Hattie Marie (Hutchison) Ballard
Oct 14, 1877 - Jul 15, 1940
RICHLAND, July 25.�(Spl.)�Mrs. Lee Ballard, who has been ill for some time was buried in the Richland cemetery
last week.
Carrie Arlevia (Ward) Nixson
Jan 18, 1870 - May 25, 1940
Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie Nixson, aged 69 years, who died Saturday morning, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the Richland Baptist church, interment was in the Richland cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Revs. J. D. Clare and Van P. Morrison.
Surviving are two sons, H. E. Nixson and F. D. Nixson, both of Longview; two daughters, Mrs. T. M. Beckham, Wickett, and Mrs.
T. E. Orand, Richland; a brother, Oscar Ward, Fort Worth and a sister, Mrs. Lou A. Davis, Denton.
Pallbearers were James Beckham, Vivian Beckham, Frank Nixson, Henry Nixson, Clifton Orand and S. G. Orand.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Wiley Daniel McElroy
Jul 31, 1878 - Jan 10, 1940
Richland Man Was Buried on Tuesday
RICHLAND, Jan. 12.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Wiley McElroy, age 61 years, were held from the Baptist church here Tuesday
afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Clare and Rev. Mr. Hightower.
Surviving are his wife and five children.
Cecil E. McNeese
Mar 20, 1898 - Mar 30, 1940
Funeral services for J. E. McNeese, 75; Mrs. J. E. McNeese, 59, and their son, Cecil McNeese, were held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Richland Methodist church. Burial was in the Richland cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. W. Hightower, pastor of the church.
The two men were instantly killed late Tuesday afternoon when a tornado swept into Richland, picked up the McNeese home, and
shattered it on an adjoining lot. Mrs. McNeese was rushed to the P. and S. Hospital in a critical condition where she died early
Wednesday morning.
Surviving Mr. and Mrs. McNeese are four sons, Paul McNeese, Corsicana; Woodrow McNeese, Richland; Schuyler McNeese, Fort
Worth, and R. S. McNeese, Casa Grande, Ariz., and other relatives. Mrs. McNeese also is survived by three sisters, Mrs.
W. M. Stead, Corsicana; Mrs. Florence Morgan, Venus and Mrs. John H. Myers, Arkansas, and a brother, George Reedy, Sabinal,
and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home of Corsicana and the Burleson Funeral Home handled arrangements.
James E. McNeese
Dec 14, 1866 - Apr 30, 1940
Funeral services for J. E. McNeese, 75; Mrs. J. E. McNeese, 59, and their son, Cecil McNeese, were held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Richland Methodist church. Burial was in the Richland cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. W. Hightower, pastor of the church.
The two men were instantly killed late Tuesday afternoon when a tornado swept into Richland, picked up the McNeese home, and
shattered it on an adjoining lot. Mrs. McNeese was rushed to the P. and S. Hospital in a critical condition where she died early
Wednesday morning.
Surviving Mr. and Mrs. McNeese are four sons, Paul McNeese, Corsicana; Woodrow McNeese, Richland; Schuyler McNeese, Fort
Worth, and R. S. McNeese, Casa Grande, Ariz., and other relatives. Mrs. McNeese also is survived by three sisters, Mrs.
W. M. Stead, Corsicana; Mrs. Florence Morgan, Venus and Mrs. John H. Myers, Arkansas, and a brother, George Reedy, Sabinal,
and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home of Corsicana and the Burleson Funeral Home handled arrangements.
Alice Bell (Reedy) McNeese
May 6, 1880 - May 1, 1940
Funeral services for J. E. McNeese, 75; Mrs. J. E. McNeese, 59, and their son, Cecil McNeese, were held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Richland Methodist church. Burial was in the Richland cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. W. Hightower, pastor of the church.
The two men were instantly killed late Tuesday afternoon when a tornado swept into Richland, picked up the McNeese home, and
shattered it on an adjoining lot. Mrs. McNeese was rushed to the P. and S. Hospital in a critical condition where she died early
Wednesday morning.
Surviving Mr. and Mrs. McNeese are four sons, Paul McNeese, Corsicana; Woodrow McNeese, Richland; Schuyler McNeese, Fort
Worth, and R. S. McNeese, Casa Grande, Ariz., and other relatives. Mrs. McNeese also is survived by three sisters, Mrs.
W. M. Stead, Corsicana; Mrs. Florence Morgan, Venus and Mrs. John H. Myers, Arkansas, and a brother, George Reedy, Sabinal,
and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home of Corsicana and the Burleson Funeral Home handled arrangements.
Leslie Eugene Kelton,
Dr., Sr.
Oct 17, 1869 - Jun 19, 1940
Dr. L. E. Kelton, Sr., aged 70 years, pioneer physician of
Corsicana, died at the family home, 612 West Second avenue,
Wednesday afternoon at 12:15 o'clock after an extended
Funeral services will be held at the family home Thursday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. Burial will be in
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. C. Duke
Payne, pastor of the First Christian church, assisted by Dr.
P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church.
A native of Tennessee, Dr. Kelton came to Texas when 16
years of age and resided in Irene, Hill county and taught
school before coming to Corsicana in 1893.
After completing high school work, Dr. Kelton attended Sam
Houston State Normal at Huntsville, where he graduated and
later graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1892. After
teaching in Corsicana schools, Dr. Kelton attended the
University of the South where he received his M. D. degree.
He took graduate work in Tulane University and post-graduate
work in Chicago and New York.
Dr. Kelton for yeas had been regarded as one of the leading
physicians of this section. He held membership in the
Navarro County Medical Society, Texas Medical Society, North
Texas Medical Society, and Southern and American Medical
Associations, and was a member of the Corsicana Lions Club.
Surviving are his wife, formerly Miss Emma Gray, Corsicana;
three sons, Dr. Leslie E. Kelton, Jr., Corsicana; Phil
Kelton, Dallas, and Dave Kelton, Corsicana; a daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Kelton, Corsicana; four grandchildren, Carolyn,
Claire, Leslie III, and Betsy Jane Kelton, all of Corsicana;
four brothers, Dr. Walter Kelton, Seattle, Wash.; Alva
Kelton, Dallas; Horace Kelton, San Antonio, and Will W.
Kelton, San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Erickson,
Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Jack Shelby, Austin, and other
Corley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Funeral services for Dr. L. E. Kelton, Sr., aged 70 years,
who died Wednesday following a long illness, were held
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the family residence.
The rites were conducted by Rev. C. Duke Payne, pastor of
the First Christian church. Interment was in the Hamilton
Dr. Kelton was a native of Tennessee but spent the greater
part of his life in Texas. He was a pioneer physician of
this vicinity, and was recognized as one of the leading
physicians of this section of the state. He held membership
in many medical societies and fraternities and numerous
local organizations.
Surviving are his wife, formerly Mrs. Emma Gray, Corsicana;
three sons, Dr. Leslie E. Kelton, Jr., Corsicana; Phil
Kelton, Dallas, and Dave Kelton, Corsicana; a daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Kelton, Corsicana; four grandchildren, Carolyn,
Claire, Leslie III and Betsy Jane Kelton, all of Corsicana;
four brothers, Dr. Walter Kelton, Seattle, Wash.; Alva
Kelton, Dallas; Horace Kelton, San Antonio, and Will W.
Kelton, San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Erickson,
Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Jack Shelby, Austin, and other
Pallbearers were A. A. Allison, John W. Carpenter, Dallas;
John R. Corley, Graham Dickson, Cullen Dunn, A. G. Elliott,
King Elliott, Ted B. Ferguson, Dallas; W. A. Lang, E. D.
McCarver, Dr. J. E. McClung, W. T. Mckee, Dr. E. H. Newton,
Earl Presley, Lawrence Treadwell and Lynne Wortham.
Honorary pallbearers were the members of the Navarro County
Medical Society.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements.
Daniel McNeill �Dan� Lacy
Nov 1, 1867 - Jan 27, 1940
Funeral services for Dan Lacy, aged 72 years, long-time
Corsicana resident, who died at Abilene Saturday, were held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon
chapel. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. P. E.
Riley, pastor of the first Methodist church. Mr. Lacy had
resided in Corsicana about 50 years before moving to Abilene 18
months ago.
Surviving are a brother, Glenn Lacy, Clarksdale, Miss.; three
sisters, Mrs. J. M. V. Wills, Corsicana; Miss Tommie Lacy,
Corsicana, and Mrs. S. L. Neblett, Waco, and a number of nieces
and nephews.
Charles B. Lewis
Jul 23, 1862 - Jul 4, 1941
Chas. B. Lewis, aged 78 years, life-long resident of Corsicana,
died at the home of a niece, Mrs. Jim Redden, Friday morning. He
had been in failing health for months.
Lewis, superintendent of the city water department for decades,
was familiarly and affectionately known as �Uncle Charlie.� He
was retired several years ago when failing health necessitated
his leaving active duty. Uncle Charley knew more about the water
system, mains, plugs, etc. than any other person, and was
credited with knowing where every connection, plug, etc. without
consulting maps.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock
from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are five nieces and nephews, Mrs. Redden, R. W.
Wiggins, Corsicana; H. S. Wiggins, Bay City; T. J. Wiggins,
Corpus Christi, and Mrs. R. Cantrill, El Paso.
Funeral services for C. B. Lewis, aged 78 years, life-long
Corsicanan, who died Friday morning were held Saturday afternoon
at 4 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First
Methodist church.
Lewis was an employee of the city of Corsicana practically all
of his life prior to retirement several years ago, and was
superintendent of the water department for several decades. He
was a familiar figure about the city hall for a half century.
Surviving are five nieces and nephews, Mrs. Jim Redden,
Corsicana; R. W. Wiggins, Corsicana; H. S. Wiggins, Bay City; T.
J. Wiggins, Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Cantrill, El Paso.
Pallbearers were J. C. Buck, A. C. Nutt, O. J. Skinner, Ad
Megarity, N. F. Garrett, Travis Fullwood and John C. Calhoun.
Ella (Allen) Jackson
Jun 14, 1889 - Feb 10, 1972
Mrs. Jackson
Mrs. Ella Allen Jackson, 83, Rte. 6, Corsicana, died Thursday
night in Mel-Haven Convalescent Home. She had lived most of her
life in and around Navarro.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Griffin
Funeral Chapel with burial in the
Hopewell Cemetery.
The Rev. Leroy Reaves will officiate.
She is survived by three brothers, S. W. and C. H. Allen, both
of Corsicana, and J. P. Allen of Big Springs; and several nieces
and nephews.
William H. Goree
Aug 26, 1871 - Jun 30, 1940
Funeral services for W. H. Goree, aged 86 years, who died at his
home in Fort Worth Sunday, were held Monday morning at 10
o'clock there and interment was made Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock in the Hopewell
cemetery near Navarro. The deceased had resided in the
Navarro community for many years prior to his moving to Fort
Worth. He was a native of Georgia.
The rites were conducted by Rev. James N. Morgan of Fort Worth,
assisted by Rev. K. T. Melugin also of Fort Worth.
Surviving are his wife and one brother, R. E. Goree, both of
Fort Worth.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of the local arrangements.
Annie Zuleka
(Pritchard) Goree
Jul 25, 1880 - Dec 3, 1952
Mrs. Annie Goree Rites Thursday
Mrs. Annie Goree, 72, native of Angus, died Wednesday morning in
Fort Worth.
Funeral services are slated Thursday at 11:30 a.m. from the
Shannon Funeral Chapel in Fort Worth with graveside service at
Hopewell cemetery
near Navarro Thursday at 3:30 p.m. where interment will be made.
Surviving are two brothers, H. M. and T. E. Pritchard, both of
Angus; two sisters, Mrs. Lena R. Martin and Mrs. Lulie Edwards
both of Fort Worth, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Corley will direct local arrangements.
Rites Thursday For Mrs. Goree
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Goree, 72, who died in Fort
Worth Wednesday, were held at Shannon funeral Chapel in Fort
Worth at 11:30 a.m. Thursday.
Burial in Hopewell cemetery near Navarro was postponed from
Thursday at 3 p.m. until Saturday morning because of the muddy
conditions of the road leading to the cemetery from the
Surviving are two brothers, H. M. and T. E. Pritchard, both of
Angus; two sisters, Mrs. Lena R. Martin and Mrs. Lulie Edwards
both of Fort Worth, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Corley is directing local arrangements.
Mrs. Annie Goree Rites Saturday
Graveside rites for Mrs. Annie Goree, 72, native of Angus, who
died in Fort Worth Wednesday will be held at Hopewell cemetery
near Navarro Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Burial will be in
Hopewell cemetery.
Services were held in Fort Worth Thursday, but burial was
postponed because of the muddy condition of the dirt road to the
Surviving are two brothers, H. M. and T. E Pritchard, both of
Angus; two sisters, Mrs. Lena R. Marlin and Lulie Edwards, both
of Fort Worth.
Corley is directing.
Henry Milton Pritchard
Apr 19, 1878 - Nov 10, 1963
Henry Pritchett Rites Monday
Henry Pritchett , 85 years, life-long resident of Angus, retired
farmer, died Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Monday at 3
p.m. with burial in the
Hopewell cemetery at Navarro. The rites were conducted by
Rev. J. F. Adams, Methodist minister and Rev. Johnny Johnson.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; two granddaughters, Miss Mary
Lee and Miss Betty Pryor Pritchett, both of Angus; a sister,
Mrs. Lulie Edwards, Fort Worth, and a number of nieces, nephews
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jack Bressie, Vincent Bottoms, Clint Fouty,
Marvin White, Thomas Hand, David Hand, Monty Ray Bottoms and
Fred Bone.
Lillie Pryor (Ray)
Mar 13, 1878 - Nov 26, 1969
Mrs. Pritchard Rites Friday
Mrs. H. M. Pritchard, 91, of Angus, died Wednesday in Memorial
Hospital. She was a member of the Methodist church.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with interment in
Hopewell Cemetery.
The Rev. James Peppers will officiate.
Surviving are two granddaughters, Mrs. Mary Lee Brown and Miss
Betty Pryor Pritchard of Corsicana; nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Thomas Hand, Jack Bressie, Clint Fouty,
Marvin White, Robert Young, and Virgil Blackburn.
William Dale Prince
Oct 21, 1944 - Nov 11, 2017
Dale Prince
Oct 21, 1944-Nov 11, 2017
Resided in Blooming Grove,
William Prince passed
away on November 11, 2017.
He was born in Fort Worth, TX to William and Leta Prince on
October 21, 1944.
William worked as a lead electrician for FWISD for 18 years,
then was the Maintenance Supervisor for AISD for 10 years
and retired 25 years after running his own electrical
business. He attended Poly Tech High School. He was an
amazing carpenter, mech nic, plumber and electrician who
loved to fish and restore antiques.
He is preceded in death by his father, William Wesley
Prince; mother, Leta Beryl Ogle Prince; infant brother,
William Wesley Prince Jr. and sister Stephanie Gay Prince
William is survived by wife, Nancy Lewallen Prince; sons,
William Wayne Prince (Michelle); Douglas Dwayne Prince
(Stacey); Micheal Wayne Prince (Victoria) and two sisters;
Diana and Sylvia and beautiful grandchildren. |
Emory Dale Tipping
June 19, 1921 - Feb 26, 2016
for Emory D. Tipping
Emory Dale Tipping was born in Blooming Grove, Texas, June
19, 1921, the son of Margaret Catherine (Ragsdale) and
Thomas Eli Tipping. He passed away on February 26, 2016, at
age 94. He served in the Army Air Force from June 1942
through October 1945. Emory married his wife, Peggy Jean
Farish, in 1948, and their son, Tommy was born in 1951. Mr.
