The Corsican
Volume 15 - 1930
Year Book of Corsicana High School
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas


Corsican Index || Corsicana High School Index || 1930 CHS Classmates

Dedication | Herbert D. Fillers | W. H. Norwood | Board of Education | Faculty | The Staff | Records in Scholastics | Corsican Staff | Favorites | Freshman Class | Junior Class | Sophomore Class | Freshman Class | Will of the 1930 Class | The Corsican's Popularity Contest | Girls' Chorus | Boy's Glee Club | High School Orchestra | The Tiger Teasers | HI-Y Club | Comites Romani | Home Economics Club | A.Y.L.I. | The Blue and Gold Hi News | Dramatic Club | Yell Leaders | Resume of 1929 Football Season | Football | Basketball | Track | Golf | Tennis


To Miss Laura Moore, the silver haired darling of Corsicana High School, who will always have the love of hundreds of pupils and former pupils, we take genuine pleasure in dedicating the 1930 edition of the "Corsican."


Corsicana High School's Records in Scholastics

For the last few years Corsicana High School's athletic teams have been reaping glory in district and state contests, but the most important phase of school activity has not been forgotten.  In 1929 - 1930, more than ever before, this school has come to the front in a scholastic way.

Between fifty and sixty students make at least three A's and no grade lower than a B every six weeks.  The following students are the most consistent  Scholarship Club members:

Tabby Agnew, Mona Anderson, Gladys Cheny, Pauline Christman, Kenneth Copeland, John Doggett, Josephine D'Orsay, Ruth Evans, Lewellyn Howard, Cecile Inabnit, Douglas Johnson, Mary Kenner, Gurthelle Lenox, Francis May, Sarah McCammon, Hugh McDonald, Lucille Powell, Mildred Reeves, Elizabeth Robertson, Imogene Robinson, Louise Robinson, Floreine Smith, Sara Sowell, Carter Speed, Edeina Tidd, Bob Tripp, Bettie Willie, Katherine Anderson, Cecil Ashworth, Pierre Bonner, Fred Bookout, Claudine Carson, Wesley Dehaes, Geneve Dunlap, Doris Estes, Helen Goldman, Allan Griffin, Helen Holmes, Bonnie Jenkins, Leonabel Manning, Vera Laughridge, Lillian McClure, Thelma Miller, Bernice Moore, Orvilline Nelson, Helen Newton, Albert Sheppard, Elizabeth Smith, Helen Starnes, Josephine Tulos, John Wassell, Elmer White, and David Yates.

The first twenty-seven in the above group all A's consistently.

In the extra-curriculums Corsicana was one of the best in the country, surpassing some schools that work with extra-curriculums the entire year.

Jewell Allbritton won first place in county declamation for the girls.
Neal Owen, for the boys, won second place.
Our boy debaters, J. D. Moncrief and Neal Owen, were new at debating, but gave other teams of the county some severe opposition.  The girls' team, composed of Anna Mae Young and Frances Layton, went to the finals and lost to a team that had debated the runners-up in the state contest last year.

In extemporaneous speaking Kenneth Copeland won first place easily.  Kenneth is a polished orator.

The spelling team won third place.  Nell Rose Butler and Mary Elizabeth Rogers made up the spelling team.

The only other County Interscholastic League contest the high school placed in was journalism.  The "Blue and Gold Hi News" won first place.  

One event in which the Corsicana district won was the one-act play  The play, "Pink-and Patches," was first in the district and second in the regional.  The cast was composed of Billy Coulson, Rene Coulson, Martha Chestnut, and Imogene Robinson.  Billy and Rene were adjudged the best actors in the regional contest.  --C. H.

Herbert D. Fillers

Herbert D. Fillers, superintendent of the Corsicana Public Schools, was born in Greenville, Tennessee.  He was educated at Tusculum Academy, Tennessee; East Texas State Teachers' College; University of Chicago, and at Graduate Student Teachers' College of Columbia University.  From 1908 to 1910 he served as principal of the Athens High School.  In 1910 he went to Bonham as principal, which office he held for three years.  Then he was superintendent of the Bonham schools for the next seven years.  It was in 1921 that Mr. Fillers became superintendent of the Corsicana Public Schools.  Under his administration a million dollar school building program has been successfully carried out, fully equipped cafeterias have been established in the schools, the school curriculum has been modernized, business courses are given in the high school, and kindergartens have been established.  Mr. Fillers, who is a life member of the Texas State Teacher's Association, has been honored by being elected president of that body and is a recognized educational leader.
Note: Herbert Donald Fillers (Nov 8, 1884 - Jan 5, 1956) buried at Crestview Memorial Park, Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., TX

W. H. Norwood

W. H. Norwood, principal of Corsicana High School, was born in Campbell, Texas.  Mr. Norwood was graduated from the high school at Lovelady, and in 1916 took his B. A. Degree at the University of Texas.  On July 8, 1924, he married Grace Clayton of Cleburne, Texas.  From 1916 to 1918 he taught mathematics and science in Cameron, Texas.  From 1918 to 1920 he was principal of the Paris (Texas) High School.  For the next four years he taught mathematics and science at Cleburne.

In 1924, during the building program in Corsicana, he moved here and became principal in the new school building.  Mr. Norwood, like Mr. Fillers, is a life member of the Texas State Teachers' Association.  He was also chairman of the athletic council, District No. 4, University Interscholastic League, 1929.


Board of Education

W. P. McCammon - President
Mrs. H. R. Stroube - Vice - President
C. A. Middleton - Secretary
Mrs. W. T. Shell
N. S. Roberts
C. T. Banister
S. J. Jackson



Pauline Bruechner - Secretary to the Principal
Bess Carlock - Cafetera Supervisor
Mrs. S. R. Riley Cade, A. B.
E. E. Cross, B. S. - Denton Teachers' College - Mechanical Drawing
Emma Laura Evans, B. A. - University of Texas - Mathematics
Mary Culbertson, B. A. - Southern Methodist University - Spanish
O. P. Douglas, B. S. - North Texas State Teachers' College - Mathematics


