 Prairie Grove Baptist Church Click on Photo for full size photograph Note: The House on the left, behind the Church is the Hugh Embury McAfee Home Photo submitted by Pat Talley The Prairie Grove Baptist Church, located in
Emmett, was built in 1918. Local members constructed the building with an approximate seating capacity of 275. The floor slopes from the back toward the front, providing an excellent view of the pulpit from any church pew. The tall ceilings and windows allow ventilation from a predominant southerly summer breeze. The total cost of the building was $3,124.00 The church was organized in October of 1875, meeting in a log cabin by a grove of trees on a prairie in western Navarro County The log cabin was replaced by a plank house, then a better house, and finally the building of 1918. The grove of trees was gone by 1918, but the name Prairie Grove remained. The dedication services were held June 27-30, 1918. Participating in the program were Brothers W. C. Newburn, Ephraim Brevard Osborne, W. Z. Corbi, Rev. J. Andrew Watts, J. A. Cook, R. B. Key, C. A. Gilbert, Absalom Posey Ballew, H. A. Conway, James Campbell Osborne, L. C. Howell, James Franklin "Jim" Coxsey, James Thomas Stroder, and Bascomb Lycurgus "Kirk" Moore. Kris K. Moore
 Prairie Grove Baptist Church - 2000 Photo by Edward L. Williams
Photo by Edward L. Williams
See Also: Biographies of Ministers and Elders |