William Franklin Morris
Oct. 26, 1866 - Jul. 25, 1956
Thursday Rites for W. F. Morris
Funeral services for W. F. Morris, 90, retired merchant and former election judge for Precinct 1, were held Thursday at 2:30 p. m. from
the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jimmy Ponder, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, and Rev. Riley E. Dale, pastor of the Missionary
Baptist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Morris died at his home, 506 East Eleventh Avenue, Tuesday night
following a stroke Saturday.
A native of Arkansas, he had resided here more than 50 years. Prior to entering the grocery business, he was employed by an ice concern
and a railroad. Failing eyesight a number of years ago necessitated his retirement from the store business and his resignation as
election judge.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; four sons, J. L. Morris, Bryan; B. A. Morris, Dallas; M. R. and W. A. Morris, both of Corsicana; two
daughters, Mrs. Ruby Spaith, Palestine, and Mrs. Lucille Thorp, Houston; 12 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren, three
great-great-grandchildren; two brothers, George and Henry Morris, Arkansas; three sisters, Mrs. Carrie White and Mrs. Babe Rogers,
both of Arkansas, and Mrs. Ora Butcher, Dallas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Oscar Burns, Edgar Jordan, John Stubbs, Bob Renfro, Bill Ewing and Malcolm Smith.
Nancy Jane "Jennie" (Moreland) Morris
Mar 8, 1869 - Oct 15, 1962
Hold Services For Mrs. Morris
Funeral services for Mrs. W. F. Morris, 93, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jim Gayle, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church.
Mrs. Morris, a native of Oxford, Miss., died in Twilight Home early Monday. She had resided in Corsicana 53 years and was a Baptist
since early childhood.
Surviving are four sons, M. R. and W. A. Morris, both of Corsicana; Jess Morris, Bryan, and Ben Morris, Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Lucile
Thorpe, San Antonio; 13 grandchildren, including Jimmy Morris, county attorney; 13 great-grandchildren and eight
great-great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Alexander Rogers
Jun 17, 1887 - May 21, 1947
Funeral services for John Alexander Rogers, aged 59, who died at 6:15 a. m. Wednesday at his residence, 919 South Twenty-eight street
will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the Corley Funeral Home chapel.
Claude A. Guild, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, will conduct the rites. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors are a son, David C. Rogers, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. W. A. Morris, Corsicana; Mrs. Julian Warren, San Francisco,
Calif., and Mrs. N. R. Nissen, Long Beach, Calif.; a brother, G. C. Rogers, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. B. F. Hanson, Corsicana; Mrs.
Florence Brown, Little Rock, Ark., and Mrs. Angie Jones, Oklahoma City, Okla.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, May 23, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Dollie Ann (Womack) Rogers-Ewing Married Dec 31, 1915 (Divorced) s/o William A. Rogers and Margaret Elizabeth
�Mattie� (Huff) Rogers
Funeral services for John Alexander Rogers, age 59, who died early Wednesday at his residence, 919 South Twenty-eighth street, were
held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Funeral Home chapel.
Survivors are a son, David C. Rogers, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. W. A. Morris, Corsicana; Mrs. Julian Warren, San Francisco,
Calif., and Mrs. N. R. Nissen, Long Beach, Calif.; a brother, G. C. Rogers, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. B. F. Hanson, Corsicana; Mrs.
Florence Brown, Little Rock, Ark., and Mrs. Angie Jones, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Dollie Ann (Womack) Rogers-Ewing
Nov 26, 1898 - Nov 26, 1970
Ewing Rites Set Saturday
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. in the chapel of Corley Funeral Home for Mrs. Bill Ewing, age 72, who died Thursday
at the Mel-Haven Convalescent Home. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. She was a native of Houston County and a resident of Corsicana for 54
Survivors include a son, D. C. Rogers of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. W. A. Morris of Corsicana and Mrs. Julian Warren and Mrs. M. R.
Nissen, both of Carson City, Nev.; a sister, Mrs. Frankie Rogers of Houston; two brothers, Hal Womack of Weches, Tex.; seven
grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, Nov 27, 1970
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband John Alexander Rogers married Dec 31, 1915 2nd husband George William �Bill� Ewing; d/o John George Womack
& Frances Elizabeth (Bobbitt) Womack buried in Weches Cemetery, Grapeland, Texas
George William �Bill� Ewing
Jun 6, 1895 - Jun 24, 1963
George Ewing Dies Monday In VA Hospital
George W. (Bill) Ewing, 68, retired merchant, 607 West Second Avenue, World 1 veteran, died in the BA Hospital at Lisbon early
Monday morning. He was a native of Kaufman county.
Funeral services will be Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Billy Joe Ewing, Albuquerque, N. M., and D. C. Rogers, Corsicana; three daughters,
Mrs. Lois Morris, Corsicana; Mrs. Julian Warren, Tahoe City, Calif., and Mrs. M. R. Nissen, Lakewood, Calif.; two brothers, G. E. Ewing,
Waco and Frank Ewing, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Alma Womack, Corsicana; eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and other
George Ewing Rites Tuesday
Final rites for George W. (Bill) Ewing, 68, of 607 West Second Avenue, who died in the Lisbon VA hospital early Monday, were held
Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The services were conducted by C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth venue Church of Christ.
A native of Van Zandt county, Ewing was a retired merchant and a veteran of World War 1.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Billy Joe Ewing, Albuquerque, N. M., and D. C. Rogers, Corsicana; three daughters,
Mrs. Lois Morris, Corsicana; Mrs. Julian Warren, Tahoe City, Calif., and Mrs. M. R. Nissen, Lakewood, Calif.; two brothers, G. E. Ewing,
Waco and Frank Ewing, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Alma Womack, Corsicana; eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and other
Pallbearers were Eddie Garrison, Virgil Polk, Raymond Gunter, Rollin Harris, Maco Stewart, B. C. Nesmith, E. W. Tinkle and Frank Stanley.
Lillian (Marshall) Weaver
May 1850 - Feb. 28, 1924
Funeral services for Mrs. J. M. Weaver were held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Petty, at 1111
West Collin street and were conducted by Rev. C. G. Vincent, pastor of the Church of Christ. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The deceased had been a resident of Corsicana for many years and had a host of friends who were grieved at her passing.
She is survived by five sons, C. O. Weaver of Dawson, J. E. Weaver of Mexia; Hugh, Clem and Lewis of Corsicana, one daughter, Mrs. W.
J. Weeks of Corbet and one brother J. L. Marshall of Corsicana.
The funeral was largely attended and the beautiful floral offerings attested the esteem in which she was held by those who knew her.
The five sons and J. R. Petty, son-in-law were the active
pall-bearers. The following were honorary pallbearers:
Dr. B. F. Houston, Dr. Trim Houston, Mit Sowell, J. A. Sowell, Dr. T. A. Miller, H. R. Harrison, J. O. Morgan, W. H. Warren, Dr. I. N.
Suttle, D. K. McCammon, W. W. Ballew, H. C. Ballew, H. R. Stewart, W. L. Tubbs, B. B. Munsey, C. C. Sands, Jno. T. Wilkes, M. L. Barry,
W. M. Wilson, A. G. Elliott, Jack Castle, J. M. Dyer, T. L. Scruggs, Sydeny Marks, Robert Jarett, Ralph Costa, Neil Johnson, J. T.
Jackson, W. J. Weeks, Richard Mays, Geo. E. Jester, Lynn Davis, C. L. Jester, E. M. Polk, B. L. Sanders.
Mrs. Weaver Laid to Rest.
The last mortal remains of Mrs. J. M. Weaver were laid to rest
Friday afternoon in Oakwood.
The funeral took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Petty at
two o'clock conducted by Rev. C. G. Vincent, pastor of the Church of
Christ of which she was a faithful member for many years.
The lovely and numerous floral offerings attested the love and
esteem in which Mrs. Weaver was held in her home town. Beautiful and
appropriate songs were sung by Mesdames C. G. Vincent, Al Sowell,
Miss Alvarie Layton and Messrs. Roy and Lexie Layton. At the
conclusion of the service, her five sons, and Mr. J. R. Petty a
son-in-law, acted as pallbearers, bore the body of their loving
mother�s to the hearse. Funeral services were concluded at the grave
amid a throng of friends and loved ones.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Mar 1, 1924
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Joshua Melvin �JM� Weaver; d/o Joseph Taylor Marshall
& Elvira Emily (Wingfield) Wallace-Marshall buried at Marshall
Joseph Edmond �Ed� Weaver
Oct 8, 1876 - Mar 29, 1924
Ed Weaver, 45 years old, died at the County Hospital at 10:10
o'clock Saturday morning as a result of burns received four hours
earlier when an explosion occurred caused by accumulated gas.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the home of his
brother, Clem Weaver, at 508 North Twelfth street and will be
conducted by the Rev. C. G. Vincent, pastor of the Church of Christ,
with burial in Oakwood
The following will be active pallbearers: Jim Pugh, Lynn Adams, Mit
Sowell, H. R. Harrison, Harris Ransom and Sydney Marks.
Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. T. A. Miller, Dr. W. T. Shell, W.
M. Wilson, Homer Pace, B. F. Houston, Dr. Trim Houston, Hatton
Robertson, Henry Levy, Tracy Smith, M. L. Berry, A. H. Berry, R. I.
Fagan, D. K. McCammon, F. E. McPherson, Nath Garrett, E. A. Johnson,
R. M. Lockhart, Harry Butler, Dr. M. L. Hanks, Walter Hayes, Cecil
Foster, Guy Allen, Bob Smith, Percy Williams, A. G. Elliott, and all
members of the W. O. W.
The blast occurred at the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borg,
corner North Eleventh street and West Second avenue. Weaver occupied
one of the rooms and it is thought had arisen from his bed to alight
the gas heater or a cigarette, in an instant the room was in flames.
The noise of the explosion alarmed the neighborhood. Glass panes
were blown from the windows and fell shattering in the rear gallery
and the ground. The door leading into the front room occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Borg and baby, was blown violently open, the bed clothes
and window shades taking fire. Stunned by the impact, Weaver fell
prostrate and moaning to the floor, his body rapt in flames as his
night clothing burned.
Borg jumped from his bed and carried the baby to safety out the
front door with Mrs. Borg hurriedly following the gas flames singed
portions of their hair as they made for the door.
There were no others in the house at the time, men roomers in the
other side of the building had left the house for the day�s work.
People living in nearby houses plainly felt the shock of the
H. L. Street and Jimmie Creager, attendants at the Magnolia filling
station, corner Third and Eleventh, were sweeping about the driveway
when their attention was suddenly attracted by the blast. They threw
down their brooms and rushed to the back door of the kitchen. Street
hastily returned to the station and turned in a fire alarm. Creager,
peering through the window saw Weaver lying on his face groaning. He
crawled through the opening and in almost an instant carried him
from the burning room after whipping out the flames from Weaver�s
clothing with his cap. In the meantime Street had returned and
assisted Creager in getting the baked form through the window.
Ambulance Driver Jas. A. McMahon answered the call and Weaver was
rushed to the hospital. Fireman Donavon assisted him.
The fire department soon extinguished the flames in the rooms.
Damage to the house and contents is estimated at approximately $300.
The house is the property of the Tatum estate.
Mr. Weaver is a native of Corsicana. He recently worked at Mexia,
where his wife and two children, Eudina and Edie Dorris are living.
He had returned to Corsicana three weeks ago and entered the employ
of the Pace Grocery, company. He was a brother-in-law to Mrs. Borg.
And a brother of Clem Hugh, and Lewis Weaver and Mrs. Jim Petty, all
of Corsicana, and C. O. Weaver of Dawson.
Elmer Keith, chief of the fire department, stated the fire was
caused from a leak in the rubber hose connection of the gas stove,
which allowed the gas to escape throughout the night. When Mr.
Weaver struck a match to light the stove or cigarette the
accumulated gas ignited. Mr. Keigh stated that rubber hose
connections for gas stoves should not be used.
�All rubber hose connections for gas stoves are positively dangerous
and people should take warning from this accident,� Mr. Keith
stated. He urged the people to install metal connections for their
gas stoves and eliminate the danger of such accidents.
Mr. Weaver was burned about the head, face and over about
three-fourths of his body. As he was taken from the house by Street
and Creager portions of the skin and flesh came off in their hands.
The blast caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood and the
very few minutes a number of hurriedly dressed men and women
gathered at the scene.
About six years ago a house on the lot directly across the street
from the house where the explosion occurred this morning was wrecked
by a gas explosion.
Notice. W. O. W.
All members of the W. O. W. are requested to meet at the K. of P.
Hall Sunday afternoon at 1:15 to attend the funeral of Bro Ed
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Mar 29, 1924
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- WWI Veteran
- h/o Mollie (Elliott) Weaver married Nov 27, 1905; s/o
Joseph Melvin �JM� Weaver & Leah Lillian (Marshall) Weaver
The hearts of all Corsicana go out in deepest sympathy to the family
and loved ones of Mr. Ed Weaver, who died this morning as the result
of burns received in an explosion of gas at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Berg on West Second avenue. His wife and daughters in Mexia
were sent for immediately by the S. A. Pace Grocery Company, Mr.
Weaver being a traveling salesman for this company.
Ed Weaver Laid to Rest.
�One of heaven�s greatest delights will be the continual
companionship of those whom we have so loved on earth, who were so
tired, so knit to us, as to seem almost a part of ourselves, who
understand us, and we understood them, to whom we could from
ourselves act in the most intimate communication of mind and heart.
We shall see them again, we shall possess them, and be possessed by
them. Again, that most sweet intercourse shall be renewed, which was
to us the sunlight of our earthly life, out of which all was dark.�
This little paragraph, by H. Collins, in the Living Church,� may
prove a source of comfort to the sorrowing and heart-broken family
and loved ones of Mr. Ed Weaver who was laid to rest Sunday
afternoon in Oakwood cemetery, surrounded by the largest concourse
of sorrowing friends and acquaintances that has been witnessed in
many a day.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. G. Vincent, pastor of the
Church of Christ, assisted by Rev. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the
First Baptist church, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Weaver at 2
p.m. Appropriate songs were sang by Messrs. Texie and Roy Layton,
Mrs. J. A. Sowell and Miss Alvarie Layton. The services concluded at
the cemetery were conducted by the �Woodmen of the World.�
A profusion of beautiful flowers sent in by loving and sympathizing
friends attested the love and esteem in which this good man, who met
such an untimely and tragic death, was held.
