Obituaries from
Navarro County, Texas



William Emery McDonald
Aug 2, 1868 - Jan 27, 1916


Well Known Citizen Dies At Place of Business Yesterday.

W. E. McDonald, bookkeeper at the store of his brother-in-law, Jas. Anderson, was seized with apoplexy about 7 o'clock last night while seated near the stove in company with Mr. Anderson, Robert Stell, Bonham Anderson and E. C. Flanagan. Immediately after being stricken a cot was brought and a physician summoned and the fire department called to bring the pulmotor. The physician came and the pulmotor was applied, but all to no good, for the spirit of another good citizen had gone to its reward.

Up to the hour of his death the deceased was in apparent good health and his sudden death, at the age of 47 years, while in the prime of manhood, came as a distinct shock to the family and large circle of friends of the deceased. W. E. McDonald was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDonald, both of whom passed away in recent years. His parents moved to Corsicana forty years ago, when the deceased was only seven years old, and he had lived here since that time. The deceased was of a naturally quiet and retiring disposition, but was in some public capacity since near manhood and was always courteous and obliging in his intercourse with the public, and kind and loving in his disposition to these with whom he was intimately associated, and they in turn respected and loved him. To his family he was a devoted husband and father and loved the society and companionship of those who were near to him by the ties of kinship. In all, he was a good citizen, and one who will be sadly missed by all, and especially by those that were near and dear to him. Surviving the deceased is his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Hugh Gaston of Galveston, and Miss Ruby McDonald a student of Kidd-Key College, one brother, R. S. McDonald of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. Dan Hagler of Houston. All of these were summoned immediately after the end came, and were here to attend the funeral which took place from the family home, 602 West Second avenue at 3:30 this afternoon. The services at the home were conducted by Rev. J. W. Fort, and at the grave the Woodmen had charge of the services, and the body was laid to rest after the beautiful and impressive ceremony of that order.

The active pall-bearers were selected from members of the order, and the honorary pall-bearers were: F. C. Knox, F. T. Whitehill, E. H. Church, W. W. Ballew, T. W. Lovett, F. N. Drane, Robt. Stell, Sam Mitchell, T. J. Cannady, C. L. Witherspoon, Dr. T. A. Miller, C. E. King, of Gatesville, Chas. Pierce of Milwaukee, Wisc., and H. M. Silsby of San Antonio. There were many beautiful flowers and a large procession followed the body to the cemetery.


Seborn Watson Powell
Nov 5, 1851 - Oct 18, 1916

Funeral Arrangements Not Made.

No arrangements have yet been announced for the funeral of the late S. W. Powell, who died suddenly at his store on East Third avenue yesterday afternoon. The eldest son, Howard Powell, was located last night in a Louisiana oil field, and a message from him this morning announced that he would arrive tonight. Besides this son the deceased is survived by his widow and another son, Hope Powell, and a daughter, Miss Hallie Powell, both of whom are still under the parental roof.

The deceased, who was 65 years old, had been a resident of Corsicana for many years and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He had been in rather declining health for some time but was about his business as usual yesterday afternoon, and was preparing to go to the water works tank on a duck hunt with Mr. B. M. Clopton when he suddenly fell to the floor and expired before medical aid could reach him.

The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, with Rev. J. W. Fort officiating. In addition to his immediate family the deceased is survived by three brothers, M. S. Powell, Dallas; D. C. Powell, Corsicana, and J. F. Powell of Alabama.




Remains of Well Known Citizen Laid to Rest.

Funeral services for the late S. W. Powell were held at the First Methodist church at 3:30 this afternoon and were largely attended. There were many beautiful floral offerings and Rev. J. W. Fort conducted the services. The pallbearers were:

Active�J. M. Pugh, J. H. Tarver, J. A. Megarity, A. J. Jarrell, J. E. Metcalf and J. S. Millerman.

Honorary�S. A. Pace, W. M. Wilson, C. R. Terry, E. A. Johnson, B. C. Fortson and Geo. T. Jester.

In the mention yesterday of the death of that highly esteemed citizen, S. W. Powell, the Sun erred in saying that the deceased was survived by his widow. Mrs. Powell died several years ago and left her husband to rear their children alone, and the devoted father, who has now gone to join the mother in the realms of eternity met this double duty like a true man and father. He proved both father and mother to his children and those who knew him best say that in this trying situation he met all its demands with loving care and tender devotion that was noticeable to all who came in contact with him and his children as they grew up under his tender care.



Resolution of Respect.

Whereas, S. W. Powell, an esteemed member of this Association of long standing, recently elected treasurer, a man of honesty and good report and a man whom every member of this Association respected, was unexpectedly called from this life on October 18th; therefore be it,

Resolved, by the members of this Association that we not only deeply regret the untimely death of our esteemed member and Treasurer, but also extend to the family of Mr. Powell our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement, Be it further,

Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Association and copy given to the press and one sent to the family of Mr. Powell.


Resolutions Committee, Corsicana Retail Merchants Ass'n.


Rebecca P. "Reba" (Love) Singer
Jun 17, 1862 - Dec 16, 1915

Remains Interred.

The remains of the late Mrs. Reba Singer, wife of G. T. Singer, were laid to rest in Oakwood at 3 o'clock this afternoon, the funeral taking place from the home, Rev. W. J. King of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church officiated.

Oscar Smith, Cullen Dunn, Nat Pinkston, Lawson Coulson, Harry Williams and Ben Fortson acted as pallbearers. There were many beautiful flowers and a large procession followed the remains to their last resting place.


Benjamin Michaux Clopton
Oct 1, 1828 - Apr 7, 1900

B. M. Clopton, 71, of Corsicana Is Dead
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, April 11. - B. M. Clopton, 71 years old, well-known Corsicana business man, died here Sunday morning following an illness of several weeks. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the First Christian Church, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. Paul J. Merrill, pastor of the church, will officiate. He is survived by two children, Mrs. A. P. Simpson and Sam Clopton, both of Corsicana, and a brother and sister. He had been a resident of Corsicana for many years.


Mary Beulah (Van Patten) O'Neill
Sep 12, 1871 - Sep 29, 1941


Mrs. Beulah O'Neill, age 70 years died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul F. Glass in Fort Worth Monday night. Funeral services will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church here, assisted by Rev. J. Hoytt Boles of Fort Worth. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

Mrs. O'Neill was a native of Corsicana and had lived here practically all her life. She is the widow of the late Ed C. O'Neill.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. W. Kirk Steele, Corsicana; Mrs. Paul F. Glass, Fort Worth; a son, Ed C. O'Neill, Illinois, several grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Neill O'Neill, Jack O'Neill, Paul Francis Glass, Jr., Richard Theron Glass, and James Warren Glass, all grandsons, and Reed Steele, nephew.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Sep 30, 1941
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Edward Christopher "Ed" O'Neill married Dec. 18, 1893 buried in Calvary cemetery, Corsicana, TX; d/o Garret Rilley Van Patten & Mary Elizabeth (Hull) Van Patten



Funeral services for Mrs. Beulah O'Neill, aged 70 years, who died in Fort Worth Monday night, were held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church, assisted by Rev. J. Hoytt Boles of Fort Worth.

A native of Corsicana, Mrs. O'Neill had resided here practically all of her life. She is the widow of the late Ed C. O'Neill.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. W. Kirk Steele, Corsicana, and Mrs. Paul F. Glass, Fort Worth; a son, Ed C. O'Neill, Illinois, and several grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Neill O'Neill, Jack O'Neill, Paul Francis Glass, Jr., Richard Theron Glass and James Warren Glass, all grandsons, and Reed Steele, nephew.



Out-of-Town Friends And Relatives Attend O'Neill Funeral

Among out-of-town relatives and friends in attendance at the funeral of the late Mrs. Beulah O'Neill on Wednesday morning were Mesdames J. H. Irwin, W. A. Harper, Robert E. McCarty, J. M. Hill, Robert E. Miller, J. S. Norcross of Fort Worth, Mrs. J. T. Mayfield, Miss hazel Mayfield, Angus Mayfield of Hillsboro, Mrs. F. W. Moore, Mrs. Orrin Hawley, Miss Imogene Angus and John Mayfield of Dallas; Mrs. Ab Steele, Patricia Ann and Ab Steele, Jr. of Sherman.

Paul Glass, Jr., of Fort Worth, grandsons of Mrs. O'Neill, sang "Crossing the Bar" as the funeral solo, with Mrs. W. P. McCammon as organ accompanist.


John Richard "Jack" O'Neill
Oct 24, 1906 - May 12, 1933



Funeral services for John Richard O'Neill, aged 26 years, who was drowned in a small tank five miles southwest of Corsicana Friday afternoon at 6 o'clock while seining for minnows, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.

Several men were with O'Neill seining a tank and had gone to another pond nearby. The victim was missed, it was reported , and his body was discovered in a part of the tank several feet deep. The body was rushed to a local hospital and a lung motor and other means of resuscitation were employed by hospital attaches, ambulance drivers and others until 11 o'clock Friday night in an unsuccessful effort to revive him.

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. E. C. O'Neill, Corsicana; a brother, E. C. O'Neill, Corsicana; and two sisters, Mrs. R. F. Glass, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Kirk Steele, Corsicana.

The funeral will be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.

The service will be held at the Southern Hotel and will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Bergin, pastor of the First Methodist church.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, May 13, 1933
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • s/o Edward Christopher �Ed� O'Neill buried in Calvary cemetery, Corsicana, Tx. & Mary Beulah (Van Patten) O'Neill


Out-of-Town Friends And Relatives Here At O'Neill Funeral

Out-of-town relatives here Sunday for the funeral of the late Jack O'Neill, son of Mrs. Beulah O'Neill, were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mayfield of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. Eugene T. Angus and John Mayfield of Dallas, Pettus Mayfield of Waco; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Glass and family of Fort Worth and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stelle, Mexia.

Heartfelt sympathy is extended the bereft mother, the sisters, Mrs. Kirk Steele and Mrs. Glass and the brother Mr. Ed O'Neill and family by their host of sorrowing friends.


Mary Elizabeth (Hull) Van Patten
Nov 10, 1847 - Jun 20, 1919

Died Here Yesterday.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Van Patton, aged 72 years, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Ed O'Neill yesterday afternoon at 5:30 and the funeral took place this morning from the place of death, corner West Seventh Avenue and South Beaton street, Rev. E. A. Crosby officiating and R. M. Lockhart, E. H. Church, W. C. Hilliard, Geo. Whytte, C. W. Peters and Ernest Newman acted as pall bearers. There were many beautiful flowers and a large number of friends attended the funeral. The deceased is survived by her daughter, four grand-children and one great-grandchild. The deceased was a sister of the late Mrs. A. Angus who died in Dallas recently and Tony Mayfield, whose wife is a niece of the deceased, was here from Hillsboro to attend the funeral.


Mabel Bush
Jun 21, 1885 - Jan 23, 1960

Miss Bush Dies Saturday; Rites Slated Tuesday

Miss Mabel Bush, violin instructor, died in the Paulyne's rest home Saturday afternoon.

A long-time Corsicana resident, Miss Bush resided in Dallas the past 18 years, returning to Corsicana a few weeks ago.

Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. A.D. Bell, Corsicana,; Mrs. Charles Walker, Los Angeles, and Mrs. W. P. Chrisman, Austin; a nephew, Tyson Melver, Dallas, and other relatives.

