Charles B. Pressnall
Jan 6, 1881 - May 7, 1942Funeral services for Charles D. Pressnall, who died at his home in Kilgore Friday, were held at Richland Cemetery
Saturday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and other relatives.
Kilgore Man Buried Richland Saturday
Funeral services for Charles D. Pressnall of Kilgore, who died at his home Friday, were held at the Richland cemetery Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Survivors include his wife, a former resident of Richland, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon.,
May 11, 1942
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Bertha (UNKNOWN) Pressnall; s/o
Bowen B. "BB" Pressnall & Samantha Jane (Sowash) Pressnall buried in South
Mound Cemetery, New Castle, Indiana
Claude V. Prewitt
May 28, 1904 - Aug 2, 1940
Funeral was held here Sunday afternoon for Claude Prewitt, 36, who was killed in a train accident at Jasper, Ala. Friday.
Surviving are his wife, a son, his mother, Mrs. D. W. Prewitt, Corsicana; four brothers, Emmett, Lamar, and Bill Prewitt of Corsicana and John D. Prewitt,
Mississippi; five sisters, Mrs. Eula Mae Raby of Cleveland, Liberty County, and Mrs. Irene Goins, Mrs. Gertrude Horn and Miss Pauline and Miss Vivian Prewitt of
Claude Prewitt, aged 36 years, was reported killed in a train
accident early Friday morning at Jasper, Alabama, and the body will
arrive in Corsicana at 1 o'clock Sunday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel sometime Sunday
afternoon with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The time of the services
had not been decided at press hour Saturday afternoon. The rites
will be conducted by Rev. Clyde Griffin, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife and little son, mother, Mrs. D. W. Prewitt,
Corsicana; four brothers, Emmett Prewitt, Corsicana; Lamar Prewitt,
Corsicana; John D. Prewitt, Mississippi; Bill Prewitt, Corsicana;
five sisters, Mrs. Eula Mae Raby, Cleveland, Texas; Mrs. Irene Goins,
Mrs. Gertrude Horn and Misses Pauline and Vivian Prewitt, all of
Corsicana, and other relatives.
Funeral services for Claude Prewitt, 36, of Haleyville, La.,
formerly of Corsicana, were held from the Corley Chapel Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. He was fatally injured early Friday when he
was reported struck by a train while walking along a railroad track
near his residence. The rites were conducted by Rev. Clyde Griffin,
pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife and a small son of Haleyville, La.; mother,
Mrs. D. W. Prewitt, Corsicana; four brothers, Emmett Prewitt, Lamar
Prewitt and Bill Prewitt, all of Corsicana, and John D. Prewitt,
Mississippi; five sisters, Mrs. Eula Mae Raby, Cleveland, Texas;
Mrs. Irene Goins, Mrs. Gertrude Horn and Misses Pauline and Vivian
Prewitt, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Ed Black, T. R. Bostick, Garrett Wynn, Alton Adams,
Jess Bradford and M. D. Shook.
Emma Lavonia (Fox) Ford-Presley
Jan 11, 1863 - May 7, 1934
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma L. Presley, 71, were held Tuesday with burial in the
Hamilton Cemetery, the Rev. Albert Ott in Dallas officiating.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. S. S. Tucker and Mrs. G. O. Nokes, both of Corsicana; Mrs. O. E. Maris, Ennis; Mrs. J. E. Hanes and Mrs. J. W. Dilly, both
of Dallas; four sons, D. A. Ford, Kilgore; H. L. Presley, Dallas, and Mrs. J. R. Presley and B. R. Presley, both of Troup; three step-sons, M. W. Presley,
Ladonia; S. H. Presley, Houston, and J. R. Presley, Los Angeles; twenty grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma L. Presley, 71, were held Tuesday
with burial in the Hamilton Cemetery, the Rev. Albert Ott in Dallas
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. S. S. Tucker and Mrs. G. O. Nokes,
both of Corsicana; Mrs. O. E. Maris, Ennis; Mrs. J. E. Hanes and
Mrs. J. W. Dilly, both of Dallas; four sons, D. A. Ford, Kilgore; H.
L. Presley, Dallas, and Mrs. J. R. Presley and B. R. Presley, both
of Troup; three step-sons, M. W. Presley, Ladonia; S. H. Presley,
Houston, and J. R. Presley, Los Angeles; twenty grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Andrew J. Ford married Dec. 23, 1878 2nd
husband Silas Henry Presley married Feb. 26, 1888; d/o Daniel
David Fox & Elizabeth A. (Griffin) Fox
E. T. Preit
died Feb 1907
Dallas, Texas
E. T. Preit, aged 71 years, died early this morning at the home of his son-in-law, D. R. Montgomery, 924 Fifth avenue. The body will be shipped to
Corsicana tomorrow morning by L. P. Robertson.
Mary Nell McGraw
Aug 9, 1932 - Jun 14, 1949
Mary Nell McGraw
Blooming Grove Rites Wednesday For Mary McGraw Death at 1 a.m. Tuesday claimed Mary Nell McGraw, 16-year-old senior at the Blooming Grove High school. The girl
died at P. and S. Hospital here.
The girl, who had rounded out her junior year, who have been a member of the graduating class next school year. Honorary pallbearers at her funeral will be
members of the senior class of the school, and members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship group of the high school.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGraw of Blooming Grove, one of 11 children. In addition to her parents, she is survived by three brothers, Jim Bob
McGraw of Lancaster, Will Roy and Raymond McGraw of Blooming Grove; seven sisters, Miss Nannie Ruth McGraw and Mrs. Cecil Hill of Dallas; Lena Mae, Peggy
Sue, Diane, Linda Jo and Doris Anne; her grandfather, W. W. Massengale, of Barry; and her grandmother, Mrs. H. G. McGraw of Blooming Grove.
Rites will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Blooming Grove Methodist church, with the Rev. Roy L. Felder, pastor, conducting. He will be assisted by the Rev.
C. T. Brockette. Burial will be in
Rose Hill cemetery with McCormick Funeral Home of Blooming Grove in charge.
Pallbearers will be Ted Spencer, Joe Burt Sissom, Gerald Simpson, Alan McCormick, Donald Ray Holditch, Darrell Hinkle.
John Warren Brown,
Nov 27, 1909 - Mar 25, 1929
Blooming Grove Youth Is Killed In Auto Accident Johnnie Brown, aged 20, of this place, was instantly killed Monday night in an automobile accident in Austin,
according to a message received by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, parents of the dead man.
The body was scheduled to arrive in Blooming Grove Tuesday and the funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. T. G. Story conducting the services.
He is survived by three sisters and one brother.
Details in connection with the accident were not given in the message received.
Lelia Hester (Rushing) Garrison

Oct 24, 1877 - Aug 22, 1964
Mrs. Garrison Died In Dallas, Rites Monday
Mrs. Lelia Garrison, 86, former resident of this area, died in the Medical Arts hospital Saturday. She has 119 living descends.
Funeral services were held from the First Methodist church Monday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Hubert Taylor, pastor in charge. Burial was in
Rose Hill cemetery.
A native of Rankin, Ellis county, Mrs. Garrison resided in this community until she moved to Dallas 15 years ago.
Surviving are six sons, R. D. Homer and A. D. Garrison, all of Blooming Grove; Elmer Garrison, Ennis; Alvie Garrison, Houston, and Ernest Garrison, Hearne;
three daughters, Mrs. Allie Gantt and Mrs. Viola Dozier, both of Blooming Grove, and Miss Nora Garrison, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Sallie Davis, Corsicana; 31
grandchildren, 73 great-grandchildren, six great-great-grandchildren, and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
McCormick Funeral Services directed.
Ernest Pierce French, Sr.
Jan 7, 1878 - Nov 24, 1922
Ernest P. French
The subject of this sketch, Ernest P. French, was born in Apple Grove, Morgan county, Alabama, January 7th, 1878, came to Texas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. French, when three months old; was married to Miss Annie Lou Wright June 19th, 1898, died November 24th, 1922.
Ernest was reared and lived in Alliance Hall community all his life, with the exception of four years spent in West Texas, converted 26 years ago at a meeting
held at Alliance Hall by W. B. Moon, and united with the Methodist church. Ernest was a great sufferer for several month before his death with that dreaded
disease, cancer. This writer visited and had several talks with Ernest during his affliction, always found him ready to talk about the future life. The last
time I talked with him he said that he could not understand why he had to suffer so, but that the Lord knew best, and he gave me the assurance that he was ready
to go to that test that remaineth to the people of God. That the only thing he had to regret was that he must leave his wife and children. What a great
consolation to known that we shall see our loved ones again.
He leaves a loving wife, who was as faithful as ever a wife was to minister to his every want while sick, 10 children, an aged father, step mother, two brother, three sisters and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death.
May the spirit of our heavenly Father be with these loved ones. May they be guided by the same and may they make an unbroken family around the great white
throne up yonder is the prayer of a neighbor and friend, J. R. Breedlove.
Canzadie Adaline "Cannie" (Coggins) Brown
1875 - Apr 7, 1960
Mrs. J. W. Brown Dies Thursday
Mrs. Cannie A. Brown, 85, widow of the late J. W. Brown, merchant and land-owner, died in Hillcrest hospital, Waco, early Thursday. Mrs. Brown had
been in ill health for some time and sustained a broken hip in a fall several days ago.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. from the First Methodist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Edward Otwell, pastor.
Burial will be in Rose Hill cemetery.
A native of Missouri, she had resided in this community 65 years.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. W. T. Rice, Sherman; Mrs. J. J.
Lumpkin, Dripping Springs, and Mrs. Roy Spencer, Blooming Grove; nine grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be H. S. Whorton, R. Bruce McCormick, Drew Gillen, Glyde Tullos, Arthur Garrison and Sammie Saunders.
McCormick Funeral Service directs.
- Blooming Grove Times, Apr 7, 1950
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
John Warren Brown, Sr.