Tipping was retired from Mosher/ Trinity Industries in 1983.
He is preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, and
one brother. Emory is survived by his wife of over 67 years,
Peggy Jean; son, Tommy Tipping and his wife, Peggy;
granddaughter, Sandra Stephen; step-grandson, Ronnie Pace
and his wife Rochelle; two great-granddaughters, Ash-Lea and
Cal-Lea; and two great-great-grandchildren; as well as many
nieces and nephews.
Emory loved the outdoors! He built a cabin on the lake by
himself where he enjoyed around 40 years of fishing, working
on various projects (always busy), and enjoying life. During
spring, summer, and fall, you could find him in his garden,
planting and reaping his bounty in which we all shared. He
normally had company in his yard with numerous dogs through
the years, with his latest sidekick being Andi. He loved his
country and took pride in having served in the Army Air
Force. His greatest Love companion was his wife Peggy, ever
constant and faithful to his care.
Emory and Peggy were members of Galilean Baptist Church in
Cedar Hill. He loved serving the Lord and was ever faithful.
Funeral services are 1:00 pm, Monday, February 29, 2016, at
Jaynes Memorial Chapel with Rev. Matt Wilkerson officiating.
Burial will follow in Laurel Land Memorial Park. Visitation
with the family begins at 12:00 noon, one hour before
service. Memorial donations may be made to the Missionary
Fund at Galilean, or the charity of your choice. |
H. W. "Rex" Foster
December 25, 1930 - May 21, 2017
Weldon �Rex� Foster was born in Blooming Grove, Texas on
December 25, 1930. He went to join his Lord peacefully on
May 20, 2017, surrounded by loving family. Rex was the son
of H.H. Foster and Opal Georgia (Jones) Foster. He was a
faithful Christian and he served as an ordained deacon. He
also worked in the bus ministry for many years and he loved
bringing children to Sunday School. Rex was a member Faith
Baptist Church in Kaufman, Texas. He attended school in Fort
Worth and Quanah, Texas. Rex was in the U.S. Army from 1951
to 1953 where he served in the Korean War. In 1953, he
married the love of his life, Ranelle Herring Foster, and
they were together for 63 years. The two moved to Dallas in
1953, where Rex became a Dallas firefighter. He retired from
the fire department in 1986 after 32 years of service.
Rex is preceded in death by his parents, sister Linda Sue
Crump, and beloved wife Ranelle. He is survived by sisters
Guilda Mae Oliver, Janice Buchanan and Jimmie Smith (Cecil);
his children Harold Weldon Foster (June), Samuel L. Foster
(Debra), Anna Saucier (Howard), and Lisa Lennon (Mark); 14
grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces
and nephews. Rex loved his family and prayed for each of us
every day. He was so proud of his grandchildren, great
grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. He always took an
interest in their lives and he did not hesitate to voice his
opinion and his desire for each of them to walk the straight
and narrow path.
He enjoyed gardening, old western movies, forty-two, reading
the Bible, tinkering with any and everything, telling
stories and holding hands with Ranelle. He was happiest when
he was engaged in a project, preferably outdoors.
In lieu of flowers, donations made be made to Faith Baptist
Church (Mission Fund), 6013 FM 429, Kaufman, TX 75142, or to
an organization of your choice.
To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of H.W.
"Rex" Foster please visit our Sympathy Store. |
Gladys "Mumsy" (Maxwell)
Sep 12, 1920 - Oct 15, 2016
�Mumsy� Wright of Hewitt, formerly of Blooming Grove, TX
passed away on Saturday, October 15, 2016. Funeral Services
will be Friday, October 21, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. at Scott's
Funeral Home, with visitation one hour before the service.
Burial will follow at Turnersville Cemetery.
Gladys was born in Gatesville to the late U.D. and Annie Lee
Foust Maxwell. Gladys grew up in the Turnersville area. She
attended school in Turnersville as a child and graduated
from Gatesville High School in 1938. She married her high
school sweetheart Ortis L. Wright. They lived in
Turnersville until 1958 when they left the farm and moved to
Waco, TX. They worked in the fabric industry for many years
until moving to Blooming Grove, TX, where they owned and
operated A-1 Grocery and Car Wash for 20 years. They were
known and loved by all of their customers, family, and
friends. Gladys's favorite past time was spending time with
her family and researching her family's genealogy.
She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, and
brothers, Bruce, Mack, and Raymond Maxwell
Gladys is survived by her daughter, Barbara May and husband,
Wayne of Hewitt, TX; son, Larry Wright and wife, Glenda of
Winnsboro, TX; grandchildren, Lance Wright and wife, Angie
of Dallas, TX, Wes Wright and wife, Jenny of Fort Worth, TX,
Kristi Skains and husband, Josh of Blooming Grove, brother
Paul Maxwell, great-grandchildren, Christian, George, and
Alexandra Wright of Dallas, Kellen and Tessa Wright of Fort
Worth, Riley, Macie, and Kinley Skains of Blooming Grove;
many nieces and nephews, and grandnieces and grandnephews.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Turnersville
Community Center, P.O. Box 701, Gatesville, TX 76528. |
Helen Loretta
(Higginbotham) Hogg
Dec 08, 1919 - Mar 25, 2017
services for Helen Loretta Hogg, 97, formerly of Goodrich,
Texas, will be held Friday, March 31, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in
the Cochran Funeral Home Chapel in Livingston, Texas with
Rev. Vickie Simon officiating. Interment will begin at 3:00
p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017 in the Texas Methodist
Conference Cemetery in Elkhart, Texas. Visitation will begin
at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2017 in the Cochran
Funeral Home in Livingston, Texas.
Mrs. Hogg was born December 8, 1919 in Blooming Grove, Texas
to parents, James Oscar Higginbotham and Emma Mae (Calhoun)
Higginbotham, and passed away March 25, 2017 in Bryan,
Texas. Helen married Rev. W.H. �Bill� Hogg on May 20, 1936.
She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Rev. W.H.
�Bill� Hogg; son, James and wife, Wanda Hogg; 5 brothers, 1
sister; and 3 half-sisters.
She is survived by her daughter, B. Loretta Davis of
Pleasant Shade, Tennessee; daughter and son-in-law, Kathie
and Ernest Daniels of Lyon, Texas; daughter and son-in-law,
Belinda and Jimmy Harris Jr. of Livingston, Texas;
half-brother, Weldon Higginbotham and wife, Betty of
Whitney, Texas; half-sister, Barbara Grice and husband, Fred
of Corsicana, Texas; half-brother, William Higginbotham and
wife, Virginia of Gilmer, Texas; 12 grandchildren; 29
great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great grandchildren; along
with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Pallbearers: James P. Hogg, David Davis, Billy Fleming, Jay
Harris, J. Bret Milburn, Jimmy Harris |
James D. Nelson
Sep 27, 1948 - Aug 13, 2018
D. Nelson (9/27/1948 - 8/13/2018)
Funeral services for James D. Nelson, of Tyler are scheduled
for Saturday August 18, 2018 11:00 AM at Larissa CME Church
(Bullard) with Rev Kerwin King eulogist. Interment will be
held in Larissa Cemetery under the direction of Brooks
Sterling & Garrett Funeral Directors.
James Danail Nelson was born to the parentage of Danail
Nelson and Bernadine Prescott Nelson September 27, 1948 in
Blooming Grove, Texas.
He was a graduate of Blooming Grove High School, Navarro Jr.
College and attended the University of Texas Tyler. He
professed a hope in Christ and was a member of Larissa CME
Church where he served on the Steward Board. James served in
the US Army and was
honorably discharged in 1973.
He was married to Evelyn Scott Nelson for 30 years.
Mr. Nelson was preceded in death by his parents, one
He leaves to cherish his legacy, his wife Evelyn Scott
Nelson; sons Byron Nelson, Sr., James Nelson, Jr. and
Braylan Nelson. Daughter Teruko Williams. One brother David
Nelson and sister Glendale Sanders. Eight grandchildren and
5 great grandchildren. A host of nieces, nephews, cousins
and friends.
Public viewing at the funeral home 12 noon-6:00 PM. Family
visitation 6:00-7:00 PM. |
Refugio Barrent Rodriguez
Mar 19, 1948 - Sep 19, 2018
Barrent Rodriguez of Frost, Texas passed away at Trisun Care
Center in Corsicana on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 with
his family at his side at the age of 70. He worked for
Blooming Grove ISD in the maintenance department for eight
years. He loved to fish and enjoyed cooking BBQ for people.
He is preceded in death by his wife, Estella Rodriguez in
2005; brothers, Ernesto, Leonardo, Gustavo Rodriguez and one
sister, Dora Rodriguez. He is survived by three children,
Angela Pena and husband Nicky, Gracie Gomez and husband
Freddy and Patsy Skaggs and husband Garett; siblings, Mary
Rodriguez, Joe Rodriguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Luz Rodriguez
and Imelda Vasquez; eight grandchildren and numerous nieces
and nephews.
Rosary will be 6:00 pm Friday, September 21st at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home Chapel with visitation following from 7-9pm.
Funeral Mass will be 9:30am Saturday, September 22nd at
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with Father Marco
officiating. Burial will follow at
Frost Cemetery
under the pavilion.
To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Refugio
Rodriguez please visit our Sympathy Store. |
Patsy Ann (Farmer) Smith

Jan 20, 1936 - Jan 22, 2019
Ann Smith, 83 of Purdon, passed away Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019
in Corsicana. She was born Jan. 20, 1936 in Navarro County
to A.D. and Cora Green Farmer. She married William L. "Bill"
Smith on July 5, 1957.
Patsy was a secretary at Blooming Grove ISD. She quilted and
did embroidering for years. Patsy was a member of Navarro
Mills Baptist church of 73 years. She loved spending time
with her family.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Bill Smith in 1998
[should be 1999]; daughter, Lisa Kay Smith
Dickinson; grandson, James Cummings; great grandson Austin
Tyler Murray; siblings, Genell Avin, Daphene Thompson, A.D.
Farmer, Billy Wade Farmer, Dorothy Pierce and Charles
She is survived by her children, Billy Frank Smith and wife
Doyletta, Debra Raigene Bray; son-in-law, David Dickinson;
grandchildren, Amy Murray, Stuard Smith, Kandi Smith Collins
and Jacob Dickinson; great grandchildren, Lisa Marie Murray,
Shelee Ann Murray, Dakota Murray and Brock Murray; brothers
and sisters, Jackie Farmer, Darlene Pruitt, Sue Reeves,
Peggy Glass and husband Danny. Also, numerous nieces,
nephews and other family members.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service will
be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home chapel.
Interment to follow at
Rose Hill Cemetery.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Vivian (McKnight) Lewis
Oct 18, 1934 - Jan 21, 2019
Lewis, age 84, of Eureka passed away peacefully at her home
on Monday, January 21, 2019 surrounded by her loved ones.
She was born on October 18, 1934 in Jennie, Arkansas to
Joseph Wesley and Emma McKnight.
Vivian was married to Vernie Eugene Lewis for almost 47
years. She loved her family and her Lord with all her soul.
She was truly a woman who loved unconditionally and was
steadfast in her love of her Lord for His support during
life's challenging times. She always kept a strong prayerful
Vivian loved gardening and loved her flowers so much that
her children all knew that you �don't pull her flowers and
live to tell about it�. She also loved sewing, quilting and
fishing. She loved all of her gadgets and knew how to work
on almost anything from sewing machines, lawnmowers to
delicate watches, she would tackle any kind of repair job,
she believed in the old saying �waste not, want not�.
Friends and family were amazed at how tech savvy she was.
She was an avid Face book and Instagram user, and for a lady
in her 80's that was truly awesome. She had a great sense of
humor and was always making people laugh and loved all types
of music.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband,
sisters Louis Steadman, Virginia Hancock, and brother Edward
Mcknight, her daughter Bonnie Jean Ybarra and granddaughter,
Stephanie Brown.
Vivian is survived by her children; David Lewis and wife
Diane of Amissville, Virginia, Deborah K. Owens and husband,
Bill, Sr. of Eureka, Texas, Rebecca Lewis of Eureka, Texas,
Timothy Lewis of Richland Chambers, Texas and her adopted
daughter, Carol Phillips Guest of Bay City, Texas. She is
survived by her sister-in-law Patsy McKnight of Hot Springs,
Arkansas. Vivian has many great-grandchildren and three
great-great-great-grandchildren left to cherish her memory;
David, Jr. and wife Jenny of Hubbard, Texas, Andrea Lewis of
Wharton, Texas, Kerri Lewis of Houston, Texas, Bill, Jr. and
wife Chrystal of Hitchcock, Texas, Chad, Sr. and wife Paula
of Port Sulfur, Louisiana, Joseph Owens, Amber Owens, Autumn
Owens all of Eureka, Texas, Ashton Camargo and husband
Jonathan of Eureka, Texas. Curtis Gonzales of Aransas Pass,
Texas, Ashley Lewis of Dallas, Texas, Courtney Owens of Port
Sulfur, Louisiana, Dustin Owens and Catie of Galveston,
Texas, Chad Owens, Jr. of Mexia Texas, Katie Smith and
husband, Jesse of Port Sulfur, Louisiana, and Emily Owens of
Corsicana, Texas. She is also survived by numerous nieces
and nephews.
Visitation with the family will be held on Wednesday,
January 23, 2019 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at Corley Funeral Home
Chapel. Funeral services are scheduled for 2:00 P.M. on
Thursday, January 24, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel
with Pastor Chad Owens officiating. Serving as pallbearers
will be Bill Owens, Jr., Dustin Owens, Chad Owens, Jr.,
Joseph Owens, Jesse Smith, and David Lewis, Jr. Honorary
pallbearers Jonathan Camargo, and CJ Lewis.
Vivian Lewis, 84, of Eureka
passed away Monday, Jan. 21, 2019 at her residence.
Visitation with the family will be held from 5 to 7p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24,
2019 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Chad Owens
Interment to follow at
Hopewell Cemetery.
Roy Wilburn Harris, Jr.

July 8, 1946 - Jan 15, 2019
Harris Jr., 72 of Corsicana, passed away Tuesday, January
15, 2019.
He was born July 8, 1946 in Dallas to Roy W. Harris Sr. and
Alyne Vyers Harris.
Roy loved gardening. He was the project manager at Navarro
Pecan, and also a Chaplin volunteer for Texas Department of
Corrections. He loved his children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren, they were his joy.
He enjoyed using his hands, working with metal and
woodworking. He could do just about anything with his hands.
Roy loved being a jokester, he enjoyed making people laugh.
He is preceded in death by his daughter, Dorinda Harris and
father, Roy Harris Sr.
He leaves behind to cherish his memory, mother, Alyne Vyers
Harris; wife Jane Harris; children, Royleane and husband
Brent Allen, Amanda Wilson and Bill Maron; grandchildren,
Lauren Rucks, Noah Rucks, Coleman Allen.