Our hearts go out in love and sympathy to his bereft wife and
daughters, brothers and sister. And so, �Father, in Thy gracious
keeping, Leave we now thy servant sleeping.�
Alfred Weaver, Sr.
Sep 1, 1886 - Apr 7, 1940
Clem A. Weaver aged 53 years, life-long resident of Navarro county,
died at his residence on North Twelfth street early Sunday
Funeral rites were held from the Corley chapel Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood. The services were conducted by J. L. Hines, Dallas
Church of Christ minister, formerly of Corsicana, assisted by T. B.
Thompson, minister of the local Church of Christ.
Surviving are his widow, a son, Clem Weaver, Jr., both of Corsicana;
three brothers, C. O. Weaver, Dawson; Louis Weaver, Tyler, and Hugh
Weaver, Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. J. R. Petty, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Pete O�Daniel, Al Sowell, Cap Curington, Placere
Jones, Dr. W. K. Logsdon and Arthur Wareing.
Relatives, Friends Attended Last Rites For Clem Weaver
Relatives, Friends Attended Last Rites For Clem Weaver
Out-of-town relatives and friends here Monday to pay their last
tribute of love and respect to the memory of Clem Weaver, who passed
away Sunday afternoon at his home on North Twelfth street, were his
brothers, C. O. Weaver and wife, Dawson, and Louis Weaver, Tyler;
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Matthews, Dawson, J. W. Jackson and son Wayne,
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Larkin and son, Billy and Lynn Jackson of
Athens; Mrs. Julius Fauber, Malakoff, and Miss Gladys Carter and
Artis Holloway of San Antonio.
Heartfelt sympathy is extended the bereft wife, son, Clem Weaver,
Jr. and wife and his sister Mrs. J. R. Petty and his brothers by
their host of sorrowing friends.
Nora E.
(Weaver) Petty
Aug 28, 1879 - Mar 24, 1963
Mrs. J. R. Petty Dies Sunday
Mrs. J. R. Petty, 83, of 1702 West Seventh avenue, native of Navarro
county, died in the Navarro Clinic Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 3 p.m.
with burial in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are two nephews, Clem Weaver, Del Rio, and Lewis Weaver,
Jr., Corsicana; two nieces, Mrs. Undine Anderson, Whittier, Calif.,
and Mrs. Eddie Doris Whittaker, Billings, Mont., and other
Pallbearers were W. H. Wooley, Paul Miller, Raymond Gunter, Virgil
Polk, A. L. Weeks and M. B. George.
Hugh Edward Weaver
Aug 1, 1889 - Nov 9, 1957
Hugh Weaver Is Buried Monday
Hugh Edwin Weaver, 70, native of Navarro county, died in the Navarro
Clinic Saturday night several hours after he had been found
unconscious in his apartment. He spent most of his life in
Corsicana. He was a veteran of
World War I.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 10
a.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by
Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the West Fifth Avenue Church of
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Nora Petty, Corsicana, and a number of
nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Weaver was in the caf� business most of his life and had been
cashier of the Mexican Inn for a number of years.
Pallbearers were Ernest Newman, Hubert Wooley, Julius Flores, O. S.
Bryson, Oscar Burns, Arthur Levi, J. W. McAdams, M. F. Osborne, Tom
Harilee, George Kirven, Burney Moore and Sims Hagler.
Joshua Melvin �JM� Weaver
Dec 12, 1847 - Nov 9, 1921
Ex-Sheriff J. M. Weaver Died Last Night.
Ex-Sheriff J. Melvin Weaver aged 75, and who had been a resident of
this county since he was two years old, died at his home here last
night at 9:15 and the funeral took place this afternoon from the
home, and was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral
offerings. Rev. C. M. Cuthbertson of Denison, a former pastor of the
Church of Christ here officiated and a large procession of friends
followed the remains to Oakwood. The deceased is survived by his
wife and four sons, Ed Weaver, Chas Weaver, Clem Weaver, one
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Petty, and one sister, Mrs. J. L. Marshall. He
was a good citizen and had many friends among the people with whom
he had lived since early childhood.
The following were pallbearers:
Active�Dr. Trim Houston, Al Sowell, H. R. Harrison, Henry Warren,
Jim Morgan and Sidney Marks.
Honorary�D. K. McCammon, Dr. T. A. Miller, Dr. B. F. Houston, W. W.
Ballew, Tom Cobb, H. C. Ballew, T. Don Dickson, Aaron Furgeson, Dr.
F. L. Lindley, N. F. Garrett, B. F. Davis, W. T. Boswell, A. G.
Elliott, John Deere, J. F. Watson, B. Marks, T. L. Scruggs, J. R.
Christian, J. A. Thompson, O. L. Albritton, Jack Hayes, T. W.
Lovett, Richard Mays, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Will Knight, B. L.
Sanders, Mit Sowell, John T. Wilkes, Walter Hayes.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Nov 10, 1921
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Leah Lillian (Marshall) Weaver; s/o Dickerson Weaver & Elinor (Deason) Weaver buried in Cosgrove Cemetery
Frances (Wood) Hardison
Jan 15, 1868 - Feb 18, 1955
Mrs. Hardison Rites Scheduled Saturday At 4
Mrs. Laura W. Hardison, 87, long-time Corsicana resident, died at
the family home, 1303 West Third avenue, Friday afternoon after a
long illness.
Funeral services will be held from the family home Saturday at 4
The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the
First Methodist church of which Mrs. Hardison has been a long-time
Mrs. Hardison was born in Alabama, but came to Corsicana at the age
of 16 years with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Wood,
Corsicana pioneers. She had resided here 71 years.
Surviving are two daughters, Misses Fannie Beth and Camille Hardison,
both of Corsicana; a son, Clark Hardison, Berclair, Texas; a
granddaughter, two brothers, A. P. Wood, Corsicana, and James Wood,
Bastrop, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be W. D. Lamb, W. A. Lang, J. R. Howell, Mitchell
Boyd, John Pugh, Ralph Stell, T. L. Carlisle, Roger Steward, J. H.
Chapman and C. E. Weatherford.
McCammon will direct.
Saturday Rites For Mrs. Hardison
Funeral services for Mrs. Laura W. Hardison, 87, who died Friday,
were held Saturday at 4 p.m. from the family home, 1303 West Third
The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the
First Methodist church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
Native of Alabama, Mrs. Hardison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch
Wood, early pioneers of Corsicana, came here 71 years ago.
Surviving are two daughters, Misses Fannie Beth and Camille Hardison,
both of Corsicana; a son, Clark Hardison, Dallas; a granddaughter,
and two brothers, A. P. Wood, Corsicana, and James Wood, Bastrop,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. D. Lamb, W. A. Lang, J. R. Howell, Mitchell
Boyd, John Pugh, Ralph Stell, T. L. Carlisle, Roger Steward, J. H.
Chapman and C. E. Weatherford.
McCammon directed.
Laura Theodora (Brown) Akers-Reese
Mar 15, 1869 - Jan 7, 1921
Mrs. Sam Reese died January 7, 1921. All was done that physicians
and loved ones and friends could do, but God�s will be done, not
ours. It was hard to give her up, but God needed one more angel
amidst his shining band and so he bent with loving smiles and
clasped your mother�s hand. She was kind to all she met and was
loved by all who knew her and many of her friends will be sorry to
learn of her passing away. Our hearts are made sad but she is not
dead; no she, is but transplanted from earth to heaven. May the Lord
comfort your bereaved hearts so that you may say, the Lord giveth
and the Lord taketh away. The entire family have my heartfelt
sympathy. It was almost impossible for her husband and children to
give her up. She was so devoted to them. I pray that God�s richest
blessings may rest upon them all.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. C. Howell and her
body was laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery,
beneath many beautiful floral offerings, to await the Resurrection
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Feb 17, 1921
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
1st husband James Hogan Akers buried in Akers-Brown cemetery,
Richland, Tx. 2nd husband Samuel Leonard Reese married May 4,
1916 d/o Rev. Jackson D. �Jack� Brown and Eliza Theodora (Brown)
Rogers-Brown buried in Akers-Brown cemetery, Richland, Tx.
Mary Lida
(Cullen) Wood
Mar 23, 1879 - Jul 13, 1957
Sunday Services For Mrs. Wood
Funeral services for Mrs. A. P. Wood, life-long Corsicana resident,
1528 West Fifth avenue, were held Sunday at 4 p.m. from the McCammon
Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the
First Methodist church, and Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor of the
Westminister Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Wood died in the Navarro Clinic Saturday morning.
She was the widow of the late A. P. Wood, retired grocer, who died
April 10, this year. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Cullen, pioneer Corsicana residents.
Surviving the two daughters, Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. Bell White,
Jr., both of Corsicana; two grandchildren, two great-grandchildren;
two sisters, Mrs. F. L. Haver, Corsicana, and Mrs. E. A. Jones,
LaJolla, Calif., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were L. P. Forsythe, Wilmot Townsend, Elwin Garner, T.
J. Walton, J. L. Jackson, Joel Trimble, Edgar Metcalf, and F. L.
Haver. Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Jul 15, 1957
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
w/o Alonzo Pickens �Pick� Wood married May 16, 1900; d/o Patrick
Henry Cullen & Pauline Elizabeth (Martin) Cullen
Robert J. Johnson
Aug 18, 1874 - Apr 18, 1920
In Memoriam
Written in the memory of Robert J. Johnson who was born August 18,
1874 in Freestone county, Texas and died April 18, 1920, in Houston.
The following relatives survive him, two daughters, Mrs. N. Berry of
Stamford; Mrs. Frank Carter of Corsicana, an aged mother, Mrs. R. J.
Tyner of Roane; a sister, Mrs. J. Jones of Pleasant Grove and his
only brother, Mr. Eddie Johnson, of Wortham, and many other
relatives and friends. His wife died several years ago. Mr. Johnson
was a good Christian man, was a member of the Missionary Baptist
church, and a deacon in the church. He loved his church and was ever
ready when called upon to do any thing for the cause of his Master.
He loved to attend Sunday School and always knew his lessons, and
took an active part in discussing the questions, in his class, and I
was told that upon retiring for his last night�s rest on earth, he
said, �I must get up in time to go to Sunday School tomorrow.� But
alas! Life is so uncertain and death is sure, but it pleased God to
call him away, we know not why, but some day when all the mist is
cleared away, we will understand. His death was so sudden and so
unexpected I know it seems more than you can bear but God says, my
grace is sufficient for you. Mr. Johnson was a carpenter by trade
and for some time he has made Houston his home.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Weaver of Blooming Grove, at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carter. He was the most peaceful,
natural looking corpse I ever saw, was the expression of his many
friends and relatives as they looked in his face for the last time
in this world, but some sweet day we will meet him again where there
will be no parting, no weeping, and no death, for he has gone to his
home on high, to a home not made with hands, eternal home to be with
his Savior and all of his loved ones gone before and his dear
friends he is waiting over there for you. Mother he will be there to
greet you when you reach that home and soon we must all pay the debt
that he has paid, for in Adam all must die. Then dear friends and
relatives of his if you are not prepared to meet God in peace let me
beg you to trust Christ and Him alone for life and for salvation, so
when you are called from the walks of men that you can enter the
beautiful gates of the New Jerusalem and hear these sweet words, as
he heard them:
Servant of God, well done;
Rest from thy loved employ;
The battle�s fought, the victory won,
Enter thy master�s joy,
The voice at mid-night came;
He started up to hear;
A leaden bullet pierced his frame
He fell, but felt no fear.
The pains of death are past,
Labor and sorrow cease;
And, life�s long war-fare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace,
Soldier of Christ, well done;
And while eternal aged .
Rest, sweetly rest in thy Savior�s joy.
Why should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalls His own,
And bids them leave a world of woe,
For an immortal crown?
Is not e�en death a gain to those
Whose life to God was given?
Gladly to earth their eyes they close
To open them in Heaven.
His toils are past, his work is done
And he is fully blest;
He fought the fight the victory won,
And entered into rest.
Then let our tears cease to flow
God has recalled his own;
But let our hearts in every woe,
Still say �Thy will be done.�
His body was laid to rest in
Oakwood cemetery at Corsicana, Texas to await the resurrection
of the dead beneath a mound of beautiful flowers placed there by his
many friends as a last tribute of respect to him.
Herman Ihlefeldt
Dec 21, 1880 - Jan 20, 1920
Mason Had Charge of Last Sad Rites
The remains of the late Prof. Geo. Ihlefeldt were laid to rest this
afternoon in Oakwood
following funeral services at the Third Avenue Presbyterian church,
conducted by the pastor, Rev. Ilion T. Jones, assisted by Rev. H. J.
Ellis of St. John�s Episcopal church. The music was by the choir of
that church, assisted by the members of the choirs of the First
Methodist and St. John�s Episcopal churches and special music by
Mrs. P. C. Townsend , Mrs. Henry Robbins, C. L. Knox and Robert
Layton. The following acted as pallbearers:
A. Mowlam, Joel Trimble, J. T. Newsom, O. B. Osbourne, R. N.
Elliott, W. P. McCammon, Hastings Harrison and Odie Minatra. The
services were largely attended and there were many pretty flowers.
At the conclusion of the services at the church the masons took
charge and concluded the services at the grave.
Emma B.
(Johnston) Walton
Apr 19, 1870 - Sep 16, 1920
Remains of Well Known Lady Laid to Rest in
The remains of the late Mrs. C. C. Walton reached here yesterday
near noon from Rochester, Minn., accompanied by her daughters, Mrs.
Coke Horn and Miss Mildred Walton, who were with her when the end
came, and the funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the family home, and was largely attended and there were many
beautiful floral offerings. Rev. Charlton H. Story, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church officiated.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday Sep 20, 1920
- Submitted by Diane Richards
w/o Charles Clifford Walton married Sep 26, 1888; d/o Capt.
Robert B. Johnston & Martha Ann (Swilley) Johnston buried in
Eureka cemetery, Eureka, Tx.
Boatright Slade
Oct 27, 1850 - Dec 6, 1920
Remains of Good Citizen Are Laid To Rest in Oakwood.