Funeral services were held from the McCammo Chapel Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Dr. Floyd Johnson, pastor of the First Methodist church.

Miss Bush was the conductor of a stringed orchestra at the First Methodist church for many years, was connected with the Corsicana Music Teachers Association and was active in the Nevin club until moving to Dallas.

Pallbearers will be Joel Trimble, Rufus Shell, Raymond Nelson, J. L. Stubbs, Palmer Chrisman, J. Etheridge King and Joe Simkins.


Willie May Bush
Apr 12, 1881 - Nov 7, 1953

Former Resident Dies In Dallas

Funeral services for Miss Willie May Bush, 4209 Caruth, Dallas, who died in Dallas Sunday, were held Monday with burial in
Oakwood cemetery here.

Rites were conducted Monday at 11:30 a.m. from the Sparkman-Brand Chapel with Dr. Aisie H. Carleton officiating.

Graveside rites were conducted at Oakwood cemetery here at 3 p.m.

Miss Bush formerly resided in Corsicana.

Surviving are a sister, Miss Mabel Bush, Dallas; two nephews, J. T. McIver and R. C. McIver, both of Dallas; three nieces, Mrs. A. D. Belt, Corsicana; Mrs. W. P. Chrisman, Sr., Austin, and Mrs. O.H. Walker, Berkeley, Calif., and other relatives.

McCammon directed local arrangements.


Henry Washington Crumbley
Jul 29, 1842 - Nov 19, 1913

H. W. Crumbley Dead.

H. W. Crumbley, aged 71 years, and a highly respected citizen of the county, died this morning at the home of his son, George Crumbley, on West Fourth avenue. Deceased leaves a wife, six grown children and many friends to mourn his loss. He had been in failing health several months.



Laid to Rest.

The remains of Mr. H. W. Crumbly who died yesterday, were laid to rest this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in
Oakwood cemetery, the funeral being conducted from the residence of his son, G. W. Crumbley, West Fourth avenue. The pall bearers were S. J. Helm, J. S. Murchison, Walter Finley, Leonard Elkins, J. Y. Stewart and Frnak Bird. The deceased was a Confederate soldier and had a large circle of friends besides his immediate family and other relatives who are grieved that he has been removed from the walks of life.


Martha C. (Ayres) Crumbley
Oct 6, 1843 - Mar 20, 1930


Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Crumbley, aged 87 years, native of Tennessee but resident of Navarro county for many years, who died at her home between Corsicana and the State Orphan's Home road Thursday morning at 3:30 o'clock, were held from the family home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church.

Surviving are one daughter, Miss Alice Crumbley, Corsicana; four sons, W. H. Crumbley, Federal, Tenn.; R. E. Crumbley, Angus; T. J. Crumbley and J. O. Crumbley, both of Corsicana; and a number of grandchildren.

Pallbearers were N.Ff. Garrett, C. W. Taylor, C. F. Borg, J. D. Carroll, J. M. Parrish, A. Prince, E. G. Glover and J. E. Skinner.

The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.




Mrs. Martha Crumbley, aged 87, years, native of Tennessee, but long time resident here, died at her home on the Orphan's Home road at 3:30 o'clock Thursday morning and the funeral will be held from the family residence Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church.

Surviving are one daughter, Miss Alice Crumbley, Corsicana; four sons, W. H. Crumbley, Federal, Tenn.; R. E. Crumbley, Angus; T. J. Crumbley, Corsicana; J. O. Crumbley, Corsicana; and a number of grandchildren.

The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.


William Russell Holland
Apr 9, 1860 - Mar 6, 1917


Remains of Good Citizen Laid to Rest In Oakwood.

The funeral of the late W. R. Holland took place at 10 o'clock this morning from the family home, 709 West Fourth Avenue. Revs. J. W. Hornbeak and J. C. Williams officiating. After services at the home the Odd Fellows took charge and concluded the services at the grave. A large procession followed the remains to
Oakwood and there were numerous beautiful floral offerings.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, March 8, 1917
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Eliza Emma �Lida� (Pickens) Holland; s/o Moses Zachariah Holland & Martha Elizabeth (unk) Holland

Eliza Emma �Lida� (Pickens) Holland
Mar 6, 1864 - May 29, 1953

Sunday Rites For Mrs. W. R. Holland

Funeral services for Mrs. W. R. Holland, 88, resident of Corsicana for 83 years who died at her home here Friday, were held Sunday.

Mrs. Holland was born in Mississippi, and came to Texas when five years of age. Her late husband was a cotton buyer here for many years.

She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Services were held at 5 p.m. Sunday from the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery Rev. James L. Bridges, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and Rev. H. G. Dudley, minister of the First Christian Church, officiated.

Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. H. Gorman and Mrs. Lelma Thomas, both of Dallas; Mrs. C. S. Dorsey, San Angelo, and Mrs. W. L. McCorkle, Corsicana; two sons, J. H. Holland, Amarillo, and N. R. Holland, Corning, N. Y.; seven grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews, including a niece, Mrs. H. E. Metcalf of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were Pope Estes, Hugh Cummins, Edgar McWilliams, John H. Sullivan, Lonnie Hosch and Connie Matthews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, June 1, 1953
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o William Russell Holland married Jan. 13, 1886; d/o Joseph B. Pickens & Margaret E. �Maggie� (Douglas ) Pickens buried in Prairie Point cemetery

Alfred Clark
Sep 17, 1841 - Nov 5, 1916


Mr. Alfred Clark Had Resided Here Many Years.

Mr. Alfred Clark died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at his home, corner Fourteenth street and Fourth avenue. His wife, who is a sister of Mrs. E. A. Johnson of Corsicana survives him. Mr. Clark was born in Southend, Essex, England, September 17, 1841, and was seventy-five years of age. He came to Corsicana about forty-five years ago and has made his home here since. Besides his home and other property he owns business property on Beaton Street.

The funeral was conducted from the Episcopal church this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Clingman of the Church of Incarnation of Dallas.

The pall bearers were as follows:

Active�R. B. Molloy, J. W. A. Clark, W. H. Nicol, W. C. Van Hook, A. H. Kerr, Dr. Kelton, Robert Watt, E. M. Polk.

Honorary�E. H. Church, Perry McCammon, Ralph Beaton, L. Cerf, Robert Jarett, P. Mayer, Dr. T. A. Miller, Dr. W. T. Shell.



Resolutions in Memory of Mr. A. Clark.

WHEREAS, the late Mr. Alfred Clark, in his merciful and charitable kindness, directed that should there be a public hospital established in the City of Corsicana, Texas, within three years from the date of the filing of his will, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) should be paid out of his estate to the same, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Managers of the Physicians and Surgeons' Hospital express their deep appreciation for this beneficent gift, which was bequeathed to so great a humanitarian a cause before the citizens of Navarro County assumed the responsibility of providing a hospital; further be it.

RESOLVED, that this bequest of Mr. Clark's be deposited as a nucleus for a children's fund and to be held on deposit until the fund becomes sufficiently adequate to permit the building of fitting quarters for the sick children of Navarro County; moreover be it

RESOLVED, that as an appreciation of this thoughtful bequest and as a memorial to Mr. Clark a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the record of the Physician's and Surgeons' Hospital; and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mrs. Alfred Clark, and to the press of Navarro County.

Respectfully submitted,
Board of Managers.


Mary Emily (Lewis) Clark
Apr 2, 1843 - Jan 10, 1928

Mrs. Clark's Death Marks Passing of Another Pioneer Citizen.

One by one our valued citizens of the pioneer days are passing on�the latest being Mrs. A. Clark, who died Tuesday afternoon, January 10, at one o'clock, after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. Clark, a native of London, England was in her 85th year, and had been a resident of Corsicana almost half a century.

The death of Mrs. Clark has brought genuine sorrow to the hearts of deeply attached friends, as well as to the hearts of her devoted sister, Mrs. E. A. Johnson, and to her nieces and great nieces.

Among her many radiant qualities of heart and mind, Mrs. Clark possessed the choice rare quality of holding and keeping her friends. Not only was she loved and trusted by her friends of the present day�both young and old�but she kept alive within her own deep heart, the sweet friendships and tender associations of early days. She was always particularly devoted to the rectors of the Episcopal church and their families, as she was a staunch and faithful Episcopalian herself. By temperament and conscious loyalty she was an Englishwoman, yet a truer, nobler American, by adoption could be found anywhere.

Mrs. Clark will be missed not only by her sister, Mrs. Johnson, to whom she has been her mother, her teacher, her sister, and in later years, when almost helpless with rheumatism, her child; but also by her devoted housekeeper and nurse, Mrs. Jennie Newcomb, who has been her constant companion the past thirteen years.

Mrs. Johnson's devotion and constant care of her sister for many, many years has been a thing of beauty. A day never passed, no matter what the weather conditions were unless she were ill in bed, but that Mrs. Johnson spent the afternoon with Mrs. Clark, having tea, and in reading and talking to her, and administering to her wants, in this way Mrs. Clark's keen, fine intellect was in accord with the progress of the times.

Devoted friends sympathize with her dear sister and loved ones, in this hour of sorrow. Sweetest memories will ever recur at the mention of Mrs. Clark's name.

The church was filled with sorrowing friends Wednesday afternoon, when the beautiful Episcopal service was read by Rev. H. J. Ellis. Chants and appropriate songs were sung by the choir and a large concourse of friends followed the remains to their last resting place in
Oakwood Cemetery. She was laid to rest under a canopy of beautiful flowers, tokens of love and friendship for the departed and sympathy for the bereft.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, January 12, 1928
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • Born in London, England w/o Albert Clark married Jan. 25, 1882; d/o William Dyer Hay Lewis & Mary (Fudge) Lewis (Sister to Clara (Lewis) Johnson)




Mrs. A. Clark, resident of Corsicana for forty-nine years, a native of London, England, aged 84 years died at the family residence, 219 North Fourteenth street, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock and the remains will be interred in
Oakwood cemetery. The funeral services will be conducted from St. John's Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector, will have charge of the services.

Mrs. Clark had been an invalid with rheumatism for many years.

She was the daughter of the late Dr. Lewis.

Surviving are one sister, Mrs. E. A. Johnson, Corsicana; one niece, Mrs. Clayton Brown, Dallas and other relatives.





Funeral services for Mrs. A. Clark, aged 81 years, native of London England, but a resident of Corsicana for forty-nine years, who died at her home, 219 North Fourteenth street, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock following a lingering illness, were held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from St. John's Episcopal church, with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John's church.

Mrs. Clark had been an invalid from rheumatism for many years.

Surviving are one sister, Mrs. E. A. Johnson, Corsicana, one niece, Mrs. Clayton Brown, Dallas, and other relatives.


Hazel Goodman
Jan 1882 - Nov 4, 1931



Funeral services for Miss Hazel Goodman, about 45, who died at the family residence, 305 South Fifteenth street, Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock, were held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with interment in
Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bergin, pastor of the First Methodist church, of which Miss Goodman was a long-time member.

Miss Goodman was discovered in an unconscious condition Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the family home.

Miss Goodman was a native of Corsicana and had resided here all of her life.

Surviving are three brothers, N. C. Goodman, Corsicana,; Shell Goodman, Shreveport, La., and Peyton Goodman, Houston; an uncle, A. Fergusson, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Dr. J. E. McClung. Dr. R. N. Holloway, Robert Watt, Sam J. Helm, N. C. Pinkston and Randolph Goodman.