Great grandchildren, Jude Rucks, Adiline Richter. Sisters
and brothers, Rheba Malone and husband Charles, James Harris
and wife Betty, John Harris and JoAnn, Cindy Good. Also,
numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be 6-8 pm Friday, January 18, 2019 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service will be 10:00
am Saturday, January 19,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home chapel with Bro. Grady
Cashion officiating. Pallbearers will be Coleman Allen, Noah
Rucks, Steven Good, Marlin Blake, Javier Galicia, Loran
Seely. Honorary pallbearers are George Martin and Jack
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Pattison
Cemetery 8265 NWCR
1250 Corsicana, Texas 75110. |
Earlene (McGuire) Denton
Sept 19, 1934 - Jan 29, 2019
Denton age 84, of Barry, passed away peacefully at her home
on Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019. She was born on Sept. 19, 1934 in
Wills Point to Sidney Earl and Ruby Lee McGuire. She was the
second daughter of six girls.
The family moved to Dallas early in Earlene's life. She
attended schools and graduated in the Dallas area. She met
and married Leroy Denton in 1953. They were married 53 years
when Leroy passed away in 2006.
Earlene was a strong Christian woman. She loved the Lord
with all of her heart. She was a member of the Lord's church
and devoted her talents to being a good servant. She taught
Sunday bible classes to children. She volunteered her
talents at retirement centers. She helped people of all
ages. She was multi-talented. She was a beautician,
seamstress, artist, worked with crochet and produced
beautiful ceramic figurines.
She loved her family and they truly loved her. She made fast
friends wherever she went. She suffered several maladies,
but always kept the best attitude. Even in her last days,
she was confident that all was well. And it was, "well with
her soul." She wasn't worried. We will miss Earlene. We are
still here and won't see her smiling face or hear her
laughter, but we will remember all that she was and be
smiling in our hearts.
Earlene was preceded in death by her parents, her husband
and three sisters; Avis Sue McGuire, Carmen Delores Hilliard
and Wanda Jo Ann Chambers.
She is survived by her only child, Marshall Lee Denton; two
sisters, Sylvia Sydney Morgan and husband, David Donald
Morgan, Martha Gail Bennett and husband, Ernest Bennett and
over 20 loving nieces and nephews.
Memorial services for Earlene McGuire Denton were held at 2
p.m. Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel
with Mr. Corey Tackett officiating. Cremation is under the
direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Interment will take place at a later date in
Dresden Cemetery.
Dora Faye Johnson
abt 1936 - Jan 28, 2019
Dora Faye Johnson, 82 of
Corsicana passed away monday, Jan. 28, 2019 at her home in
Viewing will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1, 2019
at Scott Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at noon Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019 at
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church in Corsicana.
Interment to follow at
Woodland Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Scott Funeral Home
Mary Frances
(Baumgartner) Crockett
Mar 9, 1925 - Jan 5, 2019
Frances (Baumgartner) Crockett , of Longview went home to
glory surrounded by family Saturday, Jan, 5, 2019.
She was born March 9, 1925 in Corsicana to father Walter
Clarence Baumgartner and Mother Jessie Tyra (Horton)
She loved her family, her mother and father, her brothers
and certainly her children and grandchildren. She considered
it her duty to nurture and care for her husband and
children. She was a housewife and was devoted to doing her
best to fulfill her duties.
Later in life, she continued to give advice and offer help
to her children although they had grandchildren of their
own. She considered it her sacred duty to call her "kids"
and some of her grandchildren every day to ask, "How is
every little thing?" Granny, we will miss your calls.
She was preceded in death by husband David Ray Crockett, her
parents and her brothers, Lester Baumgartner, Charlie
Baumgartner and Joe Baumgartner.
She is survived by her daughter Mary Robinson and husband
James of Kilgore; her son James Crockett of Kerrville; a
son, Walter Crockett and wife Susan of Gilmer; daughter
Tammy Bryant and husband Mike of Streetman; her brothers,
Donnie Baumgartner of Barry and Tommy Baumgartner of
She had nine grandchildren: Mathew Crockett, Aaron Bryant,
David Bryant, Carl Crockett, Bruce Crockett, Michelle Terry,
Angie Cross, Kathy Adams and Becky Braman. She also had 23
great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at
at Griffin-Roughton funeral home in Corsicana. Funeral
services to follow at 2 p.m.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Mary Katherine
(Estell) Scoggins
Aug 18, 1937 - Jan 11, 2019
Mary Katherine Scoggins, age
81, of Corsicana passed away Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 at Navarro
Regional Hospital. The family received visitors from 6 to 8 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel. The funeral
services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019 at Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Johnathan Simmons officiating.
K. Scoggins, age 81, passed away at Navarro Regional
Hospital on Friday, January 11, 2019. She was born on August
18, 1937 in Corsicana to Isaac I. Estell and Mary Pearl
Stanley Estell.
Mary graduated from Corsicana High School and spent most of
her life working as a supervisor at Woolworths in Corsicana.
After retiring she spent her time with her family and
friends from church. She was a very godly woman and a
faithful member of Missionary Baptist Church in Corsicana.
She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband
Ray. Mary was also preceded in death by her siblings; Josey
Estell and Lloyd Estell.
Mary is survived by her son, Mike Scoggins and wife, Dana of
Tool; her grandchildren; Matt Scoggins and wife Holly of
Blooming Grove, Jaymi Boatright and husband, Josh of Purdon
, as well as two precious great-granddaughters; Lillian and
Elizabeth Scoggins of Blooming Grove. She is survived by her
sister, Patricia Reed and husband, J.C. of Corsicana and
brother, Nathan Estell and wife, Linda of Kerens.
Visitation with the family will be held on Monday, January
14, 2019 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral
services are scheduled for 10:00 AM Tuesday, January 15,
2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Johnathan
Simmons officiating. Serving as pallbearers will be Chris
Gentry, Mike Tanner, James Marrs, Randy Clay, Chalma
Gonzales and Mark Barnes. Burial will follow at
Resthaven Memorial
Park in Corsicana. |
- w/o Ray Dillard
Scoggins; d/o Isaac I. Estell and Mary Pearl (Stanley)
CHS 1956
Mariella (Nutt) Ellington
Jun 27, 1926 - Jan 11, 2019
Mariella Ellington of
Chatfield passed from this life on Friday evening, Jan. 11, 2019
at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas surrounded by her family. She
was born June 27, 1926 in Corsicana to Olbrey Bruce and Sybil
Huskey Nutt. She was the youngest of seven children.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 49 years Eddie E.
Ellington; parents Bruce and Sybil Nutt; siblings and their
spouses Margueritte and J.D. Dowd, Wendell and Ione Nutt, Fred
and Bea Nutt, John and Juanita Nutt and Bruce (Babe) and Toni
Nutt; daughter-in-law Kathy Ellington; in-law's Sidney Erroll
and Hattie C. Ellington; brothers-in-law Jackie Lee and Dillard
She is survived by her children, Patrick E. Ellington, Peter Lee
Ellington and wife Cathy and Jeannie McCarty; grandchildren
Scott Ellington and wife Theresa, Chris Ellington and wife
Lauren, John Ellington and wife Victoria, Travis Ellington and
wife Holly, Charlotte Loper and husband Todd, Jake McCarty and
wife Leah; great grandchildren Owen, Lucy, Beau, Crew, Sheridan,
Zane, Reece, Caroline and Macy Ellington, Kylee, Katie and Jaxon
Loper and Joanna and Heather Dickey; brother Rufus Nutt;
sister-in-law Joan Ellington and a host of nieces, nephews and
Visitation with her family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019 at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home.
A celebration of her life will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday,
Jan. 16, 2019 at the Chatfield United Methodist Church in
Chatfield. Interment to follow at
New Chatfield Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to: Chatfield United
Methodist Church P.O. Box 76 Chatfield, Texas 75105 or the
Chatfield VFD P.O. Box 95 Chatfield, Texas 75105
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
Frankie Don Morris
Oct 18, 1952 - Jan 6, 2019
a valiant battle with cancer, Frankie Don Morris passed away
Jan. 6, 2019 peacefully in his home and surrounded by his
He was preceded in death by his parents, Frankie Pierce
Morris and Bessie (Borsellino) Morris.
Frankie Don is survived by his daughter, Jennifer Felton and
her husband, Clayton, of Waco; his sister, Debbie Robinson,
of Retreat; nephew, Jerry Robinson, Jr; two grandsons,
Conlee and Tucker Felton; his God-Daughter, Racheal Carney;
special family friend Pam Alexander and numerous uncles,
aunts, cousins, and friends.
Frankie Don was born Oct. 18, 1952 in Corsicana, where he
became a lifelong resident. He graduated from Corsicana High
School and spent the rest of his life serving almost 20
years in the Army National Guard, and later working in
industrial mechanics.
Frankie Don was a man with many hats...and if you knew him,
you remember they were always cocked to one side. He was
strong, stubborn and unquestionably opinionated, which he
mainly attributed to his Italian roots. He was honest almost
to a fault, but would give the shirt off his back to a
stranger without a moment's hesitation. He was characterized
by a true grit that was evident as he outlived an 18-month
cancer prognosis by almost six years. He maintained this
spirited personality and a tender and warm heart right up to
the very last beat.
Family was everything to Frankie Don. He especially adored
being "Grumps" to his two grandsons, picking on his daughter
and waiting for her reaction of "Oh, DAAAAD," and being
lifelong and very best friends with his devoted sister.
However, you didn't have to be blood related to be
considered family with him. With arms wide open, he formed
countless meaningful relationships and extended the
definition of family well beyond its traditional limits.
Frankie Don loved riding his motorcycle and playing golf
whenever the opportunity presented itself, but mostly he
enjoyed quiet time and a simple routine with his dog, Oscar,
by his side.
Frankie Don was a very proud Catholic and a member of
Immaculate Conception Church in Corsicana. He was also a
member of the Knights of Columbus and served as Grand Knight
in 2013-2014.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home. A rosary,
led by Deacon Lewis Palos, will follow the visitation at 7
p.m. Funeral services are scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 10,
2019 at the Immaculate Conception Church at 10 a.m. with
Father Marco Rangel officiating. Serving as pallbearers
during the services are Richard Benton, Kevin Farmer, Mike
Gamez, Tommie Hall, Jr., Paul Marino, Tommy Oliphant, and
Jerry Robinson, Jr.
Memorial gifts may be made to Immaculate Conception Church,
3000 TX-22, Corsicana, TX 75110; to the Cancer Research
Institute, https://www.cancerresearch.org; or to the charity
of one's choice. |
Frances Christene
(Nutt) Wilson
Dec 1, 1942 - Jan 6, 2019
Christene Wilson, 76 of Blooming Grove passed away Sunday,
Jan. 6, 2019 in Corsicana. She was born Dec. 1, 1942 to Noah
Rankin Nutt and Gladys Frances Fread Nutt.
She married Melvin Euel Wilson Jan. 6, 1959. They spent 60
wonderful years together. She enjoyed sewing and doing
crafty things. She loved church and reading. She was a good
cook and enjoyed cooking things such as homemade biscuits
and flap jacks for her family. Most of all she loved her
husband, children and grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents and brothers,
Kenneth, Wilburt and James and her sister, Betty.
She is survived by her husband of 60 years, Melvin Wilson;
daughters, Pamela Jeanette Davis and Rebecca Lynn Ballew;
grandchildren, Jennifer Davis, Amanda Hatch, Matthew Davis
and Cheyenne Ballew; great grandchildren, Makayla, Mallie,
Edith and Ascen; sisters, Barbara, Peggy and Linda.
Graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8,
2019 at Grange
Hall Cemetery.
The family would like to give a special Thank you to TriSun
Care Center staff for their loving care.
Arrangements by Griffin- Roughton. |
Elizabeth (Cabales) Horne
Mar 9, 1940 - Jan 13, 2019
C. Horne, 78, of Corsicana passed away on Sunday, Jan. 13,
2019 at Medical City Dallas Hospital.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019 at Bethel Family Worship Center in
Funeral services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 18,
2019 at the Bethel Family Worship Center in Hurst with Bro.
William Matthews officiating.
Interment to follow at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Corsicana. |
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Horne, age 78, of Corsicana passed away on
Sunday, January 13, 2019 at Medical City Dallas Hospital
surrounded by her children. She was born on March, 9, 1940
Oceana, California to Santos A. Cabales and Temotea Pontod
Elizabeth earned her Bachelor's Degree and spent most of her
life working for the Veterans' Administration as a medical
transcriber. She was a devoted member of the Bethel Family
Worship Center in Hurst for five years. She was a life long
member of the Church of God of Prophecy and a licensed minister
for over 25 years. She pastored in Vernon, Pampa and Amarillo,
Texas. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. All who
knew Elizabeth loved her. She was a very caring person. She was
also a pastor and Sunday school teacher during her life. She was
a talented musician and played not only the piano, but the
baritone and ukulele as well. She loved all types of arts and
crafts. She was the coordinator of the Food Pantry in Pampa,
Texas. Elizabeth spent her life serving and helping those less
Elizabeth was preceded in death by her parents; and siblings;
Juanita Icalia, Loretta Catania, David Cabales, and John Cabales.
She is survived by her husband, Curtis Horne; her children;
Durand Sculthorp and wife, Cheena of Corsicana, Texas, Robin
Sculthorp and wife Marilyn of Dickinson, Texas, and Janine
Sculthorp Schwing of Maryland. Elizabeth is also survived by her
grandchildren; Caitlyn Sculthorp of Vernon, Texas, Charmy
Sculthorp of the Philippines, Graham, Kassidy, and Tristan
Sculthorp of Dickinson, Texas, Ethan Sculthorp of Frisco, Texas
and Phoenicia Schwing of China, and Jaqlyn Schwing of Maryland.
Elizabeth leaves behind to cherish her memories, her siblings;
Henry Castenares, Rebecca Mullin, James Cabales, Esther Osborn,
Daniel Cabales and Santos Cabales, Jr. She is also survived by
her ex-husband, Curtis Sculthorp. There are also numerous
nieces, nephews, cousins that have survived Elizabeth.
Visitation with the family will be held 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday, January 17, 2019 at Bethel Family Worship Center in
Hurst, Texas. Funeral services are scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on
Friday, January 18, 2019 at the Bethel Family Worship Center in
Hurst with Pastor William Matthews officiating. Burial will
follow at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 18, 2019 at
Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas.
- w/o Curtis Horne; d/o
Santos A. Cabales & Temotea Pontod Cabales.
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Jesse Raymond "Ray" Woods
Jun 9, 1939 - Jan 24, 2019
Raymond "Ray" Woods, 79, of Dawson, passed away Thursday,
Jan. 24, 2019 in Corsicana.
Ray was born June 9, 1939 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas to Jesse
and Minola (Hall) Woods. He was raised on a farm outside of
Pine Bluff and moved to Texas in 1957 where he later met and
married Yvonne Davis in 1960 in Dallas. They lived in Oak
Cliff where Ray worked as a diesel mechanic for Arkansas
Best Freight.
His job later took them to Little Rock for a few years
before moving back to Dallas where they lived until moving
to Dawson in 1993 although Ray commuted to his job in Dallas
until retiring in 2001. While living in Dallas,
Ray was active in the Saner Avenue Church of Christ serving
as a deacon and elder. After moving to Dawson, he was a
member of the Dawson Lions Club, served on the board for the
Dawson Cemetery Association and was a member of the Dawson
Church of Christ.