Funeral ser4vices for the late James B. Slade took place at the
First Methodist church at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the presence
of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and were conducted by the
pastor, Rev. C. H. Booth, who paid a most deserved and fitting
tribute to the memory of the deceased as a citizen and Christian,
after which the body was conveyed to
Oakwood and laid to
rest. There were many beautiful floral offerings and Messrs, W. P.
McCammon, R. N. Elliott, Arthur Elliott, Albert Elliott, Arthur
Caldwell and Ed McGee were active pall bearers, and the board of
stewards of the First Methodist church were honorary pall bearers.
Loyd Kerr, Edgar Metcalf, Mrs. J. L. Dockum and Mrs. P. C. Townsend,
sang and there were many beautiful floral offerings.
Vivian Ethel
Oct 28, 1908 - Nov 9, 1918
In Memoriam.
The pure spirit of Vivian Ethel Franklin has left its beautiful
tenement of Clay and winged its way upward through the shades of
night into the bright realms above where no light comes and there
joined in the singing of the new glad song of the redeemed in the
wonderful land above. Hers was a life of love. She loved Jesus with
a deep and all pervading fervency that moulded and directed every
act of her life. She was a most dutiful and obedient daughter, a
kind and thoughtful sister. Her sweet and gentle influence will
abide continually in the hearts of her friends and be a gentle
drawing power toward the gates of pearl.
The call to come home was very sudden and unexpected for she was
sick only a few weeks, but it found her ready. We can not think of
her as dead, for indeed she lives in her heavenly home, a fuller,
nobler, sweeter life than was possible for her here on this earth.
She did not fear death, only dreaded separation from her loved ones.
Vivian was just budding into womanhood, and like a rose that
scattered its fragrance through the air, she scattered sunshine and
gladness everywhere.
Why should the grim reaper of Death mow down these tender flowers,
why are they left to bloom and bring comfort to the hearts ?
That is a question that God alone can answer. The stem was cut, the
flower withered and died, but death is only a beautiful dream of
glory, of glorious things beyond. The slumber is peaceful, the
awakening is happy, for death is no more than a dream.
Little did those dear ones know or even think that such sorrows
would hang over their lives, but at length the shadow fell at first,
so faint that it was scarcely noticed, but day by day its darkness
grew until at last it threw its mantle of gloom over the once happy
home. All that skilled physicians and loving hands could do was of
no avail. The Angel of Death had called Vivian to come up home whit
here, where there is no suffering, pain or death; where we all form
one happy band at our dear Jesus� feet.
She died in beauty like a rose
Blown from its parent stem,
She died in beauty like a pearl
Dropped from a diadem.
She has gone to rest
From every toil care and pain,
What happy, happy times t�will be,
When we shall meet again.
Mourn not for her who was suffering so much pain, but now is at
rest, not for a day or year but through the ceaseless ages of
endless eternity. She is waiting on you from the skies above;
awaiting dear mother, father, for you, waiting to open the pearly
gates to gather you safely into the fold. Strive dear mother,
father, brother and sisters to live according to the word of God
that you may meet your darling loved one in the sweet beyond. Let
not the band be broken. She will be waiting to welcome you home as
one by one we are gathered home. There is no sorrow or parting in
that land. All is happiness and rejoicing around the great white
There was a place in Heaven
God wanted to complete,
So he took our darling Vivian
To fill the vacant seat.
Round the little grave we lingered
Till the setting sun was low,
Filling all our hopes and perish
With the flowers we cherish so.
We shall meet but we shall miss her,
There will be one vacant chair,
We shall linger to caress her,
As we breath our evening prayer.
Alice (Dawson) Franklin
May 6, 1875 - Jan 21, 1931
Mrs. Sallie Franklin, aged 54 years, died at her home, 916 South
Eighteenth street, at 11:35 o'clock Tuesday night after a lingering
illness, and the funeral will be held from the family home, Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The
services will be conducted by Rev. Floyd W. Thrash, pastor of the
North Corsicana Methodist church and Rev. J. W. Copeland, pastor of
the Methodist Protestant church.
Mrs. Franklin was a native of Burleson county, Texas, and resided at
West Station, McLennan county, prior to moving to Navarro county 20
years ago. The family had resided in Corsicana for 10 years. She was
preceded in death by her husband, the late Edwin M. Franklin in
Surviving are six sons, P. H. Franklin, Corsicana; C. H. Franklin,
of Houston; G. B. Franklin, Childress; Aubrey and Byron Franklin,
both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. R. L. Copley and Miss
Clarice Franklin, both of Corsicana; and Mrs. S. T. Allega, Shawnee,
Oklahoma; four brothers, Walter Dawson, Dalhart; Johnnie Dawson,
Dallas; Allen Dawson, Dallas; and Billie Dawson, Roane; and two
sisters, Mrs. G. M. Scales and Mrs. Rosie McAden, both of Iredell,
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
January 21, 1931 FRANKLIN - Corsicana, Texas. Jan. 21. - Mrs. Sallie Franklin, 56, died at her home here Tuesday night. The funeral will be held from the family home Thursday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are six sons, P. H. Franklin of Corsicana, C. H. Franklin and W. W. Franklin, both of Houston; G. B. Franklin of Childress, Aubrey and Byron Franklin both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. R. L. Copley and Miss Clarice Franklin, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. S. T. Allega, Shawnee, Ok.; four brothers, Walter Dawson of Dalhart, Johnnie Dawson of Dallas, Allen Dawson of Dallas and Billie Dawson of Roane, two sisters, Mrs. G. M. Scales and Mrs. Rosie McAdem, both of Iredell. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie Franklin, 54, who died at her home
here Tuesday night at 11:35 following a lingering illness, were held
Thursday morning at 10 from the family home, 916 South Eighteenth
street, with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. The services were
conducted by Rev. Floyd W. Thrash, pastor of the North Corsicana
Methodist church, and Rev. J. W. Copeland, pastor of the Methodist
Protestant church.
Mrs. Franklin was a native of Texas and had resided in Navarro
county for twenty years. She was the wife of the late Edwin M.
Franklin who died in 1925.
Surviving are six sons, P. H. Franklin, Corsicana; C. H. Franklin,
and W. W. Franklin, both of Houston; G. B. Franklin, Childress;
Aubrey and Bryon Franklin, both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs.
R. L. Copley and Miss Clarice Franklin, both of Corsicana; and Mrs.
S. T. Allega, Shawnee, Okla.; four brothers, Walter Dawson, Dalhart;
Johnnie Dawson and Allen Dawson, both of Dallas; and Billie Dawson,
Roane; and two sisters, Mrs. G. M. Scales and Mrs. Rosie McAden,
both of Iredell.
The sons were pallbearers.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Medicus �Med� Ransom
Dec 8, 1853 - Apr 11, 1920
Well Known Business Man Laid To Rest This Morning.
S. M. (Med) Ransom, aged sixty-nine years and four months, died at
his home on West Fourth Avenue yesterday morning, and the remains
were interred in Oakwood
at 10 o'clock this morning, being followed to the last resting place
by a large procession of friends and neighbors. The last sad rites
were conducted by Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt, assisted by Rev. C. H.
Booth and Rev. Ilion T. Jones. The pallbearers were, Active: Dr. L.
C. Polk, W. W. Gage, Murphy Williams, N. C. Goodman, Robt. Galloway,
F. G. Comfort, Ben Kenner and C. E. Mitchell; Honorary: W. M.
Wilson, J. S. Callicutt, William Clarkson, J. T. Godley, R. M.
McMullan, A. P. Thorp, J. T. Montfort, C. C. Walton, J. W. Calvin,
C. H. DeLafosse, C. R. Terry, J. A. Thompson, Aaron Ferguson, W. H.
Jack, Mayer Cohen, S. A. Pace, W. D. Nolen, E. W. Johnson, H. L.
Flagg, Geo. E. Jester, Dr. I. N. Suttle, J. H. Robinson, Rufus
Hardy, L. A. Johnson, O. E. Hyndman, R. L. Hamilton, Dr. T. B.
Saddler and Jack Guynes.
The deceased was reared in Navarro county, living during his
childhood days in the Chatfield community, and there he grew to
manhood. For many years he was one of Corsicana�s leading merchants,
and had the esteem and highest regards of all who knew him, and he
leaves behind him many friends who are sorely grieved at his
passing. During the funeral hour practically all of the grocery
stores in Corsicana, retail and wholesale, were closed in his honor
and there were an immense number of floral offerings placed above
his last resting place.
The deceased is survived by his wife and four children, Mrs. C. A.
Davis, Tom Ransom, Julian Ransom, and Harris Ransom, and the entire
community sorrows with them in the great grief that has come to them
through the death of a good husband and loving father.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Apr 12, 1920
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
1st wife Julia (Harris) Ransom married Mar 25, 1875 2nd wife
Lillian �Lillie/Lillis (Jack) Ransom married 1897; s/o John Rosborough Ransom
& Felicia Roxanna (Batte) Ransom
Tribute to a Friend.
In the passing of S. M. Ransom Corsicana and Navarro county have
lost another of their best citizens. Few men had a larger
acquaintance or enjoyed a higher respect and esteem throughout the
city and county in which he has lived for over sixty years; the
universal expression is � good man is gone.� Modest and reserved in
the manner and make-up of his life, yet with a frankness and
courtesy to all that made him many friends. A telephone call came to
me in the early hours of Sunday morning of April 11th, announcing
his death and while I am writing these lines the memories of more
than half a century are rushing in, demanding recognition with a
vividness that only death can give. I first met him in his father�s
home in 1868, and with the extended years of a long acquaintance a
life-long friendship has been established and maintained. He was
born in Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 8, 1853, and in 1865 his
father moved with his family to Texas, settling for a time in
Belton, Bell county, and going from there to Tellico, in Ellis
county, and in the early sixties purchased a farm and settled near
Chatfield and where the subject of this sketch grew to manhood, and
on March 25, 1875, was happily married to Miss Julia Harris,
daughter of Judge Benjamin F. and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris of Georgia.
For some years after marriage he engaged in farming and stock
raising, in both of which he made a success. In September, 1890, he
moved to Corsicana and engaged in the grocery business, and in which
he actively engaged up to the time of the fatal illness which
terminated in his death. On September 13, 1896, the darkest shadows
of death enveloped his happy home, leaving husband and children
bereft of the kindly ministrations and love of wife and mother. In
November, 1897, he was again happily married to Miss Lillian jack of
Corsicana, who. By her motherly care and affection in taking the
place of wife and mother and friend of the loved and lost one,
brought back to the lives of father and children in large measure
the joyous sunshine into this well ordered home, and now under the
burden and shadow of this great affliction, shares in mingled grief
and sorrow the loss of this good husband and father; and may the
sweet memories of his life of devotion and love to family and
friends help to serve as ministering angels as they go on their way
rejoicing in hope and confidence of a happy reunion, sometime,
somewhere, in the eternal beyond, in God�s own appointed time and
way, and �let us believe in the early hours of Sunday morning, April
11th, in the last lingering moments of his earthly life, he heard
the rustle and felt the breath of the eternal morning as it broke
upon his vision.� With our friend the day is done, his spirit has
returned to God who gave it; he has left us the monument of
commendable character and devotion to duty, and by his energy,
industry and rare good judgement, had accumulated a competency. He
was a liberal entertainer and enjoyed the association of friends in
his hospitable home.
The funeral services were held in the home, conducted by Rev. Chas.
Oberschmidt, assisted by Revs. Cullom H. Booth and Ilion T. Jones,
in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends, after
which his body was laid to rest in beautiful Oakwood Cemetery,
his grave being literally covered with a great array of beautiful
floral offerings, attesting the esteem in which he was held.
Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Lillie Ransom, and three sons,
Harris, Julian and Thomas W. Ransom, and also a daughter, Mrs.
Hallie Davis, wife of Capt. Chas. Davis, one daughter, Mrs. Meta
Keith, having died in Fort Dorth several years ago; two brothers, W.
A. Ransom of Corsicana and Lee Ransom of San Antonio, the only
surviving members of a once large family.
We shall hold in kindly remembrance our friend and his many tokens
of friendship to us, and we pray that the blessings of the Good
Father above may rest upon and ever abide with those now bereft of
husband and father.
Chatfield, Texas, May 1, 1920.
Charles E. White
Mar 14, 1874 - Feb 20, 1941
Funeral services for Charles E. White, aged 66, of Wortham who died
at Wortham Thursday morning with a heart attack, were held from the
Corley Chapel Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood
A native Texan, Mr. White resided in Navarro county practically all
of his life. He formerly was superintendent of the Navarro County
farm in the Petty's Chapel area, and was well-known here..
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. R. Gordon, methodist minister of
Surviving are his wife of Wortham; a daughter, Mrs. H. D. McAfee,
Corsicana a brother Will White, Snyder, Okla.; and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Dr. W. T. Shell, Sr., Sheriff Cap Curington,
Murrell Lynn, Hugh Lynn Hough Pollard, I. D. McAfee, Willie Steely
and Bob Mickie
Lynn (English) Holliefield

Aug 8, 1939 - Oct 12, 2016
Lynn Holliefield, of Elm Mott, passed away on Wednesday,
October 12, 2016.
Funeral Service: 10AM Monday, October 17th at Lake Shore
Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at
Dresden Cemetery
in Navarro County.
Visitation: 2 to 4PM Sunday, October 16th at Lake Shore
Funeral Home.
Mary was born August 8, 1939, in Frost, Texas to Beldon and
Fannie English. She married Bonnie Joe Holliefield. Mary
worked as a social worker for the Texas Child Care Licensing
Agency for over twenty years. She had been a member of the
Elm Mott community since 1975 and was a member of Elm Mott
United Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents, and two sisters,
Connie Evon English and Donna Kay English.
Survivors include her two sons, Steve Holliefield and wife,
Micki of Lorena, and Scott Holliefield and wife, Holly of
Nova Scotia; brothers, Maurice English and wife, Ginger of
Glen Rose, Blake English and wife, JoAnn of Springfield,
Oregon, and Jerry English and wife, Gail of Frost; sister,
Jan Smith of Hillsboro; and grandchildren, Eric, Eli and
Ella Holliefield of Nova Scotia, and Jeremy Holliefield of
The family would like to acknowledge a special thank you to
Jan Smith for the special caretaking and for always being
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children�s Hospital. |
Spivey High, Jr.