The Staff

Mary Few, B. A. - E. T. State Teachers' College - English
Virginia Hale, A. B., B. S., University of Missouri - Latin
L. P. Forsythe, B. S., Kansas State Teachers' College - Manual Training
Hazel Hardae, B. A. - Ouachita College - Biology
Joe Jarrell, B. S., College of Industrial Arts - Music
Janie Hightower, College of Industrial Arts - Domestic Science
Mary Holmes, A. B., Simmons University - English
Ted Jefferies, B. A., Centenary College - Science
Pauline Lewis, A. B., A. M., Baylor University - History
Vivian Keys, A. B., Southern Methodist University - English
Anna Belle Kiber, A. B., College of Industrial Arts - English
Lennie Mangum, B. A., Baylor University - English
Laura M. Moore, B. A., M. A., University of Illinois, University of Indiana - History
Hallie McClure - Secretary to Superintendent
Glynn Mitchell, B. A., University of Texas - History
John Pierce, B. S., Texas A. & M. College - Mathematics
Rosell Thorp, B. S., College of Industrial Arts - Home Economics
Bassie Quisenberry, B. A., Baylor University - History
Annie Maud Shaw, B. A., S. W. T. T. C., - Mathematics
Katherine Whitten, A. B., University of Texas - Spanish
Manette Wilson, B. A., Otterbein College - Commercial
Minnie Wiles, B. A., Southern Methodist University - History
J. G. Willard, B. A., M. A., University of Texas - Science


The Corsican Staff

The "Corsican" has for the last four years been rated "All-American" by the National Scholastic Press Association, and although the budget for the 1930 edition of your yearbook was cut about five hundred dollars, we have tried to give you a better book than ever.  This "Corsican" has been engraved and printed by the most efficient firms that we could select and we sincerely hope that you will be satisfied with the efforts which the engraver, printer, and staff have put forth.  We have tried to present a democratic book, because after all, the success of a year book depends on student opinions.

Clayton Hickerson - Editor-in-chief
Billy Coulson - Business Manager
Miss Vivian Keys - Sponsor

BUTLER - Classes
CALDWELL - Business
HASHOP - Organizations
KING - Classes
MILLER - Features
MIRANDA - Assistant Art
YOUNG - Organizations



Louise Barth - Most Beautiful Girl
Ernest Crews - Best Looking Boy
Elise Miller - Most Representative Girl
Clayton Hickerson - Most Representative Boy
R. C. Granberry & Imogene Robinson - King and Queen of the Carnival


The Senior Class

President - Billy Coulson
Vice President - Clayton Hickerson
Secretary - Nell Rose Butler
Treasurer - Frances Garvin
Reporter - Elise Miller

President - Billy Coulson
Vice President - Nelson Ross
Secretary - Frank King
Treasurer - Richard Young
Reporter - Sam Haslam

The class activities of this year have been numerous.  We feel that this has been the most successful year of our high school career.

In Football we had a good representation.  The ones who were on the team were: Dee Newland, R. C. Grandberry, Barney Duncan, Nelson Ross, Dick Young, Jack Roberts, J. W. Hornbeak.

Hugh McDonald, R. C. Grandberry, Burce Jeffries, and Donald Varnell were on the basketball team, and were exceedingly good.

On the track team were: Nelson Ross, R. C. Grandberry, Dick Young, and J. W. Hornbeak.

The honor roll for this year had fourteen girls and five boys.  They were: Jewell Albritton, Katherine Anderson, Katherine Briethaupt, Nell Rose Butler, Gladys Cheney, Helen Goldman, Frank King, Bessie Levine, Marion Markham, Elise Miller, Bernice Moore, Ruth Roberts, Edeina Tidd, Bettie Willie, Albert Allison, L. G. Compton, Hugh McDoanld, Melville Samuels, Elmer White.

Our class was well represented in the Interscholastic Meet.  Elmer White and Frances Layton were on the debating teams.  Jewell Albritton was our representative in declamation, while Kenneth Copeland was the extemporaneous speaker.  Bettie Willie and Donald Varnell were tennis players at the meet.

This year we had an unusual representation in the carnival.  First, R. C. Grandberry was king of the high school.  Marion Markham, Renez Coulson, Marie Carson, Emy Neil Stroud, Deen Allen, Clifford Haley, Frank Caldwell, Clayton Hickerson, Frank Kent, Allan Moore, and Dick Young were all in the coronation.

We are proud to admit that Louise Barth was in the National High School Orchestra and that Elmer White will be Corsicana's representative in the Edison Contest this year.

In the favorite contest there were many seniors who were elected, namely:

Most Beautiful Girl - Louise Barth
Most Representative Boy - Clayton Hickerson
Most Representative Girl - Elise Miller
Best All-Round Student - R. C. Granberry
Best Natured Boy - Sam Haslam
Cutest Girl - Rene Coulson
Most Versatile Boy - Billy Coulson
Most Versatile Girl - Elise Miller
Cleverest Girl - Elise Miller
Most Collegiate Boy - Allan Moore
Most Ambitions Boy - Palmer Christman
Most Dependable Boy - Clayton Hickerson
Most Dependable Girl - Elise Miller
Most Mischievous Student - Albert Allison


Louise Barth
Lina Rose Carson
Pauline Hagins
Sam Haslam
James Jenkins
Vernon Nokes
Edna Mae Castellow
Robert Clark
Frances Nell Halley
Margaret Jo Isom
Hugh McDonald
Modena Shivers
Gladys Mae Baker
Everett Babb
Frances Fullerton
Augusta  Key
Helen Louise Putnam
McClellan Wassell
Pauline Bennett
L. G. Compton
Helen Goldman
Joyce Loper
Donald Varnell
Marie Williams
Jewel Albritton
Marie Carson
James Greenlee
Bessie Levine
Jack Roberts
Edeina Tidd

Claudine Carson
Corinne Coffy
Rosa Hashop
Sarah Megarity
Juanita Stark
Glenn Wells
Dorothy Caldwell
Billy Coulson
Frances Layton
Elise Miller
Nelson Ross
Emy Neil Stroud
Renee Coulson
R. C. Granberry, Jr.
Bernice Moore
Ruth Roberts
Johnnie Smalling
Gladys Sumner
Palmer Chrisman
J. W. Hornbeak
Evie Ruth Mixon
Carlos Sutton
Ava White
Cy Wilson
James Donoho
Virginia Love
Iva Stewart
Dean Walker
Bettie Willie
Richard Young

Katherine Anderson
Clifford Haley
Frank King
Estelle McClung
Hallie Moore
Mamie Patrick
Harry Blanding
Clayton Hickerson
Margueriete Laney
Paul Mitchell
Clovis Stover
Hazel Perkinson
Frank Cladwell
Juanita Engram
Allan B. Moore
Mary Alice Parker
Thomas Robinson
Harmon White
Gladys Cheney
Ferne Johnson
Elizabeth Mowlam
Anna Lee Pugh
Fannie Jean Treadwell
John Leslie Yates
Ernest Hart
William Love
Josephine Brown
La Donne Matthews
Haskell McClintock
Lillian Cole Jackson

Marion Markham
Katherine Briethaupt
Bruce Jeffers
Elmer White
Nina Head
Deen Allen
Owen Beeman
Virginia Carroll
Lucile Foust
Frances Garvin
Leldon Middleton
Elaine Walton
Inez Blair
Myrtle Cummings
William Galloway
Lulu Mae Holland
Mabel Montfort
Bruce Watson
Frank Kent
Mary Helen Allen
Aliene Chambliss
Dulon Haynie
Redus McElwrath
Melville Samuels
Nell Rose Butler
Albert Allison, Jr.
Vivienne Flowers
Bessie Jo Jordan
Dorothy Reagan
Almer White


The Junior Class

President - Paul Hall
Vice-President - George Eliot
Treasurer - Natalie McElmury
Secretary - Stella Fae Roth
Reporter - Imogene Robinson

President - Julia Davis
Vice-President - George Eliot
Treasurer - Natalie McElmury
Secretary - Tabby Agnew
Reporter - Paul Hall

This Class of 1931 considers itself exceedingly successful, and why shouldn't it?  Did it not succeed in placing its princess, Imogene Robinson, upon the queen's throne?

Not only this, but the Junior of 1931 have had many representatives in the various athletic events.  Nelson Ross was captain of the football team, and Brooks Allen, Gordon Clark, Buck Crews, Red Goodman, Paul Hall, Carlton Harris, Orie Harris, Leldon Middleton, John Newland, Melvin Richardson, Leslie Scoggins, Robert  Taylor, Claude Stubbs, and J. W. Hornbeak were members of the squad; then when the letters were awarded the following men received them:  Buck Crews, Gordon Clark, Red Goodman, Melvin Richardson, and John Newland.

Not only did this class give its share of men to football, but also to basketball for Gordon Clark, O. E. Dill, and Orie Harris had their places on the team.

In track events Paul Hall, Douglas Ferrell, Joe Greenlee, and Gordon Clark represented the Junior Class, and Clark won a first place for "Old C. H. S. "

David Clayton played tennis singles.

On the "Corsican" staff, Natalie McElmury is art director; while Anna Mae Young is organizations editor: on the "Blue and Gold" staff Frank Cheney is one of the business managers; Harry Bounds is typist, and Elizabeth Boyd is new editor.

When the "Corsican" held the annual popularity contest, again the Juniors won several places - Imogene Robinson, most popular girl; Buck Crews, best looking boy; Juanita Hagle, sweetest girl; Gordon Clark, most athletic boy, and Frank Cheney, most effeminate boy.

Upon reviewing the various clubs and organizations, many juniors are seen to hold high offices.

Certainly we must not forget the pep squad, band, and "Tiger Teasers" for many members of these organizations are from the Junior Class.  Remember Ava Nell Cole, that "peppy yell leader?" Well, she's a Junior too.

Now that these things have been related, do you not think that we, the Class of 1931, have just cause for our pride ?


Lottie Earl Austin
Frank Cheney
Martha Chestnut
Jean Delahay
Lena Rose Harvin
William Hashop
Dorothy McNutt
Richard Montgomery
Vernon Noble
Earl Robertson
Katherine Bowden
Pearl Burkham
Jimmie Childers
Allen Edens
Nellie Hargrave
Lillian McClure
roland Miranda
D. B. Mizell
Tommie Ray
Jean Sanner
Dorothy Woodrow
Ava Nell Cole
Doris Clayton
Lillian Denbow
Alliene Graves
Foncene Ivy

Natalie McElmury
Lulu Ruth Renfro
Ulah Osteen
Neal Owen
Lillian Spowl
Gladys Cox
Jack Paul
Louise Fendley
Allen Griffin
Carlton Harris
Verla Lee McNeill
Louise Robinson
Stella Faye Roth
George Pryor
Fannie Bell Williams
Anna May Young
Ruby Ball
Minnie Jim Christian
Jim Davidson
Earl Gartman
Gilbert Grantham
Arthur Ingram
Lorene Moore
Eleanor Patterson
Arthur Richardson
Mary Smith

Billy Binford
Calvin Browning
George Eliot
Ruth Harwell
Margaret Henry
Lela Fae Lake
Johnny Murchison
Orvilline Nelson
Imogene Robinson
Albert Young
John Zarafonetis
Elizabeth Boyd
Virginia Burns
Truett Crim
Elizabeth Eliot
Joe Grenlee
Alice C. Lattimore
May Flo Mason
Anita Miles
Elizabeth Mitchell
Lo Raynne Stone
Marie Brennon
Margaret Bryant
Harold Dozier
Virginia Evetts
Muriel Goodwin

Alvin Martin
Martha McDaniel
Guy McReynolds
Annie Myra Smith
Mary Lee Turner
Rosa George White
George Castellow
Douglas Ferrell
Edgar Gann
Milford Goodman
John Newland
Bobbie Lee Odom
Paul Patton
David Yates
Jessie Lee Young
Harry Bounds
Barney Duncan
J. C. Gaston
Paul Hall
Joe Jefferson
Cleo Odom
Billy Stamps
Elise Williams
Miss Virginia Hale - Sponsor


The Sophomores Class

The Sophomore Class of 1929-1930 has made a commendable record.  Every Sophomore has done his part in making the plans and purposes of this class.  We are beginning to realize the meaning of class spirit and are looking forward to the time when we can do more for our school.

The class was fortunate when it elected Juanita Hagle as its princess for the annual High School Carnival.

The spelling team which entered the county contest was Elizabeth Rogers and Nell Butler.  Mary Elizabeth is a sophomore and deserves much credit for helping win the second place.

In two more years we expect to add to our credit a list of accomplishments and honors.

We are proud of our football players, Robert Wilson, Fred Hightower, Norman Price, J. D. Benson, and Roland Pollard.  Robert Wilson deserves special mention as for football star because of the many long runs that he made.  His ability to get the ball and take it across the line when everything seemed against the team has won fame for him.  He deserves more credit because of the fact that he is steady and dependable, although he is apparently not the husky type for this kind of play.

Ralph Guess was elected manager of the football team for 1930.

Basketball players are Fred Hightower, Neal Crowther, and Roland Pollard.  These boys were on the team that went to to the state basketball tournament.


Elizabeth Roberts
Mona Anderson
Marjorie Paul
Marie Turner
Bonnie Jenkins
Lou Ottie Martin
Bettie Mathews
Lucile Turner
Louise Neiper
Opal Willaims
Beaulah Williams
Thomas Adams
Horace Cownan
Clark Doolin
Woodrow Green
Floyd Iker
Charles Russell
Douglas Johnson
Joe Wilson
James West
S. J. Miles
Philip Gibson
Opal Jordan
Mildred Reeves
Lena Faye Hightower
Maud Taylor
Beatrice Hopper
Linda Simms
Helen Newton
Josephine Tullos
Mary Kenner
Elizabeth Smith
Florine Smith
J. D. Ingram
Billy Levine
Preston Walton
Johnnie Mays
Harry Bryant
Wayland Halbert
Lod Allison
Calvin Milburn
Garner Clark
Harry Grandberry

Raymond McClintock
Wayne Cook
Pierre Bonner
Tom Moore
Ralston Warfield
Ralph Guess
Gerbert Louis Hill
J. C. Hagins
Duvall Williams
Angelus Andrews
Mamie Howell
Juanita Boyd
Vera Bottoms
Neva Frost
Natalie Dreeben
Florine Smith
Edna Erle Parker
Frances Jordan
Pauline Faughn
Avis Griffen
Elizabeth Taylor
Myra Dickson
Jessie Hart
Hazel Del Hamilton
Inez Tanner
Louise Adams
Elizabeth Scoggins
Willie Tompkins
Dorothy Scoggins
Lulu Ruth Renfro
Murdelle Wheelock
Clarabelle Spurlock
Marie Green
Leona Yeager
Frances Montgomery
Joe Walker
Woodrow Wilson
Albert Gallwoay
Taylor Robinson
Mitchell Boyd
Joe Hashop
Hiram Rainwater
Ivan Samuels
Emmett Ellington
R. M. Harvey

Sarah McCammon
Lillian Smith
Helen Holmes
Nellie Beth Davis
Lucile Weaver
Frances Kelly
Pauline Chrisman
Arabella Jester
Florine McAfee
Bernice Smith
Enola Smalling
Juanita McReynolds
Evelyn Murphy
Odell Pitts
Mary Pearl Stanley
Hazel Snow
June Crane
Claralene Harris
Melba Darby
Mazle English
Clarence Sikes
Holland Garmon
George Blood
Mose Herman
John Dogget
Fred Skelton
Wesley Harris
Neal Brown
George Milburn
Reuben Bunch
Robert Finley
Jester Warnell
ralph Pierce
W. J. Bowlin
Charlie Armstrong
Jesse B. Gordon
Richard Bonner
Morris Westbrook
Bates Archer
Lester Hallmark
Neal Crowther
Newton Smith
Chester Loyd Norris
Hoyd Averitt
Lynn Bell
Albert McElwrath
J. W. Finley
Charle Simpson
Calvin Calhoun

Wesley Dehaes
Herman Ward
J. W. Thurston
James Cerf
Carter Speed
John Henry White
Guy Lewis
Fred Hightower
Roland Pollard
Jack Hughes
Houston Kent
Elmer Purdify
Dill Cole
Maurice Tankersly
Maurice Pollack
Max Thornell
Everett Popejoy
Schuler Murphy
Teddy B. Deskin
Ernest McGee
Edna Erle Neeley
Loretta Moore
Muriel O'Daniel
Avis Ramsey
Louise Womack
Ernestine Young
Sarah Sowell
Loretta Smith
Margaret Roxborough
Hazel Snow
Mary Lee Scoggins
Helen Starnes
Lavado Madden
Evelyn Patterson
Evie Jean Stark
Louise Williamson
Mildred Reeves, Lucille Powell
Alice Webb
Mary Myrtle Bowman
Juanita Hagle
Mauriete Henderson
Mary Louise DeVinney
Lucile Green
Joy Furrow
Grace McAfee
Opal Reese
Florette Kaplan
Lela Hopkins
Mary Butler


The Freshman Class

The Class of 1933 entered the halls of Corsicana High School just a little green, of course, but very ambitious, and before the year was over it had made quite a name for the school.

In football the class was unusually proud of John Kessinger.  He is being looked forward to as being one of the outstanding players on the C. H. S. football team.  Others who went out for football were Irving Samuels, Fred White, Bates Archer, W. J. Bowlin, Woodrow Green, Don Humphries and John McKissack.  Joe Nelson and John McKissack did extremely well in track.

Cecile Inabnit, Frances May, William McPhail, Bob Tripp, and John Wassell were included among the names of the honor roll and make the class one of the strongest in Corsicana High School.

The Freshmen consider themselves Lucky to have Mozelle Holmes as one of the assistant editors of the "Blue and Gold Hi News" staff.

Beth Almond was chosen princess of the Freshman Class, and the Freshmen came out third in the queen's race, something very unusual, because they are usually last.

Although the class is still quite young the "Fish" have had a most successful year and each one is filled with a love for his school and a determination to honor it.


Juanita Ramsey
Alma Ramsey
Jarine Cray
La Verne Young
Vera Langridge
Gladys Kirkindoll
Marie Ross
Mable Walker
Katherine Darby
Frances Harllee
Hazel Bellringer
Josephine I'Orsay
Mozelle Holmes
Doris Walling
Sammie Leen Inmon
sadie Beasley
Harry Redden
Chestine Frazier
Harry Clowe
Neslon Roughten
Boyce Ladelle
Frank Griffen
Earl Farmer
Lester Thurston
Wilma Harbison
Effie Bargar
Lula Herod

Yvonne Phipps
Nora Faye Harris
Ruthie Jean Honea
Elaine Brooks
Omma D. Deskin
Jodie Mae Seale
Patty Ruth Wilkenson
Lucille Stoum
Charistine Smotherman
Paul Allen
Johnny McKissack
Stanton Lowry
Everlyn Bunch
Thalia Lumsford
Willie Anderson
Alice Haggard
Alma Brown
Anna Ruth Evans
Bryan Jarrigan
Curtis Grey
Owille Locklar
Leonard Allen
Martin Spradlin
Eldon Griffen
Clarence Sprowl
Leo Davis
Joe Nelson

T. B. Mitchell
James Flowers
Allen Martin
James Mitchell
T. B. Kirkham
Page Caldwell
Sarah Kate Decherd
Georgia Lake
Mary Jean Pace
Marie Sparks
Cecile Inabnit
Mariella Burke
Agnes Patterson
Mildred Faye Brown
Ima Hardgrave
Emily Colton
Billy Ruth Young
Mary Frances Harvin
Eddie Warnell
Ellis Settlemyer
Willie Morris
John wassell
William Sweatman
Buster Smalling
Jack White
Willie Robinson
George Simpson

Billy Delahay
Martin mason
J. C. Perkins
Mary Glenn White
Eunice White
Anne Whitten
Marion Petty
Willie D. Kennedy
Frances Highnote
Gwendolyn Estes
Meland Bagby
Audria Herod
Sarah Middlebrook
Lewellyn Howard
Richard Lynch
Clifford Spencer
Kennard Copeland
Vernon Howell
Charles Sapp
Francis May
Bob Tripp
William McPhail
Arnon Banks
Fred White
Wilford Burkham
Louis Fowler


The Will of the 1930 Class

We, the undersigned, the Senior Class of the Corsicana High School of 1930, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby declare this to be our last will and testament, hereby revoking all other wills and testaments heretofore made by us.

To the Juniors, we bequeath our unsurpassed standing and superb degree of excellence, and as seniors, we demand that these qualities shall be maintained and preserved for future generations.

To the Sophomores, we leave our unusual superiority, an asset they will need.

To the Freshmen, we wish good luck and thrills in their struggles for fame and success.

In addition to the above mentioned legacies, to the entire student body of the Corsicana High School, we bequeath in part our outstanding individual talents, the skill, the cleverness, and the remarkable mental capacity of the following members of the class of 1930;
Louise Barth's blended personality, a rare texture of beauty, attractiveness, and unusual talent.
Clayton Hickerson's efficiency and faithfulness ( he buckles down till he's put it through ).
Elise Millers cheerfulness ( a heart that never forgets to sing ).
Sam Haslam's vim, vigor, vitality, pep, and punch ( the courage to act on a sudden hunch ).
Albert Allison's friendliness ( You know a cold motor will not run smoothly until it is warmed ).
Jewell Allbritton's ambition - " Hitch your wagon to a star ".
Edeina Tidd's art of smiling which has the power to scatter sunshine and radiate gladness.
Redus McElwrath's noblesse oblige - " Unto whom much is given - much will be required. "
R. C. Granberry's athletic prowess ( Heroic, galant, courageous knight ! ).
Marion Markham's popularity ( Which surely must be deserved ! ).
Frances Layton's loyality ( Next to having friends to be a friend is best ).
Jack Robert's charming and pleasing manners ( an Adonis who uses his hands, his head, his eyes ).
Richard Young's goodness ( not simply good but good for something ).
Nell Rose Butler's frankness and sincerity ( the most resplendent jewels of all ! ).
Gladys Cheney's optimism, the oil of Gladness that always helps.
Frant Kent's intellectual ability (studious and earnest - the fellow who wins ).

The play is done; the curtain drops.
We bid you farewell, dear friends and school-mates.
If we failed to reach the end we sought
If no great good has been wrought,
May those efforts of ours, we pray
Serve you well as guide posts on your way.

Drawn up, signed and seal affixed on this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty.
( Signed ) Senior Class
Frank King, Appointee

Witnessed by:
H. D. Fields
W. H.  Norwood
Vivian Keys


The Corsican's Popularity Contest

Best Looking Boy - Buck Crews
Most Beautiful Girl - Louise Barth
Best All Round Student - R. C. Grandberry
Most Representative Boy - Clayton Hickerson
Most Representative Girl - Elise Miller
Best Natured Boy - Sam Haslam
Sweetest Girl - Juanita Hagle
Cutest Boy - Herbert Louis Hill
Cutest Girl - Renee Coulson
Most Athletic Boy - Gordon Clark
Most Versatile Boy - Billy Coulson
Most Versatile Girl - Elise Miller
Wittiest Boy - Jimmy Childress
Cleverest Girl - Elise Miller
Most Collegiate Boy - Allan Moore
Most Collegiate Girl - Eddie Bess Leonard
Most Effeminate Boy - Frank Cheney
Most Ambitions Boy - Palmer Chrisman
Most Ambitious Girl - Pauline Chrisman
Laziest Student - Leslie Scoggins
Favorite Teacher - Miss Hale
Most Dependable Boy - Clayton Hickerson
Most Dependable Girl - Elise Miller
Most Mischievous Student - Albert Allison


Girls' Chorus

Miss Joe Jarrell, Director

Interest in the Girl's Chorus has continued to increase this year, as it has in the past.  Forty-five girls were enrolled during the fall semester and fifty during the spring semester, which number in itself proved that the club was popular.  Under the competent direction of Miss Joe Jarrell, supervisor of music in the Corsicana Public School, the girls have derived much pleasure, as well as much musical knowledge, and it has been through her unbounded energy and enthusiasm that the chorus has been a pleasure to the girls.  During the year the members have assisted in many of the school programs, and they had the honor of singing at the graduation exercises of both terms.



Boys' Glee Club

Miss Joe Jarrell, Instructor

It is surprising how interest in music is developing with the boys of Corsicana High School.  The interest, which was rather low at the beginning of the year, has more than doubled since the first semester of school.

During the first semester only seven boys tried to sing -- and that was half-hartedly, but with the proper training, their voices improved.  The discovered that they could sing -- if they would.

When the next term rolled around nearly twenty boys were on hand.  They have learned all the popular tunes of the present and many of the old favorites and have practiced on them day after day until their voices sound as well as those of professional entertainers.

The Boys' Glee Club has furnished music and entertainment for many school plays, among which were the "Corsican Follies" and "Skidding," the Senior effort.

Miss Joe Jarrell teaches this group, who receives one-fourth credit a term for their fun.



The High School Orchestra

Corsicana High School is exceedingly proud of its orchestra.  This group of musicians has answered the requests of anyone who has wanted it to play.  Most of the success is due to Miss Joe Jarrell who has been director for three years.  The high type of music furnished by the orchestra is ample proof of her ability and untiring efforts.

The orchestra has filled a number of engagements this year.  It has played for the Rotary Club, the banquet for the Board of Education, for the McCleary sisters recital at the Ideal and at Frost.  Just as willingly has the orchestra helped in school affairs.  It furnished music for the High School Carnival and played between acts for the Senior play.  It also helped with the biggest event of the year, the Commencement Exercises.

Violins - Louise Barth, Frances Kelly, Truitt Crim, Mary Elizabeth Rogers, Hazel Smith, Frank Cheney
Saxophones - Dill Cole, H. L. Wendorf, Dean Allen, Clifford Haley
Drums - George Eliot
'Cello - Eddie Warnell
Clarinets - Mitchell Boyd, Billy Levine, Garner Clark, Neal Brown, Joseph Bell, Douglas Ferrell
Trumpets - John White, Bob Tripp, Albert McElwrath, Robert Clark
Bass - Ira Tarbutton
Piano - Ruth Roberts


The Tiger Teasers

The "Tiger Teasers" were first organized three years ago.  The first purpose of the organization was to furnish amusement and plenty of pep for the basketball games.  The members succeeded in that perfectly, and now they follow the Blue and Gold teams to all parts of the state.

The first trip of the "Teasers" made this year to Hillsboro to the district basketball tournament.  They had intended to go via train, but some of the members were late, so three cars were quickly hired.  It was pouring down rain, but the loyal "Tiger Teasers" started over the worst roads in Texas and got to the tournament before the players got there.  That is just one of the examples of the spirit of this organization.

Their one object is to get somewhere, and they do it !

At the last two state tournaments at College Station and Austin, respectively, the "Tiger Teasers" were a bigger sensation than the state champions.  Down at Memorial Gymnasium at A. and M. the "Tiger Teasers" raised the roof.  At Austin High School Gymnasium the "Teasers" were again a sensation.

Coach O. P. Douglas has said that this organization, more than any other single thing, has brought Corsicana High School basketball to the position it holds.




In the last four years under the direction and supervision of Professor O. F. Allen, Principal of the Corsicana Junior High School, the Yi-Y Club of Corsicana has come to be recognized among Y.M.C.A. workers as one of the best organized and most powerful of Texas Hi-Y Clubs.

There was a time when the Hi-Y Club was merely an excuse for the boys to quit studying on Wednesday night to go to a pie-throwing contest.  In the last few years however, the club has handled itself in a way that would make any men's club of the city envious.

The club has regular roll call and reading of the minutes by the secretary.  There are reports by various committee chairmen appointed by the president and financial reports by the Y.M.C.A. physical director and various other business in transacted every meeting night.  The program committees which consist of two members and a chairman, have functioned excellently this year, presenting some excellent speakers and some very entertaining programs.

The purpose of the club is to extend throughout the school and community high standards of Christian living.

The club's dynamic is "Contagious Christian Character."

The club's motto -- "Clean Speech.  Clean Living.  Clean Athletics."

The State Older Boy's Conference, which is a Hi-Y affair, was held in our neighboring city of Waco this year with Jack McNutt, former Corsicana High School boy, presiding.  McNutt was elected president in 1929 at the conference at Temple.

The purpose of the conference was to help boys choose their life work.

The Hi-Y club sponsored two large banquets this year and both of them were huge success.  The first was the Mothers and Fathers' Banquet.  One hundred and thirty boys and their parents attended and listened to a program composed of Hi-Y members.

The last big banquet was the Sweetheart's Banquet.  This Sweethearts' Banquet is an annual affair around Easter time, and is generally attended by dozens of high school exes home from college.  More people attended the Sweethearts' Banquet this year than ever before, a crowd of approximately one hundred and seventy being on hand.  There were speeches by members and townsmen and words of greeting from the exes.  This Sweethearts' Banquet is a gala event, it and the annual coronation being the two special activities of the high school year.  If you did not make this year's banquet, you had better get busy and get a date for next year's Bigger'n Better !  That describes every phase of Hi-Y activity for the school year just ending.




The purpose of Comites Romani ( Roman Companions ) is to make a more detailed study than can be made in class of the life, history, customs, and religions of the Romans, and of the gifts in art, literature, and sculpture that they left to the world; in short, the purpose is to have a more thorough understanding of the practical and cultural value of Latin.  The club has occasional social meetings with entertainment in games and contests.  Romanized to suit the occasion.

The officers of the club are the consul primus ( president ), consul secundus ( vice-president ), scriba ( secretary 0, quaistor ( treasurer ), aedile ( reporter ), and the vindex ordinis ( sergeant-at-arms ).

The club has as its motto: "Non summis, sed superantis" ( Not on the heights, but climbing ), and its colors are purple and white.  The club pin has the emblem of the Roman faces with C. R. ( Comites Romani ) and C. H. S. inscribed on it.

This club very efficiently supplements the Latin department of the high sschool, and the members receive much benefit from its meetings.

President - Imogene Robinson
Vice - President - May Flo Mason
Secretary - Allen Griffen
Treasurer - Tabby Agnew



Home Economics Club

The purpose of the Home Economics Club is to further the interest in home economics and to furnish a broader field of activity for the club members.

One of the most entertaining and instructive programs that the club sponsors concerns appropriate dress and balaned menus.  An additional activity which has served to stimulate much interest of the members is the home project work.

The home economics girls have assisted in numerous school activities this year.  Several girls served at the Sweethearts' Banquet.  The School Board Banquet was cooked and served by girls from the home economics department.

To receive the one-fourth unit for a term of club work, each girl must take part in the club programs, must complete her home project, be present at the meetings, and must make an average of B in the home economics department.


Fall Term

Spring Term


Hazel Perkinson

Hazel Perkinson


Anita Miles

Claudine Carson


Pauline Hagins

Ruth Roberts


Alice Graves

Bernice Moore


Mary Alice Parker

Mary Alice Parker




Alpha Delta

The Alpha Delta Society sponsors debating,, declamation, and public speaking in Corsicana High School.  Under the guidance of the co-sponsors, Misses Lennie Mangum and Glynn Mitchell, unusual interest in these activities has been manifested throughout the year.  Weekly meetings were held and several excellent programs were presented.  Prior to the county meet, practice debates were held with Mexia, Penelope, Trinidad, North  Dallas, Sunset, and Highland Park, Dallas.  Aside from the actual work of the club, several social events were enjoyed.

The primary object of the club is to produce each year two debating teams, two declaimers, and one extemporaneous speaker to represent our school at the University Interscholastic league Meet.  the club was represented in debate by Anna Mae Young and Frances Layton, who composed the girls' team and by Elmer White and J. D. Moncrief, who composed the boys' team.   Jewel Albritton, the representative girl for declamation, placed first in the county meet, while neal Owen, who represented the boys' declamation, placed second.  Kenneth Copeland also placed first in extemporaneous speaking.


Fall Term

Spring Term


Jewel Albritton

Jewel Albritton


John Murchison

Anna Mae Young


McClellan Wassell

Frances Layton


Clayton Hickerson

Elmer White




A. Y. L. I.

The "As You Like It" society, which was organized in 1915 for the purpose of promoting an interest in good literature, has developed into one of the outstanding clubs of the school.

Each year some special type of literature is selected to be studied, such as ballads, folk-lore, drama, and the modern short story.  This year the club's time was devoted to the study of myths of ancient Greece and Rome.

In connection with the year's program, which has been extremely beneficial, the club started a very attractive scrapbook.  This scrapbook contains the stories of words and flowers, the stories of the gods of the underworld, the stories of the Trojan War, and the stories of the stars.

Funds for the annual expenses of the club were obtained by collecting dues from the members and by sponsoring a very attractive and successful booth in the annual High School Carnival.

The club members this year exhibited their earnestness and ability in the maintenance and operations of the club's affairs, social and literary.


Fall Term

Spring Term


Juanita Stark

Elizabeth Boyd


Elizabeth Boyd

Elizabeth Deaver


Leona Cavender

Iva McKinney


Hazel Perkinson

Ona Waits


Mary Alice Parker

Leona Cavender




The Blue and Gold Hi News

The staff of the "Blue and Gold" is chosen by the merit system, and when a member proves he is unwilling to work, he is replaced by another member of the student body.  The school paper this year has been increased in size from four pages to eight, with excellent features, sports news, and humor articles in abundance.  The editorials have very wisely expressed student opinion.

Instead of the usual monotonous one-size headlines, so often seen in school papers, the "Blue and Gold" has had excellent typography, presenting a well bannered sheet.

Elise Miller - Editor-in-Chief
Frank Caldwell - Business Manager
Miss Mary Holmes - Sponsor

BLANDING - Assistant Sports
BOUNDS - Typist
BOYD - News
CHENEY - Exchange
HOLMES - Assistant Editor
KING - News
McELWRATH - Features
NOKES - Features
TIDD - Jokes
A. WHITE - Typist, Assistant Sports


Dramatic Club

The Dramatic Club which has been a part of the Corsicana High School since 1924 was organized by Miss Mable Bonner for the purpose of furnishing the students of this school the means for developing and expressing their appreciation for better dramatics.

It is an annual affair of the society to present a group of one-act plays in chapel.  In 1930 "Columbine,"  "The Revolt," and "All On A Summer's Day" were presented.  From the characters in these plays three girls, Rene Coulson, Martha Chestnut, and Imogene Robinson, were selected and with Billy Coulson composed the cast of "Pink and Patches," which was entered in the One Act Play Tournament for high schools.  Corsicana emerged with first place and as the "Corsican" goes to press, the cast is rehearsing for entering the play in the regional tournament.

At the regular meetings of the club, cultural and entertaining, as well as instructive discussions of modern plays, playwrights and phases of dramatic presentation are held.

In addition to the above artistic presentations, the club is proud of the fact that in the spring of 1929 it purchased and presented to the high school two olivette stands as permanent stage equipment.  The members appreciate the donations given to this cause by Mrs. H. D. Fillers, their able advisor, and Miss Mabel Bonner, their capable director.



Yell Leaders

The yell leaders, Sam Haslam, Allan B. Moore, Ava Nell Cole, and Frances Nell Halley, are due much credit for their services.  The pep squad, with these capable leaders and Miss Lennie Mangum as sponsor, has backed the teams with its very best efforts.

The pep squad was composed of about forty girls, who were co-operative in every way.  We are composed of about forty girls, who were co-operative in every way.  We are proud of the pep squad because we know that its enthusiasm and activities helped the boys play to the very last minute.

Before the Waco and Cleburne games bonfires celebrated the coming events.  This act stirred up enthusiasm and pep.  During the football and basketball seasons various chapel pep rallies were held.  The pep squad never failed to have some novelty stunt between the halves of the games.  Miss Mangum, with her originality, has made the best sponsor the squad has ever had.

The pep squad uniforms were the same as those of last year, being white sailor trousers and blue and gold sweaters with tiger heads on them.  Those sweaters were most graciously donated by the Lion's Club of Corsicana.


Resume of the 1929 Football Season

The Corsicana High Tigers, those warriors of the Blue and Gold, who are beaten but never whipped, who go down sometimes, but go down fighting, completed one of the most successful seasons in the history of Corsicana High athletics.

Against Allen Academy, Athens, Temple, and other teams of the state, the Tigers of '29 look like state champions, but in Waco, Temple and Cleburne, things amassed themselves against the valiant Tigerws and beat or nearly beat them.  In the first game in the season against the mediocre Ennis Lions, the Tigers met unexpected opposition and beat the class B team 19 - 6.  The next game was with the Greenville Lions who were beaten 15 - 6.  The Blue and Gold machine won the next two games, 19 - 0 and 50 - 7 against Athens and Hillsboro respectivley.  The Allen Academy game proved to be one of the best of the season.  The Academy boys held the Tigers during the first half, but Tiger fury and speed left them behind in the closing periods.  The next game was with the far-famed Waco Tigers.  In the first minute of play Hightower threw a pass to Granberry who raced it, it seemed from the press box, for a touchdown.  But the ball was carried out to the ten inch line and something snapped.  During the next four plays, the Tigers lost instead of gained.  Again and again the Tigers of C. H. S. threatened, but as Waco's goal line neared, the C. H. S. offence wilted.  The scheduled Temple game ended in a tie but C. H. S. won the play-off 6 - 0.  Waxahachie's Indians furnished stiff opposition on a field of mud, but the Tigers finally eked out a 9 - 6 win.  Then there was that heart-breaking game with the Cleburne Yellow Jackets.  For the fourth consecutive year the Tigers were trampled under three touchdowns by Cleburne.  TIGERS OF '30 REMEMBER THAT !



Captain Nelson Ross was nobody's novice at breaking up plays.  How he could sift through lines!  Ross has another year and will be a candidate for all state honors.

J. D.  "Tubba" Benson was the biggest tackle C. H. S.'s Tigers had.  But his size was no handicap and Tubba tore up plenty of opposing plays.

Gordon "Gut" Clark was undoubtedly the best punter of District 4.  Excelling in punting, Clark also showed superb from in passing.  Gut's tosses won more than one game for the Blue and Gold.

Ernest "Buck" Crews was one of the wing-footed members of the Tiger tribe of 1929.  Against all kinds of opposition Buck was the same, fast and hard to stop, slippery as an eel.

Milford "Red" Goodman was the peppiest quarter on the Tiger squad.  Red's forte was instilling fight into the players.  He was the smallest regular in the district.

R. C. Granberry was a fighting end that always gave the opposition an account of himself.  Basketball had trained Granberry to catch a ball, and when a backfield man  sailed that ball toward him, it went into eager arms.

Fred Hightower, quarter, despite illness and numerous injuries was a good field general and had remarkable passing ability.  Fred has another year.

J. W. Hornbeak served his first year as a linesman playing at guard.  Hornbeak was a good, steady player that never quit fighting.  "Jay" also has another year.

Dee Newland, completing his third year as a Tiger regular, was one fo the best line plungers in the district.  When the ball was down on the goal line it was given to crashing Dee.

The surprise letterman of the year was John Newland, but what a pleasant surprise !  When the regular quarters were out with injuries in the Temple game John took over the job and certainly earned his letter.

"Bitsie" Price's playing was very consistent, and Mr. Price's son was always on hand in the pinches.

George Pryor, the blond menace, was a continual thorn in the enemy's side.  His playing saved the first Temple game, when he intercepted Billy Hall's pass and raced for a touchdown.

Melvin Richardson was a whale of a player at tackle.  When Melvin hit a man he stayed hit quite a while.

Jack "Cootie" Roberts completed his third year as a Tiger regular.  At end, where he played this year, Jack did very well.  he will be missed next year.

Billy Stamps made the mythical all state team.  He was selected almost unanimously by Texas sports writers.  Nuff Sed !

Most sensational of District 4 backfield men was Robert Wilson.  Although he was one of the lightest players on the team, Wilson's playing had more crowd appeal than most any player in the state.

Big Dick Young was a bruiser at the center job.  Dick's playing was the most consistent of all the other players on the team.  Some college is going to be lucky.



Captain "Gut" Clark, an able leader was as fine a dribbler and checker as any present at the state meet.  He will return for another season: look out opposition !

"Podunk" Crowther had no specialty, but he needed none for he had no weakness.

"King" Granberry was the never miss high point man of the team.  He made the mistake of hitting too many early in the year and was guarded closely during the closing games of the season.

"Cotton" Harris like "Podunk", had neither a specialty nor weakness.  He too had an accurate eye for the basket.

Bruce Jefferies was the speed boy of the club.  Many a time he came in so fast that the guard covering him would let him have a crip, which he seldom missed.

Anyone who watched Hugh McDonald move about wondered how he did it.  He was always moving, either guarding or trying for the ball every minute of the game.

"Polly" Pollard a newcomer, had more basketball sense and ability than several of our veterans.  He has been playing the game for a long time, and when he is "right," he messes very few shots.

"Big Toe" Pryor our center and guard, had height and used it.  He was seldom out jumped or stopped in an attempt at the check.

1930 CHS Basketball FOB


Although Corsicana's track team did not distinguish itself this year, Coach Jefferies worked untiringly to shape his raw materials into stalwart athletes.  Prospects were none too bright at the beginning of the season, for none of last year's letter men returned this year, but prospects are better for the coming school year.  Through the coach's efforts and the co-operation of the boys, Corsicana was able to head the list in three different track events at the county meet, held this year at Frost.

The boys who participated in the events at the meet are: Robert Wilson, first in pole vault and third in 220 yard dash; Dick Young, first in shop putt, and second in discus throw; Gordon Clark, first in javelin throw; J. W. Hornbeak, second in 100 yard dash; Paul Hall second in javelin throw; Joe Greenlee, second in high hurdles; Paul Sutton, second in high jump and third in broad jump; Theo VanderLann, third in high jump; Douglas Ferrell, third in discus throw; and Nelson Ross, third in 440 yard dash.

It is planned to place next year's act vities entirely under Ted Jefferies' supervision, and Corsicana is looking forward to a year of which she can be proud.




"In springtime a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of golf."  Each fair day finds members of the Golf Club at the Corsicana Club trying their skill on the green.  Although not so well known as some of the other clubs on the campus, the Golf Club can claim honors of its own.

The club was organized in 1926, and during the last four years the boys have proved themselves adept in the art of "swatting the pill."  Ex-team members who have left names for themselves in the high school golf hall of fame are Hugh Drane.  Ray Smith, Gerald McClung, and Clyde Stroud, but their places this year have been capably filled by Billy Coulson, Frank Caldwell, R. C. Granberry, and James Poindexter.

Since organization, the team has matched games with Ennis, Mexia, Dallas, ( Fores, Sunset, Oak Cliff ), and Waco school teams, and this year has played Waco, Mexia, Paris, and Ennis.  The outcome of the matches has not been unfavorable to Corsicana.

From the first the members have made an excellent showing at the state meet where many skillful participants become friendly antagonists.  In the past three years two boys have represented Corsicana in the State High School Golf Tourney in Dallas, and have caused Corsicana to have her name mentioned.

Boys who have won places in the tournaments are Coulson, captain of the '26, '27, '28, and '29 teams, who was runner-up in the city tourney: Caldwell who was winner in the high school tourney of 1928, and medalist in country tournament in 1929, and Grandberry, who was runner-up in the county tourney of 1929.

With a worthwhile record set, it is expected that this year's team will once more cause golf fans to expect Corsicana's name mentioned when the 1930 state tourney score is published.




For practice, the Tennis Club used the tennis court of the City Park.

In the preliminary contests held at the City Park court Doris Clayton, singles; Bettie Willie and Frances Harlee, doubles, won out to represent Corsicana High School in the county meet.

At the county meet the first match of the doubles was between Frost and Corsicana.  Corsicana won the match 6 - 2 first set and 6 - 3 second set and 6 - 3 third set.  The second match the girls played was between State Home and Corsicana and Corsicana won again by the first set being 9 - 7, the second set being 6 - 3.  This was their last match, which entitled them to first place in the meet.   The singles team played Currie in the first match, which was forfeited to Corsicana. The second match, which was between State Home and Corsicana, State Home won.  This gave the second place to the singles team in the meet.

The doubles team went to Hillsboro to represent Corsicana High School in the district meet and they drew a bye, which stated they would play the winner of the first match.  The match was between Cleburne and Corsicana, which match Corsicana won, the first set being 6 - 2; the second set being 6 - 3.  Then Corsicana had to play the winner of the next to last match and that was between Valley Mills and Corsicana.  Corsicana won, the first match being 6 - 3; the second match being 11 - 9.  This ended the match and entitled Corsicana to first place in the district meet.  The girls are now practicing for the bi-district, and we are hoping they will go to State.



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Edward L. Williams