Singers were Mrs. A. A. Guess, Mrs. M. S. Dockum, Edgar Metcalf and Lloyd Kerr.

The death of Miss Goodman has cast a pall of sadness over the entire city, she having been born and reared here and lived in Corsicana all her life. Her friends were legion and her ideals of life were high and a sacrificing spirit and lovable disposition had endeared her to a large circle of friends who join with her family in their sorrow at her passing.

Miss Goodman was especially fond of children and wherever she went she was always greeted happily by the little children and young people.

The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.


Melissa M. (Clark) Lowry
1836 - Sep 27, 1909

In Memory of Mrs. Lowery.

All that was mortal of this most lovely Christian woman and devoted mother and friend was laid to rest September 28, 1909, and it can be truly said a grand, noble soul has left us, one who for gentleness and tender loving words and deeds will be greatly missed. Mrs. Lowry belonged to the old school of gentlewomen and was typical of the old South, a class which is rapidly passing away, but which like her own beautiful life will ever remain as the sweet memory of some fragrant flower whose perfume still lingers long after everything else has perished.

Mrs. Lowry was reared in Mississippi but had spent much of her life in Corsicana where she had many devoted friends. Her influence was felt by all who enjoyed her acquaintance and especially so by intimate friends. She only saw the good in those around her, her charity and kindly feelings for the faults of others was boundless; it was a pleasure and a privilege to count such a woman as your friend. Kind of heart, true and intellectual she possessed all the--------(next sentence is torn off)---and with ----faith in One above she looked to a happy reunion with her loved ones beyond the stars.

We can only say to the bereaved ones, live as she lived and in the great beyond all will be well. We know that her sleep will be sweet and the awakening will be glorious beyond mortal conception. May that God who giveth and who taketh heal the broken hearts of her relatives and friends, and may they remember�

�That beyond the wilderness of life
Are gathered friends and landscapes fair,
Where sorrow, sin and toil and strife
Are past, we can meet and love her there.�



James Curl Burdine
Nov 1847 - Mar 20, 1909

Tupelo News.

We were again made sad when the news came that Mr. J. C. Burdine, who had lived in our community several years, but then in Corsicana, had gone to his reward. Being a relative, I have during all my life had the pleasure of visiting his home. Many happy hours have I spent with him, his good wife and loving daughter, who married Mr. A. M. Varnell and two years ago went to be with loved ones gone before and to wait for the ones that were made so lonely at her departure, �Uncle Dee,� as I called him, was sixty-one years old, had been a member of the Methodist church forty-two years. We know a good husband and loving father has gone, but only a few years at best till we, too, will have to pay the same debt. Let's live that we, too, may be ready to go when the call comes.


Harvey Dean Dicks
Jan 22, 1947 - Nov 3, 2016
Harvey D. Dicks, 69 of Waxahachie, passed away Thursday, November 3, 2016 in Waxahachie. He was born to the late William Harvey and Henrietta Bennett Dicks on January 22, 1947 in Wichita, KS.

Harvey loved to fish and hunt. He enjoyed airplanes, woodworking and collecting and making knives. Harvey loved his family and spending time with them. He will be dearly missed.

He is survived by his loving wife, Sherry Dicks of Waxahachie; his sister, LaDonna Sanderson and her husband, Ron of Waxahachie; his sister-in law, Sandy Huff of Gravevine; his brothers in law, Eddie Mahone and his wife, Patsy of Waxahachie, Charles Lippe of Waxahachie, Danny Mahone and his wife, Lynnell of Blooming Grove; his aunts, Maxine Hicks of Banning, CA, Dolores Hicks Morgan of Russellville, Ark; his beloved furry friends, Maxine and Daisy; and by numerous nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents; also by his stepdad, Henry Fitzhugh.

An inurnment graveside service will be held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove with Bro. Chris Maddox officiating.

Visitation for family and friends will be held from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, November 6, 2016 at the Cowboy Church of Ellis County, 2374 West Hwy 287 Byp, Waxahachie, Texas 75167.

Memorials may be made to the Auxiliary to Baylor Scott and White Medical Center, 2400 North Interstate 35 East Service Road, Waxahachie, Texas 75165.


  • Waxahachie Daily Light - November 4, 2016
  • Submitted by Diane Richards

Tommy Lee West, Sr.
Nov 2, 1947 - Nov 10, 2016

Tommy Lee West, 69, of Purdon, passed away Thursday, November 10, 2016 at his home.   Graveside services will be 2:00 pm Sunday, November 13 at Dresden Cemetery in Navarro County with Rev. Ricky Woodall officiating.  The family will receive friends from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, November 12 at Wade Funeral Home in Hubbard.

Tommy was born November 2, 1947 to James Owen and Bessie Bowden West in a sharecropper shack in Altheimer, Arkansas.  He was the youngest of 13 children (his, hers, theirs).  He went to Monahans, Texas in 1961 at age 13.  He married Carla Mosley on October 18, 1969 in Pecos, Texas and they had two children.  She died May 11, 1987.  He married Nancy Jo Parker on November 21, 1987.

He was preceded in death by his first wife, Carla Mosley West; a son, Tommy Lee West Jr. and 11 sisters and brothers.

Tommy is survived by his wife, Nancy Jo Parker of Purdon; four sons, David West and wife, Rhonda of Tomball, Texas, Doug Jones and wife, Kelly of Early, Texas, Warren Parker and wife, Deborrah of the The Colony, Texas and Joe Dan Parker and wife, Shay of Italy, Texas; a daughter, Cathi Parker of Jal, New Mexico; four granddaughters, Baylie McDonald, Chelsea McDonald, Alyssa Hunt and Taisha Jo Trammel and husband, Beau; four grandsons, Frank Stirman, Zac Davis, Cody Stirman and Bradley Clark and wife, Tiffanie; four great-grandchildren, Paisley Jo, Weston, Benton and Emmie; a brother, Sherman West of Monahans, Texas and numerous nieces and nephews and other extended family members and friends.

Pallbearers will be Glenn Rich, David Brown, Beau Trammel, Ryan Dawson, Charles West, Roy West, Dakota Stirman and Frank Stirman.

The family requests that memorials be made to American Cancer Society, 1700 Lake Success Drive, Waco, Texas 76710, American Heart Association, 6801 Sanger Avenue, Waco, Texas 76710 or United Cerebral Palsy of Texas, 1016 La Posada Drive, Suite 145, Austin, Texas 78752.


William Samuel "Bill" LePoris
Sept 29, 1940 - Mar 11, 2000
William Samuel LePoris, 59, a award-winning teacher and head of the math department at Corsicana High School, died Saturday, March 11, 2000, in Corsicana.
Memorial service: Was Tuesday at St. John Eposcopal Church in Corsicana.
Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Bill LePoris Scholarship Fund. Attn. Jim Barnette, Corsicana High School, West Highway 22.
Honorary Pallbearers: Euin Frank, Ray Goodman, Earl Scarborough, Dennis Redden, Phil Paschal and David Ragsdale.
William LePoris was born Sept 29, 1940, in Indianapolis, Ind. and moved to Texas shortly afterwards. He attended Fort Worth public schools and graduated from Handley High School.
He received his bachelor of science in mathematics from the University of Texas at Arlington and returned to Stephen F. Austin University to receive his master's in education.
He began teaching math and science at Corsicana High School in 1964. He married Barbara Ann Lacy Aug. 31, 1968 in Abilene.
He served in the Army in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969, earning an Army Commendation Medal. He returned to teaching in 1969.
He taught at Corsicana High School 36 years and served as head of the math department 20 years. He was an active leader in many school related activities.
He received the first CISD Golden Apple Award for excellence in teaching. He was an avid outsdoorsman [sic], especially enjoying fishing, teaching and cooking.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Samuel Louis LePoris and Hazel Lewis.
Survivors: Wife, Barbara LePoris of Corsicana; daughter, Anna Elaine and Kevin Procious of Dallas; brothers, Kenneth and Mary LePoris of Fort Worth and Gary LePoris of San Francisco.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Corsicana, (903) 874-4774


Harvey A. Lockridge
Aug 26, 1885 - Jun 6, 1917

Bazette News.

The remains of Harry Lockridge who died at San Antonio Saturday, from the results of burns caused by an explosion of a boiler several days ago, were shipped here Sunday and interred in the Bazette cemetery at 1 o'clock. Rev. Carlton conducted the funeral services.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, July 5, 1917
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Alma Dena (Kyser) Lockridge married Oct. 4, 1908 buried in Mexia City Cemetery, Mexia, Tx; s/o Richard S. Lockridge & Flaura (unk) Lockridge

Ethel May (Hawkins) Earley
Jan 18, 1894 - Jan 10, 1919

Bazette News.

Mrs. Virgle Earley passed away at her home in Independence community Thursday night after several days illness of pneumonia and influenza. The remains were laid to rest in the Bazette Cemetery Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. I. Windesor. The deceased leaves a husband and two little children, a mother and father, several brothers and sisters and a host of friends to mourn her absence.


George T. McFadden
Feb 1851 - Apr 5, 1915

Bazette News.

Mr. G. T. McFadden, aged 64 years, and a highly esteemed citizen of this county, died at his home Monday, afternoon, April 5th, after an illness of several weeks. He was born and raised near Bazette and had lived in this community all of his life. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church and was always ready and willing to do all that he could in his church. He will be missed so much, there is that vacant place in the home which no one else can fill. He will not only be missed in the home, but he will be missed in the church and Sunday school and the community. He leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his absence. The funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. by Rev. Vinsant, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Bazette cemetery. A large procession of sorrowing relatives and friends followed the remains to their last resting place. He was buried with Masonic honors.

Mr. Bob McFadden of Oklahoma arrived here Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother.


Eliza (Ray) Albritton
Aug 22, 1866 � Oct 10, 1915

Bazette News.

Since I last wrote to the Light, the Death Angel has visited our community and claimed Mrs. D. W. Albritton, who was about fifty-one years of age. She had been in ill health a long time. All was done that loving hands could do to relieve her suffering but the Lord thought it best to call her home where there will be no more pain and sorrow. We know it is hard to give her up, but it is the Lord's will and not ours. She will be missed so much, there is that vacant place in the family circle which no one else can fill. Loved ones, in your grief look to the higher power who has said �I will not leave you comfortless. What a sweet consolation to have our Lord to look to in time of trouble. You cannot call her back to you, but you can say I am coming to you. May the Lord help each one to say that.

Dearest Mother thou has left us,
And our loss we deeply feel,
But �tis tied God that has bereft us,
He can all your sorrows heal.

Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled,
When in Heaven in joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tear is shed.

Through all pain at times she'd smile,
A smile of Heavenly birth,
And when the Angels called her home,
She smiled farewell to earth.

Heaven retaineth new your treasure,
Earth the lonely casket keeps,
Sunbeams love to linger,
Where your saintly Mother sleeps.

She is survived by a husband, five daughters and two sons, six grand children, several brothers and a host of friends who are left to mourn her absence. The remains were laid to rest Monday afternoon, October 11th, at 3 o'clock in the Bazette cemetery. Bro. Windsor conducted the funeral services. Many sorrowing relatives and friends followed the remains to their last resting place.


Mary Osborne �Ossie� (Crook) Albritton-Breithaupt
Nov 22, 1864 - May 18, 1946


Mrs. Ossie Breithaupt, age 81, years died at her home in the Oak Valley community Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial will be in the Bazette cemetery.