Jul 19, 1927 - Sep 30, 2016
July 19, 1927 - September 30, 2016Robert S. High
Jr. of Leander, TX. was born to
Robert and
Bertha High in 1927 in Abilene, TX. and was raised in
Blooming Grove, TX. He passed away on September 30, 2016 in
Temple, TX. at the age of 89.
After graduating high school and serving two years in the
Navy at the end of
WWII, he attended and graduated from the University of
Texas at Austin. He began his business career in Dallas,
where he met and married the love of his life, Dorothy
Watkins. Bob was a respected insurance professional and
family man in Dallas and Houston, a popular and active
retiree in the Sun City community of Georgetown, TX, and a
devoted member of the United Methodist Church during his
lifetime. Preceded in death by wife "Dot" in 1998, he is
survived by daughter Nancy High Ballman, son-in-law Charles
Ballman, grandchildren Lee, Beth and Rob; son Dan High;
cousins Bill and Susan High; sister-in-law Betty Watkins;
brother- and sister-in-law David and Nancy Watkins; loving
cousins, nieces and nephews
Visitation with his family will be Tuesday, October 4, 2016
from 11 A.M. - 12 noon at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside services will follow at
Dresden Cemetery
at 12:30 P.M. with Rev. Dan Bonner of Well Spring United
Methodist Church in Georgetown, TX. officiating. |
Pauline (Glasgow) Alexander
May 1, 1929 - Oct 8, 2016
Pauline G. Alexander, 87, of Brownsboro, Texas passed away
at her residence on Saturday, October 8, 2016. She was born
on May 1, 1929 in Corsicana, Texas.
She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great
grandmother and great-great grandmother. She loved and
cherished all of her family and close friends.
She is preceded in death by her husband of 61 years, O.C.
(Red) Alexander, Jr.; and her parents, John and Maudie Mae
She is survived by her daughter, Paula A. Freeman; sons,
Lester Ray Alexander and wife Paula Kay, and Richard
Alexander and wife Kery; grandchildren, Adam Freeman,
Jenifer Seaberry, Dan Alexander, Jeremy Alexander, and
Christi Alexander; great grandchildren, Billy Freeman, Emma
Freeman, Haleigh Seaberry, David Grob, Delaney Grob, Hanna
Alexander, Thomas Alexander, Kennedy Alexander, Derrick
Alexander, Dalton Alexander, Briana Alexander, and Aaron
Rowe; and great-great granchild, Madison.
Visitation will be held on Friday, October 14, 2016 from
5-7pm at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral service will be on
Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 10:00AM at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel. Burial will follow at
Dresden Cemetery.
Charles Tarvin
Aug 7, 1949 - Feb 19, 2016

Roger Charles Tarvin of Corsicana, know as "Pops" to
most, passed away at Methodist Hospital in Mansfield on
Friday evening, February 19, 2016 at the age of 66. He was
born on August 7, 1949 in El Centro, California to Charles
and Jean Tarvin, along with his three sisters, Charlene,
Connie, and Zola.
He is survived by his wife, Linda Tarvin, and his three
daughters and their families: Michelle Pratt and husband
Wayne, Brandy Ray and husband Jared, and Stephanie Dickey.
Roger was "Pops" to his eight grandchildren, Ashley, Cody,
Maddie, Samantha, Jessa, Jackson, Brigg, and Jamison.
Family came first for Roger. He dearly loved his wife, his
children, and his grandchildren. He was a generous man who
was known for dropping whatever he was doing to help out his
friends and family. Even homeless dogs would find their way
into his lap along with a burrito or two.
During the week, Roger would be busy working the lunch shift
right along side his employees at the popular Taco Shop in
Corsicana. He built up Taco Shop and used it to give back to
the community. On the weekends you�d find him at the
racetrack. Roger raced dragsters for most of his life. He
passed on his love for racing to his grandchildren, Cody,
Sam, and Brigg, who have gone on to win many major races,
even at the national level. Friends at the racetrack became
his second family. Everyone knew �Pops.�
The multitude of people who love and miss him are a
testimony to the full life Roger lived. He will be greatly
Funeral services will be Monday morning, February 22, 2016
at 11am in the Chapel at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home
with Bro. Grady Cashion officiating. |
Big life, big impact: Tarvin touched many
lives during his time
� By Deanna Kirk Daily Sun
� Feb 22, 2016
Roger Charles Tarvin, 66, passed away Friday, Feb. 19, 2016
in Mansfield at Methodist Hospital.
Family visitation was 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service was 11 a.m.
Monday, Feb. 22, 2016 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with
Bro. Grady Cashion officiating.
Roger Tarvin was a family man, whose family extended beyond
those who were blood-related to him. He was generous and
giving, of his time and his attention, even to homeless
dogs, apparently.
Taco Shop is a Corsicana tradition, an institution, if you
will. If you didn�t know Tarvin from being part of the
racing world, or you weren�t one of the elite club of folks
who worked at Taco Shop through the years, you�ve at least
had a taco and heard the friendly voice coming through the
intercom during the lunch rush saying, "We'll take your
order when YOU�RE ready."
Tarvin grew up in El Centro, California, where he met Linda
because their parents were friends.
"His brother-in-law brought Taco Bell to Amarillo, Texas,"
said buddy Eddie Moore. "Roger had always been in the food
industry. He was 19, and Linda was 16, and they had been
married six months when they came to Texas.�
When Tarvin first came to Corsicana, he ran Taco Bell in the
same location where Taco Shop is now. He �got crossways"
with them somehow, according to Moore, and left and opened
his own place, which he named Taco Shop, and located it
across the street from the YMCA.
It thrived.
Later on when Taco Bell moved down the street and the
building was available, he bought it and moved Taco Shop
onto Seventh Ave. But Roger also had another passion besides
family and Mexican food.
"Roger and I (among about six others) raced together nearly
every weekend back in the 70's and 80's,� said Danny Hudson.
"All of us were more like brothers than friends. Even though
we got jobs out of town, got married, etc., all it takes is
a call and we will be there for each other. Roger was like
that to every one he knew.
"He was a good man in every sense of the word," he said.
Mark Lee remembers being a very small child when his late
father, Ronnie Lee, along with Tarvin, Larry Moore, JC Reed,
Hudson, a guy named Curtis Matthews, the late Ray Scoggins
and he believes Stan Lawhon all kept their cars in a gray
metal building that sat where HEB is located now.
"I was little, Daddy got out of racing when I was 7, so it
was probably the early 80�s," Lee said. "They all still knew
each other and cut up and did things together. They all kept
their race cars there in that building, hung out up there
and had New Year's Eve parties and stuff.
"Roger was always real good, polite, and would do anthing to
help people,� he said. "Even after Daddy died, he always
made it a point to come over to the window to talk to me.
He's just good people."
Delena Bearden works as the manager for Taco Shop, and
Tarvin has been her employer for 15 years. She said both
Tarvins always made her feel like more of a daughter than an
employee, and the three Tarvin daughters treated her like
another sister, involving her in their children�s weddings,
births, graduations, even their adventures in the racing
"For me, he was the smartest, most amazing man," Bearden
said. "He was kind, caring, but he had expectations and he
wanted them to be met. Very compassionate. He was the best
boss I ever had. He played a part in all of my children's
lives. He and Linda were there for the births of all my
Eddie Moore got to see Tarvin on a daily basis, and they had
been friends since the early 80's. Moore said Tarvin showed
up at Moore Tire and Wheel every morning around 8:30, 9
a.m., got the key for the Dr Pepper machine, went to get
himself a Dr Pepper, put the key back, then went out in the
shop and sat down to drink his Dr Pepper and hang out.
"We'd talk and laugh, then about 11, he'd have to go work
the window (at Taco Shop) ... Then later in the day, he�d
come back and resume," Moore said. "He was a professional
visitor. He'd sit and listen, he didn't talk a whole lot. He
listened to a lot of venting, but he never talked bad about
anybody. Even if you knew there was something bad going on
in his life, you never heard anything negative come out of
Roger's mouth, ever.
"He was one of the best friends you could have," he said.
Moore said drag racing was Tarvin�s life, then he had
grandkids � then they were his life. As Bro. Grady Cashion
said in his service, Roger loved his kids, but he really
loved his grandkids. The grandkids were into racing too,
with junior dragsters every weekend.
Tarvin is survived by his wife of 47 years, Linda; his three
daughters and their families: Michelle Pratt and husband
Wayne, Brandy Ray and husband Jared, and Stephanie Dickey.
Roger was "Pops" to his eight grandchildren, Ashley, Cody,
Maddie, Samantha, Jessa, Jackson, Brigg and Jamison.
Sadie (Boyd) Neal-Jones

Feb 6, 1925 - Sep 26, 2016
Boyd Jones, of Blooming Grove was born Feb. 6, 1925 and
passed away Sept. 26, 2016 in Navarro County at the age of
91. Sadie was born to William Isaac and Littie Melissa Boyd
near Cryer Creek on their farm northeast of Blooming Grove.
She was the eighth of 10 children.
Sadie met her loving husband, Donald Jones at Shoemaker's
Barbeque, in downtown Dallas on their lunch hour. They were
married Oct. 18, 1952 and were married for 63 years.
Sadie was a retired pattern maker. During her more than 46
years in the ladies' garment industry, she worked for
several different companies, among them Stockton's, Brogan
and Jennings, Howard Wolf, Center Stage and RLM Fashions.
She had a very successful career as one of the very few good
stock pattern makers.
Sadie and Don attended New Beginnings Family Fellowship
Church in Blooming Grove.
Sadie was preceded in death by her parents and six siblings.
She is survived by her husband Don; sister Julia (Bibby)
Blackmon; brothers Charlie Boyd and Sonny Boyd;
brother-in-law, Harold Jones and a host of nieces and
nephews. Visitation will be held from 10 to 11 a.m.
Friday, Sept. 30, 2016 at First Baptist Church. Funeral
services to follow at 11 a.m., at First Baptist Church with
Bro. Bryan Connally and Bro. Grady Cashion officiating.
Interment will be held at
Rose Hill Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Ricky Roach, Rodney Rhyne, Paul Korkames,
Nick Stamper, Donnie Trull and Donald Loyd Boyd. In
lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Rose Hill Cemetery
PO Box 413 Blooming Grove, Texas 76626.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Mae (Brooks) Hughes

Jan 1, 1934 - Oct 13, 2016
Mae Brooks Hughes was born Jan. 1, 1934 on a black land
cotton farm near Barry Her parents were John Thomas and
Lalia Ann Brooks. After graduating from
Barry High School in 1951, she married and moved
to Dallas.
Vida had a variety of jobs over the years, but her last and
favorite one was managing her nephew, Ron Hall's art
gallery. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
were the lights of her life. There was nothing she wouldn't
have done for them.
Her passion was genealogy and she spent countless hours
looking for her relatives and those of friends and other
family. Helping others was another passion. If anyone was in
need, she could found near by working to help solve their
Vida was preceded in death by her parents, sister, Elvice
Barr; sister-in-law, Mickey Brooks; brother-in-law, Earl
Hall and nephews, John Hall and James Randall Barr.
She is survived by her son, Chris Hughes (Michelle);
daughters, Roxanne Spradlin (Mike) and Lynnette Wilkinson
(Rick); grandchildren, Beth Saxton (Nathan), Cassie Cassidy
(Kyle), Kimberly Wolfe (Bryan), Chad Hughes, Clint Spradlin
(Jenny), Ryan Wilkinson (Stephanie), Caitlin Hughes, Natalie
Taylor (Tyson); 12 great-grandchildren; sister Tommye Hall,
brother Ray Brooks, well loved nieces and nephews and her
best friend Mary Jane Kuntschik.
Vida will be greatly missed by her family and countless
friends. Her burial will be Tuesday, Oct. 18 at
Rose Hill Cemetery
in Blooming Grove and a celebration of her life will be at
noon pm at the Barry Community Center in Barry. |
Lillie Aileen (Castles)
Sep 13, 1934 - Oct 10, 2016
Tanner, 82, passed away Monday, Oct. 10, 2016 at Heritage
Oaks West.
Graveside service will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12,
2016 at Eureka Cemetery with Pastor Bill Maney officiating.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Aileen Tanner, 82, passed away Monday, October 10,
2016 at Heritage Oaks West. She was born September 13, 1934
in Eureka, Texas to Olan Castles & Ellen Chandler Castles.
Aileen was a member of Eureka United Methodist Church. She
retired from the First National Bank in Corsicana.
She was preceded in death by her parents and husband Ray
Tanner. She is survived by her son, Dayton R. Tanner.
Graveside service will be 3:00 pm Wednesday, October 12,
2016 at Eureka
Cemetery with Pastor Bill Manney officiating.
Douglas "Lon" Emmons
Dec 16, 1861 - Aug 25, 1919
Remains of Lon D. Emmons Laid to Rest in
The funeral of the late Lon D. Emmons, who died in Dallas on Sunday night, took place this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock from
the home of his brother-in-law, Edgar Metcalf on North Fifteenth street, the Rev. John Mullen, pastor of the First
Christian Church, of which Mr. Emmons was a member, conducting the funeral service.
The pall bearers were Paul E. Allen, J. D. Ambrose, C. B. Haley, J. C. Hughes, Perry McCammon, L. M. Morton, Zeke
Slaughter and Sid Story. A large concourse of friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place
and there was a profusion of beautiful floral offerings.
Among those out of town attendants who were here on the sad mission of burying their deceased relative, were Mrs. Sallie
Davis, Mr. V. J. Davis, Miss Dorothy Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shirley of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brokaw and
Mrs. Arnett Elliott of Dallas; Messrs E. E. Emmons and O. J. Emmons of Indiana, brothers of the deceased and Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilson of Hillsboro.
With the passing from earthly activities of Lon Emmons there goes a good man. He was not a man to parade his virtues and
accomplishments but he was well educated, well read and had a mind and character that made him highly respected and a
favorite with those who knew him well. He has his own ideas and no matter how popular a new fad or policy might be if he
did not believe it right he did not follow the crowd merely because it was the popular thing to do, but if he once found
he was on the wrong side he, like the true man that he was, hastened to correct his position and give credit where
credit was due. Another most excellent trait of his character was his love of home and family. This family was
uppermost in his thoughts always and it can be said with all truth that he was a good and true husband and father.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Aug 26, 1919
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Margaret Eudora "Dora" (Metcalf) Emmons married Dec 5, 1893; s/o James Morton Emmons & Elizabeth Jane (Trotter) Emmons
Margaret Eudora "Dora" (Metcalf) Emmons
Nov 21, 1873 - Dec 29, 1957
Mrs. Emmons Rites Tuesday
Mrs. Dora Emmons, life-long Navarro county and Corsicana resident, 219 West Fifth avenue, died in the Navarro
Clinic Sunday night.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. from the McCammon Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Dr. Ambrose Edens, interim pastor of the First Christian Church, of which Mrs.
