Elenor Bernice
(Smith) Jamison
Mar 9, 1912 - Jul 17, 1971
Services for Elenor Bernice Jameson, 59, who died Saturday
in Houston, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Northside
Baptist Church.
Burial will be in
Cemetery. Services will also be held in Golden Acres
near Pasadena Monday at 10 a.m.
Mrs. Jameson was a member of the Baptist Church in Golden
Acres, a member of the Pasadena Navy Mothers Club and a
member of the Order of Eastern Star.
Survivors include her husband, J. P. Jameson of Pasadena; a
daughter, Mrs. Mary Francis Harper, Pasadena; a son, Jerry
B. Jameson, Pasadena; a son-in-law, Johnny O. Harper,
Pasadena; a daughter-in-law, Judy A. Jameson, Pasadena; two
granddaughters, Mary Margaret Jameson, and Melissa Anne
Jameson, both of Pasadena; and a brother, Richard L. Smith,
Gladys Bell (Donaho)
Sep 19, 1900 - Dec 15, 1971
Mrs. Brown
Funeral arrangements are pending at Griffin Funeral Home for
Mrs. Gladys Bell Brown, 71, who died Tuesday night in Fort
Worth where she had lived the past 30 years.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary Whitely of
California; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild; and
five sisters, Mrs. Mary Sprinkle, Mrs. B. W. Long and Mrs.
Flora Harrison, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Haskell Bennett of
Arlington, and Mrs. Frank Brannon of Tatum, N.M.
Mrs. Brown
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Griffin
Funeral Chapel for a former Corsicana resident, Mrs. Oscar
(Gladys) Brown, 71, longtime Fort Worth resident who died
there Tuesday. The Rev. B. J. Grimes will officiate. Burial
will be in the
Mrs. Brown was a member of the Baptist Church. She had
resided in Fort Worth about 30 years.
Pallbearers will be Chester Sprinkle, Neal Donaho, Dean
Murray, Junious Carroll, Haskell Bennett and Billy Brown.
She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Mary
Whitely of California; four grandchildren, Jimmy Brown,
Steve Whitely, Roxanne Whitely, and Sharon Friend; one
great-grandchild, Celeste Friend; five sisters, Mrs. B. W.
Long, Mrs. Flora Harrison and Mrs. Mary Sprinkle, all of
Corsicana; Mrs. Frank Brannon of Tatum, N. M., and Mrs.
Haskell Bennett of Arlington; and several nieces and
William Harris Boyd
Mar 7, 1902 - Mar 25, 1971
Boyd Rites Set Saturday
Funeral services for W. H. Boyd, 69, of Retreat will be at 2
p.m. Sunday in Corley's Funeral Chapel. Rev. Bill Grimes
will officiate with burial in the
Boyd died Thursday in Memorial Hospital.
A native of Lovelady, he was a retired railroad clerk and a
member of the Baptist Church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. W. H. Boyd of Retreat;
three sons, Jack Butler of Rolla, Mo., John Davis of St.
Louis, Mo., and Marvin Davis of Springfield, Mo.; one
daughter, Mrs. Mildred Wynn of Mesquite; three sisters, Mrs.
Essie Bernard of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Minnie Allbright of
St. James, Mo. and Mrs. Nellie Jacobs of Baltimore, Md., and
16 grandchildren.
Boyd Rites
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Corley
Funeral Chapel for W. H. Boyd, 69, Retreat, who died
Thursday. The Rev. Bill Grimes officiated. Burial was in the
Surviving are his widow, three sons, a daughter, three
sisters and 16 grandchildren.
Grover Cleveland Brown
Jan 2, 1887 - Oct 9, 1971
G. C. Brown
Funeral services were to be held at 3:30 p.m. Monday from
the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Grover C. Brown, 84, who
died Saturday in Memorial Hospital, with the Rev. B. W.
Johnson and the Rev. David Williams officiating, and burial
in Hamilton
Surviving are his widow, of Corsicana; two sons, L. A. Brown
of Houston and E. R. Brown of Corsicana; one daughter, Mrs.
Anna Mae Roloff of Belton; 17 grandchildren; and 14
Pallbearers include Rodrick Striplin, James Ainsworth, Tommy
Boyte, Michael Boyte, Charles Young and William Young.
Honorary pallbearers are J. W. Kirby, Isaac Pennington, Bill
Hampton, Dee Hughes and Earle Campbell.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Oct. 11, 1971
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Elizabeth Pauline (Robinson) Brown; assumed s/o Robert Boland
Brown & Sarah Paralee (Robertson) Brown per Family search
Elizabeth Pauline (Robinson) Brown
Oct 7, 1887 - Sep 5, 1973
Mrs. Brown
Funeral services are set for 5 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, 85, of
Corsicana, who died Wednesday at Evergreen Nursing Home. Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate, and burial will be at
Hamilton Cemetery.
She was a native of Leon County, Tex., and had lived in
Corsicana for 50 years.
Surviving are two sons, E. H. Brown of Corsicana and I. A. Brown of Houston; a daughter, Mrs. Ann Roloff of Killeen; 21
grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and three brothers, Jake Robinson and Willie Robinson, both of Centerville and O. M. Robinson of Buffalo.
Pallbearers include James Ainsworth, Rodric Striplin, Marvin Young, O. C. Young, J. D. Young and William Young.
Honorary pallbearers include E. V. May, David Boyte and Michael Boyte.
Katie Bell (Long) Crawford
Oct 17, 1910 - Dec 4, 1971
Mrs. Crawford
Services for Mrs. Katie B. Crawford are set for 3:30 p.m. in Corley Funeral Chapel today with the Rev. Robert Potts and
Rev. James McKee officiating.
Burial is to be in
Hamilton Cemetery.
Mrs. Crawford, 61, was born Oct. 17, 1910 in Navarro County. She died Saturday morning in Memorial Hospital.
Survivors include her husband, Homer Crawford, of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Goode of Corsicana and Mrs. Gene
Sullivan of Hobbs, N.M.; one brother, Roy Long of Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Griggs of Frost, Mrs. Lorene
Callahan of Tyler, and Mrs. Peggy Langridge of Dallas; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Addie Lou (McDonald) Prince-Buller
Oct 6, 1901 - Jun 17, 1971
Funeral services for Mrs. Addie Prince Buller, 69, of Corsicana will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Rev. V. G. Andrews will officiate with burial in the
Hamilton Cemetery.
Mrs. Buller died Thursday at Memorial Hospital.
A native of Navarro County, she was a member of the Cedar
Creek Missionary Baptist Church.
Survivors include five sons, Jester Prince of Okla. City, Okla., Newton Prince of New Orleans, La., Dubart Prince of
Orange, Ernest Prince of Wichita Falls and Robert Prince of Galveston; one daughter, Mrs. Virgil Anderson of Corsicana;
fifteen grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and four sisters.
Funeral services were at Corley Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Saturday for Mrs. Addie Prince Buller, 69. Rev. V. G. Andrews, pastor, officiated. Burial was in
under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Surviving are five sons, a daughter, fifteen grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and four sisters.
Pallbearers were Jim Highnote, J. V. Ingham, A. L. Jacobs,
Don Holloway, Homer Whitehead and R. W. George.
John William Herbert Varley
Oct 9, 1899 - Jan 21, 1971
Varley Rites Set Saturday
John William Herbert Varley, age 72, died Thursday evening at Memorial Hospitl following an extended illness. The
manager of the Duke and Ayres Store of Corsicana for 38 years, he was born at Blossom Prairie, Red River County, the
son of Edward Varley of York, England and Cora Moorman of Water Valley, Miss.
He was a member and deacon of the First Christian Church for
many years.
The funeral service will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the
Corley Chapel with the Rev. Eugene Wood and the Rev. Kenneth
Haley officiating. Interment will be in the
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Mae Van Bruton Varley; a son, John E. Varley of Nederland; a daughter, Mrs. B. L. Bradford
of Corsicana; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; three sisters, Mrs. G. T. Starch of Dallas, Mrs. Nell
Troughton of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Wade Harris of LaJolla, Calif.; three brothers, George Varley of Houston,
Bernard Varley of Clarksville and Howard Varley of Kensit, Ark., and a number of nieces and nephews.
William Richard Whitefield
Sep 28, 1925 - Mar 19, 1971
Whitefield Rites Set Monday
DALLAS - Funeral services for William R. Whitefield, 45, of Dallas will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday at the Sparkman
Hillcrest Garland Funeral Chapel in Dallas. Rev. Adair P. Chapman of the Garland Road Church of Christ will officiate
with burial at 2:30 p.m. in the
Hamilton Cemetery. Griffin Funeral Home of Corsicana will direct
local arrangements.
Whitefield died early Friday in Dallas.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. June Whitefield of Dallas; one son, Joseph Patrick Whitefield of Austin; two daughters,
Mrs. Greg Abbott and Miss Elizabeth Whitefield, both of Dallas; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Whitefield of Tyler;
his grandmother, Mrs. R. O. Roach of Ennis; one brother, T. F. Whitefield, Jr., of Tyler and one sister, Mrs. R. G.
Hoffman of Aurora, Col.
Roy Edward Peebles
Aug 23, 1896 - Jul 3, 1971
Mr. Roy E. Peebles, 74, died Saturday in Memorial Hospital.
Peebles was a native of Arkansas and had resided in Corsicana for 35 years. He was a member of the Baptist
Church and had served in the infantry in World War I.
Services will be today at 2 p.m. in Corley's Chapel with burial in
Hamilton Cemetery, Rev. J. L. glaze will officiate.
Survivors include his widow; one son, Jerry Peebles of Arlington; two grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Addie
Smith of Springfield, Ore., Mrs. John Martin of Austin, and Mrs. Bertha Dwyer of Little Rock, Ark.; and several nieces
and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Fred Saxon, John Montfort, Elma Freeman, Roland Bee, Jimmy Lormier, Jr., W. E. Boyd, Roy Earle Dwyer
and Pete McKinney.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Sun., Jul 4, 1971
- Submitted by
- 1st wife Julia Juanita (Jones) Peebles married Aug 30, 1920 2nd wife
Jacqueline (Love) Peebles married Apr 10, 1937; s/o Edward D. Peebles & Mary (White) Peebles
Pallie Margaret
(Walters) Jergins
Jul 27, 1898 - Dec 5, 1971
Mrs. Jergins
Funeral services for Mrs. Pollie Jergins, 73, who died in Grand Prairie, were to be Monday at 3:30 p.m. at the Corley
Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Harold Burns officiating and burial to
Hamilton Cemetery.
A native of Canton, Texas, Mrs. Jergins had lived at Route 1 Ennis, for the past 29 years. She was a member of the First
Baptist Church in Ennis.
She is survived by her husband, E. J. (Buddie) Jergins of Ennis; three daughters, Mrs. Warren Smith of Texas City,
Mrs. Morris Forgy of Grand Prairie and Mrs. Barbara Murray of Corsicana; nine children; 12 great-grandchildren; 12,
great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Grady Phillips of Fort Worth.
Pallbearers were to be Harold Wilholte, Ernest Fisher, Sam
Gordon, George Novac Sr., Richard Neal Brainerd and Morris
Edward J. "Buddy" Jergins
Jul 14, 1893 - Jan 5, 1974
E. J. Jergins
Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for E. J. (Buddy) Jergins, 80, of Grand Prairie, who died Saturday in Grand Prairie.
Rev. Mickey Loftis will officiate, and burial will be at
He was a retired farmer, a native of Bazette, and had lived in Grand Prairie for three years.
He was a member of the Baptist Church.
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Edith Faye Forgy of Grand Prairie; Mrs. Barbara Murray of Corsicana, and Mrs.
Audielene Smith of Texas City; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Sadie Smith of Fort
Worth, Mrs. Emma Bennett of Groesbeck, Mrs. Mary Foster of Louisiana; and a brother, Wetzel Jergins of Fort Worth.
Pallbearers include Roy McCollum, Harold Wilholte, George
Novak, Loyde Bone, Lonnie Crowley, and Sam Gordon.
Tammy Kay Grounds
Apr 28, 1966 - Sep 5, 1971
Services were held Monday for Tammy Kay Grounds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Grounds of Corsicana.
Services were in Corley Funeral Chapel and burial was in
Hamilton Cemetery. Rev. Alvin Steen officiated.
The girl, 5, died in Lubbock Sunday.
Survivors include her parents, one sister, Cindy Grounds, Corsicana; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Grounds of
Blooming Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Herrington, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Dicky Russell, Lonnie Crowley, Mike Bailey
and O. C. Buck.
Dexter Owen Tanner

Feb 20, 1919 - Oct 30, 1991
Mary Juanita "Nita" Conn, 91, passed away Tuesday, October 18, 2016. She fought a good
fight against numerous health battles and is now freed from the struggles and pains of this Life. Graveside service will
be at 1 p.m., Friday, October 21, 2016, at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Nita was born in Port Arthur, Texas, to the late Clarence Lafayete Miley and Mary Clemie Miley. She grew up in rural
Emhouse, Texas. A child of the Great Depression, she always told people, "We didn't know they were poor because Momma
and Daddy shared so much love and provided so well the basics of life." In 1942, she married John W. "J.W." Conn
and they moved to Corsicana.
In her twenties, and before raising two children, Juanita worked for the Singer Sewing Company where she taught many
women older than herself, to sew. When J.W. died in 1968, she worked for American National Insurance Co., retiring
from there after 20 years.
Surviving all their husbands, the sisters, Juanita, Dorothy, and Bobbie lived together in Corsicana for over 20 years.
Known about town as "The Golden Girls," they made beautiful Christmas stockings together and took food to countless
families when their loved ones were sick.
She was preceded in death by her her husband, J.W. Conn; and sisters: Kathryn Conn, Dorothy Russell, Hilda Hardin, and Bobbie Greer.
Survivors include her children, Pam and Billy Conn; god-daughter, JoLynn Mixon Fisher; grandchildren: Alisha
Massey, Andrew, and Katelyn Conn; great-grandson, Gavin Fox Massey; daughters-in-law, Carolyn Conn and Patty Lane; her
brother, Charles Miley; her best friend of 60+ years, Billie Jean Mixon; other relatives and numerous nieces and nephews.
Frank Edward Merritt
Dec 4, 1942 - Apr 17, 2024
Edward Merritt, beloved husband, father, and friend passed away on April 17, 2024 at the age of 81. He will
be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all who knew him.
Born in Eagle Pass, Texas on December 4, 1942. Frank was the son of the late Clarence Hermon Merritt and Beatrice
Grace (Carroll) Merritt. Frank passed away early Wednesday morning April 17, 2024 at the age of 81.
Preceded in death by his wife, Betty Jean Bramall Merritt; and son, Bryan Edward Merritt. His father,
Clarence Hermon Merritt, mother, Beatrice Grace (Carroll) Merritt, sister, Evelyna Merritt, brother,
Freddy Joe Merritt, brother, Carol "Cack" William Merritt, sister, Helen Moffett, brother, Herman Merritt
Frank grew up in Quemado, Texas then Brownfield, Texas. He moved to Dallas in 6th grade and graduated Sunset
high school in 1961. He became the first member of his family to graduate college (University of Texas in
Arlington 1967.) He married Betty Jean Bramall January 30, 1965, married for 38 years and had 3 boys. He
married his 2nd wife Peggy Sue Clayton on August 12, 2006.
Frank's professional career was marked with dedication and excellence as a Civil Engineer. He was a founding
member of Tenneck, Merritt, Barnett, and Pitt (TMBP). He was an active member of the Cowboy Church of Ellis
County. He was also very involved in "Active in Crisis Response Ministry of Ellis County (CRM)." He was
respected by his colleagues for his integrity, work ethic, and leadership qualities.
Upon his retirement in 2012, Frank enjoyed spending time with his loved ones, whether it was taking trips,
playing golf, or being active with the 3 C's a weekly meeting at the Cowboy Church. His kindness, sense
of humor, and unwavering support brought joy to those closest to him.
Frank leaves behind his wife, Peggy Sue Clayton Merritt "Sue", his children, Robert Earl Merritt,
daughter-in-law, Rhonda Jolly Merritt, Gregory Wayne Merritt, daughter-in-law, Laurel Santangelo Merritt and
his grandchildren, Amanda Merritt Svaleson, Chelsea Merritt York, Meghan Steele Lampier, Ryder Merritt,
Nicholas Merritt, Christian Merritt and great grandchildren, Shawn Ivey, Emery Ivey, and Andria
Svaleson. Survived by brother, George Merritt, sister, Yvonne Merritt Long, and brother, Dwayne Merritt.
Additionally, he is survived by his step-son, Jason Evans, Adrian Evans, and grandchildren, Sevannah Evans
and Saylor Evans.
There will be a viewing held at Jaynes Memorial Chapel on Monday April 22, 2024 from 5pm -7pm and a Celebration
of Frank&'s life on Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 11am at the Cowboy Church of Ellis County, Waxahachie, TX. |
John Frederick Taylor
Jun 20, 1926 - Oct 1, 2006
Mr. John F. Taylor,
born June 20, 1926 in Corsicana, died October 1, 2006 at
Baylor Medical Center after a short illness.
He graduated from Corsicana High School in 1943. After
serving in the Army during WW II he returned to Texas
A&M and received his Civil Engineering degree in 1950.
Returning to Corsicana he worked at Bethlehem Steel.
Later he worked for Coffield & Guthrie in the oil
business. Following that he ran the Community Water Co.
with Campbell Gillespie. After his retirement he has
continued his work for his church, worked with the Food
for Fitness program and was currently serving on the
board of the Family Service. He was a member and elder
of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. He was preceded
Death by his first wife Margaret Jane Jackson Taylor. He
is survived by his wife Jane G. Taylor and his two
children Amie Edling of The Woodlands, TX and John F.
Taylor, Jr. and his wife Belinda of Corsicana, TX. Four
Grandchildren, Margaret Jane Edling, John Edling and
Andrew Edling of The Woodlands, TX and Jackson Taylor of
Corsicana, TX and his Sister Cynthia O'Connell of
Corsicana, TX, He was also loved by his two step-sons,
Robert C.
& Frank Dunn, their wives, the six grandchildren and the
seven great grandchildren.
Arrangements are being handled by Corley Funeral Home,
Corsicana, Texas, where the family will receive friends
from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Tuesday, October 3, 2006.
Funeral service will be at Westminster Presbyterian
Church at 10:00 AM Wednesday, October 4, 2006, Rev. B.
F. Risinger, Jr. officiating.
Interment will be at
Oakwood Cemetery
in Corsicana, Texas.
In lieu of flowers please contribute to the Family
Service Association, 409 North Beaton St. Corsicana, TX
75110 or the charity of your choice. |
Chanda Elayne (Acock)
Jun 23, 1925 - May 21, 2023
Elayne Acock Kellam, 97, died peacefully at home in
Kerrville, Texas on May 21, 2023, surrounded by children
and grandchildren. Chanda was born in Corsicana, Texas
on June 23, 1925, to Ben Joe Acock and Alice Elsie Brown
Acock. She is survived by her four children: Chanda Kay
Kellam Dennison (Leroy), Cherise Louise Kellam Bartley
(Rogers), Claire Ann Kellam Butts (Leon), and John Ray
Kellam (Carolyn) her brother, Ben Earl Acock (Glendene),
six grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and
numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
She is predeceased by her husband, her sister, Elizabeth
Acock Skinner, and her eldest grandchild.
After graduating from Corsicana High School in 1943,
Chanda met her future husband at church. Guy Converse
Kellam of Worthington, Minnesota, was a cadet at
Corsicana Air Field. When Guy was commissioned and sent
to Europe for missions in WWII, the two postponed plans
for marriage until after his return.
With so many men gone to war, Chanda, a petite 5'2", did
her part for the war effort by driving a bus. By now a
concert pianist, Chanda performed to successful acclaim
throughout a tri-state area. She attended Hill College,
where she graduated in 1945.
Guy returned from the war a highly decorated pilot and
they were married by Leroy Brownlow in Corsicana in
1945. After assignments stateside, Guy's military
assignments took the couple to Germany, Greece, and
In Munich, despite, or perhaps because of the
devastation of the area after the war, music was very
important to the healing of the people. Chanda was in
demand as a concert pianist. Securing a German piano
teacher to advance her talent, she practiced up to six
hours daily. Guy bought Chanda a grand piano built in
1904, which remains in her living room to this day.
The young Christian couple opened their own home and
pantry for church services. Not only Americans attended,
but also hungry German soldiers, who were fed both
physically and spiritually.
Their first daughter, Kay, was born in Munich in 1947.
While living in Athens, Greece and expecting a second
child, Chanda flew to San Antonio to give birth to a
native Texan, Cherise in 1950. In 1951, Claire was born
in Michigan, followed by (finally!) a son, John, in
While Guy flew missions in the Korean conflict, Chanda
and the children lived in Corsicana. On his safe return,
the family moved to Tachikawa, Japan. Chanda immersed
herself and the family in the local culture, learning
the arts of flower arranging, lettering, language, tea
ceremony, and music. She worked diligently there both
with the Church of Christ and with the Officers Wives on
community projects.
Guy retired from the Air Force in Delaware as a Colonel
in 1965. Chanda, aged 46, returned to college and was
awarded her bachelor's degree with Cum Laude honors at
Delaware State University. Chanda's academic
achievements, community involvement, and work ethic
launched her into a position as the only female with
Delaware's State Department of Education.
Guy and Chanda moved to Nashville in 1974, where Guy
died in 1975. Chanda returned once again to Corsicana,
caring for her mother, Alice Acock, for over twenty
years. Utilizing her arranging skills, Chanda provided
flowers for College Hill Church and later Westhill
Church of Christ and for church members she visited
weekly. She volunteered at Navarro Hospital for over 25
years. An avid bridge player, Chanda was a member at
Kinslow house, where she donated the Hammond organ Guy
bought her in Delaware. Always active in serving others,
Chanda hosted innumerable showers and other events in
her home. And she traveled! Chanda took her mother
abroad as well as throughout the states, visiting as
many relatives as possible. Family was greatly
significant to her.
In 2005 Chanda moved to Weslaco, Texas, where she played
bridge, visited nursing homes, hosted gatherings and
traveled. Chanda moved to Kerrville in 2018 with
declining health. Still finding ways to serve others,
Chanda began putting together small gifts to deliver to
church members and to neighbors. Chanda never ceased to
pray for others, especially for her family. She took
pleasure in cooking with the assistance of her
grandchildren. She enjoyed her nightly dances with Leon.
She always welcomed and delighted in visits from family
and friends. Chanda loved her family and her church.
And she loved to travel!
Visitation will be held from 1:00pm - 2:00pm on
Saturday, May 27, 2023, with Memorial Service following
at 2:00pm in the Chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. A reception will follow at West Hill Church of
Christ at 3400 W State Hwy 22 Corsicana, Tx 75110. |
Julie Elizabeth Budai
Mar 27, 1925 - Apr 9, 2022
Sister Julie (formerly, M. Valeria) Budai CDP, entered eternal life on April 9, 2022 at the age of 97. She was born
on March 27, 1925 in Angus, Texas. All nine children were raised in their parents, Ellis and Velma (Nagy) Budai's,
Hungarian customs and traditions. Julia Elizabeth was inspired at an early age to dedicate her life to God. She
professed first vows as a Sister of Divine Providence on June 22, 1946. Sister Julie was an elementary, middle and
high school teacher in Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma for a total of 38 years. She served dually as a principal for four
years at St. Joseph School in Yoakum, Texas. She taught Home Economics at Providence High School in San Antonio, Texas
from 1971-198
Danny Sims Foster
Jun 2, 1964 - Jun 20, 1971
Funeral services for Danny Sims Foster, seven -year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gene Foster of Navarro, have been set
for 2 p.m. Tuesday in Corley Funeral Chapel. The Rev.
Charles Pringle will officiate, and burial will be in
Hopewell Cemetery.
Danny drowned Sunday while swimming in a stock tank near his
family home in Navarro.
Other survivors include three brothers, Michael, Rickey and
Scottie; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCarter of
Navarro, and Mr. and Mrs. Berry Foster of Caldwell.
Willie Neal (Bressie)
Dec 6, 1889 - Dec 25, 1971
Mrs. Allen
Funeral services were at 3 p.m. Sunday at Griffin Funeral
Home for Mrs. J. C. Allen, 82, who died early Saturday in a
local nursing home. The Rev. Gary Loudermilk officiated.
Burial was in the
Hopewell Cemetery at Navarro.
Surviving are two sons, Bill Joe Allen, Corsicana and John
C. Allen, Houston; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild;
one brother, Jack Bressie, Navarro; two sisters, Mrs.
Etheline Roxburgh, Corsicana and Mrs. Pat Allen, Big Spring;
and a number of nieces and nephews.
Barbara Jane (Mullenix)
Apr 6, 1938 - Aug 2, 1971
Graveside rites and burial will be at 5 p.m. Thursday at the
Hopewell Cemetery
at Navarro for Mrs. Ronnie Hargroves, about 34, and her
four-month-old son, Tony Bill. They were double victims of a
drowning tragedy near their home in Sweeney last Monday
night. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. today in
Sweeney from the First Baptist Church.
Mrs. Hargroves is the former Barbara Mullenix of Navarro.
Her survivors include her husband; a daughter, Tammie; a
son, "Chuckie", her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mullenix,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt Horn, all of Sweeney;
grandfather, Fred Mullenix, Corsicana; one sister, Miss
Cindy Mullenix, Houston; and other relatives.
Craig Russell Hargrove
Mar 23, 1971 - Aug 2, 1971
Graveside rites and burial will be at 5 p.m. Thursday at the
Hopewell Cemetery
at Navarro for Mrs. Ronnie Hargroves, about 34, and her
four-month-old son, Tony Bill. They were double victims of a
drowning tragedy near their home in Sweeney last Monday
night. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. today in
Sweeney from the First Baptist Church.
Mrs. Hargroves is the former Barbara Mullenix of Navarro.
Her survivors include her husband; a daughter, Tammie; a
son, "Chuckie", her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mullenix,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt Horn, all of Sweeney;
grandfather, Fred Mullenix, Corsicana; one sister, Miss
Cindy Mullenix, Houston; and other relatives.
Estella Mae Walker
abt 1903 - Apr 11, 1971
Walker Rites
Funeral services for Mrs. Estella Mae Walker, 68, Streetman,
who died Apr. 11 will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. at the
Macedonia Baptist Church. The pastor, the Rev. L. L.
Sheffield, will officiate. Burial will be in the
Valley Cemetery near Streetman. Calhoun Funeral Home
will direct.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Marie
Cleveland; a son-in-law, Howard Cleveland, five
granddaughters and three grandsons, all of Streetman, and
other relatives.
Steve Allen James
Jun 28, 1955 - Dec 25, 1971
Steve James
Funeral services for Steve Allen James, 16, of Streetman who
was killed Dec. 28 in an automobile accident on Highway 75
at Fairfield, will be Friday at 1 p.m. at the Good Will
Baptist Church in the Birdston Valley community. The Rev. P.
L. Lewis, pastor of the church, will officiate, and burial
will be in the
Valley Cemetery under the direction of Calhoun Funeral
Home of Corsicana.
Born in 1955 in Freestone County, he was the son of J. D.
and Ira Jean James of Streetman. He had attended Fairfield
High School.
Surviving are his parents; three brothers, Roy Lee Anderson
of Fort Lee, Va., Lafayette Boldon of Corsicana and Maurice
Boldon of Streetman; three sisters, Miss Gloria Jean James
of Fort Lee, Va., and Misses Mary Ann and Jacqueline James
of Streetman; grandmother, Mrs. Izora Boldon of Streetman;
and grandfather, Willis James of Denton.
Pallbearers will be Loe Louis Spence, Robert Earl Spence,
Bennie Ry Robinson, Emory Bennett, Jr., George Ry Anderson
and Wayne Ward.
Daniel Doyle Burleson
Sep 3, 1888 - May 30, 1971
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Streetman at
the Baptist Church for Doyle Burleson, 82, Streetman, who
died Sunday in Memorial Hospital here. Officiating ministers
will be the Revs. Bob Gaines, Hoyt Hefner and J. E. Deming.
Nephews will be pallbearers with burial in the
Cade Cemetery
under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Martha Burleson of Streetman;
a daughter, Mrs. Willie Awalt of Mexia; four grandsons, Jay
Awalt, Streetman; Ray Awalt, Corsicana; Billy Awalt,
Plainview, and Ocie Awalt, Irving; 18 great-grandchildren, 5
great-great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Winnie Boyd,
Teague; and three brothers, Grady Burleson, Corsicana; Dale
Burleson, Corpus Christi, and Otis Burleson, Buffalo.
Martha Lucinda
(McGuire) Burleson
Mar 31, 1893 - Nov 27, 1977
Mrs. Burleson
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Doyle Burleson, 84, resident of
Streetman, who died Sunday in Grand Prairie.
The Rev. Bob Gaines and the Rev. H. H. McCollum will
officiate, with burial following at
Cade Cemetery.
She was a native of Selna, lived in in Streetman 70 years,
and in Grand Prairie two years.
Survivors include four grandsons, Ocie Doyle Awalt of
Houston, Ray Awalt of Corsicana, Billy Dean Awalt of Mexia,
and Jay Awalt of Dallas, 14 great-grandchildren, 12
great-great-grandchildren, a brother, Burt McGuire of Dallas
and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers are Nuel Burleson, Hop Burleson, Lester McCurrin,
J. D. Burleson, Ennis Boyett and Josh Burleson.
Roy Burleson
Mar 24, 1894 - Feb 19, 1971
Burleson Rites
FAIRFIELD (Spl.) - Funeral services were held at Capps
Chapel Feb. 20 for Roy Burleson, 77, a native of Freestone
County. The Rev. Jack Smith officiated and burial was at
Cade Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife of Fairfield; a daughter, Mrs.
Richard Hill of Fairfield; a sister, Mrs. Fannie Lou
Rudasill of Fairfield; three grandchildren; three
great-grandchildren; and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Mon., Mar 1, 1971
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Irma Lenoir
(Best) Burleson 2nd Mamie (unk) Burleson; s/o George
Washington Burleson & Elizabeth Frances "Bettie" (Hood)
Joseph Cleveland
May 29, 1919 - Jan 9, 1971
Thornburg Rites
KERENS (Sp) - Joseph C. Thornburg, a native of Mississippi
and former Bazette resident, died Sunday in a VA hospital in
Dallas where he had resided the past few years. He was 51
years old.
Funeral services were to be held Monday at 3 p.m. at Paschal
Funeral Home with the Rev. Don Kelly officiating and
interment in Bazette
Surviving are a son, J. C. Thornburg of Louisiana; a
daughter, Mrs. Brenda Robertson of Louisiana and a brother,
Daniel Thornburg of Mesquite.
Mona Ann (Bills) Lonon
Feb 13, 1899 - Jul 27, 1971
Mrs. John W. Lonon, 72, died Tuesday in Fort Worth where she
had lived for 22 years. She was a native of Mena, Ark. and a
member of the Baptist Church.
Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday from the
Corley Chapel with the Rev. Mel Worters, pastor of Roane
Baptist Church, officiating. Interment will be in the
Bazette Cemetery.
Mrs. Lonon is survived by her husband of Fort Worth; one
son, John W. Lonon, Jr, of Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. Nell
Hickson and Mrs. R. E. Foster of Fort Worth; two
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two brothers, L.
P. Bills of Waco and Cleve Bills of Fresno, Calif., and one
sister, Mrs. Loda Anderson of San Antonio. Pallbearers
include Bealon Ware, Chestine Frazier, Tom Moore and Vernon
Funeral services for Mrs. John W. Lonon, 72, who died
Tuesday in Fort Worth, were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from
the Corley Chapel, with the Rev. Mel Worters officiating.
Burial was in the
Bazette Cemetery.
Survivors include her husband of Fort Worth, one son, two
daughters, two grandchildren, two brothers, and one sister.
John Wesley Lonon, Sr.
May 22, 1895 - Oct 28, 1973
J. W. Lonon
Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for John W. Lonon, 78, of Fort Worth,
who died Sunday in Fort Worth.
Rev. Randall McCollum will officiate, and burial will be at
Bazette Cemetery.
He was a native of Corsicana and had lived in Fort Worth 20
years. He was a member of the Baptist Church and a
veteran of World War
Survivors include a son, John W. Lonon, Jr., of Dallas; two
daughters, Mrs. Nell Hickson and Mrs. R. F. Foster, both of
Fort Worth; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers include T. C. Jones, M. C. Mitcham, James
Edison, Bealon Ware and Tom Moore.
Uzell Collins, Sr.
Sep 1, 1908 - Nov 22, 1971
Uzell Collins
Services for Uzell Collins, 63, are set for 1 p.m. Saturday
in the Church of God in Christ at Dawson, with Elder L. C.
Coleman, pastor officiating.
A native of Navarro County and resident of the
Antiock Community, he died Nov. 22.
Survivors include his wife, Annie Lee Collins; six sons,
Kenneth, Hugh, Floyd, and Robert, all of Fort Worth; and
Johnny and Uzell, Jr., both of Hubbard; three daughters,
Mrs. Helen Woodson, of Houston and Mrs. Ivy Cottrell of
Irving and Katherine Collins of Hubbard; one brother, Hugh
Collins of Milwaukee, Wisc.; one sister, Mrs. Leona Sessions
of Childress and eight grandchildren.
Burial is to be in the Antiock Cemetery under direction of
Calhoun Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Fri., Nov 26, 1971
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Annie Lee
(Sample) Collins-Cottrell married Aug. 18, 1935; s/o
Hugh Collins & Ellen (Walker/Hardeman) Collins


Levon Metcalf
Aug 15, 1955 - Apr 26, 1971
Funeral services for Levon Metcalf, 15, of Dallas will be at
3 p.m. Sunday at the Church of God and Christ in Dawson.
Rev. M. C. Graves of Dallas will officiate with burial in
the Dawson Cemetery
under the direction of Calhoun Funeral Home.
Metcalf died Monday of injuries received in an accident at
Fair Park in Dallas on Saturday.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Booker J. Metcalf, he was born
August 14, 1955 in Dawson. He was a sophomore at Pearl C.
Anderson High School in Dallas.
Survivors include his parents, five brothers, Wilbur,
Raymond, James, Joel and Rodney, all of Dallas; one sister,
Debra; his grandfather, Rayfield Metcalf and other
Pallbearers will be James Lee Wesley, Jerry Smith, Rodney
Hudgen, Willie Ford, Matthew Ford, Donald Ray Taylor, Lester
Lacy, Chester Lacy, James Taylor and Lieutant Smith.
Emma Mary (Whalen) Minix
Apr 30, 1883 - May 19, 1971
Mrs. Emma Minix, 88, retired Corsicana State Home employe,
died Wednesday in Paulyne's Convalescent Home. A native of
Hill county, she had made her home since retiring in 1918
with a niece, Mrs. Homer McNabb.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. at Corley
Funeral Chapel with Mr. Weldon Wells, Waco Church of Christ
minister, officiating. Burial will be in the
Dawson Cemetery
with nephews as pallbearers.
She is survived by a number of nieces and nephews, including
Mrs. McNabb of Corsicana.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thurs., May 20, 1971
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o William P. Minix;
d/o Martin Whalen & Nancy Caroline (Holbrook) Whalen
buried in Prairie Grove Cemetery, Aquilla, TX
Ragnar Alexander Jonsson
Oct 5, 1889 - Sep 10, 1971
Services for Ragnar A. Jonsson, 82, were to be at 4 p.m.
Saturday in the Eubank Funeral chapel in Dawson. Burial was
to be in Dawson
Cemetery. Rev. Bernard Stein was to officiate.
Jonsson died Friday in a Corsicana Nursing Home.
A native of Sweden, he was a retired longshoreman and lived
in Dawson in recent years.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nannie Jonsson, Dawson;
one sister, Mrs. Marta Rainsalo, Carry, Pa., and two other
sisters in Finland.
Henrietta (Jackson)
Mar 10, 1885 - Apr 14, 1971
Henry Rites
Mrs. Henrietta Henry, 86, native Navarro Countian, died
Wednesday at her home in Dawson.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Church
of God in Christ at Dawson. Elder Edgar Barron will
officiate. Burial will be in the
Dawson Cemetery.
Calhoun Funeral Home will conduct.
She is survived by one son, James Luther Henry, Mexia; a
grandson, Cornelius Cooper, Mexia; two great-grandchildren;
three sisters, Mrs. Annie Cates and Mrs. Beulah Dixon, both
of Mexia; and Mrs. Donnie Crowder, Hollis, Okla.; two
brothers, Jack Jackson, Hubbard, and Briscoe Jackson,
Oakwood, Texas.
Annie Lee (Scott)
Sep 22, 1891 - Jul 1, 1971
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Chapman, 79, were Saturday
at 10 a.m. in Corley Funeral Chapel with Rev. Bruce Hibbitt
officiating. Burial was in
Dawson Cemetery.
Mrs. Chapman died Thursday at the Twilight Home in
She is survived by four step-sons, Otto Chapman and Frank
Chapman, both of Corsicana; Ocie Chapman of Fort Worth and
W. B. Chapman of Big Spring; and two step-daughters, Mrs.
Frank Dawson of Corsicana and Mrs. Fred Horn of Waco.
Pallbearers were Dwayne Dawson, Jimmie Dawson, Floyd Horn,
Boyd Horn, Hubert Wilcox and Kyle Wilcox.
Mary Beatrice
(Sowell) Harrison
Oct 31, 1891 - Sep 29, 1971
Mrs. Harrison
DAWSON (Spl.) - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Harrison, 79, who died Wednesday at Memorial Hospital in
Corsicana, will be Saturday at 10 a.m. at First United
Methodist Church in Dawson.
The Rev. Sam Mohundro and the Rev. Bernard Stein will
officiate, and burial will be in
Dawson Cemetery.
Mrs. Harrison is survived by her husband, J. O. Harrison of
Dawson; and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Davis of Waco and Mrs.
Jerry Shaw of Italy.
Pallbearers include Carl Sullins, Cloyce Floyd, Edwin Davis,
Neil Clark, Norman Summers and Don Mitcham.
Mrs. Harrison
DAWSON - (Spl) - Funeral services were at 10 a.m. Saturday
at the First United Methodist Church for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Harrison, 79. The Rev. Bernard Stein and the Rev. Sam
Mohundro officiated. Burial was in the
Dawson Cemetery.
She died Wednesday in Memorial Hospital.
Surviving are her husband and two sisters.
John Oliver Harrison
Oct 25, 1892 - Jun 7, 1972
J. O. Harrison
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. at the
First United Methodist Church in Dawson for J. Oliver
Harrison who died Wednesday at his home.
The Rev. Sam Mohundro and Rev. Bernard Stein will officiate
and interment will be in the
Dawson Cemetery.
Eubanks Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Survivors include three sisters and one brother.
Pallbearers will be Carl Sullins, Cloyce Floyd, Edwin Davis,
Norman Summers, Don Mitcham and Wilburn Garner.
Ernest Loval "Buddy"
Oct 15, 1909 - Nov 3, 1971
E. L. Chambers
DAWSON (Spl.) - Ernest Loval Chambers, 62, died Wednesday in
Hillcrest Hospital in Waco. Funeral services will be Friday
at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Dawson with the Rev.
Bill Klinglesmith and the Rev. R. J. Miller officiating.
Burial will be in
Dawson Cemetery
under the direction of Eubank Funeral Home.
Survivors include his widow; two sons, Charles A. Chambers
of Dallas and Loval Chambers of Duncanville; two daughters,
Mrs. Billy Tickle of Killeen and Mrs. Dan I. Adams of
Duncanville; one sister, Mrs. W. W. Wright of Washington
state; two brothers, Aubrey Chambers of Italy and Cecil
Chambers of Lampasas; and six grandchildren. He has been a
resident of Dawson community for 35 years.
Pallbearers include S. T. Prater, Paul Evans, Dan Griffin,
Dwain Spruill, Don Mitcham and Norman Summers.
James Ray Adams
Oct 20, 1946 - Apr 20, 2017
Adams, 70, of Gordon, died Thursday, April 20, 2017 at
his residence.
James was born on October 20, 1946 in Corsicana to the
late Melvin Ray Adams, and Wanda Beasley Beene, and his
step-father R. B. Beene.
James took pride in being the best big brother to his
little sisters. He enlisted in the Navy on March 8th,
1968 and served in Vietnam for 2 years.
He married Bonnie Sue Bleeker on September 8, 1974 in
Corsicana. They were married for 42 years.
He raised Mary Jo and not long after he raised Forrest.
He took much pride in being the best grandpa and
great-grandpa that anyone could ever ask or hope for.
From a young man, James was a heavy equipment operator
up until 15 years ago. He then became a truck driver.
His passions consisted of fishing, hunting, and taking
care of the animals on the farm. James was a very
loving, and giving man, who will not be forgotten, but
only cherished.
James is survived by his wife, Bonnie; daughter, Mary Jo
Kelly; grandson, Forrest and wife Danielle Kelly; great
-grandchildren, Zachary, Autumn, and Silas; sisters,
Sharon Bland, Garla Reed, Linda Spicer, and Susanne
Huffman. James is also survived by many nieces and
CN US Navy
Vietnam |
- Morgan Mill
Cemetery, Morgan Mill, Erath Co., TX
Deen (Spivey) Land
May 25, 1898 - Oct 2, 1972
KERENS - Mrs. Ila Land, 74, a native and resident of Kerens
died Sunday at Memorial Hospital in Corsicana. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Kerens
Baptist Church, of which she was a member.
The Revs. Olan Bowles and Glenn Jones will officiate, and
burial will be in
Oak Grove Cemetery.
Survivors include her husband, Brack Land of Kerens; a
daughter, Mrs. Reba Parker of San Antonio; two sons, Elmer
and Billy Land of Texas City; seven grandchildren; six
great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Dovie Black of
Kerens, Mrs. Laurie Saulters of Fort Worth and Mrs. Emma
Bell of Eustace; and two brothers, Fred Spivey of Houston
and Ray Spivey of Dallas.
Pallbearers will be Lloyd Land, Saulter Land, Onis Cook,
Billy Shelton, W. P. Ingram and Allen Paul.
Mrs. Land
KERENS - Services were at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Kerens Baptist
Church for Mrs. Ila Land, 74, a native and resident of
Kerens who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital in Corsicana.
The Revs. Olan Bowles and Glenn Jones officiated, and burial
was in Oak Grove
Survivors include her husband, a daughter, two sons, seven
grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, three sisters and
two brothers.
Danny Lynn
Apr 22, 1952 - Apr 22, 2024
Lynn Hall, 72, of Corsicana, Texas, passed away on April
22, 2024, surrounded by loved ones. He was born on April
22, 1952, to the loving embrace of Clarence Clifford
Hall and Myrtle Fay Dotson in Corsicana, Texas.
Danny was a man of many talents and trades, known for
his dedication and skill as a pipeline worker, mechanic,
and welder. His craftsmanship and hard work left a
lasting mark on those who had the privilege to work
alongside him.
In addition to his professional endeavors, Danny was a
devoted caretaker for his beloved wife, Sharon. His
unwavering love and support were a testament to the
depth of his character and the strength of his
commitment to family.
Outside of work, Danny found solace and joy in the great
outdoors. He was an avid hunter and fisherman, finding
peace in the quiet moments spent in nature's embrace.
With a quick wit and a mischievous smile, Danny was also
known as a jokester, bringing laughter and light to
those around him.
Danny was preceded in death by his loving wife, Sharon
Hall, and his parents, Clarence and Myrtle Hall. He is
survived by his stepchildren, Troy Johnson (Kristie) and
Randy Johnson (Suzanne), and his brother, Larry Hall.
Danny's memory will forever be cherished by all who knew
him, as his spirit lives on in the hearts of those he
The graveside service will be held on Friday, April 26,
2024, at Dresden
Cemetery at 10:00 am.
To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of
Danny Hall please visit our Sympathy Store.
Upcoming Events
Graveside Service
APR 26. 10:00 AM (CT)
Dresden Cemetery
13500 Farm to Market 744
Barry, TX 75102 |
Dorothy (Hawthorn) Clark
Feb 23, 1921 - Nov 15, 1977
Mrs. Clark
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Griffin Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Clark, 56, resident of Bryan and
formerly of Streetman, who died yesterday in Bryan.
The Rev. O. E. Perminter will officiate with burial
following at
Birdston Cemetery in Streetman.
Survivors include her husband, Robert Clark of Bryan; and
two sons, Robert Clark, Jr. and John Clark both of Bryan.
Gula Armenia
(Wallace) Hunter-Tanner
Dec 1, 1894 - May 24, 1977
Mrs. Tanner
STREETMAN - Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at First
Methodist Church in Streetman for Mrs. Gula A. Tanner, 81,
resident of Streetman, who died last night at a Fairfield
The Rev. Don Spinks will officiate, with burial following at
Birdston Cemetery.
Arrangements are with Griffin Funeral Home. She was a member
of the First Methodist church and active in the Streetman
Home Demonstration Club.
Survivors include two sons, James Walter Tanner of Austin
and Eudis Edwin Tanner of Fayetteville, N.C.; three
daughters, Mrs. Dathene Hodges of Dallas, Mrs. Wandalene
Schreider of Abilene, and Mrs. Carmene Compton of Fort
Worth; 11 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren and
great-great-grandchildren, a brother, Homer Wallace of
Austin and a sister, Mrs. Singie Chapman of Austin.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wed., May 25, 1977
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
1st husband Claud Prelo Hunter married Dec. 15, 1909
buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, Tx. 2nd husband James
Walter Tanner buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, Tx; d/o
George William Wallace & Iva Armenia (Geyer) Wallace
buried in Masonic Cemetery, Austin, TX
Pokie Mae (Johnson) Hale
Dec 22, 1893 - Jan 11, 1977
Mrs. Hale
DAWSON - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at
the Dawson Baptist Church for Mrs. Pokie Mae Hale, 83, of
Lancaster, formerly of Dawson, who died Tuesday in Chester
Hospital in Dallas. The Rev. John Jackson and Rev. Joe
Brumbelow will officiate. Burial will be in the
Dawson Cemetery
under the direction of Eubanks Funeral Home of Dawson.
She was a retired practical nurse and had made her home in
Lancaster the past 18 years with a daughter.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Hazel Lambert of Lancaster;
two sons, David Hale of Tucson, Ariz., and Ellis Hale of
Bledsoe, Texas; and eight grandchildren.
Betty Jane (Ham) Iverson
May 4, 1934 - Dec 6, 2023
J. Iverson, 89, passed away on Wednesday December 6,
2023, at Medical City Arlington in Arlington Texas in
the company of her two sons. Betty was preceded in death
by her parents Roscoe and Sadie Ham, by her husband of
56 years Ralph, and by her sisters Maureen and Mabel.
Betty was born and raised in Ashe County, North
Carolina. After graduating high school, Betty worked for
the telephone company as an operator in Kernersville NC.
Betty and Ralph met in North Carolina and wed on August
24th, 1962. After marriage, Betty became a devoted
homemaker for her husband and their two sons. Betty,
Ralph, and their boys lived all over the country until
the family moved to Texas in 1976 and never left, but a
piece of Betty's heart always remained in North
Carolina. When Ralph retired in the early nineties the
couple moved to a beautiful house on the shores of
Richland Chambers Reservoir outside Corsicana. Betty and
Ralph enjoyed hosting friends and family at the lake
house; their children loved to visit with their
families. Every summer Betty looked forward to the
hummingbirds returning to the numerous feeders waiting
for them on the lake house patio.
Betty developed a strong network of friendships in
Corsicana, she enjoyed playing Bingo with friends in her
later years. Betty was a passionate crocheter, she made
and gave away many afghans, potholders and other
homemade craft items over the years. Betty was an animal
lover; she cared for and loved many family dogs, cats,
birds and other creatures over the years.
Betty dearly loved her parents, her siblings, her two
children, her three grandchildren, her many nieces and
nephews, and her extended family. Betty was kind and
friendly to everyone and loved to talk about family and
listen to others share their stories.
Betty is survived by her two sons John and Bob,
grandchildren Ryan, Evan and Hannah, and numerous nieces
and nephews.
Betty will be buried in Kernersville, North Carolina and
will rest next to her mom and sisters whom she loved
with all her heart. |
Clara Maxine (Yarbrough) Wilson
Apr 6, 1925 - Dec 7, 2023
Maxine Yarbrough Wilson was born in Paris, Texas, on
April 6, 1925, to Preston and Mittie Yarbrough. She
passed from this life to a better home on December 7,
Clara lived most of her adult life in Corpus Christi,
Texas. She worked for many years for CCISD as a computer
operator. She was an accomplished seamstress and enjoyed
needlework. Later in life, she began doing stained glass
and worked for a local shop. She traveled widely in the
United States and visited Mediterranean countries
several times. In her later years, she moved to
Corsicana, Texas.
Clara is preceded in death by her parents; her husband
of 63 years, Perry; and two siblings. She leaves behind
two sons, James (Peggy) of Wichita, Kansas, and Charles
(Zay) of Corsicana, Texas; five grandchildren; and ten
Entombment will take place at 3 PM on Wednesday,
December 20, 2023, Memory Gardens Cemetery, 8200 Old
Brownsville Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78415. A Memorial
Service will be held at 11 AM on Saturday, January 6,
2024, at the Kerens Church of Christ in Kerens, Texas.
Memorials may be made to the Cherokee Home for Children,
P.O. Box 295, Cherokee, TX 76832. |
Phillip Earl Patterson
Mar 12, 1937 - Dec 13, 2023
Earl Patterson, age 86, passed away on December 13,
2023, in San Antonio, Texas. He was born on March 12,
1937, in Corsicana, Texas to parents Frank and Pearl
Phillip joined the United States Air Force in January
1954 and served 26 1/2 years retiring as a Chief Master
Sergeant. While in the Air Force, Phillip was stationed
in Scotland where he met and married his wife, Moira. He
was stationed in Texas several times, Libya, Greece,
Germany, England, Turkey, and Korea. He was also sent on
multiple temporary duty stations in the United States
and Europe and served in the Vietnam War. While serving
in the military, Phillip successfully completed the NCO
and Senior NCO Academies and obtained a Bachelor of
Science majoring in Education through Southwest Texas
State University. As recognition for his illustrious
military career, Phillip earned many awards and medals.
Phillip went on to work a second career in the United
States Post Office after retiring from the Air Force in
Phillip was preceded in death by his father Frank Hayden
Patterson, his mother Pearl Calloway Ward and her
husband Roy, and his brother Leslie Allen Patterson.
Phillip is survived by his loving wife Moira; daughters
Linda Yvonne Patterson and Kim Patterson; son Michael
Ray Patterson; brother John Calvin Patterson and wife
Amy Leigh; niece Tayler (Aaron); nephews Joshua, Jordan,
and Jonathan (Jamye); sister-in-law Amy Jo Patterson;
nieces Phyllis Cope (Wes) and Peri Patterson; nephew
David Patterson; brother-in-law Richard Milton and wife
Katherine; nephews Richard Milton and Steven Milton;
grandchildren Matthew Gonzales (wife Kasey and children
Kaine, Anaya, and Manny), Megan Gonzales (husband
Gabrael and children Junior and Charlie), and Mitchell
The family will receive friends from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. on Thursday December 28, 2023, at Porter Loring
Mortuary North.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made
to The Texas Paralyzed Veterans of America.
Arrangements with
SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 - (210) 495-8221 |
Carol Annette (Johnston) Dugan
Mar 21, 1940 - Nov 21, 2023
Texas resident Carol Annette Johnston Dugan (83) was
born on March 21, 1940 to Eva Dee and Roy Vernon
Johnston in Powell, Texas. She lost her battle with Lewy
body dementia on November 21, 2023. Annette resided in
Dallas/Ft Worth, Corsicana and San Antonio for most of
her life, and spent her final five years with her
daughter in Carson City, NV.
A kind and loving sister, mother, grandmother, great
grandmother, and aunt, Carol was preceded in death by 12
of her 13 siblings. She is survived by her sister
Charlotte Finch of Austin, TX; children James Michael
Dugan and wife Carmen of Fort Worth, TX, Judy Dugan
Roberts of Carson City, NV; grand children Stacy
Roberts, Mindy Roberts, Cara DiCicco, Payton Roberts,
Nicholas Dugan, and Jessica Dugan-Phan; and great
grandchildren Makayla, Amelia, Celena, Dominic, Gianna,
and Micah.
With a smile that lit up the room, Carol had a heart of
gold and gave selflessly throughout her life. She will
be greatly missed on Earth, but rejoices with those who
left before her in heaven.
A virtual memorial service will be on December 14th, and
her ashes will be scattered on her mother's grave in San
Antonio. |
Barbara Jean (Townley) Crawford
Dec 3, 1941 - Nov 28, 2023
Jean Crawford, 81 of Corsicana, passed away November 28,
2023. She was born December 3, 1941, in Corsicana to
Lawrence Townley and Lois Lynch Townley. She married A.C.
Crawford on November 28, 1959, in Corsicana.
Barabara was a member of Lone Star Cowboy Church Navarro
County. She loved to ride her horse. She also loved all
animals, especially her German Sheppard "Shiner".
Barabara loved her family and liked to love on her
grandchildren and great grandchildren. She always put
others ahead of herself. She is preceded in death by her
She leaves behind the cherish the memories, husband of
64 years, A.C. Crawford; children, Dwayne Crawford and
wife Sharon, Melissa Conklin and husband Bobby.
Grandchildren, Jeremy Crawford and wife Ruthie, Cody
Trojacek and wife Erica, Amanda Dodds and husband Akram.
Six great grandchildren and one on the way. Numerous
extended family and friends.
A Memorial Service will be held on December 16th at
3:00pm at Lone Star Cowboy Church of Corsicana |
Nancy Lea (Luhring) Blankenship
Dec 1, 1943 - Dec 19, 2023
left us on a beautiful sunny day surrounded by her
Nancy is preceded in death by her parents Richard and
Anna Luhring and her sister Bo Daly. She leaves behind
her loving husband of 61 years, Dale Blankenship;
children Debbie (Martin) Reilly, Diane (T.C.) Henderson.
Grandchildren Greg (Beth) Still, Stevey (Dustin)
Greenhalgh, Terry Henderson and Kristi Henderson.
Stepdaughter Christina (Robert) Walsh. Six great
Grandchildren. Also best friend and sister Sandra
Luhring and brother Richard (Julie) Luhring II. And
numerous extended family and friends. |
Billy Lynn "Buck" Truelove
Nov 7, 1952 - Dec 6, 2023
Lynn "Buck" Truelove passed from this life in the early
morning hours of December 6, 2023. Buck was born
November 7, 1952, to Tommy W. Truelove and Libby Slater
Buck was preceded in death by his parents, and his
sister Dianna Truelove. He is survived by his son
Thomas-Blayne Truelove, and a number of aunts, uncles,
cousins, and dear friends.
Buck attended Navarro College, Howard Payne University,
and Sam Houston State University. He worked on the
Alaskan pipeline and had many stories about his time
there. He spent most of his working life as a traffic
safety supervisor, working on many major projects in
Texas and Louisiana.
Buck never met a stranger, and always had a story to
tell. He loved to play his guitar and sing. He cherished
memories with friends in the Fort Worth Stockyards, at
the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and on ski trips.
A celebration of life will be held at the Cook Education
Center on the Navarro College campus on Saturday,
January 13, 2024, at 2:00. In lieu of flowers a donation
can be made to the Cook Education Center |
Sharon Elaine (Warren) York
May 27, 1949 - Dec 24, 2023
Elaine York, 74, of Corsicana passed away peacefully on
December 24, 2023. Sharon was born on May 27, 1949, in
Hillsboro, Texas to Robert Lee Warren and Bertha Lee
Goodwin. She was a member of the Community Chapel Church
in which she sang in the church choir. Sharon worked at
Chatanooga Glass until they had closed. She was also a
truck driver for a number of years. She received her
Certified Nurse's Assistant Certificate and worked at
Twilight Home and Heritage Oaks. Sharon enjoyed caring
for others and loved to play bingo. Sharon was preceded
in death by her parents Robert and Bertha Warren and her
son James "Bubba" York. Sharon is survived by her
husband James York, children Cynthia Gurley York and
husband Terry York, Karen York Esner and husband Robert,
daughter-in- law Amy Ainsworth York, grandchildren
Tiffany Sheehan, Ricky Allen, Travis Allen, Aaron Herod,
Lance Herod and Cody Herod, great-grandchildren Garren,
Aiden, Alyssa, Skylar, Lexi, Kami, Davion, Bradley,
Aaron and Noah. She is also survived by her siblings
Cindy Stepp and husband Joe, Alice Dill and husband
Bill, Theda Battrell, Robert Eugene Warren and wife
Patty, Russell Allen Warren and wife Diane. The family
would also like to give a special thanks to Hand In Hand
Hospice, Nurse Don Jones as well as her CNA Patricia.
Visitation will be held on Friday, December 29, 2023,
from 6-8pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral
Service will be held Saturday, December 30, 2023, at
2:00 pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel. |
Robert Vernon Boyd
Oct 10, 1930 - Dec 27, 2023
Vernon Boyd, a remarkable brother, husband, father,
grandfather, and great-grandfather passed away
peacefully on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, at the age
of 93.
He was born on October 10, 1930, in Cornerville,
Arkansas to Jack and Clara Boyd. Vernon moved to
Mildred, Texas at the age of three with his family. He
attended Little Mildred and graduated from
Mildred High
School in 1948. Vernon served his country proudly by
serving in the Air Force from March 1949 until he was
honorably discharged in March 1954.
Vernon worked most of his life in the oil fields in and
around Navarro County, especially in the Mildred area.
He was a hardworking man and he set an unprecedented
work ethic for and in his children. He was a 67-year
member of the Eureka Masonic Lodge and was a Master
He found the love of his life, Dorothy Grantham, just
down the road (they lived just a few miles apart on the
same road) and they attended elementary school together.
They would marry on June 5, 1953, and would go on to
celebrate 66 years of marriage before her passing in
2019. They welcomed three children together and over the
many years would attend rodeos, horse shows and trail
rides. Vernon loved ALL animals and had a soft spot for
animals he would while working in the oil field. He
rescued many and brought them home. Many dogs and cats
and even a ferret made a home on the farm! He loved
tending to his prized pets�his cows! He even named most
of them! The neighbors knew his feeding time was set in
stone each day and could set their watch by it!
Vernon loved his family very much and often told us how
blessed he truly felt! He said he had a good life filled
with quality and quantity! He attended Eureka UMC and
served on the Board for many years.
Vernon was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy;
parents, Jack and Clara Boyd; sisters, Alpha Johnson and
Louise Coil; brothers, Hershel Boyd and Curtis Boyd; and
his lifelong friend of 80 plus years, J.D. "Cowboy"
He is survived by his daughters, Becky Burns of
Corsicana, Texas, Sandy Weiers and husband, Jerry of
Glendale, Arizona, and son, John Boyd and wife, Cindy of
Corsicana, Texas. He was blessed with many
grandchildren; Garrett Minter and wife, Mary Beth,
Chrissy Hawn and husband, Brandon, Heather Wasinger and
husband, Jacob, Hayden Boyd, Heath Boyd, and Kayla
Howard and Rick Burns and wife, Ashley. His
great-grandchildren lovingly called him Pappa, and they
are Conner and Clayton Hawn, Vivien and Priscilla
Wasinger, Hand Boyd, and Natalie and Abby Burns. His
only surviving sister, Annie Mae Baker of Biardstown,
Twilight Nursing Facility was a blessing as well. He
received great care and made a friendship with MD, one
of his caretakers that he talked about until his last
day. The family wishes to thank Bristol Hospice Care for
taking such amazing care of our dad. Nurse Julie, Nurse
Kara and Nurse Ashley along with Chaplain Dave were so
very kind and helpful. Vernon looked forward to their
visits. Their words of encouragement and tenderness
helped him so much.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday,
January 6th, 2024, at Corley Funeral Home. Visitation
will be at 10:00 am with the Service following at 11:30
In lieu of flowers, the family ask you to make memorials
to Eureka Cemetery Association at P.O. Box 34 Corsicana,
Texas 75151 or to the Eureka Masonic Lodge #1060 P.O.Box
54 Corsicana, Texas 75151.
Arrangements under the direction of Corley Funeral Home
418 N 13th Street Corsicana, Texas. 903-874-3755.
www.corleyfuneralhome.com |
Doris Nell (Anderson)
Feb 3, 1933 - Dec 19, 2023
Nell Ivie, 90 of Dawson, passed away December 19, 2023,
at her home. She was born February 3, 1933, in Silver
City to James Charles Anderson and Ilo Garrison
Graduated from Dawson High School and was so proud that
her children also graduated from Dawson High School.
Doris was a meticulous homemaker who was always prim and
proper and marveled and doted on her children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren. When visiting her
during her ranch-land days she always assisted in
rescuing baby bunnies, collecting eggs and always had
the neatest handmade toy box that she hand-painted full
of vintage barbies and all of her grands enjoyed playing
out of that same toy box. She showed us so much love and
warmth, took care of us when we were sick, and gave the
best hugs and always told us she loved us. She made the
best slam sandwiches (mayo & bread). She enjoyed
watching Lifetime and Hallmark movies, but her stories
(soap operas) The Young and the Restless always came
first. She loved spending time with her friends and
family most of all.
Preceded in death - Her parents James Charles Anderson
and Ilo Garrison Broughton, two sons James Randall Ivie
(Jivie) and Jeffery Lynn Ivie, granddaughter Jennie
Dodson, great grandson Justin Hernandez, and brother
Velton Anderson.
Survivors - daughter Evonne Ivie Blackwell Lane and
husband Bobby of Dawson, daughter-in-law Terri Ivie of
San Antonio, grandchildren Nicole Ivie Trevino & husband
Art of Lubbock, Casey Ivie Ballard and husband Denny of
Muskogee, OK, Richelle Blackwell Perry and husband Kacy
of Eureka, Ivy Blackwell & Bacilio of Ennis, Andrew
Blackwell and wife Jordan of Medford, OR, Aaron Ivie and
wife Lyndsie of Mckinney, Brendan Ivie and wife Ashley
of San Antonio, Geoffrey Michael Ivie of San Antonio,
and Natalie Ivie of San Antonio, step grandchildren
Angel & Brianna Andrade of Ennis, brothers Gary
Broughton and wife Joann of Pursley, and Neal Broughton
of Corsicana, Great grandchildren Pryce Gibson & Sydney
Hernandez both of Lubbock, Ava & Gabriel Martin &
Brooklyn Steehler all of Muskogee, OK, Kolton & Kason
Perry of Eureka, Winnie Blackwell of Medford, OR, Evie
Andrade of Ennis, and Emilia Lynn Ivie of San Antonio.
One great -great- granddaughter Simone Hernandez of
Lubbock. Numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday,
December 27, 2023, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside funeral service will be 2:00 pm Wednesday,
December 27, 2023, at
New Pursley
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Andrew Blackwell, Kacy
Perry, Kolton Perry, Aaron Ivie, Brendan Ivie, Geoffrey
Michael Ivie. Honorary Pallbearers will be Neal
Broughton, Gary Broughton, Jonathan Broughton. |
Jerry David Clemons
Sep 13, 1959 - Dec 9, 2023
Clemons, 64, of Corsicana went to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in Waxahachie,
Texas. Jerry David Clemons was born on September 13, 1959, in Corsicana. He was the third son of parents,
Wendell and Myrtle (Leyendecker) Clemons. A Celebration of Life Service will be held Saturday, December 16 at
10:00 am in the chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana with Rev. Sage Pruett officiating.
Interment will follow at
Liberty Hill Cemetery near Dawson. The family will receive friends from 5-7 pm,
Friday, December 15, at the funeral home.
Jerry grew up in the Pursley area. He attended
Dawson schools, graduating in 1978. He attended Navarro Junior
College and graduated from Tarleton State University in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Employment after
graduation included Ag. teacher, water inspector with City of Corsicana, convenience store
supervisor for Jiffy Mart, salesman for AAA Coffee and Frito Lay, from which he retired. After retirement he
was employed at Dart Manufacturing until his passing.
Jerry was preceded in death by his parents and an older brother, Larry Clemons.
Jerry is survived by his beloved wife, Lori Clemons, cherished son, Jerry David Clemons Jr. (Dave), brother
Wayne Clemons and wife, Sara, father and mother-in-law Frank and Patricia Phillips, brother-in-law Lane
Phillips and wife, Audra. He is also survived by nieces, nephews, cousins, a host of friends, and the family pet,
Diesel - a Great Dane.
Jerry was raised by Christian parents who taught him to love Jesus. He dedicated his life to Christ at an early
age, He attended Believers Bible Church in Corsicana. Besides his roles as loving husband and father, Jerry
had several interesting hobbies which included metal detecting, archeological finds, coin collecting,
studying history and was always a football fan after playing in high school.
During Dave's school years, Jerry was actively involved with Dave in raising and showing rabbits, goats, pigs,
and steers. Jerry was also active with Dave in 4-H and Boy Scouts during Dave's school years, Dave was the
center of Jerry's attention. If desired, donations may be made to Believers Bible Church, 2400 Bowie Drive,
Corsicana, Texas 75110 or the charity of your choice.
Donald Earl "Don"
Dec 31, 1948 - Nov 3, 2023
(Don) E. Mershawn was born in Corsicana on December 31,
1948, to Debs D & Orene Cook Mershawn. He passed from
this life at his residence on November 3rd at the age of
74 after a brief illness.
Don graduated from Corsicana High School & attended
Navarro College and East Texas State (now A&M Commerce)
where he obtained degrees in Psychology and Computer
Science. Don was also awarded the Bronze Star for his
service in Vietnam prior to obtaining his higher
education. Don used to education to become an instructor
in Computer Science at Navarro College for 35 years. Don
loved teaching, building military models and playing his
Don was preceded in death by his parents, Debs D
Mershawn , Orene Cook Mershawn. Survivors that mourn his
passing include son, Jon S. Mershawn and daughter, Sara
Mershawn; grandchildren, Caleb, Ryan and David;
brothers, William Ray Mershawn & wife Ann of Whitney,
Roy L. Mershawn and wife Sue of Blooming Grove and
numerous nieces and nephews.
The family will have
a Memorial Service at a later date. |
Mary Louise
"Mary Lou" (Arnold) Wardell
May 4, 1940 - Oct 27, 2023
Louise Wardell, known to her family and friends as Mary
Lou, passed away on October 27, 2023 in Waxahachie,
Texas at the age of 83. She was born on May 4, 1940 in
Houston, Texas to Roy and Louise Arnold. Mary Lou will
be remembered by her loved ones as a devoted wife, a
caring mother and a true friend who was strong in her
On December 28, 1961, she married Tommy E. Wardell in
Houston, a truly loving and inspiring partnership that
lasted just shy of 57 years. They raised three children,
Tom, Tim and Tammy, who were lucky to have parents that
were not just teachers as a profession, but teachers of
life. Each summer was full of family road trip
adventures, stopping at every historical marker until
there was a revolt from the kids in the back seat to get
to their final destination. Mary Lou created learning
moments on family camping trips by taking her kids to
the Public Library prior to hitting the road, letting
them pick out three books to take on the trip. After
lunch, thirty minutes of reading time were required
before being allowed to hit the lake or the beach. No
one drowned and her kids became avid readers (we all
knew she did not believe that myth).
Mary Lou dedicated much of her life to education,
working in various capacities in her almost 37 year
career as a teacher and summer school principal for the
Corsicana ISD and later as an adjunct faculty member for
Texas A&M University System. It was a joy for her to
hear, "Mrs. Wardell!" shouted out by students past and
present when she was out and about town running errands,
getting hugs in the process.
In her free time, Mary Lou was a passionate gardener,
having an affinity for growing roses, African violets,
azaleas, and daffodils. She inherited a talent for
sewing from her mother's side of the family, creating
sundresses that her young tomboy daughter refused to
wear, imaginative and memorable costumes for her
children's Halloween, school, and church plays, and
sequin appliqu� for hand-stitched Christmas ornaments.
Later in life, she took up felt and needlework, crafting
beautifully intricate Christmas stockings that are
treasured family keepsakes. She was a life-long animal
lover, letting her children experience every creature
within reason and either adopting or finding a home for
every animal dumped on the road that ran along their
property in Palestine. Tommy tirelessly kept them
stocked in pet food and filled the bird feeders for Mary
Lou to watch through the sun room windows.
Her kind, selfless and nurturing spirit was a blessing
to all who knew her. While she is missed terribly, her
family is grateful that her battle with Dementia is over
and she is again with her beloved Tommy.
Mary Lou Wardell is survived by her children, Tom
Wardell and wife Toni, Tim Wardell and wife Kayla, and
Tammy Wardell, sister-in-law Charlotte Jensen and
husband Gary, and daughter-in-law Melissa Wardell. She
also leaves behind grandchildren Tara Carroll and
husband Eric, Tyler Wardell and wife Angela, Tori
Wardell, Trevor Wardell, Katherine Wardell, eight
great-grandchildren, several dear friends and her bossy
cat Sally who provided unconditional love and
companionship after the passing of her husband. She was
preceded in death by her parents and her little sister,
Martha Anne for whom she wrote a memoir, tenderly
recounting her sister's short but beautiful life.
The family is filled with gratitude for the love and
support of Clare Bridge memory care staff at Brookdale
Waxahachie and the attentive and compassionate team from
Bristol Hospice that tirelessly cared for Mary Lou,
making her smile and filling her final weeks with music,
comforting words and a peaceful presence.
Please join us in celebrating Mary Lou's life on Sunday,
November 12, 2023, at Herrington / Land of Memory
Funeral Home in Palestine, Texas. Visitation will be
held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. with the memorial
service beginning at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel.
While flowers are welcome, the family also asks that
contributions be made in Mary Lou Wardell's memory to
the Alzheimer'Association or by supporting your local
animal shelter through volunteering, fostering, or
donations. |
Zelia Jo (Ford) Dill
Aug 11, 1942 - Nov 1, 2023
Zelia Jo Dill, passed away November 1, 2023. Born August 11,
1942, to Zelia and W.H. (Bruce) Ford, Jo graduated from Corsicana High in 1960. Preceded in death by her parents
and nephew, Jeff Ford, Jo is survived by her husband of 62 years, David, her children Donna (Brian Frazier),
Michael (Stacy), Matthew (Jennifer), brother Bill Ford (Dianne), niece Rebecca Bush (Kyle), nephew Cliff Ford
and sister-in-law, Virginia Dill Haren, niece Mary Anne Gallagher (Tim) and grandchildren Jacob Dill, Clayton
Dill, Lauren Fox (Gage), and Jamie Dill. |
Hilary (York) Sullivan
Jan 11, 1980 - Oct 28, 2023
celebration of the life of Hilary York Sullivan, 43,
will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 2-4 p.m.
at First Baptist Church in Corsicana, Texas.
Hilary went to be with her Lord on Saturday, October 28,
2023, at Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin, Texas
with her family by her side.
She was born in Corsicana, Texas on January 11, 1980 to
Ronnie York and Amy York Carr. She graduated from
Corsicana High School in 1998 and Texas A&M University
with a degree in English in 2002. Several years later,
she received both a bachelor and masters degrees in
After graduating from Texas A&M, Hilary moved to Austin
where she worked for Progressive Insurance. After
several years, she decided that nursing was her calling
in life. She began her nursing career at Breckinridge
Hospital in Austin and later worked for Austin Dell
Seton Medical Center at the University of Texas where
she was a floor nurse, charge nurse, and finally as the
Nursing Clinical Manager for ED OBS/EBHU. She loved
being a nurse and found fulfillment and joy in helping
others. She told a "few" crazy stories along the way. In
the fall, her Saturdays were earmarked for college
football and especially for watching her much loved
Aggies. She enjoyed traveling and decorating her home
for each season. She always said she was expecting
Southern Living to show up at any minute.
Hilary is survived by her husband, Tim Sullivan, of
Round Rock, Texas, her mother and stepfather, Amy and
Ken Carr, her brother and sister-in-law, Cameron and
Katherine York, and beloved nieces, Elizabeth and
Caroline York. She also is survived by stepsister and
husband, Ashley and Heath Coker, niece, Kensley Coker,
and nephew, Bryson Coker, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Hilary is preceded in death by her father, Ronnie York,
grandparents, Leila and Fred Rasmussen, and Sue and Joe
The family wishes to sincerely thank the administrators,
doctors, and nurses at Ascension Seton Medical Center
and Austin Dell Seton for their excellent care and
dedication to Hilary. They went above and beyond to see
that Hilary got everything she needed to get the very
best care possible. We will never forget everything you
did to try to help Hilary survive. We also want to the
her bunco friends and nursing/hospital friends for their
love and support during this time. We will never forget
your devotion and love for Hilary and your support of
us. Thank you all. |
Margie Indiana Derden
Oct 28, 1930 - Dec 18, 2023
I. Derden, 93, went to be with the Lord on Monday,
December 18, 2023.
Visitation: Thursday, 1:00 pm in The Magnolia Chapel at
Corley Funeral Home. Funeral Service:
Thursday, 2:00 pm in The Magnolia Chapel at Corley
Funeral Home. Interment following service at
Dresden Cemetery.
Margie was born on October 28, 1930, to Perry E. and
Nannie M. Derden in Navarro County, Texas. Margie
graduated from
Powell High School in 1948. Throughout her life,
Margie was the family caretaker. She was always there to
lend a hand to those in need and would be the one the
family looked to when they needed help.
Margie never married and her nieces and nephews were the
apple of her eye. She liked to spoil them rotten. She
enjoyed spending time with her sister and brothers. She
and her sister enjoyed going to thrift stores, Goodwill
and garage sales. She liked to spend time out in the
garden planting and tending to the flowers. She loved a
clean home and was known to be a little bossy, but she
was loved by all who knew her.
Margie was raised in the Pentecostal faith but in her
later years became a member of the First Church of
Nazarene in Athens.
She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers,
James Clinton and Lee Newton Derden; sister, Betty Sue
Miller; and nephew, Kenneth Ray Wright.
Margie is survived by her brother, Tommy Glen Derden;
nieces, Diane Johnson and husband, Randy, Janise
Rutledge, and Donna Beecraft; and nephews, Stephen
Derden, James Wright, and William Miller and wife,
Patricia. |
Billie Verlyn
(Blailock) Robinson
May 10, 1931 - Aug. 3, 2023
Verlyn Blailock Robinson was born on May 10, 1931, in
Thomastown, Mississippi. Billie lived a full and very
active life for 92 years. Billie married the love of her
life, Jack Robinson, and they enjoyed 69 years of
marriage. Billie moved to California during the Korean
war to remain by Jack's side as a military wife while he
served in the Army. She worked with military personnel
with the Civil Service. After the war, they settled in
Houston and raised their three sons, Jay, Barry, and
Rodney. Billie faithfully and actively served in the
church teaching, singing, and assisting her husband with
their music ministry at different churches. In 1978,
they moved to Corsicana. Billie was preceded in death by
her son Jay in 2004 and her husband Jack in 2021. She is
survived by her two sons, Barry and wife Sharon, and
Rodney and wife Brenda. She is also survived by three
grandsons, three great grandsons and numerous nieces and
She had a favorite verse in the Bible that meant a lot
to her:
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my
Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital.
Visitation will be Monday, August 7 from 6-8 p.m. at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Graveside services will
be at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 8 at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. |
Don Ross Slaughter
Jul 4, 1936 - Jul 25, 2023
Ross Slaughter went to be with our Heavenly Father on
July 25, 2023, in Corsicana, Texas. Don was born July 4,
1936, in Purdon, Texas to Gerald Autry Slaughter and
Moreta Thomas Slaughter. He graduated from Corsicana
High School in 1953 [Sr in
1954]. Don married his wife of 68 years,
Earlene Slaughter in 1955. He worked construction his
entire life, traveling many different places with his
family. Don was a beloved son, husband, father,
grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great
grandfather and will be missed immensely. Don is
preceded in death by his parents, Gerald and Moreta and
son-in-law, George Green. He is survived by his wife,
Earlene Slaughter; his children, Donna Green, Teresa
McClelland (Anthony), and Bruce Slaughter; Grandchildren
Erika Stearman (Justin), April Loewe (Jeff), Taylor
Hargrave(Amanda), Colby Hargrave (Kelli), Hannah
Freyaldenhoven (Nick) and children, Ross Slaughter,
McKenna Burson(Andy); great-grandchildren, Madison
Jackson (Denver), Rylan Franklin, Mason Franklin,
Brantley Loewe, Bailor Loewe, Leighton Slaughter,
Grayson Slaughter, great-great grandchildren, Isaiah
Ruiz, Denver Jackson Jr., Tate Jackson, Waylon Burson,
Lane Hargrave, Luke Hargrave, John David Hargrave along
with numerous family and friends. Honorary Pallbearers:
Ross Slaughter, Rylan Franklin, Mason Franklin, Denver
Jackson, Seth Easley, and Sage Easley. A funeral service
will be held at 2:00 PM on July 29, 2023, at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home, 1530 N. 45th St Corsicana, Tx 75110.
Brother Tim Easley from Missionary Baptist Church will
be officiating. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. |
Bobby Lynn Bottoms
Jan. 10, 1949 - July 17, 2023
Lynn Bottoms, known as Lynn, Daddy or Pawpaw, too many.
Lynn was born January 10, 1949, to Vincent Bottoms and
Jennie (White) Bottoms in Navarro, Texas. He was called
home to be with his Savior and family and friends in
heaven on July 17, 2023, at home surrounded by his loved
ones. Lynn married his high school sweetheart Karen
Dubose on July 26th, 1969. They were one week shy of
celebrating 54 years of marriage. Lynn graduated Mildred
High School in 1967 where he excelled in sports playing
quarterback and middle linebacker. He also won district
in pole vault as he liked to tell. After high school, he
attended Navarro College and later Texas A&M University,
but due to his dad falling ill, he came home to work and
help take care of his dad. He started a partnership with
Jodie Farmer that began when he was still a senior in
high school. B & F cattle is still operating until his
death, that unique partnership of 56 years led to a
prosperous cattle operation, owning of 2 livestock
auction barns (Navarro County Livestock and Palestine
Livestock) and Hat Brand Rodeo Company. Hat Brand Rodeo
Company produced a winter series in Corsicana that
spanned for over 30 years. Before his rodeo production
years, he picked up rodeos for about 20 years. He was
blessed to work along with Nolan Henderson at many
finals as well as Glen Smith before that. His rodeo life
made many lifelong friends all over the United States.
In his later years nothing made him happier than seeing
friends and family fellowshipping and eating his food.
If you never ate a fried rib, porkchop, steak, fish, or
calf fries cooked by Pawpaw, you don't know what you
Lynn is preceded in death by his parents Vincent and
Jennie, sister Annie Joyce (Dot) Hodge, brother-in-law
Jay Hodge.
He is survived by his wife Karen, son Jason and wife
Darla, daughter Amy Hill and significant other Mark
Scott. Grandchildren Brendan Hopkins, Raeleigh Lang
(David), Conner Hill (Lauren), Andrew Hill (Madison) and
Kolt Bottoms. Great Grandchildren Brynlee Hill,
Blakelynn Hopkins, Bradi Hill and DJ Lang. Mother-in-law
Hazel Colleen Dubose, brother Mr. "Bunk" Bottoms (Jo
Ann), sister-in-law Kathy Peek and husband Blane.
Nephews Van Bottoms, Jarod Bottoms, Jim Hodge, Gary
Hodge, Ken Hodge. Nieces Mindy Woolridge, Tresa Llamo-Cohen,
Chesley Belk and Kelli Athas and his partner on the
ranch Yoyo!
Pallbearers will be Jodie Famer, Mark Scott, Nolan
Henderson, Tommy Rodell, Sonny Yates, Glen Smith, Wayne
Pritchett, Dwayne Pritchett, and Brent Duren. Honorary
Pallbearers are Blane Peek, Sammy Andrews, Stace Smith,
Danny Gillen, Mike Jennings, Terry Knight, Jarod
Bottoms, Shannon Wiggins, Shane Farmer, Ron Capehart,
Cody Davis, Mike Spain, Jeff Yates, Shawn Calhoun, Joey
Hill, Kirby Hill, Elmer Tanner, Jimmy Mills, and Josh
Visitation will be Wednesday July 19th from 6:00-8:00 Pm
at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Service will be
Thursday at 2:00 PM at Lone Star Cowboy Church of
Navarro County.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Justin
Cowboy Crisis Fund, St. Jude Children's Hospital, Lone
Star Cowboy Church of Navarro County or Lynn Bottoms
Scholarship Fund for Mildred Students.
The family would like to give a special thanks to
Bristol Hospice for their great care and the special
bond Daddy created with Ashley Campbell and Dr. Zachary
Drain. |
Bobbie Nell
(Dunham) DeMoss-Wallis
Dec. 22, 1940 - July 27, 2023
Nell Dunham Wallis 82, of Corsicana peacefully went to
be with her precious Lord and Savior on July 27th, 2023,
with her son by her side.
Bobbie is survived by her son Joel DeMoss of Corsicana,
stepson Stevey and wife Lori of Frost, stepdaughter
Sharon Mathews and husband Kevin of Dawson, stepdaughter
Cindy Herod and husband Mark of Mobeetie. 6
grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and 2 great-great
grandchildren. A niece Laurie Morgan and husband Wade of
Conroe, cousin Bonnie Arnold of Frisco and dearest
friend Theresa Martin.
Bobbie is preceded in death by her much-loved husband RB
Wallis, her son Steven DeMoss, her first husband Larry
DeMoss, her parents Robert Chatham Dunham and Maude
Frame Dunham. Her sisters and brothers in laws Elizabeth
and Jack Owens, Jean and Bobby Kent and great nephew
Jace Morgan.
Bobbie worked several places but found her dream job at
Williams Feed. She spent many happy years there.
Bobbie never wavered in her faith. She experienced
heartache in her life, but she kept her faith strong as
God carried her through these times. She was a faithful
member of The Cowboy Church.
She loved her family deeply just as they loved her. Her
love was shown in how she cared for so many of her
family members in their time of need. Bobbie was
selfless and kind. A more loving lady never known.
A visitation will be held at Griffin-Roughton funeral
home in Corsicana, Sunday, July 30th from 6:00 to 8:00
pm. Funeral Services will be held at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home Monday July 31st at 11:00 am with graveside
to follow at The
Eureka Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Chat DeMoss,
Tim Nelson, Cody Boyd, Steven Wallis, J R Snowden and
Wade Morgan.
The family would like to thank The Legacy Home and Hand
in Hand Hospice for their loving care. |
Billy Jack Glass
Dec 16, 1937 - May 29, 2023
Jack Glass, 85 of Corsicana passed away on May 29, 2023,
surrounded by loved ones. He was born on December 16,
1937, in Corsicana, Texas to Jack and Minnie Lee Glass.
Larger than life, Billy Jack had a love for cars, boats,
and motorcycles. He loved life and had a story for every
occasion. Many of them were about his adventures on the
road with his brother Mickey. Always on the go, he was
inseparable from his daughter Stacy and grandchildren
Brandon and Baileigh. As a veteran of the United States
Army, Billy Jack was proud of his service to his
country. He worked in Dallas for several years before
returning to Corsicana in 1970. During this time, he
worked for the City of Corsicana. He also owned several
small businesses which were centered on his passions.
This included being an independent housing contractor
and owner of Brown's Radiator Service. Billy Jack was
preceded in death by his loving wife of 47 years, Jenell
Glass and his parents, Jack and Minnie Lee Glass of
Corsicana, Texas. He is survived by his daughter Stacy
Glass Johnson and husband Robert of Corsicana. His
brother Mickey Glass and wife Cathy of Dallas.
Grandchildren Brandon Johnson, Baileigh Johnson Hargrave
and husband Isaac. Nephews Jeffrey Glass and wife Misty,
Jeremy Glass and wife Melody and numerous cousins and
extended family members. The family would like to
express their gratitude to the staff at The Village at
Heritage Oaks, and the nurses with Hand in Hand Hospice.
And most recently, his caregiver Blanca Watkins for her
excellent care and compassion. Visitation will be
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home from 12 to 1 pm. A private, family graveside
service will follow at
Cemetery at 2 pm. |
Gary Lynn Hayden
Aug. 13, 1947 - July 13, 2023
Lynn Hayden, businessman, proud LSU alumni and loyal
fan, was born Aug 13th, 1947 in Mobile, Alabama. He
passed away on July 13th, 2023 due to complications from
a stroke.
Gary's faith was always a central part of his life. He
attended church regularly. Anyone who knew him well knew
of his deep and abiding faith in his Lord and Savior.
The oldest of two children to Denver and Hazel Hayden,
Gary grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in a loving and
faith-based home, where he learned the importance of
family, hard work, and giving back to others.
He graduated from Broadmoor High School in 1965.
Throughout his childhood and high school years, Gary
loved playing baseball. His passion for the game started
a lifelong love of sports.
Gary went on to attend Louisiana State University
earning a B.S. degree in History in 1969. In early
August of 1969, Gary joined the U.S. Army Reserves
(Airborne). After basic training, he was assigned to the
Reserve Unit in Kerens, Texas where Gary made lasting
friendships throughout his six years in the Army
After college, Gary intended to become a teacher and a
coach. However, as life would have it, his direction
changed to business, specifically businesses where he
could assist people in decision-making and always with
what was best for them, not for his bottom line.
Throughout his professional career of over 50 years,
Gary was focused, hard-working, and detail-oriented.
When Gary became a life insurance agent with New York
Life in 1988, his father asked him if he liked his work.
Gary's reply was "Yes, Dad, I really do. I like to help
people and I can help them every day in this career".
Throughout the years, Gary was a reliable and
knowledgeable insurance professional and investment
advisor, to countless individuals, businesses, and
Through the years, Gary served on many civic
organizations including the Corsicana Kiwanis Club,
Corsicana YMCA, Corsicana Chamber of Commerce, Ennis
Noon Lions Club, Ennis Chamber of Commerce, and The
Navarro College Foundation.
It was his love of sports that led Gary to be a Texas
High School Football official for 38 years. His crew was
a brotherhood, they had each other's back. Not even an
irate, passionate mom could rattle them when together.
He was incredibly honored to serve on the board of the
Texas High School Football Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas,
right up to his passing. He took his position very
Gary was a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He
and Cynthia enjoyed traveling and entertaining with
friends, going on road trips across the country,
attending music festivals, eating good food, sharing a
love of animals, and laughing because it's good for you.
Affectionately known as Pops to his grandchildren. He
loved and adored listening to their stories, watching
them play sports and passing on his life lessons better
known as "Pops-isms".
Gary was preceded in death by his parents Denver D.
Hayden and Hazel M. Hayden; beloved sister, Gloria Jean
He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Hayden of
Georgetown, TX; children Kyle Hayden and wife Meredith
of Dripping Springs, TX; Kenneth Hayden and wife
Jennifer of Abington, PA; Keith Hayden and wife Cara of
Coppell, TX; Cole Hayden and wife Beth of Collegeville,
PA; and step-son Tommy Eskind and wife Connie of Dallas,
TX. He is survived by 8 grandchildren, Addison, Pierce,
Henry, Jackson, Milo, Ricci, Heather and Chip; 3
great-grandchildren Antonio, Josie and Ridley. Gary is
survived by two loving nieces, Angelle McDonald and
Kimberly Villanova, and brother-in-law, Mike Shroeder
and numerous beloved cousins, dear friends, and his
College World Series Omaha group.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be
made to The Texas High School Football Hall of Fame or
your local SPCA chapter.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August
12th at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas
from 3:00-5:00 PM.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared
at www.cookwaldendavisfuneralhome.com for the Hayden
To plant a tree in memory of Gary Lynn Hayden, please
visit Tribute Store. |
Raymond Thomas
Feb 27, 1937 - Jul 31, 2023
Thomas passed away July 31, 2023, at the age of 86.
Raymond was born February 7, 1937 to Hyram and Willie
Vandergriff Thomas in Corsicana. Growing up with his
siblings Roberta Miles and Billy Dean Thomas, Raymond
attended Corsicana High School.
A pragmatic and straight-forward man, after high school
Raymond was recruited from Corsicana by the Navy, where
he spent the next twenty years. Serving in both Korea
and Vietnam, he was an electrician in the Navy. Post
military service, he attended Navarro College and
received his degree in education from East Texas State
University. He worked for a while as a security guard,
and then as an occupational therapist for children with
disabilities for the state of Texas.
Raymond met his wife Saundra on a blind date in southern
California in 1958. They were married in 1959 in
Corsicana, and were blessed with four children. With his
deep love of family, he was proud to become a father and
grandfather. He enjoyed spending time with his
grandkids. Although his realistic nature could cause him
to be hard-headed at times, Raymond was also very kind.
In his free time, Raymond was an avid gun collector. He
enjoyed football, boxing, horse racing, and fishing. He
enjoyed traveling to visit friends in Arizona, along
with touring Big Bend National Park. He also loved his
day trips to Louisiana Downs for the races. He liked
doing crosswords and loved his coffee.
Raymond leaves behind his wife, Saundra Maxine Thomas;
his son and daughter-in-law Michael and Ezam Thomas and
their children Sara and Ryan Thomas; his son Patrick
Thomas and his children Emerson Ray and Drake Vallon
Thomas; his son Bill Thomas and his wife Donna Thomas;
and his daughter and son-in-law Teka and Sean Byrnes and
their children Isabel and Raymond Byrnes.
In order to honor Raymond's life, a memorial service
will be held on Friday, August 4, 2023 at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon in the Magnolia Chapel at Corley Funeral
Home, with Pastor Daniel Harper officiating. |
Sara Frances (Partin)
Jan 17, 1972 - Aug 2, 2023
Frances Warren, 51 of Dawson, passed away Wednesday,
August 2, 2023. She was born January 17, 1972, in
Somerset, Kentucky to Dale Harvey and Jerry Lynn Partin.
Sara was a member of Westhill Church of Christ. She
served in the United Stated Army 1990-1998. After
serving in the Army, she began her career with the
Department of Public Safety as a Trooper, working in
Navarro and Freestone Counties.
Sara loved horseback riding. She was an avid reader and
enjoyed volunteering her time as a swim coach at the
YMCA. She also enjoyed gardening. Sara loved animals and
especially her cats and dogs.
She is survived by father, Dale Partin; mother, Fiona
Kirkpatrick; her children, daughter Jesse Vander-Kooi,
son Toby Devries, step - daughter Amanda Warren.
Visitation with the family will be 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. Memorial service will begin at 2:00 pm at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Jude
Childrens Research or Texas Department of Public Safety. |
Tennyson Lucious "Tenny" Whorton, Jr.
Dec 29, 1932 - Jul 21, 2023
Lucious Whorton, Jr., age 90, passed away peacefully at
Twilight Home in Corsicana, Texas on Friday, July 21,
2023. Known as Tenny or Ty, he was born in Kerens, Texas
on December 29, 1932 to mother Frances Etta Leverett
Whorton and father Tennyson Lucious Whorton.
He leaves two daughters, Vicki Jeanne Whorton Miller of
Kailua, Hawaii and Katherine Hall Marsh-Smith of
Houston; two grandchildren, David and Katie Marsh of
Houston; two sons-in-law, Mark Miller and Kenneth Smith,
and Jenny Lee Adams of Dallas (like a daughter). He is
preceded in death by his wife, Shirley Hall in 1999.
The Memorial Service for Tenny will be held at Paschal
Funeral Home in Kerens, Texas on Saturday, August 12,
2023 at 11:00 am. Please come visit with the family
starting at 10:15 am.
Tenny grew up in Kerens where his mother, father and
paternal grandparents farmed and ranched. He graduated
Kerens High School in 1950 and then attended
Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas where he
received a Bachelor of Arts degree. After that he
attended Duke Divinity School where he received a
master's degree. It was there that he met the love of
his life, Shirley Hall of Roanoke, Virginia. They were
married in 1958 in Roanoke and lived in Boston,
Massachusetts where Shirley taught school and he
attended Boston University graduate school.
After one year they moved back to Texas and happily
raised a family. Tenny worked for various companies in
Texas and Kansas City, (Overland Park), Kansas. He loved
the traveling his job required. In 1974 they moved from
Overland Park to Dallas and lived there until
retirement. Vicki graduated from Texas A&M University
and Katherine graduated from The University of North
During his working years, Tenny was active in retail
management and advertising with Tandy Corporation of
Fort Worth, Avon in Kansas City, Morgan Buildings and
Spas, and Leather Center in Dallas. In his early years
he was a minister in Evant, Texas and then went on to
become a reporter for five years with the Houston Post.
He enjoyed reporting and met some notables over the
years including Lyndon B. Johnson. He was thrilled when
he landed a one-on-one interview with Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr and his wife, Coretta.
After retirement Tenny and Shirley enjoyed living at
their lake house on Cedar Creek Lake. After Shirley's
passing, Tenny moved back to Kerens and wrote often for
his hometown paper, The Kerens Tribune. He also enjoyed
traveling and visited Hawaii many times (his first trip
being in 1951 with his father) since his daughters lived
there. He would say he had to go over just to make sure
they were OK! He also enjoyed visiting family in Houston
and Galveston.
Tenny loved playing tennis. He was the doubles and
singles champ at Nall Hills Country Club in Overland
Park. He then took up flying, buying a Cessna 140, a
Cessna 170 (which he landed in the cow field on the
Whorton farm, jumping barbed wire fences to do it), then
an aerobatic Starduster and lastly a Pitts aerobatic
airplane. He also owned a sailboat for a short time that
his buddies aptly named the "TyPanic."
Tenny loved his family, loved Kerens and loved the land.
He and his buddies were some of the best storytellers
around. His family is thankful to God for giving them
"Pa." He was generous, kind, caring and loving, and his
passing leaves a huge puka (hole) in our hearts. We are
thankful he loved Jesus and is in Heaven right now with
our mom and the many dear ones who have gone before him.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all of those
who loved him and called him family and friend. God
bless each one of you. |
Charl Ann "Charlye" (Sommer) Worley
Dec 18, 1941 - Aug 4, 2023
Ann "Charlye" Worley, 81, passed away on Friday, August
4, 2023.
Visitation: Thursday, August 17, 2023, 6:00pm to 8:00 pm
in The Magnolia Chapel at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral
Service: Friday, August 18, 2023, 10:00 am First
Methodist Church Corsicana.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Wounded
Warrior Project https://support.woundedwarriorproject.org
or to the Susan G. Komen Foundation https://www.komen.org/how-to-help/donate/memorial-giving/
in memory of Charlye.
Charl Ann was born on December 18, 1941, in South Gate,
California to Charles F. and Ada (Morley) Sommer. Charl
Ann grew up in Hallettsville, Texas. and graduated from
Hallettsville High School in 1960. Her senior year in
high school she dated B.J. Thomas, who would become a
well-known singer. She was involved in the band and
served as the majorette and drum major. She was voted
Band Vice President and Sweetheart. Additionally, she
served as the Class Secretary and Sergeant at Arms. She
was voted Most Talented and Biggest Flirt.
After graduating from high school, Charlye, as she was
known by everyone outside of Hallettsville, moved to
Houston to begin her life. She enrolled in the
University of Houston in 1962 and studied Elementary
Education. Shortly thereafter she met her husband to be,
Max Jerry Worley, at the University of Houston, where he
was attending Optometry School. They were married on
June 5, 1965.
After Max graduated from Optometry school, he and Charl
Ann moved to the Panama Canal Zone in 1966 on a two-year
tour of duty as Max was an optometrist for the Military.
At the end of their two-year commitment, they moved to
Rawlins, Wyoming, where Max would start his optometry
While living in Rawlins, Charl Ann gave birth to their
two sons, Jason Sommer Worley and Jarred Duff Worley.
Two of the best gifts that could have come from her time
in Rawlins, Wyoming. She also completed her bachelor's
degree in Elementary Education from the University of
Wyoming in Laramie in 1984.
February 7, 1985, was another special day in Charl Ann's
life. It was the day that she was going to be saying
goodbye to Rawlins, Wyoming and hello to her beloved
Texas once more. She was a Texas girl through and
through and was so happy to be back home. The family
would be moving to Corsicana where Max would become
partners with George T. Denson, O.D.. while buying the
practice. Charl Ann would help Max in his optometry
practice from 1985 until 1990. She then was offered a
teaching position with Corsicana Independent School
District teaching Kindergarten. She would teach
kindergarten for two years but then was promoted to 4th
grade and would remain there for 20 years, retiring in
Having two sons in their late teens, there were many
gatherings with high school friends at their home. Charl
Ann always made sure that things did not get out of hand
but also developed close relationships with her son's
friends. She even opened her home to one of their
friends who was having difficulties in his own home. She
treated him like one of her own. Everyone loved her fun
personality and her mothering ways. She was like a
mother goose, and everyone knew her as "Goose."
She was one of the most positive people you could ever
meet. She was always looking at the bright side of life
and didn't let negative things affect her or bring her
down. She loved people and was always working to help
and provide for others. She was a dedicated teacher and
would spend countless hours outside the regular school
day preparing to make sure she did the best job she
could for her students.
Charl Ann enjoyed traveling with her friends and family,
reading, listening to books on tape while in the car,
going to the movies and popcorn was a must along with
Skittles. She was a good friend and would form
friendships fast be they found at work or socially.
Those friendships would last lifetimes.
Charl Ann's words to live by were, "Outside of God, your
family is always the most important thing." and "If you
don't have your faith, what else do you have?"
Charl Ann was a member of the American Business Womens
Association, Kinsloe House, First Methodist Church
Choir, Delta Kappa Gamma, and Book Club.
Charl Ann was preceded in death by her parents and
sister-in-law, Karen Worley.
She is survived by her loving husband of 58 years, Max
Jerry Worley; sons, Jason Worley and wife, Mary Ann and
Jarred Worley and wife, Heather Hahn; grandchildren,
Brennen, Kellen, Dillion, Max, Logan and Quinn;
brothers, Morley Sommer, Palmer Sommer, Ross Sommer, and
Darren Sommer; sister-in-laws, Jeanie Sommer, Linda
Sommer, Keeve Sommer, and Cheryl Sommer; nephews, Chris
Sommer, Steven Sommer, Zachary Sommer, Zane Sommer, Zeb
Sommer, and Zeke Sommer; nieces, Samantha Worley and
Megan Sommer and brother-in-law, Duane Worley. |
Larry McLain
Sep 3, 1939 - Aug 8, 2023
McLain went on to be with the Lord and family on the
morning of August 8, 2023. His health had been slowly
declining for several years and a recent surgical
procedure ended up being very taxing on him. Rather than
fighting to get to the other side of this procedure,
Larry decided he would rather to peacefully stop this
fight and go on to be with his wife, Nan, and other
family and friends that had gone on before him.
Larry was a family man and involved in church and
community. Larry, along with Nan, had two children,
Sarah and Mark, and four grandchildren and four great
grandchildren. Larry loved to travel, and he and Nan had
traveled to such places as England, France, Greece,
Italy and China together. When Nan passed away in 2015
the wind for life and adventure went with her.
Larry was born on September 23, 1939, in Carmel, Indiana
to Roy and Thelma McLain. He met Nan when they both
attended Carmel High School and married on November 18,
1959. There he started his construction career and his
family. Larry had worked as a contractor, products
manufacturer and finally a manufacturer's sales
representative. He started Designed Performance
Associates in 1982 and was heavily involved in a large
amount of major construction projects in the Dallas/Fort
Worth area.
Larry was a strong believer in the grace of Christ and
had been active in his faith communities wherever he
lived. Recently he had become a member of First
Methodist Church of Corsicana, Texas.
Larry is survived by his daughter, Sarah McLain, his
son, Mark McLain, Mark's wife Dale, their children,
Jacob, Jacob's wife Shawn and their children Sadie James
and Savannah Francis; Katherine Richey, Katherine's
husband Sean and their daughter Abigale Jane; Ian, Ian's
wife Grace and their son Joseph Thomas; William McLain.
Memorial service will be held August 26, 2023 at 1:00pm
First Methodist Church
320 N 15th St
Corsicana, TX 75110 |
Donald Edward Taylor
Apr 10, 1933 - Mar 27, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023, Donald Edward Taylor went to be
with his Lord and Savior four days after his beloved
wife Betty.
He was born on April 10, 1933, to Francis Marion (Jake)
and Clemmie Odell Peay Taylor. He passed away at the age
of 89. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather and
great-grandfather and friend.
He met Betty while he was roping at Erwin Phillips
place. It was right next to her father�s place. The two
were married on December 25, 1954.
Don worked for Contel telephone which has changed names
many times and is now Verizon. He retired after 40 years
in 1989. He also, took over JF Taylor and Co after his
father�s death. Don was 4th generation owner/operator of
the saddle shop. He has made many a trailer top and
worked on many a saddle in his day. He loved his Lord,
family, horses, and rodeos. He has rodeoed all over
Texas. He roped every week at the house with friends and
He was a faithful member of First Baptist Church where
he taught Sunday School to various ages, but spent 25
years of service teaching 3 and 4 year olds with his
wife Betty. HE loved to serve the Lord, but also, his
children. The family rodeoed all over. He team roped
with his son David.
And when his children and grandchildren had school
activities, he was right there supporting them.
He is survived by daughter and son-in love LaDona and
Dale Jordan of Barry, son and daughter in -love David
and Debbie Taylor of Lipan, grandchildren Justin Jordan
and Crystal Devillier of Teague, Jayson and Sebrina
Jordan of Mildred, Natalie Patenaude of Corsicana,
Victoria Taylor of Mildred, Sarita Petersen and Taylor
Doherty of Laramie Wyoming, Latigo and Madalynn Petersen
of Weatherford Tx. Great grandchildren Taylor and Zanna
Jordan, Maddox and Madilyn Pryor, Jaxon, Melanie and
Easton Patenaude and an expected grandson in August.
Special friends of the family, Reta Gillen, Donnie and
Peggy Gillen, Vicki and Randall Arnett. Many Cousins,
Joe Don Brooks and family (Paducah), Bill Swink and
family (Dallas), Sharon Swink and family (Conroe),
Trisha Taylor Kennedy and family (missionaries) and Lisa
Taylor (Ft Worth), Rick Rash and family (Mildred), Mark
Rash and family (Mildred), Joyce Rash (Mildred), Debbie
Dillingham and family (Corsicana), Phil Golden and
family (Blooming Grove) The family would like to thank
all of the wonderful nurses, aides and doctors who went
above and beyond to take care of Mr. Taylor at Twilight,
Navarro Regional, and Hand in Hand Hospice. And for
visits family and friends from First Baptist Church
Corsicana and Pastor Charky Marquez.
He was preceded in death by, his daughter Laurie Denise
Taylor, mother Clemmie Odell Peay Taylor, father Frances
Marion (Jake) Taylor, uncles, WM Taylor, Robert Taylor,
Sonny Taylor, JB Swink, and aunt Jewel Hodges.
Pallbearers Justin Jordan, Jayson Jordan, Latigo
Petersen, Chris McSpadden, Jason Bottoms. Honorary
Pallbearers Donnie Gillen, Mickey Don McCain, John
Horton, Bobby Reagan, Gilbert Hippard. |
Betty Jean (Bennett)
Oct 8, 1936 - Mar 23, 2023
Thursday, March 23, 2023 Betty Jean Bennett Taylor went
to be with her Lord and Savior.
She was born on October 8, 1936, to Jessie Tom Adams
Bennett and Jay Gould, JG, Bennett. She passed away at
the age of 86. First and foremost, she was a Christian
who loved the Lord with all her might. She was a beloved
Wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and
Betty was raised in Navarro County on her family farm.
She graduated from high school in 1954. She met Don,
they met and fell in love and were married on December
25, 1954. Betty went to business college in Dallas. They
began their married life in Ferris Tx and eventually
moved to Emhouse in 1956 where they lived the rest of
their married life. In Betty�s professional career, she
worked in many offices over the years:
Insurance, orthodontist, YMCA, Jetco, Proctor and Gamble
and Texas State Home where she retired. She was a
faithful member of First Baptist Church where she taught
Sunday School to various ages but spent 25 years of
service teaching 3- and 4-year-olds with her husband
Don. Betty loved to serve the Lord, but also, her
children and family. And when her children and
grandchildren had school activities, she was right there
supporting them.
She is survived by her husband of 68 years, Donald
Taylor, daughter and son-in love LaDona and Dale Jordan
of Barry, son and daughter in -love David and Debbie
Taylor of Lipan, grandchildren Justin Jordan and Crystal
Devillier of Teague, Jayson and Sebrina Jordan of
Mildred, Natalie Patenaude of Corsicana, Victoria Taylor
of Mildred, Sarita Petersen and Taylor Doherty of
Laramie, Wyoming, Latigo and Madalynn Petersen of
Weatherford Tx. Great grandchildren Taylor and Zanna
Jordan, Maddox and Madilyn Pryor, Jaxon, Melanie and
Easton Patenaude and an expected grandson in August.
Special friends of the family, Reta Gillen, Donnie and
Peggy Gillen, Vicki and Randall Arnett. Numerous cousins
and church family.
The family would like to thank all the wonderful nurses,
aides and doctors who went above and beyond to take care
of Mrs. Taylor at Twilight, Navarro Regional and Hand in
Hand Hospice. And for visits family and friends from
First Baptist Church Corsicana, Pastor Danny Reeves and
Pastor Charky Marquez.
She was preceded in death by, her daughter Laurie Denise
Taylor, mother Jessie Tom Adams Bennett, father Jay
Gould (JG) Bennett, brothers Tillman Rodgers, Joe
Bennett, Francis (Mutt) Bennett.
Pallbearers Justin Jordan, Jayson Jordan, Latigo
Petersen, Chris McSpadden, Jason Bottoms.
Honorary Pallbearers Donnie Gillen, Mickey Don McCain,
John Horton, Bobby Reagan, Gilbert Hippard |
Harold Wayne Lilly
Nov. 14, 1929 - May 23, 2023
Wayne Lilly, age 93 of Corsicana, went to be with the
Lord on Tuesday, May 23, 2023.
He was born on November 14, 1929 in Omaha, Texas to Bill
and Mamie Lilly.
He is preceded in death by his parents, Bill and Mamie
Lilly, his wife of 62 years, Virginia Ruth Lilly, twin
sisters: Maydeene Davlin and Aline Nash.
Harold is survived by his only child, Kay Cook and her
husband The Honorable Byron Cook; granddaughters Ginne
Davis and husband Josh, Katie Melton, and husband
Hunter. He is also survived by great-grandchildren, Lee
Davis, Lilly Davis, Laynie Davis, Hayes Melton and
Karter Melton, niece Jackie Martin and nephews, Bud
Davlin and Nathan Nash. His grandchildren and great
grandchildren all affectionately called him Grandaddy.
Harold and Virginia lived in Mt. Pleasant, Texas for
most of their lives. He worked at The Presley Wholesale
Grocery Company for 33 years where he became Vice
President and General Manager. He then went to work for
TU Electric Company in 1980 and worked there for 15
years until he retired. After his retirement, Harold and
Virginia moved to Corsicana, Texas to be with their
daughter and son-in-law and their two granddaughters
which they enjoyed very much. Harold was a devoted
member of Northside Baptist Church where he accepted
Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of 69.
In 1945 at 16 years old Harold became the first Eagle
Scout between Dallas and Texarkana. Harold always
believed being an Eagle Scout was one of the best things
he ever did. He said "It showed me how to take care of
myself and others as well." Harold was a true East Texas
outdoorsman. Quail hunting and catfishing were his
absolute favorites. Of course, he threw in deer hunting,
squirrel hunting, dove and duck hunting for good
measure. In addition to his sportsman activities, he was
an outstanding cook. His great grandchildren loved his
strawberry jelly and pickled okra. Every Christmas he
made his famous chocolate pecan turtles, which were
prized by all who were fortunate enough to be on the
receiving end of this treasured candy. Harold also loved
to plant a really big garden every year and he would
share the vegetables with friends.
Harold was blessed with three very special caregivers,
Jackie Haggerty, Juanita Harris, and LaTonya Hawkins.
Visitation with the family will be held on Thursday, May
25, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm at Northside Baptist
Church. Funeral services are scheduled for Thursday, May
25, 2023 at 2:00pm at Northside Baptist Church with Dr.
Rick Lamb and Dr. Daniel Harper officiating. Burial will
follow at
Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers are Byron Cook, Josh
Davis, Bud Davlin, Kenny French, Dr. Bob Griggs, Hunter
Melton, Wayne Nelson, and Jerry Stroud. Honorary
pallbearers will be Dr. Dale Campbell, Ken Cook, Chance
Davlin, Loyd Davlin, Jim Henry, Nathan Nash, and Jeff
Memorial contributions can be made to Northside Baptist
Church or a charity of your choice. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., May 25, 2023
- Submitted by Karen
- h/o Virginia Ruth
(Franklin) Lilly; s/o William "Bill" Lilly & Mamie Lilly
Hayleigh Nellie Ann
Feb 18, 2008 - May 17, 2023
Nellie Ann DeLaCorte, aged 15, of Corsicana, Texas,
passed away on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. She was born
February 18, 2008, to Paul DeLaCorte and Grace Smith.
Hayleigh attended Corsicana High School. Hayleigh was
her own person, very outspoken, loving, artistic, crazy
and funny. She had a real love for food. She loved to
try all types of different cuisines and then to try to
recreate them herself. Her favorites were sushi & ramen.
She was also a true artist. As she developed as a person
her art developed with her. She started out with extra
girlie unicorns and horses as a little girl. She also
had a painting phase where she painted sunsets,
galaxies, waves, and the moon. She was good at
everything she tried, sculpting, painting, drawing. Her
art was a window into her. Sometimes it was glittery,
sometimes it was random and weird, and sometimes it was
dark. Most people thought Hayleigh's favorite color was
black due to her tough exterior and her solid black
wardrobe. But secretly, her favorite color was pink,
which sheds light on who she was on the inside - soft
and caring with a sweet soul. She loved to help others
and befriended those who struggled like her. Hayleigh
saw the natural inner beauty of every person regardless
of their gender, race, or religion.
She is survived by mother Grace Smith and father Paul
DeLaCorte, her Nana and Popo, Laura and Rafa Renteria,
her grandparents, Dr John and Maggie Parker, and her Gpa
and GiGi Jim and Lisa Nies; brother, Kyler Hubik,
sisters, Jazmine Medina and Izzy Delacorte; bonus mom
since 2012, Kelli Atchison; Her aunts Ashley Parker,
Bailey (Matt) Betts, Madelyn Parker and Abigail Parker
and Uncle Jack Parker; Cousins, Jayden Naemi, Milo
Matthew, Lola Matthew, Zoe Matthew, Logan Betts, Brennan
Betts; Tias and Tios, Desiree DeLaCorte (Leo Miller),
Gabriel DeLaCorte (Sarah Spicer), Miguel (Norma) Ruiz,
and Will (Sina) Ruiz; Cousins, Dameion Ruiz, Tristan
(Jasmine) Saunders, Abriana Ruiz (Mariano Garcia), Lj
Decherong, Daryn Ruiz, Daniel Saunders, Storm DeLaCorte,
Cruz Garcia, and Salem Grey; cat, Levi; and plants,
Larry and Hector.
Preceded by great grandparents, Mike and Nellie Ruiz,
Nannie Lisa Smith and great grandfather Jerry Smith.
Visitation for Hayleigh will be held on Sunday, May 28th
from 6 - 8 pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral
services to celebrate her life will be held on Monday,
May 29th at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home starting at 11
am. A graveside service will immediately follow at
Oakwood Cemetery
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Glenda Sue (Henry) Fourd
Feb. 18, 1946 - Jan. 4, 2023
Glenda Sue Henry
Fourd passed away January 4, 2023, at the age of 76.
Glenda was born February 18, 1946 in Corsicana to Glen
Thomas Henry and Janice La Verne Alexander. She grew up
in Plainview, Windom, and Iowa Park with her siblings
Richard, Debbie, LaNelda, and Cindy. Glenda was raised
on a farm by her aunt and uncle, Neva and Jack Hill. Her
uncle was a very good farmer, winning a corn growing
contest in 1949. Glenda appeared prominently in an issue
of Progressive Farmer Magazine highlighting his win. The
article proclaimed "My Daddy Grows Real Corn." In her
youth, Glenda loved to roller skate, dance, and ride her
horse. Glenda lived her life big, bold, and without
filter. Although she had other jobs over the years, she
was a bartender for most of her life. She was a great
seamstress, and she loved her big and bold jewelry and
was sure to always be in fashion.
Some special memories include a girl trip cruising to
Mexico with her daughter and an impromptu Galveston
beach camping trip with her 85 year old Aunt Hazel .
Glenda considered her best day to be when she was
baptized by her uncle Darrell, who was a local pastor.
She loved St. Jude's charity for children and her little
dog Chloe. She liked to snack on mayo with crackers and
pimento cheese sandwiches, and enjoyed red velvet cake
with cream cheese frosting.
Glenda leaves behind her siblings Richard Henry, Debbie
Johnston, LaNelda McMullen, and Cindy Pryor; her
daughter Vanessa Walker; her daughter and son-in-law
Angela and Richard Arthur; her daughter Regina Jones;
her son Chase Todd; her grandchildren Tara Ledbetter,
Hannah Short, Hunter Todd, Luke Arthur, Jakob Jones, and
Joshua Jones; her great grandchildren Kyla Ledbetter,
Sullivan Ledbetter, Elena Short, and Iris Todd; as well
as many cherished nieces and nephews.
In order to honor Glenda's life, friends and family will
be received on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 from 11 AM- 1
PM at Corley Funeral Home, followed by graveside
services at 2 PM at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. |
- d/o Thomas Henry &
Janice LaVerne (Alexander) Henry
Jeffery Lynn "Jeff" Davis
July 3, 1964 - Dec. 31, 2022
Jeffery "Jeff" Lynn Davis, 58, of Eureka, passed away
peacefully in his home on Saturday, December 31, 2022 at
6:06 AM after a courageous battle with cancer.
Jeff was born July 3, 1964 in Dallas to Anthony Dubart
Davis and Janice Marie Talkington Davis. Growing up in
Garland with his sibling Tony, and then moved to
Corsicana at a young age. As a child, he enjoyed riding
bikes, fishing, and having fun with his family and
friends. His love of the outdoors continued as he grew
older. As a teen, he loved going to the lake, water
skiing, fishing, and duck hunting with his buddies and
his cousin Ricky. After
graduating from Corsicana High
School in 1982, he went on to attend Navarro College.
Jeff met his wife Kathy in 1984 through a mutual friend.
They were riding around, or as they called it then,
"dragging 7th". He asked for her phone number, and the
relationship began. They were married on July 18, 1985
at the First Baptist Church Chapel in Corsicana and were
blessed with sons Jacob Lynn Davis and James Edward
Davis. He was very proud of his sons and told them so.
He taught them a "job ain�t worth doing if it's not done
Jeff was a hard worker who always took care of his
family. He worked 34 years at Navarro County Electric
Coop. During that time, he was a meter reader, lineman,
crew foreman, and before retiring was the Power Quality
and DG Coordinator doing energy audits. He loved all
duties of his job, but especially enjoyed energy audits
because they allowed him to meet new people and explain
to them the usage of their electricity. He enjoyed the
comradery he had with the guys out back at work and in
the field. He was also a master plumber with his own
business, Davis Plumbing. In his free time, Jeff enjoyed
hunting, fishing, and being outdoors. He loved listening
to nature, especially in the deer woods. He participated
in many archery tournaments, where he always said "aim
for the little spot." He also liked tinkering outside
and working on "Blackie" when needed. His greatest joy
was his family and friends, with whom he enjoyed many
unforgettable holidays and vacations. On his most recent
Florida vacation, Jeff went deep sea fishing with his
boys. He caught an 8 foot lemon shark, and fought so
hard he lost his voice for two weeks. Gatherings were
always fun because he was with those he loved, making
memories. He was known to say "10-4" and to quote
Lonesome Dove. He enjoyed a good meal of fried pork
chops and fried taters, apricot pie, Snickers, and Swiss
rolls, also known as "do-do" rolls in their family,
along with an ice cold Miller Lite.
A man strong in his faith, Jeff was a member of
Northside Baptist Church. He loved the Lord and
encouraged others to turn to Him in their need. Whenever
he had a challenge or something that weighed heavy on
his heart, he would say, "just look up," give it to the
Lord and he will help you through. Jeff never met a
stranger and always had an encouraging word. Not only
was he there to help his family, but others in need as
well. The life of the party, he was a cut up with a
cheerful attitude. If you could not find Jeff, you could
always listen for a whistle or his loud voice in any
crowd. A caring man, he gave the very best hugs, and his
smile will be greatly missed.
Jeff leaves behind his loving wife of 37 years, Kathy
Davis; his sons Jacob Davis (and wife Sammantha) and
James Davis; his grandchildren Mattilynn and Bodee
Davis; his brothers Tony Davis (and wife Karen), Scott
Davis (and wife Stephanie), and brother-in-law Warren
Lewis (and wife Julie); his father and mother-in-law
Truett and Joanna Lewis; numerous aunts, uncles,
nephews, nieces, and cousins; and a host of friends
including best friends David and Karen Puente, "Duker"
and "Girlfriend". Jeff was preceded in death by his
mother Janice Davis Raney, father Anthony Davis,
step-father Lee Sellers, sister Cynthia Mendoza,
grandmothers Frances Nelson and Maedean Davis, and
grandfathers Bill Talkington, Robert Nelson, and Warren
The family would like to thank Bristol Hospice for their
excellent care of Jeff and the support of the family.
Kristi, Pam, and Chaplain Bible, you were such a
blessing. Along with all of the food, text, calls,
prayers and support from so many family members,
co-workers, neighbors and friends.
To honor Jeff's life, a visitation will be held
Wednesday, January 4th from 5-7:00 pm at Corley Funeral
Home and services will be Thursday, January 5 at 10
o'clock in the morning at Northside Baptist Church,
2800 North Beaton, Corsicana with Pastor Daniel Harper
officiating. Serving as pallbearers will be David
Puente, David Jones, Adam Scott, Joel Seaton, Chris
Jones, Tommy Cantrell and Patrick Burns. Honorary
pallbearers will be the men and coworkers of Navarro
County Electric Cooperative. Graveside service will be
held at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Retreat.
Corley Funeral Home |
- h/o Kathy Davis;
s/o Anthony Dubart Davis & Janice Marie (Talkington)
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Geral Nichols
Jun 19, 1935 - Sep 20, 2022
Nichols, 87 went to be with the Lord on September 20,
2022. He was born on June 19, 1935 in Navarro, Texas.
Geral was a lifelong resident of Corsicana, Texas. He
was married to his devoted and loving wife Bobbie for 67
years and together they were blessed with three children
Tommy, Marsha, & Tim.
He was a building contractor for over 40 years before
retiring. He was also a member of the First United
Methodist Church of Corsicana.
He served in the Texas National Guard for 24 years,
received training at Ft. Hood, Texas, Ft. Chaffee,
Arkansas, Ft. Polk, Louisiana, and Ft. Benning, Georgia
Air Borne School. He attended several military schools
and seminars and retired from military service on
September 16, 1976.
He served as a City Commissioner of Corsicana, TX
1972-1974, served as chairman of building, plumbing and
mechanical board with the City of Corsicana. Attended
and received certificates from Central Texas Council of
Government, Arlington, Texas. He served as a Board
Member of Community Services in 1973. He was Past
President and life member of Corsicana Optimist Club,
Past President Corsicana Noon Lions Club. He was
selected as Lion of the Year by the Noon Lions Club in
1988. Life member of the Texas Lions Camp for Crippled
Children, 32nd Mason, Past Master of Masonic Lodge 174,
Corsicana, Member Scottish Rite, Waco, Texas., York Rite
Member, Corsicana, Texas. He was member of the board of
Directors at Twilight Nursing Home. He Served as
President of Navarro Co Builders Association 1977-1978
and 1984. He was honored for outstanding service in 1973
by the board of Directors of the Corsicana YMCA for
service of the youth. He also was on the advisory
committee of the Kinsloe House.
He is preceded in death by his parents, TW and Lena
Nichols; son, Tim Nichols; sister, Madgeline Gibson and
brothers, Billy & Bobby Nichols.
He is survived by his loving wife, Bobbie; son, Tommy
Nichols, Sr.; daughter, Marsha Stearman and husband
Mike; brothers, Paskell Nichols and wife Betty, and
Terry Nichols all of Corsicana; grandchildren; Stacy
Nichols, Tommy "TJ" Nichols, Jr. and wife Hillary,
Brandi Stearman, and Justin Stearman and wife Erika;
great grandchildren, Kaleigh Coats, Alania Nichols,
Jaxon Potter, Addison Stearman, Zane Stearman, Jaxon
Stearman, Quinn Nichols and Noah Nichols; great
great-grandchildren, Brody & Cody Coats; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist
Church 320 N. 15th Street, Corsicana, Texas 75110 or The
Masonic Temple (Masonic Lodge 174) 201 N. 15th Street,
Corsicana, Texas 75110.
In order to honor Geral's life, the family will have a
visitation at Corley Funeral Home on Friday, September
23, 2022 from 5-7pm. Graveside services will be
Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 11am at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery with Pastor Jake Wade
officiating. Serving as pallbearers will be Tommy "TJ"
Nichols, Jr., Mike Stearman, Zane Stearman, Nick
Nichols, Johnny Lake and Eddie Perry. |
Mary (Ingram?) Clay
abt 1889 - Aug 17, 1970
Funeral Set For Mrs. Clay
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at the New
Bethel Baptist Church in Kerens for Mrs. Mary Clay, 81,
native of Navarro county who died Monday in Dallas. The Rev.
L. A. Crawford of Dallas will officiate. Burial will be in
the Princeton
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Minervia Ingram of Dallas; four nieces, Mrs. L. M. Baxter, Mrs. Dovie Sadler
and Mrs. Wilma Knighten, all of Dallas, and Mrs. Rabelia Brown of Los Angeles, Calif.; and one nephew of Denison.
Calhoun Funeral Home will conduct.
Clay Funeral
Funeral services were held Thursday at 11 a.m. for Mrs. Mary Clay, 81, at the New Bethel Baptist Church in Kerens. The
Rev. L. A. Crawford officiated. Burial was in the
Princeton Cemetery.
Calhoun Funeral Home conducted.
Surviving are a sister, four nieces and one nephew.