Nov 15, 1867 - Oct 12, 1929
Blooming Grove Man Killed When Automobiles Crash J. W. Brown Received Broken Neck In Accident On Highway Near Barry J. W. Brown, aged 62 years, was almost
instantly killed about 8:30 o'clock Saturday night near the Barry school just south of Barry on the Corsicana-Hillsboro road. His neck was broken and he died
25 minutes later without regaining consciousness. Mrs. Brown was badly bruised and shaken up and a granddaughter, Vama Dell Phillips, also was slightly hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and granddaughter were thrown from the car by the impact.
According to reports of the accident, the party was returning from Corsicana, where they had attended the matinee of the circus, and had turned out of the
road to pass another car, when they met another automobile head on. The car which struck the Brown car was a Ford coupe occupied by three negroes.
The funeral services for Mr. Brown were held here Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in the Blooming Grove
cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. T. G. Story, pastor of the Blooming Grove Methodist church, and Rev. Floyd Thrash, Fort Worth Methodist
Mrs. Brown was severely bruised and shaken. Two teeth were lost. At first, it was thought that she had been seriously injured. The granddaughter was badly
bruised and shaken. One eye was blackened.
Surviving are Mr. Brown are his wife, one son, Earl Brown of Henrietta; three daughters, Mrs. W. T. Rice of Fort Worth; Mrs. Roy Spencer, Frost; Mrs. J. J.
Lumpkin of Austin; two sisters, one brother and other relatives.
- Blooming Grove Newspaper, Oct 13, 1929
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
CORSICANA, Oct. 13. - C. W. Brown, 62, Blooming Grove, was
killed and his wife seriously injured in a collision on the
Corsicana-Blooming Grove highway near here late Saturday.
Brown was attempting to pass another car when he ran into
another car coming from the other direction. Occupants of the
other car were not hurt seriously.
Ambrose A.

Apr 22, 1878 - Jul 11, 1940
Funeral Services Friday Afternoon For A. A. Richardson Funeral services for A. A. Richardson, aged 62 years who died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday night
about 8 o'clock were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home.
Rites were conducted by Rev. S. R. Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.
Interment was in Zion's Rest cemetery.
Survivors are his father, G. L. Richardson of Ennis; one brother, J. N. Richardson of Emhouse; three sisters, Mrs. S. A. Cook and Mrs. Nannie Lynne,
both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Noma Fincher of Ennis.
Pallbearers were Grady Armstrong, Phelbert Dixon, Raymond Lyne, L. W. Rhodes, Robert Richardson and Garland Fincher.
Corsicana Daily Sun, July 12, 1940
- Son of GL and Sina (Foster) Richardson
- Submitted by Dana Stubbs
- Ambrose A. Richardson was born in Jasper Co. Texas. His father was General Lafayette Richardson and his mother was Barbara Allen Foster. The
Richardson family came to Texas as members of LORENZO DE ZAVAL colony in the 1830's and the Foster family came to Texas as members of the Old Three
Hundred with Stephen F. Austin in 1820's. "Uncle Am" was my great-great grandmother's, Sina Richardson Cook, brother. ...
Dana Stubbs
Tommy Ray Williams, II
Jul 29, 1961 - Oct 29, 2007
Ray Williams, IITommy Ray "Bubba" Williams II, of Emhouse passed away on Monday October 29,2007 after a long battle with Leukemia
at the Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas.
He was born on July 29, 1961 in Groesbeck, Texas to Tommy Ray Williams and Mary Lou Hogan of Kirvin, Texas.
Bubba graduated from Wortham High School and attended Navarro college for two years to study welding. He received his Peace Officer
Certification in 1996 and received his Advanced Peace Officer Certification in June of 2007. Bubba worked as a Reserve Deputy with the
Freestone County Sheriff's Department until March 2002 when he transferred to the Navarro County
Sheriff's Department. He was employed as an over the road truck driver for Southeastern Freightlines.
Bubba is a parishioner of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Corsicana, and was a 3rd degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus. He
also served as an Emhouse City Councilman from 1996-2004, and was also a volunteer fireman for Emhouse.
Bubba married Susanna Kelly 23 years ago on July 28, 1984 and has two sons, Cody, 18 and Kelly, 10. He was preceded in death by his parents,
Tommy Ray Williams, Sr. and Mary Lou Hughes. He is survived by one sister Teresa Williams of Teague, and one brother Wayne Hughes and his
wife Nancy of Mexia. He is also survived by numerous aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He is loved by his sister-in-law Paula Kelly and her
boyfriend Bill Musgrave of Texas City, and sister-in-law Phyllis Tidwell and her husband Mark of Angus, and brother-in-law, Glenn Kelly and his
wife Alena of Leander, and numerous friends.
Funeral Services are scheduled for 1:00 p.m. at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, in Corsicana, on Wednesday October 31, 2007.
Interment will follow at the Woodland Cemetery in Kirvin, Texas.
Visitation will be from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana, and will be followed by a Rosary
Service at 7:00 p.m.
Pallbearers will be Warren Carter, James Compton, Frank Croft, Ricky McGraw, Joe Nussbaum, Ken Sessions, Clint Sutton, and Mark Wynne.
Honorary Pallbearers are the Navarro County Sheriff's Department and the Southeastern drivers.
The family would like to express special thanks to the nurses and caregivers at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas for all their love and
support. |
Atlas Lee Ellis

Dec 22, 1918 - Oct 29, 2007
Atlas Lee Ellis
Atlas Lee Ellis went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2007, at Navarro Regional Hospital. He was born Dec. 22, 1918, near old Mildred to Elwyn
P. and Velma Bonner Ellis. Atlas was a veteran of World War II where he served his
country in Germany, North Africa, Rome, Italy and Southern France from 1942 to 1945. Atlas graduated from high school in Mildred and college at Tyler
Commercial College in Tyler. He served in the real estate profession in the Tyler area before finding his true calling in the photography business in 1949.
In 1952 Atlas opened Ellis Studio where he ran a successful photography studio for more than half a century. He also ran a successful Charolais cattle business
from 1963 to 2000. Atlas married Verlene Leona Taylor on Dec. 31, 1940, at the First Baptist Church parsonage. He is survived by his wife, Verlene Ellis of
Corsicana; one son, John and wife Debbie of Las Vegas, Nev.; grandchildren, Julie and Darrell Waller of Corsicana, John and Amber Ellis of Mexia and Taryn
Ellis of Mesquite; great-grandchildren, Clay, Callie and Haley Waller and John Ellis III; and cousins, Preston Bonner and Doris Eakes. Visitation will be held
from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with B.F. Risinger, Bill Honea
and David Edwards officiating. Burial will follow at Dawson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be
John Ellis, Darrell Waller, Bill Graves, Don Sykes, Phil Posey, Preston Bonner and Doug Scroggins. Honorary pallbearer will be Clay Waller. Memorials may be
made to First Baptist Church Building Fund or the charity of your choice. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Atlas Ellis
Atlas Lee Ellis went home to be with the Lord on October, 29, 2007 at Navarro
regional Hospital at the age of 88 years.
He was born in near Old Mildred on December 22, 1918 to Elwyn P. Ellis and Velma
Bonner Ellis. Atlas was a veteran of World War II where he served as an Army
Staff Sgt. He served his country in Germany, North Africa, Rome, Italy, and
Southern France from 1942 to 1945. Atlas graduated from High School in Mildred
and College at Tyler Commercial College.
He served in the real estate profession in the Tyler area before finding his
true calling in the photography business in 1949. In 1952 Atlas opened Ellis
Studio where he ran a successful photography studio for more than half a
century. He also ran a successful Charolais Cattle business from 1963 to 2000.
Atlas married Verlene Tatlor on December 31, 1940 at the First Baptist Church
Parsonage. He is survived by his wife Verlene Ellis of Corsicana. Son John and
wife Debbie of Las Vegas, Nevada. Grandchildren: Julie Waller and husband
Darrell of Corsicana, John Ellis and wife Amber of Mexia, and Taryn Ellis of
Mesquite. Great grandchildren: Clay, Callie, and Haley Waller, and John Ellis
III. Cousins Preston bonner and Doris Eakes.
Funeral seervices will be held on Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Rev. B.F. Risinger, Bro. Bill Honea, and Rev.
David Edwards officiating. Burial will follow at Dawson Cemetery in Dawson.
Pallbearers will be John Ellis, Darrell Waller, Bill Graves, Don Sykes, Phil
Posey, Preston Bonner, and Doug Scroggins. Honorary pallbearer will be Clay
Sylvia Beverly (Bobkoff) Goldman
Dec 21, 1911 - Oct 29, 2007
Sylvia Bobkoff Goldman
Sylvia Bobkoff Goldman, 95, passed away Monday, Oct. 29, 2007, in Dallas,
following a brief illness. She was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years,
Raymond Goldman; sister, Grace Bobkoff; brother, Burney Bobkoff; and
sister-in-law, Francine Bobkoff. She is survived by her daughter and husband,
Rena and Larry Friedberg, and their children, Daniel and Emily, of Huntington
Woods, Mich.; son, Sherwin Goldman, and his children, Lynn Goldman of Austin and
Michael Goldman and wife Beth and their children Rachel and Anna of Plano; and
her son, Will Goldman of Dallas. Mrs. Goldman is also survived by her brother,
Kenneth Bobkoff of Dallas; and her sister-in-law, Eileen Raffkind of San
Antonio. Mrs. Goldman was valedictorian of her class of Ennis High School and
was a graduate of The Crescent Academy. Prior to her move to Dallas in 2004, she
was a longtime resident of Corsicana where she served as trustee and treasurer
of Congregation Agudas Achim, donation secretary of Hadassah, and a member of
the Women's Auxiliary of the Navarro County Memorial Hospital for many years.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at the
Hebrew Cemetery in
Corsicana with Rabbi Frank Joseph officiating. The family has requested that in
lieu of flowers, you make a donation to Mrs. Goldman's favorite charity
Hadassah, (214) 691-1948. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Elizabeth Harllee
Jun 30, 1915 - Oct 27, 2007
Lt. Col. Frances Elizabeth Harllee made her transition Saturday, Oct.
27, 2007. She was born June 30, 1915, in Dallas to Edward and Roxie
Tyree Harllee. She grew up in Corsicana in the home of her grandparents,
James and Fanny Harllee, and their daughter, Elizabeth Harllee. She
graduated from
Corsicana High School in
1933, where she excelled in tennis. After graduating she worked in
Tyler and Dallas for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as a service
representative. Frances graduated from San Francisco State College while
serving on active duty in the Army. Her Army career was from February
1943 to July 1966. In her 23 1/2 years of active duty with the Women's
Army Corps, she served at various Army posts throughout the United
States and Hawaii and was personnel officer at Tokyo Army Hospital,
Tokyo, Japan, from 1950 to 1953 during the
Korean War. Upon retirement she
received the Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding service. After
retirement she lived in Corsicana, Kerrville and Dallas. She taught at
Catholic schools in Corsicana and Dallas, attending programs at Unity
Village in Missouri. As a Unity licensed teacher she taught in Kerrville
and Corsicana. Her favorite study and pursuit was a "Course in
Miracles." Her ongoing project was recording her Army experiences
through writing with pictures, letters and clippings of the times. She
is survived by her niece, Sarah Stark, and extended family and friends.
Her service will be 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, at
Oakwood Cemetery with the
Rev. Frank Pounders officiating. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home. |
LT. COLONEL FRANCES ELIZABETH , Lt. Colonel Frances Elizabeth Harllee
made her transition October 27, 2007. She was born June 30, 1915 in
Dallas Texas to Edward and Roxie Tyree Harllee. She grew up in Corsicana
Texas in the home of her grandparents, James and Fanny Harllee and their
daughter Elizabeth Harllee. She graduated from Corsicana High School in
1933, where she excelled in tennis. After graduating she worked in Tyler
and Dallas for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as a service
representative. Frances graduated from San Francisco State College while
serving on active duty in the army. Her army career was from February
1943 to July 1966. In her 23 1/2 years of active duty with the Womens
Army Corp she served at various army posts throughout the U.S. and
Hawaii and was Personnel Officer at Tokyo Army Hospital, Tokyo, Japan,
from 1950 to 1953 during the
Korean War.
Upon retirement she received the Distinguished Service Medal for
outstanding service. After retirement she lived in Corsicana, Kerrville
and Dallas Texas. She taught at Catholic schools in Corsicana and
Dallas, attending programs at Unity Village in Missouri. As a Unity
Licensed Teacher she taught in Kerrville and Corsicana. Her favorite
study and pursuit was a "Course in Miracles". Her ongoing project was
recording her army experiences through writing with pictures, letters
and clippings of the times. She is survived by her niece Sarah Stark and
extended family and friends. Her service will by 2:00 pm Friday November
2, 2007 at
Oakwood Cemetery
with Rev. Frank Pounders officiating. GRIFFIN-ROUGHTON FUNERAL HOME 1530
N. 45th St. Corsicana, TX 75110 903-874-4774 |
Hoyt Moore
Sep 7, 1912 - Oct 29, 2007
Hoyt Moore, longtime Corsicana banker, passed away Monday, Oct. 29,
2007.Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at Corley Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. B.F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Interment will
follow at Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be John H. Jackson, Caleb Jackson, Clay Jackson,
Everett Sims, James Goode and Jim Gill. Honorary pallbearers will be
Howard Jackson and Bruce Denbow. Mr. Moore was born Sept. 7, 1912, on
his family farm near Purdon to his parents, Burney and Hallie Weeks
Moore. He graduated from Purdon High School, Draughons Business School
and Southern Methodist Graduate School of Banking. On Sept. 1, 1934,
Hoyt married the love of his life, Lera Minatra, at the First Baptist
Church parsonage. Mr. Moore was a member of First Baptist Church for
more than 70 years where he was a deacon, having served as chairman of
the board. Mr. Moore began his banking career at First National Bank on
Nov. 1, 1929. W. D. Wyatt, president, wrote in his book, "The Hard Job,"
that Hoyt was "the most patient, kindest, most loyal, hard working
individual I'd ever known." In 1991, Mr. Moore retired from City
National Bank after 62 years in the banking business. He was respected
by his many customers for his integrity and reliability. Mr. Moore was a
longtime member of the Rotary Club, board member of The Salvation Army,
Twilight Home, and Navarro County Historical Society. Mr. Moore was
preceded in death by his wife of 63 years, Lera Moore; his parents; and
his sister, Lucile Angeline Moore. He is survived by his son and wife,
Billy Hoyt and Robeleen Moore; his daughter, Nancy Moore Cansler; his
grandson and wife, Todd and Teri Cansler; and grandson and wife, Wade
and Susan Moore. His grandsons lovingly called him "Pappy." He is also
survived by his sister, Fay Sims; sister and husband, Joyce and Howard
Jackson; and nieces and nephews, Shirley Sims Goode, Everett Sims,
Cynthia Sims Britt, John H. Jackson, Caleb Jackson and Clay Jackson. The
family wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude to Heritage Oaks
Retirement Village staff for their excellent care. Arrangements by
Corley Funeral Home. |
Timothy Neal Smith
Aug 10, 1958 - Oct 28, 2007
Timothy Neal Smith, 49, passed away Sunday, Oct. 28, 2007 at his home in
Corsicana. He was born Aug. 10, 1958 in Dallas. He was a resident of Corsicana
and an equipment operator. He is survived by his wife, Cathy Smith of Corsicana;
son, Wesley Smith of College Station; father, James Smith of Dallas; mother and
step-father, Merlene and Clint Harris of Corsicana; three brothers, Dugan and
his wife Pat Smith of Waxahachie, James and his wife Diane Smith of Dallas, and
Terry and his wife Pat Smith of Ovilla; sister, Crissy and Donnie Wagner of
Garland. Funeral service is scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home Chapel with Tony Neal officiating. Interment will follow at
Hopewell Cemetery. Pallbearers will
be Rick Bailey, James Smith Sr., James Smith Jr., Jimmy Smith, Charles Smith and
Carl Moreland. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Maudie Faye
Portis Johnson
? - Oct 23, 2007
Maudie Faye Portis Johnson passed away Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007, at Baylor
Hospital in Dallas. Wake service will be 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Lott's Mortuary
Inc., 2434 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Dallas. Funeral service will be 11 a.m.
Monday at Faithful Missionary Baptist Church, 6255 Bonnieview Road, Dallas.
Interment will follow at Woodland
Cemetery in Corsicana. Arrangements by Lott's Mortuary Inc., Dallas
Alvin L. Reed
Aug 17, 1943 - Oct 19, 2007
Alvin L. Reed
Alvin L. Reed, 64, of Hubbard passed away Friday, Oct. 19, 2007, in a Waco
hospital. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Wade Funeral
Home in Hubbard. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Rosemound
Cemetery in Waco with the Rev. Michael Green officiating. Alvin was born Aug.
17, 1943, in Rossville, Ga., to Dennis and Alma (Wallin) Reed. He was a truck
driver and drove for many years for Latco trucking out of Corsicana. Alvin was a
member of First Church of God in Hubbard and a Navy veteran. He was preceded in
death by his parents and two brothers, Charles R. Reed and Sydney Reed. Alvin is
survived by his wife, Deanna (McDonald) Reed of Hubbard; son, Shelby Reed of
Raeford, N.C.; four daughters, Delisa L. Clutts of Lexington Park, Md., Diana L.
Owens of Lorena, Lori A. Thrash of Lorena and Kimberly L. Black of San Antonio;
two sisters, Carol Matthews of Chattanooga, Tenn., and Yvonne Corriher of Ft.
Oglethorpe, Ga.; 12 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and several nieces
and nephews. Arrangements by Wade Funeral Home, Hubbard.
Osvil Fender "Booty"
Jan 18, 1921 - Oct 23, 2007
O. F. "Booty" Johnston
O. F. "Booty" Johnston, 86, of Corsicana passed away Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007, at
Navarro Regional Hospital. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at
Corley Funeral Home. Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Corley Funeral Chapel
with the Rev. Floyd Petersen officiating. Interment will follow at Trinidad
Cemetery. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Corsicana Daily Sun Oct 25 2907
Mr. O. F. "Booty" Johnston, 86, of Corsicana passed away on Tuesday, October 23,
2007 in Corsicana. He was born on January 18, 1921 in Trinidad, Texas.
He was a veteran having proudly served his country in the U.S. Air Force during
World War II, he was the last surviving member of the 850th Bomb Squadron.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at
Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday,
October 26, 2007 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Floyd Peterson
officiating. Interment will follow in the Trinidad Cemetery. Pallbearers will be
Dustin Johnston, Jody Butler, Travis Butler, Jeff Bowers, Bryan Harrison, and
Terry Harrison.
Mr. Johnston was preceded in death by his 1st Wife, Helen Natalie Johnston.
He is survived by his Wife, Doris Johnston of Corsicana, TX., Sons &
Daughters-in-Law, Anthony J. & Nancy Johnston of Garland, TX. & Tommy & Mary Lou
Johnston of Grand Prairie, TX., Granddaughters & Husband, Alicia & Jody Butler
of Arlington, TX., Jennifer Lynn Johnston of Denton, TX., Grandson, Dustin
Johnston of Grand Prairie, TX., Great Grandson, Travis Butler of Arlington, TX.,
Great Granddaughter, Brittany Butler of Arlington, TX., Brother, Jack Johnston
of Antlers, OK., and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Friends desiring to do so may make Memorial Contributions to the St. Jude's
Research Hospital, 332 N. Lauderdale, Memphis, TN 38105.
Jimmie Lee Green

Jul 21, 1924 - Oct 27, 2007
Jimmie Lee Green
Miss Jimmie Lee Green, 83, of Corsicana went to be with her Lord & Savior
on Saturday, October 27, 2007 at Twilight Nursing Home in Corsicana, Texas. She
was born on July 21, 1924 in Lone Cedar, Texas to Jim A. Green and Katie Lee
Wood Green.
She attended school at Lone Cedar and Avalon High School. She was a graduate of
Draughn's Business College. She spent most of her adult life in Houston, Texas
where she was employed by Duncan Coffee Company and Coca Cola Bottling Company.
She enjoyed extensive world wide travel, both professionally and with her
family. Upon retirement, she moved to Corsicana to be near her family. She was a
member of the First Baptist Church of Corsicana, Texas.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at
Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday,
October 31, 2007 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in the
Lone Oak Cemetery. Pallbearers will
be Gregory Gegenheimer, James Robert Gegenheimer, Matthew Boyd, Derek Hughes,
James Hunt, and Stephen Gegenheimer.
Jimmie was preceded in death by her parents, three sisters, Lois Keathley,
Jack[ie] Moore and Bobbie Gegenheimer, and a nephew, James Keathley.
She is survived a Sister & Brother-in-Law, Marilyn & Dan Talbott of Knox City,
TX., She was a beloved aunt to her nieces and nephews, Linda White of Houston,
TX., Gregory Gegenheimer of Austin, TX., Joanna Hunt of Corsicana, TX., Robert
Gegenheimer of Corsicana, TX., Kathy Hughes of Lubbock, TX., and six great
nephews and three great nieces.
Friends desiring to do so may make Memorial Contributions to either the Humane
Society, 617 S. 12th Street, Corsicana, Texas 75110 or to the American Business
Women's Association Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 1776, Corsicana, Texas 75151.
Anna Louella
(Dickey) Warren
July 17, 1883 - Aug. 6, 1966
Oil Man's Widow Dies at Corsicana
Corsicana, Texas - Funeral services for Mrs. Henry Warren, 83, widow of a
Navarro County oilman, will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at Corley Chapel with
burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Warren died Saturday in Lafayette, La., where she had made her home the
last two years.
Her late husband, Henry Warren, was one of the owners of the discovery oil well
in the Corsicana-Powell Oil Field that came in Jan. 8, 1923, opening the largest
oil field in Navarro County history.
Mrs. Warren is survived by one daughter, Mrs. D. R. Mays of Minneapolis, Minn.;
one son, William Howard Warren of Lafayette, La.; five grandchildren and five
Curtis Leon Woodruff

Oct 25, 1908 - Jan 14, 1952
Curtis L. Woodruff
Curtis L. Woodruff passed away Monday. Survived by mother, Mrs. S.A.
Woodruff, Barry, Texas; brothers, Preston M., Lawrence T., Dallas; Therbert W.,
Waco; sisters, Mrs. H. K Boswell, Pettus, Texas; Miss Willie Fern Woodruff,
Barry, Texas. Remains to be taken overland to Barry for services and interment
Wednesday 3 p.m.. Rev. Joe Gilmore, Fort Worth and Rev. Don Hazelwood, Barry
officiating. Pallbearers: Leon Reed, Perry Varnell, Marshall Massengale, Ralph
Varnell, Lowell Reed and Albert Bell. Arrangements CRANE-LONGLEY--TE-9919
Curtis Woodruff Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Curtis Woodruff, World War 11 veteran, who died in Dallas
Monday night, were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the Barry Baptist church with
burial in Cryer Creek cemetery.
The services were conducted by the Rev. Dan Hazelwood, pastor of the Barry
Methodist church.
Survivors include his mother, Mrs. S. A. Woodruff, Barry; three brothers,
Preston and Lawrence Woodruff, Dallas; Thurber Woodruff, Waco; two sisters, Mrs.
H. K. Boswell, Pettus; Miss Willie Fern Woodruff, Barry.
Pallbearers were Leon Reed, Percy Varnell, Marshall Massengale, Ralph Varnell,
Lowell Reed, and Albert Bell.
Crane-Langley directed.
Joseph Bennett Woodruff

Apr 9, 1884 - Feb 21, 1940
Corsicana Texas. Feb. 22
Funeral services for J. B. Woodruff, who died at his home in Denton Wednesday
morning will be held from the Methodist Church at Barry, Navarro County, Friday
afternoon with burial in Cryer Creek Cemetery.
He was a former resident of Barry. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Miss
Kathleen Woodruff, Denton; three brothers, O. M. Woodruff, Billy Woodruff, Barry;
Arthur Woodruff, San Antonio; and a sister, Mrs. Will Watson, Barry.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Methodist church at Barry for J. B. Woodruff of Denton, formerly
of Corsicana, with Rev. Maggart B. Howell of Corsicana and Rev.
Bascom Morton, pastor of the Methodist church of Barry
officiating. Interment was in
Cryer Creek cemetery.
Surviving are his wife and one daughter, Kathleen Woodruff; a
sister, Mrs. Will Watson of Barry, three brothers, Billie
Woodruff, Barry; Oscar Woodruff, Barry; and Arthur Woodruff of
Pallbearers were Claud Watson, Henry Allison, Bob McCarty,
Elisha Watson, Jack Brooks, and Loyd Simpson, all of Barry.
James Thomas
"Jim" Perry Sr.
Dec 26, 1936 - Aug 17, 2007
Perry Sr., James T. "Jim"
James "Jim" T. Perry Sr., 70, of Bryan passed away Friday, August 17, 2007 at
Bremond Nursing and Rehabilitation. Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday, August 20
at Northview Baptist Church with interment following at Bryan City Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, August 19 at Callaway-Jones Funeral
Mr. Perry was born in Buckholtz and was a resident for 30 years. He graduated
from Sam Houston State University and was a retired salesman. He was a member of
the Cedar Creek Masonic Lodge, New Baden Lions Club and past president of the
Corsicana State Orphanage.
Survivors include his wife Bettye Perry of Bryan; son, James T. Perry Jr. of
Houston; daughter, Julia Karel Perry of Bryan; brothers and sisters-in-law,
Johnny and Keta Perry of Guy, Coy H. and Patricia Perry and Warren Perry, all of
Bryan; sisters and brothers-in-law, Mary Alice and Charles Lanicek of Bryan and
Mattie Nell and Charles Dockery of Conroe; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to the State Orphans Home Scholarship Fund in care of
James T. Perry, Jr., 6363 Woodway, Ste. 1100, Houston, TX 77057.
Peter Simon Kuykendall

Mar 19 1881 – Nov 26 1968
Simon Kuykendall, 87, retired farm worker of 1400 Navarro Dr., was dead on
arrival at Memorial Hospital by ambulance Tuesday at 10:40 p. m. after
collapsing in the 2400 block of N. Beaton St. A native of Kirbyville, Texas, he
had resided here since 1936, and was a member of the W. O. W. Lodge.
Funeral services will he held Friday at 4 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Chapel with
the Rev. J. T. Davis officiating. Burial will be in
Hamilton cemetery.
He is survived by his wife; two sons, J. D. and William S. Kuykendall, both of
Corsicana; eight daughters, Misses Ruth Kuykendall, Linda Kuykendall, Brenda Kay
Kuykendall, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Dude Dillard, Mrs. Florine Dillard and Mrs.
Helen Porter, all of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Art Vitasek, New York, and Mrs. Bill
Eubanks, Dallas; one brother David Kuykendall, Corsicana; 36 grandchildren, 26
great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren.
Horace Junior McAdams

March 6, 1925 - Oct 31, 2007
Horace McAdams
Horace McAdams passed away on to the next world on Wednesday, Oct. 31,
2007, at his Corsicana residence. Horace was born to Hugh and Mattie McAdams on
March 6, 1925, in Blooming Grove. He was preceded in death by his parents, a
brother Eugene McAdams, four and sisters Beatrice Long, Faye Bell, Fannie Harris
and Tony Abell. He is survived by son John McAdams of Corsicana, daughter Susie
Morgan of Corsicana, daughter and son-in-law Annette and Hugh Channon of Itasca,
grandson Jason Purifoy of Houston, granddaughters Jeanna Morgan of College
Station, Holly Capps and Ashley Capps of Hillsboro and Crystal Cantrell of
Itasca, great-granddaughter Naomi Dominguez of Hillsboro, brother Harvey McAdams
of Mabank, and sister Vera Dixon of Corsicana. Horace also had many nephews and
nieces. Also his special friend and angel Ethael Coley of Corsicana.
He was
raised on farms in the Emhouse area and attended school until having to go to
work to help support his family. Horace served in the U.S. Army in
World War II taking part in the
invasion of Leyte and Luzon in the Philippines and in the occupation forces in
Japan. Horace owned and operated McAdams Appliances Service with his son John
for many years. He was a charter member of The Corsicana Emergency Corps and the
Police Reserve and served both organizations for many years. After retiring he
enjoyed fishing, reading and poker, but not necessarily in that order. The
children in his neighborhood looked upon him like a grandfather. They knew he
always had candy and juice for them. He was a loving father, grandfather and
neighbor who will be missed by many. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to
American Cancer Society or Cedar Lake Hospice of Corsicana. Visitation will be
from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 11
a.m. Saturday [Nov 3] at Dresden
Cemetery. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Horace Junior McAdams
Horace McAdams passed away on to the next world on October 31, 2007 at his
Corsicana residence. Horace was born to Hugh and Matti McAdams on March 6, 1925
in Blooming Grove. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Eugene
McAdams, four sisters Beatrice Long, Faye Bell, Fannie Harris and Tony Abell. He
is survived by son John McAdams of Corsicana, daughter Susie Morgan of
Corsicana, daughter and son in law Annette and Hugh Channon of Itasca. Grandson
Jason Purifoy of Houston, granddaughters Jeanna Morgan of College Station, Holly
Capps and Ashley Capps of Hillsboro, Crystal Cantrell of Itasca. Great
granddaughter Naomi Dominguez of Hillsboro. Brother Harvey McAdams of Mabank and
sister Vera Dixon of Corsicana. Many nieces and nephews and special friend and
angel Ethel Coley of Corsicana.
Horace was raised on farms in the Emhouse area and attended school until having
to go to work to help support his family. Horace served in the U.S.Army in
World War II taking part in the
invasion of Leyte and Luzon in the Phillipines and in the occupation forces in
Japan. Horace owned and operated McAdams Appliance Service for many years with
his son John. he was a charter memeber of The Corsicana Emergency Corps and
Police Reserve and served both organizations for many years. After retiring he
enjoyed fishing, reading and poker but not necessarily in that order. The
children in his neighborhood looked upon him like a grandfather. They knew he
always had candy and juice for them. He was a loving father, grandfather and
neighbor who will be missed by many. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to
The American Cancer Society or Cedar Lake Hospice of Corsicana.
Visitation will be 6-8 pm Friday November 2, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. Services will be Saturday 11:00 am graveside at
Dresden Cemetery.
Velna Oel
(Wright) Newman

May 24, 1911 - Oct 26, 2007
Velna Newman
Velna Oel Newman passed away on Friday, October 26, 2007 at the age of 96, She
was born in Pursley, Texas on May 24, 1911 to Conny Alvis and Henrietta Wright.
She was a hairdresser. She is survived by her son - John Newman of Frankston;
daughter-Jean Beckler; brother - Elven Wright of Corsicana; sisters - Gaynelle
Gray of Tyler and Erma Christinson of Yamaca, Washington; 2 grandchildren; 2
great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Graveside services are
scheduled for Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 3:00 P.M. at the
New Pursley Cemetery with Steve
Handley officiating.
Clessie Mae (Hankins) Gullett-Brown-Warren

Nov 16, 1911 - Oct 24, 2007
Clessie M. Warren 95 of Larue Texas, passed away October 24, 2007 in
Chandler Texas. She was born November 16, 1911 near Konawa Oklahoma to
Jim and Mattie Hankins. She married the late Leon Gullett in 1932, who
passed away in 1955, she married the late Sid Brown who passed away in
1960, she married the late Leslie Warren who passed away in 1980. She
was a devoted Christian who loved her God, a devoted mother who always
put her children first in her life, a devoted grandmother, great
grandmother and great great grandmother. She worked for Collin Street
Bakery for a number of years and she was the oldest member of
Leagueville Baptist Church near Brownsboro Texas.
Her children include son and daughter in law Leroy and Reba Gullett of
Brownsboro, daughters and sons in law Jean and Dale Lane of Pursley,
Joyce and Jerry Bruton of Corsicana and Pat and Ralph Dunklin of Larue.
Devoted step son Bill Gullett of Huntsville, loving step daughters Inez
Scott and Carolyn Pillow. She had 30 grandchildren two of which are
deceased, 55 great grandchildren one of which is deceased and 33 great
great grandchildren.
Visitation will be 6-8pm Friday October 26, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home. Services will be 2pm Saturday October 27, 2007 at
Griffin-Roughton Chapel with Rev. Tom Bragdon and Rev. Mark Winskie
officiating. Burial will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be grandsons Jimmy Gullett, Marty Bruton, Scotty Bruton,
Ricky Dunklin, Paul Dunklin, John Dunklin, Jamie Dunklin, David Hite,
Eddie Lamb and Jeffery Lamb. Honorary pallbearers will be granddaughters
Cathy Miller, Sue Hite, Wendy Granada, Kay Arp, Brenda Lowe, Sherri
Collier, Autumn Cox, Cindy Eaves, Christy Bruton and Paula Garcia.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Elton Glen Lane

Mar 14, 1928 - Oct 24, 2007
E.G. Lane
E.G. Lane, 79, of Dawson, passed away October 24, 2007 in Corsicana. He was born
March 14, 1928 in Union High to Joseph and Mattie Lyles Lane. Visitation will be
Thursday October 25, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be
held 10:00am Friday October 26, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton Chapel with Ronnie
Tanne and Rev. Brian Robertson officiating. Burial will follow at
Resthaven Memorial Park.
Pallbearers will by Pete Chasteen, Heath Chasteen, Elmer Lee Tanner, Joe
Thompson, Craig McEntire and Avery Bruce. Honorary pallbearers will be Jimmy
Lane, Ellis Montgomery, Joe Kyle, Randy Huse and Bubba Howerton. He is survived
by wife Phyllis R. Lane of Dawson, daughter and son in law Sandy and Jack Reed
of Dawson, sister Mildred Harris of Mexia, 2 grandchildren Craig McEntire and
Misty McCallie, 5 great grandchildren Connor, Kimberly, Ashley, Cody and Justin.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
James Windell Vannoy
May 29, 1951 - Oct 20, 2007
James Vannoy
James Windell Vannoy, 56, passed away October 20, Saturday, 2007 at his home in
Corsicana, Texas. He was born May 29, 1951 to James P. and Willa June Vannoy. He
is survived by his wife - Diane Vannoy of Corsicana; 2 daughters - Sarah Ramsey
and her husband Steve of Corsicana and Julie Vannoy of Kerrville; 3
grandchildren - Silas, Elijah and Noah Ramsey; his mother - Willa June Vannoy of
Corsicana. Visitation will be Sunday, October 20, 2007 at the Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Funeral service is scheduled for Monday,
October 22, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with
a graveside service Tuesday, October 23, 2007 in Medina, Texas at the Oakrest
Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. with Glen Ballard officiating
Bruce Leon Meador,
1921 - Nov 3, 2007
Meador, Sr., 85, of Waco, passed away Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007, at a local
hospital surrounded by his loving family. Services were held 1 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 7, at Central United Methodist Church at with the Rev.
Carl Freeto and the Rev. Pat McClatchy officiating and burial followed
at Rosemound Cemetery. Visitation with the family was held from 6 to 8
p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the Garden Room at Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey.
Bruce was born in Blooming Grove, Texas, to Edgar Lee and Cora Rachel
Meador. He graduated from high school and also from North Texas
Agricultural College in 1941. As a
WWII veteran, he served as
Signal Corps Staff Sergeant in the United States Army, made six major
landings in the South Pacific Theatre and ended his military career with
the Occupied Forces in Japan. Bruce retired after 43 years service as a
power plant superintendent for Texas Power and Light at the Lake Creek
Steam Electric Station. Bruce was a member of the Central United
Methodist Church. He loved spending time with his family and had a
special place in his heart for all his grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. His favorite pastime was camping with his group,
"Kin and Friends." He was preceded in death by his parents and three
brothers. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Myrtle Marie Meador;
sons, Bruce L. Meador Jr., Scott Meador and his wife, Beth; brother,
Alva and wife, Twila Meador; grandchildren, Vicki, Owen, Amanda, Sarah
and Jonathan; great-grandchildren, Kinsley, Jasmine, Grace, Brooke,
Emily and Zachary; nephews, Stephen and Nelda Meador, and Paul and
Leslie Meador; and numerous other relatives and friends. Pallbearers
were Paul Meador, Stephen Meador, Jonathan Meador, Owen B. Wingate III,
Ronnie Harsh and James Fletcher. Honorary pallbearers were W.A. Hill
Jr., Bob Bell, Rex Sonny Chambers, Vic Montaner, William May, Tom Page,
Frank Anderson, Richard Jackson, Pat Stroman, Bob Van Valen, Keith
Hague, R.W. Scott, Williard Kuretsch, Ernest Pursche, Carroll Fletcher,
Jimmy Hyde, Dillon Herring, Allan Ray Cleveland, Wesley Hogue, Leon
Yeary, Larry Webb, Men of Galilean Sunday School Class and John Kuehl.
The family wishes a special thanks to Dr. Wayne Falcone and the Waco
Cardiology Associates, Dr. Pat Pryor, Joyce Tucker, Providence Hospital
and the 4th floor nurses and staff and to the Providence
Auxiliary/Volunteers. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
Central United Methodist Church. |
Alice Deaner (Waller)

Sep 14, 1940 - Nov 3, 2007
Deaner Toten
Alice Deaner Toten, 67, passed away Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007, at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler. She was born Sept. 14, 1940, in Union
High. She was a member of the Navarro Mills Baptist Church. Funeral services are 10 a.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Tommy Montgomery officiating and burial to follow at the Dresden Cemetery. Alice was
preceded in death by her husband, Jackie Toten; and her mother, Ethel Waller. She is survived by two sons, Johnny Campbell and James Campbell
of Frost; one daughter, Melinda Lane and her husband Freddie of Frost; two brothers, Bobby Waller of Emhouse and Frank and Doris Piksie of
Benbrook; nine grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Alice (Deaner) Toten
Alice (Deaner) Toten, 67 of Frost, passed away November 3, 2007 in Tyler Texas.
She was born September 14, 1940 in Union High Texas. Visitation will be 6-8 pm
November 6, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 10:00 am
Wednesday November 7, 2007 at Griffin-Roughton Chapel with Rev. Ricky Woodall
and Rev. Tommy Montgomery officiating. Burial will follow at Dresden Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Gene Montgomery, Adam Montgomery, Tommy Montgomery, Mark
Reamy, Nick Reamy and Robert Schultz. Honorary pallbearer will be Greg Stoehr.
She is preceded in death by husband Jackie Toten and mother Ethel Waller. She is
survived by sons Johnny Campbell of Frost and James Campbell of Frost. Daughter
Melinda and husband Freddie Lane of Frost. Two brothers Bobby Waller of Emhouse
and Frank Piksie and wife Doris of Benbrook. Nine grandchildren and 7 great
Linda (Young) Perry
Mar 22, 1950 - Nov 3, 2007
Linda Young Perry
Linda Young Perry, 57, of Corsicana, beloved mother, grandmother and friend to all who knew her went home to be with our Lord on Saturday,
Nov. 3, 2007. She will be missed greatly by everyone who knew her. She was born March 22, 1950, in Vallejo, Calif. Visitation will be held from
6 to 9 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home. Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Danilo Ramos
officiating. Interment will follow at
New Chatfield Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be James Trull, Nathan Young, Walter Young, Marvin
Young, Jerry Young, Kaiser Joseph, Willie Skilling and Alex Averitt. She was preceded in death by her parents, J. A. and Ruby Nell Young.
Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Marilyn and Juan Ortiz of Conroe and Brenda and Kaiser Joseph of Corsicana; son and
daughter-in-law, John and Holly Perry of Corsicana; grandchildren, Carlos Ortiz, Nathan Ortiz, Christopher Ortiz, Jeffery Joseph, Breanna
Joseph, Jessica Perry and Heath Perry; sister and brother-in-law, Candy and Jimmie Collier; brother and sister-in-law, Michael and Birgit Young;
brothers, Bruce Young, Joseph Young and James Young; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. ∞
Published in the
Corsicana Daily Sun from 11/6/2007 - 11/8/2007
Mar 22, 1950 - Nov 3, 2007
Linda Young Perry, Beloved Mother, Grandmother, and friend to all who
knew her went to be with our Lord on Saturday, November 3, 2007. She
will be missed greatly by everyone who knew her. She was born on March
22, 1950 in Vallejo, California.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6,
2007 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 p.m.
on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
Father Danilo Ramos officiating. Interment will follow in the New
Chatfield Cemetery. Pallbearers will be James Trull, Nathan Young,
Walter Young, Marvin Young, Jerry Young, Kaiser Joseph, Willie Skilling
and Alex Averitt.
She was preceded in death by her Parents, J.A. & Ruby Nell Young.
She is survived by Daughter & Son-in-law-Marilyn & Juan Ortiz of Conroe,
TX Daughter & Son-in-law-Brenda & Kaiser Joseph of Corsicana, TX Son &
Daughter-in-law-John & Holly Perry of Corsicana, TX Grandchild-Carlos
Ortiz Grandchild-Nathan Ortiz Grandchild-Christopher Ortiz
Grandchild-Jeffery Joseph Grandchild-Breanna Joseph Grandchild-Jessica
Perry Grandchild-Heath Perry Sister & Brother-in-law-Candy & Jimmie
Collier Brother & Sister-in-law-Michael & Birgit Young Brother-Bruce
Young Brother-Joseph Young Brother-James Young Other-Numerous Nieces,
Nephews & Cousins
Linda Young Perry, 57, of Corsicana, beloved mother, grandmother and
friend to all who knew her went home to be with our Lord on
Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007. She will be missed greatly by everyone who
knew her. She was born March 22, 1950, in Vallejo, Calif.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Corley Funeral
Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Danilo Ramos officiating. Interment will follow at new
Chatfield Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be James Trull, Nathan Young, Walter Young, Marvin
Young, Jerry Young, Kaiser Joseph, Willie Skilling and Alex Averitt.
She was preceded in death by her parents, J.A. and Ruby Nell Young.
Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Marilyn and Juan
Ortiz of Conroe and Brenda and Kaiser Joseph of Corsicana; son and
daughter-in-law, John and Holly Perry of Corsicana; grandchildren,
Carlos Ortiz, Nathan Ortiz, Christopher Ortiz, Jeffery Joseph,
Breanna Joseph, Jessica Perry and Heath Perry; sister and
brother-in-law, Candy and Jimmie Collier; brother and sister-in-law,
Michael and Birgit Young; brothers, Bruce Young, Joseph Young and
James Young; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Guerrero Sr.
abt 1937 - Nov 6, 2007
Guerrero Sr.
Cruz Guerrero Sr., 70, of Corsicana passed away Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007,
in Tyler. Services are 10 a.m. today at Immaculate Conception Catholic
Church with the Rev. Danilo Ramos officiating and interment to follow at
Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Guerrero was born May 3, 1937. Survivors include his
wife, Rafaela Guerrero of Corsicana; sons and daughters-in-law, Miguel
and Angel Martinez of Corsicana and Cruz Jr. and Adriana Guerrero;
sisters, Luz De La Rosa of Dallas, Frances Rodriguez, Dorothy Bell and
Solomon Luna, all of Corsicana; granddaughter, Emma Madeline Guerrero of
Corsicana; grandsons, Anthony Martinez and Brian Martinez, both of
Corsicana; and many nieces and nephews. Arrangements by Corley Funeral
Home. |
Julia Ann (Shivers) Lynch

Nov 2, 1845 - May 13, 1929
BLOOMING GROVE, May 14 - (Spl) Funeral services for Mrs. Julia Lynch, age 85,
who died Monday morning were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First
Baptist Chruch here and were conducted by Revs H. B. Carraway, Corsicana, and G.
L. Jones partner of the Baptist church here. Burial was in the Blooming Grove
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. L. McGee, Blooming Grove and Mrs. Sallie
Yelberton, Cicis N.M.
Mrs. Lynch was born in Mississippi in 1844 but has been a resident of this
community for fifty one years.
G. E. Porter

Oct 31, 1862 - Apr 16, 1929
FROST, April 17 (SP) G. E. Porter, 67, long time resident of this community and
a retired business man, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. E. Moore [Cora
Armstrong (Porter) Moore] one mile and a half south of Frost, at 10 o'clock
Tuesday night, and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the family home with burial in the Frost
cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. H. A. Conway, pastor of
the Hope Baptist Church, of Corsicana.
Mr. Porter is survived by his wife and five children as follows: George Porter,
Syttle, Ark.; Grantz Porter, Dallas; Mrs. Todd Stockard, Donna, Texas; Mrs. G.
E. Moore, Frost; Miss Mable Porter, Donna.
Deene Brothers directed the funeral.
Lynn Polson
March 12, 1965 - Nov 8, 2007
Lynn Polson
Lynn Polson, 70, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007 in Corsicana.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. today at the Bailey County Cemetery in
Muleshoe with the Rev. Mike Goodwin of Festus, Mo. officiating. He was born Dec.
10, 1936 in Eufaula, Okla. He married Glena Miller Heathington in Muleshoe on
March 12, 1965. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Dimmit, and a member of
the Dimmit Lions Club. Survivors include his wife, Glena, of Corsicana; two
sons, Hal Heathington of Dallas, and Ron Heathington of Wharton; daughter, Gayla
Shuster of Burleson; sister, June Boyd of McAlester, Okla.; two brothers, Clark
Polson of Marble Falls and Dick Polson of Jay, Okla.; two grandchildren and
three great grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes
Association, P.O. Box 11454, Alexandria, VA., 22312.Arrangements by Ellis
Funeral Home, Muleshoe.
Lynn Polson, 70, of Corsicana, formerly of Muleshoe, died Nov. 8, 2007.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Bailey County Cemetery in Muleshoe.
Ellis Funeral Home of Muleshoe.
Agnes (Locklar) Boyd
Nov 13, 1911 - Nov 11, 2007
Agnes Locklar Boyd
Agnes Locklar Boyd was born on Nov. 13, 1911, in Navarro County and died on Nov.
11, 2007, in Dallas. She moved to Corsicana at an early age, graduated from
Corsicana High School, and attended Mary Hardin Baylor College. Mrs. Boyd was an
active member of First Baptist Church since 1924 and a member of the Gleaners
Sunday School Class and the Solid Rockers Choir. She was a member of Kinsloe
House Woman's Club of Navarro County.
She was married on June 26, 1937, to Fullwood Boyd, who preceded her in
death on Jan. 1, 1985.
Mrs. Boyd was also preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.D.
Locklar of Corsicana; and brother, Bob Locklar of Waco.
Survivors are her daughter, Brenda Ann Boyd, and son-in-law, George
Gilliam, of Dallas; one brother, Orville Locklar of Corsicana; and a number of
nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. today at Corley
Funeral Home. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at First
Baptist Church. Officiating will be B.F. Risinger Jr. and the Rev. Jerry D.
Godwin. A private burial service will be at
Oakwood Cemetery. Brenda and George
request in lieu of flowers, memorial donations be made to First Baptist Church,
Corsicana, or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Arrangements by Corley Funeral
Carleton Troy
Russell, Jr
Mar 14, 1945 - Nov 4, 2007
Troy Russell, Jr. passed away November 4, 2007. A committal service will
be held at DFW National Cemetery Tuesday November 13, 2007 at 1:OO P.M.
with Rev. O.E. Permenter officiating. He is survived by his wife Betty.
He is also survived by his children Rena' Austin, Carleton Russell, III,
and Modrel Spicher. |
Rhoda Leola
(Hall) Griffin

1877 - Dec 1958
Mrs. Griffin Dies Saturday
BLOOMING GROVE, Dec 22 (Spl) - Mrs. Rhoda L. Griffin, 81, lifelong
resident of Navarro county died at her home here Saturday morning following a
lingering illness.
Funeral services were held from the Frist Methodist church Sunday at 2 p.m. with
burial in the Dresden Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Denzil Wright, Pastor.
Born in Pursley, Mrs. Griffin moved to Dresden in early childhood and had
resided here for many years. She was the widow of the late Oscar Griffin.
Surviving are six sons, Jim Griffin, Purdon; Lacy Griffin, Blooming Grove; Roy,
Thomas, and Alfred Griffin, all of California, and Leo Griffin, Leveland; three
daughters, Mrs. Pearl Compston, Blooming Grove; Mrs. Ina Tatum, California, and
Mrs. Kathleen Liston, Dallas; two brothers, Henry Hall Raleigh and Grover hall,
Denton; 27 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
- The Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Texas, Tuesday, December
23, 1958, pg 11
- View
Obituary Clipping
- Submitted by Verna Bonner
William Calhoun Mimms 
1859 - Jan 31, 1943
Will C. Mimms, aged 83 years, died at his home in Frost Sunday night about
6:30 o'clock. He had been ill for several weeks.
Funeral services were held at Frost, Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
A pioneer resident of the Frost community, he was well known in singing and
other circles of the county. Mimms had been one of the organizers and promoters
of the annual Frost Homecoming celebration each Armistice Day.
Surviving are his wife of Frost, two daughters, Mrs. J. M. Beane, Las Cruces,
N.M., and Mrs. Smith, Colorado City; a son, Knox Mimms, Houston and other
Ruth Ester (Thompson) Mimms
July 21, 1849 - Oct 11, 1927
Special to the Sun.
Frost, Texas, Oct 12. - Mrs. Ruth Ester Mins, aged 78 years, died at her home
here Tuesday evening at 6:20 o'clock from the Methodist church. The services
were conducted by Rev. Chas. Diltz, pastor.
Mrs Mins had resided in Navarro County for about forty years.
Surviving are her husband D. D. Mins, and seven children. One son, Sam Mins,
resides in Corsicana, and one daughter, Mrs. Fred Hyer, lives in Frost. The
other five children are residents of Georgia.
Frances Pearl (West) Keathley

Dec 25, 1877 - July 11, 1969
Mrs. Keathley
Services for Mrs. Frances Pearl Keathley, 91, will be held Saturday at 11 a.m.
at Frost United Methodist Church. Burial will be in Frost Cemetery
under the direction of McCormick Funeral Home.
Mrs. Keathley died Thursday in Arlington after a long illness. She was a
resident of Frost before moving to Arlington. She was a member of the First
Methodist Church in Arlington.
Survivors include two sons, Herman W. Keathley of Dallas and Maurice Keathley of
Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Niles of Austin and Mrs. Frances Lucas of
Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Addie Tullos of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Otie Burns of
Corsicana; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Frances Pearl (West) Keathley
Dec 25, 1877 - Jul 11, 1969
ARLINGTON, Texas - Mrs. Frances Pearl Keathley, 91, of 501 W. Division, an
Arlington resident for 12 years, died here Thursday.
A native of Frost, Navarro County, Mrs. Keathley had resided at the Masonic Home
for the aged since moving to Arlington.
She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Arlington.
Survivors: Two sons, Herman W. Keathley of Dallas and E. Maurice Keathley of
Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Miles of Austin, Mrs. Frances Lucas of
Akron, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Addie Tullos of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Otie
Burns of Corsicana; six grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in McCormick Funeral Chapel in
Frost, Navarro County. Burial will be in the Frost Cemetery.
Funeral For Mrs. Keathley
Funeral was held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning in Frost United Methodist Church
for Mrs. Frances Pearl Keathley who died Thursday morning in Arlington. Pastor
Wesley Howard, Jr. was the minister and Miss Beverly Yates was organist.
Mrs. Keathley, a native of Mississippi, was 91 years of age. She had been living
in the Masonic Home in Arlington the past 12 years after moving there from
Interment was in Frost Cemetery
and Casket Bearers were Darrell Keathley, Frank Keathley, David Keathley, Malvin
Keathley, Lamar Speer, Carl West and Dub Burns.
Mrs. Keathley is survived by two sons, Herman W. Keathley of Dallas and Maruice
Keathley of Houston; daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Miles of Austin and Mrs. Frances
Lucas of Akron, Ohio; 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren; sisters, Mrs.
Addie Tullos of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Otie Burns of Corsicana.
McCormick Funeral Service was in charge.
- The Blooming Grove Times - July 16, 1969
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Sallie E. (Brown) Hines
Apr 10, 1878 - Jun 9, 1945
BLOOMING GROVE, Texas, June 11, - (Spl) - Mrs. John Hines aged 67 years
died in a Corsicana Hospital Saturday at 6 a.m.
Funeral services were held here Monday from the First Baptist Church. Burial was
in the Dresden Cemetery. Rev. W. G.
Griffith, pastor, officiated.
Surviving are her husband, two sons, Aubrey and B. F. Hines, a sister, Mrs.
Julia Slay. Perkinston, Miss.; and two brothers, W. J. Brown, Natchez, Miss.,
and B. Frank Brown, Gulfport. Miss.
Pallbearers were J. E. Walker, G. D. Gillen, H. S. Whorton, E. J. Glenn, C. P.
Lynch and Henry Allison
McCormick's Funeral Service directed.
Fenton Melvin
Young, Jr. 
Aug 2, 1918 - Jan 21, 1992
F.M. Young Jr.
F. M. (Fenton) Young Jr., 73, of Frost, died Jan. 21, 1992 at his residence.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at the Frost Methodist Church with John and
Margaret Decker officiating. Burial will be in the
Frost Cemetery under direction of
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove.
He was the owner of Young's Texaco in Frost until his retirement in 1983. Prior
to that, he had retired from the pipeline construction business, having worked
primarily for the H. B. Zachary Company in different parts of North America. He
was a decorated World War II veteran.
Survivors include his wife, Pearl Young of Frost; one son, Ronnie Young of
Dallas; one daughter, Mary Lindop of Rockwell; one daughter and
son-in-law, Nancy and Jimmy Mitchell of Frost; two grandchildren, Kelly and
Dustin Lindop of Rockwall; one sister, Earleen Doyle of Italy; and one brother,
Travis Young of Fort Worth.
Pallbearers will be Truman Commons, Jo Parum, Marion Green, Sonny Posey,
William Lane and Jack Thomas. Honorary pallbearers will be James Mitchell, Bud
York, Truitt Green, Truman Raley, Robert Raley and Cecil Putman
Mary Effie (Toal) Downey

Jul 22, 1893 - May 3, 1940
Funeral services for Mrs. H. J. Downey, aged 46 years, who died in Ennis Friday
night after a long illness, were held from the First Baptist church in Ennis.
Mrs. Downey, formerly Mary Effie Toal, was born at
Emmett, Navarro county, July 22, 1893,
and lived in Navarro County until 1915.
Her husband, a Cotton Belt engineer, died in 1928, and following his death, Mrs.
Downey moved to Ennis.
Surviving are four children, Miss Evelyn Downey, district census stenographer
here; Jack Martin Downey, Houston; Henry Malcolmn and Joe Carl Downey; both of
Ennis; a grandson, mother, Mrs. Joaner Toal, Ennis; four brothers, A. F. Toal,
H. M. Toal and P. M. Toal, all of Ennis, and J. L. Toal, Harligen; and four
Daily Sun - Monday, May 6, 1940
- Daughter of Joseph Almarine Toal & Joanna Lee (Hagle)
- Grand daughter of Charles Toal and Mary Ann (Lovorn)
- Great Grand Daughter of Henry Toal & Mary "Polly"
(Wilson) Toal
View Obituary Clipping
Mitchell McKinney
abt 1831 - Jan 1932
Ex-Slave Dies at Are of 101 Years
Mitchell McKinney, 101 year-old negro, among the last of the old slaves residing
in Corsicana, known to his white friends as "Uncle Mitch," died this morning.
The body is being held at Hardee's funeral Home until sufficient means can be
raised to pay the expenses of the old ex-slave's funeral
Anyone desiring to contribute funds for the burial of "Uncle Mitch" are
requested to get in touch with Hardee's Funeral Home.
Annie M.
(Hunter) Warrington

May 24, 1885 - Oct 15, 1959
Mrs. Warrington Funeral Friday
FROST. Oct 16 (Spl) - Mrs. R. N. Warrington, 74, native of Frost died Thursday
noon in the Memorial Hospital at Corsicana.
Mrs. Warrington, who with her late husband operated a grocery store here for a
number of years, had been in bad health the past year. Her death was
brought on by a fall in which she fractured a leg and then suffered a stroke.
Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the First Methodist church
here. Rev. Harold Thompson, pastor, conducted the rites. Rev. C. C. Ellis,
pastor of the Frost Baptist church, assisted. Interment was in the
Frost Cemetery.
Survivors include two sisters Mrs. Clyde Smith and Mrs. W. E. Doyle, both of
whom reside in Frost.
Pallbearers were Edwin Sheppard, J. C. Young, Pete Sharp, Rex Patterson, W. E.
Stevenson, F. S. Maline, Buster Doyle, and Jimmie Hooser.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Rickey Wayne Doss
Nov 27, 1944 - Nov 16, 2007
Wayne Doss
Rickey Wayne Doss, 62, of Corsicana passed away Friday, Nov. 16, 2007 in
Dallas. Services will be 2 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Rufus Nutt officiating. Interment will follow at Kemp Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Gene Harrison, Jason Brunton, Paul Dunagan, Gene
Yarborough, Michael Cote and Steven Tucker. Mr. Doss was born Nov. 27,
1944 in Dallas. He was a truck driver. He loved to fish and was an avid
bird watcher. He was preceded in death by his parents, M. L. and Maxine
Doss; and granddaughter, Cierra Yarborough. Mr. Doss is survived by his
wife of 42 years, Patricia Doss of Corsicana; daughters and sons-in-law,
Traci and Gene Harrison, Sandy and Chuck Majors, and Rikki Doss, all of
Corsicana; son, Jeremy Doss of Corsicana; granddaughters, Cecilie
Harrison, Kelsie Harrison, Tori Majors and Jade Doss, all of Corsicana;
and grandsons, Jacob Harrison, Eric Majors, Payton Doss and Caleb Doss,
all of Corsicana. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Frank Meredith
Walker Sr.
Jan 2, 1919 - Nov 16, 2007
Meredith Walker Sr.
Frank Meredith Walker Sr. died Nov. 16, 2007. A celebration of his life
will be held at 5 p.m. today at Pine Grove Church Life Center in Monroe,
La. Pastor Dale Walker will be officiating. Visitation will follow
immediately after. Frank Walker was born Jan. 2, 1919, in Bazette. In
1925, he moved with his family to Corsicana, where he grew up and
graduated from Corsicana High School. He then attended St. Edwards
University in Austin and the University of Texas. He was a veteran of
World War II serving in the
Air Force and stationed in England. Mr. Walker came to Monroe, La., in
1948 as a salesman for Del Monte. In 1953 he opened his first restaurant
and continued in the business for 35 years. He loved the hamburger
business and perfected making the best one in town. His hamburgers have
yet to be matched and they are still talked about by his many faithful
former customers. Mr. Walker was the last child of six born to James
Gibson and Maggie Garvin Walker. He was preceded in death by his son
Frank Meredith Walker Jr. and his granddaughter Nina Elise Walker. He is
survived by his wife of 58 years, Billie Etheredge Walker, his son Dale
Walker and his wife Lydia; his daughters, Becky Ford and her husband
Keith, Melanie Turner and her husband Randy, Lisa Herrock and her
husband John, and Carrie Walker; grandchildren, Jared, Whitney, and
Mollie Walker, Lindsey, Austin, Carlie, and Maggie Turner, Caitlin,
Emma, Olivia, and Owen Herrock, Andrew Ford, and Liz Cottrill, Meredith
Price, Brooke, Carmen, and Slade Walker; two great-grandchildren;
nephews, Joe and Jerry Walker; and nieces, Connie Galloway and Cathy
Donovan. Memorials may be made to Pine Grove Church, Loop Road, Monroe,
La. Arrangements by Mulhearn Funeral Home, Monroe, La.
Frank Meredith Walker
Mr. Frank Meredith Walker Sr. died November 16, 2007. A
celebration of his life will be held Sunday, November 18, at
5:00 at the Pine Grove Church Life Center; Pastor Dale Walker
will be officiating. Visitation will follow immediately after.
Frank Walker was born in Bazette, Texas January 2, 1919. In
1925, he moved with his family to Corsicana, Texas where he grew
up and graduated from Corsicana High School. He then attended
St. Edwards University in Austin and the University Of Texas. He
was a veteran of
World War II serving in the Air Force and
stationed in England.
Mr. Walker came to Monroe, LA in 1948 as a salesman for Del
Monte. In 1953 he opened his first restaurant and continued in
the business for 35 years. He loved the hamburger business and
perfected making the best one in town. His hamburgers have yet
to be matched and they are still talked about by his many
faithful former customers. Mr. Walker was the last child of six
born to James Gibson and Maggie Garvin Walker. He was preceded
in death by his son Frank Meredith Walker Jr. and his
granddaughter Nina Elise Walker.
He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Billie Etheredge Walker,
his son Dale Walker and his wife Lydia; his daughters, Becky
Ford and her husband Keith, Melanie Turner and her husband
Randy, Lisa Herrock and her husband John, and Carrie Walker;
grandchildren, Jared, Whitney, and Mollie Walker, Lindsey,
Austin, Carlie, and Maggie Turner, Caitlin, Emma, Olivia, and
Owen Herrock, Andrew Ford, and Liz Cottrill, Meredith Price,
Brooke, Carmen, and Slade Walker; two great-grandchildren;
nephews, Joe and Jerry Walker; and nieces, Connie Galloway and
Cathy Donovan.
Memorials may be made to Pine Grove Church, Loop Road, Monroe,
- Mulhearn Funeral Home –
Sterlington Road, Monroe, La.
- h/o Billie June (Etheredge)
Walker; s/o James Gibson Walker & Margaret Jane "Maggie"
(Garvin) Walker buried in Prairie Point Cemetery
Myrtle Louise (Ray)
May 26, 1941 - Oct 9, 2007
Myrtle L. Ray Bass
Myrtle L. Ray Bass passed away Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2007, in Dallas. She was born
May 26, 1941, in Corsicana to Roy and Thelma Goode Ray. She was a member of
Memorial Baptist Church in Corsicana. Ms. Bass was preceded in death by her
parents. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Matthew and Kim Traphagan
of Shawnee, Kan.; a son, James "Jim" Michael Bass; a daughter, Marcella Ott of
Farmersville; and granddaughters, Ashley and Amanda Traphagan and Natalie and
Elizabeth Ott. Other survivors include her sisters and brothers-in-law, Naomi
Johnston of Kerens, Barbara and Earl Gilbert Sr. of Teague, Martha and Robert
"Buck" Holditch of Red Oak, and Wanza Ray of Greenville; and brother and
sister-in-law, Alton and Shirley Ray of China Spring; as well as numerous nieces
and nephews. Graveside services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 17,
at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
conducted by Alton Ray and Earl Gilbert Sr. Arrangements by Heritage Cremation
Services Inc., Richardson.
Charlie Baumgartner
Jul 14, 1933 - Nov 15, 2007
Charlie Baumgartner
Charlie Baumgartner, 74, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007, in
Tyler. He was born July 14, 1933, in Corsicana to Walter and Jessie Baumgartner.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Griffin-Roughton Chapel with Dr. John LaNoue
officiating. Interment will follow at
Resthaven Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Lindsey Hughey, Barry Hughey,
Austin Hughey, David Baumgartner, Wayne Bonner, Greg Baumgartner, Brad
Baumgartner, Gary Dees and Tim Hill. Survivors include his wife, Sue Baumgartner
of Corsicana; daughter and son-in-law, Carolee and Doug Hughey; brothers and
sisters-in-law, Joe and Peggy Baumgartner of Corsicana, Don and Judy Baumgartner
of Dresden and Tommy and Judy Baumgartner of Retreat; sister and brother-in-law,
Francis and David Crockett of Corsicana; grandchildren, Lindsey, Chelsea, Barry
and Austin; great-grandchild, Mickelson; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Thomas Fields Sr.
Jan 13, 1935 - Nov 13, 2007
Thomas Fields Sr.
Thomas Fields Sr., 72, of Dallas, formerly of Corsicana, passed away Tuesday,
Nov. 13, 2007 at the University of Southwest Zale Lipsky in Dallas. Visitation
will be 3 to 8 p.m. today at Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Mr. Fields will lie in
state from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday at Denley Drive Baptist Church, 1519 Denley
Drive, Dallas. Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Denley Drive Baptist Church
with the Rev. Aaron Phillips officiating. Burial will follow at
Woodland Memorial Park. He was born
Jan. 13, 1935 in Barry. Mr. Fields is survived by his wife, Betty Fields of
Dallas; five children; sister, Patricia Sanders and husband Roy of Corsicana;
brother, William E. Fields of Dallas; and other relatives and friends.
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
FIELDS, SR., THOMAS, 72, resident of Dallas, TX. formerly of Corsicana,
TX. passed away November 13, 2007 at U.T. Southwest Zale Lipsky, Dallas, TX.;
survivors include: Wife, Betty Fields of Dallas, TX.; five children; other
relatives Services: Funeral service Saturday 11:00 a.m. Denley Drive Rapt.
Church-1519 Denley Dr. Dallas, TX. He will lie in state at the church on
Saturday 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Burial: Woodland Memorial Park-Corsicana, TX. Ross
and Johnson Mortuary 1100 E. 5th Ave. Corsicana, TX903-872-4661
Dallas Morning News
Carl B. Lee
Oct 29, 1922 - Nov 14, 2007
Carl B. Lee, 85, of Corsicana passed away Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007, in
Corsicana. Visitation will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon Saturday at Corley
Funeral Home. Services will be at noon Saturday at Corley Funeral Chapel with
Pastor Curtis Gilbert and Brother Bill Honea officiating. Interment will follow
at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Patrick Alan Lee, Walter Doyle Jayroe, James Mack Jayroe and
Brian Jayroe. Mr. Lee was born Oct. 29, 1922, in Streetman. He was a member of
Missionary Baptist Church and the American Legion Post 22 of Corsicana. He was
preceded in death by his parents, Walter R. and Susie Lee. Survivors include his
wife, Carol Lee of Corsicana; brother and sister-in-law, Mack and Virginia Lee
of Grand Prairie; sisters, Margaret Atkinson of Goree, and Fay Jayroe and Mae
McCraw, both of Magnolia; and numerous nieces and nephews. Arrangements by
Corley Funeral Home.
John Edgar Bewley, Jr.

Sep 3, 1921 - Oct 20, 2007
A memorial service for John E. Bewley of Chandler, Ariz., formerly of Corsicana,
will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at
Pattison Cemetery in Emhouse. Mr.
Bewley passed away on Oct. 20, 2007, at his home. He was born on Sept. 3, 1921,
in Dexter, Texas. He graduated from Emhouse High School in
1940, and entered
the U.S. Army in 1940. He served as a radio operator and communications
specialist in North Africa and Europe and was discharged in 1945.Using the Army
training, he had a 40-year career in the television repair business. He
relocated to Arizona in 1983 where he retired. Mr. Bewley was a member of
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Masonic Lodge and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is
survived by his wife, Norma of Chandler, Ariz.; one sister, Ernie Fincher of
Corsicana; one daughter, Reba Wills of Arlington; daughter-in-law, Shirley
Bewley of Lewisville; a nephew, Edgar Montgomery of Corsicana; three
stepchildren, six grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in
death by a son, Kenneth Wayne Bewley in July 2007; and a daughter, Joyce Elaine
Krebs in 2003. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Lottie L. James
Jul 12, 1919 - Nov 9, 2007
Lottie L. James, 88, of Corsicana passed away Friday, Nov. 9, 2007, at her
residence.Quiet hour will be from 6 to 7 p.m. today at Scott Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Second Mission Baptist Church with
the Rev. Larry L. Polk officiating. Interment will follow at
Woodland Cemetery. Pallbearers will
be Mark Spencer, Patrick Spencer, Glen Riles, Charles Riles and Gary Gardner.
Mrs. James was born July 12, 1919, in Leon County. She was a member of Second
Mission Baptist Church where she served on the usher board. She attended school
at Cairo School in Centerville. She was preceded in death by one sister, one
niece and one stepson. Survivors include her husband, Tracy James of Corsicana;
four sisters, Frances Riles, Ida Mae Birden, Rosie Green and Katie Spencer; one
brother, L. D. Small; and a host of other relatives and friends. Arrangements by
Scott Funeral Home.
Evia (Curtis) Lewis
Jul 5, 1925 - Nov 17, 2007
Mrs. Evia Lewis, 82, of Wilmer passed away on Saturday November 17, 2007 in
Lancaster, Texas.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Monday November 19, 2007 at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services are at 10 a.m. Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at the
Pattison Cemetery with the Rev.
Floyd Petersen officiating.
Mrs. Lewis was born in Hope, AR July 5th, 1925 to Floyd and Florence Curtis. She
was preceded in death by her husband Joe Lewis; brother Thomas Butch Curtis; and
sister Fern Shugart. Mrs. Lewis is survived by her son James Slough and his wife
Phyllis of Wilmer; granddaughter Diane Bennett and her husband Tony of Red Oak,
Phyllis Toland and her husband Kenneth of Combine; grandson Tommy Curtis and his
wife Penny of Corsicana; ten great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren;
sister Helen Mitchell and her husband David of Allen.
Evia Lewis, 82, passed away Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007 in Lancaster. Visitation
will be 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside services will be 10
a.m. Tuesday at the
Pattison Cemetery with the Rev. Floyd Petersen officiating.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Elizabeth Pauline (Rascoe) Collins-Onstott

Sep 8, 1918 - Nov 12, 2007
services for Elizabeth Pauline Onstott, 90 of Carthage, will be held at
11 a.m. Thursday, November 15, 2007 at
Resthaven Memorial Park
Cemetery in Corsicana with Dr. Allen Tilley officiating. Services
are under the direction of Hawthorn Funeral Home. Mrs. Onstott died
November 12, 2007 in Carthage, Texas.
Mrs. Onstott was born September 8, 1918 in Corsicana, Navarro County,
Texas. She was the only child born to the marriage of William Thomas and
Clara Nelson Rascoe. She was raised in Corsicana and graduated schools
there [CHS
1936]. She met and married a pipeliner Floyd Ezra Collins and
together they raised a son in a loving Christian home until Floyds'
death in 1963. She later married Bill Onstott, both she and Bill were
restaurant owners of the B&E Restaurant in Malone, Texas until Bill
preceded her in death. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of
Her survivors include devoted son Don Collins and wife Linda, of
Carthage; grandchildren Donna Burchett and husband Jim and their
children Ryan and Michael, and Gary Collins and wife Leslie and their
children Natalie and Morgan; many other dear friends she leaves behind.
Visitation will be held from 5-6 p.m. Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at
Hawthorn Funeral Home.
The family suggest donations to First Baptist Church of Carthage
building fund. |
Viola (Massey)
May 12, 1910 - Oct 28, 2007
October 28, 2007
Services for Viola Conant, 97 of Tyler, will be held at 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Chapel of Burks Walker Tippit Funeral Home with Rev.
Dale Perry and Rev. Tim McKeown officiating. Burial will be at Tyler
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mrs. Conant went to be with her Lord and Savior, Sunday, October 28,
2007 in Tyler. She was born May 12, 1910 in Kosse, TX. to the late John
Massey and Nancy Ann Roberts Massey. She has lived in Tyler since 1952,
having also lived in Corsicana and Arp. She was a homemaker and 55 year
member of Friendly Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Homer Conant; 3 grandsons, Don Bailey, Gregory Bailey and
Jeffrey Utz; and she was the last of all her brothers and sisters who
preceed her.
Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Thurman and Gertie Conant
of Tyler; two daughters and a son-in-law, Louise Bailey of Tyler and
Shirley and Elvyn Utz of Longview; 7 grandchildren, Keith Bailey,
Suzanne Baker, Debbie Rakestraw, David Conant, Amy Fouse, Byron Utz and
Carrie Potter; 15 great-grandchildren and 17 great-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Keith Bailey, Don Dickson, David Conant, James
Rakestraw, Byron Utz and Doug Fouse. Honorary pallbearers will be all of
her grandchildren.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6:00 until 8:00
p.m. Tuesday evening.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1301 S. Broadway,
Tyler 75701. |