Emmons was a member.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Kossie Emmons, Corsicana, and Mrs. Adine Sikes, Dallas; a son, Harry
Emmons, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Pugh and Mrs. R. L. Sims; two brothers, Edgar Metcalf and John C. Wilson,
all of Corsicana; eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Tuesday Services For Mrs. Emmons
Funeral services for Mrs. Dora Emmons, 219 West
Fifth avenue, who died in the Navarro Clinic Sunday
night, were held Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. from the
McCammon Chapel. Burial was in
The rites were conducted by Dr. Ambrose Edens,
interim pastor of the First Christian church, of
which she was a member.
Mrs. Emmons was a life-time resident of Navarro
county and Corsicana.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Kossie Emmons,
Corsicana, and Mrs. Adine Sikes, Dallas; a son,
Harry Emmons, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Pugh
and Mrs. R. L. Sims, and two brothers, Edgar Metcalf
and John C. Wilson, all of Corsicana; eight
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren and other
Pallbearers were Frank Holmes, Joe Bell, Charles
Keathley, John C. Hughes, Bill Bentley, Jack
Matthews, B. V. Hatley and W. B. McAlester
Winnie E.
(Robinson) Duren
Mar 8, 1848 - Apr 3, 1923
Venerable Lady Laid to Rest.
The funeral of the late Mrs. W. E. Duren, who
died at the home of her son-in-law, J. C.
Hughes, took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock,
with services conducted at the Hughes� home, 208
North Eighteenth street, by Rev. W. T. Ingram,
of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, after
which the remains were laid to rest in
cemetery. The last sad rites were attended
by a large number of friends, and there were
many beautiful floral offerings. During her long
life in Corsicana the deceased had endeared
herself to a large circle of friends, and all
join her loved ones in the sorrow that has come
to them because of her passing. Her life was a
quiet but beautiful one, and her memory will
live in the hearts of those who knew and loved
Aged Resident of Corsicana Died Today.
Mrs. W. E. (Ex) Duren, age 75 years died at the home of her daughter
Mrs. John C. Hughes, 208 North Eighteenth street, this morning at
11:35. The deceased is survived by one son, George Duren of Dallas
and two daughters, Mrs. Jim Clanton of St. Louis, Mo. And Mrs. John
C. Hughes of Corsicana and a number of other relatives.
Funeral services will be held at the residence of John C. Hughes 208
North Eighteenth street, at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and will
be conducted by Rev. W. T. Ingram, pastor of the Cumberland
Presbyterian church. Burial will be in
Petty�s Chapel
The following are the pall bearers:
Active, Harry Blanding, Allen Edens, Walter Burgess, J. G. Comfort,
C. G. Davidson and J. M. Dyer, Sr.
Honorary, J. M. Pugh, J. M. Blanding. E. A. Johnson, W. G. Baker, W.
M. Wilson, Dr. T. A. Miller and A. Hastings Harrison.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Apr 3, 1923
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (death certificate says buried at Petty�s Chapel one obit
says Oakwood another Petty�s Chapel)
w/o Alexander Duren; d/o J. Robinson and Sallie (Ferguson)
Robinson per death certificate
John Charles Mayne, Jr., Major
Jul 7, 1897 - Mar 23, 1923
J. C. Mayne Died in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The sad message telling of the unexpected
death of J. C. Mayne of Santa Fe, New
Mexico, was received by W. A. Mowlam,
father-in-law of Mr. Mayne late yesterday.
Mr. Mayne was the husband of the former Miss
Alice Mowlam, a very popular Corsicana girl
until her marriage which occurred on June
6th of last year, the young people leaving
immediately after the wedding for their
future home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where
Mr. Mayne was connected with a large
wholesale grocery firm as city salesman.
Mr. Mayne was stricken with appendicitis on
last Wednesday and an operation was found
necessary and was performed. It was though
the patient was getting along all right, in
fact at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr.
Mowlam received a message stating that his
condition was believed to be satisfactory,
but about 6 o'clock he received another
message telling of the death of the patient.
Mr. Mayne was a young man, 27 years of age,
and made a most favorable impression upon
all who met him previous to and at the time
of his marriage here last June. His former
home was at Cuero, Texas, and both at his
old home and in Santa Fe, he was regarded as
a most exemplary young man and one who had a
bright future in the commercial world before
Mrs. Mayne will leave Santa Fe some time
today with the remains of her husband and
will be met by Mr. Frank Clowe of Amarillo
at some point out from Santa Fe, while
Vivian Mowlam, her brother, will meet her at
Amarillo and accompany her to Corsicana,
where they are expected to arrive on Monday.
The sympathy of all of Corsicana goes out to
the young widow in her hour of grief and
there is sorrow in many hearts in Corsicana
at the bereavement that has come to one of
her favorite daughters thus early in life.
Sympathy is also extended to the entire
Mowlam family, as Alice was a favorite with
father, mother, two brothers and little
sister, who mourn with her in her sorrow.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been
announced, pending definite information as
to time of arrival in Corsicana of the body.
However it is expected that the funeral will
occur some time Tuesday. Announcement of
funeral arrangements will be made on Monday.
Society�Mrs. S. C. Bagby, Editor
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mowlam received a
message Friday evening from Santa Fe,
New Mexico, with the sad news of the
death of their son-in-law, Mr. J. C.
Mayne, who had undergone an operation
the first of the week.
Mrs. Mayne left with the remains today,
and will arrive some time Monday.
Vivian Mowlam left this morning to meet
his sister in Amarillo.
Funeral J. C. Mayne Tomorrow 10:30
A. M.
Mrs. J. C. Mayne, Jr, arrived in
Corsicana at 10:55 today over the
Houston and Texas Central with the
remains of her late husband, who
died in Santa Fe, New Mexico on
Friday evening late as the result of
an operation for appendicitis. She
was accompanied by her father, W. A.
Mowlam, who met her at Fort Worth,
and her brother, Vivian Mowlam, who
met her at Amarillo, as well as
other friends and relatives who
joined the party at various points
along the route.
The remains were taken to the W. A.
Mowlam home where they will lie
until tomorrow morning at 10:30
o'clock when the funeral will take
place from St. John�s Episcopal
Church, of which Mrs. Mayne has been
a life-long member, having been for
years a valued and much loved member
of the choir of that church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mayne, Sr.,
arrived at an early hour this
morning from their home in Cuero to
attend the funeral of their son.
The deceased, J. C. Mayne, Jr., was
a major in the world war and also
did valiant service in Pueblo
Colorado, a few years ago when that
city was so sorely stricken by flood
waters. He is a member of the
American Legion and members of the
Johnson-Wiggins Post of the American
Legion will act as honorary pall
bearers tomorrow morning, as well as
act as funeral escort for the
remains of their deceased comrade.
Major Mayne was a member of the San
Antonio Post of the Legion.
The services will be conducted by
the Rev. H. j. Ellis, Rector of St.
John�s Episcopal Church, and music
will be furnished by the church
choir. The active pall bearers will
be H. D. Johnson, W. P. McCammon,
Dr. R. N. Holloway, Sidney P. Story,
R. L. Hamilton and Earl Ellis.
Funeral Held This Morning
The remains of the late J. C.
Mayne, Jr., were laid to rest in
Oakwood cemetery this
morning following funeral
services in St. John�s Episcopal
church, conducted by the Rector,
the Rev. H. J. Ellis, Mr. Mayne,
who married Miss Alice Mowlam
here last June, died in Santa
Fe, New Mexico, late last
Friday, and the remains reached
Corsicana about noon Monday,
accompanied by the young widow
and members of her family and
friends who had met her en
Although the weather was
exceedingly unpleasant, a large
concourse of sorrowing friends
assembled at the church and
later followed the remains to
their last resting place, and
the floral offerings were both
numerous and beautiful, there
being a profusion of pot plants,
cut flowers and designs,
bespeaking the love and esteem
in which the deceased wife were
held by those who knew them
best. Members of the American
Legion, of which deceased was a
member, acted as a funeral
escort for the body.
An especially pathetic feature
of this funeral was the grief of
the aged mother and father, who
came from Cuero to attend the
funeral, they mingling their
tears of sorrow with mingling
their tears of sorrow with the
companion left behind after only
a few short months of wedded
Bessie Emily (Coffey) Perry
Sep 26, 1899 - Jul 6, 1922
In Memoriam.
Bessie E. Perry, wife of
Revis Perry, died at her
home in Corsicana, July 6,
1922. She was sick only a
short while. Why she was
called away we do not
understand but God knoweth
She had only been married to
her companion a short while
and was in the bloom of life
at the age of 23.
She leaves to mourn her
death a precious husband and
three little children, two
brothers, lots of relatives
and friends. The children
are Bertha age 5, Otho age
3, and Macie age 1.
Oh, how she suffered no one
knows, but was so kind and
patient with her husband and
friends that stood beside
her bedside and waited upon
her, but was all in vain.
She was laid to rest in the
Oakwood cemetery. We
have never seen a more
profuse offering of flowers
than that which adorned her
casket and grave.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. W. L. Phillips.
She lived a quiet and
peaceful life; she professed
faith in Christ but never
had joined any church.
She was a daughter of sorrow
without father or mother.
It broke hearts when she
We all know that you miss
her and it broke your hearts
when she died.
Sad and lonely is your home
for wife and mother is not
Yes you will miss her more
than words can express;
But now she is an angel in
that happy home of rest.
You could not keep her; God
needed her up there to make
that home complete,
Where there is never pain or
Yes she has left your home,
left you broken hearted;
But hope again to meet her,
and never more be parted,
Your cries cannot bring her
back; no she has gone to
Where Jesus ever reigns and
there is everlasting day,
You may never have a home
again; there may never be
That can fill her place�fill
the place of mother.
Your happy home is broken;
it does not seem like home,
For wife and mother has gone
to heaven and you are left
I know it isn�t home at
all�just father and
For home is not complete
without wife and mother,
You cannot forget her,
forget her tender care;
I know you are lonely for
wife and mother are not
But perhaps you will meet
her, the time may not be
Till you may be together in
that happy beautiful home.
Her loved one,
Helene �Hallie� (Cullen)
Feb 12, 1893 - Aug 20,
Funeral services for
Mrs. Hallie Cullen
Blackburn, aged 37
years, wife of Fred
Blackburn of El Paso,
former resident of
Corsicana, were held
Monday afternoon at the
residence of Bell White,
Jr. 1547 West Fifth
avenue at 1 o'clock with
interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The funeral was
conducted by Rev. Joe
Patterson, assistant
pastor of First
Methodist church.
Mrs. Blackburn died in
El Paso, Saturday
morning and the remains
reached Corsicana Sunday
night at 1 o'clock.
Surviving are her
husband, two children,
her mother, Mrs. Pauline
Cullen, three sisters
and other relatives.
Mrs. Hallie Cullen Blackburn, aged about 37 years old, died in El
Paso Saturday morning according to information received here
Saturday and the remains will be sent to Corsicana Sunday night.
Funeral arrangements will not be completed until the body arrives
Surviving are her husband, two children, her mother, Mrs. Pauline
Cullen, Corsicana; three sisters and other relatives.
The remains of the late Mrs. Fred Blackburn, who died in El Paso
Saturday, were laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery Monday afternoon,
following funeral services at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. P.
Wood at 1549 West Fifth avenue.
Rev. Joe Patterson, junior pastor of the First Methodist church,
conducted the funeral services and a quartet composed of Edgar
Metcalf, Loyd Kerr, Miss Hattie Kenner and Mrs. Henry Robbins sang
at the home and at the grave.
There was a profusion of beautiful flowers which showed in a small
way the high esteem held for the deceased by her friends in
Corsicana and other points in the State.
Mrs. Blackburn, who was reared in Corsicana as Miss Hallie Cullen is
survived by her husband and two little daughters, Phyllis and
Dorris; mother, Mrs. Pauline Cullen; three sisters, Mrs. H. M. Frost
and Mrs. Emmett Jones of Atlanta, and Mrs. A. P. Wood of this city,
all of whom were present at the services, with other relatives.
Pallbearers were S. W. Burdine, W. B. Gutherie of Wichita Falls;
Edgar Blackburn, Ralph Blackburn of Dallas, Will C. Hilliard and
Boyce Martin.
Deceased had been in ill health for some time, but took a turn for
the worse the latter part of last week, and her mother, Mrs. Pauline
Cullen, was sent for but after a hasty trip arrived just a few
minutes after her daughter passed away.
Anna Anita Pauline (Cullen) Haver
Sep 17, 1885 - Aug 7, 1962
Mrs. F. L. Haver Dies Tuesday
Mrs. Frank L. Haver, 75, native of Corsicana, died of a heart attack at the
family home, 971 West Sixth avenue, Tuesday. Funeral arrangements are pending at McCammon's.
Mrs. Haver was the
former Miss Anita
Cullen of Corsicana.
Surviving are her
husband of
Corsicana; a sister,
Mrs. Jessie C.
Jones, San Diego,
Calif.; four nieces,
Mrs. Bell White, Jr.
and Mrs. Harry
Smith, both of
Corsicana; Mrs. Plas
Dewey, Houston, and
Mrs. Robert
Haver Services
Held Wednesday
Funeral services
for Mrs. Frank
L. Haver, 75,
native, 971 West
Sixth avenue who
died of a heart
attack, Tuesday
noon, will be
held Wednesday
at 4 p.m. from
the McCammon
The rites will
be conducted by
Rev. Eugene
Wood, minister
of Westminister
church. Burial
will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Haver is
the former Miss
Anita Cullen.
Surviving are
her husband of
Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs.
Jessie C. Jones,
San Diego,
Calif.; four
nieces, Mrs.
Bell White, Jr.,
and Mrs. Harry
Smith, both of
Corsicana; Mrs.
Pleas Dewey of
Houston, and
Mrs. Robert
Pallbearers will
be Alton Justiss,
Frank Garner,
Elwin P. Garner,
R. W. Knight, C.
E. McWilliams,
Wesley Edens,
Jr.; Sam B.
Werner and Joel
Frank Leroy
Jan 29, 1887
- Feb 4,
Frank Haver
will be at 2
p.m. Friday
at the
Funeral Home
Chapel for
Frank L.
Haver, 89,
resident of
who died
Wednesday at
Burial will
be at
He was a
native of
Elk Point,
S. D. and
had lived in
20-years and
was a
include a
nephew, V.
R. Chaple of
Largo, Fla.
Four nieces,
Mrs. Joe W.
Dropp of St.
Fla.. Mrs.
A. E. Veilon
of Mobile,
Ala., Mrs.
Ples Dewey
of Houston,
and Mrs.
Bell White
Jr. of
The Rev.
E. Wood
at the 2
Home for
Frank L.
who died
Alfred Clark was born in Smith Center, Kansas on Aug. 18,
1924, as the first son of Margaret and Alfred Clark. Alfred
was one of the leading photographers in the town, having
returned from WWI where he served as a pilot instructor for
the early Army Airforce at various airfields in Texas
(having once landed on Galveston beach in a bi-plane on the
way to Fort Crocket).
Alfred had married Margaret Mackey, from the Minden,
Nebraska area and set up a photography studio in Smith
Center. They had two sons, Robert
(Bob) and James (Jim).
Bob attended grammar and high school in Smith Center. In
those days, there were people living on almost every 40
acres, farming and raising families. He participated in most
aspects of high school life as there were few students.
Thus, he played football and tennis (helped pour the
concrete for the tennis courts) and played the clarinet in
the band.
He planned to attend college in engineering just as the
second World War started. He related that on Dec. 7, 1941,
he was in a theater watching a movie with friends. On
leaving the theater, everyone was talking about the news
that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. Naturally, Jim
and Bob signed up for service.
Bob started his Civil Engineering studies at Kansas State
University while waiting to be called up for service. He
joined the US Army Air force Dec. 15, 1942, as a private,
while continuing his education.
On March 8, 1943, Bob was called up for active duty as an
Aviation Cadet. He studied meteorology from March 1943 until
September 1943 at the University of Wisconsin and then at
the University of Chicago from September 1943 until June 4,
1944, when he was discharged. The next day, June 5, 1944, he
was commissioned a second Lieutenant. He continued his
studies as a Meteorological Officer, training to fly ahead
of bombing missions to scout the weather environment from
the nose of a B24 or B29.
He attended B24 gunnery school in August 1945 in
anticipation of flying against Japan.
His final assignment during the war years was as an aviation
forecaster in Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Illinois, and
California. He was discharged from the Army Airforce on Aug.
6, 1946, as a 1st Lieutenant.
Bob resumed his studies at Kansas State, receiving a BS in
Civil Engineering in August 1948. He joined the US Bureau of
Reclamation, working as a hydrologist in Nebraska. He was
called up during the Korean War in October 1950, again as an
aviation forecaster for the US Air Force in Oklahoma and
Texas. He was discharged again in July 1952 as a Captain.
While working at a base in Oklahoma, he went on a double
date with an officer from the base, R. G. Bounds, with twin
sisters from Streetman, Dorothy and Doris. Both men
eventually married their respective sweethearts, with Bob
marrying Dorothy on July 25, 1952, at the Powell Baptist
Church in Navarro County, pastor M. O. Southerland
He resumed his work for the US Bureau of Reclamation,
working on major dam projects in 17 western states as a
hydro-meteorologist, forecasting how rain and snowfall would
fill reservoirs behind a planned dam, while living in
Denver, Colorado. Their sons Robert Alfred Clark, Jr., and
John Charles Clark were born there in 1954 and 1956.
Bob moved to College Station, Texas in Sept. 1958 with his
new family and began his studies towards a MS degree. In
August 1959, he received a MS in Meteorology degree from
Texas A&M University. He returned to Denver again, working
for the US Bureau of Reclamation for another year.
In August 1960, the family moved back to Bryan, Texas while
he continued his graduate studies in meteorology. Bob was
conferred a Doctorate of Philosophy in Meteorology in August
1960 from Texas A&M University, having written a
dissertation on RADAR meteorology.
Bob joined the staff of the Meteorology Department at Texas
A&M University as a Research Scientist and eventually became
a full professor. Between teaching classes in hydrology,
meteorology, and weather forecasting, he investigated
applications for using RADAR to analyze weather conditions.
He consulted with several engineering firms on
hydro-meteorological issues around the world. Bob very much
enjoyed international travel and was able to take the family
on summer work assignments.
The family spent several summers in Venezuela while Bob was
teaching classes at the Universidad de Oriente and they flew
one round-the-world trip after a job in Thailand. He worked
in many countries, including Pakistan, Greece, Surinam,
Ceylon, Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Jamaica, Iran,
Bolivia, and Iceland. He continued to be active in the US
Airforce Reserve, eventually being promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel.
In March 1973, Bob left TAMU and joined the Office of
Hydrology of the National Weather Service, NOAA as Chief
Hydrologist. He was promoted to Director of the Office of
Hydrology and was responsible for flood forecasting and
hydro-meteorological studies. This included supervising
operations at 13 River Forecast Centers and 52 Weather
Service Forecast Offices. He oversaw the modernization of
the US hydrologic services for improved flood forecasting.
He acted as an advisor to the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
He consulted on flood forecasting for the Yellow River Basin
and the Yangtze River Basin in China, helped to set up rain
and river gauge systems and early warning systems, and
provided training through the World Laboratory out of
Lausanne, Switzerland.
In 1985, Bob retired from the National Weather Service and
joined the University of Arizona at Tucson as Adjunct
Professor in the Department of Hydrology and Water
Resources. He continued to work on special projects in
China, Arabia, and southern Africa.
He lectured at the University of Witwatersrand in South
Africa. He worked with the World Federation of Scientists
and World Lab, eventually serving on the executive
Committee. That organization promotes the interchange of
research between developed and developing nations and has
projects throughout the world. He chaired panels to develop
a dust forecasting program for the League of Arab States and
to plan defenses against floods and extreme weather events.
Bob served on the Committee on Hydro-meteorology, the
Executive Committee of the Hydraulics Division, and the
Committee on History and Heritage of the Environmental and
Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil
Engineers. He authored or co-authored over 50 papers in the
fields of hydrology and meteorology over his career. Dr.
Clark was widely held in high regard by the students,
faculty, staff and teaching assistants at the University of
Arizona. He retired finally in 2008. Friends and colleagues
remember him as "a joy to be around", "a dedicated and sweet
man", "distinguished" and "one to be remembered for his
contributions and commitment".
Bob received the ASCE Ven Te Chow award in 2002 in
recognition of his lifetime achievements in the field of
hydrological engineering and was awarded the Erice Spirit
Gold Medal in 2003 from the World Federation of Scientists.
In 2004, he was awarded the Erice Prize in Rome in the name
of the Government of Sicily by the Ettore Majorana
Foundation in recognition of lifetime achievement in
promoting science for peace and he received an audience with
Pope John Paul at the Vatican. Bob served on the board of
the Community National Bank and Trust of Texas for many
years as an advisor. He also ranched cattle in Navarro
County, Texas.
Dorothy passed away in November 1977, his wife of 25 years,
and their son John passed away in May 1992 at 36 years. Dr.
Clark is survived by his son Robert (and his wife of 36
years, Alice Clark,) and his granddaughter Rachel Woodruff
and grandson Robert Michael Clark. He spent many years in
his continued scientific pursuits and traveled extensively
with his longtime friend Margaret Peterson and friends Bill
and Lucille Sprigg and many colleagues from all over the
He died peacefully at his home in Tucson on Sept. 30, 2016.
He will be missed.
Funeral arrangements are by the Corley Funeral Home in
Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at
First Baptist Church in Streetman to be interned in
Birdston Cemetery
next to Dorothy and John.
Visitation begins at noon. |
family at her side, Martha McCormick Rhodes, 82 of Midland,
went to be with her Lord and Savior on Thursday, Sept. 22,
2016 after a lengthy illness.
Martha was born on Aug. 25, 1934 in Blooming Grove, Texas in
the same house she would later be married in. She attended
Blooming Grove schools and Navarro College and she worked in
Dallas for a period of time prior to marriage. She married
her high school sweetheart, Truman 'Trim' Rhodes on June 6,
1953 and soon became an Army wife stationed at Ft. Riley,
Kansas. The couple moved to Midland in 1958. They had three
children and Martha set about teaching them her strong
convictions of the Christian walk, good character, and hard
work. She embodied the virtues of patience and perseverance
and she could find 'common ground' with all people. She was
a superb homemaker who baked, sewed, scrubbed, canned fruits
and put up vegetables. Heaven knows she could work a 'bob
wire' fence.
Martha was a steadfast member of St. Mark's United Methodist
Church since 1960 where she taught Sunday School and
Vacation Bible School. She was a regular volunteer with
A.M.O.S of Midland. She saw the glory of God in all of
nature and was especially fond of birds. She had many
birdhouses and hummingbird feeders at her beloved Haywire
Ranch in Coleman County.
Martha survived a 1975 car accident that took the life of
her daughter, Tracy. She is also preceded in death by her
parents, Bruce and Alyne McCormick, and brothers, Bob and
Alan McCormick. She is survived by her husband of 63 years,
Truman, sons, Tim and Todd Rhodes, sister, Carolyn Beene of
Dallas, four grandchildren and one great-grandson.
The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m., Monday,
Sept. 26, 2016 at Nalley-Pickle & Welch Funeral Home &
Crematory of Midland. All are welcome to a celebration of
her life which will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27,
2016 at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Midland.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be sent to St. Marks UMC.
Arrangements are under the direction of Nalley-Pickle &
Welch Funeral Home & Crematory of Midland. |
at a

Lynn Christie, 84, went to be with her Lord and Savior on
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 at Prestonwood Nursing Home in
Plano. She was born on Sept. 28, 1931 in Corsicana to James
Floyd and Ruby Laura Harper.
Pat was very active in her church, Emmanuel Baptist. (some
family members said that she was a "deep dipped Baptist.")
She was a member of the Pink Ladies Auxiliary at Navarro
Regional Hospital and the Senior Circle. She was a board
member of the House of Refuge and a very accomplished bowler
winning many trophies through the years. Although she had
only two biological grandchildren many referred to her as
Grandma. Pat loved her Lord and her family deeply and was
well known for her blond fruit cakes that she made on
special occasions and holidays. She always put others first
in everything she did. She worked many years for First
National Bank in Corsicana before retiring.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 42 years, Wayne
James Christie; her parents, three brothers and two sisters.
She is survived by her son, James P. Christie and wife,
Krissy of Plano; granddaughter Kate Christie of Plano and
granddaughter, Abigail Christie Kiel and husband, Ryan of
Stephenville; her sister, Mary Speck and husband, Bob of
Richmond, Texas; sisters-in law, June Christie, of Austin
and June Harper, of Houston and numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept.
28, 2016 at Corley Funeral Home with the funeral service
immediately following at 2 p.m., with Rev. Lain Teel
Interment to follow at
Resthaven Memorial
Park and serving as pallbearers will be Dennis Cooper,
Colby Speck, John Arnold, Allen Kistler, Mike Speck and
David Jackson. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Sep 27, 2016
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Wayne James Christie; d/o James Floyd Harper & Ruby Laura
(James) Harper both buried in Frost Cem.
Frances Marie (Gullatt)

July 1, 1926 - Oct 27, 2016 Frances Marie Pillans passed
away on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 at Navarro Regional Hospital. She
was a long time member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Winkler.
Frances was employed by Texas Miller Products for over 30 years.
Frances married James M. Pillans in December 1946. She was happy
when she had a cookbook in her hand and food cooking in the kitchen.
She will be remembered for her fried pies, chocolate pies, and
rolls. Frances enjoyed crocheting, reading, and quilting. She loved
her 29 trips to Branson, Missouri.
She was preceded in death by her husband Jim Pillans; parents Herman
E. and Beatrice Gullatt; sister Betty Taylor; brothers Tommy Gullatt,
Vernon Gullatt, and Charles Gullatt.
Frances is survived by her daughter Linda Craig and husband Morgan
of Wortham; son James Gary Pillans and wife Kathy of Retreat; four
grandchildren, Dwayne Craig and wife Ronda of Plano, Jeffrey Craig
and wife Becky of Wortham, Dr. Justin Pillans and wife Elizabeth of
Corsicana, and Karen Pillans Morales and husband Kyle of Midlothian;
five great grandchildren, Kelsey Easterling and husband Dr. Ryan
Easterling of Ft. Worth, Dayna Craig Ballard and husband Justin of
San Antonio, Kaylee Craig of Plano, Morgan Reid Craig of Wortham and
Walt Matthew Morales of Midlothian.
She is also survived by her sister Peggy Colburn of Prosper, and
brothers Herman Gullatt and wife Pat of Corsicana, and Glenn Gullatt
and wife Sherry of Corsicana; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Griffin Roughton Funeral
Home with burial following at the
St. Elmo Cemetery in
Pallbearers will be Dwayne Craig, Jeffrey Craig, Johnny Robinson,
Brian Milner, Benny Pillans, and Kyle Morales.
LaShun Crawford
abt 1968 - Oct 21, 2016 Lisa LaShun Crawford, 48,
passed away Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Visitation
will be noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016 at M.R. Smith
Parlor for Funerals. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday,
Oct. 26, 2016 at Eastside Church of Christ, 906 E. 13th Ave.,
with Bro. Alton Albert officiating. Burial will follow at
Woodland Memorial Park.
Arrangements by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals, Corsicana,
Texas. Notes:
Ruth Ileen (Blount) Ray
Oct 30, 1943 - Oct 22, 2016
Ileen Ray, 72, passed away Saturday, Oct. 22 at Trisun Care
Ileen is described as joyful, fun-loving, encouraging,
caring, dedicated and faithful by her family, friends and
those whose lives she touched.
Born in Groves, Texas on Oct. 30, 1943, she began her life
as the older twin to her sister Noreen. Never apart as
children, they even developed their own language with Ileen
as translator.
She was preceded in death by her husband Marvin, her brother
Jim Blount and her parents Lottie and Bill Blount.