He was preceded in death by his parents; an infant brother,
Odell Woods and a sister, Anna Lou Woods Hobbs.
Survivors include his wife of over 58 years, Yvonne Davis
Woods of Dawson; son, Douglas Raymond Woods and wife, Denise
of Dawson; daughter, Raylyn Ann Woods Means and husband,
Kent of North Richland Hills; sister, Lois McEntire of
Clarksville; four grandchildren, Kellyn Means, William
Means, Weston Means and Benjamin Woods and several nieces
and nephews and other extended family members.
Pallbearers will be Benjamin Woods, Weston Means, William
Means, Benny Owen, Guy Hobbs and Richard Sorenson. Honorary
pallbearers will be Joe Thompson, Collins Bumpers, Wayne
Clemens and George Faucett.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 at
Wade Funeral Chapel in Hubbard with Roy Hignight and Kasey
McGraw officiating. Interment will follow in
Dawson Cemetery.
The family requests that memorials or donations be made in
Ray's honor to Dawson Cemetery, P.O. Box 126, Dawson,
Texas76639. |
Norma Jean (Nitzschke)
Jul 12, 1929 - Jan 25, 2019
Jean Nitzschke Cuviello, 89, passed away Friday, Jan. 25,
Norma was born in Little Elm, Limestone County, to Ida Belle
and Edward Nitzschke on July 12, 1929. She attended Scott &
White School of Nursing and graduated in 1951. She worked at
the V. A. Hospital in Marlin, where she met the love of her
life, Patrick Victor Cuviello. They married in 1953 and
moved to Corsicana, where they lived 55 years before moving
to Waco in 2008.
They were active members of First United Methodist Church in
Corsicana and she was a Corsicana High School band parent.
She loved sewing and gardening. Her favorite pastime was
sharing her life experiences, memories and bits of wisdom
with her children, grandchildren and anyone else that would
Norma's single greatest joy was supporting her husband Pat
with all his endeavors. She followed him around the country
with his passion for education. Norma spent the last 30
years of their 57 year marriage caring for him through his
battles with cancer.
Norma was preceded in death by her parents, husband Pat, her
son Pat Jr, two younger sisters, Mildred McCarver and Jo
Eddie Sommerville and son-in-law, Rico Marcial.
She is survived by daughters, Linda Marcial of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, Kimberley Seesing and husband, Larry,
of Waco and Elice Palmer and husband, David, of San Antonio;
nine grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; three
great-great grandchildren and brother-in-law, Tom
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 31
at Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey Garden Room with Wayne Williams
Interment to follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers are Michael Carney, Kyle Palmer, Jason Palmer,
Brandon Seesing, Chuck Green, Sam Duncan, Beau Green and
Dominic Carney.
Memorials may be made to M.D. Anderson, Meals on Wheels or
First United Methodist Church in Corsicana.
The family would like to thank Providence Hospice, The
Delany staff, Juana, Laticia, Patricia, Karen and all of her
loving caregivers. |
Alvin Vernon Richardson
Dec 11, 1939 - Jan 28, 2019
Alvin V. Richardson, 79, of Corsicana passed away Monday,
Jan. 28, 2019 at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb.
2, 2019 at Richland
Cemetery with Bro. Tim Schane officiating.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Jan. 28, 2019
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- h/o Evelyn Ruth (Ickles)
Richardson & Nannie Bee (Portwood) Richardson; s/o Vernon
Lafayet Richardson & Clydie Mae (Sumroe) Richardson
Alverta Lee (Turner)
Dec 5, 1929 - Jan 22, 2019
Alverta Lee Turner Roberts,
89, died peacefully at the Twilight Nursing and Rehabilitation
Center in Corsicana, Texas on January 22, 2019 after a brief
illness with breast cancer.
Alverta was born to Alvin Lee and Ida Annie Leist Turner on
December 5, 1929 in Yoakum, Texas. She graduated from Yoakum
High School in 1947. Several years later, Alverta married
Clifford Eugene (Gene) Roberts on February 25, 1950 in Giddings,
Texas. Gene was employed in the oil field and later with Nipak,
Inc. in Trinidad. Alverta was a wife and mother, as well as a
homemaker, child care provider, and in home health care services
Over time, the couple became the proud parents of five children:
Gary, David, Linda, Richard, and James Roberts. Her children
remember her as a kind and loving mother, always encouraging and
supportive of their dreams and goals.
Alverta was a member of the Austin Street Baptist Church in
Yoakum and was baptized as a teenager. Alverta was a woman who
loved music and who was passionate about her service as a song
leader at the Round Prairie Baptist Church in Kerens, Texas
under the pastorate of Leonard Connor, Dennis Mott, and Glenn
Alverta will be lovingly remembered by her five surviving
children: Gary Roberts and David Roberts of Channelview; Linda
Roberts of Corsicana; Richard Roberts of Mildred; and James
Roberts of Houston.
She is also survived by four siblings: sister Vera Lou Knezek of
Victoria; sister Evelyn and husband Marty Nealeigh of New
Braunfels; brother Calvin and wife Helen Turner of Lindale; and
sister Marion and husband Jim Orts of Moulton. She is also
survived by a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, and a
countless number of friends.
Alverta (Nanny) will also be fondly remembered by her many
grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great
Grandchildren surviving their Nanny are: Ginger Hopkins of
Corsicana; Tony and wife Elizabeth Roberts of Athens; Janeitha
Hurley of Mildred; Joseph Ivie, Jr. and partner Karyn Reed of
Austin; Brandy Jenkins of Mildred; and Sandy and husband Patrick
Patterson of Kerens.
Great Grandchildren surviving their Nanny are: Raven and husband
Tony Lloyd of Gilmer; Amber and husband Cameron McBride of
Gilmer; Darlyn Mesker of Corsicana.
Aden, Sean, and Brielle Roberts of Athens; Evan Woods and
partner Sarah Bryant of Gun Barrel City; Eric and Ian Hurley of
Mildred; Jase and Katelyn Butler Corsicana; Justin Jenkins of
Mildred; and Jake Patterson of Kerens.
Nanny is also survived by two Great Great Grandchildren: Elaina
Danielle Woods of Gun Barrel City and Daphne Austen Butler of
Alverta was preceded in death by her husband Clifford Eugene
Roberts of Kerens; father Alvin Lee Turner and mother Ida Annie
Turner of Yoakum; sister Edith Brewer of Yoakum; sister Eunice
Pederson of Auburn, Washington; brother Weldon Turner of Yoakum.
Visitation is scheduled for Thursday, January 24, 2019 from 5:00
to 7:00 p.m. at Paschal Funeral Home Chapel at 120 SW 3rd Street
in Kerens, Texas.
Funeral services are scheduled for Friday, January 25, 2019 at
2:00 p.m. at Paschal Funeral Home with Reverend Glenn Benefield
officiating and all are welcome to attend. Respectfully, a
private family burial is planned.
Gene Bullard, Jr. Director, is in charge of arrangements and may
be contacted at 903-396-2371 for additional information.
Pallbearers are grandsons Jase Butler, Justin Jenkins, Jake
Patterson, Tony Roberts, and family friends Reverend Randall
Everett and Danny Woods. Honorary pallbearers are grandsons
Joseph Ivie, Jr. and Evan Woods.
The family would like to thank the staff at Twilight Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, Hand in Hand Hospice, and Dr. Ronald
Rodriguez, as well as friends and family for their prayers,
visits and endless support. Thank you for helping Alverta in her
opportunity to live, work, and raise her family in this
community. Thank you for not only caring for her while she was
sick, but helping her along the way of life. You inspire the
living to be good neighbors, strive for good, and be engaged in
the community and church.
Phillip Franklin, Jr.
Apr 9, 1947 - Jan 20, 2019
Franklin, Jr. 71, of Corsicana, passed away Sunday, Jan.
20,2019 at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan.
26,2019 at the Second Mission Baptist Church located at 909
S. Fifth St. with Apostle David D. Ransom, Sr., Eulogist.
Interment to follow at
Woodland Memorial
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. |
Eleanor "Sis"
(Burks) Cephus-Johnson
Oct 20, 1942 - Jan 14, 2019
Eleanor "Sis" Burks Cephus Johnson 76 passed Monday, Jan. 14,
2019 in Dallas.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019
at Sixth Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. Alfred Cox Officiating and
Apostle Tyrone Lister Eulogist
Viewing will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18,
2019 at Scott Funeral Home
Interment to be held at
Woodland Memorial Park.
Van Donald King, Sr.

Dec 24, 1935 - Jan 12, 2019
Donald King, 83 of Greenville passed away on Jan. 12, 2019.
He was born on Dec. 24, 1935 in
Emmett to Van and Maudie
King. He grew up in Corsicana and graduated from Corsicana
High School.
After working in his mom and dad's grocery store, he moved
to Dallas and started a long career in the food business,
beginning with Tom Thumb grocery stores. From there, he
began working at Acord-Bohlander Food Brokerage in 1960 and
continued with that line of work until his retirement in
January, 2000.
He married Janie Armstrong on March 25, 1960. Their
daughter, Dana, was born in 1962.
His happiest times were those spent outdoors, making home
improvements and taking care of his yard. He especially
loved playing outside with his grandchildren and taking them
camping when they were younger.
He was preceded in death by his parents, nephew Van Taylor
King and special brothers-in-law Kenneth Stone, O.L. Nichols
and Don Armstrong.
Van is survived by his wife, Janie, of Greenville; daughter
and son-in-law James and Dana Willingham of Greenville;
grandson Ashton Willingham of Waco; granddaughter and
grandson-in-law Kyle and Courtney Crumpton of Greenville;
sister, Dolores Stone of San Antonio; brother and
sister-in-law Mike and Maxcine King of Corsicana;
brother-in-law and sister-in-law Doug and Francis Armstrong
of Celeste; sister-in-law Kay Nichols of Celeste and several
special cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.
A memorial service and celebration of his life will be held
at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 at the Hogeye Community Center
in Celeste with Kyle Crumpton officiating under the
direction Coker-Mathews Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, please make any donations in his honor
to your church or favorite charity. |
Mable Louise (Bolden) Carter
Dec 12, 1946 - Jan 29, 2019
was born December 12, 1946 in Abilene, Texas. From there the
daughter of Raymond and Ruby Bolden lived a full 72 years of
life as a devoted mother, grandmother, sister and earnest
friend. She moved with her family to Corsicana in 1950.
Mable found Christ at an early age and attended Bethlehem
Baptist Church under the leadership of the Reverend R.L.
Mable grew to adulthood in Corsicana. She was a proud
graduate of then segregated G.W. Jackson High School. While
in Corsicana, she met and married Harold Carter and moved to
Dallas, Texas. Their union resulted in birth of her two
sons, Jeffery and Lenn Carter. Throughout her life she
bragged incessantly about her "two boys."
In 1974, Mable took what she thought would be temporary job
at the U.S. Post Office in Irving, Texas. Instead, she was a
dedicated postal employee until she retired in 2004.
Mable will forever be loved and dearly missed by her two
sons, four sisters, four brothers, and host of cousins,
nieces, nephews and dear friends. |
Jamie Goodgion
Dec 18, 1932 - Jan 10, 2019
Goodgion, 86, of Frost passed away on Thursday, Jan. 10,
2019, in Frost. Born Dec. 18, 1932, in Nocona, he was the
son of George Frank and Leona (Larkins) Goodgion. He served
in the United States Navy during the Korean Conflict.
Jamie joined the Dallas Fire Department and retired on Dec.
18, 1982, after 21 and a half years of service. He loved his
time at the fire department, which he never considered a
Jamie loved the country and watching his squirrels, deer and
birds. He had a very strong connection with his family.
He was preceded in death by his parents, son, Bobby Cameron
and one brother.
Those left to cherish his memory include his grandson,
Robert Cameron and wife, Amber of Frost;
great-grandchildren, Anthony Cameron and wife, Krystal of
Killeen and Patrick Fletcher and wife, Crystal of Waco;
sister, Nancy Harrell of Krum and daughter-in-law, Vickie
Cameron of Dallas.
Visitation will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 13 at
Marshall & Marshall Funeral Directors Chapel in Hillsboro.
Funeral services will be held at noon, Monday, Jan. 14, 2019
with Mr. Robert Cameron and Mr. Denny Burris officiating.
Interment with military honors to follow at Whitney Memorial
Park in Whitney. Additional honors will be provided by the
Retired Dallas Firefighters Association and the Patriot
Guard. |
W. A. "Dub" Fielden
July 10, 1934 - Jan 29, 2019
(Dub) Fielden, 84, of Corsicana, passed away Tuesday, Jan.
29, 2019 at his home.
Dub was born July 10, 1934 in Sulphur Springs to Willie and
Opal (Lindsey) Fielden. Upon graduation from Sulphur Springs
High School, he entered the U.S. Army. After his stint in
the service, he enrolled in East Texas State Teacher's
College where he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in
1957 and a Master's of Arts Degree in 1963.
Dub was a beloved and much respected educator, having taught
Vocational Agriculture for 30 years in Tioga, Waskom, Frisco
and McKinney. He influenced many young lives who still
remember and respect him.
Upon his retirement from education, he earned his
Realtor/Broker Licenses.
Dub was preceded in death by parents, his first wife of 28
years, Annita Sue Fielden, second wife of 33 years, Connie
Fielden, sister-in-law, Marva Beasley and parents-in-law,
Harold and Ruby Marts.
Dub is survived by his daughter, Annette Fielden of Nevada,
Tx; sons, Chris and Shannon Fielden of Corsicana and Darren
and Pam Lane of Kerens; five grandchildren, Maddie and Cody
Ray, Emmy Lane, Perry and Monica Willett, Austin and Sarah
Lane, Julianna Lane; six great grandchildren; sister-in-law,
Pat and Bob Wilson; brothers-in-law, Ken and Bernice Marts,
Phil and Linda Marts, Joe and Staci Marts, Gene Marts and
Kenneth Beasley and their families.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 4,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5,
2019 at Mildred Baptist Church in Mildred with Pastor Tony
Neal officiating.
Interment to follow at 3:30 p.m. at Gafford Chapel Cemetery
in Sulphur Springs.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Cal Farley
Boys Ranch at calfarley.org |
- Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home
- Published on February 1,
Phil Wallace Calvin
Apr 2, 1946 � Jan 2, 2019
W. Calvin, of Emmett passed away Jan. 2, 2019. After a
three-year battle with cancer, Phil left this earthly home
surrounded by his loving family. He was preceded in death by
his parents, Paul and Edna Earl Calvin, son Perry and
grandson Hudson.
Phil is survived by his wife of 40 years, Cindy; children
Penny Sprouse, Payne Wesley and wife Emily, Page Sack and
husband Levi, and daughter by choice, Becky Calvin. He is
also survived by his sister, Cindy Knosby, and seven
Phil was a Christian and attended Frost Baptist Church. He
served as fire chief of Navarro Mills Volunteer Fire
Department for 22 years. Upon joining the fire department,
Phil became aware of the needs for the department. He was
very instrumental in building up the fire department to
where it is today. The acquisition of the new fire station,
as well as new fire equipment, are due to Phil's unwavering
dedication to do whatever it took to get funding, from
acquiring grants, hosting fundraisers and to giving freely
of his time and skills.
