Robert H. - Capt.
With Eighth Air Force Fighter Station, England - Capt. Robert H. Cheney,
Jr., of Corsicana, Tex., has been assigned as a P-51 pilot to the Eighth
Air Force Fighter Command group led by Col. Roy W. Osborn, of San Antonio.
He escorts England-based U.S. heavy bombers on strategic missions over
Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe and strafes enemy ground targets ahead of
our invading armies.
A graduate of Corsicana high school and Southern Methodist university, he
was awarded his wings and commission on Oct. 31, 1941, after receiving
primary training at Santa Maria, Calif., basic at Randolph Field, Tex.,
and advanced at Kelly Field, Tex. Prior to being sent overseas in
August of this year, he was an instructor at various fields.
Capt. Cheney was an agent for the Dallas Morning News before he entered
the service in March 1941. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hood Cheney,
reside at 1542 West Fourth Avenue, Corsicana. He has a brother,
Michael, and a sister, Billie Anne.
Eugene C. - Col.
CORSICANA NATIVE IS CHIEF OF STAFF - Headquarters South Pacific Base
Command - Colonel Eugene C. Johnston, native of Corsicana, Texas, has been
named Chief of Staff to Major General Frederick Gilbreath, Commanding
General of the South Pacific Base Command with headquarters in New
Colonel Johnston, came here from the San Francisco, Port of Embarkation,
where he was on duty nearly two years after serving in the G-1 (personnel)
Section of the General Staff and in the Personnel Division of the Army
Service Forces, Washington. He was graduated from the United States
Military Academy in 1920.
Mrs. Johnston lives at 1539 Francisco Street, San Francisco.
The South Pacific's mission in the ever-tightening ring against Japan is,
principally, rehabilitation of troops and supply of material to soldiers
on more active fronts. As chief of staff, Colonel Johnston
aids in putting into effect the orders of the Commanding General so that
completion of these missions may be effected.
W. M., Jr.
FAMILY HEARS FROM W. M. TAYLOR, Jr. - Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Taylor, 1445 West
Second avenue, have recently received a letter from their son, Lt. Wm. M.
Taylor, Jr., located with American base forces, somewhere aboard, stating
that he is feeling fine and fighting the same way. The letter does
not state, due to censorship rules, where he is located, but he says they
are going to "do the job here well and come back to the good old U.
S. A."
The letter had been opened by the censor as stickers proclaimed, and
stamped as passed by the censor.
James Franklin
COMMISSIONED - James Franklin Ballew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Franklin
Ballew, Frost, Texas, Route 1, graduated recently from the Naval Air
Training Base, Corpus Christi, and was commissioned an ensign in the U. S.
Naval Reserve, according to Naval Air Training Center information.
He received his preliminary flight instruction at the Norman, Okla., Naval
air base. Each Naval aviator is an expert flyer, navigator,
areologist, gunner and radio operator. They fly carrier-based or
land based planes in Combat zones or at Naval Air Stations at home and
[note: son of Jacob Franklin "Frank" Ballew & Mary
D. Lindsey -
View Clipping]
Accepted as Naval Cadet.
James Franklin Ballew son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ballew of Frost, has
been selected for training as a Naval Aviation Cadet and will be ordered
to active duty shortly.
He graduated from Blooming Grove high school in 1942 and was a member of
the football, basketball and baseball squads. __
John W. - T-Sgt.
AWARDED MEDAL - An Eighth AAF Bomber Station, England -- Technical
Sergeant John W. Watkins, 19, of Barry, Texas, top turret gunner on the
Eighth Air Force Flying Fortress "Formation flo," has been
awarded the Good Conduct Medal for exemplary service and conscientious
attention to duty. Sgt. Watkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins
of Route 1, Barry, attended Barry High School, where he played
baseball and football. He enlisted in the AAF in December, 1942, and
received his gunner's wings July 21, 1942.
Tech. Sgt. J. W. D. Watkins, 20, U. S. Army Air Forces veteran of 28
missions over enemy Occupied Territory in the European Theatre of
Operations, is at home pending a 21-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Watkins, Barry, Route 1.
An engineer-gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress, Sgt. Watkins wears the
Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Meal with three Oak Leaf Clusters and a
Presidential Citation ribbon.
"The flak looks pretty bad when you see it all around you and the
shrapnel pounding the sides of your plane makes lots of noise," the
veteran gunner observed with a smile and added, "it makes no
difference how high you are or how cold it is, you certainly warm up when
the fighters start at you - you don't need that heavy flying suit - you
get hot as a fire-cracker."
"You are nervous and scared until you fire the first round at the
enemy - then you get steady - your fear leaves you and you really start to
fighting he said.
Stationed with the Eighth Air Force somewhere in England.
Albert W. - Pfc.
HOME ON FURLOUGH - Pfc. Albert W. Watkins, 36, U. S. Army, Infantry, is
home on a 21 day furlough visiting his wife, the former Miss Lillian
Bryant, Blooming Grove, and parents, Mr. and MRs. Mack Watkins, Barry.
Entering the service Dec. 3, 1943, Pfc. Watkins has been overseas 13
months in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations participating in the
invasion of Sicily and the fighting at Salerno. A graduate of the
Barry high school, he will report for reassignment August, 6 at Ft. Sam
James B. (Buddy) - Sgt.
IN AUSTRALIA - Sgt. James B. (Buddy) Shook, 20, U. S. Army, is now
stationed somewhere in Australia and getting along fine according to
information received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Shook, 812 South
Beaton street. A graduate of the Corsicana high school he entered
the service in December 1942, and has been overseas since June 1943.
Previous to enlistment Sgt. Shook was employed at the State National Bank.
Billy M. - Petty Officer First Class
REPORTS TO MIAMI - Petty Officer First Class, Billy M. Bowden, 26, U. S.
Navy, left August 10th for Miami, Florida, where he will receive several
weeks training before reporting for active duty with the Atlantic fleet.
Yoeman Bowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowden, Corsicana, was stationed
with the Navy Recruiting Office at Dallas for the past two years.
Mrs. Bowden will make her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Breithaupt, for the duration.
Robert Earl - Cpl.
VETERAN 36th DIVISION - Cpl. Robert Earl Armstrong, 24, 36th Division,
133rd Field Artillery, veteran of the North African and Italian campaigns
arrived in the states September 1, and is now home spending a 24 day
furlough with his wife, Gladys Ruth Armstrong, Mildred, and parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Armstrong, 1104 West Eleventh avenue. Entering
the service Nov. 1940 when the National Guard was mobilized and
federalized, Cpl. Armstrong landed on the beaches at Salerno and fought
through the Italian campaign until Rome was captured and passed. He
has been awarded the good conduct medal and wears the campaign ribbon with
three stars. He attended the Navarro high school.
Sam L. - Pfc.
WITH 36th DIVISION - Pfc. Sam L. Wilson, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Wilson, Richland, Route 3, was mobilized with the National Guard here in
1940 and is with the 36th Division in Italy. He is in the field
artillery and has seen much action. He was recently hospitalized due
to illness but writes his parents that he is doing well. He is
a graduate of the Richland high school.
Thomson, Jay V.
MISSING OVER FRANCE - First Lieut. Jay V. Thomson, U. S. Army Air Forces,
Anacostes, Wash. has been missing in action over France since July 14,
according to information received by friends here. He received his
primary training at Corsicana Field, Class 43-C basic at Waco and advanced
and his wings at Aloe Field, Victoria. Lt. Thomson had been in
England since October, 1943, had completed 60 missions before D-Day, and
had won the Congressional Air Medal and five Oak Leaf Clusters. A
pilot of a P-47, he had one plane shot up and several hits on the new
Alma - Capt. & Trent, Leonard M. - Sgt.
BROTHERS MEET IN ITALY - Cpl Alma R. Trent, 30, Field Artillery, and Sgt.
Leonard M. Trent, 20, Signal Corps, held a reunion somewhere in Italy July
20, according to information received by their parents, Mrs. and Mrs. H.
H. Trent, Kerens. This meeting was the first time the brothers had
seen each other in two years. Cpl. Trent has been in the service
three years and overseas two years. Sgt. Trent has been in the
service two years and overseas one year. Both are graduates of the
Kerens high school.
Dewey L. - S-Sgt.
Station England, May 1 - (Special) - Staff Sgt. Dewey L. Rhoads, 20, 623
North Beaton street, Corsicana Texas, has been awarded the second Oak Leaf
Cluster to his Air Medal.
The presentation was made by his group commander, Col. Hunter Harris, Jr.
He is the waist gunner on the ship "Picadilly Ann" at this
Eighth AAF Flying Fortress base in England.
Sgt. Rhoads is the son of Mrs. Ruth Rhoads of the Corsicana, Texas
Prior to entering the AAF in November, 1942, Sgt. Rhoads, a Corsicana high
school graduate, was employed as a stock clerk. He received his
gunners wings in July 1943.
The citation reads "For exceptionally meritorious achievement, while
participating in five separate bomber combat missions over enemy occupied
continental Europe. The courage, coolness and skill displayed by
Sgt. Rhoads upon these occasions reflect great credit upon himself and the
Armed Forces of the United States.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., May 1, 1944
Submitted by
Diane Richards
Dewey L. Rhoads, 20, U. S. Army Air Forces, left waist gunner on the
famous Fortress Picadilly Ann, son of Mrs. Ruth Rhoads, 623 North Beaton
street is reported missing in action over France since June 19, it was
stated in a telegram from the war department received by his mother
Friday. Recently awarded his second Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal,
Sgt. Rhoads, a 1941 graduate of the Corsicana high school, volunteered for
service in November 1942. He received his gunner's wings in
July 1943. Stationed at an Eighth AAF Bomber Station, England, the
gunner has completed a large number of missions over enemy occupied
Donald D. - S-Sgt.
WITH BOMBER GROUP AWARDED AIR MEDAL - With a 12th AAF B-26 Marauder Bomber
Group in Corsica - Staff Sgt. Donald D. Abernathy of State Orphans Home
Corsicana, Texas has been awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious
achievement", it was announced recently from headquarters of Maj.
Gen. John K. Cannon's 12th AAF.
Overseas since August, 1942, Sergeant Abernathy has 35 combat missions in
the Mediterranean theater as a Marauder radio operator-gunner.
Twenty-two years old, he entered the army in July, 1940.
Neil D. - Flight Officer
Flight Officer Neil D. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Clark, Dawson, and
a member of the 438 troop carrier group, has received medals for
outstanding service in the Air Forces. For participating in
D-Day over Normandy F-O Clark was awarded the Air Medal. Later
he received the Oak Leaf Cluster for action on D-Day in Southern France.
Following is a copy of his Presidential Unit Citation: "The 438th
Troop Carrier Group. For outstanding performance of duty in action against
enemy on 5th, 6th and 7th of June 1944. On these dates members of
Group Headquarters and of the 87th, 88th, 89th and 90th Troop Carrier
Squadrons of the 438th Troop Carrier Group accomplished 131 powered
aircraft sorties and 50 glider sorties, fearlessly approaching their
objectives through a barrage of anti-aircraft fire to lead the Troop
Carrier spearhead of the Allied invasion of Europe in the greatest
airborne operation in the history of world aviation. Despite
adverse weather conditions, personnel of this group unflinchingly
discharged their paratroops and released their gliders with extreme
accuracy while flying at dangerously low altitudes and minimum air speeds.
Functioning as a perfectly balanced team, the 438th Troop Carrier Group,
by its successful accomplishment of these missions in such a gallant and
distinguished manner, rendered outstanding service to the Army Air
Marvin Jr., - s-2-c
HOME ON FURLOUGH - Marvin Crowe, Jr. 18, U. S. Navy, s-2-c, is at home on
a nine day furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Crowe,
Corsicana. A graduate of the Corsicana high school and a member of
the 1943 Tiger football team, Crowe took his boot training at Camp
Wallace, Texas.
Loftis, William David - Sgt.
Nov 3, 1923 - Oct 7, 1944
D. Loftis, 20, U. S. Army Air Forces, B-17 Flying Fortress tail gunner,
is missing in action over Germany since October 7, according to a
message from the war department received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
L. Loftis Purdon Route No 1, former Corsicana residents. A
graduate of the Corsicana high school, Sgt. Loftis entered the service
February 1943, and has been overseas since August 1, 1944.
KILLED IN ACTION - Sgt. William D. Loftis, 20,
tail gunner B-17 Flying Fortress, was killed in action over Germany October 7, according
to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Loftis of Pursley, formerly of
Corsicana, Tuesday. The telegram stated: "Report now received from German government
through the International Red Cross states your son Sergeant William D. Loftis who was
previously reported missing in action was killed in action seven October over Germany. The
Secretary of War extends deepest sympathy Letter follows" Two brothers are in the
service, Lt. Marcus Loftis, B-24 pilot, Tucson, Ariz., and Seaman First Class Chester R.
Loftis, U.S. Navy, Air Forces ground crew, San Francisco, Calif. A letter was recently
received by Mrs. Loftis from Mrs W. E. Hopkins, Kingsville, Texas, stating she had
received a letter from another crew member that the plane in which Sgt. Loftis and her son
had been seen to catch afire, but that it appeared the pilot had the craft under control.
A graduate of Corsicana High School, Sgt. Loftis entered the armed forces in February 1943
and had been overseas since August 1, 1944.
Sgt. W. D. Loftis
Funeral Rites Held
On Monday
Funeral services for
Sgt. William D.
Loftis, 20, were
held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel
Monday afternoon
with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were
conducted by Rev.
Jack Goff, pastor of
the North Side
Baptist church.
Native of Corsicana
and graduate of
Corsicana High
School, Sgt. Loftis
was killed in action
over Germany,
October 5, 1945,
while serving as a
tail gunner on a
B-17 Flying
Surviving are his
parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Loftis,
Pursley; five
brothers, Marcus J.
Lofits, Austin;
Vernon L. Loftis,
Temple, Wayne R.
Loftis, Cameron;
Mickey and Artie
Loftis, both of
Pursley; four
sisters, Mrs. Cecil
Humbert; Miss Mary
Frances Loftis, both
of Pursley; Mrs.
Lester Humbert and
Mrs. Lawrence
Nichols, both of
Corsicana, and
grandmother, Mrs. W.
D. Loftis, Pursley.
Brothers and
brothers-in-law were
The American Legion
and Texas National
Guard conducted
military rites at
the grave.
Jerome - T-Sgt.
Tech. Sgt. Jerome Mims, returned from 30 months overseas with the Army Air
Forces in the Southwest Pacific theater of operations, has arrived
in this country and will visit his mother, Mrs. Bertha Dew of Corsicana.
Long, Roy B.
Naval Aviation Cadet Roy B. Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. L Long, formerly of
this place but now of Corsicana, has been transferred to the Naval Air
Station at Corpus Christi, after successful completion of the primary
flight training at the Naval Air Station, Lambert Field, St. Louis, Mo.
Rob B. Long started his naval career by attending the Naval Pre-flight
School at Athens, GA. He was transferred on April 23, 1943.
After three months intermediate flight training at Corpus Christi, Long
will pin on his wings as a naval aviator and be commissioned as ensign in
the Naval Reserve or a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve.
Cecil - Corp.
SPEND FURLOUGH HERE - Corp. Cecil Griffith, 19, mechanic in the U. S. Army
Air Corps, has returned to his station at LaJunta, Colo., after spending a
furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Griffith here. He has
been in the service about two years.
Louis B. - Sgt.
IN NEW GUINEA - Sgt. Louis B. Daniel, 21, U. S. Army Infantry, is now
stationed in New Guinea and has participated in a number of the major
battles in this theatre of war. He is the son of Mr. and MRs.
L. B. Daniel, 1326 West Thirteenth avenue. Prior to entering
the service in April 1943, he attended the Corsicana high school.
Sgt. Daniel has been overseas ten months. A special commendation for the
unit of which Sgt. Daniel is a member, was recently issued by General
MacArthur in which the general expressed "admiration for the splendid
conduct of the campaign east of Aitape *** the operations were planned
with skill, were executed with great determination and courage and were
crowned with great success."
Charles T. Jr.
BOMBARDIER - Charles T. Roundtree, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Roundtree, Dawson, recently completed an intensive eighteen weeks of
training as a bombardier-navigator and was graduated a second lieutenant
from the Army Air Forces Training Command's school at Midland.
Already skilled as aerial gunners, the men who win their wings as
bombardiers in the Army Air Forces today are real triple-threat members of
the deadly aerial combat teams. Lieut. Roundtree attended John
Tarleton Agriculture College prior to entering the service.
Dew, Bobby;
Hitchcock, Jack C.; Kesinger, Fred, Jr.
Pictured above are three Corsicana boys, inseparable companions prior to
their entry into the U. S. Navy. Bobby Dew, 20, U. S. Navy, Med. Det.,
now serving in the Aleutians, has been overseas since Dec., 1943. A
graduate of the Corsicana High School and a member of the Tiger football
team in '41 and '42, he entered the service July 1, 1943. He
is the son of Mrs. Bertha Dew, 1125 West Seventh Avenue. Jack C.
Hitchcock, 20, U. S. Navy, Seaman, 2-c has been in foreign service since
November, 1943, and is now serving in the South Pacific theatre of war.
Prior to entering the service in July 1943, he attended Corsicana High
School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hitchcock, 1510 West
Collin. Fred Kesinger, Jr., 18, Seaman 2-c, U. S. Navy is now
serving in the South Pacific theatre of war where he has been for the past
month. A 1943 graduate of the Corsicana High School he entered the
service June 24, 1943. He was quarter back on the Tiger football
team in '41 and '42, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kesinger, Sr. 205
Louis Walton - Pfc.
PARATROOPER - Pfc. Louis W. Dickson, U. S. Army, is now stationed at Ft.
Benning, Ga., in the parachute troops. A 1941 graduate of the Purdon
high school, he entered the service March 4, 1943, first serving at Ft.
Lewis, Washington. Prior to entering the army he was connected with
the K. Wolens department stores.
Jerry Todd - Second Lieut.
NAVIGATOR - Second Lieut. Jerry T. Stockard, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Todd
H. Stockard, Frost, has completed the navigation course of the AAF
Training Command at Ellington Field, and has been awarded silver wings.
He is now ready to lead AAF bombers to the crumbling defenses of Axis-held
Perry - Seaman
IN MERCHANT MARINE - Perry Slaughter, 18, seaman, U. S. Merchant Marine,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Slaughter, 215 South Twentieth Street, is now
stationed at St. Petersburg, Florida. A graduate of the Corsicana
high school, he has been in the service six months. Slaughter,
according to newspaper clippings, is prominent in boxing bouts being
staged at the camp fighting in the 125 pound division. He is
reported to have won all his bouts to date.
RETURNS TO DUTY - Perry Slaughter,
19, quartermaster in the Merchant Marine, has returned to his base for
further overseas duty following a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Slaughter. He has been in the Merchant Marine about a year and
has made trips to Italy, England and other sections of the war zone.
He was in the convoy from England to France on D-Day. He is a
graduate of the Corsicana high school.
Thomas M. - Pfc. & McPherson, Frank E. - Pfc.
BROTHERS IN ARMY - Pfc. Thomas M. McPherson and Pfc. Frank E. McPherson,
U.S. Army, have received their sailing orders at the same time, with
Thomas reporting at a New York embarkation point and Frank at a San
Francisco embarkation station. The brothers were home on furloughs
together last July while Frank was at Ft. Monmouth and Thomas was at Camp
Bowie. They are sons of Mrs. McPhearson of Corsicana and the late F.
E. McPherson.
Price, Ben
M. - Pfc.
SOMEWHERE IN ITALY - Pfc. Ben M. Price, Coast Artillery stationed
somewhere in Italy for the past 15 months,is getting along fine and
expects to come home soon, according to information recently received by
his mother, Mrs. A. M. Price, Purdon, route No. 1, Prior to entering the
service over two years ago, he attended the Dawson high school. He
is enjoying excellent health and weighs 185 pounds according to letters
Walton A.
IN THE NAVY - Walton A. Poe, apprentice seaman, enlisted in the Navy on
June 23, this year and is now stationed at San Diego, Calif., for his
training. Walton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Poe, Navarro,
and graduated from the Mildred high school with the 1943 class. He
writes that he likes the Navy and that he is doing fine.
Paul D. - Pvt. & Rodgers, Cecil L. - Cpl.
BROTHERS IN SERVICE - Pvt. Paul D. Rogers, U. S. Army Air Forces, and Cpl.
Cecil L. Rogers, 23, U. S. Army Amphibious Forces, are the sons of Mrs.
Frankie Rogers, 1913 West Thirteenth Avenue. Paul has recently
returned to his station at Dover, Delaware, following a ten day furlough
spent with his mother. Recently completing training as an armorer,
he is scheduled to go to gunnery school soon. He entered the service
July 15, 1943. Cecil is now serving in the Pacific Theatre of
operations. He entered the service May 12, 1943. His wife and
son reside at Houston.
Warren K. & Hart, Amos F.
BROTHERS IN SERVICE - Warren K. Hart, 18, and Amos F. Hart, 20, brothers,
both with the rating of s-1-c, now serving in the United States Navy, are
the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hart, 220 West Mulberry, Sherman, former
residents of Corsicana. Both are graduates of the Corsicana high
school. Warren recently graduated from the Naval Air Technical
Training Center at Norman, Okla., and will be transferred to another base
where he will finish gunnery. Amos is now stationed at San Diego,
Calif., where he graduated from torpedo school June 16. He is to be
sent to a destroyer base for further training.
Edgar J., Jr. & Daniel, William J.
BOMBER PILOTS - Two Navarro County men, recently completed advanced
training, have been commissioned second lieutenants and received their
silver wings as bomber pilots. They are Edgar J. Glenn, Jr.
Blooming Grove, graduating from Blackland Fields, Waco; and William J.
Daniel, Kerens, graduating from the Altus Okla., Army Air Field.
A record breaking total of combat pilots, including 271 Texans received
their wings in simultaneous graduation ceremonies at eleven Southwestern
advanced flying schools of the AAF Training Command.
James D. - Pfc.
COMMENDED - Pfc. James D. Taylor, 19, U. S. Marine Corps, is shown just
after he received a letter of commendation from his commanding officer
somewhere in the South Pacific. The letter signed by the
commanding general of the Second Division, was awarded Taylor for his
gallantry in carrying a Marine sergeant to safety on Tarawa.
Stranded with the sergeant and a Marine corporal in front of the Marine
front lines, Taylor and the corporal carried their wounded buddy to
safety, despite heavy Jap fire. Taylor who has two brothers in the
Army, lives at 903 South Seventeenth street, Corsicana.
Alton Ray & Gipson, Robert L.
BROTHERS IN SERVICE - Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gipson, Corsicana, have two sons
in the armed service. Pvt. Alton Ray Gipson is stationed in Alaska
and Robert L. Gipson MM 1-c U. S. Navy is in New Zealand. He has
been overseas 16 months. Mr. and Mrs. Gipson also have two
sons-in-law in the service. They are Pvt. James D. Attaway, Army
Medical Corps, overseas, and Corp. Arthur D. Boswell, Army Signal Corps
stationed in New Guinea.
E. M. - Sgt. & James Ellett, Jr.
IN ENGLAND - Staff Sgt. E. M. Hopwood, Jr., 22 and Sgt. James Ellett, Jr.,
20 both in the U. S. Army, now stationed somewhere in England, send the
above picture home to show they are getting along fine and that the
country agrees with them. The picture was received by the staff
sergeant's wife. Both non-coms have been in the service about one
year and both graduated from the Corsicana high school. They are the
sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hopwood, 1101 North Commerce street, and Mr.
and Mrs. James Ellett, 1104 West Fifteenth Avenue.
Jimmie D. - Pvt.
IN THE ARMY - Pvt. Jimmie D. Capeheart, U. S. Army is now stationed at
Camp Fannin, Texas, A graduate of the Navarro high school, he is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Capeheart, Angus.
George Milton; Hair, Alex Eugene; Hair, Lonnie T.
THREE BROTHERS IN SERVICE - Pictured above, .... are Pfc. George Milton
Hair, Pfc. Alex Eugene Hair and Cpl. Lonnie T. Hair, sons of A. F. Hair,
Eureka, all members of the armed forces. George has arrived
somewhere in England, according to information received by his wife and
daughter, Carolyn, who reside in Corsicana. He entered the service
April 6, 1944, and trained at Camp Robinson, Ark. Alex is somewhere
in Australia. Entering the service in October 1941, he has
been overseas since May 1942. Lonnie entered the service in
February 1943, and has been overseas since May 1944. He is now
somewhere in New Guinea. All attended Mildred high school.
Dan B. & Nokes, George O., Jr.
COMMISSIONED - Dan B. Cunningham, son of Mrs. I. T. Blake, and George O.
Nokes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Nokes, have been commissioned second
lieutenants in the Army Air Forces after completing bombardier training at
the Carlsbad, N. M. Army Air Field. Leut. Cunningham is a
former student of the University of Texas, Austin, and Lieut. Nokes is a
former student of Baylor University, Waco, and the University of Texas.
Jennings B., Jr. - Pvt.
IN THE ARMY - Pvt. Jennings B. Paschal Jr., 19, U. S. Army is now
stationed at Camp Callan, San Diego, Calif. A former Corsicana high
school student he was a member of the 1942 Tiger football team. He
entered the Army December 31, 1943, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Paschal, 904 West Sixteenth avenue.
E. A. - Cpl.
IN ITALY - Cpl. E. A. Patterson, U. S. Army Air Forces, is now stationed
somewhere in Italy. The son of Mrs. E. A. Patterson, he has been in
the service for 18 months and has been on active duty overseas since the
first of the year.
Hershel A. - s-1c
MISSING - Hershel A. Daniel, 19, S-1C, U. S. Navy, is missing in the
Pacific Area. He was a gunner on a Navy bombing plane. A
telegram from the Navy recently telling of the seaman's missing did not
reveal the date. A graduate of Corsicana High School he entered the
Navy July 1, 1943, and has been overseas since May 1944. His
wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Daniel, Reside here.
Robert Henry - s-2-c
IN THE NAVY - Robert Henry Peacock, 19, seaman 2-c, U. S. Navy, is now
stationed at San Diego, Calif., where he is taking a course of special
training. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Peacock, Powell.
His wife, the former Miss Ruby Lee Standard, resides in Corsicana.
Prior to entering the service in December 1943, he attended the Phillips
Chapel and Powell schools.
Cornelius C. - S1-C
ON LEAVE - S1-C Cornelius C. Carroll, U. S. Navy, stationed on a hospital
ship in the South Pacific the past 21 months, is home on a 30-day leave
visiting his mother, Mrs. Sallie Carroll, 908 West Seventeenth avenue.
Seaman Carroll enlisted in the Navy, Feb. 1, 1942, and this is his first
leave. Prior to entering the Navy, he was employed in Corpus
Paul T.
AWARDED WINGS - Paul T. Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Flynn, 2804 Park
Row, Corsicana, has successfully completed the Army Air Force Advanced
Flying School Training at Williams Field, Chandler, Ariz. The pilot
has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Corps. Lt.
Flynn is a former student of North Texas Agricultural College Arlington.
Robert B. - Rear Admiral
WINS NAVY CROSS - Rear Admiral Robert B. Carney, had of Admiral Halsey's
"dirty trick department," was awarded the Navy Cross for his
work in the Second Philippines sea battle Oct. 23-26.
James Raymond; Selwyn Dale; Marion La Don; Dan Blake
FOUR BROTHERS IN SERVICE - R. L. Cunningham of Blooming Grove, has four
sons in the United States Armed Forces. They are Pfc. James Raymond
Cunningham, 30, ground crew, U. S. Air Forces, stationed at Bakersfield,
Calif. He entered the service March 4, 1943. Cpl. Selwyn
Dale Cunningham, 26, U. S. Infantry, now stationed in North African
Theatre of war. He entered the service June 19, 1941. Pvt.
Marion La Don Cunningham, 23, ground crew U. S. Air Forces, now serving in
England, entered the service Nov. 12, 1941. Aviation Cadet Dan Blake
Cunningham, 21, entered the service in February, 1943, and is stationed at
Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Blooming Grove Times, Friday
February 12, 1943
Pvt. Raymond Cunningham, of
California, and sister Mrs. Sam Morton, of Stinnet, came in Sunday to
visit their father R.L. Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGovern.
This is Raymond’s first visit since he went into the service a year ago.
Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
Wood, Hugh
FLIGHT OFFICER - Hugh L. Wood, 1510 West Second avenue, recently completed
his advanced training at Elington Field where he received his wings and
was given the rating of Flight Officer. He is a bomber pilot.
PROMOTED - Billy Stokes, 24, U. S. Navy, has been promoted to the rating
of 2-c petty officer, according to information by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Stokes, 608 West Park. Entering the service in December
1943, he is now stationed at Pensacola, Florida, with the Naval Air Corps.
A graduate of the Corsicana high school, Stokes also was a member of the
Tiger football team. Prior to entering the service he attended the
University of Texas.
Hugh Gene
PROMOTED - Hugh Gene Brown, U.S. Navy, has recently been promoted to the
rating of Aviation Machinist Third Class, according to information
received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mills 2103 West Second Avenue.
Petty Officer Brown entered the service March 23, 1943, and is now
connected with the Ground Training School at Cabaniss Field, Corpus
Christi. Prior to entering the service he was crew chief at
Corsicana Field. He attended Corsicana high school and was a
member of the band.
John Wayne - Lieut.
OVERSEAS - Lieut., John Wayne Mitchell, son of J. W. Mitchell, Barry,
writes that he is half around the world now. being stationed
somewhere in the Pacific area. The food is good he reports and his
is well. Lieut. Mitchell graduated from Barry high school and did
his college work at North Texas State Teachers College, Denton. He
received his military training at Sheppard Field Wichita Falls; Chanute
Field, Illinois; Miami, Florida, Officers Training; Pratt and Whitney,
Hartford, Conn., and Smyrna Air Base Smyrna, Tenn. He is now an
engineering officer in the Air Corps.
Thomas - Lieut.
COMMISSIONED - Lieut. Thomas Shivers, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Shivers of
1424 West 5th Avenue, Corsicana, Texas, was a member of the 44-a class of
aviation cadets to graduate from the Army Air Forces Pilot School
(Advanced 2 Engine) at George Field, Illinois, on January 7. He
received the silver wings of a flying officer and was commissioned a
second lieutenant in the Army Air Forces. Lieut. Shivers entered
pilot training last July, and attended flying schools at Benettsville, S.
C. and Sumner, S. C., before his graduation at the advanced flying school
at George Field, Illinois.
Alvin J. - Lt.
VISITED PARENTS - Lt. Alvin J. Marks, 23, U. S. Army Air Forces, has
returned to La Junta Army Air Field, Colorado, following a leave spend
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Marks, 1224 West Fourth avenue.
Lt. Marks recently won his wings and was commissioned at La Junta where he
completed advanced training in the famous Mitchell bombers. A
graduate of the Corsicana high school and the University of Texas, Lt.
Marks took flight training in California, Texas and Colorado. He
made an exceptionally high record at La Junta where thirty-four Texans
were members of his graduation class.
Gillen, Billy Lamar
IN AIR CORPS NOW - Billy Lamar
Gillen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Gillen, Blooming Grove, is with the
medical detachment in the air corps and is located at Ft. George Wright,
Spokane, Washington. He enlisted in September, 1942. Billy is a graduate
of the Blooming Grove High school and attended A. and M. College during
the summer term in 1942.
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