She is survived by her daughter Cara, twin sister and
brother-in -law Noreen and John Thompson, brother-in-law Jim
Ray and wife Jane, sister-in-law Katherine Wallin and
husband Jimmy and many nieces and nephews.
Ileen earned BA and Master's Degrees at her beloved Baylor
University before joining the faculty at Navarro College on
Sept. 1, 1967. She began as Physical Education Instructor,
coaching the Lady Bulldogs'
Basketball Team and sponsoring the Senoritas Drill Team.
After earning another Masters Degree, she moved into a
long-running position as a professional counselor. In this
position, she served as Phi Theta Kappa National Honor
Society co-sponsor for several years. Ileen retired after
32 years of faithful service to the Navarro College
community, guiding and encouraging students.
At Navarro, Ileen met Marvin Ray who taught Economics at the
Married for 47 years they raised their family, entertained
friends and dedicated their lives to Christ through service
at Northside Baptist Church. With her outgoing personality
and quick wit, Ileen taught Sunday School, even leading an
older men's class who loved her. While Marvin cooked for
Food for Fitness, Ileen helped with prepping, serving and
clean up for many years.
In her last year at Trisun Care Center, her pleasing
personality, gratitude and quick retorts quickly won the
hearts of the nurses and aides. The family is appreciative
of TCC's loving care and they will miss her parting "See you
later, alligator," and their reply, "after while crocodile."
And we all know as Christians that we will see her after
awhile in Heaven.
Ileen leaves a legacy of lives she touched as teacher,
counselor, wife, mother and Christian. Graveside services
will be held at
Oakwood Cemetery at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016 with
Dr. Rick Lamb of Northside Baptist Church officiating. |
Curtis Wayne Rash

Jul 18,1941 - Oct 21, 2016
Rash, 75, passed away on Oct. 21, 2016 in Temple, Texas. He
was born on July 18, 1941 in Eureka, Texas to Georgia and
Emmett Rash.
He served in the United
States Army with the 1st 504th Airborne Battle Group
during the Berlin Crisis. He was a loving father,
grandfather, great grandfather, brother, successful business
owner in Navarro County with a strong work ethic, very big
heart for helping others and providing for his family, with
a strong sense of community.
He was preceded in death by siblings Vermell Rash, Billy
"Buddy" Rash, Marie Rash Daniels, Charlie "CG" Rash and
Christine Rash Miller.
He is survived by his daughters Debra Aday, Deana Scobee,
Stephanie Rash and Kristen Franks and husband Eric; his
grandchildren, Patricia Aday, Cory McManus and Casey
McManus; and five great grandchildren. He is also survived
by siblings Volu Rash Slate and Richard Rash.
Visitation will be held at noon Friday, Oct. 28, 2016 at
First Baptist Church, 510 W. Collin St., Corsicana, Texas
75110. The funeral service will immediately follow at 2 p.m.
on Friday at First Baptist Church and Mr. John Barber will
officiate. Interment will follow at
Eureka Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, the family will graciously accept
donations to the "Curtis Rash Memorial Fund" at Community
National Bank & Trust of Texas at PO Box 624, Corsicana, TX
75151-4511. |
(Underhill) Kilgo
Sep 6, 1938 - Jun 28, 2016
services for Mrs. Thalia Kilgo, age 77, of Hideaway, Texas
are scheduled for 2:00 P.M. Saturday, July 2, 2016 at Wade
Funeral Home Chapel in Hubbard, Texas with interment to
follow in Penelope Cemetery. The family will receive friends
from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Thursday, June 30, 2016 at the
Caudle-Rutledge-Daugherty Funeral Home in Lindale, Texas.
Mrs. Kilgo died Tuesday, June 28, 2016 in Tyler, Texas. She
was born in Frost, Texas on September 6, 1938 to the late
Herbert and Edna (Green) Underhill. Mrs. Kilgo was a member
of the Hideaway Lake Community Church and was preceded in
death by 4 brothers and 3 sisters.
Mrs. Kilgo is survived by her husband of 60 years, John
Carter Kilgo of Hideaway, Texas; daughter & son-in-law,
Robin & Gary McClain of Lindale, Texas; 2 grandchildren,
Kristin Shaver of Hideaway, Texas and Tim Pettigrew of
Lindale, Texas; 4 great grandchildren, Jaden, Ethan, Brett
and Emmorie; and brother, Kyle Underhill of Crowley, Texas. |
Sandra Lee (Evans) Varisco

Aug 15, 1940 - Sep 28, 2016
Lee Varisco, 76, passed away peacefully on Wednesday,
September 28, 2016 in Bryan, Texas.
A memorial service celebrating Sandra's life will be held at
11 a.m. Friday, October 7th, at St. Anthony's Catholic
Church with Monsignor John Malinowski officiating.
Sandra was born in Frost Texas to Troy and Ruby Evans on
August 15, 1940. She grew up in Hillsboro, Texas and moved
to Bryan after marrying her husband of 51 years, Tony Joe
Varisco. She was a devoted wife, mother of three children,
and grandmother of two.
Sandra was a vibrant woman who had a passion for
needlepoint, sewing and painting. She was an avid reader and
loved to shop for antiques. Throughout her life, Sandra was
known for her creativity and love of Coca Cola. She will
always be remembered as a loving and dedicated wife, mother,
grandmother and friend.
She was preceded in death by her parents and nephew Marty
Sandra is survived by her husband Tony Joe Varisco, her
daughters Toni Varisco Jennings, Cassandra Varisco, her son
Troy Varisco; grandchildren Hunter Varisco and Taytum
Varisco Jennings; her sisters Twilla Martin, Karolyn Lawson
and her brother Troy Evans.
Memorial donations may be sent to Brazos Valley Hospice at
502 W 26th St, Bryan, TX 77803, www.hospicebrazosvalley.org |
Joyce Evelyn (Johnson)
Aug 20, 1934 - Aug 23, 2016
Evelyn Goolsby Buck of Mount Pleasant, Texas passed away
Tuesday, August 23, 2016. She was born in Frost, Texas on
August 20, 1934 to Cecil and Tommie (Reeves) Johnson.
Joyce was a member of Trinity Baptist Church, where she
served on the Stewardship Committee; she was the Past
President of the American National Bank, serving from 1988
to 2001, she was also a member of the Texas Bankers
Association, NTCC Foundation Board, and an ambassador of the
Mount Pleasant Chamber of Commerce. She attended SMU�s
school of banking.
Joyce leaves her husband, E.W. Buck; her daughter Cindy and
her husband Gary Brown of Mount Pleasant, Texas; 2
grandchildren, Candace Brown of Mount Pleasant, Texas and
Randy Brown of Hope, Arkansas; step-children, Jana and her
husband Don Hedrick of Kilgore, Texas, Larry and his wife Jo
Ann Buck of Throckmorton, Texas, and Gary and his wife Karen
Buck of Houston, Texas; numerous step-grandchildren; sister,
Dean and her husband Gayneal Grisby of Tyler, Texas. She is
preceded in death by her parents, her first husband, Curtis
Goolsby; sister, Fern Eakins; and a brother, Cecil Johnson,
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Friday, August 26,
2016 at Trinity Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant. Interment
will follow at the Hickory Hill Cemetery. The family will
receive friends 6:00 to 8:00 PM Thursday evening at the
funeral home. |
Danny Taylor Nicholson, Jr.
Dec 13, 1932 - Jul 12, 1950
Danny Nicholson Dies Of Polio Early Wednesday
Danny T. Nicholson, Jr., 17, died in a Waco hospital of polio about
1 a. m. Wednesday following a several days illness.
His condition improved and then took a turn for the worse Tuesday
morning, it was learned here.
This is the first polio death in Navarro county since October 2,
Funeral services will be held from the First Christian church
Thursday at 5 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will
be conducted by Rev. Herbert G. Dudley, minister of the church.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Nicholson; a
brother, Donald Nicholson; a sister, Diane Nicholson; and
grandparents, Mrs. R. F. Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler,
all of Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Penn Rettig, Dr. Carl Fleet, Ernest Williams,
Wesley Edens, Jr.; Johnny Crawford, Charles Roy Bristow, James
Bullington and Dickie Brown.
Corley Funeral Home directs.
Danny Nicholson Funeral Rites Late Thursday
Funeral services for Danny T. Nicholson, Jr., 17, polio victim, who
died in a Waco hospital early Wednesday, are scheduled Thursday at
5:30 p.m. from the First Christian church. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Herbert G. Dudley, minister of the
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Nicholson; a
brother, Donald Nicholson; a sister, Diane Nicholson; and
grandparents, Mrs. R. F. Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler,
all of Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.
Nicholson was a Boy Scout and active in various youth activities of
the community.
Pallbearers will be Penn Rettig, Dr. Carl Fleet, Ernest Williams,
Wesley Edens, Jr.; Johnny Crawford, Charles Roy Bristow, James
Bullington and Dickie Brown.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Danny Nicholson Funeral Held Late Thursday
Funeral services for Danny T. Nicholson, Jr., 17, polio victim, who
died Wednesday in a Waco hospital, were held Thursday afternoon from
the First Christian Church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Herbert G. Dudley, minister of the
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Nicholson; a
brother, Donald Nicholson; a sister, Diane Nicholson; and
grandparents, Mrs. R. F. Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler,
all of Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers were Penn Rettig, Dr. Carl Fleet, Ernest Williams,
Wesley Edens, Jr.; Johnny Crawford, Charles Roy Bristow, James
Bullington and Dickie Brown.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Butler Nicholson
Dec 16, 1931 - Dec 17, 1931
Infant Is Buried Friday Afternoon; Died Thursday Night
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Nicholson died at the home of
its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler, 908 North Beaton street
Thursday night at 9:30 o'clock and the funeral was held Friday
afternoon at 1 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. Thomas Lenox, pastor of the First
Christian church.
The funeral was directed by the Corley funeral home.
Aubrey L. Rawlinson
Aug 24, 1903 - Dec 18, 1959
A. Rawlinson Rites Slated Here Saturday
Aubrey Rawlinson. 56, formerly of Corsicana, died in St. Joseph's Hospital in Fort Worth Friday. He had been in ill health several
years but had been critically ill only a short time.
Funeral services are to be held from the Corley Chapel Saturday at 3 p.m. with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Alex Cox, pastor of the First Christian church.
Rawlinson, a native of Blooming Grove, was reared at Powell and was connected with garages and service stations in Corsicana prior to
moving to Fort Worth 18 years ago.
Surviving are his wife of Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs. Willie Cook, Corsicana, and Mrs. Millie Crowley, Borger; a brother, Doyle
Rawlinson, Inglewood, Calif.; two nieces, Mrs. Bill Hay and Mrs. John Montfort, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers are to be Cecil Williams, Rufus Pevehouse, Doyal Gilbert, C. Joe Evans, Carl Campbell and Paul Miller.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Dec 19, 1959
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- h/o Nell Rose (Butler) Rawlinson; s/o George Thomas Rawlinson
& Ida Mahaley (Smith) Rawlinson buried in Kerens City Cemetery
Anna B. (Schwerer) Butler
Feb 16, 1865 - Jan 3, 1928
Mrs. Anna Butler, aged 62 years, wife of John H. Butler, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Tuesday night and the remains were
interred in Oakwood cemetery Wednesday afternoon. The funeral services were held
from the family residence, 710 West Thirteenth avenue Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. F. O. Waddill, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Survivors are her husband, and one son, Harry Butler of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Perry Fauber, H. Prickett, Mr. Reed, Ab. Megarity, F. Widmer and Wilmot Curtis.
Harry Butler
Aug 28, 1884 - May 3, 1956
Friday Services For Harry Butler
Funeral services for Harry Butler, age 71, 1507 West Collin Street,
will be held from the First Christian church Friday at 4 p.m. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. j. W. McKinney, pastor. Burial will
be in Oakwood
Butler, connected with the Velvet Ice Cream company on West Third
avenue, was fatally shocked Thursday about 7 a. m. when he opened a
door of a refrigerated truck. Danny T. Nicholson, president of the
concern and son-in-law of Butler, said investigation showed a
shortage existed in the truck.
A life-long resident of Corsicana, Butler was in the market and
restaurant business for many years before joining the Velvet Ice
Cream concern a number of years ago.
He was a member of the First Christian church and the IOOF and
Knights of Pythias lodges.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Nicholson,
Corsicana, and Mrs. Aubrey Rawlinson, Fort Worth; two grandchildren,
Donald Nicholson and Dian Nicholson, both of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers will be Weldon Price, Jimmy Derden, George Brown,
Winston Weaver, Frank Greenup and Clifford Dill. Friends of the
family will be honorary pallbearers.
Corley will direct.
Harry Butler, 7a, Fatally
Stricken While At Work
Harry Butler, 71, life-long Corsicana resident and well-known in
business and other circles here, was dead on arrival at the Navarro
Clinic Thursday about 7 a.m. after he was found slumped in the door
of a refrigerated truck at the Velvet Ice Cream plant on West Third
Danny T. Nicholson, president of the concern and son-in-law of
Butler, said that Butler checked out the trucks in the mornings and
some of the employes said he had appeared ill.
Relieved Shocked
Butler is reported to have opened a truck door and it is believed
that he was shocked by the truck, according to Nicholson, causing
his death. The truck had shocked others, it was reported, but when
two employes lifted Butler�s body from the door, they were not
shocked, it was stated.
He operated a market at the site of the Continental Bus station for
many years and later in the restaurant business before joining the
Velvet Ice Cream Company personnel a number of years ago. He was a
member of the First Christian Church and Corsicana Lodge No. 63,
The body will lie in state at the home of his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Nicholson, 102 South Thirtieth St.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Nicholson,
Corsicana and Mrs. Aubrey Rawlinson, Fort Worth; two grandchildren,
Donald Nicholson and Dian Nicholson, both of Corsicana, and other
Funeral services will be held Friday at 4 p.m. from the First
Christian church with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. J. W. McKinney, pastor.
Corley will direct.
Betty Jane (Alexander)
Apr 25, 1939 - Oct 25, 2016
Jane Hancock, 77 originally of Kerens, passed away
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2016 at Medical Center Hospital of
She attended the Texas School for the Deaf from the fall
1945 until she graduated in the spring 1960. She was very
active while attending there. She was on the pep squad
during her high school years and was Homecoming Queen in
1959 her Junior year.