A native of Alabama, Mrs. Breithaupt had resided in Navarro county 65 years.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. M. Albritton, Miles, and Mrs. B. F. Speed, Corsicana; a son, W. T. Albritton, Marlin, a sister, Mrs. Allie Fulley, Furman, Ala., and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church.

Pallbearers will be J. H. Burke, J. O. Burke, W. E. Slughter, O. L. Albritton, Judge C. E. McWilliams, A. W. Frey, Bobbie Albritton, a grandson, and Bradley Speed, a grandson.

Friends of the family will be honorary pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, May 18, 1946
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband William Theophilus �Office� Albritton 2nd husband Henry Jefferson Breithaupt married Nov. 18, 1915 buried in Prairie Point cemetery d/o Osborne Crook and Mary (Bradley) Crook


Funeral Services Sunday For Mrs. Ossie Breithaupt

Funeral services for Mrs. Ossie Breithaupt, aged 81 years, who died at her home in the Oak Valley community Saturday morning, were held Saturday morning, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Bazette cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church.

A native of Alabama, Mrs. Breithaupt had resided near and in Corsicana for the past 65 years.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. M. Albritton, Miles, and Mrs. B. F. Speed, Corsicana; a son, W. T. Albritton, Marlin; a sister, Mrs. Allie Fulley, Furman, Ala. And several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were J. H. Burke, J. O. Burke, W. E. Slaughter, O. L. Albritton, Judge C. E. McWilliams, A. W. Frey, Bobbie Albritton, a grandson, and Bradley Speed, a grandson.

Friends of the family were honorary pallbearers.


Sarah �Sallie� (Quinn) Finley
abt 1848 - Mar 26, 1911

Oak Grove News.

The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. Auze Finley and claimed as its victim his dear companion. Mrs. Finley was laid to rest in the Bazette Cemetery by sorrowing friends and relatives. Weep not dear ones, but look to that higher world above. I extend my sympathy to the entire family.


Mattie Louella (Thacker) Rendon-Tharp
Jul 4, 1891 - Mar 1, 1950

Mrs. Mattie Tharp, 58, died March 1, 1950 in Alvin TX. Services then burial in Eureka Cemetery.

Survivors: sons, Charles W. Rendon on Alvin TX, L.V. Rendon of Victoria TX and Hubert Rendon of Baton Rouge LA; daughters, Mrs. Edna Massey and Mrs. Tommie Faye McElveen both of West Columbia; 15 grandchildren; two brothers; and two sisters.



Mrs. Mattie Tharp Funeral Held At Eureka Thursday

Mrs. Mattie Tharp, 88, former resident of Eureka, died at Alvin earl Wednesday morning.

Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Eureka Cemetery where interment was made.

Surviving are three sons, Charlie W. Rendon, Alvin; L. V. Rendon, Victoria, and Hubert Rendon, Baton rouge, La.; two daughters, Mrs. Edna Masey and Mrs. Tommie Fay McElveen, both of West Columbia; 15 grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters.

Corley Funeral Home directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, March 2, 1950
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband William M. Rendon 2nd husband Thomas Benton Tharp, Sr. assumed daughter of Jacob. W. Thacker & Ophelia (Johnson) Thacker

Etna Mary (Grace) Petty-Strode
Dec 15, 1897 - Sep 9, 1935

Funeral Rites
Tuesday Afternoon
For Mrs. Strode

Funeral rites for Mrs. Etna Mary Strode, aged 37 years, who died Monday night at 10:30 o'clock at the family residence, 629 West Second Avenue, after a long illness, were held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock with burial in the Eureka Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. Kenneth Copeland, Methodist Protestant minister.

Surviving are three sons, John Petty, Longview; Warren Petty, Silver City, New Mexico; and Chester Petty, Longview; parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Grace, Rice; seven sisters, Mrs. Mae Turner, Emhouse; Mrs. Cora Beck, Chatfield; Mrs. Dorothy Estes, Eureka; Mrs. Tiny Ann Braddock, Rice; Mrs. Elizabeth Greer, Rice; Miss Viola Grace, Rice; Mrs. Beatrice Tomlin, Rice and three Hilliard Grace, Otis Grace and Buell Grace, all of Rice.

Pallbearers were C. J. Risien, Walter Parker, Walter Earl Parker, J. W. Strode, M. Elms, Dr. J. B. Williams, and Roy Canady.


  • Published in Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light (Corsicana, Texas), Sep 13, 1935, p. 6.

Vallie (Davis) Clifton
Oct 19, 1915 - Apr 20, 2011

Vallie Clifton, 95, of San Angelo passed away Wednesday, April 20, 2011 in a San Angelo nursing home. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 23, at Marshall & Marshall Funeral Directors Chapel in Hillsboro with Rev. Chris Shirley officiating. Jimmy Skinner will be giving the Eulogy. Burial will follow at Frost Cemetery in Frost. Visitation will be from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.

Vallie was born October 19, 1915 in Upshur County, TX to Sanders (Dave) and Leona Barton Davis. On November 24, 1945 she married William Arthur Clifton.

She was a homemaker while living in several towns in Texas. She also worked as a nurse and gave good care to those she served. For 18 years, she and Arthur lived in Hillsboro until moving to San Angelo where she lived until her death.

She was a member of College Hills Baptist Church in San Angelo. Vallie's love for the Lord and for the people she met was shown in her everyday life by her sweet and caring spirit. She was a blessing to friends and family.

Preceding her in death were her parents; husband, Arthur; grandson, Tommy Clifton; three brothers; and three sisters.

Survivors include her step-children, Doyle Clifton and wife, Virgie, of San Angelo, Billie DeCorte of Laguna Woods, CA, and Barbara Layton of Fire Stone, CO; three granddaughters, Sandra Held and husband, Matt, of San Angelo, Donna Ramsey of Scottsdale, AZ, and Pam Clevenger of Fire Stone, CO; several great-grandchildren (whom she loved dearly); two sisters-in-law; and many nieces and nephews.

Memorials may be made to College Hills Baptist Church, 2102 Johnson Ave., San Angelo 76904 or Frost Baptist Church, P. O. Box 127, Frost, TX 76641.


Charles M. "Charlie" Burgess
Aug 16, 1846 - Jan 6, 1918

Old Citizen Passes Away.

Charles Burgess, for many years a resident of Navarro County, and for many years a contractor and builder in Corsicana, died at his home near Raleigh yesterday, and the remains were interred in Dresden this afternoon at 3:30, with Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt of Corsicana officiating. The deceased was an uncle of Walter Burgess of this place, and during his residence here he built the City Hall, the S. A. Pace home and numerous other buildings of the city. The funeral this afternoon was largely attended.


Elijah Harris Badgett
Jan 1, 1837 - Dec 5, 1919


Had Lived in Navarro County Forty-Six years.

Harris Badgett, aged 81 years, died at the home of his niece Mrs. J. F. Yarber, near Blooming Grove, yesterday, and the remains were interred there today. The deceased came to Navarro county from Tennessee forty-six years ago, and had lived here continuously since then. He had never married, but was an uncle of Messrs. W. F. Love, S. P. Love and C E. Love of Corsicana, and had other relatives in this county.


Mary Lizzie Watkins
Sep 19, 1901 - Jun 6, 1920

Young Lady Died Last Night.

Miss Lizzie Watkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Watkins of Barry, died at the P. and S. Hospital last night after a long illness as the result of a severe attack of influenza a year ago, and the remains were interred at Dresden today, Rev. L. C. Howell officiating.


Virginia Juanita (Jenkins) Stepp-Rogers
Aug 30, 1948 - Aug 7, 2016

Virginia Rogers, 67 of Corsicana passed away on Sunday, Aug 7, 2016.
No services are planned at this time.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home



Virginia Rogers, 67 of Corsicana passed away August 7, 2016. She was born August 30, 1948 in Mabank to William Jenkins and Mary Smith Jenkins.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Alvin Rogers and two children, Donna Parrish and Danny Reed Stepp. She is survived by two children, Richard Stepp of Larue and David Stepp of Larue; sisters and brother, Barbara Eisenman of Retreat, Katheryn Rutledge of Rio Vista, Shelia Volz of Little Rock, Arkansas and Raymond Jenkins of Palestine. She is also survived by six grandchildren and one great granchild.


Virginia Rogers, 67, of Corsicana, passed away Sunday, August 7, 2016. No services are planned at this time. Burial was in Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.

Virginia was born in Mabank, Texas, to the late William Jenkins and Mary Smith Jenkins.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Alvin Franklin Rogers; daughter, Donna Parrish; and a son, Danny Reed Stepp.

Survivors include her sons, Richard Stepp, of Larue, and David Stepp, also of Larue; six grandchildren; a great-grandchild; sisters: Barbara Eisenman, of Retreat, Katheryn Rutledge, of Rio Vista, and Shelia Volz, of Little Rock, Arkansas; brother, Raymond Jenkins, of Palestine; other relatives and many friends.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun � Aug 14, 2016
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband Dennis Richard Stepp 2nd husband Alvin Franklin Rogers; d/o William Wesley Jenkins & Mary Katherine (Smith) Jenkins

Tom Wilson
Feb 24, 1944 - Aug 10, 2016

Tom Wilson of Corsicana passed away at his home on Wednesday morning Aug. 10, 2016 with his family by his side at the age of 72. He was born in Ennis on Feb. 24, 1944.
He graduated from Corsicana High School in 1962 and went on to play football at Texas Tech. Tom graduated from Texas Tech in 1966 where he was a letter-man in '64 - '65 and Captain in 1965. During his time at Tech he played in the Sun Bowl '64, Gator Bowl '65 and Hula Bowl '66 and was All Southwest Conference Quarterback 1965 and first Team All Southwest Conference Quarterback '65. Following his graduation, Tom began his coaching career from 1967 - 1974 at Texas Tech. From 1975 -
1978 he was the Offensive Coordinator at Texas A&M and from 1978 - 1981 was Head Coach of the Texas A&M Aggies.
In 1984 - 1985 he returned to Texas Tech as the Offensive Coordinator.
In 1986 Tom became the Head Coach at Palestine High School until 1993 when he took over at Corsicana High School. He was the Head Coach at Corsicana from 1993 - 1999 playing for the State Championship in 1997.
After his retirement from coaching he became involved with the community serving on the Corsicana City Council 2007 - 2016, YMCA Board, Humane Society of Navarro County Board and the Corsicana Chamber of Commerce.
Tom was preceded in death by the love of his life for 54 years, Daun Fletcher Wilson; mother, Lanie Wilson; in-laws Leon and Merinelle Fletcher.
He is survived by his children Mark Wilson of McAllen and Julie Wyatt of Lubbock; grandchildren Shelby and Seth Wilson and Whitley and Will Wyatt; brothers Bill Wilson of Lindale and Alan Wilson of Cedar Park and brother-in-law Scott Fletcher of Corsicana.
Visitation will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15 at Northside Baptist Church.
A memorial service is set to follow at 2 p.m., with Pastor Rick Lamb officiating.
A reception will be held at the Corsicana Country Club on Country Club Road following the memorial service.
The family is asking that memorials be made to the Humane Society of Navarro County, Northside Baptist Church Building Fund or the Red Raider Club.

Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.


Jessie "Junior" McDade
abt 1938 - Aug 13, 2016

Jessie "Junior" McDade, 78, of Corsicana passed away on Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016.
Visitation will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19, 2016 at M.R.
Smith Parlor for Funerals.
Arrangements made by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals.


Doris Jean Jackson
Jun 6, 1950 - Sep 11, 2016

Doris' Story
Doris Jean Jackson was born June 06, 1950 in the Navarro County community of Samaria, TX. She was born to the parentage of Earline Jackson and Wilbur Calhoun; however, at the death of her mother, she was reared by her uncle and aunt, Dock and Mollie T. Jackson; and adoptive parents, Georgia and Wesley Melton.
After matriculating through Goodlow Community Schools, she was united in Holy Matrimony to Donald Ray Jackson in 1967. She worked until retirement in Athens, TX, the most rewarding of those years being spent as a personal care attendant to several patients for whom she loved and cared.
She was the loving mother two children: Donna and Rickey.
After moving to Henderson County in the late 1960s, she united with Mount Calvary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Rev. A.C. Toney.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Earline and Wilbur; uncle and aunt, Dock and Mollie T; adoptive parents, Georgia and Wesley Melton; and brother, John Ellis Baxter.
She leaves to cherish her memory a faithful companion of 20 years, Rush Reager; children, Donna and Rickey; grandchildren, Christopher, Davetta, Adron, Aaron, Erin, James, Peytience, and Jaiveon; great-grandchildren, Anthony, Kendall, and Kaitlynn; nephews and niece, John Earl, Jeffery, and Tyrone Baxter, and Vernell and Issac Faulk, and Jackie Copeland; friend and special son, Bryan Barker; sisters and brothers, Edward Townsel, Gwen Redic, Paul Redic, Ann Barker, Annette Holmes, Don Redic, and Michael Hanna; life-long friends whom she loved as sisters, Georgia Jackson, Martha Davis, Lorraine Andrews, and Barbara Richardson-Handy; members of the Kiser and Rockmore families; and a host of extended family members, friends, and relatives.
Celebration of Life services will be held at the Mount B.Zion Baptist Church in Kerens, Texas on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Nathaniel Carter officiating. The address for the church is 207 State Highway 309 Kerens, TX 75144.

Published on September 15, 2016


Doris Jean Jackson, 66 of Athens, passed away Sunday, Sept. 11,2016 at the East Texas Medical Center in Athens.
Funeral services will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 at the Mt. B. Zion Baptist Church, Goodlow, Kerens.
Interment will follow at the Samaria Cemetery.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary.


Edna Earle (Russell) Gray
July 5, 1921 - Sept 15, 2016

Edna Earle Russell Gray was born on July 5, 1921 in Barry and passed away Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016 at Life Care Center in Haltom City surrounded by her loving family. She was the daughter of Elmer and Mable Russell of the Barry community.
She attended school at Barry. On Nov. 4, 1939 she married Garland Gray from the community of Black Hills (west of Corsicana). They were married for 50 years until his death on Dec. 29, 1989.
Edna was a resident of the Roane community for 45 years. She moved to Corsicana in May 1990 to be near her sisters.
Edna was a longtime member of Roane Baptist Church where she taught Bible School, Sunday School and worked in WMU. She is a member of Northside Baptist Church in Corsicana, where she worked in WMU, she sang in the Senior Adult Choir and worked at the Care Center. She also worked at Adam Hat Factory, Jim Stephenson's Pharmacy, and R & H Pharmacy in Corsicana.
She was also a homemaker. She enjoyed canning and making jelly. She is also known as the "Chocolate Pie Lady" for church functions and whenever all the children were home, there was always a "Chocolate Pie" or two on the table.
She is survived by her daughters Pat Anderson and husband Willy of Fort Worth, Sue Gray Jones and husband Tom of Cameron and son-in-law Guy Anderson of Ponca City, Oklahoma; her grandchildren Ray Anderson and wife Kim of Wichita, Kansas, Dwayne Anderson of Kyle; Debora Gooch and husband Phil of Ponca City, Oklahoma, David Anderson and wife Dondi of Ponca City, Oklahoma, Jennifer Stone and husband Bob of Arlington, Janice Cone and David of Granbury; Patricia Box and husband Allen of Edmond, Oklahoma and Kari Cazalas and husband Marc of Cedar Park; great grandchildren Adam Anderson and wife Hannah, Jason Anderson and wife Stephanie of Wichita, Kansas, Nathan and Ryan Gooch of Ponca City, Oklahoma, Christian Fearnow and Casey Anderson of Ponca City, Oklahoma, Kaila and Alicia Box of Edmond, Oklahoma, Hunter Gray Anderson of Kyle, Ian Cone of Granbury, Kate Cazalas of Cedar Park and Grayson and Samuel Stone of Arlington; two great-great grandchildren Chloe Anderson and Alice Anderson and many nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death by her husband Garland Gray (1989), daughter Martha Gray Anderson (2015), sisters Elzie Brown and Louise Drain, brother John W Russell (Jay), parents Elmer and Mable (Cruise) [sic] Russell, brother in law Harrell Gray and sister in law Helen Gray.
A time of visitation will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept 18, 2016 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services are set to begin at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept 19, 2016 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Gary Colburn and Dr. Rick Lamb officiating.
Interment will follow in Black Hills Cemetery, FM 1839 off of Hwy. 22 Corsicana.
Memorials may be given to Nuero Fibrosis, Alzheimer Foundation or the Black Hills Cemetery Association 2033 Glenwood Cir, Corsicana, TX 75110.


  • w/o Charlie Garland Gray; d/o Elmer Russell & Mable (Cruise) [sic] Russell
  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, Sep 17, 2016
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • Mother's maiden name was Cruse

Willie Louise (Williams) Lamb
1902 - May 17, 1921

(The Streetman Enterprise.)


Mrs. Willie T. Lamb died on Tuesday, May 17, and was buried in the Birdston cemetery Wednesday, May 18.

Mrs. Lamb was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams of near Streetman.

Aside from her parents, deceased is survived by her husband and one child.

The Enterprise extends to the bereaved ones its sincerest sympathy.


Thomas N. Fox
Jun 22, 1861 - Jul 31, 1921

(The Streetman Enterprise.)

T. N. Fox is Dead.

Last Saturday morning at 11:10 o'clock, the soul of T. N. Fox took its flight into the Great Beyond after an illness of short duration at the home of Mrs. J. N. Milner east of town.

Interment was made Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the Birdston cemetery.

Mr. Fox was 61 years old and had made his home with Dr. J. Milner in Streetman for 21 years. He was well known here. While Mr. Fox had only been with Mrs. Milner about two months since the death of Dr. Milner and was engaged in looking after her farming interests.

Deceased is survived by a brother, J. M. Fox of Lockhart, Texas, a sister, Mrs. Shiator somewhere in Tennessee and a half-brother, E. B. Fox of New Castle, Oklahoma, and numerous friends in Streetman.


Emily Etta (Epps) Leverett
Feb 1, 1894 - May 28, 1921

Mrs. Leverette Buried Sunday.

Mrs. Etta Leverette died in Bakersfield, California, Saturday, May 29, and arrived in Streetman for burial Sunday, June 4. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church about five o'clock Sunday afternoon, and interment in the Birdston cemetery immediately followed. Services were conducted by Rev. Joiner of Wortham.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, Jun 14, 1921
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Earnest Harold Leverett married Dec 23, 1912; d/o Thomas Elbert �Tom� Epps & Margaret Elizabeth (Cone) Epps

Claude Matthew Leverett
Mar 4, 1860 - Oct 31, 1921

Died Here Last Night.

C. M. Leverette, who was near sixty years of age, died at the former home of W. E. Pugh on Mineral Hill last night, after being in ill health for several months. The deceased married a sister of Mrs. Frank Mitchell, but she has been dead for several years. He leaves his venerable mother, Mrs. Lawrence Knowles, now near 84 years of age, and nine children, the youngest being twelve years old.

The remains were taken to Streetman this afternoon and interred in the old Birdston cemetery, Rev. C. H. Storey, officiating.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sunn - Tuesday, Nov 1, 1921
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Mattie Z. (Reeves) Leverett married Apr 28, 1887; s/o Matthew Woodson Leverett & Martha Alice �Mattie� (Wilson) Leverett

Sallie A. (Shanks) Jones
Mar 5, 1844 - May 9, 1922

Two Deaths Near Pursley.

Mrs. Sallie A. Jones, aged 78 years, died in the Pursley community Monday night, and the remains were interred in the Birdston cemetery yesterday afternoon.


William Henry Tisdale
Mar 21, 1881 - Aug 25, 1924

Died at the County Hospital.

W. H. Tisdale, 43, whose home was near Streetman, died at the County Hospital late yesterday afternoon following an operation some days ago for appendicitis and peritonitis, and the remains were interred in the Birdston cemetery this afternoon. The deceased is survived by his wife and several children.


Laura L. (Evans) Tisdale
Jul 1, 1888 - Nov 14, 1969

Mrs. Tisdale Services Set

Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Tisdale, 81, Streetman who died Friday in a Fairfield hospital, will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Streetman Baptist Church. The Rev. Leonard Malone will officiate. Burial will be in the Birdston Cemetery.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Joel Waller, Grapeland; Miss Winnie Tisdale, Gilmer; and Mrs. Coy Hamill, Olton; one sister, Mrs. Coy Menges, Waxahachie; 10 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Don Weisinger, James Weisinger, Edwin Lewis, Troice Gregory, William Tisdale and Everett Tisdale.


William Clinton "Clint" Anderson
Feb 17, 1855 - Sep 13, 1915

Had Been in Bad Health, But Death Was Sudden.

Clint Anderson, a farmer who lived for some years north of Corsicana about three miles, but who moved to near Mineral Wells some months ago, died at the home of his son-in-law, John Henry Howard, three miles north of here this morning. The deceased came back here a few days ago to look after some business matters, and it was while at his son-in-law's home that death came suddenly. The deceased had been in bad health for some time, but his sudden death was unlooked for.

The wife and some smaller children are at the family home near Mineral Wells, but will probably reach her tonight or tomorrow morning, and the funeral will probably be at Black Hills some time tomorrow.


Mary Melissa (Milburn) Jones
Feb 27, 1885 - Oct 21, 1918

Died at Black Hills.

Mrs. L. M. Jones, aged thirty-three years, died at the family home in the Black Hills community at 11 o'clock today after some days illness. The deceased is survived by her husband, and three children, her mother, Mrs. J. G. Milburn, nine brothers and two sisters. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at Black Hills. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J. C. Williams of Tehuacana.


William Franklin Holland
Feb 4, 1880 - Nov 21, 1922


Well Known Farmer Was Buried This Afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon near 4 o'clock Mrs. W. F. Holland returned from a visit to a sick neighbor to find her husband lying across the bed in a dying condition and an empty bottle that had contained carbolic acid was found on the floor of the kitchen. Mr. Holland passed away in a few minutes after his wife reached home and while their five children were still at school. The deceased was a hard working and good citizen, and no cause other than trouble over finances can be found for his act.

The funeral took place there this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, with Revs. W. E. Black of Techuacana, W. L. Hunt of Emhouse and Rev. Allmon of Dawson officiating.


William Houston Taylor Jones
Aug 3, 1845 - Feb 2, 1922

Funeral Was Largely Attended.

The remains of the late W. H. T. Jones, county treasurer of Navarro county, who died Thursday night after a long illness, were laid to rest in the Black Hills cemetery yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Rev. G. W. Sanders of Fort Worth, and Rev. L. W. Shivers of Corsicana officiated, and there were many beautiful floral offerings, among these being extremely beautiful anchor sent by his fellow workers at the court house.



In Memory of Uncle Houston.

Another one has been called home to heaven, W. H. T. Jones (Uncle Houston) was born in Blunt county, Alabama, August 3, 1845. He was called to serve in the Civil War, in which he served four years; soon after coming home he was married to Miss Mary Jane Burns, Sept. 25, 1869, and came to Texas in 1894. To this couple were born ten children, three of whom have gone on before, leaving seven living as follows: Mrs. Sam Henry, Corsicana; L. M. Jones, Eureka; Mrs. Elsie Milburn, Corsicana; C. T. Jones, Pinkston; A. B. and J. B. Jones, Corsicana, and Mrs. Ivan Todd, Corsicana.

Uncle Houston's friends were as far as his acquaintance was. As a citizen, he always wanted his community to be one of the best; always willing to do his part in community affairs; always tried to see some good in everybody.

In the home life, as a husband, he was hard to equal; always devoted to his companion, whom he had toiled with and shared her joys and sorrows for fifty-three years. As for his children his greatest ideal was a noble Christian life; always in his prayers; (Oh God have mercy on my children.)

In the church life was where he was most contented; always loved his church word, his pastor and Sunday school as long as he was able to attend regular; although he could not attend in his last days, yet it was a strength to his pastor to know he was praying for him, in his work. One song in particular was his favorite��Amazing Grace How Sweet it Sounds That Saved a Wretch Like Me.� When this song was started he would get happy and the tears would flow down his cheeks.

Uncle Houston was taken sick about three months ago, and all that loving hands and doctors could do was done. Dr. Newton of Corsicana and Dr. Worsham of Emhouse were his physicians, always ready to administer unto him when they could. His aged companion�though aged she was�was always by his side, until he was taken to the P. and S. hospital where it was thought best for him�and she was there all she could be. His children and friends were anxious to help him in some way. It was here that he passed away February 2, 1922 at 9 p.m., and was laid to rest in the Black Hills cemetery where his many friends and loved ones rest.

Weep not, dear one, for he is gone to a brighter world than this. It's true that he will rest from his labors; but his works follow him.

Thou art gone Uncle Houston, but shall never be forgotten. We will meet you some sweet day in the bye and bye.

�Servant of God well done,
Thy glorious warfare's past,
The battle's fought, the race is won.
And thy are crowned at last.�

�the pains of death are past,
Labor and sorrow cease;
And life's long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.
Soldier of Christ, well done,
Praise be thy new employ,
And while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Savior's joy.�

�Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Foot prints on the sands of time.�

L. W. S.


Will Raley
Nov 9, 1896 - Apr 22, 1917

West End News.

There was an unusual thing took place at Brushy Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral of Mrs. Will Putman took place and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Prater of Navarro Mills, Mrs. Putman having lived near Navarro Mills. And just as they completed filling up the grave Will Raley's remains were brought in from near Irene and then Rev. Mr. Boulware preached his funeral and he was laid to rest in his grave, which was being dug at the same time that Mrs. Putman's was dug. Will Raley was 20 years of age and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Raley. He had been afflicted for a long time with that dread disease, tuberculosis. There was the largest crowd in attendance at both funerals that I have witnessed at a country funeral.


Mrs. Will Putman
Died April 1917

West End News.

There was an unusual thing took place at Brushy Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral of Mrs. Will Putman took place and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Prater of Navarro Mills, Mrs. Putman having lived near Navarro Mills. And just as they completed filling up the grave Will Raley's remains were brought in from near Irene and then Rev. Mr. Boulware preached his funeral and he was laid to rest in his grave, which was being dug at the same time that Mrs. Putman's was dug. Will Raley was 20 years of age and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Raley. He had been afflicted for a long time with that dread disease, tuberculosis. There was the largest crowd in attendance at both funerals that I have witnessed at a country funeral.


Benjamin Martin Bailey
Sep 29, 1910 - Dec 20, 1913

West End News.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey's little three-year-old daughter was laid to rest in the Brushie Prairie cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The little one was sick only a short time. She was taken with membranous croup and died Saturday. The parents and relatives have our sympathy.


Annette �Nettie� (Dean) Gilbert
Aug 19, 1855 - Jul 31, 1921


(The Streetman Enterprise.)

Death of Mrs. T. C. Gilbert

Mrs. T. C. Gilbert died at her home in Streetman last Sunday afternoon at about six o'clock after suffering an illness of several days duration at the age of 66 years.

Interment was made Monday afternoon in the old Cade Cemetery.

Deceased was born in Spearville, La., Aug. 19, 1855. She was married to C. T. Gilbert Nov. 29, 1876 at Blossom Prairie, Lamar County, Texas. Immediately after their marriage they moved to this community where they lived and reared their family, Mr. Gilbert dying five years previous to the death of his wife.

Mrs. Gilbert was widely known and dearly loved throughout this section. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, was a devoted Christian and a faithful mother and a valued neighbor.

She is survived by seven children, Mesdames Etta Cooper, Ruth Frasier, Maud Carroll, C. D. Gilbert, H. L. Gilbert, F. E. Gilbert, E. J. Gilbert, and 23 grandchildren.


Martha E. �Mattie� (Owens) Powell
May 25, 1852 - Aug 14, 1921

(Streetman Enterprise.)

Mrs. Powell Died Sunday Night.

Mrs. J. M. Powell died at her home in the Cade settlement last Sunday evening at 7:30, after an illness of only a few hours. She took sick at 5:30 Sunday morning.

Interment was made Monday afternoon in the Cade Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Thornton of Wortham conducted the funeral services.

Deceased was 69 years old last May. She had lived in the Cade community for many years and was well known and highly respected in the community in which she lived. She is survived, by her husband, several children and several brothers and sisters besides her neighbors and friends who will ever miss her.


John C. Easterling, Sr.
1853 - Sep 27, 1919


(The Streetman Enterprise)

Death of Mr. J. C. Easterling

Mr. J. C. Easterling, old and respected citizen of the Chatfield community, died at his home at that place last Saturday and was laid to rest in Old Cade Cemetery Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, and Bro. J. F. Stanley of the Baptist Church of this place preaching the funeral ceremony.

Mr. Easterling was born in Simpson county, Miss., but for many years had been a respected citizen of this state, where his family grew to maturity. He was a Christian gentleman, an example of good citizenship, and his kindly presence will be sadly missed by all.

To the sorrowing wife and children we extend our sympathy in their bereavement.


Gladys (McConnell) Patton
Jun 9, 1896 - Jul 29, 1919


(Streetman Enterprise)

Sad Death.

Mrs. Gladys McConnell Patton died at the home of her mother, northeast of this city Tuesday afternoon, after an illness extending over many months. Burial occurred at the old Cade Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Phillips of Navarro.

Mrs. Patton was well known in this section, where she was born and grew to womanhood. During her extended illness, she exhibited a patience and Christian resignation that was a marvel to those relatives and friends who were constantly with her.

The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad loss.

Gladys McConnell-Patton.

By request of the sorrowing mother we now attempt to write in memory of this devoted daughter. Feeling that no one is so well qualified to speak of a child's life and character as the mother, who has so eagerly watched its every development, we feel it is proper to quote freely from letters written by her. We give the following extracts:

�Miss Gladys McConnell was born June 9, 1896. She was married to W. R. Patton April 14, 1918. She died July 29, 1919, at Streetman, Texas. Her faith was Primitive Baptist. Still she never had any inclination to join the church. She was a light-hearted, happy little wife, and had a dear good companion. As she said to me so often: �Mama, Pat and I have a bright future before us. We are both young, and I have so much to live for. But our blessed God's will be done, not ours. If it is His will for me to go, I am willing, and death has no horrors for me. I am not afraid to meet my God. Sometimes I long to see grandmother once more.� Sister was a great pet of my mother's. she said: �Oh, Mama, I hate to leave you, Pat and my brothers so bad. I feel like Pat and the boys will take care of themselves. But you are getting old, and need me so much. What on earth will you do for some one to stay with you?� I said; �God will take care of me, for He never has forsaken me. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters.� After our conversation she gave up worrying about me. I hope you will have a mind to write, from on high, some sweet poetry about her beautiful life. She was so pure, and such a little lady. Loved everyone, and was loved in return. She called your name in her dying moments. Her death has left an aching void in our hearts, which never can be filled. How I long to cross over the dark and silent River of Death to meet her. Oh, she was so pure, so gentle and sweet, and so patient in all her suffering. Would be so cheerful and always have a smile when it seemed like she was at death's door. She would say: �Mama, I have such sweet nurses. They are so good and sweet to me.� She said: �Carnation is my favorite flower. When I die, put some in my hands�some pink and white ones.� We tried to do everything she requested us to do.�

The writer was called upon to conduct a funeral service over the body of this beloved daughter. How inadequate he felt for the task. We have never seen a more profuse or more beautiful offering of flowers, than that which adorned her casket and grave. Gladys was an only daughter of one of the most devoted mothers we have ever known. Surely it can be said of her: �She hath done what she could.� Knowing that her time was short, when she went to dispose of her gifts, she kindly remembered two orphan friends, whom she had met and learned to love. In the midst of a large concourse of relatives and friends she was laid to rest in the Cade cemetery, where she will sweetly slumber until awakened by the voice of the Son of God. By request of the mother, we offer the following lines, which is a feeble expression of our heartfelt sentiments, and a more feeble portrayal of her life and character.


She lived a life of loveliness,
And when she came to die,
She turned from earthly scenes and looked
With calm and steadfast eye
To that eternal Home of Peace,
Where lovely anthems never cease.

She scattered sunshine, love and joy,
And unto Friendship's chain,
Was fastened many a shining link,
Which firmly did remain,
She helped to make the old world glad,
And since she's gone, it seems so sad.

We often take a backward glance,
And some sweet vision gain�
�The damsel is not dead,� but lives
In Memory's fair domain.
Some lives are such that Time's swift pace
Cannot their beauty soon erase.

Had we the power at our command,
We would not her recall;
She lives in a far better land,
Where shadows never fall.
We would not have her pass again
The gates of death, or vale of pain.

Oh! In that day we will not ask,
Why was it thus and so?
We will not take our God to task,
But we shall surely know
That what He did was for the best�
Oh! Let us on His promise rest.

Corsicana, R. R. No. 4.


Elizabeth Frances �Eliza� (Burleson) Easterling
May 11, 1859 - Feb 23, 1952

Mrs. Easterling Dies Saturday; Services Sunday

Mrs. Elizabeth Frances Easterling, 92, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. R. E. Montfort, 1511 Elmwood Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in the Cade Cemetery near Streetman.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist Church.

Born May 11, 1859 in Freestone county, Mrs. Easterling made her home on the Easterling ranch at Chatfield for 50 years.

Surviving are three sons, Earl, Ben and John Easterling, all of Chatfield; two daughters, Mrs. Montfort, Corsicana, and Mrs. R. L. Henderson, Waco; four brothers, D. D. Burleson, Streetman; Oliver Burleson, Wortham; John and Joe Burleson, both of Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. F. E. Baker, Stamps, Ark.; a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be J. H. Montfort, R. E. Montfort, Theo Montfort, Bobby Henderson, S. T. Wright and George Calloway, all grandsons; J. O. Burke and Wm. Thorp.


Martha Isabell �Mattie� (Workman) Kendall
Sep 18, 1871 - Feb 12, 1923

In Memoriam.

Mrs. Mattie Kendell, the wife of Joe Kendell who lives in the Pansy community, and in apparent good health, died suddenly the morning of February 12, 1923, at the home of a neighbor where she had been setting up with a corpse the night before.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. I. R. Durwood at the Campbell cemetery, after which the remains were laid away in their last earthly resting place.

Mrs. Kindell was the daughter of Mrs. Rachel Workman also of the Pansy community. She was a good mother and a faithful, loving wife. She was ready to go when the summons came. She professed faith in Christ early in life and united with the M. E. church South, and lived a consistent Christian to the end.

She leaves to mourn her departure an aged mother, three brothers, husband and eight children, four boys and four girls, also a host of friends. May the good Father who doeth all things well richly bless and sustain the grief-stricken family.



Frances Rachel (Grantham) Thomas
Apr 30, 1867 - Nov 11, 1920


Was Largely Attended and There Were Many Beautiful Flowers.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Fannie Grantham Thomas, wife of C. H. Tomas, who died at the family home at Drane at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Rev. I. R. Darwood, the pastor of the church, returned from Fort Worth where he was attending the annual conference, to officiate at the last sad rites, and Messrs. M. M. Roughton, J. L. Sutton, A. L. Bryan, J. M. Elrod, P. A. Reed and S. T. Dorsey acted as pall bearers. Rev. I. R. Darwood paid a beautiful tribute to the life and character of the deceased, saying in part that her lovable Christian character as a wife, mother, Sunday school teacher, neighbor and friend was a benediction and blessing to all who came in contact with her, and that her holy and useful influence would live through the years to come, and that while she would be missed and mourned, not only by her own family and loved ones, but by the community in which she lived, her gracious influence and noble womanly life would live through the years to come, and be a holy benediction to all who had come under the influence of her life and noble womanly character.

The church was filled by those who knew the deceased in life, and who had come to pay her mortal remains their last token of love and esteem. The remains were laid to rest in the Campbell cemetery and the mound that covered the once useful form was hidden beneath a bank of beautiful flowers that had been sent in honor of her memory by loving friends, but the most beautiful flower of them all was the lifeless form that rested beneath the sod.



To a Sister's Memory.

McGregor, Texas, Nov. 23, 1920.

On memory's wall hangs the pictured face of my sweet sister, Mrs. C. H. Thomas, who left us for the Glory Land the eleventh of this month and the all-important question is, if we die shall we live again? Yes, listen to our dear Savior's words:
�Let not your hearts be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in Me; in my Father's house are many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you; if I go I will come again.� And he did come and take our darling sister to that mansion and hearts are sad because of the separation and our companionship is severed in this world, but we are thinking of her in that Mansion reunited with dear father and our other two sainted sisters who left us so long ago. Everything that a faithful husband, loving children, friends, doctors and one of the sweetest nurses could do was done to stay the hand of death, but God saw fit to take her and we mourn because we see her no more in this world; but we will see you dear sister, in the land of endless day where pain, sorrow and suffering are no more. Farewell until that sweet day.


Mrs. M. L. Jackson.


Annie Ruth Baker
Jul 28, 1915 - Mar 3, 1917

In Loving Memory of Our Little Darling, Annie Ruth Baker.

With a sad and lonely heart do I undertake to write a few line in sweet memory of little Ruth. She was born July 28, 1915, and departed this life Monday morning March 5, 1917, making her stay here on earth one year seven months and five days.

Three weeks before she died she was taken very sick, and a day or two later contracted pneumonia. From the very beginning of her illness and all the way along until her death, it did not seem that anything which we did for her was of any permanent benefit, for she gradually grew weaker and as fast as we would get one thing corrected another would spring up.

Everything Father, Mother, the doctor and a host of friends could do was done; but all to no avail. This brings to our mind a scripture which reads that there to everthing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven. A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. We believe that little Ruth's time had come to die, else our efforts to benefit her would have been crowned with success. Jesus called for the child to come home, and her little spirit took it flight back to God who gave it.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Little Ruth suffered more than we can tell. It seemed so hard to see the little thing suffer so, never having committed a practical sin; but then we turn and read in the Bible where the blessed Jesus, who was without sin, suffered the ignominious death of the cross, we are made to be therewith consoled. When we can so view the matter we do not wonder that little Ruth suffered so. We have not a doubt that her little spirit is now in God's everlasting presence, there to wait the Resurrection morning when her little body which we carried to the grave shall be brought forth and changed and fashioned like unto the glorified body of the Lord Jesus, when soul, body and spirit shall be reunited and so shall she evermore be with God.

We hope to meet her there, and our prayer to God is that when we come to press a dying bed, that we may be enabled to view that Great Beyond and to know that our little hope is anchored there. Then will I be satisfied that all is well with me and that soon I will be with loved ones gone before. May it be God's will to give us this joy in the hour of death is our prayer.

Monday evening funeral services were conducted at our home by Brother Willis Blackman and Elder T. J. Moore, after which her mortal remains were conveyed to the Campbell cemetery where they were laid in the lone and silent grave to await the resurrection morning.

To the many friends who were so faithful to help us nurse little Ruth we would say �God bless you, be with you and help keep and sustain you all along down through the journey of life and in the hour and article of death may he still be with you is our prayer.

We shall continue to miss little Ruth, oh! So much. There is a vacant place in our home, a vacant spot in our hearts, a vacancy everywhere; where but it was God's will, and we can but submit and threrewith be content.

The little babe is gone to rest
The reign with God forever blest
It's little tongue will always praise
A Savior's love, redeeming grace.
Far from a world of sin and strife,
It now enjoys a Heavenly life;
And joins to praise and shout and sing,
And make the Heavenly arches ring.
Could we but hear its little tongue
So sweetly sing the Heavenly song;
Could we but see its smiling face,
Delighted with the happy place.
We could not wish it back again,
But say, dear babe, with God remain;
We'll try to gain that peaceful shore
Where those who meet shall part no more.
Now let us strive the prize to gain;
Let's come to Christ, with Him remain;
Then we shall share in Jesus' love
And meet the little babe above.

Written by her father,



Died at Dresden.
A four-year-old daughter of Tom Baker of Dresden, died of pneumonia Monday night and the remains were interred at Dresden yesterday.


Leonia N. Ashford
May 7, 1942 - Jun 28, 2014

Obituary for Leonila Ashford

Leonila B. Ashford, 72, entered into eternal rest June 28, 2014.
"Nelly" as she was affectionately known to her family and friends was born May 7, 1942 in Cadiz Negros Occidental, Philippines. She moved to the United States after marrying her beloved husband, OC Ashford. Nelly loved life and lived it to the fullest. She enjoyed traveling, shopping and spending time with family and friends. Nelly had a way of bringing a smile and laughter to whom had the privilege of meeting her. She will always be remembered as a loving mother, sister, aunt and friend. She will be deeply missed.

Left to cherish her memory is: daughter, Christine Ashford; son, Arron Ashford; sister, Connie Stephens and husband Scott and numerous nieces, nephews and extended family members. She is preceded in death by her husband of 19 years, OC Ashford; parents, Exequiel and Mercedes; sisters, Angeles, Norma Ann, Ermelinda, Cecelia, Beverlita; and her brother, Rolando.

The family will receive friends from 3:00-6:00 pm, Thursday, July 3, 2014 with a funeral service to follow at 6:00 pm at Family Choice Funerals & Cremations. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the liver or kidney foundations.

Please share a favorite memory of Leonila or leave a condolence for the family via the Condolences and Tributes tab to the left.


Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Westbrook) Sands
Nov 24, 1826 - Jul 29, 1923

Died in Chatfield.

Mrs. Elizabeth Sands, aged 97 years, and a resident of the Chatfield community for sixty-six years, died at her home there Saturday, and the funeral took place from the Methodist church there at 4 p.m. yesterday, and was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Hayes officiating. The deceased reared nine children, and three of them still live. These are Mrs. Alice Bennett, Fort Worth, Mrs. Norah Guynes and Miss Anna Sands of Chatfield. She also had 28 grandchildren, 56 great-grandchildren, and one great great grandchild, a total of 88 descendants, 82 of whom still live. The deceased was a woman of most lovable character, and was greatly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings.


Ralph Henderson
Dec 26, 1910 - Feb 9, 1915

In Memoriam.

The death angel visited the home of Mrs. C. S. Henderson and took from them their darling baby, Ralph. He was born December 26, 1909, and died March 9, 1915.

It has been nearly two years since the father was taken from this home. It is hard to understand why these dear ones should be taken away from us and no human words can heal the broken hearts of mamma, sister, brother. He was a bud planted here on earth to bloom in heaven. It is hard to give him up, but we must submit to the will of our Heavenly Father, who said "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not," for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

We know he can't come back to us but we can go to him if we live Christian lives, for we knew we will find him for us in the paradise of God.

When the news spread that the spirit of little Ralph had returned to the God who gave it, sorrow fell upon many hearts. We find that the blessed gospel of Jesus can only give comfort in such an hour. The broken-hearted mother, friends and loved ones tenderly laid away the little form they had learned to love so well, but we know heaven is nearer the sweeter because their little darling is there and may they be submissive to the Father's will and live so they can one day be gathered around his great white throne with little Ralph and other loved ones.

One by one our loved friends are leaving. We are sad to see them go, yet we know we soon shall follow. Change must come to all below. If in Jesus we are trusting never need we fear; we will soar to life eternal there to join our loved ones. How our hearts ached with grief as we say good bye, but we shall meet him some day where no sorrow or tears can ever dim our eyes. He leaves a mother, three sisters and two brothers and a host of friends and relatives.

Thank God, some day we will meet again,
Where parting comes no more;
To walk the streets of a better land,
With loved ones gone before,
Farewell dear, but not forever,
There will be a glorious dawn.
We shall meet to part no more
On the resurrection morn.
He is safe with Jesus
Where there are no clouds or rain,
And our sadness tells us
That our loss is heaven's gain,
Yes, God has taken from us
The one we loved so well,
But he is safe with the angels,
There to forever dwell,
When we cross the chilly waters
And leave our sorrows all behind
There we'll look for our dear Ralph
And he'll not be hard to find.

The funeral services were conducted by Bro. B. M. Kimrow, after which the little body was laid to rest in the Chatfield cemetery beside his dear father.

Written by his cousin,


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, March 20, 1915
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • s/o Samuel Chapman Henderson & Lula Caroline (Weems) Henderson (Lula is buried in Oakwood cemetery, Corsicana, Texas

Ellen Rebecca (Loop) Garner
Jul 1, 1856 - Jan 9, 1923

Died Near Chatfield.

Mrs. Garner, widow of the late Seberry Garner, died at her home near Chatfield yesterday and the remains were interred at Chatfield this afternoon.


David King Harper
Dec 4, 1919 - Mar 17, 1924




David Harper, 5, son of Walter Harper of Rice, died in the County Hospital at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday morning as the result of injuries received about 5 o'clock Monday afternoon when the Dallas-Corsicana interurban struck the car in which he was riding with his father and Grady Crawford, aged 5.

Mr. Harper and the boys were in a Ford coupe and had driven across the track at Rice where the accident occurred. The car turning down the track had not gotten far enough away to avoid being struck by the approaching limited car, and was not seen by the motorman in time to come to a stop before the crash. The coupe was knocked end over end. The injured were picked up and brought to Corsicana on the next interurban and taken to the hospital.

Mr. Harper was injured about the back and limbs, though not seriously. The little boys suffered a brain concussion.

Mr. Harper was driving the coupe and did not see or hear the fast approaching interurban before being struck.

Motorman O. F. Sizemore and Conductor W. L. Darr were manning the limited interurban.

The body of the Harper boy was sent to Rice by the Sutherland Undertaking company early today. Funeral services will be held some time Wednesday with burial in the cemetery at Chatfield.

The little Crawford boy's condition is regarded as extremely serious. Trepanning to relieve the fractured skull pressure from the brain was done this morning.





Grady Crawford, aged 8 years, who was hurt in the collision at Rice Monday night when the car in which he was riding with Walter Harper and his little boy, died at the County Hospital at 8:20 o'clock Tuesday night. The body was sent to the Crawford home at Rice early Wednesday by the Sutherland Undertaking company where funeral services will be held and burial made. Harper, and his 5 year old son, David, and Grady Crawford were riding in an automobile and in crossing the interurban track at Rice was struck by the limited car which was coming towards Corsicana. The boys were brought to the hospital here. The little Harper boy died at an early hour Tuesday morning. Harper was slightly injured in the wreck. A surgical operation was performed Tuesday on the Crawford boy's skull which was fractured in the hope of saving his life, but he died a few hours later.


Roy Scaville White
Nov 2, 1892 - Sep 9, 1924

Young Farmer Passed Away.

Roy White, who would have been thirty-two years old in November next, died this home in the White Chapel community yesterday afternoon near 5 o'clock of Bright's disease. The deceased was a member of the First Methodist Church here and the burial took place at
Chatfield this afternoon with Rev. Alonzo Monk officiating.

The deceased is survived by his wife and three children, his father R. A. White, and a sister, Mrs. S. D. Thornton, the two latter living in Corsicana

Mr. White was an industrious and highly esteemed citizen, and had many friends who regret his death.


George Simmons North
Apr 3, 1843 - Oct 28, 1924


G. S. North, aged 81 years, and a resident of this county for many years, died at the home of his son in the Chatfield community last Tuesday, and the remains were interred there Wednesday. Rev. J. H. Hayes officiated and twelve grandsons acted as pallbearers. The deceased is survived by three children, 44 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.

The deceased was a good citizen and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.


Willie Aliene (Conner) Portwood
Apr 17, 1884 - Jan 6, 1921


Mrs. W. P. Portwood Will Be Buried Here.

Mrs. W. P. Portwood, sister of John C. Conner of Corsicana died this morning at 9:30 o'clock at her home in Lawrence, Kaufman County. Her body will arrive here on H. & T. C. "Hustler" train tonight and will be taken to the home of Wm. Conner, 1577 West Fourth avenue. The funeral arrangements will be announced.

Mrs. Porwood leaves, besides her two brothers in Corsicana, who were with her at the time of her death, a husband and two little girls, aged eleven and six years respectively.




Funeral Service Will Be Held at Home of Wm. Conner.

Mrs. Willie Alene Portwood, wife of W. P. Portwood, who died at Lawrence, Kaufman county, Thursday will be buried Saturday afternoon in Conner cemetery near Roane. The body reached here last night and was taken to the home of her brother, William Conner, 1577 West Fourth avenue where the funeral will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Whitside, pastor of the Terrell First Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Cullom H. Booth, pastor of the First Methodist church of Corsicana.


Hazel Ruth Conner
Aug 26, 1912 - Oct 7, 1921

Died Near Hester.

Hazel Ruth Conner, the nine-year-old daughter of John Conner, Jr., died in the Hester community this morning after having been in ill health for many months. Interment will take place in the Conner Cemetery tomorrow.


John William Conner
Jul 25, 1887 - Mar 26, 1937


Funeral services for John Conner, aged 50 years, who died at his home in Wichita Falls Friday night, were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church in Roane with burial in the Conner Cemetery. Mr. Conner was a native of Navarro County but had resided in Wichita Falls for a number of years.

Surviving are his wife, a son, J. T. Conner, a daughter, Mary Ellen Conner, all of Wichita Falls; five brothers, Sherrard Conner, Roane; Matt Conner, Roane; Dillard Conner, Corsicana; Ellis Conner, Midland; Bill Conner, Midland; three sisters, Mrs. Walter Sullivan, Breckenridge; Mrs. H. B. Allgood, Breckenridge, and Mrs. J. C. Sullivan, Roane, and other relatives.

Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.


Carrol Paul Killough
Sept 9, 1934 - Oct 19, 2016
Carrol Paul Killough, 82, of Charlotte, North Carolina passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. The visitation will be held at 1 p.m. and the memorial funeral service and Celebration of Life will be held at 3 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 23 at Wade Funeral Home, 201 NW Third Street in Hubbard with Rev. Bob Rainey officiating. Interment will be at Dover Cemetery in Navarro County just off Highway 171 between Hubbard and Coolidge, turn east on HCR 3379. The cemetery is approximately two miles down this road on SW 4080 Road.
Carrol was born as oldest of six children on Sept. 9, 1934, to Carrie Lee Loveless Killough and Paul Haran Killough in Hubbard. He paid his way through college by raising cattle on the family farm. He graduated from Hubbard High School in 1953 and Texas A&M University with a degree in engineering in May 1957. In November 1957, 58 years ago, he married Sybil McMullan in Corsicana, Texas. They moved to France where Carrol served as an officer in the Air Force and then to Duluth, Minnesota where he completed his four years of active military service.
Carrol accepted a position at Caterpillar Tractor Company out of college which was held for him while serving our country before returning to Illinois to resume his work at the Washington Proving Grounds as a research engineer and then moving to the corporate headquarters in quality control.
Carrol remained passionate about farming and was a lifelong collector of farm equipment literature and toy tractors. He proudly refurbished antique full-size tractors and helped others locate quality tractors across the United States. He also served his community with an active snow removal service and was a member of the Crossroads United Methodist Church in Washington, Illinois for over 50 years.
In November, 2014, both Carrol and Sybil survived the F4 tornado which wiped out 1,400 homes in Washington, Illinois including totally decimating their home of 52 years. He also went on to fight brain cancer which first emerged in 2014 and built his dream home just one mile away from his home in Washington where he and Sybil resided in 2015 to spring of 2016. He gladly lent his expertise to the church building committee and volunteered for Habitat for Humanity after he retired.
For most of his life Carrol was frequently found with a camera in hand and left his family with over 15,000 photographs documenting a life well-lived as well as instilling a passion for photography and an enjoyment of biking and fishing in future generations. He shared his commitment to Christianity and appreciation of family, faith and integrity with his children and dear friends.
Carrol was pre-deceased by his parents Carrie Lee Loveless Killough and Paul Haran Killough; and sister Melva Joyce Killough Pringle.
Mr. Killough is survived by his wife Sybil, daughter Terry Killough LaFin and her husband Bob of Charlotte, North Carolina, and his son Larry Killough and his wife Karen of Lake in the Hills, Illinois; three brothers, Donald Killough of Mesquite, Glynn Killough and wife Jeanie of Ovilla and Dwain Killough and wife Sarah of Lillian and a sister, Janice Killough Trompler and husband Charles of Malone.
His five grandchildren include: Rachel LaFin Howard living with husband Mike in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Lauren, Haley, Nathan and Sophia Killough of Lake in the Hills, Illinois. Carrol also has four great grandchildren, Britten, Barrett, Mackenzie and Cole Howard in Oklahoma.
Pallbearers will be Larry Killough, Nathan Killough, David Sullins, Glynn Killough, Dwain Killough and Donald Killough.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church Lord's Acre, 208 NW 2nd Street, Hubbard, TX 76648.


Martha "Sis" (Bruce) Little
Jan 23, 1933 - Oct 16, 2016

Martha "Sis" Bruce Little went to be with Jesus on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016. Sis and her twin brother Buddy, were born to Mary Ellen and Willard Edward Bruce on Jan.23, 1933 at their home in Corsicana.
A charter member of Trinity Baptist Church, Sis loved Jesus and served Him in many capacities over the years. She loved teaching her Sunday School class. Among other things she loved people and lived life to the fullest.
Sis was preceded in death by her parents Mary and Willard Bruce and her brother Morris Ray "Buddy" Bruce. She was also preceded in death by her husband of fifty years, Edgar January Little.
Sis is survived by her daughters, Deborah Fenlason and husband Robert of Bay Springs, Mississippi; Janette Blue and husband Randy Blue of Corsicana; two sons, Gideon Little and wife Cathy Little of Cypress and Jim Little and wife Stacey Little of Hubbard.
Sis was also surrounded by love from all of her grandchildren, Shannon Dunn and husband Lawson Dunn, Megan Allred and husband Steve Allred, Dustin Blue and wife Kensley Blue, Jennifer Wallis, Jeffrey Wallis, Joshua Little, Jacob Little and wife Ashley Little, Ashley Dempsey, Kade Little and Seth Little. Sis is also survived by seven great grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Dustin Blue, Jeffrey Wallis, Joshua Little, Jacob Little, Kade Little, and Seth Little. Honorary pallbearers will be Shannon Dunn, Megan Allred, Jennifer Wallis, Ashley Dempsey, Shelton Dunn, Blair Dunn, Rylee Dunn, Ethan Blue, Braden Blue, Sylas Allred, and Jackson Little.
Visitation will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Funeral services will begin at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19 at Griffin-Roughton.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Trinity Baptist Church in Corsicana.
Interment to follow at Hamilton - Beeman Cemetery.
"Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection." Luke 20:36
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


Edna Lee (Bowling) Nicholson
May 15, 1932 - Oct 20, 2016
Edna Bowling Nicholson, 84, passed away Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. She was born May 15, 1932 in Ft. Worth and raised in Navarro County. She moved to Prineville, Organ [sic] in 1954 and later returned to Navarro County in 1994.
She was a member of Central Baptist Church since 1994. She served several years as financial secretary of the church. She was also active in Navarro County Meals on Wheels, acting as coordinator in Blooming Grove.
Edna was preceded in death by her mother and step father, Ruby Lusk Warren and L.I. Warren; father Lee Bowling, as well as her husband William M. Nicholson.
She is survived by her son Mark I. Nicholson of Frost and grandson William Lee Nicholson of Dawson. Half sisters Carole Owens of Marcola Oregon and Rosaless Paliner of Prineville Oregon and several nieces in Oregon and California.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral Service will begin at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 24, 2016 at Central Baptist Church with Bro. Darren Heil officiating.
Burial will follow at Frost Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Rodney Lusk, Wayne Lusk, Paul Gillen, Bill Evans. Honorary pallbearers will be Don Russell, Terry Houchens.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to Central Baptist Church Youth Department PO Box 286 Blooming Grove, Texas 76626.
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


Jerry Louis Reese
Jan 20, 1956 - Oct 1, 2016

Jerry Louis Reese, 60, of Desoto passed away Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 in Dallas. He was born on Jan. 20, 1956 in Corsicana.
Wake services will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7, 2016 at Roane Chapel Full Gospel Baptist Church, 100 N. Parham St., in Corsicana.
Funeral services are set to begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016 at Roane Chapel.
Interment to follow at Woodland Memorial Park Cemetery.
Arrangements made by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals.


Navarro County TXGenWeb
� Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams