afternoon, Mary Louise, the four year old daughter of J. H. Farrald, while playing in the yard at their home, one miles west of Purdon, ran up behind a horse and was kicked in the chest. She was injured to such an extent that she died at 11 o'clock Friday night. The remains were laid to rest in the Dresden cemetery.


Anna Beasant "Annie" (Mintern) Moir
Apr 26, 1874 - Feb 12, 1952

Mrs. Annie Moir Rites Thursday

Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Moir, 78, native of England, who died while visiting in Mt. Pleasant on Tuesday were held Thursday at 10:30 o'clock from the Corley Chapel.

The rites were conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, Church of Christ Minister. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are two sons, J. A. Moir, Wichita Falls, and George Moir, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. M. O. May, Mt. Pleasant; five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and several brothers and sisters in England.

Pallbearers were T. P. Penny, Zack Barton, Robert Jackson, Ed Steele, W. W. Wiswell, John Higginbotham, Homer Logan and A. W. Chapman.


Augusta L. (UNKNOWN) Koehn
Jan 8, 1828 - Jan 30, 1922

Died Here Sunday.

Mrs. Augusta L. Kohen, aged 83 years died here Sunday and the remains were interred in Oakwood yesterday afternoon, Rev. H. J. Ellis officiating. The deceased was a native of Germany but had lived here for more than thirty years. One son, Emil Kohen survives.


Emil Edward Koehn
Oct 23, 1874 - Mar 18, 1945

Rites Held Tuesday for Emil E. Koehn

Funeral services for Emil E. Koehn, aged 70, who died Sunday, were held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Henry Knight. He was a native of Corsicana.

Surviving are his wife, a son, two daughters and two grandchildren.




Funeral services for Emil E. Koehn, aged 70 years, who died at his home, 812 North Main street, Sunday morning, will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Henry Knight.

Koehn was well-known here and had resided in Corsicana all of his life. He was born October 23, 1874.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a son, Ernest Koehn, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. R. H. Ross and Mrs. J. E. Baldwin, both of Corsicana, and two grandchildren.


Lois Louise Flener
Jun 23, 1915 - Dec 31, 1921

Died Saturday.

Lois Louise Flener, six years of age, daughter of Mrs. Lon Flener, residing at 418 West Twelfth street died Saturday night after a short illness. Funeral was held at Oakwood cemetery at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon conducted by Mrs. Smith director of the Church of Penticost.


Frederick E. Franklin
Nov 22, 1851 - Feb 15, 1922


F. E. Franklin is Laid to Rest in Oakwood Cemetery.

The remains of the late F. E. Franklin were laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery this morning after funeral services at the house at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. D. K. Porter.

The Odd Fellows met at their hall at 9:30 and in a body marched to the home and had charge of the services at the grave. There was a large attendance at the last sad rites and many beautiful floral offerings were in evidence.


Thomas W. "Tom/Tommie" McLendon
Sep 12, 1915 - Dec 16, 1922



Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church for Tom McLendon, seven year old son of Dr. and Mrs. T. P. McLendon, who met accidental death Saturday evening at six o'clock when struck by an automobile. The services were conducted by Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church of this city and he Rev. Geo. W. Truett, pastor of the First Baptist church of Dallas.

The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The following were the pall bearers:

Active - Dr. J. N. Sisk, N. Simpson, Dr. O. P. Bowmer, Dr. Harry Exell, J. S. Eubank, and C. S. Stroud.

All members of the Rotary Club and all physicians of the city acted as honorary pallbearers.

The accident which cost the life of little Tom McLendon occurred on West Seventh avenue in the nine hundred block at 6 o'clock Saturday evening. The lad was with his father and mother, the father making a professional call at the residence of L. H. Flynn. Two cars are said to have been parked in front of the Flynn house and it is from behind those cars the lad is said to have stepped in front of a car which struck him. This car was going east on Seventh avenue at a slow rate of speed and was driven by Mrs. Oscar Redden. The accident is said to have been unavoidable. That the car was going slow is evidenced by the quickness with which it was stopped as the boy was picked up by his father under the rear axle. It is said that one of the front wheels passed over the body of the lad. Several people witnessed the accident.

The lad was taken to the office of Dr. Sisk where an X-ray was made and it was found he had suffered a fractured skull and internal injuries. He was then taken to the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital. Dr. C. M. Rosser, specialist of Dallas was summoned, and assisted by local physicians all in the power of human hands was done to save the life of the injured lad. A transfusion of blood was given, the blood being taken from the father. All efforts were futile and the little fellow died at 11 o'clock Saturday night.

The accident is deplorable and has cast a pall of gloom over the entire city. Little Tom was very popular and enjoyed a large friendship among the older people as well as among the children of his own age. He was of a bright sunny disposition and was loved by all who knew him. He was an only child and his heartbroken father and mother have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire citizenship of Corsicana.




Dr. and Mrs. T. P. McLendon gve a dainty Christmas tree in honor of the pupils of the first grade at the Sam Houston school Friday afternoon just before school dismissed for the holidays.

The pupils in the first grade room were the little school mates of Tommie McLendon the little son of Dr. and Mrs. McLendon, who died last Saturday night following injuries received when struck by a moving automobile.

Dr. and Mrs. McLendon furnished the neat little tree, had it appropriately decorated and furnished various nice gifts for each child. Forty children attended the school in that grade, with Miss Sue McCreary their teacher.

Each little girl was given a gold ring, and each little boy received a pair of gold cuff links. There were other packages of assorted candles; fruits, nuts and numerous delicacies and toys for each child, as well.

The tree was afterwards presented to the little Tommie's Sunday school class.


James A. Whitehurst, Rev.
Apr 9, 1861 - Sep 18, 1922



Rev. J. A. Whitehurst, aged 61 years, died at his home in Belton early last night after a serious illness of several weeks duration. Rev. Mr. Whitehurst was a former pastor of the First Methodist church of this city and his body will be buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, tomorrow morning.

Immediately upon the arrival of the body, accompanied by members of the family and friends from Belton, on the 9:20 a.m. Cotton Belt tomorrow, services will be held at the First Methodist Church. Rev. D. K. Porter, pastor of the First Methodist church, will conduct the services assisted by Rev. C. A. Bickley, presiding elder of this district, and Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church.

Rev. Mr. Whitehurst is survived by his wife and six children, Mrs. Fred Muellhause of Corsicana, Miss Pauline Whitehurst of Belton, Miss Flora Whitehurst of Mineral Wells, John Whitehurst of Fort Worth, Mrs. B. B. Byus of San Antonio, and Mrs. Benton Gean of Beaumont, all of whom were with him at the time of his death.

He will be buried by the side of his son, Paul Whitehurst, who died while the family lived here.

Rev. Whitehurst was pastor of the First Methodist church here for three years, from 1905 to 1908. After leaving Corsicana, he filled pastorates at Brownwood, Waxahachie, Waco, Mineral Wells, and Belton. He was serving his second year as pastor of the Methodist church at Belton at the time of his death.

Pallbearers for the funeral services here tomorrow have been names as follows: W. W. Gage, W. A. Tarver, S. W. Burdine, G. F. Haslam, Edgar Metcalf and J. W. McGill.

The world lost a man among men when J. A. Whitehurst passed away Monday evening. Early in life he chose as profession the teaching of the Gospel. And not only by his logical, forceful, and earnest sermons did he render service for his Master but also by the example of his own life, which was as genteel, as refined, and as pure as that of any mortal man.

As a pastor, those who knew him best say that he had few equals. Not by eloquence and oratory did he appeal but rather by a conscientious, unselfish, loving service rendered to all.

He was a man who refused to make any distinction between social classes. He was as much a friend to the humblest bearer of burden as to the greatest capitalist. While in Corsicana, he endeared himself not only to the members of his own congregation but to the whole city and its membership. On every hand this morning as the news of his untimely death spread throughout the town, were heard expressions of the deepest grief. The fourteen years which have passed since he served this community have not blotted from the memory of Corsicana people the work of this remarkable man. Few pastors have been so beloved outside of their own congregations. As Rev. Mr. Whitehurst made his daily rounds throughout the city, visiting homes, stores, and offices of Jew and Gentile, bringing his message of faith and cheer to all alike�to devout men and women and to those faltering in their belief�stopping here to grasp the rough hand of men in overalls and there to send his Irish smile through the hearts of captains of industry, he made for himself a cosmopolitan group of thousands of friends and admirers who saw in him the personification of those true and noble qualities which the Master has urged all men to strive to attain.

Mike, Dailey, veteran transfer man in Corsicana, as he sat on the sidewalk beside his wagon this morning and heard the news of the death of his friend, J. A. Whitehurst said: "Ah, and that was a fine gentleman, a real friend to me and everyone."

The old saying, "The world was better for having lived," was never more truthfully uttered than when it is said of Rev. J. A. Whitehurst.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Sep 19, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Martha Cordelia (Suitor) Whitehurst buried in Ft. Worth, Tx; s/o Delaney Whitehurst & Gracie Ann (Beatty) Whitehurst

Hollie Madden
Jul 19, 1876 - Apr 18, 1922

Died Near Town.

Hollie Madden, aged 47 years, who lived at the old Beaton home just south of town, died at 10:30 last night of pneumonia, and the remains were interred in Oakwood at 3 o'clock this afternoon, with Capt. Smith of the Salvation army officiating. The deceased had been for some time in the employ of the Allen Transfer Co., and is survived by his wife and two children, and his father , J. H. Madden of Teague and a brother in Oklahoma.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, April 19, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Ida (Hawkins) Madden married Dec. 15, 1897 2nd wife Luna Bell (Followell) Madden; s/o Jacob H. "Jake" Madden & Missouri (Poland) Madden

Ella M. (Armstrong) Lee
Feb 16, 1867 - Nov 11, 1922


Former Well Known Corsicana Woman Died in Waco.

Mrs. Ella Lee, wife of Charles E. lee, for many years well known residents here, but residing in Beaumont for the past two years, died in a Waco Sanitarium Saturday night, and the remains were brought here this morning and taken to the home of Byron Cheney, and the funeral took place from the First Baptist church this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. E. P. Kennedy officiated and the following were pall bearers:

Active�John Calhoun, Byron Cheney, J. S. Millerman, J. B. Robinson, C. A. Middleton, and H. R. McCandless.

Honorary�B. K. Duncan, N. L. Benson, J. H. Millerman, C. A. Delafosse, Frank Taylor, J. A. Millerman, William Conner, Geo. F. Miller, Dr. J. A. Jones, Dr. O. L. Smith, C. B. Haley and Jerry Robinson.

The deceased is survived by her husband, C. E. Lee, who was for years county surveyor of this county and by three sons, Ernest Lee, Nate Lee and Roy Lee, and a sister, Mrs. C. C. Jones of Temple.

During her long residence in Corsicana the deceased endeared herself to our people by her beautiful Christian character and womanly life and there was an immense throng at the Union Station this morning to meet the remains and to mingle their tears with those of her loved ones, and this afternoon, despite the inclement weather a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to Oakwood, and there was a great variety of beautiful floral offerings.


Mary Emma (DuBose) Clark
Apr 15, 1871 - Nov 19, 1922

Died in Oklahoma.

Mrs. George Clark of Cushing, Okla., died Sunday night at 10:30. The funeral will take place from the residence of her niece, Mrs. Sam Ross, 1881 West Fifth avenue, Corsicana, Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.

Mrs. Clark is survived by five children and five sisters. The children are: Mrs. S. M. Wilkins, Mrs. A. l. Hopper, Miss Macy Clark, Johnnie Clark, and Harry Clark, all residents of Cushing, Oklahoma. The sisters are Mrs. W. B. Thomas, Corsicana, Mrs. Myrtle Stewart of Dallas, Mrs. Joe Cooper of Beaumont and Mrs. Ernest Lee of Beaumont.

The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. Clark was formerly a resident of Corsicana and her many friends join with the family in sympathy in their bereavement.

The following will act as pallbearers.

Active�Sydney Marks, Henry Walker, Frank Taylor, Will Cheney, Clyde Stroud and George Miller.

Honorary�Mrs. Calhoun, Hood Cheney, Byron Cheney, Charlie Delafosse, J. J. Newton, Sam Butler, C. A. Middleton, C. C. Roberts and Sam Millerman.



Name Accidentally Omitted.

In giving the names of the relatives of the late Mrs. Geo. Clark, who was interred here yesterday, the name of her only brother, Dell DuBose of Corsicana, was accidentally omitted.


Charles Allen "Son Boy" French
Nov 8, 1914 - May 10, 1922

Funeral Will Be Held Tomorrow.

The remains of little Charles Allen French, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. French, who was drowned yesterday, will be interred tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, the funeral taking place from the family home on West Third avenue.

This terrible accident has cast a gloom over the community, and all express the greatest sympathy for the bereaved parents and other relatives. Charles Allen, or �Sonny Boy,� as he was often called, was a bright and lovable little fellow, and will be missed and mourned by all who knew him.

The Sun was misinformed yesterday as to who took the little fellow from his watery grave. It was J. R. Williams, Jr., of Black Hills, and as soon as he brought the child�s body to the surface Mr. W. A. Babb took him into his arms and tried in every way to restore him to life, and then came to town with his mother and her child in her arms to the doctor�s office over the Johnson�s drug store.

Mr. French was out of town when his child lost his life but reached home late last night. The little fellow�s two sisters, who are attending Ward-Belmont College, will arrive home in time for the funeral.

The following are the pall bearers:
Active - Jno. T. Fortson, Joe B. Fortson, C. C. Sands and C. C. Albritton. Honorary - C. J. Hall, J. A. Anderson, W. H. Anderson, Sam Rowe, W. L. Bain, M. W. Westbrook, Luther Westbrook, J. C. Walker, Dr. K. W. Rowe, J. C. Blair, all of Kerens; O. L. Albritton, Liston Tatum, Ralph Tatum, A. R. Lewis, Dr. Holloway, W. M. Peck, J. S. Callicutt, W. B. Thomas, T. J. Braselton, C. L. Jester, Geo. E. Jester, Wm. Elliott, P. C. Townsend, E. Y. Cunningham, W. L. Vernon, San Marcos; Lee Noble, Mart; J. S. Murchison, H. A. Halbert, Coleman; L. J. Halbert, Plainview, and Geo. Baum.



Little Boy�s Funeral Today.

The remains of little Charles Allen French, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. French, who lost his life two days ago by drowning, were laid to rest in Oakwood this afternoon, the funeral taking place from the family home at 4 o'clock. Rev. D. K. Porter officiated, and there was a profusion of beautiful flowers and large attendance of friends of the family, as well as of the dear little fellow who had such a tragic and sad ending of his life.


Mary Elizabeth (Culpepper) Steely
Jun 24, 1850 - Mar 5, 1922

Died Near Here Yesterday.

Mrs. M. E. Steely, widow of J. P. Steely, aged 71 years, died at her home east of town, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock after a long illness, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon with Rev. D. K. Porter officiating. The deceased is survived by six grown children, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Corsicana; Mrs. E. W. Fentfrol, Booneville, Ark., W. G. Steely, address unknown; C. M. and H. A. Steely, Fort Worth, and J. W. Steely, Tulsa, Okla.


Frank Luce
1874 - Sep 3, 1922


Remains Interred By Masons Yesterday Afternoon.

Frank Luce, of Forest Hill, La., aged 48 years, died in the P. and S. here Saturday night, and the remains were interred in the Masonic lot in Oakwood yesterday afternoon, the Corsicana Masonic lodge being in charge of the funeral. The deceased, who was in bad health, was en route to Mineral Wells, accompanied by his wife, who is 19 years of age, and by their infant child. When Corsicana was reached Thursday night he became so ill that he had to go to the P. and S. hospital where he passed away Saturday night.


Ada (Wilson) Horn
Oct. 16, 1879 - Aug. 6, 1922

Died Here Last Night.

Mrs. Ada Horn, wife of A. L. Horn aged 43 years, died at the family home on East First avenue at 10 o'clock last night after a long illness, and the remains were interred in the Modell cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The deceased is survived by her husband and two children.


Nora (Reed) Wofford
Jul 17, 1872 - Feb 9, 1922

Remains Still With Undertaker.

The remains of Mrs. Wofford, the woman who died at the P. And S. hospital Wednesday night, are still with the undertaker. It has been learned that she has two small children living with a family in the north of town, but nothing has been learned definitely concerning her or her antecedents.


Roval Marshall Wilson
Jan 9, 1846 - Feb 2, 1922

Died At Petty Chapel.

R. M. Wilson, 81 years, died near Petty Chapel last night, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon by the side of his wife who died nine months ago. The deceased is survived by two foster children, one of them Mrs. Chas. Poteet, lives in Corsicana. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. P. Kennedy.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, February 2, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" (Nevill) Wilson married Apr. 1, 1879; s/o William Craven Wilson & Frances Caroline (Gilliam) Wilson

Nancy A. (Green) Fields
Jan 17, 1844 - Jun 16, 1922

Venerable Lady Dead.

Mrs. N. A. Fields, aged 78 years, and a resident here for twenty-two years, died at her home, 719 West Ninth avenue at 8:15 last night, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 5 o'clock, after funeral services at the house conducted by Rev. L. C. Howell. The pall bearers were Harvey Grantham, Tom Duren, Earl Smalling, J. A. Call, E. B. Burkhalter and Kirk Steele. Surviving the deceased are six children, Mrs. B. R. Chiles, Miss Hester Fields, Bruce Fields and Richard Fields of Corsicana, Bennett Fields of Eastland, and Joe Fields of Houston.

The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings.


Sallie Mae (Roberts) Darwood
Sep 21, 1879 - Mar 17, 1922


Funeral Was From Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church.

The remains of the late Mrs. Sallie Mae Darwood, who died at the family home, 1101 Summitt avenue, were interred this morning, the funeral taking place from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church, with services conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Carraway. The last sad rites were well attended and there were many beautiful flowers. The deceased was the wife of John Darwood, and she is survived by her husband, three children, two girls and one son. She was the daughter of Postmaster S. A. Roberts of Blooming Grove and is survived by a number of other relatives.


William Davidson Carter
Mar 29, 1873 - Nov 23, 1922



Yesterday afternoon near 5 o'clock as two colored boys were on Post Oak Creek in that part of Judge Stout�s pasture just east of Oakwood cemetery they came across the dead body of a white man about two hundred feet east of the cemetery tank, and near the bed of the creek to the south. The boys went to the nearest telephone and told the sheriff�s office of their find. Sheriff Hayes at once sent Justice Sullivan and Deputy Sheriff Chandler to the scene. The news soon spread among the residents of that section and many people gathered about the dead body in a short while.

The man speared to be near fifty years of age, was of medium size, clean shaved and neatly dressed. On the ground near the body was a small pistol and a bottle labeled carbolic acid. In the right temple was a pistol shot wound and the mouth had a dark splotch to one corner of the lips.

In his coat pocket was a bank book of the First State Bank and Trust Co., of Waco, showing deposits to the amount of near $2,500, made in the fall, and in his trouser pockets were $10.40. the bank book had on it the name of W. D. Carter. In his pockets also were two letters addressed to a local attorney regarding business he had been attending to for the deceased.

As the new spread it soon developed that the deceased was the son of Dr. Carter, who was many years ago, a practicing physician and druggist here, and who with his wife are buried in Oakwood cemetery here. All who knew the deceased, speak of him in the highest terms. He was unmarried, and it is said the only living relative is a brother in Houston, who is expected here this afternoon. Till the arrival of the brother no funeral arrangements have been made, but it is presumed that the remains will be interred in Oakwood some time tomorrow beside those of his parents.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, Nov 24, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • s/o Thomas N. Carter, Dr. & Missouri Eliza/William (Davidson) Carter (Missouri is buried in the Davidson cemetery)



Funeral Well Attended and Numerous Floral Offerings.

The remains of the late W. D. Carter, whose death occurred here late Thursday afternoon, were interred in Oakwood this morning at 10 o'clock by those of his parents, both of whom died here many years ago. The services were conducted by Rev. E. P. Kennedy of the First Baptist church, and Monte Davidson, John Hughes, Wesley Edens, Palmer Blanding, Arthur Sutherland and Joe Simkins, acted as pallbearers. There was a good attendance and many beautiful floral offerings. Relatives here to attend the funeral were his only living brother, Sol Carter, of LaPort, his nephew, R. S. Carter and wife of Dallas, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. T. E. Carter and Daughter, Miss Melba Carter, of Quinlan.


J. B. Holland
Jul 31, 1861 - Aug 10, 1922

Died Here Last Night.

J. B. Holland, aged 61 years, and who had lived here for more than thirty years, and who had been afflicted for many years, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Florence Buck at 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the remains were interred in Oakwood at 5 o'clock this afternoon. There were funeral services at the house by Rev. W. P. Ingram after which the Masons took charge and concluded the services at the grave. The deceased was never married, but is survived by these brothers and sisters: Mrs. Florence Buck and Miss Symantha Holland, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Bertie Parker of Kerens, and Mrs. W. A. Watkins, of Tennessee; J. G. Holland, Tennessee; H. P. Holland, Colorado; Frank Holland, Black Hills and R. E. Holland of Corsicana.


Roy Holland Buck
Jun 24, 1905 - Feb 16, 1974

Roy Buck

Funeral services will be at 10 a. m. Monday at the Sparkman Hillcrest Funeral Home in Dallas for Roy H. Buck, 68, of Corsicana, who died Saturday morning in Dallas. The funeral home is located at 10501 Garland Rd.

Rev. S. Q. Proctor will officiate.

Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. at Oakwood cemetery in Corsicana. He is survived by two brothers, R. Leon Buck of Midland and Raymond C. Buck of Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Elora Alderman of Austin, Mrs. Ruby Garrett of New Braunfels, and Mrs. Clara Hodge and Mrs. Ruth Tirago both of Dallas; and a number of nieces and nephews.

He was the son of the late Mrs. Florence Buck of Corsicana.


Robert C. McCulloh
Aug 23, 1846 - May 13, 1922


Was for Many Years a Resident of Corsicana.

R. C. McCullugh, 76 years of age, died here yesterday at the home of his brother, C. A. McCullough, 206 East First avenue, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon from the Sutherland undertaking parlors at 3:30. Rev. H. G. Ellis officiated and there was a good attendance and many beautiful flowers. For more than thirty years the deceased was a passenger conductor on the Houston & Texas Central railroad, and for the past twenty-five years he has run on the M. K. & T. out of San Antonio where he made his home. The deceased is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Walter Myers of Ennis and Mrs. Ralph Collins of San Antonio. Both of these and their husbands, and a brother-in-law, C. H. Hoffman of Dallas, were here to attend the funeral.


Brinkley Powell Brown, Sr.
Feb 11, 1885 - Nov 4, 1922

Remains Interred Here.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram of yesterday contained the following:

B. P. Brown, 37, manager of the Underwood Typewriter Company, died at his home 2258 Hemphill street, at 4 a. m. Saturday. He is survived by his wife, sons, Elmer, B.P., Jr., Edward, Francis and Douglas Brown of Fort Worth; his mother, Mrs. D. C. Brown of Dallas, and the following brothers and sisters: D. L. Brown, Tom Brown and Mrs. P. B. Boyle of Dallas, Raleigh Brown and Mrs. Poebler of Lubbock. The body will be forwarded by the Spelman Undertaking Company to Corsicana Sunday for burial.

The remains reached here yesterday morning from Fort Worth and were taken to the home of W. M. Wilson, and the funeral took place from there yesterday afternoon at 2:30 with Rev. D. K. Porter and J. Walter Simpson officiating. A large number of friends attended the last sad rites and there was a profusion of magnificent floral offerings, many of them coming from Fort Worth and Dallas. J. C. Hughes, John Sullivan, Harris Ransom, A. W. McQuiston, W. E. Slaughter and T. J. York were pallbearers, and Mrs. H. H. Flemming, Mrs. C. A. Montgomery, Edgar Metcalf and Jack Haslam sang.


William C. Bingham
Apr 3, 1842 - Mar 1, 1922

Died at I. O. O. F. Home.

William C. Bingham, who would have been 80 years old in April next, and who was a member of Richland Springs lodge, No. 741, died at the I. O. O. F. old folks home last night, and the remains were interred on the Odd Fellows lot in Oakwood this afternoon./ the deceased had been an inmate of the home since April 14, 1914.


Joseph W. �Joe� Reid
Apr 10, 1882 - Mar 8, 1922

A Good Citizen Dead.

J. W. Reed, aged, 40 years, died at his home, 706 East Tenth Avenue, at 3 o'clock this morning after a short illness with influenza and pneumonia, and the funeral took place at 4:30 this afternoon with interment in Oakwood, and Rev. W. L. Phillips of Navarro, officiating. The deceased is survived by his wife, and five children, his parents, T. T. Reid and wife, and several brothers and sisters. The family lived for many years in the Emhouse community, and the deceased only moved to Corsicana a few months ago. He was an industrious and good citizen, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, Mar 8, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Margaret Elizabeth �Maggie� (Byers) Reid married Jun. 16, 1903; s/o Thomas Thornton Reid & Clementine (Cox) Reid

Margaret Elizabeth �Maggie� (Byers) Reid
Jul 20, 1883 - Oct 11, 1973

Mrs. Reid

Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Margaret E. Reid, 90, who died Thursday in a Waco hospital. The Rev. David hale will officiate, and burial will be at Oakwood cemetery.

Mrs. Reid was a native of Chatfield, and lived in Corsicana until she moved to Waco 20 years ago.

She is survived by one son, Louis Reid of Mesquite; three daughters, Mrs. E. L. Kinkead of Waco, Mrs. W. B. Bond of Red Oak, and Mrs. S. J. Fife of San Antonio; one brother, R. I. Byers, of Dallas; one sister, Mrs. Nell Anderson of Fort Worth; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, Oct 12, 1973
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Joseph W. �Joe� Reid married Jun. 16, 1903; d/o William Burton Byers & Rebecca Penelope (Rogers) Byers buried in Chatfield cemetery


Mrs. Reid

Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Margaret E. Reid, 90, who died Thursday in a Waco hospital. The Rev. David Hale officiated, and burial was at Oakwood Cemetery.

Survivors include a son, three daughters, a brother, a sister, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers are Richard Hodge, Marvin White, Neil Holloway, Earl McGraw, Joe Nelson and Joe Sabo.


Cecil Allen Andrus
Oct 29, 1921 - Oct 10, 1922

Lost Infant Son.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Andrus, aged one year, died at the family home in the Phillips Chapel community last night, and interment took place here in Oakwood cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock.


Katie (UNKNOWN) Birmingham
1848 - Jan 18, 1922

Venerable Lady Dead.

Mrs. Kate Birmingham, aged 74 years and seven months, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Turner, on South Fourteenth street last night, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon.

The funeral took place from the family home this afternoon, Rev. Mrs. Smith, pastor of the Apostolic church officiating.


B&D Jan 18, 1922

Remains Interred This Morning.

The newly born infant of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mabin, died at 625 North Tenth street last night and the remains were interred in Oakwood this morning.


Mary E. (Spikes) Dodds
Aug 27, 1867 - Feb 17, 1922

Died This Afternoon.

Mrs. W. B. Dodds died this afternoon at her home on West Sixth avenue. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the home at 3 o'clock with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The following will be pallbearers:

Active�D. H. Barnett, N. F. Garrett, S. A. Elliott, Paul E. Allen, A. B. Horn, and J. W. Edens.

Honorary pallbearers will be L. E. McCormick, J. D. Ambrose, H. Iversen, J. M. Dyer, E. F. Hartzell, H. R. Smalley, Walter Findley, Jester Pittman, Roland Puryear, R. N. Whitten, Joe Jones, Vollie Jaynes, John Cunningham, and John Echols.



Funeral Was Largely Attended.

The remains of the late Mrs. Mary E. Dodds, aged 55, wife of W. B. Dodds, who died yesterday afternoon at the family home on West Sixth avenue, were laid in rest in Oakwood this afternoon at 3:30, after funeral services at the house conducted by Rev. F. N. Calvin. The deceased is survived by her husband and three children, Miss Sybil Dodds, Jack Dodds and Will Dodds, and many other relatives. The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. The pallbearers were:

Active�B. H. Barnett, N. F. Garrett, F. A. Elliott, P. E. Allen, A. D. Horn and J. W. Edens.

Honorary�L. E. McCormick, J. D. Ambrese, H. Iversen, J. M. Dyer, B. F. Hartzell, H. R. Smalley, Walter Fendley, Jester Pittman, Rowland Puryear, R. M. Witten, Joe Jones, Vollie Jaynes, John Cunningham and John Echols.


Abraham Smith Clark
Apr 2, 1856 - Feb 16, 1922

Died Yesterday.

A. S. Clark, aged 66 years died at his home on West Second avenue at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon after a short illness with pneumonia. He is survived by his widow and two children, Mrs. Carl Waites, and Mrs. C. B. McKinney, both of Corsicana and one brother, Dr. Leon Clark of Ennis.

The funeral took place at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the family home with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The deceased was a member of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church and enjoyed a large friendship in Corsicana who will genuinely mourn his death.



Remains Interred Saturday.

The remains of A. S. Clark for many years a good citizen here, who died Friday night, were interred Saturday evening at 5 o'clock in Oakwood. The last sad rites were conducted by Rev. M.W. Clark and Rev. A. E. Carraway, and members of the Woodmen acted as pall bearers. There was a good attendance and many pretty flowers were in evidence.


George Franklin Leonard
Mar 20, 1841 - Sep 24, 1922



G. F. Leonard, aged 80 years, died at the home of his son George Leonard, 1301 West Fourth avenue, at five o'clock Sunday morning, and the funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the residence with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The Rev. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the First Baptist Church conducted the services and a quartet composed of Mesdames Billie Binford, F. J. Lindsey, Messrs. J. W. Cheney and C. A. Middleton sang both at the home and at the grave. The Rev. Mr. Kennedy, after reading from the scriptures paid a tribute to the memory of the deceased and spoke words of comfort to the wife and children.

The active pallbearers were Prince McClellan, Chas. Allen, B. J. Derden, N. C. Goodman, John Redden and J. i. Tucker. There were many beautiful floral offerings and a large crowd of friends of the deceased followed the body to its last resting place in Oakwood.

G. F. Leonard has been a resident of Corsicana and Navarro county for fifty-one years. He had had a rather eventful career filled with adventure during the days of young manhood. At the age of eighteen he joined the United States Navy and after serving his enlistment was honorably discharged in New Orleans. At the time of his discharge a yellow fever epidemic was raging in the Crescent City and he with another young man with whom he had served in the Navy broke the quarantine and came to Texas. For a number of years he was in West Texas in the San Angelo vicinity working for the government. Later he came to Navarro county and near the place where Cheneyboro is now located he met his wife, Miss Sarah Alice Baker. During his long residence in this county Mr. Leonard has made many friends. Although advanced in age he was very active up to the time of his fatal illness. During his illness he was always cheerful and at no time did he become down. He was only sick a short while and his large circle of friends were somberly grieved to learn of his death. In his passing another of the old timers who helped make Corsicana and Navarro county the prosperous community it now is and who played a prominent part in the early history of the state has passed on to his reward.

He is survived by a widow and the following children: George Leonard, Ed Leonard, Mrs. Lucien Freeman of Proctor, Minn., and Mrs. Florence Evans of San Francisco, Calif.


Earl David Nolen
Feb 12, 1901 - Jan 15, 1922


Popular Corsicana Boy Lost Life Yesterday Afternoon

Corsicana�s most recent heart-rendering automobile accident occurred yesterday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock, resulting in the instantaneous death of one of the popular young men of the city, Earl Nolen, 21 years of age, son of J. L. Nolen, 914 West Eighteenth street.

Young Nolen with a party of boys and girls had been enjoying a drive in Nolen�s Ford car, when three miles out on the Navarro pike a king bolt broke disabling the Ford car. Young Nolen, Charley Fulton and Leslie White came to town for a new bolt and were returning to the location where the Ford broke down in N. R. Garrett & Bros�s Dodge service truck. When about one mile out on the pike near the Texas pumping station, the car running at thirty or thirty-five miles per hour struck a rough place in the road, causing the rear of the truck to swerve when one of the rear wheels crushed as it went off the pike whereupon young Nolen, who was driving, lost control of the steering wheel, and the car summersaulted.

Pinned Under Truck.
Charley Fulton jumped, or was thrown clear of the wreck without injury, Leslie White and Earl Nolen went down under the car and were pinned under the top of the truck. Young White who was lying on top of the body of Nolen extricated himself and climbed out from under the car.

With the assistance of others who congregated at the scene the car was quickly lifted by his comrades from the prostrate form of young Nolen whose head was pinned beneath the heavy truck, which crushed his forehead and face in shapeless manner, instantly killing him.

Leslie White received slight injuries, his left arm being bruised and cut below the elbow. Young Nolen breathed but once after the car was lifted from his bleeding form.

Quick response was made by E. L. Keith in Bank Sutherland�s ambulance to phone call in which the dead boy�s body was brought to the undertaking parlors on West Fifth street where it was prepared for burial.

Funeral Today.

Funeral services will be held at 4:30 p.m. today from the residence under the auspices of the Christian church by Rev. Frank N. Calvin, pastor, interment will follow at the Oakwood cemetery.

Earl Nolen during his eight years residence in Corsicana was regarded as an upright, dutiful and devoted son and brother. His father, mother, three sisters and five brothers have the sympathy of a large number of friends who knew Earl as a courteous and model young man whose service to them as driver for the firm by which he was employed had attracted special attention by his obliging manner.

Mr. J. L. Nolen, who has been employed by the Magnolia Oil Company during his eight years in this city, formerly lived in Ellis county, where numerous friends and acquaintances join in sorrow over their great loss in the death of their loved one.



In Memoriam.

In memory of Earl David Nolen, who was killed in an automobile accident on the 15th day of January. He would have been 21 years old on the 12th day of February. He met his death about 4:30 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. It is hard to say good-bye to those we love so well. We wonder sometimes why it has to be. But God�s will be done, not ours. Weep not, dear mother and father, brothers and sisters. He has gone but will not be forgotten. He will be greatly missed in this neighborhood by his friends. He was loved by all who knew him. That smiling face and that cheerful presence will be greatly missed in his home and so many of his friends will be sorry to learn of his passing away so unexpectedly. Early was such a good boy and a popular young man of our neighborhood. Earl has been in Corsicana about eight years. He was dutiful, upright and a devoted son to his parents. To them I can only say, look up higher for him, he is not in the new made grave. His torn and pain racked body is there, but his spirit is at rest with the Lord in eternal glory.

The services were held at his home by Rev. F. N. Calvin, pastor of the First Christian Church. He was laid to rest in the Oakwood cemetery and among beautiful floral offerings.

All is dark within your home,
Lonely are your hearts today;
For the dearest one we loved
Has been taken away.

His troubles are all ended here,
His sufferings all are over;
But in that bright and happy home,
We meet to part no more.

Your hearts are almost broken,
For you realize your loss;
God gives us grace sufficient
To help us bear the cross.

We think of you in silence,
No eyes can see you weep;
But many a silent tear is shed
When others are asleep.

The vacant place, the empty chair,
We see them day by day,
And oh it fills our hearts with care,
Since our loved one went away.

Written by a Friend.


INFANT Puckett
B&D Jan 18, 1922

Infant Died Here.

The new born infant of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Puckett died at the family home on West Tenth Avenue yesterday, and the remains were interred in Oakwood today.


Christopher Caid �Kit� Carson
Nov 16, 1847 - Nov 2, 1922


C. C. Carson Had Lived in Corsicana For Many Years.

C. C. Carson, aged 84 years, and for many years a resident here, and founder of a brick yard here many years ago, died today at 2 p.m. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Williams, after an illness of many weeks, of the infirmities incident to old age.

The deceased was also the father of City Commissioner H. W. Carson. He was in his younger days a man of rugged character, and was esteemed for his integrity and high sense of honor and duty.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but interment will take place tomorrow afternoon.




Remains Laid to Rest in Oakwood Cemetery This Afternoon.

The funeral for the remains of the late C. C. Carson, took place at 3:30 this afternoon from the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Williams, 414 South Eighteenth street, and was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. Rev. Ilion T. Jones officiated and the following were pall bearers.

Active�Ben Childs, E. B. Church, W. A. Mowlam, J. R. Wilson, W. C. Oldham, John C. Hughes.

Honorary�J. L. Halbert, Ben Blackmon, Nath Garrett, John Harper, Chas. Lewis, Wm. Tatum, Wm. Wilson, J. L. Whiteselle, B. Marks, Wm. Clarkson, Sr., John Cunningham, Perry McCammon, E. W. Johnson, E. Rapheal, W. J. W. Foster, Dr. Shell, Dr. Suttle, Dr. Miller, E. A. Johnson, Judge Kirven, Judge McKee, Judge J. M. Blanding, T. P. Little, P. M. Lea, Aaron Ferguson, J. N. Walling, C. C. Walton, Frank P. Wood, G. W. Brillhart, C. L. Knox, A. J. Hook, Ch. B. Sutherland, Jack Blackmon, G. B. Walker, C. Byrd, Brick Layers Union, Dr. W. W. Carter, Powell, Texas; J. O. Burk, Powell, Texas; W. J. Seelig, H. B. Wilson, W. F. Horger, Oscar Burns, L. W. Ashmore, H. S. Melear, J. H. Wooley, T. T. Burleson, El Dorado, Texas; J. J. Hale, Streetman, Texas.

The deceased is survived by his wife, ten children and seventeen grand-children. The following are the children: Horace, John and Claude Carson and Mrs. E. T. Williams of Corsicana; Caid Carson of Fort Worth; Clarence Carson, Mrs. Addie McCoy and Mrs. Vivian Steenwyck, of Dallas; Grover Carson of Oklahoma City and Mrs. Winfield Clem of Carrollton.


Eva Catherine (Bergneir/Bergmer) Frey
Dec 8, 1844 - Mar 28, 1922

Died Today.

The many friends of Mrs. C. Frey who lives on the Pinkston pike just west of the city, will be grieved to learn that she died this morning at 11:30 o'clock. The deceased was born in Germany but has been a resident of the United States for almost half a century, she together with her husband being naturalized Americans for many years.

She was 77 years of age and leaves four grown sons and two grown daughters with a number of grandchildren to mourn her death.

Interment will be at Oakwood Cemetery, the time of the funeral to be announced later. The deceased was a resident of Limestone county for many years prior to moving to Corsicana and has been a valuable citizen to this county for a long time and has many friends who extend much sympathy to the family in her being called to the great beyond.



Funeral Thursday.

The funeral of Mrs. C. Frey who died yesterday west of the city will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment at Oakwood Cemetery.


Garrett Walker
1902 - Jun 24, 1922





Garrett Walker, aged 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Walker, drowned while in swimming at the Country Club Lake at an early hour this morning. Efforts to revive him by means of a pulmotor proved futile.

Relatives of the boy said today that death possibly resulted from heart failure in addition to drowning, although he had never complained of heart trouble before. He was in the water only about seven minutes, and the pulmotor arrived within ten minutes after he had been brought to land. The pulmotor was operated for forty-five minutes but to no avail

The drowning was the tragic ending of a sunrise breakfast and swimming party this morning. The party consisted of Henry Walker, an uncle of Garrett Walker, and his family; Rev. J. W. Simpson, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church; Mrs. P. W. Mildrey and daughter, Miss Hazel Mildrey of San Antonio; Arthur Ransom of Oastonia, North Carolina; and Mathews Craig. While those were the only members of this party there were a large number of people at the Club for early morning swims, including a party chaperoned by Frank Williams and another by Mrs. W. C. Dunn.

The Walker party left for the Country shortly before 6 o'clock this morning. Upon arriving some of the party began preparing breakfast, while Garrett Walker, Miss Mildrey, Mathew Craig, and the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker, went in swimming. Garrett Walker swam out about 35 or 40 feet, about 16 feet beyond the place where the water was over his head. He suddenly sank and came up but once, at that time just the top of his head appearing. He was not in the water more than seven minutes, according to members of the party. Matthews, Craig; William Elliott, son of Arthur Elliott, who was with the Williams party; and Henry Walker immediately went to the rescue and brought the body to land. J. A. McMahon of the Sutherland Undertaking Parlor was notified and arrived at the Club with the pulmotor within ten minutes. He worked for approximately forty-five minutes in an attempt to set up respiration. The body was later brought to town and taken to the Sutherland Undertaking Parlors.

The deceased said to be a very good swimmer and that fact; together with the attendant circumstances as stated above, lead friends and relatives to the belief that death resulted from some other cause in addition to drowning, possibly heart failure.

Garrett was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Walker. He held a responsible position with the W. Burgess Insurance Company, Graduating from the Corsicana High School in the spring of 1919. Garrett was recognized as one of the most prominent and popular students of the school. He was a member of the Bryan Debating and Declamation Club of the High School during 1918 and 1919, he being secretary of the Club in 1919. He was a member of the High School Club, the Spanish Club, the Athletic Association, and numerous other high school organizations. Last year he was a prominent student at Sterling College, Sterling, Kansas.

The many friends of Garrett Walker in Corsicana spoke today of his remarkable character, it being said by those who knew him best that there was no cleaner, more upright young man in Corsicana than was he.

Fred Sims, grandfather of the deceased, arrived here this morning from Dawson. Jack Walker and Frank Walker of Dallas, uncles are expected today.

Funeral services will be held Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the United Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth avenue and Fifteenth street, of which church Garrett was a member. Members of his Sunday School class, Robert Davidson, Hugh Miller Stewart, Douglas Decherd, S. D. Dickson, Walter Johnson, Walter Castles, Cowan Robinson, and Leslie Douglas, will act as active pallbearers, S. W. Mitchell is teacher of this Sunday School Class.

The honorary pallbearers will be: John Sullivan, Jr., S. W. Mitchell, Dr. S. H. Burnett, J. Y Stewart, Hugh Stewart, W. M. Wilson, R. S. Galloway, J. J. Sullivan, W. M. Dixon, J. L. Davidson, Heyman Jarett, Robert Neblett, Lloyd Thomas, J. W. Betts, Tom Westbrook, A. A. Eason, Walter Burgess, Charles Holloway, Ed M. Polk, Jr., Cal E. Kerr, J. H. Kerr, Wayne Fauber, Robert Cooksey, Harold Melear, George Roper, Jr., W. S. Goode, Hastings Harrison, W. E. Slaughter, Estill Cunningham, Ralph Tatum, John Murray McGee, Max Tatum, Jr.




Church services were suspended at the United Presbyterian Church yesterday morning for the funeral of Garrett Walker, a member fo that church, who died while in swimming at the Country Club lake early Saturday morning.

Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m., the church being filled with the many friends of the deceased. Rev. J. W. Simpson, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, conducted the services, being assisted by Rev. W. L. Patterson of Eureka. The church choir rendered the musical numbers.

Members of the Sunday School class of S. W. Mitchell, to which Garrett Walker belonged, acted as pallbearers.

Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery here a profusion of beautiful floral offerings attested to the high esteem in which Garrett Walker was held by all who knew him.


Edward Lee �Ed� Walker
Mar 17, 1874 - May 27, 1924


E. L. Walker, 50 years old, died at his home on West Fifth avenue at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday morning following several weeks� illness. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Mr. Walker is survived by his wife and one son, Fred; three brothers and four sisters. He has been a resident of Corsicana for the last 25 years, was a member of the United Presbyterian church. For the last 15 years he has been connected with the firm of Tatum & Cunningham. Mr. Walker was a son of the late A. B. Walker, a former well known business man of Corsicana.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, May 27, 1924
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Gussie Eva (Sims) Walker-Chauncey married Nov. 29, 1900 s/o Andrew B. M. Walker and Susan �Susie� (Morgan ) Walker


Funeral Services For E. L. Walker at 5 p.m.

Funeral Services for E. l. Walker will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock from his residence, 2108 West Fifth avenue with interment in Oakwood Cemetery.

Rev. J. Walter Simpson, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, will conduct the services.

The following are the active pallbearers: Ralph Tatum, Eldridge Bonner, Herman McCandless, Liston Tatum, M. Queen and Clifford Tatum.


Mary Jane �Mollie� (McQuiston) Leslie
Apr 7, 1857 - Nov 15, 1939


Funeral services for Mrs. Mollie Leslie, former resident of Corsicana, who died at Anson, Texas, Wednesday, were held from the chapel of the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. W. R. Hall conducted the rites and interment was made in the Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are four daughters, Ms. C. M. Kitchell, of Anson; Mrs. Mary Greeson; Mrs. Eula L. Douglas, of Norman Okla.; and Mrs. Hattie Wells, Little Rock, Ark. One son, Ralph Leslie, Houston.

Pallbearers were John H. Sullivan, Harvey Robinson, Charles McQuiston, Dr. S. H. Burnett, Moulton Dickson and Hugh Stewart.


Alice M. (Steely) Elkins
1888 - Sep 11, 1922

Died At Petty Chapel.

Mrs. Alice Steely Elkins, widow of the late E. W. Elkins, died at her home in the Petty Chapel community at 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon after being in ill health for many months. The deceased, who was thirty-four years of age, is survived by six children and numerous relatives. For many years the deceased and her husband were leaders of the Salvation Army here, and went from here to Wichita Falls and engaged in similar work there. Since the death of her husband, the deceased had lived near Petty Chapel.

The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home with interment in Oakwood, and Gen. Woods of the Salvation Army, Dallas, officiating.


William O. Richardson
Apr 16, 1884 - Dec 14, 1922

Funeral This Afternoon.

The funeral services of W. O. Richardson, age 41 years, who died in Beaumont Wednesday, were held at the chapel of the Smith Funeral Home at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery

The deceased was a brother of A. L. Richardson of this city, and had many friends here. He is survived by one other brother and a sister, who accompanied the body here from Beaumont.


Joseph Lee "Joe" Young
Jul. 27, 1864 - Dec. 13, 1922


Joe Young, 58 years old, 45 years a resident of Corsicana, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. J. Jeffers, 821 West Tenth avenue at 6:45 o'clock Wednesday morning following an illness of one week. Death was due to apoplexy and complications of pneumonia.

Mr. Young was well known throughout Navarro county. Born near Camden, Ala., in 1864, he came to Corsicana with his parents when 13 years of age. His father and mother died here.

Mr. Young grew to manhood and engaged in the livery business. For many years he maintained livery and transfer stables at the corner of West Seventh avenue and Eleventh street. His pioneer settlement here listed him among the circle of �old timers� among whom he was especially loved and held in high esteem. His geniality with his friends and fairness in business dealings was of the rugged, good natured sort by which he was enabled to number his friends by his vast acquaintances. In the scores of traveling salesmen and prospectors that came and went from all quarters.

With the advent of the automobile Mr. Young disposed of his livery equipment and converted his big barn into a garage and service car station. Automobiles took the place of fast driving horses, and a gasoline filling station replaced the feed stores of corn, oats and hay. He was associated in business with his only brother. Gus Young. Good management and shrewd business judgment for many years assured Young Bros. of business success.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Jeffers, with Rev. Milton Hotchkiss, of Granger, assisted by Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church, and Rev. J. Walter Simpson, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, conducting the service. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.

Besides his brother, Mr. Young is survived by his sister, Mrs. Jeffers, and by two half sisters, Mrs. A. S. Presley, of Corsicana, and Mrs. E. C. Hall of Tensaw, Alabama. He is also survived by the following nieces, daughters of Mrs. Jeffers: Mrs. Ben Boltz, Cleveland, Okla., Mrs. C. N. Wright and Mrs. Chas. Snyder, both of Dallas. Never marrying Mr. Young made his home with his sister , always contributing in a material way to the support of her and her children since the death of Mr. Jeffers several years ago.




Funeral services for Joe Young, 58 years old, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. C. Jeffers, 821 West Tenth avenue, early Wednesday morning, were held from the residence at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, with Rev. Milton Hotchkiss of Granger, assisted by Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodis church and Rev. J. Walter Simpson, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, conducting the service. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Active pallbearers were Will Cheney, J. S. Murchison, Homer Pollard, Harry Dickson, T. J. Worthington and Mart Allen.

Honorary pallbearers were the following.:
Drs. I. N. Suttle, T. A. Miller and Dubart Miller, T. R. Sandsby, Ed M. Polk, Guy Gibson, Max Almond, Will S. Knight, Sylvan McDaniel, J. A. McDaniel of Dallas; J. A. Bonner, Eureka; Felix Irwin, Will Jeffers, W. C. Scarbor, Hugh Stewart, J. Y. Stewart, James Garitty, Frank Montfort, J. E. Davan, Charles Jester, F. N. Drane, Lee Jester, and employes of the Young Bros. garage and barn, which include Charles Harvard, J. H. Bigbee, Alma Norton, Mr. Baker and Whit Eton.

Mr. Young had been a resident of Corsicana 45 years.

The Funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings.


Martha Eliza (Rakestraw) Jester
Oct 1, 1849 - Oct 2, 1922



Funeral services for Mrs. C. W. Jester, 73 years old, who died at her home on South Fifteenth street Monday, were held at the First Methodist Church, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning with Rev. D. K. Porter, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. C. R. Wright, of Fort Worth, officiating. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.

Large Floral Tributes.
Many were the beautiful floral tributes paid. Flowers of variegated hue were brought by many friends of the deceased and bereaved family and arrayed luxuriantly about the church altar.

The funeral cortege leaving the residence arrived at the church at the hour appointed accompanied by the pallbearers and followed by members of the family, relatives and a long procession of friends.

As the funeral hour approached a vast circle of friends and neighbors congregated at the church and were in sorrowful waiting for the paying of the final respects.

The casket, laden with an extensive array of roses, was tenderly lifted from the hearse and silently borne to the altar.

A quartet composed of Lloyd Kerr, C. A. Middleton, Mrs. Percy Townsend and Mrs. Henry Robbins, sang �Jesus Lover of My Soul,� at the opening of the services.

Rev. Wright arose from the pulpit and read from the Scriptures, followed by a prayer offered by Rev. Porter. Rev. Wright then spoke briefly on the long religious life of Mrs. Jester, and directed the attention of the living to follow in the footsteps of the deceased.

Mrs. Jester became a member of the Methodist church in 1882. She was president of the Woman�s Home Mission Society for 12 years, during all of which time she never failed to attend a single meeting. Faithful to every duty, a lover of the beautiful, she was ever active in all the work of the church and in her life grew steadily in the faith which sustained her in death. She was looked on as the leader by all the women of the church.

Following Rev. Wright�s sermon Lloyd Kerr sang �Close to Thee.� Another prayer was said, another song was sung, and the cortege left the church for the cemetery followed closely by members of the family in tears and with faces drawn in sorrow, and the many friends who had come to the church, and with the rendering of the final ceremonies, the body of Mrs. Jester was committed to the grave.

The flowers were gathered from the altar, carried to a truck that waited, and transported to the cemetery where with tender hands they were beautifully placed upon the grave.

The following were the pallbearers:

Active�Perry McCammon, George Whytte, J. E. Butler, Suttle Roberts, Ballard George, F. A. Eliot, Walter Beaton, John D. Cunningham.

Honorary�Dr. T. S. Slater, A. G. Elliott, C. H. Mills, W. M. Peck, R. A. Caldwell, S. L. Wood, W. M. Tatum, T. P. Kerr, F. N. Drane, Capt. James Garitty, J. S. Murchison, J. M. Blanding, Boyce Martin, Ralph Coata, Guy M. Gibson, N. C. Goodman, A. A. Wortham, Philip Samuels, G. J. Heflin, E. W. Johnson, E. Raphael, Byron Cheney, Dr. L. C. Polk, Sydney Marks, P. C. Townsend.

The following from out of town attended the funeral:

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jester and John Jester of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Starley, Tyler; Mr. Cash Marshall, Kossee; J. M. and Gus Weaver, Wortham; J. K. Parr, Hillsboro; Mrs. G. C. Gross, Waxahachie; Albert Rakestraw, Grape Creek; Wensel Fulton, A. & M. College; Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Wright, Fort Worth.

Banks Closed.
All the banks in the city were closed this morning from 10 to 11 o'clock out of respect to the memory of Mrs. C. W. Jester, who died Monday night. The First State Bank remained closed until noon.


Rosa Lea (Bethune) Rose-Green
Jul 4, 1869 - Jan 10, 1958

Mrs. Green, 88, Severely Burned

Mrs. Rosa Lee Green, 88, was critically burned in her room at 702 West Second Avenue Friday about 9:30 a. m. when a housecoat became ignited. Some third degree burns were suffered and she was burned over most of the body.

Mrs. Ed Fortner, owner of the house said it was believed the victim attempted to turn up a gas heater and a sleeve was ignited.

A Corley ambulance answered the call and took Mrs. Green to Memorial Hospital.



Sunday Services For Mrs. Green

Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa Lee Green, 99, who died of burns late Friday, were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. M. Howard Knox, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.

Mrs. Green resided at 702 West Second avenue. It is believed a housecoat became ignited as she attempted to turn up the gas on a small heater in her home.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Sudie Rose, Houston; a niece, Mrs. Clara Jenkins, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were J. C. Jenkins, Pat Barton, W. N. Norris, C. N. Jenkins, Eugene Stewart, E. A. McAdams, Johnny Read and Hugh Allen.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, Jan 13, 1958
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband John Henry Rose 2nd husband John B. Green; d/o William J. Bethune, Capt. & Alletta Belle (Lowe) Bethune-Pisek

Zackariah T. Jones
Dec. 24, 1851 - Oct. 12, 1922

Good Citizen Passed Away.

Z. T. Jones, for many years a resident here, died at his house in the Thorp addition at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon after a long illness, and the funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 3:30, with services at the grave, conducted by Rev. E. P. Kennedy.

The deceased was sixty-nine years old, and is survived by the following children: J. O. Jones, Corsicana; W. E. Jones, Abilene; D. B. Jones, El Centro, California; Mrs. Anna Sumner, Rotan, Texas; Mrs. Jeanette Calloway, Los Angeles, California, and Mrs. Maggie Chambless, Healdton, Oklahoma.



Funeral Postponed Till Monday.

The funeral of the late Z. T. Jones which was to have taken place tomorrow afternoon, has been postponed till Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the First Baptist Church. The following will act as pallbearers:

W. H. Hastings, J. M. Pugh, P. A. Minter, J. S. Millerman, Hood Cheney and J. C. West.



Funeral Was Well Attended.

The funeral of the late Z. T. Jones took place from the First Baptist church, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. E. P. Kennedy officiating. A large procession followed the remains to their last resting place and there were many beautiful flowers. The six children of the deceased, three daughters and three sons, were all here at the last sad rites. The deceased had been a member of the Baptist church for forty years and a deacon in the church for twenty-five years.


Susanna Louisa �Lou� (Johnson) McKinney-Allen
Mar 24, 1837 - Oct 13, 1922

Funeral Sunday.

Funeral services for Mrs. Lou Allen will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the church will officiate.

Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery

The following are the pall bearers: active, John Hughes, Walter Hammett, Will Hart, Jim Hart, Arthur Hewitt and Meg Rainey; honorary, the Board of Stewards of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.



A Loving Tribute.

On October 13, 1922, the soul of one of Corsicana�s most saintly, and also one of her oldest inhabitants slipped into the great beyond to live with God and the angels.

When her name is given those who knew her, will not doubt for one moment the truth of the above statement. When �Grandma Allen� left us her life of trust and devotion to her home, her friends, her Bible and her God were such that none who had known her in this life doubted whither she had gone.

She was born in Indiana, March 24, 1837, and died in Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 13, 1922, and was laid to rest in our beautiful city of the dead to await the Resurrection morn.

She came with her father�s family to Texas and settled in Navarro county near where Corsicana now is some 78 years ago, thus practically her whole life was spent in our city.

She was married when about 18 years old to Mr. M. McKinney, who fell in one of the battles of our Civil war and was buried on the battle field. She lived a widow until Oct. 1877, when she was again married to J. N. Allen, and was again left a widow by the death of Mr. Allen in 1898.

Two sons by her first husband survive her, namely Joe McKinney of Junction City, Kansas, and Frank McKinney of Guffey, Texas.

Also three grandchildren, one of whom, Claude McKinney is a resident of Corsicana. By her first marriage she became connected with many of Corsicana�s most influential families, such as the Jesters, Bentons, and Halberts.

At the time of her death she was a member of the Eleventh Ave, Methodist Church from which church her funeral was conducted by her pastor. She joined the First Methodist church when quite a young girl and was among its earliest members.

She loved her church with an undying devotion and was her pastor�s truest friend. While she in her last years was unable to attend the house of God as was her want in other days she never forgot to lift up her heart to God in prayer for her church and its pastor.

The city of Corsicana may not miss her much because she was for years a shut in, but her value in her saintly living and silent, earnest prayers for her home city can never be estimated. May God�s richest blessings rest upon her children who still abide with us, and may they and all who knew and loved her here, so live as to meet her in the skies.



  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, November 6, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband William Monroe McKinney married Oct. 28, 1955 (died in Civil War buried in battle field) 2ND husband Joseph Negus Allen married Oct. 11, 1877

Robert Chester Maddox, Sr.
Mar 25, 1883 - Jun 22, 1922


Funeral of Chester Maddox to Occur Tomorrow at 5 P. M.

The funeral of the late Chester Maddox will be held at 5 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from the home of his aunt. Mrs. E. O. Vaughan on West Second Avenue. All Masons are requested to meet at the Temple at 4:15 o'clock. They will have charge of the funeral.



Houston Post Tells of Death of C. Maddox

Concerning the death of the late Chester Maddox the Houston Post of today had the following.

Robert C. Maddox, of Texas City, Texas, died in Beaumont, Texas, early Thursday morning at the Hotel Dieu hospital shortly after having been operated on for an infection with which he had been suffering for several months.

Mr. Maddox was born in Cade, Texas, March 25, 1883. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bell Craft Maddox, two children, R. C. Maddox, Jr., 11, and Flora Bell Maddox, 5, of Texas City, his mother, Mrs. Joe D. Hughes, a sister-in-law, of Houston; and four brothers, Will M. Maddox, Dallas, Texas; Tom Maddox, in Mexico; H. V. Maddox and E. L. Maddox of Tulsa, Okla., and other relatives.

Mr. Maddox has been in the employ of the Humble Oil and Refining company of Texas City, Texas, since November 10, 1919, as superintendent of that company�s tank farm pump-station and docks where all Humble Oil boats are loaded, and had been temporarily transferred to Orange, Texas, to supervise the work at the Humble Oil company�s now loading docks at Orange.

His remains will be shipped to Corsicana, Texas, at which place burial will take place at 5:00 o'clock Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Corsicana Masonic Lodge No. 174 of the A. F. and A. M.

Mr. Maddox was a member of the Texas City Masonic lodge No. 1118 A. F. and A. M. of Texas City, and had just recently been elected as Master of that lodge. He was also a member of the Scottish Rite bodies of the A. F. A. M. and El Mina Shrine Temple of Galveston, Texas.



Remains Interred this Afternoon.

The remains of the late Chester Maddox reached here this morning and were taken to the home of Mrs. O. E. Vaughn, an aunt, and the funeral took place from the Vaughn home at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Revs. E. P. Kennedy and A. E. Carraway held impressive services at the house, after which the Masons took charge and concluded the services at the grave. There was a large attendance and there were many beautiful floral offerings.


Mary Samuel (Worsham) Bridger
Jan 24, 1890 - Dec 26, 1922

Funeral This Afternoon.

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Bridger, age 32 years, who died at 5:30 yesterday afternoon were held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Oakwood cemetery and were conducted by Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.

The deceased is survived by her husband E. L. Bridger and two children.




On Tuesday, December 26th at about 4:30 p.m. the life of Mrs. Mary Bridgers, the wife of Ernest Bridgers of 1503 West Tenth avenue, passed quietly into the great beyond.

Mrs. Bridgers was born and reared in Navarro county, being born in or near Powell some 34 years ago, and had lived in the county all her life. She was a great and patient sufferer for the past four years with that dread disease tuberculosis, this having developed after a severe attack of influenza in October 1918.

Mrs. Bridgers was a faithful wife and loving mother. She knew quite well the end was near and most calmly approached it, saying to her friends that she was ready . To her pastor she more than once said she was waiting in perfect faith the coming of the change to the other world. Her only regret was the separation from husband and little girl.

She was a member of Eleventh Avenue Methodist church since 1912, and was faithful in attendance so long as able to do so.

On Wednesday afternoon we laid her body, wasted as it was by disease, to rest in beautiful Oakwood cemetery to await the resurrection morn. May God�s blessings ever rest upon the bereaved husband and precious little girl and keep them safe to the time of meeting in the Sweet Bye and Bye.



Pauline Seraphine (Streety) Love
Sep 8, 1840 - Nov 2, 1922

Pioneer Corsicana Resident Died Today.

Mrs. Pauline Love, aged 82 years, widow of J. W. Love, deceased for many years, died at the home of her niece, Mrs. Frank P. Woods, at 11 o'clock this morning, as the result of old age. The deceased had been a resident of Corsicana for many years, and was loved by a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the Wood home on West First avenue at 3:30, and interment will follow in the Modrell cemetery. Rev. Ilion T. Jones will officiate, and the pall bearers will be members of the family: Dr. Sanner, Tom Singer, Frank Wood, Cullen Dunn, Elmer Keith and Elmer Love.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, Nov 2, 1922
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o John Wilson Love married Oct. 22, 1865; d/o William L. Streety & Mary (Hartley) Streety per death certificate
  • obit says buried in Modrell � Death certificate says buried in Oakwood


Venerable Lady Interred.

The funeral services for the late Mrs. Pauline Love took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wood this afternoon and interment followed in the Modrell cemetery by those of her late husband who was interred there many years ago. There were many pretty floral offerings and many friends of the deceased and her relatives attended the last tribute of respect to her memory.


Hazel Cobb
Jul 15, 1890 - Sep 8, 1973

Hazel Cobb

Memorial services are set for 2 p.m. Sunday in Dallas for Miss Hazel Cobb, who died Friday night in Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

She was a former resident of Corsicana. Burial will be at 4 p.m. Sunday at Oakwood cemetery in Corsicana with Father James Sigler officiating and assisted by Acolyte Allen Burnett, a great-great-nephew of Miss Cobb.

She was the daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. L. B. Cobb of Corsicana.

She was a composer and piano teacher in Dallas. She was a member of the Musical Teachers Society.

Survivors include several nieces and nephews including Mrs. Hazel Kerr Cansler of Nashville, Tenn. And Mrs. Ed M. Polk of Corsicana.



Hazel Cobb

Graveside rites and burial were at 4 p.m. Sunday at Oakwood cemetery for Miss Hazel Cobb, Dallas music teacher and composer who died Friday in Dallas.

The Rev. James Sigler, St. John�s Episcopal church minister, officiated, assisted by Acolyte Allen Burnett, a great-great-nephew of Miss Cobb.

A former resident of Corsicana, she was the daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. L. B. Cobb of Corsicana.

Survivors include several nieces and nephews including Mrs. Hazel Kerr Cansler of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. Ed M. Polk of Corsicana.



CMTA Meets
By Mrs. Veno Turner
The Corsicana Music Teachers Association met in regular monthly session on Monday, Oct. 1st at Kinsloe House, with Mrs. R. L. Thigpin, Pres. In charge.

The late Miss Hazel Cobb of Dallas, former resident teacher in our city, was recognized as having given her life for the enrichment of music study in the early grades as well as in the advanced area. Scarcely a student of music is found who does not remember her, for her most interesting piano compositions-cheerful in nature; sometimes, even, quite exacting in performance.


Berta Cobb
May 31, 1886 - Apr 27, 1972

Miss Cobb

Miss Berta Cobb, 85, retired Dallas school teacher and aunt of Mrs. Ed M. Polk of Corsicana, died Thursday in Dallas where she had made her home for many years.

She was the daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. L. B. Cobb of Corsicana and had taught school at Corsicana High School for many years.

Graveside rites and burial were to be at 3 p.m. Friday at Oakwood cemetery with the Rev. Dennis Smart officiating. Corley is in charge of arrangements.

Miss Cobb is survived by one sister, Miss Hazel Cobb, Dallas, music teacher; three nieces, Mrs. Polk of Corsicana; Mrs. C. P. Hudson of Dallas and Mrs. William Pyott of Houston; and three nephews, Delmore Cobb and Lod Allison, both of Dallas, and Robert Cobb of Houston.



Miss Cobb

Graveside rites and burial were at 3 p.m. Friday at Oakwood Cemetery for Miss Berta Cobb, 85, retired Dallas school teacher and former longtime Corsicana resident and teacher here. She died Thursday. The Rev. Dennis Smart officiated.

Daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. L. B. Cobb of Corsicana, she is survived by one sister, Miss Hazel Cobb of Dallas, and six nephews and nieces, including Mrs. Ed M. Polk of Corsicana.


Jessy Handy Jr.
Feb 9, 1954 - Jul 15, 2016

Jessy Handy Jr., 62, of Navarro Mills, passed away Friday, July 15, 2016 at his home. Funeral services will be 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 19 at Hubbard United Pentecostal Church with Rev. Eugene Arnold and Pastor Alvin SoRelle officiating. Interment will follow in Dresden Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Monday, July 18 at Wade Funeral Home in Hubbard.

Jessy was born February 9, 1954 in Hillsboro to Jessy Burnas Handy and Dorothy Jean (Boatwright) Handy. He was born in Hillsboro and lived there and the surrounding areas all of his life. Jessy worked for Branscome Tire Company from age of fourteen and then worked 32 years at B&G tire as a tire hand.

He was preceded in death by his father, Jessy Burnas Handy; his paternal grandparents, Florencio Handy and Alberta Handy and his maternal grandparents, Wylie Boatwright and Faye (Lewis) Boatwright.

Survivors include his mother, Dorothy Jean (Boatwright) Handy of Hillsboro; his wife, Rita Kay (Ghent) Handy of Navarro Mills; son, Jessy Gilbert Handy and wife, Ann of White Hall, Arkansas; daughter, Lisa Ann Hallford of Franklin; step-children, Verita Weaver and husband, Marty of Navarro Mills, Brenda Pruett and husband, David of Joshua, Calvin Settlemyre of Navarro Mills and Melvin Settlemyre of Whitney; six siblings, James �JB� Handy and wife Lupe of Hillsboro, Glenda Balderas and husband Lucio of Hillsboro, Henry Handy of Corsicana, Jerry Handy and wife Judy of Hillsboro, David Handy and wife Donna of Hillsboro and Joyce (Handy) Dyer of Hillsboro; 14 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and numerous nieces, nephews, and other extended family members and friends.

Pallbearers will be Chris Balderas, Marcus Balderas, Bubba L. Handy, David J. Handy, Rosanna M. Handy, Jessy G. Handy.


Walter Alexander Stevenson, Jr.
Nov 23, 1926 - Jan 29, 2016
Walter A. Stevenson was born in Emhouse, Texas in 1926. He departed this life on January 29, 2016.

Walter Stevenson grew up in Corsicana, Texas, and was part of its rich history. He joined the Merchant Marines and contributed to the great effort that resulted in the victory of World War II. After his service in the Merchant Marines, he joined the Army, and again served his country in the Korean conflict. He transferred out of the Army and completed his military service in the Air Force.

He married Patsy in 1952 and started a family. As many did, he worked at the Cotton Mill and was part of the unique fabric that comprised the well-known "Cotton Mill Block".

He served Corsicana as a fire fighter for many years, assigned to the old No. 2 station on 13th Avenue. During his years with the fire department, he was instrumental in the formation of the Corsicana Firefighters Association Local 1550, of which he was a charter member. Walter moved his family to Purdon, Texas in 1967. His children attended Dawson Independent School, and he served as a truck driver for Tom's Foods for over a decade.

He touched many lives and strove to be a humble servant of the Lord. His family admired and respected him for his sense of fairness, his steel resolve, and his common sense approach to life. He had a wonderful sense of humor and God blessed him with a fluid, graceful gift of the written word. His family's love for him, and his love for them, is immeasurable.

The family would like to give special thanks to Brookdale for their kind and caring generosity above and beyond their call of duty. They greatly eased the family's burden during a most difficult time.

He is preceded in death by father and mother, Watt and Dora Stevenson of Corsicana, Tx; his sister, Jessie Mae Brown of Corsicana, and grandsons, Jared Cook and Joel Brown.

He is survived by his wife, Patsy Stevenson; children, Darrell Stevenson and wife Marty, Eldora Stevenson, Walter Stevenson III, Lenora Brown and husband Joey, Donna Fathman and husband James, Laurie Sanders and husband Steve; grandchildren Brad Nelms, Jason Brown, Bonnie Woodall, Jordan Stevenson, Jessica Stevenson, Logan Hart, Dustin Sanders, and Kayla Sanders. Great-grandchildren Paul Parrish, Brayden Nelms, Mycah Beasley, Samuel Woodall, William Woodall, Anna Woodall, and Jesse Baird. He is also survived by a niece, Sylvia Hopper, and nephews Gary, Carl, and Terry Arnold.

Graveside service was held Saturday, January 30, 2016 at Oakwood Cemetery.


Patsy Marie (Woodward) Bunch
Sep 26, 1931 - Dec 7, 2015
Mrs. Patsy Marie Woodward Bunch, 84, of Corsicana passed away on December 7, 2015 at Heritage Oaks West in Corsicana. She was born on September 26, 1931 to parents, Fred and Marie Woodward.

She has been a resident of Corsicana for 33 years.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry David Bunch; twin daughters, Betty and Barbara Bunch; sons, Henry Doyle Bunch and Michael Dennis Bunch; mother, Marie Woodward Lowe; father, Fred Woodward; sisters, Anne Mae Lowe, Judy Lowe, Darlene Giacona; brother, Robert Woodward.

She is survived by five grandchildren, Shane Bunch, Katie Bunch, Nicole Bunch, Andrew Bunch and Danille Bunch; seven great-grandchildren; daughter-in-law, Dolly Bunch; three step-grandchildren; nine step great-grandchildren; two step great-great-grandchildren; loving and caring friend of 60 years, Linda Hoffart; several nieces, nephews, cousins and their families along with a host of many great friends. Everyone will dearly miss her.

A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, January 30, 2016 at Calvary Worship Center with Chaplain Denise Plair officiating. Interment of her cremated remains will follow at Oakwood Cemetery followed by a reception at 1820 W. Collin for a time of food and memories to tell and share.


Marjorie Nell (Heifner) Mash
Dec 18, 1930 - Jan 22, 2016
Marjorie Nell Heifner Mash of Corsicana passed away at the Twilight Home on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 at the age of 85. She was born Dec. 18, 1930 to Lee Heifner and Naomi Norris Heifner. She graduated from Corsicana High School in 1948. Marjorie married Jimmie Mash and followed him with Mobil Pipeline across the State of Texas living in Pampa, Canadian, Fort Worth, Snyder, Seminole, Denver City, Electra, Corsicana and Deleon and eventually they settled in Corsicana. She was a homemaker most of her life but did work for several years at Corsicana High School in the cafeteria from 1975 - 1981. She was involved with her family, going to sporting events, band boosters and the Girl Scouts in Snyder.

Marjorie is preceded in death by her parents Lee and Naomi Heifner, sister DeLene Heifner, husband Jimmie Mash, son Toby Mash, son-in-law Doyle Lewis and granddaughter Natalie Mash Price.

She is survived by her two daughters Jane Lewis of Mabank and Sonia Mash Vaughn of Corsicana; brother Jack Heifner of New York, NY and daughter-in-law Reba Mash of Ennis. She is also survived by her grandchildren; Amberlie Thomas, Toby Mash II, Doug Lewis, Ginger Bartmess, Crystal Vaughn and Michael Vaughn, as well as great-grandchildren; Grant Price, Peyton Middleton, Nathan Bartmess, Elijah Bartmess, Derrick Beard, LesLee Beard, Landon Vaughn and step-great-grandchildren, Jagger Thomas and Zane Thomas.

Visitation with Marjorie's family will be Thursday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana. Funeral services will be held on Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 at 2 p.m. in the Chapel at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home with Steve Orbison of North Beaton Church of Christ officiating. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.


Janet Ann (Cacek) Jordan
Nov 9, 1959 - Jan 24, 2016
Janet Ann Jordan, 56, passed away at home Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 after a short illness. Janet was born on Nov. 9, 1959 in Beatrice, Nebraska to Virgil D. and Saralee E. Cacek. She moved to Maryville, Missouri as a child, and met the love of her life James D. "Doug" Jordan there. They were married in Maryville on Sept. 9, 1978.

Janet dedicated her life to her family foremost, and a long career with Action Pawn of Corsicana where she served as the manager for nearly 30 years. She will be remembered for her selflessness and generosity, her great capacity for love and understanding, and her strength in keeping everyone held together.

Janet is survived by her husband of 37 years, Doug Jordan, and her children Jody L. Bentz, James E. and Sadie Jordan, and Jeffery D. Jordan as well as her two grandchildren whom she doted upon: Ryan and Annalee Bentz all of Corsicana. She is also missed by her mother, Saralee Cacek of Maryville, MO; siblings, John Cacek of Lewisville, Joyce and Mark McKean of Georgetown, James "Jim" Cacek of Maryville and Jay and Janet Cacek of Maryville; nephews Jason Cacek and Jacob Cacek and niece Jennifer Cacek all of Maryville.

Janet is preceded in death by her father, Virgil Cacek and her father and mother-in-law, Ralph C. and Marilyn Sue Archer of Maryville, MO.

Memorial contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society of Navarro County Unit, 1000 W Second Ave., Corsicana, Texas 75110.

Visitation will be Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 from 6 to 8 p.m. Service will be 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.


Donna Gail (Farmer) Robinson-McPherson
Oct 23, 1959 - Feb 6, 2016

Donna G. Farmer McPherson, 56, passed away Feb. 6, 2016 in Groesbeck.  Graveside services will be held on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at Providence Cemetery in Mildred, with Reverend Jack Ballard, officiating. Family visitation will be held on Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home.

She was born Oct. 23, 1959 in Corsicana, the only child of Abb and Ila Farmer. She worked many years in retail and as a caregiver for Cen-Tex A.R.C. in Mexia, before being forced to retire due to health complications.

Donna married Jeffrey McPherson on Feb. 8, 1986 in Corsicana. Together they enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and spoiling their one and only grandchild, Nehemiah, �Nemo.�

She was preceded in death by her parents.

Donna is survived by her husband, Jeff, of Mexia; children, Jonathan McPherson and wife, Lyndie, of Groesbeck, and Scott Robinson and wife, Debbie, of Mexia; grandson, Nehemiah, and many, many cousins.

The family would like to express their sincere appreciation to the staff of Providence Hospice and Groesbeck LTC for their care and support and the many others in the community for their prayers and support during Donna�s illness.


  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • w/o Jeffrey Dean McPherson; d/o William Alvin Farmer & Ilabel (Young) Farmer


Donna G. Farmer McPherson, 56, passed away Feb. 6, 2016. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday Feb. 11, 2016 at Porter Funeral Home in Mexia. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb.12, 2016 at Providence Cemetery in Mildred.


Richard Harold Paul
Oct 23, 1941 - Feb 6, 2016

Richard Harold Paul, 74 of Athens, died Saturday, February 6, 2016 at his residence.

Harold married Lillie Coker in 1959 and in their 12 years of marriage they had 4 children. He later married Susie Steeley, his current wife of
40 years and they had four children together.

Through out his life Harold held multiple positions in the oil field, was a truck driver and part owner of Vacuum Truck Service. To friends and family he was known as "Hack Saw" or "Pop." Harold love to dance and listened to country music. He was an avid baseball and football fan. He loved cooking for his family and made the best ribs and brisket. He loved playing golf and made a Hole In One at the age of 70 while playing at the Cross Roads Golf Course. His son Joel was with him and Harold joked that Joel was more excited about the Hole In One than he was.

Harold is survived by his wife, Susie Steeley Paul of Athens; five sons and daughters-in-law, Harold and Kelly Paul, Richard and Becky Paul, Josh and Stephanie Paul all of Athens, Joel and Kenna Paul and Alon and Jessica Paul of Corsicana; Three daughters and sons-in-law, Judy and Jeff McManus, Michelle and Tommy Salazar and Leslie Paul and Seth Dunnaway all of Athens; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Raymond and Pam Paul of Tyler, Arlin and Irma Paul of Rusk and Terry and Donna Paul of Corsicana; two brothers, Marvin Paul and Adron Paul both of Corsicana; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Josephine and James Cox of Corsicana, Virgie and Dwyane Paul of Palestine; three sisters, Ethyleen Coker of Corsicana, Mary Jewel Sutterfield of Axtel and Nellie Frances Massey of Arizona; 18 grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

He is preceded in death my his parents, Earnest and Mattie Louise Thornsberry Paul; two grandsons, Steven Sherman and John Baker; brother and sister-in-law, Ernest and Oma Lee Paul; brother-in-law, Bobby Coker and sister, Dorothy Faye Gill. The Paul family will receive visitation on Tuesday Feb. 9, 2016 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Paschal Funeral Home.

Funeral service is scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016 at the Kerens First Baptist Church with Rev. Lynette Solomon officiating.

Burial will follow in the Long Prairie Cemetery.

Pallbearers are; Richard Dwyane Paul, Nathan Lee Paul, Alon Dwyane Paul, Jay Martin, Dusty Perry and Terry Stout.


  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • h/o Lillie (Coker) Paul and Susie (Steeley) Paul; s/o Earnest Paul & Mattie Louise (Thornsberry) Paul

Lawrence Paul "Larry" Graham
Nov 8, 1945 - Feb 1, 2016

Lawrence Paul (Larry or "Screaming Eagle") passed away on Feb. 1, 2016 at his home in Wortham. Funeral services were held on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Mexia First Assembly of God, with Reverend Bryan Hallmark officiating. Interment followed at Wortham Cemetery. Visitation with the family was held Thursday evening from 6 to 8 p.m., at the funeral home.

Larry was born on Nov. 8, 1945 in Corsicana, to Paul Graham and Jay Weaver. He was a 1963 Graduate. He started driving a truck at the age of 16, he went to Navarro College for a year and then decided that truck driving would be his life.

He was drafted into the Vietnam War and while there, he survived two explosions & received a purple heart. After serving in the army, he returned to the love of his life, driving a truck. Always being an owner/operator of his trucks, he drove for 50 years pulling all forms of freight, from frozen food to oilfield equipment. He started hauling rock in 1961 & retired only when illness wouldn't allow him to drive anymore.

He was a man who loved his ranch & fishing. He was always dedicated to getting things done no matter how dark it got and always said, "that's why we have lights".
He was always worried about others and their problems and tried to help solve them. He'd tell you how to get things done. If something needed to be lifted by hand he said "Come here Hercules" because "theoretically" "Baby" it's not going to take that long. When you were tired, worn out, and exhausted and you let him know, he'd finish with "you can rest when you're dead".
Larry was preceded in death by his son, Michael Graham; parents, Paul Graham & Jay Weaver; son-in-law, Joe Daniell and brother-in-law, Donnie Chasteen.

He was a great Poppa to his grandchildren & loving husband to his wife. He is survived by his wife of 18 years, Marie Graham; daughters,Liz Bradley and husband, Bryan, Juanita Chasteen and husband, Donald, Norma Graham, Sandra Gonzalez & husband, Eliceo; sons, Ignacio Graham and wife, Carolina and Eddie Graham and wife, Gisela, all of Wortham; daughter-in-law, Denise Graham of Axtell; mother, Gloria Graham of Hubbard; sisters, Linda Chasteen and Kenneth Hawkins of Hubbard and Allison Tindall and husband, Roger of Bedford; brother, Lacey Jordan of Dawson; grandchildren, Lindsey, Ben and Jenah Bradley, Kristina Graham and fiance, Cody Neal, Rickey, Michael, Mindy, Christopher and Nathan Chasteen, Jullian Graham, Anthony, Joseph Estrada and Sophia Ruiz, Eden Graham, Ashley Gonzalez, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Ignacio Graham, Eddie Graham, Bryan Bradley, Donald Chasteen, Eliceo Gonzalez and Cody Neal served as pallbearers.

Some Say that he is "The toughest and hardest working man I ever knew."

Porter Funeral Home


Frank Houston Warfield, Jr.
Aug 25, 1931 - Feb 14, 2016

Frank Houston Warfield, Jr., 84, of Round Rock, died Feb. 14, 2016 following a lengthy illness. Frank was born Aug. 25 1931 in Corsicana to Frank H. and Kathryn (Sitton) Warfield, Sr. Frank attended Corsicana High School where he excelled in many sports including football and baseball, and Navarro Junior College, where he was part of the Barracks Bunch and North Texas State.

He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, attaining rank of Corporal; followed by a long career in credit management and banking, which began at the State National Bank in Corsicana.  Frank Relocated to Austin in 1967 where he served as Credit Manager of the Austin American-Statesman newspaper for 30 years, until his retirement in 1996.

Frank loved hunting, fishing, camping, target shooting and watching sporting events.

He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Barbara Warfield; daughter Stephanie Salles and her husband Chris of Houston, and son Bryan Warfield of Plano, and numerous cousins.

Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016 in the Corley Funeral Home Chapel, Corsicana with a Graveside Service Thursday, Feb.18, 2016 at 2 p.m. in the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery with Dr. Danny Reeves officiating.


Louis Payne Sheek
Nov 25, 1899 - May 9, 1923



Like an active volcano in eruption, belching forth terrific flames of burning fire constantly fed by the constant flow of oil and gas, the Hughes-McKie well in holocaust which has cost at least 14 men their lives, continues to gush forth its awful blaze at 3 o'clock today.

For twenty-four solid hours flames ranging from 30 feet to 150 feet have leaped high in the air in its spectacular capers. Red streaks of flame ascend as from a mighty nozzle, and disappear in the form of huge black clouds of smoke, which drift with the wind in a surging blast.

The wind switched from the southward during the night and the mighty smokestack releases its flow in the direction of Powell, leaving darkened elements in its wake.

Thousands hurried frantically to the fields during last night to witness the spectacular fire-works.

The well being situated on the east bank of the creek is surrounded by tall timber. A rough one-way traffic road forming a winding snake trail for two miles is the only means of vehicle access to the scene. The roads were choked with vehicle traffic within a short time after the fire started. This kept up all night.

The well has been fenced off and traffic barred on the narrow road to give the men full right of way in getting boilers to the location.

Every company owning equipment in the Powell fields has tendered the use of all available boilers and other equipment to extinguish the flame.

Men are working like Trojans to get the equipment in place. It will be necessary to use fire foam and steam from a dozen boilers.

The burned bodies of at least six men remain in the fire zone according to DeWitt Watkins, who is working at the well today. He stated to a reporter of the Sun this morning that five bodies could be seen near the well, and there was another one missing. He also stated he believed that one or two spectators perished.

Jim Ball foreman in charge of the work believes the final death toll will reach 18.

Mr. Hughes accompanied by J. S. Banks, his attorney, are at the well this afternoon checking up on the number of dead and missing.

Hundreds of spectators thronged in and out and lingered about the Sutherland Undertaking establishment all day Thursday eager to catch a glimpse of the charred bodies of a number of the working crew which perished in the big blaze Wednesday afternoon when the Hughes-McKie No. 1 well ignited.

Five of the bodies, charred and disfigured by the flames almost beyond recognition, were brought to the morgue early last night. They have been identified as follows:

W.A. PHILLIPS, Kerens.
W. A. HICKS, Wortham.
JACK COOPER, Corsicana.
L. P. SHEEK, Dallas.

The bodies of Travis Owen and Emmett Bird, both of Kerens, were brought from the Physicians and Surgeons hospital later in the night, Owen died at 7 o'clock and Bird died at 11:05 o'clock. These two men were dragged from the fire zone and hurried to Corsicana. Each lived only a few hours.

C. B. Keever, J. E. Keever, J. R. Ferris and Jesse Blair from the Keever Undertaking company at Ennis arrived early last night to assist in preparing the bodies for burial.

The bodies of S. P. Allen, field foreman; E. C. Cooper, driller; James Phillips, L. C. Coop, M. O. Turner, have not been recovered. Max Meisner and Charlie Walker are believed to have perished. The charred remains of four can be seen near the well. They cannot be recovered on account of the intensity of the heat.

Funerals This Afternoon.
Funerals for four of the victims of yesterday�s terrible oil field holocaust took place this afternoon. The bodies of W. A. (Ban) Phillips and Travis Owen were taken to Rural Shade were both were raised; Emmett Byrd was interred in Eureka, his former home, and Fred Craig was laid to rest at Chatfield, which was his childhood home.

The ladies of Corsicana and the Chamber of Commerce covered each of the caskets with magnificent flowers.

The remains of L. C. Sheek were sent to Dallas this afternoon and the body of W. A. Hicks will be sent to Wortham tomorrow.

The roustabout crew of 20 men working in the vicinity of the well escaped. Several teamsters and tank men were passing in and about the premises and rushed to the aid of the burning men, but the blaze had swept the bottom before they could be reached.

A negro teamster succeeded in loosening his team from the material wagon and escaped with them. The wagon and its contents were consumed.

Tragic Spectacle.
The scene about the well presented a sad and tragic spectacle when the monstrous explosion came. Both the day and the night crew consisting of twelve men had just started work a short while before. Several bystanders near the well escaped with their lives by running. It is believed that more dead bodies are in the burned area in addition to the known dead.

Men ran in every direction in a frenzy and fell when overcome.

Jimmy Meeks, oil field scout for the Humble Oil & Refining Company; E. W. Quinlin, scout for the Simms Oil Company; Ellis Hammel, drilling contractor; and DeWitt Watkins, members of the roustabout crew, did heroic work in attempting to save the men from their awful death.

Heroic Rescue Work.
Bravely defying all danger at the risk of their own lives rushed headlong to the burning prostrate forms of the groaning men in death agonies in answer to their piteous cries for help and succeeded in bringing them out. The men breathed their last as they were being carried out of the gas, smoke and fire.

Jim Ball escaped with B. B. Simmonds, N. M. Dunman and Dick Pyle. As they made their exit from the timber, Ball turned back to assist Owen. He succeeded in getting him into the open but too late to save his life. Charlie Lewis of Corsicana ran to the assistance of Bird.

Piteous cries for water went up from the two dying men as the ambulance brought them to the hospital.

Meeks, Quinlan, Hammel and Watkins returned towards the well for the other perishing men, but were unable to reach them. Their bodies had been practically reduced to ashes in the blaze which had gained headway. Waste oil in the bottom covering almost an acre upon which large trees saturated with oil had become enveloped in the frenzied inferno.

Quinlan is a world war hero. A native of New York State, he served in the French Army during the early days of the war. Later he served with the Canadian forces.

Quinlan is the possessor of several war medals. He was awarded the Medalto Militaire; the Croix Guerre, and while in the British he service he was the first American to be awarded the Victoria Cross. He received several hard jolts in the war, in the rescue work Wednesday the fumes and smoke temporarily almost overcame him.

Phone Girls Busy.
Shortly after three o'clock a man called the Johnson Drug Store from the Commercial Hotel and communicated the first news that reached Corsicana of the terrible disaster. The caller at the same time told Miss Valsey Hubbard, the operator, that he wanted every doctor available to go to the scene of the McKie well. The call was immediately referred to the chief operator. She rang the Corsicana Surgical and Medical clinic and asked that the doctors be sent. The hospital and every drug store in town were called to assist in every possible way. The undertaking parlors soon dispatched ambulances toward the fire. Emergency telephone calls from Powell, Kerens and Corsicana came pouring into the central office running as high as 2,400 calls per hour.

Frantic calls from various individuals were made in effort to locate the families of the dead and injured men.

Public memorial services will be held at the gospel tent at 7:45 o'clock Friday evening under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., will withhold his regular revival services until after the memorial ceremonies.

The Chamber of Commerce today sent floral offerings to the families of the deceased. A suitable medal will be provided for the family of each man by the commercial organization in commemoration of their brave efforts towards the development of the oil resources of the county.

Among the members of the roustabout crew escaping are L. W. Wilkitz, E. W. Arnett, Whyne Short, J. W. Crosby, Jas. A. McDaniels, J. A. Story, Jim Ball, Ned Dumas, and Johnnie Kennon. The names of the other men have not been learned.

These men had been gathered up from various leases in the Mexia district and brought to assist in taking care of the well. The working record and the names of the men were in Mr. Allen�s pocket, and none of the surviving members are able to give the names of all the men.

Superintendent Walker of the city schools of Henrietta, and wife, father and mother of Mrs. S. P. Allen, and father of Charlie Walker, arrived in Corsicana early today.

Station Agent Wyatt and daughters of Plano, friends of the Walker family are also here.

Mr. Allen�s mother, and Miss Walker of Denton are also here. Miss Walker is a teacher in the Denton College of Industrial Arts. She is a sister of Mrs. Allen.




Memorial services in honor of the oil field workers who lost their lived in the big blaze at the Hughes-McKie well Wednesday will be held at the gospel tent, Eleventh street and Seventh avenue at 7:45 o'clock Friday evening.

The ceremonies will be conducted under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor J. S. Eubank and members of the city administration, presidents of the Rotary, Lions, Civic, Advertising clubs, the Retail Merchants� Association will occupy a place on the rostrum.

Every minister in town will take part in the program.

The ministers will conduct a prayer service. Hugh L. Hiett will sing.

Hon. Luther A. Johnson will make the address of condolence. Other speakers will take part.





Funeral services for S. P. Allen, Charles Walker, Jim Phillips, C. M. Cooper, E. C. Cooper and L. C. Cook, fire victims of the burning Hughes-McKie oil well, will be held at the First Methodist Church at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, according to announcement made today by W. S. Banks, attorney for the J. K. Hughes Development Company.

Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., pastor of the church assisted by Rev. C. G. Vineer, pastor of the Church of Christ, will conduct the services.

The remains of the six bodies will be interred in one casket in a specially provided lot in Oakwood cemetery.

Active pallbearers will be Hon. Luther A. Johnson, Mayor J. S. Eubank, R. J. Jackson, Sam J. Jackson, John C. Calhoun, R. J. Graves, J. L. Halbert and W. H. Hastings.

The smouldering remains of the six men were recovered from the fire area of the ill-fated Hughes-McKie well several days after it caught fire May 9. They have been held at the Sutherland Undertaking Parlors pending the possible recovery of another body believed to have been undiscovered in the debris.

Seven of the perish crew were recovered from the fire shortly after the blaze started. Each were positively identified, and have been buried.

Mr. Banks stated today that the six remaining bodies had been sufficiently identified as to justify giving out the name of each. He stated the official casualty list of the J. K. Hughes Development company places the number of known dead and accounted for at 13. The list is as follows:

S. P. Allen, L. C. Cook, M. O. Turner, Charles Walker, Travis Owens, W. M. (Ban) Phillips, Jim Phillips, L. P. Sheek, W. A. Hicks, C. M. (Jack) Cooper, E. C. Cooper, Emmett G. Byrd, and Fred E. Craig.

One report carried the name of Max Meisner as among the dead and missing. Mr. Banks stated today that communication had been established with Mr. Meisner, and the Hughes company is certain he escaped injury. The company had the fire area thoroughly scorched by men clad in asbestos clothing, and no other body was found. Mr. Banks stated the company feels certain that the bodies of all men who perished in the fire has been found.

The J. K. Hughes Development Company has planned to erect a suitable monument over the grave of the six men to be buried in Oakwood cemetery in remembrance of the total number of its employees losing their lives in the big fire.

A change of plans for extinguishing the fire at the burning well late yesterday appears to have been extended the time before the blaze is stopped. W. H. McClintock has assembled a rig of his own making and patent, which he is confident will put out the fire when brought into play, but so far the apparatus has not been applied. Work was suspended at the well at 5 o'clock Friday, and nothing was done during the night. A different apparatus containing a T-joint and valve gear model has been completed, and efforts are being directed towards apply it before the McClintock machine is used.

Rain last night rendered the creek bottoms and the roads leading to the field in a very muddy condition. Transportation out from town was slow early today, which operated to cause some delay in getting work under way Saturday morning.

Although the roads were very slippery, teams and heavy trucks were on the road with tons of materials for the various new locations for drillings.

A meeting of the stockholders of the Cor-Tex Deep Well Company was held at the well just south of town at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Plans for resuming operations at the test were thoroughly gone over. Several interested individuals attended the meeting and reports are that much enthusiasm is evidenced over the proposed new operations there.

The test south of Blooming Grove to be put down by Dr. Stubbs and Dunbar spudded in at 4 o'clock. Several went out from Corsicana to see the bit take its first plunge into the surface. A local photographer was present to take a view of the rig and the crowds assembled to see the new test stared.






A spark from a hammer or a rock as the control valve was being changed this afternoon at the Hughes-McKie gusher ignited the oil and gas from the monster producer and caused ten or twelve lives to be snuffed out with the twinkling of an eye.

Twelve are known dead in the big blaze at the Hughes-McKie well, and the number may reach 25 when the final check of the dead are made.

The bodies of five men had been recovered at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Two other charred bodies had been located near the well, but could not be reached so intense is the heat from the blaze.

Five other men belonging to the same crew are positively unaccounted vor. A roustabout crew of 20 men which came from Mexia this morning has not been accounted for. The crew was working in the near vicinity of the well when it caught fire.

At present the death list is as follows:

L. C. Cook, M. O. Turner, S. P. Allen, ___________Hicks, Jack Cooper, Fred Craig, L. P. Sheek, Dan Phillips, Jim Phillips, E. C. Cooper. Two other men the names of which have not yet been learned are said by the survivors of the crew to be still in the fire.

Those recovered are so badly charred that identification is impossible.

Mr. Simmonds, who was on the derrick floor with the crew, escaped by running. His clothing not being oil soaked did not ignite. A fifteen year old boy escaped with him.

Emmet Bird of Corsicana, and Travis Owen of Kerens, are the injured men brought to the hospital here. Bird stated to a Sun reporter that there were between eight and ten on the derrick floor at the time of the fire and that he thought he and Owen were the only two who escaped. Others say that at least twelve were killed. At the present there is no way of getting a complete list of the dead as the officials of the Hughes Company will have to make a check of the men working. This is being done now. One man stated that the remains of the dead men were where they fell when the blast occurred and as the well was still burning it would be impossible for some time to remove them.

The fire started about three o'clock while hundreds were in the vicinity of the well and it is almost a miracle that more were not killed. A number of automobiles near the well are said to have been destroyed by the fire.

Word of the tragedy was phoned to Corsicana with urgent calls that all available doctors, medical supplies and ambulances be rushed to the scene. The dead and injured were brought to Corsicana. The injured were placed in the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital.

According to an eye witness the crew was on the derrick floor changing the control head when suddenly there was a flash of fire followed by two other flashes, the fire shooting over 100 feet in the air. In a second everything within several hundred feet of the well was on fire. All the trees and shrubbery around the well were saturated with oil and the ground was quickly burned clear. A great pool of oil near the well also burned quickly. The well continued to burn and is now flowing wide open with the flames darting high into the air.

Officials of the Hughes Development Company are already on the ground and steps to extinguish the flames are now under way.

Great thick clouds of ink black smoke, belched forth as the high gravity oil was consumed by the flames. For miles around the location the heavy smoke clouds enveloped the countryside leaving the appearance that a menacing storm-cloud had suddenly descended which was so thick that the rays of the sun could hardly penetrate the gloom.

The cloud of smoke approached Corsicana from the southeast and as it slowly advanced upon the city excited phone calls started to reach the Sun office inquiring the cause. Thousands of Corsicana people climbed high points in the city watching the great cloud as it spread fan-like over the heavens while hundreds of others left for the scene of the conflagration.

The advance of this great big monster of smoke seemed to those who watched at a distance if they were charmed by some unknown power.





Four additional bodies had been recovered from the big fire at the Hughes-McKie well at 3:30 o'clock Saturday. The bodies were brought from the fire zone by K. T. Kinley of Tulsa.

Mr. Kinley experienced oil field fire fighter, arrived in Corsicana, Friday. Clad in a suit of asbestos cloth lined with heavy duck, Mr. Kinley went within 20 feet of the burning crater, picked up the smoldering remains of one body and brought it out. It was wrapped in canvas cloth and brought to the Southerland Undertaking Parlors about 10 o'clock last night, in the roadster car of the Texas Railroad Commission by C. O. Rison, petroleum mechanical engineer. All that remains of this body is a portion of the trunk and head. The legs and arms are gone. There is no means of identification other than a possible chance by the teeth in the half burned away skull. A dentist is making an examination of the teeth with the slight hope of being able to identify the man.

Shortly after noon Saturday Mr. Kinley donned his fireproof clothing and waded in to the fury and succeeded in bringing out three more of the smoldering forms.

One of them is believed to be that of S. P. Allen, field superintendent. The watch taken from the crispy remains of the charred form which had been lying roasting in the inferno for 72 hours, is almost identified as Allen�s. The timepiece had stopped at 2:55 o'clock, the hour of the big explosion. The other three bodies have not been identified.

This brings the total of dead bodies so far recovered up to eleven.

E. F. Edward of Mexia, employe of the Hughes Company and J. C. Richardson of Corsicana, assisted in recovering and bringing the body to town that was found Friday night.

Continues Work.
Mr. Kinley is now attempting to bring out other bodies which he had located in getting out the three recovered today.

N. B. Turner, W. J. Idom and J. Knox Huff, all of Noris, Miss., are in Corsicana making an effort to find the body of M. O. Turner which was recovered the day of the blaze. N. B. Turner is the father of the missing man.

According to information from Powell today Max Meisner, who has been reported on the list of dead is alive. It is reported from Powell that his father talked with the reported missing son over the telephone Saturday. Max Meisner is said to be working on a water well near Dallas. This would leave the total of known dead at 13.

Various and sundry rumors have been afloat that women and children by-standers perished in the fire, and that bodies of men had been found in a partly burned condition in and about the area of the well.

Mr. Rison of the Railroad Commission stated to newspaper men today that those reports are without foundation and untrue. He and officials of the J. K. Hughes Development company stated that the lives of no persons had been lost, except those previously reported, which were all employees of the company.

McClintock Here.
W. H. McClintock, experienced fire-fighter, who extinguished the Burton gusher which caught fire in the Smackover field, visited the well this morning in an advisory capacity with Hughes company officials. He expressed the opinion that the blaze could be extinguished with comparatively little trouble. He stressed the matter of preliminary preparation by destroying all stray fire in the area of the well to be able to keep it out once the big torch is steamed off.

Mr. Hughes stated this morning that he thought connections would be completed so that the water can be turned on tonight. He said the flow of water would be continuous for at least twelve hours. This will cool the ground about the heated crater and extinguish lurking sparks and smoldering blazes.

The twelve steam boilers are arranged like heavy artillery preparatory to putting over a big barrage into No Man�s Land. Three big high-pressure pumps are growing running water from the creek into the several pipes.

With the ground clear of all waste fire and submerged with water to keep it cool, steam from three four-inch pipes will be trained on the crater simultaneously from three sides. The action of the steam is calculated to eliminate the oxygen.

Sheriff Walter Hayes took the situation in charge for police purposes today. The snakey trail road leading into the jungle has been closed to all cars and sightseers. Mr. Hayes has an officer station at several different places along the road to keep back the visitors.

The wind whipped to the north today, forcing the big volume of black smoke towards the south.

New derricks are under construction where several offsets will be drilled to the McKie Well. Teams are on the road bearing lumber and machinery to the various drilling sites.

Work of drilling out the cement plug in the Mitchell-Jones-Atlantic well started today. Drilling goes ahead at the Walsh test at a depth of 1,000 feet. Work also continues at the Trapshooter and the Petroleum Producers� Association well. A number of additional new locations are said to have been made within the last 24 hours, but no definite information can be learned concerning them as yet.






Another body has been rescued from the burning area of the Hughes-McKie oil well, 10 miles southeast of here, bringing the total number of the dead accounted for in the big blaze which started last Wednesday, up to 12. It is said at least one, and possibly two more bodies are yet to be brought out.

At 11 o'clock Monday morning K. T. Kinley, for the fifth time defied the heated flames of the gigantic blow torch and walked within a few feet of it and picked up what is left of one of the dead men. Only the skull, the shoulder blades, parts of the ribs and arm bones remains. The body was picked up almost at the edge of the derrick floor between the engine and the water pump. The only means of identification of the body is by personal trinkets, and overall buttons. Dick, Claunch, member of the night drilling crew, declared he believed the body to be that of M. O. Turner.

Kinley in going near the flames dons a full suit of asbestos cloth consisting of heavy lined overalls, coat, gloves, hood with mica windows for seeing, and perforated air inlets and boots.

The body recovered this morning was brought to the Sutherland Undertaking Parlors, where it is held pending possible identification.

Several crews of men grimy with smoke, heat and perspiration continue to work like Trojans in digging out drain ditches and laying steam pipes into the near vicinity of the blaze. Twelve big high pressure boilers are under steam, and men are testing out the fittings and machinery. Three high pressure pumps are going at full blast pumping water from Chambers creek only a few yards away.

Fire hose loaned by the Corsicana Fire Department, was brought into use Sunday and the ground about the flaming well was flooded. Steam constantly arises from the water as it comes in contact with the heated debris.

It was stated at the well today that it would not be possible to get the steam turned on before Tuesday morning, although some hope was expressed that might be done tonight.

In digging trenches into the burning zone men are protected by a dozen others bearing shields of corrugated iron, dampened by the water flow of the fire hose from the rear. Men Handling the hose are also protected with an iron shield held by trusty fellow-workmen.

Thousands of automobiles from various sections of the state flocked to the scene of the conflagration during Sunday. A danger zone was established and deputies of the sheriff�s department succeeded in keeping back the curious crowds. No one except employes of the Hughes company interested oil men and accredited newspaper men were allowed to approach nearer than 500 yards of the well.

The spirit of the oil industry is typified by the hurrying workmen erecting new derricks almost within the shadow of the burning flame. A new derrick of C. L. Witherspoon, an off-set to the McKie was completed Sunday. The Sun Oil company�s derrick, west of the creek is also complete. One has been completed by the U. S. Tex Company, and another is going up. The Gulf Production Company�s new derrick is under construction today, and the Humphreys interests are erecting three new ones. One is on the Fair tract, one on the McKie and one on the Kent. The McMann Oil Company is also putting up two new derricks. Heavy traffic on the roads has continued every day since the McKie well came in. Lumber, machinery, boilers and every kind of equipment known to the oil field development has been transported to the various locations by the several big companies getting ready to drill.


Navarro County TXGenWeb
� Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams