Franklin Albritton
Mar 24, 1884 - Sep 13, 1950
Earl Albritton Died At Bazette
Funeral services for Earl Albritton, 66, Bazette merchant, who died at his home, were held last Thursday from the Bazette Baptist
church. Burial was in the
Bazette cemetery. He had long been a prominent East Navarro citizen.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Rhodes, Primitive Baptist minister of Athens, assisted by Rev. O. E. Peterson, pastor of the Bazette Baptist church, and Rev. R. J. Fletcher, Corsicana.
Surviving are two sons, Jack Albritton and Allen Albritton; a daughter, Mrs. Tom Upchurch, all of Bazette, and other relatives.
Patience Eugenia �Gina� (Green) Albritton
Jul 10, 1868 - Jan 29, 1931
Pioneer of Kerens Community Is Dead
Mrs. Eugenia Albritton, wife of W. H. Albritton, pioneer resident of the Kerens community, died at the family home Thursday and the funeral was held Friday afternoon from the Bazette Baptist church with burial in the Bazette
cemetery. The Rev. Rives Cortledge, pastor of the Bazette Baptist church conducted the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Albritton came to Texas 50 years ago from Alabama.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Albritton is survived by the following children: S. E. Albritton, Mrs. Annie Finley, E. T. Albritton, all of San Benito, Texas; Mrs. Maudie Guinn, Lamesa; Mrs. Verder McAlester, J. A. Albritton, both of Dallas; Mrs. Lois Tiner and
Ernest Albritton, both of Kerens.
Mrs. Albritton had a host of friends and the community is deeply grieved at her passing.
Card of Thanks.
It is with deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation that we thank our good friends for their many acts of kindness and words of sympathy bestowed upon us during the recent illness and death of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Eugenia Albritton. May each and everyone
who came to see us in our sorrow and who sent such beautiful flowers as expressions of their love for her and sympathy to us, realize how much we thank you; for your kindness and sympathy will always be a sweet memory and a great consolation.
W. H. Albritton and family.
Sammye Jo (Albritton) Harris
Aug 19, 1947 - Apr 1, 2018
College Station, Texas - Sammye Jo Harris, 70, of College Station,
TX, passed away on Sunday, April 1, 2018. Funeral Services will be held at 10:30AM on Wednesday, April 4, at the Brazos Valley Church
of Christ in College Station with burial to follow in the Bazette cemetery Kerens,
Born August 19, 1947 in Harlingen, Texas, she was the daughter of Samuel Edgar and Rosa Nell (Parker) Albritton. Sammye Jo loved
taking care of her children, tending her land and cows, and keeping a tidy house. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, and sister and will be missed by all who knew her.
She is preceded in death by her father.
Sammye leaves behind to cherish her memories, her husband of fifty-three years, Carrol Eugene Harris; five sons, Carrol Eugene Harris Jr. and wife Pamela, Gregory Scott Harris and wife Julie, Bryan Joseph Harris and wife Laurie, James Benjamin Harris and wife
Lauren, and Samuel Ashley Harris; one daughter, Lindsey Jo Nichole Harris and husband Abdo Fouda; her mother; a sister, Susan Burns and husband Sandy; a brother, Rusty Albritton and wife Kathy; and fifteen grandchildren. |
- Valley Morning Star, Bryan, Tx.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Carrol Eugene Harris;
d/o Samuel Edgar Albritton & Rosa Nell (Parker) Albritton
Clarence DeWitt Spruill
Oct 2, 1897 - Aug 2, 1947
Clarence Spruill, aged 50 years, formerly of Bazette, died in McKinney Saturday morning. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the First Baptist church in Wylie.
Interment will be in the
Bazette cemetery Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Wilma Spruill, Wylie; four children, Mrs. Sue Cobble, Garland; Duane Spruill, Memphis, Tenn.; Syble Spruill and Joe Spruill, both of Wylie; five sisters, Mrs. John R. Moffitt, Dallas; Mrs. C. V. Breithaupt, Black Hills; Mrs. E.
McDaniel, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Joe Campbell, Dallas, and Mrs. Frances Screws, Houston; three brothers, W. E. Spruill, Corsicana; Sam Spruill, Black Hills and Frank Spruill Houston, and a number of nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Aug 2, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Hattie Wilma (Laney) Spruill; s/o Joseph Emery �Joe� Spruill & Mary Tabitha �Mollie� (Pepper) Spruill
Sarah Elizabeth (Cartlidge) Bentley
Oct 3, 1870 - Apr 23, 1948
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Bentley, aged 77 years of Trindad, who died in the P. and S. Hospital Friday morning, were
held from the First Baptist church at Trinidad Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in the
Bazette cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Wilson Woods, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. J. A. Haley, pastor of the
First Baptist church at Malakoff.
Mrs. Bentley had resided in Trinidad 43 years. She was a member of the Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, R. L. Bentley; a son, A. C. Bentley, Trinidad; two daughters, Mrs. R. M. Opitz, Malakoff, and Mrs. C. E.
Freeman, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Stephenson, Kerens; two granddaughters, and other relatives.
Stockton Funeral Home at Kerens directed.
Gertrude (Cartlidge) Stevenson
Aug 16, 1868 - Nov 6, 1957
Mrs. Stevenson Dies Wednesday
KERENS, Nov. 7�(Spl.)�Mrs. G. W. Stevenson, 89, a resident of Kerens most of her life, died Wednesday at the home of a daughter in Abernathy, Texas.
Funeral services will be held from the Inmon Funeral Home in Kerens Friday at 2:30 p.m. Burial will be in the Bazette Baptist cemetery.
Mrs. Stevenson was a native of Mississippi. She was an aunt of Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, well-known Baptist minister.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. E. B. Brawley of Abernathy; an adopted son, John W. Arnett, Kerens; one grandchild, three
great-grandchildren, a number of nieces and nephews.
La Queta Joy Eckleman
Nov 9, 1947 - Apr 17, 1948
Rites Held For Infant Sunday
KERENS, April 19.�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Bazette Baptist church for La Quita Joy Eckleman,
5-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Eckleman, Houston, who died at the home of her parents Saturday morning.
Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, Corsicana, and the Rev. John Boyd, Bazette conducted the rites. Burial was in
Bazette cemetery with Stockton's Funeral home, Kerens in charge.
Maternal grandmother of the infant is Mrs. J. W. Scarborough, Kerens, and Bert Eckleman, Corsicana is paternal grandfather.
Jennie (Kirk) Albritton
Nov 23, 1885 - Jan 26, 1948
KERENS, Jan. 17.�(Spl.)�Mrs. Jennie Albritton, 63, native of Roane, but resident of Bazette practically all of her life, died at the family home Monday afternoon at 3:55 o'clock.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bazette Baptist church with interment in the Bazette cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. R. J. Fletcher of Corsicana and Rev.
John Boyd of Bazette.
Surviving are her husband, Earl Albritton, Bazette; two sons, Allen A. Albritton and Jack Albritton, both of Kerens; a daughter, Mrs. Tommie Upchurch, Kerens; three brothers, Charles and G. Kirk, both of Kerens, and Conner Kirk, Athens; two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Baxter
and Mrs. W. L. Nowlin, both of Kerens and seven grandchildren.
Stockton Funeral Home directed.
Willie Green (Womack) Clark

Oct 9, 1887 - Aug 17, 1948
Funeral services for Mrs. Willie G. Clark, aged 59 years, who died at her home, 620 West Eleventh avenue, Tuesday afternoon, were held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Baptist church at Midway. Burial was in the
Birdston cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the Fellowship Baptist church, Corsicana, and Rev. Leonard Lee and Rev. M. O. Southerland, both of Streetman.
Surviving are five sons, J. R. Clark, Midway; David W. Clark, and William G. Clark, both of Jacksboro; Robert L. Clark, Levelland, and Wallace Roscoe Clark, U. S. Air Corp, Roswell N. M.; four daughters, Bessie Clark, Mrs. Mary Robinson and Levenia Clark, all of
Corsicana, and Carolyn Clark, Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Fred Marberry, Mexia; Mrs. Tom Weldon, Cleburne, and Mrs. W. B. French, LeRue; a brother, C. M. Womack, Oklahoma City, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jake Barker, William Lewis, Albert Haywood, Jesse Bonner, Jim Pillans, Dick Steele, Wayne Pillans, and John Massey.
Griffin Funeral directed.
W. C. Middleton
1876 - 1948
Funeral services for W. C. Middleton, aged 71 years of Blooming Grove, who died Friday night were held Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Corley Funeral chapel. Burial will be in the Birdston cemetery as
soon as the road conditions will permit the cortege to proceed from Streetman to the cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church here.
Surviving are two brothers, R. H. Middleton, Blooming Grove, and G. C. Middleton, Mart; two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Stringer, Mt. Calm, and Mrs. Lyda Seielstad, Amarillo, and other relatives.
Louis W. Tirado, Jr.
Dec 28, 1919 � Sep 22, 1944
Sgt. L. W. Tirado Reburial Service Held On Monday
Funeral services for Sgt. Louis W. Tirado, killed in action in Italy, in September, 1944, were held Monday morning at 8 o'clock from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery.
The rites were conducted by the Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo. The American Legion had charge of the graveside rites.
Enlisting in the 36th Division in January 1941, Sgt. Tirado was wounded in Italy in December, 1943, receiving the Purple Heart decoration.
Surviving is his foster mother, Mrs. Margarita Tirado.
The body was accompanied to Corsicana by Sgt. John Serpas from Fort Worth.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.

Antonia Ramirez
Aug 15, 1874 - Jun 5, 1948
Rites At Ennis; Burial In Oakwood
Funeral services were held Monday at 8 a.m. at the Bunch Funeral Home, Ennis, for Mrs. Antonio Ramirez, 73, who died at Dallas,
Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery at Corsicana. The Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo conducted the rites.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Francis Hernandez, Dallas, a step-son, Frank Martinez, five grandchildren and six great
David Churchill Gatlin

Oct 7, 1882 - May 30, 1948
David G. Gatlin, aged 65 years, prominent resident of Tupelo, died at his home Sunday.
Funeral services were held from the Methodist church at Tupelo on Monday morning at 11 o'clock with burial in the
Chatfield cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Finis A. Crutchfield, Corsicana
Methodist district superintendent, and Rev. W. Vinsant.
He was a native of Mississippi, bur had resided in Navarro county many years. He was the Tupelo precinct member of the Navarro County
Democratic executive committee and was also the general election presiding judge for that precinct.
Surviving are his wife of Tupelo; a sister, Mrs. L. C. Lockhart, Tupelo; a brother, H. R. Gatlin, Waco and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Pallbearers were Ralph Wheeler, R. M. Bowden, Stephen Braddock, T. C. McMullan, Alvin Jones, and R. B. Burdine.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
David Alexandra Anderson
Aug 28, 1895 - Oct 06, 1947
Anderson Rites Held Wednesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Dave Anderson, former Navarro county resident, who died in Port Arthur Monday with a heart attack, were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the Marshall cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Deckert Anderson.
Surviving are his wife of Port Arthur; mother, Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mildred; three brothers, Jim Anderson, Port Arthur; Allen Anderson, Sweeney, and Juber Anderson, Kilgore; four sisters, Mrs. Lyda Owens, Mildred; Mrs. Willie Brannon, Corsicana; Mrs. Evelyn Thomas,
Gladewater, and Mrs. Effie Gance, Kerens, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Pat Horn, Elmer Smith, Alton Smith, Jinks Smith,
Elmo Hollingsworth and George Nokes.
Moses B. Swanson

Feb 26, 1870 - Jan 30, 1948
Moses B. Swanson Died Friday A. M.; Burial Saturday
Moses B. Swanson, aged 77 years, died at the home of a
brother-in-law, Fate McCarter, at Navarro, Friday morning.
Funeral services are scheduled Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in the
Hopewell cemetery.
Native of Mississippi, Swanson had resided in the Navarro community for the past 42 years.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Hugh Swanson, both of Navarro, and three grandchildren, and other relatives.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jan. 30, 1948
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Lora Elmira � Ella� (McCarter) Swanson married Apr 3, 1904; s/o M. B. Swanson & Ann (Sanders) Swanson per death certificate
Funeral Services Held Saturday For Moses B. Swanson
Funeral services for Moses B. Swanson, aged 77 years, who died Friday morning, were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the
Hopewell cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside
Baptist church.
Native of Mississippi, Swanson had resided in the Navarro community the past 42 years.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Hugh Swanson, both of Navarro; three grandchildren and other relatives.
Betty Ann Morris

Nov 26, 1939 - Sep 27, 1948
Funeral services for Little Betty Ann Morris, eight-year-old daughter of F. P. Morris of Jester, were held Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Dawson cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Harold L. Ward, pastor of the Jester Assembly of God Church.
The child succumbed to leukemia Monday night in Baylor Hospital, Dallas�only a few hours after approximately 100 Navarro county
residents volunteered as blood donors.
The death of the critically-ill child came unexpectedly, it was slated, a short time after she was reported �responding nicely� to
Scores of persons from Navarro county donated blood Monday an the unused portion will be retained at the hospital for Navarro county
citizens in the future as a memorial to Betty Ann. Mrs. Gladys Grantham, crippled children's work executive, announced.
Surviving are the father and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Morris, Jester, and J. N. Stockton, Purdon.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Sep. 29, 1948
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- d/o Frankie Pierce Morris buried in Calvary cemetery, Corsicana, Tx. & Esther (Brown)
Morris buried in Dawson cemetery
George Washington Lawrence

Jun 3, 1876 - Sep 3, 1948
DAWSON, Texas, Sept. 6�(Spl.)�George Washington Lawrence, aged 71 years, died at the family home, three miles northwest of town, Friday.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Cumberland Presbyterian church here with interment in the Dawson cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. C. Wamack, pastor of the church.
Lawrence was born in the house in which he died-the old Lawrence homestead. He was a farmer.
Surviving are his wife, Dawson, a son, Floyd Lawrence, Waco, and a daughter, Mrs. Edna Macca Fitch, Hawaii; a brother, J. O. Lawrence, Harlingen; a sister, Mrs. J. M. Sowell, Dawson, and a number of other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Sep. 6, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Carrie Bell (Dempsey)
Lawrence-Pike married Jul. 18, 1909; s/o Joseph Thompson
Lawrence & Macca Orange (McCandless) Lawrence
Edna Macca (Lawrence) Fitch

Nov 6, 1921 - May 11, 2013
Edna Macca Lawrence Fitch, born November 6, 1921 in Dawson, Texas and a longtime resident of Dallas, Texas passed away peacefully on May 11, 2013 at the age of 91 from complications due to Alzheimer's. She was
preceded in death by her parents George W. and Carrie Dempsey Lawrence, brothers Curtis O. Lawrence and Floyd (Bud) Lawrence, and her adoring husband of 47 wonderful years, Albert W. Fitch, Jr. She is survived by her daughter Melinda Toland, daughter Marsha and
husband James Hall Sr., her grandchildren Michelle and husband Martin Oustad, Jennifer Mills, James Hall, Jr. and wife Lauren and great-grandchildren Ryan and Reagan Oustad, Clayton and Carson Mills and Nolan Hall. Macca was an exceptional and outgoing person who was
full of life. She was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church and the Altar Society, Town North Women's Club and many other organizations since returning to Dallas in 1966. She was the most loving, caring and generous wife, mother, grandmother and
great-grandmother, always dedicated to her family. She will be truly missed and never forgotten. A memorial service celebrating her life will be held at Atria Senior Living in Carrollton on June 2, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. The family would like for expressions of sympathy to be
sent to the Alzheimer's Association or The American Heart Association.
- Dallas Morning News
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- w/o Albert W. Fitch, Jr. d/o George Washington Lawrence & Carrie Bell (Dempsey) Lawrence-Pike
Dawson cemetery,
Dawson, Navarro Co., TX
Carrie Bell (Dempsey) Lawrence-Pike

Feb 6, 1891 - Apr 27, 1959
Mrs. Pike Dies On Waco Visit
DAWSON, April 28, --(Spl.)�Mrs. Carrie Lawrence Pike, 68 died in Waco Monday morning while visiting in the home of a daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Floyd Lawrence.
Funeral services will be held from the Cumberland Presbyterian church Thursday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edna Macca Fitch, Baltimore, Md.; six grandchildren; a brothers, Ward Dempsey, Waco; three sisters, Mrs. Flake Lankford, Waco; Mrs. Jewell Dempsey, Mexia; and Mrs. Virgie Knoll, Douglas, Kan.; and other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directs.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tue., Apr. 28, 1959
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband George Washington Lawrence married Jul. 18, 1909 2nd husband UNKNOWN Pike; d/o Clarence Marimack Dempsey & Martha Edna �Mattie�
(Walters) Dempsey
Fannie L. (Fullerton) Chandler-Carroll
Feb 16, 1870 - Jun 21, 1948
Mrs. Fannie Chandler Carroll, aged 78 years, of Tyler, former Corsicana resident, died Monday morning. She was the widow of the late D. E. Carroll, who died in Corsicana in 1934.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Dr. E. A. Chandler, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Charles Flynn, Jr., and Mrs. Lella Chandler, both of Tyler; two
grandchildren, two brothers, Homer Fullerton, Streetman, and Britt Fullerton, Blooming Grove, and other relatives.
Mrs. Carroll resided in Corsicana a number of years before moving to Tyler in 1924.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jun 21, 1948
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Thomas Rufus Chandler, Sr. married Aug. 24, 1892 buried in Myrtle cemetery,
Ennis, Tx. 2nd husband Daniel Elmer �Dan� Carroll buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming Grove, Tx. d/o James Patrick Fullerton
and Mary Alice (Rucker) Fullerton
Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Chandler Carroll aged 78 years, of Tyler, who died Monday were held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock
from the Corley chapel. Burial was in
Dawson. The rites were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist
Mrs. Carroll was the widow of the late D. E. Carroll, who died here in 1934.
Surviving are a son, Dr. E. A. Chandler, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Charles Flynn, Jr., and Mrs. Lelia Chandler, both of Tyler; two
grandchildren, two brothers, Homer Fullerton, Streetman, and Britt Fullerton, Blooming Grove, and other relatives.
Mrs. Carroll resided in Corsicana a number of years before moving to Tyler in 1934.
Mary Elizabeth (Hill) Moody
Jul 4, 1900 - Feb 19, 1948
Funeral services for Mrs. J. N. Moody, aged 47 years, who died at Pasadena, Texas, Thursday night, were held Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the First Methodist church in Dawson. Burial was in the Dawson cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Roy Davis, pastor of the church.
The family formerly resided in Dawson before moving to Waco 12 years ago. Pasadena has been the residence the past year.
Surviving are her husband, Pasadena; three sons, E. L., Billy Bob and John Charles Moody, all of Pasadena; three daughters, Mrs. H. C.
Vickery, Houston; Miss Evelyn Moody, Pasadena, and Mrs. Louis Kramer, France Field, Panama Canal Zone; a grandson, Steven Kramer,
Panama; mother, Mrs. E. L. Hill, Dawson; two brothers, B. W. D. Hill, Dawson, and J. D. Hill, Houston; a sister, Mrs. G. O.
Alessandro, Temple, and other relatives.
Mrs. Moody is a daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moody of Corsicana.
The body arrived in Corsicana at noon on a Burlington-Rock Island Lines train and then was forwarded to Dawson.
William Rufus Woodall

Jan 4, 1876 - Sep 28, 1948
W. R. Woodall Dies
W. R. Woodall, aged 73 years long-time resident of the Alliance Hall community, died in a Waco hospital Tuesday.
Funeral services were held from the Dawson Methodist church Thursday afternoon with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are his wife and three children.
Daisy Katherine (Roberts) Woodall

Jan 21, 1880 - Jan 14, 1962
Mrs. Woodall Services At Dawson Sunday
DAWSON, Jan. 15 (Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. W. R. Woodall, long-time Navarro county resident, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. from
the Dawson Methodist church with interment in the
Dawson cemetery.
Officiating were Rev. W. T. Boulware, Cleburne, and Rev. Robert Lindsey, pastor, Dawson Methodist church.
Mrs. Woodall, 81, was a native of Alabama, but came to Texas at an early age. She resided many years at Navarro Mills but moved to
Corsicana about four years ago. She died Saturday at her home in Corsicana.
Survivors include one son, W. E. Woodall, Navarro Mills; one daughter, Mrs. P. M. Hardman, Dallas; two grandchildren; four
great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. John Edwards and Mrs. Essie Key, both of Hartselle, Ala., and Mrs. Sallie Betterson, Decatur,
Ala., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lee, Alvis, Clarence, Cecil and Artie Putman and Bill Key.
Eubanks Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jan 15, 1962
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband William Rufus Woodall 2nd husband J. B. Woodall d/o George Washington Roberts
and Margaret Elizabeth (Beaty) Roberts
Lynelle Estelle �Woody� (Freeland) Woodall
Jul 3, 1917 - Nov 18, 2007
Lynelle Woodall (Woody) , 90, went to be with the Lord on November 18, 2007. She was born in Dawson, Texas on July 3, 1917 and resided
in Mexia. Woody put a smile on the faces of many in Mexia during her years at Eddie News and Bonham Street groceries. She never met a
stranger and loved so many people in Mexia. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Harvey Woodall, her daughter, Dianne
Taylor and a granddaughter, Janet Gale Hawkins.
She is survived by her daughter, Arlene Hawkins and husband, R. L. of Mexia, a son, Ronnie Woodall and wife, Debbie of Dawson, her
grandchildren, James Hawkins, Nancy Kindon, Clay Hawkins, Shane Hawkins, Justin Woodall, Brandi Williams, Shad Stanford, Dana
Taylor, Lisa Taylor and Rae Lynne Stanford; 13 great grandchildren, 5 great great grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, cousins and
Funeral services for Woody will be at Blair-Stubbs Chapel in Mexia on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 10 a.m. with Mr. Neil Bond and
Rev. Brad Brittain officiating. She will be laid to rest following the services at Dawson
Family visitation will be held at Blair-Stubbs on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 from 6 - 8 p.m.
Pallbearers will be Henry Kindon, Robert Summner, Justin Woodall, Jeremy Williams, Shannon Whitley, and Devin Kindon. Honorary
pallbearers will be James Hawkins, Clay Hawkins, Shane Hawkins and Shad Stanford.
William Manning Holliday
Oct 14, 1870 - Dec 28, 1948
DAWSON, Dec. 30. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for W. M. Holliday, aged 78
years, retired farmer, were held here Wednesday afternoon with
burial in the Dawson cemetery.
He died Tuesday morning.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson, a daughter, Mrs. H. H. Hance,
Dallas; a son, W. D. Holliday, Dawson; a brother, Lee Holliday,
Dawson, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Ada E. (Reeves) Holliday
Feb 7, 1866 - Jan 29, 1960
Mrs. Holliday Rites Sunday
DAWSON, Feb. 2.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Holliday, 94,
of Baytown, were held at the First Methodist church in Dawson at 2
p.m. Sunday with Rev. Robert Sanders, pastor of the church,
officiating. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery.
Mrs. Holliday died in a Galveston hospital Friday evening. She had
been living with her daughter, Mrs. Houston Hance, Baytown, at the
time of her death.
Other survivors are one sister, Mrs. Lula Dillihay, Dawson; two
brothers, Tildon Reeves, Hubbard; and Henry Reeves of Alabama; 18
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Felix George Woodrow, Sr.
abt 1879 - Apr 6, 1948
Rites Held Wednesday
DAWSON, April 9�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held here Wednesday
afternoon for F. G. Woodrow, 69, who died in a Corsicana hospital
Tuesday afternoon following a fall last week at his home here.
Burial was in the Dawson
cemetery. Rev. J. C. Womack conducted the rites at the
Presbyterian church.
Surviving are his wife and several children.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Apr 9 1948
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- (death certificate says
Felix George Woodcock- obit says Woodrow-I am not sure which it
is ) (Theodore Lawrence Woodrow May 12, 1938 -Mar. 17, 1973
death certificate says son of Felix George Woodrow and Grace
(Ross) Felix George Woodrow, Jr. born Jun. 24, 1934 ) h/o Grace
Ernest Britton Dawson, Sr.

Feb 17, 1885 - Dec 29, 1948
Former District Clerk Dies Today At Dawson Home
Ernest B. Dawson, aged 63 years, prominent Navarro county citizen,
former district clerk here, died at his home in Dawson Wednesday at
10:30 a.m. following a stroke suffered December 20.
Native of Dawson, he was cashier of the First National Bank there
for many years and served four years as deputy district clerk here
beginning a four-year tenure as clerk of the Thirteenth Judicial
District court, January 1, 1943 .
At the time of his death he was a member of the insurance firm of
Dawson and Davis and operated other interests.
A grandson of the late Britt Dawson, pioneer resident of this
section, for whom Dawson, Texas, was named, and in whose honor a
survey of land in West Navarro county is named. He was the son of
the late Henry Dawson and Susan Fullerton Dawson.
Formerly superintendent of the Sunday School of the Dawson Methodist
church, he served for years as a member of the board of stewards of
both the Dawson church and the First Methodist church here. He was a
Mason and was a long-time member of the Lions club.
Surviving are his wife, a son, E. B. Dawson, Jr., senior in the
University of Texas, Austin, both of Dawson; a brother, C. C.
Dawson, Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Cecil Anderson, Dallas, and other
Funeral services will be held from the First Methodist church in
Dawson Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
Wolfe Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral services for Ernest B. Dawson, aged 63 years, life-long
Navarro county resident, who died Wednesday morning were held from
the First Methodist church in Dawson Thursday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. Finis A.
Crutchfield, superintendent of the Corsicana Methodist district,
Corsicana, and Rev. Roy Davis, pastor of the church.
Dawson was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School in Dawson
for many years and served on the board of stewards of the Dawson
church and the First Methodist church here. He was a long-time
member of the Lions Club and the Masonic Lodge.
A member of the insurance firm of Dawson and Davis of Dawson at the
time of his death, he served as chief deputy district clerk here
four years and was clerk of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court,
1943-1947. Prior to moving to Corsicana, Dawson was cashier of the
First National Bank at Dawson for a number of years. He was a
grandson of the late Britt Dawson, early Central Texas pioneer, for
whom the city of Dawson was named.
Surviving are his wife, a son, E. B. Dawson, Jr., senior in the
University of Texas, Austin, both of Dawson; a brother, C. C.
Dawson, Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Cecil Anderson, Dallas, and other
Pallbearers were Edgar Davis, Abner Renfro, Winfred Berry, J. I.
McCullock, L. I. Griffin, Gaston T. Gooch, J. Floyd Smith and C. O.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Caraloue (Woodall) Bankston
Jul 7, 1915 - Sep 20, 2008
Caraloue Bankston of Waco, passed away Saturday, Sept. 20, 2008, at
a local nursing home. Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday,
Sept. 23, at Dawson Cemetery.
She was born Caraloue Woodall on July 7, 1915, in Kirby, Ark., and
on June 25, 1934, she married J.W. Bankston and was a past member of
Parkview Christian Church.
She was employed at Paris Hat Shop and General Dynamic.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; sons, Joe Bob and
Jon Curt; and three brothers. Survivors include her sisters, Lee
Battles of Hubbard, and Dorothy Gordon of Mississippi; brother,
Kenneth Woodall of Port Lavaca; grandchildren, Jon Bankston and
wife, Denise of Axtell, and Sulene Fontenot of Rockwall; several
nieces and nephews; and many great-grandchildren and
Special thanks to the staff and nurses of Crestview Nursing Home for
the wonderful care shown to our loved one.
- Waco Tribune �Herald -
submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Joseph Weldon �Bot�
Bankston married Jun. 25, 1934; d/o Cuthbert �Curt� Woodall &
Frances Alma (Bonner) Woodall buried in Fairview cemetery,
Hubbard, Tx.
Maude Lee (Mitchell)
Sep 1, 1885 - Oct 10, 1952
Dawson Services For Mrs. Bankston
DAWSON, Oct. 12. (Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. C. B. Bankston,
67, who died Friday, were held from the First Methodist Church, here
Sunday at 3 p.m. Burial was in the
Dawson Cemetery.
Surviving are six sons, including Lowell Bankston of Corsicana, and
other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Minnie Myrtle (Speaker)
Jan 3, 1995 - Jun 11, 1965
Mrs. Bankston Dies In Waco
Mrs. Minnie Myrtle Bankston, 80 of Waco, died Friday night in a Waco
Funeral services were held Monday at 11:30 a.m. from the Connally
chapel in Waco with burial in the
Dawson cemetery. Rev. Bob
Headon and Rev. Archie Lyle officiated.
Native of Hill county, she moved to Waco 20 years ago from Hubbard.
She was a member of the Cold Corner Baptist Church in Hubbard.
Surviving are a son, Weldon Bankston, Waco; two daughters , Mrs. L.
W. Brock, Tyler, and Mrs. Jack Hudson, Axtell; one brother, W. O.
Speaker, Dallas; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Eliza E. (Davis) Broughton
Jul 28, 1865 - Jul 26, 1948
WORTHAM, July 26 - (Spl.) - Mrs. Eliza Broughton, 84-year-old long-time
resident of Navarro county, died early Monday. She had lived in the
county 47 years.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist
church in Dawson, with the Rev. John Boyd officiating. Burial will
be in the Dawson cemetery.
Survivors are the husband, Charles H. Boughton, three daughters,
Bertha Pate, Dawson, Mrs. Olna Webb, Purdon, and Mrs. W. C. Graham,
Honey Grove; three sons, J. C. Dawson, and Paul Dawson, both of
Purdon, and Ted Dawson, Houston; one sister, Mrs. C. D. Glenn,
Funeral arrangements are under direction of the Burleson Funeral
Charles Holman Broughton

Feb 14, 1869 - Oct 6, 1950
Chas. Broughton Of Union High Dies On Friday
WORTHAM, Oct. 7. - (Spl.) - Charles Broughton, 81, died at his home in
the Union High community in southwest Navarro county Friday night.
He was a retired farmer.
Native of Mississippi, Broughton had resided in Navarro county 48
years. He was a member of the Baptist church.
Funeral services are slated Sunday at 3 p.m. from the Dawson Baptist
church with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Fred and Clyde Broughton, both of Houston;
three daughters, Mrs. Bertha Pate, Dawson; Mrs. Ona Webb, Purdon,
and Mrs. Ruth Graham, Garland; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Bishop, Iuke,
Miss.; 13, grandchildren and other relatives.
Burleson Funeral Home directs.
Genie (Dawson) Broughton
Oct 31, 1905 - Mar 15, 1977
Mrs. Broughton
DAWSON � Services will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist
Church of Dawson for Mrs. Genie Broughton, 71, resident of Dawson
who died at Memorial Hospital at 1:15 a.m. today.
The Revs. W. O. Estes and Joe Brumbelow will officiate, with burial
following at Dawson cemetery.
Arrangements are with Eubanks Funeral Home in Dawson.
She was a member of the First Baptist Church.
Survivors include four sons, George Broughton of Amarillo, Joe
Broughton of Duncanville, Ben Broughton of Anahauc; Jim Broughton of
Anahauc; eight grandchildren, a great-grandchild, a brother, Ned
Dawson of Dawson; and a sister, Mrs. Winnie Smith of Dawson.
Mary (Hardin) Broughton
Sep 16, 1895 - Aug 18, 1975
Mrs. Broughton
Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Corley Chapel for Mrs.
Mary Broughton, 79, of Houston, who died Monday in Houston.
She was a former resident of Pursley.
She is survived by her husband, J. C. (Bill) Broughton of Houston;
one daughter, Mrs. Rex Benton of Pursley; three grandsons and one
great-grand child; two brothers, Tom Hardin and E. W. Hardin, both
of Pursley; and five sisters, Mrs. Hattie Shaw of Corsicana, Mrs.
Emma Avila, Mrs. Eva Serrell and Mrs. Ell Crenshaw, all of Mexia,
and Mrs. Bernice Pool of Houston.
Mrs. Broughton
Services were held this afternoon at Corley Funeral Chapel for Mrs.
Mary Broughton, 79, of Houston. A former resident of Pursley, Mrs.
Broughton died Monday in Houston. Burial was in
Dawson Cemetery. Services
were conducted by Mr. Howard White. Nephews served as pallbearers.
Robert Elder Pollard
Nov 17, 1878 - Apr 29, 1948
Robt. C. Pollard Services Friday
Funeral services for Robert C. Pollard, aged 69 years, Route 1,
Corsicana, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday morning, were
held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
Dawson Cemetery where
interment will be made.
Surviving are two sons, A. V. Pollard, Corsicana, and C. J. Pollard,
Purdon; two daughters, Mrs. May Whitener, Rusk, and Mrs. Bessie
Hays, Purdon; 11 grandchildren, a brother, C. O. Pollard, Houston;
two sisters, Mrs. Zodie Kitchens, Blooming Grove, and Mrs. D.
Roberts, Milford, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun Sun - Fri., Apr. 30, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- s/o Robert J. �Bob� Pollard
buried in Spring Hill cemetery, Navarro county, Tx. & Mary
(Elliott) Pollard (sister, Sadie Bell (Pollard) Kitchens is
buried in Mansfield cemetery, Mansfield, Tx.)
Drake Jefferson Bumpers
Oct 10, 1870 - May 30, 1948
Rites Monday For Retired Farmer
DAWSON, Texas, June 1---(Spl.)�Funeral services for D. J. Bumpers,
aged 77 years, retired farmer, were held from the Methodist church
here Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was in the
Dawson Cemetery.
Native of Alabama, Bumpers resided south of Dawson for many years
before his retirement. He died Sunday morning.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson, several children and other
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Thelma Adalaide (McLain)
Oct 14, 1878 - May 15, 1963
Mrs. Bumpers Of Dawson Expires
DAWSON, May 16�(Spl.)�Mrs. D. J. Bumpers, 84, long-time Dawson
resident, died Wednesday at the Hill Haven Convalescent Home in
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 4:30 p.m. from the First
Methodist church with burial in the
Dawson Cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. A. B. McCown, Waco Methodist
minister, and Rev. W. O. Estes, Dawson Baptist minister.
Surviving are three sons, J. O. and W. D. Bumpers, both of Dawson,
and J. C. Bumper, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. M. F. Nehring and
Mrs. Arthur Leggott, both of Waco; 14 grandchildren, 20
great-grandchildren, two brothers, Clint and W. H. Pitts, both of
Dawson, and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Eubanks Funeral Home directed.
Robert Davidson Grantham
Oct 13, 1882 - Oct 18, 1961
R. D. Grantham Dies Wednesday, Rites Friday
R. D. Grantham, 79, life-long resident of Eureka, retired farmer,
died in Memorial hospital Wednesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Eureka Methodist church,
Friday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in the
Eureka cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. A. J. Wormwood, pastor of the
church, and Rev. Jim Hardie, pastor of the Patterson Memorial
Presbyterian church, Eureka, and Rev. H. M. Bailey, Presbyterian
minister, Corsicana, formerly of the Eureka church.
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; five sons, Hubert and Gilbert
Grantham, both of Corsicana; Tim Grantham, Eureka; Ed Grantham, San
Antonio, and John A. Grantham, Mildred; a daughter, Mrs. Gus Farmer,
Dallas; two brothers, J. B. and J. L. Grantham, both of Eureka; two
sisters, Mrs. H. L. Singleton and Miss Irene Grantham, both of
Eureka; eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other
R. D. Grantham Rites Friday
Final rites for R. D. Grantham, 79, life-long Eureka resident,
retired farmer, were held from the Eureka Methodist church Friday at
2:30 p.m. He died in Memorial Hospital Wednesday night.
The services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Wormwood, pastor of the
church; Rev. Jim Hardie, pastor of the Patterson Memorial
Presbyterian church, and Rev. Hubert Bailey, Corsicana Presbyterian
minister, formerly of Eureka. Burial was in the
Eureka cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; five sons, Hubert and Gilbert
Grantham, both of Corsicana; Tim Grantham, Eureka; Ed Grantham, San
Antonio, and John A. Grantham, Mildred; a daughter, Mrs. Gus Farmer,
Dallas; two brothers, J. B. and J. L. Grantham, both of Eureka; two
sisters, Mrs. H. L. Singleton and Miss Irene Grantham, both of
Eureka; eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other
Pallbearers were Vernon Boyd, Glenn Farmer, Gus Farmer, Bobby
Grantham, Roy Thomas, Glendon Thomas, Bud Watkins, Buddy Smith, Don
Chandler and Brice Bonner.
Carrie Mae (Grantham)
Dec 5, 1888 - Dec 29, 1971
Mrs. Singleton
Mrs. Carrie May Singleton, 83, Rt. 6, Corsicana, died early
Wednesday in Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Eureka
Methodist Church.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Griffin Funeral
Home Chapel. The Rev. Jimmy Mobley will officiate, assisted by the
Rev. William Wilson and the Rev. Don Johnson. Burial will be in the
Eureka Cemetery.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hobert Marshall of Corsicana
and Mrs. Minnie Smith of Eureka; one son, C. A. Singleton of Fort
Worth; seven grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; one brother,
John L. Grantham of Eureka; and several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be John Henry Mock, L. D. Patterson, Richard
Oglesby, Will Hashop, Willie Hodge and Raymond Hood.
Honorary pallbearers include Dr. C. L. Gary, Jim Stephenson, Jerry
Roe, Lloyd Land, Rudolph Robinson and Gene Stewart.
Herschel Isaac Singleton
Jan 19, 1886 - Apr 17, 1954
H. I. Singleton Services Monday
H. I. Singleton, 68, prominent Eureka resident, died at his home
Saturday night.
Funeral services were held Monday at 3 p.m. from the Eureka
Methodist church, of which he was a member, with burial in the
Eureka Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Joseph E. Taylor, pastor of the
Eureka Methodist church, assisted by Rev. H. M. Bailey, minister of
the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian church of Eureka. The Eureka
Masonic Lodge conducted the graveside rites.
Singleton had been secretary of the Eureka Masonic Lodge 23 years
and had been chairman of the PMA committee since 1933. He was a
member of the Modern Woodmen of the World.
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; three sons, J. P. Singleton,
Dollar Ride; C. A. Singleton, Fort Worth and E. H. Singleton,
Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. H. E. Marshall, Corsicana, and Mrs.
Minnie Smith, Eureka; a sister-in-law, Miss Irene Grantham, Eureka,
who had resided with the family many years; seven grandchildren, two
great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Land, Eureka; Mrs. M.
T. Harrison, Freeport, and Mrs. Jennie Marlin, Dallas.
Pallbearers were Claude Bailey, H. B. Fouty, Tim Grantham, Lloyd
Land, T. M. Kent, Brice Bonner, Dr. Paul Mitchell, Herbert Grantham,
Rudolph Robinson, Gilbert Grantham, Floyd Farmer and Allen Bancroft.
Griffin Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Apr. 19, 1954
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st wife Mary Elizabeth
(Mock) Singleton married Oct. 2, 1904 2nd wife Carrie Mae
(Grantham) Singleton married about 1911 s/o James Franklin
�Frank� Singleton and Martha Miranda (Gilmore) Singleton buried
in Providence cemetery
John Franklin �Frank�
Jul 9, 1905 - Oct 22, 1963
J. F. Singleton Dies Tuesday
John F. Singleton, 58, of Eureka, died in a Houston hospital Tuesday
Funeral arrangements were pending at McCammon Chapel Wednesday noon
but the services will be held from the Eureka Methodist church with
burial in the Eureka Cemetery.
He was a retired Pure Oil Company employe and was a Mason, Scottish
Rite and Shriner.
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; a daughter, Mrs. V. O. Vasbury,
Las Vegas, N.M.; two sons, John Singleton and Tommy Singleton, both
of Andrews; mother, Mrs. H. I. Singleton, Eureka; two sisters, Mrs.
Hobart Marshall, Corsicana, and Mrs. Minnie Smith, Eureka; two
brothers, Cecil Singleton, Fort Worth, and Edward H. Singleton,
Gartherburg, Md., and other relatives.
Hold Services John Singleton
Funeral services for John Singleton, 58, of Eureka, were held
Thursday at 3 p.m. from the Eureka Methodist church with burial in
the Eureka cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Benny McBride, pastor of the church.
Singleton died in a Houston hospital Tuesday afternoon. He was a
retired Pure Oil Company employe and was a Mason, Scottish Rite and
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; a daughter, Mrs. V. O. Vasbury,
Las Vegas, N.M.; two sons, John Singleton and Tommy Singleton, both
of Andrews; mother, Mrs. H. I. Singleton, Eureka; two sisters, Mrs.
Hobart Marshall, Corsicana, and Mrs. Minnie Smith, Eureka; two
brothers, Cecil Singleton, Fort Worth, and Edward H. Singleton,
Gartherburg, Md., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lloyd Land, Harold Davidson, M. A. Finney, J. H.
Brown, John Grantham, Randolph Robinson, Brice Bonner, B. G.
Singleton and R. B. Clynch.
McCammon directed.
Robert Lee Grantham
Sep 23, 1902 - Feb 10, 1948
Robert Lee Grantham, aged 45 years, farmer, died at the family home,
Eureka, Route 1, Tuesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Methodist church at Eureka
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Eureka cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of the
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson Grantham,
Route 1, Eureka; five brothers, John Grantham, Mildred; Herbert and
Gilbert Grantham, both of Corsicana; Ed Grantham, San Antonio, and
Tim Grantham, Eureka; a sister, Mrs. Gus Farmer, Valley Mills, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Buck Montgomery, Don Chandler, Buck Frame,
Thelbert Percival, Roy Johnson and Lee Bonner.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Edward Johnston Grantham
Dec 27, 1886 - Dec 29, 1949
Eureka Resident Funeral Services Held On Friday
Funeral services for E. J. Grantham, aged 63 years, of Eureka, who died in the Navarro Clinic Thursday morning, were held Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian church in Eureka. Burial was in the
Eureka cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist church, formerly of Eureka, and Rev. Henry M.
Bailey, pastor of the Eureka Presbyterian church.
The Masonic Lodge had charge of the graveside rites.
Surviving are three brothers, R. D., J. D. and J. L. Grantham; two sisters, Mrs. H. L. Singleton and Miss Irene Grantham, all of
Eureka, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were John Grantham, Herbert Grantham, Gilbert Grantham, Tim Grantham, Ed Grantham and Cecil Singleton, all nephews.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
Jim B. Grantham
Sep 2, 1884 - May 6, 1963
J. B. Grantham Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for Jim B. Grantham, 78, retired Eureka farmer, were held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian
church at Eureka with burial in the
Eureka cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jim Hardie, pastor; Rev. H. M. Bailey,
Presbyterian minister, and Rev. A. J. Wormwood, pastor of the Eureka Methodist church.
Grantham, who was temporarily residing at the Navarro Hotel after leaving a hospital, was found dead in his room Monday morning by a
porter after he failed to go to the coffee shop for his breakfast.
G. C. Bowden, justice of the peace, conducted an investigation and returned a coroner's verdict of �death from natural causes.�
Surviving are a brother, J. L. Grantham, and a sister, Mrs. H. I. Singleton, both of Eureka, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Gilbert Grantham, Tim Grantham, Wilson Tekell, Buddie Smith, Jack Boyd and Robert Boyd.
McCammon directed.
Laura (Boyd) Grantham
May 29, 1891 - Dec 14, 1960
Mrs. Grantham Dies Wednesday
Mrs. Laura Grantham, 69, wife of J. B. Grantham of Eureka, died at Memorial Hospital Wednesday afternoon.
Surviving are her husband of Eureka; two brothers, John Boyd, Eureka and Moffatt Boyd, Dallas; and three sisters, Mrs. Etta Brown and
Misses Nannie and Ruth Boyd, all of Eureka.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. from the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian church at Eureka.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Henry M. Bailey, former pastor, and Rev. Jim Hardie, pastor. Burial will be in the
Eureka cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Wilson Tekell, Bill Tekell, Zack Boyd, Robert Boyd, Eros Fullwood and Tim Grantham. Friends of the family will be honorary pallbearers.
McCammon will direct.
Mrs. Grantham Services Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Grantham, 69, were held Friday at 2:30 p.m. from the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian church at Eureka.
Interment was in the Eureka cemetery.
Rev. Henry M. Bailey, former pastor, and Rev. Jim Hardie , pastor
Mrs. Grantham expired late Wednesday at Memorial hospital.
Survivors include her husband of Eureka; two brothers, John Boyd, Eureka and Moffatt Boyd, Dallas; and three sisters, Mrs. Etta Brown and Misses Nannie and Ruth Boyd, all of Eureka.
Pallbearers were Wilson Tekell, Bill Tekell, Zack Boyd, Robert Boyd, Eros Fullwood and Tim Grantham. Friends of the family were honorary pallbearers.
McCammon directed.
Sharon Ann Read
July 8, 1953 - Dec 5, 2019
Sharon Ann Read, age 66, of Carrollton, Texas passed
away on Thursday December 5, 2019. Sharon was born July 8, 1953 in Corsicana, Texas to parents John and Patricia Read.
Sharon graduated from R.L. Turner High School in 1971, and she studied at UNT. She was a great caregiver to her family
as well as others, and she enjoyed helping those who were less fortunate. Sharon loved spending time with her family
and traveling to San Francisco amongst other places. She enjoyed reading, especially books by Stephen King. Some of
her other hobbies include gardening, collecting antiques, and cheering on the Dallas Mavericks. Her favorite player of
all time was Dirk Nowitzki.
Sharon was preceded in death by her parents John and Patricia Read. She is survived by her daughter, Lesley
Alyson Sheard; son Dustin Ashley Wall, grandson Joshua Tyler Renfrow, granddaughter Lily Ann Sheard, grandson Jonathan
Wall, grandson Evan Wall; brother Terry Read and his wife Teri, niece Mallory Wintin, nephew Steven Read, and her fur
pups Juliette and Carlie.
A funeral service for Sharon will be held Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Rhoton Funeral Home, 1511
South Interstate 35e, Carrollton, TX 75006. A committal service will occur Wednesday, December 11, 2019 following
the service at
Hamilton Beeman Cemetery, 700 W. FM 2555, Retreat, TX 75110. |
Geraldine "Jerry" (Brumfield) Stanford-Graham
May 9, 1945 - Apr 24, 2013
Geraldine B. Graham, 67, passed away on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at Methodist Mansfield Hospital. Visitation will be
from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 28, 2013, at Wayne Boze Funeral Home. A Celebration of Life will be at 10 a.m.,
Monday, April 29, 2013, at Pat Boze Memorial Chapel of Wayne
Boze Funeral Home. Interment will be in Eureka Cemetery.
Geraldine "Jerry" was born in Corsicana, Texas, to the late Raymond James and Ruby Mosley Brumfield. She enjoyed working
puzzles, and loved life.
She is survived by her husband, Gene Graham, of Waxahachie; her daughters, Scarlet Stanford, of Waxahachie, and Sheila
Detmer and her husband, Lenard, of Garland; son, Nick Stanford and his wife, Teressa, of Midlothian;
grandchildren, Stephanie Stanford, Nicholas Stanford and his wife, Janette, Bryan Tennison and his wife, Amber, Brittany
Honsaker and Michael Detmer; great-grandchild, Bryna Tennison; sister, Alva Whiteley, of Waxahachie; stepson,
Kelly Graham and his wife, Jan; stepdaughter, Kimberly Weeks and her husband, Kim; step-grandchildren, Joshua Weeks,
Audrey Miller and her husband, Cody, Shawn Graham and Erin Graham; step-great-granddaughter, Grace Hannah; other
relatives and many friends. |
- Wayne Boze Funeral Home
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Nicholas Harris Stanford 2nd husband Allen Gene Graham; d/o Raymond James
Brumfield & Ruby Lee (Mosley) Brumfield-Patton
Elihu Paige Watkins, Sr.
Jun 23, 1881 - Apr 29, 1948
Funeral rites for E. P. Watkins, aged 67 years, prominent Eureka resident, who died in the Navarro Clinic Thursday night following a
several months illness, were held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Eureka Presbyterian church. Burial was in the
Eureka Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. W. R. Hall of Cameron, formerly of
Corsicana; Rev. H. M. Bailey, pastor of the church and Rev. Peyton Goodman, Eureka Methodist minister. Watkins was a deacon in the
Eureka Presbyterian church.
Surviving are his wife, Eureka; a son, E. P. Watkins, Jr., Harlingen; three daughters, Mrs. J. R. Bell, Alexandria, La.; Mrs.
R. D. Waters, Harlingen, and Mrs. Robert C. Walker, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Travis Fullwood, Corsicana; two brothers, B. A. and C.
S. Watkins, both of Eureka; and seven grandchildren.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Deacons of the church and friends of the family were honorary
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Leila (Sullivan) O'Daniel
Apr 21, 1896 - Aug 21, 1977
Mrs. O'Daniel
Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. today at Griffin's Funeral Home for Mrs. Leila Sullivan O'Daniel, 81, resident of Corsicana,
who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital.
The Rev. Eugene Wood was to officiate with burial to be in the Eureka Cemetery.
She is survived by her widower, E. W. (Pete) O'Daniel of Richardson; two daughters, Mrs. Irma Carter of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs.
Helen Callis of Richardson; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Wendell Sullivan, Glen Callis, Roland Bee, Robert Walker, R. D. Waters and Pete Callis.
TWIN SON Long (1)
B&D Mar 10, 1948
Thursday Rites For Twin Boys
Funeral services for twin infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Long of Corsicana, who died Wednesday night at the Navarro Clinic, were held
at Eureka Thursday afternoon at 3 o"clock where interment was made.
Surviving are the parents, four brothers and a sister.
TWIN SON Long (2) B&D Mar 10, 1948
Thursday Rites For Twin Boys
Funeral services for twin infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Long of Corsicana, who died Wednesday night at the Navarro Clinic, were held
at Eureka Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock where interment was made.
Surviving are the parents, four brothers and a sister.
Elizabeth Mehetabel "Hettie" (Simmons) McAlester Aug 21, 1875 - Mar 7, 1963
Mrs. McAlester Dies Thursday
KERENS, March 7. (Spl.) - Mrs. Hetta McAlester, 87, long-time Trinidad resident, died in a Malakoff hospital Thursday morning.
Funeral arrangements are pending at Inmon Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Prairie Point cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Elton McAlester and two daughters, Mrs. Letha Peacock and Mrs. W. D. Skiles, all of Trinidad; four grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Mrs. McAlester Rites Friday
KERENS, March 8. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Mrs. Hettie McAlester, 87, long-time resident of Trinidad, who died in a Malakoff hospital
Thursday, will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. from the Missionary Baptist church in Trinidad.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Harold Davis, former pastor, and Rev. W. O. Fears, pastor. Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
Mrs. McAlester was a native of Kerens.
Surviving are a son, Elton McAlester and two daughters, Mrs. Letha Peacock and Mrs. W. D. Skiles, all of Trinidad; four grandchildren,
10 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Leona Barnett, Kerens, and other relatives.
Grandsons and great-grandsons were pallbearers.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
Jimmie Lee Belyeu
Sep 6, 1944 - Jun 28, 1948
Funeral services for Jimmie Lee Belyeu, three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Belyeu, Northeast Corsicana, who died early Monday
morning, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o"clock at
Hamilton cemetery
where interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. G. W. Walker, Pentecostal Church of God pastor.
The child was pronounced dead upon arrival at the P. and S. Hospital early Monday morning.
Surviving are the parents, two brothers, Paul Edward and William Ray Belyeu, and a grandmother, Mrs. Annie Parsons, all of Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Charles William "Charley" Parsons
Sep 20, 1907 - Sep 15, 1963
C. W. Parsons Dies Sunday
C. W. Parsons, 56, of 218 West Twelfth avenue, was found dead at his home Sunday.
G. C. Bowden, justice of the peace, returned a coroner's verdict of "death from natural causes" following an investigation.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, three sons, Robert and Ernest Parsons, both of Corsicana, and Kenneth Parsons, U. S. Army in
Georgia; three grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Amon, Corsicana, and Mrs. E. L. Blyue, Sweetwater, and other relatives.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
C. W. Parsons Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for C. W. Parsons, 56, of 218 West Twelfth avenue, found dead Sunday at his home, will be held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites will be conducted by Revs. Preston and David Williams. Burial will be in
Hamilton cemetery.
G. c. Bowden, justice of the peace, returned a coroner's verdict of "death from natural causes" following an investigation.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, three sons, Robert and Ernest Parsons, both of Corsicana, and Kenneth Parsons, U. S. Army in
Georgia; three grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Amon, Corsicana, and Mrs. E. L. Blyue, Sweetwater, and other relatives.
Margaret Ellen (Honea) Parsons
Nov. 12, 1880 - May 31, 1951
Mrs. Parsons Dies Thursday Morning
Mrs. Annie Parsons, 70, native of Jacksonville, died at the home of a son, C. W. Parsons, Avenue A, early Thursday morning.
Funeral services will be held at
Hamilton cemetery
Friday at 4 p.m. where interment will be made. Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church, will conduct the services.
Surviving are two sons, C. W. Parsons, Corsicana, and J. J. Parsons, Sweetwater; two daughters, Mrs. Tilda Amon, Dallas, and Mrs. Nona
Bee Blue, Ranger; 16 grandchildren and one brother, Tillman Honea, Groesbeck.
Corley will direct.
Friday Services For Mrs. Parsons
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Parsons, 70, who died here Thursday morning, will be held at
Hamilton cemetery
Friday at 4 p.m. where burial will be made. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.
Surviving are two sons, C. W. Parsons, Corsicana, and J. J. Parsons, Sweetwater; two daughters, Mrs. Tilda Amon, Dallas, and Mrs. Nona
Bee Blue, Ranger; 16 grandchildren and one brother, Tillman Honea, Groesbeck.
Corley will direct.
Emma (Curry) Harris Aug 22, 1879 - Mar 16, 1948
Mrs. Emma Harris, aged 68 years, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Joe Bullman, in Mexia Tuesday night.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel in Mexia Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with interment in the
Hamilton cemetery
near here. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist church here.
Surviving are a son, Chester Harris, Fort Worth; two daughters, Mrs. Bullman, Mexia, and Mrs. Frank Boyte, Fort Worth; two grandchildren,
a sister, Mrs. Mattie Staggs, Waco, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. D. Gillen, Terrell Rogers, T. T. Barnes, J. W. Russell, D. A. Turner and E. C. Coville.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mar 17, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o James J. Harris; d/o J. F. Curry; Lovenia Emma (McAllister/McWhorter ??) Curry (Lovenia is buried in Hamilton Beeman)
B&D Feb 12, 1948
Rites For Infant Planned Saturday
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Martin, Route 3, Corsicana, died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Martin is
the former Bettie Lou Prince.
Interment is scheduled Saturday at
Hamilton Cemetery.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Travis W. Martin, Route 1, Angus; Mrs. Lou Prince, Houston, and Earl Prince, Rice.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Abe Davis Talley
Nov 5, 1882 - Dec 19, 1948
A. D. Talley, aged 66 years, died at his home 403 South Twenty-Fifth street, Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. The rites were conducted by Rev.
J. Morris Bailey, pastor, and Rev. C. O. Gunter, Methodist minister. Burial was in the
Hamilton Cemetery.
A native of Robertson county, Texas, Talley had resided in Navarro county since 1914.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Margie C. Tally, Corsicana; four sons, Claude, Reed, Jack and Roy Tally, all of Corsicana; five daughters,
Mrs. C. L. Humphreys, Mrs. C. A. Gunter and Mrs. Tommy Caton, Jr., all of Corsicana; Mrs. C. S. Karkalitz, Jr., and Mrs. L. F. Weaver,
both of Lubbock; nine grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. N. D. Cobb and Mrs. Earl Stanford, both of Merkel and Mrs. Arthur Hays, Houston
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were E. P. French, Beauford French, W. P. Wilson, Tommy Farmer, Sam Gordon and Rassie Whittenburg.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Dec 20, 1948
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- h/o Maggie Christine (Ford) Talley; s/o John Wylie Tally & Rhoda Mae (Cox) Tally buried in
Rose Hill cemetery, Merkel, TX (Abe's monument says Talley, his parent's monuments say Tally)
Maggie Christine (Ford) Talley
Aug 16, 1885 - Jul 27, 1963
Mrs. A. D. Talley Dies Saturday
Mrs. A. D. Talley died in Memorial Hospital just before noon Saturday at the age of 78.
She was a native of Robertson county and a member of Eleventh Avenue Methodist church here.
The funeral service has been set for Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Corley Chapel with the Rev. Homer Cox, pastor of Eleventh Avenue Methodist
church, conducting. Burial will be in
Hamilton Cemetery.
Surviving are four sons, Claude Talley, Reed Talley and Jack Talley, all of Corsicana, and Ray Talley of Houston; four daughters, Mrs. C.
L. Humphreys, Mrs. C. A. Gunter and Mrs. T. B. Caton, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. L. F. Weaver of Dallas; three brothers, Wade
Ford of Anson, Laughton Ford of Denton and Neely Ford of Ponder; five sisters, Mrs. A. L. Holtclaw of Dallas, Mrs. Jennie Bayless of
Anson, Mrs. Ford Smith of Merkel, Mrs. Ada Spivey of Fort Worth and Mrs. Betty Hamilton of Paducah, along with 12 grandchildren and 13
Tally Rites Are Conducted
Funeral services for Mrs. A. D. Talley were held in the Corley
Chapel Sunday at 4 p.m.
Conducting was the Rev. Homer Cox, pastor of Eleventh Avenue
Methodist church. Burial was in
Hamilton Cemetery.
Mrs. Talley, 78, died in Memorial hospital Saturday. She was a
native of Robertson county and a member of Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Surviving are four sons, Claude Talley, Reed Talley and Jack Talley,
all of Corsicana, and Ray Talley of Houston; four daughters, Mrs. C.
L. Humphreys, Mrs. C. A. Gunter and Mrs. T. B. Caton, all of
Corsicana, and Mrs. L. F. Weaver of Dallas; three brothers, Wade
Ford of Anson, Laughton Ford of Denton and Neely Ford of Ponder;
five sisters, Mrs. A. L. Holtclaw of Dallas, Mrs. Jennie Bayless of
Anson, Mrs. Ford Smith of Merkel, Mrs. Ada Spivey of Fort Worth and
Mrs. Betty Hamilton of Paducah, along with 12 grandchildren and 13
Malcomb Edward James
Jun 3, 1908 - Jul 14, 1948
Malcolm Edward James, 40, former resident of Frost, died in the
Elmwood hospital in Fort Worth at an early hour Sunday morning. He
was a driver for the Yellow Cab Taxicab Company.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Dinnie Jack James, both of Fort
Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Mittie Smith, Frost; Mrs. Ruby Harper,
Corsicana; Mrs. Naomi Smith, Albany, and Mrs. Edna Earl Moore,
Pinwald and other relatives.
The funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel on Monday
afternoon at 5:30 o'clock with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. R. J. Fletcher, Baptist
Pallbearers will be Ernest Farmer, Marvin Farmer, James Farmer, L.
M. Moore, A. C. Smith and J. F. Harper.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jul 5, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Mittie Ella (Farmer)
James married Oct 12, 1929; s/o Edward Jeffrey �Jerry� James,
Rev. & Mary Susan �Mollie' (Spivey) James buried in Frost
cemetery, Frost, Tx.
Funeral services for Malcolm Edward James, 40, formerly of Frost,
who died in a Fort Worth hospital Sunday, were held from the Corley
Chapel Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. R. J. Fletcher, pastor of the
Farmer Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Dinnie Jack James, both of Fort
Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Mittie Smith, Frost; Mrs. Ruby Harper,
Corsicana; Mrs. Naomi Smith, Albany, and Mrs. Edna Earl Moore,
Pallbearers were Ernest Farmer, Marvin Farmer, James Farmer, L. M.
Moore, A. C. Smith and J. F. Harper.
John Edmond Ficklin
Nov 24, 1867 - Oct 28, 1947
KERENS. Oct. 30.�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3
p.m. at Stockton Funeral Home for John E. Fickling, aged 79, who
died in Terrell Oct. 28, at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Elmer Page, pastor of the
First Baptist church conducted the rites.
A native of Montgomery, Ala., Mr. Fickling moved to Kerens in 1941
from Malakoff.
He is survived by one brother, E. P. Fickling of Franklin; ones
sister, Mrs. William Johnson of San Antonio, and several nieces and
nephews of Corsicana.
Interment was in Kerens
cemetery with Stockton Funeral Home directing.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Oct. 30, 1947
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- (Death certificate and obit
both say Fickling but it is Ficklin) (brother to Mary Emma
(Bragg) Ficklin and Ellsworth Poindexter Ficklin) � never
married s/o Joseph Ficklin and Lucinda (Pollard) Ficklin
St. Elmo Speed
Mar 7, 1880 - Dec 5, 1910
Died in Kerens.
Elmore Speed, aged 25 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Speed, died
at Kerens last night after a week's illness from appendicitis. The
deceased was a most excellent young man and besides his parents, is
survived by his wife and several brothers.
William Bunyard �Bun�
Sep 17, 1871 - Aug 31, 1948
KERENS, Aug. 31.�(Spl.)�W. B. Hilliard, aged 76 years, died at the
family home here Tuesday morning at 7:30 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church here, of
which he was a member, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The
rites will be conducted by Elmer Page, pastor.
Born in 1872 in Alabama, he came to Erath county, Texas, as a youth
and resided in that county until 1942 when he moved to Kerens. He
was married to Miss Elizabeth Rogers in 1895.
Surviving are his wife, Kerens; six sons, C. C. and Truman Hilliard,
both of Los Angeles; Travis Hilliard, Olden; Hobart Hilliard,
Kingsville, and Russell and Olan Hilliard, both of Freer; four
daughters, Mrs. B. F. Fullerton, Amarillo; Mrs. O. R. Henlee, Ft.
Worth; Mrs. R. C. Mahoney, Nacogdoches and Mrs. J. A. Paschal,
Kerens, and a number of grandchildren.
Stockton Funeral Home is directing.
Henry B. Gilkey
Feb 4, 1866 - Aug 25, 1930
KERENS, Aug. 26.�(Spl.)�H. B. Gilkey of this place died at the
family home Monday at 9. A.m. Mr. Gilkey had been in ill health for
about two years. He had been a resident of Kerens since 1907. He
conducted a shoe and harness repairing business here. He was a
member of the Methodist church and the K. of P. Lodge, and numbered
his friends by all that knew him.
He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. Pope Tarkington and Alfred
The funeral was held Tuesday at 9 p.m. at the family home and
interment was in the Kerens
Corsicana Daily Sun
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- s/o J. W. Gilkey and Mary E.
(Allison) Gilkey-Browning (John L. Browning married Mary E.
Gilkey Hill county, Texas Dec. 8, 1875�Sudie Jetton is � sister
to Joseph Calvin Browning- Henry B. Gilkey is also � brother �
Joseph's death certificate says s/o Mary Allison) (found Henry
on census with J. W. Gilkey and Mary)
Tom B. Slade is: please change
dates also
Tom Burleson
Jul. 9, 1881 - Mar 20, 1947
Tom B. Slade, aged 65 years, former rural route carrier of
Streetman, 308 West Seventh avenue, died at the P. and S. Hospital
Thursday morning.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p. m. Friday, at Midway church
with Rev. Mr. Sullivan officiating. Burial will be in
Midway cemetery, with
Corley Funeral Home directing.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Will Collins, Midway.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Mar. 20, 1947
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Essie (Clark) Slade
married Sep. 12, 1912; s/o George Bryan Slade & Allie Susan
(Craddock) Slade buried in Burleson Family Cemetery, Navarro
county, Texas.
Tom B. Slade Rites Friday
Funeral services for Tom B.
Slade, aged 65 years, retired rural route carrier out of the
Streetman post office, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday
morning were held from the Midway church Friday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock. Interment was made in the
Midway cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. M. O. Southeriany.
Slade had made his home in Corsicana for some time.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Will Collins, Streetman, and a number
of nieces and nephews.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Mattie Elizabeth (Byrd)
Dec 14, 1889 - Sep 20, 1947
Mrs. Mattie Steele, aged 67, of Streetman, died in the John Sealy
Hospital in Galveston early Saturday morning following an extended
illness. She was in a local hospital for some time prior to being
taken to Galveston two weeks ago.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Midway church with interment in the
Midway cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. M. O. Southerland, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Streetman.
Surviving are her husband, G. W. Steele, Streetman; a son, F. L.
Steele, Houston; a daughter, Mrs. N. A. Tisdale, Streetman; two
sisters, Mrs. Clyde Thompson, San Benito and Mrs. Fannie Chaffin,
Pasadena, Calif., and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
George Washington Steele
Sep. 11, 1878 - May 20, 1948
George W. Steele, 70, native Texan, died at his home in Streetman
late Thursday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the
Midway church with interment in the
Midway cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Obie Baton, pastor of the Fellowship
Baptist church of Corsicana, and Rev. M. O. Southerland, pastor of
the First Baptist church, Streetman.
Steele was a native of Anderson county.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Aubrey Tisdale, Streetman; a son, F.
L. Steele Houston; a brother, E. E. Steele, Fairfield; a sister,
Mrs. D. Anderson, Winkler; six grandchildren and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., May 21, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Mattie Elizabeth (Byrd)
Steele married Feb. 3, 1908 s/o Romolus Augustus Steele & Martha
Elizabeth (Mitchell) Steele
Charles Lynn Haywood
Oct 10, 1922 - Aug 4, 1944
Funeral services for Sgt. Charles L. Haywood, 21, were held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Midway church with burial in the
Midway cemetery
The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie F. Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship Baptist church, Corsicana; Rev. M. O. Southerland, pastor
of the First Baptist church, Streetman; Rev. H. L. McKissack, Teague
Baptist minister, and Rev. Leonard Lee, Baptist minister. Military
rites were observed at the graveside.
The body arrived in Corsicana Friday and was taken to the family
home in Streetman.
Sgt. Haywood was killed in action, August 4, 1944, in France.
Surviving are a daughter, Sharon Lynn Haywood, Washington, D. C.;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haywood Streetman; a brother, James
Randall Haywood, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Rena May Pringle, Dallas,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Charles James Folmar, Billy Allen, G. C. Neitro,
Joel Steele, Watt R. Robinson, Gordon Lewis, Scott Hodge and Buster
Corley Funeral Home directed.
David W. Williams
Aug 12, 1863 - Jan 5, 1947
W. D. Williams Died in Local Hospital
W. D. Williams, aged 83 years, native of Tennessee, died at the P.
and S. Hospital Sunday.
Surviving are five children, Clifford, Will and Sam Williams, all of
Corsicana, and Collin Williams, Fort Worth; Mrs. Minnie Lee Coffey,
Corsicana; 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Arrangements for funeral services have not been completed pending
the arrival of relatives, but burial will be in
Modrell cemetery.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
D. W. Williams Rites Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral rites for D. W. Williams, aged 83 years, who died at the P.
and S. Hospital Sunday, were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
form the Corley Funeral chapel. Burial was in the
Modrell cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. Dan Clark, Presbyterian minister.
Surviving are five children, Clifford, Will and Sam Williams, all of
Corsicana, and Collin Williams, Fort Worth; Mrs. Minnie Lee Coffey,
Corsicana; 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Jan. 7, 1947
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Ira (Kerbo) Williams
(per birth record of Callin Jackson Williams and Clifford Alex
Williams birth records)
Linda Sue Tackett
B&D Mar 28, 1947
Rites For Infant Saturday Afternoon
Linda Sue Tackett, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Tackett,
died at the Navarro Clinic late Friday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Modrell cemetery where
interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon,
minister of the First Christian church.
Surviving are the parents, Corsicana; grandparents, Mrs. Willie
Phillips, Littlefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Whilips, Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Richard Felix
Aug 21, 1923 - Nov 1, 1944
Funeral services for Pfc. Richard Felix Harris, 20, U. S. Marines,
Third Division, who was killed on Guam, Nov. 1, 1944, will be held
from the St. Elmo church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial
will be in the St. Elmo church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Burial will be in the St.
Elmo cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. G. H. Vaughn
and Rev. H. L. McKissack.
Surviving are the mother, Mrs. H. A. Harris, Winkler; a sister, Miss
Freddie Harris, Dallas; a brother, Arthur K. Harris, Winkler, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Leonard Knight, Allen Knight, J. F. Hagler, Jack
Pillans, Jim Pillans, Thomas Sherrard and Wayne Pillans.
The body arrived in Corsicana Wednesday morning and was taken to the
family home Wednesday afternoon, where it will remain until the
funeral Hour.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Samuel Alford �Sam� Baker
Apr 22, 1913 - Sep 17, 1948
Samuel A. Baker, 34, former resident of Corsicana, died in Fort
Worth Saturday following a short illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral chapel Sunday
afternoon at 2:30, with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are the wife, of Fort Worth; two sons, James Marvin and
Calvin Don, both of Fort Worth; one daughter, Betty Louise, Fort
Worth, mother Mrs. J. A. Baker, Corsicana; four brothers, William M.
Baker, Joe Baker and Jerry Baker, all of Corsicana, and Robert T.
Baker, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Sidney Smith and Mrs. Sam
Fulton, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Bob Barlow, Rice and Miss Annie
Pearl Baker, Corsicana.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Sep 18, 1948
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Helen Louise (McAlister)
Baker married Jan. 14, 1936; s/o John Alfred Baker & Hattie
Louella (Hopkins) Baker
Funeral services for Samuel A. Baker, aged 24 years, former resident
of Corsicana, who died in Fort Worth early Saturday following a
brief illness, were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, of Fort Worth; two sons, James Marvin and
Calvin Don, both of Fort Worth; one daughter, Betty Louise, Fort
Worth, mother Mrs. J. A. Baker, Corsicana; four brothers, William M.
Baker, Joe Baker and Jerry Baker, all of Corsicana, and Robert T.
Baker, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Sidney Smith and Mrs. Sam
Fulton, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Bob Barlow, Rice and Miss Annie
Pearl Baker, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Fort Worth Odd Fellows.
Joseph Leland Baker
May 20, 1906 - Oct 28, 1972
J. Baker
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Joe Baker, 66, of Corsicana, who died Saturday in
Memorial Hospital. Rev. Bruce Hibbitt will officiate, and burial
will be in Hamilton
Baker was a native of Navarro County, self-employed welder and
member of the Missionary Baptist Church.
Survivors include his widow of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Howard
Emig, Jr., of Mesquite; two grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. J. A.
Baker of Corsicana; three brothers, R. Thurmond Baker and William M.
Baker of Corsicana and Jerry M. Baker of Irving; four sisters, Mrs.
B. H. Barlow of San Benito, Mrs. Sam Fulton, Mrs. Jerry Brown and
Mrs. Sidney Smith of Corsicana; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be T. G. Haynes, J. D. Haynie, Basil Herod, W. E.
Percival, Lee Welch and George Chapell.
Ralph Willard Currey
Died Oct 16, 1948
Ralph Willard Currey, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Currey,
died at Texas City Saturday morning.
Funeral rites were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Wilson Wood of DeKalb, formerly of
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mrs. D. M. Currey,
Rockdale and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smalling, Trinidad.
Joe H. Howell
May 20, 1888 - Oct 23, 1948
Joe H. Howell, about 60,
World War I Veteran, died in a government hospital in San
Antonio Saturday.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Sidney Henry and Miss Billie
Howell, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Otie Watkins, Emhouse; two
brothers, John and Sam Howell, both of Corsicana, and other
Howell was a rural route carrier out of Corsicana post office for a
number of years, serving Route 1 and Motor Route A, following World
War I. he had been in ill health for several years.
Funeral services will be held from the Griffin Funeral Chapel
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Tom Allmon, Baptist minister of
Pallbearers will be Charlie Barnes, Earl Ingram, Alf Highnote, Hugh
Stewart, Joe Baker and Jesse Averitt.
Funeral services for Joe H. Howell, 60, who died in a government
hospital, San Antonio, Saturday were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Griffin Funeral Home. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Tom Allmon, Hubbard Baptist
World War I veteran,
Howell was a rural carrier out of the
Corsicana postoffice for a
number of years.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Sidney Henry and Miss Billie
Howell both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Otie Watkins, Emhouse; two
brothers, John and Sam Howell, both of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers were Charlie Barnes, Earl Ingham, Alf Highnote, Hugh
Stewart, Joe Baker and Jesse Averitt.
Addie Thedosia (Cox) Bonner
Mar 2, 1890 - Aug 3, 1948
Mrs. Addie Bonner, aged 58 years, life-long resident of Navarro
county died at the family home, 904 South Seventeenth street,
Tuesday at 6 p.m.
Funeral services are to be held Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock
from the Fellowship Baptist church with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
church, and Rev. J. B. Ousley, pastor of the Memorial Baptist
church. Mrs. Bonner was a member of the Fellowship Baptist church.
Native of Navarro county, the family moved to Corsicana two years
ago from Angus.
Surviving are her husband L. G. Bonner, Corsicana; two sons, Lowell
Bonner, Angus and Olan Bonner, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs.
Robert Hedrick, Miss Lillie Bonner, Mrs. Abb Soape, Jr., and Mrs.
Clifton Perry, all of Corsicana; four sisters, Mrs. J. A. Bailey,
Mrs. D. L. Bonner, Mrs. Frances Bonner, all of Angus, and Miss
Lizzie Cox, Corsicana; three grand-children and other relatives.
Pallbearers are to be Lawrence Bonner, Freddie Bonner, Clarence
Bonner, Lonnie Bonner, Chester Bonner, Eddie Reed, O. D. Bailey and
R. L. Cox, all nephews.
Griffin Funeral Home directs.
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Bonner
Funeral services for Mrs. Addie
Bonner, aged 59 years, who died late Tuesday afternoon, were held
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from the Fellowship Baptist
chruch. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The Rites were conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship chruch of which Mrs. Bonner was a member, and Rev. J. B.
Ousley, pastor of the Memorial Bpatist chruch.
Native of Navarro county, Mrs. Bonner resided at Angus before moving
to Corsicana two years ago.
Surviving are her husband L. G. Bonner, Corsicana; two sons, Lowell
Bonner, Angus, and Olan Bonner, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs.
Robert Hedrick, Miss Lillie Bonner, Mrs. Abb Soape, Jr., and Mrs.
Clifton Perry, all fo Corsicana; four sisters, Mrs. J.A. Bailey,
Mrs. D. L. Bonner and Mrs. Frances Bonner, all of Corsicana; three
grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lawrence Bonner, Freddie Bonner, Clarence Bonner,
Lonnie Bonner, Chester Bonner, Eddie Reed, O. D. Bailey and R. L.
Cox, all nephews.
James Rufus Stallings
Oct 3, 1925 - Apr 15, 1945
Funeral rites for S-2C James R. Stallings, 19, who died in
the armed forces in French Morocco, April 15, 1945, were
held at
Hamilton cemetery Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock where
interment was made.
The services were conducted by Rev. Herbert G. Dudley,
minister of the First Christian church. The American Legion
and Texas National Guard provided the military services.
Stallings was born at Angus.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stallings,
Corsicana; four brothers, Louis Earl, Willie B., Jim H. and
Oscar P. Stallings, all of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs.
Rosa Belle Bewley, Mrs. Clara Mae Carver and Mrs. Bethel
McNerney, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Del Jones, J. C. Parker, Claude Foster, A.
L. Williams, Clyde Bryant, Verdell Dockery.
Corley Funeral Home directed. |
Henry Earl Stallings
Nov 8, 1883 - Jun 5, 1952
H. E. Stallings Rites Saturday
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon for Henry Earl
Stallings, 71, retired nightwatchman who died Thursday morning at
the Navarro Clinic.
Rev. M. O. Southerland conducted the rites from the Corley chapel.
Interment was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are the wife of Corsicana; four sons: Lewis Earl Stallings
of Corsicana; Sgt. Willie Stallings, U. S. Army, now in Germany;
Homer Stallings of Corsicana and Pvt. Oscar Stallings, U. S. Air
Force, stationed in Waco; three daughters, Mrs. Rosie G. Bewley of
Corsicana, Mrs. Clara May Carver of Angus and Mrs. Bethel Waingo of
DeLeon; a brother, Lewis Garcia of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Emma
Jones of Tyler; 15 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Charles Price, Odell Price, Weldon Price, Lawrence
Townley, Jebb Townley and Paul Schultz.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jun 7, 1952
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Laura Haseltine (Henson)
Stallings-Davis; s/o George Earl Stallings & Ella (Clendon)
Stallings per death certificate
Rosie Bell
(Stallings) Bewley-Russell
May 14, 1911 - Oct 24, 1955
Mrs. Russell Is Fatally Burned
Mrs. Rosie Bewley Russell, 43, was fatally burned early Sunday
morning in a fire at Odessa.
The funeral service will be held from the Corley Chapel at an hour
to be announced later pending arrival of relatives. Burial will be
in the Hamilton
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. H. G. Starkey,
pastor of Memorial Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, Bob Russell, Mexia; a son, Jim Bewley,
Odessa; a daughter, Mrs. Laura Bell Canales, Petersburg; two
grandchildren; mother, Mrs. Laura Davis, Corsicana; four brothers,
Lewis E. and Oscar P. Stallings, both of Corsicana; Homer J.
Stallings, Odessa, and Sgt. Willie B. Stallings, U. S. Army in
Japan; two sisters, Mrs. C. E. Carver, Corsicana, and Mrs. Bethel
Wingo, Illinois and other relatives.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Oct 24, 1955
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband Joseph Duckett
�Duck� Bewley buried in Campbell-Elrod cemetery 2nd husband Bob
Russell d/o s/o Henry Earl Stallings & Laura Haseltine (Henson)
- (Her monument says Rosie
Bell Bewley- obit says Rosie Bewley Russell- death certificate
says Rosie Bewley Russell)
Autopsy Ordered In Burning Death Of Odessa Woman
An autopsy was ordered Monday on the body of Mrs. Rosie Bewley
Russell, 43, who was burned to death early Sunday in a fire at
Odessa, Jimmy Morris county attorney, stated. The order was signed
by Walter Hayes, Justice of the Peace.
Morris said the district attorney at Odessa had requested the
�Since the body was shipped here, witnesses led the Odessa DA's
office into suspecting the possibility of foul play,� Morris added,
and said that a Department of Public Safety pathologist was sent
here to perform the autopsy.
Funeral services are scheduled Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel. Burial will be in
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. H. G. Starkey, pastor of the
Memorial Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, Bob Russell, Mexia; a son, Jim Bewley,
Odessa; a daughter, Mrs. Laura Bell Canales, Petersburg; two
grandchildren; mother, Mrs. Laura Davis, Corsicana; four brothers,
Lewis E. and Oscar P. Stallings, both of Corsicana; Homer J.
Stallings, Odessa, and Sgt. Willie B. Stallings, U. S. Army in
Japan; two sisters, Mrs. C. E. Carver, Corsicana, and Mrs. Bethel
Wingo, Illinois and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Odell Price, Charlie Price, Lawrence Townley,
Chat Dunnahan, Jeff Townley and James C. Murray.
Chester Raymond �Jack�
May 4, 1926 - Jan 13, 1948

Funeral services for Chester Raymond (Jack) Loftis, aged 21 years,
who was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon near Hubbard, were held
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Mr. White of Jacksonville.
Born and reared in Corsicana, Loftis was employed by Ed Moreau of
Corsicana as the driver of a bulldozer at the time of the accident
on the J. P. Vickery farm south of Hubbard. The heavy machine turned
over, it was stated, killing Loftis instantly.
Loftis entered the U. S. Navy, April 17, 1944, and was discharged
June 10, 1946, after 18 months spent overseas.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Loftis, Pursley; four
sisters, Mrs. Lester Humbert and Mrs. C. L. Nichols, both of
Corsicana; Mrs. Cecil Humbert and Miss Mary Frances Loftis, both of
Pursley; five brothers, M. L. Loftis, Austin; Vernon, Wayne, Mickie
and Artie Miller Loftis, all of Pursley; grandmother, Mrs. W. D.
Loftis, Pursley, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. R. Adkinson, Henry Nichols, Beauford Price,
Curtis Clemons, Wayne Brown and J. D. Ganze.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Luther Leroy Loftis
Sep 20, 1893 - Nov 17, 1959
L. L. Loftis Of Pursley Dies Heart Attack
L. L. Loftis, 66, retired farmer, of Pursley, was dead on arrival at
Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon following a heart attack at his
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Pursley
Baptist church with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. W. Robinson, pastor.
Born, Sept. 20, 1893, at Troup, Loftis resided in Corsicana for many
years prior to moving to Pursley 16 years ago. He was employed as an
oil field worker before moving to Pursley.
Surviving are his wife of Pursley; four sons, Marcus L. Loftis, Fort
Worth; Vernon L. Loftis, Austin; Mickey M. Loftis, Rockdale, and
Artie Loftis, Waco; four daughters, Mrs. Cecil Humbert, Pursley;
Mrs. Lester Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. Lawrence Nichols, Rockdale, and
Mrs. James Minatra, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Vernie Pinnell,
Meridian, and Mrs. Clifford McDougal, Troup; 17 grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be friends of the family.
Corley will direct.
L. L. Loftis Of Pursley Dies Heart Attack
L. L. Loftis, 66, retired farmer, of Pursley was dead on arrival at
Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon following a heart attack at his
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Pursley
Baptist church with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. W. Robinson, pastor.
Born Sept. 20, 1893, at Troup, Loftis resided in Corsicana for many
years prior to moving to Pursley.
Surviving are his wife of Pursley; four sons, Marcus L. Loftis, Fort
Worth; Vernon L. Loftis, Austin; Mickey M. Loftis, Rockdale, and
Artie Loftis, Waco; four daughters, Mrs. Cecil Humbert, Pursley;
Mrs. Lester Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. Lawrence Nichols, Rockdale, and
Mrs. James Minatra, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Vernie Pinnell,
Meridian, and Mrs. Clifford McDougal, Troup; 17 grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be friends of the family.
Corley will direct.
Wayne Ray Loftis

Mar 18, 1930 - Apr 4, 1954
2 Navarro County Residents Drown In Austin Mishap
Two young men of Pursley, drowned in a tragic fishing mishap on Lake
Travis, 20 miles northwest of Austin Sunday at 11:15 a.m.
They are Wayne Ray Loftis, 24, meter checker for the Texas Power and
Light Company and his nephew, Jimmie David Humbert, 15.
Double Services
Double funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the
Pursley Baptist church. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
According to press reports from Austin, a 12-foot fishing boat
capsized as it was being operated around an island in the lake.
Witnesses said Loftis sank only a short distance from the shoreline
after having delayed his escape from the 80-foot water in an effort
to save his nephew.
One Rescued
Marcus Loftis of Austin, brother of Wayne Ray, was the only
survivor. He barely made it to some tall weeds in time to be dragged
to safety by three Taylor residents�Bob Simms, Edward Worley and
Allen Rummell. The Taylor men recovered the body of Loftis soon
after the mishap while Humbert's body was recovered by Texas Ranger
Truman Stone about 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
Korean Veteran
Loftis had served with the U. S. Armed Forces in Korea.
Surviving Loftis are his father, L. L. Loftis, Pursley; four
brothers, Marcus L., Vernon L., and Mickey M. Loftis, all of Austin,
and Artie Loftis, Pursley; four sisters, Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; Mrs. W. L. Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. C. L. Nichols,
Rockdale, and Miss Mary Frances Loftis, Pursley; and grandmother,
Mrs. W. D. Loftis, Pursley.
Humbert is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; two brothers, Marcus and Billy Humbert, both of Pursley; a
sister, Beth Humbert, Pursley, grandparents, Mrs. W. W. Humbert,
Corsicana, and L. L. Loftis, Pursley and great-grandmother, Mrs. W.
D. Loftis, Pursley and other relatives.
Corley directs.
Drowning Victims Services Tuesday
Double funeral services for Wayne Ray Loftis, 24, and his nephew,
Jimmie David Humbert, 15, both of Pursley, who drowned Sunday in
Lake Travis, Colorado river, were held from the Pursley Baptist
church Tuesday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Nick Peoples, pastor of the Pursley
Baptist church, and Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the West Side Baptist
Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Marcus L. Loftis, brother of one of the victims and uncle of the
other, narrowly escaped drowning and was rescued by three Taylor
residents�Bob Simms, Edward Worley and Allen Rummell.
The 13-foot boat in which the three men were riding capsized in
80-foot deep water, but was not far from land.
As the trio fell into the lake, according to witness, Wayne Ray
delayed his swimming to safety in a futile effort to assist his
nephew who was in trouble.
The accident occurred 20 miles northwest of Austin.
The body of Loftis was found a short time after the tragedy but the
youth's body was not recovered until about 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
Loftis had served in Korea with the U. S. forces and was a meter
checker for the Texas Power and Light Company.
Surviving Loftis are his father, L. L. Loftis, Pursley; four
brothers, Marcus L., Vernon L., and Mickey M. Loftis, all of Austin,
and Artie Loftis, Pursley; four sisters, Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; Mrs. W. L. Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. C. L. Nichols,
Rockdale, and Miss Mary Frances Loftis, Pursley; and grandmother,
Mrs. W. D. Loftis, Pursley.
Humbert is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; two brothers, Marcus and Billy Humbert, both of Pursley; a
sister, Beth Humbert, Pursley, grandparents, Mrs. W. W. Humbert,
Corsicana, and L. L. Loftis, Pursley and great-grandmother, Mrs. W.
D. Loftis, Pursley and other relatives.
Corley directed.
Pallbearers for Loftis were Virgil Tidwell, Bob Nolen, A. C. Murray,
Eugene Murray, Bobbie Collins and Johnnie Dean.
Pallbearers for Humbert were Dean Murray, Lewis Ray Tidwell, Jimmy
Cooper, James Minatra, George Ganze and Bobbie Owens.
Jimmie David Humbert
Oct 31, 1938 - Apr 4, 1954
2 Navarro County Residents Drown In Austin Mishap
Two young men of Pursley, drowned in a tragic fishing mishap on Lake
Travis, 20 miles northwest of Austin Sunday at 11:15 a.m.
They are Wayne Ray Loftis, 24, meter checker for the Texas Power and
Light Company and his nephew, Jimmie David Humbert, 15.
Double Services
Double funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the
Pursley Baptist church. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
According to press reports from Austin, a 12-foot fishing boat
capsized as it was being operated around an island in the lake.
Witnesses said Loftis sank only a short distance from the shoreline
after having delayed his escape from the 80-foot water in an effort
to save his nephew.
One Rescued
Marcus Loftis of Austin, brother of Wayne Ray, was the only
survivor. He barely made it to some tall weeds in time to be dragged
to safety by three Taylor residents�Bob Simms, Edward Worley and
Allen Rummell. The Taylor men recovered the body of Loftis soon
after the mishap while Humbert's body was recovered by Texas Ranger
Truman Stone about 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
Korean Veteran
Loftis had served with the U. S. Armed Forces in Korea.
Surviving Loftis are his father, L. L. Loftis, Pursley; four
brothers, Marcus L., Vernon L., and Mickey M. Loftis, all of Austin,
and Artie Loftis, Pursley; four sisters, Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; Mrs. W. L. Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. C. L. Nichols,
Rockdale, and Miss Mary Frances Loftis, Pursley; and grandmother,
Mrs. W. D. Loftis, Pursley.
Humbert is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; two brothers, Marcus and Billy Humbert, both of Pursley; a
sister, Beth Humbert, Pursley, grandparents, Mrs. W. W. Humbert,
Corsicana, and L. L. Loftis, Pursley and great-grandmother, Mrs. W.
D. Loftis, Pursley and other relatives.
Corley directs.
Drowning Victims Services Tuesday
Double funeral services for Wayne Ray Loftis, 24, and his nephew,
Jimmie David Humbert, 15, both of Pursley, who drowned Sunday in
Lake Travis, Colorado river, were held from the Pursley Baptist
church Tuesday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Nick Peoples, pastor of the Pursley
Baptist church, and Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the West Side Baptist
Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Marcus L. Loftis, brother of one of the victims and uncle of the
other, narrowly escaped drowning and was rescued by three Taylor
residents�Bob Simms, Edward Worley and Allen Rummell.
The 13-foot boat in which the three men were riding capsized in
80-foot deep water, but was not far from land.
As the trio fell into the lake, according to witness, Wayne Ray
delayed his swimming to safety in a futile effort to assist his
nephew who was in trouble.
The accident occurred 20 miles northwest of Austin.
The body of Loftis was found a short time after the tragedy but the
youth's body was not recovered until about 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
Loftis had served in Korea with the U. S. forces and was a meter
checker for the Texas Power and Light Company.
Surviving Loftis are his father, L. L. Loftis, Pursley; four
brothers, Marcus L., Vernon L., and Mickey M. Loftis, all of Austin,
and Artie Loftis, Pursley; four sisters, Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; Mrs. W. L. Humbert, Corsicana; Mrs. C. L. Nichols,
Rockdale, and Miss Mary Frances Loftis, Pursley; and grandmother,
Mrs. W. D. Loftis, Pursley.
Humbert is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Humbert,
Pursley; two brothers, Marcus and Billy Humbert, both of Pursley; a
sister, Beth Humbert, Pursley, grandparents, Mrs. W. W. Humbert,
Corsicana, and L. L. Loftis, Pursley and great-grandmother, Mrs. W.
D. Loftis, Pursley and other relatives.
Corley directed.
Pallbearers for Loftis were Virgil Tidwell, Bob Nolen, A. C. Murray,
Eugene Murray, Bobbie Collins and Johnnie Dean.
Pallbearers for Humbert were Dean Murray, Lewis Ray Tidwell, Jimmy
Cooper, James Minatra, George Ganze and Bobbie Owens.
Audrey Burton (Loftis)
Apr 3, 1934 - Feb 22, 2013
Audrey Burton (Loftis) Wallace
TEXAS � Funeral services for Audrey Burton (Loftis) Wallace, 78, of
Irving, Texas, formerly of Double Springs, were held at 9 a.m. on
Saturday, March 2, at Ben F. Brown's Memorial Funeral Home in
Irving, Texas, (972) 254-4242. Burial followed in
Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas.
Mrs. Wallace passed away on Friday, Feb. 22, 2013.
Audrey was born in Double Springs, Tennessee, April 3, 1934, to Otis
and Avo Loftis.
She worked for thirty years in the sewing industry, many of those
years she was a supervisor at Sunny Isle manufacturing in Dallas,
Texas. Audrey retired from the City of Irving Records Department,
with seventeen years of service, in 1999. Audrey enjoyed going to
church, Sunday dinners with her family, shopping at the mall with
her friend Dorothy Chaves, and going out to eat.
Audrey is preceded in death by her parents Otis and Avo Loftis, her
husband Exel Wallace, two brothers John Loftis and Jack Loftis, her
sister Geraldine Denny and brother-in-law Tim Denny.
- w/o Exel L. Wallace; d/o
Milton Otis Loftis & Essie Avo (Jernigan) Loftis
- Submitted
Diane Richards
Obie Ellis Simpson
Feb 14, 1904 - Nov 18, 1971
O. E. Simpson
Obie E. Simpson, 67, resident of Overton since 1936, died Thursday
in a Tyler hospital. A retired employe of the Shell Oil Co., he was
a native of Dublin, Texas, and a member of the Baptist church.
Funeral services were at 2:30 p.m. Friday (today) at the Corley
Funeral Chapel with the Rev. James E. McKee officiating. Burial was
in the
Hamilton Cemetery.
Nephews were pallbearers.
He is survived by his widow of Overton; two daughters, Mrs. D. T.
Cameron of Whitehouse, Texas and Mrs. Dean Cagle of Tyler; three
grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Loyd Howell of Kerens and Mrs.
Haskell Murphy of Richland.
Clara Arizona (Simpson)
Jun 29, 1897 - Nov 6, 1970
Mrs. Murphy Service Set
Mrs. M. L. Murphy, 73, resident of Corsicana 33 years, died Friday
at Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Baptist church.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Corley Funeral
Chapel. The Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
She is survived by her husband; two sons, Ray and Billy Murphy, both
of Corsicana; one daughter, Mrs. Cleo Berry of Kerens; four
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; one brother, O. E.
Simpson of Overton; and two sisters, Mrs. Haskell Murphy of Richland
and Mrs. Loyd Howell of Kerens.
Pallbearers will be Gabe Budaus, Morris Tawater, James Tawater, Ray
Poteet, Leroy Poteet and Troy Morehead.
Richard Lynn "Ricky" Thomas
Nov 27, 1959 - Apr 20, 2019
Lynn Thomas, 59, of Frost, TX was born November 27, 1959 in
Dallas, TX. He suffered a debilitating stroke April 15, 2019
and passed away peacefully April 20, 2019 at home surrounded
by his loving family.
Ricky had vast experience in mechanic and construction work.
He traveled parts of the country doing construction work on
schools, churches and hospitals. Ricky was always there to
help anyone that needed it and was a "jack of all trades"
kind of guy that just seemed to know how to do anything with
his hands. Being an avid Dallas Cowboys fan, he would root
for them every time they played. He enjoyed listening to
rock-n-roll and country music. Ricky had an infectious laugh
and was quite comical. Ricky lived life the way he wanted,
had such a huge heart and will be loved and missed by many.
He was preceded in death by his parents: Jack & Marge
Thomas; brothers: Jack, Jr., Fred & Tommy.
Survived by aunt: Nancy Thomas; twin sister: Susie Thomas;
nephews: Kevin Scott & wife Hollie and Michael Thomas; great
nieces: Karlie & Keri; great nephews: Jack & Braden and
special dear friend: Debra Hahn.
Visitation is set for Thursday - April 25, 2019 from 10:00
A.M. - 12:NOON at the Funeral Home. Graveside Services and
interment will follow at 2:00 P.M. (on the same day) in
Little Bethel Memorial Park, 1803 S. Cedar Hill Rd.,
Duncanville, TX 75137.
Those honored to be serving as pallbearers are Kevin Scott,
Michael Thomas, Ryan Hahn, Blaise Gonzales, Kenny Meazell
and Garland Johnson.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials or
donations be made in Ricky's name to the American Stroke
www.americanstroke.org |
Albert Antonio Spriggins
Apr 20, 1925 - Jan 7, 1951
Dawson Negro Is Fatally Beaten
A 25-year-old negro was fatally beaten with a brick on the streets
of downtown Dawson about 9 p.m. Saturday, Sheriff Rufus Pevehouse
reported Monday.
The victim, Albert Spriggins, died in a Waco hospital, where he was
taken by Deputy Sheriff Jack Garner.
Felder Lewis, 39, negro, was charged with murder and committed to
the county jail in lieu of $1500 bond, set by Justice of the Peace
J. P. Davis at Dawson, Sheriff Pevehouse said.
Pevehouse said the altercation took place in front of Hamilton's
store in Dawson. Deputy Garner arrested Lewis shortly afterwards.
Spriggins' body was taken to Calhoun's Funeral home in Corsicana.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Jan. 8, 1951
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Burial Dawson, Tx. per death
certificate; h/o Katie Beatrice (Williams) Spriggins; s/o Johnnie
Spriggins & Arabella (Cherry) Spriggins
Anderson Moller Paul
Mar 20, 1913 - Mar 18, 1970
A. M. Paul Dies in Kerens
KERENS (Spl.)�Funeral services for A. M. (Buster) Paul, 56, who died
suddenly at his home in Kerens Wednesday afternoon, will be held
Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the Paschal Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev.
Ralph Stovall officiating. Interment will be in Long Prairie
Paul, a lifelong resident of Kerens, was a farmer and a veteran of
World War II.
Survivors include his wife of Kerens; a son Charles Paul of Kerens;
two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Lue Combs of the Philippine Islands, and
Mrs. Stella L. Sanders of Virginia; three brothers, Jim Paul of
Garland, Jack Paul of Wortham, and Ray Paul of Kerens; and three
Paul Services
Funeral services were held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the Paschal
Funeral Home in Kerens for A. M. (Buster) Paul, who died Wednesday
at his home in Kerens. The rites were conducted by the Rev. Ralph
Stovall, with interment in
Long Prairie Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife of Kerens; a son Charles Paul of Kerens;
two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Lue Combs of the Philippine Islands, and
Mrs. Stella L. Sanders of Virginia; three brothers, Jim Paul of
Garland, Jack Paul of Wortham, and Ray Paul of Kerens; and three
Mildred (Sawyer) Paul
Mar 12, 1924 - Oct 1, 1977
Mrs. Paul
WORTHAM - Services are pending at Walker Funeral Home here for Mrs.
Mildred Paul, 53, long-time resident of Wortham, who died Saturday
night in Wortham Hospital.
Mrs. Paul
WORTHAM � Services were to be at 4 p.m. Monday at Walker Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Mildred Paul, 53, resident of Wortham, who died
Saturday night at a local hospital.
The Rev. Leon Williams will officiate, with burial following at
Round Prairie Cemetery
near Kerens.
She was born in Butler and was a lifelong resident of the Wortham
area, a nurses aide, and a member of the First Baptist church of
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Jackie Stanley of Chetopa,
Kans. And Mrs. Mary Stahley of Pasadena, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs.
Opal Rogers of Wortham and Mrs. Rosie Lee Folis of Corsicana; two
brothers, Carlie Sawyer of Henderson and Clyde Sawyer of Kerens,
four grandchildren and an uncle, Noel Sawyer of Wortham.
Pallbearers are John Albert Rogers, Roger Craig, John Henderson,
Claud Jenkins, Carl Kleinschmidt, and Wendell Jackson.
Susie (Harris) Paul
Jan 3, 1904 - Apr 2, 1951
Mrs. Susie Paul Rites Wednesday
Mrs. Susie Paul, 47, long-time resident of the Rural Shades
community, died in a Tyler hospital Monday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Rural Shade
Baptist Church, with Rev. George Conn officiating. Burial will be in
the Long Prairie
Surviving are her husband Rowe Paul, Rural Shade; a daughter, Willie
Lee Paul, Rural Shade; two sisters, Mrs. W. L. Bruner, Kerens, and
Mrs. Robert Howell, Mineral Wells; five brothers, Ross Harris,
Troup; J. D. Harris, Italy; David R., Raymond Earl, and Ballard
Harris, all of Mineral Wells; stepmother, Mrs. D. B. Harris of
Mineral Wells, and other relatives.
Inmon Funeral Home of Kerens will direct.
Agnes Inez (Andrews) Boyd

Mar 20, 1905 - Nov 20, 1948
KERENS, Nov. 26.�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock at the First Baptist church of Kerens for Mrs. Homer
Boyd of Trinidad, age 43, who was instantly killed in an automobile
wreck Saturday night about two miles east of Kerens on Highway 31.
Funeral arrangements were delayed until the arrival of a son, Roy
Thomas, U. S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
The Rev. John Boyd of Bazette conducted the rites and burial was in
Long Prairie cemetery,
with Stockton Funeral Home in charge.
Surviving are her husband, who was also injured in the wreck; one
son, Roy Thomas, Hawaii; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Ingram of Tool
and Mrs. Calvin Franklin of Kerens; one brother, Clyde Andrews of
Kerens, and one sister, Mrs. Nellie Moseley of Kerens, and two
Homer Bonner Boyd
May 13, 1906 - Nov 25, 1958
Friday Rites For Homer Boyd
KERENS, Nov. 27 (Spl.)�Funeral services for Homer Boyd, 62, dragline
operator, who died at his home in Trinidad Tuesday, will be held
from the Presbyterian church here Friday at 10 a.m.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Harwell Norris, pastor of the
church. Burial will be in the
Long Prairie cemetery.
Boyd died Tuesday at 11 a.m. of a heart attack. He was a native of
Bowie, Texas, and had resided at Trinidad for 22 years.
Surviving are a son, Roy Boyd, Sacramento, Calif.; two daughters,
Mrs. Ray Ingram, Toole, and Mrs. Calvin Franklin, Lorenzo; a sister,
Mrs. G. W. Ratliff, Sacramento, Calif.; two half-sisters, Mrs.
Robert McGuthy, Lubbock, and Mrs. Sammie Elam, Del Plaza Heights,
Calif.; nine grandchildren and other relatives.
Inmon Funeral Home will direct.
Noma Faye Phillips
Feb 26, 1923 - Feb 4, 1948
Funeral Held At Kerens Thursday For Miss Phillips
KERENS, Feb. 6.�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held at the Baptist
church of Rural Shade Thursday afternoon for Miss Noma Faye
Phillips, 24, with Rev. T. R. Vaughn of Trinidad conducting the
rites at 2 p.m.
Miss Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, was born and
reared in Rural Shade. The family formerly resided in Lamesa, Texas.
The Phillips moved back to Rural Shade in January. Death came at
3:15 Wednesday afternoon. Noma Faye attended the Rural Shade school
and was a member of the local Baptist church.
Survivors are her parents, three brothers, William Phillips of
Kilgore; Ware P. Phillips, Longview; Waymon Phillips of Seminole,
Tex.; her grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Lane of Lamesa, and four nephews,
Ronnie and Donnie Phillips of Kilgore; Lowell and James Phillips of
Burial was in the
Long Prairie cemetery
with Cliff Curington, Earl Henderson, Joe Bruner, William Thomas
Phillips, Lloyd Quinn, Dick Holloman, Raymond Earl Harris and James
Quinn serving as pall bearers.
Nellie Edith (Lane) Phillips
Mar 8, 1891 - Nov 22, 1974
Mrs. Phillips
KERENS�Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Paschal
Funeral Home for Mrs. John W. Phillips, 83, resident of Kerens, who
died Friday in Longview.
Rev. Don Schultz, officiated, and burial was at
Long Prairie cemetery.
Survivors include three sons, William Phillips of Jefferson, Ware
Phillips of White Oak, and Waymon Phillips of Big Springs; seven
grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs.
Annie Pounds, of New Mexico, Mrs. Lee Burger of Fort Worth, and Mrs.
George Phillips of Big Springs; two brothers, John Lane of Qunarah,
Tex. and Frank Lane of Colorado, Tex.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Sun., Nov 24, 1974
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o John William Phillips;
d/o William Courtney Lane & Clara Frances (Latham) Lane buried
in Dallas County Cemetery, Lamesa, Tx.
James William Phillips
Jan 17, 1894 - Jul 15, 1963
John Phillips Rites Tuesday
KERENS, Jul. 16 (Spl.)�Funeral services for John W. Phillips, 69,
retired Rural Shade merchant and life-long resident of that
community, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Rural Shade Baptist
church. Burial was in the
Long Prairie
cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. George Conn, former pastor of the church of
which he was a member.
Phillips died of a heart attack at his home Monday morning.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nellie Phillips, Rural Shade; three
sons, Ware Phillips, Longview; Waymon and William Phillips, both of
Big Spring; a sister, Mrs. J. R. Phillips, Dallas; seven
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
Melvin Wayne Paul

Jan 13, 1931 - May 14, 1948
Melvin Wayne Paul, 17, of Rural Shade, son of Mrs. W. M. Paul died
in the P. and S. Hospital early Friday morning.
Funeral services will be held at the Stockton Funeral Home in Kerens
on Saturday afternoon with Rev. T. R. Vaughn of Trinidad
officiating. Interment will be in the
Long Prairie cemetery.
Surviving are his mother; three brothers, A. M. Paul, J. M. Paul and
Henry Jack Paul, all of Kerens; one half brother, Rowe Paul, Kerens;
two sisters, Grace Paul of Kerens and Mrs. Mary Jane Honea of
Kerens; and one half sister, Mrs. W. L. Montgomery of Fort Worth.
Alice Etta (Quinn) Stevens

Jun 22, 1869 - Apr 23, 1948
KERENS, April 24.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. W. H. Stevens,
78, who died at her home here at 10:30 p.m. Friday, will be held
Sunday at 3 p.m. from the First Baptist church with burial in the
Long Prairie Cemetery.
Dr. Elmer Page, pastor of the church will conduct the services. Mrs.
Stevens had been a member of the Baptist church for many years and
was a pioneer resident of Kerens.
She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. John Floyd and Mrs. A. J.
Inmon, both of Kerens; Mrs. Raymond Floyd, Houston; Mrs. Frank Lane,
Midland, 18 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren and other
Grandsons will act as pall bearers.
Stockton Funeral Home is directing.
Belle (Simpson) Howell
Apr 14, 1903 - Mar 10, 1972
Mrs. Howell
Funeral services for Mrs. Bell Howell, 68, of Kerens will be held at
3 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Kerens. She died Friday
in Tyler. She was a life long resident of Kerens. Bro Charles
Pringle and Bro E. E. Sipes will officiate. Interment will be in
Long Prairie Cemetery
in Kerens.
Paschal Funeral Home will officiate.
She is survived by her husband Lloyd Howell of Kerens; a son,
Roderick Howell of Kerens; three daughters, Mrs. Christine Voyce of
Santa Maria, Calif., Mrs. Johnnie Lloyd of Tyler, and Mrs. Juanita
Lieb of San Jose, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Una Murphy, of Richland; 18
grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.
Alice Lenore (Smith) Townley
Jan 25, 1907 - Sep 18, 1976
Mrs. Townley
Services will be 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the Corley Funeral Chapel for
Mrs. J. E. Alice Townley, 69, who died Saturday.
The Revs. Maurice McElroy and Jim Bob Farmer will officiate. Burial
will be in
Long Prairie Cemetery.
Survivors include five sons, James Townley, Charles Townley and
Warren Townley, all of Corsicana, M. D. Townley of Fort Worth and
John M. Townley of Kingsville; four daughters, Mrs. Allen Brim,
Sweetwater, Mrs. R. R. Caswell, Houston, Mrs. Delbert Stutts,
Athens, and Miss Linda Townley, Corsicana; 15 grandchildren, nine
great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mary Jackson, Corsicana, and
one brothers, Craube Smith, Arizona.
Pallbearers will be Danny Richards, Odis Sikes, Jr., Ernest Sikes,
Randle Cottongame, David Huffstetler and Mike Bailey.
James Edward "Edd" Townley
Jul 6, 1901 - Nov 21, 1964
J. E. Townley Rites Sunday
James Edward Townley, 63, retired city employe, 1510 South
Seventeenth street, Corsicana, died in Navarro clinic Friday night.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Fellowship
Baptist church with burial in the Prairie Point cemetery [Long
Prairie Cemetery].
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Joe Wilbanks, pastor of
Fellowship Baptist church, assisted by Rev. George Conn, Kerens
Baptist minister.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; five sons, James, Warren and
Charles Townley, all of Corsicana; John Townley, Kingsville, and M.
D. Townley Fort Worth; four daughters, Mrs. Alline Brim, Sweetwater;
Mrs. Mary Stutts, Athens; Mrs. Hazel Caswell, Houston, and Linda
Townley, Corsicana; 13 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Willie
DeHart and Mrs. Irene Williams, both of Houston; three brothers,
Lawrence, Jeff and Dick Townley, all of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers will be R. D. Hamilton, John Seay, Edward Ward, Ezra
Whitley, Norman Smith and Leroy Barton.
Corley directs.
Services Sunday J. E. Townley
Services for James Edward Townley, 63, retired city employe, 1510
South Seventeenth street, who died in the Navarro clinic Friday
night were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Fellowship Baptist church.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Joe Wilbanks, pastor of the church,
assisted by Rev. George Conn, Kerens Baptist minister. Burial was in
the Long Prairie
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; five sons, James, Warren and
Charles Townley, all of Corsicana; John Townley, Kingsville, and M.
D. Townley Fort Worth; four daughters, Mrs. Alline Brim, Sweetwater;
Mrs. Mary Stutts, Athens; Mrs. Hazel Caswell, Houston, and Linda
Townley, Corsicana; 13 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Willie
DeHart and Mrs. Irene Williams, both of Houston; three brothers,
Lawrence, Jeff and Dick Townley, all of Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers were R. D. Hamilton, John Seay, Edward Ward, Ezra
Whitley, Norman Smith and Leroy Barton.
Corley directed.
Rachel Jane (Shue)
Dec 3, 1900 - Dec 1, 1948
KERENS, Dec. 2.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. Rachael Jane Gomez,
47, who died at her home here Wednesday afternoon after a long
illness, were held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Pentecostal church
with burial in Oak Grove
Cemetery. Bro. Medley, Hubbard, conducted the services.
She is survived by her husband, John Gomez, Kerens; six sons, Willie
Barber, Fountain Barber, Raymond Barber, Buford Barber, Franklin
Gomez and Anthony Gomez, all of Kerens; three daughters, Mrs. Perl
Keel, Mrs. Grace Morris and Miss Eunice Jane Gomez, all of Kerens;
two brothers, Charlie Shue, Sundown; Jim Shue, Malakoff; two
sisters, Mrs. Addie Collins, Corsicana; Mrs. Eula Bailey, Dallas;
and 13 grandchildren.
Stockton Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Dec 2, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband Fountain Edgar
Barber 2nd husband John Gomas; d/o John Martin Shue & Elizabeth
Frances (Averitt) Shue
Charles Hugh Hungerford
Nov 4, 1871 - Jul 14, 1948
KERENS, June 15.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Charles H. Hungerford,
long-time resident of Kerens who died Monday, were held Wednesday at
10 a.m. at the Stockton Funeral Home with Rev. Mr. Harding, pastor
of the Church of Christ here, officiating. He was assisted by Rev.
Claude Guild of Corsicana.
Hungerford had lived in Navarro county for the last 25 years. He
died at the P. and S. Hospital in Corsicana after a long illness.
Burial was at Oak Grove
cemetery with the Stockton Funeral Home in charge of
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jun. 16, 1948
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Adaline Elizabeth �Ada�
(Crews) Hungerford; s/o Cullen Milton Hungerford & Martha A.
(Tatum) Hungerford
Leroy Francis Strange
Nov 25, 1911 - May 21, 1948
Leroy Strange, aged 35 years, life-long resident of Kerens, died at
the family home Friday morning at 2 o'clock following an extended
Funeral services are scheduled Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the First Baptist church in Kerens with interment in the
Oak Grove cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. Elmer Page, pastor of the church.
Strange was a member of the Oak Grove Baptist church.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Strange, Kerens; two
brothers, Alton Strange, Dallas and Lonnie Strange, Sherman; two
sisters, Mrs. Verna Belton, Corsicana, and Mrs. Charles Dixon,
Pallbearers will be Johny Ragland, Byron Scarborough, Lavere Tramell,
Joe Baker, Homer Carroll, Jr., and Pete Hawkins.
Stockton Funeral Home is directing.
Andrew Benton Tarkington
Apr 17, 1875 - Apr 4, 1953
A. B. Tarkington Dies At Kerens
KERENS, April 8.�(Spl.)�A. B. Tarkington, 77, died at his home here
Saturday night.
Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Bazette Baptist
church. Burial was in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. F. Smith, pastor of the First
Methodist church here, and Rev. E. B. Lancaster, pastor of the
Bazette Baptist church.
Prior to moving to Kerens several years ago, he resided in the
Bazette community.
Surviving are his wife, Kerens; three sons, L. C. Tarkington,
Kerens; L. E. Tarkington, Malakoff, and Tom Tarkington, Commerce,
five daughters, Mrs. E. Crutchfield and Miss Hazel Tarkington, both
of Lampasas; Mrs. S. P. Ferguson, Kerens; Mrs. W. P. Hopkins, Fort
Worth, and Mrs. Steve Vernon; a brother, J. P. Tarkington, Toole; 20
grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were L. E. Albritton, Allen Albritton, John Tagland, W.
C. Wasson, Guy Lancaster and Lewis Vernon.
Inmon Funeral Home directed.
Elva Ann (Camp) Tarkington
Sep 12, 1883 - Nov 13, 1964
Mrs. Tarkington Rites Monday
KERENS, Nov. 14, (Spl.) �Monday funeral rites will be held here for
Mrs. A. B. (Elva) Tarkington of Kerens who died in a Fort Smith,
Arkansas, hospital Friday after a long illness.
Other arrangements are incomplete.
Mrs. Tarkington was a native of Navarro county, and a former
resident of the Bazette community.
Surviving are three sons, I. C. Tarkington, Bazette; Earl
Tarkington, Kerens; and Tom Tarkington, Irving; five daughters, Mrs.
Eugene Crutchfield, Fort Smith; Miss Hazel Tarkington, Fort Smith;
Mrs. Preston Ferguson, Malakoff; Mrs. Preston Hopkins, Fort Worth;
and Mrs. Steve Vernon, Texas City; 25 grandchildren and several
Paschal Funeral Home is directing.
Kenneth Allen Tarkington
B&D Jul 16, 1951
Rites For Kemp Infant Tuesday
Funeral services for Kenneth A. Tarkington, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Tarkington, Route 3, Kemp, were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at
the Prairie Point
cemetery. The infant died at the P. and S. Hospital early
Surviving are the parents, three sisters, two brothers, all of Route
3 Kemp, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tarkington, Kerens, and
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sullivan, Malakoff.
Corley directed.
Ruby Lee (Sullivan)
Jan 23, 1909 - Dec 10, 1969
Mrs. Tarkington Rites Friday
Mrs. Ruby Tarkington , 60, a long time resident of Kerens and a
resident of Tyler for the past year died Wednesday in the Medical
Center Hospital in Tyler.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Bazette
Baptist Church. The rites will be conducted by the Rev. Pat Cummings
of Tyler, with interment in
Prairie Point Cemetery.
Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Bessie Sullivan of Corsicana;
three sons, Troy Tarkington of Tyler, Thomas E. Tarkington of
Athens, and Ross Tarkington of Kerens; two daughters, Mrs. Hazel
Reid of Kaufman and Miss Juanita Tarkington of Tyler; two sisters,
Mrs. Elva Tarkington of Kerens and Mrs. Nora Bell Gragg of
Corsicana; 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
John Chris Raymer
Aug 25, 1876 - Oct 18. 1948
KERENS, Oct. 19�(Spl)�John C. Raymer, aged 72 years, long-time
resident of Bazette and Kerens, died Monday afternoon in Ft. Worth.
He was a retired farmer.
Funeral services will be held from Stockton Funeral Chapel here
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. Carroll Thompson, pastor of the Methodist church. Burial will
be in the Prairie
Point cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, Gus M., J. H. and D. V. Raymer, all of
Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Langley and Mrs. Mattie Mulcany,
both of Kingsbury, and a grandchild.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Oct 19, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Mattie Lou (Chewning)
Raymer (Mattie's father is Marion Dallas Chewning buried in
Oakwood cemetery); s/o John Roemer/Raymer and Anna Elizabeth
(Schmidt) Raymer (father's name was originally Roemer later
changed to Raymer) (Find a grave hs john Chris buried in Kerens
cemetery-death certificate says buried Kerens, Tx. but obit says
Prairie Point)
Jessie B. Kirk
Jul 31, 1902 - Mar 1, 1948
Funeral services for Jessie Kirk, age 44, who died at the family
home, Route 5, Corsicana, early Monday, were held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana, a son, Grover Kirk, Albion, Ill.;
two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gentry, Odessa, and Miss Alice Louise Kirk,
Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kirk, Kerens; eight brothers,
Bomar and Ray Kirk, both of Gravesville, Ill., Bernice Kirk, Kerens;
Charles, Louis, Lillard and Lloyd Kirk, all of Corsicana, and George
Kirk, New York; four sisters, Mrs. Ola Patterson, Corsicana; Mrs.
Dorothy V. Hamilton, Louisville, Ind.; Mrs. Will Ford, Fort Worth,
and Mrs. Alma Havner, Sacramento, Calif.; a granddaughter, Betty Jo
Kirk, Albion, Ill.; a grandson, M. L. Gentry, Odessa, and other
Jesse Kirk, aged 44 years, native of Bazette, died at his home on
Route 1 at 2:30 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will
be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship Baptist church.
Kirk served with the armed forces in the South Pacific during World
War II.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jewell Kirk, Route 5, Corsicana; a son,
Grover Kirk, Albion, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gentry, Odessa,
and Alice Louise Kirk, Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kirk, Kerens; eight brothers, Bomar and Ray Kirk, both of Grapeville,
Ill.; Bernice Kirk, Kerens; Charles, Louis, Lillard and Loyd Kirk,
all of Corsicana, and George Kirk, New York; four sisters, Mrs. Ola
Patterson, Corsicana; Mrs. Dorothy V. Hamilton, Louisville, Ind.;
Mrs. Will Ford, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Alma Havner, Sacramento,
Calif.; a granddaughter, Betty Jo Kirk, Alblon, Ill.; a grandson, M.
L. Gentry, and other relatives.
Fannie May (Gilkey)
Apr 6, 1896 - Apr 15, 1953
Mrs. Tarkington Dies Thursday
Mrs. Fannie May Tarkington, 57, Route 3, Kemp, died Thursday
Funeral arrangements were incomplete early Thursday afternoon.
Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, J. P. Tarkington, and two sons, J. H. and
C. L. Tarkington, all of Toole; two daughters, Mrs. Verture Hartman,
Lubbock, and Mrs. Jenell Prewitt, Dallas; 13 grandchildren; a
brother, Alfred Gilkey, Fort Worth, and other relatives.
Corley will direct.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Apr. 16, 1953
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o James K. Polk
Tarkington, Jr; d/o Henry B. Gilkey & Nancy A. �Nannie�
(Dunning) Gilkey buried in Kerens cemetery
Mrs. Tarkington Services Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie May Tarkington, 57, who died
Thursday morning, were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the Bazette
Baptist church. Burial was in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. D. Lancaster, pastor of the
Surviving are her husband, J. P. Tarkington, and two sons, J. H. and
C. L. Tarkington, all of Toole; two daughters, Mrs. Verture Hartman,
Lubbock, and Mrs. Jenell Prewitt, Dallas; 13 grandchildren; a
brother, Alfred Gilkey, Fort Worth, and other relatives.
Corley directed.
James K. Polk Tarkington,
Nov 29, 1876 - Apr 26, 1959
J. P. Tarkington Rites Monday
J. P. Tarkington, 83, retired rancher-farmer of Toole, died in a
Dallas clinic Sunday.
Funeral services were held Monday at 3 p.m. from the Bazette Baptist
church with burial in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites were conducted by rev. Loyd Stewart.
Surviving are two sons, J. H. Tarkington, Toole and C. L.
Tarkington, Andrews; two daughters, Mrs. Vertrue Hartman, Lubbock,
and Mrs. J. A. Pruitt, Dallas; 14 grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Travis Tarkington, Douglas Tarkington. Stephen
Tarkington, Chester Lee Hartman, Leland Vernon, Pat Smith and
Willard Claten Wood.
Corley directed.
Sarah Catherine
(Underwood) Glasgow

Aug 17, 1872 � Aug 24, 1948
Mrs. Sarah Glascow, aged 77 years of Purdon, died at the P. and S.
Hospital at an early hour Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held from the Bazette Baptist church on
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Boyd, pastor of the Bazette
church. She was a native of Tennessee, but was a long-time resident
of Navarro county.
Surviving are seven sons, Sam Glascow, Bazette; Martin and John
Glascow, both of Purdon; Oney Glascow, Dallas; Willie Glascow,
Athens; Jim Glascow, Corsicana and Mose Glascow, Temple, Okla.; two
daughters, Mrs. Katie Niles, Wichita Falls, and Mrs. Pearl Ray,
Corsicana; 59 grandchildren and 83 great-grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Zela Kimbrough
Apr 14, 1881 - Apr 16, 1948
Zela Kimbrough Funeral Saturday
KERENS, April 19.�(Spl.)�The Rev. Raymond Burton, pastor of the
First Methodist church conducted the funeral service for Miss Zela
Kimbrough Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Stockton Funeral Parlor.
Miss Kimbrough, age 67, died at the home of her nephew, Freddie
Banks, Friday.
She was left an orphan early in childhood and for more than 50 years
made her home with the family of the late John Banks.
She was a member of the Methodist church for many years.
A number of nieces and nephews survive. Burial was in the
Prairie Point cemetery.