Marshall J. - Staff Sgt. PROMOTED - Staff Sgt. Marshall J. Massengale U. S. Army now stationed at
Ft. Lewis, Washington, has just been promoted to his present rank and is
in charge of the motor pool division of his company. He is the son
of W. M. Massengale, Eureka, and has been in the service three years. Nine
months of this time was spent in the Panama Canal Zone.
Simpson I. - Pvt.
RECEIVES MEDAL - Pvt. Simpson I. Russell, U. S. Army, somewhere in the
Pacific, recently was awarded a good conduct medal for active military
service. He entered the armed forces Nov. 6, 1942. His wife,
Mrs. Bessie Russell, resides at Roane, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Russell, resides at Roane and his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russell,
reside at 712 North Thirteenth street, Corsicana. A brother, Pvt.
Buford Russell, U. S. Army Engineers, has been on active duty for the past
17 months.
Miller, Roy
- Sgt.
IN MARSHALL INVASION - Sgt. Roy Miller, U. S. Army Infantry stationed in
the Hawaiian Islands for the past six months participated in the recent
successful invasion of the Marshall Islands according to a letter received
by his wife, Mrs. Flora Miller, 415 West Tenth avenue. The sergeant
said in his litter that "we are now in possession of the Marshall
Islands" and that he was one of the first U. S. soldiers to put foot
on Jap soil. He said the battle was terrible but that he came
through without a scratch. He has been in the service three years.
Wallace I.
COMPLETES TRAINING - Wallace I. Tomlin, 17, U. S. Navy, s-2-c, has
recently been on furlough after completing boot training at San Diego
Calif. A graduate of the Emhouse high school he is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Tomlin, Emhouse. A brother, T-Sgt. Aubrey C. Tomlin
and a brother-in-law, Second Lieut. Paul R. Bagget, are both with the
United States Air Force.
Edward Burnett - s-2-c
OVERSEAS - Edward Burnett Shivers, 18, U. S. Navy s-2-c, is now overseas
somewhere in the South Pacific with the amphibian forces according to
information received recently by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shivers
104 South Thirty-Fourth street. A graduate of the Corsicana High
School, he entered the services December 18, 1943.
Fred (Buck), Jr.
VISITED RELATIVES - Fred (Buck) Mabry, Jr. USN, former resident of
Corsicana, now on leave, Sunday was a guest in the home of his aunt, Mrs.
J. H. Douglas, 921 West First Avenue. His mother, Mrs. Joe D.
Stewart, now resides at Dallas. Stationed at New York, Mabry has
seen two years of service in the Atlantic. He attended the Corsicana
high school.
Charles W. - s-2-c
RETURNS TO BASE - Charles W. Washburns, S-2-C, U. S. Navy, has returned to
his base at San Diego, after spending a ten-day furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Washburn, 1616 West Twelfth Avenue. A graduate of
the Corsicana high school he was attending Hillsboro Junior College when
he entered the service in January 1944. He is specializing in radio.
Walter Jr.
RECEIVES SILVER WINGS - Walter Hayes Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hayes, 518 West Second avenue, has received his silver wings and graduated
as a flight officer from the Advanced Two-Engined Pilot School, Pecos Army
Air Field it was announced by Col. Henry B. Fisher, commanding officer.
He is a former student of the Corsicana high school.
Jerrell Max "Jerry" - c-1-c
ANNAPOLIS APPOINTMENT - Jerry Harris c-1-c, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walker Harris, Streetman, has been nominated as a candidate to the U.
S. Naval Academy by Congressman Luther A. Johnson of Corsicana. A
graduate of Streetman High School, and ex-student of Texas A. & M.
College, Harris entered the Navy, Jan. 2, 1942, and has almost completed a
seven months course in fire control school at San Diego, Calif. He
is a grandson of J. I. McCary of Richland and Mrs. S. T. Harris of
Oscar Derwood - s-2-c
VISITED PARENTS - s-2-c - Oscar Derwood Gaines, 18, U. S. N. R., has gone
to San Diego Calif., for future service after spending a leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Gaines, Corsicana, Route [?]. He entered
the Navy May 16, 1944 and took his first ten weeks training at Camp
Wallace, Texas. A former football player with the Mildred High
School Eagles, Gaines graduated in 1943.
Joe Robert - s-2-c
RETURNS TO SHIP - Joe Robert Welch, U. S. Navy, s-2-c, pictured above with
his son, Robert Earl is now serving on an aircraft carrier somewhere in
the Pacific after spending a 15 day furlough visiting his wife and son,
620 North Fourteenth street and his mother, Mrs. George Frederick,
Blooming Grove. He entered the service Feb 10, 1944, and has been
stationed in the Hawaiian Islands.
Van G. - Pvt.
INVASION VETERAN - Pvt. Van G. Burleson, 22, U.S. Army, participated in
the recent invasion of the Marshall Islands, according to a V-mail letter
recently received by his sister. Mrs. W. D. Pillans, Streetman.
He was also with the troops occupying Attu and Kiska during the 1943
Aleutian campaign. In the service since July 1943. Pvt
Burleson has been overseas since April 1943. He attended Streetman
high school. Stationed in Hawaii prior to the Aleutian and Marshall
campaigns he has now been returned to this base, according to latest
information received by relatives.
Leamon Earl. (Cotton) - S. Sgt
PRISONER OF WAR - S. Sgt. Leamon E. (Cotton) McCulloch, 21, U. S. Army Air
Forces, is a prisoner of war of the German government, according to a
telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leamon L. McCulloch,
Purdon, Route No 1. A veteran of 12 combat missions he was first
reported missing over Poland Feb. 24, 1944. He is an assistant
engineer and waist gunner on a B-17. A '42 graduate of the Blooming
Grove high school, Sgt. McCulloch entered the service December 1, 1942 and
has been overseas since November 1943, stationed in England.
Purdon Soldier Is Missing In Action
Staff Sergeant Lemon E. McCulloch son of Mrs. Clara McCulloch of
Purdon is one of seven Central Texas reported missing in action as
announced by the War Department Wednesday. He was in the
Mediterranean area.

Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., May 13, 1944
by Diane Richards
John Joel - Lieut. Col.
LIONS CLUB SPEAKER - Lieut. Col. John J. Garner, decorated with the Silver
Star for gallantry in action at Salerno, Veteran of two wars, serving with
the famous 36th Division for nearly a quarter of a century, was the
speaker at the regular meeting of the Lions Club Tuesday. Now home
on leave, the officer will report to Ft. Sam Houston soon for
re-assignment. (Photo by Tessie Dickeson).
William H., Jr. - 1st Lt.
An Eighth AAF Bomber Station, England, April 19, (Sphl)
-- A Flying Fortress, crippled when struck by the wing of a German plan in
the recent attack on a war plant near Hamm, in northwest Germany, returned
to base after surviving vicious Nazi fither assaults, heavy flack, and a
fire in the bomb bay.
Just before "bombs away", a fire started in the electrical
system of the bomb bay. The pilot, 1st Lt. William H. Patrick, Jr.,
618 West Fifth avenue, Corsicana, Texas, immediately opened the bomb bay
doors and used the emergency release to drop the bomb load. Two
bombs, however failed to drop free of the plane.
S-Sgt. Edward T. Webster, 350 Lafayette avenue, Passaic, N. J. radio
operator, walked out on the catwalk over the opened bomb bay doors and
kicked one of the bombs loose and saw it fall toward the target.
But the other bomb resisted his efforts to loosen it so Sgt. Webster
steadied himself with one hand and lifted the bomb free with the other,
letting it follow the first one down.
Then a flak fragment pierced the underside of the airplane's left wing and
severed the control cables to the left aileron. The combined efforts
of Lt. Patrick and the co-pilot, 2nd Lt. Frank W. Laird, 1021 Eighth
avenue Fort Worth, Texas were required to keep the plane under control and
out of the prop wash of other Forts.
Twenty to 25 enemy fighters fitted with belly tanks like the American P-47
Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs, tagged along after the formation like a
school of fish, apparently trying to convey the idea they were friendly
escorts. Suddenly they broke away, one by one and through their own
flak, began attacking the group singly from dead astern and level.
One PW 190 bore down on Lt. Patrick's Fort firing as it came but rolled
over and went beneath the Fort when only 100 years away. A second PW
190 came in slightly above level and the the engineer and top turret
gunner. Sgt. Anthony C. Tedali, 19, of 2885 Valentine avenue, Bronx N. Y.
opened fire on it at 700 yards.
The Jerry came head-on, straight at the battered Fort, instead of diving
underneath. Either the fighter was trying to ram the bomber or
it was out of control with the pilot dead or dying. Just before it
would have rammed head-on, the Fock Wulf's right wing went up lifting it
inches above the Fort's vertical fin. The fighters wing went down,
clipping the left elevator of the Fort. Then the fighter with a
sizeable chunk of its wing tip torn off, passed directly under the left
wing of the Fort and headed straight down in a spin, completely out of
control, Sgt. Tedaldi claimed a "destroyed".
During the return home, Lt. Patrick had to leave his formation and follow
below it to stay out of the formation's slip stream because he did not
have adequate control to handle the big ship. But he brought it
safely back to its base.
Patrick, Jr., Flying Fortress pilot, somewhere in England, U. S. Army Air
Forces, received the decoration of the Air Medal April 8. A graduate
of Corsicana High School, Lt. Patrick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Patrick 618 West Fifth avenue. The citation included:
"For exceptionally meritorious achievement while participating in
five separate bomber combat missions over enemy occupied continental
Europe. The courage, coolness, and skill displayed by this officer
upon these occasions reflects great credit upon himself and the armed
forces of the United States."
English AAF Bomber Base England - Captain William H. Patrick, Jr. son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patrick of 618 West Fifth Avenue, Corsicana, Texas, is
being decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross by Col. William M.
Reid, command officer of this heavy bomber group. The citation
accompanying the presentation of the award read in part: "...for
extraordinary achievement while serving as pilot of a B-17 Flying Fortress
during combat missions over Nazi Europe. The 22-year old pilot has
participated in many of the Eighth Air Forces successful daylight bombing
assaults on vital industrial targets and military installations in Germany
and the enemy-held countries of Europe. A graduate of Corsicana High
School, he attended the U. of Texas for two years. Captain Patrick
was employed by the Beauchamp-Patrick Co., of Corsicana, as a book-keeper
before joining the Army Air Force.
Eulin - T-5
T-5 Eulin Parker, 24, First Cavalry Division, Pacific Theatre of
Operations was recently awarded the Purple Heart Decoration at a special
ceremony according to a letter received from Innis P. Swift, Major
General, U. S. Army Commanding, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parker,
Purdon Route No. 1.
The letter follows:
Your son, T-5 Eulin Parker Headquarters First Squadron 12th Cavalry, was
among those soldiers of this Division Decorated with the Purple Heart at a
very impressive ceremony attended by the entire 12th Cavalry Regiment
yesterday in commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the regiment's
organization. I had the pleasure of personally pinning the medal on
your son and congratulating him on his fine work in our recent campaign.
"I take great pride in having T-5 Parker as a member of my command,
both because of his ability as a soldier and his performance in combat,
and his regiment shares this feeling with me. I am glad to inform
you that he is in fine health once again and has returned to regular
Parker has been in the service since October 1941, and has been overseas
since July 1943. He is a graduate of the Purdon high school.
Dan B. - First Lieutenant
DECORATED - 15th AAF in Italy - First Lieutenant Dan B. Cunningham, 22,
bombardier on a Flying Fortress operating from an advanced air base in
Italy, is being presented the Air Medal "for meritorious service and
achievement in serial flight" by Col. Paul L. Barton, left, group
commanding officer. Lt. Cunningham, son of Mrs. Maggie Blake, 1104
West 4th Ave., Corsicana, Texas, has flown 40 combat missions over
Nazi-held territory, and has received the Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air
Medal by order of Maj. Gen. Nathan F. Twining, commanding general of the
15th Air Force operating in Italy. Lt. Cunningham, a member of the
Alpha Phi Omega fraternity, attended Corsicana High and the University of
Texas where he majored in International Trade Relations, prior to his
enlistment in the Air Corps, Lt. Cunningham, recently promoted to the rank
of first lieutenant, received his wings and commission at Ardmore,
Charles Albert, Jr.
COMMISSIONED - Charles Albert Deveny, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Deveny, 1723 Woodlawn avenue, received his degree in meteorology at the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Tuesday and was
commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Corps. Charles
graduated from Corsicana High School in 1941, as valedictorian of his
class making an average of 97 1/2 for the entire four years while in high
school. He attended Hillsboro Junior College and majored in
mechanical engineering, while there he made the highest average in the
Engineering Department. Attending the University of Texas, he was
also an honor student there, and his name appeared in the highest group on
the honor roll, ranking in the top one percent. While in school at
the University, Charles volunteered for service in the Army Air Corps.
He was sent to the University of New Mexico to study premeteorology.
After completing this course, the Government sent him to the California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, for further study in
advanced meteorology. Lieutenant Deveny will spend a few days at
home with his parents before being sent to his next assignment.
Louie H. - Cpl.
DECORATED - Cpl Louie H. Meador, 25, 36th Division, has been awarded the
Bronze Star Medal according to information received by his wife.
Mrs. Eunice Meador 600 North Ninth street.
The decoration was awarded for 'heroic achievement in combat on February
22, 1944 in Italy. During enemy artillery fire on the battalion fire
direction center and a road leading to Battery A, the communication wire
running along the road between these two points was broken.
Immediately on being notified of this, Cpl. Meador, although he was a
battery wireman and not responsible for battalion lines, went out into the
shelled area to repair the break. During more than two hours of continual
shelling, he worked unceasingly finding and repairing each new break in
the line. Because of his voluntary action at great personal risk
communications between Battery A and the Fire Direction Center was [un]interrupted
and there was no delay in fire missions."
The son of Mr. and MRs. L. E. Meador, 420 West Nineteenth avenue, he
entered the service in Nov. 1940 and has been overseas since 1942.
He is now somewhere in France. Cpl. Meador attended the
Mildred high school.
Marvin E.
IN THE NAVY - Marvin E. Hamilton, 18, former Corsicana Daily Sun newsboy,
is in the U.S. Navy and is stationed at Mare Island, Calif. He
entered the service in February 1944. He attended Corsicana high
school before moving to Arizona where he lived when he enlisted in the
Caxton R. - Sgt.
VISITED HOME - Sgt. Caxton R. Bivin, Battery A, 133rd Field Artillery,
36th Division, Fifth Army in Italy recently received a week-end pass and
visited interesting places in Rome including Vatican City. Sgt.
Bivin has escaped injury thus far, according to a letter to Mrs. Bivin who
resides here. The sergeant was federalized with the local Texas
National Guard units in November, 1940, and went overseas, April 1, 1943
landing at Salerno Beachhead Sept. 9, 1943. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Bivin, 1201 West Thirteenth avenue, Corsicana.
Walter M. - Sgt.
WOUNDED TWICE - Sgt. Walter M. Almond, Dawson, U. S. Army, husband of Mrs.
Josephine Almond of Dawson Route 2, was wounded June 12 and Nov. 11, 1944,
with the famous Ninetieth Division. He is back with his division.
Sgt. Almnd has been awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster award. A recent
package received by Mrs. Almond contained German articles including a
dagger, a purse containing coins, four medals and parts of uniforms.
William L. - Col.
DECORATED - Col. William L. Wilson, 42, U. S. Medical Corps is pictured
above as he was being decorated with the Legion of Merit in Washington
recently. The son of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson, 2012 West Collin
street, the officer was the honor student in the graduating class of
Baylor Medical School, June 1926. He entered the service immediately
following graduation. Visiting his parents here two weeks ago., Col.
Wilson has since been assigned to foreign service. The citation for
Col. Wilson follows: "For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the
performance of outstanding service. As Medical Staff advisor of the
Commanding General, Service of supply and later as Chief of the
Hospitalization and Evacuation Branch, Headquarters, Army Service Forces,
he displayed tireless energy, great resourcefulness and military
attainment of high order in solving with sound judgment perplexing
problems of hospitalization and evacuation of members of the armed forces.
Through his tact, professional efficiency and devotion to duty, he laid
the ground work through which our troops are being hospitalized and
evacuated efficiently from the theaters of operations. His
exceptional common sense, devotion to duty and loyal services were of
inestimable value to the Commanding General, Army Service Forces."
His wife and two children reside in Washington.
James N. - Pfc.
ARRIVES IN ENGLAND - Cpl. James N. Crawford, U. S. Army, has written his
mother, Mrs. R. L. Crawford and Peggy Roberson, Corsicana, that he has
arrived in England and is doing fine. He states that it is a very
pretty country. Cpl. Crawford is a '43 graduate of the Corsicana
high school. Entering the Army in July 1943, he received his
training at Camp Wolters before leaving for overseas duty.
Crawford, Corsicana Route 3, has received a telegram from the war
department stating that her son, Pfc. James N. Crawford, infantry U. S.
Army, had been seriously wounded in action in France on July 12.
Pfc. Crawford is a graduate of the Corsicana high school and entered the
services in July 1943 and has been overseas about seven months. He
landed in France on D-Day according to information received earlier by his
mother. He was recently awarded the expert infantryman's badge.
Fred Jr. - Seaman First Class
TELLS OF LEYTE FIGHTING - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kessinger have received a
message from their son, Seaman First Class Fred Kessinger, Jr. stating
that he was a member of the invasion forces on Leyte Island on the second
day that it has been rough going since that time, and that it had been
days and nights since they had had any sleep. His parents had not
had direct word from him in six weeks.
In his work with a communications unit, Seaman Kessinger stated a that a
young Filipino boy had been a valuable assistant even though he knew very
little English, and that he had expressed a desire to return to America
with him.
Seaman Kessinger, who has been in the South Pacific for more than a year,
is the grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kessinger.
Charles W.
WINS WINGS - Charles W. Kessinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Cosigner, 822 West Thirteenth Avenue, has successfully completed the Army
Air Forces Advance Flying School training at Williams Field, Chandler,
Arizona. He has been appointed a flight officer in the Army Air
Corps. He is a former student of North Texas Agricultural College,
Arlington, Texas.
William Carl - s-2-c
VISITING PARENTS - William Carl Onstott, 18, s-2-c, USN, stationed at San
Diego, Calif., is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Onstott, 2126
West Thirteenth avenue. Prior to entering the service Nov. 30,
1943, he attended the Hubbard high school. He returns to duty
at San Diego, January 27.
Alexander M. - Major
INVASION COMMANDER - Gen. Alexander M. Patch (pic above) commands the
Allied force attacking southern France.
William F. - Pfc.
DECORATED - Pfc. Wm. F. Benson, Artillery, 36th Division, has been awarded
a Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement in combat, June 18, 1944, in
Italy, according to a citation received from Major General John E.
Dahlquist, commanding general, by Mrs. Lela Benson of Corsicana, mother of
the soldier. The citation said that Private Benson, a volunteer
member of a forward observer detail traced a liaison line shattered by
artillery and small arms fire 600 yards over open terrain constantly
subjected to fire, repaired the line and returned to his observation post,
thereby relieving pinned down units. He has been in the armed forces
since local Texas Guard units were mobilized in November 1940.
Wiley E. - Sgt.
VISITING HOME - Sgt. Wiley E. Jordan, 22, United States Marines, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. W. L. Harris, 812 South Commerce street, after
spending 34 months in the Pacific area. He will report back to El
Centro, Calif., for re-assignment after the expiration of his leave.
Sgt. Jordan is the son of W. W. Jordan, Donie, Texas, Route 1, and
formerly resided at Acquilla, Hill county Texas. The Marine
participated in many of the important engagements.
William A. - Commander
of Houston, Texas, is squadron leader and ranking ace of the Navy's
Squadron Two which participated in the first air assault on Manila Sept.
21. Before the Manila raid he had destroyed 11 Jap planes.
Markings at right on his plane are for fighter bomber and strafing sweeps
against the enemy.
James E. - Pvt.

GRAVE OF A MARINE - Pictured above is the grave of Pvt. James E. McMillan,
19, son of Mrs. Alma Womack, 501 North Commerce Street, killed in combat
somewhere in the Southwest Pacific, January 2, 1944. He volunteered
for service October 20, 1942, while a senior in the Corsicana high school.
The picture was sent by the Marine's mother by Capt. James G. Triebel,
U.S.M.C. and shows only a small part of the well cared for cemetery.
The name of the Corsicana Marine shows plainly in the photograph on the
cross in the foreground at the left of the guard.
KILLED BY JAPS - Pfc. James E. McMillan, 19, U. S.
Marine, was killed in action in the Southwest Pacific area,
according to a telegram received by his mother, Mrs. Alma Womack,
501 North Commerce street. Volunteering October 20, 1942, while a
senior in Corsicana High School, he sailed for foreign duty in June,
1943. The time or place of the death of the Marine was not disclosed
in the message received Thursday night. Surviving are his mother, a
half-brother, Gene Allen Womack, Corsicana; grandfather, G. E.
Ewing, Sr., and four uncles, W. G., J. F. and H. J. Ewing, all of
Corsicana, and G. E. Ewing, Jr., U. S. Army, Sheppard Field.
GRAVE OF A MARINE - Pictured above is the grave of
Pvt. James E. McMillan, 19, son of Mrs. Alma Womack, 501 North Commerce Street, killed in
combat somewhere in the Southwest Pacific, January 2, 1944. He volunteered for service
October 20,
1942, while a senior in the Corsicana High School. The picture was sent [to]
the Marine's mother by Capt. James G. Triebel, U.S.M.C. and shows only a small part of the
well cared for cemetery. The name of the Corsicana Marine shows plainly in the photograph
on the cross in the foreground at the left of the guard.
- A copy of article with picture printed pg 391 of the
Navarro County History Volume III
- Added Feb 20, 1998
Pfc. J.E. McMillan Body Is En Route Home For Burial
The body of Pfc. James Ellis McMillan, 19, son of Mrs. Alma Womack, 501 North
Commerce street, is en route home for reburial from the Pacific area, according
to a telegram received by the mother.
McMillan enlisted in the U.S. Marines Oct. 21, 1942, and was killed in action
Jan. 2, 1944, at Cape Gloucester, New Britain. He was a senior in Corsicana High
school when he enlisted and was in combat duty from Oct 9, 1943 until his death,
engaging in campaigns in New Guinea and Cape Gloucester. He received the Purple
Heart, Asiatic-Pacific campaign medal, World War II Victory medal decorations.
Surviving are his mother, a half-brother, Gene Allen Womack, Corsicana;
grandfather, G.E. Ewing, Sr., Corsicana; and four uncles, G.W., H.J. and J.F.
Ewing, all of Corsicana, and G.E. Ewing, Jr., Burbank, Calif., and other
Funeral rites will be conducted from the Corley Funeral chapel with burial in
the Hamilton cemetery but
definite time has not been determined pending arrival of the body.
Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Friday, Jan 14, 1949
Submitted by Karen Rost
James E. McMillan Funeral Services Tuesday P. M.
Funeral rites were held at Corley chapel here Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 for
Marine Pvt. James Ellis McMillan, 19, son of Mrs. Alma Womack, 501 North
Commerce, who was killed on Jan. 2, 1944, in the first Marine drive in the
Southwest Pacific.
Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery, with James A. Bease, minister of the Tenth
Avenue Church of Christ, conducting the rites. The National Guard and American
Legion conducted full military honors, with Legionnaires acting as
McMillan entered the service on Oct 21, 1942. He had been awarded the Purple
Heart, World War II Victory Medal, and the Asiatic-Pacific medal.
Survivors, in addition to his mother, include a half-brother, Jean Allen Womack;
grandfather, G. E. Ewing, Sr.; four uncles, G. W., H. J., J. F. Ewing, all of
Corsicana, and G. E. Ewing, Jr., Burbank, Calif., and other relatives.
Jas. E. McMillan Reburial Rites Planned Tuesday
Funeral services for Pvt. James Ellis McMillan, 19, son of Mrs. Alma
Womack, 501 North Commerce, will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from
the Corley Chapel with burial in Hamilton cemetery.
James A. Bease, minister of the Tenth Avenue Church of Christ, will
conduct the services. Full military honors will be accorded under
direction of the local Legion post. Legionnaires will be
pallbearers. The body will arrive in Corsicana Monday at 6:09 p.m.
Killed in action Jan. 2, 1944, in the first Marine drive in the
Southwest Pacific, McMillan entered the service Oct. 21, 1942. He
had been awarded the Purple Heart World War II Victory Medal and the
Asiatic-Pacific medal.
In addition to his mother, he is survived by a half-brother, Jean
Allen Womack; grandfather, G. E. Ewing, Sr.; four uncles, G. W., H.
J., J. F., Ewing, all of Corsicana, and G. E. Ewing, Jr., Burbank,
Calif., and other relatives.
James E. McMillan Funeral Services Tuesday P.M.
Funeral rites were held at Corley Chapel here Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 for Marine Pvt. James Ellis McMillan, 19, son of Mrs.
Alma Womack, 501 North Commerce, who was killed on Jan. 2, 1944,
in the first Marine drive in the Southwest Pacific.
Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery, with James A. Beane,
minister of the Tenth avenue Church of Christ, conducting the
rites. The National Guard and American Legion conducted full
military honors with Legionnaires acting as pallbearers.
McMillan entered the service on Oct. 21, 1942. He had been
awarded the Purple Heart, World War II Victory Medal, and the
Asiatic-Pacific medal.
Survivors in addition to his mother, include a half-brother,
Jean Allen Womack; grandfather, G. E. Ewing, Sr.; four uncles,
G. W., H. J., J. F., Ewing, all of Corsicana, and G. E. Ewing,
Jr., Burbank, Calif., and other relatives.
James Ellis McMillan
Jan 17, 1925 - Jan. 2, 1944
A letter from Lieut. L. W.
Meacham, USNR regimental
chaplain, has been received
by Mrs. Alma Womack, 501
North Commerce street,
regarding the death of her
son, Pvt. James Ellis
McMillan, U. S. Marine
Corps., killed in action
January 2, 1944, while
fighting in the Pacific
theatre of war.
"As your son’s chaplain, we
would like to extend our
deepest sympathy in your
hour of sorrow," the
chaplain writes. "James
Ellis McMillan was given a
dignified burial with full
military honors, attended by
many of his friends. He is
buried in a beautiful U. S.
cemetery over which fly the
colors of his beloved
country. Flowers and
shrubbery are being planted
in the cemetery, with
caretakers assigned to make
the surroundings typically
American. X X When you
placed this sacrifice of
love on the altar of
freedom, you gave your best
to "God and country."

The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Fri., Apr. 14, 1944

Herman - Cpl.
Battery A, 133d Field Artillery Battalion 36th Division U. S. Army, has
been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for gallantry in action, according to a
citation signed by Major General Fred L. Walker, U. S. Army, commanding,
received by his mother, Mrs. Lena Bruce, 639 North Thirteenth street.
The citation reads: "For gallantry in action on January 25, 1944, in
Italy. The increased intensity of enemy artillery and mortar fire
forced the froward observer party which was supporting the 143rd Infantry
Regiment, in an attack on a strategic river line to seek shelter behind a
Observing a wounded soldier exposed to the fury of the shelling, Corporal
Bruce unhesitatingly left his position of safety and crossed the shell
torn area to aid the soldier. After treating the profusely bleeding
wounds, he began carrying the man to an aid station when a shell exploded
behind him, seriously wounding the officer in command of the group.
He assisted in carrying the officer to the safety of the dug-in tank, then
returned to the first wounded man and carried him to the aid station.
By his selfless deeds, Corporal Bruce was instrumental in saving the lives
of two wounded men."
Cpl. Bruce was a member of the National Guard when it was mobilized and
federalized in Nov. 1940, and has participated in all the major battles of
the Italian campaign. He attended the Corsicana high school.
Harold Rivers - Pfc.
OAKLAND, Calif., July 15 -- (Spl) - Marine Private First Class Harold
Rivers Holley of route 5, Corsicana, Texas has been returned to the naval
hospital where he is convalescing from a tropical ailment contracted in
the Pacific.
The Corsicana Leatherneck was among the Marines who wrestled the Roi
island from the JAPS last February and told here how he and a buddy
survived the concentrated machine gun fire when they were pinned down by
JAPS in a hanger on the Roi airstrip.
Holley said he and his companion Marine Private First Class Sal L.
Castro of San Leandro Calif., were caught in the hanger while Jap machine
gunners "poured a hot fire into our shelter for about ten minutes.
He hugged the dirt, however, and were not hit."
He added that "those were the longest ten minutes I ever spent.
Machine gun bullets were kicking up dirt and splintering things right and
left. Sal and I expected to get it any second but luck must have
been with us."
When the firing subsided the two Marines scratched their way through the
sand and crawled to safety.
Young Holley entered the Marine Corps in May, 1943, after graduating from
Corsicana high school and attending the University of Texas for a year.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Holley, live at Corsicana.
Noel W. - T-Sgt.
Bomber Station, England -- Technical Sergeant Noel W. Edmundson, 21-year
old engineer and top turret gunner on an Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying
Fortress, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for
"extraordinary achievement" while on heavy bombing attacks of
German military and industrial targets and in support of Allied ground
The flyer, pictured above in flying clothes, also holds the Air Medal with
three Oak Leaf Clusters.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edmundson of Route 1, Rice, Texas.
A graduate of Rice High School, he was a machinist for American
Manufacturing Company of Fort Worth. He enlisted in June,
1942. After extensive training in gunnery at Las Vegas, Nev., he was
granted his silver wings.
Sgt. EDMUNDSON is a member of the group cited by the president for its
historic bombing of the Muhlembau aircraft assembly plant at Brunswick,
Germany. This group also participated in the Third Bombardment
Division England-Africa shuttle bombing of Messerschmitt aircraft assembly
plants at Regensburg, Germany, in August, 1943, for which the entire
division was awarded the presidential citation.
Homer L. Wood
Apr 6, 1919 - Jun 29, 1942
Pfc. Home L. Wood, 24, 31st Infantry, anti-tank company, reported
missing in action May 7, 1942 shortly after the fall of Corregidor
is now presumed to be dead, according to a letter from the war
department to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey H. Wood, 214 East
First avenue.
Volunteering for foreign service, Pvt Wood left for duty in the
Philippines March 13, 1941. He attended the Corsicana schools and
was working at the mechanics trade when he entered the service.
Funeral services for Pfc. Homer L. Wood, aged 24 years who died in a
Japanese prison camp on Luzon, Philippines, were held Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church.
Pfc. Wood attended Corsicana High School and was a mechanic before
he enlisted, March 13, 1941. He was reported missing in 1942 and
dead, May 8, 1944.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wood, 307 East First
avenue; two brothers, Herman Wood, Lindsay, Okla., and Jimmy Wood,
Corsicana; and a sister, Mrs. Josie Hagle, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Bill Jones, Billy Draper, W. H. Tipton, Clyde
Bryant, R. V. Hatley, Bill Bacon, all Legionnaires.