Betty was a devoted wife and mother to her husband Bo and
daughter Tisha. They were married 38 years before his death
on Sept. 29, 2004. Her grandson Alex was her world before
his tragic death on Sept. 23, 2016 just a month before her
own death.
She was an active member of ETDHA (East Texas Deaf and Hard
of Hearing Association) from 1977 until 1991 when it became
Tyler Metro Association of the Deaf TMAD from 1993 until
current. She was a member and officer of both clubs through
the years most recently was Vice- President of TMAD.
Betty is survived by her daughter Tisha and son-in-law
Robert Huddleston; brother Jim Alexander, sister-in-law,
Reta and husband Alan Hroza; numerous cousins, nieces and
Visitation will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30,
2016 at Paschal Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday following the
Bro. David LeFlore will officate and Interment will follow
in the Kerens
Pallbearers are Jim Alexander, Robert Huddleston, Andy
Hancock, Tim Evans, Wayne Hicks and Brandon Hroza.
She will be truly missed by her family and her long time
friends from Tyler and her best friend of 40 plus years
Chris and her husband Wayne Hicks, also Daphne Smith and
Mark Grimes just to name a few... there are so so many to
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home 903-396-2371 |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Oct 29, 2016
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- w/o Griffis Ray "Bo" Hancock; d/o Albert Franklin
Alexander & Mary Juanita (Emmons) Alexander
Landon Bobbitt
Aug 25, 1995 - Oct 29, 2016
Heath Landon Bobbitt, 21, of Weatherford, TX, went home to be
with the Lord on Saturday October 29, 2016, at his residence in
Weatherford, TX. He was born on August 25, 1995 in Granbury, TX.
Heath enjoyed hunting, fishing, riding dirt bikes, or anything
motorized!! He enjoyed working in the shop with his Dad. He loved
comedy shows and movies!! His contagious laughter will always be in
our hearts.
He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Gerald and Maureen
Quellet of Frankenmuth, MI, and Homer and Opal Bobbitt of Kerens,
TX; cousin, Karen Ramos of Corsicana; and a special cousin that
Heath loved and missed dearly, Ronda (Bates) Becker, Ennis, TX, to
Heath she was aunt Ronda.
He is survived by his parents, Herschel and Debi (Quellet) Bobbitt
of Weatherford; beloved sister, Sydney Anne Bobbitt of Weatherford;
aunt, Linda (Quellet) Bronner and husband Steve of Frankenmuth, MI;
Uncle Tom Quellet and wife Heidi of Zeeland, MI; Uncle David Quellet
and wife Nicole of Altha, FL; Uncle Eugene Conger and wife Narsisa
of the Philippines; many dearly loved relatives and friends; Ron and
Betty Bates of Kaufman; Jeff, Cathy and Brittany Bates; Ashley and
Josh Ebarb of Lucus; Jerry and Norma Pickens of Teague; many blended
family members; John and Annie Fisher of Weatherford; Priscilla
Guess of OK; Shawna Fisher of Kansas; Ken and Kara Peterson of Gulf
Breeze, FL; Lacy and Jeremy Crotts of Willow Park, TX; Mary Fuller
of Fort Worth; and many more cousins and friends.
A memorial graveside service will be held at 2:30 PM on Saturday
November 5, 2016 at Kerens
Cemetery, in Kerens, TX, with Bro. David LeFlore officiating.
Those desiring to do so may make memorial contributions to MD
Anderson Targeted Therapy Research or Alzheimer's Association.
Paschal Funeral Home
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- s/o Herschel Bobbitt & Debi (Quellet) Bobbitt
Raul Diaz
Nov 14, 1960 - Oct 30, 2016
Diaz Martinez, 55, of Corsicana passed away on Sunday, Oct.
30, 2016 in Dallas.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral
services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 at
the Templo Uneva Vida church with Pastor Noe Garcia
Interment will follow in
Oakwood Cemetery. |
John Albert
Nov 17, 1851 - May 13, 1921
Near Seventy Years Old and Native of Texas
J. A. Slaughter, who would have been seventy years old in November
next, and who had lived in Navarro county for thirty-nine years,
died at his home here this afternoon at 1:46 after an illness of
several weeks. The deceased was a native Texan, having been born in
Ponds county. He was in all respects a good citizen and his death
will be regretted by all who knew him. The deceased is survived by
his wife and three grown children, Mrs. H. E. Metcalf, W. E.
Slaughter and A. L. Slaughter. Funeral arrangements will be
announced later.
The Remains of J. A. Slaughter Laid To Rest in
The funeral of the late J. A. Slaughter took place from the family
home, 1414 West Second avenue at 4:30 this afternoon with Rev. C. H.
Booth officiating. The last sad rites were largely attended and the
display of beautiful floral offerings was great and attractive. Mrs.
P. C. Townsend, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Loyd Kerr and Hugh Johnson sang,
and the following were pall bearers:
Active�William Conner, W. A. Chesnutt, Geo. F. Miller, J. F. Taylor,
Geo. E. Jester, R. A. Caldwell and Robt. And Roy Douglas.
Honorary�J. H. Douglas, C. M. Fendley, James Ester, J. C. Conner, J.
B. Redden, W. C. Francis, Starling Carpenter, C. B. Banks, J. H.
Jones, Scott Reed, Dr. E. B. Lowrey, W. P. Lowrey, W. P. McCammon,
O. M. Boynton, Chas. G. Jester, L. G. Kerr, E. E. Hamilton, J. Y.
Stewart, Dr. B. F. Houston, F. J. Lindsey, S. H. Butler, W. A.
Tarver, C. T. Banister, S. L. Miller, S. Z. Burke, B. B. Munsey,
Herbert Gorman, J. A. Jarrell, W. M. Huggins, R. F. Sims, W. E.
Pugh, H. C. Nash, G. A. Pearce, J. F. Franklin, T. L. Scruggs, J. S.
Frazier, B. F. Reese, J. C. Warren, H. C. Jester, Hugh Johnson,
Neill Johnson and W. J. Seelig.
Elizabeth Carlisle
(Pickens) Slaughter
Jun 9, 1863 - May 22, 1941
Mrs. J. A. Slaughter, age 77 years, died at her home 1414 West
Second Avenue Thursday morning, following a lingering illness.
Funeral services will be held from the home Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church, will conduct
the rights.
Mrs. Slaughter was a pioneer resident of Navarro county, having
spent most of her life in and near Corsicana. She moved to Corsicana
from Roane about 29 years ago.
Surviving are two sons, A. L. Slaughter, Dallas; W. E. Slaughter,
Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. H. E. Metcalf, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs.
J. R. Holland, Corsicana; four granddaughters, several nieces and
nephews and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the funeral arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, May 22, 1941
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
w/o John Albert Slaughter married Jun 13, 1883; d/o Joseph
Pickens & Martha (Douglas) Pickens per death certificate
Funeral services for Mrs. J. A. Slaughter, aged 77 years, who died
Thursday after a lingering illness were held from the family home,
1414 West Second Avenue, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First
Methodist church.
Mrs. Slaughter had resided in Navarro county practically all of her
life, and prior to moving to Corsicana 29 years ago, resided in
Surviving are two sons, A. L. Slaughter, Dallas, and W. E.
Slaughter, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. H. E. Metcalf, Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs. J. R. Holland, Corsicana; four granddaughters, several
nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. P. McCammon, C. L. Jester, Max Almond, Z. T.
Banks, Jimmy Andrews, Sydney Marks, George Boyd and T. A. Blakney.
Sutherland � McCammon Funeral Home directed arrangements.
LaDean "Dean" Murray, Col.
Sep 12, 1935 - Oct 26, 2016
LaDean "Dean" Murray, 81, peacefully slipped into the arms
of his Lord and Savior on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016. Dean was
born Sept. 12, 1935 in Pursley to Ned and Cecil Murray. He
grew up farming and ranching in the Pursley community in
Navarro County Texas.
He married Wilene Bennett also of Pursley in 1956, moved to
Arlington where they created loving memories together for 60
years. Dean received his college degree at North Texas State
University in Denton. Later he worked the line at the GM
plant in Arlington, taught Industrial Sciences (shop class)
in an Arlington Junior High and still had time to spend 35
years in military service.
He spent a short time in tanks, but was blessed to spend the
majority of his time as a CH-47 helicopter pilot in the
149th Aviation Battalion. He retired as a Colonel from the
Texas Army National Guard and was the Facility Commander of
the Dallas Army Aviation Support Facility.
Dean and Wilene were faithful members of Fielder Road
Baptist Church for over 40 years. He taught in the
children's department for many years and was later honored
to be called as a Deacon for the church. Prior to his
passing he was further honored with the title of Deacon
Emeritus. Yes, Dean filled many roles in his life... a son,
a brother, an uncle, a husband, a father, a grandfather and
even a great-grandfather. He was a pilot, a leader, a
commander, a Deacon, a mentor, a friend and a faithful
follower of Christ. However, there was no role he was more
proud of than the role of being a Papa!
Dean is survived by his loving wife of 60 years, Wilene
Murray; his siblings, Larry Murray and wife, Sue, and
Carolyn Korn; his children, Cindy Francis and husband, Joe,
and Cory Murray and wife, Dana; grandchildren, Sarah Swanson
and husband, Wade, Rachael Randall and husband, Derek,
Joseph Francis, Shelby Murray, Erin Murray;
great-grandchildren, Savannah and Noah Swanson, and Luke and
Finn Randall; nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, brothers
and sisters in Christ.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3,
2016 at Wade Family Funeral Home, 4140 W. Pioneer Parkway,
Funeral services are set to begin at 11:30 a.m. Friday, Nov.
4, at Fielder Church, 2011 S. Fielder Rd., Arlington.
Interment to follow at 2 p.m. Dallas-Fort Worth National
Cemetery, Dallas, Lane A.
In lieu of flowers please support the ministries of Fielder
Church at 1323 W Pioneer Pkwy Arlington, TX 76013 and
Pursley Missionary Baptist Church at 8120 FM 642 Purdon, Tx
76679. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Oct 29, 2016
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- son of Marion E. "Ned" Murray & Cecil Murray [bur at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery, Retreat, Navarro Co., TX]
Dennette Sample
abt 1964 - Oct 25, 2016
Dennette Sample, 52, passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016
at her residence.
Visitation will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4,
2016 at M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals.
Funeral services are set to begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5
at Freedom Fellowship Church with Revs. Jessie Williams and
Raymond Buckley officiating.
Interment to follow at Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery.
Arrangements by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals. |
Otis Lynn
"Bud" Dall
Mar 17, 1945 - Oct 29, 2016
Lynn "Bud" Dall, 71, of Richland, passed away Oct. 29, 2016
at his residence. He was born March 17, 1945 in Burlington,
Kansas to Clyde Harold and Mildred Maxine Dall.
He earned his Bachelor of Education degree at Emporia State
University and taught high school math and coached in
Mankato and Garden City, Kansas. In 1969, he went to work
for Firestone, rising through the ranks to become a truck
tire specialist and traveling extensively. He retired from
Bridgestone Firestone with more than 23 years of service.
Otis is preceded in death by his parents and his
father-in-law, Raymond Kerby.
He is survived by his wife, Melba Sue Dall; son, Darrell
Dall and wife Mary Jo; daughter, Shannon Chandler and
husband Alvin; stepdaughter, Donna Shackelford and husband
Brian; stepson, Cory Campbell; grandchildren, Katie
Chandler, Garrett Chandler, Rachel Chandler, Emily
Shackelford, Garrett Shackelford, Chloe Campbell, Carson
Campbell; sisters, Suzanne Birk and husband Royle, Annabeth
Hind and husband Steven; brother Gary Dall and wife Ruth;
other family members include first wife, Barbara Kerby Dall
and first mother-in-law, Margaret Kerby; current
mother-in-law, Betty Pullen; and numerous nieces and
Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday,
Nov. 7, 2016 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Graveside service will be 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 at
Richland Cemetery
with Bro. Floyd Petersen officiating. |
Otis Lynn "Bud" Dall, 71, of Richland, passed away Oct. 29, 2016 at
his residence. He was born March 17, 1945 in Burlington, Kansas to
Clyde Harold and Mildred Maxine Dall.
He earned his Bachelor of Education degree at Emporia State
University and taught high school math and coached in Mankato and
Garden City, Kansas. In 1969, he went to work for Firestone, rising
through the ranks to become a truck tire specialist and traveling
extensively. He retired from Bridgestone Firestone with more than 23
years of service.
Otis is preceded in death by his parents and his father-in-law,
Raymond Kerby.
He is survived by his wife, Melba Sue Dall; son, Darrell Dall and
wife Mary Jo; daughter, Shannon Chandler and husband Alvin;
stepdaughter, Donna Shackelford and husband Brian; stepson, Cory
Campbell; grandchildren, Katie Chandler, Garrett Chandler, Rachel
Chandler, Emily Shackelford, Garrett Shackelford, Chloe Campbell,
Carson Campbell; sisters, Suzanne Birk and husband Royle, Annabeth
Hind and husband Steven; brother Gary Dall and wife Ruth; other
family members include first wife, Barbara Kerby Dall and first
mother-in-law, Margaret Kerby; current mother-in-law, Betty Pullen;
and numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7,
2016 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Graveside service will be 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 at Richland
Cemetery with Bro. Floyd Petersen officiating.
An online guest book is available at www.griffin-roughton.com
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana, Texas
Virgie Beatrice
"Tommie" (Pitts) Grubbs
Dec 16, 1923 - Sep 29, 2016
Beatrice "Tommie" Grubbs, 92 of Kerens, passed away
Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016 at the Trisun Care Center.
She was preceded in death by one daughter, Linda Dudley and
three grandsons, Jeffrey Holt, Brad Gilbert and Brent
Gilbert "Tommie" is survived by her husband, Nolan Grubbs of
Corsicana; daughter, Sandra White and husband Mack of
Athens; daughter, Elaine Holt of Ennis; grandchildren, Chad
Holt, Jessie Holt, Brandon Gilbert, Deven Smith, Angela King
and Roger White; 21 great grandchildren and one great-great
The family will receive visitation from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday,
Oct. 2, 2016 at Paschal Funeral Home.
Graveside service and burial is scheduled for 10 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 3,
2016 in the Kerens
Cemetery with Rev. Wes Johnson officiating.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home 903-396-2371 |