Korean Conflict Veterans
Navarro County, Texas


Korean Conflict index || War Index


Name Source
John F. Abraham Oakwood Cemetery; and Vietnam
Alton Ray Adams ObituaryFrost Cemetery
Loyd Ellard Adams Obituary and WWII
Benjamin Aldama, Sr. Obituary; Resthaven Cemetery
Wayne Emory Allard Obituary; and WWII; Dresden Cemetery
Byron Gordon Allen St. Elmo Cemetery; & WWII & Vietnam
Duel N. Allen Obituary; and WWII
Emmett Malcolm Allen Obituary; and WWII
Troy Dale Allison Obituary; and WWII; Oakwood Cemetery
Minnie Lee Allmon and WWII and Vietnam; Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; Obituary
William F. Ammons, Jr., Dr. Obituary
Velton Ray Anderson Oakwood Cemetery
Wilmer Lee "Bubba" Andrews Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Elbert H. Archer Obituary
Billy Doyle Armstrong Obituary;
Rose Hill Cemetery;
Blooming Grove War Memorial
Feral Jean Atchley Obituary
Gerald Otis Atkeisson Obituary
James Frank Autry, Dr. Oakwood Cemetery
Jimmie D. Baggett Obituary; and WWII and Vietnam; Fighting Men and Women of WWII
Mellon Baird Obituary
Elmer Leon Baker Oakwood Cemetery
George Herschell Baker Obituary; and WWII and Vietnam; (Same as H. Raymond?); Oakwood Cemetery
Gerald "Gerry" T. Baker Obituary; Providence Cemetery
Horace Raymond Baker Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Woodrow W. Baldwin Killed in Action;
James Christopher Ballard, Sr., Sgt. Oakwood Cemetery
Leroy Ballard
Joe Bob Ballew Obituary; and WWII and Vietnam
Joe Bob Bankston Dawson Cemetery
E. C. Barber Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Charles Kenneth Barham Obituary
Don Melvin Barham Obituary;
Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery;
Fred Clay Barham (1930-1992)
Obituary; Headstone
Philip Perrin Barham Killed in the Service; Blooming Grove War Memorial; News Clipping; Roll of Honor Entry; Rose Hill Cemetery
James G. Barnett Marker Photo at Oak Grove Cemetery
William Oliver Barnett, Sr. Obituary and WWII
William Morris "Willie" Burns, Jr. and WWII; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Carroll Stanley Barr Resthaven Memorial Park
Melvin Leon Bason Obituary; Frost Cemetery
Tommie Joe Bates
Bennie Ford Batson Obituary; Marker Photo at Younger Cemetery
Luther Dee Batson Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; Obituary; Vietnam Veteran
Morris F. Battle, Jr. News Paper Clippings
Jesse Joseph Bautista Obituary;
and WWII
Billy Joe Beach Obituary
Billie D. Beasley Obituary
Roy Elsward Beckler Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Alva Gene Bell, Sr. Obituary; Marker Photo at Pattison Cemetery
William "Bill" C. Bergey Obituary
Billy Mack Berry Dawson Cemetery
Elbert James "E.J." Berry Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
Vinson Biddy, Sr Obituary; Also WWII [WWII Bio] & Vietnam; Eureka Cemetery
Clarence Ray "Buddy" Black Dawson Cemetery
Lemuel Elbert Black
Wardell Black Obituary
Homer Lee Blackburn Obituary
Isaac Tillman Blake Dresden Cemetery; Blooming Grove War Memorial
Gilbert Norman Blakeslee Obituary
Wilford John Bohn Obituary; and WWII; Men and Women in WWII; WWII Newspaper Clippings; Corsicana High Class of 1939
Al Boles Obituary
William Franklin Borden Oakwood Cemetery
Donald Andrew Bonner Obituary;
Campbell Elrod Cemetery
James Andrew Bonner Obituary
William "Bill" Fletcher Bonnett, Jr. Obituary; Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Howard Edward "Buck" Bostwick and WWII & Vietnam; WWII Biography
Bob J. Bowden and WWII, Obituary
William Henry Bowen Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park
Robert Ferrell Bower Sr. Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; Men and Women in WWII
Jerry Lynn Bowman Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Roy Thomas Boyd Long Prairie Cemetery
Franklin Boyte Vets Honored Clipping
Fred Baylos Branam Obituary
Joe Jefferson Breithaupt Obituary; Oakwood cemetery; and WWII
Kenneth Dewey Breland Obituary
William F. Brewer, Jr. Hamilton-Beeman cemetery
Elbert Newton Brim Obituary; Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery; Men and Women in WWII; Blooming Grove WWII Monument; and WWII
Charles Frank Brown Obituary
Fred Aloy Brown Elm Flat Cemetery
Jerry Alton Brown Marker Photo at Pattison Cemetery
Joe Bailey Brown, Jr. Obituary; Frost Cemetery
John E. Brown Obituary; Killed in Action - Sept 20, 1952
Paul Brown, Jr. Woodland Cemetery
Hugh Smith Bryan
Henry W. Bryant Information from Wayne Bryant - June 2002
Kenneth J. Bryant, Jr. Men and Women in WWII;
Blooming Grove WWII Monument;
Rose Hill Cemetery
Otho "Bob" Bryant Obituary
William Jefferson "Jeff" Bryant Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Horace E. Bryson Killed in the Service
George A. Buck  
James McDonald Burkhead, Cpl Amos Persons Family History
Hodge Family Cemetery
Kenneth Bruce Burleson, Sr. Sep 16, 1935 - Nov 15, 1970
Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Daniel Allen Burnham also WWII; Obituary
Clarence Butler Marker Photo at Rice Black Cemetery
Nelna M. (Arp) Byrd also WWII; Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Bruce C. Cagle

Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery; and WWII; Men & Women in WWII Biography

Charles Arthur "Chuck" Cagle Obituary; also Vietnam Veteran
Jerry Leo Callaway Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
L. G. Callaway Obituary
Billy Gene Cannon Dawson Cemetery
Walter James "Joe" Chambless Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Bill E. Cannon
Jessie Edward Carr Richland Cemetery; and WWII
Simon Carrizales Jr. Marker Photo at Pattison Cemetery
Billie Dee "Bud" Carroll Dresden Cemetery; and WWII
Bobby Dean Carroll Obituary; Blooming Grove War Memorial
Ezra L. Carroll
Harold Homer Carson Obituary
James E. "Gene" Carver Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
James William Caskey WWII Biography; And WWII; Marker Photo at Kerens Cemetery
Daniel Eliza Cavin and WWII; Obituary
Harold Chaney
George Robert Chesser Killed in Action - April 11, 1951; Obituary; Roll of Honor Entry; Dawson Cemetery
Bob Churchman Obituary
Billy Dan Clark Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
William Augustus "Gus" Clark Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
Jesse Willis Claxton, Jr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Hereford W. Cleveland and WWII; Frost Cemetery
Wiley Cleveland Oct 6, 1876 - Jul 31, 1965; h/o Sally Cleveland
Sally Cleveland Sep 7, 1878 - Dec 30, 1968
w/o Wiley Cleveland
Clyff Ingram Coates, Jr.
Hilary Daniel "Dan" Cobb, Jr and Vietnam; Cemetery Marker at Dresden Cemetery
Raymond Leon Coffey Obituary
James Earl Coker Military Marker at Dresden Cemetery
Aden Ozell Colburn Eureka Cemetery and Vietnam
Willie Benjamin Colburn, Jr. Obituary
Fred Coleman, Jr. Woodland Cemetery
Marion Collins Obituary
William Daniel Combs, Jr. WWII Biography; Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery
Thomas Allen Compton, Jr. News Story/Bio
Homer Fred Conant Obituary;
News Paper Clippings
William Paul Conn, Jr. Hamilton-Beeman; and WWII; WWII Biography
Alfred Cook Brushie Prairie Cemetery
Killed in the Service
L. B. Cook
Preston Cook Obituary; Cook Family Biography; and WWII
Raymond Wendell Cook, Dr. Obituary;
Cook Family Biography
Dan Clemmie Cooper Obituary; Eureka Cemetery
Herschel Edwin Cooper Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery; and WWII
James A. Cooper Obituary;  and Vietnam
Jimmie Jack Cooper Obituary
Bobby Ray Cox Hamilton cemetery; and Vietnam
Ray Crawford Kerens Cemetery; and WWII and Vietnam
William Carl Crossland Dresden Cemetery
Alvin Ray Crowe Oakwood Cemetery
Pete Lewis Crowley Prairie Point Cemetery; and WWII
Billy Jack Curtis Obituary & Articles; Military Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery
Edwin Roland Daniels Obituary
Lewis J. Daniels  
Bobbie Jo Darby Obituary; and WWII;
Andres "Andrew" Charles Davila, Sr. Obituary; Calvary Cemetery
James Thomas Davis Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Maurice Davis, Sr and WWII; WWII Biography
T. P. Davis and WWII; Long Prairie Cemetery
David Earl Denbow, Jr. and WWII; Oakwood Cemetery
Leroy Kenneth Denton Obituary; Military Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Roy Perry Derden Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Horacious Odell Dewitt
Richard Ansel Dickson Obituary; and WWII
Nowell O. Didear Obituary;
and WWII
William Curry Dobbs Obituary;
Kerens Cemetery;
and WWII and
WWII Biography
Shannon Carnell Dodson Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Howard Neylan Drain Obituary;
Military Marker Photo at Pattison Cemetery
Daniel L. Dyess Find-A-Grave; Resthaven Cemetery
James E. Earl News Paper Clippings
Edward Franklin Easley Obituary; Younger Cemetery
George Edward Eckols Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Charles B. Edwards Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Dillard Earl Ellington
Jackie Ellington Killed in the Service
Charles Bartlett Ellis Obituary; Rice Cemetery
Earl Ellis Obituary & Biography Page
Clyde Douglas Emerson Military Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Lloyd Ray Estell Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
William Thomas "Bill" Estes Jr. Obituary; and WWII
Teddy Jay Evans Dresden Cemetery; Obituary
Wendell Roy Farish Obituary
Billy Wade Farmer Blooming Grove War Memorial
Donald Farmer Obituary
Jackie Howard Farmer Biography; Resthaven Memorial Park;
Blooming Grove War Memorial
Lawrence McKinley Fauber, Jr. Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Arnie Harold Faullin Jr Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Robert Winston Faulk Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII; and Vietnam
Pedro "Pete" Ferrer Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Floyd Ficklin Obituary
Clarence Fields Woodland Memorial Park
Robert Carl Fields, Sr. Obituary; Oakwood cemetery; and WWII
Joseph Douglas Fincher Obituary
Freddie (Fred) Mitchel Fitch Obituary; and WWII
Robert Phillip "Bob" Foley, Sr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Billy G Flores Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery
Williard Jay Fondren Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
William M. Forshaw Obituary
James Coy Fowler Obituary; Richland Cemetery; and WWII
Wayne Bernard Franklin Marker Photo at Oak Grove cemetery
Merian M. Franks Killed in the Service
Earl Bennett Frazee Marker Photo at Liberty Hill Cemetery
Anthony John Frioni, Jr. Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Bobby Eugene Frost Sunset Memorial Park, Chester, Chesterfield Co., VA; also WWII and Vietnam
Leonard Hayes Fuller, Jr. Oakwood Cemetery
Will Roy "Buddy" Fuller Obituary
William Edward Fulton Rose Hill Cemetery
Joseph Claude Gafford, Jr.  
Robert Marion "Bob" Galaway Obituary
Sloan G. Gallemore Obituary; and WWII and Vietnam; Old Chatfield Cemetery
Kelton Eugene "Buddy" Garcia Obituary; Hamilton Beemon Cemetery
John Joel Garner, Jr. Lt. and Vietnam; Info from Mrs. Peggy Garner Sep 16, 1999
Bob "Gator" Gates Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; & WWII
Edward Lee Gazaway, Sr. Obituary & WWII& Vietnam
James Earl "Rooster" Gilcrease Obituary
Levi Edward Giles Obituary; Hamilton Beemon Cemetery;
Info from Obituary, Corsicana Daily Sun Jan 16, 2000
Charles Eugene "Gene" Gilmore Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park
Willie Kelton Goff Killed in Action - Sep 1, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry; Elm Flatt Cemetery
John Daniel Goins, Sr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Charles Herman Goode Marker Photo at Younger Cemetery
Jamie Goodgion US Navy; Obituary
Thomas "Pete" Goodin Obituary; Hopewell Cemetery; and WWII
John Benjamin Gordon Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park; and WWII
Edward Veain Granville Obituary; Woodland Cemetery; and WWII
Leon Gray Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery, Kerens, Navarro Co., TX
Frezell Green Memorial 2 Cemetery Chatfield TX
Ivey Lee Greene
Holland Yancey Gregory, Jr. Obituary; Birdston Cemetery
Bobby Frank Grice Obituary; and WWII
Gordon Lawrence Griffin, Sr. Obituary; and Vietnam; Rose Hill Cemetery
Herman Houston Griffin Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
James E. Griggs, Sr. Oakwood Cemetery
Tommy Carl Gullatt Obituary; Resthaven Memorial park
Carl Mack Hagle Obituary; also WWII and Vietnam
Jack Olin Hale Dawson Cemetery
Charles D. Hall
Hubert Edell 'Easy' Hall, USAF (Col. Ret.) Obituary
Lester Ray Hambrick Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Morris Wayne Hamel, Sr. Son's Obituary
Guy Marion Hamilton Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
William Rastus Hamilton, Jr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; and Vietnam
Marvin R. Hanks, Sr., Obituary; WWII Newspaper Clippings; Also WWII
Watson Harden, Jr. Petersburg Cemetery; also WWII Veteran
Glen Hargrove Blooming Grove War Memorial
Frances Elizabeth Harllee Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; WWII Biography
Charles Edward Harmon Richland Cemetery; also WWII Veteran
Annie Sue Harrell Obituary
Darrell Dean Harrington Frost Cemetery
Ross Edward Harrington Obituary
Gale Reginald Harris also WWII; WWII Biograpy
Jimmie J. Harris Obituary
Robert 'Pip' Harris Obituary; Cryer Creek Cemetery
Walter Harris and WWII; Died while captured Nov 28, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry
Weldon Darwood Harris Obituary; Eureka Cemetery; Killed in Action in battle of Seoul
Thomas Preston "Tom" Harrison, II Obituary; CHS Class of 1950; Oakwood Cemetery
William Donald Hart Oakwood Cemetery
Robert Leon Hartley Obituary; Rice Cemetery
William H. Hastings, Jr. Obituary; And WWII& Vietnam
Richard A. Haufe Obituary; Resthaven Cemetery; and Vietnam
Charles D. Hauver News Paper Clippings
Lawrence F. "Pappy" Haynes Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Sam Haynes Obituary
Ira F. Hemphill and WWII; Obituary
Alvis Henderson Obituary
Lee Roy Henson, Jr. Obituary
Billy Eldon Hicks Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park
William Henry Hilliard, Jr. Obituary; and WWII; Pattison Cemetery
Coy Hinkle Obituary; WWII Biography; Also WWII& Vietnam; Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
Darrell Ray Hinkle Military Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; Article: Honoring Generations of Heroes
Duane Meddie Hinkle Military Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; Obituary
James Edwyn Hinkle Blooming Grove War Memorial;
Marker Photo & Military Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; & WWII
Harold Hocutt Obituary; Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Oren Webster "Scott" Hodge WWII Biography
Robert J. Hoffman Obituary
Troy Bryon Holcomb, Jr. Obituary
Donald Ray Holditch Obituary; BGHS 1951; and Vietnam
Joe Hollifield Blooming Grove War Memorial
Bobby Gene Hollingsworth Obituary; Dresden Cemetery; Blooming Grove War Memorial
Donald L. Hollingsworth and Vietnam
William E. Hollingsworth and WWII; Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Foster Breaco Hollis Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Seton Towns Holsey Obituary; and WWII, and Vietnam
Rodney Scott Holt Obituary; Rice Cemetery
Leon Hoskins Cade Cemetery; and WWII
James Melvin House Obituary; Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Winfred Leslie Houston Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Alvin Calvin Hubbard Dawson cemetery
Barney W. Hughes Rose Hill Cemetery (KIA)
Robert Lee "Bob" Hyden Obituary; Andrews West Cemetery, Andrews, Andrews Co., TX; and WWII;   WWII Biography
Wilford Adley Hyden Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Arnold Lee Ivie, Sr. Campbell-Elrod Cemetery
Billie J. Jackson Killed in Action - Sep 2, 1950; Roll of Honor  Entry
Hosie Lee Jackson Obituary; Woodland cemetery
Gilbert Jackson  
Walter D. Jackson
Jimmie Loyd Jayroe ObituaryYounger Cemetery
Johnny Ray Jayroe Released POW; Younger Cemetery
Billie Joe Jimerson Died while captured Nov 28, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry
Robert Floyd "Tobe" Johnson and WWII; Died while missing July 27, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry; Military Biography
Walter Calvin Johnson Obituary
Billy "Jack" Johnston Obituary
George Worth Johnston Obituary; Eureka Cemetery
John Allen Johnston Obituary; News Article - Marine Officer; Corsicana High School Class of 1948
Robert Johnston, Sr. Obituary
Elbert Franklin Jones, Sr. Obituary
Robert Lee Jones Cemetery Marker; Obituary
Vernon Jones Obituary; DFW National Cemetery
Willie Jones, Jr. Obituary
Raymond Pelham Jordan Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Thomas Edward "Tom" Jordan Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery; Blooming Grove High School Class of 1950
Frank M. Keathley Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, TX; and WWII; Corsicana High School Class of 1937
McDonald Kelley
Howard C. Kellum (Marker in Oakwood Cem. Military Section)
Joel Allan Keith Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; also Vietnam
Howard Cleveland Kellum Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Melvin Kennedy Obituary
Charles William Kessinger Obituary; and WWII
Daniel Henry Kiber,Jr. Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Gene Donald Kingston Missing in Action - Presumed Dead; Roll of Honor Entry
Jasper Elijah Kimbrough, Jr. Cemetery Marker at Prairie Point Cemetery
John Bernard "Kirk" Kirkpatrick Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Kenneth Maurice Kiser Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Calvin Knauth Vets Honored Clipping
Edwin Allan Knight Obituary
James A. Knighten Obituary
Joseph A. LaFond, Jr. also WWII& Vietnam; Marker Photo at Liberty Hill Cemetery
Daniel Anthony Landi Obituary; New Pursley Cemetery
Clovis Dale Lane Obituary
William Franklin Lane, Jr. Obituary; Sunset Memorial Gardens, Odessa, TX
Lee Stevenson Lawrence Dawson Cemetery
Elmer Lee Ledbetter Rose Hill Cemetery; Blooming Grove War Memorial
Leon Lee Memorial 2 Cemetery Chatfield, TX; Killed in the Service; Roll of Honor Entry
Garlton Earnest "Les" Lester Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Curtis Lewis Obituary; Kerens Cemetery
Franklin Delano Lewis Rose Hill Cemetery
Larry G. Lewis Obituary
Milton Ray Lewis Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Roy Benton Lewis Obituary; Bazette Cemetery
Kenneth Lee Lidderdale Navarro Mills Cemetery; also Vietnam
Jimmy Barrett Little Obituary; Also Vietnam; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Homer Kenneth Livingston Obituary; Birdston Cemetery
Albert Wayne Lloyd Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Joe Loden Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Wayne Ray Loftis Obituary; Hamilton-Beaman Cemetery
John Mack Longorio Birdston Cemetery
Fay R. Looper Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
Paul Samuel Loosier Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park
Edward Ray Lusk Article
Leslie O'Dell Lynch Obituary
Richard Leo MacGeorge Obituary; Hamilton-Beaman Cemetery
J. M. Madera Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery; and Vietnam
William Jarrell Mahoney Hamilton-Beemon Cemetery; and WWII and Vietnam
William Glenn Marlow Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
James Altus Marr Oakwood Cemetery
Alva Wayne Marrs Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Luther Wise "Poodle" Marshall Prairie Point Cemetery
Richard Pearl Marshall  
John Robert Martin Killed in Action - Aug 6, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry
Robert Henry Martin Obituary
James A. Mason Oakwood Cemetery
James Rayborn Matthews Oakwood
Bryan Thomas McAfee and WWII(Marker at Prairie Grove Cem.)
Milton Anderson McAfee and WWII- Army Artillery; Obituary
James Davis McCain and WWII; Military Biography; Hamilton-Beaman Cemetery
Theo Lynton McCluney Obituary
Walter Lee McClure Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery; Frost High School 1951
Robert Bruce McCorick, Jr. BGHS 1947; Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Ralph Glenn McCulloch, Sr. Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Billy T. McDaniel Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Percy Loyce McDaniel, Jr. Obituary; and WWII; Military Marker Photo at Campbell Elrod Cemetery
Aubrey McDonald (no Middle Name) Obituary; Dawson Cemetery; and WWII
Howard Wilson McDonald, Sr. Obituary
Cecil Wayne "Mac" McElroy and WWII; Obituary; Dawson Cemetery; WWII Biography
John Hugh McGlasson Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Kenneth M. McGlohen and WWII
William A. McGlohen and WWII; and Vietnam (stateside); Info from J. Macon Wesley McGlohen 9/17/1999
Thurman Eldridge McGraw Military Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
James Elgin McLelland, Jr. Obituary; and WWII
Daniel Porter McNeil Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Jack Meager Obituary
Calvin Claude Melton Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Ossie Oliver Mesker Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Floyd D. Messenger Obituary
Joseph William "Jack" Michalak Obituary
Walter V. Mikel
Dalton Eugene Miller Obituary
Franklin Scott Miller Obituary
Leonard Lee Miller Obituary and Vietnam
Samuel Bert Miller and WWII; Bazette Baptist Cemetery
Bobbie Ed Mitchell Rose Hill Cemetery
Leah Elizabeth Mitchell Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII and Vietnam
Windell Mitchell Rose Hill Cemetery; and Vietnam
Durward Elworth "Bob" Moore Obituary; and Vietnam
Louis A. Moore Obituary; Men and Women in WWII; and WWII
Thomas Omer Moore, Jr. Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery; and WWII, and Vietnam
Tillman Moore, Jr.
Ronald Neal Moses and WWII
Johnie Eugene "Gene" Mosley
Louis Constantine Molloy Biography & Obituary
Tillman Moses Obituary
Thomas J. Mowlam Information from Thomas J. Mowlam
Billy Joe Mullins Sr. Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; and WWII
Lorin Wesley Murff Rice Cemetery
Joe Earl Murphey Rice Cemetery
Lee Roy Murphy Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Thomas Murphy Obituary
Alton Marcellus Murray, Sr. Hamilton cemetery
Edgar Eugene "Gene" Neal, Jr. Obituary;
Franklin Delano Neal Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Robert Earl Neal Obituary; St. Elmo Cemetery
Emmett Derwood Newland Younger Cemetery
Asa Armstrong Newsom, Jr., Dr. Obituary; and WWII
Anderson Nelson
Asa Armstrong Newsom, Jr., Dr. Obituary
David Earl Newton Marker Photo @ Oakwood Cemetery
Gene Newton Newton and WWII and Vietnam
Norman Desmond Nichols Obituary
L. E. Nobles Jr. News Paper Clippings
Virgil Nolen Obituary; and WWII; Korea Killed in Action - Aug 11, 1950
Elmer Hope Northern Obituary
Robert Norvell and WWII
Emmett Clayton "Clayton" Norwood Obituary; Resthaven Memorial Park
Charles Howard "Chuck" Ollar ObituaryBirdston Cemetery
Jack Mitchell Omberg, Sr. Marker Photo at Frost Cemetery
Jerry Clifton Orand Richland Cemetery; and WWII
Bobby Darrell Owen Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; and Vietnam
Arol Dene Owens Obituary; Eureka Cemetery
Horace Pace Killed in Action - Nov 29, 1950; Roll of Honor Entry
Billy Joe Padgett Marker Photo at Lone Oak Cemetery
Clifford Edward Pagano Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery;
Shelton Page Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Elmer Cecil Parish
Kenneth Burton Paschall Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Don Allen Pate Obituary; Prairie Point Cemetery
Bernard Lewis Pattison Marker Photo at Pattison Cemetery
Jack Paul Obituary
Jerry Dee Paul Marker Photo at Kerens Cemetery
Walter "Walt" John Pawlowski III Obituary
Wilbert Miller "Bert" Pence Obituary
J. W. Perry Biography
Lawrence William "Pete" Peters Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery; Blooming Grove War Memorial
Billy Dan Pevehouse Obituary; Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
Billy Gene Pevehouse Obituary
Joe Dudley Pierce Info from Joe Dudley Pierce; [email protected]
Vess Everett Polk WWII Biography
Henry Rupert Ponder Obituary; Rose Hill Cemetery
Donald Ray Poss Hamilton Cemetery
Albert Earl "Abb" Powell Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Brice Albert Powell, Jr. Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, TX; -And WWII and Vietnam
Garland Powell Obituary; and WWII; Oakwood Cemetery
Alvin Callaway "Al" Price Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Calvin Arnold Priddy New Chatfield Cemetery
Kenneth John "Buddy" Pritchett Obituary; Eureka Cemetery
Roy Temple Pryor Hamilton-Beeman cemetery; and WWII
Thurman DeMorris Pryor Obituary; New Pursley Cemetery, PFC USArmy
Johnnie Dorwood Pullin Obituary; and WWII
Rick Putnam Obituary
Roy Edward Ragsdale, Jr. Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
C. W. Raines Cemetery Military Marker Photo - Dresden Cemetery; Obituary
Royce Donald Raley Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
Samuel "Sam" Ramirez Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Grover Earl Raney Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; and Vietnam
Charles Davis Rankin and WWII
Alton Ratliff Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Cecil Earl Read Oakwood Cemetery
Franklin Glenn Redden and WWII; Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Jerry Vinson Reeder Vets Honored Clipping
Boyd Earl Reynolds Obituary
Jack Norwood Richards Resthaven Memorial Park; Men and Women in WWII
Wendell Lee "Peb" Richards Obituary
Ralph Hayden Richardson, Jr. Obituary
Elmer Gray Ritter Obituary; Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Claude Ray Roberson Obituary; Military Article; Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
J. C. Roberts Obituary
Roy L. Roberts, Jr. Cemetery Marker Photo; and Vietnam
General Jackson "Jack" Robinson Obituary; Hamilton Beeman Cemetery
Billy Ervin Roloff Obituary; Dawson cemetery
Victor Romo Obituary; and Vietnam
Billy Ross Hamilton Beeman Cemetery
Jimmie Henry Ross Hamilton Beeman Cemetery
Lloyd W. Ross
Tommy Thornton "T.T." Ross Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery and WWII
Robert Lee Russell Obituary; Cheneyboro Cemetery and WWII
Jackie Lee Ruth
Nils Alexander "Sandy" Rutherford Oakwood Cemetery
James Thomas "Jamie" Ryan Marker Photo @ Rose Hill Cemetery
Also WWII & Vietnam
Richard D. Salter

Men and Women in WWII;
WWII Newspaper Clippings;
Providence Cemetery;
WWII Veteran
Also  Vietnam Veteran

Arthur Sanders, Jr.
Joseph Stanley Satagaj Obituary; and Vietnam
Roy Wayne Savage Obituary; Dawson cemetery
Sidney Lee "Sid" Schutte Obituary; Rice Cemetery
Bobby Weldon Scott Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
William Ernest "Bill" Scott, Sgt. Obituary; and WWII; Killed in the Service; Kerens Cemetery
Richard Byrd Scott, Sr. Marker Photo at Kerens Cemerey
Halsey M. Settle Halsey M. Settle, was in Naval Intelligence in WWII in the Fiji Islands. He was a Lt. Cdr. He stayed in the reserves and later was called back during the Korean war. There he served as a staff assistant for the U.N.C. Armistice Delegation at Munsan, Korea. ...info from Elizabeth Settle Haney
Alfred Richard Schriefer Obituary
Ronald Glynn Sears Obituary; & Vietnam; Marker Photo at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Thomas Monette "Tommie" Sewell, Jr. Rose Hill Cemetery; Blooming Grove High School Class of 1947
Will Vincent Sharp Sr. Obituary;
Military Marker at Dresden Cemetery
Ben Owen Sharpley Obituary
Nelson Ray Shelton
Oscar Samuel "Ace" Shelton, Jr. WWII Biography;
Edward Harris "Bo" Sherrill  Obituary; and WWII; Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Joel Ray Sikes Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Herbert Lee Silverberg Obituary; Hebrew Cemetery
Jack P. Sisco Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Odis George Simmons
Calvin Haley Simons Killed in Action - Feb 12, 1951; Roll of Honor Entry
Harrell Douglas Simpson Obituary; Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Lloyd Gerald Simpson Obituary; Blooming Grove High School Class of 1948
Joe Berry Sims Obituary; Midway Cemetery
Joe Bert Sissom Obituary; Blooming Grove High School Class of 1949
1949 graduate of Blooming Grove
High School, commissioned an ENS, USNR following graduation from college, served aboard USS Duncan (DDR 974) off the coast of Korea (and elsewhere) ...info from Joe Sissom
Leslie "Les" Skews, Lt. Col. Obituary; and WWII and Vietnam
Harry Ernest Skinner Military Marker at Frost Cemetery; Also Vietnam & WWII
James C. Slater Obituary
Arbilee Smith Obituary
Benton Morland Smith Obituary
Carl Lee Smith Obituary; Younger Cemetery
Hugh Alvin Smith Obituary; Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery; also WWII
Marvin Marion Smith Obituary; and Vietnam Veteran;
William Otto "Billy" Smith Obituary; State Home grad 1941 Also WWII
William L. Smith Blooming Grove War Memorial;
Marker Photo at Rose Hill Cemetery
Burton Stewart Sneed, Jr. Obituary;
Marker Photo at Kerens City Cemetery
Elmer Sowell Obituary
Willie Spence Obituary
Ralph Paul Francis Spencer Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery; also WWII
Earl Rex Spurgeon Sr. Obituary; Rice Cemetery; also WWII
James Samuel Stanley Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Daniel Wayne Steele Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Durward Dee Stegall Obituary; also WWII
Billy Ray Stegall Obituary; also WWII
Walter A. Stevenson Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Frankie Joe Stokes Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Lonnie Jean Stokes Obituary
Richard Loyd Stokes Pattison Cemetery
Kenneth Audrain Stovall Obituary
James F. Stroud News Paper Clippings
Arvell Ray "Sully" Sullivan Obituary
Bruce Millen Sullivan, Sr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Joe William Swafford Rice Cemetery; Also WWII
Clarence Weldon Swiney Died while missing Dec 15, 1950; and WWII; Resthaven Cemetery; Roll of Honor Entry
Joe Tarbutton Info from Jo Ella Costello 1/2005; Obituary
Juanita Evelyn Tarkington Prairie Point Cemetery
Lester (Les) Earl Tarkington, Jr., (Korea Occupation) and Vietnam; Obituary
Ross Benton Tarkington Obituary; Prairie Point Cemetery
Burnett G. Tarver
Robert Waymon Terry, Sr. Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery; and WWII
Daniel Paul Thomas Oakwood Cemetery
Glendon Barnes Thomas Eureka Cemetery
Raymond Thomas Obituary and Vietnam
Ronald Gene Thomas Obituary
Benny Clyde Thomason Obituary
Clarence "Tommy" Thomerson, Jr. Obituary;
Rose Hill Cemetery
James Benjamin Thompkins, Jr. Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Aubrey E. Thompson Killed in Action - April 25, 1951; Roll of Honor Entry
George Thompson Obituary; Pattison Cemetery
Kevin Dale Thompson
Roy Earl Thompson Obituary; Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Joe Miller Tidwell Obituary; Richland Cemetery
Frank Tincher, Sr. Obituary; and Vietnam
Francisco Ventura "Frank" Tirado Oakwood cemetery; and WWII; Obituary
Jerry Wayne Tomlin Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Warren Ray Townley Marker Photo at Long Prairie Cemetery
Jackie G. Tramel News Paper Clippings
Tommie Glen Tramel News Paper Clippings; Prairie Point Cemetery
Will Tramel, Jr. and WWII; Prairie Point Cemetery
Hubert Gilbert Travis Men and Women in WWII; The Fighting Men of Texas; Oakwood Cemetery; and WWII
Charles Harold "Chuck" Trowbridge Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
James Robert "Jim Bob" Turn Obituary
Dewain Turner Obituary; Providence Cemetery
James Earl Turner Rose Hill Cemetery
Billy Joe Tyree Marker Photo at Kerens Cemetery
Carlton O'Neal Valentine Oak Grove Cemetery; and WWII
Eula Ray Vance, Jr. Obituary; Dresden Cemetery
Kenneth Willard "Bill" Varner, Jr. Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Melvin Eugene Vaughan Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Troy L. Vest Obituary; also World War II
Warnell Wadley Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery; WWII Biography
Bennie Claud Waggoner Obituary
Russell Eugene Walker Obituary
Rufus Dorman Wallace
Robert Lloyd Walling Obituary
Frank Houston Warfield, Jr. Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Harold Corley Warren and WWII
Wayne Warringtoon Obituary; CHS 1950
Clint Algood "C. A." Washburn, Jr. Obituary; and WWII; Men and Women in WWII;
Fort Bliss National Cemetery, El Paso, El Paso Co., TX
Homer Gene Wasson Obituary; Prairie Point Cemetery
William Watkins Obituary; Cade Cemetery
Gene Aubrey Watson Oakwood Cemetery
Raymond E. Watson Marker Photo at Cryer Creek Cemetery
Walter Watson Obituary; Woodland Cemetery
James Bryant Watt  Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Oscar Blair Watt Obituary; Bazette Cemetery
Guendell Watts Dresden Cemetery and Vietnam
Howard Clark Wear and WWII and Vietnam
Rice Cemetery
Jerry Richard Weatherby Obituary; and Vietnam
William David 'Bill' Weeks Obituary; and WWII
Travis E. Welborn Cemetery Marker Photo; Dresden Cemetery
Frank Anthony Westbrook Obituary; Prairie Point Cemetery; Kerens High School 1946
Kenneth Ray White Obituary; Dawson Cemetery
Dr. Oscar Rex Whiteside Obituary
Ray Whitfield Obituary; Oakwood Cemetery
Homer Sanders "Sonny" Whorton, Jr. Rose Hill Cemetery
James Arthur "Jim" Wilkinson Obituary; Hamilton-Beaman Cemetery
Gradon F. Willard and WWII; Obituary; Biography in The Men and Women in WWII From Navarro Co., TX
Alton Darrell Williams Obituary; Marker Photo at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Ardell Williams Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Bobby Jack Williams Obituary; Frost Cemetery
Clete Williams and WWII; Obituary; Men and Women in WWII
Donald Odell Williams, Sr. Resthaven Memorial Park
Lewis Solomon Williams, Jr. Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Oscar Z. Williams Obituary also WWII
Richard Mack Williams Obituary; Marker Photo at Chatfield Cemetery
Roy Lynn Williams Obituary; Marker Photo at Oakwood Cemetery
Russell Eliot Williams Obituary; Grape Creek Cemetery
Truman Roy Williams Resthaven Memorial Park
Vant Waver Williams, Jr. Lone Oak Cemetery; Obituary of Wife; Men and Women in WWII; Also served in WWII
Benjimun Ray Williford Dresden Cemetery
Edward Welty Willis, Dr. Obituary; Oakwood cemetery;  also WWII
Ralph Dean Wiswell Obituary; Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
M. Joe Wilson and WWII Veteran
Jimmy Wofford Obituary
Duane Womack Oakwood cemetery; and WWII Veteran
Roger Thomas Womack Obituary; and Vietnam
James Cecil Wood Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery
Vidal Vall Woods Dresden Cemetery
Claude Bruce "C.B" Wright Obituary
Roy Preston "Buster" Wright Obituary and WWII Veteran; Waxahachie City Cemetery (Ellis County TX)
Homer Thomas Yates Resthaven Memorial Park; Also Korea
Billy Clyde Yorki Marker Photo at Prairie Point Cemetery
Aubrey Lee Young Obituary; and WWII Veteran
J. A. Young Obituary; New Chatfield Cemetery;
WWII Biography; and WWII Veteran
Rowe Youngblood Marker Photo at Dresden Cemetery
Arthur Edward Ziebarth Obituary

Navarro County TXGenWeb
© Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams