Bobbie C. - Pfc.
OVERSEAS - Pfc. Bobbie C. Taylor, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Taylor,
Route 1, Corsicana, is stationed somewhere in New Guinea where he has
participated in the fighting in that theatre of operation for the past 18
months. Pfc. Taylor entered the service of the Army Air Corps on
November 1942, and received his basic training at Camp Joseph T. Roberson,
Arkansas, then final training at Camp Warner Robins Field, Georgia, before
leaving for overseas duty in May 1943. He is a graduate of the Bryan
high school.
See Also:
Edgar Tyson - S-Sgt.
IN FRANCE - S-Sgt. Edgar Tyson King, U. S. Army, writes his wife here that
his is now in France. Sgt. King enlisted in the armed services Pearl
Harbor and for the past four years has been stationed in various camps in
the United States. He has been overseas about two months. He
attended Corsicana high school. His wife and daughter are residing
David A; Soape, Thomas R.
RECEIVE SILVER WINGS - Three Corsicana men were commissioned second
lieutenants in the U. S. Army Air Forces, and awarded silver wings Tuesday
when graduation ceremonies were held at eleven AAF Training Command
advanced schools in this state and Oklahoma. They are David A.
Blood, Route No. 3, and Bennie E. Siler, both bomber pilots, completing
training at Lubbock, and Thomas R. Soape, 912 South Fifteenth Street,
fighter pilot, graduating from Moore Field, Mission. In this class
largest ever produced by the Central Flying Training Command, Texans far
outnumbered representatives from any other one state with 470.
Siler, Bennie Eugene
Oct 30, 1924 - Mar 28, 1945
RECEIVE SILVER WINGS - Three Corsicana men were commissioned second
lieutenants in the U. S. Army Air Forces, and awarded silver wings Tuesday
when graduation ceremonies were held at eleven AAF Training Command
advanced schools in this state and Oklahoma. They are David A.
Blood, Route No. 3, and Bennie E. Siler, both bomber pilots, completing
training at Lubbock, and Thomas R. Soape, 912 South Fifteenth Street,
fighter pilot, graduating from Moore Field, Mission. In this class
largest ever produced by the Central Flying Training Command, Texans far
outnumbered representatives from any other one state with 470.
Corsicana Officer Killed In
Action Indo-China Area
Second Lieut. Bennie E. Siler, 20 U.S. Army Air Forces, was killed
in action in French Indo-China, March 28, according to a war
department telegram received by his mother, Mrs. Florence Silver,
Zion's Rest, during the week-end. Lieut. Stiler was the co-pilot of
a four-motored bomber. A graduate of Corsicana High School in 1943,
Lieut. Siler received his wings and commission at Lubbock in
February 1944, and went oversees last December. Prior to entering
the armed forces in 1943, the flying of fleer was employed at the P.
and S. Pharmacy.
Surviving are his wife of Ashland, Va.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Siler; Zion's Rest: Three brothers, Pfc. Vernon Siler, Mechanic
U.S.A.A.F., Tucson, Ariz.; Capt. J. B. Siler, infantry U.S. Army,
Aleutian Islands and Rollie Silver. Texarkana; five sisters, Mrs. J.
W. Stubbs, Zion's Rest; Mrs. Ethel Ownes, Bellflower, Calif.; Mrs.
Maurine La??? Richalnd; Mrs. Edna Earl Sarron, Pampa, and Mrs. Ollie
Collins, Corsicana, and other relatives.
[clipping scan is difficult to read so parts of this exerpt could be
transcribed incorrectly]
Lieut. Benny Eugene Siler
Oct 20, 1924 - Mar 28, 1945

The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Apr. 25, 1949
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (article says CHS grad- I found him with the Sophomores 1943)
- US Air Force WWII KIA s/o William D. Siler and Florence (Woods)
Reburial Rites Held Wednesday For B. E. Siler
Reburial rites for 2nd Lieut. Bennie E. Siler, 20, killed in action
in French Indo-China, March 28, 1945, will be held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery with the American Legion and Texas National
Guard in charge of graveside rites. The services will be conducted
by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist church, and Dr.
Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist church.
Lt. Siler, was a co-pilot of a four-motored bomber in the 43rd
Bomber Group, 63rd Squadron.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Florence Siler, Corsicana; father,
Wm. D. Siler, Dallas; three brothers, Rollie Siler, Austin; Vernon
Siler, Corsicana, and J. B. Siler, New Orleans, and five sisters,
Mrs. Mamie Stubbs, Corsicana; Mrs. Ethel Owens, Bellflower, Calif.;
Mrs. Maurine Lance and Miss Ollie Siler, both of Fort Worth, and
Mrs. Edna Earl Barron, Borger.
Louis A. - S-Sgt.
COMPLETES MISSIONS - S-Sgt. Louis A. Williams, 20, is home from England on
furlough after completing the required number of bombing missions over
Germany and German occupied countries. Sgt. Williams, the son of Dr.
Joe B. Williams and Mrs. C. L. Williams of Corsicana, was a waist gunner
on a B-17 Flying Fortress. He is a graduate of Corsicana High
Ralph M. - Pvt.
CAMP MATTHEWS - San Diego, Calif., May 8 (spl) Marine-Private Ralph M.
Ballentine, age 35, husband of Mrs. Lorena Smith Ballentine employed at
State Orphans Home, Corsicana, Texas practices with dummy ammunition speed
up his rifle loading technique. Private Ballentine is temporarily
stationed at this Marine Corps rifle instruction camp where he will
receive part of his recruit training.
Bartin Otis - Sgt.
OVERSEAS - Sgt. Barton Otis Bradley, U. S. Army, has landed safely
overseas, according to a cablegram received by his sister, Mrs. W. H.
Steely. Sgt. Bradley was a member of the National Guard unit here
when it was federalized in 1940 and trained at Camp Bowie at Brownwood.
He was later made Military Police instructor at Battle Creek, Michigan,
and was stationed there for some time before being sent to a replacement
L. S. - Capt.
MEET THE MAJOR - Capt. L. S. Dysinger, U. S. Army Air Forces, commanding
officer at Corsicana Field since Feb 1943, has been promoted to the rank
of major, it was announced today by Lieut. Louis R. Renfrow, public
relations officer. Major Dysinger has been at the local field since
February 14, 1942, with the exception of three months when he was on
detached service ferrying planes to South America. A graduate of San
Jose State College, Major Dysinger makes his home at Palo Alto, Calif.
Travis M., - Cpl.
HOME FROM OVERSEAS - Cpl. Travis M. Brown, 12th Air Force, is home after
26 months overseas duty in England, North Africa and Italy, having been
awarded three bronze stars for participation in major battles and also the
good conduct ribbon. He is spending part of his furlough in
Corsicana. The son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown of Mineola, Cpl.
Brown is the brother of J. A. Brown of Corsicana.
Hubert - Sgt.
OVERSEAS VETERAN - Technical Sgt. Hubert Gray, U. S. Army Signal Corps,
veteran of four major operations in Sicily and Italy, arrived in Corsicana
Tuesday. The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gray, 511 South Elizabeth
street, he has been in the service three years and has served overseas two
years and three months. A graduate of the Emhouse high school he has
lived in Corsicana most of his life. Sgt. Gray was a member of the
first contingent of U.S. troops to land in Ireland.
Raymond C. - T-Sgt.
HE KEEPS 'EM FLYING - Tech Sgt. Raymond C. Buck, formerly of Corsicana and
son of the late Mrs. Florence Buck, is busy somewhere in the South Pacific
keeping combat plane engines in shape. He is repair chief of his
crew in the Air Service Command, 13th AAF. Two brothers, Sgt. Roy H.
Buck and Pfc. R. Leon Buck are stationed at Camp Barkeley and Midland,
respectively. Recently Raymond saw his young 17 year-old nephew,
Raye Buck Glasgow, U. S. Navy in his vicinity. Raye, also of Corsicana and
son of Mrs. Ruby B. Glasgow, Dallas, is in the submarine service of the
Lonnie - Pvt.
SOMEWHERE IN INDIA - Pvt. Lonnie Wilson, 26, U. S. Army is shown above in
a picture taken somewhere in India. The son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Wilson, Corsicana, route three, he entered the service in November 1940
and has been overseas two years. He is a graduate of the Pickett
Preston K. - Pfc.
AERIAL GUNNER - Pfc. Preston K. Cook has completed training at the
Harlingen Army Air Field and has received his wings as an aerial gunner in
the U. S. Army Air Forces. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvah
R. Cook, Corsicana route No. 3.
Drew E. & Rodgers, James
*Rogers/Rodgers as appears exactly in
BROTHERS IN NAVY - Drew E. Rogers, 27, seaman second class, and James
Rogers, 19, seaman second class, sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rodgers, 612
East Third Avenue, Corsicana, are serving in the United States Navy.
Drew now stationed at San Francisco, Calif., entered the service March 19.
He attended the Roane school and was working at Victoria when he joined.
James now stationed at Corpus Christi, attended Powell high school and was
working in a shipyard in Washington state when he entered the service
March 23.
Archie B. - Pvt.
OVERSEAS - Pvt. Archie B. Derden, 20, son of Mrs. Archie Derden, 1517 West
Eleventh avenue is now stationed somewhere in New Guinea where he has
participated in the fighting in that theatre of operations. A member
of a Glider Airborne Division, Pvt. Derden took his basic training at Camp
Mackall, N. C. and final training at Camp Polk, La., before going overseas
in April 1944. Prior to entering the service Feb 1943 he attended
the Navarro school.
Hagler, J.
R. - Ph-M, 1-c
VISITED PARENTS - J. R. Hagler, Ph-M, 1-c, USN, accompanied by his wife
from Washington, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Hagler, Eureka. This is the first Christmas Hagler has spent at home
in four years. While on a two year's tour of duty in the Bermuda
Islands he received his present rating and was transferred to
Washington, D. C., to take up deep sea diving. After completion of
the diving course, Hagler and one other were selected to stay in the
Nation's Capital.
Leonard H. - Sgt.
SERVED IN ICELAND - Sgt. Lennard H. Wright, U. S. Army, has reported for
duty at Ft. McClellan, Ala., following a 20-day furlough spent with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wright, Morton, Texas, and with friends and
relatives in Corsicana and vicinity. He has just returned from a fourteen
months tour of duty in Iceland. For a number of years, Sgt. Wright
made his home with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ware of Corsicana.
Scott - S-Sgt.
MISSING IN ACTION - Staff Sgt. Scott Bowden, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Bowden, Tupelo, has been missing in action in the North African theatre
of war since September 9, according to a telegram received by his parents
from the War Department. A graduate of the Rice high school, Sgt.
Bowden, an aerial gunner on a Mitchell bomber, has been in the service
since Aug 1, 1941. A recent letter received from him by relatives
told of completing his 48th mission. He received his training at
Kelly Field and the Harlingen gunnery school.
Howell, J.
C. - Cpl. - IN IRELAND
IN IRELAND - Cpl. J. C. Howell, 24, U. S. Army, is shown above in a
picture taken recently in Northern Ireland, where he is now stationed.
The son of Mrs. Deane Tackett, 804 East Thirteenth Avenue, Cpl.
Howell volunteered for service in November, 1940, and has been overseas
since November 1943. He writes that hi is in the best of health,
weighing 212 pounds and that the "chow" is fine." He
says the country is "beautiful and the weather wonderful."
Jake B. - Pvt.
INVASION VETERAN - Pvt. Jake B. Keller, 22, U. S. Army, 90th Division was
a member of the American forces storming the Normandy beaches D-Day.
He participated in the capture of Le Mans and several thousand German
prisoners. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keller, Powell route one,
he entered the service in November 1942 and has been overseas since April
1944. He attended the Roane high school.
Morris Alton
COMPLETES BASIC - Aviation Student Morris Alton Holloway, 23, has just
completed his basic flying training at the Merced Army Air Field, Calif.,
according to information received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Holloway, Corsicana route five. He is now at the Pecos army advanced
flying school where he will take the final steps toward attainment of his
silver pilot wings. He is a graduate of the Powell high school.
Richard P. - First Lieut.
BOMBER ACE - First Lieut. Richard P. Haney, above, was listed among ten
officers and enlisted men, members of bombing crews that shot down five or
more enemy planes in the Southwest Pacific area. He is the son of
John D. Haney of Corsicana and Mrs. Mary Haney of Dallas. He
graduated from Randolph Field with a large class in 1940 and has been in
the Pacific area for some time.
James C. - Pfc.
MISSING IN ACTION - Pfc. James C. Richards, 23, U. S. Army, infantry, has
been missing in action in France since September 21, according to a
message from the war department received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
M. Richards. Emhouse. A graduate of the Emhouse high school he
entered the service Feb 10, 1942, and has been overseas since June 1944.
Narlen R. - Pfc. [ View
Article ]
U.S. MARINE - Pfc. Narlen R. Roberts, U. S. Marine Corps, writes his
mother, Mrs. Ressie Howard, 703 East Tenth Avenue, Corsicana, that his is
somewhere in Pacific theatre of war and that his is getting along fine and
enjoying excellent health. Entering the service Mach 13, 1941, he
sailed for overseas duty February 18, 1943. Roberts attended school
in Dawson. [pg 402]
Durward W. - Lt.
BOMBARDIER - Lt. Durward W. Fessmire, who formerly lived at Corsicana, is
a bombardier in the Army Air Forces and is completing the final stage of
his overseas training at the Army Air Base, Great Falls, Montana. He
has been in the Army since May 1930. He attended Cordell high school
in Oklahoma before entering the service.
W. Louis - Pvt. / Sgt.
WITH THE 36th - Pvt. Louis Tirado, Corsicana, and Cpl. Euel Fulka, Temple,
are now in the thick of the fighting in Italy, with the 36th Division.
This picture was taken at a little Italian town last Oct. In a
recent letter to friends here Pvt. Tirado said he had been in combat for
the past thirty days and had not had time to clean up or shave.
Louis W. Tirado, veteran of the 36th Division, awarded the Purple Heart
decoration, is now reported missing in action in France since September
22, according to a message from the war department received by Anita R.
Garcia, Kerens Route two. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Tirado, former Corsicana residents, Sgt. Tirado entered the service
January 29, 1941, and has been overseas with the 36th Division, infantry,
since April 1943.
Ermel - Sgt. & Brister, Elbert L. - Pvt.
BROTHERS IN SERVICE - Sgt. Ermel H. Brister, 24, U. S. Army Air Forces,
bombardier and Pvt. Elbert L. Brister, 18, U. S. Marine Corps, are the
sons of Mrs. W. F. Brister, 704 West First Avenue. Ermel is a
veteran of seven years service and has been in the Pacific Theatre of
Operations for the past two and a half years. He has participated in
many of the major battles of that area. He is a graduate of the
Powell high school. Elbert, a graduate of the Richland high school,
has been in the service since March 29, 1944. Home on furlough July
14, he was stationed at Camp Pendleton, Ocean Side Calif.
Wm. K
VISITING PARENTS - Wm. K. (Putz) Brietz, 18, U. S. Navy, is at home on
furlough visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Brietz. Enlisting
in Naval Aviation in March 1943, he was called to active duty July 1, and
sent to Tulane University, New Orleans, for special training. Brietz
is now awaiting orders to report to a Navy Prep Flight School.
A 1943 graduate of the Corsicana high school, he was a member of the Tiger
football team in '41 and '42 playing backfield positions.
J. R. - Pfc.
SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND - Pfc. J. R. Blumrosen, 19, U. S. Army, has arrived
safely somewhere in England, according to information received by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Blumrose, 1902 West Seventh avenue. A
graduate of the Corsicana high school, he entered the service in April
1943. He attended Texas A & M College and the United States
Military Academy. He writes his parents that he is getting along
Virgil. B. & McMullan, Robert B.
RECEIVE SILVER WINGS - Virgil B. Nokes of Corsicana and Robert B. McMullan
of Rice received their silver wings and second lieutenants commissions in
the Army Air Corps Reserve June 22, after completing their flight training
at the Army Air Forces Advanced Flying School, Luke Field, Ariz.
Both are graduates of Corsicana High School. Lieut. Nokes is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nokes and Lieut. McMullan is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McMullan, route 1, Rice.
Eathel & Henry
MEET IN PACIFIC - Serving aboard a Coast Guard-manned LST in the Pacific
Coast Guardsman Eathel Vest,a veteran of the Saipan landings recently met
his brother Henry whom he hadn't seen since late in 1943. Henry
joined the Navy six months ago. The brothers' parents are Mr. and
Mrs. H. R. Vest of Corsicana, Texas.
Harold E. - Pfc.
DECORATED - The Purple Heart Decoration awarded Pfc. Harold E. Cagle, 22,
U. S. Army, wounded in action May 28, in the South Pacific Theatre of
Operations has been received by his wife, who with their 10 months old
son, Ronnie, reside at Dawson. He is the son of the late Leon Cagle,
Corsicana. A veteran of 11 months overseas, he was employed at
Houston when he entered the service and received basic training at Camp
Thomas W. - Capt.
PROMOTED - Capt. Thomas W. Ward, U. S. Army, now stationed at Camp Greuber,
Okla., with a tank destroyer unit, was a private in Battery D, Texas
National Guard when mobilized in November 1940. He finished officers
candidate school at Ft. Sill, Okla., August 1942, with a second
lieutenant's commission. He was promoted to first lieutenant
February, 1943, and to a captaincy November 5, 1943. A graduate of
the Corsicana high school, he was a grocery clerk prior to entering the
service. Capt. Ward's wife resides at Muskogee, Okla., and his mother,
Mrs. M. L. Ward, lives at McGee, Miss.
John D., Jr.
COMMISSIONED - John D. Haney, Jr., 28, son of J. D. Haney of 224 East
Fifth Avenue, Corsicana, was a member of the 29th class of aviation cadets
to graduate from the Columbus Army Air Field near Columbus Army Air Field
near Columbus, Mississippi, on Nov. 20. He received the silver
wings of a Flying Officer and commission as a second lieutenant in the
Army Air Forces. Lt. Haney entered pilot training in November 1943,
and attended flying schools at Camden, S. C., Sumter, S. C., and Albany,
Ga., before his graduation at the advanced flying school near Columbus,
Cullom F.
NAVAL AVIATOR - Cullom F. Milburn, 19, brother of Claude L, Milburn of
1803 Woodlawn, Corsicana, won his Navy "Wings of Gold" and was
commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve this week following completion
of the prescribed flight training course at the Naval Air Training Center,
Pensacola., Fla., the "Annapolis of the Air." Having
been designated a Naval Aviator, Ensign Milburn will go on active duty at
one of the Navy's air operational training centers before being assigned
to a combat zone.
Thurmon Wallace - Pfc.
AERIAL GUNNER - Pfc. Thurmon Wallace Berryhill was graduated last week
from the Army Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School, Laredo Army Air Field,
Laredo, and is now qualified to take his place as a member of a bomber
combat crew. Along with his diploma, he received a pair of Aerial
Gunner's silver wings and a promotion in grade. His wife, Mrs. Dora
M. Berryhill resides at 321 West Seventh avenue, Corsicana.
Adolph W.
COMMISSIONED - Adolph W. Weidmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weidmann, of
1520 West Fifth Avenue, Corsicana, has successfully completed his flight
training at the Army Air Forces Pilot School, Luke Field, Arizona.
At graduation ceremonies August 30, he receives the Army Air Corps silver
wings and a second lieutenant's commission in the Army Air Corps Reserve.
He received his preflight training at Santa Ana, Calif. and pilot training
with Flying Units at Thunderbird Field, Arizona and Gardner Field, Calif.
He attended Corsicana high school and University of Texas.
James T. - M-Sgt.
PRISONER OF WAR - M-Sgt. James T. Foster, missing in action in Italy since
June 25, is a prisoner of war of the German Government, according to a
telegram received Friday morning by his wife, Mrs. Glenda L. Foster, from
U[?], the adjutant. The telegram credited the information to the
International Red Cross. Sgt. Foster, Headquarters Battery 132nd.
Field Artillery, 36th. Division, was in the National Guard a number of
years before being federalized in November, 1940. He had been
wounded on two occasions in the Italian campaign, receiving the Purple
Heart decoration following his first wound.
A message from Master Sergeant James T. Foster, 36th Division, Fifth
Army, captured in Italy June 26, and now a prisoner of war of the
German government was received by his wife, Mrs. Glenna Foster,
Thursday afternoon.
The telegram received Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Foster was signed
by Larch, provost marshal general, and stated that a message
directed to her had been intercepted from an enemy propaganda
broadcast. The message included a statement that he was feeling
fine, urged his wife not to worry about him and that he would write
later. The telegram also said that the message supplemented the
previous official report received from the International Red Cross.
Cecil L. - Pfc.
WOUNDED IN ACTION - Pfc. Cecil L. Williamson, 20, U. S. Army, Infantry,
was wounded in action in France July 27, according to a telegram from the
war department received by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williamson, 816,
South Eighteenth and a Half street. A graduate of the Corsicana high
school he entered the service July 7, 1943, and has been overseas since
January 1944. He was recently awarded the Expert Infantryman's Badge
and is entitled to wear the coveted blue rifle badge as a result of his
passing a series of tough Infantry tests. The badge has been
received by his parents here.
John B. - Pvt.
RECEIVES PROMOTION - Pvt. John B. Redden U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Redden, has recently been promoted to the rank of private first
class. He is now stationed at Ft. Riley, Kans. Upon entering
the service he received his training in mechanized cavalry qualifying as
an expert with pistol and machine gun and marksman with rifle.
Redden has now been transferred to the horse cavalry. Prior to
entering the service he was employed by the Barq Bottling Company.
His wife and son plan to join him soon.
Melvin - S-Sgt. & Gilcrease, Norman - Sgt.
GILCREASE BROTHERS IN ACTION - S-Sgt. Melvin Gilcrease, Battery
"A" 133rd F. A. Bn, 36th Division, now in Italy, Fifth Army, has
received a soldier's award. The citation said he displayed heroism
not involved in conflict when on Aug. 18, 1942, he fought a train gasoline
blaze, stopped the train, saving valuable government and railroad property
and receiving burns on his hands, arms and chest. He is a Powell
High graduate. Sgt. Norman Gilcrease, infantry, has been in
Australia and New Guinea the past 18 months, having enlisted in February,
1942. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Gilcrease of the Roane
John - Cpl. & Ratliff, J. A.
AERIAL GUNNERS - Cpl. John Reed and Cpl. J. A. Ratliff were graduated last
week from the Army Airforces Flexible Gunnery School, Laredo Army Air
Field, member of the AAF Training Command. They are now qualified to
take their places as members of a bomber combat crew. Along with
their diplomas they received a pair of Aerial Gunner's silver wings and
promotion in grade at brief graduation exercises. Cpl. Reed's wife,
Mrs. John Reed resides at 208 East Fifteenth Avenue and Cpl Ratliff's
father, J. A. Ratliff, resides at 729 East Tenth Avenue.
Jasper A., Jr.
OUTSTANDING - Chosen as outstanding enlisted man at Frederick Army Air
Field Okla., for the month of February was Sgt. Jasper A. Inmon, Jr.
Kerens, Texas. A military guard, Sgt. Inmon is posted at the main
gate where his cheerful disposition as he examines passes and handles
traffic has gained him the reputation of one of the best liked enlisted
men on the field and led to his award of the plaque from Col. R. B.
Davenport, commanding officer, during a pilot graduation ceremony March
Richard Dewey.
RECEIVES WINGS - Richard D. Hickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hickson,
Corsicana, Route No. 4, was a member of the class of sergeant technicians
graduated this week from the Harlingen Army Air Field. Sgt. Hickson
received silver gunner's wings along with a diploma and sergeant's
chevrons after completing the six-week aerial gunnery course.
James W. - S-Sgt.
SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND - Staff Sgt. James W. Barnes, U. S. Army, Cavalry,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Barnes, 814 West Eleventh Avenue, has arrived
safely somewhere in England, according to information received by
relatives and friends. Sgt. Barnes has been in the service four
years. Prior to reporting for overseas duty he was stationed at Camp
Maxey, Texas.
Ralph E. - Pvt.
IN ITALY - Pvt. Ralph E. Whitener, 22, U. S. Army, is now stationed
somewhere in Italy according to a letter received by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Witener, Frost, Texas, Route 1. He entered the Army April
24, 1944, receiving his basic training at Camp Hood, Texas, Fort George G.
Meade, Md., and New York. He writes he is O.K. and doing fine.
Howard E. - Pfc.
PARATROOPER - Pfc. Howard E. Bostwick, 20, recently completed his
paratroop training and has won his wings, according to information
received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bostwick, 625 South Fifteenth
street. Following an exhibition by his class numbering 146 scheduled
at MacArthur Field, New York, for a bond rally Nov. 7, he is expected to
receive a 15 day furlough.
Maxie Ben - Lt.
GETS SILVER WINGS - Lt. Maxie Ben Seale was a member of the 43-F class of
aviation cadets to graduate from the Army Air Forces Advanced Flying
School at George Army Air Field, Lawrenceville, Ill., June 30. He
received the silver wings of a flying officer and was commissioned a
second lieutenant in the Army Air Forces. Lieut. Seale is the son of
County Commissioner and Mrs. L. M. Seale of Kerens.
Olan C. - Sgt.
PROMOTED - Sgt. Olan C. Bonner, 29, U. S. Army Air Forces, has recently
been promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant, according t information
received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bonner, Angus. Entering
the service in January 1942, he has been overseas since September of the
same year and has been serving in Egypt, Tunisa, Malta, Italy, Corsica and
for the past three months has again been stationed in Italy. He is a
graduate of the Emhouse high school.
Truman F., Second Lt.
WINS WINGS - Second Lieut. Truman F. Coley, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Coley, Sr., Corsicana, Route No. 1 was a member of 1944's first class of
combat navigators to be graduated from the hugh AAF navigation
training base at the Hondo Army Air Field where he received his wings.
Almost every section of the nation was represented in this class.
Kenneth C.
AERIAL GUNNER - Cpl. Kenneth C. Scroggins, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace
S. Scroggins, 400 West Tenth avenue, recently graduated from the
Davis-Monthan Field Tucson, Ariz., as an aerial gunner on a B-24 and
qualified for immediate combat duty. A graduate of the Corsicana
high school, he entered the service in June 1943.
Clifton E. - Pvt.
SENDS GREETINGS - Pvt. Clifton E. Flanagan, U. S. Army, has sent Season's
Greetings to his wife, Mrs. Helen Flanagan, 801 South Ninth street, from
Kodiak, Alaska. He has been in the service since November 10, 1942.
Loyd - Cpl.
MARINE PROMOTED - Loyd Sharpley, U. S. Marines, Camp Elliott, San Diego,
Calif., recently was promoted to the rank of corporal. Corporal
Sharpley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sharpley, 1109 West Seventh
Avenue, enlisted in April 1942. A graduate of Corsicana High School,
Sharpley was employed at Houston before enlisting.
Alfred D.
PILOT - Flight Officer Alfred D. Milligan, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Milligan, Streetman, was a member of the class of pilots recently
graduated at the AAF Training Station, Ellington Field. He attended
Cumberland University in Tennessee, and Trinity University, Texas.
He is a member of Sigma Alpa Epsilon social fraternity.
John M.
GETS SILVER WINGS - John M. Remonte, 801 North Beaton street, recently
graduated from the Blackland Army Air Field, Waco, advanced twin engine
training. Ceremonies were held on the flight line where he received
the silver pilot wings of the Army Air Forces. He attended the
Corpus Christi Junior College prior to entering the service as an aviation
Edwin T.
GETS SILVER WINGS - Edwin T. Phinney, s-1-c is home on a 21 day leave
following 16 months active duty in the South Pacific in the U. S. Navy.
He attended Mexia High School. Seaman Phinney, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. Phinney, 625 West Fourth avenue, entered the Navy, June 2,
1943. He returned to San Francisco Jan. 2
Barr, John
PARATROOPER - Pvt. John L. Barr, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barr, Barry
Route No. 1, has won the right to wear the world-famous Wings and Boots of
the United States Volunteer Paratrooper. World War II's most feared
warrior. He recently made his fifth and qualifying night jump, which
completed his four weeks training at Fort Benning Ga.
Chas. F. - Pvt.
AT RADAR SCHOOL - Pvt. Chas. F. Payne 20, former KAND announcer, recently
visited relatives in Corsicana en route from Camp Davis, N. C., to Ft.
Bliss where he is now attending a radar school. The son of Mrs. B.
F. Payne, Emhouse, Pvt. Payne is a graduate of the Emhouse high school.
Grayson, Leslie Gordon Jr