He found joy in mentoring others and loved being in charge
as chief. In 2013 Phil was honored and proud to receive the
Fire Fighter of the Year Award. Phil served his community by
serving on the Navarro Mills Water Supply Corporation as a
board member for over 20 years and as a Republican Party
polling judge for Precinct No. 4 for almost 10 years. He was
a staunch supporter of the freedom to own and carry firearms
and held a lifetime membership with the NRA.
Phil attended Texas A&M University and was a member of the
Corp of Cadets. It was an honor and a privilege for him to
recruit his brother-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins to
"The University". He was a die hard Aggie and always said he
bled maroon and white! He passed his passion down to his
children and grandchildren.
Phil bred and raised Brangus for many years. Working with
his children through FFA and 4-H showing cattle and winning
many awards including a Grand Championship. He loved farming
and ranching and found peace and comfort in nature. Phil
lived his life in a big way and left behind a larger than
life legacy that will be remembered by all. He dearly loved
his family and enjoyed telling stories about each and every
Phil was one of a kind, his opinions, beliefs and thoughts
on how to do things will truly be missed by many. He leaves
us remembering his motto: "You gotta have a little fun every
day!" Gig'em Aggies!
A memorial service with visitation to follow will be held at
2 p.m. Jan. 11, 2019 at Frost Baptist Church. |
Judith "Judi" (Allen)
Jan 8, 1946 - Jan 7, 2019
"Judi" Allen Prater, 72 of Corsicana, passed away Monday,
Jan. 7, 2019 in Dallas. She was born Jan. 8, 1946 in San
Antonio to Charles Allen and Glenna Breithaupt. Judi was a
graduate of TCU with a Bachelor in Education. She taught
school for 32 years.
Judi brought much joy to her family. She loved to make her
family laugh. She enjoyed keeping her home, she could
remodel a room of her home by finding pictures in magazines.
She was a perfectionist with her home and yard. Judi enjoyed
being outdoors mowing the yard and pasture and doing things
around her home and also fishing. She was very outgoing and
enjoyed visiting with people.
She was preceded in death by her parents and father and
mother-in-law, Wilson and Frenchie Prater and brother-in-law
Harold Prater.
She leaves behind to cherish her memory, husband of 49
years, Jim Prater; son Kenneth Allen Prater; sister-in-law,
Vicky Prater; nephew and wife, Hal and Leslie Prater and
their son Wil Prater; niece and husband Diane and Alex Davis
and her Yorkie.
Visitation will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan.12,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. A graveside service
to be held at a later date.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Gary Paul Farley
Nov 17, 1955 - Jan 7, 2019
Paul Farley, 63, of Rice passed away Monday, Jan.7 at home.
He was born on Nov. 17, 1955 to E.H. and Tommie Jo Farley in
He met his wife, Sarah Farley of over 42 years, at the age
of 15. They dated through high school and graduated from
Lake Highlands High School in 1973. After graduating he went
on to study aircraft maintenance and become an aircraft
In 1984 Gary and Sarah moved to Rice, TX to raise their two
daughters. He worked as an aircraft mechanic in Dallas for
several years until 1996 when he decided to open his own
business at the Corsicana Airport to be closer to home so he
could attend his daughters' activities.
Gary always had a passion for history, airplanes, camping,
airshows, playing catch with his children and grandchildren
and his family. He was a talented artist and writer. He
enjoyed building dioramas and researching World War II
history as well as his family history. He spent countless
hours researching the administrators, instructors and cadets
of the Corsicana Field during its operation during World War
II. This let to founding the Glen Cumbie Museum in order to
preserve its history. This museum was his pride and joy,
other than his family.
He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. Sarah was
undoubtedly the love of his life. He loved her fiercely. His
daughters were the joy of his life. He was their biggest
cheerleader and always proud of every accomplishment. I
think it is safe to say his most favorite title of all was,
"Grandpa." He had a unique relationship with each of them.
He was truly at his happiest when he was in their presence.
He was preceded in death by his parents, E.H and Tommie Jo
He is survived by his wife Sarah Farley; children Lindsay
Pugh and husband Justin of Athens, Brennan German and
husband Heath of Rice; grandchildren Alexis, Reagan, Ava,
Rhett, and Chase; sisters Rita Wolfe and husband Curtis of
Grapevine and Marsha Bouchard and husband Jerry of Canyon
City, Colorado; brothers Bobby Farley and wife Patricia of
Grapevine and brother Larry Farley of Greenville, along with
numerous nieces and nephews.
Memorial Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 12,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Bob Moehring
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Corsicana
Field Aviation Heritage Foundation at the Community National
Bank, American Heart association, or the Navarro county
humane society.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Hylan W. "Lanny" Coble, Jr.
Jan 6, 1944 - Jan 3, 2019
Coble passed away January 3, 2019 after a lengthy battle
with Alzheimer's. Hylan W. Coble, Jr. was born in Dallas,
TX, January 6, 1944, the only child of Margaret Kissel Coble
and Hylan W. Coble. He moved to Grand Prairie at the age of
2 where he grew up, raised a family and was an active member
of the community until retiring from TXU in 1999 at which
time he and his wife moved to Corsicana to start the next
chapter of their lives.
Lanny loved the Dallas Cowboys and his family (we weren't
always sure which he loved more) and his sweet and friendly
nature ensured he made and kept friends from every part of
his life.
He is survived by his loving wife Patricia Coble of
Corsicana, TX, daughters Natalie Smith and Deann Tibbetts
and husband Matt, sons Reagan Wetsel and wife Kelli and
Brandon Wetsel and wife Lilia as well as grandchildren
Garret Smith, Spencer Tibbetts, Jackson Tibbetts, Carter
Wetsel, Cameron Wetsel, Recce Wetsel, Rex Wetsel and Peyton
The family would like to thank his dear friend and physician
Dr. Dale Campbell, the nurses at Hand in Hand Hospice and
the nurses and staff at Windsor Healthcare for all of the
amazing care they provided.
In lieu of flowers donations to the Alzheimer's
Association(https://www.alz.org/) are appreciated.
Iva Nell (Owen) Reamy
Jan 7, 1939 - Jan 10, 2019
Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019, Iva Nell Reamy, mother,
grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend,
went to be with our Lord and Savior at the age of 80.
Nell was born Jan. 7, 1939 in Mexia to Clinton and Jewel
Alene Owen. She married Ostein "Andy" Reamy July 23, 1955.
They made their home and raised their children in Navarro,
TX and spent 55 years together until Andy's death in 2011.
Nell was known for her generosity and love of family. Her
greatest blessings and joys were her children,
grandchildren, great-grandchildren and dog, Duke, who she
loved dearly. She was an avid dominoes player and collector
of cookbooks and recipes. She was a wonderful cook who was
known for her homemade, country cooking. She loved being a
grandma and spent many weekends watching movies and cooking
for her grandchildren. Most recently, she embraced being a
great-grandma and spending time with her great-grandchildren
rocking and singing nursery rhymes from her childhood to
She was preceded in death by her parents, Clinton and Jewel
Alene Owen of Corsicana; her husband, Andy Reamy, of
Navarro; her brothers, Jeff Owen, James "Eddie" Owen, and
Cecil Owen, all of Corsicana; her son, Ryan Reamy, of
Kerens, and her daughter, Germaine Hunnicutt Mobley, of
She is survived by her adoring son, Adolf Reamy, and wife,
Christle, of Corsicana; her brother, Joe Wayne Owen, of
Richland; her daughter-in-law, Kala Reamy, of Kerens; her
loving grandchildren, Chad Hunnicutt and fianc� Jacqueline
Hagmeir of Barry, Christin Phillips and husband Jacob of
Tomball, Tiffany Gutierrez and husband Alan of San Antonio,
Ross Reamy and wife Dana of Corsicana, and Rick Reamy of
Kerens; great-grandchildren: Eli Hagmeir and Evan Hunnicutt
of Barry, Hunter Phillips and Peyton Phillips of Tomball,
and Harrison Gutierrez of San Antonio, as well as numerous
nieces, nephews, and friends.
A private service for family and friends will be held at a
later date.
The family would like to thank Annette and Ski Hicks and
Emma and Devin Sikes for their loving care of Nell in her
final months.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Nell's name to
Shriners Hospitals for Children. |
J. O. Garner
June 21, 1941 - Jan 21, 2019
J.O. Garner passed away
Monday, Jan. 21, 2019 in Ennis.
He was born June 21, 1941 in Dawson to Ed and Roberta Garner. He
was a
1959 graduate of Corsicana High School, where he was a
member of the National Honor Society.
J.O. served briefly in the
United States Air Force, completing basic training in San
Antonio, then stationed at James Connally Air Force Base in
Waco. In his careers, he worked for several high tech companies
such as Motorola and Vero, and taught Chemistry and Physics as
J.O. spent most of his adult life on the family ranch near
Angus, where he raised and sold cattle. He and his bride Carolyn
built a new two-story brick home on the ranch, and enjoyed their
lives there until she passed away in March 2016.
J.O. has been a resident at Brookdale Corsicana, and was
residing at Ennis Care Center at the time of his passing.
He enjoyed biscuits and gravy, and spending time at the Good
News Cafe at First Baptist Church, where he visited with people
at each table and prayed for any needs expressed.
Funeral service for J.O. Garner will be held at 2 p.m. Friday,
Jan. 25, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Dr. Danny P.
Reeves will officiate. Pallbearers are Haskell Dighton, Ken
Hinshaw, Stan Hanes, Ted Taylor, Tom Gardner and Jack Smith.
Herman Ray Sanders
May 29, 1944 - Jan 17, 2019
Ray Sanders, 74, passed away Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019 at the
VA Hospital in Dallas. He was born May 29, 1944 to Emil
Miles Sanders and Herman Childress Sanders.
He was married to Laura Sanders.
He is survived by his posterity, son Matthew (Heidi) Sanders
and grandchildren Elena, Joseph, Rebecca and Kimball
He lived to help make the lives of the people around him
better by thoughts of inspiration, hope, faith and strength.
A private family service was requested. |
Donal Dennis Younts
Apr 25, 1939 - Jan 14, 2019
Dennis Younts, of Dawson, passed away peacefully Monday,
Jan. 14, 2019, at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village in
Corsicana. His wife, Linda, was lovingly at his side.
Born to Luther and Hattie Ruth Younts on April 25, 1939, in
Temple, Donal, known as "Don," lived a rich, full life. Don
was steadfast, kind-hearted and extremely hard working.
At 17, he enlisted in the Army and was a member of the
Mountain Brigade in Germany. There, he fell in love with
classical music, sparking a life-long respect of all the
great composers.
After meeting his sweetheart, Linda, in the fall of 1963, he
called his sister to tell her that he had just met "the
one." He was right. They were married Feb. 1, 1964, in
Greenville. Together, they joyfully raised three beautiful,
strong daughters. In 1973, they moved to Dawson.
Don worked as a salesman for Woolsworth in Corsicana, then
the Army Corps of Engineering and finally as a technician
for Master Vending. He retired in 2000 to travel the world
and enjoy his family. Affectionately known as "Granddaddy,"
he played a large role in his eight grandchildren's lives.
From teaching them to drive, that Braum's milkshakes can
cure anything, how to not take life too seriously and
everything in between, he was a constant in their lives.
He enjoyed the occasional water gun fight. He also rooted
for whoever was playing against the Cowboys. Among various
treasured memories, he will be remembered for his famously
hilarious catch-phrases.
He was preceded in death by his brothers, Curtis, L.J. and
Johnny, as well as his sister, Ann Beutler
Don is survived by his wife of nearly 55 years, Linda; his
daughters Diana Owens and husband, Joel, Sharon Mitchell,
and Sarah Swain and husband Trey; eight grandchildren, Josh
and Matthew Owens, Kaitlin Griffin, Reuben, Madelyn and
Allison Mitchell, Grayce Younts and Gunnar Swain along with
many friends.
Family will receive the public from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday,
Jan. 17, 2019 at First Baptist Welcome Center in Dawson.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18,
2019 at First Baptist Church in Dawson, with Steve Burleson
The family would like to thank the staff and nurses at
Heritage Oaks, Hand-in-Hand Hospice and Angels at Home for
all of the loving care they provided.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Robert Preston "Rob" Cook
Sep 11, 1956 - Jan 22, 2019
"Rob" Preston Cook entered the presence and glory of God
Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019. He was born in Mineral Wells on
Sept. 11, 1956.
On Aug. 25, 1979, he married Margo Knight Cook of San
Antonio. The couple raised their three children in Corsicana
and have been blessed with 10 grandchildren.
Rob loved music, flowers and family, but the most important
relationship in his life, besides his wife, was with his
Savior Jesus Christ.
He was preceded in death by his father Leland Cook, Jr., and
grandson Aden Cook.
He is survived by his wife of almost 40 years, Margo Cook;
daughter and son-in-law Audrey and Russell Reed; sons and
daughters-in-law, Andrew and Amber Cook, Kyle and Candace
Cook, and nine grandchildren; his mother, Sue Cook; his
brothers and sisters-in-law, Byron and Kay Cook, Ken and
Paula Cook, Lance and Karen Cook and Brad Cook, and many
nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
A service of celebration will be held Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019
at 2:30 p.m., at Northside Baptist Church. A private
committal service will be held at Love Cemetery on the ranch
south of Angus.
The family would like to extend a special thank you to
Bristol Hospice Pathways and John Arnold, for his time and
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Griffin -
Roughton Funeral Home |
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thurs., Jan. 24, 2019
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- h/o Margo Ardith
(Knight) Cook; s/o Leland Preston Cook, Jr. & Nina Sue
(Burton) Cook
- The
obit states Love Cemetery but I do believe that this
cemetery is on their ranch owned by his father and not the
abandoned Love Cem ....Karen
Amanda (Liles) Chewning
Nov 1, 1869 - Jan 29, 1940
Funeral services for Mrs. M. D. Chewning, 70, who died at
Longview early Monday will be held at Longview at 10:30 Tuesday
morning and the body will be brought overland for interment in
Oakwood cemetery at
3 p.m.
The deceased was a former citizen of Corsicana but had made her
home at Longview for the past five years. She is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Bell McDonald of Longview; a grandson; a sister,
Mrs. Doll Merritt of Shawnee, Okla., and other relatives.
Local arrangements are being handled by the Corley Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Jan 29, 1940
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- d/o John Herrod �Jack�
Liles, II and Mary Elizabeth (Haynes) Hartsfield-Liles
buried in Milltown Cemetery, Lindville, Alabama (sister is
Dollie (Liles) Merritt wife of Wade H. Merritt)
Funeral services for Mrs. M. D. Chewning, aged 70 years, who
died Longview Monday, were held at Longview Tuesday morning at
10:30 o'clock. The body was brought overland for interment here
in Oakwood cemetery
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Chewning formerly resided in Corsicana, but had made her
home in Longview for the past five years.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Bell McDonald, Longview; a
grandson, sister, Mrs. Doll Merritt, Shawnee, Okla., and other
Corley Funeral Home directed local arrangements.
Helen Elizabeth McDugald
Aug 14, 1940 - Aug 17, 1940
Infant Daughter of McDugalds Succumbs
Helen Elizabeth McDugald, 3-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James McDugald, died in the Navarro Clinic Saturday night.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the Sutherland-McCammon chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. C. R. Haden, rector of St.
John's Episcopal church.
Surviving are the parents, grandfather, C. G. Davidson,
Corsicana, grandparents in Austin and other relatives.
Priscilla Muns
Dec 15, 1940 - Dec 18, 1940
Priscilla Muns, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Muns, Jr.,
of Longview, died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday night.
Funeral services were held Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at
Oakwood cemetery
where interment was made. The rites were conducted by A. E.
Walker, minister of the Church of Christ.
Surviving are the parents and a brothers, N. C. Muns, III, of
Longview, and grandparents, Mrs. N. C. Muns and Mr. and Mrs. G.
C. Rogers, all of Corsicana and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Joseph Cornelius Muns
Apr 6, 1865 - Feb 1, 1948
Funeral services for J. C. Muns, 82, retired farmer and longtime
resident of Navarro county, who died at his home here early
Sunday morning were held at Corley Funeral Chapel at 3:30 Sunday
Rev. J. Morris Bailey conducted the rites. Interment was in the
Oakwood cemetery
Muns was born in Tennessee, and came to Texas in the 1880's,
settling near Streetman, where he and his wife lived until their
retirement several years ago. Since then they had resided at 819
West Tenth Avenue here.
Survivors are his wife, Mary, and a number of nieces and
Pallbearers were M. E. Simpson, Garvis Miller, Reburn Miller,
Kelton Roberts, C. L. Craig and Talmadge Canant.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Feb. 2, 1948
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Mary Ella (Brock)
Muns; s/o Alexander Hamilton Muns & Mary Ann (Grant) Muns
buried in Cade cemetery, Wortham, Tx.
J. C. Munns Dies CORSICANA, Texas. Feb. 3. - J. C. Munns, 82, retired farmer, former resident of Streetman, died at his home here Saturday night. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon. Surviving is his wife. Notes:
Wilma (Muns) Ficklin
Oct 2, 1896 - May 9, 1976
Mrs. Ficklin
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Wilma Muns Ficklin, 79, resident of Corsicana
who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital.
The Rev. David Hale will officiate and burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
She was a native of Navarro County, lived in Corsicana 40 years,
and was a member of the Petty's Chapel Baptist church.
Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Norman Bryant, Mrs. W. C.
Jones and Mrs. Roy Holcome, all of Corsicana; two nephews, Dr.
Needom Muns of Natchitoches, La. and Claburn Jones of St.
Charles, Mo.; a niece, MRs. Janice Anne Miller of Little Rock,
Pallbearers will be Jake Cook, Harold Blankship, Lee Roy
Robinson, Claburn Jones, Dr. Needom Muns, Gaylord Miller, and
Myrle Hodge.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., May 10, 1976
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Willie Ficklin
married Jul. 21, 1918; d/o Nedom Conway Muns, Sr. & Mary
Jane (Robinson) Muns buried at Petty's Chapel cemetery
Marianna (Clements)
Mar 3, 1933 - Jan 30, 2019
Marianna Jackson, 85, was born in Corsicana March 3, 1933
and passed away from a brief illness on Jan. 30, 2019 with
her children by her side.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Hub Clements and
Mary Louise Pugh Clements; brothers, Johnny Clements and
James Herbert Clements and great- grandson, Hudson Gage
She is survived by her daughter, Lou Ann Guthrie, son,
Gerald Guthrie and wife Rynda; sister-in-law, Sue Clements;
granddaughters, Tiffany and husband Heath Gillen, Brenna
King, Amanda Armstrong and husband Phillip, Melanie Endsley
and husband Kevin, Tarah Stallings and husband Seth; great
grandchildren, Hannah Putman, Gunner and Owen Gillen, Alyson
and Kennedy King, Peyton and Macie Armstrong, Harper,
Lennon, Finley Endsley and Ruby, Nova, Coral Stallings and
grandog Annie Marie Guthrie, Mary Novak Grubbs and special
friend and cousin, Lee Montgomery.
Appreciation is expressed to the dedicated care givers:
Meagen, Cindy, Wendy, Stephen, Brenda, and Sandy of New
Century Hospice.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6-8 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside
services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019 at
Oakwood Cemetery
with Stephen McElroy officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer
Society at https://www.cancer.org/involved/donate.html.
1st husband Wilburn Prince Guthrie
2nd husband Robert Clifton "Bob" Jackson, Jr., Judge;
d/o Herbert Cecil "Hub" Clements & Mary Louise
(Pugh) Clements
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thurs., Jan. 31, 2019
- Submitted by Karen Rost
B&D Nov. 26, 1940
Baby Died in Local Hospital; Burial In Hamilton Cemetery
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
cemetery where interment was made for the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Qualls of Winkler. The babe died at the P. and S.
Hospital early Tuesday morning.
Surviving are the parents, a brother, grandmothers, Mrs. Mattie
Qualls, all of Winkler, and Mrs. H. J. Mahaw, Plainview.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tues., Nov. 26, 1940
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- s/o Leslie Monroe �Less�
Qualls & Hellen Marie (Spraggins) Qualls buried in St. Elmo
- Unable to locate death
certificate-could be buried at St. Elmo with parents?
Thomas Ernest
�Tommie� Pritchard

Jul 18, 1888 - Jul 12, 1957
T. E. Pritchard Rites Saturday
Funeral services for T. E. Pritchard, 71, who died of a heart
attack at his home in Angus Friday morning will be held from the
Angus Baptist church Saturday at 4 p. m. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. O. B. Herrington, pastor, with burial in the
Pritchard was a life-long resident of Angus. He was an active
member of the Angus Baptist church and had been an employe of
Precinct No. 1 of the Navarro county for a number of years.
He had been at home a month with a broken ankle and was found in
the family yard when members of the family sought to suggest he
return to the house because of the hot weather, it was stated by
Pritchard was a member of the WOW Lodge.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; a son, Thomas E. Pritchard,
Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Aubrey Hayes, Corsicana; two
grandchildren, a brother, H. M. Pritchard, Angus, and a sister,
Mrs. Joe E. Edwards, Fort Worth, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Jack Megarity, Joe Seale, Bert Jones, Frank
Wilson, Clarence Gillen and C. L. Lennon.
Griffin will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sat., Jul. 13, 1957
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Gladys Leone (Pugh)
Pritchard married Apr. 16, 1919 s/o Thomas A. Pritchard and
Nancy Elizabeth (Caldwell) Pritchard buried in Hopewell
James Franklin Stewart
Feb 1, 1851 - Apr 13, 1940
James Franklin Stewart, aged 89 years, died suddenly Saturday
morning at 7:30 o'clock at Angus.
Funeral services will be held from the Angus Baptist church
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with burial in the
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. D. Clare.
He had resided in the Angus community for the past 42 years.
Surviving are two sons, J. W. Stewart, Memphis, Tenn., and E. M.
Stewart, Angus; two daughters, Mrs. Edd McCain, Angus, and Mrs.
M. E. Jackson, Jackson, Tenn., and a number of grandchildren and
great-great -grandchildren.
Billie Jean Bamburg
Oct 21, 1940 - Oct 23, 1940
Billie Jean Bamburg, 4-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bamburg,
died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday night.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at
cemetery where interment was made.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bamburg, all of Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Aline (Smith) Bamburg
Feb 14, 1924 - Feb 24, 2007
Aline Bamburg, 83, of Corsicana passed away Saturday, Feb. 24,
2007. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Corley
Funeral Home Chapel. Services are slated for 2 p.m. Monday at
Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Bill Honea officiating.
Mrs. Bamburg was born on Feb. 14, 1924 in Corsicana. She was a
homemaker for most of her life.
Pallbearers will be Justin Hord, Eric Johnson, Marcus Dillon,
Jonathan Krauter, Robert Krauter , Billy Krauter and Jarrod
She was preceded in death by her husband Ome D. Bamburg; two
infant sons; sisters Edna Lee Arnett and Emaline Buchanan;
brothers Drue Riley "Son� Smith and Harmon Amiel "Mickey� Smith;
great-grandson Michael Lewis Dillon; parents Edwin Napoleon and
Lula Smith.
Survivors include son and daughter-in-law Billy and Dorothy
Bamburg of Angus; sister and brother-in-law Imogene and Roy
Jones of Dallas; grandchildren Sandra and Eric Johnson of Angus,
Cynthia and Travis Hunter of Angus, Angela and Michael Dillon of
Navarro, Pamela Bamburg Neagle of Angus and Debra Krauter of
Angus; 15 great-grandchildren and three great
- Corley Funeral Home
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Ome D. Bamburg
married Aug. 7, 1939; d/o Edwin Napoleon Smith & Lula Leona
(Scroggins) Smith
Edwin Napoleon Smith
Feb 2, 1879 - Jun 19, 1949
Ed N. Smith Dies Sunday; Services Held On Monday
Ed N. Smith, aged 58 years, commercial fisherman, died at his
home, Route 1, Cayuga, Sunday.
Funeral services were to be held Monday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial is to be in the
cemetery with Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church in charge.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Drew and mickey Smith, all of
Cyuga; four daughters, Mrs. J. T. Arnett, Drane; Mrs. O. D.
Bamburg and Mrs. Wayne Buchanan, both of Wichita Falls, and
Imogene Smith, Mexia; two brothers, Archie Smith, Beaumont and
Randolph Smith, U. S. Army; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Long,
Corsicana and Mrs. O. B. Unger, Beaumont, and other relatives.
Lula Leona (Scroggins)
Mar 11, 1887 - Aug 12, 1951
Mrs. Lula Smith Rites Tuesday
Funeral rites for Mrs. Lula Smith, 54, Phillip's Chapel, who
died in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, Sunday, were held at 2:30 p.m.
from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
The services were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the
North Side Baptist church.
Surviving are two sons, D. R. Smith, Cayuga, and Harmon Smith,
Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. J. T. Arnett, Dianne; Mrs. O. D.
Bamburg and Mrs. Emaline Buchanan, both of Corsicana, and Mrs.
Imogene Sadler, Mexia; 18 grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. H.
T. Vandygriff, Mrs. L. L. Lynch and Mrs. Ethel Selby, all of
Corsicana; a brother, Drew Scroggin, San Antonio.
Pallbearers were Roy Bamburg, Arvie Bamburg, Gordon Bland, Steve
Hudson, Virgil Wheat, Olan Morris, Bob Chitwood and Billy Ray
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tues., Aug 14, 1951
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Edwin Napoleon Smith
d/o Drewery Alexander �Drew� Scroggins buried in Oakwood &
Alice (Wilkes) Scroggins/Scoggins (she has children named
Boyd also) buried in Hamilton Beeman cemetery
Alma Don Ickles
Sep 1, 1940 - Oct 1, 1940
Funeral Services Planned Wednesday
Almer Don Ickles, one-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ickles
of Corsicana, died Tuesday morning.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock
from the Corley chapel. Burial will be in the Zion's Rest
Surviving are the parents, a brother, Henry Lee Ickles; a
sister, Earline Ickles, all of Corsicana, and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Harris, Corsicana, and Mrs. Ida Mae Dempsey,
Phoenix, Ariz.
William Wright
Feb 15, 1872 - Mar 14, 1940
J. W. Wright, aged 68 years, merchant, civic and political
leader for many years, died Thursday afternoon following a few
hours illness.
Funeral rites are planned from the family home, 918 East Ninth
avenue, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be in Oakwood
Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. Thomas
Lenox, Sweetwater, formerly minister of the First Christian
Church here.
Corsicana Lodge No. 63, I. O. O. F. will have charge of the
rites at the grave.
Prior to moving to Corsicana many years ago, the family resided
in the Chatfield community, Mr. Wright was precinct chairman of
Ward One for many years.
Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Misses Irma and Mary
Jewell Wright, all of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. P. A. McClendon,
Baytown and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home will direct the arrangements.
---Notice Odd Fellows
All brothers meet at I. O. O. F. Hall. Saturday morning, 9
o'clock, to attend funeral services for Brother J. W. Wright.
S. N. Georgas, Noble Grand.
L. F. Flynn, Secretary.
Funeral services for J. W. Wright aged 68 years, who died
suddenly Thursday, were held from the family home, 918 East
Ninth avenue, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial was made in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox of
Sweetwater, former pastor of the First Christian church.
Corsicana Lodge No. 63, IOOF, had charge of the services at the
grave. Mr. Wright was a long-time prominent civic business and
political leader of this community, and prior to moving to
Corsicana many years ago, resided in the Chatfield area. He was
precinct chairman for a number of years.
Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Misses Irma and Mary
Jewell Wright, all of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. P. A. McClendon,
Baytown and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Pallbearers were W. P. Thorp, J. C. McMullen, J. G. Elkins, N.
J. McMullen, P. A. McClendon, Jr., and George Kirven.
Susie Arabella
(McMullan) Wright
Sep 7, 1879 - Dec 28, 1975
Mrs. Wright
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Susie McMellan Wright, 96, resident of
Corsicana, who died Sunday in Memorial Hospital. Burial will be
at Oakwood
Survivors include two daughters, Miss Mary Jewel Wright and Miss
Irma Wright, both of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. W. D. Thorpe of
Chatfield; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Wright
The Revs. Jack Riley and Peyton Goodman officiated at the 2 p.m.
Tuesday services for Mrs. Susie McMullan Wright held at Griffin
Funeral Home. Burial was at Oakwood
Pallbearers were Bob Blake, Van Gordon Elkins, Bob Rawls, Paul
Robinson, H. M. McMullan, J. C. Roe, and W. D. Ralston.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tues., Dec. 30, 1975
- Submitted
Diane Richards
w/o James William Wright; d/o Robert M. �Bob� McMullan &
Martha A. �Maggie� (Gaines) McMullan buried in Old Chatfield
Mrs. Wright
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Susie McMellan Wright, 96, resident of Corsicana, who died Sunday in Memorial Hospital. Burial will be at Oakwood
Survivors include two daughters, Miss Mary Jewel Wright and Miss Irma Wright, both of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. W. D. Thorpe of Chatfield; and a number of nieces and nephews.
- The
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Dec 29, 1975
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- w/o James William Wright d/o Robert M. �Bob� McMullan and Martha A. �Maggie� (Gaines) McMullan buried in Old Chatfield cemetery
Mrs. Wright
The Revs. Jack Riley and Peyton Goodman officiated at the 2 p.m. Tuesday services for Mrs. Susie McMullan Wright held at Griffin Funeral Home. Burial was at Oakwood
Pallbearers were Bob Blake, Van Gordon Elkins, Bob Rawls, Paul Robinson, H. M. McMullan, J. C. Roe, and W. D. Ralston.
May 6, 1940 - May 6, 1940
Infant Died Tuesday Morning; Burial Be Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral rites for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Mullins, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Tuesday morning,
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by rev. S. R.
Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mullins, all of Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.
Funeral rites for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Mullins, who died at the P. and S. Hospital early Tuesday, were
held Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at Oakwood
Cemetery, where interment was made. The services were
conducted by Rev. S. R. Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mullins, all of Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home was in charge.
Guy Callens
Aug 13, 1890 - Nov 20, 1940
Funeral services for Guy Callens, aged 50, of Corsicana, who
died suddenly at Brownwood Wednesday were held Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Corley Funeral chapel. Burial
was in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. A. A.
Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh avenue Methodist church and Rev.
J. B. Ingle, chaplain of the Johnson-Wiggins Post No. 22
American Legion. The American Legion had charge of the services
at the grave.
Surviving are three sisters, Miss Myrtle Callens and Mrs. E. L.
Barnes both of Corsicana, and Mrs. E. B. Hedrick, San Antonio; a
brother James Callens, San Angelo and other relatives.
Mae Callens, Miss
Sep 29, 1883 - Dec 23, 1973
Miss Callens
Funeral services were set for 11 a.m. today for Miss Myrtle Mae
Callens, 90, who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital. Services were
to be at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel, with burial at Oakwood
Cemetery. The Rev. Frank Williams, pastor of Eleventh
Avenue Methodist Church, was to Officiate.
Miss Callens was a native of Arkansas, and had lived in
Corsicana since 1892. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Callens, and a charter member of Eleventh Avenue
Methodist Church.
She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. L. Barnes of Corsicana
and Mrs. Z. B. Hedrick of San Antonio; and a number of nieces
and nephews.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
Joseph Hugh
Nov 25, 1867 - Oct 24, 1940
Joe H. Walton, former, resident of Corsicana, died at his home
in Fort Worth at an early hour Thursday morning.
The funeral services will be held at Fort Worth Friday morning
at 10 o'clock while a brief service will be held at Oakwood
Cemetery here Friday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock where
interment will be made.
Sutherland -McCammon Funeral Home is in charge.
Lum William Wooley
Oct 1, 1883 - Feb 20, 1958
L. W. Wooley, 74, Fatally Stricken By Heart Attack
L. W. Wooley, 74, merchant, died in the Navarro Clinic early
Thursday morning of a heart attack an hour after being stricken.
He formerly was an official at the IOOF Homes in Corsicana and
Funeral services will be held from the Fifth Avenue Church of
Christ, of which he was a member, Friday at 2 p.m. the rites
will be conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the church.
Burial will be in Oakwood
Wooley was a member of the firm of Wooley and Payne, operators
of a grocery and caf� on West Seventh avenue.
A native of Mississippi, Wooley resided in Wolfe City and Dallas
prior to coming to Corsicana as boys director of the IOOF Home
in 1931. Seven years later he became superintendent of the IOOF
Home for the Aged at Ennis, a post he held three years before
returning to Corsicana to reside. He was a member of all
branches of the IOOF.
Surviving are his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Vernell Payne, both
of Corsicana; five brothers, Charlie Wooley, Wolfe City; Armour
Wooley, Denison; Otto Wooley, Sherman; Houston and Clyde Wooley,
both of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Harrison Shank, Victoria, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be B. W. Lee, Joe Pete Marsh, Sneed Hamilton,
Hubert Wooley, Pete Hamilton, Merle Lynd, R. C. Smith and O. A.
Griffin will direct.
L. W. Wooley Services Friday
Funeral services for L. W. Wooley, 74, who died of a heart
attack in the Navarro Clinic Thursday morning, were held from
the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ Friday at 2 p.m. with burial
in Oakwood
The rites were conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of
church of which he was a member, assisted by Rev. Alex Cox,
pastor of the First Christian church.
Wooley, a native of Mississippi, resided in Wolfe City and
Dallas prior to coming to Corsicana in 1931 as boys director of
the IOOF Home. After seven years in the post here, he was
superintendent of the Home for the Aged of the IOOF located in
Ennis for three years.
Returning to Corsicana, he entered the grocery business and
later became a member of the firm of Wooley and Payne.
Wooley was a member of all branches of the IOOF.
Surviving are his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Vernell Payne, both
of Corsicana; five brothers, Charlie Wooley, Wolfe City; Armour
Wooley, Denison; Otto Wooley, Sherman; Houston and Clyde Wooley,
both of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Harrison Shank, Victoria, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were B. W. Lee, Joe Pete Marsh, Sneed Hamilton,
Hubert Wooley, Pete Hamilton, Merle Lynd, R. C. Smith and O. A.
Griffin directed.
Margie M. (Oller) Wooley
Jan 29, 1884 - Oct 8, 1963
Mrs. Wooley Dies Tuesday
Mrs. L. W. Wooley, 79, native Texan, long-time resident of
Corsicana, died at her home, 218 North Fifteenth street, Tuesday
morning. She was connected with the Wooley and Payne Grocery
Store on West Seventh avenue.
Funeral services will be held sometime Thursday with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by C. B. Holcomb,
minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ of which she was a
Mrs. Wooley and her late husband were connected with the IOOF
Homes in Corsicana and Ennis prior to entering business here a
number of years ago.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. J. C. Payne, Corsicana; four
sisters, Mrs. Faye Pevehouse, Dallas; Mrs. L. T. Young, Sherman;
Mrs. Alford Reed, Leonard, and Mrs. Jettie Austin, Estancia, N.
M., and other relatives.
Griffin will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tues., Oct 8, 1963
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Lum William Wooley
married Sep. 23, 1906; d/o George Albert Oller & Laura Ann
(Knowles) Oller buried in Webb Hill cemetery, Wolfe City,
Hold Services For Mrs. Wooley
Funeral services for Mrs. L. W. Wooley, 79, were held Thursday
at 3 p.m. from the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, of which she
was a member. Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by C. B. Holcomb,
minister of the church.
Mrs. Wooley, a native Texan and long-time Corsicana resident,
died of a heart attack Tuesday morning at the family home, 218
North Fifteenth street as she prepared to go to the Wooley and
Payne Grocery store.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. J. C. Payne, Corsicana; four
sisters, Mrs. Faye Pevehouse, Dallas; Mrs. L. T. Young, Sherman;
Mrs. Alford Reed, Leonard, and Mrs. Jettie Austin, Estancia, N.
M., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Rex French, Chester Sprinkle, Snead Hamilton,
Joe Pete Marsh, Victor Howell, J. F. Hamilton, Ed Aston and J.
W. McCammon.
Griffin directed.
Maggie Bell (Alford)
Sep 28, 1891 - Apr 8, 1973
Mrs. Williams
Funeral services are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Maggie Belle Williams, 81, of
Emhouse, who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital.
Rev. Leroy Reaves will officiate, and burial will be at Oakwood
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. L. E. Douglas of Conroe;
several cousins and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will include D. R. Vest, Marvin Shows, Stokes
Armstrong, Charlie Armstrong, Roy Posey and Frank Seeley, Jr.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Apr 9, 1973
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (marriage record C. O.
Williams and Maggie Alford Dec. 29, 1920); d/o William
Thomas Alford & Amelia May/Frances (Ferguson) Alford
James Buchanan "Bud" Lewis
May 30, 1880 - May 31, 1940
Bud Lewis, aged 60 years, died at his home on North Seventh
street Friday afternoon.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Saturday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment was in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. S. Fisher,
pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Grady H. Lewis, Walter W.
Lewis and D. E. Lewis, all of Corsicana; two daughters, Frankie
Jean Lewis, Corsicana, and Mrs. Oleta Graham, Aransas Pass; five
brothers, Jess Lewis, Athens; J. W. Lewis, Aquilla; T. G. Lewis,
Dunlap, N. M.; Sufford Lewis, Lawton, Okla., and Ira Lewis,
Hillsboro; three sisters, Miss Emma Lewis, Dallas; Mrs. J. M.
Elmore, China Springs, and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Sweetwater.
Pallbearers were Chas. Shoemaker, Lawrence Harris, Ed Black,
Harry Quinn, Ralph Elliott and Tom Duncan.
Ellen Manassas
"Nassie" (Barnes) Holloway
Sep 13, 1861 - Apr 27, 1940
Mrs. Ellen M. Holloway, aged 78 years, of Roane, died in the
Navarro Clinic Saturday morning fter a several days illness.
Funeral services are to be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the Roane Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. M. Dick
Lowrey and Rev. J. B. Weathers, Methodist ministers.
A native of Tennessee, Mrs. Holloway had resided in Navarro
county for 45 years.
Surviving are four sons, A. B. Holloway, Corsicana; M. W.
Holloway, Lubbock; J. G. Holloway and Graham Holloway, both of
Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. G. L. Jackson, Mrs. O. C.
Goodwin, Mrs. Hugh Cummins and Miss Exie Holloway, all of
Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Emma Huey, Oklahoma City; 18
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers will be the stewards of the Roane Methodist
church and friends of the family.
Corley Funeral Home is directing arrangements.
Funeral services for Mrs. Helen M. Holloway, aged 78 years, who
died at the Navarro Clinic early Saturday morning after a
several days' illness, were held from the Roane Methodist church
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The rites were conducted by
Rev. M. Dick Lowrey and Rev. J. B. Weathers, Methodist
ministers. Burial was in Oakwood
A native of Tennessee, Mrs. Holloway had resided in Navarro
county for the past 45 years.
Surviving are four sons, A. B. Holloway, Corsicana; M. W.
Holloway, Lubbock; J. G. Holloway and Graham Holloway, both of
Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. G. L. Jackson, Mrs. O. C.
Goodwin, Mrs. Hugh Cummins and Miss Exie Holloway, all of
Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Emma Huey, Oklahoma City; 18
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers were the stewards of the Roane Methodist
church and friends of the family.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
John Harvey Ross
Feb 18, 1876 � Nov 17, 1940
John H. Ross, aged 64 years, proprietor of the Ross Lumber
Company, died at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday night following
a short illness.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the Church of Christ. Burial was in Oakwood.
The rites were conducted by A. E. Walker, minister of the
He was a native of Pursley and had resided in Corsicana for many
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana, five sons, E. C. Ross,
Corsicana; R. E. Ross, Rosebud; John F. Ross, McAllen; Clyde H.
Ross, superintendent of schools at Powell, and Nelson H. Ross,
Graham; two daughters, Miss Jewell Ross, Charlie, Texas, and
Miss Marie Ross, Bellvue; a brother, Dr. G. D. Ross, Liberty
Hill, and five grandchildren.
Mr. Ross had long been a leader in Navarro County and Central
Texas singing conventions and organizations.
Pallbearers were W. B. Payne, F. M. Copeland, Roy Neese, M. O.
Bayless, Mr. Black and Bob Williams.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Ida Bell (Bennett) Berry
Oct 31, 1889 - Sep 19, 1940
Mrs. Ida Berry, aged 51 years, resident of Corsicana for 30
years, died at the family home on North Beaton street Thursday
at noon.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. S.
Fisher, pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist church.
Surviving are two sons, E. M. (Red) Berry and L. C. Berry, both
of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. G. E. Graham, Houston and Miss
Lillie Mae Berry, Corsicana; four brothers, William Bennett, Jim
Bennett, Burl Bennett and Chesley Bennett, all of Richland; and
six sisters, Mrs. S. L. Lane, Beaumont; Mrs. A. F. Frost, Mrs.
William Anderson and Mrs. R. O. Bosley, all of Houston; Mrs.
Letha Berry, Richland, and Mrs. Emmett Berry, Eureka.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Berry, aged 51 years, who died at
the family home on North Beaton street Thursday at noon at 3
o'clock from the Corley chapel with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. S. Fisher,
pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist church. Mrs. Berry had
resided here about 30 years.
Surviving are two sons, E. M. (Red) Berry and L. C. Berry, both
of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. G. E. Graham, Houston, and
Miss Lillie Mae Berry, Corsicana; four brothers, William, Jim,
Burl and Chesley Bennett, all of Richland; and six sisters, Mrs.
S. L. Lane, Beaumont; Mrs. A. F. Frost, Mrs. William Anderson
and Mrs. R. O. Bosley, all of Houston; Mrs. Letha Berry,
Richland and Mrs. Emmett Berry, Eureka, and her mother, Mrs.
Jane Bennett, of Richland.
Pallbearers were Elbert Beasley, Ray Martin, S. M. Stark, T. J.
Blissett, Walter Lewis and S. L. Lane.
Clara Eliza (Ford)
Jan 18, 1883 - Mar 19, 1940
Mrs. C. E. Whitney, aged 56, years, died early Tuesday morning
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Smith on Highway 31,
East of Corsicana.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Smith, Corsicana and Mrs. F.
O. Smith, Louisiana; two sons, Elmo Whitney, Louisiana; and Jack
Whitney, Kama, Texas; two brothers, Frank Ford, Louisiana, and
John Ford, Cottongin, Texas, and other relatives.
Funeral arrangements had not been completed early Tuesday
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home will have charge of
Funeral services for Mrs. C. E. Whitney, aged 56 years, who died
Tuesday morning were held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from
the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel. Interment was in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley,
pastor of the First Methodist church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Smith, Corsicana and Mrs. F.
O. Smith, Louisiana; two sons, Elmo Whitney, Louisiana; and Jack
Whitney, Kama, Texas; two brothers, Frank Ford, Louisiana, and
John Ford, Cottongin, Texas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Clarence Powell, G. D. Rhodes, Bud Watkins, S.
J. Miles, M. H. Pryor.
John Aaron Hurley
Mar. 22, 1889 - Jul. 12, 1951
John A. Hurley Dies Thursday
John A. Hurley, 62, of Dallas, formerly of Corsicana, died
Thursday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel with burial
in Oakwood
cemetery, but the time is pending arrival of relatives.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Buell R. Crouch, Dallas.
Surviving are his wife of Dallas; a son, Robert Hurley,
Corsicana, three daughters, Mrs. Lillie Templin and Mrs. Mozelle
Sikes, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Pauline Cook; 12
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Rites Saturday For J. A. Hurley
Funeral services for John A. Hurley, 62, of Dallas, who died
Thursday, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the Corley Chapel.
Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Bruce R.
Crouch of Dallas.
Hurley formerly resided in Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife of Dallas; a son, Robert Hurley,
Corsicana, three daughters, Mrs. Lillie Templin and Mrs. Mozelle
Sikes, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Pauline Cook; 12
grandchildren and one great-grandchild, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were O. D. Bamburg, Dude Bamburg, Mickey Smith,
James Sikes, Clarence Sikes and Robert Hurley, Jr.
Nancy Ethel (Speagle)
Jan 12, 1894 - Jan 22, 1940
Funeral services for Mrs. E. H. Powell, who died at the Navarro
Clinic Monday after a several days' illness, will be held from
the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2
The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the
Baptist church. Burial will be in Oakwood
Surviving are her husband E. Hope Powell, Corsicana; a
step-daughter, Mrs. A. B. Henry, Atlanta, Ga.; a sister, Mrs.
Bennie Bonner, Shreveport La., and a brother, H. Speagle,
Funeral services for Mrs. E. H. Powell, who died Monday at the
Navarro Clinic were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Sutherland-McCammon chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev.
E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist church. Interment was
in Oakwood
Surviving are her husband, E. Hope Powell, Corsicana; a
stepdaughter, Mrs. A. B. Henry, Atlanta, Ga.; a sister, Mrs.
Bennie Bonner, Shreveport, La., and a brother, H. Seagle,
Pallbearers were Guy Bunch, J. M. Pugh, John J. Garner, F. C.
Bookout, J. Beauchamp, Hugh Bryant and George Landon.
James Dudley "J. D." Gilliam
Aug 14, 1920 - Jul 20, 1942
J. D. Gilliam, 21, aviation cadet, U. S. Army Air Force, was
killed in a plane crash near Highlands, Houston area, early
Monday morning, relatives here have been advised. He was
stationed at Lake Charles, La., where he was completing his
advanced flying training and was scheduled to receive his
commission and wings Aug. 5.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home went for the body Tuesday
morning and funeral rites are tentatively set for Wednesday
afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon, chapel.
Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. P. E.
Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Pallbearers will be Lt. Gulick Robinson, Murray Robinson, Billy
H. Patrick, Billy Robinson, Coleman Parish, N. M. Hawkins and W.
Hubert Wooley.
Cadet Gilliam was born August 14, 1920, and was reared here,
graduating from Corsicana High School in the summer of 1939.
After attending North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington, and
Hillsboro Junior College, Hillsboro, he enlisted in the air
forces Dec. 19, 1941, and received his primary training at
Victory Field, Vernon, after being inducted at Kelly Field, San
Antonio. His basic instruction was received at Randolph Field,
San Antonio, and he was receiving his advanced training at Lake
Charles, La.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. Justiss of
Associated Press dispatches said the army pursuit trainer plane
crashed three miles east of Highland, near Houston, about 1:30
a.m. Monday. Several nearby residents heard the crash of the
Mr. and Mrs. Justiss received wire and telephone messages of
their son's death Monday.
Identified as Corsicana Cadet.
LAKE CHARLES, La., July 21.�(AP)�Aviation cadet J. D. Gilliam,
21 of the Lake Charles Army Flying School, son of Mrs. Alton N.
Justiss, 2403 Park Row, Corsicana, Texas, was identified today
by post officials as the victim of the aircraft accident
involving an AT-6 training ship from the local field two miles
east of Highland, Texas and about 6 miles north of Edna on July
20. He was alone on a routing training flight.
No cause of the accident was advanced by officials of the flying
school. A board of officers has been appointed to investigate
the accident.
Cadet Gilliam attended the Hillsboro Junior College at
Hillsboro, Tex., and the North Texas Agricultural College at
Arlington, Tex. Prior to his enlistment in the air corps, he was
employed by the Texas highway commission. He received his
primary training at Vernon, Tex., and his basic training at
Randolph Field, San Antonio.
Mr. and Mrs. Justiss were to accompany the body home from
Houston today with funeral services to be held in Corsicana.
KILLED IN CRASH�Funeral rites for J. D. Gilliam, 21, aviation cadet at Lake Charles Advanced School, were held Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. He was killed early Monday near Highlands, Texas, when his plane crashed during a routine solo flight.
A graduate of Corsicana High in 1939, he attended North Texas Agricultural College and Hillsboro Junior College before entering the U. S. Army Air Forces last December. He was slated to receive his wings, August 5.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. Justiss of Corsicana.
The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church. A Military escort from the local primary school was present.
Funeral services for J. D. Gilliam, 21, aviation cadet, will be
held from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Wednesday afternoon at
5 o'clock. Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. P. E.
Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Gilliam was fatally injured at an early hour Monday morning when
his plane crashed near Highlands, Texas, Houston area, while on
a routine training solo flight. He was stationed at the advanced
training school at Lake Charles, La.
A graduate of Corsicana High in 1939, Gilliam later attended
North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington and Hillsboro Junior
College, Hillsboro, before enlisting last December. He received
his primary training at Victory Field, Vernon, after induction
at Kelly Field, underwent his basic training at Randolph Field,
San Antonio, and was scheduled to receive his commission and
wings at Lake Charles August 5.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. Justiss of
Pallbearers will be Lt. Gulick Robinson, Murray Robinson, Billy
H. Patrick, Billy Robinson, Coleman Parish, N. M. Hawkins, W.
Hubert Woolley and Sgt. A. M. Hagle.
A military escort from the local primary school of Air
Activities of Texas will be present.
James B. Bailey
Jul 24, 1860 - Sep 19, 1940
J. B. Bailey, aged 71 years, long-time resident of Navarro
county, died at his home seven miles west of Corsicana Thursday
Funeral rites were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by the Rev. J. F.
Stanley, Baptist minister of Dallas.
Surviving are his wife, six brother, E. P. Bailey, Pursley; J.
W. Bailey, Alabama; John William Bailey, Alabama; James Matthew
Bailey, Alabama; Luther Bailey, Georgia, and Laughler Bailey,
Georgia; three sisters residing in Alabama and Georgia and other
Mr. Baily was a native of Alabama. He was married to Miss Lucy
Brothers in a893, and they came to Texas and Navarro county in
Pallbearers were J. L. Baker, Jack Powell, Henry Redden, Harold
Borg, S. A. Moran and Earl Powell.
Archibald Noris "Archie" Justiss
Jan 19, 1866 - Jan 22, 1940
Col. A. N. Justiss, aged 74 years, prominent newspaper,
political and insurance figure in Corsicana for more than 45
years, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic at an early
hour Monday morning following a short illness.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. P. E. Riley,
pastor of the church.
Pallbearers will be Barry Frost, R. L. Calkins, Max D. Almond,
Guv M. Gibson, N. Suttle Roberts, J. N. Garitty, J. S.
Murchison, Lynne Wortham and Dr. W. T. Shell, Sr.
Honorary pallbearers will be John W. Carpenter, J. F. Van Horn
and W. G. Harris, all of Dallas; Judge Rufus Hardy, A. A.
Allison, J. E. Butler, George W. Boyd, Chris L. Knox, the board
of stewards of the First Methodist church and the friends of the
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Frost Justiss,
Dallas, and Alton N. Justiss, Corsicana; and a niece Miss Hallie
May Fowler, Corsicana.
Following as a short biographical sketch of Colonel Justiss,
giving some of the highlights of his life.
Born in Tennessee.
A. N. Justiss was born at Labanon, Wilson county, Tennessee, on
Jan. 19, 1866. He came to Texas in 1885. He graduated from Hills
Business in Waco in 1889, and came to Corsicana in October,
1889, and entered the newspaper business as circulator of the
Daily Light and the Semi-Weekly Light, now the Corsicana
Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. He continued in the newspaper
business until 1914, during most of the 24 years as proprietor,
editor and business manager of the Daily Courier-Light and
Weekly Observer.
Postmaster Here.
In 1914, he was appointed postmaster at Corsicana by President
Woodrow Wilson and held that office nine years under two
commissions from President Wilson.
Before going in as postmaster, he was democratic county chairman
for four years, member of the State Democratic Executive
Committee also congressional and senatorial chairman and
precinct chairman. He was elected to the State Legislature from
Navarro county in 1923 and was re-elected in 1930, serving
during the Dan Moody and R. S. Sterling administrations as
On Oct. 12, 1893, he married Miss Katie R. Frost.
He was appointed on the staff of Governor S. W. T. Lanham with
the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He had been a member of the
board of stewards of the First Methodist church for more than 20
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Funeral services for Col. Archie Norris Justiss, aged 74 years,
who died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic early Monday, were
held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Methodist
church. The rites were conducted by Rev. P. E. Riley, pastor of
the church. Interment was made in Oakwood
Col. Justiss had been prominent in the civic, church and
political affairs of this community for more than a half
century, and had spent almost a quarter of a century as a
newspaper executive, served nine years as Corsicana postmaster,
was a member of the Texas legislature for four years, and had
served in democratic circles on numerous occasions. He had been
in the insurance business since leaving the postmastership and
had been a member of the board of stewards of the First
Methodist church for more than 20 years.
Former Editor.
Born at Lebanon, Tennessee, Jan. 19, 1866, he came to Texas in
1885 and to Corsicana in 1889. Prior to his appointment as
postmaster by President Woodrow Wilson, May 10, 1914, he was
editor, proprietor and business manager of the �Daily Courier
Light� and �Weekly Observer,� and was active in democratic
circles, conductIng campaigns for funds for W. J. Bryan in 1908
and for Wilson in 1912.
Col. Justiss was married to Miss Katie Frost, daughter of the
late Judge and Mrs. Sam R. Frost, Corsicana pioneers Oct. 12,
Governor S. W. T. Lanham in 1903 appointed Col. Justiss on his
personal staff with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was a
member of the W. O. W. and Praetorians. He was Navarro county
democratic executive committee chairman for four years and held
the secretaryship of the county committee for a similar term. He
was a member of the Texas state democratic executive committee
from 1904 to 1906, and for several years was chairman of the
sixth congressional and ninth senatorial districts. Elected
secretary-treasurer of the Texas Postmasters association in
1914. Col. Justiss served as president of the association in
Member Legislature.
While a member of the Texas legislature, 1929-1933 during the
Moody and Sterling administrations from Navarro county, Col.
Justiss was vice chairman of the banks and banking committee and
served on the education, insurance claims and accounts,
congressional districts and public committees of the house.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Frost Justiss, Dallas and
Alton N. Justiss, assistant cashier of the State National Bank,
Corsicana, and a niece, Miss Hallie May Fowler, Corsicana.
Active pallbearers were Barry Frost, R. L. Calkins, Max D.
Almond, Guy M. Gibson, N. Suttle Roberts, J. N. Garitty, Mayor
J. S. Murchison, Lynne A. Wortham and Dr. W. T. Shell, Sr.
Honorary pallbearers were John W. Carpenter, J. E. Van Horn and
W. G. Harris, all of Dallas; Judge Rufus Hardy, A. A. Allison,
J. E. Butler, George W. Boyd, Chris L. Knox, board of stewards
of the First Methodist church and friends of the family.
The flag on the post office here Tuesday was lowered to
half-staff in respect to Col. Justiss, Employee of the post
office, a majority of whom served during his administration,
sent a floral offering.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Mae (Frost) Justiss
Aug 8, 1873 - Sep 13, 1966
Mrs. Justiss Dies Tuesday, Rites Thursday
Mrs. A. N. Justiss, 93, native of Corsicana, mother of City
Secretary, Alton N. Justiss, died Tuesday night in the Britain
Convalescent Center in Irving.
Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 10 a.m. from the
Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Leon Baze, assistant pastor,
First Methodist church, of which she had been a life-long
Born August 8, 1873 in Corsicana, Mrs. Justiss was the daughter
of the late Sam R. and Mary Winkler Frost, pioneer Corsicana
residents. She was the oldest of nine children.
Mrs. Justiss was the widow of the late Col. A. N. Justiss, a
former newspaper editor, postmaster of Corsicana, under
appointment of President Woodrow Wilson, member of the Texas
Legislature and insurance man.
Surviving are two sons, Frost Justiss, Dallas, and Alton
Justiss, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Guy M. Gibson and Mrs. Max
D. Almond, both of Corsicana, and a number of nieces, nephews
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Sam Frost, John Almond, W. L. Holman, W. H.
Woolley, W. O. McClung and R. D. Parker.
The Corsicana Daily Sunn
- Wed., Sep 14, 1966
- Submitted
Diane Richards
w/o Col. Archibald Norris �Archie� Justiss d/o Samuel
Romulus Frost and Mary Louise �Mollie� (Winkler) Frost
Hold Services Mrs. Justiss
Funeral services for Mrs. A. N. Justiss, 93, who died Tuesday
night in the Britain Convalescent Center, Irving, were held
Thursday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Leon Baze, assistant pastor of
the First Methodist church, of which she had been a life-time
member. Burial was in Oakwood
Born August 8, 1873, in Corsicana, Mrs. Justiss was the daughter
of the late Sam R. and Mary Winkler Frost, pioneer Corsicana
residents. She was the oldest of nine children.
Mrs. Justiss also was the widow of the late Col. A. N. Justiss,
former newspaper editor, postmaster for Corsicana on appointment
by President Woodrow Wilson, served in the Texas Legislature and
was in the insurance business several years.
Surviving are two sons, Frost Justiss, Dallas, and Alton N.
Justiss, Corsicana city secretary; two sisters, Mrs. Guy M.
Gibson, and Mrs. Max D. Almond, both of Corsicana, and a number
of nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Sam Frost, John Almond, W. L. Holman, W. H.
Woolley, W. O. McClung and R. D. Parker.
Letha Maye
(Thornton) Gilliam-Justiss
Dec 24, 1900 - Jun 5, 1976
Mrs. Justiss
Funeral services will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Letha M. (Gillie) Justiss, 75,
native of Burleson, who died in Memorial Hospital Saturday.
The Rev. Lynn Tusha will officiate with interment in Oakwood
She was a member of the first Methodist Church and was surgery
supervisor and superintendent at the Navarro Clinic for 25
years. A registered nurse, she was also a member of the Eastern
Survivors include her husband, Alton Justiss of Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs. Della Builta, of Burleson; two nieces, Mrs. Ruby
Robbins of Burleson and Mrs. Katy Fairless of Fort Worth; one
nephew, Henry Robbins.
Pallbearers will be Jack Almond, Sam Frost, C. H. Allen, W. L.
Holman, W. O. McClung, Fred Pressly, W. C. O'Neal, and J. T.
Mrs. Justis was also Past Worthy Matron of the Corsicana Eastern
Star and Past Deputy Grand Worthy Matron of Texas. She was also
chairman of the Red Cross nursing program and member of the
Twilight Home Board of Directors the past 20 years.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sun., Jun 6, 1976
- Submitted
Diane Richards
1st husband J. D. Gilliam 2nd husband Alton Norris Justiss
married Jul. 7, 1932; d/o Henry Lee Thornton & Mellisa
(Parham) Thornton
(Anderson) Justiss
Dec 20, 1891 - Mar 14, 1962
Mrs. Justiss Dies In Dallas
Mrs. Uldene Justiss, former Corsicana resident but native of
Hico, died in Dallas, Thursday.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. from the
McCammon chapel. Interment will be in Oakwood
cemetery. Officiating will be Rev. John Wesley Ford,
district superintendent of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Justiss had resided in Dallas the past 35 years.
Surviving are her husband, Frost Justiss, Dallas; two sisters,
Mrs. Jess Rinker, Dallas, and Mrs. Clem Purdom, Seattle, Wash.,
and a number of nieces and nephews, and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thurs., Mar 15, 1962
- Submitted
Diane Richards
w/o Archibald Frost �Archie� Justiss; d/o Richard Anderson &
Elone (UNKNOWN) Anderson per sister Mrs. Rinker's death
Daniel Weeks Ivie
Aug 21, 1922 - Oct 6, 1940
Funeral services for Daniel Ivie, aged 18 years, of Purdon, were
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Jester church.
Burial was in the Marshall cemetery.
The youth died in the Baylor Hospital, Dallas, early Sunday
night following a 14 month's treatment in local and Dallas
hospitals for burns sustained in an accident, August 13, 1939.
Gasoline spilled while a tractor was being re-fueled near Purdon
became ignited and inflicted serious burns on the victim.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ivie, Purdon; and
fifteen brothers and sisters, Ray, Calvin, Louis, Roy, James,
Arnold, Gladys, Pearl, Sula, Lucille, Catherine, Maudine, Edith,
Joan and Fay Ivie, all of Purdon.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Walter Thomas �Tom� Dycus
May 30, 1869 - Jan 16, 1941
Walter Thomas Dycus, aged 71 years, died at his home in the
Drane community for the past 50 years.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Campbell cemetery
where interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O.
Stewart, pastor of the Second Baptist church of Corsicana.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. E. C. Grimmett, Corsicana, and
Miss Mary Dycus, Drane; a son, Walter Dycus, Drane; four
grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. L. Baker, W. T. Scruggs, Lynn Williamson,
Huey Williamson, Thomas Williamson and Ellis Grimmett.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.